#(also can you tell i play dnd and love a tragic backstory?)
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ravnloft · 11 months ago
hellooooooooooooo i realized i have never done like a full list of my ocs. so here it is
amma theylin: dark elf rogue, chaotic neutral (leans evil), dual-wielding swords and ranged bow, proficient in being sneaky and being hot. tragic backstory is she became infatuated with a guy who was trying really hard to be lawful good and when he dropped the ball on their coup d'état plot she killed him and ran. will do literally anything if it pays well enough. played her in dnd, bg3 and elder scrolls.
lady gwendolyn viridience morrigan, druidess, esq.: half-elf druid, usually chaotic good, majored in botany, minored in ethically questionable usage of charm spells. tends a greenhouse that holds a portal to the feywild, the stewardship of which she was bequeathed by a very powerful archwizard and mentor and good friend, on his deathbed. she never wanted it but the choice was between her and her evil sister/s so the archwizard gave it gwen. now she uses it to (1) be the best damn florist in neverwinter (2) howl's moving castle her way away from bad fantasy tinder dates because she's a hopeless romantic and terrified of commitment. played her in dnd and bg3.
samson o'dare: human/aasimar paladin, true good, big sword and bigger shield, great with animals, has wings like a mourning dove. he worshiped chauntea as a child and then one day lathander appeared to him in the middle of a field and told him it was his holy holy duty to be a paladin of light. samson was like hell yeah i want a sword. and began adventuring. adventuring quickly proved to be far more unpleasant than he had expected and he prays to chauntea every day like "mom i'm scared come pick me up". played him in dnd and bg3.
nol barrow-bound: undead death cleric, ??? (she is extremely impressionable), sickle and staff/half-caster, uses a human skull as an arcane focus and has 1 million holy symbols on her person. used to be a hag's apprentice and then she woke up on the side of the road one day and was just like, "guess i'm an entrepreneur now". gifted alchemist, even more gifted necromancer, makes her living as an herbalist and medium, lowkey cheats on the medium part because she just tells people what they want to hear (or at least what she thinks they want to hear) but she doesn't see it as cheating because she IS contacting the dead she just isn't letting them be RUDE. collects roadkill. also kind of looks like roadkill. one time i thought "haha what if nol and samson were in an adventuring party together" and now they're tragedy-to-romance endgame lovers. played her in dnd and skyrim. she's usually my go-to for dnd oneshots :')
sigg solveig/sigourney gevaudan: human (? she's huge, there's no way she's fully human)/werewolf barbarian, will change her entire ethos if a hot girl says so, sword/axe/hammer so big it is physically impossible for people other than her to wield. tragic backstory is she contracted lycanthropy at a young age and wound up killing her familar. she went into hiding and became a fighter, a laborer, a soldier, whatever put food on her table, but eventually her lycanthropic bloodlust got hard to control and she became a hermit rather than risk killing her loved ones again. she is not smart or wise or especially clever but why would she need to be when she can crush someone's head with one hand. womanizer but her deepest wish is to get married and be a stay-at-home mom baking for her wife every day. played her in pathfinder and skyrim.
princess daisychain frances van pancypants iii: goblin, class variable but generally support/healing, true good. looks like an albino bat. raised by halflings. the sweetest, nicest, tiniest magical girl you will ever meet. completely filled with love. knows one (1) swear word. played her in dnd.
arkhemites "miette" du bäl: tiefling warlock, something evil but might go on a hero's journey idk, worships whatever tentacled space monster is native to the setting. wants to plunge the world into entropy so it can be born anew. she's noble or royal but has like 16 sisters and most of them are older. played her in starfinder.
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cas-fulleditmode · 1 year ago
I saw your "tell me about your dnd characters" post and didn't want to spam comments BUT one of my favorites of my characters is my half-elf arcane trickster rogue. Her backstory is she's a jewel thief that was hired out to do a heist with her partner-in-crime/lover, but the people who hired them knew that whoever touched the jewel would get imprisoned in it so her lover was trapped and eventually smashed, RIP (-- we love a good revenge motivator though) She took the Crossbow Expert feat (can wield two hand crossbows, ignore loading, some other stuff you can Google -- I HIGHLY recommend it for ranged chars) and had sneak attack so she did hella damage at a high level. I rolled a nat 20 during the final boss fight of a YEARS LONG campaign and everyone at the table had to help me count the 20-something d6s. She delivered the killing blow on the BBEG with that roll -- very "and everyone clapped" of me, but that's exactly what happened and it was so satisfying lmao My favorite part about her though is the fact that I was new to the group and literally session 1 the DM pulled me aside for a secrets/player consent talk to tell me that my character had contracted lycanthropy after a fight. He was really apologetic and was like "we can retcon" but I thought it was hilarious, so she became a were-rat. She'd shift into rat mode and hide in the bard's pocket to pop out for shenanigans/crime, and rather than cure her lycanthropy she kept it as an asset to her thievery 🐀
first of all, love the backstory, i envy anyone who can come up with a compelling tragic past event that motivates their character going forward.
my friend is playing a rogue in our campaign atm, but i think he went for the thief archetype. but i've seen the powers of a sneak attack + a bunch of other halfling abilities.
the thing with the natural 20 delivering the final blow sounds dope as hell, i'm sure it was wild. i'm still waiting for my nat 20s to come through when it actually matters lmao.
i'm obsessed with your character contracting rat lycanthropy, i might need to mention that during my next session meeting. my dm tends to throw a lot of shit my character's way while being very apologetic about it but i also just take it with humor. a lot of the stuff my character goes through is pretty fucking funny too.
thanks for sending this ask btw!!! :)
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sw4tch · 2 years ago
Hey! *Kicks open your door* tell me about your OC's on main! I want to hear about them! (If you want to)
since I'm stuck during a long bus ride you get to hear my long long rambles about my dnd ocs!! (They're the ocs i think about constantly because they're the ones i get to Play With more lol)
They're all from different campaigns I've played. I'll give you quick info and thoughts about them in chronological order (aka, which one did i create first)
Michi Haasi
- fun fact his name is literally an endearment term for a cat in spanish (something like "little critter")
- which makes sense since he's half tabaxi, aka literally a cat boy. Full anime cat boy! He's a rogue that was trained as a spy assassin from a tender age because his parents got murdered in an unjust massacre carried out by a random noble lord. Now left to care for his little sister and brother, he took on a life of crime with high risk but high reward.
- since he specialized in being part of political conflicts from the shadows, he knew it would make him enemies that would put his siblings in danger. So he left them in an orphanage and cut all possible ties with them. He cares for them deeply though and sends all the money he can to the orphanage so that his siblings may be cared for properly.
- it feels weird not to mention it even though it has never come up in the story and i doubt it ever will, but Michi is a trans boy :3
- outside of the role, there was another player in my table that kept pushing for his character (a hobbit druid girl) to have a hardcore crush on Michi and i didn't feel comfortable with that so uh now my experience rping Michi has been soured a bit. Like yes i do love him as one of my creations but if i never play as him again i will not feel too bad about it (which is good bcus the DM got too busy with his own life so uhhh i guess we'll never play again!)
Ishana Aavrih
- My sweet tiefling paladin girl ♡ the joke i had is that she's literally just a nun with a sword. She's a tall and strong looking blue tiefling woman with fiery red hair. A devout follower of Fantasy Jesus (Ilmater) and her core beliefs were that anyone can be redeemed, anyone deserves a second chance, and that her duty was to protect other's from harm.
- i wanted her to be a pacifist but uhm since that campaign was heavy on the combat she did indeed kill many people. IN HER DEFENSE i did make her ask before the killing blows if they were willing to give up their life of Evil Deeds. No one ever did lmao
- her backstory never came up but: in this setting tieflings are loathed as an "inherently evil" race so Ishana grew up in a convent of a group of tieflings which main ideology was to "repent for the sins of their race". She was an orphan there so she was raised on these beliefs which marked her ideology forever. We love catholic guilt.
And to make it more tragic, she had a best friend growing up with her too in that convent and she loved her a lot, but her friend was more rebellious and mischievous (not bcus she was evil but bcus teens are just like that!). Anyway her friend gets killed to make an example out of her after a Nebulous Incident (aka i never worked out the details here ahdjjdjd) and Ishana is left heartbroken. It does lead her to escape and later on find comfort in the teachings of Ilmater because of the ideology of "everyone deserves a second chance" (since her friend deserved a second chance!)
- anyway in the campaign we had to stop cultists from bringing the apocalypse and one of the head Priestesses named Vannifer wanted help in stopping the apocalypse (because she was basically a slave to the Evil God trying to bring the apocalypse and she wanted to be free).
Vannifer was also a tiefling with a tragic backstory so when Ishana heard her tale and plea she immediately decided she wanted to help her no matter what! It became her life duty to try and free Vannifer from her chains so that she may be happy.
The rest of my party was pretty murder happy so even they wanted to kill Vannifer on several occasions so it became a running joke that only Ishana saw Vannifer as an ally (and she was!!! Like literally she's a NPC meant to help u!!! Why would u kill her!!!!)
Alongside this, in one of the cursed temples my party freed a group of Kenkus (bird people) and one of them was a small orphan crow boy and he immediately got attached to Ishana (and i became attached as well!!!!!!!!!!!) So Ishana adopted him as her son. His name was Purulento (pretty sad name in spanish bcus it's something akin to "infected wound"). Anyway i love him so much and he's my little son boy. My little baby. My sweet little boy. He became a cleric mostly so we could deploy him if any of our players missed a session so Purulento could fill that space in combat.
At the end of the campaign, Ishana realized she wanted to give up the sword and go live with her son and Vannifer in a cabin in the woods. So yeah she basically got her happy lesbian ending and sobs im so happy. BCUS PURULENTO HAS 2 MOMS AND GETS TO GROW UP IN THE HAPPY HOME HIS 2 MOMS DIDN'T GET TO HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love her so goddamn much.
- Also her name is a valid homestuck troll name fun fact.
Eshuu Teevan
Ohhhh boy oh boy oh sweet jelly goddamn crackers HOW TO START WITH ESHUU MY DEEPLY BELOVED!!!!!! He lives rent free in my head even if i have played with him like maximum 7 sessions. Gonna try to TL;DR him bcus if not we will be here all DAY and maybe it's better if i show u the 40 powerpoint presentation i have on him later
- he's a satyr warlock! His patron is Caiphon, an old god and distant star. Akin to a lovecraft horror. Eshuu has a HORRIBLY debilitating Ego so when this elder god came to him in a dream and promised him the secrets of godhood it was all over.
- he's a scholar that loves nature, but most of all fungi! He's fascinated by the idea of Rot As An Extension of Life. In a better timeline he's some sort of druid ♡ we're not in that timeline ♡
- to understand what's wrong with him u gotta know that he lives in a world where Gods walk among them and each year the world celebrates "A Harvest" which is kinda like uhhh the hunger games but the prize is that the winners get to Ascend To The Heavens.
Eshuu being part of the Fey knows that the gods are capricious and not to be venerated. But his best friend Jakobi (an elf) is a devout believer who's purpose in life is to win the Harvest and ascend (as his people have trained him for). Knowing that his most likely fate is death, Eshuu tries to discourage Jakobi from making this his Life Goal but they fight and break up their friendship and something inside Eshuu snaps that makes him want to take over the gods and destroy them ♡ because he could do so much better ♡
- anyway Eshuu is my babygirl and i love him so goddamn much. His favorite spell is acid splash. He thinks he's owed everything. He's obsessed with one (1) guy that didn't let him have the last word. I could fix him but whatever is wrong with him is funnier ♡ He's doomed to go mad with eldritch knowledge and I'm crossing my fingers Jakobi is the one to kill him ♡
Cyril Nightclaw
- my most recent character! I love him lots! He's inside a horror campaign with vampires!!! Aaah!!!
- he's a dark elf (i forgot the term but they're the ones with Advanced Darkness) and he's sensitive to sunlight. He's a cleric of the grave! He dresses like a plague doctor!! He's a devout follower of Anubis!!! He's literally part of a pyramid scheme!!! This adventure is one of the first times he's been allowed outside of the temples!!!!! He's a hoot i love him.
- i say he's a hoot but mostly because i think he's incredibly endearing. He's stoic, genuine, and blunt. Party says he has autistic swag and i am inclined to agree. Perhaps even make canon.
- his one goal is to Maintain the Balance between life and death, which means that any time he sees an Undead Creature he wants and needs to destroy them on sight. This is made much more difficult because we have a sorcerer in our party that likes necromancy and he likes to bring walking cadavers around a lot. Such is life.
- in the campaign we are tasked with protecting this one lady named Irina bcus the Dracula controlling the region has targeted her as his Bride To Be. Cyril, being so new to the outside world, fell in love with Irina because she's the first pretty lady he's ever seen in his life. So you can see how this further motivates him to destroy The Goddamn Dracula Final Boss That Keeps Showing Up And Trying To Kill Us.
- he has a prosthetic leg because his parents tried to use him as a human sacrifice as a baby but the ritual failed (it did take his leg though). He was left abandoned in the steps of a temple of Anubis during a storm and he drowned. But Anubis revived him so that he may serve him. We love a guy that died once but got better ♡
So that's all!! Will share my powerpoints later!!! u need to see my arts for all of them too!!!!! They all have playlists too bcus i love em.
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thescrapbookingscientist · 2 years ago
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Across the Spider Verse (Movie) - I pretty much already knew this movie was going to be amazing given how Industry-changingly Incredible the first one was, but wow man-What a spectacle. Visually I think it’s even more impressive than it’s predecessor and honestly the best looking thing I’ve seen all year, with the different animation styles for each character and dimension being a joy to behold every time. Gwen’s watercolor dimension was my favorite location and I loved how the colors would shift with the characters emotions and bleed down the screen. Spider-Punk was a standout as well with his paper-craft style and fantastic design making him steal every scene that he was in. I also really liked Miles as a protagonist in this one, he really got to shine here. I don’t really have a lot to complain about, the writing was tight, both villains where fantastic, the soundtrack slapped, the only thing I’m mad about is that I have to wait a year to see the story resolved-but that’s a feature, not a complaint.  As a side note I do find it pretty funny how horny everyone is for Miguel btw, like don’t get me wrong I get it, he’s a big tiddied well designed tragic backstory vampire cringe fail DILF, he’s lab tested to be popular on the internet, it’s just pretty funny that I can’t scroll for 5 minutes without seeing his thiqq ass plastered on my screen, y’all are thirsty. 
- Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Video Game) - Progressing a bit slowly due to some other stuff I’ve got going on, but still greatly enjoying it! I beat the water temple and now ghost Sidon follows me everywhere which is cute, and I’ve enjoyed seeing the memories play out. I wish it was a bit easier to make money given how much I spend, but maybe that’ll change once I do more story stuff or spend more time in the Abyss, we’ll see. 
- Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (Movie) - I’m surprised with how much I enjoyed this, given how little I’ve heard about it. It’s a really cute and fun little found family story in a classic fantasy world. The movie is accessible to any audience (As my parents loved it with no knowledge of DnD), but you can tell that the creators had a lot of love for the game in how the characters and dynamics are depicted. I love that the two main characters are a completely platonic male female pair who are best friends and raise a child together without any hint of romance? Incredible. I love how there’s a character with huge “OP NPC the DM created for lore purposes who despite the players protests the DM won’t let join the party because that would make the game to easy” vibes. There’s a lot of creative and funny scenes, and while I wish there were more explicitly queer characters, it’s nice to see familiar DnD conventions in a well-made product. I would love if they made more of these and would recommend it to basically anyone as a fun family film. 
- Stalker (Movie) - My dad wanted to watch this old indie Russian film after reading an article about it being a formative sci fi film, so we watched it and. well. It certainly was a film. I will give it credit in that the idea of a location that miraculously grants ones deepest desires being portrayed as sinister not due to a monkey’s paw style twisting of how the wish is granted but due to the self-reflective horror of having to face what your deepest desire truly is and what that says about you as a person is pretty rad, but outside of that cool idea this movie was kind of a mess. There were a lot of self indulgent “Auter” style rants on art criticism and faith which honestly just came off as more complaining than anything else, and while I can respect the unique shots they were able to get the majority of the time I was just thinking “Man, it looks like they are straight up filming at an worn out/ abandoned sewage tunnel, it can’t possible be safe to have the actors crawling around in all this rancid water can it?”. Turns out I was even more right than I thought as they were in fact filming on an abandoned nuclear waste facility and just a few years after this film the director, his wife, and several members of the crew died from cancer that was heavily speculated to be the result of the radiation poisoning from filming this movie. Insane. Anyway my main take away from this film is thank god we have OSHA now.
- Kill the Lights (Webcomic) - Read this as a quick self indulgent relaxing one, and I enjoyed it for what it was. I have a soft spot for Skip Beat! style actor-based narratives where you get to see the actors thought process on how to enhance/ play out a scene, so that aspect was fun. Actually, I kind of wish the story was way more about that, I was getting into those scenes and found myself disappointed whenever it switched back to the romance stuff, despite that being the reason I came here in the first place. Aw well, I wouldn’t exactly say this is memorable enough to recommend to anyone outside the BL genre, but I liked the protagonist, side characters, and art. Also, how weird is it that with this, Mo Dao Zu Shi, and End of the Road, there are 3 completely unrelated stories in which an asian man who’s ruffian background made him adept at combat dies young and is then reincarnated into the existing body of a rich twink with a reputation for sleeping around who then runs into an even richer man from their past who turns out to have secretly been harboring a borderline obsessive crush on the protagonist and is now the sole person able to recognize them in their new body? Like, 3 isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened thrice right?
- Heavenly Delusion (Anime) - Genuinely impressed by how often this mystery show will pull the rug out from under you, lulling you into a false sense of security in which you think you have the plot figured out and then hitting you with a reveal that leaves you with more questions than answers - Good work.
- Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Video Game) - I think I took a long enough break, I’m ready to finish the Ace Attorney series now. The Dual Destinies DLC case was too long for my liking but at least had decent characters, and I do like both Athena and Blackquill, I wish they didn't have to share time with the previous leads and just got to do their own thing though. 
- Crazy Ex Girlfriend (TV) - How does this show have so many straight up bangers. My Spotify playlist is wrecked now. 
- The S Classes That I Raised (Webcomic) - Some interesting revelations in recent chapters that shed Han Yoohyun’s motivations in a new light. I’ll admit, while I did quite like him as a character, this new information is helping to retroactively fix some of my complaints about his actions towards Han Yoojin in the first timeline, making me like him even more- The brothers are just very cute honestly I love how much they care about each other. Also adding a Yoo Myeongwoo photo here because I miss him. 
Listening to: A bunch of Crazy Ex Girlfriend songs, including After Everything You Made Me Do, A Diagnosis, and Remember That We Suffered, Eat Your Young by Hozier, LosT by Bring Me the Horizon, Let’s Get This Over With by They Might Be Giants, Read Between the Lines and Hey I Don’t Work Here by Tom Cardy, That’s What I Want by Lil Nas X, He Mele No Lilo by Mark Keali’i Ho’omalu, Stalkers Tango and Lent by Autoheart, Across the Spiderverse OST.
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belphegor1982 · 2 years ago
Ooh, I love these ideas and @comicsandslushies's too, it does help a lot!! Some of them match what I had in mind, some of them don’t, and I’m loving all of it. I didn’t know that about Sam, too, that’s so great! Hopefully I don’t make a mess of things.
So, in character creation/“we’re doing this thing, would you be interested?” chronological order (under a cut, because it got a little long):
Piper – the Dungeon Master. Partly because he and James are two facets of the same bard, partly because even though RPG experience goes against his lonely upbringing I just like the idea of him in control of things (we can imagine he started to play once he ran out of his parents and lived on his own in his late teens/young adulthood).
Sam – half-orc druid. He briefly played when he was a teen and decided to unearth his Level 3 character, because why not (and he likes playing as an adult). Piper allowed it but made a mental note to make the others level grind ASAP.
JJ – middle-aged female gnome bard. (I thought he’d be willing to go for other genders/sexualities too!) I can see two ways for this to go: either he knows how DnD works and he 100% built his character, or he never really looked into it before, asked Hartley what would fit him better/be funniest, and then made his character basically Discworld’s Nanny Ogg if she was a gnome (small, round, jovial, horny, old, with cold steel behind her smile).
Mick – goliath cleric. He was set to be a monk, until Piper started telling him about what clerics do and he went “that one”. His day job is to steal things and light stuff on fire, he likes playing a character who (while big and strong and juuuust a little monstrous looking) is a healer.
Lisa – halfling swashbuckler. She doesn’t know a lot about DnD (except from osmosis), but Piper’s idea was interesting, so she asked him about it and really made an effort to create a character. She picked a subclass of rogue partly to troll Len into playing as well and partly because swashbuckler looks like a really fun class to pick. Also she decided she’d be the sexiest halfling ever. (She likes hobbits and the idea of a sexy hobbit, okay.)
Roscoe – human artificer. Accepted to play once Lisa said she would. I couldn’t see him making a character who’d be very different from himself either, and what I know about the artificer class might fit him well. Lisa’s character flirted heavily with his in the first one-shot, and he had a lot of fun playing pretend and letting himself be wooed instead of responding enthusiastically like he would IRL.
Len – halfling rogue (thief subclass). Decided to play 1) when Lisa goaded him into it and 2) when Roscoe, of all people, wanted in as well. Since Lisa made her character first and the first thing they agreed on was to keep being brother and sister, he got to be a halfling too, which… “dammit, Lisa, you couldn’t pick a more badass race than that?” (EDIT: Lisa’s character is older than his. She insisted.) His character is the grumpiest halfling rogue ever. Lisa finds it hilarious and just a bit adorable.
Mark – half-elf sorcerer. I can see him being the kind of player who takes his character Very Seriously. Probably made a whole tragic backstory from novels he’s read. Very disappointed when he learns that Level 1 characters can’t cast Fireball (you have to be at least Level 3 for that).
Digger – dwarf barbarian, because once he gets past the “this is nerd crap, come on” I think Piper showed him a picture of a heavily armoured dwarf and another of a barbarian and he combined them in his head, ‘cause it looks funny and badass. He starts off taking nothing seriously, but the game sneaks up on him as time passes.
...dammit, now I want to create those characters too :D
Hey :o) I've been mulling for a while on a possible (possible) "Rogues play DnD" fic (where business is slow and/or dangerous and they have to lie low a while, so Piper suggests he run a campaign and helps the others make characters, because "it's good for cohesion and teamwork, Len" and also "you get to loot and have fun with no real-life consequences"). I'm going with a vague, mostly pre-52 version of Hartley, James, Len, Lisa, Mark, Mick, Roscoe and Digger, btw.
So I have my own ideas about the classes and races of the characters they'd want to play, running the gamut between "character is nothing like its player" and "character is basically a fantasy version of the player"), but I'd love to hear your thoughts about it - and your mutuals/followers! What would fit them? What wouldn't, but they'd find hilarious (and make work somehow)?
tl;dn - DnD Rogues. Go nuts :o)
(GAH I forgot Sam but he's there too!)
Hi, fun concept! I have to admit that I know very little about DnD, so am not much help in assigning classes or races, unfortunately! But I can suggest who might be more likely to play someone similar or different from themselves. Sam in particular would go with something very different; this is a guy who LARPed as a cowboy, had some lulz pretending to be a heroic Mirror Master, and thought it'd be fun to play a random joe in a leadership class. His Black Lantern incarnation -- which wasn't him, but was based on his memories -- said that he became the Mirror Master because he hated who he was. So I definitely think he'd want to be someone very different and possibly unexpected. And James likes disguising himself and playing around with different identities and gender, so he'd also be quite open to playing someone very different from himself…it'd all be part of the performance.
I think Len and Roscoe would be likely to play someone mostly like their own selves, or perhaps someone more like who they aspire to be. Roscoe has literally been other people, but he's kind of rigid in his thinking and has struggled hard to be what his parents wanted from him (and truthfully he's probably told himself that's what he wants too, even if it isn't). Mick would probably choose someone quietly steadfast, the strong and silent type, since he often seeks tranquility to escape the chaos of his own thoughts. He'd likely be open to any class/gender/race so long as it fit that archetype.
It might be a cheap `n easy answer, but I suspect Mark would want to be a wizard because he's not hugely imaginative and would enjoy the gravitas of being some kind of powerful Gandalf type. In practice he'd probably come across as an unintentional ham. And I don't know what class or race Digger would be -- he might enjoy the challenge of something unexpected or ridiculous -- but am pretty sure his character would end up a drunken lout because that's just how he rolls. No pun intended :]
With Hartley I go back and forth on whether he'd go with the obvious bard archetype he genuinely enjoys being or try something entirely different to have a new experience…not sure, really. I don't know what class Lisa would play, but I think she'd want to have a female character because she's in a crowd of guys (not that they'd all necessarily pick male characters) and I think she'd want to assert her identity amongst them.
Not sure if this helps!
Anyone else have some input?
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 5 years ago
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Renée ‘Ren’ Donaghue for @crescendemon ‘s Bachelor Challenge.
Basic Information
City Native // Self-Assured / Good / Hot Headed  22 / she/her /  bisexual / San Myshuno
Backstory Below:
Ren is the only child of James Donaghue - who is currently serving as a senator for San Myshuno - and his late wife Rosie Donaghue (née Valleli).  Growing up she was the city’s sweetheart while also being the ‘it girl’ of the city’s elite.  Her simstagram had over 3 million followers.  That was until she went dark half way through her second year studying Communications at Britechester University.  This coincided with the end of her mother’s prolonged illness. The next and last time Ren was photographed was at her mother’s funeral.
After deleteing her public simstagram and dropping out of university Ren dropped her good girl persona.  She changed her look to avoid recognition (and embarassing her father) and turned to a party life style.  The first year after her mother’s death was spent travelling around the world, mostly drinking and sleeping with random people.  Now she lives in her family’s San Myshuno Penthouse - while her father lives near congress - continuing this party lifestyle with an ever changing circle of friends.  She and her father barely talk - she hasn’t forgiven him for not telling her how bad her mum was until she was on her deathbed - so he just leaves her to her own devices, hoping that she’ll get herself together soon.
Her oldest friend, Gracie O’Malley, signed her up for the show knowing that Michael is exactly Ren’s type and maybe it would allow Ren to finally make a connection with someone again.  Especially since she has closed herself off from real relationships since her mum’s death.  Ren was drunk when Gracie brought it up and agree - she now regrets it but won’t back down from a challenge.
(I didn’t mean to love this sim this much but I do.  I’m currently working on doing some background posts with her as well - but I wanted to get this posted for the deadline.  This is what lockdown is doing to me...)
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eaterofdice · 5 years ago
What the dnd class you main says about what kind of dm you are
My opinion but I’m frequently right
Edit: I’ve been called out for forgetting to include paladins so I’ve added them very sorry! Also please tag what dm you are and if I’m right I love to read them ❤️
Barbarian- not always a rules lawyer but you know every goddamn combat stat. What weapon hit die? Got it. Spell radius? Got it. Modifiers and prone rules? Got it all babey who needs a players handbook with you around
Bard- your npcs have really in-depth fleshed out backstories that you really love! You might be ok with it if your party makes this campaign a dating sim. Also, you’re the most likely to allow joke characters
Cleric- you like to give your party a travel buddy! A companion npc to help out, fill out the party and provide some banter. You know these npcs are your best chance at steering your idiot players in the right direction and probably aren’t secretly evil
Druid- your settings and maps are PHENOMENAL! Listening to you describe the playing field sounds like the beginning of an ancient epic. You probably home brew a lot as well, and are pretty ok with mounts and familiars (many DMs aren’t!)
Paladin- you’re a slut for minis and the classic table set up, even if you dont typically play that way. Most likely to use actual battle strategies in combat. also the story you build is the most important thing to you, you’ll let players get away with weird asks in the name of a dope ass tale
Fighter- theres nothing is sexier to you than a complex villain. Your favorite part of DMing is the villain, dropping hints about who they are, tossing in some minions. The drama babey
Monk- WORLDBUILDING! Whether it’s the 5e material or homespun, the planes and the worlds are so fun. This makes for really overarching stories that are really fun! You’re in it for the long-con but it’s so worth it
Ranger- your maps are amazing and boy oh boy do you love a forest setting. You’re overall balanced in terms of getting to combat, quests and Rp!
Rogue- calm down edgelord not every backstory needs to be tragic. You LOVE tormenting your players. BBEG reveal BOOM! That friendly NPC betrayed you BOOM! You live for the drama. who said DND couldn’t be a soap opera?
Sorcerer- does the least session prep but can improv like a legend so nobody can tell. You like to roll random dice and go “hm. Interesting” just to freak your players out and home brew your own monsters
Warlocks- dream sequences sure are fun, huh? You love to give your players ultimatums, magical or not. The most likely to turn their players against one another for the fun of it.
Wizard- you own every dnd book, and also might be a bit of a rules lawyer. You know absolutely everything about magic but always have to look and see what weapon uses which dice. However, you love to make physical copies of in-game letters and props to give your players at the table which is really sexy of you.
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creacherkeeper · 3 years ago
How is the cowboi doing? :) I’d love to hear about some of their recent adventures.
there have certainly been some Events Unfolding so those are under the cut, casey since youre in our campaign now NO PEEKING
fair warning this is .... long ..... you have asked me to talk about my dnd character and you simply CANNOT stop the floodwaters now. enter at your own risk
okay so basically the first arc of the campaign kind of kicked off with them getting a vision from their goddess (the grain goddess/goddess of agriculture) saying that she was trapped in a fey gate and that they needed to come rescue her
so erley immediately Rallied The Posse and set off to do that. they NUMEROUS times tried to pray to her, commune with her, basically just get ANY sort of communication or guidance from her, but the dice like to tell their story so i literally never got above an 11 (paladin with only +2 to religion my beloved) and they never heard from her, which was making them. pretty nervous. when it seemed like everyone else was able to talk to their gods just fine
well we eventually figured out that there was a huge gathering of fey in the woods (me: this might be too big for us to fight. what if its like 30 fey? / my dm, glancing at his notes where he has 2000 fey written down: (: ) and basically the fey like. had captured and were trying to kill what was left of the pantheon so they could bring back gaia as the One True God
we found all this out because it turned out several members of the party had been lying about how much they knew of the fey and had personal connections to the fey they'd kept hidden. and erley, who is ALSO HIDING A LOT from the party like. immediately went on the offense and was just generally very unhappy about this
there had been this fey merchant who kept popping up wherever we were trying to sell us magic weapons that seemed tied to us specifically. erley was always VERY suspicious of her and did everything in their power to stop the others from buying her weapons (which we literally had to buy with -5 to a skill point, not money, v sus) to mixed results. but basically when we got to the fey gathering (we called it gaiapalooza) erley rolled a 1 on their survival check to get through the magic field and like. got teleported to her. and they really wanted information from her so they basically were like LEORA I DONT KNOW WHO TO TRUST I THINK MY PARTY HAS BEEN LYING TO ME, CAN YOU TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THEM CAN YOU SEE US WHEN YOURE NOT THERE? and basically pretended to need a therapy session in order to milk her for information lmao. she also seemed like. REALLY interested in erley and i was also very nervous about that
and i was RIGHT to be suspicious of her because we found out she WAS ACTUALLY THE BIG BAD and we had to fight her in the arc finale. and several of our party members had rl stuff and were not there, and in game our druid was away casting an 8 hour long spell to try and stop the palooza ceremony, so our party was SUPER nerfed and also as soon as erley realized it WAS actually leora who was behind all of it and she WAS trying to hurt them with those weapons (the weapons were tethers to the gods to be able to kill them basically), they got .... a little angry
and my party found out after irl a year of playing these characters that erley's first level is barbarian :))
so erley raged and did frankly a staggering amount of damage in this fight, and also only stayed up because of rage because they took a LOT of hits. but also. they dont rage FOR A REASON so it sort of took them over and when leora dropped, one of the other pcs ran over to stabilize her as she was making death saves and erley :) maybe :) drove a spear through her heart and killed her :)
and her body immediately just like. overgrew with plants and vines and flowers and basically wrapped the spear in a bed of plants and it was very cinematic and cool
(we have since found out that leora was like. actually an aspect of gaia so. that is. interesting)
of course then erley popped out of rage and was like FUCK this is why i dont do this, i went too far, it always goes too far, THIS is why im ashamed of this, and just got very emo boi about it. so they used their last spell slot to cast restoration on the space they had fought in and reached out to their goddess, having just saved her and the rest of the pantheon like she had asked them to
and i rolled a nat 1!!!
(the dm was like "you have committed this violent act, you feel so low and so bad and in need of guidance, and reach out to your goddess. and the absolute lack of a response just makes you feel empty inside" and i was like :) oh :) okay cool :) you love to see that with your paladins huh)
at this point the druid came back in and, instead of erley like. examining any of their own shit immediately lashed out at her and was like "why did you lie to me about the fey, why did you lie about why you were here, why ARE you here because i realize now it wasnt to help me"
and at that point ONE OF THE FEY QUEENS WALKED IN and the druid was like "... mother ..." and we were all :O
so it turns out the fey queen is her birth mom but had like? kidnapped one of the children of her firbolg tribe and was holding her hostage and the druid was on a quest to find her and bring her back
so erley :) felt :) even more bad about that :) and very shamedly pledged their help to her, and basically was like "as long as youre on this noble quest i will follow you if you'll have me"
so we're on our second arc now, which is traveling across the country to go meet the fey queen and get this kid back. as we were traveling my dm had me roll religion and a luck check and i got a 21 ON RELIGION FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER and a 6 luck. and he was like "you dont usually dream, but you have a nightmare. you know this nightmare was given to you, it was divinely inspired, but you dont know who sent it" and it was just erley killing leora over and over and over again. so they were like. well fuck
(my dm also messaged me privately and we talked and he was like. yeah you can get rid of your oath of devotion and change it to oath of the ancients, i am not telling you or erley why the subclass has changed and you also might get nerfed later. also level up barbarian for the next fight)
so erley was. feeling PRETTY DANG BAD and very guilty and stressed and all that. they did also realize their barbarian side was getting stronger which, considering their backstory is all tragic barbarian shit they were NOT happy about. i was fully prepared to have them be more ostracized from the party and go into full angst mode, but then the druid actually like. pulled them aside and explained why she had hidden information from them, and had a very sweet conversation with them and held their hand and it was VERY touching (she also had the baller line "you think your goddess can hear you and she's not answering. but maybe you're talking in a whisper and she needs to hear you scream")
we had another fight (we're level 7 and my dm told us after it was a cr 32 fight like. dude??? what the fuck?????) and once again erley didnt go down only because of rage
THEY ALSO UNINTENTIONALLY CAST MISTY STEP (which is an ancients spell they didnt have before) and were like WELL NO TIME TO UNPACK WHAT THAT WAS RIGHT NOW, HAVE TO NOT DIE
after the battle was over i asked to roll a check to figure out why i had access to that spell and got :) yeah you guessed it :) another nat 1 :) so erley has literally no idea how they cast that or what it could mean. we just had a new pc introduced who is a sorcerer so erley is definitely going to talk to her and see if she knows anything. because they are FULLY IN THE DARK about their subclass change or what that means in game
we're also (because of the fucking cr 32 fight) going to be leveling up again soon, and babey you KNOW im leveling barbarian. after rage kept me up and then rolling another nat 1 religion check, and also me the player not knowing whats up with their goddess/magic, i simply cant level paladin rn. so im BETWEEN A FEW SUBCLASS OPTIONS and ive been thinking them over but i think it really depends how the next few games go
my FULL ANGST option was to make them level into zealot barbarian like their awful dad, but i thought that made the least sense in universe rn
secondary angst option is to level into berserker, which i think fits pretty closely with how i've been roleplaying the rage so far. trading off an extra attack for a level of exhaustion fits pretty closely. also whump central
the NICE option is to have them be a totem warrior barbarian, and have both their paladin steed and their totem be a bull :) (they are a cowboi after all) i think thats the closest i can marry their two classes and potentially have some healthy growth for them, let them see that the rage doesnt HAVE to be a bad thing, that being a barbarian isnt something they HAVE to be ashamed of. reskinning the bear totem would give them resistance to all damage but psychic while raging, and im planning on taking the tough feat, so theyd pretty much be ... an unstoppable tank. plus i can still divine smite while in rage so theyd be VERY powerful
and now youre all caught up on my very special boi :))))) bet you didnt expect quite that much of an infodump but. listen. listen im simply obsessed with dnd i cannot help it. any chance to talk about my characters i WILL TAKE IN A HEARTBEAT (thank u for prompting my ramble lmao)
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denndrawings · 4 years ago
Hi and welcome to Misha Mixes Unrelated Things. Todays episode is called: The Grishaverse Is A DnD Campaign That Got (VERY) Out Of Hand And Here’s Why
(There are going to be spoilers of. Pretty much everything. Except for King of Scars because I’m only like 3 chapters in so. No spoilers from KoS)
Let’s begin with the SOC duology because that’s the first thing I read and also I feel like it has a more “conventional” dnd-esque narrative (probably because of the multiple POVs and stuff idk).
So, first things first: characters. While I think all of the crows are equally important to the plot of the book I also think that not all of them are players’ characters. I don’t think Kaz is, for instance, and probably Wylan isn’t either. But let me explain the rest first and then I’ll elaborate on this.
Inej is a classic rogue with her amazing skills and tragic backstory and everything. I think the person that plays her would probably be a beginner because Inej’s backstory is so intertwined with the plot and so well fitted to the city where the story begins and she has such a clear role and stuff that it can only be because the DM had a say on this. From my experience at least and I’ve been DMing for like 5 years now so maybe I know a thing or two. I may be wrong tho.
Matthias is an oathbreaker paladin. The drüskelle sounds like the kind of half military/half religious organization able to provide paladins in a dnd game. They would be Oath of Devotion paladins. Or like a twisted version of those but yes. Oath of Devotion to Djel or whatever I don’t really like fjerdans let me be. I also think Matthias’ player and Nina’s knew each other/had player with each other before and that’s why they made a backstory together and made sure their characters were… a thing from the beginning. I think they wouldn’t be as committed to the DM as Inej’s character so they probably chose a far off place to set their backstory so they didn’t have to learn all of the kerch politics and stuff and join gangs and shit (even thought Nina’s player kind of ended up doing it but I think I remember it was Kaz who found her and not the other way around so).
Nina is a cleric but like. Either a Death or a War Domain cleric. Not a cleric suited for healing but for killing. Cool shit, I personally love clerics. I think the player would have the curse of being the only “““healer””” of the group without even being a real healer. It happens to the best of us ;_; (not to me tho I never play I’m a forever DM XDD)
I think Jesper is a fighter. I have considered making him an artificer but yeah, no because he didn’t build his guns or anything he’s just really fucking good at shooting stuff. That’s a fighter to me. And he later double-classes and stuff when they arrive to the Ice Court to be able to do his thing. I think this player is this type of player the DM invites to the table because they have played together before and they are fun as shit and they kinda help them direct the party where they need to go. I personally love that kind of player but I mean, who wouldn’t?
So yes, now on why Kaz and Wylan aren’t players’ characters. Maybe this is gut feeling of mine and I’m wrong but they are like. Too well intertwined with the plot like. Wylan is definitely this npc the DM brought randomly to like maybe kill him at some point and make Loving Father Van Eck want to mess with the Crows and then the party just fell in love with him and so the DM couldn’t kill him and made an incredibly tragic backstory for him instead where Bad Guy Van Eck became the man we know and he just was a terrible man stupid enough to mess with them.
And Kaz… he is just /too/ in control to not be an npc. Literally nobody but the DM would know so much about the city and the npcs and everything. That’s just Not A Thing. It would almost be meta-rol. For me it makes sense that at the beginning Kaz was only going to be like the Crows’ hirer like, the contact between Van Eck and the players’ characters. And this time I don’t think it was the players’ idea that he stayed, it was probably the DM’s. Having a character that knows pretty much everything is just So Useful to a DM. And then the DM fell in love with him, gave him an amazing backstory and issues and everything. And the final miracle of bringing Inej’s parents to Ketterdam is something only a DM can do like. The man is a disaster but I think he totally has the signature of the DM of a chaotic AF party that realized that their party needed a compass to remind them all the time what their mission was.
About the plot per se…man I don’t know what to say. That looks like the DM pitching a simple robbery and everybody getting nat20s in super weird situations and getting away with stuff. But I mean, that’s DnD in a nutshell so.
My headcanon for Matthias’ ending is that the player had to leave the group for some reason. They probably had this super cool redemption arc planned for him that he totally deserved (listen I Don’t Like Matthias like. At all. But the man worked for it ok? I think I could have get to maybe like him if he had a little more time to grow but whatever) but then they had to leave and the group didn’t want to like get rid of him right away or for him to become an npc so the DM and Nina’s player took turns playing him until well. The thing. You know. It was kind of a sudden death like, players’ characters usually have death saves and stuff and they don’t get killed that easily and that’s why I think Matthias wasn’t a player character anymore even though he began the campaign as one.
And because y’all have been good and have read my bullshit until this point, here you have my headcanon for the trilogy:
The Grisha trilogy is an overly complicated off-roading some of the players made up during the campaign like imagine the discord server where they usually play. Well in most DnD discord servers there is a channel where you can roleplay through text as your character. I think the Grisha trilogy was born there from the DM telling kind of the backstory of the world and Sankta Alina and the war and stuff and the players made up characters or maybe just took side characters from that story and made them into Proper Characters to roleplay following that but also kind of ended up developing more aspects about it (I imagine the DM probably had a few details on that, like an outline or something and the players just kinda took it to a whole new level. Players often do that kind of magic). And they were all hyped AF when their DnD characters met their Other Dnd Characters, obviously.
I don’t know which player would play each character, though. Maybe Jesper’s was Nikolai just because they both are /like that/ and Nina’s was Zoya and maybe Inej’s was Genya. Or the other way around, idk. I feel like the whole monologue Nina has at some point of Zoya Is To The Drüskelle Like Jarl Brun Is To The Grisha sounds like Nina’s player is also Zoya’s player but idk.
So yes I can probably elaborate on everything if someone’s interested but this is what I have so far.
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kirksfattitties · 5 years ago
okay here’s more about the tos crew playing dnd au/hc/whatever
mccoy: dungeon master. grumpy old fuck, perfect for keeping players in line and not taking any bullshit. also creative and funny and would think of interesting storylines.
kirk: human paladin (oath of devotion). really loves the roleplay aspects and REALLY gets into character. always talks about how he can’t break his oath. tries to talk his way out of situations but it usually doesn’t work and he ends up getting hit, but that’s okay because his character can put up a good fight. also keeps flirting with npc’s but strikes out
spock: half-elf wizard (school of necromancy). spock originally didn’t want to play but jim convinced him saying it would help him understand human interactions and get to know his coworkers better. he also said that there was math and strategy involved which intrigued spock. spock picked a wizard because he admired how wizards gain magic from studying (nerd). he SAID he picked necromancy because it’s “an intriguing concept” but everyone knows it’s because he’s goth. he picked half-elf in an attempt to humor his human friends (it worked and they laughed). found the roleplaying difficult at first, but has gotten the hang of it now. his character keeps almost dying because wizards have shit health (bones teases him because a NECROMANCER almost DYING). also memorized the entire rules books and holds everyone to them. also helps everyone with Dice Math. also YES he has a familiar and YES it’s a black cat.
uhura: tiefling bard (college of creation). amazingly good at everything. good at roleplay, good at combat, and makes really good plans. usually suggests being The Distraction in whatever plan they do. about 80% of her rolls are Really High and bones keeps accusing her of cheating, but spock made some nearly-perfect balanced dice and she tried them out and rolled two 20’s and one 19, so basically everyone concluded that she’s just lucky. also flirts with all the npc’s but actually scores with them (unlike jim’s character). spock lends her his vulcan lyre so she can play music to sing along with. she also has a book of little poems she’s written (for bardic inspiration and spellcasting) but she can also come up with them on the fly pretty well.
sulu: human rogue (swashbuckler)/fighter (samurai) multi-class. LIVES for the fighting and also tries to show off and do cool flips whenever he can. has the highest kill count in the game and hasn’t yet been knocked unconscious. whenever the roleplay or the planning gets boring he’s just like “can i hit something now?” (the first time he said that, bones was like “ok” and had a dozen goblins ambush him, but sulu singlehandedly killed all of them. bones didn’t do that again.) also rolls his eyes when people ask for a rest. (it’s all just performance though, he actually likes the stories that bones makes and likes playing with everyone)
scott: rock gnome artificer (artillerist speciality). he keeps trying to make a phaser inside dnd, which is kinda(?) possible. he accidentally (“accidentally”?) makes a lot of things explode. his character always has some type of alcohol on him (scotty uses this as an excuse to bring alcohol to the sessions, bones usually doesn’t start drinking until someone does something dumb and scotty will slide him a glass). he’s usually with sulu on the “can we fight now?” train, but he has shed a tear or two when some genuinely touching roleplaying stuff happened.
chekov: satyr ranger (fey wanderer). his character’s feywild gift is “fresh, seasonal flowers sprout from your hair each dawn” because why the fuck not? his character is quite literally a party animal, but knows when it’s time for business (well, at least most of the time). chekov keeps pointing out random things and has his character say that it was “inwented in the feywild” (the first time he did that, bones stole scottys drink and drank like half of it). bones started calling chekov’s character “the kid” as a pun (“because satyr... goat... kid.... baby goat..?”) and no one laughed but then later on chekov made a joke and said “i’m just kidding” and everyone laughed (except bones [okay, and spock but you could tell he was amused that bones was mad]). chekovs character is not really “good” at too many things, but he keeps everyone laughing (or annoyed). chekov usually rolls pretty low and they’ve written it off in canon as his character being very clumsy. he’s often in need of saving from the other party members. the kid’s a pretty great shot tho
rand: human warlock (pact: the great old one). rand doesn’t play every session (she’s usually busy), but when she does it’s really fun for everyone. her character is really op and always bringing out some unexpected spell or feature or object. despite being a powerful and intimidating warlock her character appears very flamboyant and flouncy. her character is very nice but can also be very ferocious.
chapel: water genasi cleric (life domain). CONSTANTLY fixing people up. about half of the time, it’s spock and/or jims characters trying to save each other and she has to heal them (bones is like “now you see what I have to deal with”) and the majority of other times it’s chekovs character. her character is also the Mom Friend and helps all the other characters with their Issues (because they all have Tragic Backstories). Her character is the only one without a Tragic Backstory and her backstory is basically just “i wanted to heal people and make the world a better place :)”. she’s basically everyone’s favorite played character and she can Do No Wrong (even when she definitely does do something wrong).
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years ago
actually managing to put out a liveblog the day the new ep dropped ^u^
just got back from seeing frozen 2 (which was really good btw) and am jumping straight into this, i’m so excited!!!
i will never get over how good the intro music is
aww, snippy and the campus kitties are friends! 0u0
travis giving the "i don't care how elves can dream" crowd rights lol
oh gross, clint why
everyone made fun of argo for the lime munching and now there's a tragic backstory involved, dang clint
... so he's having a night terror essentially
well that's better, that’s not scary at least
aww firblog :'(
"SNIPPERS ATTACK" f i t z r o y
aww, rainier sent him a letter :)
"thank you son" oh my god i love this
ilu griffin
yes there are actually clint
i would die for snippers
aww yay!
is the crab... writing? nope lol
i can already tell they're all getting to be better friends, i am all about this developing dynamic
i love you firbolg holy shit
oh no, baby :(
"i fashioned a cone for myself" i'm dying oh my god
that's a fun yet grisly mental image
clint please figure out what you're doing with argo’s voice, you're sliding back to into merle’s again
is it a crepe?
you dumb dumb just open the thingy
fitzroy my sweet dumb baby child i will protect you with my life
"ping-ponging around the stages of grief" g r i f f i n
griffin that is a burger joint what do you mean
... is he not really a knight at all? did he get conned? is this a nigerian prince situation?
i'm caught in this moment between feeling horrible for fitzroy getting conned and feeling happy that firbolg trusts argo enough to ask about things when he's confused
travis you make my heart hurt with how wholesome this is
"telling a pompous guy that he's been an ass, that's really right in my wheelhouse" oh the theories i am developing about argo’s backstory
griffin you've killed me
oh no, you dumb dumb boy, oh no
rainier is trying so hard to be gentle with him i'm dying
i legit thought why does he have detention? before remembering that he did nearly electrocute three teachers
have we met rhodes before? they seem nice, i like them so far
i'm starting to think addressing people as "friend ____" is a clint thing and not just a ned thing
oh fun! skeleton buddy! :D
smart advice honestly
they're looking for gundren lmao
nice folley there trav
this is gonna be so much fun holy shit! travis has put so much thought into this set-up and i love it
this music is reminding me of undertale and i don't know why
firbolg no, no buddy no
"ooooh" my thoughts exactly argo
does fitzroy just have loose broaches in his bag???
NICE! go argo :D
yeah that is definitely the cop
argo my sweet baby boy i love you so
this is a very good grift lol
... not terrible but not great either
i like that trav isn't going up and down failure with the checks, it's more of a finessing
oh i know this is going to go wrong, holy shit
oh nooo firbolg baby, oh this is so sad
this voice is murdering me travis
argo is being so patient with him and it makes me so happy
"i am trying" you got this buddy, i love you
oh no, honey, leave it be, you already won honey
i love this professor so far
so argo got the invite to the castle, and firbolg found the fence... so it's up to fitzroy to find the dude with the map
"so i need you to play along, okay?" oh this is going to go so badly
what is this voice fitzroy are you trying to sound like an npc
the accent was bad enough to
what is this voice fitzroy
just give him the broach, he isn't real you'll probably get it back
"i am a kind and benevolent dm" ilu travis
poor fitz lmao
yeah basically argo was the only competent one
i love that justin's characters have progressed from “fairly decent liar” to “tries but is horrible at lying” to “culturally forbidden to lie”
... i did not even think of most of these match-ups until now, dang
"fitz you were so adequate" argo
... are we at the money zone or is this just a fun lil music break? oop, nm,  there it is
i need to get in on this, i'm gonna be brainstorming for a bit
i guess we have met rhodes, i need to relisten to the first to eps
good for argo my sweet boy
justin is so battle hungry
was rolandis the malfoy-esque one? oh yep, he's the asshole
"fancy lad" a n g u s
go skeleton buddies!
next up is the nearly dead argo lol
he has a sling? oh right i think that’s a thing in one of the standard dnd equipment packs
not bad at all! go argo!
NICE! go fitz!
hell yeah! all the boys are doing a good job today
hey fitzroy? maybe don't??? tease the prof into making things harder on you?????
thank you for taking away the moral issues trav
susan has her own personal voidfish lol
JESUS TRAVIS, that startled the shit out of me
yes please get the bear away from fitzroy please
NICE! first time seeing a rage from fitz :D
he doesn't warp-spasm, he just goes fluffs out lol
ew :(
oh cool, so he's a paladin
aww snippers :'(
i think it's like 300 something- wait 206? dang okay
oh cool! they went up two entire levels :D
are they going out into the world next ep? ooo so excited for that!
holy shit the literal principle showed up
argo you little shit i love you so much
fiztory my sweet boy i have been there before
argo that was so sketch what the fuck
...is that the end of the ep then? i guess so lol
oh shit, nm, this is why i always listen til the max fun jingle
i am suddenly so scared what the fuck
i hate the voice so much, i don't know why it gives me... is negative asmr a thing? like it makes literally shivers go down my spine
?????obtain what?????
what the fuck is going on travis
another amazing episode! i cannot wait to see the boys interact with the world outside of the school, and it sounds like that’s where we’ll be heading in the next few eps! also extremely curious about what’s going on with argo, i love firbolg and fitz dearly but he’s quickly becoming my favorite pc 
see you guys next right thursday! ^u^
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coyoteajar · 7 years ago
I love them, pls tell us more about ya OCs ouo
Thank you very much!
A few more things about Jackson and Will (because I’m really focused on these 2 right now, but i’ll move on in a sec):
Jackson can’t cook
i mean…. he can? but not super well
he knows how to make simple stuff like eggs or pancakes or whatever, but that’s it. And it’s always pretty plain tasting. but it’s still better than Will because Will just won’t cook stuff (it’s effort and requires energy that he doesn’t have)
so Jackson will sometimes make Will some food. i mean, he “can’t be the only one to eat all of Will’s food, you know?”
Will and Jackson watch Buzzfeed Unsolved together
Will is basically Shane and this fucking baffles Jackson because
“I’m? A ghost?? You are literally talking to me, a ghost, and saying that you don’t believe in the supernatural?”
“I mean yeah, but you still haven’t shown me proof of that other stuff being real. And besides, how do I know you’re not just an exception to a rule? or even a ghost? i mean, we haven’t seen any others. so who knows?”
Jackson used to be ticklish
Will has a ban on puns in the house because once Jackson told one and it caused Will to let out a giggled snort and Jackson looked at him w/ these wide eyes and Will got super self-conscious but Jackson was like “no. it suits you.” and Will just stomps away because “shut. up.”
OKay, but let’s talk about the most important OC, which is Ryan Harper, my son.
Ryan is a recurring NPC from the DnD/DW campaign I’ve been running
He’s a gun-slinging rogue from the South
and he may not wear a cowboy hat, but he does wear a duster coat
and he’s very much the type to act overly confident and by telling bad jokes, and a touch of self-deprecating humor and finger guns. all because he’s dead on the inside
he’s like, constantly this close to a breakdown. or at least a panic attack, because what is with adventurers these days??
Ryan Harper deserves to be happy somewhere far from all this necromancy business, but for now he must suffer and i feel a little bad
I love my sad, gay son
and Ryan loves [name redacted: my dead, gay son]. And he should probably be trying to move on, but who needs to work through their grief in a healthy way?
some people?? form Thieves’ Guilds??? to cope????????
he also has some history w/ the leader of this really shady quild that seeks out God powers to protect the world or some shit? who knows?
don’t ask him about her though. he’s not exactly a fan. it’s… it’s a pretty long story.
and besides, you need to be a Level 19 Friend to unlock that tragic backstory
speaking of tragic backstory
that dude he loves? [name redacted]? Ryan defo blames himself for his death.
and well. i mean? he’s not wrong
because Ryan knows he probably could’ve protected [name redacted], but he was too much of a fucking coward and would rather run away again because he doesn’t want to watch another one of them die again and not be able to stop it even though he should be able to but he can’t because he’s not allowed and he knows it so instead he just. leaves
and if i’m being honest he probably shouldn’t be blaming himself, but the only other person who actually deserves blame for this situation isn’t even here anymore so he can’t exactly blame her anymore, can he?
so instead he’s left w/ himself and far too much time to think
which is when he helps to form the Thieves’ Guild
it’s also when he decides he no longer cares what happens to himself
which can come in handy when running dangerous missions
but conversely, it can also be super detrimental to missions
but uh… i think he’s getting better? maybe??
it’s up to my Players. but that’s a story for another time. (like in a year or something)
(anyway! fun facts about coming up w/ Ryan):
He was originally created because my sister, Lynn, had a character who was a part of the Thieves’ Guild and had a mentor-like/friend type of person in it
and i had a lot of ideas on how to tie in Player backstories and how to hurt their characters, so Ryan was gonna betray the Players in a bad way.
and he almost did
but then? i realized that wasn’t him?
this was getting close to the time when i was realizing that i really wanted to reboot the campaign, so i was constantly rethinking NPCs and plotlines
and I’m gonna be honest? Jes is the reason Ryan has become the character he is
because Jes did the thing that Players do by joining Ryan for the train ride. she completely derailed my plans (pun intended)
because Ryan was gonna start laying part of the trap during this bit
but now Jes was w/ him and also the new players
and I’d been debating this plot anyway
so when i played him in front of them, i just? changed how i’d been trying to play him?
he was originally being played more like Han Solo and then I was playing him like Flynn from Tangled (or Crowley from Good Omens)
and i realized i liked that version SO much more
(and so did the others, especially Jes)
so i played really into it in the next session and it made so much more sense to me
so i took that time to rewrite him (and a few other plot points)
so Ryan wasn’t some minor villain anymore.
and this actually is when i got closer to the current plot of the campaign
And this is when I decided to rewrite and reboot it all
and now Ryan is the rogue that we all know and love (or at least, me and Jes love)
Anyway, I also have some OCs from highschool that I’ve been updating off and on recently, if ya’ll are interested?
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smokescreen24 · 5 years ago
50 DND Questions
1. What do you think your d&d race would be? Proabably human. If I get the choice, I’d like to be either an Elf or Dragonborn. I’d be cool with either of those. 
2. What class? Mostly likely a fighter? I’m not religious enough for a cleric, and not smart enough for a sorcerer or wizard. I like the idea of being able to throw hands. 
3. What two feats would you have? I’d want the Alert feat, and more than likely the Lucky feat. Alert means my initiative gets improved, and Lucky means that I can reroll a bad throw. Those would get used a lot. 
4. What has been your favorite d&d character you've played? (NPCs count for DMs) I’ve only got the two for now, but Liander’s been getting the most love. She’s probably my favorite. 
5. Which of your d&d characters has been the most like you? Oh, Liander, without a doubt. She’s pretty close to my baseline personality.
6. Which of your d&d characters has been the least like you? And that would be Cade. Cade is just this side of Chaotic Evil, so she’s a little harder for me to get into the right headspace for. Playing her takes a lot out of me, to be honest. 
7. How do you go about making a character or NPC? That’s hard to say - I give the session about an hour or so to feel it out, and let the personalities develop naturally over time. My playing style is reactive, so I let the situation dictate how said character would respond. 
8. What is the most memorable natural 20 you've ever experienced? That would be with Cade. I’d rolled to take out a stone giant, suplexed them (because she’s a barbarian and her strength stat is wild), then chopped his dick off with my battleaxe like I was swinging a golf club. It uh, made an impression on the rest of the party, and the rest of the enemies. 
9. Has one of your d&d characters ever died? How? Not yet, so don’t jinx me! I’m still attached to both of them, and would like to keep them around! 
10. What is your favorite class to play? So far, it’s been my ranger. She’s fun, and I’m digging the whole ‘animals as companions’ thing she’s got going. 
11. Have you ever fought a dragon? Yes. Between Cade and Paileous, we cut it’s head off. It’s currently a trophy back at home base. Got a lot of gold for our trouble, too. 
12. Have you ever fought a beholder? NO. Not entirely sure I wanna, either! 
13. Have you ever fought a mind flayer? No, but it’s coming up. My buddy is having us roll new characters for the Underdark campaign. I might try a cleric just for funsies. 
14. Have you ever had a romance with an NPC or another PC? Nope. I am here to tell you that neither of my characters is looking for any of that. Liander’s too busy, and Cade is a halfling barbarian surrounded by equally questionable Drow paladins and rouges. No thanks. 
15. Do you prefer to DM or play?  I have no desire to DM. I’ve only been playing for a little while, and I’m not creative enough to attempt it. I’ll stick to playing. I’m good at that. 
16. What is your favorite D&D pod/vodcast? I’ve been listening to Critical Role - I’m relistening to the Whitestone/Chroma Conclave arcs. I love No Mercy Percy so much. 
17. Who is your favorite "celebrity dm?" I only know the one - Matt Mercer. 
18. Do you use props/minis/terrain in your game? Very rarely. I think we’ve only had like, two sessions that actually had terrain and mini’s. 
19. How did you discover D&D? My friends. I sat in on one of their games, and just for the hell of it, they rolled me a character, and thus Cade was born. 
20. If you run a homebrew game, give an out of context spoiler. I’m not running it, but smuggling is a thing, and the dude we’re smuggling for is someone whose face is on a wanted poster in my pocket. 
21. Drop a picture of a mini you painted (if applicable) Sorry, I don’t have any minis. They’re all with my DM. 
22. Write a brief scene centered around one of your characters! Uh, hang on -  "That was nice. I didn't ask you to get it for me, and I distinctly remember telling you I can get my own. Not my fault you don't listen worth a damn." Liander says with a slight grin. She doesn't know why, but she likes poking at Chancel. Not many folks react the way he does, and the scowl he sends her just makes her grin wider. "Come on. I cannot possibly be the only one who's pointed that out to you." 
 "Yeah, me. Two minutes ago." Zulth mutters into his mug.
23. Do you have any art of your characters? Yeah, one of my more artistic friends drew a sketch of Liander for me, complete with her cat on her shoulder. It’s pretty cool. It’s also huge, which is why I’m not posting it here. 
24. Have you ever played any TTRPGs other than D&D? No, this is my first foray into TTRPGs. 
25. What is your favorite snack for d&d? I reach for Cheetos or Doritos usually. They’re good, crunchy snacks. 
26. If you could have one potion from d&d, which one would you choose? If I could just load up on superior healing potions for life, I’d be a happy woman. 
27. If you could cast one spell from d&d, which would you cast? Fireball. That’s a nice equalizer, I think. 
28. What is the most memorable natural 1 you've experienced? Oh man. That would be with Liander this time. She was trying to sneak into a well fortified part of the city, and tamper with the water supply for one family. Well, I had to roll to hop the fence to do so, rolled a natural one, my foot caught in the fence, and there was a dog right in front of me. Landed on my face, and got bitten for my trouble. Still got the mission done, though. 
29. Have you ever been drunk playing d&d? I’ve been buzzed. Does that count? 
30. Homebrew or prewritten? Both? Both. Both is good. 
31. Tell me about your current party! Which one? Well, for the Alagaesia campaign, there’s my character Liander, a dwarf named Thorin, a rouge(?) named Zulth, an herbalist named Liam, and the man who hired us, an NPC named Bjorn. We’re actually trying to accomplish something with this campaign, or so the DM says. 
For the Guardians of Gravenhollow campaign, I’m a halfling barbarian named Cade, there’s a drow Paladin named Varis, and another Drow rouge named Paileous. This particular campaign is just chaotic evil fuckery. 
32. Most memorable NPC you've encountered in a game you played in. Victor. He built a clock, I wanted his tinkering kit, and wound up buying both at a just criminally low price. I kinda feel like I ripped him off, tbh. 
33. Do you listen to music while playing? What kinds? Mostly the Skyrim soundtrack with a little Witcher soundtrack thrown in for funsies. Atmospheric stuff. 
34. Favorite accent to do for characters? I don’t really have one for either of my characters. Mostly because I’m bad at keeping it up. I forget. 
35. Favorite classic d&d trope Tragic Backstory(TM). Only one of my characters has it, but it’s damn fun to role-play.
36. What was your first d&d character you made? That would be Cade! She started out as kind of a throw-away, but she got mixed in with Paileous and Varis and she’s living her best chaotic life. 
37. What is the most recent PC or NPC you've created? That’d be Kahtri, actually! I haven’t played her a whole bunch, so I’m not really familiar with her yet, but it’ll be interesting to play a Drow cleric who doesn’t actually worship Lolth. (I don’t do spiders.)
38. Goblins or Kobolds? I actually haven’t dealt with either yet. I’m slightly more familiar with Goblins simply because of CritRole. 
39. Favorite villain you've defeated? Uh, I dunno if I’d classify her as a villian exactly, but Cade’s killed an NPC named Creed who was a servant to the god Grotz. Pretty sure he’s out for revenge now. 
40. What d&d deity would you be a cleric of? I am a cleric of the Drow deity Elistraee. (I had to double check the spelling on that) 
41. Give an out of context quote from one of your games! Liander - “I tried to stop him, but he fucking yote me across the room like I wasn’t even there. Is it weird I’m bitter about that?”
Thorin - *emerges from the wreckage of the crate we were smuggling holding dragon eggs* “I FOUND LIVING ROCKS!” 
Liander and Zulth in tandem - *knows exactly what he’s holding* “Oh for fuck’s sake!” 
42. Have you ever rolled turn into a potted plant on the wild magic table? No, I don’t think I know anyone who plays that particular class, so I’ve never seen it happen. 
43. Minis and terrain or theater of the mind? Theater of the mind, good sir/madam. 
44. Mulligan, Mercer, Murphy, or McElroy? Mercer! Mercer! Mercer! 
45. What is the longest session you've ever had? Oh, jeez. Like, fourteen hours, give or take?
46. What is the longest battle you've fought or run? Uh, that’d be the fight with Creed. It took us like two hours to beat her down with three of us. She was stupid powerful. The bounty was great, though. 
47. Have you ever played at level 20? No, my highest level character is a level 11. I’m working on it, though. 
48. Does your dm say "How do you want to do this?" Oh yes. The table just blows up when that happens, not gonna lie. It’s fun to hear, especially if it’s aimed at you. 
49. Have you ever played an edition other than 5th? No, I started playing last year, so 5th is all I know. 
50. Will you try to convince others to play? Already done so. I’ve added a couple people to the group - my husband, whose character is the best straight man to our fuckery, and one of our mutual friends whose lunacy works with our brand of crazy. 
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celticrune · 8 years ago
and for u the uneven numbers of the oc questions thing!!
…boiUnder a cut for length
1. Your first OC ever?From the OCs on my ask page, that’d be Morana. I created her for my first DnD campaign, when I needed an npc to beef up the party. She’s grown a lot since then, especially since I started playing her as a PC, but yea she’s fun.
My first OC ever is more difficult. I think the technical first would be a fan oc I made for an rp, Arya. Wait no that’s wrong she’s the second. The forums were taken down so I can’t check, but I’m pretty sure the first rp I joined there was a dinosaur rp, where I played like a velociraptor also called Arya (I was very creative). I might’ve written some stuff before that but I don’t remember, so I’ll count this.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?nope
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? oh jeez. don’t make me choose between my children
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?Well, do DnD campaigns count as stories? I’ve also written oneshots for various characters, and I’ve got a giant college au with @spitaverse-burr and @kima-ladyofvord​ that features all our character which could count as a story.
So yeah basically all of them.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?why?? that’s the main question I have for adoptable OCs just why. not in a judgey way, i just genuinely do not understand
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? Tanwen. She’s the only pure character I have, all the rest are assholes. Tanwen is an actual ray of sunshine she’s great
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? Keiji, 100%. Whisper as well, if it’s something "cool” or if she was dared to. Though, Whisper is still pretty nervous about actually breaking the law, so it depends a bit on what it is.
Raya is not an active troublemaker so much as she has a casual disregard for these odd rules of civilization. She lives in forests like 99% of the time give her a break.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?yes
17. Any OC OTPs? oh boy do i ever. Morana and Lux’ Rorik, Temperance and Lux’ Chal, Val and Tori’s Lytte, Keiji/therapy (maybe also Keiji and Lux’ Wyatt), Raya/trees, Tanwen and Lux’ Ghilli (they’d be so cute..)
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)All of them, honestly. They’re all a part of me and they’re all very lovely assholes
21. Your most artistic OCNone of them really have a defined artist thing in their canon, but Keiji likes carving little wood birds to keep his hands busy during long watches and the like. Tanwen loves reading sappy romance novels, and in the college au she’s definitely written some terrible friendfiction (it’s like her one big secret, apart from the sister thing). 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?this is difficult damn. I think maybe Keiji? The first concept I had for him was “a monk who’s had to leave their order, and is v bitter and angry about it”. His backstory hasn’t changed, but his way of dealing with it has. I ended up dumping a bunch of my issues on him, and now he’s far more betrayed than angry, and he hides it all behind humour and snark. 
Beside him, Morana has also changed. I introduced her as a quiet, pragmatic npc character. Since I started playing her she’s gotten a lot more emotional and she’s found a temper (and a tragic backstory)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)As mentioned above, Keiji has a lot of my issues, mainly the selfdestructive habits and never talking about your feelings or being honest about them ever. 
Raya has my love for nature and natural magics. Morana has my curiousity, the love for knowledge and the need to know (even if it comes at the cost of summoning a devil). Whisper has my protectiveness, and subsequent troubles with communicating it. 
Honestly, they all have parts of me, cause well that’s just what happens when you create characters. and i love them all they’re good
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? nope
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?Keiji. Whisper would only do it on a dare so there’d be other people involved. Morana definitely would, because she’s dumb and reckless and in search of cryptids. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)ohohohoho. I recently found the conversation where Lux, Tori, and I talked about this for the college au.
Morana has a blog devoted to cryptids, but she also reblogs all history posts she can find. (she corrects them and adds sources if necessary). Surina isn’t technically in this au, but I could see her running like a fitness blog. Raya has a gardening blog, with tips and logs about her own plants. Val would have a lot of selfies w Lytte (and more pictures of just her), a lot of backstage pics from theatre, actual journal posts on recommendation of their therapist, and a truly worrying amount of posts about how to hide various weapons on your person.
Tanwen would run one of those cutesy study blogs, with prettily coloured to do lists, pictures of an organised workspace, and lots of self care tips for exam week. Keiji has various sideblogs. He has a fitness blog which is also about his martial arts studies, a shitpost meme blog (his main), an edgy aesthetic blog (bruised knuckles, people smoking on top of buildings, that kinda thing), and probably more.
Whisper would run like a proper blog blog, with logs from her many scouting trips and like mountain climbing adventures. Also a lot of pictures from those. Temperance isn’t really interested in going through the hassle (cause y’know blind), and Mokir is a cat. There is a tumblr and a linked twitter account dedicated to every sighting, and pictures and applause whenever he’s attacked someone.
33. Your shyest OC?Either Tanwen or Whisper probably, though neither of them are that bad. Tanwen can speak up and is stubborn enough to defend her opinion when it counts (which is often), and Whisper overcompensates with bluster and rambling.
35. Any sibling characters? Nope. I mean, some of them have siblings, but i don’t have two characters who are siblings
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human Morana and Temperance are tiefling. They’re a race which used to be human, until they were corrupted by demons, and now they look various levels of demonic. Surina is a dragonborn, so definitely not human. Val is a half-elf, though they’ve passed as both elven and human. Raya is a woodelf. Mokir is a rakashan, so basically an anthro cat. He’s based off like norwegian forest cats, so he’s an already burly and tall man who’s then like 50% fur it’s hilarious. 
39. Introduce any character you want Well in that case let me introduce the characters from The Roles We Play, since they’re not on my blog. Astra is a highelf wizard and she’s adorable. She’s quite shy, but she loves talking about the stars and magic, and someone else always needs to be on watch with her because she will without fail be distracted by watching the stars.
Nira is a human paladin of the Raven Queen. Her family didn’t quite agree with her choice to go study, but she found a second family with the order. She loves adventure, and she’s always the one most eager to explore ancient ruins and dangerous-looking caves.
Rémi is a half-elf bard. He’s the mom friend of the team, armed with exasperation and fond amusement, always ready to talk his friends out of jail. He also carries at least four instruments on his person at any given time.
Vengeance is a tiefling ranger with an owl companion called Hope. They go by Ven, most of the time, and they tend to be a voice of reason. They favour dry humour and snark, and they often spend long watches carving wooden figurines. 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)Yes! Lux is a gift to god’s good earth and they have a lot of amazing art here, including some of my characters~
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confessWell, one thing I noticed recently-ish is that almost none of my characters tend to be honest with their feelings. Keiji’s the most obvious, but Tanwen, Morana, Surina,  Whisper, Val, Temperance, they all have an element of acting, of being various levels of two-faced, of pretending you’re fine always. They all do it in different ways, but yeah.
Another thing is that I tend to make low charisma characters? like so many of them have cha as their dump stat. I also find it difficult to play low-int characters, so they all tend to have a higher intelligence.
45. A character you no longer use?Not from the characters on my oc page, but there are a shitton of characters from my rp days who I’ve abandoned.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?..probably. Can’t recall any specific examples rn, but I think Val’s been adopted more than once, same with Whisper. Val and Lux’ Chal also have a fun au where Chal adopts Val and runs away with her, and they become a family and travel together and it’s all fun and good until Temperance’s assassins manage to chase them down. 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes Keiji. 100%
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Will you tell us some more about your d&d character ? 👀
Sure! Thank you so much for asking!!
My character, Sylfaar, is a 27 year old wood elf. (That's a child, for those of you who don't know 😅) Here's a little basic info and the reasons behind them:
Class: fighter (the only reason is the DM said it was the easiest one and I've never really played before)
Background: haunted one (this isn't one of the standard backgrounds but it looked fun. Before you tell me, yeah yeah I know the orphan trope is very common amongst dnd characters with tragic backstories but I actually didn't know this until after I made my character. Anyway. At a young age his parents d i e d because he was possessed. Afterward the thing he was possessed by wasn't in control anymore, but it never truly left.)
Alignment: True neutral (he was kind of... Not in society and never really learned morals. Kind of just did what he needed.)
Strength: 12 (it was the last number)
Dexterity: 17 (he learned to hunt with a bow, which was one of the only things he left with after his family died. Also a music box.)
Constitution: 14 (he probably ate the occasional poisonous mushroom or two)
Intelligence: 8 (he was never taught much by anyone)
Wisdom: 11 (like I said before, kind of not in society)
Charisma: 15 (he had to learn to persuade people to get what he needed)
Other: he tries not to show his affection toward people in attempt to not get close to them (he doesn't want any more loved ones to be hurt)
Sometimes he can be an Idiot™ because of his few morals and low intelligence (it's really fun to role play this)
Interesting things that he (I?) has done throughout the actual gameplay:
-eat a pie made of children
-get arrested for running away from a fight
-make some bird guy confused whether he has knees or not
So yeah! It's a lot of fun to play as Sylfaar PLUS people use the correct pronouns 😏 see how sneaky I am?
Oh yeah and I posted some art of him a while back (it'll probably come up if you search either clove art or d&d)
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