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sonofhelios2005 · 13 hours ago
Charles was not a bad friend at any point.
I will completely understand hating crystal for being annoying. I understand hating any character for being annoying because most of them are, to a degree, and each person reacts a certain way to certain annoying traits (Edwin's bitchness, Niko's meddling, Charles' being a bad friend at the beginning and insisting on flirting, etc)
Hating Crystal for anything else is stupid. Thank you
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sonofhelios2005 · 2 days ago
That sounds like the Midnight Club.
Dbda au where Edwin and Charles are 2 terminally ill teenagers who solve mysteries in the hospital they stay in....
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sonofhelios2005 · 2 days ago
Random story idea. Charles and Edwin are cursed, and they each adopt the others' fashion sense. Punk!Edwin and Edwardian!Charles.
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sonofhelios2005 · 6 days ago
I was watching "Twice Upon A Time," which is Peter Capaldi's last episode, and during his pre- regeneration speech, he says the line "Always Try To Be Nice, But Never Fail To Be Kind.”
This got me thinking about Edwin, and as others have pointed out before, Edwin is not particularly nice but is incredibly kind. Not long out of hell, he kept a dying boy company and offered as much comfort as possible. This speaks perfectly to who Edwin is as a person that beneath the snark and cutting words is a very kind boy.
Somewhat connected is that Charles might get angry, but it doesn't define him, and he only acts to protect others. Brawn isn't a good description for him, but Protector is.
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sonofhelios2005 · 7 days ago
It's sad to think Crystal won't be able to stay with the boys for long. She's a rebellious and neglected teenager now, but at some point, In the near future she will want to start living her life, which she unfortunately can't do if she's with Edwin and Charles.
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sonofhelios2005 · 11 days ago
I think the murderous WW1 ghost would be a better love guru than either Niko or Crystal.
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sonofhelios2005 · 12 days ago
I just always assumed she had dual citizenship.
Genuine question: how the hell did Niko's US student Visa not end when she stopped going to classes at school? I feel like I'm the only one to think of this, but periodically the thought whacks me in the face again
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sonofhelios2005 · 13 days ago
(Wanting Charles to get together with Edwin isn't biphobia and I am sorry I really need people to get off of that talking point. Like you can write cryland and you can write payneland but neither makes him more or less bi. Some people end up with boys, some end up with girls, but wanting Charles to date Edwin is one of the options if he is bi and it's really fine. Comphet would make it hard for him to know that maybe he has that option at first maybe, but tbh I think he has other hang ups.)
This has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted. I said that Charles journey in discovering his sexuality is treated as a joke compared to Edwin's own experiences. Charles is also often called an idiot for not knowing how he feels, and unfortunately, it's Crystal who usually calls him it.
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sonofhelios2005 · 14 days ago
Random headcanon about ghosts.
Ghosts that don't have a purpose become listless and have a tendency to follow patterns from when they were alive. Staying in a single place and not noticing time passing. They largely see the world as they want to see it.
For the boys, this is less of an issue they have enough interaction with others, and they are firmly anchored to reality. Sometimes, however, entire weeks can pass, and they simply sit in the office lost in thought.
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sonofhelios2005 · 15 days ago
I will die on the hill that Charles has nice handwriting. I've seen in many stories where his is described as illegible. This seems to be part of a larger idea that he was bad in school when there is absolutely no proof of this.
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sonofhelios2005 · 17 days ago
Once again, I revisit Vampire!Charles. I was thinking about how it would affect the actual series if Charles was a vampire instead of a ghost.
Crystal would not be as trusting of Charles as a vampire as she was as if he was a ghost. She might actively distrust him until later.
Charles would have to have a room above the butchers shop because he can't just hand around unnoticed as a ghost. Jenny would be even more suspicious with an 80s themed punk kid hanging around.
Esther might actually he less of a threat because Charles can move faster than she can see and is far stronger. She could even consider Charles a hypocrite as he survives on blood and, depending on the tone of the story, might achieve killed when feeding.
Charles will absolutely punch the Cat King across his warehouse if he tries to take Edwin. He will use his shape-shifting and chase the Cat King as a wolf.
Charles will beat the crap out of the Dad in the Devlin house, scaring Edwin and Crystal when he's blood red eyes and fangs.
Vampires are commonly possessive and I can just see Charles outright despising Monty for getting close to Edwin. Monty will become convinced Charles is going to eat him. Charles might stalk Monty by stalking him from the shadows.
Niko would be a diehard Payneland shipper. A soul escaped from hell, and a vampire who are also detectives would probably be her favourite ever manga.
Charles might kill Maxine or at least get rid of her some way.
The Night Nurse won't even be a problem as Charles won't possess Esther.
I don't think Charles would act differently as a vampire. He might be slightly more vicious and sinister but still largely try to be a good person. He would absolutely enjoy the abilities.
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sonofhelios2005 · 18 days ago
It really feels like there is some unintentional Biphobia in fics around Charles. Edwin is treated with nothing but respect concerning his sexuality. However, with Charles trying to figure out his own sexuality he's treated like an idiot and berated. He accused of being unfair to Edwin because he hasn't admitted his feelings yet.
Why is Edwin's journey more valid than Charles own? Why have his friends act like jerks when he needs their help?
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sonofhelios2005 · 19 days ago
Random fanfiction ideas.
1. A hellbound soul uses a powerful artefact to essentially change his fate with Charles, so he is able to move on to a peaceful afterlife whilst Charles has been condemned to hell.
2. Crystal is arrested for something she did while possessed before meeting the boys. Although she's technically guilty, they know she's changed, so they use various ghost shenanigans to mess with the prosecution.
3. During the escape from hell, Charles picks up a mystical infection of sorts. This infection slowly corrupts a soul, eventually turning them into a Wraith. A Wraith is a corrupted soul turned into something inhuman, the misery Wraith are those soul completely lost to Despair. Charles is infected by Wrath, becoming violent and aggressive even with help from Edwin.
4. David being trapped in the tree inside Crystal's mind slowly begins to kill the tree and weaken her powers. The gang have to act quickly to save Crystal's powers and remove David.
5. After being in Esther's machine, Edwin finds he can cast more powerful magic by tapping into the power of his own soul. This leads Edwin to become reckless and nearly fading into nothing After going to far with a spell.
6. Earlier in their career, Charles and Edwin met Destruction of the Endless and helped him find his dog Barnabus. In exchange, he offered them an IOU. Several years later, the boys nearly get dragged off to the afterlife by a servant of Death. They escape but are scared enough to try asking Destruction if he can do anything to stop them being taken.
Destruction can not interfere with his sisters realm, but he does offer to remove them from Deaths immediate influence. He can make them part of his own realm. They would become Spirits of Destruction, a type of higher being less than a god but beyond mortal being who influence destruction on Earth. Destruction assured them they wouldn't have to he enact pointless destruction. They could even continue what they currently do. However, he warns that as higher beings, they would have some new responsibilities.
I won't actually write these they are just my mad ramblings.
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sonofhelios2005 · 23 days ago
Charles would have thrown the bible at the Cat King
Cat King: Nice hands, Edwin! Edwin: Um, thanks? Cat King: I bet they'd look even better wrapped around my- Charles, running into the room: WRAPPED AROUND THE BIBLE PRAISE THE LORD AMEN!!!
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sonofhelios2005 · 23 days ago
A Dead Boy Detectives/ Coraline AU would be amazing. So many scenarios for people to use.
1. Edwin, Charles, and Niko are ghosts of children captured by Beldam, and Crystal is the next potential victim.
2. Alive AU in which Charles or Edwin move into the house the Beldam inhabits.
3. One of the Beldams victims is able to escape and goes to the boys for help.
4. The Lost and Found Department gives the boys the Beldam as a case because it trapped children's souls messing with their work.
5. AU in which the Cat King is the Black Cat and Esther is the Beldam. She already kills kids for immortality.
6. One of the boys stumbles into Other Charles or Other Edwin.
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sonofhelios2005 · 26 days ago
This is from Scrubs and I always remember this bit.
Charles: Just watch out for Crystal, the tackling amnesiac. Edwin: Who? [Crystal tackles him] Crystal: WHO AM I?!
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sonofhelios2005 · 29 days ago
It means you like good interesting shows instead of incredibly boring ones.
I like shows about the supernatural and death rather than slice-of-life shows or drama shows.
I wonder what that says about me?
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