#(digging the 'love triangle' where one of the guys is just going after the girl because the other guy annoys him)
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fictionadventurer · 7 months ago
But does your man buy an entire hawking establishment just because he saw a painting of a hawking party where one of the women kind of resembled you?
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the-sinful-voice-witch · 9 months ago
The Bi Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown, is time I let them go...
I'm deeply sorry fellow Timstephers... I wanted to be loyal🥲, I really did but in the end... I think Steph deserves better😢 so I must embrace my other options for her because DC actually never let them fully click, at least on Tim's side and honestly this hurts, because despite everything I actually wanted them to work but now I have to accept that maybe the writers just did too much damage 🥺😞, let's start for the beginning👇👇:
I wish her identity was kept secret longer, it would have been more romantic if Tim fell for her not knowing her face and frankly the love triangle/cheating thing with Ariana (his first girlfriend) was so messed up and exhausting to read... I didn't like their first kiss was cheating! 😞 and when they finally got together they had again the stupid problem about Robin's secret identity, (I think somewhere in between there was an issue with another blonde girl, named Greta who tried to hurt Steph and I hated Tim's way of acting 😑 she even kissed him and he didn't react badly despite being with Steph 😠 in fact he smiled and said "chicks dig the cape") then Batman tells her Tim's identity, Tim gets mad then they make up, then she thinks he is cheating on her because a random girl classmate kisses him out of the blue and becomes Robin when he retired, then she dies and... He gave us a dry, tearless and unsatisfying reaction 😒, then not even a year passed (in the comics) he quickly starts having new suitors (writers can't just let him being single), like some girl named Darla, Cassie (another blonde with who he has a double rebound relationship after Superboy's death and Tim expressed a lot of more grief about Superboy, his best friend than the one who was his girlfriend, Stephanie was barely mentioned because they wanted you to forget about her) and then when he had again another civil background character girlfriend named Zoanne BOOM Stephanie comes back to the land of the living... and again... Cheating kiss! 🙄🤦‍♀️🤬 why? Just why? And of course the relationship with the boring civil girl doesn't last but he doesn't get back to Stephanie until he finished his dark emo phase in which he had a relationship with Tam Fox who dumped him because she only liked his Red Robin persona and also has a horny moment with another girl named Lynx while still being attracted to Steph 🙃🙃 What kind of ladies man is this guy?😂 (he also had a thing with jubilee from Marvel in a crossover and... Fucking marries BARBARA GORDON💀💀 in one of Batman's video games, I can't fucking believe there's an universe where Barbara gets to marry Tim but not Steph? Batman beyond doesn't count because is not confirmed the background wife is her and very spiteful I have to mention when Barbara's "death" Happened again he expresses more grief and gives more reaction than when Steph "died" But seriously WTH? In that game Dick is there too why is Tim the one romancing Babs when she is supposed to be even older than the oldest Robin? 💀💀) and finally after Stephanie wins some random tournament they get together again and almost bang but they couldn't because they were all banged up from the fight and I think that was all until the new 52 reboot...
So in the reboot they changed their origins and they met in Harper Row's house, they looked at each other Harper teased him and... They got together out of camera 😑😑 (I hate it when they do that, you skip all the development!) and they gave us this beautiful scene in young Justice
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These beautiful moments that we will never get back... I can't believe after this passionate confession of love and everything that happens in these Issues (though to be honest this moment doesn't have as much weight as it would have in the pre reboot because here we didn't see the process of them falling in love) they just separated them like nothing out of the blue in such a tacky VERY tacky and lazy way 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but before that... Let's talk about the toxic side of their relationship pre new 52 reboot:
Stephanie once told Tim that he was too good for her in anycase when he was having insecurities about her feelings, he once asked her if she would like him even if he wasn't Robin, he was always insecure about their relationship (even thought she wanted him so hard and was so eager and straightfoward on him since he kissed her for the first time) and honestly giving how he treated her... I see so many inconsistencies 😑 or hypocrisy, I always hated how he always put her down and discouraged her from the vigilante life making her feeling she wasn't worthy or good enough (of course under the excuse of good intentions because that life is too dangerous... When he had a normal family and a good life unlike his orphan predecessors and Steph who had a shitty life with a criminal parent and drug addict mother and still demanded to be Robin because that was his dream... And then DC made him conveniently an orphan too to make things easier at the same time they tried to get rid of his girlfriend 🤦‍♀️) when he always felt exactly that way and Batman and other characters had to cheer him up constantly so where did the empathy go? No, seriously🙁 how is it that he is the one comforting her when is Batman the one making her feel that way? What about the times is HE is the one who does it? Feels so hypocritical, he held her back on her potential, I remember reading an issue when he arrogantly said that be a part of the teen Titans is out of her league when she was offered to join and had the entitlement to affirm that she can't speak for herself (and honestly I only saw him be against that because later in young Justice Cassie thought she was joining and was appraised by other members while training, they didn't look down on her but no, she was there only as moral support for Tim) and tried to shut her out a lot of times even in front other characters like Black Canary and Green Arrow's son and in his red Robin period when Bruce was believed death also treated her so bad and demanded her to never be spoiler again, the arrogant prick! I know he was very hurt and sad and what Steph did under Batman's orders was messed up but still to arrogantly demand that? Batman didn't have any right and sure as hell Tim has even less right to take away the Spoiler because is something SHE CREATED without their influence! So dude THE AUDACITY! And again how he called her useless and told her if she was playing dress up when she became Batgirl 🤦‍♀️ yes I know he later apologizes after acknowledging how much better she got at fighting but still... I don't know, all felt shallow. I never liked that she chose to become Robin after she thought he was cheating on her, I saw it as a jerk move but... I can't really blame her for feeling insecure and believe it, after all she became his girlfriend after Tim cheated with her on his first girlfriend and never saw Steph as an equal on that time so... Well I guess all this mess is what helps me to move on them 🤷‍♀️ and now let's talk about the bi disaster... and unfortunately not the good kind:
DC come here, sit with me, we need to talk... Did you hire some kind of... Wattpad fanfic writer by any chance? Because the quality of this pride special... Feels like something you could perfectly find on the lamest part of wattpad 🤦‍♀️, tacky and lazy doesn't even cover up this... and I'm so offended such writing got that amazingly good art 😤😤. So, in the process of making Tim bisexual they had to... Break up his relationship with his girlfriend when they were finally good together without drama after everything they went through for literally NO REASON (seriously there is a real literal dialogue of him explaining to some dude he broke up with his girlfriend someone he LOVES for no reason 🙃🙃) so he could have a relationship with a dude so that he could have a solid proof that he digs in both ways 🙄... This is insulting because in the pre reboot they had a lot of understandable reasons to break up but after the reboot they had a really good relationship of course I didn't like this time they started their relationship out of camera but they still gave us development and a confession I would have loved them to have in the pre reboot but then this shit happened just like that! 🙄🤷‍♀️ So much for be madly in love uh?
You can't just turn that off and then turn it on again on another random person like a switch 🤦‍♀️! Isn't kind of hilarious, people wanted him bi so he could be with Superboy but DC decided to give him instead a background NPC boyfriend created 20 fucking years ago nobody even remembered, yeah sure the guy is not unpleasant but he is so painfully irrelevant just like Ariana or Zoanne (the normal civil ex-girlfriends) but I dare to say at least Ariana provided some "entertaining" drama, exhausting to read nonetheless but still... this random guy was chosen over Superboy Conner Kent! That is literally the only character that could rivalize with Stephanie in story with Tim but noooo Superboy couldn't be Bisexual too... Oh no wait, wait a second... Didn't DC actually made a bi Superboy? Oh dear, let me get this straight (je je "straight", no pun intended 🤪) people wanted Robin Tim bi because they shipped him with Superboy Conner but the ship couldn't be because they couldn't make that Superboy bi but instead they made Bi the other Superboy Jon Kent that shouldn't be in any serious relationship in the first place because he should still be a little kid but they aged him up 🤬🤬 and paired him with another painfully boring boyfriend they think is interesting because is Lois Lane's numer 1 fan🙄🙄 and studies to be a journalist too🙄🙄 because Superman's son had to be in love with a journalist just like him🙄🙄... And he is intangible because we can't have Jon having to worry about his boyfriend being in danger and on top of that has an ugly design, sorry for those who like it but I hate his design... most of the time his hair looks like mushroom style and thick hipster glasses are just not for everyone, Barbara Gordon can pull it this guy can't, I once saw an illustration of him that looked like a pink haired with glasses angry Karen and I just can't unsee it... Seriously he needs another haircut at the very least... Ok back to the Bi Robin...
Ok so it could not be Conner it had to be a civilian, the thing is there was another character they could have used: Cullen Row! The very first appearance he made he stated to be gay and being very interested of in Tim and at the very least he has the minimum importance of being the brother of a known vigilante character, Harper Row. And Cullen and Harper are friends with Steph so I'm sure Cullen would have scolded Tim for how he treated her and pretty sure he would have threatened him to tell his sister to taser his ass if he doesn't make things right with Steph, she didn't deserve to be ghosted! To be treated coldly out of the blue without giving her a reason! Or for a good reason at all. The point is that this was an established gay character interested in Tim and knows the vigilante life, that already make things easier and also is a good excuse to see Harper Row more often even if she gave up vigilante life, it would be nice to see her again but NOOOOO we pull a forgotten character out of nowhere and without development 🙄😑, they shouldn't have slapped us with all this at once in just one pride special, they should have left hints or showing us something in the regular issues, I don't like things happening just because, ok? representation matters but that doesn't mean we have to accept lazy tacky wattpad shit, that's called pandering! why couldn't they take their time to built properly the relationship just like they did with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn? Like I could see the process of Harley and Ivy liking each other, we also saw the process of Steph and Tim liking each other but they never showed us why Tim and Bernard like each other, what does Bernard has that he destroyed Tim's madly love for Steph so easily? Why does it feel that they weren't on the mood to work on the relationship and simply put a text saying "they've been talking to each other again after Tim and Steph broke up" And boom! They are on a date and the whole story turns into a story about Tim's sexuality 🤦‍♀️🤡, that's right his new boyfriend is a character that is nothing more than a walking proof of his bisexuality, literally that is his one and only purpose of existence and Tim went from being: "the Third Robin" "The smartest Robin" "The true perfect Robin" "The best detective that could best Batman" To literally being known as "THE BI ROBIN"🤡🤡, now the only thing that matters about him is that he was dating a girl and now he is dating a boy... (And same with Jon Kent, he is now just the Bi or Gay Superman, ajjj just make him go back to be 10 years old DC, he was more interesting as a kid with Damian) This is just how badly DC handled this in my opinion because I don't remember Batwoman to be known as the Batlesbian and Harley and Ivy are simply Harley and Ivy they aren't the Bisexual Gotham sirens and we all know Constantine is a manwhore who even banged a embodiment of a whole City but people doesn't only know him because of his sexual orientation, these characters just happened to have this sexual orientations but who they fuck isn't what makes them good characters.
And to make things worse and cringe, because yes this can get worse, on top of making Tim treat Stephanie so badly just because, they denigrated her by not allowing her to feel like a normal human being with feelings who was dumped for no reason, ghosted without a reason and easily forgotten by someone she considered her first true love would feel, you know... Sad, dejected, hurt, angry... Nope. Some idiot thought that she could only do that if she was replaced by other girl but if she is replaced by a boy she has to be nothing but a cringy supportive fangirl ex- girlfriend 🤡🤦‍♀️, that's right Tim decided that the most "sensitive and thoughtful" thing to do with the person he dumped out of the blue for nothing, and ghosted for nothing and tried to ignore her and avoid in her face when she finally confronted him until his friends forced him to behave like a minimum decent person and TALK to her was... Introduce her to his new boyfriend WITHOUT ASKING HER OR EVEN WARNING HER 🤬🤬🤬
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and the result was the absolutely cringy shitty wattpad reaction of her hugging Bernard saying "i finally get to meet you, this is the best day ever"💀💀💀💀 excuse me? The best day ever for her is the day she meets her ex's new boyfriend? After everything Tim put her through? Can someone explain to me the need of this? The need to denigrate and ridiculize Stephanie Brown? Hasn't this character suffered enough humiliation?😡😡You know Tim? Superboy at least told Cassie that she deserved a better first love than him and you see I think he never was as bad as you were to Stephanie... 😒😒 in fact I can't simply not understand the incoherence of their conversation... He literally told her: "my feelings for you, I never lied about that you were always what I wanted and more" "It wasn't about your gender, I don't like only girls" (Then he introduces her his brand new boyfriend 🤪) You were madly in love with her, she was what you wanted and more... THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DUMP HER?? THERE'S NO ACCEPTABLE EXPLANATION OF THAT!!! They just said he was on a journey to discover himself phase or some shit bad executioned idea but dude even if discovering you are Bi was part of it that doesn't mean you had to end your relationship... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, he later tells to Connor Hawke who is also struggling because he doesn't know how to tell Green Arrow that he is not interested in banging anyone ever (he came out as asexual) that Stephanie was a reminder of his old self that he wanted to let go, suuuuure nice try to make up for a good excuse to be an asshole with her🙄😒.
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You know what's funny? I think Steph is bisexual too and I'm not saying this because of her relationship with Cassandra, I'm saying this because when she was talking with Harper Row about Catwoman she was thirsting over Selina's buttonless shirt and later when she was dating Tim she met Zatanna and the first thing she said was "wow you're hot" 😂😂😂 and THAT, simply as it is... Is literally the only proof I need of her being bi, I didn't need her to break up with her boyfriend to be with Cass or Harper (hey, they kissed in that failed show Gotham knights) to believe it, you just need to show interest in both genders 🤷‍♀️, use flirt, use blushing, use a comment mentioning it... You don't need to destroy a relationship!! 🙄🙄🙄 but what is done is done, I'm so tired of Timsteph, I give up I'm sorry fellow shippers I really I'm but this treatment to Stephanie's character is my limit. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH 🥲🥲
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And I apologize for this long long long rant but I needed it to get out of my system 🥲🥲 well, like I said Tim wants to stay with his walking Bisexuality proof NPC boyfriend PERFECT, but I need a compensation and I don't want Steph to have nothing to do with that Kyle Mizoguchi, he is as irrelevant and boring to me as Bernard and Jay Nakamura 🥱🥱🥱 I want a proper compensation so I want Steph and Jason Todd to have a slow cooked Romance. Yep you heard me, I demand JAYSTEPH as a compensation for all this mess!!
And of course I plan to make a thoroughly long post like this about why I want Jaysteph to have a chance and with nothing more to say, Bye bye and thanks for reading my post 😘😘😘
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samobservessonic · 25 days ago
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This is two parties in a row that the Freedom Fighters have had at Tekno’s place in Sonic’s absence. It’s also funny that, while over the the pond, the Archie Sonic Comics were love triangle after love triangle for a considerable amount of time, this one kiss from Tekno to Shortfuse is the closest we’ll get to shipping in StC. Eh, it’s closer than the Sonic brand will get to shipping these days, isn’t it? From what I understand, the StC creatives just figured that kids weren’t interested in romance. They were wrong where I was concerned at least lmao
This is the second time we’ve seen Tekno be somewhat flirtatious towards Shortfuse, only for him to shrug her off with more of his angst. No wonder she eventually gives up
I also like Johnny in this role of telling other people to lighten up while looking kinda miserable himself
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Shortfuse, there’s no way Johnny doesn’t know that, you say it every two minutes. Also Amy being like “LISTEN TO TEKNO EVERYONE!!”
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Yes, what an excellent suggestion! The Freedom Fighters have been at a loss since their original base was destroyed and then their caravan destroyed after that. Sure, the solution is to just give them another secret base back where they started, but I’m not opposed to that idea, since it’s been a long time since they had a place to touch base. I seem to remember them getting a tower later on? I can’t remember if that’s part of the same base or somewhere else in the Emerald Hill Zone though
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Knuckles is here now, too? This party keeps getting better!
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I like Amy and Tekno doing the cutesy poses to ask Knuckles for help digging out the space for their new base. I’m not sure if this is strictly carried over into StC, but there was that old lore about girls being Knuckles’s weakness because he’s a shy guy
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Knuckles is like, “I’m really sorry, but I’ve still got my own subplot to resolve”
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But if you thought this was going to be a walk-in-the-park story about the Freedom Fighters getting a new base, you’d be wrong
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Yes, it’s a frickin’ dragon!!
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Shortfuse has the same thoughts as me, but it looks like this guy is gonna be hostile. Honestly though, putting dragons in any story is always a good shout. If they were doing the Bulk stuff because they figured kids like Marvel or something, then they should know that dragons are eternally cool!
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m4gp13 · 1 year ago
Can we talk about how badly Frank was done dirty??? There are lots of reasons for this but I'm specifically going to look at his whole thing with Leo because that part hits closer to home. When I was reading HOO, I always looked forward to Frank's chapters because I related to him so much more than the other characters entirely because of his experience as the victim of Leo's bullying. When he made a mention that he was just waiting for Leo to make a mention about his short-lived gorilla transformation? That part hit hard.
I kept waiting for a chapter or even a little dialogue exchange where Frank or someone else calls Leo out for his shitty behaviour and makes him think critically about his actions. He tells his jokes to protect himself but doesn't consider the harm they cause to others. And he was especially mean to Frank for no reason. You could argue that he had an internalised rivalry with him because of the weird Hazel love triangle but while we know that Frank likes her (he and Hazel were dating when they met Leo) from what I remember we don't really get much from Leo about his feelings towards Hazel. We know he cares about her but we never really get a sense that he wants to get with her and we certainly don't see him thinking about Hazel the same way he was thinking about Thalia or Khione.
It just feels like he was being shitty to Frank mostly out of pettiness at best and just for the fun of it at worst. He never missed an opportunity to have a dig at him and the worst part is that FRANK KNOWS THIS. After the gorilla incident, he was bracing himself for whatever joke Leo would make about it! But then Frank magically turns buff and it stops being an issue? What the fuck? Frank's Magical Girl transformation into a hot guy is just so, so lazy on Rick's part because A) it makes the only plus-sized person in the main cast a conventionally attractive muscle jock, B) it acts as an easy way to bypass Frank's character development and C) it gives Leo an easy out so he never has to reckon with his gross bullying because Frank turns hot and suddenly Leo's okay with respecting him now? What's that supposed to imply? That Leo only bullied him because he was fat and now that he isn't Leo doesn't find it funny to make fun of him? Or that now he's too scared of his muscles to take the piss?
As someone who's been bullied, particularly for being the chubby kid, I found it so disgusting. I know Leo's a bit of a fan favourite but I just hated him the whole way through HOO because he was just so shitty and never had to change his views. He just shut up one day and it was all fine and dandy.
And it's not like there weren't opportunities to fix this. Leo and Frank's talk in the underwater cave could have been good for this. It's nice that got to bond over their mutual dead mothers, lack of homes and fear of fires but it would have been nice if during that talk Frank confronted Leo about his bullying and made him actually digest what his humorous defence mechanism is doing to the people around him. Telling jokes to protect yourself is fine but not when it actively harms another person. Also, Hazel was dating Frank and was very emotionally invested in Leo. She could see what was going on between them and, to my recollection, never spoke with either of them about it. She and Frank never had a talk about how uncomfortable Frank is with Leo and how much his digs hurt him. She never brought it up to Leo to ask why he treats Frank like that or ask him to talk. It's like she's in her own personal bubble completely separate from them.
Then there's Percy, who, in SoN, we're told has become very good friends with Frank. And then we never see that friendship at all in the next three books. Percy already doesn't like Leo and they have that little confrontation in the gladiator arena when they went to get Nike. It would have been really great if Leo got to express his anger at Percy for leaving Calypso, assuming he's objectively the Good Guy in the situation, but then is confronted by Percy for his treatment of Frank (Percy's supposed friend) and Leo needs to reorient himself in where he stands in relation to Percy and the others. He needs to get off his high horse and recognise the harm he has caused to others, just like Percy, instead of wallowing in his own paradoxical self-pity and superiority complex.
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courtney-deserved-better · 2 years ago
i’m curious, do you have any like super obscure td rarepairs you like?
ooooooooo let’s see
i really like the idea of a rivals to lovers courtney x emma (rr) ship, logically i know their similarities would probably make it difficult to get along but idk i think it could work in a weird way. they’re both one of my favorite character archetypes (im a sucker for the type as) so i’d love to explore how they would interact. honestly i should write a fic for them
beth x sierra is another rarepair i like! they’re both seen as Weird Girls (derogatory) who get crushes easily and i think they could have a cute little thing going on.
i also like beth x katie (& sadie?), they all hung out during the aftermaths for tdwt, i could see it as a poly thing or as a similar dynamic to wayne & raj where katie is realizing she’s a lesbian and sadie is supporting her
this one actually has some basis in dramarama of all things, but harold x lightning. i thought it was really cute how tdr harold had a crush on lightning and i would love to play around with that dynamic within the main canon. ooo especially with the inclusion of transfem harold (bc lightning don’t judge!)
ella x sky! i think their ship name is ellsky? anyway they should’ve cut out the axis of the brief tdpi love triangle (dave) and just had ella think of sky as her knight and sky learning to relax a bit with ella
while i don’t really ship either of them with anyone, i do like the idea of zee x damien. i think zee’s chillness could help balance out damien when he’s a little more high strung, and damien could help ground zee. after all, zee was damien’s biggest supporter to help get himself voted off! i also headcanon damien as a trans guy and zee as nonbinary so t4t couple rights lol. ngl every time i see someone shipping zee with chase or ripper (or both!) i shed a silent tear. zee deserves better (im mostly joking)
(i’m not sure if these count as rarepairs but i also enjoy nichaxel/axelle and mkulia from the new season)
this is very silly but a goths + best friends polycule where devin goes goth after his breakup and ennui kinda digs it, carrie wants to support devin, crimson is down for whatever, and oh would you look at that they’re somehow all dating.
jacques x ryan. idk how it would work but they have stuff in common (athletics + dealing with josee & stephanie) so i think there’s potential there
jacques x josé. as in alejandro’s brother. don’t ask me to explain myself.
kitty x crimson. they could be cute together.
sanders x emma (rr). somehow i think they could make it work.
honorable mention of rarepairs i like that aren’t super obscure: lesheather, djuncan, trody, dawnkota, brott, justowen, jasammy, bridgney, dashawn/shave (idk their ship name), shawn x jasmine x sammy, jomaria (is this even a rarepair? are any of these rarepairs? idk man)
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cruinnsaol · 2 years ago
To all the great denizens of Tumblr…
What is your most despised plot/writing trope of your favorite genre? And what is your most Ride or Die trope?
Action stories are definitely up there as one of my favorite genres.
To everyone else this may seem like a hot take, but I do not particularly enjoy romantic plots. Unless the story is a romantic genre I tend to get annoyed of them, especially because it’s always the two main characters and a good portion of the time are a guy and girl. Like- why can’t they just be best friends at the end of the story, instead of having this prologue of them ending up together one way or another?
I recently watched Night Agent, y’know that Netflix show? Needless to say it had this exact plot device. It came completely out of left field too. I’m not even joking. Peter and Rose showed almost no indication of a relationship and were colleagues for a time (which I was really digging), then completely out of left field they start smooching and stuff in episode 6 I believe. I may have the timeline messed up but it was after their dumbasses managed to get labeled traitors of the US. The ‘woe is me’ trope I speak about more below about REALLY came into full effect here for Peter. It messed with the tone too. I felt less of a feeling of dread for Peter specifically being framed, and more of a ‘oh so THIS is how they force him and Rose together?’ There’s scenes where Rose is healing his wounds, then caressing his muscles, all while this broadcast plays about Peter being a traitor. The entire time it’s like the writers forgot we are supposed to feel terrible about that and instead made it into a scene, where we are made to feel like it’s hot that this girl is running around with her fugitive boyfriend and is the lone person who believes in the good will of Peter.
I find that romantic plots such as these are usually shoved in to add some amount of drama to the story where that drama never had to be present. It gets pretty repetitive and lazy as I see it over and over again in medias outside of the romantic genre. As mentioned before, I see they tend to do more harm than good. There’s usually some amount of ‘woe is me’ involved, or a love triangle or needless break ups and such. One example that immediately comes to mind for me is Lost.
Bro- the love square going on in Lost was a mess. I cant even begin to fathom why they dragged out the whole ‘Who will Kate end up with? Jack or Sawyer?’ for as long as humanly possible. There was the silly old simplicity of the ‘bad girl with a soft side™️’ having to ‘choose between the bad boy with a heart of gold or the noble Boy Scout™️’. Not to mention the random inclusion of Jack maybe ending up Juliet and that needless amount of tension from everyone questioning her loyalty. The story did this a lot where they simply didn’t have characters communicate with each other, and this was by far its worst example. If Jack just pulled Kate- or heck anyone aside- and said ‘It’s not like that, she’s just letting me know some valuable information that can save our lives’??? That is just the tip of the iceberg with that whole debacle, but I’d rather move on to my favorite tropes.
You know what tropes always get me good? Is my number one Ride or Die trope? I love fluid fighting sequences. Especially ones that in some way show the characters wit or willpower. I don’t mind these scenes when they go on for several minutes, typically because any well written one won’t FEEL like it’s been several minutes. It will just go and go and fully immerse you into the action- and suddenly it’s been ten minutes and the scenes still going but you don’t know that. Why? Because you are having too much fun watching those creative and unique ways each participant is using to try and take each other out.
I do believe the greatest modern example of this trope done right is the entire John Wick franchise. I could rewatch all four of those movies in a heartbeat and it’d hardly feel like an hours passed for me. All because of how beautifully choreographed those fights are, and how unique each opponent is for Wick. How each character has their own distinct fighting style even if it may just look like they’re throwing punching at each other. John Wick 4 especially had this really cool scene (well several actually), showcasing a new character called Caine, and the several ways he navigates around being blind and still putting up as good a fight as every other High Table assassin. There was this one moment in particular where he was being introduced as a threat for the first time that we see him very clearly have limitations in navigating his surroundings, but uses sounds such as the enemy drawing their bow, the woosh of an arrow, the footsteps of another, and so on to tell where his opponents are. He even has these little audio buttons which he places along one of two routes the enemy can enter from so he knows when they are coming. It’s quite nice seeing him maneuver around being blind while still being realistically blind.
There is another really tense action scene from a film Skyscraper (2018), where the main character Will is trying to get through the towers manual override to rescue his child. Because he is locked in a room with no access to the control panels he decides to deactivate it by cutting the wires outside the building (complicated I know but bear with me). What follows is this moment where we visibly see Will’s exhaustion as he makes a precarious pulley system and makes his way to the panel. Him deactivating it seems like a small victory, however because of the encroaching flames he’s forced to make a daring escape where he then is left wildly dangling on the side of he building. We are forced to watch him struggle to gain his bearings as he twists and turns midair, before being slammed into the buildings wall and nearly falling to his demise, only for his prosthetic leg to be caught in the rope. He then used his leg as a more solid bearing to grab into where he finally climbs back up to safety. All I’m saying is it was a really great scene, you could hardly tell it was three minutes.
Oh yeah! Before I finish off please know I don’t hate neither Lost or Night Agent. Lost especially is one of my favorite shows. My opinions are more so my own preferences for writing, as I am sure many really digger the romance in both those shows. I’m just not too much a romantic person. It just means those plot lines are not for me. Every creative work as some amount of value, every creative work has potential, always remember that! I cant wait to see your responses! 💙💛
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 month ago
089 of 2025
Hola, hablas espanol?
No, sadly. I would love to learn it.
Music is playing right now, isn’t it? What song?
No, it's TV. One more of my favourite Polish series.
How many cell phones have you gone through in your life?
I don't remember, 20? Something like that.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name?
Yes, I have a younger sister and her name is Julie.
Who was the last person you screamed at? Why were you screaming?
I don't scream at people.
Can you crack your joints? Which ones?
All of them, literally.
What’s your favorite name for a guy? And a girl?
Adrian and Damian, Laura and Sylvia.
Are you good at answering trick questions?
Nope. I don't think I'm actually good in answering any questions.
Do you need spellcheck in order to spell things correctly?
No. Usually I don't.
Do you do too many surveys? How many have you done today?
Probably, but there's no such thing as too many surveys. :P I think I took two today, with breaks for life.
Have you ever changed yourself to impress someone? Who?
No. Being fake is not a solid basis for any kind of relationship.
Who was the last person you gave up on? Why did you give up on them?
That ex-friend, because he refuses to accept the truth and I don't give a fuck anymore.
What was the last thing you printed? Is there even ink in your printer?
The ink cartridge was freshly replaced and the last thing we printed was a shipping label.
What’s your favorite number? Is there any reason that’s your favorite?
16, and it feels just right. Autism satisfied lol.
What kind of shampoo do you use? Does it smell amazing?
NAK, it's a vegan brand from Australia and I quite like the smell. But the price is also pretty high.
Do you go to concerts? What was the last one you attended?
No, I don't.
Do you shop online? With your own credit card, or someone else’s?
I do shop online, but why would I use someone else's card if I have my own income? I don't have a credit card, just a debit card.
Who’s your best friend? How long have you known each other?
My husband, and we've known each other longer than I previously knew. My dad knew him before, too.
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Why did you break up?
Jay and he was emotionally manipulative. A man with beautiful blue eyes, but an ugly soul.
Have you ever gotten your nails done? Or do you get them done regularly?
No, I'm a guy.
Have you been outside yet today? What were you doing?
Yes, we went for a business trip to Zele, I had physiotherapy at 16:00 and we went to send two packages at the evening.
Tell me about the last thing that made you laugh until it hurt.
That Polish sitcom I watch, with some depicted situations.
When was the last time you got a new bed? Is your bed comfy?
We got a new bed soon after we moved to this house, 6 years ago. It is comfy, but it squeaks after all these years XD
What kind of games did you play on the playground when you were younger?
Hide and seek, French skipping, dodgeball, basketball (that's how I got another passion lol), hopscotch, tag it, hare and hounds. Instant nostalgia <3
Have you ever buried a time capsule with a friend? Did you dig it up yet?
I don't even know what it means now.
Do you have or want any tattoos? Of what?
I have three tattoos, one is just 3 days old. The oldest one I have is a radiation warning symbol, reflecting my love for science. The 2nd one is a simple design of lines and triangles, reflecting my favourite music genre. The latest one is an outline of a cat with a butterfly on its nose, it's a way to honour my beloved cat that passed away in 2023. I want to have more: a equilateral triangle on my left collarbone, an ace galaxy triangle I don't know where yet, and some geometric design on my right leg.
Do you remember the first time you ever drove a car? Who were you with?
I was 16, my dad was teaching me. It was my first and last time. Never again.
Do any of your friends drink excess amounts of alcohol? Do you?
I don't drink anymore, but yes, I have two friends who have an alcohol problem.
What color is your favorite hoodie? When did you get it?
It's red and I got it a few years ago.
How many pairs of shoes do you have? Are they under your bed?
Like 20, and no, they're on the shoe crack in our hallway.
What exactly is under your bed? Is it a mess?
We keep shipping boxes for our shop under our bed. Also suitcases.
Have you ever been in handcuffs? Why, exactly?
No, never.
What’s your favorite thing to do when drunk? Would you do this sober?
When was the last time you bled? What happened?
Two days ago. Fresh tattoo, and I take blood thinners. I have to ask my neurologist for a letter every time I get a tattoo.
Have you ever had to be put to sleep at a hospital? Why?
Emergency brain surgery.
Do you actually have a calendar on your wall? What are the pictures of?
I have two, in our livingroom and in our bedroom. Both with kitties, as I always buy calendars with cats.
When are you planning on moving out of your parents’ house?
Lmao I'm married and living on my own for many years now.
Tell me about your day today. :)
Busy, but fun. I think I answered it already.
Are you a fan of dogs? Do you have any pets?
I'm absolutely not a fan of dogs. I don't mind big dogs, but I wouldn't want any as a pet. I'm strongly a cat person, I have a cat, I used to have two, and 4 in the past. They were a family.
Who was the last person in your family to graduate high school? Was it you?
Our education system doesn't have high schools, at least not in the common meaning. Here high school is university, and no, I have a younger sister who got even higher degree than me.
Have you ever been on a cruise? How many? Where did they go?
Oh my, a lot. In three different countries. Oostende, Nieuwpoort, Breskens, Vlissingen. Even Amsterdam.
0 notes
realcube · 4 years ago
secretly dating the haikyuu!! boys 🤫
summary: you’ve been dating your partner in secret up until now, when their team finds out 
characters: hinata, oikawa & bokuto 
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thanks to anon for the request 💗
tw// fem! reader, sexual references, swearing
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Shōyō Hinata 
he kept the relationship a secret bc of noya IEFBEVAGLEB
ok ok lemme explain
you said jokingly once that you were into shorter guys in response to hinata asking something lovey-dovey along the lines of ‘what did i do to deserve you? 😍’
and hinata has been on edge ever since pfft
i mean, he just thins noya is such a cool guy and an awesome upperclassmen- why wouldn’t you want him?
but he couldn’t afford losing you to this teammate so he did everything in his power to make sure that you never crossed paths with nishinoya- which included not telling his team about you 
it was so hard for him as well bc he wanted to show you off to his teammates so bad especially stinkyshima 🥺
but he couldn’t :((
you never really inquired about it though, even when he’d get all weird when you’d come pick him up from practise
then the faithful day arrived, when kageyama watched you stroll into the class, hand hinata something, place a kind kiss on his cheek before taking your leave
he didn’t question it though- he couldn’t be bothered lol
the only time he ever brought it up was 2 weeks later in the changing room when tsukishima was making fun of him for being unable to ask out a girl for an upcoming dance
so kageyama retorted with ‘it’s not like you get any girls either, shittyshima! even hinata gets more action than you!’
hinata’s blood ran cold and he froze
tsukishima hummed in response, prodding kageyama to elaborate, ‘i saw him kissing a girl in class the other day-- have you ever kissed someone before?’
although that last part was meant to be a dig, it sounded more like a genuine question
yamaguchi peered over his shoulder to join the conversation, ‘is that true, hinata?’
hinata stood frozen for a little while longer before releasing a heavy sigh, ‘yes. but please don’t tell anyone else.’
‘why not?’ tsukishima pried.
‘none of your business, stinkyshima!’
that nickname was what prompted tsukishima to stroll out of the changing the room and disguise ‘hinata has a girlfriend’ behind a cough in front of the whole team
‘you said you weren’t going to tell anyone!’ hinata yelled, slightly red from the fact everyone was now staring at him - including coach ukai, takeda, kiyoko & yachi
‘what? it was just a cough.’ tsukishima snickered but promptly received an elbow to the stomach from yamaguchi
daichi rubbed hinata’s back while reassuring him that he didn’t have to tell them anything he didn’t want to but meanwhile, hinata’s eyes were fixated on nishinoya 
‘i- i do have a girlfriend.’ he stuttered, figuring that he wasn’t going to be able to hide it forever  — plus, he felt foolish for not trusting you to begin with. ‘her name is (l/n).’
yachi choked on her water, ‘she sits next to me in class!’
ngl yachi probably had a lil’ crush on you at some point but these are just headcanons, not a full blown fic so i cba to write a love triangle
‘cool’ hinata murmured in response before continuing, ‘she said that she will come see me after practise today so i guess you’ll see her then.’
by now, most people were shooting hinata comforting smiles and muttering their congratulations but those were all drowned out by nishinoya and tanaka’s loud offers
‘wow, hinata. you really got a chick before your senpais. i’m not sure whether to be proud or jealous!’ tanaka said, wiping an invisible tear from his eye
‘proud, ryū! we clearly did a good job in teaching him how to make advances on the ladies.’ nishinoya cheered before turning to grab hinata’s shoulders and pull him close, ‘now, hinata, if you ever need advice remember that you can come to us! we’re kinda professionals when it comes to relationships and stuff!’
hinata nodded rapidly, his lips slowly curling into a smile as he wondered; what was i so worried about? of course (y/n) would never cheat on me and noya would never make moves on my girlfriend
when you arrived, you were rather confused when hinata greeted you with his usual vigour rather than his hasty, rushed greetings for when you met him after practise
also, you were perplexed as to why many peeping eyes were staring at the pair of you from the gym door as he peppered your face with kisses - and why was one of them Yachi?
‘uuh, shō, are those your teammates?’ you inquired, gesturing to the peepers behind y’all
hinata peered over his shoulder and chuckled at how ‘discreet’ they were being,’uh- yeah.’
suddenly, yachi and sugawara popped out from behind the walls, ‘hello, (l/n)!’ they both yelled in unison
you smiled, looking at them and realising this was probably the first time you’ve ever been acknowledged by his teammates
‘hi, yachi and--’
hinata hastily whispered in your ear, ‘sugawara.’
hinata finally got to introduce you to all his teammates and he was so hyped 
he had a foolishly wide grin on his face the whole time 
he’s just so happy that the person he loves can finally meet the people who help him do what he loves 
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Tōru Oikawa
y’all kept the relationship secret bc you didn’t want to get nasty glares from oikawa’s fangirls and he didn’t want to get teased by iwa so it was a win/win
although you had to be cautious when showing PDA, it didn’t mean y’all didn’t do it at all
there was just something about knowing that what you were doing was risky, which made you want to do it even more
so sometimes y’all would do that thing where you arrange certain times to ask for the bathroom during class so you could see each other in the corridor
and since it was during class, there was virtually nobody else in the hallway 
so y’all would literally just go for it
kissing as if you had never experienced human affection before
but since you both were so into it, you’d never notice kyōtani walk by, on his way back from the principal’s office
he’d even let out a low scoff every time
but you were both just so in the moment that you’d never even notice 
word spreads fast in the seijoh boys’ volleyball club, though
but slightly slower when it starts with kyōtani
like what reason does he have to tell anybody about what he saw? he doesn’t want to relive those events
but during a bitching session with yahaba, he spilled about oikawa and you since the captain had been working them extra hard lately, as if he was the coach tsk
so ofc the gossip spread across multiple bitching session from yahaba, to kunimi, to kindaichi, to watari, to hanamaki then finally to matsukawa
(iwaizumi didn’t get to know bc firstly he didn’t join in with bitching sessions and secondly, everyone knew that iwa would just immediately tell oikawa and that would ruin all the fun)
it got to the point where almost everyone on the team knew about you and oikawa so whenever he would walk into practise, a chorus of low giggles and whispers would spread across the gym
this had been going on for about a month now and at first, oikawa was too self-indulged to notice
but after a bit longer, he kinda noticed and brought it up to iwaizumi
‘hey, why does everyone start acting weird whenever i walk into the room?’
iwaizumi rolled his eyes, shoving a ball against oikawa’s chest, ‘what? no, they don’t; stop being so paranoid. now, throw me some sets.’
that was enough reassurance for oikawa to ignore it for a while but then hanamaki accidentally made one of the jokes a bit too loud
oikawa fell face first into the gym floor after tripping over his lace and the whole gym seemed to erupt into laughter
‘hah!’ matsukawa wheezed, ‘stop kissin’ the ground, tōru!’ 
‘mwah, mwah!’ yahaba teased
hanamaki suddenly chimed in, ‘yeah, save that shit for (y/n)!--’
silence spread like a plague across the whole gym room
it was only broken when iwaizumi let out a clueless, ‘huh?’
oikawa quickly scurried onto his feet, ‘how do you know about (y/n)?’
hanamaki chuckled awkwardly as he looked left to right for help but was just met by blank stares, ‘uh- she’s- erm, in my homeroom class.’
obviously, oikawa didn’t buy it
‘who told you about me and (y/n)?’ he inquired in a sinister tone of voice, his glare seeming anything but kind 
‘watari!’ he yelled accusingly, pointing his index finger at the poor libero 
after all eyes shifted onto him, watari wasted no time in redirecting everyone’s attention onto kindaichi, ‘it was turnip-head who told me!’
‘well, it was kunimi that told me!’ kindaichi shouted with no hesitation
kumini crossed his arms over his chest, ‘yahaba told me.’
yahaba’s eyes widened at the sudden accusation before turning to oikawa and defending himself, ‘mad dog was the one that saw you and (y/n) kissing in the hallway!’
mad dog glared at the pinch server, then turned to oikawa and shrugged 
oikawa was livid DIUVBEVILS
yahaba took it upon himself to reply, ‘mad dog only told me about a month ago-’
faint hums of ‘yeah’ and ‘uhuh’ were heard across the gym hall
‘wait-’ iwaizumi cocked his head to the side, ‘are you dating (y/n)?’
this inquiry was only met by blank stares as oikawa pinched his temple, wondering what he should do now
‘why did you try to hide your relationship for so long?’ kindaichi asked before kunimi added, ‘yeah, can we finally meet her?’ 
matsukawa rolled his eyes, ‘she literally goes to our school; meet her in the hallway or something.’
oikawa shook his head, quickly shutting down matsukawa’s idea, ‘i’ll ask her to come over after practise today but be on your best behaviour.’ he sung, quickly grabbing a ball and going back to practising receives
everyone was rather shocked at how fast the captains’ demeanour changed
while you were at your own club, you got a message from oikawa asking if you wanted to meet his team
you had already met most of them outside of volleyball but you figured now was perhaps a good time to introduce yourself as oikawa’s gf to rub it in /j
before you arrived, oikawa made it explicitly clear that they weren’t to tell anybody about the relationship or else oikawa’s fangirls would come for you
they all agreed and patiently waited for you to arrive
honestly, iwaizumi was probably the only one with pure intentions when it came to finally meeting you — as he simply wanted to see the girl who has oikawa’s heart
the rest of them of the other hand 🙄
matsukawa and hanamaki planned to have a competition to see who could seduce you first 
watari, kindaichi and kunimi wanted to just tease oikawa in front you 
and yahaba was going to try get you to tell him all the gossip about oikawa 😈
(kyōtani left early)
so needless to say you were hardly charmed when you formally met the bunch of boys oikawa spends his time with 
‘so are you free tonight orrr?’ hanamaki questioned, promptly getting a slap to the back of the head from both oikawa and matsukawa
‘makki, a lady like her shouldn’t be spoken to like that,’  matsukawa pushed his friend aside, ‘watch this: hey, sweetie. what is a gal--’
matsukawa got the same treatment as makki except this time it was kindaichi pushing him away, ‘so how much is oikawa paying you to play his girlfriend?’
you couldn’t help but giggle, especially as you could see oikawa from over his shoulder, shooting him the deadliest glare
kunimi poked his head around kindaichi arm to look at you, ‘i’m guessing ¥3000 an hour.’
‘(y/n) is worth way more than ¥3000 an hour!’ oikawa yelled from behind the crowd of boys surrounding you 
yahaba hurried forward, slipped his arm around your waist and escorting you a few paces away from the others to whisper in your ear, ‘does oikawa have any embarrassing childhood pictures?’
you snickered, leaning in and whispering back, ‘yeah, i’ll send them to you on instagram.’
ok. although they weren’t the most charming- they were definitely a fun bunch lol
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Kōtarō Bokuto
a secret relationship w/ bokuto has hardly a secret lol
plus, the ‘secret’ part is only gonna last MAX a month ✋
he tries to ‘act natural’ around his teammates but it’s a bit- too natural 
he’ll come back from a make-out session with you, lipstick smeared across his face and just be like ‘hey y’all! ✌ good vibes today’
or when he’d take off his shirt to reveal the scratch marks on his back, that he wasn’t even aware of 
or the hickeys that he wouldn’t even bother try to hide 
so the whole team were aware that bokuto had a partner- they just weren’t sure who it was
but they didn’t really mention anything to bokuto bc they srsly didn’t care which left bokuto under the impression that he was sneaky as hell
akaashi was kinda upset that bokuto didn’t tell him about you tho but he kept that to himself
everyone was silently curious as to who bokuto was dating but none of them actually spoke up about it
until one day, konoha was chatting to komi, thinking they weren’t being listened to since bokuto seemed preoccupied with practising spikes, ‘psst, komi. i saw bokuto walk home with (y/n) the other day, i think she might be the one he’s da--’
but bokuto develops super-hearing when you’re involved
he was now looming over komi and konoha in what felt like a blink of an eye, ‘what did you say about (y/n)?’ he asked in a rather gruff voice
both boys were taken back by their captain’s sudden change in mood but komi managaed to stutter out, ‘oh- konoha just saw you walking home with her the other day; you both make a very cute couple.’
all sense of menace or threat was washed out of bokuto’s tone as his lips formed a bright smile, ‘awww, thanks! we do-- wait!’ 
bokuto cut himself off and the boys started snickering, ‘so it’s (y/n) that you’re dating.’ komi stated the obvious, this time loud enough for the whole gym to hear.
bokuto couldn’t help but face-palm, his sweaty hands making a loud, wet slapping noise against his skin. ‘ugh! i wasn’t supposed to tell you that.’ he grumbled, eyeing everyone in the gym that was sending him astonished looks
after a while of sulking in his emo-mode..with help from akaashi, bokuto finally tried to see the positives in the situation
‘well, maybe today she can finally meet you all.’ bokuto murmured, eyes full of hope which could hardly be seen passed the strands of his deflated hair that hung in front of his face
‘sure.’ akaashi shrugged, seeing nothing wrong with this idea 
there was a lot of things wrong, though
firstly, you were at your own club which finished ten minutes after practise ended, which means bokuto had to use his puppy-eyes on everyone on the team to convince them into staying for ten minutes extra
secondly, bokuto was so hyped that you were finally meeting his teammates, an introduction for each person took like 5 minutes 
bokuto inhaled sharply to catch his breath from the last introduction he just did, ‘ok next, this is washio, he’s one of our middle blockers bc he is so damn tall - say hi, washio. his eyebrows might make you think that he is a meanie or something  — that’s what i thought at first — but he’s really not. he offered me some of his lunch after i forgot to bring money that day so he’s definitely a good egg. he’s also a really good blocker and he has similar hair to me so i think that’s why he’s so good. also, he’s really good at making tea.’
ok now imagine that but for every. single. member.
he also gives you an extra ass intro too lol
‘(y/n), this is onaga. onaga this is my beautiful, stunning, flawless girlfriend (y/n)  — she’s the sweetest person ever and she give the sweetest kisses on the face of this earth.’
please don’t be embarrassed he just loves you so much 
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pappydaddy · 4 years ago
Make-up (s.h.)
  A/N: I am finally being able to start writing more (slowly but surely)! This is a request sent in by the lovely @secretjellyfishpolice​ (I love your profile pic by the way lovely!!). I love writing Steve x Henderson!reader stuff purely because I love Dustin and Steve’s relationship! This might be a little short, but I just thought it should end there, felt like it would be better. Sidenote: I had absolutely no idea what to name this... So, thank you so much for your request and I hope you like it💛!
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!fem!reader
fandom: stranger things
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
warnings: fluff. good dustin and steve content. slightly suggestive, mentions of sex. 
- not my gif -
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  For as long as Y/N could remember, her dream was to go to Cosmetology school to learn how to professionally do make-up. Her mother always told stories of how Y/N just couldn’t stay out of her make-up when she was a baby. Unfortunately, her mother told those stories to everyone who would give her the time-of-day to tell the said stories. No matter how embarrassing the stories and the pictures that came along with the stories were, they helped Y/N realize what she wanted to do with her life after high school.  
  When the day came that her mother had yet again pulled out the photo album loaded with the embarrassing photos to show Y/N’s now (much more) serious boyfriend Steve Harrington, she had decided to finally take the plunge and apply for the Cosmetology school a thirty-minute commute away. It was in the city, sure, but it was very prestigious and close enough for her to still live at home if she managed to get accepted. Steve was the ever-loving boyfriend through the entire application process, offering to help hold the light so she could take the required photos of her make-up skills (that she had used her mother as a model for) to send with her application. But his support didn’t end there. 
  “I am sure your acceptance letter is on its way right now, stop pacing and come sit down,” Steve tried to calm his pacing girlfriend down as she just about wore a path in the carpet in front of the door. “Come on, Sunshine, I bet your legs are exhausted from all that walking back and forth.” He spoke as he patted the couch cushion beside him. 
  She stopped her pacing, looking up at him as she wrung her hands together. “I’m too nervous to sit,” She shook her head, resuming her pacing. Steve remained silent, simply looking at her. He knew her, he knew that in any given moment she would rush over to the couch and worry from sitting down. Sure enough, with a final over-dramatic one-eighty whirl, she scampered to the couch. Sitting on her knees, she completely faced Steve with her eyes wide. “Why do you think it’s taking so long? It should have arrived by now, shouldn’t it have? Maybe they are trying to figure out the best way to let me down? That’s probably why it’s taking so long! They are trying to tell me that I suck without making me want to run through a wall-” 
  “Y/N, darling. You know how the postal service is in Hawkins, it’s complete shit! It’s probably sitting in a mailbag attached to some mailman taking yet another forty-minute coffee break and talking about everyone behind their back with the other mailmen that should be working.” Steve rambled, resting one of his hands on hers, shifting to prop one leg up and face her. His elbow propped up on the back of the couch, resting the side of his head against his closed fist.
  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” She sighed, slumping back slightly as she relaxed. Steve once again watched her, knowing that her mind was still racing and that it wouldn’t stop until she held that letter in her hand. She suddenly stiffened up again, sitting up straight as her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. Steve wasn’t startled by the sudden action, only blinking and trying to hold back his smile. She was too cute in his eyes. “That doesn’t mean they don’t think I suck though.” 
  “They don’t think you suck,” Steve reassured her gently. “And if they do, they are clearly blind since you are the best damn make-up artist ever. Seriously, I am always amazed. You work wonders.” He praised her, boosting her confidence. She smiled at him, her body finally relaxing to the point where Steve knew that she would be relaxed for at least a few minutes. That was until she spotted the mail carrier walking towards the mailbox from the window. 
  “He’s here!” She jumped out, this time scaring Steve out of his mind, He jumped in his spot, his hand flying up to his chest in an attempt to calm his wildly beating heart. Taking deep breaths, Steve stood from the couch. 
  “Give the man a chance to get to the mailbox before you trample him.” Steve told her, watching the man lazily shift through the disorganized mail. Y/N surprisingly listened to him, dancing around on her tiptoes to try and peer out one of the three triangle-shaped windows at the top of her door. 
  “Is he gone yet,” She asked, rolling back down to her flat feet, unable to see out the windows. Steve shook his head, stretching his arms and legs as he watched the man add envelopes to the mailbox one by one. “God,” She let out a dramatic groan, slumping her shoulders over. “What is taking him so damn long?” 
  “By the looks of things, he decided to skip the part where he pre-sort the mail,” Steve observed. “There, he’s done-” He didn’t even get to finish his statement before she yanked the door open and took off down the driveway, not even caring that she was running into the crisp air of late August in her thin socks. “You could have at least put shoes on!” He called after her, standing in the open door. 
  “I got it! I got it! It’s here!” She ignored him, smashing the mailbox door closed before racing back up the driveway, nearly bowling Steve over to get back into the house. Steve kicked the door closed, following her back into the living room. She threw the other mail on the coffee table, not caring about the assortment of bills and junk mail. Steve settled back on the couch, his knee bouncing as he waited impatiently for her to open the letter she inspected with awe. 
  “Well, come on, don’t leave a guy hanging here,” Steve spoke up after he watched her flip the envelope for the second time. “Open it and see if you got in!” 
  She followed his instructions, using the letter opener she had placed on the coffee table weeks ago to tear along the fold of the envelope. Her nerves were overridden with impatience as she pulled the tri-folded paper out. The empty envelope fluttered to the carpeted floor by her feet, but she paid it no mind, too busy unfolding the letter. “I got in!” She screamed, turning to Steve, her eyes wide and her mouth dropped in shock.
  “You got in!” He yelled back, shooting up from the couch once again, his arms open wide, his eyes just as bright and excited as Y/N’s. 
  “I got in!” She repeated, stepping onto the coffee table before launching herself into Steve’s arms, her legs wrapping around his waist. The force of her body flinging towards him knocked him off balance enough to send him falling back to the couch. His head lulled to rest on the back of the couch, his eyes set on the excited girl still clinging to him, the corner of the letter digging into the back of his neck little, but he didn’t mind. 
  “I told you that you would!” He reminded her. She pulled her head from his neck, peering down at him with sparkling eyes, he assumed it was from the excitement of getting into her dream school, but he didn’t know it was because of all the love she felt for him. 
  “You did, didn’t you?” She asked, a soft smile tugging at her lips. She was beyond thankful that she had managed to find someone that believed in her even when she didn’t believe in herself. 
  “Just to prove how proud I am of you, I will gladly loan my face to you for practice anytime,” He suggested, tapping her nose. She scrunched it up, pulling away from his finger. “All you have to do is ask.”
  Steve did mean his words with his whole heart, but when a few weeks passed without her taking him up, he had thought she didn’t want to. It wasn’t until two weeks before she started school that he was proven wrong. “Steve!” She called in a sing-song voice, skipping through the house in search of her boyfriend. Her shopping bag swung by her side as she skipped through her living room into her room. Instantly, she spotted Steve laying on her bed on his back, tossing a slinky back and forth, giggling lightly to himself at the noise it made. 
  “What’s up, Sunshine,” He asked, not taking his eyes off the metal slinky, still pushing it back and forth. She hopped onto the bed, causing her and him to bounce. Dropping the bag between him and the slinky, she obscured his view as she practically vibrated with excitement. He oohed at the bag, not seeing the label on the other side of it. “Did you go to the naughty store to get me a present?” 
  She scoffed as he sat up, moving to dive his hands into the bag, thinking that was exactly what she had done. “You wish,” She commented, flipping the bag around so that he could see the store logo. He pouted in disappointment when he realized that it wasn’t from the dirty store. “I had to go get some supplies for school because they want us to get used to these specific products before the first day.” 
  “Okay?” Steve questioned, looking into the bag. He saw a bunch of make-up products that he wouldn’t even try to figure out what they were. Y/N had tried to explain the different things, but he just could not get the hang of it. 
  “Well, I can’t possibly get used to them without a model,” She pointed out, snatching the bag back from him. “You told me that I could use your face, all I had to do was as and this is me asking.” She bounced on her knees, her hands pressing against Steve’s side to shake him lightly. 
  “I did say that and I always stay true to my word,” He agreed, smiling as she clapped happily, cheering. She scrambled off the bed and over to her desk. “But I am really disappointed you didn’t go to the dirty store.” He added in, standing from her bed and plopping himself in her vanity chair, the slinky still in his hand. She plucked the slinky out of his hand, tossing it to the bed before resuming to unpack her make-up. 
  “If you behave, maybe we can go together tomorrow.” She bargained, clipping his hair back from his face. He nodded eagerly, making her laugh as she reached behind her for some primer. 
  “Make sure you match to my skin tone,” He reminded her his eyes fluttering closed as she started to apply the primer. It was almost like he could see the look she gave him when he added a quick ‘just making sure’ behind it. Shaking her head, she set to work on the base of his face. 
  “I am surprised that you’ve sat still enough for this long.” Y/N voiced her amazement, her eyes zeroed in on his eyelids as she swept the pigmented pink eyeshadow over it, carefully putting it in the right spot. Steve scoffed, trying his best not to move too much. 
  “You have no faith in me.” He muttered sarcastically. He was even surprised that he had sat for this long without getting antsy. Maybe it was because she had let him rest his hands on her waist as she worked, maybe it was just that he wanted to help her in any way he could, but it was probably the promise of going to the dirty store that kept him so still. Either way, they were both utterly shocked. 
  “Not true, I have lots of faith in you,” She corrected, moving to the next eyelid to cover that in pink. “I leave you alone with faith that you won’t burn my house down,” She pointed out, her eyes nearly crossing from how hard she was focusing. “I also leave you alone with my brother with faith that you won’t kill him, though both times he could have been killed, you were almost killed instead so-” 
  “Yeah, but was Dustin in danger?” He perked an eyebrow in question. She gave him a look. 
  “Last time I checked, trying to not be killed by Demo-dogs, Billy Hargrove, Russians, and a Giant Flesh Spider is classified as dangerous. So yes.” She pressed her lips together, twisting around to grab another eyeshadow brush, collecting some pigmented blue eyeshadow on it. 
  “But he didn’t die.” 
  “True,” She started, brushing some blue in the outer corner and crease expertly. “But you almost died instead, so I don’t think that pleads your case.” She jumped to the next eye, trying to get it the exact same as the other one. She leaned back, inspecting the blue powder on both, adding more to the second one. 
  “What’s the third colour you want?” She asked, unable to pick the next colour for his eyes. 
  “Purple.” He blurted out, not even sure that the other two colours were. 
  “Purple it is then,” She shrugged, plucking yet another brush off the table beside her, coating the end with purple eyeshadow, placing it in the inner corner gently. Steve scrunched his nose up as it tickled lightly. “Sorry,” She whispered, too focused on trying to perfect it. “You know, I didn’t think these three colours would look good together for an eyeshadow look, but I am pleasantly surprised,” She spoke as she started the other eye. “Once I blend it, it’ll look better too.” 
  “Remember, make me look good,” His warm breath fanned over her wrist as she put the final stroke of eyeshadow on. Grabbing yet another brush to blend the eyeshadow. “Dear God, how many brushes do you need?” He questioned, feeling the new brush swirling over his eyelids, making them flutter. 
  “A lot, now keep your eyes closed or you’re gonna mess it up,” She exclaimed, moving to the next eye. Steve remained silent, fighting to keep his eyelids closed. “Now, lipstick, mascara then I am done! You want pink or red? Pink might look better with your eye make-up.” She trailed off, looking at the two tubes of lipstick. 
  “Pink.” He chose, his eyes staying closed.
  “You can open your eyes now, you Doofus,” She giggled, uncapping the lipstick and twisting it up. The creamy lipstick smeared onto his lips easily, taking no time at all. “Now, you need to keep your eyes open for this or it’ll mess this all up, okay?” She instructed, putting on the lipstick and grabbing the tube of mascara. Steve nodded, watching her intently. He visibly gulped when she pulled the wand out and brought it to his eye. 
  “Woah, woah, woah,” He panicked, leaning away from it in fear. “What the hell are you going to do with that?” He pointed to the black-coated wand. Y/N glanced down at it, shrugging as if it was nothing to be scared of. 
  “Put it on your eyelashes,” She told him, looking back at him. Her hand gripped the back of his head, keeping it in place as she brought the wand closer. “Stop being such a baby, it’s not going to hurt! I do this to myself all the time!” She struggled to keep his head in place, finally touching the wand to his already luscious lashes.
  Just as she went to do his other eye, her door burst open to reveal Dustin standing there. The couple jumped, snapping their heads to look, the wand still raised in the air, and Y/N’s hand still on the back of Steve’s head. Dustin looked between Y/N and Steve, his eyes stitching together in question. “Did I just walk into some weird sex thing,” Dustin posed the question before squeezing his eyes closed and frantically shaking his head. “You know what, don’t answer that please?” He pleaded, opening his eyes to look at the couple again. 
  “It’s not a sex thing, it’s a make-up thing. Steve offered me his face to work on,” She clarified, turning Steve’s head back to face her. Whisking the wand on his eyelashes, she spoke to Dustin. “What do you need Dustin?” 
  “I honestly can’t remember now that I walked in on this.” He gestured to the scene in front of him, trying to hold in his laughter as he looked at Steve all made up. 
  “Stop laughing!” Steve cried in protest, his eyes tearing up slightly as Y/N fanned his eyes to make the mascara dry, her other hand placing the now capped mascara on her vanity. Dustin couldn’t help but let out a barking laugh at the comment. 
  “Yeah, stop laughing Dustin.” 
  “I’m sorry, but do you really expect me not to laugh at Steve with make-up on?”  
  “Yes, because A, make up doesn’t have a gender, and B, I think a man who is in touch with his faminine side is very sexy - so do a lot of girls, you should take notes from Steve for when Suzie finally comes to meet us.” She listed unclipping Steve’s hair from his face. 
  “Yeah, Twerp.” Steve stuck his tongue out at the teen. 
  “Real mature, Harrington, real mature,” Dustin narrowed his eyes at Steve. “I am ordering a pizza and I expect you guys to pay since you’ll end up eating most of it.” With that, he turned on his heel, marching down the hall. Y/N huffed out as he left the door wide open. 
  “You know what it is,” Y/N turned to look at Steve, pointing to the open door that Dustin was just standing in. “This attitude is all because his teeth are starting to grow in.” They both hummed at this, agreeing. 
“Can I take this off now?” Steve asked, interrupting Y/N as she worked to put everything away. Looking behind her, she saw the glammed-up Steve blinking back at her. Furrowing her eyebrows, she put her brushes back in the spray-painted mason jar she kept them in, slipping her new eyeshadow pallet in the drawer with the rest of her make-up. 
  “Why, don’t you like it?” She asked, worried that he didn’t like the idea of having make-up on (which would be fine). Steve shook his head frantically. 
  “No, no! I do like it, I love it even, but, uh,” His nose twitched weirdly, making her eyebrows furrow even more. “It’s just my nose is itchy and I don’t want to ruin it, also, I am weirdly warm right now,” He gushed, his face scrunching up as he tried to survive the itch on his nose. “I have no idea how you guys wear this all the damn time, honestly.” He muttered in awe. 
  Y/N laughed, tossing him the package of make-up wipes. “Here you go.” She chuckled, sitting down on her bed, sliding a magazine off her nightstand table to read. 
  “I look damn good though, I almost don’t want to take it off, but I can’t take this itch anymore!” He exclaimed, scrubbing at his face with a wipe. Y/N peeked over her magazine at him, watching as he leaned close to the mirror, working hard to rid his face of the perfectly applied make-up. Glancing at the clock, she hummed, a smirk on her face. 
  “Hey, Steve,” She sat her magazine on the bed beside her. Steve hummed, working on the eye make-up just like he had watched Y/N do countless times before. She bit her lip, trying to stop the sneaky smile stretching onto her face. “As a thank you for doing this for me, I think I should give you something in return,” She paused, scooting to the foot of her bed. “How about we go to the dirty store today instead of tomorrow? We’ve got the house to ourselves after Dustin goes over to Mike’s for an overnight campaign.” She said with a suggestive tone. 
  Steve snapped his head to looked at her so fast, she was sure he’d be feeling the whiplash soon. “Really?” He asked with wide, excited eyes, a multitude of colours smudged around the from the eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner. She nodded, giggling at his excitement. 
  “Really! The store doesn’t close until nine and it’s five now, so hurry up, we can go after we drop Dustin off.” Steve started madly. 
  “Hey, Dustin, how about we give you money for pizza and drop you off early at Mike’s,” Steve yelled, still scrubbing at his face. “I guess he was right, this was a weird sex thing.” He commented, dropping the used wipe in the garbage by her vanity. 
  “It wasn’t a weird sex thing!” She defended weakly.
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yungbud · 4 years ago
Hi my love! When you have time could you write an fluffy & smutty imagine where the reader gets insecure & worries or compares themselves to Ashley? (Halsey) & Dom finds out & shows the reader how much they mean to him & how much he loves them daddy kink in there with the smut please & a lot of praise & saying "I'll take care of you pretty girl" 🥺
Word count:4.1k
TW?: mostly angst and fluff, but mentions of daddy kink and adult themes obviously its smut.
A/n: anything for you my lil nugget 🥺 Smut is at the bottom you horny cunts. I hope it was everything you wanted and more <33
You knew better. Unfortunately, you were self destructive and couldn't help yourself. It was 3AM and Dom was fast asleep beside you, and had been for hours. You, however, had chosen to watch a video before bed. It was titled “Yungblud being cute for 6 minutes straight.”, but of course one video turned to five or six more, until eventually you came along another video. This one was called “Halsey and yungblud cute moments.” and the cover photo was of them in onesies, one of Dom's arms wrapped around her and the other holding the camera. You could feel the pit begin to grow in your stomach. Glancing over at Dom to check he was still asleep, you pressed play on the video, flipping over so you were facing him, so that if he did wake up he wouldn’t see what was on the screen.
It was ridiculous, honestly. How could you be jealous of her when you were the one laying right next to him. It broke your heart the way he looked at her, you couldn’t help but wonder... is that how he looks at you? Why would he? She’s so beautiful, look at jawline, look at those eyes and her voice. Oh god... her voice, she's a musician. You loved music, but you had never been musically inclined and at best you could go hard on the triangle. But her, she understood it all, down to the tour life. When he was overwhelmed with work or couldn’t find a melody, she could help, when he didn’t know how to deal with all the attention, she could help. She was like the perfect mentor/ girlfriend combo. She connected with him in ways you would never be able to. She got it.
Your finger hovered over part 2 of the video, a moment of hesitation before pressing it. You tapped twice more to skip past the person's intro, wasting no time in getting to the painful stuff. 
One of the first clips was Halsey talking about the night they met. You knew it was unhealthy, but you couldn’t look away. She described it so beautifully, taking a moment to mention that of course she would because she's a writer and that's how she saw the world, her world was so beautiful. Dom deserved to live in her world. 
She went on to say that they had met up in a bar to chat, to which you remembered why. It wasn’t a coincidence, Dom liked her music. He looked up to her. Just another way you could never be who he needed. 
You couldn’t help it. He’d made the trade down of the century and everyone knew it. You paused the video momentarily, subduing the verbal attack on your ears and laying your phone down on your chest. Heavy breaths slid past your lips as you tried to calm yourself from a full blown breakdown.
 You glanced once more over at Dom, ensuring he was asleep before letting a single tear slip down your face. You used the blanket to wipe it away, basking in the shitty feeling you had created for yourself. You decided that was enough of that, shutting off your phone and plugging it up for the night. After laying there silently for a moment you scooted a bit away from Dom. 
You didn’t really feel like being held by him tonight.
The first thought in your head the next morning was of the events of last night, the same shitty feeling digging itself into the pit of your stomach.
“Fuck.” You sighed
“Sorry, I was borrowing one of Dom’s shirts. I didn’t mean to wake you.”  You turned your head to acknowledge the presence in the room. It was Tom, bent over and digging through a pile of Dom’s clothes.
“All good.” You murmured, flipping onto your stomach and burying your face in the pillow. It smelled like Dom.
Soon after you heard the door shut behind Tom as he left, your head lifting from the pillow. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t really feel like being around Dom today. You couldn’t get past the feeling that he was ultimately worse off with you, that he had settled for less.
You hated the way you felt, your face drooping back into the pillow in an attempt to hide and ended up dozing off, the late night pity marathon catching up with you.
About an hour later you were awoken to Dom’s lips on your forehead. Your eyes met momentarily as you blinked the sleep out of them, reaching upwards in a stretch.
“ ‘ello sleepy head.” Dom says, planting another kiss, this time to your nose. You roll over, replanting your face in the pillow once again, “Are you going back to sleep?” He asks
“Tired.” You mumble back, voice muffled by the pillow.
“It’s 1pm.” no response “How late did you stay up last night?” He asks, laying his head on the pillow next to yours. You shrugged.
“Are you feeling alright, love?” You shifted your head so that you were looking at him, cheek still pressed softly against your pillow “Are you feeling a bit sick? Is it cramps? I can make you a cup of tea and get you some pain killers.” He continued, offering to help you in any way he could. He just wanted to know what was wrong with you, so he could help you. He hated the idea of you up in bed all alone feeling ill. He considered skipping the studio today, he was already cutting it close on time.
“No, I feel fine. Just need a nap. I must’ve stayed up later than I realized, s’all.” You knew you needed to tell him. Every silent moment was filled with you trying to convince yourself to just say something to him. Just talk about it. Just let him in.
“Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll be out of the house at the studio, but Tom and Adam are here if you need them. I’ll tell them to be quiet so you can get some rest.” You smiled in response, your eyes closing as he rubbed his thumb lovingly against your cheek “Hey, I love you.” he says, your eyes opening as you mumbled back an I love you of your own, your lips meeting in a chaste kiss before he stood back up and slipped out the door.
As much as you would’ve loved to, you didn’t sleep at all after he left. Tom and Adam had made good on their promise to stay quiet, but it didn’t make much of a difference when that little voice in your head wouldn’t shut up. You opted for distracting yourself with your phone, scrolling through instagram and hoping the memes would brighten your mood. For the most part they did, acting as a simple distraction. 
Once you felt a bit better, you decided part of the reason you felt so bad today and last night was partially due to the fact that you hadn’t had anything to eat. You went to the kitchen to prepare yourself lunch, hearing Tom and Adam talking quietly in the other room.
While you were preparing your food you accidentally bumped into a stack of dirty dishes that had built up in the kitchen. You didn’t see what happened and when you turned to check nothing looked broken, but it was loud.
“Y/n?” Tom asks, tilting his head to get a better look into the kitchen.
“Hm?” You respond after a few moments of quiet deliberation. You weren’t exactly ready to be observed as awake, but you didn’t have any other choice, besides blaming it on an intruder who broke in with the intent of stealing the beloved orange tree outside, but when they arrived in the kitchen and were met with such a disgraceful mess decided they had no choice but to clean up after us. Of course, that might have stirred up a bit of a panic. They loved that orange tree, after all.
“Oh you’re finally up. Are you feeling alright? Dom said he thought you maybe came down with something.” Adam says
“I’m alright, thanks for asking. I’m just making myself lunch.”
“Come sit with us while you eat. We’re playing uno.” Tom invites. When you’re done making yourself food, you decide maybe it would be best to join them. It’s not good for your mental health to be stuffed up in your room pitying yourself all day.
You sat with your food in front of you, watching silently as they played.
“You wanna be dealt in the next round? It’s more fun with three players.” Tom offers, you give him a nod in response as your mouth is full of food. As you nod, Adam plays a red six, which ultimately leads to his demise as Tom then plays three red draw 2’s, stopping Adams hand as he goes to pick up and continuing to lay a red skip, then a yellow one, changes the color back to red and ends on his own red 3. You all laughed as Adam was absolutely massacred, almost choking on your lunch.
“There ain’t no coming back from that. Just tap out man.” You say through your laughter, reaching over to place a comforting hand on Adam. You all had small conversation as you finished your lunch, but soon you were done and the cards were passed out.
After a game or two, the round was paused as Adam stood up to get himself a glass of water, Tom and you shouting out your own drink orders from your place in the living room. By the time Adam was back at the table the running conversation had died down a bit. You began to think about why you’d been in bed all day, and the fact that Dom still attributed it to a small sickness. You felt the insecurity growing inside you once again, and you finally decided to talk about it.
“Did you guys like Ashley?” You ask, as inconspicuously as you could manage.  You watch as they glance at each other, taking a sip of your drink to occupy your mouth.
“Yeah, she was cool,” Tom says, Adam nodding in confirmation “Why?”
“Just curious, I guess. Did you guys ever hang out?” You tried to play it off as casual conversation, but you got the feeling they were picking up on the fact that there was something more under the surface.
“Not really. Not without Dom, even then it was rare. Who’s turn was it?” Tom continued, feeding into your curiosity while trying to maintain the card game.
“Yours, I think.” You paused for a moment, thinking of your next question “Do you think she was better for him than I am?” Your eyes met with Tom’s as the words left your mouth. He stayed silent for a moment and you couldn’t tell what the emotion on his face was. It felt weird, confiding in your boyfriend’s friends. Usually you could tell what your friends were thinking, or have an idea about what they might say, but you didn’t know these two like that.
“Like how?” He asked, nodding towards you to silently mention it was your turn.
“I dunno, they have the same career.” they let out a small laugh at that.
“She knows how to play a guitar so she loves him more?” Adam says
“Well, no, but…” you tried to remember what you were anxious about “she gets it. She knows what it's like to be on the road all the time and not see your family, she knows about the mental toll being in the public eye has and how to deal with it, she knows how to help if he’s nervous about performing.”
“What makes you assume that?” Tom asks
“She’s been doing it so long.”
“Well, yeah, but knowing how to do that isn’t a part of the job description. It’s less about knowing how to be famous and more about knowing the person you’re with. If it was about that, most people in Dom’s life don't get it. But we get Dom, and that’s what he cares about. You get him, so you have nothing to worry about.” Tom says softly. He made a surprisingly good therapist. 
You nodded, picking up 4 cards and sorting through them in your hand.
“But that doesn't mean you get to hide in your room cause you’re insecure. Just cause we’re talking about it doesn’t mean you don’t still need to tell him.” Tom continues, his chin resting in his hand as he looks at you.
“Yeah, of course.” You agree
You could hear Dom the second he walked in the house, engaging in a small conversation with the boys before making his way up the stairs. You heard his footsteps trail down the hallway and eventually meet your bedroom door, your eyes closing as you listened to it creak open.
“Love? Are you up?” Dom whispered, shutting the door softly behind him. You remained silent, trying to regulate your breathing like that of someone who’s asleep. He sighed, which made your heart crumple a bit. You wondered if you should respond, he might’ve had a hard day, but the nerves took over and you remained silent. 
“You’re still sleeping?” He asked, partially to himself, before exiting the room once more. You could hear him talking with Tom from outside the door.
“Has Y/N been asleep all day?”
“Uh, no. She came out and ate lunch and played uno with us around 2. Is she asleep now?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
You planned on talking it out with him, and up until he walked into the house you were, but you were suddenly overcome with intense nerves and all you wanted to do was hide.  You figured you would get a good night's rest and talk it out with him in the morning, that way if it went badly he would be out for most of the day at the studio and you wouldn’t have to sit in awkward silence as you tried to sleep.
He entered the room once again, stripping himself of his clothes as he preferred to sleep half naked, before joining you in bed. You felt his arms wrap around you, pulling you into him and wrapping you both in the blankets. Flipping over to face him, you nuzzled closer into his arms.
“Y/N?” He asks again, shifting to see if you’re awake. You hum in response this time, curious as to what he might have to say.
“Are you feeling better?” He asks, his hand returning to your cheek as it was this morning. You nod, letting out a small, genuine yawn as you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
“How was your day?” You ask, shifting the conversation. 
“It was good. We finally got that song done, I think i’m gonna play with it a bit more tomorrow though. It’s good but I think it could be better.”
“You always think it can be better.”
“It always can.” He states simply, making you smile. You loved that about him, his pure determination and dedication to his craft. It can always be better.
“How was your day? Tom said you guys played a bit of uno, who won?”
“It was alright. Yeah, him and Adam were playing when I came down so I decided to join them. I think overall it was probably Tom though, I think he was cheating.” Dom laughed a little at the claim, brushing his fingers through your mess of a hair.
“So...” You began, needing to get a word out so you wouldn’t bail on talking about this. God, you hated confrontation. Especially when it was about something you were feeling. 
Dom hummed in response, the gentle reminder to continue breaking you out of your thoughts.
“I wasn’t sick today.”
“No?” He encouraged
“No. I was a bit tired though. But, that wasn’t the problem. I was watching youtube last night and I came across a video someone made. It was, like, a compilation of cute moments or whatever so I watched it cause it was cute. Then I watched another, and a few more, and eventually I came across a video that was called ‘Halsey and YUNGBLUD being soulmates for 3 minutes’... and I watched it.” He lets out a small, quiet snort, not entirely catching onto  the vibe of the conversation.
“Jeez, how do they come up with this shit.” He remarked lovingly
“Heh, yeah. It’s just… I watched it and I saw the way you talked about and looked at her… It just got me thinking, yenno?”
“I don’t. What’d it get you thinkin’ about, beautiful?”
“I just felt like maybe you regretted being with me. Maybe you’re still bummed that you guys broke up and you ended up with me. Like maybe you still miss her.” You admit. It’s silent for a moment as he takes it all in, you almost expect him to confirm your suspicions.
“I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I made you feel like that.” He took a moment to think carefully about his next words “I know it must be hard to hear me talk about someone else like that, you can’t really escape my past relationships because of who I am. I honestly never thought of that. I love you, okay? Not anybody else. Obviously she and I had something, but it’s completely in the past and I don’t regret a thing because it led me to you, and I love you so much. You’re my fookin soulmate, I mean it. I’m not gonna let that slip out of your head ever again.” He said, punctuating it with a passionate kiss.
You expected the kiss to end rather quickly, but it didn’t. It kept going, building in intensity as you scooted closer to one another. 
“I love you.” You whisper, breaking the kiss momentarily
“I love you so much, pretty girl” He responds, his hand coming up to hold your jaw.
“Hmm, show me.” You whisper, pulling him closer. His hand slides down your side and onto your thigh as your lips meet again, taking your bottom lip between his teeth and pulling away lightly before indulging in the kiss once again.
Dom’s hands didn’t stay in one place for long, moving about your body as you made out, pausing his actions for a moment to take your shirt off, placing a kiss to each of your breasts before moving his lips up to your neck, leaving little marks for you to find in the morning. A chill ran down your back as he bit down on your ear, his hands massaging your breasts before reaching behind you and unbuckling your bra, throwing it off to the side and shifting his attention to your nipple. Taking it into his mouth, he presses his tongue flat against it as you lie down to give him a better angle.
His tongue flicking against your nipple while his hand plays with your other nipple. He swapped between which he used his mouth on and which he used his hand, making sure to give them both equal attention,  your hands tangling themself into his hair while he did so. When he was satisfied he pulled away, causing you to let out a small whimper as you felt his lips leave you, making their way down your stomach in a series of wet, open mouthed kisses.
When he made it to your underwear he licked a single stripe, taking his his sweet, sweet time. First, kissing his way up one thigh, then back down and ghosting his lips over the area you needed him both, taking a moment to inhale your scent before kissing his way back up the other leg, and right back down. 
“Please.” You whine
“Shh, I’m gonna take care of you, pretty girl.” He hushed, pulling your panties down your legs and glancing up at you as he did so, mimicking your pout before placing a chaste kiss on your clit. You leant your head back, closing your eyes as you waited patiently for him to begin. 
He started off slowly, licking up your slit as he took his time with you. Dom loved to use his tongue anytime he could, you loved it too. When he ate you out, it wasn’t just tongue, he made sure to pay attention to your clit and use his fingers when needed but on nights like tonight, where he really wanted to drive you crazy, he made sure to use a lot of tongue.
“You taste so good, pretty girl.” He whispers, his breath fanning against you, his hands wrapped around your thighs as he lost himself in you, holding you like if he didn’t you would take his meal away. You tried your best to suppress the moans he was pulling out of you, knowing Adam and Tom were just rooms away. The way he was working you left you wishing you had come to him with this sooner. Your hips came up to meet his actions, your hand placed firmly on the back of his head, pushing him as far into you as he could go, eager to meet your release. 
“That’s it, pretty girl, ride daddy’s face. Let daddy show you how much you mean to him.” He hums, taking a moment to catch his breath. You do as you’re told, the request putting you in anything but a bratty mood. You let out a small moan as he continues his actions, your hips setting the pace.
Once again, it started off slow, until you began to work yourself up. Your hand reached down, tangling itself in his hair once again, tugging as you tried to push yourself further down, your hips speeding up while you bite your tongue to keep down the moans that clawed their way up your throat.
You could feel the pressure building up in your stomach, squeaking out to Dom that you were gonna cum before releasing on his tongue. He let you remain there for a minute, riding out your high while he massaged and kissed your thighs. When you had fully come down you move yourself off his face, making your way down to his bulge where you began to unbutton his pants. His hand quickly came down to stop you.
“Tonight’s supposed to be about you.”
“I wanna make you feel good too.” You say, giving him a small pout. He stops to think for a moment before taking off his pants pulling you over him, giving himself a few painfully slow strokes before slipping himself inside of you. Your hips rocked carefully against him, still sensitive from your last orgasm. His hands continued to massage your hips as you found your pace, finding it harder and harder to remain silent.
“You’re so beautiful, pretty girl. Daddy loves to watch you bounce on his cock.” Dom growls, his hips coming up to meet yours, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room, you give up on holding back your moans at this point as it’s already very obvious to anyone in the house what's happening upstairs. 
The bed was creaking, your skin  slapping together as he thrust into you, unable to cease the  loud moans falling past your lips. Your legs began to shake as you approached your second release. Dom pulls you close, holding you, the gentle gesture in sharp contrast with the way he’s pounding away at you.
“Please can I cum.” You whimper
“One moment,” he interrupted himself with a groan “I wanna cum with ya, love.”
You held on as best you could, melting into his grasp as he worked towards finishing himself off. Soon after he growled a barely audible “Cum.” signifying his release. You moaned against each other, Dom pulling you closer as close wasn’t close enough. He maintained his actions, riding through your orgasm with one hand in your hair and the other lovingly stroking your thigh.
“Daddy’s got you babygirl.” He whispers into your ear, hushing you as you come down from your high.
When you finally felt well enough to sit up, your muscles hurt from the strain so you and Dom decided to have a bath.
He got up to run the bath water just the way you liked it and insisted on carrying you there, because ‘You’re hurtin’ so you can’t walk.’
You didn’t mind, though, laying your head on his shoulder as he carried you princess style into the bathroom. Luckily, the boys were in their rooms with the doors closed, presumably to suppress some of the noise.
The warm watered soothed your aching as you sat with Dom behind you, his wet hands stroking your arms with his head buried in your neck while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
After that night, you didn’t think you’d ever question your relationship with Dom again.
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heyheydidjaknow · 4 years ago
Hiya! I have a request for an x reader songfic. Snap out of it by the Arctic monkeys gives me so many 2012 Donnie vibes. Maybe one where the reader is in love with Donnie but he likes April and the reader wants Donnie to, you know, "snap out of it" and notice that maybe April isn't the best person towards him. It can end in unrequited love or with a happy ending, that's for you to decide but I just really want to see this concept. Thanks! :>
(feel free to ignore this request if you want 👁️👁️)
Oh, I’m not about to turn away a chance to be pushed out into foreign territory. I admittedly hadn’t known what a songfic was until wikipedia and @kunimikat saved my ass, so this was fun-- and a bit scary-- to write. I hope you like it, even if it might not have been exactly what you were expecting.
April was your friend. She had been for a while, now, since she had moved to NYC. The two of you had come even closer after her kidnapping and initiation into the “Hamato Clusterfuck” as you had affectionately called it at first—you had wisely made a conscious effort to only get involved with them as far as you could throw them, sticking solidly to offering emotional support and half-decent food. At the beginning, you had, on multiple occasions, even begged her to stay out of it, trying to reason with her that getting herself killed by a psychotic armored man with an axe to grind for the crime of hanging out with four teenage shut-ins was an incredibly bad idea. When your logical arguments fell on deaf ears—her owing them apparently being her ball and chain—you had designated yourself as her supervisor to make sure she did not do something overly impulsive. She was reckless, overly trusting, immature, but you loved her like a sister. You balanced each other out.
One of the benefits of knowing someone for so long is that you learn things about them that they do not know about themselves. In April’s case, it had been that she was terrible at making up her mind
 What's been happenin' in your world?
You had borne witness to the love triangle transpiring between Donatello Hamato, Casey Jones and her for the better part of a year now. You were relieved that the two boys had backed off each other’s throats somewhat over the period, but it was as infuriating as it was fascinating to watch them fight over her like a chew toy. Of course, April had her preference between the two, favoring the hockey player mainly for his general normalcy, which was a decision you could approve of, but she had hesitated until recently to make that obvious to the other point because, in her words, “The last thing I want is to deal with is all of that awkwardness.” You could hardly blame her for her hesitation, but you thought it almost cruel not to make her feelings apparent to her lovestruck puppy.
 What have you been up to?
Donnie was the most tolerable of the five, the most normal in your opinion. He was an infatuated, insecure teenage boy with more an affinity towards machines and, best of all, seemed concerned for your friend, all things that you could get on board with. In your opinion, overbearingness is preferable to negligence in this case, and you were just happy that someone physically capable had her back. As such, when you were stuck at the lair for hours waiting for her lessons with Splinter to be over—you were her ride—you found yourself spending the most time around him, and as time went on, you started going out of your way to do so.
Seeing as April and Casey were your only other friends, it was natural you would get romantically attached. They—a couple by high school standards—approved of your crush, and all you told your guardian(s) was that they were smart, fit, and financially responsible, so they asked few questions.
You knew, logically, this was not a competition and that April had little interest in him.
But something about the way he gazed at her made you burn green with envy.
 I heard that you fell in love, or near enough.
His eyes were just so… wistfully longing. He watched as the redhead and her boyfriend played against Michelangelo and Raphael in a game of charades. His expression was just so soft, lips pursing and popping silently as he grieved from his seat in his lab.
It had been a downhill spiral on your end from there, and as your own attachment grew for him, his own depression worsened. Your eyes drifted from your friend as you tried to make him see that, no, the world was not ending because his first crush did not like him back. You would make subtle comments about how happy his brothers were, how happy she and Casey were together, how smart he was and how many people would die for a kind, loving, smart guy to come around and sweep them off their feet. This, again, fell on deaf ears; he would always comment on how, if he were such a catch, April would not have chosen Casey, like It is his fault for her having more of a taste in cocky, fun-loving guys than intelligent ones. Half of it was probably your lack of experience in subtlety, but no matter what you would try to say, whenever romance came up in conversation, his words turned sharp and bitter.
On that day, you just cracked.
 I gotta tell you the truth.
You walked over to the lab door, closing it in a single fluid motion. ‘I’m better at being blunt, anyways.’
He blinked; his trance was interrupted by the small slam.
“She’s not into you.”
You crossed the room and placed your hand on the desk, expression stern and stone cold. “April,” you repeat. “She’s not interested.”
He did not meet your gaze. “You don’t know that.”
“I do, actually.” You leaned down to look him in the eye. “You aren’t her type. You’re supposed to be smart.” You placed the other on the back of his chair, arms cagging him in, almost. “ She has a boyfriend,” you continued, softer. “You know that, right?”
“I do.” He tapped the side of his thumb against the table absently, throat tight. “But what else do you suppose I do? Submit to the fact that I’ll be alone forever?” He looked up at you. “I know this may be hard for you to believe,” he continued, easily slipping out from under your arms, “but I don’t exactly have a ton of options. She’s the only person who’s ever looked at me like that; how am I supposed to move on from the only person who’s ever even given me a chance?”
 I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby.
 You rolled your eyes, turning to watch him as he crossed to the other side of the room. “That is some blatant bullshit,” you glared curtly.
“Is it, though?” His back was to you as he crouched down in front of his centrifuge, fiddling with it. “As someone who’s never—”
“So help me, if you go off about me not understanding being rejected and feeling like they’d die alone, I’ll rip your tongue out.” You stood back up properly.
“What would you know about it?” He followed suit, eyes locking on yours. “You have other people to choose from.”
“And you don’t?” You crossed your arms, smiling incredulously. “How do we differ, exactly?”
“Besides the obvious?”
You scoffed. “You’ve seen your brothers. Never stopped them.”
“And I’m happy for them, that they’re so charismatic as to be able to find partners so easily.” You could taste the bitterness in his words. “But I’m not them, in case you didn’t notice. That girl out there?” He pointed to the door. “She’s the first and only person in the universe who’s ever given me a second glance.”
“So you’re just fucking blind, now?” You heard your voice rise without your input.
“What’re you talking about?” His voice grew with yours.
“You’re lovesick,” you spat. “Snap out of it.”
 Snap out of it.
You ran your fingers through your hair. “Or maybe you’re just dense.” You felt a laugh rise in your throat. “I mean,” you gestured, “clearly picking up on verbal subtext isn’t your forte.”
You gave him five seconds. “What,” you continued, rubbing your face with your hands, “Are you—” You stopped. “You are, aren’t you?”
You took a slow breath, hearing your heartbeat in your ears. “Let me put it in simple, plain English for you.”
 I get the feelin' I left it too late, but baby—
 “As her friend? You’re a fucking creep.” You crossed your arms across your chest. “Following her the way you did—wait your turn—” A finger interrupted his defense. “Following her the way you did? Objectively creepy. Staring at her all the time? Also fucking creepy.” You felt your nails dig into your skin. “Any person would call it as it is.”
He opened his mouth again to argue. You did not interrupt him this time, but he did not argue, the silence falling like a weighted blanket over the two of you.
“As your friend,” you continued, voice lowered, “as someone who cares about you, I know April, and she can’t give you what you want. It’s not her; she needs to be free, and I love her, but you’re looking for something that’s just not there.” Your voice was certain. “You’re looking for someone to spend your life with. I’m right, aren’t I?”
 Snap out of it.
 He was still for a moment, looking off into the ether. He nodded, face melancholy.
You walked over, resting a hand on his shoulder tentatively. “I’m not saying it’s stupid of you to not be over her. Again, I love her to bits, so I see the appeal.” You broke eye contact, trying to articulate exactly what you meant. “But I’m worried,” you explained slowly, “you’re only hung up on her because you’re scared of being alone. That’s not fair to her or yourself.”
“Do you know that?”
“No,” you admitted easily, “but you and I are the same way, and trust me, I’ve been around the heartbreak block.” You smiled, trying to relieve the tension.
That earned a chuckle. A small one, but a chuckle none the less.
You reached up, cupping his cheek in your hand. “There are seven billion people on this planet. Any one of them—myself included—would be lucky to have a life with you.”
 If that watch don’t continue to swing—
 A pause.
“Do you honestly believe that?”
You nodded, your thumb running along the line of his eye socket. “I do.”
 —or the fat lady fancies havin' a sing—
 You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his cheek gently.
 —I'll be here, waitin' ever so patiently—
 “Y/N!” You pulled back as you heard April calling your name. “We need a moderator!”
You started back towards the door, waving gently. “I wish you good tidings, Donatello.” You smiled quietly, serenity itself standing in the doorway. “May whoever is fortunate enough to call you their own bring you happiness. You deserve it.” You slipped out of his lab, running over to break them up.
Donatello rested his fingers on where your mouth had lit his skin. He felt a bittersweet smile fade onto his face.
—for you to snap out of it.
And that was when it began.
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pluviophile-bookworm · 4 years ago
HSMTMTS 2x11: Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents... the reason for my next mental breakdown
I can't believe myself, honestly. Oversleeping on the one day of the week that I've got something exciting to wake up for? Oh well, I'm up now and I'd better go ahead and do this before my dashboard has showered me with spoilers. I mean, I have never really minded spoilers, but when it comes to this, somehow I do. Though I do wish something had forewarned me about last week's snap ending (get it, 'snap'... I'll see myself out). I'd better dive in already.
Yes, Mr Mazzara, that's what I've been saying for a while! Ok, maybe I haven't been very vocal about it, but it was in the foreground of my mind that they should have asked for Mr Mazzara's help re: transformation! I'm just glad he pointed it out. Not that he could have done much while he was busy playing therapist for his beloved Miss Jenn. Oh well.
Were those Ash and Ricky doing actual paired-up warmups? That is what they should have been doing for weeks now. That and having actual off-stage interactions, too. But I still subscribe to the theory that the gang had some good rehearsals off-screen — otherwise there's no way they could have been this good on stage as we saw in the previews. I said it last time and I'll say it again — not everything is for us to see.
Wow. The one time our leads are in unison, and it is about both being injured. The East High drama club must be cursed — they can't have one production run smoothly and without what can only be described as pure unbridled chaos.
They don't have any understudies? That explains some things... but also how? But also, I'm so happy Ashlyn is going on. No way she would have missed her first (first of many, right?) chance of being the lead because of some 'minor' injury.
Ricky and Nini still can't talk to each other properly. Oh well. Take your time. It's not like I care about this pairing anymore.
Did EJ just use the word 'dig'? Boy, the boy's got it baaaaaad. Also, what is it going to take for these two to realise they're in love? For all we know, they might have that big kiss we're all dreaming of and still be like 'nah, it's nothing, we're buddies'... give me a break! But I mean, at this point they might just be turning into Redlyn 2.0, where even a kiss doesn't define things. But hey, if they do follow in Redlyn's footsteps, that only means good things in their future, right?
What did that fake French git do to my boy Carlos? He's not supposed to look this inanimate until right before the climax of the play! Well, I mean, at least Seb serving as his interpreter means that Seb gets more lines for a bit. Too bad he can't go on for someone with more lines in the play.
Miss Jenn's 'words of inspiration' were less than inspired... yeah, this show's going down. Or it would, if it depended solely on her. Let's hope the kids do better. I mean, I know for a fact they will... at least for about 5 minutes of the thing. There is still room for things to go wrong and I'm scared.
Oh, my sweet boy... I wish I could jump in there and do something to help him feel less nervous. Thing is, if I were there, I'd probably be the most nervous of them all, even if I were playing Townsfolk #3 or something, and everyone's nervousness would rub off on me, and I would be making things worse instead of helping. So yeah, I'm kind of glad I'm not there.
Ahhhh who called it? @redlyncentral was it you? Ash got flowers for her Biggie! And there's a card whose contents we've yet to see. But that doesn't seem to be helping either. My sweet, sweet Reddy... I hope and pray he'll be alright.
Well this is awkward! Who told Mike to show up and shake everything up right now? Miss Jenn is literally on the brink of exploding, and now she's stuck in this completely unnecessary love triangle. She needs some space. And a quiet place to breathe, thanks Mr M for suggesting it.
'Did we forget to build a mote around the school or...' Yeah, you tell her, Rick! That girl whose name I never want to pronounce (because it makes me think of much nicer people and she's making me hate it) has no business being there. She's not... being given a redemption arc, is she now? Some people just don't deserve it. And if hating her is an unpopular opinion now, well, I never did care much about having popular opinions. I can live with that.
'Lily, scram!' Yes, thank you, Natalie! I've always wanted someone who would voice my thoughts in a way that the characters can hear them. Make this girl a main next season, won't you? (Just so we're crystal clear, I mean Natalie, not the other one.)
OMG Mr M is in the play! In a way... I love that!
I love, love, love the way they did the prologue. 'Repulsed [the prince makes an over-the-top gesture of repulsion] by her haggard appearance [the witch shows off her face to the audience]...' I love this. I would pay a lot for a chance to see their entire play, you know?
Oh dear, somebody give my boy Reddy some sort of... medical aid against all the throwing up! I've got a nice pill that helps me with my bad cases of motion sickness. Hey, so maybe I could have helped if I were there after all. Great, now I feel bad. But also, is all the throwing up an excuse on the writers' part to keep my boy off-screen for the majority of this episode? Because it's a really lame excuse.
Gina's 'Many questions' continues to be a mood. What exactly is Miss Jenn expecting from the kids? Last-minute adjustments? No way. This spells disaster.
Was Carlos on vocal rest or something? Because he shines like the star he is... despite all the very obvious nervousness backstage. I mean, I wouldn't have it any other way, but... oh well, I wouldn't say it's unrealistic. In my personal performing experience, the most nervous ones perform the best. (So... what is that saying for my boy Reddy? Good things only.)
I've already had the opportunity to geek out about Be Our Guest yesterday, but... I mean, just look at them! Carlos doesn't need actual candles to be on fire, Ashlyn is stealing the scene without any lines in it, Gina is absolutely gorgeous, and don't even get me started on EJ and Big Red looking at their girls in absolute awe! This is everything!
Aww, look at them! Gina and Ashlyn dancing together, I mean. They're sisters and it really shows. And I love them both so much.
Kourtney is an absolute show-stealer! I'm still upset about some casting choices (one of them is in this scene, doing his absolute best with the crumbs he has been given), but she is absolutely perfect. I think I'll rewind and watch this entire scene again before moving on with the rest of the episode.
I'd just like to point out that Frankie's voice in his lower register is everything!
'You absolutely dusted that stage'... Not EJ making a pun so punny even I could not have thought of it... boy is absolutely smitten!
Not me tearing up when Jordan Fisher appeared as Gina's brother... like, I knew it was happening — I knew it even before it was announced. And I still teared up because, well, it's emotional in-universe and out.
Awww, my boy Reddy is so in love with Ashlyn... I mean, who wouldn't be... but — not Ricky saying Lily might not be as mean as they thought. Especially not to Big Red of all people. To him, she was just as mean as they thought.
'Side hustle project in the south hallway'? Ooh, what is it, I want to know now!
Why do I feel like things are a bit too awkward between Kourtney and Howie? Not that I'm too invested in their relationship, but if it bothered me, imagine how it must feel for the stans.
No, Ash, you absolutely do not need to add any fancy riffs to the song! Especially not just because L... well, that girl did it. You're unique and lovely and a literal Disney princess inside and out. That girl? She's just a wolf in a sparkling golden dress.
Awww... Big Red literally lowers Ash's blood pressure! Those two are such an amazing couple! (Full disclosure, though, he kind of does the same for me too; the other night I had this horrible nightmare, and I woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, and then... ok, getting too personal there.) The point is, if even the fantasy of a Big Red hug makes me feel better, imagine what his actual presence would do for Ash at that moment. Where is my boy? Everyone seems to be looking for him.
Oh... guess they took my advice to give the poor boy something for his vomiting issue. Good for whoever thought of it.
And we're back to the Porter siblings... forgive me if I still can't wrap my head around calling Gina's brother Jamie. I don't know about you guys, but thanks to my lovely new friend Paz he will always be Theodore to me. I guess we can headcanon that as his middle name. Anyway, I love it that they made a joke about the hilarious height difference between him and Gina because, well, it's the only thing I can think about when I look at the two of them. It reminds me of me and my little cousin who has been taller than me since she was 10, and is still growing taller now at 13. But, I mean, it's not very hard to be taller than me, since I'm so, so short... ok, this is not about me. Moving on.
Was I the only one who actually laughed out loud at Ricky drinking from the bowl as the Beast? I mean, that part has always made me laugh in the original movie, but something about Ricky's take on it makes it even funnier.
Meanwhile, my girl Ash is absolutely killing it as Belle. Not me having the very same expression as Big Red while watching her... gosh, I love both of them so much! Also, no offence to the rest of the cast, but Julia really is the best vocalist out there. Out of all of them. I said what I said.
My apologies to Ricky, but his voice is just not it when it comes to playing the Beast. Still, with the other option being him putting on that fake deep voice from the audition, I'm glad he didn't.
Ahhhh Portwell nation you ok guys? Since we didn't get them singing Something There, this is very much the next best thing... and boy, is it good!
Those glances between Kourtney and Howie, on the other hand... what on Earth is happening there?
Ok, so you all know just how strongly I feel about Seb's casting as Chip, and yet... boy had one line and absolutely ate it up! Give him an actual singing role next time, Miss Jenn!
EJ being starstruck by Jamie not because he's a big music producer, but because he's Gina's brother... excuse me while I sob!
Excuse me, what!!!! 'A big brother figure'? Boy, this didn't turn out the way I thought it would... now I'm scared.
Way to ruin things, Jamie! And I don't even mean the fact that his name is not Theodore. It doesn't matter what his name is anymore. He might just have put a spanner in the works of Portwell, and they were just doing so well! Ugh, I'm so frustrated. I wish I'd never boarded — what did I call it — 'the majestic S.S. Portwell'. What if it doesn't set sail now?
And there goes another disappointment... Carlos' 'the orchestra hasn't vamped this much since Bop to the Top' line had nothing to do with Seblos, and everything to do with what might still be the downfall of this show. I am not ready.
No. Miss Jenn did not just say that. She did not just tell Ricky — who, may I remind you, not that anyone's forgotten, just fell off of a high place last episode — to 'jump off of something high'. I realise she's under all the pressure, but that is not an excuse. Well, at least she heard herself.
Oh my gods... Nini — well, Nina, actually — did not just call him 'Richard', did she? That's it, that's the point of no return. And well, I kind of wanted them to reach it.
Told you, didn't I? I told you that-girl-who-must-not-be-named was evil! I always follow my intuition and it has not once deceived me. Redeem that, if you can! Guess what? You can't. We've just reached another point of no return.
Wait, a bloody cliffhanger? I cannot handle this. I physically cannot handle this. If you need me, I'll be sitting on my bed in shock, trying to process everything that happened. I'll need a while to get a grip on myself.
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nadisabug · 4 years ago
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x fem! reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: cursing, hurt no comfort
Word Count: 1.5 k
Summary: You and Tooru have been friends for a long time. Too bad you want more than that, and too bad that you never will be. 
A/N: so this is based off of one of my favorite love songs of all time Bizzare Love Triangle (YT link for non spootify folk) and I felt like it fit so well for Oikawa I just ✊😔 love him. thinking about a part 2 lmk what yall think 
Also thank you so much to @snoozless for beta-ing!! Go check her out!!!!!!
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Haikyuu Masterlist // Love Song Event Masterlist
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“What’s got you down, shittykawa?” Hajime finally asks. “You’re being more annoying than usual.” 
“She broke up with me,” Tooru answered. 
“Oh,” Hajime eloquently responded. “That’s rough, buddy.”
“Yeah,” Tooru sighed. “I really liked her...” he added on softly. It looked like he really meant it too. He quickly shook his head and smiled at Hajime. “Nevermind that though, you want to have a post-break-up hangout?”
Hajime scrunched up his nose. “No.”
“Awww, come on Hajime, I am hurting,” Tooru whined. 
“I’ve got homework.”
Tooru deflated before lighting up with a sudden realization. “What about Y/n? She brought the greatest junk food last time!” He quickly pulled out his phone to text you. 
Hajime frowned. “Watch what you eat, we have practice tomorrow.” He paused hesitantly. “On second thought, why don’t I hang out with you instead?”
Tooru waved his hand. “No, you’re a buzzkill. Plus, you’ve got homework, remember?
Everytime I see you falling / I get down on my knees and pray / I’m waiting for that final moment / You say the words I can’t say
You frown when you look at your phone. You had just gotten out of the shower; you didn’t have time before school so you decided to take one after. You had heard the chime while you were playing music in the shower, but you didn’t expect what you got. 
You opened Hajime’s first, since he had only sent you one message. It was just one word. Sorry. You were confused until you finally opened Tooru’s messages. There were three in total. 
Hey, my girlfriend broke up with me ( ≧Д≦)
Come comfort me? σ(≧ε≦o)
Bring snacks like last time( 人・ω・) ?
You threw your phone onto your bed and dug the heels of your hands into your eyes. Could you do this again? You weren’t sure you could. Not with the heart-shattering crush you have had on this boy. Maybe if you were a normal friend, a good friend, you could. But you weren’t. You were a horrible friend. A horrible, terrible person that loved her friend. 
And that’s all you were. A friend. 
So no, you couldn’t do it. 
You were about to text him that you were busy when a text message came in from him. It was just one word. It was just one fucking word, but it nearly had you in tears when you read it. 
Yeah, you were a horrible friend. 
You grabbed your jacket and your purse, getting ready to go. You texted your family that you were going to your friend’s house and left. 
It was just one word. 
You stopped at a convenience store on your way to his house. You grabbed all of his favorites, and some of your own. You were going to need them to get through this. 
You knew the way to his house well. Your parents were coworkers, and most of all friends. They had many dinners at both your house and his house, pushing you guys to become close friends. You went through a rough spot in middle school where you couldn’t stand his arrogant ass, but as time passed you grew to love him more than you had anyone before. 
But that’s neither here nor there. 
The point is that you felt like you understood him. At least you thought you did. 
When you got to his house, you could hear the music playing from the sidewalk. Loud, screeching singing accompanied it. 
“No, I don’t want no scrub. A scrub is a guy who can’t get no love from me-”
You stormed up to the door and threw it open, knowing he wouldn’t lock if you were on the way. 
“Tooru Oikawa you turn that shit down,” you yelled. “Are you trying to get a noise complaint?”
His only response was a gleeful, “Y/n!” And to rush at you and pick you up in his arms. He spun you around and for a second, just for a second, you relaxed into his hold and soaked in his presence. 
You were a horrible friend. 
You shook yourself out of it and started trying to wiggle out of his grip. 
“Oikawa, put me down!” 
“Not until you say my name,” he responded, caging you in more. 
“Fine,” you relented quickly, the smell of his cologne starting a buzz in your head. “Tooru. Now put me-”
“Oh! What did you bring me?” Tooru grinned and snatched up the bags you were holding. You sighed and watched as he scampered down into his domain, the basement. 
You quickly located the origin of the noise, a waterproof speaker sitting on the kitchen counter, and shut it off. Leaving it there, you locked the door and joined Tooru in his room. 
His room was more of a den, a spacious area that represented everything that was him. There were the expected  music posters and family pictures, but what dominated the room was volleyball. He had trophies on shelves, jerseys hung up, pictures of himself midair- the whole yard. 
His room didn’t feel cluttered or messy, just full. His bed was a full size mattress on the floor with no bed frame with a light blue set covers pulled taught over it. He had a two person, suede couch in the middle of the room facing the TV against the wall. His closet was a clothes rack neatly placed in one corner with jerseys, jackets, and shirts hanging from it. He had a dresser and a nightstand, a few other odds and ends; it was a basic room. But to you, it was more than that. He rarely let people down here, the only ones who you knew of (besides family) that had been down here were Hajime and yourself. It was a sign of vulnerability and trust for him to so freely let you into his room. 
Or maybe you were an idiot and reading too much into it. 
Either way you loved being in his room. It absolutely reeked of his cologne, but you couldn't think of a better smell. 
Tooru was on the couch already digging into the milk bread you had bought. 
“This break-up wasn’t Driver’s Licence worthy?” You commented. You walked over to the couch and picked up his gangly legs and sat down, placing them back on your lap. 
“As if,” Tooru scoffed with a full mouth. He swallowed, and then took another bite so that he could talk with his mouth full. He knew that you hated that, so he made sure to do it. “I only played it last time because she was a good kisser and the song is an actual fucking bop.” 
The thought of Tooru kissing other girls ran through your mind. You felt a familiar pang in your chest, but did your best to ignore it. You worked even harder not to think about how good of a kisser Tooru would be. (Definitely amazing)
“So your back-up is No Scrubs?” You scoffed. You leaned over and grabbed one of your favorite snacks and began to dig in. 
Tooru picked up the remote and switched on the TV. “Yeah, felt like it matched the mood.”
“Are you not even upset in the slightest?”
“Of course I am!” He shouted in mock offense. “I may need comfort,” he held out his hands in a grabby motion. 
You rolled your eyes and complied, scooting closer to him. He took that inch and forced a mile from you by pulling you all the way into his lap. He placed you so that you were laying on your side against him, your legs intertwined with his. 
“Oikawa!” You huffed and tried to sit up. Your heart was beating too fast and too loud and you prayed he couldn’t hear it. 
“No!” He cried. “I need cuddles to heal!” 
“I don’t give a shit about you healing-”
“Yes, you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here,” Tooru cut you off. 
You didn’t have a response to that. 
So you let him hold you and relaxed into his chest. Tooru flipped through a couple channels before he picked a movie. Surprisingly, it was one of your favorites. 
“Why don’t we watch something you like,” you protested. 
“I do like this show. Now sh, it's starting.”
You lied there and began to slip into a daydream. One where Tooru wasn’t platonically holding you, but really doing it because secretly he loved you. Where you still went to his games, but you were the one wearing his jersey. Where you lean up and kiss him on the jaw just because you can-
You looked up and saw tears staining Tooru’s cheeks. 
Yeah, you were a horrible person that loved her friend.
But at least you weren’t the reason for his tears. 
And in that moment, you resolved that you never would be. Even if it meant never telling him. 
Besides, you could wait. You could do anything if it was for him.
So you did.
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arabian-bloodstream · 4 years ago
Why in Angela Kang I Trust
Maybe because I've been bruised and battered by showrunners and exec producers when it comes to couples and have also been rewarded (very, very, VERY rarely -- OK, like once), that is why I'm feeling positive about Caryl with regards to the spoilers.
Lemme give a bit of my history.  I've had sooooo many couples, it's not even funny. I'm beyond a couple-girl.  I've been involved in Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Vampire Diaries, Veronica Mars, The 100, Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandoms (and many more). Yeah, so I've been through some ups and downs in the fandoms themselves and with the end result of the product/my couple preference.
Two of the things that these fandoms taught me were (a) critical analysis of the product taking *everything* into account and not just my couple, and (b) how to deal with spoilers to keep myself sane.
NOTE: This is how I deal. I'm not telling anyone else how to feel or deal. This is my bag and what works for me and why I'm personally totally, 100% positive about Caryl despite the recent spoilers.
In one of my fandoms, I was heartbroken by how an episode played out. It made no sense to me. I had analyzed everything, paid attention to all the road signs... how could I have been so wrong? How could she choose the other guy??! It took a few weeks, but I re-thought everything and realized that I had been so focused on analyzing MY couple that I had ignored the OTHER couple. I had ignored the other aspects of the show and that other aspect mattered. It was like a bomb went off in my head. Suddenly something so obvious was now so clear to me.  
From that moment on when I analyzed the show, I analyzed every character, every aspect of it and I gotta tell you all I just about nailed every character plot point. Not the twists/turns, but the emotional, character beats? I was right as rain on those. Because here's the obvious thing, no showrunner/headwriter is ever going to write for ONE character, ONE couple. They are going to write for every single character, every single couple.  And if they are good writers they aren't going to take fanfic-like shortcuts to get them where we would like them to be, they are going to dig deep and explore who they are as characters to bring them organically to where they belong.
So... The Walking Dead. Angela Kang. Daryl Dixon. Carol Peletier. Caryl. (FINALLY! Ya'll say.) Angela Kang is a GOOD showrunner/headwriter. She brought TWD back from the disaster that Scott Gimple had made of the show. Seriously, I think 3-4 seasons went by and only 2 months had passed in that time. It was mostly a slow-moving morass of nothing happening with most characters doing nothing, barely connecting. Blech! It was mostly just not good. She whipped this show into shape.
Kang also took a long look at Carol, Daryl and Caryl and realized that in order to get them where they needed to be... which was TOGETHER ROMANTICALLY, they needed a helluva lot of work because Gimple had done ABSOLUTE SHIT with them for about 4 years. They had barely a handful of scenes over that time period, had been mostly separated and both characters had been decimated in completely different ways.
Carol's grief, guilt and horrendous actions had been completely and utterly sublimated. She told no one (including Daryl) about what happened with all of the children she had lost by her hand or through she felt because of her.  So what did Kang do? She used the relationship that Gimple had begun with Ezekiel to create this fairytale fantasy that Carol could escape to since she couldn't be with her Alexandria family anymore because of that grief and guilt. She gave her that respite and escape until she was ready to live with the reality of all she'd done.
And then she opened the door to that grief and guilt with Henry's death, destroying that fairytale/fantasy so that she could finally begin to heal. And that is what we are finally getting now, a healing Carol. She's not whole yet, but she's stronger and she is healing. She's no longer hiding in some fantasy, she's no longer drowning in grief. And she's with her family again. She's come home.
I'm sure just as Kang looked at Carol, she also looked at Daryl and saw how Gimple had turned him into a monosyllablic follower. So, through the last two seasons, she's been building him up as the leader who's stepping up and also... HE SPEAKS! That's really the big thing, but it's such, such a big thing.
Finally, Caryl. To begin with, Kang's first episode made it perfectly obvious that it was a Zeke/Carol/Daryl triangle. However, because it's been sooooooooooooo long and the Caryl crowd has been battered for so long and the ABC crowd is so loud and even the media doesn't immediately jump to it despite the popularity of Caryl the obviousness of it just wasn't obvious. But the way Zeke proposed to Carol to which she did not say yes, his undying declaration of love to which she did not respond in kind to the way she curled up (yes, curled up!) against Daryl to tell him about said proposal and his response, clearly not happy about it, but willing to give her the go-ahead if she was happy was so obvious. I mean, DUDE! Yeah, that was textbook triangle material with the guy proposing being the clear loser in the equation in the long run. And that was Angela Kang's first episode as showrunner!
Everything that followed--the secret visits to him, her cutting his hair, her trust in him and vice-versa--to her leaving Zeke behind in Hilltop and going with Daryl to Alexandria, yeah, all of that was clearly going to be how that "triangle" ended based on that first episode.  But so many Caryl fans were heartbroken, upset, furious about the Carol/Zeke spoilers. Of course, they were. We had no idea what Kang had in store. We'd been burned and battered and used and ignored by TWD, AMC, Gimple, et al. How could we possibly know that Kang had a plan all along and that the Carol/Zeke relationship was about paying time and attention to Carol's character and establishing a subtle triangle with Daryl in which he would emerge the victor?
But that's exactly what Angela Kang did. And then in season 10 she made it clear numerous times that it--only her second as showrunner--would feature the relationship of Carol and Daryl at the heart of it. So I have a few points I want to make regarding the upcoming spoilers taking ALL of the above that I've written into account:
1. Spoilers are tricky things. You simply can not know what is what until you actually watch the episode and even see the full arc play out. When you have a good showrunner/headwriter who has a plan and knows the path planned for the characters--one who has proven they know what they're doing--wait until you see what they are actually doing before assuming the roof is falling in. At least that's my philosophy.
2. I mentioned how the obviousness of the triangle aspect set-up in Kang's first episode as showrunner was so missed and a part of that is because of the fact that there is too much ambiguity in how Caryl and Daryl see one another. Is it friendship? Is it a mother/son (pfft! So fucking ridiculous!) relationship? Is it a sibling-like relationship? Or is it romantic/sexual? (YES, IT IS!) This very well may be what answers that question. (It’s the last one. It’s definitely the last one.)
3. 10x18 is STILL a part of season 10. According to Angela Kang, the heart of season 10 is the relationship of Carol and Daryl.
Finally, there are two characters left from the first season of this ten (of eleven) season show. Carol and Daryl. There is going to be a spin-off featuring Carol and Daryl. A character that Daryl has some sort of history with when he thought he lost Carol when she was married to someone else (after he had lost Rick) is NOT going to suddenly, randomly become the ONE to come between Carol and Daryl.
It doesn’t matter that this character is coming back in the final season. Sorry, not sorry, but it just does not. Carol and Daryl are the ONE for each other. This character is just another Ezekiel, a part of their story. Angela Kang has been organically, effortlessly rebuilding Carol and Daryl, and Caryl back up from the neglect and abuse that they suffered (especially Carol and Caryl) under Scott Gimple.
This is why I trust in Angela Kang.
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seqka711 · 4 years ago
Ranking the six main boy/girl ships in Yu-Gi-Oh from best to worst!
Not all main girl ships are created equally, I'm afraid. Let's take a look at each ship and see what's up! (Except Sevens because as I mentioned in a previous post, I am way too far behind to comment on anything in that show.)
First up is Anzu and Yugi! And YES I do ship them! However, I don't ship Atem and Anzu. Anzu was friends with Yugi, and started to see him in a different light when Atem started showing up. However, those changing feelings also started to influence her feelings about Yugi as well. We saw that in Duelist Kingdom. Then in season 2 when she realizes they're two separate people, she gets really confused! Anzu doesn't know how to feel anymore! Then Atem and Yugi are both playing wingman for each other, so that's not helping matters. I don't really ship Atem and Anzu because Atem just doesn't seem super interested in their date. I know he had other things on his mind, but if they wanted me to ship it, now was the time to show off some chemistry and they didn't.
We saw in GX that Yugi grows up to look just like Atem and he also grows more confident over the course of the series. After the end of Duel Monsters, I think they're both too hurt by Atem's passing to be digging on each other. But, distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I feel like she's gonna come back from the states and have some heart-pounding feelings when she sees him again. And Yugi's feelings didn't change, they were just put on the back burner. So hopefully when they meet back up, sparks are gonna fly! At least, I hope so. <3
Next up is Asuka and Judai! When I watched their first duel, I was 100% on board with this ship. They were cute, they had great banter, it was a fair fight. I loved it! But over the course of the series, I started losing interest in their relationship, fast. By the end of season 2 I was pretty convinced they had abandoned Asuka x Judai for Asuka x Manjoume, and honestly, I was 100% on board with that, I love a good romcom couple and those two have dysfunctional romcom energy. Plus they had evil power couple vibes when they were running the Society of Light together, so I thought for sure they were gonna have Manjoume and Asuka be better friends post possession.
Then season 3 came a long and I was like "woah, they DID do that on purpose! I was right!" when we saw the Judai x Johan x Yubel love triangle they spent the entire season on. Asuka and Manjoume were of course relegated to background characters, as was everyone who wasn't a transfer student. And then the series ended with a pretty definitive Judai x Yubel ending and I was like "cool I like it".
But then season 4 made me question everything by making it clear that Asuka was still crushing on Judai?!?! Uhhh.... what? You haven't mentioned this crush in OVER TWO YEARS ASUKA. You've both changed so much! I thought the whole point was "she had a fleeting crush on him in year 1, but people change and so do our feelings"! I thought they had her fall out of love with him on purpose!! You're telling me the writers just wanted us to ASSUME she was still in love with him this whole time?!
I honestly love the whole "had a crush on him, now that I know him better, he's an amazing friend but I don't like him that way anymore" dynamic and they RUINED IT so bad. And for what? To say "well they fought the whole time, but now look! They can tag duel together!" Well, jokes on them, because a few episodes later Judai and Johan will show off some of the tightest teamwork in the show and I'll have to throw Asuka x Judai in the trash. </3`
Yusei x Aki!!!!!! AHHHHHH I LOVE THEM. Their first duel is very romantic in my opinion. Yusei lives to help people, and it's actually a flaw of his that he'll help people no matter the cost. Usually that's sort of a "who cares" flaw in a protagonist, but for Yusei, it adds a lot of depth to his character. The reason he helps people even at the cost of himself is because he feels enormously guilty due to his parents' involvement in Zero Reverse, and he feels like he owes the world (but especially Satellite) everything. Yusei tried to go to jail in Kiryu's stead, but failed, and I think that only compounded his guilt even more.
Then, when Yusei sees the chance to help Aki, he does it. He's scared of her, but he rallies his courage to face her so that he can help her. And it's only natural that Aki would fall hopelessly in love with him after he continually put himself at risk over and over again JUST to help her. I love the episode where she rescues him from being kidnapped and then accompanies him on a riding duel. I think it hits me harder because it reminds me of how much I want to drive a motorcycle but can't because of reasons I won't go into. But part of her desire to learn to riding duel is because she wants to feel the same things Yusei feels. And that's so cute!
Unfortunately, I do have a certain headcanon that gets in the way of my shipping desires. I won't get into the whole headcanon, but I think Yusei might have ended up time travelling back in time to fix Zero Reverse and prevent Zone's future. And Aki wouldn't have come with him because we see her in the flashforward. Yusei is still giving her strength though. And I like to think that maybe a much older Yusei was able to help a much younger Aki control her powers and not enter a cult in the new timeline. And if my headcanon isn't true, then GET MARRIED AND HAVE BABIES GUYS. <3
On the one hand, I love Kotori x Yuma. They’re so adorable! Not only is Kotori surprisingly self-aware of her crush (usually the YGO girls love to deny it) but Yuma clearly treats her differently from the rest of his friends, even though he doesn’t know why (yet). Kotori’s confession at the end of the show is SO CUTE AND ADORABLE and Yuma accepts and I love it!
But… I can’t love it as much as I WANT to love it. Kotori’s character, especially in Zexal II is kind of boring. I liked her a lot in Zexal I actually. I thought it was fine to have a character not duel as long as she was doing something else. In season 1 she occasionally gets shit done. Or she’s there for comic relief like when she’s riding the duel coaster. Or arguing with Orbital 7. It wasn’t much, but it was something. In season 2, she’s a total non-entity. I thought the duel where she gets possessed was very funny, but I almost wish that her getting possessed by a Barian was played for drama rather than laughs.
I think what could have been cool is either a) after she can hear Astral, her and Astral team up for a duel or b) when watching Yuma she started to memorize his strategies. Or both. Or neither, just get this girl something to do BESIDES watch Yuma! In the end, my love for how adorable these two are is always somewhat soured by Kotori’s squandered potential. <3
Speaking of squandered potential, Yuzu and Yuya are next on the list. I love these two A TON! I’ll be perfectly honest and admit my biases here, I am NOT the biggest fan of Arc-V. The show had a lot of problems, and I’m harsher on it than most.
But one thing I really did like about the beginning of the show was Yuzu! She was independent, driven and her dueling was getting better as the show progressed. Just like Kotori, she became a non-entity in the latter seasons. However, I ship Yuya x Yuzu more than I ship Yuma x Kotori because Yuya was always keeping Yuzu in mind during the latter seasons. So it still felt like the ship was in focus, whereas with Kotori x Yuma, the ship kind of disappeared since more important things were going on. For Yuya, nothing was more important than getting Yuzu back, so really I had no choice BUT to ship it. How could I not? It was so sweet! She was his whole world! I wish we got more scenes with the two of them together though. Them never tag dueling is a crime against humanity. Also its total BS that only Yuya and Yuzu got to come back, but whatever, I guess. I was happy that the two of them reunited and even HAPPIER that the show was finally over. <3
Last and basically least, Yusaku x Aoi. Or Playmaker x Blue Maiden. I’ll be honest, I don’t ship this at all. The show doesn’t go through any effort to get us invested in their so-called “relationship” and if I had watched this show on its own, unaware of the series’ tropes, I wouldn’t have assumed they were a “ship” at all. With Judai x Asuka, I actually liked the fake out (at least until S4 when I wondered whether or not the fake out was actually on purpose or if the writers are just morons) but with Yusaku x Aoi I get frustrated because it wouldn’t have been that hard to GIVE them some chemistry. They’re both interesting characters, and I think Aoi and Yusaku could have had an interesting dynamic if Aoi had learned Playmaker’s identity a lot sooner.
What I think the show should have done was have Aoi discover Playmaker and Soulburner’s identity at the same time they discovered each other. Then have Aqua come into the fold a lot earlier. Trios are popular in fiction for a reason, and I think Yusaku, Takeru and Aoi would have been an excellent trio. Specifically, with both Yusaku and Aoi being so reserved, their relationship would be very understated. But that’s not a bad thing. It just means that the writers would have to put more focus on the little things. Like, maybe after a while of being friends, Yusaku sits next to her in class. That would be a small thing for other people, but for those two, that’s huge! I could also see there being a fun episode where Ai tries to trick them into going on a date but fails spectacularly. The two of them end up spending time together to foil the plan. That could be really cute! LITERALLY ANYTHING is better than NOTHING.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t ship this because the writers thought they could get me to ship it just by having boy meets girl and then having them shake hands over a hundred episodes later. And no. I refuse. I need a LITTLE more than that, please and thank you. </3
That was a very long post! All in all, 4/6 ain’t bad at all! Or maybe it’s more like a 3.5 since I only gave Kotori and Yuma a small heart? It doesn’t really matter, I’m a multishipper. At my heart and soul, I’ll ship anything. Like I said I don’t ship Judai and Asuka, but I totally have shippy fanart of them on my phone, lol. It’s more like… which of these ships would I defend in court and which ships do I only like because I’m trash that’ll ship anything?
Oh, I guess I did title this as a ranking... Well, I'm sure you can figure out my most and least favourites by how much I used caps lock, so it should be fine.
Give me ANY Yu-Gi-Oh ship (straight, gay or in between) and I’ll dissect it like I did these six.
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thoughtslikeaminefield · 4 years ago
Unopened At Your Feet
Summary: Sam Winchester and I were volcanic. This is the story of how I broke my own heart.
Pairing: AU Sam Winchester x female reader (Narrator), AU Dean Winchester x female reader (Narrator)
Warnings: AU, explicit, weed-smoking, canon-compliant "Becky roofied Sam", keeping secrets bc they're dumb, love triangle, self-flagellation
Words: 3800
AN: This is my first entry for @supernatural-jackles Tell Me A Story Bingo and fills my FREE SQUARE with #LoveTriangle
c.1 | c.2 | c.3 | c.4 | c.5 | c.6 | c.7
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“He’s kind of a tightass.” Dean exhaled the smoke he’d been holding as he passed the joint to me. “But he’s a damn good kid. Smart as fuck, disciplined -- after Mom and Dad died I kinda raised him myself.”
I inhaled, watching Dean’s features relax and shift to affection.
“You miss him,” I said, handing the joint back.
We’d just closed the bar and he invited me back to the bunker. Going back to the bunker with Dean was always a good time.
He stared into space for a beat before blinking back to reality. “Yeah. I mean yeah I miss him a lot. But,” Dean paused, taking a long drag before pinching the cherry off into the ashtray on his bedside table. “He’s gotta be a grown-up, do his thing.”
I rolled closer and slid on top of him under the cool sheets and blankets. “Becky said they had a thing."
“Becky’s full of shit,” Dean said, running his hands up my bare thighs to rest on my hips as I settled over him, skin on skin.
I giggled, dropping my forehead to Dean’s chest. “She’s... interesting, but she’s nice, ya know?”
“You’re adorable, but she’s a liar,” he said shifting me up and back and forth until he slipped inside, and I groaned. “She roofied him so he’d fuck her.”
“Oh, my god, what?” I halted our movements.
Dean nodded. “They hooked up two days before he left for Stanford and he tested positive for the drug the next day.”
“Becky wouldn’t do that,” I swore. She was an odd girl in a million ways, but she wasn’t vindictive.
Dean rolled his eyes before flipping us so he was on top. “Whatever.”
He nuzzled my jaw and pressed his lips to my throat. “No more Becky talk -- or my little brother. You're blessedly fucking naked, high, and on my dick. Now’s my time to shine.”
I wrapped my legs around his hips and sighed. “Shine on, baby.”
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Sam Winchester and I were volcanic; we burned fast and hot and destroyed a whole lot of things in the process.
I would never admit this out loud, but I fell in love with him the night we met.
This is the story of how I broke my own heart.
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“Oh!” Becky gasped, digging her bony fingers into my bicep.
“Jesus, Becky.” I pried my arm free from her grip and reached for my beer. "You look like you saw a ghost.”
She let go a shrill chortle, drawing the attention of several surrounding bar patrons.
“Dude.” I was genuinely concerned for the girl’s wellness. I spent half my days with her worrying that she’d eventually swoon herself to death.
“Sam,” Becky whispered, finally dragging her wide eyes back in my direction.
I retraced her gaze to the door where Cas and Gabe were chatting to a tall, buff and bronzed surfer type. He threw his head back with a hearty laugh, showcasing the kind of smile you want to feel against your throat.
“Dean’s brother, Sam?” I muttered, and Becky spun on me.
“Yes,” she hissed.
I nodded, absently running a hand up and down her arm in what I hoped was a soothing gesture as I let my eyes wander back toward the door.
“Little brother ain’t so little, I see,” I said, marveling at the breadth of his shoulders.
“You’re not wrong,” Becky tittered on the verge of full-fledged mania.
I shot her a look. "You sound pleased with this memory."
“What?" She squirmed under my scrutiny. "You’re not the only one who can have a history!”
I scoffed. "Didn't this guy break your heart? You're practically giddy right now."
Becky's mischievous facade crumbled, and I sighed.
"Let's just have fun tonight, OK?" I said. "It’s my birthday!"
Becky straightened in her seat and forced a smile. "You’re right. Want a shot?"
I rolled my eyes. "Do I want a shot... Of course, I want a shot!"
Becky grinned in earnest before turning to order as I turned back toward the door.
Sam stood aside as Cas and Gabe checked IDs, scanning the bar with a smile.
The Winchesters owned several businesses and real estate in town, including Rocky’s bar, the bunker where Dean housed most of his employees and several college students in need of a roof over their heads, and a few other shop fronts on Main Street.
Sam looked pleased with the crowd, or maybe he was just glad to be home until his gaze landed on Becky.
She squeaked next to me. “Oh, no -- he saw me." She started spinning in circles like a self-destructive top.
"Becky!" I gripped her chair with both hands to stop her from winding herself all the way up and out into space. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Shots." Meg appeared with three glasses of what I hoped was tequila. "C'mon, I got a full bar."
“Becks, let's do this,” I encouraged Becky. “It’s my birthday. Fun, remember?”
Becky calmed barely enough to take the shot but soon groaned aloud as Sam slowly made his way toward us.
"Why won't the floor open up and swallow me to Hell," Becky whined.
"Stop, it was five years ago, people move on"
"Whadda you know?" she griped. "Guys love you, they're lining up around the corner just to buy you cocktails you won't ever even drink." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh, god, here he comes," she whimpered.
"Hey, Becky." Sam greeted her with a tight smile.
"Hey, Sam," she replied, sounding apologetic already. "How're... you... uh, this is my-"
"Roommate," I inserted myself in an effort to save her from further embarrassment.
In hindsight, I should've minded my own business.
Becky gave me a small, grateful smile before muttering something about the bathroom and wandering off.
I extended my hand to Sam, offering my name.
When his eyes finally met mine and he accepted the gesture, it was as if he'd dropped a lit match to brush -- the air and heat rushed around us, my head was very light, and I was out of breath in an instant.
"I've heard about you," he said, stroking his thumb across the back of my hand.
Heat licked my breast bone and up my throat before flushing my cheeks. I wasn't used to feeling the way he made me feel while fully clothed.
"Oh, yeah?" I asked, vaguely wondering what exactly he'd heard about me.
I hadn't spent much time discerning between Dean’s pride and admiration for his little brother and Becky's scorn, so I wasn't quite convinced Sam had ever thought about me at all.
"Yeah." He was still holding my hand.
I pulled my chin up and drew a deep breath, attempting to pull my hand from his. He deliberately squeezed my hand before relinquishing it from his grip.
"You don't believe me," he said, swiveling the adjacent barstool around to take a seat.
We’d known each other for two minutes and were already having trust issues.
"Did I say that?" I asked, struggling to hold his gaze and be cool at the same time. I felt like I was on a tilt-a-whirl of emotion -- temptation, doubt, fascination.
“Didn’t have to -- it’s in your eyes,” he said. “Among other things.”
"A'right, birthday bitch." Meg cut the tension once again with shots and a smirk. "These're from Daddy."
She nodded toward the pool area where Dean was running a table on a group of clueless fraternity brothers, and Sam rolled his eyes.
Tonight was supposed to be a chill night at the bar then after-hours at the bunker. I assumed I'd end up naked in Dean’s bed with birthday cake and more orgasms and giggles than a girl can dream.
Until his brother showed up.
"Well," Sam interrupted my inner quandary. "Happy Birthday."
I blinked back at him and studied his eyes for a beat. There was something there that I couldn’t quite distinguish -- a challenge I couldn’t refuse.
Meg snapped her fingers in rapid succession. "None of us're gettin' any younger, peaches.”.
Sam and I obeyed her command and raised our glasses before throwing back our shots. Meg quickly rounded up the glasses and got back to work.
I sipped my beer as Sam refocused his attention on me, resting his elbow on the bar and loosely gripping his wrist in one hand, toying with the beaded bracelet he wore.
"Daddy, huh?" he asked.
My eyes snapped to his, and his eyebrows jumped with amusement just as his chin dipped to his chest. I dropped my gaze to the thick slope of his neck and followed the flexing muscle to his sculpted shoulder. His sharp collarbones glistened in the low light as he leaned in, so close I could smell him.
"Meg calls him Daddy, just to be a smartass."
"Hmm," he murmured, staring me down.
I closed my eyes and drew a shaky breath.
Sam chuckled quietly as he relaxed back into his seat, grabbing his beer along the way.
“Sam!” Charlie came jogging down the bar rail before launching herself at him.
Sam stood, wrapping his arms around and lifting her off her feet. She giggled with delight as he spun her around before setting her on her feet again.
“You look so good!” she exclaimed. “You’re so tan, it’s gross.”
Sam laughed. “Well, I spent a lotta time at the beach, so I guess I come by it honestly.”
“As long as you wore sunscreen,” she said, her eyes darting between us. “You two meet?”
My cheeks flushed anew, and I looked away to flag down Meg for another beer, lest Charlie be Charlie and see something I wasn’t ready to admit.
“We did,” Sam answered.
I could feel his eyes on me, but I was too afraid to look at him again.
“Cool,” Charlie said, clapping her hands together as she backed away. “Well, gotta get back to work, just wanted to get my arms around my big bro.”
She shot me a pointed look, and my insides flipped before she blew us kisses and made her way back to the DJ booth.
“See ya later,” Sam called after her.
I tried to focus on my beer and act like I wasn’t on the most epic amusement park ride in my head and chest. Sam perched on the edge of his barstool and settled in place with his palms braced against his upper thighs. He slid one knee up between mine and the other along the outside.
The pressure of his knees against the front of my stool gently propelled me forward and the worn denim of his jeans rasped the sensitive skin of my thighs.
"Hey." His voice was devoid of his earlier taunting. It was open and gentle. For a moment, he almost sounded like his brother.
"What?" I asked, sensing heat build where we were connected.
"Look at me," he commanded.
My skin prickled in defiance, but I did so begrudgingly, sipping my beer as a shield between us.
"I like you," he said, extending one long finger to brush my forearm.
I closed my eyes and set my beer aside, letting him burn me where he traced a pattern on my flesh.
"This's been a whiplash-inducing conversation, I gotta be honest,” I said. “You go from undressing me with your eyes to mocking my sexual behavior to telling me you like me all in the space of ten minutes."
Sam chuckled and hung his own head in embarrassment for once.
"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes a harlequin of jade and citrine ringed with pale sapphire. "Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain. I wasn't criticizing you. I like you and I want to get to know you -- what you like, what you do... how you feel."
I arched a brow. "Like I said, Sam -- it’s been ten minutes."
He shrugged and tilted his head, briefly pouting as if to consider his next words carefully. "I see something I like and time doesn't matter. I want what I want -- all or nothing."
I should've known then that it wouldn't end well.
"That's a tall order," I replied.
"Just the right size, in my opinion," he said, dragging his eyes down and up my form, lingering over parts of my body that made me feel naked all over again.
"Dean and I..."
Sam briefly tensed then jutted his chin. "It’s nothing serious, right?" he asked.
Red flags beat the inside of my ribcage.
"Right," I answered.
Dean and I weren't a regular thing, but he was my best friend. He was there to celebrate my highs and pick me up when I was low. I loved him with all my heart, and he was going to hate me.
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Sam and I left the bar and our friends behind. As I took one last look inside the bar, I caught Becky’s eye. She was at her boyfriend Chuck’s side, but her eyes were on Sam and me.
I ignored the sense of foreboding in my chest and followed Sam to the food trucks. There was a rare chill in the air with the promise of an even more rare snowfall, and I shivered, looking up at the clouded night sky.
“Gyro?” he asked.
“Sure, yeah -- sounds great.” I smiled, watching him order for us both. Watching him count out his money to pay and pull napkins from the dispenser was practically pornographic; his hands were sinful.
“You up for walking and eating?” he asked, handing me my favorite after-bar snack.
“Totally,” I answered, getting a handle on my dinner. “Happy Birthday to me!” I excitedly dug in.
Sam arched a brow. “Guess you’re easy to please,” he muttered, taking an experimental bite.
Two seconds later he was chewing the nosh appreciatively.
“See? Fucking delicious, right?”
“I mean it’s still food truck food and... a mess,” he said, wiping his fingers.
I laughed with my mouth full as we made our way the short mile back to the bunker.
When we arrived, there were streamers and balloons. Everyone was wearing party hats, and Dean was lighting candles on a sheet cake in the dead-center of the large game table.
As the thick, metal door slammed shut behind us, Dean looked up and grinned. "Birthday Girl!"
"Heeeeeyyyy," I called, descending the stairs with Sam hot and heavy behind me.
Dean met me at the bottom of the stairs with a cup of bubbles and one of those curly noisemakers. When he dipped in for a kiss, I panicked and turned my face in time for him to connect with my cheek.
He slowly pulled back and dragged his eyes up to where Sam was standing behind me.
The brothers shared a silent, tense exchange before Dean looked down at me again, standing to his full height.
"Well..." he spoke quietly as he slowly backed away. His gaze was heavy and his lips twisted with a rueful smirk. "Happy Birthday, princess."
Then he turned on his heel to lead the group, who were oblivious to the moment, in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday.
The rest of the night was a blur of bubbles and sugar. Dean kept his distance until he finally dragged Lisa Braeden, the single mom from down the road, to bed with him.
"Aww," I cooed, feeling a small lump in my throat. "I always thought they should hook up."
"She's adorable," Charlie confirmed. "Plus, yoga studio. Maybe she can get Dean into an exercise routine."
I snorted. "Right, like that's gonna happen."
I caught Sam staring at me for the 17th time that night. He'd grown quiet over the last half hour or so as the party began to wind down, but his gaze was immolating.
"Girl, I gotta get to bed, workin’ the second job tomorrow." Charlie bent to kiss the top of my head.
I waved to Stevie where she was waiting for Charlie at the mouth of the corridor.
"Night," I called as they made their way to their room.
Cas and Meg peeled off, as did Gabe and Rowena. Becky and Chuck never did show up.
"I 'spose I should clean up here so Dean doesn't wake up to a mess in the morning." I stood to set about finding a trash bag to discard the scattered cups and paper plates.
Sam hooked a strong arm around me from behind and scooped me up. "Not so fast," he said, smiling down at me as he turned to take the steps back up to the door.
I squirmed, slightly uncomfortable with his insistence, but his heat and scent, and the ease with which he moved were distracting.
"Where're we going?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.
"It's snowing," he said.
"I'm not wearing shoes!" I laughed.
He was unpredictable in such a wondrous way. It all seemed wildly romantic at the time.
"That's why I'm carrying you, silly," he answered with his own laugh.
He left the door ajar behind us as he walked out into the gentle fall of snow. I arched my neck and let the soft flakes pepper my cheeks. When I looked him in the eyes, he finally, finally kissed me.
His whiskey-sweet taste and the scent of Palo Santo soothed my senses. My heart hammered with every twist and slide of his lips. When he pulled back one small inch, I gasped for air.
"Come to bed with me," he muttered, dragging his lips along my jaw and down my throat.
As if I ever had a choice with him, I nodded in agreement and clutched his flannel in my fist, baring my throat to his lips and teeth.
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Miles and miles of sun-kissed skin, sculpted and smooth, strong hands and teeth. He held me down and kissed me -- held me down and licked me deep.
I gasped, twisting his hair in my clenched fists, a mess of convulsing limbs, my stomach rolled and twitched under my skin, as I looked down at him. I tried pushing him away with my feet against his shoulders, too sensitive but still wanting. He held fast with his ship-rope arms twining my thighs.
He was working toward orgasm number three without stopping, both palms resting heavily over my lower belly and tongue sliding firmly just under my clit and inside to curl, as his lips closed over my mound.
I gasped and sobbed and gave in. It wasn't worth the fight.
"Sam," I breathed, arching my spine and letting go.
"Good girl," he murmured, dragging one hand from my hip and underneath, then sliding two fingers inside as he lapped and sucked at my clit.
The leather of his old worn couch was slick with sweat and, before I knew it, we were sliding from the cushions to the floor.
"Ow." I sat up as best as I could, pretzeled together as we were.
"Oh, shit," Sam laughed. “Are you ok?"
"I'm fine," I grumbled. "Pretty sure this fancy padded rug took the brunt of the impact."
"OK, but, let's move to the bed anyway." He pushed himself up before offering me a hand.
"Why are you still wearing pants?" I asked.
Sam chuckled as he led me to his bed. "Long game."
He enunciated his L in a way that made my toes curl.
"Get in bed. I'll get us some water."
I burrowed under the soft sheets and heavy blanket as Sam filled two glasses with water from his tap before returning to join me.
"Seriously, you're still wearing your belt," I said as he kneed onto the bed and handed me my water.
I sipped mine as he gulped his down, Adam's apple bobbing, before twisting at the waist to set his emptied glass aside.
"Whadda you want me to do with my belt?" He looked down at me, slowly unfastening the metal buckle.
"Anything you want," I whispered.
He slid the heavy leather from the denim loops then promptly dropped the accessory to the floor. "Better?" he asked.
His jeans were slung low, exposing the band of his boxer briefs.
"More," I said, setting my glass aside before reaching for his button and zipper.
He grinned in amusement, hands-free watching me unburden him from the confines of his pants.
I climbed out from under the covers to kneel facing him. He started kissing me again, sliding his fingers into the tangled mess of my hair and fucking my mouth with his. I shoved his jeans and underwear down his hips and thighs before collapsing to my side again.
"Condoms," Sam said, nodding toward the nightstand to my right.
I reached over and pulled one from the box as he shucked his jeans and underwear to the floor. When he faced me, I had to swallow back the drool that filled my mouth.
He snagged the condom and quickly got rid of the package before rolling it on as his eyes raked over me. Quick as lightning, he was on me, kissing my mouth and jaw, scraping teeth over my skin, and burying himself between my thighs.
He guided himself inside, and I groaned, bending my knees and opening my legs wider to take him in.
"God," I breathed.
"Yeah," Sam replied with a grin so blinding, I had to close my eyes.
I lifted and wrapped my legs and arms around him as he hid his face in my neck and slid his forearms under my shoulders.
His thrusts were so solid and strong I could feel the vibrations in my chest like fireworks.
And as I came undone, I felt that smile against my throat, just the way I wanted.
Chapter Two
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