#family seder
itslookingback · 5 months
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
Me: I am interested in judaism ONLY. Show me content about jewish life, intellectualism, history, and daily life
The Algorithm, apparently: does this mean you're interested in mormonism... how about jehova's witness............... this is all you'll get recommended by the way
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solitarelee · 1 year
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THIS TOOK ME ALMOST TWO HOURS. WHY YOU ASK. Because I made everything from scratch. It was my first time making unleavened bread (easier than I thought) and baba ghanouj (exactly as difficult as I thought). It wasn't my first time cutting up a massive side of salmon, though. If you're wondering if I overcooked it; yeah sorry. ;-; I was cooking so many things simultaneously.
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grecoromanyaoi · 5 months
so sad i cant invite my mutuals over for the seder bc of stupid reasons like them "living on another continent" 🙄
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sassytail · 6 months
My family is doing our Passover Seder a weekish early bc it’s when people could be in town
Hopefully Elijah knows to show up so early.
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theiloveyousong · 10 months
WHAT EVETY MEMBER OF HOUSTONBARNESPERKINSFOSTER WOULD BRING TO THE SEDER (because toms not doing all that cooking theyre having a goddamn potluck)
tom: he makes the brisket and give s up. none of them keep kosher so we dont have to worry about meat + dairy mixing 👍👍
tim: he makes the flourless chocolate cake an dfucks it up soooo bad but its okay it tastes good
becky: DELICIOUS matzo ball soup and gefilte fish that no one eats
emma: store bought kugel and her wet cat boyfriend
lex: a salad. shes never been to a seder before and salads are cool and normal and people eat them
hannah: she makes the charoset with tim and they set up the seder plate together :)
ethan: his swag
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stars-inthe-sky · 6 months
So, hey. How did you and your family celebrate Passover when you were a kid? How about now?
My Rhode Island aunt and uncle almost always hosted a big family Seder, and it was the absolute best. A good Seder is educational, food-filled, and legit fun—it's a ritual meal that includes storytelling, singing, prayers, and a general focus on including and teaching everyone involved, regardless of age or even whether attendees are Jewish. (If ever you're invited to a friend's Seder, go! Do not bring a challah, which my actually-bar-mitzvahed brother-in-law did once as an attempt at a thoughtful host gift. We still make fun of him.)
And my uncle (the same one who officiated at my wedding, and the wedding of my other sister) may well be the greatest host/leader there is; over the years he compiled from a medley of sources what added up to his own Haggadah (basically the guidebook to the Seder—there are a million published and informal versions working off the same template, with readings and activities and interpretations that can go kid-centric or feminist or traditional or whatever). It was always just insanely fun, and warm, and joyous, with incredible food and an increasing array of baked-in, just-us traditions.
Since I went to college basically down the street from their house, and then lived just an hour away in Boston for so long, that was pretty much the heart of my and my family's celebration most years—right up until Passover 2020, at which point the pandemic negated what had been plans to travel from our new home in Illinois for it, and they also downsized and had their own kids scatter geographically and gain very little ones, so that particular tradition is at best on hiatus now.
But there are fun Seders everywhere—well, the Zoom ones of the pandemic years were a mixed bag, but we've found friends who've make a good go of it, over the years, too, if not quite as an elaborately planned out hourslong celebration as my uncle would do. When I studied abroad in Denmark, Boyfriend and I went to an Orthodox Seder that was in a mix of Danish and Hebrew, for instance—that was novel, and so much of the procedure and the Hebrew was familiar enough to follow along.
Still working on exactly where we'll be for those two nights this year (we haven't really met any Jewish families in Pittsburgh yet to garner an invite, and none of the Reform or Conservative synagogues seem to have community events, which is surprising? And I don't really want to go to Chabad?) but we'll figure something out.
That said, as fun as the Seders can and should be, the rest of Passover is a slog of not eating bread or adjacent products, and experiencing whatever it is matzah does to one's digestive system over the course of a week. It's a meaningful observance, and the fact that the relevant rabbinical boards have stopped including rice and legumes in the "no" column in recent years has been great, but...it's ultimately a holiday recalling the story of the Exodus, and how we were slaves once, so, like, there are some less-fun elements. But the freedom celebration parts usually outweigh that!
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kitebird-hockey · 5 months
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piedoesnotequalpi · 6 months
I have more followers than I did this time last year, so a seasonal reminder from your slightly curmudgeonly neighborhood Jew that Christian "seders" are cultural appropriation and entirely inappropriate to put on
(if you're not Jewish and your Jewish friend invites you to their seder, that's fine and I hope you have a good time! Fresh fruit is usually a safe bet re: contributing food)
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matan4il · 1 year
Sometimes I need to post to organize my own thoughts. So here’s my take, please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this.
Mile posted a story update of someone wearing this grey shirt with a red rose:
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This shirt was identified as one that was given as a gift by fans to Apo, not to Mile. Here’s what they shared:
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In terms of who it might be, I’ll just point out that the rose in both pics is on the same side, and the second pic is obviously not a selfie, so the first one is likely not one either. It could be Apo wearing the shirt and Mile’s taking a pic of that, or it might be Mile wearing the shirt and someone else is taking a pic of him, possibly with Mile’s own camera. If it’s the latter, my money is on Apo taking the pic. I can’t tell which guy it is, but I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts.
Then Mile showed up to a concert wearing a shirt that looks really similar, it has the same red rose on the side, except it’s green, not grey. I also, as much as I can tell, think the distance between the rose and the shirt collar/shoulder is not the same, I think it’s smaller on the grey shirt. So, with the caution of not being 100% sure, I’d say this shirt is not the same one as in Mile’s update.
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Interestingly, this shirt was identified as given to Apo by fans, too.
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Whether you think it’s the same shirt or two different ones, it seems like Mile def wore to the concert a shirt that belongs to Apo. If we are looking at two different shirts, and the guy wearing the shirt in the first one is Apo, then maybe they think of them as ‘couple shirts’ and that way Apo can be with Mile at the concert even when they can’t actually go together. Just maybe.
I’m not sure any of this is right or makes sense, so please, like I said, do correct me if I got anything wrong. Just to through in something fun in case I got every single damn thing wrong, here’s Mile sharing on his story update two cocktails he made on the anniversary of Kinnporsche. One cocktail is the one he slipped into the show, into ep 114, as the one Kinn would use to seduce Porsche.
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With the other one, Mile was listening to The Revivalists’ "Wish I Knew You" with the lyrics, “Wish I knew you when I was young...” And didn’t Mile say something like this? That he wishes he’d have known Apo better back then, when they first met 7 years prior to KPTS? Again, please correct me if I’m remembering wrong.
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Okay, so a big part of why I thought the two shirts were different is also because I was under the impression that two different fans posted separately that they gave their gift shirt to Apo, one recognizing the grey one from Mile’s IG story, the other recognizing the green shirt Mile was wearing. I have since been informed that it’s the same fan. So I guess this shirt really is the infamous ‘blue and black dress’ of Mileapo? XD
I’m still gonna keep the original post as is because like I pointed out, the pic in Mile’s update is not a selfie. The shirt there also appears to be buttoned up, unlike how Mile wears it at the concert... or how he wears everything, really. Meaning, I’m still not sure which one of them wore it in that pic. It might have been Apo showing it to Mile. But even if it was Mile wearing it, someone had to take that pic for him, and as it’s Apo’s shirt, I think he’s the most likely photographer. In other words, one way or another, you can consider this to be one of their ‘couple pics.’
I also like the second part of the post, so I’m keeping it up as is. ^u^
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acertainmoshke · 5 months
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My 80-year-old Hebrew teacher/honorary Jewish lesbian grandma is going to read my book!!
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septembergold · 5 months
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 2 years
Every year when pesach approaches I just go into deep denial and avoid looking at the calendar / checking the dates like surely this won’t backfire on me
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hebrewbyinbal · 1 year
A Happy Passover wish to all. Chag Pesach Sameach.
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creepiefarm · 1 year
happy passover from Maky and their plague of friends :)
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[id in alt text]
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jewishdainix · 1 year
Chag sameach Mina!!! How do you think Aurora characters would celebrate Passover?
Chag sameach!! I dont know honestly. I can see Dainix being a part of big seders in his desert villaige? Here in my kibutz theres always a seder with soem families here, Ive been to them a few times.
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