#(i mostly was like 'ah i still have 15 vacation days left for this year it won't be a problem to get time off :))
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tardis--dreams · 6 months ago
Bastille is killing me
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skellebonez · 4 years ago
With the prompt list, how about someone seeing MK with Monkie King with number 15?
Picking prompts back up with a nice dose of Dad Wukong! I needed some fluff! This is set in *shrug* post-season 2 because despite us only having 2 episodes so far I’m going to pretend season 2 wraps up just enough to give us a hook for a possible 3rd season but everyone is doing ok. For now. I just want everyone in the show to be safe and happy dang it!
Oh god, you’re just like your dad.
"Where to next?" MK asked, looking around the shopping district in excitement. It had taken him so long to convince Sun Wukong to actually join him on a day of just hanging out, outside of a couple short trips to the Anti-Gravity Arcade, and he wanted to cram as much into the day as humanly possible. "Video game store? Cheese tea stall? The new bakery, th-!?"
"Whoa, Bud, slow down!" Wukong eased with a smile. "We have all day. We can go wherever."
"And you’re sure you’re doing good?" Despite the Monkey King's soft tone, MK couldn't help but practically vibrate in equal parts excitement and worry. "There aren't too many people or anything?"
His concerns weren't unwarranted. Sun Wukong had been nearly completely isolated for centuries, company kept only with the monkeys of his mountain home and the odd outing into the world outside. And, of course, online correspondence with his lawyer after a time. Typically he was transformed in some way, a butterfly or bird or cat or something easy to blend in, and though he had made a couple short stops in a human disguise in the past. A quick drink here, a bun or fruit cup there. Nothing that required more than a quick transaction, however.
Now he was in the city, Wàn Qiān Chéng, in that human disguise and staying around. In jeans and a t-shirt and jacket (that MK was genuinely shocked to know he owned, until he realized that they were all branded Monkey King merchandise... including his jeans). Surrounded by people and cars and all manner of things the Monkey King would typically avoid. Despite the gradual introduction to being out and about MK was trying to ease him into, he couldn't help but worry that it would be overwhelming.
"Like I told you before, I'm doing fine!" Wukong put a hand in MK's hair, ruffling it gently with a soft smile.The sudden contact was... well, not that unusual actually. Nor was it unwelcome. The Monkey King always seemed to be a tactile person after all. "But, uh, now that I think about it I am getting kind of hungry. There was a little food stall pretty close by that I’ve been to a few times..."
“Oh, yeah!” MK exclaimed in glee, any place that his mentor frequented (however rarely) must be somewhere nice and he absolutely wanted to experience that! “Lead the way!”
Wukong laughed at MK’s exuberant response, smile softening as he indeed lead the way. “It’s, uh... actually the only place I’ve gone to for food when I’m checking in on you. So don’t be surprised, they’re going to recognize me.”
Ah, that made sense in MK’s mind. Had this been a few weeks ago MK might have been surprised to know that he was being checked in on, Heck, if this was before the Lunar New Year festival he would called anyone who told him a liar. Sun Wukong was not protective of him and he always left MK on his own because he trusted him!
And that last statement was very correct. Wukong did trust MK, more than enough. He knew he could handle just about anything that he would have gotten thrown at him. But not protective was a lie. Maybe it was Macaque, or maybe it was the Spider Queen, but after a while something in his mentor changed. He went from being aloof but helpful to being nearly non-existent (and when MK learned exactly what he had actually been doing he was not happy) and then “I’m just checking in, Bud, my dude, my student who I am not at all protective of what are you talking about” upon his return from his “vacation”.
Wukong trusted his student to handle himself. But that didn’t mean he didn’t worry about him now that the full extent of the danger he had put him in was known. And while some parts of it had been frustrating at times (he had been way too eager to stay at the Noodle Shop at first for Pigsy’s liking) it was kind of nice to have him around in just a casual way. Like when they watched the fireworks.
But beside that point, they finally arrived at the food stall. It was a street vendor, the booth decked out in bright colors and rows of food on offer, mostly...
“Baozi, should have known,” MK chuckled. The Monkey King didn’t make a lot of food at his home, but he made more than enough. Baozi was one of his favorites. “Well, they have got to be good if you keep coming back!”
“They’re not the only reason!” Wukong replied as they stepped up, the lady vendor doing a double take before smiling wide at him. “Hey!”
“Mr. Cheung!” She smiled wide, turning her full attention to the customers. “Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise, you’re a day early! Would you like your usual vegetarian order again?”
“Yes, please!” Wukong’s smile was wide, and if his tail had not been wrapped around his waist MK was certain it would have been swishing wildly. He’d clearly gained some kind of rapport with the vendor of this stall if they were on a “human disguise name” basis. “And, uh, something for my bud here too. Doesn’t have to be vegetarian for him though.”
“I’ll take whatever you think is tasty!” MK stated excitedly, nearly bouncing on his heels in the spot.
"Oh god, you’re just like your dad," the vendor laughed out with a smile as she turned away from them, and Wukong froze beside MK in response.
MK froze in response.
The Monkie Kid was almost certain he had never seen his mentor go this still. Ever.
" Oh no, he's n-"
"He is, huh!? Peach doesn't fall far from the tree!" Wukong laughed almost giddily and almost excessively loud, suddenly wrapping an arm around MK's shoulder and reaching around with his other arm to ruffle his hair once again. “He’s kind of embarrassed anytime someone points that out.”
MK could hear the vendor chuckling and responding with something else, but he couldn’t really understand it as he mulled over what Sun Wukong had just said.
“He is, huh!?”
He didn’t deny the vendor’s assumption at all. He just... went with it. Sun Wukong... just went with someone assuming MK was his son...
He barely paid attention when they were handed their food, the vendor insisting that since he was such a loyal customer that it was free of charge for finally introducing his son to her. Wukong did not deny it again, making pleasant conversation for a short while before they headed off. Wukong’s free hand was firm on his back as he led him away.
“Bud?” Wukong said once they were out of earshot, his tone oddly soft and uncertain for someone of his status. “That uh... I mean... you see... I wasn’t expecting her to just...”
“Have you been bragging about me like I’m your kid to a street vendor every time to check up on me?” MK asked softly, unable to keep the hopeful tone out of his voice.
“... maybe?”
“... you adopted me and you didn’t tell me?” MK asked with half joking offense in his tone, pointing his baozi at his mentor. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he said it.
And it seemed that somehow the combination of the way he said that and his exuberant expression drove the Monkey King into a fit of laughter that drew the attention of many passersby.
(The baozi were, as expected of a place that Sun Wukong would frequent, some of the best that MK had ever tasted in his life. Though, perhaps, they were made all the tastier knowing that he was eating them with someone who he had long secretly considered a father figure to him who had seemingly adopted him without meaning to.)
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p-artsypants · 4 years ago
Longest Night (50) Celebrating
Here we go! The last chapter! And it’s a doozy! 
I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I grew up calling all of my parents friend’s ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’. Some of them I still do. Which was really fun when I dated a family friend and kept calling his mom ‘Aunt Julie’. We are not related. Fun times!
Also, there’s some nicknames in this chapter. “Peepums” is Tom. “Nonnie Cheng” is Sabine. And “Nonna Gina” is Tom’s mom. You know how grandparents all have their weird nicknames. 
Ao3 | FF.net
20 years later
When Marinette awoke that morning, she was alone in bed. It wasn’t that odd. Adrien had always been an early riser, but this was a different reason than just that. 
But she didn’t worry. It was best just to leave things the way they were. 
Dressing in a robe, she went downstairs to start making breakfast. The kids were old enough to get ready on their own now, and as long as they were down before 7, she didn’t bug them. 
The first into the kitchen was the youngest, Emma. A complete girly-girl and lover of all things pink and fashionable. Even at 12, she had her own sophisticated sense of style (party cultivated by her grandfather). She danced in her pink dress and adorable white flats. “What do you think, mama? Perfect for career day? Do I look like a professional?” 
“Of course you do, sweetheart.” 
She beamed. “Where’s papa?” 
“Oh, uh, I’m not sure. He couldn’t sleep last night, so he went for patrol. He hasn’t been back yet.” 
Emma frowned hard. “He’ll be there for career day though, right?” 
“He wouldn’t miss it for the world! But Peepums and Grandfather Gabriel are going to be there too.” 
“Is Peepums bringing treats?” 
“I would assume so. He never passes up a chance to bring snacks. Now, I’m making crepes, you want one or two?” 
“Just one, mama.” 
The next down the stairs was the oldest (by two minutes) Hugo. “Morning mama,” he smiled brightly. 
“There’s my birthday boy! Feel any older?” 
“No, but I feel wiser!” He joked, as he jumped on the stool by the counter. 
“Where’s Louis?” 
“Stuck in the toilet.” 
“And you mean that figuratively, right?”
He shrugged. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Crepes, blueberry, your favorite.” 
“Yes! I want five!” 
“You can have three, I don’t want you to get a tummy ache before school.” 
“Lame! Bring on the crepes!” He pounded his fists on the counter. 
“Three, and then if you aren’t stuffed, I’ll consider more.” 
Then came the unmistakable sound of a body slowly falling down the stairs, before a dark haired teen crawled across the floor and collapsed next to his mother’s legs. 
“Ah, Birthday boy part 2. Welcome to the land of the living!” 
“It should be a crime to have to wake up early on your birthday.” Said the boy, face flat against the ground.
“You truly are my child,” said Marinette with a smile. 
“Where’s pops?” Asked Hugo, digging into his second crepe. 
“Out on patrol.” 
This caused Louis to stir and look up. “Did something happen?”
“No, he just couldn’t sleep.” 
Hugo frowned. “Nightmares again? He’s been having those a lot lately.” 
“Yeah. I’m not sure why he’s having them. But you kids don’t need to worry about it.” 
“Are we still okay for our party tomorrow?” 
“Of course!” Marinette beamed. “Even if papa wasn’t feeling great, we’d still have it! Aunt Chloe reserved the rooftop pool for you, after all.”
“…I’m so excited,” said the child on the floor, with no enthusiasm. “You just can’t tell right now.”
“Well, you’re not going to get any rest on the floor. Sit in your seat and eat your crepe. I’ll make a little coffee.” 
Emma bounced nervously in her seat. She was flanked by Tom and Gabriel, who had both already presented for career day. 
The day was almost over, and her father hadn’t shown. 
“It’s okay, my little cupcake.” Tom assured, petting her blonde hair. “He’ll be here.” 
“And if he doesn’t make it,” added Gabriel, “It wasn’t because he didn’t want to. He’s probably out there stopping a criminal, saving lives. I know you’re the most important thing in the world to him.” 
Emma nodded, believing both of her grandfathers, but also not wanting to be one without a dad on career day. 
Through the years, Emma had gotten used to her father’s unpredictable behavior. He loved her to the end of the world and back, and would move mountains for her if he could. And most days, it really really showed. 
But some days, he just wasn’t…there. Emotionally, spiritually, or like today, physically. Her mother had similar episodes, but mostly in mood swings. She got angry sometimes, seemingly over nothing. Never directed at Emma or her brothers, thankfully, but Emma knew that there was something different about her parents. 
She knew the story. She had been told pieces of it growing up, but never allowed to watch the footage. Mama and Papa had been kidnapped and tortured, because they were superheroes, and they were never the same after. The details were vague, and she was told it would be too scary for her to handle every time she asked. But she saw the scars, heard her father’s screams at night. 
Most days, she didn’t want to know.
“Alright! I think that’s everyone!” Miss Bustier called. “Thank you all for participating in our career day! It’s awesome that we have such a wide range of jobs just in this very room!” 
Emma deflated. Her father really wasn’t coming. 
Tom laid a giant hand on her head and rubbed. 
But then, there was a knock at the window. 
“Chat Noir?” Miss Bustier asked. 
The man in black waved as she opened the window. 
“So so sorry I’m late!” He apologized, hopping into the room. “I caught a robber, and I walked him down to the police station and we had to do all this paperwork—“ 
“Papa!” Emma shouted, leaping over her desk. She ran to him, and threw her arms around him in a crushing hug. “You made it!”
“Just in time it seems,” he laughed, hugging her back. “I’m sorry I’m late. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course! Come on, it’s your turn to present!” She took his hand and led him up to the front of the room. “Everyone, this is my dad, Chat Noir! He’s a superhero!” 
The next day was Saturday, and Marinette was full of stress up to her neck. She paced poolside, as her family helped set up for the party. 
“Alright, Nino’s on music, Alya’s on Emma duty, Chloe covered catering, mom and dad have the cake, Gabriel and Emilie have decorations…what am I missing?”
“My Lady, you’ve gone over this list a hundred times. We’re fine.” 
“Drinks! I forgot the drinks!” 
Adrien pointed over at the bar. “Luka and Kagami are on drinks, remember? Luka’s making his mimosas for the adults.”
“Oh, right.” Then she pointed at him. “No alcohol, alright? Not with your medication.” 
“Oh come on, these are Luka’s mimosas! I’m gonna get krunk!” 
“Dad’s gonna get krunk?” Asked Hugo, from the pool. 
“No one is getting krunk!” Marinette poked Adrien in the chest. “Look what you started!” 
“I’m only teasing.” Adrien laughed, taking his wife’s hand. “Relax My Lady, it’s a party, a sweet 16 party! Everyone’s here to have fun. And they will as long as we relax.” 
Marinette got close, whispering conspiratorially, “that’s just the thing! Do you remember our sweet sixteen parties?” 
“Well...I didn’t have a party,” Adrien shrugged. “You, Alya, and Nino helped me escape the house and we went to the movies.” 
“Yeah, and they spent the whole time making out, so you and I just sat there awkwardly.” 
“I think I put my arm around you,” he grinned. “My very good friend.” 
She stuck her tongue out at him.
“And your sixteenth...was that the year that Lila told everyone it was on a different day?” 
“And you were the only one who called to confirm it was on the original day, and so you were the only one that showed? Yep, that’s the one. I cried on you for 15 minutes when I realized no one else was coming.” 
“I mean, yeah, that sucked, but we still had fun with your family.” 
“My point is, this is Hugo and Louis’ sixteenth birthday. I want them to have a good one, to have what we couldn’t have.” 
“You have their gifts in your purse, right?” 
���Then I wouldn’t worry about it. Their friends and family are coming, everything looks good, so just relax.” 
Marinette took a deep sigh. “You’re right, my love. Whatever happens, happens, and we’ve done all we can.” 
“The party will be fine, Mom.” Said Louis from a lounge chair. 
“Ah! Louis? Why aren’t you in the pool?” 
“I’m perfectly content just relaxing here. I’ll get hot soon enough and go in the pool.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Adrien wrapped an arm around his wife. “Marinette, let him alone. He’s fine. You know he’s our introvert.” 
“Mama! Papa!” Emma called, running towards them from the hotel elevator. “Look at the swimsuit grandfather Gabriel got me!” She twirled, letting the shimmery, glittery greens, teals, and purples swirl in a kaleidoscope of color. “I look like a mermaid!” 
“You sure do, Princess!” Adrien beamed. 
Emma squealed in delight before running back to Alya. 
“See? All of our kids are enjoying themselves. The guests are slowly trickling in...” he gestured to the elevator where more classmates with gifts arrived. “And no catastrophes yet.” 
“Fine fine, Kitty, I get it. I’ll have a mimosa and lighten up.” 
“Have one for me too!” He called after, as she headed to the bar. 
Soon, the guests arrived. Hugo and Louis had invited their entire class of 18 kids. Some parents stayed to help with chaperoning, and some even brought younger siblings that were friends with Emma. 
It was turning out to be a real shin-dig. 
So far, Marinette felt at ease. The four parents that had stayed were mostly just hanging out at the bar, but the kids were in the pool, and no one was drowning. 
Louis still reclined on the lounger, sunning himself. 
“You're still doing okay over here, kiddo?” 
“Mom, I’m doing so okay. So okay, it’s ridiculous. Nonna Gina brought me over a virgin mimosa, cause everyone’s talking about them. I feel like I’m on vacation.” 
“As long as you’re content, I’m happy. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling left out.” 
“Nah,” he waved her off. “I will go swimming, but I’m going to wait until after eating.” 
“Okay, kiddo.” 
Seeing Hugo happily enthralled in a cannonball contest, and Louis sunning himself like a cat, she decided to check in with her youngest. Though she saw Alya at the bar talking to Kagami, and Emma nowhere in sight. 
This used to make her panic immediately. None of her kids were especially hyper or rambunctious. They didn’t run off on their own, especially without letting her know. 
But there was still a fear, still a niggling doubt in the back of her head that said ‘what if’? 
As calm as possible, she approached the adults at the bar, and asked Alya. “Have you seen Emma?”
“She ran down to the lobby to use the bathroom,” Alya answered casually. 
“Yeah, Marinette, she’s 12. She can handle going to the bathroom alone.” It was a reassurance, no judgement. Because sometimes, Adrien and Marinette needed a reminder that their children were well adjusted and had plenty of common sense.
Marinette knew that. And it wasn’t the bathroom part she was concerned about. It was the trip down to the lobby by herself. 
She heard a father speak softly, “for superheroes, they are certainly overprotective of their kids. Kind of feel sorry for them.” 
Marinette nodded at Alya, and retreated sheepishly. Was her paranoia ruining her children’s lives? 
“What’s with that look, My Lady?” Adrien asked, softly, sipping on his drink. 
“Sorry, sorry, I just…overheard something I shouldn’t dwell on.” She looked at the drink in his hands, narrowing her eyes. 
“It’s virgin!” He handed it to her. “I promised I was going to quit. Getting plastered at our kid’s birthday would be the worst time for them to find out I have a problem.” 
“It’s not a problem yet, but that’s why I want you to stop. So it doesn’t become one.”
“Hey! Let go Isaac!” Louis’ voice carried over the water. Instantly, Marinette and Adrien were alert and looked to see a larger boy pulling Louis toward the pool by the arm. 
“Hey!” Marinette called out. “Let him go! If he doesn’t want to go swimming, don’t force him!” 
“Oh come on, Lady!” The father from the bar shouted over to her. “What’s the point in having a pool party for your boys if they aren’t even going to go swimming!?”
Louis surfaced with a gasp, and then a defeated “aw man!” 
“Are you okay kiddo?” Marinette asked. “You didn’t have your phone on you, right?”
“No, I’m fine.” He took off his soaked shirt and dropped it on the edge of the pool with a loud plop. “Just…didn’t want to get wet yet.” 
“Dude, come on Isaac, don’t be such a turd!” Hugo chastised. 
“He looked lonely!” Isaac argued. 
“Whatever,” Louis said, defeated. “Just…don’t dunk me, okay?” 
“No promises!”
Adrien frowned at the exchange as Louis swam over closer to his brother. “Isaac, Isaac, why is that name familiar? Is that the kid that’s been picking on Louis? Why is he here?” 
“Oh,” Marinette smacked her head. “That’s what they were asking about!” 
“What? Who?” 
“A few weeks ago, the boys were asking me questions about what to do about a classmate people don’t get along with. They asked if they should include them in the party if they were inviting the rest of the class. I told them that would be the right thing to do, but I didn’t realize they were talking about Louis’ bully!” She groaned. “And it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She glared at Isaac’s dad at the bar. 
Adrien smiled over at the pool. Both Hugo and Louis were laughing and seemed to be having a good time. It seemed Louis was already over his impromptu dunking. “Our kids are resilient. It’ll take more than that to bring them down.” 
“They are strong.” Marinette breathed. “Stronger than me.” 
It was then that Emma returned. “Hi mama, I’m back. Aunt Alya said I should check in with you because you were worried? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going.” 
Marinette smiled at her. “It’s fine Emma. You told Aunt Alya, so someone knew. You just know I’m a basket case.” 
Emma frowned at her mom. “You’re not a basket case. You’re just...worried?” 
“Does that bother you? Do I make you feel trapped or smothered?” 
Adrien stared at his wife in horror. Likewise, so did Emma. “No! Not at all!” She hugged her around the waist and added, “Nonnie Cheng worries about where I am too. She says it’s because you went missing, and it’s scared her ever since. I don’t want to scare you, mom.” 
Marinette hugged Emma tightly and said, “I have the best kids in the world.” 
“In that case,” Emma grinned. “Can I have some soda?” 
“Sure, just tell Aunt Kagami what you want.”
“Thanks mom!” She beamed and scurried off. 
“And no running!” Marinette called after. “Girl’s got my clumsy streak. She’ll break her neck.” 
“Crisis averted it seems.” Said Adrien. 
“For now,” Marinette narrowed her eyes. “But Ladybug never rests!” 
Adrien pecked his wife on the lips. “Someone has to be responsible.” 
“Hey pops!” Hugo called from the pool. 
“What’s up?” 
“We’re going to do a diving contest! You should join!” 
“Come on Mr. Dupain-Cheng!” 
“Show us some Chat Noir style!” 
Marinette nudged him. “Go ahead. Show those kids how it’s done.” 
He smirked. “Okay okay.” He took off his shirt and laid it on the lounger by their bags. Then he entered the pool from the shallow end, coming up behind the kids. “How does this diving contest work?” 
“It’s easy!” Said Hugo, “we’re going to take turns coming up with unique ways to jump in the pool. Winner is the best technique, or most creative.”
“I got one!” Said a chubby kid. He climbed out of the pool and up on the diving board. 
“Make room!” Someone called. “Cannon ball champion on the loose!” 
“This is called ‘The Patrick Star’!” He bounced twice, getting real air before leaping out, parallel with the water, arms and legs spread out like a starfish. 
And he collided with the water with a resounding clap, making everyone go, ‘ooo!’ 
The kid surfaced, his entire frontside pink. “Ow.” 
The rest of the class laughed at him. 
One by one, classmates would come up with a dive, though most were a lot more elegant than the first. 
“I call this, ‘The Ladybug’.” A girl said. She ran and jumped, twisting in the air while throwing her arm, mimicking Ladybug’s yo-yo. She managed to say “bug out!” Before she hit the water. Marinette whistled. “She’s got my vote!” 
“Come on, Pops,” said Hugo. “It’s your turn!” 
“I don’t have a—“ 
“Just make something up! Go go!” 
Adrien pulled himself out of the pool and headed toward the diving board, aware of the people watching, curious. 
This was his twin boys’ special day. He had to be impressive. He had to be the cool dad. 
He took a running start, falling into a front flip as he hit the diving board. His adult weight bowed the board with force, sending him up into the air. He curled tightly into a ball, using the momentum to rotate three times, before coming out of the ball and diving seamlessly into the water. 
When he surfaced, the crowd of kids were going wild. They screamed and chanted “Dad! Dad! Dad!” 
Obviously started by his boys. 
Adrien beamed as he treaded water. Being Chat Noir was great, even with all the pain it had brought him. But being his kid’s hero was the absolute best. 
But everything came to a screeching halt as Isaac, the butthole kid, let out a loud, “EWWW!!” Grabbing everyone’s attention. “What’s wrong with your dad’s back!? It’s all gross!”
Adrien slammed his eyes shut, all at once feeling self-conscious. But this was just a dumb teenager. Maybe he didn’t know any better. But before he could gather himself to calmly explain his scars, his boys spoke up for him. 
“It’s scarring, you jerk,” said Louis. 
“He got it from being a superhero, when he was just two years older than we are!” Added Hugo. 
Isaac scoffed, “Chat Noir and Ladybug aren’t real superheroes! Not like the ones in America! All they do is rescue cats from trees and show up for charity events. They don’t even do anything anymore!”
Adrien sloppily backtracked, reaching out for the edge of the pool. 
“Just yesterday, he caught a robber! That’s not nothing!” Hugo defended. 
“Oh yeah?” Said Isaac, “My dad said that they used to fight supervillains, but they couldn’t stop the guy responsible for them! He said they’re losers and failures!” 
“Hey Jean,” said one of the parents. “Tell your kid to shut up.” 
Isaac’s father took a chug from his beer and shrugged. “Someone had to say it.” 
“Monsieur,” said Ladybug with god-like patience. “I suggest you and your son leave. I don’t feel the need to play host to someone who could be so hateful and misinformed.” 
“Misinformed?” The man, Jean, scoffed. “I was there. I saw the stream back then. I remember what it was like. The weekly akumas, classes and events always cancelled. The only reason they stopped is because Hawkmoth gave up. I don’t think you guys should be getting recognition anymore. Sorry, not sorry.” 
“Mom?” Louis called from the pool.
Jean frowned, continuing. “The rest of us have to make a living working hard, every day. You and your husband just put on some skin tight leather and prance around. Now you’re set for life. It’s disgusting.” 
“Hey man, if you don’t like it, you can leave,” said Alya. “No one invited you. I heard your son was only invited out of obligation.” 
“Mom!” Louis called again. 
“Marinette and Adrien suffered enough for a lifetime. Every day is a struggle! How dare you say otherwise!” 
“MOM!” Louis screamed. 
Marinette whipped her head over to the pool, seeing Adrien struggling to keep his head above water. Louis and Hugo were holding him up. She hurried over. “What happened? What’s wrong?” 
“He’s having an attack!” 
Tom rushed over, reaching his hands under Adrien’s arms, and pulled him out of the pool. He tried to set him on his feet, but he kept leaning forward, trying to lay down. His eyes were wide, but unfocused, as his breaths came rapidly. 
Marinette tugged on his arm. “Come on, Kitty. Not here.” She called over to Chloe. “Is there a room we can borrow for a second?”
“Follow me!” 
Louis broke off from the group, but Hugo and Marinette were quick to escort Adrien away from the party. 
“Mom?” Emma asked, right as they were about to get on the elevator. 
“It’s okay, Honey. Dad just needs a minute. Stay behind with Aunt Alya, okay?”
Emma nodded, though didn’t look convinced. 
Chloe showed them to her room, where she quickly got a towel for Adrien to wrap up in. 
Hugo and Marinette eased him down to sit on the couch. There, he slumped, his head resting on the back of the couch. 
Louis found their room, cup in hand. “I brought a coke. I know that usually helps.” 
Marinette sighed in relief. “Thank you baby,” she took the cup from him and put it in Adrien’s hand, then helped him take a sip. 
They sat for a while, watching Adrien breathe slowly and take occasional sips from his drink.
“I’m so sorry boys,” Marinette looked to them sadly. “We didn’t mean to ruin your birthday.”
Hugo frowned at her. “What? You guys didn’t ruin anything. Isaac’s the one that pooped on our party.”
“Yeah,” added Louis, “and we were having a great time up until now. Don’t worry about it mom.” 
Adrien very shakily brought the cup towards his face, and Marinette was quick to help, so he didn’t spill. “Dad’s going to be fine,” she explained. “Why don’t you boys get back to the party?” 
“If it’s okay, I’d like to wait until dad feels a little better. I’d feel guilty if I left,” said Louis.
“Me too,” said Hugo. “And I need a few minutes to calm down to keep from punching Isaac in the face. What he said was dumb. He has no idea what you guys do.” 
“…it shouldn’t have bothered me…” Adrien said, softly. 
“I’m okay,” he took a deep exhale. “Just…lost myself for a moment.” 
Hugo hugged him tightly around the shoulders. “Love you, dad. Don’t worry about it.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you boys��and your friends. But I’ll be alright now.” 
“You recovered pretty quickly,” Marinette noted. 
“It’s because I have my big strong boys with me.” He wrapped his arms around his sons. “There was nothing to worry about.” 
Except, there was. 
Alya burst into the room, Chloe behind her, with a look of panic. 
“Marinette, come quickly!” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
“It’s Emma! She’s been akumatized!!” 
As Emma watched her father be rushed out of the party, a stone fell into her gut. No matter how often this happened, no matter how good they got at catching the attacks, it still scared her when it happened. 
She was torn between wanting to be with him, and not wanting to see that vacant expression on his face. Her mother said it was a coping mechanism he developed a long time ago, when they had been kidnapped. He just switched his brain off when he got overwhelmed, as to not experience pain. It only happened a few times a year, only in super stressful situations where he thought about his torture. 
Emma wiped at her face as she looked over the party. Alya was chastising the adult man that had talked bad about her father, and Hugo and Louis’ friends were ripping into the kid that started the whole mess. 
Everyone was angry and yelling. 
“Emma?” Gabriel asked, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright, dear?” 
“Oh, Grandfather…” She sniffed. “I’m just…scared.” 
“Your father will be alright. It’s nothing physical, it’s just a mental state.” 
“I know…” She screwed up her lips. “But I’m scared people are going to keep saying that stuff to him. Mom acts like I’m too young to understand what’s happening…but people are forgetting that they are real superheroes, and they act like they’re mascots. I’m scared this is going to happen again.” She rubbed at her damp eyes. “He doesn’t deserve it. Neither of them do.” 
“You really love your parents, don’t you?” 
“Of course! They’re the best!”
“Then, I have a plan. Would you be willing to help?”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Come with me, we’ll speak in private.” 
Curious, Emma followed Gabriel into the hotel, down to a conference room. He locked the door behind them. 
“You remember our little secret?” 
“That I know you were Hawkmoth?” 
“Yes. My plan requires me to come out of retirement, just this once…and to akumatize you.” 
She looked startled. “You want to turn me into a supervillain?”
“Only if you agree to it, dear.” He pet her hair. “My goal is to make you a supervillain, so you can terrorize Paris and remind them of what Ladybug and Chat Noir used to do. I’ll be able to see through your eyes, so I can stop and undo any damage if something goes wrong.” 
Emma crossed her arms. “You’d make mom and dad fight me?”
“Not fight you, rescue you.”
She frowned again, thinking about it. Then she nodded. “Let’s do it!” 
Gabriel smiled at her, and opened his sports jacket, where Nooroo was hiding. “Nooroo, Dark Wings rise!” 
In a flash of purple light, Hawkmoth had returned. Inside his cane, a little white butterfly fluttered. 
Emma danced on her toes. “What kind of powers are you going to give me? I want to be pretty!” 
He chuckled at her eagerness. “Of course, my sweet Emma.” He evilized the butterfly, and then coaxed it into the paw print bracelet she was wearing. 
A purple mask appeared on her face.
“Mermaidia, I’m giving you the power of the seas. You may travel through any body of water, and turn those that oppose you into sea creatures. In exchange, you must give Chat Noir and Ladybug a taste of nostalgia. Do you accept these terms?” 
“Absolutely, Hawkmoth.” 
The dark purple fog encompassed Emma, turning the sweet blonde girl into a real mermaid, with purple hair, shimmering scales, and an abundance of glittering gold and jewels. In her hand, she held a trident. 
Hawkmoth took a bottle of water from the table, and poured it on the floor. 
Mermaidia stepped into the puddle, and disappeared. 
“Regardless if you feel like you’re right, it’s still your opinion. And an opinion doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole, especially to people who are hosting this party!” Shouted Alya. 
The rest of the parents were quietly watching the exchange, not really wanting to get involved. But they were also paying attention to a similar argument in the pool. 
“You are a grown adult and a parent. It’s your job to teach your kid respect and kindness, two qualities I haven’t seen from him today.” 
“Look lady, I know you’re friends with the Dupain-Cheng’s and all, but come on. It doesn’t bother you that they don’t work at all? What’s the point of them calling themselves superheroes anyway? They should just hang up the suits and get real jobs.” 
“They. Can’t.” Alya emphasized. “Did you not just see what happened to Adrien? What if he was working and he had an attack? What then, smart guy?”
“He won’t have attacks if he was doing something with his life!” 
“They are full time parents, and full time heroes! They do more than just ‘rescue cats and make celebrity appearances at charity events’! How can you be so ignorant?!”
“What did you call me!?” 
Screams came from the pool, and the argument halted. 
Mermaidia had made her appearance. 
“I am Mermaidia! You all have grown too soft and comfortable! I’m here to remind you what it was like back when there were akuma!” She laughed, pointed her trident, and turned a child into a fish. 
The party descended into madness, as Mermaidia shot rapidly. None of the teens in the pool escaped, and all turned into various fish and sea creatures. 
Isaac turned into a starfish, and Emma stuck him to her arm. “You’re coming with me. I want you to see how wrong you were.” 
Several adults had tried to escape as well, but Mermaidia stopped them in their run. 
Only those who knew the identity of Hawkmoth, or were previous Miraculous users didn’t panic. Rather, they stood staring, confused. Alya backed away carefully, and escaped into the hotel. Whether Emma purposely let her go or not, she would never know.
“Emma?” Asked Sabine. 
“I’m not Emma anymore, I’m Mermaidia!” She turned Isaac’s father into another starfish, and stuck him on her other arm. “You mocked my parents, but now, they’re the only ones that can save you! Ahahaha!” 
“Emma, stop.” Tom demanded. “You’re a good girl. We can’t let what people say get to us. People will always have their opinions that we disagree with, but we can’t take it personally.” 
“But I can take this personally!” She shouted back. “My father is the greatest man alive, and no one will doubt that when I’m through! Just you see!” 
She turned the rest of the assembled party goers into creatures, before leaping into the pool and disappearing.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Alya, Chloe, Louis, and Hugo all returned to the party, only to find a bunch of fish. 
“What the…?” 
“She’s called Mermaidia,” Alya clarified. “She’s turned everyone into sea creatures. She appeared from the water, so I think she can transport through liquid.”
“She totally can, dude,” said a sea turtle from the pool. 
“Nino?” Asked Chat Noir. 
“Cha dude, what do you think? Pretty fitting for me, huh?” 
“Are you okay?”
“Totally. All the little dudes are too.” He gestured to the fish in the pool. 
“Emma turned the kid and his dad who started the argument into starfish.” Said a sea-snake. “They’re on her arms. So be careful when you attack.”
“Where’s my mom and dad?” 
“Over here!” Called a walrus. There was a crab next to him, waving a claw. “We’re fine, honey. Just save Emma!” 
“Next question,” Said Ladybug, wielding her yo-yo angrily. “Where’s Gabriel?”
Chat Noir rested a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s focus on saving Emma, and then we’ll find him.” 
She sighed. “You’re right, as always, kitty. However, I think we might need some help with this akuma.” She opened her yo-yo and reached inside, pulling out two octagonal boxes. Then she turned to Hugo and Louis. “I hoped to give you your presents later, and hoped you wouldn’t ever have to use them. But desperate times come desperate measures.” 
Hugo and Louis smiled at each other, with excitement. 
“Louis, my wise, observant, and cunning child, this is the Miraculous of the Snake. With it, you can turn back time an infinite amount of times in a five minute duration. You will use it for the greater good.”
“And Hugo, my brave, bold, and exuberant child, this is the Miraculous of the Turtle. With it, you can create an impenetrable shield. You will use it for the greater good.”
“Louis, to transform, simply say ’Sass, Scales Slither.’ And Hugo, your phrase is ‘Wayzz, Shell On’.”
“Sass, Scales Slither!”
“Wayzz, Shell On!” 
A flash of green and teal, and the boys were turned into superheroes. They high fived each other. 
“The Reptile Boyz are back in town!” Hugo cheered. 
“Really? ‘Boyz’ with a ‘Z’?” Chat Noir asked flatly.
“It’s cool, old man!” Said Louis. 
“Alright team, let’s focus,” Ladybug said, a bit too fondly for the situation at hand. She took out her yo-yo, and looked for intel. There was a special report live from Nadja Chamack. 
“—Mermaidia is the first Akuma in 20 years! It was thought that Hawkmoth had retired, but it seems he has one ace left up his sleeve. The akuma was last spotted at the Luxembourg park! Hopefully, Ladybug and Chat Noir are on their way! Again, this is a real akuma, so it is advised to stay indoors and away from water!” 
“She’s at the park! Let’s go!” 
This wasn’t nearly as scary as Emma thought it would be. In fact, she was having a lot of fun. Hawkmoth did advise her that she would be influenced by her anger, but that really didn’t seem to bother her. It was really fun to turn people into sea creatures. 
Though, she did feel really guilty when she hit people that were crying in fear. 
But that’s what her parents were here for! To undo all this! It was fine! 
“I am Mermaidia! And Ladybug and Chat Noir are your only chance for salvation!” 
“Now now Emma,” Chat Noir spoke from behind. “Go easy on us. We’re a little wet behind the ears.” 
Emma had to stomp down the urge to run and hug her father, and instead declared. “There you are, Ladybug and Chat Noir! Ready to do battle?” 
Ladybug simply crossed her arms. “If you don’t give up your akuma, you’re grounded.” 
Mermaidia stomped her foot. “You can’t ground me if you can’t catch me!” And she leapt into the fountain. 
“She’s escaping!” Cried Hugo. 
“Quick, fan out! Look for sources of water, and call as soon as you get sight of her!” 
This was not Hugo or Louis’ first time using a Miraculous. Every once in a while, Marinette and Adrien would allow the children to pick one out to try, and then they’d have a family game of tag out on the Paris rooftops. The rules were to stay safe, and to not allow the media to take pictures. And at the first sign of danger, they were supposed to go home and let Mom and Dad handle it. 
So the boys were familiar with their powers, but boy, they were not ready for the anxiety of an Akuma attack. 
They may have been older, but Emma was still the reigning champion of tag. 
“Find anything?” Louis asked, crossing his brother. 
“Not a scale,” said Hugo. “Have you activated your Second Chance yet?” 
“No, but I will the second we find her. Then if she escapes, we can just reverse time.” 
“Smart.” Then, Hugo’s eyes caught on something in the river. “Huh?”
“How often do you think whales go down the Seine?” 
“There she is! She’s on top of it!” Hugo activated his distress beacon on his shield, making sure to keep up with Emma, but also stay out of sight. 
“We have to play this carefully. She can literally jump into the water and disappear at any second.” 
“Not if there’s no water to disappear into,” said Chat Noir, appearing from nowhere. 
Hugo resisted a scream. “D-Chat! You’re too sneaky!”
“I’ve been doing this a while, kiddo. Ladybug’s not here yet?” 
“No, what’s the plan?”
“I have half a plan…”
“Then it’s a good thing I have half of one too!” Said Ladybug, finally joining them. “After you sent your signal, I called the French Waterway Commission and had them close the lock she’s on.” 
“What did what the what?” Hugo asked. 
“The river is made up of locks,” explained Louis, “chambers that fill and empty with water so boats can travel. The ground isn’t level, and the water level changes.” 
“So Ladybug basically had them dam up the section Emma’s on right now,” said Chat.
“But she can still travel through water, so once she reaches the dam, she’ll just abandon ship, er, whale.” Hugo observed. “So then what?”
“Then we put my plan into action,” Chat cracked his knuckles, and stealthily made his way to the river bank. 
Louis and Hugo watched in fascination as Chat called his Cataclysm and touched the water. In a boiling wave, it rolled quickly past Emma, evaporating as it went. It didn’t even have time to settle, just went up in a cloud of steam. 
The whale that Emma was on run ashore, and she came to a halt. “What?”
“Nowhere to run now, little girl!” Ladybug called. 
Mermaidia jumped from the back of the whale and landed in the sand. It wasn’t even damp. Chat had literally evaporated all the water in that section of the river. 
“Second Chance!” Louis activated his bracelet. And just in time too, as Mermaidia shot a beam at Ladybug, and turned her into a dolphin. “Second Chance!”   
Time restarted, and Louis shouted. “Ladybug, dive!” 
Ladybug dove out of the way, missing the three shots Mermaidia took. 
“I’m not going to take it easy on you just because you’re my mother!” Emma shouted. “So let’s show Paris what a real superhero looks like, hmm?” 
“Oh you are so grounded when this is over, little lady!” She dodged another blast, and called for her Lucky Charm. 
Hugo called for Shelter while she glanced around, looking for the purpose of the tennis racket her Miraculous had bestowed upon her.
Then it dawned on her. 
A grounding wasn’t enough for her naughty child. Oh no. This called for the big guns.
The second Hugo’s Shelter faded, she shot out her yo-yo, catching Emma around the arms, and yanked her to lay across her leg. Hugo and Louis peeled the captive starfish off, while Chat took the trident. All the while Mermaidia wriggled around, fighting against the yo-yo string. 
“No akuma in the trident, my lady.” Chat Noir shrugged. 
“Oh, I’ll get it out of her.” Ladybug raised the tennis racket. “Where’s the akuma at, Emma?” 
“This is cheating!” 
“Okay, you asked for it.” And Ladybug brought the tennis racket down on her bottom, once, twice, three times before Emma cried out. “Okay okay! It’s in my bracelet! Stop! Stop!”
Chat broke the bracelet, freeing the butterfly, as Ladybug set her crying daughter down in the sand. 
She caught and purified the butterfly, and removed everyone from the bank of the river before casting her cure. 
Emma Dupain-Cheng returned, pouting, and still rubbing her behind. “I was just trying to help…” 
“Where’s your Grandfather?” 
“He’s in a conference room at the hotel. But don’t be mad at him, please…” 
Before Ladybug could yell more, Isaac and his father approached her. “Uh, Ladybug?” 
“Look, I wanted to—we wanted to apologize. Thank you for rescuing us, and I’m sorry. I guess I had forgotten what it was like having akumas around. You still stopped Hawkmoth, right? Well…until today…” 
“Hawkmoth is a friend of ours now,” Ladybug clarified. “He’s paid for his crimes, but today has shown that he hasn’t quite learned the right way to deal with problems. I believe he was well intentioned, but we will be having words.” 
Isaac’s father nudged his son. “You want to say anything?” 
Isaac shyly looked at the family and admitted, “thank you for inviting to the party. No one invites me to things.” 
“Yeah, well, work on your boundary issues, and maybe it’ll happen more often,” said Louis. 
“If you guys want to head back to the hotel, I think there’s still time for cake!” Said Chat, with optimism. 
After the Miraculous cure restored the party, everyone gathered again and lunch was served. 
But, the Dupain-Chengs were in the conference room. Marinette and Adrien frowned at their youngest and Gabriel. 
“Now, son--” Gabriel began. 
“What were you thinking?” Adrien interrupted. 
“I was thinking that Paris needed a little reminder of all the hard work you guys did.” 
“Yeah, cool,” sniped Marinette. “Except now they think you’re out of retirement, and that’s a huge reminder that we didn’t stop you!” 
Gabriel took the brooch off. “Then here. Make it official. Tell them that this akuma was my swan-song and I made it to surrender.” 
Marinette took the brooch regardless, and put it in her bag. “I don’t know what I’ll say to the media. They’ll want to know who you are, and if you’re going to prison…and akumatizing your own granddaughter?” 
“I told him I was okay with it!” Said Emma. “I knew what I was getting into. It’s not that big of a deal!” 
“Not that big of a deal!?” 
There was a knock on the door, as Hugo and Louis peeked their heads in. “There you are, Grandfather!” 
“Hi boys,” he smiled at them, softly. 
The twins pushed passed their parents to stand in front of him, arms crossed, just like Marinette and Adrien. 
“What you did was terrible,” Said Louis. 
“So awful,” echoed Hugo. 
“You could have permanently hurt or traumatized people.” 
“Done thousands of dollars of property damage.” 
Gabriel sighed. “I know…I just—“ But he was cut off as the boys wrapped him up in a tight hug. “What?”
“Thanks for the coolest present ever!” 
“Yeah! Mom gave us our Miraculous, but the chance to use them on a real akuma!?” 
“Hey!” Shouted Emma. “I was the akuma! No thanks for me!?”
They gave her a noogie. “Thanks twerp.” 
“You’re a twerp!” 
Marinette and Gabriel met eyes. He gave a sheepish shrug. “I know I’m bad. But I deeply love my family.” 
She then gave up trying to be angry. “Alright fine. I admit it. It was fun to fight an akuma again. But it’s over now!” 
Adrien shook his head fondly. “Thanks for meddling dad.” 
“Your welcome, son.” 
“I want cake!” Hugo shouted. 
“Cake time!” 
“Yay cake!” 
“No cake for Emma. Only broccoli.” Marinette clarified. “You were naughty.” 
“Aw man!!” 
Oh my word this story got AWAY from me! It was only supposed to be maybe 20 chapters when I first started on it? But here we are, a year and a half later, and over 200,000 words! I kinda can’t believe I’m done! 
Anyways, thank you all for sticking around through all the heartache. I appreciated every single review and like. And one parting question: What was your favorite part?
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tazrider · 5 years ago
Allez, pour ta peine : nombres pairs ! Tous.
Ah la vache... Ca fait beaucoup T_T Here we go!
2. How old are you? Between 20 and 40 but not halfway. Might be a multiple of 7. Or not...
4. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus. Been told it’s very fitting...
6. What’s your lucky number? Don’t have a lucky number but I like 3 (dates back to when I first read The Black Stallion when I was a kid and Alec and Black had the number 3 during their first race XD).
8. Where are you from? France, from where France fists Belgium XD (yep that’s a saying here).
10. What shoe size are you? Fucking way too small for my liking, it’s hell to find shoes my style... (37 or 6.5).
12. What was your last dream about? Something super weird (I always have super fucking weird dreams) but I don’t really remember this one. I don’t keep a log on dreams, seems too much work because it always swings between super weird and nightmares so not like it matters much...
14. Are you psychic in any way? Huh nope and don’t believe in these things.
16. Favorite movie? The Fifth Element, it’s not a great movie but it’s like a Madeleine de Proust and takes me back to simpler times. Also fucking funny, sci-fi and awesome music, what’s not to like?
18. Do you want children? Man, kids make me uncomfortable as hell. I prefer horses XD.
20. Are you religious? Absolutely not. I only believe in science and there’s no room in there for an hypothetical superior force, that’s supposed to be all love and shit and yet lets the world in that state.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Ah, unless you count speeding tickets as getting in trouble with the law...
24. Baths or showers? Showers.
26. Have you ever been famous? LOL nope and don’t wanna be.
28. What type of music do you like? Ooh tricky question, I have rather eclectic tastes in music. Ranges from ancient music and baroque (I love harpsichord, learned to play the piano when I was younger) to post-hardcore / “hard” music and pretty much everything in between. Discovered lately I don’t mind some bluegrass even. What I don’t like would be a way shorter list... XD I’m less a type of music kind of person and more a how that music makes me feel person, regardless of the type of music and the person/band. That said, I abhor bal musette and mostly of what we call ‘nouvelle chanson française’... In general, I like it dark and tortured.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 and a small one.
32. How big is your house? Tis an appartment and with the new job last year I was able to afford more than just a rabbit hutch! (65m2 yus!).
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Only airsoft and paintball guns, was fun.
36. Favorite clean word? Lately I’ve been saying ‘grave’ a lot, I manage to annoy even myself when I do...
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? I think it was 3 days or perhaps 4 and not even due to insomnia.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Eh not that I know of lol Pretty sure I’m not the type of person that gets secret admirers.
42. Are you a good judge of character? I think I am most of the time. As an introvert I spend much of my time on the sidelines of social interactions so I watch and analyze people a lot but I’ve been wrong a couple of times (especially if it’s a pretty girl -_-) and that fucking sucked each time...
44. Do you have a strong accent? In French? Nope, I made sure to erase it because I’m a snob like that. In English? Obviously I have a French one (been told it’s cute... -_-).
46. What is your personality type? INTJ, introvert all the way (is that what it’s referring to?) Because if not, I’ve been told by a psychologist I saw as part of something for my job who said I should get diagnosed for ADHD and autism, so...
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yep. Can make a tube with it, can also turn it over but only from one direction.
50. Left or right handed? Right but training the left to not be useless since childhood (you need to have a good feeling of both your hands if you want to be a good horseback rider).
52. Favorite food? Pasta all the way!
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both. A clean mess XD Seriously, there are still some boxes I haven’t unpacked from moving in last year... My desk at work is a fucking clutter because I manage like 15 projects at the same time and sometimes the files all end up there... But I always end up fed up of the mess and clean everything like a tornado. Especially when I decide I have enough, I can’t do anything else until I cleaned everything.
56. Most used word? Fuck or ‘putain’ and it’s variation ‘putain de merde fait chier’ in French.
58. Do you have much of an ego? I do, it’s big and sometimes misplaced. I try to not let it get in the way though.
60. Do you talk to yourself? Oh yeah, especially when I fucked something up.
62. Are you a good singer? Nope, doesn’t mean I don’t like to sing very off-key when I’m alone...
64. Are you a gossip? No, not really.
66. Do you like long or short hair? In general? Long hair but I don’t care long or short as long as they’re comfortable with it and it suits them.
68. Favorite school subject? Hands down History and geology (wanted to be an archaeologist before I chose geology).
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? I’m a scuba diver (have my first degree, can dive down to 20m). I fucking love it but life happened and I haven’t been able to keep it up :(
72. Are you scared of the dark? No, I kinda like it. Although I don’t need the room to be pitch black to sleep.
74. Are you ticklish? Yeah and since I don’t always control my strength, it can lead to some kind of injuries to the tickler...
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I guess? I taught at the engineering school in geology during my PhD, does that count?
78. Have you ever done drugs? Only weed a couple times. I try to stay clear from anything remotely addictive because I have an obsessive personality.
80. How many piercings do you have? None and not planning on getting some.
82. How fast can you type? Average fast I guess?
84. What color is your hair? Very light brown, bordering on blond (I’ve been told I’m blond and it gets even lighter in the sun...).
86. What are you allergic to? Dust and mold which is just awesome for a horse owner, everyday your nose in hay...
88. What do your parents do? Teachers both. My mother’s a History and Geography teacher which means a childhood spent visiting historical sites during any vacation.
90. What makes you angry? Stupidity, incompetence, injustice to name a few. Currently my neighbors letting the front door bang at any hour when there’s a note asking not to (my bedroom’s right next to that fucking front door)...
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Nope nope but I thought about names for my future horse(s) XD
94. What are you strengths? Loyal to a fault, up front, smart, persevering. I’m fucking funny too.
96. How did you get your name? My father always wanted to name his daughter that way. I always thought it doesn’t suit me though.
98. Do you have any scars? Oh yeah... Left shoulder, both knees, right ankle, shins, nose, chin, hands (not counting the tip of one finger I nearly lost 2 years ago), right shoulder blade.
100. Color of your room? Plain white, I rent the flat so not redecorating.
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Your Tears in My Dreams (DamiJon) Part : 2/2
Rating : General Audiences 
Summary :
His best friend always has that smile. Bright and refreshing like a can of cold soda on a hot and humid summer. But one day, when they were walking down the halls to class. Jon stopped, and for once in Damian life, he saw Jon cried. —- Dick cleared his throat, his darting eyes finally landed on his jade eyes, “Why do you want to know now?” “Curiosity,” Damian shrugged, “I’ve never seen him cried before, that was the only time he did and I forgot why he did.” “You think it’s your fault?” “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
Inspired by this beautiful art of Jon crying and Damian not knowing what to do by @glitter-dc
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Word count : 6k
Four days of tedious meetings with Wayne Enterprise later, Damian has finally done his duty as the League of Al-Ghul’s representation.
Now, he’s on the front gate of Kent’s farm and walking down the dirt path to the front door. The house is a typical American farmhouse. Everything is the same except the rows of potted plants on the front porch and the different paint of the house. It used to be deep blue color, now it’s creamy yellow. The wooden fences were painted blue, and now the paints mostly chipped away.
From the pathway, Damian can see the sunflower field behind the house. It looks identical as he remembered only shorter and smaller in his eyes now. It stretches from the far left starting from a barn and to the far right. There used to be two horses in that barn where Jon and he would ride a brown mare named Macey, and sometimes the white stallion Jackie.
The Kent’s farmhouse was supposed to be their vacation house. Damian had come here for summer vacation to spend time in nature and play around with Jon. His happy memories here were running into the sunflower field, playing chase. Riding on top of the tractors while Mr. Kent drives. Picnics under their favorite ginormous oak tree, while working on their summer homework. Helping Mrs. Kent hangs the laundry and playing hide and seek between the sheets.
It was a place where he allowed himself to be a child.
The front door opens before Damian gets to reach the porch. A beaming smile from a woman whose face barely changes greets him.
“Damian! It’s been so long.” The woman steps out to the front porch, with her pink apron over a checkered red dress and folded sleeves on her arms that open to greet him.
Her black hair is long now, they’re blown by the breeze and sway like the sunflower field behind her humble house.
Damian speed walks across the path and hugs her. She wraps her arms around him tightly. Though he’s taller than her now, he still feels like that small and fragile boy under her motherly arms.
“Hello to you too Lois, you’ve been well?”
“I am,” She lets go and opens the door, “Come inside, have you eaten lunch?”
“I have.”
“Coffee or tea then? Maybe a little snack? I’m baking my apple pie since I know you’re coming.”
“Lois, you shouldn’t have, I don’t want to bother you too much.”
“None of that! It’s been too long since I last saw you, you never even visit.” Lois then stopped and looks at Damian from top to bottom. “You’ve grown into such a looker!” she slaps Damian’s arm playfully.
“Thank you,” Damian flustered.
Damian walks into the house after her. The open kitchen is on the left, while the sofa and tv in on the right, just like he remembered. There’s barely any changes around. The floor plan and decoration are still at the same place, even the pictures by the walls are the same arrangement. There are only a few furniture changed to something new.
“Is Clark home?”
“No, he’s at work, but he’s coming home early today if you’d like to stay and say hi.”
“I’ll do that, thank you for welcoming me.”
“Oh don’t be so uptight! I take it you’re not here only to see us, are you?” Lois smiles lightly, warm and bright, like her son’s.
“No, I’m here to ask about Jon.”
Her pale pink lips parted and she steps back a little, “Oh? You are?” Lois is noticeably stupefied.
“Yes. I believe I might’ve said something upsetting to Jon ten years ago.”
“Upsetting? Were you fighting?”
“No, we never fight,” Despite Damian always rejecting Jon’s friendship at first, the fight was always one-sided.
“But that day, I made him cry, and I can’t remember what I said or did,” Damian admits, taking a deep breath and looks up to meet Lois’s eyes.
Her smile is no more, but her eyes warm and welcoming, giving him her full attention.
“I was wondering if he ever told you why he cried. If he told you something I’ve said?”
Lois sighed and put his hand of Damian’s arm, rubbing with her thumb.
“Wait here,” She said before walking down the halls and disappears into Jon’s room, then returns with a book in hand.
“He never told me that he cried in front of you, but I believe the answer you seek is in here,” she hands him a book with mixed patterns on the cover. It looks like a diary, and it’s definitely not a diary they exchange to each other, because Damian had never seen this one before.
“Is it okay for me to read something so private?”
“You needed it, and he’ll understand. I think he’ll even thank me.” Lois winks.
His hands hesitated, before finally taking it from Lois’ hands, “Thank you. Where’s Jon?”
“Under the oak tree behind the house.”
“Ah, our tree,” Damian cracks a smile, he misses that spot, “I’ll go see him.”
Lois clenches his hands on top of her chest, long lashes flutter before she reaches out and lands her hand on his shoulder. “Alright,” she stated weakly, as if unsure, “Alright, don’t stay out too late now!” she says clearer and smiles.
Damian spares a curl of a smile, and can only nod gratefully to her before walking out the door.
With the book in hand, Damian stops by the steps down the porch. He sits there and read the diary first before going around the house.
It felt like trespassing someone’s private life. They usually read each other’s diaries but Jon doesn’t give him this one himself.
After pondering for a few minutes, in the end, his curiosity wins. The book contains his goal and reason for going out of his way to come here. And if Lois, who knows her son the most, gave this to him to read, means that it’s really okay. He opens the cover and read the first page.
‘January 1st, 2010
My dearest diary,
From now on, we only have each other, it’ll be one of my new year resolutions. First, I can’t give you to Damian anymore, because--’
Damian looks away, already regretting reading that part. Whatever Jon writes here, he doesn’t want Damian to know, and he has to honor that. Damian just needs to know what happened on 17th November 2010.
The diary starts at the first Januar. Jon always has a new resolution every year and as suspected of most people, forgot it in mid-January. This has got to be the only one Jon followed through
Not wanting to probe any more than he needed to, Damian flips the pages and only looks for the dates. Then he finally found it, at least he thought he does. The dates jump, further and further towards the end of the year. The entry Damian looked for is the first one in two months.
November 18th, 2010
I did something stupid yesterday. I can’t believe I cried in front of Damian, and I can’t stop for the love of. I thought I’m getting better at hiding it, but at that moment everything just burst out and I’m not in control anymore. Damian told me he’s going back when he graduates high school. That’s two years away in his fancy smart class in his even fancier and more prestigious high school his mom made him enroll. I’m already busting my ass to get to the same high school, but I don’t think I can graduate the same time as Damian. As much as I HATE to admit it, I’m just not as smart as Damian!
Can’t he just hit the breaks or something? I know he’s smart, but it’s like he’s rushing to get out of my face or something.
No, Damian never wanted to leave. His mother had demanded his return as quickly as possible, that’s why he was rushing.
I was already tearing up when he says he’ll be leaving... I had hoped we can get into the same university, I thought I had more time. But then he told me he had no choice, He was bound to return and continue his family’ weird tradition of making him do these things they already set him to do. Then he told me about a fiancee that was chosen for him. He started talking about something else but I didn’t listen, because I was already bursting in tears.
I know it’s still too soon for marriage talks, we’re 15! He’s 15! But then it’s just so sudden. Damian just accepts it as it is... He’ll go with it. It’s one of those weird lists his mom made him do, but he wants to do it, and I hate that I can’t blame anyone. It just hits me hard and bad that Damian is not someone like me or someone that can never like me.
It was so embarrassing. He thought it was his fault, but I don’t know... I was just crying because
Diary, I’m so thankful that you’ll never judge me. I can say anything I want and you’ll accept me. If only I can ask you something... to tell me if I’m wrong or not, whether or not I should give up. I’m afraid, but just accepting it as it is so lonely... I don’t feel like going to school. I’m not ready to see him yet. I don’t think I can remain calm seeing him again. There are just so many things I’m sad about but  I can’t tell him about it, and you can’t do anything but listen. It’s not enough!
I just wanted to have a chance
Should I just go for it? And consequences be damned? I’m just sick of feeling hidden like this. I can’t lie well.
I’m afraid of telling my parents... the pastor always told us that
I just feel like a weirdo, like I’m broken. I’d hate it if Dami thinks I’m sick too and starts avoiding me like I’m a virus I’d rather
What am I going to do? I don’t want anything to change with Dami I just can’t and I’m lost I don’t know how
Diary, will I ever be ready?
When the time comes for me to attend his wedding, can I bear the pain of seeing someone I love marry another?
Damian stopped breathing, and re-read the last sentences. Then re-read the whole entry. And each time he reads them, something chokes him. It’s hard to hold onto the book when there’s no strength left on his hands. He exhaled a shaky breath and looks away from the letters on his lap.
He knows he promised not to read any more than what he needed. Damian already got the answer he seeks, but the next entry is the last one. Lois did give him the whole book, and Damian turns that reason for his justification.
‘January 1st, 2011
Damian used to tease me for having new years resolution. Well tough luck on him! I kept this diary from him for a year as a resolution, and I did it!
As for this year's resolution, it’s going to be harder. But I need to do this... I just need to.
I’ll confess to Damian, but I don’t think I can ever say it without incoherently stutter and sobbing and shaking like a newborn fawn taking its first step. Because this is, in a way, a first step for me... He’s going to be the first one to know, after my parents of course.
I’ve never been so sure. I’ve talked about it with my parents, and I’ve never felt so grateful to have them in my life than at that moment. I love them for not avoiding me or even worse, putting me on a camp like I’ve seen on the internet. Their love for me is so limitless that I finally have the courage to at least... confess in some way, but I’m still really scared though.
There’s where you came in handy diary. I’m going to give you to him, and he’s going to read everything I’ve been hiding from him. How it all started, all my fears, and the things I’ve been hiding, and my secret feelings for him. How I started to fall in love with him.
Oh god, my hands are sweating now and I can’t even hold the pen right. I realized now that Damian is going to read this...
I guess I’m no longer addressing this to ‘Diary’. This is for you Damian.
I love you. If you read from the first entry, you’ll know how it started, and I know it’s kinda dumb haha. But I really do love you. Sometimes too much that it hurts and I can’t sleep at night. Whenever I see you, I imagine a future where I’ll get to see your smiling face beside me for the rest of my life. I want to hold your hand like we did when we’re kids and doesn’t know any better. I want to kiss your cheek again like I did before everyone decided it’s too weird for two grown boys to kiss each other. I just want to love you and be with you.
I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same, I just hoped you won't see me differently, or avoid me. It’s okay if you reject me, or stay away from me for a few weeks maybe, I just hoped we can stay friends. Even though we won't be more than friends, I’ll take what you offer. No matter what, I’ll be your best friend, and nothing can change that but you.
I’m probably too nervous to see you. So, put this on my backpack for a no, and put it on my locker for a yes.
Feel free to write in a reply. I’ll be waiting.’
Damian chuckles that soon turns into a full wet laugh. He closed the book, with a content smile on his face, now he’s ready to meet Jon.
He walks around the back of the house.
The sunflowers are taken care of now since the Kents moved in here. Once, between the dense bright green stems that soars tall to the sky and sunflowers facing the sun, he was short enough to hide in it.
The dirt pathway that splits the field in the middle leads to a big oak tree at the end of the lane. It rooted right at the feet of the knolls that still counted as Kent’s property. It’s never changing from he last saw it as if stuck in time, or the years that passed is nothing but a blink for the ancient tree. It has the same branches, and the same leaves as Damian remembered.
In the summer break, when it was too hot to stay indoors, he and Jon would sit under that tree’s shadow with cold beverages and Lois’ apple pie with ice cream on top. Talking about nonsense, or drawing, or playing with dirt, stick, and stones. It was all nonsensical for Damian who always taught to be an adult at an early age, but he enjoys letting himself do unproductive fun with Jon and not be ridiculed. Then at night, they would climb to the top of the knoll and camp there, roasting marshmallows and watched the stars.
In this farm, that time, he was a child. He was having fun.
Under the tall oak tree, the lights that passed its many branches and leaves would land on his face, as he laid there beside Jon. Often, he would look to his side, dark hair laid to frame his pale face that blotched with hints of pink, the way his face reflected the sunlight, he looked like an angel.  His blue irises reflect lights like diamonds and a smile that outshines the sun. Jon was beautiful.
Stepping into the shadow of the mighty tree, Damian felt his heart drops to the soft pasture on his feet. The breath he exhaled shakes and he puts all his strength to hold onto Jon’s diary.
“Hello, Jon,” Damian whispered under his breath.
Despite the pain, Damian couldn’t even express a tinge of it. It’s really been too long since he last visits this place.
On the trimmed grass, Damian kneels in front of Jon’s headstone. The upright monument bevels from the five-centimeter base that’s surrounded in wildflowers. A design of light grey granite with gold linings and Jon’s name in white. A mound and flowers carved at the top and the headstone reaching just below Damian’s chest.
His name is looking towards the fields where they spent their childhood. It’s a perfect place filled with memory for Jon to rest. Where he’ll get sun, stars, nature, and family always by his side.
The day is bright and sunny without any clouds in the sky, and the sun shines on the petals of the sunflowers. They are all looking up to the sun, bringing out their golden hue.
“Is this why you came to my dreams? To make me come here and give you my reply?” Damian asked to the nothingness, and no one answers.
But Damian gave what Jon wanted anyway.
“Since I was born, I was given purposes, duties, a place to fill and expectations to meet. I have the name, and resources to get there. Most people approach to have that benefit from me, and I’ll only tend to them who I can also benefit from. You are someone who asks nothing of me but my company. Not my name, not my position, not my privileges, not my responsibilities, not my resources, just me. Everything I own, borrowed or owed from my family and ancestors, but you? You’ve been mine the moment you held my hand when you thought I wouldn’t notice. When you kissed my cheek before you’re too ashamed to be seen by others.”
The afternoon sun was too dazzling, and his vision starts to blur. So, Damian closes his eyes, and his knees gave up, making him sit instead.
“If you had asked for my love, I would’ve given it to you in a heartbeat.” Damian sighed, and all the strength in his body left with his breath. “I would’ve stayed here forever if you wanted me to, but when you left, it’s painful to stay. So I ran away from this place.”
The lights getting too bright, he’s starting to lose his balance. His head lulled from side to side, he suddenly feels tired. He scoots forward a bit and lay down on the grass beside Jon. Looking up to the veined branches and tiny dense leaves. A few lights breached through, they look like dots, shining bright light stars. Jon and Damian used to pretend they’re constellation made for them.
“I’m sorry I haven’t visited, I couldn’t... I was scared too.”
He doesn’t know when he closed his eyes, but when the lights return, he is no longer at the back of Kent’s farm under the oak tree.
It was the school's hallway. They’re in their middle school uniform, the bell just rang so there were no kids around. They talked as they were going to their separate classes.
One thing had led to another, and Jon asked, “Hey Dami? Where’re you planning to go for university?”
“We haven't even finished middle school yet.”
“Humor me! Just wanna know.”
“My mother chose that for me already, probably somewhere in Brittain.”
“Wh-what? That far?” Jon was for the lack of a better word, caught off guard like it’s so far from what he expected.
“Yes, I don’t have control over that.”
“But why? I thought your mom lets you do stuff on your own now.”
Damian laughed out loud, “Hell would freeze before that happens. Al-Ghuls forge their children as the previous generation sees fit. It was done for my mother by my grandfather, and it is done for me by her. Soon, with the fiancee of her choice, I will have a child on my own and forge them.”
“Yes, I’ve met her. She’s older than me by four years. We’ll marry when I have come of age and established a position in the League of Al-Ghuls, and you, of course, without a doubt will be my best man. There’s a list of accomplishment of what I need to do the moment I was born. The Al-Ghul family line is prestigious, and I can’t say I’m pressured when I can execute every expectation perfectly without a struggle. But, I’m pushing my mother’s patience for staying here until high school. So I have to meet her demands for university no-”
Damian realized after a few steps of his own that Jon didn’t follow. When he turned around, Jon had tears pouring cats and dogs from his sky orbs of blue. Hand clenched into a shaking fist, Jon pursed his lips and looks at Damian as if one of them just died.
Never in their years of friendship did Damian ever made Jon cry, not even when Damian had pushed Jon away before.
Seeing Jon cry as if the world falls apart, Damian didn’t know what to say. He wanted to apologize but he didn’t know what he did wrong. So, Damian did what he can do. They skipped class for the first time, and slip into the empty gymnasium. When they’re alone there, they sit by the bleachers and Damian put his arms around his shoulder as long as he cried.
There are so many things Damian wanted to ask, say, and do that are different.
He wanted to say, “Tell me what’s wrong.” His replayed memory let the word be said.
Little 15-year-old Jon looks at him, “No, Dami... I’m just afraid.”
“You claimed to know me but you don't! I don’t want to lose you too!” Damian exclaimed. His words echo meaninglessly to the imagery that long passed.
Jon said nothing. He had said nothing for a long time back then, just crying on his shoulder as Damian foolishly keeps silent.
A bright light flashed across his eyes and everything is white. When color returns, Jon is no longer in his arms.
He was in the school hallway, he remembered this feeling of dread cooking in his gut that tells him to turn around and leave, but he wanted to see Jon more. To confront him about why he cried after his restlessness finally able to break his apathy.
It was their first day of school in 2011 after the new year holiday. Damian remembered it like it just happened yesterday. He was –despite his disdain of breaking the rules- running down the halls because he woke up late. Alfred had thought he was sick and let him be, but what happened was, Damian couldn’t sleep because he’s nervous about asking Jon why he cried. It bothered him until Damian finally felt that enough is enough. He needed to talk to Jon about it, and he psyched himself to do it until 3 am.
While he was running to his class, he heard a loud bang from the end of the hall. Children were screaming as the continuous sound of what Damian had identified as gunshots, fired repeatedly like a machine gun.
Damian had just arrived, he’s near the exit and he easily turned around ran out of the building.
There’re a lot of kids following him to run outside in a panic and on their phones, Damian did that too. And the first one he called was Jon, who doesn’t pick up. Then he tried Clark, who fell on voice mail, and then he tried Lois who finally picked up.
“Lois? Where’s Jon? There’s a shooting happening, don’t come!”
“Oh, Oh dear God.., I already drop him to school.”
Damian blanked out, and the next thing he did was run back into the school building the same way he came out. Jon had AP Science for the first period, and Damian ran towards that class without a second thought.
There’s laughter growing closer down the hall mixed with pleading and cries. Quickly, before the voice grew too close, Damian hid on the janitor’s closet with the louvered door.
He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears when the weight of the situation finally settled on him. There’s a killer on the loose, and they had guns. From the shots that fired, and the sudden silence, there’s a possibility that someone could’ve already...
Damian heard screaming growing closer and running steps.
From the space between the parallel bars on the door, Damian peeked out to the halls, seeing a couple of school's running and pass. But before they could disappear from Damian’s eyesight, shots fired, and red dots appear on their back before they fell flat on the floor.
A boy giggled maniacally and ran pass the hall holding an assault rifle. The boy was a senior, someone from Damian’s class. The gunshots continue, followed by children screaming, but it’s further now. Damian’s fear of his life redirected to his fear of Jon’s life. Once again, he tried calling Jon’s phone as he steps out of the closet. The gunshots were far away now, and the school was awfully quiet.
At long last, he finally heard Jon’s ringtone.
Damian ran as quick as he can, towards the voice of the ringtone that was far away from the gunshot.
When he finally reached Jon’s class, which was empty, he sighed in relieve.
They had an emergency exit plan in case of disasters happened. Damian followed the sign that hung from the ceiling and follows the pathway to the exit. The more he ran, the more body he found. His eyes darted around the barely developed bodies lies lifeless on their own of pool of blood spilled on the white tiles.
Damian tried calling Jon’s phone again.
He heard his ring tone. A melancholic piano and a voice singing gently with his smooth voice. Damian sought that familiar melody in the dead silence of the hallway.
It was Jon’s favorite song, one among many on the CD they often play on a portable cd player when they go camping. The song calmed him, makes him focused as his feet stepped over the bodies in the halls. On accident, His feet stepped on blood once too many times in his horror. Reciting the lyrics helped himself from breaking down.
“I-I'll find repose in new ways though I haven't slept in two days, cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone. But drenched in van-n-nilla twilight, I'll sit on the front porch all night. Waist deep in thought because when I think of you I don't feel so alone. I don't feel so alone...”
The song was finally loud and clear. He made a turn to the left, and the exit is right at the end of that hall. Some bodies laid right before they reach it, those were people who didn’t make it.
Vanilla twilight is still playing, and he knows where it’s from. A dim light shines through front trousers pocket in one of the body laying down the halls.
Damian hangs up, and the light goes out too.
What was he hoping for when Damian walks closer to that body? The black-haired boy looks away from him as if sparing him, giving him a chance to look away. But Damian persists, walking towards the body that laid still on the floor with two growing red spots on his chest. Kneeling beside the body, right on the pool of red, with trembling hands, Damian slowly held his face and turns it to face him.
The skin was still warm to the touch, and the face that he adores with its soft features doesn’t even move the tiniest muscle. A few strands of his soft curls stick on his face. A pair of unmoving eyes stared back at Damian, a haunting sight how empty they were.
Every drop of blood in Damian’s body turns cold. His hands trembled as he held Jon’s face. A light came into view from the end of the hall right in front of him. He saw Jon’s pupils constrict when the lights hits.
“Jon?” Damian called, rubbing his face gently, but Jon still didn’t move at all.
The next thing he knew he was lifted by the stomach and a lot of grown-ups yelling and running from the light.
Whatever their face looks like, it’s blurry. Whatever they said, it’s wispy. What’s clear as day is Jon’s eyes on him as Damian was taken away.
“Wait!” He heard himself say, “Don’t take me away, let me stay here. Jon!” No one heard him.
He was a light tween and in shock, he barely put up a fight. His hands reached out to Jon, but the man that carried him ignored his plea.
It was the last time Damian ever saw Jon.
Damian didn’t even walk up to his casket on the funeral home, he doesn’t want to see Jon with his eyes closed.
After he finished middle school, he left to Saudi Arabia, continuing the task his mother planned for him ever since he was in her stomach. It served as Damian’s goal, a distraction, something to occupy his mind.
Years passed and he’s married to his work more than he is to his wife. To be fair, so is she. He rarely stays long in Gotham. Only a day or two for business trips, and he left as soon as he can. Then it became a habit to avoid ever coming to Gotham.
Damian was raised like an heir, but Jon makes him feel human, a kid, a teenager. The first person that ever make him feels like, well, a regular person. He got a taste of family and love. Jon taught him that it’s not shameful to be vulnerable. For the first time, Damian felt happy. Not accomplishment after succeeding a task. Not relieve when he doesn’t make a mistake. Just pure happiness.
There’s nothing left in this city if Jon is not here.
That is, until the dreams of him crying, like he’s trying to take him back here.
Damian had felt numb since Jon left. He doesn’t let himself remember the bad or the end, only the good.
He doesn’t let himself misses Jon.
But he did. Every single day since that day there has been a whole in the shape of him in Damian’s chest. And every day since that day, Damian had gotten better at ignoring it.
Even so, the past still caught up with him. Damian still can’t forget, and he can’t pretend it didn’t happen anymore.
Damian wakes up sobbing, crouching in a fetal position towards Jon’s grave. His tears flow like rivers on a rainy day. Tucked his head on his knees, Damian hugs himself as he cried out his chest over his loss after ten years of keeping it in his tight lidded heart
A hand landed on his back, and slowly, Damian looks up and see Lois with a slight curl on her lips and sad doe eyes.
“Did you ever said goodbye?”
“I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to let him go.” Damian croaks.
Lois pulls his arms up and caught him in a hug. Damian quick to latch on too, holding onto her back. Her long fingers rub the top of Damian’s head in slow languid movement. Rocking him slightly side to side.
“I think you’re here for a reason,” Lois comforts, “Why else would you come after ten years without looking back?”
Damian looks over her shoulder, to the fields of sunflowers that faces west, to the glow that starts to orange.
“The dreams. I dreamt of him crying. I just... wanted to say I’m sorry for making him cry.”
“But my son died.”
“Not to me,” Damian persists, and immediately realized what he just said, “I never... It all happened so quickly. I saw him the day before, I was here with you and Clark and Jon to see fireworks, and the next day he... I just can’t... I’m not ready to let him go just yet, Lois I can’t--”
“I know, Damian. Believe me, I know how it felt... But you’ve met now, you’re here.” Lois keeps rubbing his back.
“Do... Do you think he brought me here?”
Lois chuckled, and it puts a weak smile on Damian too. “He wanted you to know how he felt, he wanted you to mourn him, and he knows the only one that can bring you to do that, is himself.”
Jon’s crying in his memory had brought him here. Maybe the sudden reminder is not a coincidence. The sunset grows dark, and after taking a deep slow breath, Damian closed his eyes. His mind takes him back to the last scene of his dream.
The memory didn’t change, nor was it a mere dream. He can’t forget the last day he saw Jon like it’s a cursed blessing.
But now, with his eyes closed and Lois familiar smell to Jon’s, he remembers that moment even clearer and with more details.
A police officer was the one that carried Damian out of the hallways filled with dead kids. Paramedics run in from the opposite way of where he was taken. One of them kneels beside Jon’s body, while his eyes are still at him, shining like the lake under the blue sky, like how Jon always sees him. The paramedic pressed their fingers on Jon’s neck and started to press the wounds. Jon’s eyelids twitched like a dying flutter of butterfly wings still trying to fly. And Damian sees that, sees that Jon is still alive as he was taken.
Do you know why I always smiled, Damian? He heard Jon says, but his lips don’t move.
In their last moment together, even as they’re being separated, they get to see each other one last time. With the last energy he had, though it was weak and faint, Jon was smiling at him.
Because I was with you.
Damian breathes in as he opens his eyes to meet the sunset again, and tears roll down to Lois’ shoulder. Was he imagining his voice? Somehow, for whatever the answer is, Damian accepts it.
“Lois, he was alive.”
“He was critical when the paramedics found him, there’s nothing they can do,” Lois corrected, her voice cracks, “And I’m glad you’re the last thing he sees.”
Slowly, she retracts just enough to hold Damian’s face and wipes his wet cheeks with her thumbs. She looked just like Jon. His look of compassion, feminine nose and those earnest blue eyes, all he got from her.
“What am I going to do now?” Damian faltered.
“You’re going to cry your heart out until it’s satisfied, and then, you move on.”
Damian bites his lips, and eyes pooled with a new wave of tears, “I don’t want to forget him.”
“I’m not telling you to. Moving on is not forgetting. It’s coming to terms with loss, and when you remember him, it won’t hurt as much. It’s going to be a long process, especially when you never even started. But you’re welcome to come and talk to him, or just to visit me and Clark. You’re not alone, we’re going to be fine.”
What Lois said is just still too hard to accept, but the one who weeps the most was her when she drove to the school right after Damian’s call and sees Jon’s body in a bag. If she can do it, maybe it’s worth a try for Damian.
“Thank you, Lois... Can you leave me with him for a bit, please?”
“Of course sweetheart,” She complied, patting Damian on the back before she stands up and leaves.
Damian takes his attention to the knoll behind him. It’s lush from the bottom to the top. When he looks up, the gaps between leaves and branches no longer glares with light like stars since the sun is setting. The sunflower fields are dense and healthy, and the pasture around them is lush, pillowy and green. It’s a pretty sight, one that’ll never be the same.
Damian looks down to the placard on Jon’s headstone.
“Thank you for telling me,” Damian traces the name Jonathan Samuel Kent on the placard. “Thank you for bringing me here,” his fingers move down to the year, 1995 – 2011.
“My life was a script. I never mind it, but when I saw you, smiling without a care in the world, made me feel that happiness too. For a short moment, my mind went, oh, this is not so bad, maybe I wanted this. I see you, and I see and felt... freedom, that I can choose you instead of what’s chosen for me. I found happiness with you... but you left before I get to say it, before I even knew what that feeling meant.”
His tears roll down again, even after the storm he shed, somehow he still have another coming. This is the most he cried in all his life. Ten years worth of sorrow and despair. There’s going to be more of these in the future, he’ll have a hard time sleeping, and he’ll cry whenever he re-read his diary, or see their picture on his old room.
Yet somehow, Damian finds himself cracking a smile as he looks down to Jon’s grave. When he remembers Jon crying in his dreams, he doesn’t feel guilty anymore. Even though he knows Jon cried because of him, evidently, it was no one’s fault.
Jon cried because he loved him.
“I’ve loved you too, Jonathan Kent.”
51 notes · View notes
calleo-bricriu · 5 years ago
Don’t ask why I keep subjecting myself to this, because I don’t have a good answer.
More of this awful book.
Skimmed the rest of chapter 13. Nothing terribly interesting, Mizpra being all excited for her mother possibly having a stroke when the train's altitude changes, talk about how weak and pitiful Burke is (and, for some reason, to keep him from "catching cold" she makes him strip and wrap up in two wool blankets which seems like it'd be incredibly itchy), Mizpra tries to hasten the whole "give mom a stroke" thing by getting her mother day drunk.
A lot of references to alcohol being a stimulant again which, no.
Burke shows a little concern for Mizpra keeping her mother drunk and outside on an observation platform all damn day, so she tells him to go back inside and stop bothering them.
Wasn't at all concerned that her mother's face was turning blue because that's a normal thing I guess, shakes her mother awake, and of course her mother has the sroke and now she's just, "Oh shi--wait a minute, I didn't consider what might happen if the stroke kills her!" Not the best planning, Mizpra.
So she starts drinking and talking at her possibly dying mother about how she's going to ruin Obera's life.
And, like every poorly written villain in fiction, she says something ridiculous to herself: "Hell hath no horror; Heaven hath no hope."
At this point, I'd agree with her, only just in regards to this book.
Chapter 14 and we're back to Leigh.
Rev. Bald, we find out, knows a lot about alcohol and doesn't like his collar or waistcoat.
Finds out in a letter from Mizpra that he'll get paid once she's got proof of her brother's life being in shambles again.
For the time, five thousand per year as long as Leigh is in prison isn't all that bad; he really needs to step his game up because so far all he's done is invite the guy to hang out once, got shut down by Obera, and left.
"[...] literally poured the liquor down his throat," yeah, that's how drinking works.
He goes off for a good eight or so pages about how it's no crime to be poor out of absolutely nowhere. I mean, he's not wrong but why is he talking about it to the walls of his library?
Oh look, Leigh came to visit under false pretenses and seems to suspect that's the case but decided not to worry his on vacation wife and did exactly what he told her he wouldn't: Hang out with Rev. Bald.
Because he's a genius, he suspects Rev. Bald is being paid off by Mizpra to fuck up their lives and also thinks he'd sell her out if he was ever discovered. At this point you know damn well Leigh is basically the author because there's no reason at all Leigh would even HAVE that suspicion unless he'd been reading along with the rest of us.
Anyway, he got lured out there under the pretense of seeing or looking at some case of a morphine addict who isn't actually there.
So, because Leigh is a genius and understands everything, including more than most of those who study theology, Rev Bald pretty much plays right into that and says vague, sort of wrong-ish things just so Leigh the Genius will be compelled to correct him at length to, you know, remind everyone that he's a genius and better that everyone at everything.
Because he's a genius and you're not.
And Leigh sits there picking apart religion which might have been interesting if he weren't just sort of repeating himself with more and more pretentious wording.
"Do you know of any religion that has really made man better?" is a perfectly reasonable rhetorical question, at least.
Ah, and Leigh is into Darwin.
But, hey, Rev. Bald tricked Leigh into going out with him. I mean, Leigh would probably just say he's playing along but, you know...
They end up going to a dodgy district where everyone still somehow remembers Leigh from his drinking days. Probably should have picked a different neighborhood, Rev. Bald. It's like you didn't even research your mark.
We find out Leigh doesn't want to go to the first bar because he legit spent an entire week there without bathing or eating or sleeping just drinking and, I have to be honest, if I'd done something like that and was sure the people there would remember me, I probably wouldn't want to go back there either.
They end up in a bar and Leigh is, so far, being good and not drinking and has decided that Rev. Bald was going to be HIS victim--not sure what kind of victim, probably just to out him as working for Mizpra.
Oh hey, it's not just a bar, it's a brothel! Or, as Leigh's narrative describes it, a "dark, opprobrious den of crime and shame." Turns out he doesn't like makeup either, especially red lipstick because, as we all know, only whores wear that.
And now he's remembering some murder scene in the same place because not only is he a doctor, author, scholar, philosopher, and Merlin knows what else, he's ALSO a detective I guess!
I have to admit the memory of one of the workers at the place punching an actual, been there long enough to be bloated corpse because when you do that it makes apparently amusing sounds for the crowd of other people there who also found this amusing was, in and of itself, so absurd it made me laugh.
I'm sure it was meant to be horrifying but you can't read something like, "Over the prostrate victim bent the diseased-eaten harridan. She was amusing her companions by punching the inflated tissues, laughing and shrieking at the crackling, whistling effect it produced, while the dank denizens of the place gave vent to their pleasure by libidinous expressions and Paphian oaths," and NOT laugh.
Also the author is trying to tell us that, when he went to pull the punchy prostitute away from the corpse, her wig came off and her brain was straight up exposed through her "rotting skull".
For a fucking doctor you'd think he'd know that there is no actual way she'd be alive so unless he hallucinated this zombie prostitute...
So he thinks he's being taken to see the morphine addict and, of course, it's just a prostitute. She might also be a morphine addict but not the one Rev. Bald was describing as near death.
"Various odors in the room seemed to run in strata, as each step brought visitors to a different zone of pungent, offensive odors."
What are they?
Cigarettes, beer, lobster somehow, butter, cheap perfume.
I've been in worse rooms.
So she apparently IS the morphine addict he was talking about earlier, not like Leigh believes it, and Rev. Bald is going to just go ahead and leave the good doctor alone with her.
Leigh's first, uh, method of examination is to lift her arm, stroke her armpit, then drop her and move closer to the light to...look at his fingers. What the hell?
She was cool with it the first time but when he did it again she kind of freaked out which is perfectly understandable.
So there was a guy hiding in the curtains that was meant to jump Leigh but, Leigh being Leigh and good at everything, noticed him first and gave him a one punch knock out because Leigh is just that awesome.
And somehow Leigh, Rev. Bald, the woman, and the unconscious man are all locked in this nasty little room, the woman is going to apparently beat the hell out of Bald and broke a bottle over his head then, satisfied with that, shouts over to Leigh to continue beating the hell out of Rev. Bald because he'd set up the other guy to jump him.
Probably not a good idea to take Leigh to a brothel where everyone knew him.
She keeps smacking Bald in the head with a glass bottle and finally Leigh stops her before, y'know, she kills him. His reasoning for that was that killing him would be inconvenient for everyone which is fair enough.
Short conversation of, "Well if either one of them is dead we're both screwed, let's clean up the blood and I'll go get a police officer or whatever."
He comes back and--she's tried to redo her makeup to get back to work but there's this line about her hiding her powder puff: "[...] which she quickly hid in the bosom of her waist"--I don't think I want to know where she put that powder puff but I really hope she washes it before using it on her face again.
The lady then starts lecturing the mostly not conscious guy on the floor of her room about how it's his fault she's a prostitute somehow; based on how she's talking about money, sounds like she's one of his girls.
And that's it for chapter 15.
Chapter 16 is some flashback from the brothel woman about how she met Leigh; of course, since he's a genius doctor he offered, for free, to give her "deformed and useless" child whatever operation it is he needed. It's never specified, just that the kid is "deformed".
Also a lot of references to "dirty Poles" because it's gross to have to listen to Polish in an emergency room I guess.
Anyway, he's like The Saint Doctor who gives free medical care to everyone because he's a genius (of course) and none of the other doctors understand him. Also, he was just paying for everyone's medical care out of pocket because at some point, through one of the time skips, he went from jobless drunk to highly esteemed and rich author, lecturer, doctor, and scholar.
Getting really tired of Leigh.
She gets jolted out of her daydream when the train stops.She asks the "kindly old Irishman" who was cleaning up the station if she could hang out, he figures she's sober, so he says she can and she goes back to daydreaming about Leigh.
Whatever was wrong with her "deformed" kid was fixed and he's apparently recovered and Leigh arranged for the kid to be basically put in a foster home at some farm because that was apparently legal at one point, to just--give other peoples kids to someone else with no oversight.
Her name is May, we find out two chapters fucking late.
And she was somehow the thing that got him to clean his act up because that's how addiction works.
Now she's not daydreaming anymore because the train is about to arrive.
Chapter 17 is more of the same of these two catching up and talking about Rev. Bald being kind of a dick.
Also, who talks like this? "In his presence the finer feelings of her sex were aroused, her self-respect was active; and he knew it."
REALLY tired of Leigh now.
Basically, between really awkward sort of flirting we find out what anyone reading figured out several chapters ago: Mizpra is a terrible planner when it comes to remotely murdering people and Rev. Bald is proof of that because he basically fucked it up the first night.
And now he's going to go introduce his prostitute friend to Mops.
I feel like that's something he should have discussed with Obera first?
Ah yes, back to "masculine voiced women" who are, of course, matrons at some kind of--I don't even know what at this point, and I don't really care but of course, the women the author wants to have us view as bad are always mascluline in some way and are occasionally also fat and clumsy.
Like he's got any room to talk. I've seen photographs.
Oh of course, a religious boarding house for children of prostitutes where the manly, fat, clumsy women routinely berate the children.
In fairness, places like that did exist until fairly recently so I'm okay with the author kind of dragging them.
Ah, yes, Obera, gone from child-like and saucy to, "[...] radiantly beautiful, and in that full activity of healthy womanhood, which only true love and motherhood can develop."
Anyway, she starts begging Leigh to just straight up murder Mizpra, has a crying fit, then falls asleep and he starts waxing poetic about how her tiny little woman brain can't fully understand the situation.
Of course, Obera doesn't want the prostitute to see Mops because she's a "horrid, bad woman".
And that's it for chapter 17.
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la-knight · 7 years ago
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Books I Read in 2018: Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi
“Maybe that's why superheroes wore capes. Maybe they weren't capes at all, but safety blankets, like the one Aru kept at the bottom of her bed and pulled up under her chin before she went to sleep. Maybe superheroes just tied their blankies around their necks so they'd have a little bit of comfort wherever they went. Because honestly? Saving the world was scary. No harm admitting that.”
“It is not failure to fail.”
“This is what we get for thinking that scaley orange skin and fake hair could keep that former demon out of elected office.
“You are the Daughter of Death," hissed Aru. "You don't walk into a telephone pole because of a boy.”
“Aru was twelve years old. Even she knew that half the time she didn't know what she was doing.”
Twelve-year-old Aru Shah has a tendency to stretch the truth in order to fit in at school. While her classmates are jetting off to family vacations in exotic locales, she'll be spending her autumn break at home, in the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture, waiting for her mom to return from her latest archeological trip. Is it any wonder that Aru makes up stories about being royalty, traveling to Paris, and having a chauffeur? One day, three schoolmates show up at Aru's doorstep to catch her in a lie. They don't believe her claim that the museum's Lamp of Bharata is cursed, and they dare Aru to prove it. Just a quick light, Aru thinks. Then she can get herself out of this mess and never ever fib again. But lighting the lamp has dire consequences. She unwittingly frees the Sleeper, an ancient demon whose duty it is to awaken the God of Destruction. Her classmates and beloved mother are frozen in time, and it's up to Aru to save them. The only way to stop the demon is to find the reincarnations of the five legendary Pandava brothers, protagonists of the Hindu epic poem, the Mahabharata, and journey through the Kingdom of Death. But how is one girl in Spider-Man pajamas supposed to do all that
I first heard about Roshani Chokshi when her novel The Star-Touched Queen debuted back in like 2016. The elevator pitch I’d heard for it was “Hades and Persephone but with Indian mythology.” I’m a HUGE sucker for Hades & Persephone, always have been. So of course I snatched that up, and fell in love with Maya, with the beautifully lyrical and poetic prose, and with Roshani Chokshi’s way of painting her different worlds. Out of the four books she has out right now, I only have one left to read (A Crown of Wishes). She’s brilliant, and when I found out she was expanding to Middle-Grade, I knew I had to see what was up with her newest book
So what can I say about Aru-Shah and the End of Time? Well, some people might compare it to Percy Jackson - it’s a somewhat similar concept, the children of gods fighting monsters to save the world. Probably why Aru Shah is the first book from Rick Riordan’s new imprint from Disney Hyperion (the man is doing the Lord’s work, not gonna lie). But if I were to compare Aru Shah and the End of Time to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief...it’s better. It’s SO MUCH better (no offense, Rick).
See, I like Percy. I like the series and I like him. But the first book was a bit shallow. To be fair, it came out at a time when middle-grade was still fighting to be allowed to hold the same depths as some of the “more risque” YA of the time, like having queer characters, or characters with mental health issues, or what have you. At the time PJ:LT came out, most middle-grade fantasies weren’t allowed to have that kind of stuff. Thankfully Rick Riordan helped pave the way for publishers to realize, oh, shoot, middle-grade can have a lot of the same depth as YA, holy gosh (other helpers in the cause are Tahereh Mafi and JK Rowling, although more points go to Ms. Mafi). So why is Aru Shah better than Percy Jackson?
It’s deeper. It’s richer. It’s more diverse. Some of you might think, well of course it’s more diverse, it’s Indian mythology. No, no, no. You don’t understand. It’s amazing. We have two Indian girls teaming up to save the world, one with extreme anxiety and OCD who wants to be a doctor, who casually mentions her gay hero brother without it being a big deal. We have a series set up to put together a team of five young Indian women who fight monsters and save the world. 
There’s a former villain who learns to love, who does honor to the two female leads. The tasks and challenges are clever and fun, with a touch of whimsy but still as action-packed and engaging as any adventure in Artemis Fowl or Harry Potter. We have a girl from a single-parent home who’s always wanted more of a family, and she gets one - as soon as Aru meets Mini, one of the other reborn Pandavas, they start calling each other “sister” and vow never to turn their backs on each other. There’s a brief moment where this is put to the test, but the girls get over it and reconcile easily.
One of the best things about Aru, the character, is how accepting she is of Mini after they meet. Mini can be a little high-maintenance, and at first Aru’s a little exasperated, but it doesn’t take long for her to realize Mini has severe OCD (instead of high-fives, they bump elbows) and anxiety. In fact, Mini’s a lot like me. And while sometimes Mini will say something and Aru will be like, “Wait, really?” after a minute she’s just like, “Okay, sure. If that’s what you need.” 
When they pull off some daring-dos near the end of the book, Aru offers her elbow for a bump without having to be reminded of the no-hands rule. Even better, Mini doesn’t just decide to high-five Aru at the end. She’s still OCD, still freaks out over germs, and Aru doesn’t mind. And while Mini does sometimes panic, Aru is mostly very understanding and helps her get through her panic attacks. When Mini expresses fear that Aru will abandon her because of her anxiety and “other flaws,” Aru not only promises she won’t, but puts a spin on it that helps sooth Mini’s fears (Aru gets hung up about this and wonders if she’s lying; I’ll touch on that near the end).
The villains were interesting, the mythology is fairly new which means explanations can be provided in a fun way and it’s not stuff we readers have been told ten million times. I was honestly surprised by the identity of Aru and Mini’s fathers (who aren’t their biological fathers; these Indian gods imbued the girls’ souls with...soul DNA? That’s not what they call it, I just don’t know if I can explain it any other way). Also, as a fan of The Star-Touched Queen, I had to wonder - did Maya have anything to do with Mini’s powers?
You know how in Percy Jackson the kids get neat doo-dads that turn into magical stuff? Like a pen into a sword, Thalia’s bracelet into that one shield, Luke’s winged sneakers, blah blah? Aru gets a golden tennis ball and Mini gets a purple compact. Not a big deal? Ah ha, au contraire. Those items are the glamoured belongings of the god of thunder and the god of death, and they’re actually pretty cool - but also pretty!
This book is just...fun. It’s SO FUN. The monsters are new, the tasks are original, the characters are cute, and I loved it.
Let’s talk about the thing I love most: Aru Shah. Roshani Chokshi has the interesting ability to create characters that are basically me. Not physically, not according to age or race, but with Night, with Maya, and now with Aru, she creates female leads who speak to me on a fundamental level. 
This time, it’s Aru, who’s basically Loki from Loki: Agent of Asgard except female instead of genderfluid, 12 years old, and Indian. In L:AoA, there’s a scene in the final bindup where Loki indentifies themself (first in femme-presenting form, then in masc-presenting form) as the moon goddess, the god of stories. Aru is the personification of that. 
Something that gets said a lot in the book is, “You’re a liar, Aru Shah.” But she’s not. She’s a storyteller, a world-changer, someone who refuses to view the world as bleak and terrible and uses the gift of words to make it better for herself and the people she’s loves. She’s an optimist who fights with words and thinks fast on her feet. She’s a daughter of Lord Indra the Thunderer and a reincarnation of the greatest of the Pandava Brothers. She’s the moon goddess, the god of stories, someone I would’ve idolized (or possibly gotten a crush on) if I’d read this as a kid, and I love her. I will follow her to the end.
Also she better get as many books as Percy did (so like...15 books).
There were only two complaints, really. One, Aru was rather preoccupied with boogers (it came up like 5 times). I mean, I know she’s a tween, but still. Two, I saw the plot twist with her dad coming from a mile away.
Plot: ¾ star Characterization: 1 star World Building: 1 star Word Choice: ¾ star Realism: 1 star 
- ¼ star for copious snot (ew)
+ ¼ star for positive portrayal of a character with anxiety and OCD
+ ¼ star for having a 12-year-old girl in Spider-Man pajamas saving the world, okay? 
In total: 4.75/5 stars
Would I Buy It: I did! Now I need the next one!
Would I Recommend It: READ THIS BOOK, PEOPLE!!! It’s so cute, seriously.
I was asked to tag @magic-in-every-book so here’s my Aru review! :)
All pics were stock photos manipulated by me in Photoshop or in the public domain. Except the painting of the Pandavas. That’s from Wikipedia.
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lovehotelreservation · 7 years ago
I’ll Say “I Love You” Until We Get Along - Aishiteru [12/15]
Summary: Begotten by the gods, Ardyn has sought to return the favor, their precious world to burn. Until he runs into you, a cherished reminder of his past that he thought to have closed his heart to centuries ago. Now, however, he finds your heart sealed shut to him, and he is determined to pry it open one way or another. Prequel and sequel to “The Most Beautiful Boogie Man”
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Reader/Ardyn
[Previous Chapter]
[Next Chapter]
HELLO EVERYONE! I know with this fic I’ve delved into Ardyn’s more vulnerable, anguished side, but upon finishing Episode Ignis, I was reminded how much of a bastard he really is :^) Still! It was nice to see more of his backstory, especially amusing for me considering what I’ve written out for this fic~
Anyhow, as we near the end of this story, I’ve been anticipating this chapter’s posting so much, as it--and really, the fic overall--draws inspiration from Phoenix’s “Telefono”, which stands to be another of my favorite tracks from Ti Amo! I suggest giving it a listen, as I feel the lyrics speak to Ardyn’s type of affection, in addition to it just being a lovely song overall~
That said, I do hope you enjoy!
Ten years left until this was either all over or prolonged until eternity.
Noctis had been thrown into the Crystal at last, left to power through whatever his ancestors had in store for him.
Now it was just a matter of waiting.
A decade meant nothing to an immortal like Ardyn. That was like a brief nap for him.
Perhaps not so for the likes of Prompto, Ignis, and Gladiolus. The three made for some impressive friends, with how they were quick to retaliate against him for what he did to Noctis. But as he made it clear that their weapons were useless to a daemon like him, he didn't miss the opportunity to chime in on their incompetence.
Especially when he snatched you away before their very eyes, all too helpless to do anything to stop him.
As much as he was looking forward to begin settling things with Noctis, Ardyn was--of course--more excited to see you again. Gazing at you longingly from security cameras even as he amused himself with the sight of you wielding a brand new sword, he thought back to when he first realized that you first returned to his life and how his--by unfortunate circumstances--everlasting love for you resulted in full-blown obsession. Not to mention, the on-going struggle between bestowing reverent affection as your husband and desecrating you with his lusts and perversions.
At least now, he could find reconciliation between the two at last.
"Why did you bring me here?"
Having been fumbling with an old record player that dated back to his reign as king, Ardyn turned around, still crouched upon broken concrete.
Still in your Crownsguard attire, you stood behind him, your expression unreadable.
And around you both was the entirety of the ruined, desolate Insomnia, barren of any signs of life--the daily commotion of citizens going about their day, the afternoon traffic of sleek cars zooming through the city streets, the latest trending musician emitting from the sound speakers of a chic cafe. The fact that it was nightfall seemed to make this even more apparent and jarring.
It was here on this devastated street--one of the biggest boulevards in the entirety of Insomnia--that he began to trail after you, going from dedicated following to something nothing short of maddened obsession.
You spoke up just now. The first words you've uttered to him since you roused out of your sleep.
In more ways than one.
There was no bite to your words, no anguish, no fear.
Just mere and muted curiosity.
Ardyn chuckled with delight, "Ah, what a pleasure to see you awake, my dearest!" Stretching out an arm, he gestured around the empty street. "And I've brought you here for a little waltz of course."
Practically leaping to his feet, his hands clasped together, the joy in his heart immeasurable. "My darling, we've finally returned home together at last! Surely this calls for celebration, no?" With both hands out, he stepped ahead, slowly twirling around as to emphasize his words. "I even sent off the splendid daemons that have inhabited this city out on vacation across all of Eos!"
You remained still, your expression still blank as you comprehended--and still continued to--everything that was and has happened to you thus far.
Noting this, Ardyn smiled gently before he turned back to the record player to pick up something from behind the box. He faced you once again, now holding a light blue record sleeve with a red heart and the words Ti Amo scrawled over the front.
"Some Altissian disco to liven things up, perhaps?" He hummed, pointing at the album with his hand. "Surely you wouldn't mind this one in particular?"
You stared at the sleeve, blinking a few times as you slowly drawled, "The songs on that record--they played when you drove me to the Disc of Cauthess..." Your eyes closed while you took in a drawn out, deliberate breath. "...and when we were on our way to Altissia for our honeymoon."
Ardyn smiled. "Welcome home, darling."
Truly, it was like old times. This particular record was one he picked up from a music shop in Altissia while the two of you were out sight-seeing. To be able to listen to the album again with you beside him once more made him feel the most genuine and sweetest of joys, once a foolish fantasy to a man whose heart corroded long ago.
But as his arms parted open, his hands beckoning you to come forth and dance with him, he remained ever hopeful--and desperate--for you to be as willing and eager.
Though slow, though unsure, you took a step.
Into his arms, your hands reaching for his.
And so, across the vast, devastated span of Insomnia's main boulevard, the two of you danced together as the couple you once were.
There was a song in his heart, the same one he danced with you to during one late night out in Altissia amidst your honeymoon, one of its piazzas barren due to the hour but ideal for a romantic waltz to the moonlight--so fitting for the moment currently shared between you both.
The look on your face remained unsure. If there was any conflict between your past and current identity, the neutrality evident on your features spoke of a ceasefire.
One that was actually upheld.
His poor darling looked so confused, but he didn't mind--for now, at least. He wouldn't be so ungrateful to not see this dance as the miraculous blessing that it truly was.
Besides, he had to make the most of it, considering...
While one hand lifted your arm as the other rested on your waist for a twirl, Ardyn queried, "So then, what shall you do after this dance, my love?"
"'After'?" The blank look on your face finally changed with confusion. "What do you mean...?"
"Oh, so you're willing to stay with me?" Ardyn responded teasingly, eyes glinting mischievously--even if he would crave for nothing else. "Not that I'd mind~"
"Don't get the wrong idea," you huffed as you were drawn into his arms. Peering up at him, you continued, "...so you're saying you'd let me leave instead of keeping me prisoner?"
The glint dulled but he maintained his smile. "And do that to my beloved wife? Of course not~" His arms circled around your waist, drawing you near and tight while his lips fell by your ear, his breath hot and his voice tender, "All those years ago, I asked for your hand in marriage." Caged in his grasp, you felt his fingertips trail over to your hands, his palms resting on the back of them before gently squeezing. "Surely it would mean I've lost my charm if I had to force you into this, no?"
You shivered and his smile turned wicked, contrast to the gentle expression that formed as soon as he spun you around to face him, his hands cupping your cheeks. Cradling your face delicately, he gazed deeply into your eyes as he purred, leaning forward while the gap between your mouths narrowed, "If I'm giving that incompetent prince time to prepare for his next meeting with me, I can most certainly wait for the final decision of Lucis's finest queen."
Your eyes closed and your breath stilled, expecting for the inevitable.
But then he let you go, even taking a step back.
"Go forth then, darling," he hummed cheerfully, lifting his hand up for a small wave, even as his chest felt painfully strained. "I'll be waiting for our next meeting--as I always have and will."
You looked at him again, your expression mostly unreadable, save for the sad--even mournful--look in your eyes. Still, with the opportunity to leave made present, you knew it was best for you to take it before you had to literally fight for the chance.
It just so happened that the last song on the record began to play while Ardyn watched you turn to leave Insomnia.
To leave him alone once again.
Non posso vivere
Troppo bisogno di te
Wish you decided to stay
We're too far, we're too far away
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dreadsful · 7 years ago
tagged by @roecompany love you boo
rules:  answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: @fuckyeahspirk and @weneedwhiskey
1. drink: pepsi 2. phone call: deadass corsettis 3. text message: a skype to heidi  4. song you listened to: shot in the dark - within temptation  5. time you cried: uh like last night full blown sobbing because im w e a k 6. dated someone twice: no because ive been dating heidi since fifth grade 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: idk brighten pissed me off for a little while 9. lost someone special: yes my kitty ♥ 10. been depressed: probably yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i did drink two two liters of pepsi in one night and threw up 
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. blue 13. orange 14. dark red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: purposefully i have not  16. fallen out of love: maybe with a fandom or two  17. laughed until you cried: “we made her eat a combination of all the expired foods in my fridge. she was still awake and turned over with her ipod light. punched in the back of the head, that one girl last year who slammed into my forehead, “why is that ross from friends”, “ - adding on, the reaper that definitely got possessed mid-game, the people on video chat that recognized eren, the message i got from the porn bot on ps4, every time we almost got separated, ‘you cat pushed down on my vagina’ 18. found out someone was talking about you: uh yes? but mostly from people i’d expect it to be from lol 19. met someone who changed you: literally me and heidi suck each other into fandoms so much it wouldn’t be fair to say anyone else changed me.  20. found out who your friends are: ive happily been in a single committed friendship for like 7 years so i know  21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no thank god 
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: p sure all of them besides some african kid that sent me a friend request 23. do you have any pets: yes, id like to have more tbh another puppy  24. do you want to change your name: yes my name is way too common 25. what did you do for your last birthday: just like- ate cake 26. what time did you wake up: usually around 6:50 if im being honest 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: im not even lying i was deadass crying  28. name something you can’t wait for: friday  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now  31. what are you listening to right now: my dog’s ridiculously long nails on the floor 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so  33. something that is getting on your nerves: the fact that i always have so much shit to do but do none of it instead 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, character wiki pages 35. hair colour: naturally brown but i’ve colored it so sometimes its like- more brown/blond or brown/red  36. long or short hair: fairly long  37. do you have a crush on someone: no 38. what do you like about yourself: i honestly- am so good as procrastinating but still getting everything done it’s impressive  39. want any piercings: i would like to have my ears pierced but they always get infected when i do  40. blood type: i think ab something but im not sure 41. nickname: people always call me ‘em’ and it drives me insane i hate it, but i dunno if that really counts as a nickname  42. relationship status: single (thank god) 43. zodiac: gemini 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: bates motel, ahs but really just the freakshow and asylum seasons, used to be game of thrones before they killed off my boy, (tokyo ghoul and snk if animes count), star trek the original series, btas, gotham sometimes i have a love hate relationship with it 46. tattoos: heidi and i should get matching tattoos but i want a small one for my birthday  47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: no, but i did have stitches on my chin & have fucked up my ankle and foot a bunch  49. piercing: none  50. sport: i say horse back riding out of habit but honestly i cry off 30 pounds a day  51. vacation: im supposed to go to florida to see my dad but he also didn’t evacuate for irma so is he even alive idk  52. pair of trainers: are those sneakers? 
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: soup 54. drinking: pepsi  55. i’m about to: sit here until i go to the movies  56. waiting for: also to go see IT like damn i liked the original but the remake is more my speed + eddie’s & richie’s jokes are the best  57. want: to get back into fucking platinum in overwatch  58. get married: i sometimes think i want to but then i remember how much i sincerely hate people 59. career: crime scene investigator but im also lazy af 
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: personally i don’t like either but when it comes to characters i have a weakness for the hugs 
61. lips or eyes: pfft eyes  62. shorter or taller: tall people are scary tbh  63. older or younger: i hate old people  64. nice arms or nice stomach: both  65. hook up or relationship: uh- for me i don’t even,,, care, but for them otps you know relationships  66. troublemaker or hesitant: there’s such a thing as in between 
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger:  no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t have those lol  70. turned someone down: not technically but when people feel the need to remind me that they’re straight i do stop talking to the, 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: uh no  73. had your heart broken: when any favorite character dies  74. been arrested: i should have been  75. cried when someone died: literally any character ever  76. fallen for a friend: 😏😏😏
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: ha 78. miracles: nope 79. love at first sight: not realistically no  80. santa claus: no ? who does anymore? 81. kiss on the first date: its just a kiss 82. angels: heidi is one 
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: heidi ofc  84. eye colour: blue 85. favorite movie: IT is really good, the star trek movies are all good even if some of them are like romantic comedies. avengers, psycho, the dark knight and wonder woman (though i hate the dceu with a burning passion tbh), batman animated movies are literally the best, fucking brother bear and open season my childhood favorites, mad max fury road, honestly so much more i just can’t remember
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verdelet · 7 years ago
Tagged by @suicidefordummies
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink: Milo 2. phone call: My sister to pick me up from the train station 3. text message: ... Also to my sister to ask if I could use her nail polish 4. song you listened to: Go to War by Nothing More 5. time you cried: Uhhhh... idk but probably not that long ago. A couple days maybe? 6. dated someone twice: None 7. kissed someone and regretted it: None 8. been cheated on: N o 9. lost someone special: Not really. I lost a friend early this year. We weren’t... close, but... yeah. Lost an aunt as well. I saw her at least once a year but we weren’t really close?  10. been depressed: A h ah aha ha ha ha honestly my life is a “Am I Depressed Or Am I Imagining It” so like idk my dude 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink so uh-
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. Green 13. Black 14. Silver
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: Yee. Like. One. I’m proud of me. 16. fallen out of love: Nop 17. laughed until you cried: Oh man yeah. At dildos. Um. Yeah. 18. found out someone was talking about you: U h h h kinda? Not something I wanna find out more on though.
19. met someone who changed you: Ehhhhhhhhh 20. found out who your friends are: Yea 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Nop
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them... I need to purge my facebook wow. 23. do you have any pets: Uh one dog who technically belongs to my sis. 24. do you want to change your name: Change my legal name, yeah please and thank 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Sis made cupcakes and we had japanese dinner and that’s about it. I actually forgot my birthday, ngl. 26. what time did you wake up:  Technically around 7am but I rolled around in bed till about 10am. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: For this fucking week to be over oh my god fuck uni 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: A few months ago, when she visited us in Australia 31. what are you listening to right now: I Will Fail You by Demon Hunters 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Nop 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Uni in general and my intense dislike towards one of my lecturers  34. most visited website: toyhouse, mangareader, youtube, tumblr 35. hair colour: Black 36. long or short hair: Short 37. do you have a crush on someone: The gorgeous angel I’m currently dating  38. what do you like about yourself: .... My uh... writing, I guess. And my OCs 39. want any piercings: Oh man... um. Another cartilage piercing maybe, and a lip piercing?  40. blood type: I think I’m AB? 41. nickname: Oda(saku), Ver, Verde, various anime chars? 42. relationship status: Taken af 43. zodiac: Leo 44. pronouns: They/them 45. favourite tv show: I don’t really watch TV... Um.. BSD would be my fav anime atm I guess? 46. tattoos: WING TATTOOS ON THE SHOULDERS //HEAVY BREATHING or tattoo sleeves maybe? Those are gorgeous depending  47. right or left handed: Right handed 48. surgery: I’ve had one small surgery for an ingrown toenail 49. piercing: One in my left ear, two in my right ear 50. sport: Ew exercise. I used to do wushu as a child, then I did tennis, and then golf, and then marchpast. I might start archery maybe? idk. 51. vacation: I’ve been to Australia (for holiday rather than education), Singapore, and different states in Malaysia (Malacca and Penang) 52. pair of trainers: 2
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: Uh i had fruits and ravioli earlier? 54. drinking: Nop 55. im about to: Probably go back to studies
56. waiting for: the will to exist 57. want: to get my shit together for once? 58. get married: Yea but I’m not too bothered either way I just know I want at least one sword at the wedding- 59. career: Studying to be an engineer but who knows man
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: Uh depends but mostly hugs for me
61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Either but taller is nice 63. older or younger: Eh//wiggly hands 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms pls I love hands 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: A little of either is fine but there are limits
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: Nop 68. drank hard liquor: Nop 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Nop 70. turned someone down: ... Yeah. If she was high does that still count. 71. sex on the first date: Nop 72. broken someone’s heart: Nop 73. had your heart broken: Nop 74. been arrested: Nop 75. cried when someone died: .... My friend 76. fallen for a friend: Nop
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA 78. miracles: No 79. love at first sight: No 80. santa claus: No 81. kiss on the first date: Maybe? Probably yeah 82. angels: No
OTHER 83. current best friends name: .... Wow I can’t even answer this properly. I used to but idk anymore. 84. eye colour: Dark brown. Reaaaaally dark brown 85. favorite movie: Ummmmmm Mad Max Fury Road maybe? I like Marvel movies but I watch just to know what’s going on
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i-like-your-genitalia · 8 years ago
You are going to kill me... buuut all 200 questions? I'm keeping you busy and thinking about your life
200: My crush’s name is: Jennifer 

199: I was born in: a hospital? (Jks 1998)

198: I am really: funny 

197: My cellphone company is: Lebara

196: My eye color is: boring ol’ brown 

195: My shoe size is: a ladies 9

194: My ring size is: I actually don’t know

193: My height is: 5'10 

192: I am allergic to: nothing surprisingly 

191: My 1st car was: 1998 Subaru Legacy (the station wagon)

190: My 1st job was: Checkout Worker

189: Last book you read: The Accident Man

188: My bed is: a king 

187: My pet: I don’t have one atm 

186: My best friend: Anushka 

185: My favorite shampoo is: I don’t have one (but I like anything coconut or tropical scented)

184: Xbox or ps3: don’t care 

183: Piggy banks are: lit

182: In my pockets: I’m a girl, only 20% of my clothes have pockets big enough to put anything in 

181: On my calendar: “Spotify Premium runs out on the 27th of August"

180: Marriage is: Not married 

179: Spongebob can: 

178: My mom: is awesome 

177: The last three songs I bought were? Whatever I listened to last on Spotify? 

176: Last YouTube video watched: review on Aztec clay face mask 

175: How many cousins do you have? 4 step cousins and then 6 blood related cousins 

174: Do you have any siblings? Just a younger sister 

173: Are your parents divorced? Nah they still together and in love 

172: Are you taller than your mom? Only just 

171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the piano 

170: What did you do yesterday? Worked
[ I Believe In ]

169: Love at first sight: kinda 

168: Luck: yes 

167: Fate: not really 

166: Yourself: sometimes 

165: Aliens: yes 

164: Heaven: yes 

163: Hell: no 

162: God: yes 

161: Horoscopes: I mostly enjoy the zodiac memes and compatibility and personality horoscopes 

160: Soul mates: yes, but I believe you have more than one 

159: Ghosts: yes 

158: Gay Marriage: big yes 

157: War: nope

156: Orbs: it would be cool but I’m neutral 

155: Magic: yes
[ This or That ]

154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs 

153: Drunk or High: Drunk 

152: Phone or Online: Online 

151: Red heads or Black haired: Red heads 

150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blondes 

149: Hot or cold: Hot 

148: Summer or winter: Summer 

147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 

146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 

145: Night or Day: Day 

144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 

143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly 

142: McDonalds or Burger King: Maccas 

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 

140: Mac or PC: Mac

139: Flip flops or high heels: High Heels 

138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor 

137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke

136: Hillary or Obama: OBAMA

135: Burried or cremated: Cremated 

134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing 

133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel 

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are they?

131: Small town or Big city: Big city 

130: Wal-Mart or Target: I haven’t been to either 

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 

128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure 

127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast 

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: this is too cruel to answer 

125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 

124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 

123: Yankees or Red Sox: um don’t care
[ Here’s What I Think About ]

122: War: It’s expensive and unnecessary and should be a last resort. It’s not worth the lives lost, people injured and relocated. The monetary cost is ridiculous and it barley solves anything. It cause more issues and potentially more wars
121: George Bush: did 9/11

120: Gay Marriage: It’s actually crazy how long and how much effort it took to get this accepted. And I just hope this right isn’t taken away! 

119: The presidential election: Donald Trump and Pence need to die or be locked up forever, I don’t even understand how anyone thought that Hilary Clinton would be worse. 

118: Abortion: Pro-choice for the win 

117: MySpace: I wasn’t old enough for this 

116: Reality TV: my guilty pleasure tbh 

115: Parents: I love my parents and they are good to me. But it would be great if they could be less homophobic. 

114: Back stabbers: I don’t know why people feel the need to intentionally hurt and embarrass someone, especially someone who isn’t prepared for it or trusts you 

113: Ebay: I don’t really use eBay 

112: Facebook: I use it to tag my non tumblr friends in memes and to stalk people 

111: Work: I’m sick of my job but I’m having to stick it out for now. 

110: My Neighbors: They are seasonal but if their kids could not move and rearrange the bedroom at the ass crack of dawn that would be fantastic 

109: Gas Prices: New Zealand, especially in the towns. Gas prices are so high. Spain isn’t so bad

108: Designer Clothes: I’d rather have more clothes than one designer one 

107: College: 

106: Sports: I have zero hand eye coordination and therefore hate sports! But I will watch the Olympics 

105: My family: They are cool for the most part 

104: The future: is scary and it makes me wanna throw up if I think too much about it
[ Last time I ]

103: Hugged someone: like a week ago 

102: Last time you ate: I’m eating chocolate right now 

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: my grandparents and my cousins today 

100: Cried in front of someone: it’s been forever 

99: Went to a movie theater: like a good 6-8 months ago

98: Took a vacation: ummm like 4 months ago 

97: Swam in a pool: yesterday 

96: Changed a diaper: not since my babysitting days 

95: Got my nails done: literally before I left New Zealand so 5 months ago

94: Went to a wedding: it’s been years 

93: Broke a bone: never actually broken anything in my body 

92: Got a peircing: I got my ears pieced when I was 12 

91: Broke the law: Probably when I was driving, speeding or something but nothing I've been charged with lmao

90: Texted: like a couple of hours ago
[ MISC ]

89: Who makes you laugh the most: my sister 

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: having consistently good home cooked meals 

87: The last movie I saw: probably shrek 

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being back in New Zealand! Or doing some travelling 

85: The thing im not looking forward to: working 

84: People call me: gay
83: The most difficult thing to do is: be honest 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I actually haven’t 

81: My zodiac sign is: Leo 

80: The first person i talked to today was: my girlfriend 

79: First time you had a crush: the first crush I remember, I was in year 4 (so 8 years old) and it was on this boy named Joseph 

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: I’m good at hiding things tbh 

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: my sister when my mum and dad were talking shit 

76: Right now I am talking to: my sister and my friends from New Zealand 

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Hairdressing tho I kinda would like to do pre school/nursery/kindergarten teaching 

74: I have/will get a job: currently working as front of house at a little supermarket 

73: Tomorrow: I’m working and doing house work

72: Today: I slept and then worked 

71: Next Summer: I will hopefully be enjoying the sunshine 

70: Next Weekend: Working yet again and having dinner with my grandparents 

69: I have these pets: Definitely a cat, and also a dog 

68: The worst sound in the world: chalk or finger nails on a chalkboard 

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 

66: People that make you happy: my sister, my friends and my girlfriend 

65: Last time I cried: when I watched beauty and the beast 

64: My friends are: absolutely incredible, I don’t deserve them

63: My computer is: I don’t have one anymore 

62: My School: I’m not in school 

61: My Car: I don’t have a car atm 

60: I lose all respect for people who: are snakes 

59: The movie I cried at was: beauty and the beast

58: Your hair color is: brown and boring 
57: TV shows you watch: Atm limitless, shooter, Shetland, Rewatching Criminal Minds, AHS and Black Mirror

56: Favorite web site: boohoo.com or iherb 

55: Your dream vacation: A cruise or a historical/relaxed tour of the ancient world 

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: in a tie between slamming my fingers in a car door or when I got a virus (it’s a really bad version of food poisoning) and I actually thought I was gonna die. 

53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium to well done 

52: My room is: relatively clean and currently got that minimal plant theme going 

51: My favorite celebrity is: Dua Lipa 

50: Where would you like to be: with @dysfunctionalgroup

49: Do you want children: yeah one day 

48: Ever been in love: yes 

47: Who’s your best friend: Anushka 

46: More guy friends or girl friends: it used to be a balance but now mostly girl friends 

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: cute underwear and a good nights sleep 

44: One person that you wish you could see right now:

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: yes

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: mentally but it’s not written down anywhere 

41: Have you pre-named your children: no, but I have some names I really like lined up 

40: Last person I got mad at: my sister 

39: I would like to move to: the Uk or NZ 

38: I wish I was a professional:
[ My Favorites ]

37: Candy: Reece’s pieces or skittles 

36: Vehicle: Kinda want a Range Rover or a Land Rover but in the old style. Or a classic car

35: President: Obama

34: State visited: ive never been to America 

33: Cellphone provider: Lebara 

32: Athlete: my bio teacher, she played for a big women’s netball team 

31: Actor: Jensen Ackles 

30: Actress: Gal Gadot 

29: Singer: Dua Lipa

28: Band: The Internet
27: Clothing store: h&m or boohoo

26: Grocery store: I don’t have one 

25: TV show: Brooklyn 99

24: Movie: I have too many 

23: Website: this hell hole

22: Animal: Cats or Goats 

21: Theme park: I’ve only been to Disney 

20: Holiday: Christmas and Halloween 

19: Sport to watch: Gymnastics 

18: Sport to play: None

17: Magazine: who reads magazines anymore 

16: Book: the Mysterious Benedict Society 

15: Day of the week: Friday 

14: Beach: as long as it’s sandy I’m cool 

13: Concert attended: J Cole

12: Thing to cook: Pizza and Sweet and Sour Pork 

11: Food: Cheesburgers 

10: Restaurant: Any that sell food I like 

9: Radio station: ZM
8: Yankee candle scent: most of them
7: Perfume: Dolce and Gabbana, Floral Drops
6: Flower: forget me nots
5: Color: Green
4: Talk show host: don’t have a fave
3: Comedian: don’t have a fave
2: Dog breed: Border Collie
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Guess you’ll never know
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gothamcityprince · 8 years ago
i was tagged by @notquitedeadyet
rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last:
1. drink: uuuh water i guess
2. phone call: like legit phone call ??? with phone numbers ?? cause i dont do that 
3. text message: @notquitedeadyet
4. song you listened to: i think farmer refuted from hamilton 
5. time you cried: fuck if i know my man
have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: unfortunately  7. kissed someone and regretted it: oh yea 8. been cheated on: kinda tbh 9. lost someone special: probably  10. been depressed: do u mean my constant state of being
11. gotten drunk & thrown up: no comment 
favorite colors:
12. red
13. blue
14. yellow probably tbh
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yea 16. fallen out of love: can it count as falling out of love if ur p sure u werent in love in the first place  17. laughed until you cried: yeah gd josh keaton reading spiderman memes  18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah 19. met someone who changed you: definitely  20. found out who your friends are: ye ah 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: mm
general: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i dont want to go through them all and figure it out but i think i actually know almost all of them irl 23. do you have any pets: y e s !!!! i have two doggos  24. do you want to change your name: hell yes i do 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i did absolutely nothing and pretended it wasnt my birthday to the best of my abilities  26. what time did you wake up: i woke up at like 1 am n then was up all day and now im up at 2 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was still sleeping tbh 28. name something you can’t wait for: going back to school and seeing my bf 31. what are you listening to right now: my gotdamn fan i dont have anything playing cause im a lazy piece of shit who doesnt want to reach over and grab his headphones 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: uuuuuuh i mean i think so ??? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: ppl who r dicks for no reason i suppose theyre always getting on my nerves  34. most visited website: flightrising  35. hair colour: uh this really really reddish brown 36. long or short hair: short af it use to be an undercut 39. piercings: ive got two in each ear tho theyre mostly closed up and ive got my lip pierced (i also use to have my nose pierced  40. blood type: fuck if i know my guy 41. nicknames: jay,,,,, i think thats it 42. relationship status: taken 43. zodiac: gemini  44. pronouns: he/him 45. favourite tv show: the flash i think 46. tattoos: eventually
47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: i had one on my neck when i was like 3 i think and then i got my wisdom teeth out 49. piercing: this,,,, this is the same as the other one but uuuuh i wanna get my septum pierced  50. sport: idk im not really big on sports but uh martial arts and skiing i suppose  51. vacation: to go see my bf and also see the world i really really want to travel  52. pair of trainers: ive got a pair of combat boots and a pair of red converses
more general 53. eating: n,,,, nothing rn ? 54. fav drink: hmm probs sweet tea ngl 55. what you’re up to: this 56. waiting for: nothing really ? 57. want: a completely stable mental state would be g9 58. get married: at 30, to my boyfriend 59. career: fuck if i know my man which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: yes 61. lips or eyes: y e s 62. shorter or taller: hmm uuuh i dont think i really have preference tbh ? but i guess i like to be taller than ppl 63. older or younger: i mean as long as it doesnt get much past a 3 year difference i dont care all that much 64. nice arms or nice stomach: all stomachs n arms r nice 65. hook up or relationship: normally ? neither ngl 66. troublemaker or hesitant: asjdlkfjd probably troublemaker i suppose  have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: yea 68. drank hard liquor: oh man 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: HA YES 70. turned someone down: :’ ) 71. sex on the first date: rip how about sex and then just straight up not dating 72. broken someone’s heart: i wish i could say no but i think i have 73. had your heart broken: hmm i mean i dont really think so  74. been arrested: ,,,, oh wow i dont think i have been 75. cried when someone died: yeah  76. fallen for a friend: those r literally the only ppl i fall for 
do you believe in 77. yourself: lmao 78. miracles: not really  79. love at first sight: it depends i guess
80. santa claus: i have never believed in santa claus once in my entire life 81. kiss on the first date: heck yeah 82. angels: i mean that would imply that theres a god so no i guess
83. current best friend’s name: wouldnt u like to know,,,,, ok but umm hmm i mean perce for sure, n def silas i mean it takes quite a bit to reach a point where i consider someone close enough to be a best  friend
84. eye colour: green as shit 
85. favourite movie: this is rude and asking me to make a decision idfk what my fave movie is tbh maybe the original ghostbusters 
i tag: i dont really feel like tagging anyone so if u wanna do this u can just say i tagged u n go nuts
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emilyartstudios · 8 years ago
Get to know me tag i was tagged by @peachy-julia ahah thank you so much!! ^^ RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (if you all think I've got that much friends you're tripping wth) THE LAST…
1.Drink: orange juice 
2.Phone call: ahah can't remember, I mostly text :)!!!
3.Text message: my best friend ahah we messaged through snap 
4.Song you listened to: OH NO you caughttt meee (Carmen by Lana because when I'm in her album, I want to listen to all of them)
6.Dated someone twice: naw
7.Been cheated on: naw
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: ahaha
10.Been depressed: :/ don't we all feel down sometimes?
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: naw LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS:
- light greens (like green tea))
- blues - pinks/purples 
15.Made new friends: yes! Pretty good I should say
16.Fallen out of love: naw
17.Laughed until you cried: I think so! This could be true!!
18.Found out someone was talking about you: naw
19.Met someone who changed you: Maybe ahah
20.Found out who your true friends are: I've always known for sure who my real friends are
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I stopped the whole Facebook thing :) GENERAL… 
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them which is why I don't go on there anymore
23.Do you have any pets: I own two birds; a cockatiel and a love bird. And a cute French poodle :)
24.Do you want to change your name: I'm very happy with my name as it is
25.What did you do for your last birthday: i was with my family the whole time it was great ^^
26.What time did you wake up: LMAO AT 2:00 pm leave me alon- 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: I was hanging out with my fam as always they're great 28.Name something you cannot wait for: Voltron SEASON 4!!! And my new case for my phone :,)
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: 5 minutes ago I suppose?? :0
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Maybe the fact that I wasn't such a good networker when I was younger :/ (but now I'm trying my best!! ^^)
31.What are you listening to right now: CuCo's full album: Songs4U!!! ITS GOOD ITS REALLY REALLY GOOD
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Thomas yes not a tom though 
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: Ah;;; I mostly ignore things that's aggravate me (like some fandoms) but rn for sure the whole Charlottesville situation :/
34.Most visited website: I visit YouTube, insta, PaigeeWorld, and DeviantArt a lot!! Not here so much but I do come lmao
35.Elementary: some good shit
36. High School: I want to say that Junior and Senior year was the best year yes yes shout out to the best times 37.College/university: Im not a sophomore at my college and i still don't know why I'm here lmao!! I'm here to draw but I haven't learned anything that I want to learn :0 but it's still cool! I learned a bunch of useful skills though! (As I should because I'm in paying for this???)
38.Hair color: I have very dark brown hair! I have been thinking of dying it a dark purple but I for sure won't cause I'm boring
39.Long or short hair: I have sort of long hair? But I want to cut it short ahah I always wimp out tho
40.Do you have a crush on someone: naw not rn
41.What do you like about yourself: ah;;; I am always willing to learn and I always do something with my full power!
42.Piercings: I have my ears pierced :)
43.Blood type: I don't know my blood type :0!! Hopefully I find out one day and I can donate ^^
44.Nickname: Em sometimes or mely
45.Relationship status: I'm personally not interested in having a relationship ahah it's a long story!!!
46.Zodiac sign: Gemini!
47.Pronouns: she/they/ whatever idrc
48.Favorite tv show: HAVE YOU WATCHED SENSE 8 ITS GOOD-
49.Tattoos: I do not have any but I do want one!!! But my dad doesn't like them lmao// hopefully I can convince him one day :)
50.Right or left hand: I'm right handed but I do teach my left hand some stuff FIRST…
51.Surgery: there's a vague memory if I did get one or not but I cannot remember 
52.Piercing: My ears were pierced when I was a baby but I feel like I can still remember myself crying like a little BBBBitttch
54.Sport: I don't play sports my dude I'm an artist ha
55.Vacation: I never went anywhere for my vacation times
57.Eating: first thing I ate? What?
58.Drinking: Ill talk about the first time I drank that frappe at McDonald's Boi that shit good
59.I’m about to: start drawing not wTeam Nyan art lmao!!///
60.Listening to: STILL CUCO but um his song neon baby is playing :)!!!
61.Waiting for: my case to come home!!! And an email from my client ahah
62.Want: to be fully ready for the next school year OTL 63.Get married: Idk I've always seen it as a maybe option :/
65.Hugs or kisses: both both both
66.Lips or eyes: BOTH BOTH BOTH
67.Shorter or taller: taller for sure because I'm like really short and no one is shorter than me- 68.Older or younger: Same range as my age!! They at least have to be close younger or older :0
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms bro
71.Sensitive or loud: AH ANYONE IS FINE TBH!!! Sensitive is great and cute!! AND LOUD IS LIKE IDEAL
72.Hook up or relationship: relationship!! I don't play around
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: BOTH BOTH BOTH HAVE YOU EVER… 
74.Kissed a stranger?: no ahah
75.Drank hard liquor?: yeah and I'm not fond of it;;;
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: no I still have my glasses from the first prescription :)
77.Turned someone down?: ooo idk fam
78.Sex on first date?: naw I'm not down
79.Broken someone’s heart?: ahaha perhaps I did sadly
80.Had your heart broken?: hmm
81.Been arrested?: no no no
82.Cried when someone died?: yeah of course ahah ya kidding me?
83.Fallen for a friend?: no actually ahah DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 
84.Yourself?: I wish to say yes!! ^^
85.Miracles?: yeah!!
86.Love at first sight?: maybe maybe idk liking at first sight maybe
87.Santa Claus?: Coca Cola created Santa Claus 
(It's a joke please don't grab me by the neck damn) $$$$ 88.Kiss on the first date?: hmmm 
89.Angels?: yo maybe idk OTHER…
90.Current best friend’s name: UM I HAVE SO MUCH GREAT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE THAT I LOVE??? 
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4yue · 8 years ago
tag thing
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20people
tagged by: @princesselkie thank u ♥♥♥
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my sister at like 11 last night bc i was sending her screenshots of the 5s0s thing with jae and she doesnt know how twitter works 3. text message: i asked my mom to buy hotdogs 4. song you listened to: 0mile - nct127 5. last time you cried: ummmmm i probably cried yesterday i dont remember 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yea 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
3 favorite colors 12. green (mostly mint green) 13. orange 14. pink/yellow
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: ya 19. met someone who changed you: i dont think so 20. found out who your friends are: who 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: whats facebook
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i dont have that 24. do you want to change your name: yes i hate my birthname with my entire heart my middle name is acceptable i might keep it 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went to applebees with my friends and then we walked to the halloween store and made weird snapchat videos there until they closed 26. what time did you wake up: mmm this morning didnt happen idk 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was looking at mario kart things 28. name something you can’t wait for: libra season and halloween and marching band season and the end of bandcamp in a few weeks im going and im going to Cry
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago 30. what are you listening to right now: lightsaber - exo 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: not that ik of 32. something that is getting on your nerves: my computer screen is too bright and i cant remember anything 33. most visited website: tumblr 34. hair color: blonde 35. long or short hair: i have short hair but not that short 37. what do you like about yourself? what 40. nickname: lemon, rae 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: aries rising, libra sun, sagi moon and virgo venus im saying bc shes my worst enemy i think 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favorite tv show: atla the office ahs ghost brothers 45. tattoos: none but i want A Lot 46. right or left handed: right 47. surgery: im getting my wisdom teeth out this week 48. sport: does marching band count 49. vacation: chicago was really fun 50. pair of shoes: ive been living in flip flops
more general 
 51. eating: nothing 52. drinking: nothing 53. i’m about to: rookie is on so im abt to enjoy the Chorus 54. waiting for: i want my dad to bbq today so that 55. want: a switch and splatoon 2                                                                      
56. get married: i want to :( 57. career: i figured id be dead by now so idk
which is better
 58. hugs or kisses: hugs 59. lips or eyes: eyes 60. shorter or taller: shorter 61. older or younger: younger like i still like ppl older than me as long as they arent taller id die 62. nice arms or nice stomach: both r good 63. hook up or relationship: relationship  64. troublemaker or hesitant: either
have you ever 65. kissed a stranger: no 66. drank hard liquor: no 67. lost glasses/contact lenses: i dont need them 68. turned someone down: ya 69. sex on the first date: no 70. broken someone’s heart: yes 71. had your heart broken: yeah  72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: help
do you believe in 75. yourself: who 76. miracles: idk 77. love at first sight: no but also that sounds nice 78. santa claus: no 79. kiss on the first date: sure 80. angels: ya
other 81. eye color: grey 82. favorite movie: coraline and the new xmens 83. lust or love: love 84. favorite item of clothing: all my marching band shirts theyre all i wear these days 85. favorite song: bae and i like it by clc and one last time by snsd
if u see this youre tagged i love u♥♥♥
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ellipsesarefun · 8 years ago
you pour it out for everyone to see
(Sorry if it’s late :(( )
Otayuri Week 2017 Day 2: Social Media/Celebrations (FaceTime, Skype, Youtube, Instagram)
A/N: Sequel to “now i gotta wash my mouth out with soap”~! Also featuring an Original Female Character.
His mind is a cosmic chaos of emotions. Not even skating himself to the death is helping him.
As the past six months ran by, his communication with his labeled “bestie” remained ambiguously normal. They talk on Skype as they usually do, always ranging from their skating routines to their daily nonsense (cats, weather, etc.). And it was perfectly normal. They barely engaged a conversation on love, Mila, or… the Accident (because it totally was; come on, he wasn’t thinking straight.) and that is totally normal in their imaginary rule book. Even before said fiasco, they never really took the time to indulge on that topic, merely in passing (“who was your first kiss”, “who was the worst partner”, “the most embarrassing moment when you dated”). So yea. Totally mundane and ordinary. 
Except it wasn’t okay. It took all his strength not to broach on any topic. It would be weird and awkward. Awkweird. It was not the line friends cross and while he did cross the line by an inch, he was just pushed back to his side of the line where he initially belonged. Beka, being casual and everything, did not initiate nor push him about it. He merely kept his usual composure, just how the way things were.
And it only fueled his turmoil. It doesn’t help that his relationship with Mila grew fragile. A few days after he left, she had this.. look. There was no smile this time but there was something on her expression that she knew something.. that somehow it was his fault that he fucked up their relationship.
Through this chaos, anger at himself became his drive in training. But it wasn’t only anger, there was a whole icing of anguish spread on top. He stretched his limits, to the brink of his own sanity, almost tearing his body from limb to limb. To those who noticed said nothing, merely watching from afar and only intervening when he came close to passing out.
And said intervention came to the rescue. She was a friend of his from overseas who lived with katsudon and old man. Her parents and Katstudon’s parents go way back and decided to ship her here in Russia for a mini vacation.
Tine [20:30] Yo asshole!
[20:45] tf do u want bitch? why are you still up? katsudon would’ve put you to bed by now..
Tine [20:47] Ahem. I’m a fucking 20-year-old adult. I make the rules.
[20:48] 20-year-old adult in a fifteen-year-old body :p
Tine [20:49] HEY! Watch it, kid, regardless of our two-year gap, I’m still older than you.
[20:50] yea. but i LOOK older than you :p even old man thinks ur my little sis
Tine [20:59] ...point taken.
Tine [21:00] Anyways. How’s it going?
[21:01] cut the crap
Tine [21:03] YOU cut the crap, Mr. “I’m angry with the world and everything that’s teen angst”
[21:06] ur lame af
Tine [21:04] And you’re stalling... haven’t heard from you much.. what’s really up..? how’s he doing?
[21:06] same old same old.. the usual.. nothing changed really..
Tine [21:07] ....After all that?
Tine [21:08] That fucking sucks.
[21:13] tell me about it
[21:15] what makes it worse is mila hasn’t really talked to me..
[21:17] and i’m too distracted in coming up with any ideas for my theme and song music..
[21:18] and beka’s.. Beka’s okay. We’re cool. We talk the usual shit.
Tine [21:19] but you’re not okay.
[21:20] ...is that all you got? putting out the obv?
Tine [21:21] Hm.
[21:22] spill it woman, i don’t have all night for this
Tine [21:23] What say you and I do a little music jam? Make a Youtube account?
[21:24] whut
Tine [21:25] For a stress reliever, dumbass. You can sing. I can sing. We both can play the guitar and we can put it up on Youtube.. Plus we can search for some music you might like that’s beyond classical. It’s a win-win for everyone.
[21:28] what do u get out of this?
Tine [21:30] To do something for shits and giggles. Something nice for my spare time.
Tine [21:31] What say you?
[21:34] sure i guess
Tine [21:25] Such enthusiasm.
[21:26] hey ur asking a lot from me here.
True to heart, they went music scavenging as planned on the days he finished his training. That meant his time with his friend from overseas overlapped with his Skyping time with Otabek. He introduced the two one evening and it went slightly awkward, seeing as they barely have anything in common except for maybe some literature, but that was only in passing. She and Yuri decided to keep the music project a secret, with the viable excuse of her being there was to be watched over (”Hey, I’m older than you, you know” “You don’t act like it”). Otabek didn’t mind of course. They still kept their conversations as mundane as they make it while Tine sat beside him mostly in silence, sometimes listening, sometimes reading some shit (”Seriously, just pretend I don’t exist; i don’t usually wanna talk” she laughed). It was an upgraded routine for all of them and no one seemed to mind one bit.
He wasn’t exactly sure how she managed to rope him into this. While yes they both have the skills to do so, he was hesitant in trying her songs. Most of them were dark, creepy and downright strange. She also had a wide variety of options. There was an equal proportion of hip hop, grunge, metal, acoustic, with a few jazz and blues combined. Beka helped as well, seeing he is a DJ and has encountered most of the music she presented. However, he never truly found out what Yuri needed for, only for some new music to skate for. 
(Sometimes, he can feel his best friend has an inkling of what they were up to, but that’s just paranoia).
Fortunately, it only took two weeks for them to find a song they both liked.
Soap Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute sneak peak video]
“I feel it coming out my throat Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap God, I wish I never spoke Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #cover #soap
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 763 comments
christophe-gc Such accent!!! <3 Love his voice
Yurisonlylover Who’s she? His surrogate sister or something?
BestYuriAngels @Yurisonlylover I think so.. I saw a picture of them once. [link]
phichit+chu Damn that voice~
v-nikiforov Wow! Amazing, Yurio! @yuri-plisetsky @chriscapss  
chriscapps Damn.. so many views per day.. You’re good for this music business @yuri-plisetsky.
They only posted one video yet they were already famous. His phone exploded with notifications filled with likes, dislikes and comments. Yakov didn’t seem care, as long as he kept on practicing his usual routines. Mila started talking to him again, with the help of Tin. He introduced them three days after he uploaded their video. One look from Mila and she was already adored by the older skater (”YURI SHE’S SO ADORABLE!!!”). They now go out for coffee breaks. 
And Otabek.. Beka was impressed. Still is. After he found out the video, they finally found another topic that piqued their interest: music. 
Beka [17:00] Hey. Nice cover. When did you learn how to sing like that?
[17:02] a couple of years back, tine’s first visit in russia. We had a couple of gigs together, but this is the first time we ever posted a song that we actually like.
Beka [17:03] You had a lot of disagreements before?
[17:04] pfft, more like full-blown arguments. her song choices can be a little creepy
Beka [17:05] I noticed...
Since then, there conversations prolonged and gradually, contentment filled his emotions more than his own anguish over unrequited affections. This upgraded their routine and level of closeness further and while it was not what his other part of himself had hoped, it was enough for him to have that familiar comfort of talking to him again. 
This music project isn’t so bad after all.
Carousel Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute sneak peak]
“And it's all fun and games, 'Til somebody falls in love, But you've already bought a ticket, And there's no turning back now”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #cover #thissongrocks
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 532 comments
YuriPisMyJam God, that voice.. I live for that voice
Plisexyness Another Melanie?? Is he a CryBaby fan?
chriscapss @Plisexyness I am the huge fan. He just happened to like some of her songs. 
Y-Angels56 @chriscapss OMFG, can you do a cover on Cry Baby? Training Wheels? Are you guys gonna cover the whole album.
chriscapss @Y-Angels56 Nah haha. Maybe?
yuri-plisetsy @chriscapss no.. 
Tine [19:00] Any ideas for your music theme?
[20:15] none yet..
Tine [20:25] You doin’ ayt?
[20:30] more or less.. fucking tired though. almost collapsed when i couldn’t nail that jump right...
Tine [20:31] Ah
[20:33] beka and i are doing okay if that’s what you’re asking... am weirded out by mila though.
Tine [20:36] Why?
[20:40] she seems to be talking to me now.. beka hasn’t mentioned about her at all. not like we talk about dating so seriously..
Tine [20:41] Seems okay.. What’s the problem though..
[20:43] nothing i guess..
Tine [20:45] Hm..
[20:47] wanna jam something tom? i think.. i may have a few ideas for my program..
Tine [20:48] Same artist?
[20:49] omfg ur killing me u know...
Tine [20:50] So you do like all of her songs now?
[20:51] not all, okay.. a couple... but she grew on me.. i’ll admit that..
Tine [20:55] YAY! So what say we pick another poison from her album?
Cake Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute preview video]
“I feel like I'm just missing Something whenever you leave We've got all the ingredients Except you needing me”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #thisonetookthecake #freakinggenius
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 4556 comments
YuriPisMyJam Okay, third time’s the charm. wtf is going on here?
BestYuriAngels This is just their third song, but they’re all the same artists..
Y-Angels56 That’s just the third video.. nothing much to discern over anything yet..
YuriPisMyJam @Y-Angels yea but.. come on, the chosen lyrics? the chosen songs? there’s something going on...
leodglesia woah @yuri-plisetsky never knew you were a fan.. we should put up some gigs sometime.
The internet is now speculating on said posts. It had only been three covers of the same artist and people are already assuming that therein lies a deeper intentions that the said skater was hiding. Even the people around him were starting to wonder, with the stupid pig and stupid old man barraging him with hugs, questioning his mental well-being or if he was moping for someone. Mila even singled him out once or twice over the week, not-so-subtley prying for answer. Otabek was speculative (his best friend is too smart for his own good) but only mentioned in passing. Yuri could only keep up with the excuse to their covers as Tine being an avid fan.
And that was true.
Only, this was an outlet; a healthy outlet to convey his raging emotions. Little did he care that Otabek was oblivious to their purpose now. In a way, it’s pouring his intentions in guise of a singer’s spontaneity (because of this, he was glad that he had Tine singing with him; she’s a really good use for an excuse).
He admittedly grew an appreciation for the artist, how much skill and talent was shown through the way she writes them, and the way she sang each of her songs. 
To that extent, it was already giving him ideas for his music and theme for the upcoming competition. 
God, he is such a sap.
Tine [21:00] Ready for tom?
[21:34] yep.
Training Wheels Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute preview video]
“You've been riding two-wheelers all your life It's not like I'm asking to be your wife I wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say Is this coming off in a cheesy way?”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #awesomesong
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 5,656 comments
YuriPisMyJam omfg something else is going on... I just know it..
Y-Angels So maybe there is...
leodglesia Awesome cover, guys!!!  Sick guitar plucking @chriscapss 
saymyname what is with the Crybaby themes??? Could it be..?
Y-Angels Pining? Unrequited love??? they’re quite apparent...
saymyname maybe it’s just a coincidence.. who knows..
Beka [23:30] Hey. Great cover today *thumbs up emoji*
[00:01] thnx..
A/N: Credits to Melanie Martinez and her awesome album track!!
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ava-rosier · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tweed-queen !!!!!!! I give you Robberyn naughty flirting.
Mr Mystery and the Magical, Colorful Peacock
rated: borderline M
summary: Robb and Oberyn are such close neighbors they can’t help spying on one other. Maybe it’s inevitable that ~something~ would happen. Title from Katy Perry because yes.
Robb groans as he holds the stretch for another two seconds before relaxing, arms dropping loosely against his sides. It'd been a long, busy Thursday even if he'd gotten off work at two in the afternoon, mostly because he was a glutton for punishment and had gotten up at five thirty in the morning for a run before work. Which he'd done in spite of knowing that he'd be meeting with Mr. Tarly today.
Fucking Randyll Tarly.
Robb had graduated top of his class with excellent recommendations that had secured him a great job as a creative strategist at  Edgerton & Massey Advertising in King's Landing, and he'd been hired precisely for his ability to think outside the box when it came to marketing strategies. But fucking Randyll Tarly and his worthless son, Dickwad, kept shooting down his proposals for their advertising campaign, instead suggesting old-fashioned ideas that would do nothing to reach their new, younger target audience.
And Robb can't just tell them to hang because a failed campaign would reflect poorly on him. Either he finds a way to sway the Tarlys over to his plan or he lets go of them as clients. The latter isn't an option he wants to take, not when he still feels like he has to prove himself to his older, more established coworkers. Sometimes being an adult sucks.
His flat is on the third floor of an attractive, white-painted, building in the Hook. The area's been developed heavily over the past decade, with more restaurants, shops, and cafes popping up every month. Robb loves it because he doesn't have to walk far for necessities or pleasures and it's a quick tram ride to the office. High ceilings, plenty of windows which means plenty of light, and a lot of open space between the living room, the dining area, and the kitchen.
Speaking of light...
He sets his empty glass of water down on the counter and makes his way along the wall, cracking open several windows with a surreptitious glance across the way into the building next to his. Another renovated industrial building, of which there are easily a dozen in the area, albeit red-bricked. His neighbor across the way has twice the square footage that Robb does. The buildings here have a tendency to be almost uncomfortably close together- something about how zoning regulations hadn't existed seven decades ago. What it means is that, courtesy of the narrow alley below, he can easily see into the flat across from him. He's not disappointed the man isn't there. Really.
Come on, now, let's not fool ourselves.
Thing is, Robb has known since he was a teenager that he's not entirely straight. He just tends to be attracted to women more often than he is to men; he'd give it a 15-to-85 point spread in favor of women, actually.  Not like Sansa who has dated both women and men with equal odds or Bran who has been with Jojen since junior year of high school. The men who actually pique Robb's interest are relatively few and far in between, and the man in the flat across the alley definitely makes the cut.
He's older, by maybe fifteen years, and based on the jerseys he wears on certain football game days, he hails from Dorne. The man, whom Robb refers to as 'Mr Mystery', looks to be about the same build as him: lean muscled albeit with bigger arms.  His black hair has a slight curl to it when it's grown out or not styled, which it rarely is; he has a hooked nose, tanned skin, and a smile that verged more on a smirk. Given that he frequently heads to and from his flat in a suit, Robb deduces Mr. Mystery has a professional job. The sight of him in well-tailored trousers and a jacket, with his shirt partially unbuttoned never ceases to make Robb drool.
Mr. Mystery looks just as hot when he's naked.
Oh yes, Robb knows exactly what he looks like naked; the older man is uninhibited about sauntering bare-assed through his flat. Even worse? Robb's bedroom looks into the other flat's and on more than one occasion he's been able to peek through his curtains into Mr. Mystery's bedroom as he fucks one of his myriad of lovers. Men and women, occasionally at the same time.
Solid gold, A+++ wank material there, that is.
Realizing he's been standing there in front of his open windows, staring into his neighbor's living room like a creep, Robb shakes his head and makes his way into his bedroom. He normally keeps his sleeping area relatively neat but there are signs of relaxed vigilance: his clothes hamper is out of the closet and overflowing- he really ought to do laundry this weekend- and more than one pair of shoes are strewn about. Not for the first time, he is grateful to his sister Sansa for taking over the reins and making sure his place was tastefully decorated once he had the money to buy decent furniture and bedding.
It's Thursday afternoon, but with the return of spring weather in King's Landing after a chilly and damp winter, it feels more like a Friday. Raising his blinds and opening one of the windows in his bedroom, he nearly moans at the feeling of sunshine on his face.  Winters in the south do nothing to faze his Northmen blood, but he appreciates the warmth nonetheless.
Off go his work clothes, joining several days' worth flung over the arms of a chair in the corner. Robb decides he feels like being pretty today. So off go his black boxer briefs and he fishes a lacy thong in an arresting shade of peacock blue out of one of his dresser drawers. Pulling it on, he whistles a half-forgotten tune as he slides his arms into the YiTish silk robe Talisa had left behind when she moved out.  He doesn't stop there- grabbing the stubby pencil off of his dresser, Robb carefully applies a thin layer of smudged black kohl around his eyes. With a few swipes of mascara hiding the reddish brown hue of his eyelashes, his eyes seem brighter.
The makeup thing, he'd discovered freshman year of college when he dated serious, quiet little Roslin with the unfathomable depths. She'd liked to sit on his lap and put makeup on him. Robb had been surprised how much he enjoyed it (and not just because it was often a precursor to sex). Later on, he'd been surfing the internet when he saw a picture of a male model wearing a very silky, very feminine looking pair of panties that had obviously been designed with cock and balls in mind. Even now, he can remember the way his heart pounded and his hands felt a bit clammy as he placed an order for his own pair. It's not something he thinks a lot about. He's not exactly ashamed that he likes wearing pretty panties or putting on a little makeup, but it's something private. Of course, he does go to great lengths to hide this from Theon, one of his own best friends.
Hence why he's glad Mr. Mystery isn't here to see him; he can walk around the flat like this and enjoy the warmer breeze as he stands in front of the long, open window, face upturned.
“Well, hello there,” a voice calls out in a low, silky purr.
Robb startles, head whipping down to see none other than Mr. Mystery leaning over the wrought iron balcony outside his bedroom, holding a half-empty pint of beer in one hand and taking a lazy drag from the cigarette held between two fingers. He's in casual jeans and a button down that looks like it hasn't been ironed in a long time.  Mr. Mystery gives him a not-subtle once over and Robb would swear he could feel those brown eyes on his bared skin. He almost wants to preen, to strike a pose showing off his body, but instead he stands there like a complete idiot.
Seven bloody, buggering hells.
Oberyn knows he's being very blatant right now, checking out the younger man like this, but, he thinks as he takes another drag from his cigarette, he's been noticing his neighbor for some time now and there's no point in beating around the bush. Especially not when said neighbor is parading around in front of Oberyn in naught but a robe and lacy panties. Practically gift wrapped just for him, really. And now the man is flushing a rather fetching shade of pink.
“Do you know, we've never exchanged even a handful of words in the past six months, and yet I feel like we already know each other, given how much we see of each other every day?” He asks, opting to not comment on the other man's state of undress. Oberyn can see a hint of fear and embarrassment in those blue eyes. Best not to push too hard just yet. “I'm Oberyn Martell, by the way.”
“Robb Stark.”
Ah, he has a name! Oberyn can't seem to control the grin tugging at his lips. Over the past few months, he's found himself standing at the window, watching Robb go about his day. These glimpses, at first, hadn't amounted to more than merely noting how attractive the auburn-haired man was, if at a distance. Oberyn is a man of many passions, and what he doesn't express in the courtroom or the fencing piste, he expresses with his various lovers.
Then one morning Robb was standing there in front of the window near his kitchen, gulping down some OJ after a run, the hair on his chest and underarms damp with sweat. Just watching the bobbling motion of his Adam's apple had blood rushing to Oberyn's groin. There were other sightings, such as the times when he walked tantalizingly close to the windows in nothing but a towel around his waist.  
Oberyn is forty-two, not dead.
“I would've thought you'd be at work right now,” Robb inquires, tone deceptively casual.
“Pott, calling kettle?” Oberyn shrugs. “Won a case but I got a little...intense...during the trial and my partners strongly suggested I take two weeks' vacation.”  He had won his case against the slimy underworld kingpin himself, Petyr Baelish, sending the asshole to prison for the rest of his natural life. Which, given the enemies the man had made since details of his double-dealing had surfaced during the trial, would not be much longer indeed. 
So, Oberyn's blood is up and he's more than ready to relieve some of that tension. No doubt Mr. Stark has noticed the variety of lovers that he's had in his flat.  Oberyn has never made any bones about the fact he has no intention of marrying and while he's had fairly serious relationships in the past, long-term ones, they've always been open-ended.
Robb snorts, ducking his head down as he breaks out in a wide grin. “Suggested or threatened? I envy your vacation, forced or not. But alas I'll have to go back to work tomorrow.”
A flick of his fingers to knock loose a bit of smoldering ember from the end of his cigarette is all the time Oberyn spends contemplating the pros and cons of his next comment. “Well then, I suppose you're just going to have to make your early afternoon worth it, won't you?” He takes a slow sip of his beer, enjoying the faint citrus taste, bitter and foamy, on his tongue. He's only drank enough to feel buzzed, and the alcohol has mingled with the arousal in his bloodstream to make his skin tingle and his cock thicken against the constraints of his jeans with a faint ache.
Robb is watching him intently, with a focus and a half-grin that feels more like a challenge. “I bet you have a few ideas on that matter.”
“It just so happens I do. Perhaps I could come over and discuss them with you in person?” Oberyn trails his eyes over the pelt of hair on Robb's chest, following the thin line down to where it disappears into blue lace. When he looks back up at Robb's face, the half-grin has grown into something more wolfish, and Oberyn suppresses a shiver.
“Maybe you should. I'd hate to not relax properly.”
He claps a hand on the railing, breaking the spell of building tension. “Give me five. Don't slip into anything less comfortable.” With a jaunty wave, he's heading back through the doors, stubbing his cigarette out and leaving his sweating glass on the kitchen counter. Oberyn doesn't glance back outside to see if Robb is still watching as he returns to his bedroom and grabs some condoms and lube out of the bedside drawer.
Never let it be said that Oberyn Martell doesn’t know how to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself.
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