#(actually it probably could but i don't feel the need to have the PC version)
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
My disability-adjacent hot take is that subtitles alone aren't really enough. I have trouble differentiating where sound comes from, for instance, so it's wildly helpful to have clarification on where sound is supposed to be coming from (right versus left, ect).
On a related note, if your subtitles are not clear, accurate, or translated in the case of foreign language, your subtitles aren't good. I don't want to read a paraphrased, censored version of what people are saying. I want to know exactly what they're saying because omitting even one word can dramatically change the tone, implication, and the entire meaning of what is said.
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edgyedgelord · 2 months ago
hey im planning to switch over to linux and need advice from the smart people of tumblr, please and thank you. my messages are open so if you need any info to help me out hmu.
General Questions:
im seeing everyone saying ubuntu, mint, and ziron are "the #1 go to versions for beginners" but like... which is it?
i also hear about security being the best with linux but nothing about it coming with antiviruses. does it come with one like how windows comes with defender or do you install that yourself, or is it something different entirely?
all the sources i look at talk about downloading and installing linux but i want to know what to expect when first getting a prebuilt pc with the OS, like the system 76 pcs. do you have to set it up like when you install it or is it as easy as getting any new computer?
i know nothing about coding and im planning to get a computer from system 76 since it seems like the best, and its by far the only source that only comes with linux, and since my current one was pretty much ruined by someone i thought could fix it after a faulty outlet fried its insides, he didnt and made it worse.
so yeah, which linux version do you suggest for a computer moron, any suggestions for computers would be nice (max price is $1,300), i'll put the specs and my uses under the read more.
It ONLY comes with Linux. I despise what Windows has become and don't want to even bother dual booting cause I feel with the switchovers happening they're gonna get salty and make something that'll turn your computer into a bomb if you use Linux with it.
Kinda beefy but not a supercomputer. I don't use AI stuff, I'm not a programmer, but I do frequently play modded Minecraft with my friends and run smps for my Discord servers. I recently switched to Modrinth cause ATLauncher had been giving me trouble. Curseforge is out of the question.
At the most, I'll be playing VRChat with friends while having Spotify or Youtube in the background for music and Discord open in case someone needs my help in one of my servers, similar goes for running one of my SMPs just minus the VR.
Gaming Questions:
I also play VR games often, especially BeatSaber (modded ofc im not insane), and I have Half Life Alyx that I haven't been able to finish cause my already dead and gutted PC struggles to run it anymore even with the lowest settings. My current headset is a two feet in the grave, barely hanging in there, held by tape Oculus Rift S thats as old as my current PC whos also dead. I plan to get a new headset soon and had the Quest 2 recommended to me by friends. If theres better alternatives that isn't Meta please let me know.
I'm a DBD addict. Does it really run DBD or was that just the one guy from the one video I saw.
My friends also often drag me onto Roblox so I need to know if that'll be an option for Linux too.
I know I could probably look up all this myself but every source is outdated from years ago or they all say different things and it just confuses me.
Art Questions:
My current tablet is a Wacom, I got it before knowing how greedy the company actually is, and I plan to switch to a Huion after this tablet dies on me. If compatibility is an issue with it please let me know what to do about that.
I usually use Medibang but I don't think it runs on Linux from what I've seen, if I'm wrong lemme know. Am I going to have to switch all the files over to something else before getting a Linux or are there programs I can use that'll load them?
I also write and need to know if I need to switch all my files to something else before porting it all over to the Linux PC. I just used the default notepad and document programs on Windows.
But yeah, that's all my questions for now. If I think of any more I'll just edit this post. Sorry if I sound super dumb for all this, I tried finding information sources myself but like I said all of them weren't too moron friendly or had relevant information. Most sources I found were articles or reddit forums from years ago so I thought "Hey, why don't I just go ask the computer nerds directly?" so here I am.
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wildcreativemastermind · 2 months ago
SWTOR: Jedi Consular Companions
Listen, I like the Jedi Consular story in SWTOR. It was the first story in the game I completed, and I still enjoy replaying it. I downloaded the game to play a Jedi, and the consular story gives, at least I think it gives, a better Jedi experience than the Jedi Knight story does. The big drawback for me however, is the companions.
We'll start with Qyzen, the first companion. He's a trandoshan and friend of the PC's master. At first, I actually liked him. The thing of him declaring the pc to be the Scorekeeper's Herald was not good, and I really think shouldn't have been there in the first place, but it was a single drawback. The Jedi Council is shown to have concerns about Qyzen and Yuon's (pc's master) friendship. When I first started playing, that last point got some eyerolls out of me. I've seen the movies, I know Jedi are allowed to have friends. However, on this 2nd playthrough, I'm fully on the Jedi Council's side concerning Qyzen, if anything my opinion is harsher than theirs'.
Qyzen, as he is, should not be allowed at the Jedi Temple. This guy has hunted Wookies for sport and shows no remorse for doing so. He doesn't believe hunting wookies is wrong. What if there are any wookie Jedi? Padawans? Initiates? Younglings? Their safety is more important than Yuon's or Qyzen's feelings, get him away from the Temple and off of Tython.
What I think should've been done with Qyzen: honestly, he doesn't need that many changes, two are all that are needed. 1. no calling the pc Scorekeeper's Herald. This never made sense, the pc is not trandoshan, not part of trandoshan culture, and does things that many Jedi could do. A nickname does make sense, both in universe and from a game development standpoint. I think something like "young hunter" (possibly "master hunter" later) would make more sense. It would be an acknowledgement of the Consular as a fellow and friend in a transdoshan way without placing undue importance on them.
2. don't have Qyzen be a wookie hunter. This is really the big one. It would resolve a lot of the issues that are created by Qyzen's presences as it is in the game. Maybe there's a group of trandoshans who think there should be limits on what can and can't be hunted, sentient species can't be hunter the same way animals can. Qyzen could have been part of this group (or even still is). This could even tie into Qyzen's side quest later of the wookie killing trandoshans based on information from a trandoshan. In the version I'm suggesting, the trandoshan who gives the wookie info on who to kill is telling the wookie to kill trandoshans who have sworn off hunting wookies. The wookie kills these trandoshans anyway because they're blinded by vengeance. When Qyzen and the Consular encounter this wookie, they could help get said wookie off the vengeance path or kill them to avenge the dead trandoshans.
We'll do Tharan next. Why is he there? He could find excitement, and probably be happier, without the Consular. He doesn't seem to like much about the Jedi, especially not their using the Force. I interact with this guy and I wonder why he doesn't try to find excitement and adventure elsewhere. Surely it couldn't be that hard for him to get his own ship.
My ideas for Tharan: scrap him, introduce him many planets later, or change his character to fit someone who'd hang out with Jedi.
Ideally, I think he should be scrapped, I simply do not find him likable. If we're going to change him instead, I think I have a solution. Make him a scientist who used to study the force. Instead of seeing something he doesn't understand and being rather averse to it, he wants to understand how it works. His dreams and aspirations on this were crushed by not finding enough funding, or something else happened to prevent him from studying the force. Working with the Consular on Nar Shadaa could than reawaken that ambition, and maybe he could use the Consular for his research (if they consent of course), it would give a clearer reason for him to travel with the Consular specifically. And maybe Syo and Fain tried to help with that study back in the day. It would change Tharan's focus, but it would make his extensive time around Jedi make more sense and explain why he'd have an anti-mind trick device (is that really part of exo-tech? that bit struck me as odd). Perhaps Tharan's working on Nar Shadaa could have been him seeking the most profitable work he could get since he couldn't fulfill his ambition. He could still have his tech knowledge, it just wouldn't be his main interest.
Now for Zenith: Zenith on his own is okay, not great but okay. He doesn't quite have the glaring issues some of the others do. My problem with him isn't really him, so much as that he's yet another companion who doesn't approve of the Jedi Consular acting like a Jedi. I think if we had at least one companion before him who did, I'd have a better opinion of Zenith.
Finally talking about companions I like, let's talk about Felix. Felix himself is fine, good actually. He's the only Jedi romance I actually like (I'm squicked by master/padawan romances, and Doc is just awful). The problem with Felix isn't Felix, the problem with Felix is that he shows up far to late. He's the first companion the Consular who fits the bog standard playthrough and is one of the romance options, and yet he doesn't appear until the last planet of chapter 2. This means he doesn't get the time he needs to be explored, as his own character or his relationship with the Consular.
Given his being a love interest and having the Sith holocron in his head that does absolutely nothing during the class story, Felix just screams underexplored to me. The fix with him, introduce and make him a companion in chapter one, maybe he could be on Tatooine so he could still be on a miserable middle of nowhere planet. And do something with the holocron during the class story, maybe we run into a Sith who knows about the holocron in Felix's head, and Felix and the Consular have to work together to deal with the problems that come from this. The love between Felix and the Consular (whether friendship or romance) could be used to help him in this. Also, don't end his romance with marriage. Instead, just have him and the Consular agree for them to be permanent, it accomplishes the same general goal without doing something that would make certain the Consular would have to leave the Jedi.
Now for Nadia, I like Nadia as a character, but there are some problems, especially with her as a love interest. The big issue with her, like Felix, is that she becomes a companion to late in the game. I think she should have become a companion at Quesh. This would allow her and her and the JC's relationship more time to develop.
As for the Nadia romance, it has so much wrong that I'm seriously considering saying it should be thrown out. The game's romances in general have power imbalance issues, but JC/Nadia has got to be one of the worst in this regard. I can ignore it with Felix cause it's not highlighted (it also helps that Felix is the one pursuing the Consular), but I can't do that with Nadia.
Okay, so the JC becomes her Jedi master and she starts to see the male JC as something of a father figure. This would have been genuinely adorable if she wasn't expressing romantic interest in the JC, and soon after her father's death.
Another part of the power dynamic in this is that Nadia is a Senator, she is the JC's boss. This doesn't get highlighted in the game with Nadia specifically, but it is the case.
Honestly, Nadia just shouldn't be a romance option, so much would have to change to make it not concerning that I don't even want to bother.
But what about male consulars? Shouldn't they get a romance option? A female one since this game came in 2008 and queer romance wasn't gonna happen?
Ok, genderbend Tharan and make her the male Consular's love interest. Keep Holiday, she could be a friend and assistant instead of a girlfriend (maybe there could be subtle hints of Holiday and lady Tharan being friendly exs) No I'm not elaborating more on that.
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year ago
Investigators’ Truth in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy
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We have mentioned before on this blog when talking about Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy that in Eureka roleplay is mechanics-driven and mechanics are roleplay-driven, but what does that mean?
The short version is that when making your PC, you put things on their character sheet that give bonuses when they act in a way that is consistent with their intended characterization.
One of these elements is called a character’s Truth. Every Eureka PC has a Truth, and they may even have multiple Truths. A Truth can even change as a result of events in the campaign.
A character’s Truth is some strong element of their personality or beliefs that is likely to spur them into action, get them into trouble, or both. It is not necessarily a flaw, but it easily can be, as one of the main purposes of it is to encourage and reward players for letting their characters screw up.
When playing a video game or a TTRPG, it’s often very easy to sit back and think out every problem and approach them perfectly logically, especially when time usually pauses as you discuss the next move among the other players at the table. But if every character in a movie or book or any other story always made the most perfectly logical decision, that would probably be a pretty boring story, and it certainly wouldn’t be a very realistic story. People don't always make the most logical decisions in real life.
However, when playing a game, it can feel like “losing” to intentionally make a character make a decision that you, in your logical detached mind, know will probably not work out well for them in the long run. Eureka argues that this is not “losing”, and that this is actually exactly how Eureka is supposed to go. To encourage this, we added the Truth mechanic.
Like I said before, Truth is not exactly a flaw, just some part of the character’s personality or beliefs that would spur them to action or get them into trouble. It could be a hot temper, a need to always have the last word, an overly competitive nature, a love of violence, or a compulsion to lie, but it could also be a strong desire to selflessly protect others, or the trust that one’s fellow man are inherently good.
Whatever it is, when a character acts within the parameters of their Truth, they get a +1 to the dice roll for whatever it is they’re doing, or whatever dice roll results from them acting in their Truth.
This doesn’t mean that a character acting within their Truth is always the worst course of action on their part, sometimes emotional gut decisions do turn out to be right. Maybe a character whose Truth is somehow based around trusting others is right to lower their weapon, because the monster might be just as scared of them as they are of him, and that +1 Truth Bonus is going to come in handy in the resulting Comfort roll to try and de-escalate the situation—or maybe they’re completely wrong and the monster was just waiting for an opportunity to seize the upper hand, and that +1 Truth Bonus is instead going to be used on an Athletics roll to run like hell.
This also doesn’t mean that a character always has to act within their Truth, no one realistically reacts the exact same way to every situation, and we do not encourage GMs to push or punish players if their characters do not act within their Truth, but Truth helps reward realistic, in-character behavior from the PCs.
In this way, the rules/mechanics of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy are tied directly to the roleplay of the character, and the roleplay of the character is encouraged and supported by the rules/mechanics.
Stay tuned for another post about a way that in-character roleplay and rules/mechanics are intertwined with the Traits system.
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You can also pick up a pre-release PDF copy of this game(in a fully playable state) for $5 through our Patreon.
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dol-dee · 10 months ago
IK nobody asked buuuuut I'll talk about it anyways.
I somewhat fall into the category of prefering fem iterations of the dol characters. I say somewhat bc, Yeah I like women but thats not the main reason.
DoL HEAVILY relies on tropes and well known character archetypes when it comes to it's NPCs.
A lot of them are ol' reliables and (at least to me) feel very worn out when in their cis male version. Which is why I often gravitate to the version that feels more "fresh" or subversive to me.
For Example: I love my fem Sydney but her particular character trope (corruption of the "pure" religious character) feels a bit more interesting (to me) when its M!Sydney.
Although I will admit that another reason I tend to favor the female versions is that most dol fandom depictions (that I have seen) already have a strong bias towards the male version of these characters. The ground there is plenty covered already and I don't think I can bring much new to the table there.
I don't think most people will care about my particular opinions/List on this , so I'll put it under a cut haha.
Tbf I like to let the game do it's own thing to see what it cooks up in the npcs body, sex and gender department but I do have a few characters that I consistently change like Avery.
Cis M!Avery is just suuuch a tired trope to me (probably bc it's not that uncommon in real life either?) Another man with anger issues who exclusively dates (according to canon aka Vrel) only 18 to 20 year olds? YAWN. idk I could just go look at Leonardo DiCaprios dating chart if I wanted to see that. Obviously, if it does something for you, go right ahead. I'll leave you to your feast, it's just not for me. I need Avery to be a very smarmy, maladjusted butch woman.
Okokok I'll get to the list now (for the characters that I have developed strong opinions about anyways) and I'll go into, what my current/canon run is set to as well as what I prefer depending on what I find more interesting. (with some notes if I have thoughts on the character) uhhhhh Ig I'll do it in Alphabetical order?
Avery: Preferred: F! Avery Current Run: F! Avery (note: I think I went in and manually changed it) - (Nothing more to say really, I already mentioned my reasons. Plus M!Avery just makes me feel icky)
Alex: Preferred: No preference Current Run: M! Alex
Bailey: Preferred: somewhat neutral but leaning towards F! Bailey Current Run: F! Bailey - (Bailey once again seems to have a lot of M! fanworks already and I like the idea of her being either futch or butch. Bailey just strikes me as someone who'd wear a lot of boring suits. Very nondescript/practical)
Eden: Preferred: F! Eden Current Run: F! Eden - (Eden is a case where I really wanted to live my Huntress dbd fantasies out with her but was open to the option of M!Eden. Until I ran into him in my first run and I really didn't like it very much. I prefer her as a hulking hermit woman atp also sad toxic yuri between Eden and Bailey <3)
Harper: Preferred: No preference Current Run: F! Harper - (Harper lowkey gives me Moira Overwatch vibes (mainly bc of my design lmao) so I have a soft spot for fem!Harper)
Kylar: Preferred: No preference Current Run: F! Kylar - (I do think same sex PC and Kylar is hilarious considering Kylar is so fixated on getting you pregnant, so in this case: ig whatevers funnier <3)
Remy: Preferred: F!Remy kinda Current Run: F! Remy - (I'm actually kind neutral on Remy's sex and gender but I do think its somehow funnier when it's F!Remy. Like whats going on there that she wants to give other women humongus tits and milk them?)
Robin: Preferred: No preference Current Run: M! Robin - (Robin is cute either way!)
Sydney: Preferred: No preference Current Run: F! Sydney - ( I have no real preference for Sydney and I already mentioned my thoughts on them)
Whitney: Preferred: F! Whitney Current Run: M! Whitney - (I've seen this trope so many times with hyperagressive dudes. It's not doing much for me. To see that kind of behavior with a fem character instead really revitalizes my interest in It! M!Whitney is fine and hes kinda grown on me but I think I'd have more fun with Whitney if they were femme instead)
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dutyworn · 17 days ago
pc rambles, don't mind me
so i'm planning to build a computer for the first! time, sometime next year, and i'm at the point where i'm choosing the parts, so that i can start buying them earlier over the months/years to be able to wait for sales and stuff like that. i have never had a desktop pc and i've never built a pc and i am so thrilled to do it, almost not at all intimidated (it looks like lego for adults and fun), especially as i've been developing a special interest in computer parts and therefore learning more and more about computers
i'm 99.9 percent certain that i want a ryzen 7 7800X3D and 100 percent certain that i want an AM5 processor, and i'm leaning heavily towards one of the RTX 4070s (why are there like FOUR DIFFERENT MODELS OF THE 4070 GUYS), most likely RTX 4070 Super or Ti Super because fuck only 8GB of VRAM for that pricetag for the non-supers??? honestly fuck the pricetag of the Ti Super and Super anyway because ????????????????????? this is supposed to be a mid-high graphics card and the Ti Super is OVER A THOUSAND currently with import taxes, and i feel like if i went for AMD instead of nvidia i could buy a slightly lower end graphics card for half the price, but because of the non-gaming stuff that i like to do, i am kind of restricted to nvidia.
so basically waiting for black friday sales or such while i save moneys.
i don't really know their plans for the 4000 series anyway now that the 5000 series is out but i am? holding? out? hope? for... price drops...? i'm not really even looking at the newest series unless for some reason there were discounts that let me buy something better or as good for less money but that's. ey.
if i sound like i know what i'm talking about, i probably don't.
need to learn much more about relevant motherboards before picking my options there, but as a data hoarderTM, i do want lots of storage connectivity. i actually was going to buy a new external hdd sometimes this year but if i build a computer next year... internal hdds are so much cheaper, so i might just wait for that. i mean, i'm prioritising the fastest ssds before thinking about general storage, one for OS and one for programs/games/etc., i just want many, many slots for storage i can upgrade later.
i do want a fishtank case with a glass wall, but i'm actually not too much into rgb light aesthetics, and i'm currently favouring the thought of noctua fans all around, and aircooling, rather than liquid.
i also. they need to start making 24 inch screens that are 1440p. there is literally a single option for a higher refresh rate screen that is 24 inch and 1440p. i don't want a 27 inch screen! that's huge! and i don't want 1080p for 24 inches. i'm used to a 15 inch laptop screen with 1080p, no way will i go for 1080p in a screen bigger than 20 inches. i want the ppi, thank you.
so, yes, i currently have a laptop (i5-11300H, RTX 3060 laptop version), that i mostly use with an external keyboard, which is nice, but i also do... want a new keyboard... probably to use with my laptop even before i start buying computer parts?
i'm not saying i'm getting fully into custom keyboards but i am saying that i want a tactile, customisable keyboard (i have my eyes on one). my current one is um. 65 percent, i think, or 60, i forget the difference, and that is fine because i also have my 75 percent laptop keyboard i can use the arrow keys etc. on for ease of access, but i definitely want at least a 75 percent, or 80 percent one this time. if i get different switches i can also have a different typing feel based on my mood! ksnsbnsmbns
but like. i want to be able to switch out the keycaps and switches if i so choose. i also don't want another one where the keys are hard to use unless the rgb light is on, like my current one. yes, i could just set it at a white light but... i don't like using the computer in the dark anyway, i don't want to have to have rgb on?
and i know linear switches or a low profile might make more sense for gaming but i also don't caaaaaaaare i want my tactile switches. i want that thonk.
anyway the other night my partner was talking about a nerdy thing they had bought for their apartment, and i was like, wanna know how nerdy i am? and they were like, you own a garrus vakarian body pillow. and i was like. ok. yes, but, not what i was gonna say ksnsmabsnmsas. i've been watching hours and hours of computer building videos and how-tos and it's way over a year until i am even planning to build mine. that's how nerdy i am.
my uncle built a computer before it was cool, like late 90s i think, so i'm continuing the legacy i guess
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aurosoulart · 2 years ago
Hey, sorry if this is bad(?), but I was wondering if you had any advice for getting into the xr world/career. I think I've seen you mention the topic (encouraging others to join the field?) at least once, but I don't know how to even get started. Thank you for your time!
(If you could answer this not publicly I would appreciate it, but it's fine if you do, or like, if you don't answer at all)
not a bad thing to ask at all! I've actually been in the middle of writing a guide about this for some time that I will.... hopefully finish sometime soon ghskgh.
I hope you don't mind me posting this publicly - I ended up writing a short novel and figure it might be useful to others who are curious as well! anyways, the advice I give to people with a background in illustration is to start out with a Quest 2 headset. they retail at $300 new, but you can get them used via eBay, Craigslist, FB Marketplace or someplace like that for around $200 or under. the Quest 2 works without needing to be plugged into a PC, though you will probably want to buy a more ergonomic head-strap to make it more comfortable. (the head strap that Meta sells is overpriced, but this third-party one is really good) if you're interested in working with augmented reality (the type of work I do!) and have the ability to save up some extra money, I'd recommend waiting for the release of the Quest 3, which will launch this fall and cost $500. totally not a requirement at all to start learning, though.
other than that, I'd recommend starting out with free art programs like Open Brush and Gravity Sketch to familiarize yourself with creating in-headset. both of these programs have a large amount of tutorial videos up on YouTube - as well as an active community of other artists who are all generally very friendly and eager to help people learn. VR Art Live and The Spatial Canvas's Discord servers are the communities I'm part of. :)
after that, it all just comes down to posting your new artwork online to as many platforms as you can mentally handle (this is the hardest part for me, ghsghs), and also looking at paid XR artist programs/gigs. Mozilla Hubs, Horizon Worlds, and Figmin XR (that's me!) all have some creator opportunities where they pay people to create things on their platform.
you can also find work doing XR concept art, art performances, and I've even seen grant programs for XR artists from art galleries. these things are harder to find, but if you make a LinkedIn page and a modest portfolio of your XR art, chances are high that you'll get some eyes on it.
it's ridiculously easy to be a big fish in a small pond right now if you have any kind of skills with these programs. I will say that there does seem to be a push towards people who can create things that are interactive and can be shared with others (like AR Snapchat/TikTok/Instagram filters, experiences created and published to platforms like Mozilla Hubs, Figmin XR, etc.), so that's something to keep in mind while learning - but not something that should stop you!
going from 2D illustration to creating things in 3D space is a whirlwind of learning new skills that can often feel overwhelming, but the most important thing is that it should feel fun and enjoyable to you. I started out by just listening to music while painting in Tilt Brush (Tilt Brush was the original version of Open Brush, before Google made it open-source) and creating whatever felt the most fun in the moment. everything else just came from natural curiosity and connecting with other artists in the space.
lastly... I have no technical (coding, traditional 3D modeling) skills. I am a 2x college dropout with chronic mental illness, and prior to my current employment I was never able to hold a job for longer than 3 months. and yet....... this new industry has changed my life completely, and at 29 years old I finally feel like I have a purpose. I'm somehow a software developer now, without needing to know anything about software development. that's wild!!!
this is why I'm so excited for the future. if this brand-new technology (still in its infancy! viewed as frightening by so many!!) was able to help me in such a radical way... what will that mean for even more people discovering it as it becomes more accessible?
I don't know the answer to that yet... but I do know how wonderful it is to see people learning about all of this for the first time. helping with that alone is more than enough for me 💖
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facet-project · 5 months ago
hey it's the first devlog on this blog yaaay
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unFortunately it's probably also going to be the scarcest devlog. migrating things to the new godot file is taking a while, since i had to get a few specific things set up before i could really start playing in the space again.
was a little bit lethargic getting back into the project after taking a break. making the prototype and getting it reviewed by friends and family took a LOT out of me. it turns out when you put your entire heart into something, you Care about how other people think about it. shocker!!!
also the fact that it FEELS like i'm working from scratch again! it's difficult. even though i'm not, i now have almost a year of experience and knowledge of this game's inner workings. i'm just reordering and re-coding some things that were slapped together. not only does this version have to run, it also has to be robust
so a Lot of the programming side of the project this month was like... dry research about screen resolution, pixel compression, and config save/load (different from game progress save/load, as your config settings SHOULD carry over between different saves. would be really annoying if they didn't ljadsflkasjd). and there's not a lot to Show for that. "ooh cool a screenshot with dummy buttons on it" "oh look i hammered out what the native resolution of the game is" c'mon
there's Not a lot of visual assets to show this time so i apologize for that. next month will be a lot meatier i think!
i actually still have some stuff to do with the config save/load but i at least got it to the point where i can... you know! save and load. i need to figure out how i'm going to store game saves, but. i can worry about that later. all i need to make the game run right now is the initial save/load process. and then as i work through the game i can decide what needs to be saved between play sessions instead of having to decide after months of development what should be in the data file
i started making the UI for this but i need to actually finish it - in the options menu, for colorblind and cultural accessibility, you'll be able to change the colors of the five "temperament" colors in the game - it's very important that someone can look at these colors at a glance and know what it means. there are a few pre-built pallets but in the full game you'll be able to map them all to whatever colors you want. red to me is a very angry color, so it's set to the hotheaded temperament - but if you can't see red very well or you don't associate it with anger, you'll be able to change it to whatever color you want instead! i might make a post about what this system means because it doesn't really come off as interesting in text but it's fun to play around with
i also wrote MUSIC this month! i picked up the violin for the first time in over a decade and was really surprised how easy it came back to me. i might go be brave and ask my dad to help lend some guitar parts for the soundtrack which i think would be very sweet and sentimental for me to have immortalized in a game
i have violin demos for a lot of songs but i'm not posting them. i'm soooo shy. i'm only posting finished music i think and nothing's Finished (i have some time in october to do Finished Polished work, so....)
i think next month i'm going to work on........... character movement. get the pc's character sprite all polished up and get the movement states and walking/running animations up and......running. heh. in the prototype you could only run up/down/left/right there wasn't like. a running speed and a walking speed or transitions between directions.
also i hadn't put in color shift support for the sprites in the last version.... probably need to do that this time around. the player scene is going to be a lot more complicated than it was in the previous version!!
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ginnsbaker · 8 months ago
I have re-read the entire chapter *playing cruel summer on loop in the background and switching to pc to write this ask* because I need to gather my thoughts nyahahaha fr got shocked with the opening part as I wasn't expecting it XD. This will be a long one kasi I included my favorite parts.. :P At first I thought this was a parallel to chapter 12 iirc, the conversation they had after y/n came back and she thought that everything is just going too well, the whole conversation going too well and the end part *wink wink* while the date is not going according to y/n plan. "You’ve told her that three—maybe four—times now. Not that you’re counting, but each time it gets a little easier to say. And you hope, for her, it gets a little easier to hear" - word's of affirmation love language ni Y/N and I like that Leigh just let's it or at least allow her to say these words to her. "and for Leigh, speaking things into existence feels like an indelible commitment—a promise carved into stone. But maybe some things are beloved even before they ever take shape" -- this is incredibly poetic like you wouldn't know what hits you kind of thing.
"Instinctively, you snatch her hand, holding fast for dear life." -- takot mawala te? "More than anything, though, you're struck by Leigh's bold declaration to a near stranger—that she was going to kiss you by the end of this date." - Go Leigh, ipagpatuloy mo mag stake ng claim kay reader at titiklop talaga yan.
"She hopes you don't set expectations too high just yet, not when you're both still in the early stages of getting to know each other. Beyond the undeniable physical chemistry between you, she's looking forward to discovering how you both handle the less-than-perfect moments just as much as the perfect ones." -- Ik that previous interaction with Leigh's are not really that complete and it was mostly the mean(?) parts that drew y/n to her and I understand her apprehension about that kasi for how long would she see that part of her as loveable diba (eme)
Perhaps it’s a good lesson to learn that not everything has to be perfect to be right.  At least, not with Leigh Shaw. --- THIS?! (NO WORDS WALA AKONG MASABI IT'S PERFECT!) “I didn't actually have a boyfriend until I was twenty-two,” ( waw the asian + filo in me could never, it will probably me at thirty or never *cries lol* ) and many more part (tama na baka ma sobra sa limit lol) and speaking of Cruel Summer song, the angst part now match these lines "We say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times We're not trying." and oh boi did y/n just falling fast ready to give it all for Leigh then there's Leigh "I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone" na it will be Matt all over again... idk but this is how I perceive the whole chapter and relating it to the song nyahahahaha and finalllyyyyy the reciprocated 3 words with reassurance (sinong di ngingiti jan diba lol)!! I just know that y/n's love language is words of affirmation and gift giving pero she's still afraid and very careful around Leigh that she's conceiving this certain idea about her without knowing that y/n's coming on too strong na pala and needs to yellow light muna... They need to talk without those intense emotions (forgetting about Sara and mag hunos dili muna silang dalawa sa action) so that's my rambles and incoherent thoughts sa chapter. Thank you so much for the update ate! So waiting for the PDF version :>. Happy coding and enjoy the day!
Ohhhh a long asks! Thanks for sending this :) I'll reply to some!
I love your observation about Y/N's love languages! I'd say hers include words of affirmation, gifts, and touch, while Leigh's would be quality time, acts of service, and obviously touch too.
Re: the "speaking things into existence" part - I'm kind of proud of that as well, so thanks for highlighting it!
Re: the idea that not everything has to be perfect to be right - that was a tough pill for me to swallow in relationships. :)
Re: R not having a boyfriend until she was 22 - lol, I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was 26, though I started dating men around 16-17ish.
I just can’t stop smiling at the part where you relate 'Cruel Summer' to this update. It makes me so happy when my readers catch the easter eggs. :>
It's clear that Leigh and R feel deeply for each other; now it's just about being on the same page and understanding their priorities. :)
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts :)
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
And Sea of Stars.
Time to tackle some trials.
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These little lantern doo-dads are cutie-patooties, is what they are. I'm a little weirded out that they drop Berries though.
Do they eat the berries? Do they grow the berries? Are these plants or herbivores because it's freaky either way.
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Alright man, we gathered your weird giant artifacts and now we understand Live Magic. Do we pass?
Honestly, I don't know why you made a token gesture of a fuss about letting Garl in here in the first place. He can use Live Magic too. I know it's because of Something Something Solstice Warriors So Attunement and all that but. Still.
If the presence of a Solstice Warrior nearby means everybody gets superpowers then this is one area where having normies along is a total benefit. The more Live Mana channelers, the merrier.
Anyway, you can give me my certificate or whatever and we can--
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...okay, so apparently that was happening while I was talking.
Man, I have got to stop going off on monologues in the middle of dramatically tense conversations.
I just want it on record that I think it's unfair of you to make us build the robot body that you are going to crack my skull with. I think that demonstrates poor work ethic on your part. And that I would like to file a formal complaint with your manager.
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That's fair.
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Hold up, nobody said anything about prophecies. We were just told to learn "to use magic without using magic".
Fuck yeah, gift with purchase!
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But we already began our journey!
Ten years after beginning our journey.
I'm so tired of beginning our journey.
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Oh man, I am going to ruin so many people's sleep schedules doing this. This is the most catastrophic power yet.
It's not even a toggle. Like, a lot of games have the ability to SHLOOP straight to dawn or dusk, often with the implication that you aren't really changing the time of day so much as you're just skipping forward in time, either with or without your PC.
But no, this is whole-ass fucking time-of-day manipulation. I can crank the sun back and forth like a DJ at a turntable. WICKA-WICKA Your lunch hour is gone.
This might actually be a sound basis for one of those Superpower Registration Act storylines. I'm about to ruin the lives of every single person on the planet because this bridge is solar-powered and I don't wanna wait around for the right time of day.
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It's nice to know that it's not just Moraine. We're all inconsiderate pricks. Imagine doing this instead of. Like. Any other possible locking mechanism ever.
We already have locks that you just zippy-zap with a bit of lunar magic and they open right up. But no. I'm going to crank the sun back to 8 AM every time I want to cross this bridge. Fuck you.
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Hold up. We sealed ancient evils inside a prison whose locking mechanism is a specific time of day? I feel like there's a flaw in that plan.
Well. That's horrifying. Anyways, it's prophecy time.
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HA! Told you lunar magic's superior. Even Sun Warrior Zale needs a little bit of night to become the best version of himself.
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Zale's prophecy is that he needs to be more like me. My prophecy is that I'm next-gen Jesus. I WIN.
Does Garl get a prophecy?
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That's. Not. A prophecy. That is whining about our decision to bring a normie disguised as a prophecy. Man, everyone's prophecy sucks but mine. Even time recognizes that I'm the best one in this group.
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Oh, there's more. So he gets a prophecy and also some whining. Elder Mist wanted to clearly establish that he's only delivering this prophecy under duress.
Though the prophecy itself is pretty good, actually. High five, Garl. We're both better than Zale.
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That's going to be our ticket to Wraith Island. We need to be there before the eclipse which is... uh... an amount of time away. Shouldn't be too far off. Depending on side quests, of course.
Of course, if we miss the eclipse, I could probably just timey-wime the days back until the day of the eclipse anyway.
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Giants are our travel mechanism? Do they, like, shoot teleport lasers out of their eyes or something?
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bro3256 · 1 year ago
Predictions for Nintendo Switch Online
I think it goes without saying that the Nintendo Switch Online (or NSO) service has been controversial to say the least. The fact that we now have to pay for what used to be free online and the lack of benefits you get to subscribing has led to this service being received very poorly at least at launch. It's been about 5 years since NSO launched and a lot of that controversy has seemingly dried up either by new additions to the game library or simply the fact that we're just used to it at this point.
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Now don't get me wrong there are still detractors to NSO, but it seems as if this service has been accepted for what it is despite its flaws, although I do have to agree with some of the things said by folks regarding how the service launched and how it currently is.
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Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I want to lay down some predictions regarding the future of this service as I've seen some wild things being proposed by fans that sound completely unrealistic and nothing Nintendo would ever regularly do. Starting with the obvious, what future platforms will Nintendo add to the game library?
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First things first, GameCube is not going to happen at least for a long time. I suspect Nintendo may add it once the Switch's successor is out but at this very moment it is laughable to consider GameCube right now. The biggest main issue is the fact that Nintendo themselves has been rereleasing GameCube games as full price Switch games. Metroid Prime Remastered and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door come to mind. I know for the most part the whole "things releasing outside of NSO means it will never come to NSO" myth has more or less died at this point but GameCube tends to be a special case here since these games still feel modern enough to resell as new games.
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Another thing is to completely throw out any consideration of any mainline Pokémon games appearing on the Game Boy apps. The spinoffs sure, but actual mainline games is a bit silly. If they were somehow to be added they would need to do a lot of backend stuff to get these games properly working and so players don't cheat with the regular tools NSO offers such as rewind and restore points. It's not impossible but I see this as too much work to be worth it if simply putting these out as digital eShop releases sounds much easier. Besides if every version was put out on NSO then you'd lose the magic of Pokémon just like that, and that wouldn't be fun would it?
Okay so what do I actually think NSO is gonna add to its game library? Well unless Nintendo puts out a Virtual Boy or a Game & Watch app then I suspect we will probably see more third party apps. One consideration I don't see a ton of people talking about is the PC-Engine and TurboGrafx-16.
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Games from these consoles have appeared on Virtual Console in the past on Wii and Wii U and a very limited number of PC-Engine games did release on 3DS only in Japan. I wouldn't doubt that Nintendo would add this as apart of their Expansion Pack, heck maybe even regular NSO if we're lucky. I would just love to see more NEC love (or well Konami love now).
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But why stop there when the Mark III and Master System could be added too? Sega is already on board with NSO with their Mega Drive and Genesis apps so this would be a great addition especially since these games have not been given enough love even by Sega. SG-1000 would also be cool but that might be a bit too niche for a service like NSO but who knows.
As for games, while there is quite a bit already on the service there are certainly omissions that are quite baffling so let's get some of the more obvious ones out of the way and in no particular order.
Gomoku Narabe Renju, Mahjong, Golf, Urban Champion, SimCity, Mario Paint, Super Smash Bros., Ridge Racer 64, Banjo-Tooie, Super Mario Land, Qix, X, Balloon Kid, Mole Mania, Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, Pokémon Pinball, Densetsu no Stafy 1-3, Mother 3, and Rhythm Tengoku just to name a few.
So lets start with one that might not be interesting at a glance but would be a great addition to the service.
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Tetris for the NES (no, not the Tengen version) is one of the more iconic versions of this beloved puzzle game, but why go back to this version specifically? I mean we already have Tetris on the Game Boy app and plenty of other Tetris games on Switch so what's the deal here?
Well for one, this version has never seen any kind of rerelease... kind of. This version in terms of how it played was ported over to Tetris Effect: Connected as a side mode but unless you knew about it I'd imagine not a whole lot of folks have dabbled with it and it's still technically not the original game.
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But secondly, the main reason why this mode even exists and also why I personally would like to see it on NSO is purely to make the game accessible to a wider audience considering the competitive scene of this specific classic version of Tetris.
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Being able to play this on NSO would mean a ton more people get to experience how this version plays and more importantly gives players another option of playing this without resorting to unofficial PC emulation. Obviously pro players are going to stick to original hardware but if you just wanted to practice or wanted a taste of this version then it's no wonder that having it on Switch would be a dream. Hopefully with the Game Boy version already being on the service this will increase the chances of this one happening.
So this next one is already planned to release for NSO in Japan but there's no word on it releasing internationally but regardless...
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...Kaeru no tame ni Kane wa Naru or as its unofficially known as The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls. It's an action RPG that's often compared to Link's Awakening to the point where in said Zelda game there's a cameo appearance featuring Prince Richard from Bell Tolls. This is one of the more well known Nintendo developed games that never left Japan and as of writing has never seen an official English localization of any kind and unfortunately there seems to be a trend with international NSO releases having Japanese games that have not been translated. So the likelihood of this not only releasing outside of Japan but getting a new localization for NSO is very unlikely but it's more than possible given Nintendo puts in the work to translating this in English. I'd imagine a remake of this game being far more likely to getting an international release if that were to happen and hey if it's in the style of the Link's Awakening remake that would be pretty cool.
So let's move away to one that might actually happen.
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This one's pretty straight forward and don't be scared by this being Japan exclusive as outside of some story cutscenes this one's perfectly playable as its mainly a puzzle game. It has seen rereleases in the past on Virtual Console and if it were to release on NSO it's very likely that it would release internationally since the benefit of Nintendo not putting in effort to localize these games means they can just drop this on the SNES app no problem. Also good time to mention that this also includes the original Wrecking Crew so it would be funny to see Wrecking Crew on the service twice.
So let's end this game prediction saga with one that probably will never happen but if it were to happen I'd be curious how it would be implemented.
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So let's get this out of the way, this is an M rated game. For a while it was believed that Nintendo would shy away from more mature games from appearing on the service but GoldenEye 007 on N64 at least in Japan indicates that Nintendo's solution is purely to bump up the rating of the overall app. So I'd imagine if this were to drop on NSO we'd not only see a rating bump for the N64 app but hopefully some kind of parental control option to stop players under 17 from playing this one. While it would be cool to see this on NSO in terms of being able to play it on a Nintendo platform again, I purely would like to see this get added just to see what they'd do to the app in response to this M rated addition to the service.
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And there are my NSO predictions as of November 2023. I do wonder when the next Nintendo platform releases if we'll see an uptick in support for the service but its likely that this slow trickle of games will continue as usual. I'd normally would wish for more platforms to be represented on NSO but the problem is that some of the ones already on the service are very lacking especially Game Boy and Game Boy Advance. Hopefully those libraries get beefed up soon.
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blazehedgehog · 8 months ago
Thoughts on the Last Nintendo Direct for the Switch?
It was alright. A lot of people are very excited by what was shown but, I dunno.
A lot of modern Mario RPGs are pretty hit-or-miss, so Brothership isn't necessarily an instant win for me.
Nintendo World Championship could be interesting. It's probably a better take on the NES Remix idea than previous games, and the way they're doing online multiplayer could prove to be pretty cool. It's a shame it isn't live, but I suppose racing against ghosts means you don't have to worry about latency.
The thing is, with both NES Remix and this, I also want the option to just... play the full versions of these games. No timers, no competitions, just the raw games. But Nintendo's not going to do that. They'd also rather have you subscribe to their NSO service, too.
Fantasian is mostly interesting to me for the fact that a lot of the backgrounds are effectively pre-rendered -- but not using CGI. They apparently made realworld dioramas using actual model making material and photographed them. That's cool. The rest of the game seems like generic JRPG fluff.
I've tried over and over to like Donkey Kong Country Returns, both on the Wii and the 3DS, and it just rubs me the wrong way. I've said it's something weird with the controls feeling sluggish, but I think it's also the level design. It feels like it stretches some of its ideas pretty thin. Like we did not need a whole world dedicated to minecart levels. I'd hope the DKCR remaster is the version I'd finally enjoy, but I don't have my hopes up.
It's cool to see the "HD-2D" Dragon Quest games, at last. Those old phone versions they have on the Switch are awful. But also the only DQ game I've ever connected with was the demo for DQ8, so I dunno how much this tickles my fancy. But I've also never given a real one of these games a chance.
Hearing "timed exclusive for the Nintendo Switch" for Denpa Men is weird, given that was a 3DS game. I always thought it was first party. Is this also coming out on PS4? PC? Very strange.
Glad to hear about the Marvel Vs. Collection. I was just scrolling through my XBLA library on my 360 a few days ago and lamenting how I only own MvC2 and not MvC1, even though I like MvC1 better. Weird it's apparently only coming out for last gen; there aren't native PS5/SX versions of this or the Ace Attorney Collection. Just PS4/Xbone/Switch. With backwards compatibility I guess they don't have to bother with a native version, but still. Weird.
Zelda looks good and is a long time coming but I wish it wasn't so different. Like I have faith it'll be interesting but it does disappoint me it's going to be more puzzle-y and not an action game. After so many years of asking for the ability to play as Zelda, for them to say "well she CAN'T swing a sword like Link!" feels a little compromise-y. I'm sure it'll be fine.
That was not enough Metroid Prime 4. They picked the most unceremonious, least exciting way to show it, too. I actually thought it was them announcing remasters of Prime 2 + 3 like they did with Metroid Prime 1, because it's just generic "shooting nameless space pirates to metroid prime music" footage until the end.
Rewatching it, I can definitely see how people are saying it's a Switch 2 game, though. Like that Metroid Prime remaster seemed like it looked really pretty, but this feels like a step above what the Switch is normally capable of, at least as far as 60fps goes. Like compare for yourself. Prime remastered on the left, Prime 4 on the right.
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Look at the ridges in her shoulder panels, and how they're a 3D modeled groove with inset detail in Prime 4. That detail is probably just a texture in the Prime remaster. And just, like, how much better the material work is overall.
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I could see this being 1080p 60 on Switch 2 but only 30 on the OG Switch.
Also please show me new guns or mechanics or something next time.
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zmediaoutlet · 9 months ago
Astarion/take your pick
oooooo how exciting -- let's take two options here -- and rip, this will be spoiler central --
Astarion/redeemed!Dark Urge
this shit feels like how the game was meant to be played. I mean first of all just on pure amount of content, the Astarion romance blows everyone else out of the water, and the integration with a durge who's trying to get his shit together is suPREMEly good. It's fine I guess when you're just doing murdelation blood blah status, but the additional effort caused by just trying to get control of yourself is fascinating, especially when Astarion is clearly watching and going, hmm.
You can play a redemption however you want -- really trying to push into Good alignment, just trying to be neutrally in control of yourself, still flat-out a shithead but you don't want to be a shithead for daddy anymore, whatever -- but my favorite is a guy who's just trying to put one foot in front of the other, and looks at his worst blood-black impulses and goes okay, well not THAT obviously, so let's try to do the opposite. Contrary to some players' belief, it is SO easy to get Astarion to 100% loveydove romance while still being A Good Guy; you just have to not be an idiot, lol. Durge choosing to listen and having the wis/cha/int score to see through Astarion's bluster and see what he's actually saying is such a gift; Astarion carefully watching Durge not be as untrustworthy as he assumed literally everyone was, and thinking maybe I could... -- girl, that shit is catnip. Yum.
I also have a boner for the way that Astarion comes from this terrifying torture background and Durge is a terrifying torturer and could probably detail everything that Cazador did to him and make it worse -- but he's choosing not to, and it is an active and daily choice. Fits so nicely with Astarion being, yeah, a moderately amoral vampire, but he can watch that and go 'well, maybe I don't need to... be the worst version of myself...' Not that he turns into a paladin or some shit like that, but by the time you get to him in the ritual and you have to explain to him in baby steps that 'yo idiot, if you turn into supervamp you'll be Cazador but worse' -- seriously, it's like he never pays attention to literary tropes -- it's sOOO satisfying when he believes you, and backs off, and then when it's your turn to defy Bhaal it's like -- hell yes, not echoing the mistakes of our fathers! Freedom! And then they have like lots of sex about it or whatever. (I like the 'go to the Underdark with the spawn' ending; presumably we have a little vamp castle where boinking occurs.)
but to take it a different direction, a quick jaunt into:
Ascended!Astarion/Dark Justiciar!Shadowheart
and the reason I like this is that playing as the Origin characters fucking suuuuucks because they get ripped down blandly into the version of themselves who could react like a boring blank-slate Tav, because "player freedom is so important" [rolls eyes, jerking off motion]. More than that, though, they aren't allowed to really go through their own journeys, because no one listens to them. The job of the PC is to fix everyone else's personal sidequests -- none of the friends give a shit about your own. (Tav doesn't even have a problem, it's hysterical. At least Durge has something going on people pay attention to.)
so with that said, Astarion has no one to genuinely dissuade him against Ascending. I mean, Gale and Lae'zel aren't exactly for it, but none of them actually listen and talk him through the thought process the way a real PC can. So what's to stop him from Ascending? It's the obvious best option.
and then, relatedly, if you have a scared almost-feral Astarion who's desperate to get power however he can -- if he discovers that his hot cleric friend is a cleric of Shar, and she can do some hella dangerous shit and become an even stronger bodyguard? Uh, yes please. What does he care if the world rolls to darkness? He's got darkness plans of his own. And poor Shart then has no one actually giving a shit about her own problems -- why would a still-evil-track Astarion coach her into not sucking? They can be cunty wine drinkers together, never actually learning lessons and spiraling down into shitholery together. Does Astarion actually want to fuck her? What does it matter. They'll rule Baldur's Gate above and below. The fight can come later.
anyway, origin characters making each other worse is fascinating and also hysterical. shithead4shithead, amen.
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bossyuri · 2 years ago
Ima put my random thoughts about SRV in here! It probably won't make much sense but wtv sdfsg
again I haven't placed the last building or conquered the whole map yet, as context, but i did finish the main story aside from that.
So ima start of with thoughts while disregarding how the bugs affected the experience!
Overall, I had a good time! I really enjoyed it. I love the new crew. I loved the focus on friendship. I'd say the story overall is nothing really special though, which I don't think is necesserily a bad thing. Sometimes a chill story packaged in a fun game is good ya know.
I loved finding out bits and pieces about our friends through dialogue, I think that was great, and I really liked that it felt like a solid friend group. Modern Yuri (as I like to colloqually call him lmao) is so much more mellow from having a good support system early on lol. But he's still got some Classic Yuri in him.
The rival gangs I think that thematically, visually, their music and stuff, they were great. I liked them a lot, they had good contrast, their music when you fight them rules. I do think that they were a little underused in the actual story though so they don't quite leave the impact that say, the Syndicate did. The threat they posed felt more theorical than anything you actually see. Again not the worst thing, but I feel like they could've used a bit more time to be more present. (I did like how the Panteros stuff ended because it tied in with other things later though!). Like I think in particular that the collective could have been used a lot more.
That said I did play with looong months-long break for the first quarter of the game so idk how that affected my impression. And the last few missions I think were really, really cool, I really liked them! But I felt like the middle parts after a certain point weren't quite as memorable.
But I don't think it was bad! And the game isn't quite over yet, so I'm looking forward to what's to come.
Also I did like how narratively the game tries to give you a nice fantasy release from a lot of real life issues. I'm sure many people at Volition had to face these frustrations in their lives and it felt like. relatable yknow.
Now though.....so I work in game QA, going on my 7th year, and the game released in....really an unnacceptable state, which was really a bummer and really harmed it. I don't blame the devs. Devs want to give us good games. But they don't control release dates.
and they did not control covid. I know a lot people see covid as an "excuse" to fuck up games but trust me as someone who was working in the industry through it all, it absolutely messed up a *lot* of stuff that you may never know about. My setup from home is still not ideal. And thats not even getting into employee burnout but anyway-
I've had crashes to desktop, blockers in missions (regularly), broken multiplayer (tho i havent had a chance to test it again after patches) needing full game restarts for a variety of reasons (clothes broken, face broken, world stopped populating, quest blocked...) the clothes system still breaks for me after so many months after release (thought its a lot better. i dont fear the stores as much anymore lol). I don't know if it's a quirk of the PC version, but it would have been so much more of a good experience if they had had the time to polish the game more before release. Lots of gamers don't have much patience for this kinda shit, and it's a shame for a game that has a lot of love put into it.
But they're still patching the game, and the QOL changes that they keep adding are really good. The game is a lot more stable for me too so I will definitely keep playing, and I'm hoping that my mental state will allow me to make some fun content from it. I'm still kinda hoping for a steam release sometime so I might get to replay the story again if that happens. Because taking screenshots on epic is a goddamn pain.
So huh anyway. I don't think anyone cares that much but if you've read that far thank you! And also thanks for sticking around with me for so long despite my dropping off the face of the earth in a depression spiral. But I'm still around and Yuri is still around. And Saints Row V is fun!
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drawnaghht · 2 years ago
So! I think I've figured out how to tag both the leosagi and leochi ships.
Since this is mainly a BLOG and not just a random social media page, it will be easier for me to organize the tags as if this were a more traditional blogging site. So I will be trying to keep the tags as few and as relevant as possible.
I'll be mainly using YuiNardo / yuinardo from now on for just the Yuichi Usagi/rottmnt Leo ship, and stuff like my own fanart. it's specifically "show x show" for me (Yuichi x Nardo, bc those are their unique names in their respective shows xD) and not some of the fan OC stuff
leosagi for the general 2003 Miyamoto Usagi/Leonardo ship but maybe also i.e. crossovers where ppl draw all the versions?
katanashipping also for 2003 leosagi? like I guess I'll decide based on how specific it gets (edit 1.05.23) definitely about 2003 leosagi, since that's where it originated from
I'll use 2003 leosagi when it gets more specific i.e. fanfic recs or longform comics which I wanna find later
Rise Leosagi for the 2018 versions that people have made their own, based on the Miyamoto/Leo ship (lol this might be difficult to retag, cuz I'm not sure what I've tagged with what anymore)
Sliderbunny for people's own versions of rottmnt Leo and (both romantic and platonic ships, cuz there aren't as many posts for this anymore)
and I guess Leochi for something more specific? like that's been the tag now for Leo/Yuichi but I'm not sure where it started from so idk how to use it but I guess I'll find out when I see more stuff in the tag lol. might use it just for reblogs/fanart but I’ll see
I can't remember any other names so those are it for now. I probably won’t use the longer names like Yuichi x Leo, Miyamoto x Leonardo etc just bc I find it tedious to use that many spaces in tags when tagging can be sorta annoying to do on mobile and then fix later on PC. I’m more of a “tag and go” kind of person and I like my tags to be easy to write.
like im sorry I write so much (I don't enjoy writing lenghty things) but i legit need to tag like an oldschool blog occasionally bc I ENJOY finding stuff on my own blog later. it just makes sense! it is so confusing going thru multiple tags for the same thing when it could have a singular tag. or a single new tag for a specific use. and I've forgotten to do that after using social media so much for so long lol
anyway this isn't that important i am just chillin and remembered that I thought of this and needed to post it so I wouldn't forget.
more related random thoughts under the cut!
Thinking of that, I guess the tag clogging starts to make sense, considering how much people are more used to the "tag clouds" popularized by twitter and instagram and social-media-like sites before those (the sites inbetween blogging and web 2.0, maybe, but didn't really use those as much so I don't remember either) + the confusion about what the og leosagi was (+ maybe general tmnt fandom confusion over various versions of media for the franchise)
lol it's gonna take a bit long but I'll reorganize the blog more once I have a bit of time on the side from other stuff. now it feels nice that this blog isn't actually that big yet. I don't use sideblogs very long usually and it's my first time actually making anything TMNT related for this long, so it'll be interesting seeing where this blog will go in general. like how it's probably been subtle that while this userhandle/blog started as a tMNT sideblog, I actually have started blogging more about Usagi Chronicles now bc I like the show. and idk what else I'll post if I have time but I will probs keep it as a reblog blog anyways!
I try not to write long blog posts on tumblr anymore but I think the whole "leosagi-leochi tag clogging" point brought up in the "Why do we ship leosagi" video is also just a good point abt how we don't really treat blogs like blogs anymore. every sort of behaviour online has become so influenced by the want to make it trend or have it at least be read at all ("social media" aspect of online behavior now) that even stuff like ao3, a fanfic site, will have tags like "AO3 algothithm, PLEASE be nice to me" when sites like that don't even HAVE algorhithms. it's interesting to think about but also a bit sad on the side because that "tag clouding" does seem to be the only way for some works to become noticed on the above-mentioned actual social media sites. this almost makes me miss sites like deviantart and blogger because things always felt more centralized and easy to find vs twitter, insta or occasionally even tumblr.
lol all this just to organize my thoughts on ship tags
if you've read this far, lemme know if there are any other tags ppl use? or are there any other types of tagging conventions we should bring back i.e. mashing the names together?
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mcrmadness · 1 month ago
I need to build myself a new PC, so I have been looking at PC components a lot, and I've made a list of things I'm probably gonna buy. I still need to do a bit more research over somethings, but I was already aware that it's gonna be an expensive project. BUT if I invest on this properly now, then I might not need to upgrade the PC that soon and it might last for the next 10 years, and I could just replace some components if I e.g. get a motherboard that won't go old in just the next two years.
I built my current PC in 2016, and iirc the CPU is from the high-end of the CPUs that fit the current motherboard, so updating just the CPU is not possible with this computer. Plus I still have Windows 7, and I think this motherboard might support Win10, but not Win11, and at this point they are starting to stop the support for even Win10 so there's no point in updating to that if it will anyway be too old for everything in a couple of years.
And this is actually what my main point is: I don't mind spending a bit more money on a PC if it means it will run my video games and will fit my video editing career plans, because I know that what comes to computers, with money you get quality. The sum I'm looking at right now is somewhere around 600-700€ which in itself is a lot, but it's still half the price of a ready-made computer that you don't need to build yourself.
But what gets on my nerves is that I should get the OS. And I looked Win11 up and it can cost up to 150€??? More if it's the pro version. And like... why the fuck are these so expensive??? I'm also wondering whether I could pirate Win11 and get a working version somewhere, because know that in my family we have had Windows OS's since the 90s and I don't think a single one of them was actually bought to the household. Maybe Win95 or Win98 was original, but anything from XP up was pirated for sure. My Win7 is also a pirated copy my dad downloaded and installed to my PC (in general he taught me to pirate and use torrents back in the day when torrents were still a thing).
My laptop came with a pre-installed Win10 so I don't have a key or anything for it but it's still registered; and my previous laptop came with the installation CD for Windows Vista. That's probably the only time I've had a computer with an original installation disc for a Windows.
But yeah, the point of this post? Looking at the cheapest CPU options and them being 200€ at the cheapest makes me go "yeah that makes sense, it's a reasonable price for a brand-new CPU that comes with a fan", and then I look at Win11 that is basically just a random activation code on paper and perhaps a link (unless you buy the DVD version which may or may not cost more than a digital one), and it comes with a price tag of 150€ or more. Insane. That's the only product that makes me feel like in no way am I gonna pay THAT MUCH for just an OS!
(And no, Linux and such are not an option for me who likes to play video games a lot and do things that should work without emulators or all kinds of extra work. I've got ADHD stuff already requires some extra work from me to get even normal things started, so I don't need any extra steps there...)
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