#(are we still tagging spoilers??)
zkyeline · 1 year
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Just wanna draw them all getting the Flapjack tattoos :’)
Edit: now with accompanying comic!
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egophiliac · 2 months
innocently logging in to look at the Twst schedule for May like
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mannimarcos · 9 months
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im aliiiiiive mostly
baby :)
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hyakunana · 24 days
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"My friend, my partner… my Guardian."
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fleetwood-cheese · 5 months
How long do yall think its gonna take the anime only dungeon meshi fans to realize that not only is marcille not the fanservice character, but that several different characters think shes outright ugly/unsettling and that senshi is canonically so hot to half-foots that chilchuck refuses to introduce him to his daughters?
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sapphoismymuse · 6 months
i haven’t seen anyone talk about it yet but medusa’s actress is so insanely talented?? most of her face is veiled but she did an AMAZING job at portraying the subtle changes in her emotions like “not him. me” DESTROYED me you can tell how strongly she feels about the subject but also how she’s trying to keep her cool and appear calm and collected to these kids and tell them of the ways their parents suck
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Alas, this beautiful dream could not last.
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emry-stars-art · 1 month
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Jeremy and Laila before I fall into a pit of my love for Jean and Cat’s relationship
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eliotbaum · 2 years
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Some Curse of Strahd NPCs 🩸 no spoilers please!
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tacc0yak1 · 13 hours
grandpa doodles before i skidaddle back to work….
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seventh-district · 2 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 4 - Nuthin' but Boothill Edition
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
#boothill#honkai star rail#hsr#hsr incorrect quotes#hsr memes#honkai star rail memes#hsr meme#honkai star rail meme#hsr textpost#hsr boothill#boothill hsr#hsr spoilers#hsr 2.2 spoilers#hmmm... don't think it's worth tagging the others in the 9th image. this ain't about them#still unsure abt how to do the alt text for these kinda posts properly but hopefully i'm improving#anyways. don't think i've ever seen heard and typed "cowboy' so many times in one day as i have while making this good lord#i did a bit of digging around and haven't Seen any of these done yet so. here's hoping that's the case!#i'm only ~3/4 of the way through the 2.2 main quest but the need to make these compelled me to put these out Now#i can already tell u that there Will be more of these for Boothill tho bc i'm crazy abt him. probably enough to make another dedicated post#but i'm gonna wait until i'm fully caught up on the plot (and will probably spoil myself for more of his character lore after that as well)#speaking of. i'm gonna go eat mac n' cheese and stay up too late playing through the rest of the main quest#i'm loving it so far. many thoughts head full abt it all but in a good way. hoping for more Boothill moments as we approach the end#he's def not the main character here but he is to Me okay. he is to me. i'm scarfing down every crumb he drops#i'm also suffering from Aventurine withdrawals out here. Argenti mentioning him was Interesting but i need More. Where Is He.#also. was Argenti intentionally not voiced or was it a game issue?? the hell was that. threw me off so hard when i couldn't hear him speak#anyways i'm getting off topic and wasting precious gaming time so i'll be takin' my leave now
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trashworldblog · 2 years
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egophiliac · 1 year
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they're baaaaaack
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a2zillustration · 3 months
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We lived.
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thefloatingstone · 2 days
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Romancing the Emperor when I haven't taken a single tadpole is so funny.
He wants Tav to eat the evil space slug soooooo badly.
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seagreenstardust · 2 months
Izuku “so polite I can’t even imagine calling friends by their first names even if they ask me to but I will stubbornly use Kacchan for my enemy turned rival turned friend turned ??!? until my very last dying breath” Midoriya
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