#(having a hard time forcing myself to reply)
darkmxgician · 2 days
Said & Done- Part 1
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After meeting an alluring stranger you fall fast, not realising that he’s about to pull you back in to the dangerous world you’ve tried so hard to escape from.
pairing: fem!reader x noah. tags: swearing, just fluff here
word count: 1.6k
story song: burning out
taglist: @sorrowsofsilence @angelsdevils @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @montgomery-929496. lmk if you want to be added to the taglist
18+ below the cut
I wake up covered in sweat. The last embers of my nightmare tugging me into a sense of fear and dread. I couldn’t tell what was real and my fight or flight started to kick in. Adrenaline began to course through my body, making me aware of every shadow in my dark bedroom. Sleep definitely wasn’t going to come to me again anytime soon, so I pulled myself out of bed and changed into my gym clothes. Rushing to get away from the silence of my home. Stepping out into the cool night air was blissful on my sweat soaked skin and I savoured it whilst I walked to my car. The streets were quiet during the drive, my ancient car stereo playing the mixtape I had in earlier, I’d listened to it so many times it just faded into the background. Thankfully the gym is always empty at 3am, I chose this specific gym for that reason, even though it’s further from my house. I had already gotten a workout in today, but the dreams that haunt me always leave me feeling restless, with a need to purge some of the energy from my system. I use my keycard to get in as reception is closed, I usually make a beeline for the weights and then follow that with a quick run on the treadmill, but tonight feels different. I need to hit something, so I make my way up the stairs, the rooms above the main floor have various equipment, and I head straight for the one with the punching bags. 
I push open the double doors and stop in my tracks. I’ve never come across anyone else here at this time before, but my luck has just run out. And it’s not just anyone, it’s the tall dark stranger who has been watching me since I started coming here over a year ago. Give by sleep token is blasting from a speaker as he does push ups with one arm behind his back. He looks up at me, through his sweat drenched hair that shields the full force of his beauty. He stops and slowly, gracefully pushes himself up so he’s kneeling, his depthless brown eyes locked on me, assessing me. My mouth goes dry, I’ve never seen him this close before, I can’t help but study the tattoos that adorn his shoulders, arms, his bare chest, and even his neck. He continues to look at me, panting from his workout that I interrupted. My palms start to sweat, “s-sorry, there’s never usually anyone in here at this time” I stammer, as he raises a brow at my accent. The stranger stands in one smooth motion, and covers the space between us in two steps. Suddenly he’s towering over me, his large frame seems to suck all the light out of the room and I take a shaky breath and look up. He cocks his head to one side, his wet hair following the movement, “don’t you usually workout during the day?”. His American accent was rich and deep, I could feel the bass from his voice in my very bones. I stopped shying away from his stare and looked up, “I-I couldn’t sleep. I need to burn off some, energy, before I can even attempt it again”, cursing myself for stuttering I manage to keep my eyes on his, the intensity of his gaze making my stomach do backflips, I couldn’t help but smile at the stranger. And when he smiled back, I knew I was done for. 
“I’m Noah”, he smiles down at me, “y/n” I reply. I’m having to stop myself from grinning, I’ve never felt this connected to someone I just met before. I could feel my cheeks starting to go red, I have to force myself to look away so he doesn’t notice. “You like sleep token?”, I nod to the speaker in the corner, listening to the intro to gods, at least I didn’t stutter again. I have to try and find neutral ground with the stranger. I need to know him, I feel drawn to him, like there’s a thread between our two bodies, pulling me in. I dare to look up when he doesn’t answer, and he’s just staring at me, his smile keeps getting brighter, his eyes almost glowing. I’ve been in here for all of five minutes and I’m losing it over a complete stranger, what is wrong with me? He reaches out and pushes my hair behind my ear, bringing his hand under my chin and forcing me to look up. “I thought you were beautiful from afar, y/n, but up close I can’t help but stare. You’re captivating”. We’re stood so close, his touch sending electric currents through my entire body. I lose every thought in my head. It’s not just physical attraction, and trust me, that’s there. If any other man had just said to that to me, I’d laugh in their face. Why did it make me want to swoon when he says it? I can’t help but lean into his touch, his hands are calloused, his fingers stroking my skin, so smooth in comparison. My eyes flutter shut at his caress and I almost purr, putting a hand on his chest for balance as I force my eyes open again. The music goes off and is replaced by a ringtone, interrupting our embrace. “Fuck”. Noah rests his forehand on mine for a moment, and he’s gone, sighing as he releases me. He stalks over to the speaker, grabbing his phone, “yeah. I told you, I’m at the gym. I can’t right now. For fuck sake, Nick. Yeah. I’ll be 10 minutes”. I realise I was watching and listening to his private conversion so I quickly pull my phone up. Opening the settings app so it looks like I’m scrolling and texting. “I have to go”, he makes his way back over to me and scoops by chin up again, more forceful this time. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a while y/n, and I believe something wanted us to cross paths tonight”, he takes a deep breath, “meet me here, same time tomorrow?”. I blink in shock, he wants to see me again? I try not to make a habit of coming to the gym at this time, but seeing him is all the motivation I need. “Okay, sure”, I smile up at him. “Good girl”, he replies, so quietly I almost miss it. I almost go slack. “Until tomorrow, y/n”, he places a light kiss on my forehead, grabs his belongings, and stalks out of the gym. What the fuck just happened?
The next day goes by agonisingly slow, I can’t concentrate on a thing. I keep checking my phone, even knowing in the blazing sunlight that it’s not 3am yet. I try to distract myself and keep busy, working on some unfinished paintings, reading, none of it works. I give in and go to my room, hoping to use sleep to carry me towards my time with Noah. 
I wake with a start, the alarm on my phone blaring next to me. 1AM. I gave myself enough time to make a little effort, working my hair into plaits and tying the ends in twin buns at the base of my skull. I curl my eyelashes and dab a small amount of concealer under my eyes, and rub in some lip liner and gloss on my lips. The time is passing too fast now, I put on my workout clothes and rush out to my car, feeling both nervous and excited.
The gym is quiet as usual, I presume Noah wants to meet in the workout room upstairs, so I make my way up. I try to slow my pace as I walk through the double doors, where 24 hours ago I met the strange man that has my heart racing. He’s sat cross legged on one of the mats on the floor, my eyes instantly find his as he looks up. “Y/n, you came”, my stomach does a flip at the sight of him, like my body forgot how beautiful he is, what he makes me feel. He strides over to me and pulls me into his arms, “I didn’t think you’d show”. I melt into him. Like I could just stay home, I’ve always been curious, and he’s alluring and mysterious, nothing could keep me from him. “I did tell you I would”, he chuckles at that and pulls back so he can look at me. All my nerves from last night have vanished, I feel confident enough to ask, “so why did you want me to come?”. My intrigue always getting the better of me. “I wanted to see you again, I thought maybe we could workout together?”. I raise my eyebrows at him. “Not like that” he chuckles again, “I’m not hitting on you, I just thought we could get to know each other whilst we train, I could use the company”. He looks sheepish at the omission. He wants me to train with him? He’s twice the size of me, both in height and width. How could I ever keep up? “I’d like that, but why me? Surely there’s plenty of guys here who could help you, who are more equipped than me”. I feel nervous again all of a sudden, I'm physically fit but there's no way I could be on the same level as him. My thoughts race, until he smirks at me, his eyes sweeping down my body, “but none who look like you, y/n”. And he grins again, as irresistible as last night. Who could say no to that? 
And so we begin. 
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snapghoul · 24 hours
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If we happen to be left half alive
Ethan discovers Mav almost died during the uranium mission.
Note: first of three ideas requested by Sunshine, so thank you ❤️❤️
Warnings: discussion of near death
Song: won’t get fooled again - the who
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Pete definitely felt his age. Ejecting from a jet traveling at Mach speed left him feeling like he'd been through a blender. His chest throbbed with bruises, and though he was thankful nothing was cracked or broken, it sure felt that way. He slumped in a chair at his beach house, aware that Cyclone had made it abundantly clear he needed to stay in Fightertown vicinity. That was a bitter pill to swallow; all Pete wanted was to return to the desert, fix his plane, and find some peace away from the endless parade of pilots knocking on his door. He loved his squad—those kids were just concerned—but he needed some time to simply exist.
With nothing on but the sound of the waves crashing across the narrow street, he leaned back in the chair, eyes closed, letting the beach’s rhythm wash over him. After two weeks of non-stop action and nearly dying in a frozen tundra, he craved nothing more than stillness.
The screen door creaked open, and he sighed, expecting it to be Bradley or another Dagger who felt entitled to stroll in unannounced. He braced himself for the impending visit but cracked an eye open when he heard a familiar sigh and saw someone settle onto the couch opposite him.
“Walk right in, welcome to Maverick’s revolving door. How can I help you?” Pete quipped, a chuckle escaping his lips. Ethan smirked, a soft snort of amusement slipping out.
“You should really lock that. Who knows who might just walk in?” Ethan replied, slouching deeper into the cushion, a rare display of comfort.
“If I did, I’d have to replace it. The Navy would just break it down,” Pete shrugged, wincing slightly at the jab of pain.
“I bet,” Ethan nodded. “I heard about the uranium situation.”
Pete raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on his face, his brother always so quick to cut to the point. He lifted his head from the cushion, narrowing his eyes at his twin. “You heard, or you dug it up?”
Ethan matched his gaze, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Same difference.”
Pete rolled his eyes, anticipating that it wouldn’t be long before his brother started probing. They both understood the risks of their lives but rarely discussed them. Still, Ethan had always prioritized others' safety over his own, and Pete knew that well.
Pete prepared to reassure him, raising a hand to wave off the concern as he always did. But Ethan beat him to it, the fear and pain in his eyes silencing Pete's attempts at comfort.
“You got shot down, Peter! You infiltrated an enemy base to steal an F-14 Tomcat! You almost died—what the hell were you thinking?” The frustration echoed in Ethan's voice, the same tone he’d used when he shouted at Bradley for coming after him.
“Three times if you count getting shot at by a helicopter and almost going down again on the way out,” Pete replied, forcing a smile and shrugging, trying to lighten the mood.
But Ethan's expression darkened, brows furrowing and mouth tightening in disapproval.
“Ethan—” Pete started, but Ethan held up a hand to stop him.
“You almost died, three times! Look, I know I can’t talk, but—” Ethan clenched his fist, shaking his head in frustration. “You’re the only family I have left. If you die on me—”
Pete sat up with a groan. He knew this moment was coming, yet it still hit hard. It was a stark truth: they were all each other had. He felt the weight of their shared worry.
“I know, E, I know. I’m sorry. In that moment, if I didn’t put myself between those missiles and Bradley, it was a risk I was willing to take.” His voice was steady, resolute. He would take any risk for Bradley; he owed that much to Goose and Carol.
Ethan’s expression softened, realizing the depth of Pete’s commitment. It had been a long time since Bradley was mentioned, and Ethan understood how much the kid meant to his brother.
“Okay… just—be careful?” Ethan finally said, his voice more vulnerable.
Pete smiled, nodding. “Always. You be careful too.”
They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their argument lingering. It wasn’t often they clashed like this. Ethan sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m actually surprised they didn’t send you. Y’know, a secret uranium site in a remote, impossible location seems more your style,” Pete said with a smile.
Ethan chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, me too.”
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kavehater · 7 days
Lord give me energy today eueueue
#dora daily#sm things piling up but my brain says NO#I can’t even do basic things 😭#it’s genuinely so hard to talk to others#aaaaaaah#the reason is bc I’ve forced myself into contentment with the prospect of being alone cause there’s just so much I can do that would bring#me joy in solitude but#that’s what I’ve always been doing part of the reason I talk a lot is bc that’s how I am in my head#like things firing at 100miles per second bc that’s how I used to keep myself entertained when I was younger#when everyone would have buddies and I wouldn’t#and it works now bc everyone takes ten business days to reply that it’s completely made me genuinely grossed out of social interaction#but I can’t live in La La land forever#pls if only kaveh existed I wouldn’t need another means of socialisation eueeuue#everyone is so impossible to understand; coming from a girl who has always been called utterly INSANE for how hard she hyper focuses on#small cues and signals and detecting discomfort and whatnot. I turn my brain off for one second and yet again the same shit happens it’s so#unfair that everyone can be relaxed and I ought to be on high alert 24/7#I also find it hilarious and pathetic when people pretend to be people smart but they’re really not … it’s genuinely embarrassing#like bitch when you get to my level then we will talk istg …#Istg if this is the autism thing everyone’s been telling me im screwed cause#I don’t want yet another issue#but it’d make sense like how people seem to draw away despite there being nothing wrong with me#how people tend to agree with everything someone else says but the moment I do it it’s heinous#how I have physically had to learn social cues and trial and error#with the errors altering my brain chemistry#that unwavering sense of justice that makes me so very uncomfortable if not fulfilled that I shut up about so I can actually hold down#friends. God knows how every interaction I have with a person is so orchestrated so almost artificial and ‘yes-man’ core that I don’t even#believe said person likes ME bc idek who I am and bc if I don’t agree w#everything no matter how many times someone says I won’t get mad …. trust me they do they’re all liars and manipulators even if they don’t#intend to#the scary fascinations I’ve had when younger
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your-internet-bf · 4 months
We hadn't always gotten along. When our parents got married, we could barely stand each other. How could we get along with some brat we barely knew? Luckily, I had an idea. I bought a clicker - you know, the one they use to train dogs? - and got to work.
I started with "thank you". Every time you said it, maybe at dinner, in the car, at a restaurant, I pressed the clicker. You couldn't tell where the sound was coming from, and nobody else seemed to know what you were talking about. But soon, I started helping you with chores around the house and when we finished, *click*. And without really thinking about it, you'd say "thank you."
A few months passed, and you'd started to notice things about me. I took care of myself. I was clean, and I exercised regularly. You'd hang around when you knew I'd be back from the gym just to catch a whiff of the sweat and metal on me when I returned - our eyes caught once when you got a little too close, and for the first time you saw something primal, a little dark, in my gaze. But it passed in an instant.
We started getting along better, now. So one day, when you were lying on the couch with a snack bowl, I snatched it up and motioned to throw it into your mouth. Well, innocent enough, right? And it wasn't like I was eating much, so it's fine, right? Every time you open your mouth to catch, *click*, *click*, *click*.
Then, I invited you to come work out with me. Every time you did a squat, *click*. I told you it was a metronome to keep your intensity up, but you noticed the bulge in my sweatpants was bigger than usual. Wait, when did you start noticing my bulge, especially enough to know that...?
Finally, it was time. I'd been listening outside your bedroom door for weeks now, and I knew when you'd be asleep. I quietly opened your door and stepped into your room, locking it behind me. You stirred at the sound of the lock clicking, but I wasn't afraid.
I gingerly pulled down the covers and just... stared for a while. I'd never taken the time to really look at how beautiful you are, how gorgeous those curves were. I could hardly stand it. As you lay on your side, I took out the clicker, and *click* it once. Laying on your side, like you were on the couch with the snacks, you obediently open your mouth.
I pull down my pants, my long, thick cock swinging between my thighs. I brush the back of my hand over your cheek, then set it firmly against the back of your head, and push into your mouth.
You wake up almost immediately, but my hand stops you from pulling back as I force inch after throbbing inch down your throat. The more you struggle, the tighter you feel, the harder I push, until you felt your nose press into my hips. You push as hard as you can against me, but I'm so much bigger and stronger than you it doesn't do anything. I don't even budge.
I start to grind into your skull, making you swallow the thick, heavy head of my cock again and again, as I groan in pleasure. I start thrusting harder and harder, making your eyes water as I slam my hips into your face again and again, until finally, mercifully, I release inside you, deep inside your throat. You feel me pulse with your whole mouth, and you struggle to swallow each load of thick, hot, sticky cum while I'm still inside you.
With a shuddering breath, I pull out, letting you breathe properly for the first time in minutes. I watch while you cough and catch your breath, and then I ask, "what do you say?"
You breathe in intending to scream, but then you hear it, just one soft *click*, and all you can say is "thank you".
You stare at me, confused. I wipe my cum off your chin with my thumb, and *click* again. "Thank you", you say.
"I knew it. You're such a good girl, aren't you? Now," I push you onto your back, "spread for me."
You raise your legs to either side, exactly like you're doing a squat.
"I don't - I don't understand," you whimper, legs still in the air.
"You don't have to," I reply, reaching one hand between your legs to feel how wet you are.
"You're soaking, little girl," as I bring my hand up for you to see... Then make you taste it. I reach back down and slip in two of my thick, strong fingers, and cover your mouth with my other hand as you moan. I press up in just the right spot, rubbing in tight, quick circles so deliciously that you can't help but arch your back and grind into me. You feel the pleasure build and all thought leaves your mind; the only thing that matters is my fingers inside you, the scent of my hand over your mouth, and the lingering taste of me.
But before you can finish I pull my fingers out, pressing up and out, leaving you twitching and gasping. "Not yet," I mutter, and I move myself down between your legs. I line up my cock, slapping it down on your tummy first. It reaches your navel, and you feel a wave of fear that only makes you wetter. I pull back, then start pushing in.
It's thick, thick, thick, and heavy. I stretch you out wider than you thought possible, pressuring you in every direction, spreading your aching cunt and making you feel full inside for the first time in your life. Long, deep strokes, moving your whole body with every thrust, reaching inside you, my breath coming fast and hard.
And you hear it again.
"Thank you," you choke out between sobs.
"Thank you," you moan.
"Thank you," you plead, tears in your eyes.
My strokes come faster now, slamming inside you like an animal as you continue to thank me for raping you. Finally, finally, finally, you feel me tense up and slam deep, deep, deep inside you, pressing your whole body into the bed, as I cum again. Huge, hot, sticky white loads of my cum shoot inside you, filling you, as my breath comes in gasps, and as I do you feel it too, now, the wave of pleasure cresting, and you cum, your legs squeezing together, your face screwed tight, moaning with the release of months of tension. And as you cum, you hear a new sound, a familiar sound, but it's deeper than the others...
And you cum harder, knowing I'm training you like a bitch in heat.
I climb up next to you, and just gaze into your eyes for a moment. Then I smile. "Let's go again."
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
How kny men treat their pregnant wife
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Pairings: Obanai x fem!reader; Rengoku x fem!reader; Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Warnings: I went absolutely insane in Sanemi's part lmao, let me know what you think about maybe even more kny complilations in the future?🤍🫶
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Obanai – super overprotective
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„Darling, you really don’t have to be cautious all the time. I’m fine and it’s mid-day.”
“You never know”, the man next to you mumbles while positioning himself in front of you.
Since the day Obanai found out that you’re expecting your very first child, he never left your side. Not even at night, when he’s usually out fulfilling his duty as a hashira. And if he must go, he always makes sure that you’re not alone.
“I really don’t want to bother you, but Iguro-san sent me here to keep an eye open for you”, Mitsuri explained with reddened cheeks after appearing in front of your door at sunset.
You sign to yourself with a small smile crawling up your face. You never really realized that your husband is so eager to have a child. When the two of you first met, he acted so cold towards you that you were convinced he hated you after saving your life in your village back then. It wasn’t until he showed up at the butterfly estate on a random day and handed you a bouquet of flowers that you realized how hard you fell for that man yourself. Despite his cool and composed walls, despite always staying in the background and leaving disgracing comments from time to time. You really learned how to love the serpent hashira for the man he is: kind, loving, protective and smart.
“Why are you not coming over to cuddle me instead?”, you suggest oh so sweetly while opening your arms as an invitation.
Obanai side-eyes you up and down, his mind visibly racing behind those gorgeous eyes.
“But what if I hurt you and the baby?”, he mutters, still standing his ground.
“I’m not made of paper and the baby isn’t as well. And also, I’m carving nothing more than a hug from my husband at the moment.”
Slowly but surely, he finally turns around. As if you’re made of porcelain, he wraps his arms around you oh so gently. Have you ever seen your husband this cautious and sensitive around other human beings? You’ve seen the way he beats up the other corps members in his training sessions on a daily basis. A giggle escapes your lips before you’re able to stop it. Your man really turned soft due to this pregnancy.
“What’s so funny?”, he grumbles, his vibrant eyes set on you.
“You’re too hesitant to give me a real hug and yet, you’re beating up innocent kids during training. Come on now, I said I want a real hug!”
Before he’s able to protest, you press yourself against him with full force, allow your head to rest against his beating heart. It’s been ages since he last cuddled you the way you always loved it. With your body resting on top of his and your arms wrapped around his broad chest, everything starts to feel like home.
“Don’t you think that’s too dangerous? The baby-“
“The baby will be fine. I can handle a tight hug, darling. I really missed this…”
He shifts his weight underneath you and gently starts rubbing your back. Oh, how much you adore your husband and those sweet little moments between both of you. You never imagined to love someone like this, to fall head over heels for a man who is the complete opposite of yourself. But here you are, falling even harder day by day.
“And…you really think this is safe?”
“I’m absolutely sure it is!”
Obanai pauses for a moment, his eyes almost piercing through you.
“I think you should go and see Shinobu later”, he finally presses out.
“Come on, I already told you-“
“This doesn’t feel safe at all. We’re leaving in just a few minutes”, he continues while wrapping his arms around you.
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Rengoku – the proudest soon-to-be dad
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“I made you breakfast, my love!”, your husband announces while entering your shared bedroom in his plain white kimono.
“You’re way too kind, Kyojuro. You know I could have done it myself”, you reply while lifting yourself off the futon.
“Oh, let me help you up!”
Gently, he grabs your shoulders and helps you to get up. With your swollen belly, things aren’t as easy as they used to be. By now, you aren’t even able to see your feet anymore.
But it’s all worth it. He’s all worth it.
“Look at you”, he mutters with unusual low voice.
When his hand starts caressing your belly along with that loving gleam in his eyes, you almost forget how to breathe. From the day both of you found out that you are expecting a child, Kyojuro fell head over heels.
“You look so breathtakingly good, my everything. I could stand here and stare at you all day, little flame.”
It almost seems as if Kyojuro’s already heavy feelings doubled during your pregnancy. Not a single hour goes by without him telling you how gorgeous you look, that you are an angel walking on earth.
Even though you know you gained a few pounds and how swollen your face looks. He doesn’t care about the fact that sometimes, you are too exhausted to wash your hair or that you didn’t dress in something nice since your clothes started to get too tight.
Your husband adores each and every fiber of your being.
“Stop, you’re making me blush”, you giggle while playfully freeing yourself out of his strong arms.
“I’ll never stop telling my pregnant wife how gorgeous she looks! How are you feeling, my love?”
You find yourself trapped in his arms with his eyes all over you again. God, will you ever get tired of looking at him, of seeing those vibrant eyes?
“I’m okay. I just feel a little heavy.”
“I’m so proud of you for enduring all of this. Shinobu already told me this pregnancy doesn’t go easy on your body. You’re a real fighter, (y/n)!”
“A fighter? My body is supposed to do this. There’s nothing special about that”, you try to brush his praise off, cheeks already turning dark red.
“Don’t think about it that way. Your body might be equipped for a pregnancy, but Shinobu informed me about all the things you have to endure and how painful and tiring it can be-“
“Did Shinobu really explain all those things to you?”, you mutter through your hands that cover your face in sheer embarrassment.
“Of course! After all, I’m your husband and it’s my duty to support you in the best way possible!”, his beaming voice replies proudly.
“And I can’t wait to meet our little wonder.”
The second he gets on his knees, you see stars. Oh so gently, he pulls your kimono to the side and starts caressing and kissing your womb. Your knees threaten to fail you, feelings all over the place. God, you really don’t deserve a loving and caring husband like him, you don’t deserve all those feelings he holds for you and your unborn baby so openly.
Before you’re able to stop yourself, a violent sob escapes your lips.
“No love, why are you crying?”
Kyojuro meets you eye to eye in an instant, his hand carrying away every little tear that threatens to stain your face.
“It’s just…You are too kind…I don’t deserve your praise…”, you croak out.
“You deserve this and so much more. Now come on, I made you mochis with the receipt Kanroji taught me…”
You sniffle uncontrollably in his arms.
Wait, did he just say…
“You mean my favorite mochis?”, you mutter.
“Of course, little flame!”
“Oh…Then…Maybe we should get going, then…”
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Sanemi – doesn’t even know yet
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Fuck fuck fuck.
You stare at Shinobu in sheer horror. This can’t be true. Definitely a mistake. A cruel joke, maybe.
“Tell me you’re joking”, you mutter under your breath.
Just when you thought things between Sanemi and you started to get better, than you finally managed to live besides. Calling yourself his wife was never easy, especially due to the fact that he only married you because your family literally sold you to him in exchange for not killing you right on the spot. The two of you never seemed to get along that well.
You swallow hard. That night was an exception. You came home drunk, you didn’t know what you were doing when you seduced him, when you began babbling about something as stupid as feelings.
You swore to yourself that you’ll never fall for your husband. And now you’re expecting his child.
“I’d never joke about something like that, (y/n). It seems like somehow, you managed to get pregnant”, Shinobu replies in all seriousness while taking off her gloves.
“He’ll fucking kill me”, you mumble to yourself.
“Maybe he’ll skin me before that, slice open my belly like a fish-“
“Can you just stop?”, Shinobu interrupts you in all urgency.
“Shinazugawa might not be the most empathic man walking on this earth, but he also didn’t marry you for nothing. I’m sure everything will be fi-“
“Absolutely nothing’s fine. I’m fucking screwed”, you huff in frustration while yanking up.
You’re completely fucked. There’s no way in hell Sanemi will ever find out about this, not in this lifetime. You have to make sure that this stays a secret.
“Don’t you dare to tell him a single word about this, got it?”, you literally threaten Shinobu with your shaky finger pointing at her.
You, expecting a baby.
From Sanemi Shinazugawa.
Without even waiting for her reply, you storm out. Are you able to get rid of this situation? Mindlessly, you rub your belly when a new wave of memories from that fateful night hits you.
“I might l-love you”, you blurted into the room, Sanemi’s widened eyes staring at you in sheer horror.
“You…love me? Just yesterday, you told me how much you hate me”, he clarified with harsh voice.
“Are you drunk, (y/n)?”
“I…might be, yeah. But I mean it.”
Against all voices that begged you to stop, you darted towards him.
Until you sat on top of him and wrapped your longing arms around his neck.
“I love u, Sanemi.”
“I can’t believe a single word you say, shithead.”
“Watch me, then.”
It happened so fast you still can’t believe it. One passionate kiss, your hands wandering underneath his uniform, his muscular frame on top of you.
“You really want this?”, he huffed against your cheek, usual so maniac orbs filled with nothing but pure lust.
“Yeah”, you breathed out.
Urgh. You dig your nails into your hair, head spinning instantly. What kind of fuckery is this? Your first night ever and now…you’re pregnant? As if things between you and him aren’t already cringe enough.
“Why are you looking like shit?”
His oh so familiar voice makes your guts turn. For the split of a second, you are literally one movement away from puking all over his feet.
“Why are you talking shit?”, you spit at him, shoulder bumping against his as you try to get away from here as soon as possible.
But Sanemi grabs your wrist before you’re even able to think about your escape.
“Why were you at Shinobu’s? You never visit her.”
“I’m not feeling well”, you jeer at him.
“You even refused talking to her when your bone splatted out of your damn leg. Don’t fuck with me, (y/n). You didn’t come here for nothing.”
“Yeah, I really shouldn’t have done that”, you snap, violently ripping away your wrist.
This is way too much. Your family, Sanemi, that damned pregnancy. You thought this hell trip was over when Sanemi somehow managed to accept you, you really thought you could leave a rather peaceful life.
God, what a fucking fool you are.
“Hey, what the hell is going on? (y/n)!”
Just before your knees hit the ground, you feel Sanemi’s strong arms lifting you back up.
“What the hell has gotten into you!?”
“I’m pregnant!”, you scream on top of your lungs.
“All of this because of that damned night, because I lost my fucking control. I’m pregnant…”
Sanemi’s arms around you tense up immediately. Fuck, you can’t even bring yourself to look at him.
Truth is, you love that man. Fuck, you fell for him harder than you ever imagined, so badly that you can’t stop thinking about him. And that night, you allowed yourself to get a taste of him. After all, maybe this was all you need to finally forget about him, right?
What a fool you are.
Violently you rub away the tear that starts rolling down your cheek.
“Saying it again and again won’t make it disappear”, you bark at him.
“I’ll be a dad?”
Huh? What is that unusual tone in his voice. Did Sanemi Shinazugawa really sound…joyful?
“Yeah…”, you mutter.
In the split of a second, you find yourself devoured in his arms and captivated by his glossy eyes. Your heart skips a beat, mind not able to follow the scene that lays itself out in front of your eyes. He doesn’t look angry at all, not even sad. No, he looks as happy as you’ve never seen him before.
“I can’t believe it. I never imagined this to happen”, he whispers while grabbing your face.
“Gosh, let me kiss you.”
“You want to kiss me?”, you shriek.
Despite your growing feelings for the wind hashira and those countless secret looks you’ve shared with each other, it was always a quiet agreement between both of you to never express any feelings. No hugs, no kisses, no questions. Just living side by side. Fuck, you never even allowed yourself to even gaze at his lips before that fateful night.
And now you’re lying in his arms, pregnant while he asks for a kiss.
“I mean…yeah”, you finally breathe out.
And then his lips crush against yours. Longingly, passionately, filled with so many emotions that you fail to breathe. All this time, you tried so desperately to hate that man, to hide your feelings from him in order to protect yourself. But all it took was a single night and that unexpected pregnancy to make you realize that maybe, allowing yourself to discover your own feelings isn’t that bad, after all.
Maybe, everything will in fact turn out alright.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt
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35253319 · 1 year
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cameronluvr · 4 months
BABY TRAPPED — dark!rafe x fem reader
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summary: rafe purposely gets you pregnant against your own will after you choose the pogues instead of him.
warnings: 18+ !!, DUBCON, forced pregnancy, toxic relationship, abusive relationship, dark!rafe, arguing, fighting, choking, SMUT, fingering, slapping, unprotected sex (p in v) forced sex, jealous!rafe, kinda stalker!rafe, kidnapping(?), creampie, teen pregnancy. (lmk if anymore!)
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ PART 2
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you had been at john b’s chateau for most of the day hanging out with your friends, but you’d promised your parents you’d be home before midnight. looking at the time on your phone, you noticed it was 11:13 pm.
you’d been drinking a little bit, and so had your friends, so driving home wasn’t an option. “guys, i’m gonna need to leave soon” you say over the mild volume of music playing.
“why?” kiara asks. “my parents told me i had to be home before 12. they’re kinda worried about me because of the whole.. you know.. rafe thing” you reply.
over the past few weeks you’d been going through a rough breakup with rafe. you couldn’t handle him anymore. his anger, his jealousy, his everything. he was no good for you anymore, and with the whole rafe vs pogues situation, you had to pick a side. your boyfriend or your best friends.
you had to pick your friends. there was no other choice, no other way out. rafe had tormented your friends for months. he pulled his gun on them, he beat them up, he attempted to kill kiara and his own sister sarah. and he almost killed you.
you’d lost track of how many fights you had with him, how many times he hit you and you hit him back. the screaming wars you’d have always ended up with him choking you or slapping you, and ward having to physically pull him away from you.
you just couldn’t put up with him anymore. he was manipulative, toxic, and most of all abusive. your friends knew about all of this, and tried so hard to get you away from him, but you couldn’t escape from him. he’d always convince you otherwise, guilt trip you, lie to you, twist your words…
“ya’ want me to walk you home?” jj asks, sitting beside you, smoking his blunt. you think about it for a second, but decline his offer. “thanks, but i’m okay, really. i’ll be fine” you nod and smile. “you sure?” sarah asks from across the room as they all practically look at you as if you were crazy. rafe was crazy, and if he saw you alone, only god knows what he would do…
“yeah, i’m good. i think i need to be alone anyway. take a nice walk by myself” you shrug. you hadn’t really had much alone time in months, considering you had a boyfriend glued to your hip out of distrust.
“okay, well, please call us if you need us, m’kay?” sarah says, walking over to you to hug you. she’s worried for you the most, you’re her best friend and her own brother is ruining your life. “i will, promise” you smile, standing up to hug her tightly.
“love you, y/n” kiara says with a smile as you walk out the door, saying bye to them all. you blow a kiss to kie before shutting the door behind you. they all know you’re going through a tough time, so they’re trying their best to be there for you and look out for you. they all love you.
walking home now, you stroll down the dark, long road ahead, with nothing surrounding you but tall trees and dim streetlights. no people, no lit-up houses, just dark and quiet streets with people in bed.
you walk for ten more minutes before you hear a car approaching from behind you. you give it no thought though, not wanting to worry yourself. the car gets closer, as if it were going to drive straight past you, but suddenly, you hear the car slowing down and eventually stopping right next to you. you don’t want to look, but you have to.
your heart sank into your chest when you noticed rafe’s black range rover, right as the window rolled down. it was rafe. “y/n get in.” his tone demanding and angry. “no, leave me alone.” you quickly turn around, power walking away. however, he only follows you. he slowly drives, following you, speeding up and slowing down whenever you do.
“y/n just get in i wanna talk” he says out the window, resting his arm on it as he watches you, attempting to talk to you. “rafe, leave me the fuck alone.” your voice gets louder, but you’re not yelling, yet. “save yourself the hassle and get in for fuck’s sake” he says, getting more frustrated by the second.
“no” you say, not looking in his direction at all. “oh my god” he says, sighing before putting the car in park and getting out. “no, go away!” you say, attempting to run but he grabs you before you can. you thrash around in his arms before he picks you up and drags you to his car.
“put me down!” you yell at him, trying to fight him but he is much stronger than you are. he opens the passenger door, shoving you inside before quickly getting in the drivers seat and locking the doors.
“what the fuck are you d—” you scream at him before his hand roughly covers your mouth, shutting you up. “i just wanted to talk, but you always have to make it hard, don’t you?” he says, eventually letting go of your mouth and seeing a mark left over from how tight his grip was.
“i don’t want to fucking talk! you yell as he rolls the windows all the way up so nobody can hear you fussing. “i don’t care. who the fuck do you think you are?” he yells at you, making you flinch. “what?” your eyebrows furrow.
“choosing those fucking trash pogues over me. are you serious? dumping me for them?” he argues. you’ve had this argument with him plenty of times, he seems to not be able to let it go. or let you go. “rafe. i didn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore, okay? you’re abusive, you’re mean, you’re—” you say, only to be cut off by his laughter. “abusive? for wanting to protect you? for wanting the best for you? right” he squints his eyes. “wanting the best for me? are you serious? you’ve done nothing but hurt me, and hurt my friends, including your own sister, by the way!” you argue, but he scoffs and tuts, as if they were nothing.
“because i told you so many fucking times to stay away from them, didn’t i?” he screams in your face, watching as you flinch with fear. “yeah, you did, but they are my friends, rafe, sarah is my best friend and you tried to kill her? she’s your fucking sister you should love her more than you love me” you say, voice getting higher out of frustration for him. how can he be so naive and cruel?
“her? she’s no sister of mine. that bitch has always been against me” he scoffs, speaking so lowly of his own little sister. “no she hasn’t, rafe!” you try to tell him, but every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie according to his delusions.
“right, whatever.” he rolls his eyes at you and your ‘lies’, but he just doesn’t want to accept the truth. he’s the problem, he turned everyone against himself. “i love you, yeah? i never stopped” he suddenly says, looking at you.
“well i have.” you say, but hearing those words were gut wrenching to him. you crossed the line. he unexpectedly and quickly reaches over, grabbing you by the throat and squeezing his fingers.
“i never wanna hurt you, y/n. you make me do it. i want to love you, but when you’re running off with your little friends behind my back, you make it hard to trust you, yeah?” he explains in his usual manipulative tone.
“rafe…” you force out, feeling as his grip tightens, his nails basically digging into your skin. “can you let me love you like i want to? like i’ve been trying to?” he asks, watching as your face turns redder and redder.
he loves watching you struggle, it was his favorite part of having power over you. it’s like it turns him on to hurt you. “please.. stop…” you struggle to say as he just keeps begging for your love.
“y/n, let me show you how much i really love you. please?” he asks softly, looking at you with adoration as if his own hand isn’t almost causing you to lose consciousness. he was psychotic. “ok.. ok.. yeah.. just let me go” you choke, nodding your head as fast as you can. you didn’t want to agree, but you had to otherwise he wasn’t going to stop.
and who knows what he would’ve done if you had passed out? you’d dread to think. “yeah? atta’ girl. i knew you’d come to terms with me sooner or later” he says, smiling as if he didn’t force the right answer out of you. he lets go of your throat, loving the sound of you gasping for air and regaining your breath.
you wanted to hit him so bad, you wanted to insult him and call him names but most importantly, you didn’t want him to actually kill you. “let’s go somewhere private, hm?” he suggests, like you could say no. you stay silent in his passenger seat, nodding at everything he’s saying, submitting to your fear of him.
he puts the car into gear and begins driving off. he drives five minutes down the road before turning down an off road path which lead to the lake, but he stopped in the secluded path surrounded by more trees, and more darkness.
turning his engine off, he turns to face you. “do you love me?” he asks. you’re terrified to answer. you’d be lying if you said yes, but if you said no, you’d find out. “…yes” you gulp, fearing him deeply. “good girl” he smirks, smelling your fear like a dog could.
he loves it. he loves you being afraid to say something he doesn’t want to hear, that’s the first step to being the perfect girlfriend in his eyes, you always know the right answer.
he turns in his seat to face you, reaching his hand over to your thigh. he rubs it, trailing his hand up and closer to your pussy, but you shift your legs the other way to move his hand away, making him grab your thigh and moving it back to where it was.
“don’t act like you don’t want it. you just said you love me” he leans over, darkly whispering in your ear which sent shivers down your spine. “i.. i do” you lie, not wanting to send him over the edge. he smirks at your words, leaning his head down to your neck to kiss it. you don’t want his touch, but you need it.
“rafe…” you whisper, trying your best not to want it but it’s difficult when he’s kissing your neck and moving his hand up your thigh again, only this time you don’t move your legs when he gets close to your pussy. you’re wearing jeans, so you feel his hand unbuttoning them which made you nervous, but you let it happen anyway.
“what baby?” he whispers, lifting his head from your neck to look at you. “i—” you say, cut off by the feeling of his cold hand slipping into your jeans. you jump at the temperature of his skin, which made him laugh. “come on, just take it” he licks his lips, looking at yours before kissing them. you kiss him back, and eventually start making out with him.
mid kiss, his hand slips into your panties, making you hum a moan. “you like that?” he asks, rubbing circles on your clit before breaking the kiss. “mhm” you hum, but his other hand reaches behind your head and grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back. “use your words, princess” he tells you, his dark eyes staring into yours. “…yes.” you hesitate to say, but you go along with it for your own safety and his sanity.
“hmm.. good” he smirks, letting go of your hair and kissing you again before his hand slid down your pussy, to your hole. you gasp at his sudden movement, but he chuckles at you. “you’re so wet. i’m always turning you on, huh?” he says, opening his mouth and mocking your gasp.
you chuckle too, wanting him to know you’re on the same page. after seconds of his fingers teasing your hole, he slides two of them into you. you gasp, moaning as his fingers fill you up to his knuckles. “so deep..” you moan, tensing up in your seat at his touch.
but it wasn’t long before he had you stripped off and sitting on his lap with the seat pushed all the way back. “fuck” he moans at the sight of your pretty tits, his hands grabbing your ass cheeks.
“if we do this… will you leave me alone after?” you ask, terrified to say but it needed to be said. “yeah, of course, i promise” he says like it’s nothing, like he didn’t even hear those words come out of your mouth. you were expecting a different reaction, but he had a different plan.
you felt like you had to have sex with him one last time for him to be able to move on from you. or so you thought that’s how it would be. “i love you, but if i need to leave for you to be happy, then i will” he says, almost believably.
but that was a lie.
pulling his boxers off allowed his hard dick to spring out, hitting your leg. you both giggle before starting to make out again, where his hands slid from your ass cheeks to your hips, his fingers twirling the sides of your panties before pulling them down and off your feet.
“ride me, princess” he says, both of your warm areas touching. you nod, lifting yourself up and positioning yourself above his cock before his hands roughly gripped your waist, pulling you to sit down on it.
you let out a loud moan of pain and pleasure. “fuuuck” he drags, closing his eyes as he pulled you up and down, choosing the speed and roughness for you. your moans cried out, you didn’t know if it hurt or felt good more.
“i missed you so much. i missed this pussy” he tells you, his hands roaming your naked back as his dick harshly thrusts up into you. “i missed you” you say, knowing you didn’t mean a single word. your horniness and desire to please him took over.
“you’re mine, baby” he tells you, his fingernails digging into your hips, making you cry out. he was so good at pleasing your pussy that you ruled out the pain he caused. “…always” you say, starting to question whether or not he was being honest about leaving you alone.
his pace is rough, he’s fucking you so harshly that you don’t think he’s ever gone this hard on you before. it hurts, but it hurts so good. “ow.. fuck.. rafe” you moan loudly like a porn star. “that’s it, baby” he says, feeling closer and closer to coming each time he thrust up into you.
your legs start to burn and ache, and he can tell by how much your legs are shaking. so he pulls you off of him, and guides you into the back seats where he climbs over after you.
he lays you down on your back, spreading your bodies over the three seats. he positions his cock near your pussy again, before sliding in with no warning. you moan, wrapping your arms around his back and gripping his shoulders. “fuckkk” he moans in your ear, making you much wetter. no matter how much you hate rafe cameron, his moans were your weakness.
the rougher and meaner he got, the more aroused he was. it wasn’t long before he started choking you, and slapping you around. it’s what he does during sex. he loves the power, he loves the dominance he has over you. you allowed it, though, because this was the last time. right?..
minutes later, you you felt him speeding up and becoming more tense, which meant he was gonna finish any second now. you, however, weren’t even close to finishing. it did feel good, but it didn’t change your feelings for him. you can’t come over somebody you hate so much.
“fuck baby.. ‘m gonna cum…” he says, twitching his dick as he empties his load into you. you moan at the feeling of his warm cum filling you up and leaking out after. he slowly pulls out, smirking knowing he’s hiding a huge secret from you.
he snuck into your house a few days ago while you were out with the pogues, and swapped your birth control pills for fake ones. but you had no idea…
it wasn’t until two weeks later when you were throwing up in your toilet, and crying your eyes out when you realized you’d missed your period. “fuck” you say, grabbing an emergency pregnancy test from the cabinet above the sink. you had them hidden in there just in case.
you take the pregnancy test, pacing around your bathroom for five minutes straight, waiting for the results. boom. the alarm you’d set on your phone goes off, five minutes is up. you switch the alarm off and gulp, slowly reaching for the pregnancy test. you pick it up, and gasp when you read the answer.
what the fuck are you supposed to do now?…
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NOT PROOFREAD. probably some mistakes, but my FIRST smut writing?!?!😩😩 plssssss lmk what y’all think! <333
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sttoru · 1 year
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⟣ sypnosis. a nightmare of your lover’s disappearance wakes you from your sleep.
⟣ tags. gojo satoru x female reader. angst, comfort, fluff. takes place after gojo’s unsealed but before dec 24th, bits of spoilers jjk leaks 236 at the end. mentions of death, blood.
⟣ note. based on it’s happening again by agnes obel. coping rn dhmu . . . not proofread bcs i cant read through my tears anyways hope u enjoy im gonna cry myself to sleep now
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everyone has to die at one point — not even the strongest of all could avoid that tragical fate. not even the strongest sorcerer you call your lover.
no, not even him. the universe couldn’t spare him. you thought that maybe, it would. maybe fate wouldn’t apply to him. oh, how wrong you were.
blood splatter—a stream of red liquid. right at your feet. right in front of your eyes. a man in half. and not just any regular man;
“satoru !”
your dark surroundings become blurry with tears, your body jolts out of its current dreaming state. you could feel your heart in your chest—in your throat. your brain shut itself off for a few seconds as your eyes try to make out shapes and figures in the room you’re in. your bedroom.
you only then realises that it was all just a gruesome nightmare. a hyperrealistic one at that; one that will haunt you for years.
“hmmh.. ‘m right here, baby.” a groggy voice next to you replies to your yell in agony. the yell that was the shape of your lover’s name leaving your lips—
you instantly turn your head to the right and there he was; the man whom just met death in your dreams. gojo satoru, all alive and well. in your bed, in your presence, in your life.
satoru’s hand aimlessly pats the space next to him in search of your body whilst he rubbed his eyes with the other, trying to adjust his sight to the dark so he could find you. you seemed to be in complete distress. which he does not like.
“it’s okay, shh, shh,” your lover hums, hand finally finding your arm. he doesn’t hesitate to pull you on top of him—your head laying on his chest.
his body was warm. his heartbeat was there. loud and clear in your right ear.
“satoru. . .” a river of tears flows down your cheeks like a dam that has been broken into. your body trembles, lungs feeling like they couldn’t get any air in them from how hard you were sobbing. the pain of losing your loved one; it all came flowing back to you.
satoru frowns, “hey, hey. look at me — sweetheart, c’mon.”
he instantly sits up and pulls you along with him. his hands find your cheeks, tilting your head up. this time it was his turn to feel his heart break in pieces. you looked absolutely distraught. as if you just went through a traumatic experience of some kind. he hated it.
“shit,” satoru mutters under his breath before pulling you into his embrace again, arms circling your waist with his head buried in the crook of your neck, “it’s okay, i’m here now. you’re safe.”
it wasn’t the first time you had nightmares when he was with you. you had them regularly after satoru had gotten sealed in the prison realm for nineteen days—nineteen days of dread for you. of an empty bed, an empty house and an empty life.
when satoru had finally been released from the prison realm it was like a dream come true. a happy dream, that is. not those repetitive, bad ones you have every now and then. you still get those nightmares of your lover being either taken away from you by force or by death itself. your brain couldn’t give you a break — even after his return.
“take a deep breath in,” satoru instructs and sets an example by doing the breathing exercise with you, “hold it for three seconds . . . breathe out for six. mhmm, good—jus’ like that.”
you repeat it a couple more times, sobbing and shaking throughout the entirety of the exercise, but eventually manage to calm down a little. satoru sighs in relief at this;
“you okay, baby?”
you nod weakly and sniff, wanting nothing more than to be held by the man you thought had vanished from your life forever. you had that scare once, when he was sealed, and you never want to go back to those dark times. ever.
“it’s— i, just—“ you hiccup once, unable to complete entire sentences, “i thought you w-were gone. i thought you had died.”
it was silent after that (except for the sound your silent sobs and sniffles). satoru had guessed by now that you saw him die in your dream — that much was pretty obvious. but, the thought that you were this distressed because of it makes him. . . happy in a way.
happy that someone would mourn over him at least.
“well,” satoru pensively replies, hands rubbing your back up and down soothingly, “everyone has to meet their end one day, you know?”
that sentence was one that was meant to lighten up the grim mood somehow. one of his many lighthearted remarks that were supposed distract you from your tears. it would work during other moments like these — were you’d be too baffled by the things satoru says to care about what you were crying for — yet today it only worsens your misery.
“shut up.” you weakly punch his chest to which the white haired male chuckles softly, his slender fingers instantly interlocking with yours. satoru’s thumb brushes against your wrist before pulling it up to his lips, placing ticklish kisses among your skin.
another silence hangs in the air.
“seriously though. . . if i were to somehow die, i’d want you to live and move on, yeah?” your lover whispers in such a quiet tone that it was almost inaudible. satoru had looked death right in the eye before — he didn’t care back then if it were actually his end.
he does now. he has the world to lose — his world — his everything. you.
satoru wants to live a happy life with you. he doesn’t want to die now that he has you. the love of his life which he wants to grow old with. maybe have kids with. start an own family away from the busy streets, away from the swarming curses in the city and away from all that sorcerer stuff. it was a nice dream.
“shut it!” you huff and satoru takes another weak punch to the chest. his gaze lands upon your tear struck face and he instantly drops the serious ‘act’.
the sorcerer laughs, his usual boyish laugh that makes you feel better, and he flips you both over so that he has you pinned underneath him. satoru grins before kissing your tummy all over, making you giggle from the ticklish feeling;
“i’m playin’, baby! i’m not going anywhereeee!” he promises through wet pecks against your skin, the smile on his evident even if you couldn’t see it — you could hear it in his voice.
satoru leaves your tummy and moves on to your neck and face. he was smothering you in affection in hopes you’d cheer up some way. he just wants you to forget about anything bad happening to him. you didn’t deserve to think about all that stuff — you deserve to be happy and full of joy.
even without him one day.
“i’d never leave my princess all alone.” satoru shakes his head and pouts dramatically, “who else is gonna spoil you? or kiss and cuddle you to bed, huh?”
you finally show an ounce of joy. a tiny smile. that was all satoru had needed to see. he wasn’t going to stop there, however. his goal was to turn that small smile into a full blown fit of laughter.
“i’m one of a kind, baby. you’re never gonna meet a man like me.” he continues with a proud grin, putting all of his body weight on top of you which causes you to groan and grumble a lighthearted complain.
satoru knows you like it whenever he clings to you and thus he uses that piece of knowledge to help you feel better. his head was buried into your shoulder, limbs enveloping your body like a koala.
“whatever.” you roll your eyes and snuggle up to your lover, closing your eyes as the tiredness hits your body after all that crying.
“whatever !” satoru mocks you in a high-pitched tone, followed by a pair of giggles from the two of you. a third and final punch to the chest finally shuts him up for the rest of the night.
the sorcerer made sure you had fallen asleep first before he whispered the next words in your ear, hoping they’d calm your mind and body so that no nightmares would ever bother you again;
“don’t you worry, sweets. i’m not leaving you. ever.”
. . .
those were the same exact words satoru wished he could utter to you one last time before the current date — 24th of december.
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ashhh-14 · 5 months
Husband!Aventurine x Reader
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Synopsis: your husband came home after a month long work trip and you missed him a little too much. As an apology he offers to give you a part of himself for next time he goes away.
Warning: afab!reader, reader referred to as wife, breeding, hair pulling, multiple rounds, multiple orgasms, talk of breeding, imagination of reader as a mother, degradation (use of the word 'slut' like twice), praise, gentle, rough, missionary, on all fours, face down.
A/n: went a lil overboard w this one but couldn't stop myself! Happy reading!
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"I missed you so much" you breathed as your lips parted from your husband's.
He didn't give a verbal reply as he kissed you again, his tongue exploring your cavern, running over the roof of your mouth as his fingers plunged deeper inside you.
"Yeah? You missed me, treasure?" He asked with a smile that spoke of his smugness, but that look quickly darkened as he dove into your neck, mouth sucking purple and red bruises.
"Mmh can't have your neck barren. The old ones faded." He moaned as he bit the junction between your neck and collar bone, rolling his tongue over the skin before sucking it. He released it with a pop, retracting his fingers from your pussy as he used his index finger traced around the outline, thumb pressing against your clit as you gripped the bedsheets in pleasure, arching your back as he looked down at you with a lust filled gaze.
"Even when I was surrounded by beauty all over while I was away, nothing could even hold a candle in front of my wife." He breathed, grunting as he unbuttoned the constraints of his pants, groaning in relief as his length sprang out, finally getting to breathe.
Your eyes fell on his shaft, nearly rolling back just at the sight of it. No matter how many times you saw it, felt it, let it inside, you couldn't get enough. It was always like the first time.
"Aventurine..." You whimpered in need, your hand reaching out as you unbuttoned his shirt all the way, leaving it on as he wrapped his hand with yours, climbing on top of you.
"I'm here my love" he kissed your jaw in reassurance, sliding off your bottoms completely as he gently pried your legs open.
You did it without complaint, complying as he settled in between your legs, his gaze sizing you up and down.
"You don't know how much I missed this sight." He marveled. Your hair sprawled across the pillow, eyes lidded and lips parted as you panted heavy breaths. Neck littered in bruises as your breasts heave up and down with each ragged breath you took.
You tugged at his shirt slightly, whining at your husband. "Need you. Been so long."
He chuckled, lips curving up in a sly yet fond smile. "Whatever my treasure wants, treasure gets."
You both moaned in unison as he slipped the tip in, your insides clenching so much that his tip was forced back out. You whimpered at that, looking at him with pleading eyes as he bent down to press a kiss to your forehead. "You have to relax or I won't be able to get in."
You did as told, trying your best as you took a deep breath. Aventurine straightened up, pushing your legs open further, lining his tip with your slit before plunging in with one single thrust.
He groaned at the sensation as you cried out in pain. Even if it's just been a month it was still so hard to get used to him.
He looked down at you, his thumb wiping the corners of your eyes before he placed them on the curves of your waist, placing a peck on your lips one last time. "I would have waited, treasure but I can't help myself right now."
With that he withdrew himself all the way out, Just to slam it back in once again. His pace was unforgiving as he opted for an animalistic speed, balls slapping against your skin each time he withdrew just to insert himself back in.
"Your insides forgot the shape of me. Have to remind them again who they're made for." He groaned as he threw his head back, the hands gripping your waist pulling you back down against him hips as he continued thrusting in, effortlessly making you bounce on his cock.
He halted for a moment but your soft moans didn't cease, his length throbbing violently inside you as he propped your one leg over his shoulder, kissing your ankle before he resumed his unforgiving pace.
Your moans turned to high pitched screams of his name as his cock tapped against your cervix with each thrust in this new position.
"mmh-Aventurine-" he looked down at you with his neon pink and blue hooded eyes, moaning his name oh so sensually. His eyes fell on where you two were joined which only urged him to go faster, wanting to watch more as your breasts bounced with each of his hard pumps.
"Tell me how much you missed me, Treasure" his eyes rolled to the back of his head when he heard your pathetic tone whimper in reply "So much-! T-too much! W-wwas so alone without you! Mmh~!! S-so lonely ahh-"
He urged his eyes open, gulping hard as he looked at you, his thrusts never stopping. "Let me give you a baby" He breathed.
Your eyes widened, the haze in your mind vanishing enough for you to coherent his words.
He bent down, his eyes in front of yours as he cradled your cheek in his hand, the other going to grip your thigh over his shoulder to keep it steady as to not hinder his cock from delving into your wetness. You don't know how much he'd give just to stay inside you.
"Yeah" he said breathless, kissing you with a vigour you didn't know was possible as he turned his tongue with yours, pulling away as the string of saliva broke, more drool, his drool dribbling out of your mouth. He didn't wait for a reply as his hips started slamming against yours relentlessly. "It's not fair that I have to leave you so often. Let me give you my child, an exact copy of me to keep you company while I'm away." His mind turned black as he said those words, your cunt clenching around him before releasing your essence on his dick, not being able to help yourself as you felt his words deep into your core.
His own dick throbbed as he pushed it inside your gushing cunt as deep as he could before he let go with a loud groan, his hot and thick cum burning its way inside your womb.
You laid there panting as he too struggled to catch his breath. He ran a hand along your curves as you reached up to brush his beautiful sandy locks away from his sweaty forehead.
Just when you were about to get up you felt him move again. You moaned involuntarily as you yelped in surprise "Aventurine-!"
He hummed mindlessly, slowly thrusting, feeling his cum sloshing around your insides. "Have to make sure it takes Treasure. Want to give you a family."
You moaned at that, closing your eyes and resting your head comfortably against the plush pillows as you gave in to your husband and his desires.
He slowly started picking up his pace again, putting both of your legs above his shoulders as his dick rubbed against your insides effortlessly due to his previous release.
A low growl left his throat as he saw his dick going in and out, imprinting on your lower belly on how deep he is inside you.
Placing a hand against your tummy he leaned down, his hips snapping forward as he stilled, his breath ghosting against your neck as he pressed down. "Soon there will be another part of me inside right here. I'll take good care of you and our little one." He started thrusting again. "Will nourish your insides every night with my cum. Will do my very best so that you birth a healthy baby." Your legs shook as his words snapped your last restraint, Cumming on his cock for the second time that night with a loud prayer of his name.
With a few more thrusts he followed suit, filling up your insides once more with his seed.
As a little clearing seeped in you felt that your husband was still hard...
"Aventurine.. " you said with a pleading voice, drool dripping down your chin as you looked up at him when he pulled out. Whether your tone was telling him for more or to stop, you didn't know as you were flipped onto your stomach.
His dick entered you once again, finding it's home as he gave you a moment to rest, Patting your back as he raised your ass up. "Aren't you my good little wife? Won't you do this for me?" He said with a sweet and needy tone as you buried your face into the pillow, sobs escaping your swollen lips as he once again started his abuse on your cunt.
He moaned loudly, closing his eyes. "Can reach so mmh d-deep like this. Best position to get you knocked up."
You pushed back in futile attempts to aid his thrusts, his speed was unforgiving, with the sole purpose to breed you.
He slowed down his thrusts in favour of feeling his cock drag slowly against your walls. Each thick vein ripping another whimper from your throat. He pulled back so only the tip was in, pushing back inside with such an agonizingly slow pace that you could feel him pushing his cum off the walls and inside your pussy, your womb feeling each spurt he pushed inside, your insides a little too happy at the opportunity to finally make a child as they gushed around his dick once more.
You fell on the bed with that, losing every bit of energy to keep you upright. Throat too scratchy to scream or moan anymore it settled with incoherent mumbles of your partner's name. "nnngh Avent-mh r-rine-"
As if breaking you into a dumb slutty mess wasn't enough, he started once again, plunging inside you like it'll be the last time his dick will get to seek refuge inside you.
He picked up both your wrists, placing them on your lower back and holding it in one of his large hands he started pushing inside with so much force you thought he'd rip you in half.
He groaned "My Treasure will give me a child to cherish. Will make me a father. Right my love?" He asked, his dick never ceasing its movement inside you.
When you gave no reply he looked down, fisting your hair in his other hand and making you look up at him with your fucked out expression.
"Right treasure?" He punctuated his question with the smacks of his tip on the entrance of your womb.
You nodded dubiously. But that wasn't enough. He pulled harder, making you cry out as you choked "y-yes Aven-!"
Satisfied he pushed your face back into the mattress, resuming his previous bruising pace.
He threw his head back as he felt himself get close again. "So good for letting me get you pregnant. Laying there and taking it like a good slut."
Sweat dripping down his face, his chest glistening with it as his hips moved, moulding your pussy to the shape of him. You were sure your cervix was bruised by now as you withered on the bed helplessly, incoherent and too fucked out to process anything.
He closed his eyes, the image of you welcoming him home with a big round belly, breasts too big and tender to touch as they threatened to slip from beneath the fabric flashed his mind.
That was enough to tip him over the edge, stilling his hips as his tip prodded an entrance so deep inside you that you didn't know was possible as a scream ripped out from your lungs, knocking every bit of energy out of your being as you reached the brink of passing out.
Aventurine gave a few more pumps with his tip still keeping the entrance open to make sure you took every bit of it inside.
He fell on you with an exhausted thud, slipping his arms beneath you as he rolled on his side.
Wiping his hand across your barely awake face he pushed some hair away from your forehead. Peppering your face with gentle kisses he whispered.
"I love you Treasure"
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Aventurine Masterlist
Written by yours truly
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niqhtlord01 · 7 months
Humans are weird: They sing going to war
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
While serving alongside the human forces during the Torus Campaign I learned much of their strange culture.
Their need to stack foods in elaborate combinations which they call a “Sandwich”, their constant need to play “The Game” without ever explaining what it is unless to tell you that you have lost it, and even their obsession with petting anything within arm’s reach with an almost religious like dedication; but the strangest custom I only witnessed during the final stages of the war.
We had just deployed over the world of Obidon III and were launching a joint ground assault with the human forces. Enemy resistance was expected to be heavy and many would not survive the drop, but command believed that if enough forces reached the surface of the planet they could establish a beachhead and allow the rest of the contingent to be brought in.
During the decent to the planet all I could do was keep my eyes closed and hope beyond hope that we would survive. I was so lost in this trance like state that my friend Septem had to physically smack me on the helmet to get my attention and tell me to turn my radio channel to frequency 13.
I was confused at first since that frequency was being used for our human allies but he insisted that I would not believe what they were doing. So I reset my radio in my helmet to frequency and what I heard was something I had never expected on a battlefield.
They were singing.
The frequency was chalk full of voices in such volume that I had to turn down the volume but it seemed like every single human that was part of the attach was joining in the song. My translator unit was trying to keep up but the sheer intensity of the humans singing was causing it to drop in and out, picking up every other word.
I wanted to listen closer to them but the enemy flak began pounding the outside of our dropship. Each detonation sent the ship rattling side to side violently. I had just retightened my straps when a shell burst just beneath us sending a shockwave through the ship so strong it sent several of my comrades flying from their seats into the opposite wall. They hit the wall hard and did not get back up when their bodies collapsed to the ground.
All I could think about was how this was the moment I was going to die. This was the moment my existence in this universe comes to its conclusion and I return to the dust and atoms of the cosmos. And as I tuned myself to this reality all I could hear were the humans still singing over the radio.
They must have been going through the same amount of enemy fire as he was and yet still they somehow were still able to sing as if nothing was wrong with the world. I got so focused on their singing that I forgot about my worries for such a time that I was startled when the dropship landed with a loud thud against the planet’s surface and the boarding ramp lowered.
The following battle was a grueling six hour run and gun with the enemy as we tried to carve out a safe LZ for reinforcements. I got separated from my unit on more than one occasion and wandered into the human designated areas in the confusion.
To my utter surprise the humans were still singing.
Clad in their blue and gold armor, they broadcasted their voices from their helmet speakers as they advanced street by bloody street. One of them took shelter with me for a time as we prepared to rush a fortified courtyard which housed heavy anti air emplacement. I nodded a greeting to the human who replied in kind, yet their voice never ceased in song. I saw them rush around the corner and take several heavy rounds to their chest, but the shells ricocheted off the armor leaving only scratches on the paint.
I watched in disbelief as this wild singing human leaped over the barricade and slapped a detonation charge on the anti-air weapon before leaping back as it exploded the weapon. They stood in the smoldering flames to take a moment to catch their breath when a sniper’s round from down the street struck them in the head and blew out a large portion of their cranium. It was the first time during the entire battle I had seen a human die but I did not have long to contemplate it as the rest of the humans charged past, still singing, in the direction of the snipers shot.
Another hour of combat and the landing site was finally secured and reinforcements were brought in to take our positions. What was left of the initial landing force were sent back to orbit and recover and regroup from their losses. Out of my people’s forces I was one of twenty soldiers to have survived. I imagined the humans had lost equally as many until the pilot remarked that additional shuttles had been dispatched to carry their force back up. It seemed that despite the intensity of the fighting only three of their warriors had fallen in battle; one of them including the warrior I had watched fall.
I was beyond myself.
These reckless warriors had somehow survived one of the most intense battles the campaign had seen and only lost three of their number.
Once back on the ship the first chance I could I sought them out for an explanation. They were quartered in the lower reaches of the ship, isolated from the other contingents onboard.
Outside their area were two guards still in full armor that initially would not let me through until one of them recognized me from the fighting in the city. I was then led inside and found many of the humans feasting and laughing. Two long rows of tables had been setup facing each other; between them were several fires each with a different animal being roasted over them. At the end of the rows stood three large pyres of wood which held three bodies atop each of them.
As I passed through the humans many ceased their laughter and looked at me, their clouded eyes with suspicion. We made it half way through the throngs when a giant of a human stepped forward and blocked our path. They demanded to know why I had been let it in; going even further to say they will throw me out personally if the answer was not good. The guard who had recognized me said I had witnessed the last moments of one of the fallen and would speak of their deeds. There was a long pause as the large human glared at me, his eyes as cold as the crescent moon of my homeworld.
The human finally relented and let out a loud boastful laugh, clapping me on my shoulders and welcoming me to the feast. Those gathered around cheered and similarly welcomed me now as the ceremony proceeded once more. I could barely say anything as I was seemingly pulled into the celebration. I drank, I ate, I laughed, I even boasted of my own achievements during the battle.
At the height of the feast I was called forward to speak of the final moments of the human soldier I watched die. I learned their name had been Moris Yu, and had served in the human contingent since the beginning of the campaign. I spoke of his final moments, of how he charged the enemy alone and had single handedly destroyed their war machine. I spoke of the snipers bullet laying him low to which all the gathered humans spoke as one “To Odin’s hall he flies.”
With that pyres were set on fire and the bodies slowly turned to ash. I imagine it had some significant ritualistic meaning in human culture but it was beyond me.
After the funeral I asked one of the soldiers the question I had come to them with.
“Why do you sing in battle?”
The human took a long huff from a wooden pipe and blew a cloud of smoke before answering.
“Long ago, my people were raiders and conquerors of the sea.” They began, “Our gods watched over us and should we prove worthy we would be sent to them to join them in their halls and fight alongside them for eternity.”
“There was one warband led by a giant of a man called Osmond Frig. He loved song just as much as he loved fighting, so he made his warriors sing during every fight as it made him happy.”
“They agreed to such silliness?” I asked, to which the human grinned.
“They did after he felled the first three men who laughed at him with a single blow from his axe.” They finished before continuing with their story.
“What was truly surprising was not the sight of these warriors singing, but rather the fact that they were rather good at it. It was said they could make the Valkyries themselves shed a single tear with their songs.”
“Eventually one of the gods, Bragi, noticed Osmond’s warband and took a liking to them. Much like the Valkyries he too was moved by their song and decided to reward them with his patronage. He used ancient magic and made it so as long as the warriors sung they would be impervious to harm of all kinds.”
“So the warband grew in fame and glory as they went conquest to conquest, emerging from battles against impossible odds with nay a scratch on them. First across the northern seas, then across the continent of Europe, and then soon the entire world knew of Osmond; which is when they finally drew the attention of the king of the gods, Odin.”
“Odin watched these powerful warriors and wanted them in his hall for the eternal battle, yet despite every challenge they faced they emerged victorious. No matter what enemy Odin placed in their path or scheme he unleashed on them they refused to fall. Odin knew of Bragi’s patronage and tortured the god to reveal his secret and after seven days and seven nights Bragi told Odin of the spell he had cast and how it could not be undone.”
“But that was all Odin needed to secure his warriors.” The human said with a devil’s grin.
“During the midst of the most recent battle Odin took the form of a mighty warrior and stalked the fields for his prey. He waited for each warrior to catch their breath and cease their song before striking and slaying them, one by one. By day’s end only Osmond remained to fight Odin and though he sang long into the night he too eventually gasped for air and was slain.”
“So that is why you sing?” I asked the human. ‘Because you believe your gods will protect you?”
The human chuckled and nodded to the three pyres. “Did you not say that Moris was only slain after he ceased singing?”
I wanted to counter him with some logic, some reason grounded in reality, but I could not. I left that human area with a profound new perspective of myself in the grand scheme of the universe.
The next time I was in a combat drop my comrades laughed when I began singing. I wasn’t sure if it was good or not, but I hoped that in some way the human god would at least find me amusing and let me live another day.
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coldfanbou · 3 months
Weaving the Web
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Alright, everyone, initially, this was more smut-based, but then I sort of just kept adding story bits so I needed to check all that and make sure it was consistent.
Length 3K
Momo X Jihyo X Mreader
Previous Part
Next Part
You head to the shower and notice all three women are following you. “Where are you all going?”
“We’re going to shower with you. It saves water.” Sana replies, putting her hand on her hip as she stops in her tracks.
“I’m okay with paying more on my water bill. Besides, we wouldn’t all be able to fit.”
“We’ll see,” Sana says as she walks in front of you, heading into the shower. You would be right; the shower could barely accommodate all of you. You would touch one of the women if you moved in any direction. Jeongyeon made the situation worse by putting herself in front of you, her ass rubbing against you when she stepped back. Jeongyeon was doing this unconsciously, wanting to keep you for herself. 
“Couldn’t we have taken turns?” You ask, “We can’t shower well because it’s cramped. 
“We can clean each other… like in a circle.” Nayeon chirps as she faces Sana. You sigh and agree to the prospect; the circle would have Nayeon washing Sana, Sana would wash you, and you would wash Jeongyeon, and so forth. It was initially awkward with Sana not knowing how she would handle you when you got hard. She got better over time, treating you as if you were any other person and scrubbing your body. When she got to your cock she stroked as she went, licking her lips as memories of last night rushed back to her. You groan as you feel Sana’s hand rub your shaft. You try to focus on Jeongyeon, attempting to wash her back as Sana’s grip grows tighter. Jeongyeon looks over her shoulder, notices what’s going on, and turns around. 
“Sana, we’re supposed to be cleaning each other up.” She says, trying to dissuade the younger woman. Sana pouts but stops touching you; she restrains herself and washes your back. “Turn around, I’m washing him.” Jeongyeon orders, becoming more protective of you. You’re forced to turn around, and Jeongyeon does her best to clean your body. As she works, though, she becomes lost in thought and hugs you behind. Her hands slowly move lower until she’s stroking your cock just like Sana was a few minutes ago. 
“Ya! Jeongyeon, we’re supposed to be washing each other,” Sana complains as she sees Jeongyeon engage in the same actions. Jeongyeon snaps out of it, her face red, while Nayeon laughs at the situation. 
You speak up, tired of the situation. “You know what. I’m clean enough. I’m going to set out. The three of you can wash yourselves.” You say as you turn off the water and head out of the shower. You wipe yourself down and leave the women to their own devices.
The women stand there momentarily inside the shower before Nayeon turns the water back on. “So, what’s going on with you three?” She asks nervously.
Jeongyeon and Sana look at each other and stay silent, waiting for the other to speak. “I- We’ve done this before,” Jeongyeon says as she speaks up. “It’s not the first threesome we’ve done.”
“Okay, but I meant with him particularly.” Nayeon clarifies, “You both seem a little into him.”
“I am not into him,” Sana says, refuting Nayeon’s claim. “I will admit he has a good cock,” She adds.
The attention soon turned to Jeongyeon. “I…think…” She shakes her head, struggling to form the thoughts. “I think I’m in love with him. He’s just made me feel so good about myself recently. I trust him and…I want to be with him.” Jeongyeon says softly, letting herself be vulnerable in front of her friends. Nayeon stays silent but shows her support by hugging Jeongyeon and patting her back.
“Have you told him any of this?” Sana asks.
“Not quite; I’ve told him a little about my feelings. The thing is, I’m not the only one; Dahyun and Jihyo also like him.” Nayeon is shocked at the revelation, her mouth gaping.
“So you guys are competing?” Nayeon asks.
“I guess so, but…” Jeongyeon shakes her head again. “Let’s talk about this later. I need some time to organize my thoughts.”
You check your phone once you’re out; the women stay inside a bit longer. You open Jihyo’s message first. “Hey, I gave your number to Momo. She said she wanted to talk about something with you. If you’re planning something with her, don’t leave me out, okay?”
You check the message from the unknown number, and as Jihyo said, it was Momo. It read, “Hey, handsome, it’s Momo. I was thinking about the last time we were together, and I want to feel you inside me again. Jihyo gave me your number, and I thought maybe you’d like to do something.” A follow-up message was, “I’m not looking to date or anything; I just want to be friends with benefits. Jihyo said she’d be fine to join us, too. Can you imagine how nice that would be? Call me,” She said, adding a winky face to the end of the message. You recall the last time you were with Momo. It was a threesome with Mina. You consider her message for a time before putting your phone away. You get dressed for work, and the women leave the shower, their bodies covered with your towels.
“Hey, I don’t know about you three, but I’ll head to work now.” Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other before deciding they needed more time. You nodded, smiling at that Jeongyeon wasn’t as sad as before. You tell them to lock the door before they leave and head out. You do your usual routine, picking up Dahyun and such before reaching the office. During your lunch break, you pull out your phone and consider your options. You didn’t know where you stood with Jeongyeon after what happened to her. Maybe she wouldn’t be ready to go into another relationship right after. While she did come to you for sex, you didn’t know how much it meant to her, especially considering she was drunk. You sigh and accept her invitation, sending her the message, “Jihyo was more than interested in joining us. You can make a group chat, and we can set something up.”  Momo replied instantly, setting up a group chat for the three of you and setting out her schedule. Through this, you find the three of you were only available tomorrow. Jihyo quickly makes herself the host, telling both of you that her house will be empty for the week. You agree to meet at her place, ending the conversation. 
Dahyun walked in a moment later, fidgeting with her hands as she approached you. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah, what is it?” 
Dahyun sits down next to you, her face turning red as she glances at you. Dahyun’s mind races; she’s beginning to panic and stands back up. “Actually, it’s nothing. Uh, thanks for driving us here every day.” She says before hurrying out of the room. Dahyun heads back to her desk, shaking her head and disappointed with herself. She wanted to confess how she felt about you, but it felt like her heart would burst out of her chest. She slumps in her chair, rubbing her temples as she decides she'll confess to you the next time she gets you alone. 
You watch Dahyun scurry away, smiling as you think of how cute she is. With your break ending, you stand up and get back to work. The day goes by smoothly, and soon, you’re returning home after dropping off Dahyun and her baby. You head back home, finding it empty. You sit back on your couch and relax, happy to get time for yourself. You spend time relaxing and messaging Nayeon to ask about Jeongyeon’s situation. She told you that the two would live together for the foreseeable future and that Jeongyeon would focus on her divorce. You appreciate the update. Tell her as much as you can. When you ask when they’d return to work, Nayeon tells you they’ll return next week. You give her a thumbs up, and the conversation ends. 
The next day after work, you went to Jihyo’s home; as you reached the building, you saw Momo outside. You called her name, and she turned her head; as soon as she met your eye, a smirk came across her face. “It’s nice of you to be here. I was tired of waiting all alone.” She says, just as Jihyo opens the door.
“Come inside and make yourself at home. It’s just me.”
“Why is that?” You ask Jihyo as you step inside her home for the first time.
“My husband is on a week-long trip with his friends, and my parents wanted to take Nari to an amusement park in Busan; they’re returning in two days. So that leaves the entire place for us.” Jihyo shuts the door behind her and smiles at the two of you. You notice Momo staring at your crotch, “Momo, keep your eyes up.” Jihyo says as she leads you to the living room. 
“I can’t wait any longer; it’s been too long since I’ve had sex,” Momo whines as she walks toward you. Momo sat you back on the couch, pressing her lips against yours while Jihyo unbuckled your belt and pulled down your pants. She reached for your cock, stroking it slowly as she stood up to kiss you. “We’ll take care of everything,” Jihyo says as she pushes her arms together, squeezing her tits together. Momo cups your cheek, turning your head before pulling down her shirt and pulling out her tits, letting her shirt hold them up. Momo leans in for another kiss, but Jihyo interrupts her, stealing a kiss from Momo as she strokes your cock. You watch as Momo holds Jihyo closely, their tongue exploring each other. Momo reaches for Jihyo’s tits, squeezing roughly. The soft flesh melds around her hand as Jihyo moans. A smile forms on Momo’s face, clearly enjoying the sound of Jihyo’s moans. 
“Why don’t we treat this big guy to something only we can do?” Momo says, getting off the couch and kneeling beside Jihyo.
“You read my mind,” she replies. The women get on either side of you, pressing their breasts together around your cock. The soft mounds trap you, and each woman cranes their neck, lapping at the side of your tip. “Just sit back and enjoy.” Jihyo and Momo glance at each other and nod as they drag their tits along your shaft. You groan from the pleasure, enjoying their soft mounds as they move. Momo leans over your cock as she works her side of your cock. She gathers her saliva and lets it drip onto the tip of your cock. As it moves down your shaft, Momo’s saliva coats the women’s tits. As the friction lessens, they’re able to move faster and smoothly. Jihyo does the same thing minutes later; as you look down at the women, you see their lustful expressions and glistening chests. They continue moving their tits along your shaft, taking turns to lick the tip as it poked out from between them. You moaned their names as you felt your orgasm approach. 
Momo and Jihyo slow down, “Don’t cum so soon. We want to make sure you save some for later.” Jihyo said as she looked at you.
“I think we should let him,” Momo chimes in, “But only if you beg.” She says, focusing on you. “How bad do you want to cum?”
“Please,” you grunt, feeling close to the edge. Momo slowly moves her tits along your shaft, making sure her hard nipples run along it. 
“Please, what? What is it our baby wants?” 
“I want to cum on your tits.” You grunt, precum leaking from the tip. 
“What do you say, Jihyo?” Momo asks the younger woman.
“I don’t think that was good enough,” Jihyo says as she moves her tits along your cock at an agonizingly slow speed. “Beg a little more. I want to hear how much you want to cum on mommy’s tits.” Hearing Jihyo refer to herself as Mommy surprises Momo but arouses her simultaneously. You begin to beg to cum on their tits, moaning their names as you approach your climax. Satisfied with your begging, the pair speed back up and press their tits together. “Come on, big boy, cum on mommy’s tits. Cover her in your cum.” Jihyo says, pushing you over the edge and making you spurt cum onto their chest. A healthy amount coats their tits and parts of their neck. Momo runs her hands along her neck, smiling as she collects your warm cum and licks it off her finger. 
“Mmm, that’s nice. Have a taste, Jihyo.” She says, pushing her finger into the younger woman’s mouth. Jihyo smiles and sucks on Momo’s finger, getting you hard as she moans around it. Momo notices it and smiles. “Looks like you’re ready to go again. Let me get him first, Jihyo; I’ve been craving him all day.” Jihyo pouts but lets Momo go first. The older woman straddles your lap, placing your hands on her ass. “I want you to help this thing go as deep as possible,” Momo tells you, grabbing your cock and rubbing it between her lips. As Momo aligns it to her entrance, she leans over, whispering, “Fuck this pussy up.” She kisses your ear and licks her lips before dropping herself onto your cock, stuffing herself with your shaft. Momo throws her head back and moans, feeling satisfied with how you fill her cunt. You grip Momo’s as and begin helping her ride you, moving her up and down your cock like she was a fleshlight. Your thrusts bring her more pleasure as you knock against her womb. Jihyo watches as you use Momo, seeing it as different from how the two of you would have sex.
Jihyo sits back on the floor, rubbing her cunt in small circles as she watches Momo moan like a bitch in heat. She didn’t stay out of the action long, however. Jihyo got up and played with Momo’s tits, tugging at her nipples and making the older woman moan louder. “You should know, Momo loves having her tits played with,” Jihyo tells you as she pinches Momo’s nipples roughly. The older woman bites her lip, her whine sneaking past her lips as she struggles with immense pleasure. “Her nipples are super sensitive.” Jihyo says before staring at Momo and pressing her lips against the older woman’s, “I bet they would be more sensitive if she were pregnant. I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you, Momo?” 
Momo couldn’t hear what Jihyo was saying anymore; the feeling of her nipples being pulled and your cock stretching her filled her mind. Momo nodded her head without knowing what Jiyho had asked. You could feel Momo tightening around you as she neared her orgasm. Her moans became low and constant as you rammed your cock as deep as you could go. “Cum inside her,” Jihyo tells you before attaching herself to one of Momo’s nipples and swirling her tongue around the hardened nub. Momo’s cries of pleasure filled the room. She was drooling, and her tongue hung out of her mouth. 
“I’m cumming,” Momo groaned, shutting her eyes as her walls tightened around your cock. You didn’t hesitate to follow Jihyo’s orders and buried yourself inside Momo’s snatch. You pumped her full of your cum, painting her walls as her pussy milked you. Momo’s body twitched, and a euphoric smile spread across her face. She reached down, rubbing her clit as she came down from her high.
“It’s my turn now, Momoring,” Jihyo whispered, giving Momo’s tits one last squeeze. Momo climbs off slowly with assistance from Jihyo, who soon lets her fall to the floor. Momo reaches between her legs, gathering your cum and eating it as she recovers. She watches as Jihyo straddles you next. Jihyo presses her lips against yours, licking them as she pulls away. “I’ve been waiting for this.” She says before lowering herself onto your cock. Jihyo coos as she feels you split her apart, your cock filling her well. She smiles as she begins to bounce on your cock. She moves your hands to her tits, letting you play with them as she bounces at her own pace. 
Jihyo kisses your neck as she rides you, enjoying a slower pace. “Mommy is going to enjoy milking you baby. I want you to fill my pussy just like you did, Momo.” You squeeze Jihyo’s breasts softly, watching milk drip onto her stomach. Jihyo moans softly, enjoying your touch. 
Momo soon climbs onto the couch, sitting next to you and catching an eyeful of Jihyo’s leaking tits. She silently goes in, sucking on Jihyo’s tit and drinking her milk. Jihyo stiffened; she felt Momo’s tongue move up and down over her nipple. “Ah, Momo, hold on,” Jihyo grunted as she rode you. Jihyo struggled to do anything, being caught between the pleasure she got from you and Momo’s thievery. She could only put her hand on the back of Momo’s head, inadvertently pushing the older woman against her tit. “Shit, I’m going to cum.” Jihyo stares into your eyes with a pleading look. “I want you to cum inside me. Put a baby in me.” Jihyo moans as she tries to push you over the limit with her words. Jihyo’s cries of pleasure fill the room as she plants herself firmly on your cock, feeling it throb inside her before it finally spews your baby batter. Jihyo holds Momo to her chest, keeping her there as you pour your cum into her, and she rides out her orgasm. She kisses you, her tongue exploring your mouth. You ride out your climax together. Jihyo keeps her hips moving as she tries to drain every drop from you. 
Once she felt satisfied, she got up, your cum immediately running down her leg. “Let’s head to the bedroom to be more comfortable,” Jihyo says, leading you and Momo. Once in the bedroom, you wouldn’t leave as the three of you go all night. You gave the pair creampie after creampie until you were tapped out. Covered in a heavy layer of sweat, the women clung to you, their tits rubbing against you as you all drifted off to sleep.
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midatwrtr · 2 months
Turn back time
LE SSERAFIM Sakura x Male Reader
6.6k words
Tags: Fluff & Smut
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It was a chilly night of spring when you met Sakura. You were coming home from a late shift and she was sitting in front of your apartment. Your boss decided to abuse his position again by forcing you to work overtime, using some loophole in your contract as an excuse. You didn’t recognize her at first in the dark, she simply looked like a drunk teenager.
You could have ignored her, walked right past her, and everything would have been alright, but somehow, you didn’t. 
“Hey, are you okay?” you asked her, walking closer. She was wearing a pleaded shirt and jeans, while she used a black cap and black mask to cover her face. You made sure not to get too close, she was still a stranger, who knew what she had under her shirt. 
“Mh? What?” she replied with a surprisingly clear voice.
“Oh, I was just checking if you were okay,” you said carefully. “I mean, you’re sitting here alone, in the middle of nowhere…”
“You’re right, it doesn’t look very good, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “So? Did you drink or something?”
“Oh, no, I didn’t have anything,” she said, mortified. “I was just having…” she sighed. “A bad day. That’s all.”
"Do you want to talk about it?" you asked, the words coming out almost instinctively. You weren't particularly interested, but you understood that she needed someone that listened to her. It was more about offering her a chance to vent than satisfying your own curiosity.
The girl stared at you for a second, dumbfounded.
“I don’t have anything to do tonight anyways,” you added in case she felt guilty.
She thought about it for a second. It was a bit personal but after all, it wasn’t a bad idea. She didn’t even know your name and you didn’t know hers. For all she knew, you were a stranger she could have met on the internet behind an actor’s photo. What were the chances that she’d meet you again? 
“Well…” she started. You crouched down and sat next to her. You could see the moon peaking through the darkened clouds.
“You know, it’s been a rough day,” she said. “It seems like no matter what I do, people always have something to say.”
“Mh, I’m sorry to hear that. Sometimes it does feel like that.”
“Exactly,” she sighed deeply and then she straightened her back. “You know, it’s just so frustrating!” she growled, tensing her hands. “I’ve been doing this for years, and still, there’s always someone saying I’m not doing it right. It’s like they don’t even see how hard I work!”
“That sounds really tough,” you agreed. “People can be so quick to judge.”
“Exactly! They don't see the long hours I put in, the constant pressure to be perfect. They just hear one thing they don't like and suddenly they're experts, telling me how I should do things differently. It's infuriating!
"And the worst part is, sometimes it's not even constructive criticism. It's just mean like they're trying to tear me down. Why do they do that? Can't they see I'm just trying to do what I love? I don't understand why people feel the need to be so harsh!"
“It's tough when people don't see the effort and passion you put into it," you agreed. “But I bet there are still people that love what you do.”
“You’re right, it’s not all that bad. My friends are really supportive and always have been. They remind me why I started this in the first place and keep me grounded.”
“That’s great to hear. It makes a huge difference having people with you.”
“Yes. They're the ones who always believed in me, even when I doubted myself. It's like they see something in me that I sometimes forget” The girl sighed happily. “They're amazing. They are always close to me and help me when it gets too much.”
“It sounds like your friends do a good job of helping you focus on the right things. It's like having a personal cheering squad.”
The girls laughed. “That’s exactly what they are.”
Then she sighed deeply, her demeanor changing. "You know, as supportive as my friends are, I sometimes feel like I'm becoming a burden to them. They're always there for me, listening to my complaints and trying to cheer me up, but I worry I'm dragging them down."
"I doubt they see it that way. Friends are there for the good and the bad times."
"I know, but I can't help but feel guilty. like, how much can they take before they get tired of it?"
"It's natural to feel that way, but real friends don't see you as a burden. They care about you and want to support you, no matter what,” you said. “The important thing is that you’re still working hard. If they see your efforts, they will help you.”
"I hope so,” she said, her voice wavering. “They've never said anything to make me think otherwise, but sometimes I just feel so... needy, I guess. Like, I should be able to handle this on my own and not rely on them so much."
"It sounds like you're being too hard on yourself. Everyone needs support sometimes, and it doesn't make you a burden. It makes you human."
She nodded slowly. “I guess you’re right.”
"If they're there for you now, you've probably been there for them before. It's okay to lean on them. When something happens, you’ll return the favor,” you said. “For example, my friend helped me finish the project. So I bought him a really cool shirt, it was like this Pokemon-themed thing with Charmander and stuff, right? Because he liked Pokemon,” you paused. “But it was two sizes too small.”
The girl giggled. Her laughter bubbled up, bright and infectious.
“God, he looked ridiculous. But it’s alright. He was trying to lose weight anyways, it will motivate him.”
“Yeah, I am sure you did him a favor,” she said joyfully.
“That’s what I am saying!”
The girl recollected herself. "Thanks. I guess I just needed to hear that. It's hard to remember that sometimes, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed."
You got up, patting your pants off to get rid of the dirt. “Do you want me to help you go back home? It’s kinda late now.”
The girl hesitated for a second. She didn’t know how to answer that question.
“Do you live far away? Do you want me to call a cab?”
“No, it’s not that…” her voice trailed off.
You listened to her silence for a second and understood. “You don’t want to go home, right? How about you stay here for the night? I have a guest room.”
“Well, I don’t want to disturb you…”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, it will be just tonight.”
She was a bit hesitant, she didn’t want to impose herself but you were sincere and she accepted the offer. You walked to your apartment, modest and minimal. You didn’t need a lot to live comfortably and you were at the job most of the time anyway.
When she took off her cap and mask, you realized who she was. You chose not to say anything. You didn’t want to scare her away. 
“Are you allergic to anything—?” you asked, you stopped just a moment before saying her name.
“Sakura,” she added. “No, I’m not allergic to anything.”
You quickly made her feel at home, showing her around and offering her a spot at the kitchen table while you prepared a simple meal.
As you cooked, you continued their conversation. She opened up about her life as a singer, and the passion she had for music. You already knew most of it but you wanted to hear it from her, it was much more interesting.
You listened attentively, sharing your own experience at work. It became a healing experience for you. You ate together, enjoying the meal and continuing to talk. You learned about her love for mangas, and how much she played videogames. You were a gamer as well, that’s where most of your money went and why your house was so bare. 
“If I could turn back time…” Sakura said, in the middle of your conversation about her idol life. “I wonder if I’d choose to be an idol again. Maybe I should have become a soloist.”
“Grass is always greener on the other side” you replied. “I’m sure once you’re old, you’ll look back at it and think it was a great experience.”
“I hope so.”
When it got late, you offered her the guest room, fortunately, you kept it clean. She accepted and you said goodnight.
Sakura didn’t feel like a celebrity. You felt like you met a good friend and you wanted to keep it that way. In the morning, you prepared her breakfast and bid her goodbye. You didn’t expect her to come back and neither did she. It was supposed to be a one time thing, to get her mind off.
But a week later, she knocked at the door and you were happy to welcome her.
It started with small exchanges—it was a bit more embarrassing now that you were both conscious of each other. Sakura would sometimes bring her books and discuss them with you, or you would turn on the TV and watch animes together. 
As the days turned into weeks, the conversations grew longer. You talked about her past, your past, your problems. It was a safe space for the both of you, where you could be honest with eachother. Sakura found herself looking forward to these moments with you, your presence becoming a familiar comfort in her life. It became a routine.
Her eyes sparkled everytime she spoke with you and you would always listen to her. You loved the way she spoke with such passion. 
But one day, you had to leave. 
It was your boss again. “I made some arrangements with this company, it’s a big opportunity, you have to leave tomorrow. I already scheduled the flight.” You couldn’t refuse and you didn’t have Sakura’s phone number either. You left in the early morning and didn’t hear from Sakura since.
A week later, you finally came back home. You close the door of your friend’s car and thank him. You take a deep breath, finally the air of your town, you missed it. Taking the stairs, you reach your floor and there she was, standing weakly in front of your door, Sakura.
“Oh my god, Sakura! What are you doing here!” you exclaim.
“You—! You’re back! You asshole why didn’t you say anything!” Sakura rushes to your arms and hugs you tightly. “God, I thought something happened to you! I thought the loansharks kidnapped you.”
“It was just a work trip,” you say. “And sorry I didn’t say anything, I didn’t have your number.”
“Oh. Well, I’ll give it to you right now,” she hurries you. You take out your phone and add her digits. 
“Is that your stage outfit?” you ask her.
“Yeah, I rushed here. I didn’t really feel like changing, I wanted to see you,” she says. Her sentence shocks you. You couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was more to it. You thought about all the little things—how she always seemed to know you were having a rough day, how she always came to you first to vent about her troubles.
You smiled but were worried. It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about Sakura in that way before. You did plenty of times, but there was always some reason not to pursue it.
“But you didn’t even know that I’d be here,” you comment.
“I felt it.”
“You have a sixth sense, don’t you?” you laugh as you open the door for her.
With a quickly made dinner, you have time to catch up with Sakura. She had a lot to talk about, not only about her members but also all the other idols she met during the shows. She had a lot to vent about, people aren’t as nice as they look.
Sakura offers to clean up the rest of the dinner, which isn’t a lot since you have already cleaned most of the dishes, and in the meantime, you go and take a shower. Cleaning up the remnants of your hastily prepared dinner, Sakura tosses the scraps into the trash bin before wiping the table. Once everything is tidy again, she heads towards the bathroom to take off her makeup.
However, while passing by the bedroom, she finds you lying sprawled across the bed, fast asleep. An odd mix of emotions courses through her veins—it is a combination of fondness and happiness. You look so cute carelessly snoozing with that sleepy face of yours. She wants to join you, to touch you. She wants to do what she sees in the shows, to hold your hand, hug you while you sleep, and kiss you.
Sakura isn’t sure if her feelings are right, especially after everything that has happened to her. She knows to trust you, but to love you? Is she allowed such a luxury? Her mind tells her to steer clear, to not get mixed up in such a troublesome relationship, but she is stubborn.
Her back shivers. Sakura can’t tear her gaze away from your sleeping face. Your soft breaths are like music to her ears, soothing and comforting.
Then you wake up. You look at Sakura through your tired eyes and smile. “Oh, sorry. I fell asleep, didn’t I?” you say, laughing, and Sakura exchanges a smile. “Say, aren’t you tired, Kkura?”
“Mh,” she hums. “A little bit. But you must be—” she trails off, unable to finish her sentence.
“Then join me,” you say, interrupting her. She opens her eyes a little wider as she values your offer. She could find countless reasons not to, but instead, she settles for a place beside you. She awkwardly lies down on the bed, slightly curling her legs and resting her arms close to herself. Her eyes never leave yours, watching your welcoming smile.
“I really missed you, Sakura,” you say. You laugh from the embarrassment, clenching your eyes. “I got so used to your presence that I keep going back to my bags thinking I left something at home.” You pause to take a breath. “I guess it was you.”
Sakura is surprised. She listens to you silently, feeling that warm sensation inside her chest slowly expanding to the rest of her body. “I missed you too,” she confesses.
“The bulgogi at the cafeteria just doesn’t taste the same, you know?” You laugh. Feeling the mattress dip beside her, Sakura becomes aware of your presence. The wave of heat coursing through her veins makes her heart race wildly. Carefully unfolding her legs, she slides closer to you, nestling herself against your warmth, finally accepting your invite. Sakura catches her breath as your arm slips around her waist, pulling her even closer.
“This feels nice,” she says, and you giggle. It is a gentle embrace, completely different from the coldness that she had to endure for the week you were away. She simply lies there, letting the familiar scent of you envelop her, calming her frayed nerves.
“Don’t you want to change into some more comfortable clothes?” you ask Sakura.
“Mh? You don’t want to see me in it?” Sakura replies in a light tone. “You don’t like it?” she teases you.
You keep brushing her soft blonde hair. “No, it’s not that. I think you could be more comfortable in something else… but I don’t mind it at all. Besides,” you swallow your saliva, “it looks really good on you.”
“Oh? How good?” she coos, moving her hair away from the red top. You remember your reaction from earlier: how you choke at the sight of her tight top hugging her pearly white chest, how her toned midriff peeks from her gray pleated skirt, and how all the blood leaves your head. But you can’t say it, of course, and settle for a “Very good.”
“Come on, be more specific!” Sakura whines in annoyance.
“Ten out of ten!”
“You always say that,” she says.
“Because it’s true,” you retort.
“You know what I mean…” she says with a softer tone, looking at you with her typical puppy eyes. There you go. She plays with your feelings again. What are you supposed to feel? Your mind is a mess. She is so adorable, yet so hot.
You sigh. “Well…” you start. “I think you’re terribly hot. You make my head spin every time I see you. And today, you are unbelievable.”
Sakura clings to you tighter, taking refuge in your chest. Her breath comes in short, needy gasps; who knew words could be so piercing? She knows she wants you to say it, but she doesn’t know how it’d feel like.
Shifting ever so slightly, she presses her lower body against yours, finding comfort in her arousal.
“When you say it like that…” Sakura whispers. “Is it too much?”
“Too much for me to handle, that’s for sure.”
Sakura rubs herself against you, her hips moving slowly, riding your thigh. She starts moaning, low groans choked in her throat. She grows more desperate. Your words were turning her on. She wants you to see more of her, she wants your eyes planted on her body, she wants more. Sakura knew this was going to be a mistake, that she should stop before crossing the line, but she couldn’t resist anymore.
“Mh,... is that all?” She asks you once more.
“I have nothing nice to say, believe me,” you admit and Sakura understood perfectly. You finally notice her movements on her leg and you are just as aroused as her. At the same time, you are worried if her intentions were truly honest and if she wasn’t being carried away by the heat of the moment. You knew how impulsive Sakura was.
Swallowing hard, Sakura meets your gaze, refusing to look away. She could see the concern etched on your face, the worry mirrored in her eyes. For a brief moment, she contemplates pushing you away… and then she decides against it. Her hips don’t stop rubbing against you. She keeps holding you. Sakura wanted to know what you felt and what she felt.
Closing the remaining distance between you two, she captures your lips in a firm resolute kiss. 
Caught in the heat of her excitement, you couldn’t do anything else but kiss her back. Moaning against your lips, Sakura loses herself in the feeling of your lips. Rolling on top of you, her arms around your neck, she keps kissing you deeper and deeper. Her skin was warm and smooth beneath your fingers, a stark contrast to the rough texture of your own.
Pulling away slightly, she looks into your eyes. She could see her own pure raw desire reflected back in your eyes. Without hesitation, she guides your hand between her thighs. “Are you sure, Sakura?” you ask one last time.
“I am.” You could feel the moistness around her shorts. She invites you into her panties, into herself. Your fingers trace lazy circles around her swollen clit. She grips your shoulders tightly as the pleasure scatters through her legs. 
Arching her back, Sakura gasps as your fingers effortlessly slipped inside her wet folds. Her muscles tensed and relaxed, spasms of pleasure, drawing you deeper. 
Sakura lets out a high-pitched whine. “Mh!” You hit a sensitive spot inside of her. Waves of pure bliss ripple throughout her body. Her grip on your shoulders tightens painfully as you continue to finger her pussy.
Sakura’s mind spirals out of control leaving her breathless moans. 
“Can I see it?” you ask softly. Painting heavily, Sakura glances down for a moment at her spread legs, catching the sight of your fingers buried inside of her. She shudders at the sight of the messiness of her juices. They coated your hand, dripping down to your wrist and forearm.
She forces herself to meet your eyes to nod quietly. You quickly take of her shorts and underwear and take a good look of her wet lips. Gasping at the cool air, Sakura stared at you with worry as she was revealing her most intimate parts to you. She finds herself even more aroused than before.
With both hands at either side of her vagina, you part her slightly. You look at the droplets of wetness leaving her hole, sliding down her pink flesh, the warm scent invading your nostrils. You take a moment to observe how her muscles twitched but you couldn’t resist any longer. You open your mouth and dip your tongue inside of her.
“I love how you taste, Sakura,” you muffle. “You’re just as good as I imagined.”
Your words make her moan harder. Every finger of lower body tighten at the new sensation. You lick her slowly, spreading your tongue out on her pussy, licking from the bottom to the top, pausing on her clit. You send waves of pleasure to her head, making it difficult for her to remain still. Her legs clamp around your head. Her soft thighs just make it more enjoyable.
You eat her with voracity, making your head up and down. Sakura helps you by stretching her lips further apart with her hands, giving you full access to every inch of her folds. Her walls clench around your tongue, contracting involuntarily. 
You stop for a moment to swallow the liquids piled on your tongue. Sakura can’t wait a single second. “Please continue,” she pleads.
“You want it that bad?” you say with satisfaction.
“Yes,” she admits. “Please, eat me out.” “I will,” you conclude and go back to her pussy. This time, you wrap your lips on her clit and start sucking it softly. You don’t give her time to adjust as your fingers enter her at the same time, fingering her helpless hole. 
Sakura goes crazy. She begs for release. “Ah! Fuck! Don’t stop!” Her fingers dig into your shoulders, leaving bruises all around your back. Lewd wet noises sloppily resonate through your mouth. Moaning your name nonstop, she is pushed more and more to the edge. The orgasm approaches rapidly. With a feral growl, she explodes, wracked by wave after wave of ecstatic pleasure.
Arching her back, she clutches your head, pulling you deeper inside her. Thick liquid drips from her swollen pussy, thick cum flow right into your mouth. Breathless and spent, she collapses back onto the pillows, utterly exhausted but satisfied.
You continue by softly eating up her remaining cum. Watching in disbelief as you eagerly lap up the sticky remnants of their passion, Sakura's breath hitches in her throat. 
“I didn’t know you could do that,” you said and laughed.
“I didn’t know I could do that either,” she repeated, giggling and covering her blushed face. 
Panting heavily, Sakura lays still sprawled across the bed, her body still pulsing with residual with the residual kickback of the orgasm. When you nuzzle your face against her exposed stomach, she moans softly, arching her back invitingly. Her leg itch, the shivers discend to her core. "Mmm…" she murmurs, begging you to continue.
Her fingers brush through your hair. You leave small pecks and smooches on her tone midriff, trailing your lips along the grooves of her abs. Your hands hold her hips, lifting her arched body closer to your face. Her heart swells with tenderness, she’s grateful, you truly care for her and want to make her happy. 
Your head further ascends along her body, stopping at the hem of her top. You look up to her, to her flushed cheeks and clouded eyes, panting heavily. “Can I see them?” you ask her.
She nods, “Yes…” Sakura then sits up to take of her top. It’s a bit complicated, she raises her arms and slowly pulls it off. When she takes of her last layer, you hold your breath. The tube bra finally slips off and her breasts fall down. They are beautiful.
Though not as big as they looked under the clothes, the shape was a lot more inviting. They were slightly saggy, drooping to either sides, with rounded nipples and beautiful pink nipples. There was a mole right on her left breast that you had never noticed. 
You look at her eyes just to be sure and gently grope her breasts. She lets out a small moan, bringing her hands back to open her chest to you. Blushing deeply, Sakura looks down your eager expression, her heart racing. She’s surprised at how excited you were and it made her even more aroused.
“Do you really like them that much even if they’re small?” she asked.
“They are perfect, Sakura,” you said. “And they could’ve been 100 different shapes but I’d still love them, because they are yours.”
Sakura smiled and locked her arms around your back. She's grown accustomed to your touch now and she couldn’t be happier. Her nipples harden beneath your fingers and she struggles to keep her composure. "It’s okay, keep going..." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the rapid beat of her heart.
Leaning in closer, she captures your lips in a heated kiss but you don’t stop fondling her soft breasts. She falls back to the bed and her boobs fall to the sides. Your hands collect them back up and you continue to play with her mounds.
Her body trembles as you continue to knead and tease her sensitive breast, alternating between gentle strokes and firmer pinches. Sakura bites down on her lip, but she doesn’t hide her moans, you love them. 
She had never felt so exposed yet so safe before. She wanted your hands to explore every inch of your body, she wanted you to know every part of her. And now she wanted to see you as well.
“Are you going to take off your clothes?” she asks.
“Oh, yeah,” you answered, only now realizing she was the only one naked. You made it quick, not wanting to make her wait too long. You were a bit embarrassed to show her your body, especially since it wasn’t nearly as toned as hers. However, if Sakura didn’t care than neither should you.
You were also worried about your size. Your hands were both covering your crotch, the head of your penis peeking between your fingers.
Sakura flashed a seductive smile and got closer to you. “Are you really going to hide that pretty cock of yours?” she asks you. Her hand grab your fingers and she peels off your hands. She licks her lips and palms your balls, holding your cock out right on her right hand. She silently looks at it for a second, looking at how hard it was, standing so tall just for her. That’s what she loved. You were hard for her.
And she was wet for you.
“Sit down,” she told you and you obliged, keeping your legs open. With her hand still under your balls, she raised your cock higher, giving her full access to the whole length. And then she was blowing you. With a hand at the base, she wraps your head with her wet mouth, beginning to move her head in slow, circular motions. Her eyes stare right back at you, with her sunken lips, looking for your approval.
Your flushed face is enough for Sakura. She increases the pace of her actions, sucking harder and faster on your rock hard penis. The muscles in her mouth stretch as she takes you deeper than ever before, her cheeks hollowing out with each passing thrust. A thin stream of saliva drips down from the corner of her mouth, mixing with your precum and forming a sticky trail along her jawline. 
She tries her best but she couldn’t take you into her throat. The pleasure was still enough for you to roll back your eyes. Continuing with her sucking and bobbing, the mix of fluids foamed up to a frothy white substance, sloppily falling down her mouth, to her hands, to your crotch.
Feeling you pulling her head down, thrusting your penis roughly into her throat, Sakura gasps for air. Her gag reflex kicks in momentarily, causing her to gag and choke briefly, but she quickly regains control, continuing to work her mouth. 
It could have been only a couple minutes but you couldn’t last any longer. It all came so fast, you couldn’t even warn Sakura that you were already filling her mouth with cum. Your release startled her, she opened her eyes and jolted back, letting the cum spill out to her hands. 
You continued letting out a couple more splurts before you could stop, however you were still twitching maniacally. “Oh my god, sorry Sakura,” you said.
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she laughed it off. “That’s exactly the reaction that I wanted. Now let me taste this…”
Sakura scooped up all the semen that had escaped her mouth and poured it back inside. With a slurp, the last strings of cum left her palms. She gulped it down and showed you her empty mouth. She let out a satisfied giggle, watching your dumbfounded face. 
“Well, look like that got you hard again, huh?” Sakura said watching your penis coming back to life. “You’re so naughty.”
“You’re the one that just—look at what you just did,” you retorted.
“You’re right…” she agreed. “So? What are you gonna do no? Are you gonna put it in?”
“Do you want to?” you asked.
“I do.”
“Then I’ll do it.”
Sakura laid down on the bed, taking your place. You looked at her, her hair sprawled on the white sheets, her pearly white skin covered in her shiny sweat, her perfectly round breasts drooping down her chest, her creamy thighs. She looked like an angel. You couldn’t believe that you were going to do it with her.
You weren’t the only one. Sakura didn’t want anyone else but you, she’s been thinking about you this whole time and this was going to be the seal of her love.
Sakura opened her legs and let you get closer. With her hand, she helped guiding yourself inside. You sank in with ease. You were forced to blink rapidly and grit your teeth at the new sensation. It was incredibly tight, completely wet, and burning hot.
Your penis stretched her open. She moaned and contorted her face as her vagina opened up to you. Her hand gripped down your forearm with all her might.
“God…” she sighed.
“Are you okay, Sakura?” you asked worryingly. “Does it hurt? We can stop if you want.”
“No, no, it’s not that, we can keep going,” she said. “I just have to get used to it. It’s a bit uncomfortable, that’s all.”
She breathed deeply and pulled on your shoulder, “Please, slowly.” 
“Alright,” you said. You contracted all of your muscles to be as slow as possible, as gentle as you could. You let yourself sink, a millimeter at a time, being extremely careful not to let out any sudden movement. Sakura’s face relaxed as you went in, she stared blankly, giving all her attention to the feeling between her legs.
“Okay, like that… alright, that’s it,” she let you know. “I’m good now. I think.”
“Tell me what to do,” you said.
“Try thrusting it a bit,” she said. You nodded and guided your hips back before slowly thrusting your penis back inside. 
“Oh…” Sakura moaned. She didn’t look in pain, you were glad. “Yep, that’s good. That’s really good. You can keep going.”
You nodded again and started thrusting at a regular pace, still slow. 
Sakura flips around, grabbing the pillow in front of her. You plunge yourself back inside and using your whole weight, you stretch her to the point of bulging her belly. 
Gripping the sheets tightly, Sakura cries out in both pain and ecstasy as you brutally claim her pussy. Her vagina accepts you, stretching wide to accommodate your whole length. Each forceful thrust sends waves of pleasure rippling through her body. 
Her moans become more and more primal. She cries out in ecstasy, muffling the screams into her pillow.
Unable to contain your growing hunger, you move relentlessly at the roughest pace possible, trying to satisfy your lust. Your movements become increasingly frantic, punctuated by your grunts. Every brutal thrust fills her to the brim, making her feel used and ravaged. The bed shakes violently beneath you as your passion escalates, leaving the once pristine linens drenched in sweat and other fluids.
Despite the intensity of your assault, Sakura doesn't fight it—she loves it.
The new pace costs you a lot. After a minute, you’re tired and way closer than before. You breath heavily, slowing down to give the both of you a rest. Sakura is panting and couldn’t even keep her head up.
“Sorry, Sakura, could you turn around another time?” you asked between your heavy breaths.
“Sure…” she replies weakly. “It will be better for me too.”
You groan quietly as you slide back into her. The rest of her body is stretched out on the bed, she’s way too tired to do anything else. You grab her hips and raise them in a prone stance so you can go deeper. It works, she immediately tightens around you so intensely that you feel like you might climax instantly. Her hands clutch the edge of the bed, her moans are free and loud as her face is no longer buried in the cushions. It's clear that she's on the brink of orgasm, and you continue to thrust into her as hard as possible.
You lean forward to place kisses on her neck and shoulder, your body pressing on top of hers as you slow down the pace to a grind. You want her to feel loved and worshipped. She tries to look up at you but the pleasure is so immense that she can only focus on your blurry silhouette. Sakura is so lightheaded that she her words sound drunk and splurred. 
“I—I’m gonna cum,” she says. “Please I want you to cum too!”
A few more thrusts before the dam breaks, her squirt flooding your bed as she moans your name much louder than before.
“I love you!” she screams.
You don’t stop thrusting however as you are also very close to reaching your orgasm. Wrap your hands around her small waist and you can feel her toned abs contracting and relaxing as the spasms of her orgasm keep milking you. Her squirt floods the grooves of her abs, pooling into a shiny mess. 
“I’m really gonna cum now,” you says. “I’m gonna cover you in cum!”
“Do it, please!”
“Fuck!” There was no way you were going to last any millisecond longer and with one final thrust, you spill everything you have been saving on her abs. Ribbons after ribbons of thick sperm cover her tummy, her breasts and some even get to her face.
Sakura lays there, exhausted. She wipes the cum of her abs, playing with it, looking at how the strings of thick cum stretch between her fingers. “It’s really warm,” she comments, with satisfaction. “I made you cum a lot, huh?”
“I thought I was going to pass out,” you admit.
She laughs.“Me too.”
You inhale for a moment. “Let me get you some towels.” You get off the bed and walk to the closet. Only then you notice how sore your legs truly were and you have to hold the door to stand up. You grab a couple from the stack of towels and hand them to Sakura.
“Here you go,” you say and help her stand up. Sakura takes them and slowly wipes her whole body. You could feel some of the remaining blood feeding into your penis but you were too tired to do anything else. So you sat down on the bed, besides her.
“You got work tomorrow?” you asked Sakura.
“No, nothing.”
“That’s good,” you say. “Otherwise the others would have scolded me. I can’t imagine what Yunjin would do to me.”
Sakura lets out a breathy laugh, amused but weary. Her shoulders shake gently, and her eyes though tired, sparkled. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell her.”
“Thanks,” you said and gave her a smile. “Let’s get cleaned up now.”
The two of you sluggishly move around the bathroom. Sakura must have gotten used to feeling tired after all the dance practices but emotional exhaustion was something else. It wasn’t just the sore muscles, she was exhausted from the ecstasy. 
She splashes cool water on her face, and quickly takes off her makeup. You brush your teeth with your eyes half-closed, the toothbrush moving lazily. You exchange tired smiles through the mirror, knowing you are the reason for the other’s tiredness. 
Once done, you shuffle back to the bedroom and drop on the bed.
Sat beside you, disheveled and natural, Sakura looked unreal. Bathed by the pool of the moonlight, she only sat still, but your heart couldn’t stop pounding. She was your world.
You took a deep breath when you remembered her words earlier. “I love you.” That’s what she said. “I love you.” Sure, you were in the heat of the moment, the adrenaline was pumping harder than anything else and she probably didn’t even mean it. Maybe it was a “I love how you make me feel.” Maybe it was just another way to praise you. But what if it wasn’t?
You had to know. “By the way…” you start. You gulp down. “Did you say ‘I love you’ before?”
Realizing what she said, Sakura’s face pales slightly. For some reason, she felt scared, and she wanted to cover her face. “Oh, I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I mean, I do care about you, but—”
With your heart pounding, you interrupt her. You try to talk to her as gently as possible. “Sakura, wait. Did you mean it? Because if you did, it’s okay.”
Sakura hesitates, she can’t look at your eyes, then nods. “Yeah, I did mean it. I’ve been trying to keep it to myself, but… After this week,” she sighs with frustration. She couldn’t believe what she was saying right now. “Fuck, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. I just never had the courage to say it. I don’t want to lose you, I care about you too much.”
Your eyes soften as she talked. “Sakura, I feel the same way. Every time we’re together, I feel so happy, so alive. I didn’t want to say it either, because of the whole situation we got going on. But now that you said it… I won’t hide it.”
Tears well up in Sakura’s eyes, she’s relieved. So relieved. “Really? You feel that way too?”
Sakura stands up and jumps to hug you. You almost fall but you catch yourself with a foot. Her face is against yours, cheek to cheek, you can feel her tears run down your skin. “You have no idea how happy this makes me!”
You sat hand in hand, letting Sakura calm down as she wiped her tears. “You know that time that I told you I wanted to turn back time?”
“Yeah, it was the first time we met.”
“Mh, I thought about it and I wouldn’t change anything. Because I’ve got to meet you.”
You laugh. “God, how did I get so lucky to have you, Sakura. I love you!”
“I love you too!”
Written, 13 July 2024 - 18 July 2024
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noxtivagus · 2 years
gna be productive now
#🌙.vent#i'll delete those later you see nothing rn !!!!#i feel better after. what crying for an hour n writing#that said i have wasted time as well though so. i feel. rather empty still. idk but. i have to do this all#i have No energy but i really wna reply back to my friends n all#yeah that's the thing i could just make myself take steps for something better but#it feels so weird n empty if i just force it#maybe good will come out of it but i hate how weird n empty n. how forced it feels#yk every single second and emotion and thought matters a lot to me#it both spurs me onwards as well as simultaneously weigh me down#goddamn it's overwhelming but. sometimes it's really hard for me to just really accept that#yk life's a journey. all these imperfections come with it n with time we grow and grow#the world is very imperfect and we are too#i'm so confused wait theres really so much in my head ;;;; but one thing i know for sure is that#i don't have to be this harsh to myself when it comes to improving. like fuck time we all should be able to do this at our own pace#pressure pressure it feels like i'm both falling behind n am too far ahead at the same time. how confusing#that said perdev earlier w school reminded me that oh maybe i'm like this bcs i don't really have. a very stable support system#i manage a lot better if i at least have a friend or smth but i think recently i've been unintentionally#distancing myself. i usually isolate when i struggle bcs i don't want to be a burden but it just makes everything worse for me#that said thinking about the kind of comfort i would 'ideally' like right now#a shoulder to cry on? a warm hug? some words too or. another form of affection just to remind me in those moments that. you love me#goddamn i really do mean it huh when i say love's a big motive for me T_T it's. pure though and really from the heart#my love for the universe; i want to learn so much. my love for life; i appreciate so much. my love for myself; i want the best for myself.#n a reminder that i'm loved has always given me strength. to get up again and be kind to myself#yk what's done is done n regret wtvr n all but it's best to just. be kind to yourself. if you can. it's hard but that's really yeah#do better in the future but really accept n all that yeah mistakes are normal n human#it really is hard but i just need to remind myself constantly and practice that. i'm human too. meaning i'll always#we'll always be deserving of receiving the same kindness we give to others. n wholly accept it. unconditionally#one at a time at my own pace. fuck my perfectionism making me forget n lose the meaning of my passions n ambitions n wishes#improving.. T_T defeats its purpose if this is my approach to it. fuck the word 'need' right now i'll just do my best to be kind for myself
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perpetuallyburntout · 3 months
“Can you come get me?”
Five Hargreeves x gn!reader
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Five takes care of you after you get injured.
Word Count: 990
TW: blood, mentions of injuries and needles/stitches
My back hit the door, and I sucked in a breath as my legs gave out and I sank to the floor. Unbuttoning my shirt with trembling hands, I looked down and examined the injury in my side, feeling a wave of nausea as I saw the blood and a new wave of pain overcame me.
I fumbled for my phone, not really thinking as I unlocked it and called a number I knew by heart. It rang for several painstaking seconds, before a familiar voice deadpanned from the other side.
“I take it you’re not dead.”
Hearing Five’s voice was enough to make me relax slightly, but I swallowed hard and kept myself as alert as possible.
“N-no, I’m not…” I said with a weak huff of laughter. “Disappointed?”
There was a short silence, then his tone of voice was slightly different as he asked, “Are you… what did you need?”
“Oh, um…” I leaned my head back against the wall, taking a deep breath. “C-can you please come get me? Now?”
If I hadn’t been trying to ignore the pain in my side and the dizziness in my head, I would have been flattered by the lack of hesitation in his voice when he replied, “Be there in a minute.”
I almost asked him to stay on the line, but he hung up before I could get anything else out. Dropping my phone at my side, I kept my eyes up at the ceiling and tried not to glance down at my injury. Just a minute. I just had to hang in there for a minute.
It could have been a few seconds, a minute, or an hour that I waited with how slow time seemed to move, but finally, with a brief flash of light, Five appeared a few feet away from me.
His brows raised slightly as he noticed me, a curse leaving his lips before he knelt beside me. “Who did this to you?”
I opened my mouth to reply, but he abruptly cut me off before the words could leave my mouth. “It doesn’t matter right now. I’m getting you out of here.”
As he leaned down and hooked an arm around my waist, I muttered. “Your power makes me nauseous.”
“Yes, well, unless you’d like to walk, you don’t have any other options,” he told me shortly.
His grip on me tightened slightly, and in an instant, my world spun. I felt like I was floating until, as quickly as the floor was gone from below me, it was back. My mouth watered with the urge to throw up, and I forced it back.
“Throw up on me, and I’ll leave you to die,” Five hissed, letting go of me and stepping hastily back. I watched him as he walked across the room—his room, I realised—and opened a drawer, digging around for something. He glanced back at me briefly. “Start talking. I need you to stay awake.”
“What is there to talk about?” I sighed, flexing my fingers.
“You tell me.”
“Ugh… I just got caught is all. I incapacitated most of them.”
He returned to my side with a first aid kit in hand, moving my shirt out of the way and wiping away the excess blood around the wound. “Most of them?”
“One got away,” I told him, glancing down as he worked.
“I’m going to kill them,” he muttered, then said louder, “You’re not gonna die. But I need to stitch this up.”
I winced. “Do you have anything to numb it?”
“No.” He pulled stitches out of the kit and prepared them. “You ready?”
“No. Do it anyway.”
“Good attitude.”
I couldn’t watch as he pressed the needle into my skin, but I felt the pain as he got to work. I inhaled shakily, blackness crowding my vision as another wave of dizziness hit me.
“Y/n,” he snapped, but my eyes were fluttering shut. A sudden sharp pain in my cheek snapped my eyes back open. He smacked me.
“Prick,” I muttered.
“Now’s not the time for naps,” he retorted with a sarcastic smile. “I’ll do it again if you get any ideas.”
I gritted my teeth, but focused every bit of my energy on keeping my eyes open as he finished stitching the wound. Afterwards, he cleaned up the extra blood and started bandaging it, wrapping the bandages around my abdomen, not too tight. Another minute later, he leaned back.
I let out a long breath, hair falling over my face as I dropped my head. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Can I sleep now?”
“Can you stand?”
I braced my hands against the floor, pushing myself up and hissing at the pain. Five wrapped an arm around me, helping me up and leading me to his bed, letting me sit back against the mattress. He made a face. “I’m gonna have to wash my sheets after this.”
“Oh, what an inconvenience I am to you,” I retorted, leaning back carefully until my head reached his pillow.
“You have no idea.”
He glanced towards the door, but I spoke up before he could disappear. “Wait, Five…”
I reached out to grab his wrist, but stopped short. He noticed this. “What, do you want me to stay, too?”
I winced, dropping my hand, and his sharp gaze softened slightly. Sighing softly, he dragged a chair over to the bedside and sat back in it. “Fine.”
I shut my eyes briefly, relief crashing down on me. I didn’t want to be alone right now. “Thank you. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise,” he said simply. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He wasn’t going anywhere. He was staying. Thank god for that.
As my body sank further into the mattress and I inhaled the lingering scent of him on the sheets, I could feel myself slipping away. My last thought before blackness swamped me was that I really needed to repay him someday.
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
I'm going to be honest
I'm having a genuinely hard time making this post. I've been fighting with it for a couple weeks now, but I think it's time I finally make it.
I'm not having fun on this blog anymore.
It sounds bad, but honestly, it kind of is.
I think a lot of it started from the very beginning with the precedence and expectations I put on myself. I've always tried to respond to every comment I get. Even from the beginning. It's just a polite thing to do since those who leave comments took the time to write out what they think of my fic, even if it's just a keysmash. I've always felt the need to thank those who leave comments or reblog my writing or (now that tumblr has it) replied to my fics. It worked fine before because none of my fics were particularly popular. Even my most popular fic (at that time) didn't get as much attention as CRCB has. I've never had a "big blog" before, nor a fic as popular as CRCB has gotten.
It was fine at first, responding to everyone, engaging with everyone. I was riding that high of omg so many people are reading and enjoying my fic! I've never had anything quite like this before.
Now...it just feels more like a chore. I set this precedence on this blog that I respond to everyone and I know a lot of people have said that they're surprised I responded to them and to everyone, and now I'm getting why a lot of writers don't. I'm exhausted. I feel like I've just been robotically saying the same thing over and over trying to respond to people now. I used to love seeing asks in my inbox and reblogs and replies but now? All I feel is dread because I have to respond to all of those.
Turning anon off was a big help. It lessened the sheer volume of asks I was getting a day. And while I do feel bad for all of my anons who prefer to stay anons, with everything that happened (the multiple incidents) with anon that kind of started to suck the joy out of everything. That paired with the obsessive need to constantly have my inbox cleared and make sure everyone gets a response...I can understand now too why big blogs will have 200+ asks in their inbox. It's hard and it's exhausting and I'm burning out.
First it was the fic that was burning me out. Things have gone on far longer than I planned and I just wasn't prepared for this fic to go on and for a while there it was dragging. I'll admit that. If I could go back, I'd speed up a few things, but it's done, it's posted there's no going back. I kind of hoped I would have the mental capacity to upload more than once a week too, but I just couldn't. I still can't.
I've come to dread posting chapters because I know I'm going to have to reply and respond to everyone. The only thing keeping me posting is the fact that we're in the part of the story I've been excited about since the beginning and also because I keep leaving everyone on cliffhangers and I love torturing y'all with all of them.
So that being said, this is in no way to shame anyone for interacting with me, anyone leaving comments or replies or sending asks. Don't feel bad about doing it please. I appreciate all of you that have engaged with me and it really means so much to me. Honestly, earlier this year, if I didn't have this fic and everyone on this blog, I might not have made it to now. It's been a really rough year and it's still going to be into next year. It's just getting to the point where I need a break.
I've needed a break for a long time. I thought taking days off the blog would help, and it did for a couple of weeks, but now even on the days I'm supposed to be on the blog and engaging, I just find myself queueing stuff up and just being offline most of the day still.
I'm tired. That's the best reason I can give. I'm tired and burned out on life and I'm tired and burned out on this blog.
So...I think I need a break. I need to not keep responding to every single reply and reblog every chapter. I need to not force myself to answer every ask right away, no matter how much I want to. I feel bad, but I know everyone would rather have me here and enjoying the blog than forcing myself to interact to the point where I'm dreading it and just robotically repeating myself over and over with every reply and answer and comment.
I won't be pausing the fic, I won't be not uploading. I'll still be posting chapters, I just might not be interacting as much as I have been. It's just putting such a mental strain on me still, even with anon off, even with days off. And with things getting busier for me, it's going to be too much to try and deal with irl stuff and write and try to be super active on the blog. There's going to come a point where I have to sacrifice the writing or the blog and I'd rather sacrifice the blog to keep myself sane, and also to keep trying to finally get this fic done. I love this fic, don't get me wrong, but I'm just burning out.
I'm already burned out in a lot of ways.
I was planning kinktober this year but honestly I'm considering not doing it because I know interaction is going to be insane and it's going to be a lot to keep up on. Plus trying to write that many fics is hard and I'm not sure I have the ability to do it. I have a few done but now I'm just like...is that something I want to do on top of irl stuff and CRCB.
There's just no joy in it anymore. It's not anyone's fault but mine. I put the pressure on myself, I held myself to that standard for this long despite the fact I knew it was draining me. I've tried to push through when I should have prioritized myself. I feel so guilty not responding to everyone. I feel so guilty being a day or two late responding to everyone.
I want to be here and interacting and responding to things but I just can't bring myself to anymore. It's no one's fault, and this is not a drag on anyone, or an attempt to make anyone feel bad or guilty for interacting or sending asks or anything. I'm just airing out the truth and saying what I need to say because I feel like I've been so robotic and lifeless with my responses these last couple weeks and I feel like I need to explain why. It's nothing anyone has done. It's my fault. It's 100% my fault.
Things have just gotten to be too much and it's my fault for forcing myself to be so active. The social battery has dropped into the negatives. I'm not a social person. I can only handle so much interaction and I've pushed so far beyond that, that things have gotten to this point. I want to be here and I want to have fun and I want to use this as an escape but I just don't feel that way about it anymore. It's a chore for me, a job, something I feel like I have to do and it's my fault that I feel that way. It's my own standards and expectations I set on myself, and my expectations on what I think my followers want and deserve and now I feel like I've gone on too long like this that I can't change things without hurting anyone's feelings. I don't want people to think I'm ignoring them in favor of others because I know there's writers out there that do that. They only respond to a certain group and ignore others that comment and reblog. I don't want to make anyone feel like I'm doing that to them and that's now led me to here.
I'm forcing it and I'm tired.
It's been hard these last few weeks. The life has just been draining and draining continuously. The joy and the love I have for this blog and my followers and the interactions and the fic. The last anon bullshit that happened was just kind of the last nail in the coffin so to speak. The straw that broke the camel's back. Things stopped being fun. It made me feel bad (and not in the guilty way, though that was a part of it) and I'm honestly just over it. I'm over the blog, I'm over interacting, I'm over life at this point. August is a hard month for me and every year it seems to get worse and worse. A lot of it is unrelated to anything online and I was going to make a post about it but honestly I just don't want to. Those that know, know. Those that don't...it doesn't matter.
I'm getting annoyed by the blog, I'm getting annoyed every time I look in my notifications and see an ask or a reply or a comment. I'm getting annoyed by some of my followers and that's not fair to you. Everyone always talks about how nice and kind and patient I am when I'm really not. I'm not the person I present myself to be on this blog, the way I mask myself so I can present myself as being a normal, kind human being. The mask is coming off because I'm so tired I can't keep it up anymore. It's happening here and it's happening in real life. I'm tired and I'm frustrated and I'm angry at a lot of things and the last thing I want is to start taking it out on my followers. You don't deserve that, especially when it's not your fault, it's nothing any of you have done. It's all me.
It's not you, it's me.
So for the sake of not burning this whole thing to the ground, I'm going to take a break. I'm not replying to everyone, I'm not responding to every reblog, I won't reply to every ask I get right away, if at all because sometimes I just don't have anything to say in response and I need to learn that's okay. It's nothing against you. It's not aimed at anyone specifically, I'm just trying to put myself first and stop things from escalating. I need a break and I'm going to do something selfish and I'm going to take it.
Don't apologize because it's not your fault. Don't apologize because you think you might have contributed to this because you didn't. It is no one's fault but my own.
I'm the one that needs to apologize to all of you because I've just not been myself because I've been forcing myself to be someone I'm not. I've been very unfair to a lot of people over the last seven months that this blog has been active and I've held a precedent that is not sustainable in the long run and made everyone believe that I was capable of maintaining that kind of interaction when I'm not.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been putting everyone through this. I'm sorry I've been so detached and robotic and ingenuine. I'm sorry I led everyone to believe I'm someone I'm not. I'm sorry I've dragged this on this long that it's gotten to the point that I have to make this post.
I considered just disappearing but that wouldn't be fair to you either. I don't want to put you through that, so I'm pouring all of my thoughts out and making you read through this fucking novel of a post. If you've made it this far, then congrats I guess. Gold metals to you who bothered reading this far.
Anyway, all of that aside, I'll still be posting chapters. I'll have them scheduled and I'll probably come on and add links places to keep things current. I'll respond and reply and answer asks when I feel like it. You don't have to stop sending them, but just don't expect them to be responded to right away anymore. I'll probably still be here reblogging things I want and doing things when I feel like it.
I just need a few weeks to myself. Time I don't have to care about the blog at all and keeping up with it. Anon will remain off for the sake of keeping asshole trolls away, and also so I don't open tumblr and have 200 asks in my inbox after a week. Sorry to my anons but it's just the way it needs to be right now. Maybe once this break is over and I've dealt with irl stuff, I'll consider putting it back on. I just can't after everything I dealt with recently on anon.
It'll be the same on Ao3, for those that follow here and read there. Comments will probably sit for a while. They won't be answered right away anymore unless I get the energy to burn through them. Even then I won't try to answer them all at once like I did this last weekend.
I'll try to reblog something every day so y'all know I'm alright. I don't want y'all to panic and it's not fair to put you through that, especially those that might not see this or bother reading it. Those that follow simply for the fic and nothing else. I'm here, I'm just not...here.
This week's chapter is in the queue to be posted tomorrow as usual. Chapters will still come out as planned since I'm not stopping writing, just taking a break from the blog itself.
Thank you those of you who stuck through to the end here. I appreciate all of you so much. You have no idea. I'm sorry I let things get to this point and I'm sorry to anyone that I've gotten rude or snappy with because I couldn't be selfish and put myself first. I'm sorry to anyone that got a robotic, repeated response to something they were probably excited to share. I'm sorry I've been so unfair to everyone and I hope you can forgive me.
Take care and I'll talk to everyone when I have the energy to.
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cokou · 2 months
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What OP Men post about you on Reddit
OP 男性があなたについて Reddit に投稿するもの。
𝑴𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒄
sum. Your boyfriend posted about you on reddit. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. NSFW ON KIDDS PART! Fluff overall! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. Im sorry for so late uploads, i got sick once again😭😭😭 // Do not translate or transfer any of my works, this is my only account (exp. AO3) will not be cross posted anywhere else. // Masterlist
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r/NSFW Eustass.Kidd
I (25 M) fucked my girlfriend (24 F) so hard that i had to get her into the hospital to get a medical treatment on her cervix.
The doctors told us that everything was wounded up inside her and it looked like she got abused from her lacked of walking, we had to get police involved in our house to investigate what had happened and found the dildo i used on her and it was examined on their lab for any contaminated illness.
My girlfriend refuses to see me from how bad her state had gotten and the police interogated me to make that everything was okay at home. My best friend had gotten involved from how bad my girlfriend couldn't walk and had to assure that I wasn't abusing anyone to the police, it took 3 days for them to fully give out on the case.
My girlfriend had been discharged from the hospital 2 days ago and she still refuses to talk to me, i got her flowers for apology and her favorite food as an apology. She told me that she could take all of me in bed and now everything just went downhill since i got out of control in her.
Now everyone of my friends teases me about what happened and they laughed me off every time they see me, Reddit what should i do?
Her problem dude, she said she could take it!
You're at fault for taking her word at all. ➣ Eustass.Kidd replied: fuck off single mf.
r/girlfriends Msxr.Kill
My girlfriend (24 F) and I (26 M) have been dating for almost 5 years now, tomorrow will be our 5th anniversary and I'm planning to propose to her, but the problem is I don't know how. My brain can't take so much ideas so much and my friends aren't helping me at all.
My girlfriend is the most precious person ever, and i believe she deserves the best in the world. My ideas can't convince me enough that they're good for her, and what if she doesn't like it and rejects me? I don't want that. I asked her bestfriend on what places she especially loves, and I was told to take her on an aquarium proposal.
I don't know what to do and my girlfriend is making me all nervous around her as well, i need help ASAP.
Eustass.Kidd: Just tell her to marry you wtf ➣Msxr.Kill replied: You're not helping at all Kidd.
Heat_er: You suck at planning lol. ➣Msxr.Kill replied: Heat I don't wanna hear that from you, you don't even have anyone to love.
r/AITA Dr._Trafalgar
Am i the asshole for kicking out my girlfriend from my office?
I, (26 M) kicked my girlfriend (24 F) out of my office because she knocked off all the papers off my shelves and dragged me out forcefully. Now she refuses to talk to me and it's been 2 days. My friends told me that i was the asshole and was wrong for kicking her out.
But the thing was those papers were almost 592 pages and i only ended up finding 578 of them, now my girl moved to her friends house and absolutely doesn't answer my calls or text messages.
Her friends texted me that i was the asshole for not spending time with her and paid attention all to myself only not her needs, the papers were worth so much that i could feed her and let us both live together financially, and now i was forced to redo all 592 pages in A WEEK.
so am i the asshole?
Your.name: Yes yta🙄 ➣Dr._Trafalgar replied: get your ass home.
r/girlfriends Chef_Sanjii
My girl is the best in the whole wide world, she's do beautiful, so pretty, so perfect, and every thing she does hypnotizes me. Her beautiful nature makes me inlove with her more every second, her intelligence for everything makes her so special, she is not like any other women ever.
In fact, she is the best in the whole whole world. Not only does her pretty face shine in the darkness, but the way her body sways when she walks or does something is so majestic. I'm so lucky to have such a girlfriend like this, and i know that she will always love forever.
The way she interacts with even the smallest things are cute, in fact all of her is cute. The way her hands hold something and it shows that her body is perfect in every inch. She's none like others, no one can ever EVER compare to my girl, one day i will marry her and see her on the aisle and i wouldnt be able to hold my tears as she walks in a wedding dress.
Her facial features resembles a goddess, she trurly is flawless. No matter what anyone says, she'll be the most MOST perfect woman in the whole entire world. I love love her so much, she's the best that ever happened to me. Her love melts me warm and her words make me putty on her hands.
It's safe to say that she too, loves me, and that our relationship definitely is mutual. Love her so much.
Post was liked by Msxr.Kill & 7,251 others.
r/wifey Kuz._an
My wife's cooking is terrible but I don't wanna tell her that and destroy her feelings.
My wife and I had been married for almost 9 years now, she cooks for me daily ever since we have moved in together. Her cooking used to be good, but for some reason it tastes like burnt ketchup over burnt cheese. It looks appealing to look, but the tastes seems to be missed.
Her seasonings are full of bell pepper and black pepper, it terribly sucks. I love my wife to the fullest, but when it comes to her cooking, It feels like I'm on a prison cell. I'm sorry My Love, it's the truth.
Unknown: Being honest is his forte. Unknown: COMMENT DELETED Unknown: Atleast your wife tries. Unknown: COMMENT DELETED
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