#i know you asked for detailed backstories bc i went in
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what are your lilia calderu headcanons?
this is what I could think of right now! :)
The Maestra was a mother figure to her but she didn’t get everything she needed from her. She wasn’t warm enough since Lilia has always been a gentle soul. The hardened, sarcastic exterior she now puts on with new people she adopted because of her Maestra.
Heavy on the survivor’s guilt. For one, because of her coven in Sicily and also because of her witch sister who were killed during the trials, where she managed to get away after being tortured.
She had a wife who fell victim to the witch trials and who she’s been looking for ever since hoping that their paths will cross again in the form of a reincarnation.
In the comics she has a son apparently whereas in AAA we don’t know. Either she didn’t have children bc a) lesbian and b) she was scared to miss out on too much because of the “gaps” or she lost her son too in a similar fashion where she saw it coming but was powerless against it. In this case, if the son existed in this universe, I believe the vampire Lilia fought and got the scar from turned him and he went on to live with the other vampires since he was afraid he’d hurt his mother if he stayed with her.
She met Stevie Nicks in LA when she and Lindsey were doing small gigs. Lilia had a little crush on her. More on that here
Loves stuff like needlework, knitting, crocheting. Her maestra taught her and it’s her way of remembering and feeling less alone.
She’s also made all the beaded curtains herself in meticulous detail. It kept her company on many nights.
Amazing cook, grows weed, incredible singing (other ppl have mentioned this before so putting it in one point bc I so agree)
She’s worked as a singer in small jazz bars but eventually stopped because the tips dwindled as the centuries went by and the signs of age began to show. The pay wasn’t enough on its own.
Severely touch-starved. When someone touches her she freezes at first and then gets really emotional (without showing it) and will not leave the side of the person who touched her because she hopes they’ll do it again.
At the same time, she’s a recluse by choice. With her psychic business, she can dose human contact so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed with other people’s feelings and the visions she gets about them and the helplessness she feels.
Because she’s been on her own for so long, she’s very much stuck in her ways and particular about how she does things. So when you start dating her, you have to learn and adapt. And she appreciates this greatly.
She buys jewellery every time she visits a new place.
Big on little kisses.
She knows she’s hot.
this woman has a thing for being called “mama” I don’t make the rules. Her mommy kink is bigger than reader’s. She started it and she gets off on it. (maybe because she missed out on being a mother bc of her “gaps” cf SFW section)
after having lived for more than 4 centuries, she’s tried just about anything and ended up being almost bored by sex. this is why she focuses more on connection and closeness during sex rather than the act itself. She can be really filthy when the mood strikes her though.
She likes to soft dom but also bottom. And she’s really big on rewarding you, whether that be with praise, kisses, cuddles, or orgasms.
She prefers soft yet intense over rough unless you specifically ask for it.
She likes having her tits played with. It makes her emotional.
Knows how to use her unique nose for your pleasure. Especially loves having you ride her face.
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Yasmine Mardishan is 28 years old. She's a famous shark in a show business environment of Del-Sol-Valley. She started her career as a model and later made her own show "Talk if you can". Yasmine was married once long ago to a singer Dirk Mance. But her husband's jealousy and frequent love affairs on the side led to their marriage breaking apart.
Yasmine took a long pause in her career, reevaluating her priorities and recovering from the emotional toll of her failed marriage. After a few months, Yasmine returned to work on various projects and shows, eager to dive back into the creative realm. As she regained her footing in the industry, Yasmine also decided to explore her personal life again. She went on a few dates in hopes of finding that one soulmate who would cherish her, respect her boundaries, and never hurt her feelings again, but nothing developed into something bigger.
One day Yasmine received an intriguing invitation to participate in dating show. She knows how these shows work, but Yasmine felt a spark of curiosity and excitement to try this one herself. Will she find true love in the dating show? That remains to be seen! THE GUIDELINES:
I will accept 4 sims at first. Please don't be upset if I won't choose your sims at the start, because after elimination I will accept a new sim <3 Doing it in my own format, since I want to give everyone their screen and love time. Please be sure that I will treat your sims amazingly.
Young-adult or Adult
We are looking for hot men!
Give your sims a backstory, be as detailed as you like, the more the merrier
Humans only, I'm sorry occult lovers
Must have negative trait or traits
No romantic trait
Skills don't matter
Give your guys Likes and Dislikes
Maxis Match hair and cc preferred! I'm totally okay with alpha clothes, just don't overuse it.
Make one everyday and one formal outfit only, the rest outfits empty (or use non cc clothes for the rest).
I will ask you to not use a lot of cc
I have all packs/kits
Must be comfortable with a few changes I will do once I get your sim. Mostly just my defaults I have and if needed I will do the rest outfits.
remember to tag me in your posts and use the hashtag #yasminesdesirebc
THE DEADLINE IS MAY 19. After the deadline, once I will be ready, I will start choosing the contestants and work on bc stuff.
#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4#sims 4 bachelorette#Yasmine Mardishan#yasminesdesirebc#I've updated my game so les goooo sdkhffdh
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WIBTA for asking my SO to do something that they have trauma around?
I don't know when this will be posted but as of writing we are about 2 weeks post valentines day. Ages and genders irrelevant, we're in our 20s and queer.
So I have not been with Jordan long, but we knew each out for a few months as friends before we got together, and have been close pretty much all of the time we've known each other. This is to say, I know them pretty well despite us not actually having been dating that long.
Because we were already friends I knew going into the relationship, without Jordan specifically saying anything, that they had plans on Valentines day. They got tickets to a concert I wasn't interested in a decent amount of time before we got together.
Obviously, not an issue in the slightest, and neither of us brought up anything regarding Valentines day. It was a week day, so I was working all day, and then the time of the concert meant there was no possibility of meeting up after, just not meant to be this year. I thought we were in the same boat just silently agreeing that the timing wasn't right but that it wasn't a big enough deal to even be worth bringing up, especially in such a new relationship.
Some backstory on me: I'm a hopeless romantic and have a kind of cute aesthetic? I like dressing in bright colours, and some of my favourite outfits have prints of hearts, flowers, and cherries. Needless to say I really enjoy the aesthetic of Valentines day, and I've always kind of fantasised about being able to spend it with someone I have romantic feelings for. I've only had two romantic relationships before this and the first one only lasted 6 months and didn't make it to Valentines day, and in the second we both contracted the same bug and were horribly sick throughout February.
Obviously I don't think you should only do things for your SO on Valentines day, but I think it would be fun to have the chance to really get into it! In the past I've organised Valentines day events with my other single friends where we dress in pink and have heart shaped foods etc and those have been great, but haven't quite satisfied my desire to have a Romantic Valentines.
So, despite the fact that my SO was busy, I wanted to do a little something. I do digital art, so when I got home from work I drew a pun Valentines card featuring Jordan's favourite character. It took a few hours and I was pretty proud of how it came out. I knew they were at the concert still, but I texted it to them, so they could see it after.
They responded that night and their first message was just "oh." I've known Jordan long enough that i read the tone to be "oh, now I to have a conversation I didn't want to have." They went on to explain that they associate Valentines day with some past trauma. I won't give any details here, but the tone of the conversation was that they don't celebrate Valentines day because of their trauma, and this seemed like a very final stance.
Now. I don't think I'm TA for drawing the art and sending it, this had never been brought up before, so I didn't know I was crossing a boundary.
I do think Jordan is slightly TA for not saying anything about my art that I worked hard on, but only slightly bc I assume the trauma response just kind of took over.
But my question is, WIBTA if I asked my SO to celebrate Valentines day with me in future even though it's something they have trauma around?
I'm not planning to force them or anything and it doesn't even have to be in the next few years, but thinking long term it feels really gloomy to me to have to miss out on Valentines forever when my SO could be making new memories with me so that mentions of the holiday are less painful.
I don't expect them to just "get over" it magically or anything but I want to ask if it's something they'd possibly want to work up to? I swear I'm not trying to be dismissive their response is fully valid and I don't want to imply my silly fantasies are more important than their traumatic reality I just want to know if this would be an asshole move or not.
What are these acronyms?
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Ten Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tags @shrekgogurt, @artsyunderstudy, @youarenevertooold, & @roomwithanopenfire I’m enjoying all this navel-gazing a whole bunch actually & I’ve done this before but it’s been awhile… sooo
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 169 (niiiice)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? ~950k (yikes) although some of that is Birthday Man and collabs with people from WIP fest. Don’t ask me to do the math tho; that’s mean.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I’ve written for HP, Check Please, and RWRB although right now I’m mostly a CO writer with a toe dipping into 9-1-1. I have one Captain America fic posted and some WIPs I don’t know if I’ll finish. Nobody look at that AFTG fic; it’s pure crack.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Whoo boy do I have thoughts here. I want to be the kind of writer who replies to comments and I harbor so much guilt that I’m not; I know I miss out on opportunities to connect with readers, and I genuinely appreciate comments so much; I hoard them in my inbox like a greedy lil affirmation dragon. I write to engage and connect. So, like, I know I should but at the same time I hate forcing interactions. I like them to spawn organically. I keep my circle small because I get really emotionally overwhelmed and then I feel guilty when I can’t give people what they deserve. And I’ve also never been comfortable with compliments or gratitude, I don’t trust them. So here’s a bulk of emotional trauma no one asked for to say: I don’t reply to comments as often as I feel I should and I’m trying to release the guilt I feel about this while also recognizing that not commenting probably has a direct negative affect on my ability to meet my goal of connecting through writing and at the same time my mental health probably couldn’t withstand the pressure I would need to place on it to get to where I’m replying to comments regularly. Hi I’m a mess who’s trying to love herself and often falls short of that goal; aren’t we all?
5. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No.
6. Have you ever co-written a fic before? So many actually! I didn’t think I’d ever get to a place where I trust someone else to the level this would take but I’ve been really lucky to work with some amazing writers even if not all of those works went anywhere. I actually don’t even think I could realistically tag all the people I’ve collabed with bc I’m afraid I’ll miss someone and isn’t that amazing? Personal growth; we love to see her.
7. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh man. I want to just be lame and say it’s me and Mr. Face 🤣 I shipped us when no one else did. Um! Snowbaz is always going to have a special place in my heart, but I’m really leaning into Buddie right now because of age and wanting to explore people in their 30’s still figuring out their lives while battling PTSD and late-in-life sexuality realizations. For, um. Reasons.
8. What are your writing strengths? I do like my dialogue a lot; dialogue is often where I start my scenes and I develop from there. I think I’ve done a good job of honing my ability to vary action/dialogue/internality a lot. I also think I keep people engaged or maybe I just keep myself engaged which is good enough for me. Sometimes I’m funny although sadly not as much recently.
9. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with remembering to add in physical descriptors. (Like oh shit have I ever mentioned this character has eyes?) Logistics are a frequent source of pain. (Wait, where were their hands?) I think my plots are kind of basic and boring; I don’t come up with really vivid and detailed concepts. I use the wrong words for things. I really hate detailing out backstory. I have to reread my fics a million times to maintain character consistency. Etc.
10. First fandom you wrote for? Hey Arnold. I wish I could find those fics; I bet they suck.
Tagging 10 peeps @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @martsonmars @bookish-bogwitch @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thewholelemon @palimpsessed @aristocratic-otter & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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24 & 28 for the weird writer questions !
thank you <3
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
it really depends? my wips usually start with a vibe or an idea that a character gets involved in, and then a setting around that, and then i just start writing and see what happens. with the raedoran cycle the prep has gotten more detailed and it's been nice to have that structure, but i definitely still go off the rails once i get into the groove of actually writing, so i can never really spend too much time on prep work because i know it will all be ruined by a character slapping me awake at 3 am because fuck the outline, they decided they don't want to be doomed by the narrative
it was fun to think about my prep work process so here's a wip by wip breakdown:
the raedoran cycle: originally was between three and five short scenes that i wrote in college for a creative writing exercise where we looked at paintings and wrote a scene based on it. birdie was in one, arthur and jack in another, and finally emilia and fabin in a third. i remember the paintings so vividly but g-d damn me if i can find them again :( so we were all vibes at first. and then nanowrimo was happening and i started writing out what all three stories together as one intertwined novel would look like, then abandoned it for two years until i took a novel writing class and revived it. most of the prep work happened there and i made a bunch of plot notecards (still my favorite prep method) but that was back when the story was a little less complex
lacuna: started once again with vibes--wanted to give a maura prequel backstory and came up with the character of keelan. and then he grabbed the steering wheel out of my hands.
thieves: planned out diligently. plot notecards, outline, the whole shebang. maybe this is why i've been stalled out in the drafting process for months :(
dragons: i don't know what the plot is yet
the witch: see above note about the cycle as a whole. also more recently all that has gone out the window as birdie snatches the steering wheel from my hands so you know. grain of salt!
hurts, doesn't it? (low sci-fi dystopian drama, shelved atm): i started writing this in eighth grade bc i thought the idea of a paint smuggler who threw knives was cool and wanted an excuse for her to exist. i never prepped anything and it showed lol--i just started writing and once i had a draft i went back and figured out what the hell the story was about.
log date persephone (high sci-fi story told through the transcripts of the audio logs of an astronaut stranded on an unknown planet, looking at getting back into it): got inspired for this by a combination of a book i read for a class and a sandbox video game. no prep no plan just vibes and then editing it until it's presentable for the thesis committee. yes this was my senior honors thesis yes i did pass no i did not ever have anything to tell my advisor when she asked me about my process
sting (sci-fi romance about gays on a boat studying aliens, shelved until i looked at it again this morning and fell back in love with iris): had a dream about aquatic aliens and woke up thinking that was a banger vibe. two nanowrimo plot worksheets later i got sick of prep work and started writing
i don't generally love the prep work process? it's fun to decide where the story is going, but for me the meat of the process is always in the actual writing, and that's honestly where i have my best ideas
28. Who is the most delightful character you've ever written? Why?
this is such a cruel question it's like asking me which of my children i love best so i'm going to cheat and take multiple definitions of delightful
delightful (would want to interact with them on a daily basis in real life): will moore -- hurts, doesn't it?
we stan a jewish king. he's got bad jokes for days and will absolutely let you crash on his couch if you're having a rough go of things. goofball extraordinaire loves his mom and his friends more than himself. he's just a florist!!
delightful (writing about them is very fun): vonnie mallory -- the raedoran cycle
i love vonnie she's such a hot mess. middle aged lesbian allergic to commitment but a big softie deep down. has a drinking problem but still manages to be better at her job than 95% of the men she works with. turns every scene she's in into a sitcom. has been ruining the tonal consistency of the third acts of lacuna and the witch of the west but i don't even mind bc at least she's fun
delightful (pinch their cheeks at the family reunion): iris adenaur -- sting
dumbass lesbian knows so much about biology and aliens and is so smart but cannot comprehend that kiri thinks she's pretty. gets excited about science and will ramble about her research for hours if you let her, sweetest person at the party/the drunk girl that tells everyone she loves them, lets her friends drag her to the gay bar but dreams about her lab the whole time she's there. requested a sample alien corpse to study and got laughed off bc the company that owns them wouldn't give her one and decided right then and there that she would just get a boat and catch one herself, dammit. never mind that they're incredibly dangerous and if she gets stung she'll be dependent on their venom for the rest of her life and also she doesn't know how to operate a boat. none of this can stand in the way of science!!
this got so long but u know what i got weird about it and isn't that the point? thank you again for the ask <3
#scrolling through my writing folder looking at the different wips and characters that i've written was so much fun#writeblr community#ask game#writeblr#original fiction#rb original#i am once again looking at sting and remembering how much i love my idiot science boat lesbians#i am once again looking at log date persephone and remembering how much i love my space family#i am once again resisting the temptation to revive shelved wips.....i don't have time!!
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I feel so bad :( you said it took you three hours and also I had written a huge response and now it’s gone ;-;
Okay so I’m going to rewrite my response but I’m really sorry if I get things wrong since now I can’t review what you sent ;-;
I LOVE THE IDEA SO MUCH!!!! And I would love to hear more about their training and life on the ship!
I may be obsessing over Talon and Megan a tad bit…
I love all the possibilities of how they passed the time in the car so much. It would be so awkward at the start and I’m all here for it!! I imagine Talon carried most of the conversation from the beginning until after they really got to know each other. I feel like at the start Talon would just awkwardly try to tell her what has happened to the earth while she was gone in hopes of starting some conversation. I’m imagining the parking lot picnic with them just drinking slushees and eating whatever gas station food seemed good (I’m assuming everything is kind of run down?)
Car karaoke. Oh it would be amazing. Talon trying to find songs Megan likes and trying to get her to sing along, windows rolled down, it’d be such a vibe.
With the race scene I can’t stop picturing the scene from princess bride where they both are rolling down the hill XD
Their relationship is so great, two strangers bonding in a long car ride… oh wait they already knew each other? They were already in love from book one? But Megan’s memory was wiped- WAIT NO THEY WERE IN LOVE AND HER MEMORY WAS WIPED!?!? Okay, okay, it’s fine at least they became close again, just a fresh start nothing to worry about… HER MEMORY WAS WIPED A SECOND TIME!?!? TALON THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (this is so tragic but I love it so much)
Talon nooooo why the tragic backstory ;-; (I love it very much)
Oh and the art? I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I love Talon’s design!!!!!! The drawing of him saying happy birthday to himself makes me so sad ;-;
Also question time!
Do you have designs for the sci fi ppl? Are they like aliens or just advanced humans chilling in space? Does Talon hide his tattoo? (I love that type of angst so much mhm hidden scars [in this case a tattoo tho]) and you said there was an image limit… could I see those drawing you couldn’t show? Also why is it called Tegan (is it bc Talon + Megan = Tegan…)? That should be all of my questions…
Anyway I absolutely love this story and please feel free to tell me more whenever! (I’d love to hear a lil more about Ivan too)
Again really sorry abt deleting the ask ;-; I hope you have an amazing day though!!
(I feel like I’m forgetting things I wanted to mention but idk)
Oh my I wrote out this whole thing and it deleted it for me hahaha let’s try this again
No worries about deleting the ask it happens hahaha and it doesn’t look like you got anything wrong so yay!
I’m gonna answer this paragraph by paragraph
-IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT and I’m pretty sure I have either the original google doc or a “Megan’s POV” doc that I can look into to give you those details :)
-I’m so glad you’re obsessing so we can be in the same boat
-I’ve been mulling over that car scene for years and somehow you managed to squeeze out even more serotonin for me to devour I thank thee. And I think it’s run down ish, like people are still there but WW3 is kind of happening/ just happened soooo you know
-it would be the vibiest ^^
-I’m so glad you said that bc I couldn’t connect the dots as to what that scene reminded me of but yeah that’s amazing
-IKR the mind wiping rocked my world. My friend was at the point where she was writing the post separation explosion and we were on face time and she casually mentioned “oh you know the cars weren’t the first time they met, right?” I went feral trying to get all the info out of her hahaha
-yes his backstory makes me so sad…
-I’m glad you like the design! It was our group’s “hot guy” design hahaha I’ve tried to make it more individualized to him over the years tho, and that happy birthday one gets me every time (especially since that’s probably how he spent most his birthdays…)
Yay Question Time!
-I believe I could at least get the designs for those people sometime soon. They are just random people who decided to work for big bad (aka the voice, bc they only heard his voice through speakers at first). The voice decided he could make some good money abducting children and forcing them to be assassins so he did that. The government doesn’t know about them bc they hide in space. The few organizations trying to take them down are the only ones who really know about it
-talon has a few different tattoos, the one he got initiated with is a tattoo/ permanent burn so it has to stay covered to protect it, the other is just on his neck and he leaves that one in the open (I can point it out in the pics below)
-and yes! Tegan is the ship name for Talon and Megan (it was that or Melon hahaha)
-Ivan didn’t really have much personality in the oh other than he was angry bc the scientist that snuck into the escape ship was dating his crush, I’ve made some personal modifications to him in my head though making him more protective rather than just angry (he’s also Megan’s cousin) and I just remembered I have a drawing of him? So cue the picture section :)
Here’s Ivan, the permanent third wheel (he doesn’t know tho)

The first ever drawings of Talon and Megan 😬

Moving on… idk which of these are repeats so lemme know if they are and I could probably substitute them for new pics

And now the og Megan design vs the much needed redraw

Ughhhh the one on the left still haunts me…
I was struck by the limit again so I might reblog this with a few more, idk hahaha
But reading through this ask made me so happy you have no idea (insert the “I don’t normally feel things but that one got through” donnie gif)
Thank you so much and I’ll look into the daily life on the ship and the sci fi guy designs :)
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ROSSSSS ok. yhesterday u asked for like details and habits and skills nhw virion would have picked up from the greats and theyre still living in my head Rent Fucking Free so im gonna throw some stuff in ur inbox bc i want 2 talk abt them SO BAD
ok so strider definitely contributed to virion’s paranoia. thats just. yeah. he didn’t really Mean To it just kind of Happened. bro did not realize that saying “keep your eye out for anything or anyone when you’re out alone on the streets because if someone Can hurt you, they Will” would scare a kid into being Perpetually Anxious!!!! virion definitely looks over his shoulder like every ten seconds whenever he’s out, even if he’s not in costume, bc strider drilled that into his head. Always Be Cautious Always Be On Your Toes!!!! strider also taught him basic street fighting. showed him how to fight dirty!! virion does tend to carry around a few concealed weapons and he started doing that because of strider
meanwhile chungus (i love u chungus ur name is so fucking stupid) taught virion how to fight fair!!! i’m still working on chungus’s backstory and trigger event but i like to think he was a wrestler and/or boxer in school, so he taught virion the Rules of fighting, how to take down an opponent without really hurting them, how to take down people who are heavier and bigger than him, etc. it’s not knowledge that virion uses a lot but in fights with no weapons he still automatically goes into Proper Boxer Fighting Stance. also he has totally accidentally put someone in a headlock because of instincts when they’ve snuck up on him
greyson!! greyson taught virion how to hold all manners of weapons. daggers swords shields you name it!! not really because greyson thought it would be particularly useful, just mostly for fun bc no way this kid is ever going to need to use these!! he got a lot more little habits from greyson tho, like stuff he doesn’t really notice but it is from greyson. he taps his fingers on his arm when he’s impatient, picks at the skin around his nails, stuff like that. he also knows a lot about medieval weaponry bc greyson liked to infodump and virion Absorbed that knowledge. will sometimes find himself going on tangents about how catapults were used in the 1500’s if the topic somehow comes up but he will shut the fuck up once he realizes what he’s doing and gets reminded of greyson and suddenly feels Bad and Horrible at the reminder. yeagh
min did try to teach him stuff but there wasn’t much she knew that she thought would be super useful. she was learning math and physics in college before leviathan hit her hometown, but virion was never really one for academics!!! but he did try to listen to her on the rare occasions she talked about it. he picked up more little habits from her, like he chews on things like his hoodie strings or even his hair when he’s thinking really hard, she taught him how to braid hair and he’ll find himself copying how she braided his sometimes when he’s messing with ashe’s hair, and whenever he’s holding a pen he clicks it really fast like a million times before he even does anything with it. keep his ass out of school he cannot pick up a math or physics textbook without thinking about min and he will think about her the entire class
RAMMM ILY RAM..... he taught virion how to hold guns. any gun he could think of ram was like okay i gotta teach this kid how to shoot and handle this thing correctly and safely. btw i decided ram’s trigger event was him and some friends being stupid in college and playing drunken russian roulette. u can imagine!!! how well that went!!! i wanted to make his sudden innate Knowledge about guns be horribly ironic and also painful for him <3 so now he’s fucking Insistent that virion learn how to handle guns and how to Know when they’re loaded and to ALWAYS KNOW WHERE THE BULLET IS. VERY IMPORTANT. whenever virion’s handling a gun he Always makes sure he knows how many bullets he has left, where his ammo is, never leave the safety off when he puts it down, etc etc. Very Persistent with gun safety. ram has also drilled it into his head to never drink when holding weapons. actually very insistent that virion Never Drink Ever actually. also his southern mannerisms rubbed off on virion juussssst a little bit. virion calls wibby “darlin” once and william has a heart attack over it. virion doesn’t even realize he’s doing it!!! he says ain’t and y’all sometimes and doesn’t even notice until one of the other wards points it out and asks why and virion has an internal breakdown about it
ALPHONZ..... MY LOVE...... i think. for the first little bit after joining the greats, alphonz was in his breaker state A Lot and was not able to get out of it half the time. so in virion’s early life, he just has memories of this bright glowing angel-lookin guy in the room whenever he was around the greats. out of his breaker state tho!! alphonz tried to teach virion religion for a bit, but virion’s parents managed to convince alphonz to leave it alone because if virion wanted to go down that path someday he’d find it on his own, etc etc yk and alphonz eventually conceded. he did read bible stories to virion as bedtime stories though!! virion thought they were fun little fiction stories, and also alphonz’s voice was just nice to fall asleep to, so his parents didn’t mind. to this day virion can probably still recite like half the bible from memory. he doesn’t believe in god but maybe he’s got like. an old cross necklace that alphonz gave him once and he wears it under his shirt sometimes like in memory of alphonz. he chews on the pendant sometimes—thanks min for the chewing stim!!!—and the metal has small scratches and teeth marks. if the chain ever breaks or he loses the pendant he will lose his mind

#ALSO. THE FUCKING WAY MY HEART DROPPED WHEN U MENTIONED RAM'S TRIGGER EVENT. HEY. HEY CMERE CMERE ITS FINE. HEAD IN HANDS.#'if the chain ever breaks or he loses the pendant he will lose his mind' WELL NOW YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M THINKING.#HEAD IN FUCKING HANDS MAN............. these r so so good i'm bookmarking this immediately 2 reference in the future. auughgh. god. these r#so good. i love whiskey knife box in my inbox thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#min.............. i love u min i miss u min :(#whiskey tag!#new haven wards
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Can we just get some rambles about your AU, like nothing specific, just like little details you haven’t had the ask or idea to express artistically? I just love any little details about this AU (Howdy’s little finger beans)
AAAAA oh my god YES here’s some rambles from the depth that is this AU! Random factoids and snippets and hehehheheh
(Oh hey and checkout the AU itself!)
Hiding this under a ‘readmore’ becasue FUCK I WENT ON A RANT HAUIDA- i tried to stop i swear
I HAVE PLAYLISTS FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS!! Ive been thinking about how to share them for awhile bc I LOVE these playlists and they help my brain rot on this AU but mm! Just wanted to get that out there im holding onto these
Something people didn’t catch was that in this animation, which is supposed to take place around the time Eddie moved into the neighborhood, he had his mail hat! But, currently, he doesn’t! That’s not because he lost it, Howdy actually stole it! Howdy immediately attempted to scam Eddie when he first arrived, stealing his hat and trying to sell it back to him, but he did not know that Eddie would not give a fuck. Howdy thought Eddie cared way more about his job then he actually does. So, Eddie’s hat is still currently decaying under Howdy’s desk.
All the characters have trauma or something depressing about them… except Julie! I’m not sure why but I just.. never came up with something reasonable for her backstory. I came up with a lot of ideas, but a lot of them seemed to cliche and controversial? Like, one of my ideas was some sort of sex working trauma, but I thought oooh of course you gave the most feminine character the sex working backstory! Another idea was eating disorder trauma, but again, ooh i gave the fem one the ED! The same thing happened with SA trauma, it all just felt so… cliche. And I felt like I would get a lot of backlash if I tried to implement this. So.. im still working on it!
^ originally Franks backstory was going to be completely SA related, but I changed that. Still not spoiling how, though.
^^ also I really liked the sex working idea! Because I think it would be interesting if thats how Eddie and her met. Not that Eddie bought sex from her, but that they like worked together and slowly became friends! Eddie kept her safe n stuff, beat the shit out of ppl that didnt pay yknow? Explored a deeper level of understanding between them
Ive been daydreaming about attempting to make my own little bootleg “play fellow exhibition” not nearly to the extent that Clown did, but just some sort of fake “restored” things! Maybe even fake interviews with those that remember the show! Ive even recorded some lines, of my own voice, of fake voice clips restored from the show. I haven’t had the confidence to post any of them just yet aa. I think my Eddie impression is IMPECCABLE though. Maybe bc I have a southern accent
^ also if this isnt obvious this AU is still a show being restored by a team, the show is just the adult parody ive created here. Ill be sure to specify if i ever post something restoration-lore-related!
The number of fingers they have is inconsistent, and that is not lore related! I am just an idiot! You might notice that sometimes they have 5, sometimes they have 4. I.. have no actual reason for this. I literally just.. forget! Im literally currently drawing a piece with Julie and Sally where they both have 5 fingers. Why?? Bc the reference I used was of two human girls so!! Just wanted to put it out there, that is not on purpose
I hide a lot of secrets in my art. Bc its fun. If you ever see something in my art thats a little too dark, feel free to up the brightness and see what you find. Does something sort of look like Morse code? Feel free to try it out! I’ll give you a hint, I have used both of these techniques to hide secrets in my art already. The Morse code one is really hard to find, though, so props to you if you find it!
I like to think that the AU’s show is like Rick and Morty. It started out this comedic, very clearly adult-humored show, but slowly the characters had lore! People started watching not for the humor but for the interesting characters. Like when Rick was revealed to have a depressing story with his wife and all that, it was the same as when ppl first found out about Frank’s strange amnesia and PTSD. Like “?? Who put lore in my funny adult comedy??” Yknow what i mean
^ i like to think there was some mind-bending moment where it was revealed Frank doesnt remember anything about his childhood and everyone watching was like :O
Originally in the show, (like season one), the characters were the way they are to make fun of those things. Confusing, but what i mean is that Poppy was a trans woman to make fun of trans people, Eddie and Frank were to make jokes about gay ppl, etc. but SIKE once the show got more seasons and got lift off they became actual characters instead of just jokes! The creators just wanted to make ppl love the show before they made the gay characters actually have personalities, so they couldn’t get cancelled prematurely! HA SUCKERS!!
FFUck okay i think i got it all out of me?? Idk feel free to ask again in like a month maybe more shit will have accumulated in my brain
#thanks for the serotonin!#no seriously#THANK YOU#i needed that so bad#welcome home#welcome home opposite au#welcome home au#eddie dear#frank frankly#sally starlet#howdy pillar#julie joyful#barnaby b beagle#poppy partridge#Wally darling#welcome home arg#welcome home puppet show#welcome home puppet arg
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djsjxjsj i hope i'm not late?? i probably am. aaaa my own faultcjxjsj [but] i haven't written for my fave disney nrc malewife (/j ily, jamil bbg—) in a while. but i forgot the contest either ends on the 10th?? or submissions close on the 10th aka. i missed the deadline?? aaaaa for submissions to @merotwst 's and @cvlutos 's #jamilsummercontest (here) aaaaaa also was this also an excuse to write for najma/write some najma-jamil brother-sister action? uhhhh looks away. LISTEN. i love them! the crumbs we got of their interactions are still on my mind aaaaaa lastly, am i also using this fic as an opportunity to brainrot about the new spiderverse movie and its album? yes.
mention of the ramshackle prefect (gn!yuu). but it'll mainly be about jamil and najma bc i love his sister almost as much. spoilers for al'ab naariya story, scarabia chapter plot, jamil's backstory, and maybe???? a spoiler for the new spiderverse movie?? if you squint. also really bad arabic.... i tried.... other than that, i present very cute, soft fluffy letters between reader and jamil detailing their lives apart during summer break (assuming the scalding sands' fireworks festival is in the summer. aaaa).
jamil could practically see (name)'s red face as they read his letter briefly written amidst the asim family chaos.
Dearest (Name),
Kalim and Najma were disappointed you couldn't join me this year for Summer break. I actually had to stop him from convincing his father into sending for you personally... Camels, elephants, and all. You're welcome!
Despite that, they wish you all well. My mother is insisting I return to NRC after break with some of her homemade shawarma. And please tell Grim that there will be enough for him as well.
The fireworks were beautiful but it wasn't the same without you by my side, ya nujumi. I missed turning to the side and seeing your smiling face, eyes alight with a childlike wonder. My heart swells with remembering that first Al'ab Naariya. You turned back to me urging me to join you and the others to dance.
Najma just asked what I was smiling about. I tried to lie but the smug look on her face told her all she needed to know. She'd like to also say a few words.
Hello, (Name)! My older brother is laying on his bed right now screaming into his pillow. Ya ummi and I are laughing right now; she has never laughed so hard in a long time. Yesterday the Asims gave us the afternoon off to enjoy the bazaar. You should see the haul Jamil brought home for you and Grim. There's— lotliIItLyjkq
Sorry, ya shamsi. Najma does not know what she's talking about. I got them as gifts for her— ljyIL
Jamil is lying! He is so red right now, (Name)! I want to take a picture to send you but he took my phone! So awful, right? Ah, the Asims are calling for us and abina is about to bring out the belt if we don't resume our work soon.
My apologies, ya qamar, but as Najma said, I have to return to work. There are rumors from the other servants that Kalim is "missing." He's probably with the animals in the garden. I will write to you again shortly. You are always in my thoughts, (Name), ya hubi. Make sure to not stay up too late talking to Ace and Deuce. Take your medicine and potions and eat at least two full meals a day (I know you're not a fan of breakfast). Don't forget to drink plenty of water too.
With Love,
Jamil Viper.
he wanted to write more and tell them all about the new stalls selling mouthwatering foods, soft, vibrant, assorted silks, and other painted, colorful wares he saw at the bazaar. he wanted to tell her about the concert he miraculously got tickets to for one of their favorite music artists. there was also the pet parrot his parents finally let him get! it had to stay on the asims' property. but kalim said he'd personally look after iago for jamil.
there was also a new playlist he made the other night after coming home from a movie he and his sister went to see. jamil lays in bed thinking of his sister's latest fictional crush and thinking of all the things he'd do to keep his girl and her father while living his best life doing what he loved. jamil wished that were him. he wished he could have (name) by his side, still please his family, and see the world. he wanted to learn about the magic and cultures of other lands in twisted wonderland.
wishes and reality are two separate things, though. and the chance of them intersecting and wishes becoming reality was slim. for now, though, he was content and letting things be. he'll find kalim, drag him to his next meeting with possible mergers and other clients, read the evening itinerary to kalim, go home, help with dinner, wash and dry najma's hair for her, bathe, and go to bed.
....that was the original plan. however, najma must have thought it funny to hide his headphones after she finished her chores and homework.
"what are you looking for, brother?"
jamil glared at the girl leaning against his door frame as he rifled through the belongings on his desk. "you know exactly what i am looking for. drop the act, najma!"
"not until you write another letter to (name)." she grinned and crossed her arms over her chest, straightening her posture.
"huh?!" he stuttered.
"it was written all over your face. you wanted to write and tell them more about everything that you saw and experienced yesterday and today. ever since you came home from school with your friends and (name), you've changed. mom and dad haven't stopped talking about it; they think i went to bed but i can hear them. they aren't as quiet as they think." the younger sister laughed at jamil's stunned face. "you don't know all this since you sleep like that one princess in those fae tales. i've caught you snoring a few times, actually. wanna hear it? i can show you if you don't believe m—"
jamil grabs najma's phone again before she can pull up the videos. "just—! give me back my headphones. and i'll write to (name)."
"nah," najma shrugged and walked off. "letter first. mom and dad are out finishing up some business with kalim's parents in their estate. you can blast your music all you want."
groaning in exasperation, he still couldn't deny that he'd rather have sent (name) a proper letter rather than the one he mailed earlier that afternoon.
normally, he and (name) would text each other or call. but one magic carpet ride after a rough exam, they told him about how they used to write letters to their childhood friends whenever they'd change schools. so the first time jamil and (name)'s other night raven college friends went home for holiday break, he started writing letters to them. and ever since that sweet, thoughtful surprise, whenever they were apart, jamil'd write letters to them while they'd send back recipe cards with handwritten notes featuring the story behind each food. sometimes they'd drop details about their family back home or include tiny magic trinkets or bits of stationary sold at sam's shop. a note and a smiley face tied around each item: "saw this and thought of you, ya qamar. ;p"
bringing himself back to reality, jamil sat down and began another letter. with this one, though, he made sure not to leave out a single detail of his day. softly he smiled as he included lines from old poets and added in folded star maps, photos of a dog he saw sitting outside a cafe, a tea bag from the little old lady next door. but this time — instead of signing off with a simple "With Love" like his last letter — he penned a lyric from their favorite song, nodding his head to the music as it played from his speakers.
"Your my star, hubi. My one light. We gon' link up, just like the rumors."
Jamil Viper.
ya shamsi: my sun
ya qamar: my moon
ya nujumi: my stars
hubi/ya hubi: love/my love
ya ummi: my mother
abina: our father
— is2g if i got the arabic vocab wrong, i am going to cry. @softbajis djsjsj idk if this is right or notdjdjdj i am so upset. oh well....?
#jamilssummercontest#twisted wonderland#twst#jamil viper#najma viper#twst najma#twisted wonderland drabbles#twst drabbles
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Fic asks: 17, 41, 57 :)
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
I'm gonna talk about this for like, probably longer than necessary, but some backstory xD As some people might know, I was a super prolific rumbelle/anyelle writer Back in the Day and I looked back recently and I was writing/posting like...thousands of words a day. Which I didn't even realize how much it was. I had the Feelings I guess and writing was full of joy and delight! And then I experienced a Major Life Upheaval and I stopped having the time to write and then the ideas dried up and then the creativity dried up and I have been in a funk for most of that time since. So my goal has basically always been "get back into writing and have ideas again" and the main thing that got me out of my major funk was playing DND xD Getting to exercise the same creative muscle in a different way was SUPER helpful. I also like. Went on to get my masters degree and become a professional editor and get back into reading and stuff, but DND was the answer xD
For more not-existential situations, like I can't figure out where a story is going, I usually just set it down and let it Marinate. I rely heavily on my own internal story clock and vibe checks to write (which is like. not something I recommend? xD but here we are) so I just kind of wait and vibe and mull until the Feelings are right. This is an unhelpful answer but it's the one I've got xD
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I absolutely reread fics xD I reread fics all the time. Also long covid borked my memory so now I have to reread my own fics 4029748 times if I want to remember all the details.
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?
I...have a lot of opinions on this xD Due to being an editor by day, I try to live by the philosophy that I give clients, which is "only edit as much as does not keep you from writing." So I will go over what I've written and tinker a bit but I don't make any major edits while writing, CAVEAT unless it's a major change like adding/removing a character where I can't bring myself to write until it's fixed, and then I will fix it x] I will say this mostly applies to original fiction, bc with fanfiction, I don't like making major structural edits and will usually just try to incorporate any plot I lay down xDDD And I used to just finish and post immediately but now I like to have at least a day to go over what I've written and tinker/edit, but I REALLY prefer to have a long backlog so that I can make larger adjustments if necessary. ANYWAY the main goal is not to get stuck in editing purgatory xD
#ty for your questions friend i'm sorry my answers were just the ramblings of a crazy person#<3 <3 <3
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whats the names and backstory of your ocs???
OKAY so I have 3 ocs in the story, actually 4 if you count the cat. 5 if you count the cat part 2 anyway anyway
Their names are Hugo, Sam, and Kiki
The main story (I say main bc of the sheer amount of side plots) is that Hugo and sam get stuck in their childhood amusement park which has become the residence of a cult, and find out that Kiki, who was long thought dead, was actually found by the cult some years back. And the cult signs their souls to the devil to be granted powers and yeah.
It revolves around Hugo and Sam’s extremely gay shenanigans, trying to escape from the cult, and mostly gay shenanigans
Due to a gas leak, and sam just trying to find his dad and younger sister at home by switching on lights, a spark from switching on a light sets the gas on fire and Sam’s dad and sister who went with him, died in the fire and sam got bad burn scars all over his back. He later gets powers (during the cult plot) related to electricity manipulation, which is kinda bad, because the electric spark was the reason he accidentally sent his dad and sister to an early grave. His mom is still alive btw
Hugo, has an Indian dad and American mom who met in India. They immigrated to the us when Hugo was starting middle school, where he became friends with Sam and Kiki. Now, you know what being Asian entails. SO SO MUCH ACADEMIC PRESSURE >:D and NEED TO BE PERFECT PRESSURE >:D anyway his power is being able to tell when a person is lying or telling the truth or a mixture of it. It comes like a strong gut feeling that the person is lying or such. Which is very helpful to the cult so
Kiki was friends with sam before Hugo came into the picture, and basically after Sam’s Incident has been like a sister to him. When her parents ✨mysteriously✨ die in a car crash, Sam’s family (aka him and his mom) offer to take her in, but before they can officially adopt her, Kiki disappears (into the cult she goes lol) her power is that she has hair which when plucked and dissolved in water (idk hair doesn’t dissolve in water, and no it won’t melt in the rain, plot armour) you can make a potion thingy which can make you forget a memory which you specify
So yeah, those are the backstories!!! AGAIN TYSM FOR THE ASK :D
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OC bingo for Jett? ;)) (~Dina)
@thedinalixlegacy thank you!
And of course I'd receive at least one request for Jett :)
"I'm so sorry my child T^T": well, this is obvious - I put her through a lot of bad things, and it's even over yet (bc at some point Auletta will torment her. trust me it's needed).
(honestly, this is almost a 'free space' square, not many characters of mine escape the suffering in the name of character development)
"I would love fanart of them": always (could also be free space).
"Created on a whim": originally, Jett was made as a throwaway character to replay the bounty hunter storyline with some different choices. I wanted to experience the story as someone with a more reckless, fiery personality who loves a challenge, opposed to my first cool-headed BH with a more professional and careful attitude. Initially I didn't plan for Jett to develop any deeper than that, or play the expansions with her, but that changed as I played the story.
"Vital to the plot": yeah, she ended up being the main character.
"I would run away if I met them irl": well, she is a fearsome bounty hunter, but I marked this mostly bc if any of my characters met me, they would not be happy about how I treat them lol.
"I can see so much of myself in them": compared to most of my OCs, yeah. Physical traits aside (like green eyes, similar height, loving cooler temperatures and struggling in normal summer temperatures, and I did dye my hair red for a long time partially bc I wanted it to be kinda like hers), there are some personal struggles of hers I can relate to (though I won't go in detail, it's a bit too personal).
"I didn't realize how important they'd be": as mentioned, Jett was not meant to be an important character, but now she is my main. Went from a bounty hunter, minding her own business, to the Alliance Commander.
"Fan-favorite": if the amount of times she's requested in ask games is any indication, she is liked by people (and I thank everyone who ever showed interest in her).
"I love them Your Honor": obviously.
"Very good-looking": to me yes, idk about the typical standards (probably good-looking too).
"They get so much page-time": considering the fact that I tried writing years ago and didn't follow up with it, can't really say. If memory serves me right, I only ever posted two (very small, like a few sentences long) WIPs, and one of them is about Jett, so that counts as most page-time.
But if I was actually properly writing, Jett would definitely be receiving the most attention.
There are two squares I didn't check and wanted to elaborate on why:
I wouldn't mind knowing her as a person, but not be her friend. Maybe it's weird since Jett is my fave, but idk, I can't quite explain.
There is still quite a bit of her backstory that I have not shared, but nothing I wouldn't share, just haven't gotten to it.
And look, I got a bingo!
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okay im like so super sorry about this but i was so sure i already sent you a bunch of asks and i realised just now that that was just in my head so iM SO SORRY
im gonna say this being 100% truthful but you were actually the first person i followed on tumblr. i remember when i made my new acc (the old one got deleted by tumblr) yours was the onLY acc i remembered by heart and i just typed it in and follwed you.
ive read and reread your fics for so long its actually insane
im so sorry though :(
ANYWAY i recently starting getting into nct wish (i know nothING yet, i watched like 3/4 videos) bUT I AM A (somewhat) INSANE ZEROSE SO (i watched every single zb1 content there is in 2 weeks during final exams ://)
IM GONNA REQ A FEW FICS (bc i read zanna's hanbin fic and went insane bc hanbin is the first person who i (and most of my friends) can say im insane over)
(im not actually insane, its just that hanbin is very squishable and his backstory and everything speaks to me on a different level as compared to other people)
(heres an idea bc sometimes reqs get hard w too many ideas which is why im trynna be vague but if you need an idea maybe a comfort fic after zb1's first anniversary special??)
ALSO YAY YOU DO SO GOOD!!!!!!! your fics are amAZING!!!
(saying this as someone who actually cannot write at all and is super sad about it and instead writes a crap ton of smaus)
anon wtf that’s insane :( that literally warmed my heart so much i wanna sob 💔 like WHAT DO U MEAN U REMEBERED MY USERNAME 💔🥹🥹🥹🥹ANS DONT WORRY LMFAOOOO I DO THAT ALL THE TIME LIKE !!!! i get u 100% don’t even THINK about feeling bad 😁☝️
also hanbin. agreed. he’s creeping up to be my ult… so i totally get u (also zanna comitted crimes w that hanbin fic esp pt 2 like… 😤😤😤)
I JUST WANTED TO REPLY RN BUT ILL WROTE THE GUNWOOK FIC!!! dw ro give some details they will be appreciated!! i think o have an idea how to do this one so LEMME TYPE AS WE SPEAK 🗣️ (also bc zanna will eat me as a gunwook bias actually so) also im super excited to write more for them bc bc of that i get to know them better n i just wanna write for more groups🥹
🌱ANON ILYM I DONT THINK I HAVE U ON MY LIST??? LMAO SO ADDING U RN 🫵 there’s no going back btw 😁😁😁
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Congrats on 1k!! Sending in an OC for the event! OC's name is Shari, female & 22 years old. With Kaveh as the yandere? Personality-wise, she's cheerful and friendly, but tends to hyperfocus on work and ignore other stuff, especially when she's motivated. A bit blunt when speaking, but she means well. Good at reading people and noticing hostile/bad intent, too. Backstory, she grew up in Sumeru with her mom, who researched ancient ruins and stuff, and brought home a strange little ruin machine that acted different compared to others. It had been strangely friendly and followed Shari's mom home, and then the family just became Shari, her mom, and the small machine (who she named Bibi bc she was like 5). Anyway, mom passed away before she could actually figure out why Bibi acted the way it did or even complete her research on ancient machinery, leaving Shari with no one except Bibi. Hence Shari growing an interest in learning about the same topic. Joined the Akademiya when she was older, but went for the Haravatat darshan instead of Kshahrewar bc Faruzan was in the latter and Shari took up her offer to become her student since Faruzan knows a lot about ancient machinery. She likes studying ancient texts and stuff too, it's a win-win. Kaveh was probably a friend when she was younger but Shari grew more distant after her mom died due to focusing more on learning about what Bibi was and wanting to know about ancient machinery and stuff. So yeah, they do know each other, but got a bit further when they grew older. Final note, Shari kinda cares about Bibi more than other people... except Faruzan, who she holds in pretty high regard, with Faruzan tending to look after her when she notices Shari is burying herself in research and stuff. Hope this wasn't too confusing!! She's a pretty new OC so I haven't exactly worked out the details lol--
Nah I got plenty, thanks for sending in the request.
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Kaveh felt so sad after growing apart from Shari, he could never stop thinking about her, even in his adult years he still held unto the dream that was spending his whole life with her, he clung to the memory of her as if it was his last lifeline and in his mind it was.
Kaveh felt such joy when Shari joined the academiya, that joy quickly turned into anger when she didn't join his darshan but the one Alhaitham of all people is in, even if she doesn't interact with Alhaitham, it doesn't matter, he will still feel jealous.
The jealousy Kaveh feels extends even to Faruzan and Bibi, he hates how Shari spends more time with them rather than him, in fact Shari barely recognizes him, even if they haven't spoken for years, that doesn't mean that she can just ignore him
All of this drives Kaveh mad, he can't deal with all this, the only solution he can think of is kidnapping Shari while destroying that robot, she'll come to love him sooner or later then, right? Well he can't do any of that until he has financial stability, in the meantime he will have to wait and his jealousy grows even more during that time.
"Hmmm, no I have no idea what happened to that damned rob- I-I mean Bibi, I did see Faruzan do something to Bibi, why don't you ask her"
#yandere#yandere genshin impact#yandere genshin#yandere male#yandere kaveh#yandere kaveh x reader#oc#oc x canon#oc x character event
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Okay I lied here are some more thoughts on the mlb movie including some actual criticism.
I was just listening to the soundtrack a little and I feel like? A lot of ~character~ is injected into the songs. I mean, it's a musical, it's how they work, characters burst into song when they cant hold back how they're feeling / what they're thinking anymore. But I feel like people who are calling the movie soulless must have just tuned the songs out when they came up, because without them yea, it kinda feels like its just going through the motions. But... It's a movie, so they cant have five million scenes of Mari being awkward, especially since they need her to outgrow it bc ~character development~ so these bits go into her intro song + her first outing as Ladybug. It's obviously stated in Chat's number that he was high off the freedom of being Chat Noir, which explains his cockier attitude towards Ladybug (which is? Not too unlike their dynamic in Origins pt 1 tbh, anyway).
(A detail I love is how in "You Are Ladybug", Marinette's whole point is that when things get rough she "makes excuses", which is a level of self awareness that I don't recall her having to that degree in the early show. At least in season 1, she'd always ALMOST do the things she wanted to, only to stop and second guess herself. I love the interpretation that it isnt just shyness or being frazzled and nervous in front of her crush, like the fandom interpreted, it's her ACTIVELY being aware that she's self sabotaging bc she's afraid of taking chances. It's such a fun little spin on her actions in the show. )
Like. It's all there??? It's in the movie???
Wanna see an ACTUAL criticism? What some songs imply just isn't represented as well visually, which makes the movie more confusing. Most notably Marinette's Sad Song after Adrien turns her down. If you actually listen to what she's saying, it feels like they skipped a few scenes, lol.
Like, listen to it, it's like she's saying she - as Marinette - isn't enough, just being the silly shy girl that she is. This is right after Chat confesses to be falling for Ladybug, but Adrien turns Marinette down. The song is implying that Mari went from not thinking she could be Ladybug to gaining confidence in herself (she's kicking butt as Ladybug, she's overcoming her shyness/awkwardness and making friends, she even managed to ask Adrien out, so its not like the old fic trope in which Mari always had a low self esteem and always considered LB to be perfect, she's getting better as a whole), to only now second guessing it all. Is only Ladybug, her more heroic, responsible side, the one people (boys, "both" of them) like? Is being "just" her softer, klutzier, dreamer self not enough?
It ofc leads into the final fight against Hawkmoth, and how Marinette is so down about it that she now thinks she NEEDS Ladybug to win. She still tries to save Adrien on her own with a last nudge from Tikki, and tho it isn't enough to keep Hawkmoth from getting to him, it's enough for herself. Like, she very clearly Has An Arc in the movie.
The thing is, it can get a little fuzzy because we don't really see this contrast between Ladybug's self assuredness and the parts of herself that Marinette prefers to identify with as a civilian, not if you haven't watched the show. The montage just skips throughout their "pound it!"s without lingering on her resourcefulness, her confidence, and how different Ladybug feels from Marinette. Like, it's there, but only superficially, and its hard to notice it unless you have the backstory from the show to back you up.
It's the same issue with Adrien's feelings towards Marinette, we know from the montage that Mari is special to him, we only ever see him open himself up about Emilie to her (when Nino is Right There and actively letting him know he can talk to him if Adrien wants to), and the end credits song (that seems to match the reveal in both melody and lyrics) basically states what we do know - that Mari is aware that Adrien is Chat Noir and was waiting for the right moment to tell him - and what we DON'T, which is that Adrien always felt a degree of familiarity and a special bond with Mari, possibly bc subconsciously he always knew (which actually calls back surprisingly well to the cut Wall Between Us number and how that poor catboy was SO confused). So he was and wasn't surprised at the same time bc OF COURSE it was her, of course the girls who held his heart on both sides of the mask were one and the same. Ergo the smiling through the tears.
But we don't SEE that, unless you take what the music numbers are saying AND you have watched the first season of the show (I am once again reminding folks that the movie was conceptualized during the season 1 hiatus). You don't SEE Adrien go from a slightly weirded out stranger to someone fondly amused at Mari's antics to blushing and shuffling awkwardly when their fingers touch when playing videogames. You don't see how LB takes control and appears to be a natural leader, heck, the movie does a better job with Ladynoir but it STILL doesn't match how it feels to watch it knowing things like Chat straight up being willing to die for Ladybug in Timebreaker or knowing they kiss once in Dark Cupid or how Chat keeps himself from peeking at who LB is in Lady Wifi. You don't have the Adrienette side of the square to explain some of those lyrics away and the Ladynoir Song(tm) or even the sparring scene, with all the implicit trust they gives us, don't hit as hard as they do with the proper context.
Some of it (Ladynoir) can be excused by it being a movie and having a much more limited runtime to tell a story, but others (Adrienette) just NEEDED a little bit more. Even if it was just one more scene showing how their civilian relationship has ALSO evolved.
That said, it makes me wonder, it's been ages but I loosely remember being told that the movie was supposed to show the origins of Ladybug and Chat Noir back in the day. I wonder if the things we see changed between series and movie (the power ups for instance, details like Nino always having a crush on Alya) weren't originally, and the movie was originally going to be released as both the beginning and the end of season 1, showing how LB and Chat met, revealing Gabriel as Hawkmoth, and concluding the love square shenanigans and giving us a reveal before setting up a season 2 in that post The End scene.
Mostly bc I've been watching season 1 again and if you take Origins out and ignore the smaller incongruencies as just edits reworked into the base story later in order separate the movieverse from the showverse as a way for Zag and Astruc to find a compromise... I'm using an old friend's personalized episode timeline instead of just the release/production order and you can SEE the development there. It's subtle but it exists, and it works surprisingly well.
If you look at it this way, the movie wouldn't need to show things like Adrien's modeling career and Gabriel's micromanaging (which in season 1 STILL works with movie Gabriel, especially knowing he gets obsessed to the point of neglecting his personal hygiene. He's distant and cold but not aggressive), so the show could explore that. The show could set up Adrienette and Ladynoir (and the other subtler sides of the square)'s base dynamics so the movie could do its thing by flipping the love square (had it had more time to properly show the Adrienette side. as I said above, its an actual issue with the movie) and resolving the tension. Even the earphones symbolism would hit harder knowing Adrien went through a whole season without them, only to falter and fall back into using them after LB rejects him.
Idk, I'm too fond of Origins to ever delete it from my heart, but I think its a fascinating concept to think about.
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous awakening#miraculous movie#mlb movie spoilers#awakening spoilers#mlb#I am Trying with the tags people#I THINK this is all I wanted to say unless I end up gushing a bit about specific scenes bc I can treat myself to just fawning over things#y'know once in a while without a text wall lol#Origins is STILL my beloved but it's been a REALLY interesting experience to watch season 1 ignoring it#like it fits suprisingly well#all those little changes aside ofc#especially bc you cant really have Mari learning the status quoyo spell only at the end of the season lol#tho I do like the symbolism of her wanting to create things and literally being able to do it at the end#long post#inke speaks#my 2016 self needs to express her Opinions and she will not be held back#its been fun tho.#as i said in my other post about it#its closure.#its nice#I do still really like the movie tho#it gives season 1 the character depth it was missing#or rather that it had but it was wayyy too subtle#it brings it to the forefront of the story#I really like it!#I am once again upset that the show isnt set in this universe#there ARE some things I like about what we actually got... well in seasons 2#and 3 which was what I watched#buuuut I legit really like the idea and implications of this universe
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You’re might enjoy these polls but Doflamingo doesn’t have a good track record 😖
Oooh, polls! I think I saw these!
(smashes Doflamingo button)
Rosinante is beating him by a mile hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 honestly, I'm happy for Rosinante, he deserves it after everything he went through. And they choose an absolutely precious picture of him, while Doflamingo is about to crush someone's head with his foot 🤣🤣
Yeah, it's probably because he went from slaying fashionably to slaying... people. While still slaying fashionably, mind you!
Also, most people think his fashion is over the top but I love that sorta fashion on a guy! I like flamboyant men!
People just don't appreciate fashion these days, I'm telling you 😔
This look SLAYS. Orange pants? Orange pants! Fckn awesome. I adore orange! Amazing. And the shirt being halfway buttoned? 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
And that's not even his final form!
This is what he wears post timeskip. Shirt open. That shirt doesn't even have buttons to close it. Letting everyone see what he's packing. Absolute confidence.
They say he isn't hot bcs they are too scared of him (I mean, fair) or think his outfit is corny (also fair, not all people like such clothing attires)
I watched a video of a fashion designer rating One Piece warlord outfits. They put Doflamingo into an A-rank, just a rank below S-rank. They know what's up.
The civilian ladies in One Piece canonically like him. Like, suuuuure, uh-huh, he isn't hot 🙄 though, fine, civilian ladies in One Piece can have questionable standards 🤣. Civilians in One Piece overall are... really dumb. Overall, Doflamingo has a pretty handsome face shape, too.
I think most people don't like him cus of Law's backstory which, fair, I had cursed him in English and my own language for the next hour after Law's flashback, so I get that part.
My friends were like "How can you still like him after Law's flashback?"
And I was like...
"You want me to hate a villain for... doing villainous things?"
Other of my friends were like, "Ha, told you! Pay up! Ten euros!"
And then we all had a great discussion of how Doflamingo was definitely hurting during that scene and how he doesn't know how to handle emotions so the only way he shows those high passion emotions is by anger bcs it's the only way he knows how to react.
Yeah, I am of a much tougher material. He can kill Luffy and sure, I'd bawl like a baby and curse him to hell and back, but after an hour I just love him again! 🤣 Yeah, he's evil, he's an asshole, but he's my evil asshole.
He makes me laugh. He is so fckn funny. I laughed for a good 10 minutes after one of his lines I had to pause the ep because I was crying how much I was laughing.
There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, better and more attractive for me than when a man is funny and makes me laugh. He is already attractive and then he can make me laugh, too? Attractiveness SKYROCKETS into space.
Fun headcanon I have is that he saw the sunglasses he wears on the women's aisle (because when did you EVER see a man sunglasses be white with this cool frame design? Exactly.) and they just slayed and he bought them and now the design is considered to be for both genders and it's all thanks to Doflamingo making the design his.
Plus, polls can cometimes be unfair. They once put him against his younger brother who is LOVED by the fandom, of course Rosinante would win. Hell, I didn't vote on that poll bcs I couldn't choose! 🤣
Sorry for going into detail, anon, thanks for the ask.
This has been my daily Doflamingo Appreciation Post. 🦩🩷
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