#(for others: /pos = positive connotation tone)
amorisastrum · 5 months
How to use tone tags! :D
Because @flaming-green asked and also neurodivergence !!
Long post woah
Commonly used tone tags:
/j = joke
/hj = half joke
/ly or /lyr = lyrics
/pos = positive
/neg = negative
/lh = light hearted
/nm = not mad
/s or /sarc = sarcastic
/nbh = no body here (this is used alongside a rant/vent that has not named a specific person- people may think you are talking about them and spiral)
/genq = genuine question
/nf = not forced
/plat = platonic
/r = romantic
/srs = serious
/t = teasing
Why use tone tags?:
Tone can be a very difficult thing to pick up, especially through text. Use of punctuation and capital letters and certain word choices can make a sentence seem completely different. For example, if I received a text saying "Come see me right now." I would instantly think I was in trouble and would panic. However, if I received that same message with a "/nm" I would feel much better about the situation. People use punctuation in different ways as well! I personally use exclamation marks to show how excited I am !! While for others, a multitude of exclamation marks could indicate sarcasm. Same with the use of emojis. I personally use some emojis to indicate sarcasm, but I know people who use those same emojis to indicate... Well, what the emoji is showing. So, to use a tone tag avoids any sort of miscommunication.
When to use tone tags?:
Deciding when to use tone tags can be difficult. I personally use tone tags when I reread a message and realise it is ambiguous in tone, or when I reread it, it sounds more aggressive or rude than I intended it to be.
If somebody asks you what you mean by a message, this is probably a sign that you need a tone tag of sorts. Not all people are going to interpret things the way you intend them to be, so tone tags as a whole are helpful to avoid miscommunication. Sometimes the context of the message being sent can change someone's perception so tone tags are not always needed e.g. "omg I love you so much! You're so awesome!" This may be seen as genuine, while "omg you're so awesome." Can be seen as sarcastic. It depends on how that person's brain works.
If you are talking directly with one person, or a small group of people, and you know their typing habits (such as using emojis for sarcasm or use of punctuation) then tone tags may be needed less! But if you are talking to a group of people, such as on Tumblr, it may be easier to use tone tags as more people will see what you've said and... Well people may not understand what you meant!
Some words may have different connotations through different contexts, such as the word "silly". But sometimes people may not understand that context. I typically use Silly in a positive way, but at one point I referred to a character I didn't like as a "silly man" with my friend who had no clue who this character was. To them, this meant I liked this character, which left them confused when I started talking about them in a bad way. So, I started adding "/neg" anytime I meant silly in a negative way to avoid confusion.
Other tone tag things:
Try and avoid piling of tone tags at the end of a message/post as this can be confusing. Id say try to use no more than 2, 3 at a maximum.
If you're cutting into the middle of a message with a tone tag, you can use brackets, but you don't have to! Do what makes you comfortable.
Use punctuation where you see fit.
You don't have to use tone tags for every message you send/everything you post! Use them when YOU think the tone could be ambiguous or if someone has directly asked you what you mean.
You don't have to know every tone tag ever. I've been using tone tags for a good 2 maybe 3 years now and I mainly use /nm, /j, /srs, /sarc and /pos.
I also use /silly, which I'm not sure is an actual tone tag. I use this if something I say seems passive aggressive or if I am in fact just being silly.
I hope this has helped! Tone tags are something that help me communicate with people and make me more comfortable! And I hope they can make it easier for you to communicate as well :]
Also sorry if this makes little sense it is 2am. Feel free to add any more information in reblogs or replies!!
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jacenotjason · 11 months
I got a small question so if you may, please answer Jace.
What are tone tags?
AH! Sorry! I guess it didn't occur to me that some wouldn't know what tone tags were. Here's a full guide from this site!
what is tone? tone is what a phrase or statement means or comes across as despite what it's actually saying. examples of tone could be serious, joking, lighthearted, etc.
what are tone tags? tone tags / tone indicators are things you can include with text to indicate what the tone of it is.
why are they used? some people have difficulty picking up on tone. communicating through text only makes this harder due to lack of audio and physical clues (voice inflection, body language, facial expressions, etc.) tagging what tone you are using can be very helpful for others understanding of what you're saying, clarification, avoiding miscommunications, etc.
when/where should they be used? they can be used any time or place you may be communicating through text. do not mock the use of tone tags. you may not need them but some people do. not everyone can tell when something is a joke, etc. just be nice about it.
/j = joking /hj = half joking /s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm /srs = serious /nsrs = not serious /lh = light hearted /g or /gen = genuine / genuine question /ij = inside joke /ref = reference /t = teasing /nm = not mad /lu = a little upset /nf = not forced /nbh = nobody here /nsb = not subtweeting /nay = not at you /ay = at you /nbr = not being rude /ot = off topic /th = threat /cb = clickbait /f = fake /q = quote /l or /ly = lyrics /c = copypasta /m = metaphor / metaphorically /li = literal / literally /rt or /rh = rhetorical question /hyp = hyperbole /ex = exaggeration /p = platonic /r = romantic /a = alterous /sx or /x = sexual intent /nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent /pc or /pos = positive connotation /nc or /neg = negative connotation /neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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selfshipdorito · 3 months
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A guide to tone indicators you might find in this blog (and others)
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/j -> joking. it indicates something is a joke
/hj -> half joking. it is used when there's a joke with a truth innuendo.
/s -> sarcasm. used to indicate sarcastic remarks
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/ref -> reference. if you see this, that phrase is a reference to something pre existing.
/lyr -> when something is a lyric of a song
/gn -> gender neutral. when something (usually an expression that could be gendered) was meant in a gender neutral way
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/lh -> light-hearted. used to indicate that the tone isn't very serious (usually used when not joking but the tone is relaxed).
/srs -> serious. for when something is supposed to be taken seriously.
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/gen -> genuine. when something is meant genuinely, in a more light hearted way than /srs.
/genq -> genuine question. when a question is made genuinely and out of good faith. basically like /gen, but for questions.
/nm -> not mad. to emphasize that op isn't indeed mad, usually used in response to someone
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/pos -> positive connotation
/neg -> negative connotation
/neu -> neutral connotation
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/p -> platonic. it's for when something is meant platonically
/r -> romantic. it's for when something is meant romantically
/sx -> sexual. for when something is supposed to be read as sexual
/nsx -> not sexual. for when something is supposed to be read as not sexual
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there are more tone indicators than this. these are the ones you might see on this blog most often, though.
sometimes, you'll see / and a full word as a tone indicator. said word doesn't need to be on the aforementioned list, even. an example of this I use is "/silly".
if you don't understand the tone indicator or tone of a post of mine, feel free to ask!
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dividers credit
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trashogram · 6 months
Feel free to not actually post this, but I wanted to let you know if you mean this comment: “also i’d make a great mom fuck you/pos”
I think they mean the /pos to mean “positive connotation”, unless there’s another comment that was removed/I didn’t see.
If you’re not aware (like I wasn’t until recently) people have started using tone tags to help other people know if they’re being serious/joking/etc. And /pos is a tone tag used to show positive connotation.
(I hate that it’s pos because every time I think someone’s calling me a piece of shit because that’s what I’m used to it meaning lmao)
Omg, thank you ❤️ ! I had no idea! I also only use POS if I mean piece of shit so I was so thrown off and confused haha.
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kn1febunny · 2 years
the knifebunny blog
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:; hello everyone !! we are a mogai blog for teens (13-19) ! we post genders, pronouns, definitions, and general awareness for those outside (and in !) the xenogender community. We post often, border lining spam posting, as we have 2 lovely hosts for you to meet. hope to see you around~
Read more below for our personal intros, before you follow, do not interact, and how to interact.
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:; knife ! xi/zom/fai/he/mangle/gore/mew/rot/cat/kit/+ autistic 16 y/o aroace genderfluid thing who loves girls. jaguar/wild dog therian and zombie otherkin. - (>ω<)
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:; bunny / ghost ! they/he/ix/echo/rot/decay/?/lucid/void/bun/+ quiet panromantic + polysexual ghostkin. xenohoarder with 3 main genders that fit under the trigender label (agender, neoboy, staticgender). - (。•ㅅ•。)
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:; tone tags we use - /srs : serious - /nsrs : not serious - /gen or /g : genuine - /genq : genuine question - /j : joking - /hj : half joiking - /nm : not mad - /ref : reference - /lyr : lyrics - /p : platonic - /r : romantic - /t : teasing - /neg : negative connotation - /pos : positive connotation
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:; before you follow any hate or general unkindness will be deleted and most likely blocked. we will post xenos about knives, blood, gore, food, trauma and other things that may be triggering. we will NOT post xenogenders about real people, r*pe, cannibalism, zoophilia, and anything else covered within our dni. we also appreciate the use of tone tags when talking to us.
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:; do not interact - basic dni (covered here: https://listography.com/dni) - anti xenos / neos - anti-recovery / pro-harassment - mock / misuse tone tags
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:; how to interact feel free to spam asks with questions about the hosts and about xenogenders and also feel free to submit xenogenders into the submits. we always appreciate comments, reposts, and likes. Our dms are also always open, just make sure to include which host your talking to!
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thanks for reading!
- (>ω<) + (。•ㅅ•。)
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distortionswife · 1 year
!! Hi hello !!
I'm Arwen, I'm 19 and I make art, memes and random ass posts. I use they/them, please respect that and don't use feminine type nicknames with me!
I'm working on a commission sheets for if others are interested!
I have a lot of interests, so just ask! Atm it's a hyperfixation of the Magnus archives! I make art and memes of it, so you're welcome to follow!
Keep in mind, I am autistic ( AuDHD ) and might not always understand your tone. I often use tonetags, they're provided in the ( read more ) bit below !!
Please use them if you can, they are very helpful. Thank you!
Links to my Paypal and Kofi for the future, a better commission sheet is a w.i.p!
Paypal.com/LilGodOfNight is my PayPal <3
Tone indicator list
/aff — affectionate
I’m thinking of you. /aff
/c — copypasta
crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats rats make me crazy /c
/cb — clickbait
You’ll never believe what’s inside this $20M home! /cb
/f — fake
Look at this real-life unicorn. /f
/gen or /g — genuine
You’re such a nice person. /gen
/genq — genuine question
Does this help clarify? /genq
/hj — half joking ( you're like, half serious, half not )
I mean, I’m usually right. /hj
/hyp — hyperbole
I have 10,000 things to do today. /hyp
/ij — inside joke
There’s just something about those beach fries. /ij
/j — joking
Elias bouchard never did anything wrong/j
/lyr — lyrics
Vintage tee, brand new phone. High heels on cobblestones. /lyr
/lh — light-hearted
I think you misspelled mosey. /lh
/lit — literal
The rat we saw was the size of a small dog. /lit
/lu — little upset
Our top client won’t be renewing. /lu
/met — metaphorical
His fingers were icicles after shoveling for so long! /met
/nav — not a vent ( more so an update or a statement, )
Work has been so busy. /nav
/nbh — nobody here (none of your followers)
I’m really feeling down because of someone. /nbh
/neg — negative connotation
Oh my gosh. I’m going to cry. /neg
/neu — neutral connotation
The dog needs to go outside. /neu
/nf — not forced
Do you want to hang out today? /nf
/nm — not mad
Did you leave the iron on this morning? /nm
/nsb — not subtweeting
I hate when people don’t say things to your face. /nsb
/nsrs — non-serious
I just bruised my leg, but I’m okay. /nsrs
/nsx — non-sexual intent
You look so good. /nsx
/p — platonic
You look so pretty. /p
/pos — positive connotation
Oh my gosh! I’m going to cry. /pos
/q — quote
“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going.” /q
/r — romantic
I can’t wait to do life with you. /r
/ref — reference
It’s exactly like the gold or blue dress debacle. /ref
/rh or /rt — rhetorical
I still can’t figure out the issue. How can I be so stupid? /rh
/s or /sarc — sarcastic
This is just what I needed on a Monday. /s
/srs — serious
I really like working with you. /srs
/sx — sexual intent
You look so good. /sx
/t — teasing
Oh really? Guess we have to be best friends now. /t
/th — threat
I will block you if you don’t stop. /th
Pictures version:
( so you can download them
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sakuharuka · 2 years
Just a little post about tone indicators I may or may not use
/j = joking
/hj = half-joking
/jbnr = joking, but not really
/ij = inside joke
/bj = bad joke
/mj = mostly joking
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/hsrs = half-serious
/pa = [intentionally] passive-aggressive
/npa = not passive-aggressive
/jpa = jokingly passive-aggressive
/ntto or /nto = not trying to offend
/ntta or /nta = not trying to assume
/rq = request
/cur = curious
/jc or /jcur = just curious
/gcon = genuinely concerned/genuinely confused, depending on context
/conc = concerned
/conf = confused
/vcon = very confused/concerned
/genc = genuinely concerned
/genq or /gq = genuine question
/grq = genuine request
/gen or /g = genuinely/genuine
/hg = half-genuine
/mg = mostly genuine
/s or /sarc = sarcastically/sarcasm
/srd = sardonic [ally]
/vpos or /vvpos = very positive/very, very positive
/pos or /pc = positive connotation 
/neg or /nc = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/lh = light-hearted(ly)
/h = hysterical
/e = excited[?]
/a = asking (I think)
/ref = reference
/nref = not a reference
/href or /sref = half reference/slight reference
/rp = roleplay
/prp = purposeful[ly]/on purpose
/nprp = not purposeful(ly)/not on purpose
/t = teasing
/nf = not forcing
/nfta = not forcing to answer
/th = threat
/nth = not a threat
/hth = half threat
/jth = joking threat
/q = quote/quoting
/c = copypasta (like quoting, but sometimes /q is paraphrasing as well, and copypasta is direct copying and pasting what someone wrote/said)
/ph = paraphrasing
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/ly or /lyr = [these words are] lyrics [to a song]
/nm = not mad
/cb = clickbait
/nbh = (these words are directed at) nobody here (I'll not vent in my blog but I need to use that lmao)
/nco = not calling out
/u = upset
/vu or /vvu = very upset/very, very upset
/vn or /vvn = very negative/very, very negative
/am = (directed) at me/myself
/ay = (directed) at you
/nay = not (directed) at you
/nsp = not self pity (I have a problem with self pity stuff so that'll be important)
/hyp = hyperbole
/cpm = compliment
/nav = not a vent
/v = vent
/mv = mini/minor vent
/naq = not a question 
/hml = humorless
/im = imitation/mockery (paraphrasing, half-quote)
/nip = nothing/nobody in particular (in case I blog something really random)
/pr = proud
/gr or /gt = grateful
/aff = affectionate[ly]
/ol = object love (I'll probably use it while talking about my stuffed plushie)
/m = metaphorically, melancholy, melodramatic
/sgs = suggestion
/emb = embarrassed
Some extra tone indicators that I created for myself, that I'll put the meaning in case I put these in other accounts and/or apps: /si = self insert
/hc = headcannon
/iref = internal reference (reference to my ocs or to my fanchildren that u don't know yet :D)
/dh = dark humor (something like 'bad joke' lmao) /dw = don't worry
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4ng3lvamp · 1 year
i don’t have an age limit on my blog! anyone of any age can interact! but please if you’re an adult don’t flirt with me or say anything sexual. i’m perfectly okay with pet names, i actually find pet names really comforting, just nothing inappropriate. i’m okay with compliments as well! if your an account that doesn’t let minors interact or has “MDNI” in their bio, please don’t interact. you’re kind of just going against your own rules. unless we discuss it beforehand. if i follow you and you’re a MDNI account, please let me know to unfollow you/not to interact with your posts! sometimes whenever i search up “___ x reader” it’ll show me fluff as well as smut and sometimes when i’m reading really good fluff or angst i just kind of absentmindedly follow without checking the account first. that’s a mistake on my part!!
i’m a very sensitive person, please don’t be mean. i know people are going to hate nonetheless, but i mean towards each other. most the time i can handle hate towards myself, i don’t usually bother me. but if negative things are said about my friends or people i love, then it’s a problem. let’s all be kind and love each other, if you have a problem with someone please handle it on your own time!! i don’t want any negativity on my page. but, i do like putting my opinions out in the world for people to see and decide if they disagree or not, so i’m okay with respectful conversations!
i may or may not right smut, it honestly just depends on how comfortable i am and how much it is. i’ve written smut like twice and never posted it because i cringe at myself sometimes.
constructive criticism is appreciated!
if my request say closed you may still send request, just don’t expect them to be done immediately!!
DNI: if you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, misogynistic, bully people who use neo pronouns, discriminate against someone because of their religion, say slurs you can’t claim, etc. just be a good person.
BYI: i’m very busy with school, so i might not be active much sometimes!! i write on my own accord, if i don’t have motivation i won’t write, nor will i try and force myself to write. if you send a request, and i don’t answer immediately please don’t be upset! i’m either busy, haven’t seen it, or don’t have the motivation to write.
also, i struggle with tones and social cues, so if you don’t mind, please use tone tags! if you don’t know what a tone tag is, here are some examples: /j = joking, /srs = serious, s = sarcastic, /p = platonic, /r = romantic, /nm = not mad or upset, /neg = negative connotation, /pos = positive connotation, /lh = lighthearted, and there’s probably some more but those are all the ones i know of right now!
also, my blog is a safe place for everyone! regardless of race, gender, sexuality, etc! just be respect please!! thank you, my loves! and if you’re ever uncomfortable with anything i do please let me know immediately!
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aro-culture-is · 3 years
aro culture is having a STEM major and infodumping about what you've learned in the tags of post /pos
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b-l-l-n-k · 2 years
__*General Tonetags!*__
/j = /joke
/hj = /half joking
/ij = /inside joke
/cj = /coping joke
/lhj = /lighthearted joke
/hsrs = /half serious
/nsrs = /not serious
/lh = /lighthearted
/l or /ly or /lyr = /lyrics
/nay = /not at you
/ay = /at you
/nbh = /nobody here (eg, when not referring to anybody in a group or place)
/dir = /directed
/ndir = /not directed
/ugn or /ugd = /ungendered
/safe = /safe to click or open
/cur = /curious
/np = /not pushing
/nf = /not forcing
/rh or /rt = /rhetorical question
/rt = /retweet or /rhetorical question
/npa = /not passive aggressive
/pa = /passive aggressive
/cb = /clickbait
/f = /fake
/q = /quote
/ref = /reference
/ncm = /not comparing or not competing
/c = /copypasta or caps lock (eg, "THIS IS A MESSAGE IN CAPS /c" would be used in a server with capslock on the blacklist)
/li = /literally
/hy or /hyp = /hyperbole
/pc or /pos = /positive connotation
/nc or /neg = /negative connotation
/neu = /neutral /neutral connotation
/opn = /opinion
/sugg = /suggestion
/gs = /genuine suggestion
/nbr = /not being rude
/nbv = /not being violent
/vio = violent
/ot = /off topic
/od or /odra or /ovdr = /overdramatic
/unr = /unrelated
/der = /derogatory
/disr = /disrespectfully
/res = /respectfully
/disso or /dis or /diss = /dissociation
/derea = /derealization
/rc = /reality check
__*Tonetags That Are Difficult to Tell Apart! (For Reference)*__
/sbip = /somebody in particular
/nbip = /nobody in particular
/m = /metaphorically
/mad = /mad
/th = /threat
/t = /teasing
/frt = /friendly teasing
/frj = /friendly joke
/conf or /confu = /confused
/comf = /comforting
/con = /consensual
/g or /gen = genuine
/genq or /gq or /gen = /genuine question (/gen can be used for both /genuine question and /genuine)
/s or /sar or /sarc = /sarcasm
/srs = /serious
/nm = /not mad
/lm = /little mad
/vm = /very mad
/nu = /not upset
/lu = /a little upset
/vu = /very upset
/sv = /soft vent or semi verbal (context)
/nv = /not venting or non verbal (context [eg, when a non-verbal ind is talking with emojis, if a server has a slash emoji they could say "/ regional_indicator_n regional_indicator_v ")
/nav = /not a vent
/jav = /just a vent
/hav = /half a vent
__*Attractional Tonetags!*__
/aff = /affectionate
/ci = /caring intent
/p = /platonic
/r = /romantic
/fam = /familial
/fr = /friendly
/a = /alterous
/qp = /queerplatonic
/sr = /soft romo
/appr = /appromour
/sx or /x = /sexual intention
/nsx or /nx = /non-sexual intentions
/wc = /with consent
__*System Related Tonetags!*__
/wp = /wrong proxy
/nptf = /not pushing to front
/amh = /at my headmates
/sys = /system context usually means in-system context *(eg, "the others said something about it earlier /sys")
/nsys = /not system context (eg, when referring to cc's)
/nas = /not a system (also used as an acronym in namefluid, pronounfluid, irl, kin, and roleplay bots)
/iw = /in reference to innerworld
/otw or /orw or /otrw or /ow = /in reference to the outerworld
/src = /source
/switch = /we switched (eg, when a system's proxing bot is down or in dms)
/sw = /switching (/sw and /switch can be used interchangeably)
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wendylianmartin · 3 years
/pos is a tone indicator or tone tag that means positive connotations, usually used to clarify the intent behind a statement that could be taken the wrong way. there are other tone tags too that indicate different things, like /j means a joke, or /gen means genuine or sincere :)
Thank you, I've learned a lot today.
I thought it was 'piece of shit' 😂
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queercodedmoss · 3 years
can we just talk about how tone indicators are being misused and overused? it’s absolutely killing me, it’s so unnecessary the way people use them and it destroys any hope of just regular people outside of fandom spaces using them.
tone indicators have been used for years, especially in places like reddit, and they’ve never been used the way dsmp stans (and probably more but i’m not really following other fandoms so idk) use them.
“OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR ART ITS SO PERFECT /POS” you don’t need the /pos. obviously saying you love someone’s art has positive connotations.
“[insert common fandom joke] /j” we know it’s a joke. we get it.
“just lost my phone /neg” why the fuck would it be /pos? obviously it’s /neg.
“read my bio /srs” why would that be /j.
idk it’s just frustrating to me because i do need tone indicators and i’d love to be able to ask for them without people typing like “oh my god hi /neu how are you /genq i love your shirt /pos”. i just need people to clarify if something’s a joke sometimes not whatever the fuck that is.
and there’s tone indicators in most normal peoples conversations too- like emojis or “lmao” or “smh”. they indicate tone as well, just in a different way.
i think the biggest take away from this is that you won’t be able to improve on recognizing tone if you rely so heavily on tone indicators that you need them for every phrase. a LOT of people (mostly dsmp stans tbf) seem to forget that you should want to improve with mental illnesses/disabilities. you should be trying to learn how to be stable, how to control your emotions, how to recognize tone. it’s super important to learn these things, even if it’s very difficult, because there is a world outside of your internet safe space and you need to be able to navigate it.
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glitter-bunny420 · 3 years
A simple guide of tone indicators for those who need it
/j = joking
/hj = half-joking
/lh = light-hearted
/s = sarcasm
/g or /gen = genuine tone or genuine question
/p = platonic
/srs = serious
/lyr = lyrics
/c = copypasta
/q = quote
/r = romantic
/t = teasing
/nm = not actually mad
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nbh = nobody here (to reassure others in a chat or server that they’re not the ones being talked about in a vent)
/m = metaphorically
/li = literally
/ij = inside joke
/rh or /rt = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /nx = non-sexual intent
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
A special thanks to @reecebug and @riverevali for compiling this information! I just wanted to spread it around as much as possible for the convenience of those who may struggle with reading the tone of written text without verbal indicators, whether they’re neurodivergent or not. I know not all neurodivergent people need these indicators but I just want to give my support to those who do. If you know of any other tone indicators that were left out, please let me know so I can add it to the post!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I personally find tone indicators to be very helpful. I have a debilitating fear of abandonment, so my brain is always tuned in to pick up on the slightest hint of dislike or disapproval. If I get a milder reaction than I expected to a joke I sent in the group chat, for instance, my brain will immediately go into panic mode trying to make it better and make sure they still like me, but if it has /pos (meaning positive) on it it makes that insecurity go away. I also have a hard time telling if something is sarcastic or not, so /s (meaning sarcastic/satire) and /gen (meaning genuine) are also helpful for me. Another useful tone indicator is /p or /pl (meaning platonic), bc that helps make it so that something that would've been weird if the intent was romantic no longer has those connotations. /gen can also mean general, depending on the context, ie. you (gen) instead of you specifically. Usually the way I've seen it done to mean general is in parentheses, though, so there is a difference in the way they're written. There's also /neg (meaning negative) which is another thing that can help get tone across. I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones I personally use and find helpful.
I can see how they'd be helpful in a discord where everyone knows these ones and the rules for how to use them.
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bugthegremlin · 3 years
‼just a quick reminder to please use tone indicators‼
/j = joking/joke
/hj = half joking
/g or /gen = genuine
/p = platonic
/pos = positive/positive connotation
/neg = negative/negative connotation
/srs = serious
/ly = lyric
/hyp = hyperbole
/lh = lighthearted
(these are just some, you can find better lists)
because some people need them, even if you think the tone/meaning of what your saying is obvious, use them.
even if it's an interaction between you and one other person and YOU know the tone, use them, others might not
even if you think it "ruins the joke". it doesnt. if it runs the joke it probably wasnt funny in the first place
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fishampora · 2 years
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tumblrUser [TU] began pestering fishAmpora [FA]
[FA]: Hello [TD] and wwelcome to my blog.
[FA]: Oh you dont talk back? Wwell I suppose I should introduce myself then…
Name: Eridan Ampora
Pronouns: They/Them.
Other: I double vv’s and ww’s for my typing quirk. If you need a translation, let me knoww!
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Hazbin Hotel, Hellvvea Boss, DSMP, Bo Burnham, J.K Rowwling, Boyfriends Webtoon, Endogenic Systems, Homophobes, Transphobes, TERF, Racist, Antisemitic, Lesbiphobic, Transracial.
Using ANY feminine terms on me, Jokingly telling me to ‘kys’, Talk about suicide, Spiders (Eugh! They just creep me out!), Asking about my trauma, Sexual Asks
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/j = joking
/hj = half joking
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/srs = serious
/lh = light hearted
/ij = inside joke
/t = teasing
/nm = not mad
/nbh = nobody here
/nay = not at you
/g or /gen = genuine / genuine question
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/q = quote
/l or /ly = lyrics
/c = copypasta
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/sx or /x = s*xual intent
/nsx or /ns = non-s*xual intent
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
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[CA]: Noww, tumblrUser. Hopefully you wwill join me as I navvigate this wwacky wwebsight, wwill you?.
tumblrUser [TU] ceased pestering caiiguiasaquarium [CA]
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