The Simmer With Curly Fries
106 posts
| Anna | 20 | UK | TS4 | Story teller(?) | Maxis Match | WCIF Friendly | I think I'm funny |  youtube |
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 2 years ago
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im having a moment
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 3 years ago
Reblog to drop jk rowling into an active volcano
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 5 years ago
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This is what Ren’s application post could have been had I not been worried about getting it in on time for the deadline (see the original post here).
Now that she hasn’t gotten into the challenge though I am happy to say that I am going to be doing a story on here with her.  Because my brain exploded with ideas for it.  I need sometime to get my ideas together and plot a little bit, but it will be soon.  After all what else is there for me to do right now?
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 5 years ago
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Renée ‘Ren’ Donaghue for @crescendemon ‘s Bachelor Challenge.
Basic Information
City Native // Self-Assured / Good / Hot Headed  22 / she/her /  bisexual / San Myshuno
Backstory Below:
Ren is the only child of James Donaghue - who is currently serving as a senator for San Myshuno - and his late wife Rosie Donaghue (née Valleli).  Growing up she was the city’s sweetheart while also being the ‘it girl’ of the city’s elite.  Her simstagram had over 3 million followers.  That was until she went dark half way through her second year studying Communications at Britechester University.  This coincided with the end of her mother’s prolonged illness. The next and last time Ren was photographed was at her mother’s funeral.
After deleteing her public simstagram and dropping out of university Ren dropped her good girl persona.  She changed her look to avoid recognition (and embarassing her father) and turned to a party life style.  The first year after her mother’s death was spent travelling around the world, mostly drinking and sleeping with random people.  Now she lives in her family’s San Myshuno Penthouse - while her father lives near congress - continuing this party lifestyle with an ever changing circle of friends.  She and her father barely talk - she hasn’t forgiven him for not telling her how bad her mum was until she was on her deathbed - so he just leaves her to her own devices, hoping that she’ll get herself together soon.
Her oldest friend, Gracie O’Malley, signed her up for the show knowing that Michael is exactly Ren’s type and maybe it would allow Ren to finally make a connection with someone again.  Especially since she has closed herself off from real relationships since her mum’s death.  Ren was drunk when Gracie brought it up and agree - she now regrets it but won’t back down from a challenge.
(I didn’t mean to love this sim this much but I do.  I’m currently working on doing some background posts with her as well - but I wanted to get this posted for the deadline.  This is what lockdown is doing to me...)
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 5 years ago
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I thought I’d enter @anjellies​ bachelorette challenge… So, without further ado I introduce Maya Linnetti.
Basic Info:
Musical Genius || Goofball | Music Lover | Clumsy
 22 | she/her| pansexual | Strangerville
Details Below
Country Girl, I luve youuuuuu
Grew up in Strangerville with just her mum (before all the strangeness began)
her dad was a soldier that died while deployed when she were young (too young to remember him)
her mother dated but never remarried
Her mum used to play Dixie Chicks on repeat
her favourite album is Wide Open Spaces
since she was four she has wanted to be a country singer
At the age of ten she finally got her eyes tested and it turns out she has absolutely terrible eye sight
like can’t-see your-features-from-more-than-a-ruler’s-distance-away-from-her-face terrible eye sight
Had a pretty okay time growing up
had a few really good friends but considered herself friends with everyone
Now lives with two of them in Del Sol Valley
was prom queen with her then boyfriend
Studied music at DSVU (Del Sol Valley University) and is planning on getting a teaching qualification.
Yeah, she has had one serious relationship in her life
He was the captain of the football team and generally a really great guy (#himbo rights)
They’re still really good friends but the relationship wasn’t working so they broke up.
Misc Stuff
She plays guitar, piano, ukulele and the cello (although she hasn’t actually got any skills in game, sorry)
cello is because she briefly wanted to get into classical music and she hates quitting
Has a weakness for a fantasy and historical movies and tv
once watched the entirety of the extended editions of LOTR in one weekend - she doesn’t tell anyone because that doesn’t go with her country rep
If she can’t sleep she bakes
she’s really good at making cookies thanks to exam season at uni
her roommates appreciate the baked goods but would really like her to find a new coping mechanism
for their health.
Unironically says “y’all”
She’s a capricorn, type 7w2, ENTJ-F
And she believes in this stuff
I really love her so I hope Alice does too 😂. (I feel like I wrote too much though)
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 5 years ago
hey guys, so i just started a youtube channel and uploaded my first video.  I’d be really happy if you maybe checked it out.  i’m going to be uploading a sims let’s play every thursday for the foreseeable future, and on tuesdays (starting next week) i will be uploading a dragon age origins play through.
I’m really excited about this creative endeavor - it feels like there’s a lot less pressure on it than many other things i’ve tried.  but yeah, please check it out.  thank you.  ❤️
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 5 years ago
hey guys, so i just started a youtube channel and uploaded my first video.  I’d be really happy if you maybe checked it out.  i’m going to be uploading a sims let’s play every thursday for the foreseeable future, and on tuesdays (starting next week) i will be uploading a dragon age origins play through.
I’m really excited about this creative endeavor - it feels like there’s a lot less pressure on it than many other things i’ve tried.  but yeah, please check it out.  thank you.  ❤️
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 6 years ago
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I'm so high at the moment I'm so caught up in this Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke But we still got love to give
Lito Huston (Gen 3 Heir)
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 6 years ago
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So I'll sing Hallelujah You were an angel in the shape of my mum When I fell down you'd be there holding me up Spread your wings as you go
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 6 years ago
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Oh darling don't you ever grow up, Just stay this little Oh darling don't you ever grow up, It could stay this simple
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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The shower was the perfect excuse.  Yaeko realised that looking exactly like the girl that went missing in Newcrest may not be the best thing so she decided to drastically change something.  After all we all recognise each other by the hair.
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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We played in the rain for a second and suddenly she was super sad and smelly.  Puberty.
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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You’d think she’d never seen rain before.
(It’s because she’s never actually seen rain before.  Let’s hear it for Seasons)
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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Gotta get those posters, it’s our morning routine (and because they are worth some good simoleons).
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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Geeta wasn’t ready for the tantrum Yaeko threw her way.  Perhaps next time Geeta will think before she woohoos.
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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“I have had a really long day.  Do you know what it’s like working in the service industry??  All I ask is that I am able to sleep in my apartment!!”
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thesimmerwithcurlyfries · 7 years ago
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Geeta, I only have one question.  What the actual fuck?
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