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majoris · 1 month ago
Random ask apropos of nothing: What’s one place you’ve visited that you never want to return to?
hi! First of all thank you for the random ask 🖤 second of all, tumblr gave me no notification about this ask (cause why would I want to know I guess) so I'm sorry for answering just now - cause I'm guessing it's been sitting in my inbox for some time, so forgive ✨ to the question
I don't think there is a place like that, apart from you know, a hospital or something similarly non-fun (cause you're not well or someone you love is not well) but then I don't think that's what this question is about. SO... the thing is, I've been reminiscing recently about the town I've studied in, full on nostalgia, bad and good times but in the end a place I miss, place I've always felt like I need to go back to someday. And then, quite recently, I've talked to a few uni friends who, I guess, where in the same boat as me but actually went back, and they've all been... disappointment in some way. The town is changed, they've all said to me, it not like it was, it feels different in a bad way. And that made me think, do I want to go back? Cause, sure, it's not like I thought that the place wouldn't change you know, it would be naive to think that, but... I don't know, I guess maybe I thought that it would feel nice to visit the same spaces, even if changed; walk the same roads as years ago etc. Now I'm wondering if I want to, when so many people felt like this, and people who I know thought about this experience similarly. Do I want my memories of that place altered with that new visit? Would my feelings about that place change if I go back? It's like that thing people say, you can go back to the past, but there's no one there anymore. That place is not the same; the faces I've seen on the sidewalks, long gone. My friends, some now strangers, living far away. Maybe the memory of a place is better left a memory, if it can be helped? I am undecided still, and wondering. Maybe I should leave it alone, encased in time, in my head, in my heart; just as it was, when I was younger, when I was different too.
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stars-inthe-sky · 2 months ago
10. tell me about an insecurity you overcame.
It's been a while since I started freelancing for fun and profit, but the beginning of that journey is still a pretty big deal to me.
I'd previously worked at an agency for nearly three years, so I knew how to do client-based work, but I knew nothing about business development (or billing, or taxes, or client management, or admin).
And, for those I didn't know back in 2017, I started down that whole road in the first place after getting very unexpectedly and unceremoniously fired after like four months on the job. It was never clear exactly why, but I'd thought things had been going well, and that was a pretty gutting Thursday afternoon.
I'd also just gone through a job search, so I knew there weren't many positions available in the region that would be a fit—and that the most recent thing that had seemed to be a great fit had, uh, not been. (This was before remote/hybrid work was a real norm, even though my agency job had functionally been hybrid and taught me to work effectively as such.)
But when I'd gone through that previous job search, a couple of people I spoke with had mentioned maybe needing some freelance capacity down the road, and perhaps I should get in touch once I got settled in the job if I was interested. So I reached out to them, without mentioning the rest, thinking I could at least bridge the gap while I figured out what the fuck to do. Both had solid projects for me where I learned a bunch quickly, made some money, and was excited for more.
And then it just kind of made sense to keep seeing about those kinds of opportunities—both because I liked the client-based work and flexibility, but also because it quickly became apparent that it'd be harder for any one person or institution to fuck me over in the same way.
Plus, one of the people who needed a subcontractor turned out to be a great mentor and reference; I don't think I ever told him quite why I'd decided to go all-in on freelancing full-time, but I have thanked him repeatedly for some truly foundational early guidance as well as a couple of projects he helped set me up with. He's semi-retired now but I'm still using some of those templates!
Anyway, I networked my way into a couple of additional early projects and finished 2017 with about the same overall income for the year that I had had in my agency job for 2016. (Not the fuck-them one, the one I got laid off from because, well, that was a bad end-of-year for anyone working in Democratic politics, much like this one.)
And the rest is history: I've been self-employed for about 7.5 years now and, while the constant hustle and inconstant income/workload have their own challenges, I think I've landed in a pretty secure (emotionally/professionally) place about the whole enterprise.
#ask me ask me ask me#stpauligirl#about me meme#freelancing for fun and profit#having been let go from full-time work twice in six months i can say that the agency people were INFINITELY kinder#i wasn't the only one in that situation and they gave us nearly a month heads-up plus an extra month of health insurance#it turned out our boss had forgone his own income for a few months to pay the rest of us that year#and like they just ran out of money and work to do. it wasn't shocking tbh.#and it had already been apparent that what work there was wasn't using any of the skills for which i'd been hired#and i *did* get to keep my electronics. that 2014 laptop lasted me until early 2023!#so anyway if you have to nix someone's job that's the way to do it#i've mostly lost touch with those folks but i don't have a bad word to say about them#whereas the fuck-them situation had me with a sour taste in my mouth around an entire state for like a year#incidentally not that long ago someone i'd worked closely with for YEARS at my anchor client was networking#and mentioned being put in touch with [x] who apparently had been working at the fuck-them place at the same time as me#should he let [x] know we'd been working together? did i want to pass along a hello or anything?#i very quietly said 'please don't.' and after a pause and because i liked and trusted THIS guy added#'he fired me out of nowhere for unclear reasons so i'd really rather not be involved further.'#i mention this because the guy at the anchor client had no idea. by my design.#but also because i've worked really hard to be confident and good at what i actually do and how i do it.#anyway fuck them
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glittertrail · 5 months ago
A really good tip too
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by unpopular demand, I'm back! We're throwing a giant costume ball in a fancy castle for Halloween. The grander the better. There's no budget constrictions to take into account, the world's your oyster, tell me, what would you go dressed as? How would it look? Does the party have a theme? If you were to host it what'd be the vibe? Where are you usually found at in parties? 😊
Because this party is in a fancy castle, I am dressing up as Queen Elizabeth I.
The overall party theme is opulence. Because castle.
I don't really know what I would do as a host except serve a lot of really goo champagne. That is my one good hosting tip.
At parties I am usually found deep in side conversation with just a few people. Not in the main room. But still enjoying myself.
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sullenaquarian · 19 days ago
Ten people I want to get to know better . . .
Tagged by @stpauligirl!
Last song: I mostly listen to podcasts, but there was an LL Cool.J/Eminem song on the Rock the Bells Sirius XM channel.
Favourite colour: Green or purple. It depends on the shade and my mood.
Last movie: A Real Pain. Watched over 3 days.
Last TV show: Watching the Puppy Bowl in dribs and drabs.
Last book: Pride, Prejudice, and Peril. Mystery novel that despite the title has yet to really grab me.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet with salty.
Last thing I googled: How do you copy text on Tumblr mobile. Seriously, does everyone know how to? I had to copy this from a browser, not the app.
Current obsession: Severance.
Looking forward to: I wish I could think of something, but this has been a hard year. I guess one day people I hate will die. Schadenfreude, maybe? Justice?
Tagging any and all.
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arleney · 23 days ago
Ten people I want to get to know better…
Tagged by the gloriously talented @colubrina
Last song: Love Run by The Amazing Devil
Favourite colour: green. at this moment, the color of the giant ferns that surrounded me when i went hiking in a redwood forest.
Last movie: The Mummy Returns
Last TV show: Mythic Quest
Last book: Currently reading The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw. Before that it was The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan (I hadn't read a regency romance in years but I'm enjoying this series haha)
Sweet/savoury/spicy: spicy!!!
Last thing I googled: "you gotta fight for your right to party" because i needed to double-check the name of the beastie boys
Current obsession: hazbin hotel, but i think it's starting to let me go
Looking forward to: going to my friend's house tomorrow to hang out and watch doctor who
tagging (no pressure!) @stpauligirl @antema @fullyvisible @like-a-million-suns @ace-and-ranty @woodswit @winterrose527 @fredmionedraco @queerfables @thehummingbirdsmatter
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gardenarcana · 1 month ago
rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favourite films, then tag ten people to do the same.
Tagged by: @amillcitygirl
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Tagging: @glittertrail @the--leopard @eatingsoulsformoney @stpauligirl @palominojacoby @woodswit @thistle-and-thorn @alysonwonderland @fangirld and the girl reading this 💕
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mariavlc82 · 1 month ago
No one tagged me, I just saw this and looked like fun
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag 10 people to do the same
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Tagging: @missviolethunter, @elsecretomejorguardado, @forceuseralona, @stpauligirl, @bloggingfromherbed, @noisydreamercolor, @siobhom, @gloriouspurposeonasgard,@punchedbymarkesmith, @pauls-mescal,... if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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winterrose527 · 5 months ago
Put your on repeat playlist on shuffle and let people decide their favorite 
thanks for the tag my darling @woodswit
tagging @sugaredrhubarb @stpauligirl @thistle-and-thorn @semperlitluv @darkwolf76 @themockingpoint and whoever else wants to do it!
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vivilove-jonsa · 3 years ago
I have read lots of mutual pining Jonsa fics. Or ones where Jon has pined forever and Sansa never gave him a thought. But do you know of any where Sansa has been the one pining and Jon was unaware?
Hey! Sorry for the delay answering this while I was away but this is a good question. Brother's Best Friend is a popular romance trope for a reason and the pining can definitely go any of these three ways, right?
One story that's sticking out in my memory banks is Reach Out with Both Hands by @thewolvescalledmehome which has Younger Sansa crushing on Jon who goes off to be a football star and then comes back home after a career-ending injury. Her crush comes roaring back when he moves into her basement but it takes him a wee bit longer to be emotionally ready for love and the woman right by his side. Love this one!
I'm sure there's some other good fics out there that fit the bill so I'll pop this in the tag and see if anyone wants to reblog with additions.
Thanks for the ask!
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majoris · 11 months ago
Have you ever tried to emulate an outfit or look you saw on a tv/movie character?
Oh that is a fun question! But the answer is a rather boring: no hahaha. I think it's a fun idea, but I don't think I'm built for it (read: I'm too lazy to go out of my way to look for specific clothes combos + I don't really get inspired by outfits, I guess I'm more of a ~vibe~ kinda person ?), I applaud people who can manage that tbh and look good and have the look™ of a specific character
BUT on a more fun note, a few months ago I realized that I do have pants similar to Helga's from Atlantis SO that's something ? Maybe ?? I am Helga ?? Who knows 👀
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stars-inthe-sky · 1 month ago
Tell me more about Political Wire. StPauliGuy canceled his subscription to The Washington Post after the Bezos bootlicking debacle and is looking for a replacement news source. Do you think this would fit the bill?
Potentially! Taegan Goddard is really an aggregator, so he's pulling from sources that do include WaPo, but it's much broader than reading any one source. He also picks up local and international stories, even if the focus is U.S. national political news.
Some posts are opinion or speculation pieces—though always from legit sources and voices—and sometimes linked articles are paywalled, but generally I come away feeling well-informed without being overwhelmed. (Or at least not any more overwhelmed than, like, Existing in These Times entails.)
He occasionally shares his own opinion (though this might be a paid subscriber feature), but I usually find those thoughts commonsense, succinct, well-said, and (importantly) based on clear facts and cited sources. He might lean left a bit, or is at least as baseline gobsmacked by the current GOP as the rest of us, but on the whole it all reads pretty balanced and researched while still being frank about whatever the hell is going on.
I've followed Political Wire since I worked in DC in the early 2010s and been a paid subscriber since just after the 2016 election. Especially since I finally gave up on Politico Playbook a few years ago, that's become my main source for news, via either email alerts or RSS.
I also get a several daily newsletters from PA/PGH outlets to stay up to date on local news, which I'd highly recommend wherever you live!
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wildlingoftarth · 4 years ago
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I’m proud of being able to cook. My mom was not a big cook and I never learned growing up, so in college I taught myself by watching Food Network shows, lol. Now I’m teaching my girls so they grow up knowing how to cook and provide for themselves.
I’m proud of my empathy and ability to see things from all different points of view.
I’m proud of my artistic ability, especially drawing, although I don’t do it nearly as much as I would like.
I’m proud of my ability to make people feel included.
Weird asks
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arleney · 2 years ago
Tagged by the wonderful @woodswit to list my top 10 comfort movies (in no particular order)
1. The Princess Bride
2. Galaxy Quest
3. Easy A
4. Mulan
5. The Fellowship of the Ring
6. Pride and Prejudice BBC (that counts as a movie, right?)
7. Sense and Sensibility BBC (this one’s two episodes, totally a movie)
8. Gladiator
9. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
10. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Tagging (no pressure!): @stpauligirl @fullyvisible @colubrina @sproutwings @soundsfaebutokay @like-a-million-suns @ealdorcottagecore @ace-and-ranty and anyone else who wants to play!
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gardenarcana · 1 year ago
10 Characters That Make Me Feel Things
thanks for the tag @lj-loveletters !
in no particular order:
Na Hee-do (Twenty-Five Twenty-One)
Gale Dekarios (Baldur's Gate 3)
Sansa Stark (ASOIAF)
Lee Ik-jun (Hospital Playlist)
Benedict Bridgerton (Bridgerton)
Sung Deok-sun (Reply 1988)
Cam Rohan (Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas)
Amelia Hathaway (Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Chu Min-ha (Hosptial Playlist)
no pressure tagging ✨: @glittertrail @amillcitygirl @woodswit @stpauligirl @alysonwonderland @winterrose527 @palominojacoby @sousrantings
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sullenaquarian · 4 years ago
23. Nicest edition or cheapest edition?
I lean toward the cheapest edition, because cheaper means I can buy more books. However, I have received lovely editions of Pride and Prejudice and Alice in Wonderland as presents, which I greatly appreciate.
One thing I try to avoid buying, even if it costs less, is a book whose cover is from the movie adaptation. And I might splurge a bit more if a book comes with an interesting foreword or other materials. But as long as it’s an unabridged version, and I can wait for the book to be released in paperback/go down in price on Kindle, I prefer to save money. 
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winterrose527 · 5 months ago
Thanks for the tag @darkwolf76, it's been a while since I've done one of these.
Do you make your bed? Often, but not always.
Favorite number? Seven.
What's your job? Cat herder.
If you could go back to school, would you? Tricky question, I can and should but will I? Law school is calling but I'm not sure I am answering.
Can you parallel park? What kind of question is this
Do you think aliens are real? I'm agnostic about it, but gun to my head I would say yes though likely not in the way they are depicted.
Can you drive a manual car? Absolutely not.
What's your guilty pleasure? I don't feel particularly guilty about any of my pleasures.
Tattoos? None.
Favorite color? Green.
Do you like puzzles? No, and my family doesn't like me around when they are doing them because they'll all be sitting there for hours and I'll come and sit for five minutes and find a bunch of pieces.
Any phobias? No phobias, but a lot of fears.
Favorite childhood sport? Badminton.
Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes but I disguise it as talking to my dog. Most of my talking to myself is internal and it's constant.
tagging @woodswit @sugaredrhubarb @semperlitluv @sansastarkr @justhereforfandomandfriends @arleney @stpauligirl
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