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call me kirk👍🏼 chain reaction is DONE and POSTED‼️
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zorosmalewife · 1 month ago
idk if anyone still follows this acct now that chain rxn is finished but i did recently post some bleach smut on ao3 and i may or may not be working on an elaborate yonji redemption fic
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zorosmalewife · 9 months ago
so chain reaction is done...! you can read the epilogue here
what's next? the short answer: i don't know! the long answer:
i have some stuff in the works, but honestly i'm not sure if any of it is going to get finished, let alone posted to this acct. i still have about a third of that franky/robin/zoro pwp for my Zoro Sex Anthology, and there is a chance i'll finish that eventually, but i won't make any promises. if i finish that, it'll go up on the zorosmalewife ao3 acct.
other stuff i'm working on: some kaiju no. 8 stuff, a persona 5 collab, a stardew valley collab, a bleach thingy, and a supernatural thing. don't judge me for writing about things that suck (bleach + spn) i just want to try and fix them god bless. anyway. i think the only one that has a real shot of going up on zorosmalewife is the sdv one bc that has smut (written by me, tho the piece on the whole is being co-written by a good friend of mine) but the bleach one miiiiight end up there too because of its themes. idk yet bc it's nowhere near done.
so what's next? nothing, for now. i have a full time job now and don't have a lot of time to spare, and most of that scant spare time has gone to playing metal gear lmfao. if you're interested in my back catalog on my sfw acct, you can find that here, tho i do think chain rxn is far superior to basically everything on that acct except for maybe one fic..... you can keep an eye on that acct too but like i said, don't expect anything new for a bit
all that said, i once again want to thank everyone for reading and caring about my piece. it means the world to me.
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zorosmalewife · 10 months ago
heyyyy everyone come get some chapter 14
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zorosmalewife · 10 months ago
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zorosmalewife · 10 months ago
chapter 13 is up you can read it here🫶
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zorosmalewife · 10 months ago
chapter 12 up!!! read it here💚
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
come get your chapter 10
chapter dropping 12am EST btw. 28 mins
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
chapter dropping 12am EST btw. 28 mins
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes Chapter 18
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The ninth and final one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17.
Welcome to the epilogue! This has a different structure than the rest of the piece, and therefore the note structure is different, too.
I won't bother to explain the structure, tho - it should be obvious!
Okay, so what happens? Kuraigana -> Sabaody -> Thousand Sunny
Start epilogue w/ arrival @ Sabaody
Maybe, in opposition to the timeskip era of the fic, it'll be a montage of mundane scenes. We'll work between the offscreen story beats
Offscreen story beats: arrival -> [secret ;)] -> saying goodbye to perona and mihawk -> reunion w/ rayleigh and shakky -> returning to the sunny -> reuniting w the strawhats -> leaving -> end
each -> given a number, 1 thru 7
arrival @ sabaody park, not the archipelago
comedy of errors trying to book a hotel room
somewhat subdued bar scene
grocery run for shakky's bar
buying ace supplies.
nami scene
hopeful wrap up kind of thing
OMG how about outsider povs. for all but 1 and 7
1 - Arrive @ Sabaody Park - Zoro POV - cover them hiding their identities
2 - booking hotel room - receptionist POV - "Name for the reservation?" "Zo--" Ace elbows him in the gut. "--cho." "...Zocho? Your name is Zocho?" "Yes. Zocho." Ace facepalm dot png - Do Not Notice the fake strawhats - green-hair and freckles
3 - bar scene - bartender POV - easy support - Zoro drinking wine and being a snob about it - they miss their fambly already - make plans to call regularly - the brunette and sunshine
4 - bar grocery run - deli guy POV - talk about how they plan to tell the crew about their relationship - the swordsman and braid guy
5 - shopping trip - fellow shopper POV - Perona made them clothes so they need other supplies like bedding. - "Isn't this a bit presumptuous?" "Luffy won't say no." - scar and cowboy hat
6 - nami scene - nami POV - I'm not going to ruin this scene for you. This is a scene I thought of before I even asked the original author if I could write a fic based on their idea - in point of fact, it's part of the reason chain reaction even exists.
7 - wrap up - Ace POV - just like. general future shit. I don't know
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
There's some stuff I have to fix, and I have to get it all formatted for Ao3, but if all goes according to plan, I can start posting this week! Probably on Sunday, since that's when I was updating it before. Thanks for sticking with me!
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes Chapter 17
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The eighth and penultimate one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16.
Yeah, um. This one is lazy too. The next one won't be, but this one is. Sorry! It will look like this:
Title of chapter
original outline: scene number from Tumblr outlines - what i'm changing about it
final outline: scene number, one line summary, and how long they have until they return to Sabaody and how long Ace and Zoro have been together
Title: hope beyond hope
21.5 - delete
22 - not a drunk convo anymore. they don't need to do that. move into 24
22.5 - I don't know if this needs to be a scene... might delete it and just mentioned it happened. I'll use this spot for Ace and Perona to talk about roger and parents. Bonding (tm)
23 - this can stay. might add a companion section where Zoro and Perona talk about the next steps... yeah let's do that actually. we set it up.
24 - now w/ 22. not even post-coital, they're just able to have conversations now
24.5 - announcement and back to Sabaody
final outline:
22.5 - parents - (7.5 months left) (together 1 year 3 months)
23 - legacy [what it was called in the outline from very early on. doesn't actually work as a summary of what happens tho lol] - (5 months left) (together 1 year 5.5 months)
NEW - Perona and Zoro have future talk - (3.5 months left) (together 1 year 7 months)
24 - okay stud. - (2 months left) (together 1 year 8.5 months)
24.5 - announcement etc. - (1 month left) (together 1 year 9.5 months)
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes Chapter 16
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The seventh one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15.
So, um. Remember how I said I got a little lazy with the notes? This is the first chapter that suffers from that. It's partially because it was late enough into the piece that it kind of stopped mattering. It's also because working on chapter 15 made me rethink my outline AGAIN, so I ended up using the notes to rearrange scenes more than anything else. So there ended up being two pages of notes: one rearranging the scenes, and one with the final scene order. Therefore the structure of the notes is just:
Title of chapter
original outline: scene number from Tumblr outlines - what i'm changing about it
final outline: scene number, one line summary, and how long they have until they return to Sabaody and how long Ace and Zoro have been together
Title: full transparency
20 - Roger news coo. Changing it so Ace tells Zoro by choice after Mihawk shows him the newspaper in private. No more fight. Just a long ass talk
20.5 - move to chapter 15 between 18 and 19. continuous w/ 19
depending on length and other factors, might pull 19.5 down into this chapter, before 20
21 - delete. add resolution right into 20
final outline:
19.5 - their anniversary - (10.5 months left) (together 1 year obvs)
20 - it all comes spilling out. - (9 months left) (together 1 year 1.5 months)
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes Chapter 15
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The sixth one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14.
Theme of the chapter
List of scenes, each of which contain:
scene number as depicted in the outlines from my update posts on this tumblr - POV character - one line summary of the concept - (time left until they return to Sabaody) (how long Ace and Zoro have been together) - list of relevant variables, details, etc
Title of chapter
Theme: mutual understanding. finally understanding how the dynamic works and how to operate inside it. things becoming whole.
18 - ACE - charades w/ humandrills - (about 10.5 months left) (1 day before their 1 year anniversary) [all scenes in this chapter happen on the same day, so I won't repeat the counts!] - Ace 'loves Perona', 'she's basically his best friend' - he doesn't let her talk to him about it tho - Ace doomspiral about Zoro's eye - it's still Zoro's room despite them sharing it for months now - Ace's thoughts all over the place. overwhelmed + lost. swinging mostly b/t feeling bereft and fucking Angry
20.5 [scene was moved to here, hence nonconsecutive numbers] - ZORO - Zoro Autism Meltdown (tm) + Mihawk talking sense into him - first time Mihawk calls him 'Zoro' - Zoro's internal monologue calling Mihawk 'his father' w/o commentary - Mihawk: "I will not allow you to keep hurting one another. It's killing Perona."
19 - ACE - ostensibly a spar but they're just wrasslin' in earnest - Ace lashing out while lamenting the fact that he is the type to lash out - but Ace loves Zoro. despite everything, he doesn't want to give up - Ace finally gets thru to Zoro. Zoro tells him everything. <- Ace calls him 'baby' - Ace feels like he Gets Zoro now. FR this time. But... Ace still hasn't told him... - "Zoro deserves better, that much is obvious, but he's already chosen to be with Ace, and thus his mind won't be changed. All Ace can do is become a man worthy of this." - Zoro and Perona hug when they get back to the castle. He whispers to her. Perona says she loves him. Tells him to tap out next time - Zoro calls Ace 'babe' but it's mostly joking. Calls Perona 'P'. She shoots negative ghosts at them - Zoro's - their - room - Ace feels small and needy and cracked open. Needs to feel held and covered and safe - epic Zoro topping dot png - the ^ exemplifies the change in their relationship. the easy understanding, the reciprocity, the boundless + overt love. it's about trust w/o being shy abt it. - "Ace has never cried during sex before, but he's not humiliated, nor does he try to hide it." - Zoro calls him 'baby' in the heat of the moment - Ace says he loves Zoro + Zoro says "I know" and Ace is 100% okay with that
Title: reciprocity
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes - Chapter 14
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The fifth one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13.
Theme of the chapter
List of scenes, each of which contain:
scene number as depicted in the outlines from my update posts on this tumblr - POV character - one line summary of the concept - (time left until they return to Sabaody) (how long Ace and Zoro have been together) - list of relevant variables, details, etc
Title of chapter
Theme: despite appearances, there is no full transparency. Zoro has his eye opened and is still blindsided. Miscommunication.
17 - ZORO - Zoro doing Perona's hair - (11 months left) (together 11.5 months) - Zoro being like hmmm have I told them anything about my relationships with my crew...? Oops! :p I'll fix it - Zoro talking about Nami. Perona gets jealous. Ace gets weird, convincing himself that Zoro's crew is the the most important, not equal to him and Perona - Zoro wonders what their plans after the 2 yrs are, but still doesn't ask - Ace hearing 'neechan' for the first time - Zoro says he loves Perona and Ace and is ok w/that - shows that Zoro is willing to share parts of himself. also lulls him into a false sense of security
17.33 - ZORO - spar w/ Mihawk. Mihawk asks if Zoro has told Ace about what happened with his eye - (11 months left) (together 11.5 months) - Mihawk cares about their relationship - Zoro still not close to Mihawk's level, but is def improving - fully adjusted to losing his eye - Zoro surprised pikachu. Understands that Ace will freak out + why - Zoro accepts Mihawk's help - sets up that telling Ace about his eye hadn't even occurred to Zoro and that it will take time, but he'll try to figure out a way to tell him
17.66 - ACE - He sacrificed his eye for you dot png - (about 10.5 months left) (2 days before their 1 year anniversary) - establish that they banter a lot - Perona, who does not know better, flippantly drops the fact that Zoro sacrificed his eye for Ace - Ace loses control of his fruit. He feels cold - Perona curls up on Mihawk's lap and he lets her - Zoro Autism Meltdown (tm). Out the window - Mihawk + Ace see eye to eye for but a moment - shows that Zoro is still Zoro. He will still shut down under pressure he can't fix w/ his swords or his tenacity.
incident @ dinner -> Zoro doesn't come back that night -> Ace goes after him after dinner the next day
Title: blindsided
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes - Chapter 13
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The fourth one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11 - 12.
Theme of the chapter
List of scenes, each of which contain:
scene number as depicted in the outlines from my update posts on this tumblr - POV character - one line summary of the concept - (time left until they return to Sabaody) (how long Ace and Zoro have been together) - list of relevant variables, details, etc
Title of chapter
Theme: Love is scary. It is a delicate baby bird in big, clumsy hands.
14.5 - ZORO - spar w/ Mihawk - (1 year 1.25 months left) (together 9.25 months) - Zoro isn't matching Mihawk yet, but he's making progress - Mihawk is indulgent. fond - Zoro wants Mihawk to be proud of him. First time feeling like Mihawk's son
15 - ZORO - Ace drops the L word mid fuck - (1 year left) (together 10.5 months) - have glass of dinner after wine as a quartet. Zoro + Ace often make bedroom eyes @ each other and Mihawk + Perona always pick up on it - Ace typically wants to eat Zoro alive. This time, it's worship - Ace says it. Zoro cums instantly, prematurely, but doesn't say it back - Zoro knocked off his axis - "Zoro believes him. Zoro doesn't say it back."
15.5 - ACE - family breakfast the next morning. Shit is downright frigid - (1 year left) (together 10.5 months) - Zoro doesn't say anything. @ all - Ace doesn't either. He falls asleep repeatedly - Ace doesn't understand what the problem is. He doomspirals. (Guilty. Always guilty.) Convinces himself his love is a burden that Zoro can't handle
16 - ZORO - Zoro stomping around the woods, trying to think. Perona finds him - (1 year left) (together 10.5 months) - Zoro's patented Autism Meltdown. Bees in his skull - feels bad about how he reacted. the confession made him happy - "His big, callused hands are weapons, not cradles. Is he capable of gentleness enough to handle Ace's heart without breaking it?" - Perona arrives and Zoro is forthcoming with her. "He's tired. And he loves her. And maybe she can help." - "Some days it seems like she understands Ace better than [Zoro] ever will." - Zoro tells her what happened. A part of him is bleeding out - Zoro finally internalizing that Ace thinks himself a burden - Zoro is going to communicate. Because Ace chose him as a partner - Zoro tells Perona he loves her <- cuddling without commentary, besides that he's enjoying it
16.5 - ZORO - Ace and Zoro spar + talk it out - (1 year left) (together 10.5 months) - When Zoro approaches, Ace says, "I assume you're here to dump me." - Zoro, stricken, says no. He asks Ace to spar - Zoro apologizes. Says he was overwhelmed. Admits to being scared - Zoro isn't ready to say it back, they both know it, but he will be one day <- he wants it
Title: love is a heavy anchor
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
What to read the cut scene? It's under the cut!
[12.5] The black blade emanates power, Zoro realizes, as Mihawk bears down on him. Even Shusui seems to cower from it. He doesn’t know how he didn’t notice before.
As promised, Mihawk is relentless. Zoro doesn’t have time to think, to breathe, let alone come up with any proper countermeasures. Even after months of training he can barely keep up, struggling to maintain his haki while also parrying lightning quick blows. His technique is faltering but he can’t afford to focus on it lest he lose his head. Mihawk’s gaze misses nothing, of course, but he doesn’t seem to care. He moves faster every time Zoro’s footing slips.
A careless mistake and Zoro’s on his back, wind thoroughly knocked out of him.
Black blade against the flushed skin of his neck. “Again,” says Mihawk, and so they go again. And again. And again.
They keep going until Ace finds them. Mihawk looks pristine as ever, not a single hair out of place. Zoro, however, is wheezing. His shirt is shredded and his hands are bleeding. There is so much dirt in his hair that it looks more brown than green.
“Um,” says Ace, surveying the destroyed clearing with raised eyebrows. “Are either of you coming in to eat, or should we clean up?”
“I’m not hungry,” Zoro growls around the hilt of Wadou.
Pain, suddenly, blossoming from the back of his skull. Did… Did Mihawk just smack him upside the head? “Go eat,” Mihawk says sternly. When did he even get so close…? “We’re done for the day. Tomorrow, spar with Perona. You and I will cross blades again the day after.”
“Bossy…” Zoro grumbles, but he’s not all that mad about it, really. If we’re being honest here, he’s actually pretty hungry. He was just reluctant to be interrupted.
Ace smiles lopsidedly at him. “C’mon, stud,” he says, holding his hand out. Zoro, cheeks burning red, takes it. “Perona and I made hoagies so good you’ll cream your pants.”
Snorting, Zoro huffs, “Gross.” But he doesn’t let go of Ace’s hand. In fact, he squeezes it, interlocking their fingers and letting Ace pull him toward the castle.
Chain Reaction Notes - Chapter 12
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The third one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11.
Theme of the chapter
List of scenes, each of which contain:
scene number as depicted in the outlines from my update posts on this tumblr - POV character - one line summary of the concept - (time left until they return to Sabaody) (how long Ace and Zoro have been together) - list of relevant variables, details, etc
Title of chapter
Theme: trust + connection. showing others the most vulnerable parts of yourself
12 - ZORO - The Bath(tm) (1 year 4.75 months left) (together 5.75 months) - Ace almost namedrops sabo but cuts it off <- setup for later convo - Zoro won't pry but he is starting to wonder... he wants to be told - Zoro "feeling a little bit in love" - "Zoro hates seeing Ace deny himself something he clearly wants so badly. More than he wants to know him, more than he wants to be trusted, he wants Ace to stop hurting." - Ace: "I trust you more than I'm afraid of what the water will do to me." - Ace saying Zoro is too good for him. Zoro thinks it's the opposite but won't argue - Ace crying. Zoro reflecting on having to be to be taught how to deal w/ tears, how to give each person what they want, but not with Ace. Zoro can't help but hold him close. - Zoro finally seeing Ace's internal darkness + acknowledging it - Zoro "wants to love Ace from the inside out"
12.5 - ZORO - spar w/ Mihawk. Mihawk tells Zoro to go eat - Mihawk showing fatherly concern again
[NOTE: 12.5 was cut from the final piece.]
13 - ZORO - piercings thing (1 year 3.75 months left) (together 6.75 months) - Zoro w/ his head in Perona's lap. States that she's always touching him and he doesn't bother getting upset about it. (He doesn't mind.) Last time her ever thinks to complain about her being touchy - trio behavior. Ace clearly fond of Perona - Zoro says she can leave whenever she wants. it hurts him to think about, though. she's confused, bc she always assumed she's stay @ least as long as they did. Ace says good! You should! and she's like :3 - Zoro off handedly thinks that Ace has never mentioned his mother
13.5 - ZORO - roronoa your nipples. (1 year 3.75 months left) (together 6.75 months) - says Mihawk likes to stalk around the castle w/ his eyes closed - "What is he, Zoro's goddamn dad? // Oh, shit. He's Zoro's goddamn dad." - Mihawk both embarrassed and judgy (humiliated by his own dad-ness but unwilling to back down) - Zoro thinking he's going to miss this when they leave
14 - ZORO - drunk convo. kuina + sabo (1 year 2.75 months left) (together 7.75 months) - habit of drinking in order to help them open up - openness isn't easy, but it's not difficult either - Ace cries during Zoro's story about Kuina - choosing to share true vulnerabilities - that which could hurt not the body, but the heart - "Zoro wonders if this is what love feels like. He can't be sure."
Title: cracking open your own ribcage
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zorosmalewife · 11 months ago
Chain Reaction Notes - Chapter 12
Please remember that this is an unposted chapter! The third one, in fact. Missed the other notes? Find them here: 10 - 11.
Theme of the chapter
List of scenes, each of which contain:
scene number as depicted in the outlines from my update posts on this tumblr - POV character - one line summary of the concept - (time left until they return to Sabaody) (how long Ace and Zoro have been together) - list of relevant variables, details, etc
Title of chapter
Theme: trust + connection. showing others the most vulnerable parts of yourself
12 - ZORO - The Bath(tm) (1 year 4.75 months left) (together 5.75 months) - Ace almost namedrops sabo but cuts it off <- setup for later convo - Zoro won't pry but he is starting to wonder... he wants to be told - Zoro "feeling a little bit in love" - "Zoro hates seeing Ace deny himself something he clearly wants so badly. More than he wants to know him, more than he wants to be trusted, he wants Ace to stop hurting." - Ace: "I trust you more than I'm afraid of what the water will do to me." - Ace saying Zoro is too good for him. Zoro thinks it's the opposite but won't argue - Ace crying. Zoro reflecting on having to be to be taught how to deal w/ tears, how to give each person what they want, but not with Ace. Zoro can't help but hold him close. - Zoro finally seeing Ace's internal darkness + acknowledging it - Zoro "wants to love Ace from the inside out"
12.5 - ZORO - spar w/ Mihawk. Mihawk tells Zoro to go eat - Mihawk showing fatherly concern again
[NOTE: 12.5 was cut from the final piece.]
13 - ZORO - piercings thing (1 year 3.75 months left) (together 6.75 months) - Zoro w/ his head in Perona's lap. States that she's always touching him and he doesn't bother getting upset about it. (He doesn't mind.) Last time her ever thinks to complain about her being touchy - trio behavior. Ace clearly fond of Perona - Zoro says she can leave whenever she wants. it hurts him to think about, though. she's confused, bc she always assumed she's stay @ least as long as they did. Ace says good! You should! and she's like :3 - Zoro off handedly thinks that Ace has never mentioned his mother
13.5 - ZORO - roronoa your nipples. (1 year 3.75 months left) (together 6.75 months) - says Mihawk likes to stalk around the castle w/ his eyes closed - "What is he, Zoro's goddamn dad? // Oh, shit. He's Zoro's goddamn dad." - Mihawk both embarrassed and judgy (humiliated by his own dad-ness but unwilling to back down) - Zoro thinking he's going to miss this when they leave
14 - ZORO - drunk convo. kuina + sabo (1 year 2.75 months left) (together 7.75 months) - habit of drinking in order to help them open up - openness isn't easy, but it's not difficult either - Ace cries during Zoro's story about Kuina - choosing to share true vulnerabilities - that which could hurt not the body, but the heart - "Zoro wonders if this is what love feels like. He can't be sure."
Title: cracking open your own ribcage
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