#(This is not to say that I don’t enjoy when people formulate opinions based on the info we have available to us)
centaurisolarflare · 2 years
Very important question.
Will you do.
Crush hcs.
For Konig?
- desperate anon
You’re right, desperate anon, this is a matter of upmost importance. Of course I will, thank you for the ask! 
- This man isn’t going to know what the hell to do with himself. König getting a crush has about the same disruption to his daily function as getting a legit brain disease. 
- God fucking forbid you start flirting with him. Somehow you also having a crush on him would make him so much worse at handling his. He’s like a deer in headlights and someone may actually have to smack him on the back of the head to recalibrate him. 
- He’s not used to having a crush, okay? He very rarely gets close enough to people to get attached, let alone for them to get wedged somewhere irremovable next to his heart. 
- I feel like he wouldn’t really notice he’s got a crush formulating until its way too late to even try not to fall for you. He just sort of absently recognizes that he actually enjoys being around you – as opposed to most everyone else he knows – and there’s so many things about you that are interesting, and you’re kind and helpful and you can startle a laugh out of him so easily and oh shit, oh fuck, he has a crush????
- Once he does realize, he goes straight into panic mode about it. Do you know? Can anyone tell? He feels like everyone can tell how his face heats up under your attention, even when he has his hood on. Everyone has to know, God what if you’re just being polite by not telling him to get lost? There’s no way someone like you would even consider returning his affection. His anxiety flares up hard and he’s going to convince himself over and over again that you actually hate him and a thousand other equally unrealistic things. He’s absolutely horrified you’ll reject him, and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he just… doesn’t do a damned thing about his crush. 
- That’s the other struggle of it too – this man falls hard. The amount of time it takes him to recognize his own feelings pretty much ensures that they’ve been long-lasting and real enough to mean he really, really likes you. He likes you, alright? He likes you. Even just thinking the stronger word is terrifying. 
- So, in all this mess of nerves and self-doubt, König pulls away from you. He backs up, retreats on all fronts. If he isn’t around you, if you never find out how he feels, then this whole situation, the fluttering bird trapped in his chest, can’t hurt him, right? Right? He talks to you less; he spends less time with you. You’ve got to talk to him or otherwise confront him about it to snap him out of it. He’s still out of his mind worried and hyperaware of every single thing he does, but if you say you don’t want him to distance himself? If you’re upset that he has? He’s too devoted, and perhaps too selfish, to deny you. 
- Speaking of, this man has Gomez Addams levels of devotion and admiration. He’ll do anything for you, and most of the time you don’t even have to ask. He’s bashful and mostly silent about it but his crush seeps through the gaps behind each favor, every insistence at being helpful, every kind gesture, every small gift given. 
- Everything reminds him of you. Or maybe it’s just that he’s always thinking of you. Who’s to say. But he does, you’re on his mind nearly all the time. He doesn’t want to say he’s obsessive, but he’s definitely excited each time he learns something new about you. 
- I think he’d really value your opinions. He loves knowing what you think of everything, and he treasures being someone you trust with your honest thoughts. I think he’d really be affected by noticing he can tell when you’re shaping your presence to deal with someone. Like your polite “I need you to clear these papers before our next mission” way of interacting with personnel on base. His heart aches for a bit when he’s startled at hearing you swap into your “costumer service voice” when you take a phone call. He isn’t as social as you, and he’s definitely not as socially graceful as you, so he doesn’t have many demeanors to swap into. But you do; you’ve got various outward ways of acting and speaking for dealing with situations in the way that gets you, and often your team as well, the most favorable result. He admires your ability to navigate being sociable like that. But right now… he knows, he can hear, how the voice you use with him is yours. You speak with him as yourself, wholly and entirely you. He can’t figure out what it is about it, but he holds the realization tight against his heart. Also, on a more trivial level, I think if you guys were out shopping for civvie clothes he’d definitely get something for himself purely because you said it looked good. 
- Does he have family? Is he close with his family? I don’t fucking know, I’ve never played these games, sue me. But in my head, he grew up on a farm and he’s got fairly good relationships with his relatives. Sure, they bicker pointlessly sometimes, but they’re there for each other always. I think his family would be that specific kind of rural kind and willingly helpful vibe. The types where no matter what they’ll be like “oh I haven’t seen you in so long, it’s so lovely to see you, you’re too skinny! König haven’t you been feeding them? Skin and bones, you are, I can’t believe my son/brother/grandson/nephew/etc isn’t feeding you. I thought we rasied him better. Come, sit, I’ll make you schnitzel.” Anyhow, I think he’d start thinking about if you’d like his family way before he ever says anything about meeting them. Again, idfk, but in my head he’s really close with his grandma specifically, and it would mean the world to him if she approved of you and if you liked her. He knows she’ll like you though because he’s definitely told her about you when he’s been home on leave and then she bugs him all the time to bring you home and he’s like “Oma please, I’ve only just started dating them” and she just harumphs and grumbles about it. 
         -- Also, it literally does not matter how trained or involved in the military you are, you’re getting the shovel talk from several siblings and cousins. They’re very familiar with König’s anxiety and they know how much he likes you, which means they’re aware of how much damaging potential you have. They just want to make it known that they have access to a plethora of spots where no one will ever find your body; or, if they feel like being particularly thorough, a drove of pigs who will eat you, marrow and all. 
I hope you see this and enjoy anon, I wish I could tag you directly. Thank you again for sending me an ask! <3
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My Girlfriends Roommate - Chapter 6
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Warnings: Mentions of other peoples body parts, mentions sex between highschoolers, financial influence over others, using people, I believe thats it. Enjoy!
You tried your best to enjoy the day, but it was hard to do with Gabe around. It wasn’t difficult to see why either; the guy was pushy and issued a sense of authority by means that you have yet to figure out. A habit of his that was highlighted when you guys were shopping at a boutique, Vicky picked out random items for both of you to try on and he would consistently interject his opinion of each piece she pulled from the hangers.
You started to suspect that Vicky’s usual choice of tight and lascivious clothing were a result of Gabe’s influence, possibly unwanted yet acquiesced due to his financial status. When you noticed the price on one of the tags reading $649, you expressed disinterest and informed Vicky that it was absurd.
This was the moment that may have confirmed the reasoning of Vicky’s connection and loyalty to Gabe. Even if it wasn’t directly stated, you had a sense based off of her followed response.
“It’s okay don’t worry about the price, Gabe says he’ll pay for everything.” You immediately shook your head and looked at her somewhat sternly.
Yeah sure, today you were spending time with her, and Gabe just happened to be around, but that was as far as you were willing to take it when it came to associating yourself with him. It was unsettling to watch as he acted in a manner that was more than just friendly towards Vicky; he started to display a similar attitude towards you. It became routine for you to peel away and migrate to a different section of the store whenever he would eaves drop and present pieces for you to try on, to which you of course declined harshly.
As far as you were concerned, the guy was a stranger and the attitude he displayed thus far since meeting you have been unpleasant. You wouldn’t put it passed him to be the type to formulate an unspoken quid pro quo agreement by holding someone in debt in return for his lavish spending on them. Possibly someone like Vicky.
“Does he normally buy you expensive stuff?” You asked with curiously as you started to become more concerned towards the type of relationship Vicky had with Gabe.
Vicky nodded in a positive notion. You suddenly felt sick to your stomach yet was polite enough to not show a raging disapproval in the true manner of how you felt. You opted to be a good friend and attempted to express your concerned opinion of the matter, yet she beat you to the punch and insisted that you let Gabe purchase the items.
“Thanks, but I’m good Vicky. I really don’t wear these types of clothes anyhow, they’re not practical for me.” You responded.
She simply nodded at your response, continuing to admire herself in the mirror as she tried on a wide selection of clothes. You decided it would be best to save your talk with her for another time, whenever Gabe wasn’t around flashing his wide selection of bank cards every chance he got.
The next day, you and the girls met up for lunch in the food court, Vicky originally was supposed to join in, but ended up texting stating she wanted to make up with Ethan and spend her lunch time with him. Understandable. The girls inquired about the events that took place between Ethan and Gabe.
“Y/n, what happened yesterday?”
“Nothing too serious, just a minor misunderstanding between Ethan and a guy named Gabe. I’m assuming you know him?”
You were very discreet with your response as you didn’t want to elaborate and possibly misguide them, figuring Vicky may have already issued the details prior to them asking you. The conversation continued as the girls spoke out.
“Oh yeah…we know Gabe.” Their tone at the mentioning of his name was unimpressive.
“You guys don’t like him?”
“It’s not that we don’t like him. His dad is loaded and pretty much secured his future with a top position at his company, so he’s set. It’s just the whole thing between him, Ethan, and Vicky gets tiring. “ One of the other girls chimed in.
“Yeah, Gabe can be annoyingly flashy and big headed. But he will buy you anything you want since money is of no concern to him. But other than that, I sometimes can’t stand him.”
Surprised at the admission of Gabe’s true reputation amongst Vicky’s closest friends, you wondered what triggers any woman to remain associated with someone they’re not entirely fond of. Was the amount of money he had worth them lose their self-respect and put up with this guy?
You didn’t want to consider that. Regardless of Vicky’s high-end attributes, she never came off as greedy or one to care about money enough that she would continue a friendship for the sake of expensive gifts. At least not until yesterday’s shopping trip.
A few weeks have passed and the seasonal change of spring to summer allowed you and Vicky to forget the events that took place that day. What with the increasingly warm weather and summer festivals taking place; you, Vicky, and the girls spent majority of your free time making fond memories. You guys even took a girl’s trip for a few days and had such a good time. It would have been better except Samuel hadn’t been as active in communicating, which you couldn’t help but be reminded of every time you saw Vicky and Ethan together, which was quite frequently.
Throughout the weeks that passed, whenever you, Vicky, and the girls hung out, Ethan, along with some of the other boyfriends of the group, would join in to spend time with their girlfriends. In fact, it was habitual. Through them, you became close acquaintances with their boyfriends, who seem to be pleasant and friendly. Much like Ethan, only less scary and intense.
You saw more of Ethan and got to know him a little bit better since your first meeting. It turns out, he really is a decent guy, and was exceptionally good to Vicky. He would have no problems or bouts of annoyance whenever Vicky would call him up at random and ask him to give everyone rides to cafes and shopping outlets. The girls seemed very fond of Ethan, even though they would note the intimidating vibe he omitted, signifying that you weren’t the only one that felt that way about him so it would appear.
Still, having Ethan around with you and the girls was not as bad as you predicted it to be, in fact, there were moments that you had developed your own bond with him, just a tad bit.
Moments such as when Vicky overindulge in alcohol at a party, you watched as one of the girls would call Ethan at 2 or 3 am in the morning, waking him and urging him to drive over to meet with you guys. His level of commitment and priority for not only Vicky’s wellbeing, but that of you and the girls, was noted when he would pull up. Sometimes he would come over, still dressed in his pajamas, and would carry Vicky into the car, urging you to also ride with him since you and Vicky were going to the same destination. He would carefully lay Vicky in the backseat, always being considerate, and strapping her in as best as he could and making sure she laid comfortably as she knocks out.
You would sit in the front passenger seat next to him and while at first you were too shy to dictate the selection of music, you became more comfortable in scrolling through all the genres on his playlist as Ethan would always pass his phone over to you while keeping his eyes on the road, encouraging you to play whatever you wanted to listen to.
There were also times when he regularly visited the dorm to meet up with Vicky, arriving early just before she would be dismissed out of class. Aside from what you had already thought of him, you considered Ethan trustworthy enough for him to wait for her inside the room. This was initiated when he would opt to wait in his car for her, but you threw the offer in allow him to wait inside.
He would take up on your invitation and normally lay on her bed scrolling through his phone. Ever the quiet type, you were shocked each time whenever he would note your break from your assignments and initiate small talk, which enabled you to feel more comfortable around him and getting to know each other. He respected the boundaries of your space and never once did anything without receiving your permission, even when it came to using the bathroom which was located on Vicky’s side of the dorm.
Not only did you not mind his company, but you also actually enjoyed it a little. It made for a nice distraction whenever you grew bored when reading all the class materials, which were painfully redundant. Though Ethan was good in your book and a smile would always appear on your face whenever you saw them together, you couldn’t help but become painfully reminded of Samuel as you witnessed the affection between Ethan and Vicky.
Samuel claimed that he was swamped with maintaining his GPA, which was prevalent for him in order to continue to play football, which was his passion. You sympathized and understood as you honored his request and refrained from messaging until he finished his exam prep and scheduled summer practice. He claimed that he felt bad for every time he saw you messaged him but never had the time to message back and felt like a terrible boyfriend.
You reassured him that he was anything but terrible, and apologized for making him feel that way, even though it wasn’t your intention to do so. So, you both agreed to take a break from the FaceTime sessions and the texting until he was finished with everything. He even stated he would like to come see visit you once he was finished with everything, which you happily agreed to.
Still, it was hard. Going from having someone waiting for you, regardless if it just was through phone chats, it was lonesome to adjust to a change of pace where you entered an empty room and had nothing to look forward to, other than homework. You’re quite sure that Vicky wouldn’t mind keeping you company, but she had her own schedules to abide by, leaving her only available to engage with you on the weekends.
But when you thought of the times you shared with Samuel, the way he admired your face and told you that you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, it motivated you to hold on and helped kept your patience strong. Whenever they were free, Vicky and the girls became a pleasant distraction and made it easier for you to carry on.
Vicky had the opposite problem, she often complained on how she wished Ethan would change his opinion on Gabe and be more receptive of his presence. She often felt too stressed when her free time was split between spending time with Ethan and hanging out with Gabe.
This compelled you to ask her a question that was lingering in your brain since you met both Ethan and Gabe. Though you weren’t fond of the latter, you felt that perhaps you were overlooking a feature about Gabe that kept you from seeing any positive trait that Vicky could see in him, enough to keep him around and treat him almost as if he was her boyfriend.
Trying to get some closure for the sake of your curiosity, you asked the question to Vicky one day as you both were folding laundry on her bed. Specifically, you asked her both, Ethan, and Gabe, regarding on how she met them and how they got to know one another.
“Well, Ethan and I went to the same high school. I was a freshman, and he was a junior. I had a crush on him and was able to get his attention. It wasn’t easy, he seemed like he was too busy for a girlfriend, but I somehow managed to get through to him. It took some time, but he finally asked me on a date, and we had been together ever since.”
You were quite amazed at the amount of time Vicky and Ethan had been dating.
“Oh wow you guys have been dating for a while then.”
“So how did you meet Gabe?”
“He moved to the area and started to go to the same school as Ethan and I. He was so popular; more popular than Ethan who, believe it or not, was an all-star at our school.”
You were shocked upon hearing that. During the entire time you interacted with him, Ethan never eluded that type of reputation. Really, the man was always dressed in very relaxed clothing, which for you wasn’t a big deal. You prefer men whom, like Samuel and Ethan, share the trend of not putting too much priority into the types of clothes they wear. It was decent for them wanting to look good, but not to go overboard into dressing flamboyantly all the time. Since you also opted a similar style majority of the time, you deemed casual as a good thing.
Still, you wondered how Ethan’s constant appearance appealed to Vicky, considering her prerogative in fashion. Always with his fitted baseball cap, you never witness his face in full exposure, it was always partially hidden and the fact that he was always the quiet type made him seem anything but popular, at least compared to the what you were used to.
Vicky continued;
“Honestly, I do care for Ethan, a lot. But now that we’re in college, there’s still too many unknowns with him. “
“Unknowns?” You perked at her description of Ethan.
“Yeah like, his plans. He’s turned down every opportunity to attend internships and gain the hours, which makes me worried. How else is he supposed to network and get a good paying job? He says he has a solid plan established after college, in Korea.”
You lifted your head at the mentioning prospect of Vicky and Ethan carrying their lives overseas, considering they spent nearly their entire lives here.
“You don’t want to move back to Korea?” you asked presumably.
“It’s not that, I wouldn’t mind it at all. I just need reassurance. I come from a solid family, and always lived comfortably. I don’t want to have to suddenly live with a man and worry about financial stability.” Vickey cautiously explained to you as she emphasized the importance of having a comfortable lifestyle.
You didn’t say anything, a moment of silence stilled the air until she let out a deep sigh.
“Honestly, the girls don’t even know this but…I’m not sure if Ethan and I have a future.”
You raised a brow, she was telling you something that she hadn’t mentioned to the girls that knew her for much longer than you did.
“He lacks ambition and doesn’t have a competitive nature, unless when he’s playing basketball. He’s nice but I think I maintain and cherish my friendship with Gabe because he’s obviously well off through his family. In a way, I feel like if the day comes that I must end things with Ethan, I’d figure it will be nice to have a backup, someone who is going work hard and have a good career. Plus, we get along very well.”
Shocked by the flow of her admission, you honestly couldn’t see or understand her reasoning. It was quite selfish. Being able to read your thoughts through your facial expression, she tries to justify;
“Don’t look at me that way y/n, you know I’m not a bad person. I just worry about certain things. I don’t want to have to struggle in life.” Hearing enough, you tried to reassure that a comfortable life can be obtained in a myriad of ways; settling with someone who had a rotten personality for the sake of a secured future wouldn’t pave a path of happiness for anyone, let alone her.
“Yeah but Vicky…what would Ethan think? What if he is working on a stable career path for you both and is just waiting for a suitable time to tell you?” you spat out your ultimatum.
“There’s no way that’s the case Y/N, he never looked into careers with Korean companies. He’s too relaxed in his approach with it, like he doesn’t care. He cares enough to maintain good grades and scholarships but that’s it. He’s always telling me that I don’t need to worry about anything, but I need more than that.”
Vicky explains further her worries at the prospect of having a tumultuous future with Ethan. Yet something still didn’t make sense, so you continued the conversation.
“So…if that’s how you really feel, then why even bother waiting to end things? Why would you remain attached since judging by your tone, you seem to already accept that you and Ethan aren’t going to work out.”
Her answer was probably the most shocking thing you heard come out of her mouth.
“You really want to know y/n?” At that, you nodded and smiled at her with a chuckle, she said it like it was something scandalous.
“It’s because of his dick. That and well, he’s also hot. Gabe is cute, I’d give him a 6/10. I know you haven’t seen Ethan without his hat but trust me, he is a 100/10 both his face and…you know…” She laughs hinting to you that she was referring to Ethan’s, apparently, blessed body part. You laugh with her.
At the mentioning of their intimacy, you thought back to all times that you and Samuel had sex. There were many, and they were all beautiful, but you secretly harbored the fact that you never had an orgasm, despite the number of times you and Samuel had sex. Moments like now, where your friends would talk about it made you yearn for that experience. How could you not? They described it as the best feeling ever.
Not sure if size had anything to do with it, considering Samuel, though being the only one you’ve been physical with, seemed to be of an impressive size. He was a well-built young man that played football after all. There was also no way it could’ve been an issue of matching with the wrong person, that was out the question. Samuel was more than right for you; missing out on an orgasm did not take away the intense sensation from when you had sex with him. You figured that one of these days, when you and Samuel come back together after college life, you’ll have your moment. For now, things were fine just the way it is.
Turning your attention back to Vicky, you started to wonder if the reason of her being out every night, not returning until the next morning was a result of her enjoying sessions with her well-endowed boyfriend.
“Is that why you’ve been staying out all night?” you teasingly laugh as you placed one of her pristine designer brand dresses on a hanger for her.
She shook her head upon hearing your question, answering delicately.
“No, we hadn’t had sex since before I moved into the dorm. I mean …honestly, even before college, when I started my senior year, it was already dying down. Which is becoming an additional factor for me to break it off with him.”
Taking in a huge sense, you asked a question that would otherwise insinuate her relations with Gabe, although upon it slipping out you wanted to take it back immediately after hearing how it came out.
“…Is that why you hang out with Gabe so much?”
Vicky looked at the wall ahead, she stared at it for a few seconds before looking back down at the shirt she was folding. She didn’t seem offended, more like pensive at your question. Nevertheless, she answered in a rather detailed answer.
“I haven’t told him, but I think Gabe is aware that I am not exactly content with Ethan’s plans. Gabe has told me so many times he’d take care of me, he has the means to do so. He always tells me that a beautiful girl like me should not have to settle. We’ve always been so close, I guess I hang out with him a lot because he brings me that comfort that Ethan can’t.”
Another moment of silence blankets the room, this side of Vicky shocks you. It really does. Vicky is pretty; she’s also smart, talented, has potential and many good friends around her. There really is no reason for her to be so concerned about a stable future but for some reason, it was there. No matter how many times you try to tell her otherwise, she always remained overly concerned of that aspect in life.
Ever since your girl talk with her, you felt a bit shameful for watching Vicky continue her relationship with Ethan. You felt it wasn’t in your place to interfere and risk stirring the pot, but it wasn’t fair to Ethan. Sure, you could understand Vicky’s concern for his lack of tenacity in applying himself towards his future, being that he was completing his second year and well on his way to the third year of college. But you disagreed with Vicky, if she wanted to break it off, she should do it sooner rather than later.
However, you remained impartial and refused to get involved.
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I suppose that if I’m going to continue interacting with fellow feminists on this site, I ought to make a post detailing my beliefs since so many seem so utterly determined to misinterpret or just plain make things up based on practically zero information.
Or I could just say fuck it and log off and just continue my real world feminism.
I had really been hoping for connection and conversation and open discussions. Instead all I see are women being shouted down by other women for having different lived experiences or making different lifestyle choices.
Women are not a monolith. Feminists are not a monolith. Even amongst my closest feminist friends, we disagree on many things, but we continue to uplift and support one another because we recognize that womanhood contains multitudes and that our goal as feminists is the liberation of ALL of us, regardless of personal individual opinions.
But here? On this hellsite? Unless you *PRECISELY* agree with someone’s every last single detailed belief, down to which way to hang the toilet paper roll, your opinion is worthless and you have no brain because you DARE to formulate an opinion that does not match my own!!!
Feminists hating on mothers, feminists hating on bisexuals, feminists hating on straight women, feminists hating on feminists.
I ask you, where is that supposed to get us? What is that supposed to achieve?
I have stood shoulder to shoulder with women with whom I share literally NOTHING in common aside from being a woman, and I have shouted for our rights and liberation right alongside them. Why is this so hard to understand?
Diversity is valuable. Talking to people with opinions that differ from yours helps you challenge your beliefs and grow more strong in your ability to defend your stance. Only surrounding yourself with sycophants and yes-women makes you weak. If everyone around you agrees wholeheartedly with you, no question, then you get blindsided by someone simply being like “Nope. I don’t agree with that.”
Challenge yourself. Talk to women who you wouldn’t normally. Talk to women with different lived experiences. Talk to women making lifestyle choices for themselves that you would never make in a million years. TALK TO WOMEN. Grow your mind, expand the boundaries of your way of thinking, challenge yourself, get outside your comfort zone and echo chamber. Real growth and progress doesn’t occur in places of comfort; challenging and pushing yourself to understand, that’s where growth happens.
Take this old ladies advice or don’t. Keep infighting until you tear the entire movement apart from the inside, I’m sure the men appreciate y’all doing their work for them. I’m tired. I’m fine with disagreeing with someone but my god, I’m TIRED of the vitriol that some women seem to feel is necessary when they don’t agree with someone. Fuck. Just say you don’t agree and explain yourself and open up a dialogue. But for the love of feminism, stop calling each other brain dead or brain rotted simply because another woman dared make a choice you don’t like.
I have enjoyed my interactions with several of you, and most of you are just wonderful. But the angry vocal minority is just too much. It’s poison. And I’m too old and too experienced to sit here in a pool of poison and allow my love for feminism and women and my dream of their complete liberation to be slowly ripped to shreds by women who don’t know how to treat other women.
With love and kindness, I cannot with this shit anymore.
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reflectismo · 3 years
As mentioned in one of my previous posts, John and Yoko were both interviewed during John’s 31st birthday celebration by reporter Takahiro Imura (in what would be known as the Argument Interview due to several moments caught on tape of the couple clashing verbally). Also captured on the tape was John discussing the early years of the Beatles and making a statement that he “made them and killed them.” As you can hear from the tape excerpts, John was not mincing words when describing his view of Paul and Brian’s involvement and dominance in shaping the Beatle’s image and by extension his own during those years. As he puts it in the interview: 
“But all the time Paul, and Brian Epstein we’re always trying to kill me from saying anything. But because I was in so much pain, I’d always get drunk or drugged, and I’d always say something that didn’t suit them. And so always, I would leave a piece of shit amongst the Beatles image. But all the time they tried to kill me and kill me and bring me down to be a Beatle, to be a nice boy, be a Beatle.
But if you look from the career of the Beatles, the first national news the Beatles ever got in the English newspapers was when I nearly killed somebody at Paul’s party. So all the famous news the Beatles ever got besides being Go–angels, was when I did something terrible through being in so much pain. So they could never keep me down.”
What I find interesting is the overall timeline of events. Just a day before, John acknowledged that Paul was “still the closest friend he’s ever had except for Yoko” and that all was good between the two, whatever goes on. Yet it cannot be overlooked that the next day, there seems to be extreme tension and unresolved feelings, regardless of him admitting his feelings have changed (from what was said last year during the Lennon Remembers interview) just the day before. 
John’s statements throughout the 70s have always interested me, mostly because they seem to move from one end of the spectrum to the other. It’s fascinating albeit confusing and a bit hard to comprehend re: what his exact feelings are, and, I would suspect that to be the case with those closest to him as well. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we may completely discount what he is feeling at one moment with what he says in another (and I’m completely guilty of this myself) but I think it’s good to also take into consideration the more negative feelings because at one point, he did feel this way and perhaps if we peel the layers it may just provide insight. Now, I’m not here to determine in point blank whether what he’s saying is right or wrong (Re: Paul or Brian truly trying to kill his creativity and spirit) because I absolutely have no way of getting into John’s head to see how his brain drew this conclusion (earlier experiences that have not been mentioned, influence from others, drugs, a bad day, Paul not communicating with him as much during this time, Brian’s death and absence, business affairs, combo of all these things), but I think that at the very least it showcases the many layers and complexities of the Lennon/McCartney and Brian/John dynamic. And really, isn’t it fascinating?
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spiderling-space · 3 years
Hi, could you please write a headcanon for a Mc who is the daughter of Thor from Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow and the dorm leaders reaction to this. If it is possible thank you.
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OMG!!!! The Next Avengers isn’t known a lot and I didn’t expect to receive a request from it. I suggest checking out their comics too. I enjoyed both the movie and comics but I am based and it made a major ship of mine canon. I’ll leave their comics look under the cut.
I’ll refer MC as Torunn for this request. It’s been over 6 years that I watched this so I might have forgotten her characteristics.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle thought Torunn was only a trouble maker who loves to brawl which encourages Ace and Deuce more. He cannot allow that so he tries to talk with Torunn to adapt more appropriate manners.
He sees that his talk backfires when she comes with her giant sword to Heartslabyul. Riddle starts “Queen of Hearts Rule #666 says that you cannot use a sword bigger than -” but he is interrupted by her. HE is furious as it is also against the rules “I’m not using it, I’m just holding it. If I used it” she summons lightning which freaks him out “it would be Mjölnir”
Riddle thinks of adding a few new rules to Heartslabyul such as “No lightning summoning in Heartlabyul” and “No Mjölnir in the dorm” just for Torunn. He doesn’t like how she got around the rules, accidentally asking it out and embarrassing himself and unfortunately Torunn heard it, answering his stupid question.
Leona Kingscholar
When Leona first saw Torunn at the entrance ceremony, he thought she is a twink. His opinion on her changes when she plays Magift with her friends against Savanclaw.
If he didn’t have a plan in motion, he would have asked Torunn to transfer to Savanaclaw to play in his team against Diasomnia. He thinks she would have countered the Lizard and Savanaclaw would have won.
Even after the whole Magift tournament, he makes Ruggie ask her to join Magift club. She may not be a player but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be useful to train against as a practice for the next year’s Magift. He even encourages her to use her full powers to learn how to counter lightning when fighting against the Lizard in Magift.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul didn’t think much of Torunn until she became a torn at his side. He thought he can trick her into a contract easily but some unforeseeable events happened. First she cares about her friends more than he predicted and second, she is a deity. He learns about the later when she puts her fist fast on the coffee table which breaks while all the electricity in Monstro Lounge goes out, yet Torunn’s eyes are glowing and small lightnings appear on her arms.
He may want the deed of Ramshackle dorm but he knows it is not wise to piss off a deity who can manipulate the electricity, is super powerful and probably has lightning powers. He releases her friends from his servitude and tries to find new ways to get deed of Ramshackle.
After the overblot incident, there is no bad blood between them and he thinks Torunn as close associate. He hires her to generate enough energy for Mostro Lounge to use every few days. The amount he pays to Torunn is far less than his electricity bill. He even thinks of hiring her for Octavinelle’s whole energy need.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is ever the friendly person. When he first meets Torunn, he invites her to the feast. When Torunn says his feast reminds him of the feasts of Asgard with plenty of food and people, he says “I don’t know what you mean but thank you.” She then adds that she has never seen that feast while she struggled with her made-up family in the world Ultron ruled.
When her words register with Kalim, it touches his heart. He says he didn’t mean to upset her and apologizes. He asks the reason behind it and sheds tears when he hears her story. He promises to be her friend as long as she is in Twisted Wonderland.
To disperse the sad aura, Kalim offers to ride with flying carpet. Torunn accepts and they fly together. When they reached the peak, Torunn jumps, giving Kalim a heart attack but then she starts flying. They return to Scarabia dorm while flying together. He asks if she can fly them together because he wonders what it is like to fly without any object.
Vil Schönheit
Vil is never going to admit but he is jealous about Torunn’s skin and hair. She has flawless skin and perfect hair even though he has never seen nor heard that she puts a lot of work on herself. 
He wonders her secret and bluntly asks her self-care routine and what she uses for her skin and hair.
When Vil doesn’t get actual, he is annoyed, thinking that she is making fun of him. Then Torunn says “Probably because I’m Asgardian, Midgardians refer us as gods.” casually. Well, at least being a God which Vil can accept as an excuse is a better explanation than Neige’s “I’m not doing anything” 
Idia Shroud
It is weird for Idia as his family are the ones that referred as Gods and his uncle is the thunder God. 
When he learns she is the daughter of the thunder god, he thinks they can be cousins from parallel universe. He is relieved that is not the case when she tells him about her family and Asgard.
A plan formulates in Idia’s mind when it clicks that Torunn would be as powerful as Olympian ones. He asks if she can fight wrestle with his annoying cousin in RSA. He would film the entire thing and watch whenever he wants a laugh.
Malleus Draconia
When Malleus saw her for the first time, he thought her sword was just a regular sword but bigger than the one Sebek and Silver use.
He is in one of his nightly walks when he spots Torunn rise to the sky, lightning surrounding her, not harming her. He is curious about her, she was supposed to be magicless then how she can do these. As far as he knew, humans cannot fly.
Malleus asks how she was able to fly and evaded the lightning. She tells that she is the daughter of Thor the thunder God and has inherited his powers. She demonstrates her skills with her sword, summoning lightning with it. He is amazed by her skills and happy that he wouldn’t hurt her if he accidentally summons lightning when he is moody.
Malleus also thinks about a new nickname for Torunn as “Child of Man” wouldn’t fit her. Maybe “Child of Asgard” or “Child of God” would be better. He needs some time to think about it.
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 3 years
Doom At Your Service: Analysis & Theories for EPs 9-10
Anyone mentally exhausted from watching DAYS? Well, you’ve come to the right place where I do the thinking for you, so you don’t have to! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to click on the ask question button! Happy Readings !
The Contract Revisited
While reviewing the contract, I realized there was something major that I had completely missed! Anyways let’s go over the contract again to clear up some confusion.
The Contract is as follows:
1) Dong Kyung must ask for Myul Mang to destroy the world before she dies (It could be rephrased as Dong Kyung must ask for Myul Mang to destroy the world before her tentative expiration date)
2) During Dong Kyung’s last 100 days, Myul Mang will prevent her from feeling any pain
3) Myul Mang has to grant her one real wish
4) If Dong Kyung breaks the contract (does not wish for the world to be destroyed) then the person she loves the most will die
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If Dong Kyung does not violate the contract as in she wishes for the world to be destroyed, the person she loves dies anyways because you know.... the world is non existent. If Dong Kyung does violate the contract, meaning she does not wish for the world to be destroyed, the person she loves dies too because her doom is transferred to them. Some have also wondered whether she can has to ask for the world to be destroyed in order to get her one real wish to be granted. In my opinion, I don't think so. I think she can still get her one real wish to be granted regardless of whether she wishes for doom upon the world or not. Other things to note is that nothing will happen to Myul Mang if he does not stick to the terms of the contract (i.e keeps Dong Kyung pain free and granting her one real wish) because as Dong Kyung said "If I violate" not "If either you or I violate".
Now something to pay close attention to is #4. In Ep 2, Myul Mang had said he would take Dong Kyung’s doom (brain cancer) and transfer it to someone she loves. This is the part I missed! I’d thought that all Myul Mang was doing was transferring the death that was meant for her, not that he was actually removing her source of death which was her brain cancer. Therefore, if Dong Kyung breaks the contract, she will live because her brain cancer is removed and is subsequently transferred into the person she loves, causing them to die instead. I feel incredibly stupid for missing this important piece of info. In light of this new info, I will therefore retract my previous theory that Dong Kyung’s one wish will be to cure her brain cancer.
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For those who were confused by that scene of Dong Kyung going to the beach and staying away from everyone, here are my thoughts on that. Dong Kyung was trying to find a loophole. The loophole was that she was planning on violating the contract while protecting the people she loves. This means that Dong Kyung was planning on ending herself at the beach (you can't wish for doom upon the world if you're already dead) and accepting her doom (her doom can't be transferred to anyone else because she accepts it in herself).
Who’s Going to Get Dong Kyung’s Brain Cancer and Die?
I recently had a eureka moment a few days ago before Eps 9-10 aired that led me to formulating a new theory -- it's actually Dora who will inherit Dong Kyung’s brain cancer and die. Let’s think through some things first, “the person you love the most will die”. The most obvious choice is Myul Mang. However, if you think about that statement in a more abstract way, you can see that if Dong Kyung loves her life, then the person who will die is Dora. Remember that Dora is basically the personification of life.
To further add evidence that supports this theory, I present to you Exhibit A, Dora’s massive nosebleed. We know Dong Kyung has a rare type of brain cancer and it’s located in her frontal lobe. As days pass, the brain tumor is growing or metastasizing. In theory, the tumor could grow into nearby areas such as her nasal cavity and cause Dong Kyung to have nose bleeds (FYI: In real life, I’m a scientist with experience in the field of oncology and most of the time brain tumors don’t grow outside of the brain. It can happen, but it is very rare!). Now, think about the events that occurred before Dora's nose bleed. For example, Dong Kyung was out and about enjoying her time with Myul Mang and her family and friends. Essentially, Dong Kyung was beginning to love her life. This causes Dora to suffer because she is taking in Dong Kyung's illness into herself. Subsequently, this leads to Dora experiencing some of the symptoms of Dong Kyung's brain cancer (e.g nose bleed). Thus, as Dong Kyung is beginning to live, Dora is beginning to die.
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Exhibit B: Adventures of Pinocchio. At the end of the story, the Fairy (Dora) heals an ailing Geppetto (Dong Kyung) as a reward for Pinocchio (Myul Mang) becoming a good boy. Following this, we don’t hear much about what happens to the Fairy except that she’s in laying in a hospital on the verge of death. It is implied that in order to heal Geppetto, the Fairy had to take his illness into herself. Afterall, nothing is without consequences, someone must pay so that others can be happy. Much like the story of Pinocchio, Dora is doing the same thing as the Fairy. Dora is taking in Dong Kyung’s illness so that Dong Kyung can freely love her son, Myul Mang, without consequences (e.g Myul Mang dying).
Exhibit C: Dong Kyung walking around like she didn’t have brain cancer while in seclusion. You would think that since she didn’t see Myul Mang to recharge, she would be experiencing some severe symptoms, but nope she was walking around as if she was cured! I wonder where her cancer went.......DORA!
Exhibit D: Dora telling Dong Kyung to be madly in love and live. Basically Dora saying, "Love my son and live, don't worry about your brain cancer or him dying because I'm taking care of it."
Why Dora Didn't Want Myul Mang To See Her
For those wondering why Dora didn’t want Myul Mang to see her, here are my two cents. One explanation is that Dora probably didn’t want him to figure out that she was inheriting Dong Kyung’s brain cancer. It would’ve made him feel guilty to see that his mother was willing to take on even more pain just so he could be happy. Another explanation is that Myul Mang still has a lot of growing up to do (to become human). Dora didn’t want him to get the idea that he’s out of the clear just yet. Meaning if Myul Mang had found out that Dora was doing this for him then he would’ve thought life was a breeze now and have no further motivations to want to grow, thus ruining Dora’s plan for him (to grow up to become a good human). There’s no better motivation to make someone grow than the thought of their love ones dying.
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Final Theory on Dong Kyung’s Wish
In my previous post, I had discussed that without knowing the limits of what one could or could not wish for, it was difficult for me to accurately predict what Dong Kyung’s wish would be. However, in this week’s episode, I was finally given the limits: the wish must be a wish that is doom in nature. I thought to myself, what could be a good thing to end? Oh, that’s right, Myul Mang’s immorality. Dong Kyung must say “I wish for your immortal life to end” or something along those lines. The combination of Dong Kyung’s wish + Myul Mang’s willingness to sacrifice himself for her + Dora’s plant = the rebirth of Myul Mang into a real boy....oops I mean real hu-man.
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The Ending of DAYS
So, what kind of ending will DAYS have? Prepare yourselves. I think it’s going to be a bittersweet ending because it goes with the one of the main themes DAYS which is dualism. I think Myul Mang will be reborn as a human, but still have his doom responsibilities (so more like a fake human). He will probably end up becoming like Dora in the sense that he gets to experience the cycle of life and death over an infinite amount of time. Dong Kyung won’t be reborn in his next life cycle (remember Myul Mang tells that crazy lady there’s no afterlife; humans only have this one life). I guess the notion that the love he and Dong Kyung share will always be with him and forever serve as a shining beacon even in his loneliest days is sweet, but still I want a happy ending!!!
Now excuse my language, but to hell with dualism and what is logical! I want a happy ending where Myul Mang becomes human, lives with Dong Kyung, and when he dies that’s it. No coming back to doing his doom job in a different life. Dora can create another herald of doom. Dora did it once before and she could do it again lol. Or if Myul Mang must come back in a different life, at least allow Dong Kyung to be reborn at the same time. I mean you can grow the same plant again…. EVER HEARD OF PROPROGATION DORA?!! Metaphorically speaking, if Dong Kyung is a sunflower, then wait until she dies, harvest her seeds and grow her again…. it’s that simple Dora!!!
Some Thoughts on the Writer of DAYS
The writer (Im Meari) of DAYS is at best, pretentious and at worst, derivative. She’s more or less just rehashing the works of other great philosophers (Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Deleuze, etc). She presents DAYS as a collection of major philosophical concepts with the intention to differentiate herself from that of other kdramas writers. She goes onto placing great stress on the idea that in order to innovate or bring about a new beginning, one must deviate from the norm, yet she herself does not diverge from the ideas of other philosophers. She does not present any philosophy of her own. In this aspect, she is a hypocrite to the very ideas she tries to preach. Oh well, to each their own. Who knows, maybe my opinion of Im Meari will change by the end of the series. Anyways, I’m still here for the romance between the actors and actresses and solving mysteries!
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Ep 11 Preview Predictions
Here are my predictions for Ep 11 based off of the preview, they may or may not be correct !
Dong Kyung takes back the bracelet from Myul Mang after their conversation on the beach. Honestly, I’m growing tired of this whole giving/taking the bracelet type situation lol.
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Dong Kyung enjoys a nice vacation with Myul Mang on Jeju island.
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Dong Kyung returns from the vacation because she finds out that her aunt is sick (probably from worrying about Dong Kyung). Dong Kyung beats herself up about it.
Dong Kyung is sick again (probably from hating life...remember that I had theorized that the more Dong Kyung loves her life, the sicker Dora will be become) and Myul Mang in his desperation pleads with Dora to help him, but Dora’s version of helping him is to …. surprise surprise… teach him another lesson. The lesson is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and that Myul Mang and Dong Kyung complete each other for the better. Dora shows Myul Mang what their lives would've been like if they had never existed in each other’s lives.
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Dong Kyung having never experience any kind of suffering would live a healthy life but become the most unappreciative and spoiled person ever. She may go on to finding that life was pretty meaningless and would want to put an end to it all. And Myul Mang having never met Dong Kyung wouldn't have any motivation or desire to grow as a person and so he would remain stagnant. And who knows… maybe at some point, that Myul would’ve became so angry with humans that he would personally go around killing every last one of them.
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109 notes · View notes
Missed Opportunities | Helmut Zemo x Reader | Chapter 3
Welcome to Part 3! You've made it this far? I'm impressed. Thank you for sticking around. This is quite the long chapter so, I hope you enjoy the juicy action all around.
And this one was quite the doozy to write. It's 3AM now? Hah, I've spent the entire day writing two chapters. But definitely don't expect more at quite this frequency. But I appreciate you all none the less.
Tag Requests: @lostghostgirl94 @neoarchipelago @fillechatoyante @fanfics-ig
Did I miss someone? For future tag requests: Please send me a direct message if possible, it's easy to lose people in the mix and I don't want to miss anyone!
For previous chapters go here: Part 1 | Part 2
Word Count: 5.358
It had been precisely three hours, forty-two minutes since two Avengers and a criminal mastermind had left the safe house you were staying in.
You were currently staring up at the ceiling with mild boredom waiting for the next round of texts to come in. An alert notification rang through the near empty residence, the noise echoed off the walls of the living room intensifying the reverberation of sound.
Rolling over, you flopped onto you stomach from your position on the couch, stretching your arm out to grab the phone off the coffee table.
Carefully, you read the incoming message. 'No recent signs of Karli, but following up on a handprint Bucky found a couple miles from our initial start position. Zemo has a theory it might lead to a section of tunnel that veers off towards the harbor. Will update again in another hour. - S'
So they'll easily be gone at least another couple hours, leaving you to your own devices. That's dangerous. There's no telling what kind of trouble you could get into without something to do. Your mind was always processing, constantly formulating new plans and calculating risk probabilities. It's why you were so fidgety and animated. You didn't inherently have ADHD, but your brain was so active the symptoms manifested as such. You had a genius level intelligence, you just chose to down-play it most of the time. You craved activities to keep your mind from going into overdrive; it's why you spend most of your mornings running. To drain your body of excess energy and let your brain rest.
You groaned in irritation, tossing the phone back onto the coffee table. Sam could have at least given you a pin point location so you could do some research on the area where the handprint was found.
Maybe you could read for a bit.
You got up and headed to your room at the back of the apartment. Zemo gave you the last room at the end of the hallway, it also happened to be the only room that had a half bath attached to it. Which in retrospect, was quite thoughtful of him.
As you reached your room, a chilly draft fell across your body, causing goosebumps to raise on your fair skin. You noticed you left a window open in the room and moved to close it. Often times, late at night you sat at the window sill and read to pass the time when you couldn't sleep. Sometimes, you'd crack the window open and simply listen to the sounds of the outside; they were just as soothing. There was no denying it was quite lovely where you were staying. Helmut Zemo had impeccable taste.
You grabbed your book and crossed the room, rubbing your arm to help circulate some heat back into your body, but before you got to the door, a patch of blue caught your eye. Zemo's hoodie. It had been left draped haphazardly over the back of one of the chairs in your room. A constant reminder you needed to give it back to the Baron, but you weren't ready to just yet, and funnily enough, he hadn't asked for it.
Shifting from foot to foot, you debated what to do. It was comfortable. Wearing it one last time couldn't hurt, right? There wasn't anyone here to cajole you about it anyways and you could just take it off before the guys got back. Perfectly reasonable. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you snagged the garment off the chair and pulled it on as you walked back out to the main living room, book in hand.
As you rounded the corner and made your way through the kitchen back to the couch, you heard a loud metallic bang against the entry-way door accompanied with the tell tale signs of door knobs turning. Caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, you had leapt off the ground, clutching the book to your chest.
You stared at the door in fear knowing it was way too soon for anyone to have returned yet. And they wouldn't have caused the disruption in the attempts to break in. Pushing down your apprehension, your senses started to return to you, and you realized you need to get to your phone. Now.
Your eyes moved across the apartment and landed on the coffee table a short distance away from you. Bingo. You took a step forward towards the table when the front doors suddenly swung open and a whirl of red, white and blue flew past your face. The projectile, nearly hitting you, caused you to stumble, knocking you backwards onto the floor. You landed clumsily, but thankfully caught yourself before your head smacked against the ground.
You didn't need to look up to know exactly what object flew at your head. The sound alone was unmistakable.
"Apologies for the erratic entrance, I only meant to use it to help open the door - I hadn't planned on Lemar here unlocking the them so easily. When the doors fell open, it kind of just flew right out of my hand."
Annoyance had now replaced your fear.
John Walker.
You had many opinions of the man based off what Sam and Bucky had told you, but you hadn't had the pleasure of actually meeting him. Until now.
This did not help sway your opinion of him in the very least. If anything, it only solidified that the government had made a rash decision. You don't just had over the shield to anyone.
You glared up at the intruders from your position on the floor. This was completely unexpected. How did he even manage to locate this safe house? Something nagged at the back of your mind that Captain Walker might have had help from people with a questionable background. You shoved the thought aside for the time being.
Lemar had gone around to the back of the couch and pulled the shield out of the wall embedded in between the two stained windows. Walker, who stood next to you, was offering his hand to help you up.
You didn't even make an effort to consider his gesture and got up off the floor without his assistance, dusting yourself off in the process.
Walker appeared undeterred by your dismissal of him and instead put on a winning smile and rotated his hand in the attempts of a handshake.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot. John Walker. Captain America," he proudly stated.
"I know who you are Captain Walker, as well as your friend here," you briskly answered, crossing your arms in front of you.
You could see the smile start to drop off his face and his eyes turn a bit darker.
"And I know who you are as well, you're well documented along with the Avengers, but I was trying to be polite," Walker grounded out with forced effort.
You didn't want to start an argument with the newly anointed Captain America, but there was something off about him that just irritated you.
"Polite?" you sarcastically question. "How is barging into someone's residence, polite? Please, do explain," you shifted your weight onto one side, giving him an expectant look.
"I don't have to explain myself to you. In case you've forgotten, I'm Captain America," he took a step towards you, his body language highly suggesting an intimidation tactic.
You held your tongue and took a step back to place more distance between yourself and Walker. You spared a glance at his partner to gauge his reaction, but his expression was guarded, although he was watching with rapt attention.
"What do you want, Walker?" you bit out. You attempted to keep some of the contempt out of your voice, but he had quickly turned your mood sour this afternoon.
"Where's Zemo?" Walker cut straight to the chase this time.
"Not here, obviously," you held your arms out, gesturing around.
"I want to know where Zemo is. He's coming with us," the captain took another step towards you, this time with a more forceful intention.
You furrowed your brow and took another step back. His posturing was starting to make you slightly nervous.
"Even if I did know where he was, I'm not saying either way. Zemo has been surprisingly helpful to us, and we need him to locate Karli along with the rest of the Flag-Smashers, including the missing vials of serum. And he's more likely to continue working with us, than provide you with any information at all. That I can say with absolute certainty," your words sounded confident, but inside you were trembling.
That was apparently the wrong thing to say to Captain America.
His entire demeanor changed. Once where there was some warmth and light-heartedness, there was only a cold emptiness left in his gaze. He reached back to grab the shield from Lemar, and then without any warning shoved you back against the wall to your left.
You heard the distinct sound of your right shoulder pop as is slammed into the wall along with the rest of your body. The rapid movement from Walker and impact from the shield knocked the wind right out of you. The pressure from the amount of force he was exerting pinned you to the wall and caused the shield to be painfully pressed into your side, separating you from Walker. You could feel the rim of the shield digging slightly into your neck, but not enough to cause any real damage.
"John!" you heard Hoskins shout with alarm from behind Walker.
You swallowed thickly; very real fear had settled into your bones. You were capable of defending yourself, but hadn't actually needed to put those skills into any use. Bucky and Sam had taught you some moves and hold to get out of, but it never crossed any of your minds once you'd have to fight Captain America. You tried to shift your head to the side to see how far away your phone was. What possible options you had. Maybe you could appeal to his partner and deescalate the situation before things got too ugly.
"I'm only going to ask this one last time. Where is Zemo?" Walker spit out, putting force against the shield, which in turn, caused you to grimace in pain.
"Hoskins, you really going to allow Captain America to torture an innocent citizen trying to help in a cause we're all aligned in?" you gasped out, trying to swallow as much air as possible through the pain wracking your body.
You refused to let it show. Holding back as much of the discomfort you were in. You didn't want to give Walker the satisfaction.
"John, ease up. She's not a terrorist, and frankly, I agree with her," Hoskins voiced, his footsteps bringing him closer to Walker with the hopes of gaining his attention no doubt.
The pressure from the shield against your form was lifted slightly, though the shield was still closer to your body than you'd like to admit. You closed your eyes to focus on regaining some stability and figure out your next course of action to get yourself out of this mess.
"Stay out of this Lemar," John replied, but his menacing stature had lessened minutely.
You opened your eyes to stare at Walker. He had removed the shield between the two of you and placed it on his back; however he stepped into your personal space instead and placed a hand against your collarbone, essentially rendering you immobile again.
Well, at least now you could breathe.
Walker peered down at you with distain, "You're really not going to give him up are you?"
You clenched your jaw and lifted your chin defiantly at him.
"No," you answered.
The wheels were turning inside Walker's head. You could literally see the fire burning in his eyes, realizing he wasn't going to get an answer out of you. Not willingly.
He dipped his head and released his hold on you, pointing a finger right at your face, "This isn't over. Not by a long shot."
You saw Lemar walk up and pat Walker's shoulder, "Alright, let's get out of here."
Walker straightened up and stiffly walked away, leaving Hoskins trailing behind. His ego had taken a blow today.
Hoskins gave an apologetic shrug, "He's under a lot of stress."
Before Lemar could fully clear your line of sight, you quietly spoke up, "He doesn't deserve that shield."
Hoskins didn't have a response to that.
In wake of the aftermath, you had tried to clean up as best possible. You assessed your injuries were non life-threatening, though your right shoulder was most definitely dislocated. The arm was kept close against your body hoping to not jostle it too much. You felt spikes of pain as you cleaned the area where Walker had thrown the shield into the wall, but ignored it so you could get the place back in shape before Sam, Bucky and Zemo returned.
Sam had messaged not too long ago, they were roughly 20 minutes out from the apartment.
Your ribs were throbbing from where the shield had been buried into your side, but you didn't think they had been broken, only bruised. You were going to have to ask one of them pop your shoulder back into place.
You were dreading the conversation, but were determined to remain as calm as possible to help alleviate the immediate reaction they were going to have once you revealed what happened.
The events of the day had finally caught up with you and coupled with the cleaning efforts, your body was signaling it's exhaustion. You were in the kitchen, and honestly didn't think you could make the short trip to one of the sofas; so you carefully sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen and waited patiently.
Sure enough, 20 minutes later, the doors to the apartment opened and the guys swiftly came in to greet you.
"Did you even leave the kitchen?" James inquired, coasting around the kitchen to grab a drink.
You smiled tightly and responded in kind, "For a short while, yes. Did you guys find anything worth while?" You quickly wanted to change the subject but knowing you were only delaying the inevitable.
"Yeah, we think we've discovered a possible building Karli is using to hideout in. We had planned on eating something quickly and then leave again to check it out tonight," Sam explained.
As Sam was talking, Bucky had accidently bumped into you, causing you to wince and pull your arm tighter to you. Luckily, he didn't see your face, but Sam did.
"Hey, you okay?" Sam questioned, voice filling with concern.
You blew out a breath bracing yourself for what you were about to say.
"What happened to my wall?" Zemo piped up, giving you a curious glance, he had moved to run his hand along the diagonal cut, inches deep, in the space between the ceiling to floor windows.
Bucky left his glass and walked over to get a better look, as did Sam. Both of them would know precisely what caused a mark like that to become etched into a wall.
Sam and Bucky snapped their heads back to you as soon as they saw the indention, but it was Zemo who spoke first.
"John Walker was here," he stated, shrugging off his coat and hanging it over the back of the couch he was nearby.
"It was an, eventful afternoon here," you tried to put some overly cheerful, comedic tones into your voice, but failed pretty miserably.
"What happened?" Sam immediately asked.
The trio had made their way back to the kitchen to get answers from you.
Zemo came to stand nearby, eyes roaming your body, searching. With his expertise, there was no question that he would quickly figure out you were injured; so you tried to tell your story as concisely as possible.
"Um, so - Walker and Lemar showed up. He asked for Zemo. I told him he wasn't here aaaaand they left. The end," you hurriedly spoke, wanting to get this over with and not draw any more attention to yourself.
But you could see in Helmut's eyes, he knew there was more to your story. His carefully crafted mask was starting to crack as you saw his gaze drift down to you cradling your arm underneath the island away from Bucky and Sam's eyeline.
"You're hurt," Zemo said. His face showed open concern as he walked the remaining distance to you.
With more tenderness than you thought possible coming from him, he slowly and carefully moved your right arm away from your body. He kept his eyes trained on you for any discomfort or signs of pain.
Once your arm had left your lap though, you reached over with your left hand to grip one of his wrists to prevent him from moving your arm any further.
"Don't, please," you pleaded, gritting your teeth and swallowing down the pain threatening to erupt from you. You were panting now, and more clear than ever something had happened to you while they were gone.
Helmut released your arm without hesitation, but did not leave your side. You saw him exchange tense looks between James and Sam. Normally, Bucky would have been focused on keeping Zemo away from you, but with the current circumstances, he was no longer a priority.
"What actually happened?" Bucky softly called out, he and Sam had gotten closer to take a better look at you. Sam brought a chair out to sit next to you and give you a once over, while you explained.
The expressions on their faces were grim as they anxiously awaited your reply.
"It wasn't - it's not quite as bad as it seems," you started, stuttering out the words as Sam brought his hands up to check your head for any injuries first.
"He just barged right in and was insistent on finding Zemo. He was acting so arrogant and pompous, I just refused to give him any information on his whereabouts," you continued on. "He didn't like the fact I wasn't willing to cooperate with "Captain America" and he got a little.....rough with me."
Sam paused his surveying to meet your gaze. You could see the guilt beginning to creep into his eyes. He turned his head to look up at Bucky, who was angrily flexing his vibranium arm in displeasure. Probably only affirming his notion that Sam should have never given up the shield in the first place.
"What did he do?" Bucky's tone brook no argument. He wanted to know the truth.
You scrunched your face in unpleasantness when Sam checked your lower neck and collarbone, he had found the place on your body where the shield and his hand had met you.
"Is this from - ?" Sam couldn't finish his sentence and he looked away in anger. You could tell he just wanted to get up and throw something, and that was commonly uncharacteristic for him.
Zemo had shifted his position to take a peek at what Sam was doing while he checked you out. You saw how his eyes had darkened with quiet rage taking stock of everything. There was an outline of a thin scrap mark against the underside of your neck and jaw, but it was a clear demarcation that would only be caused from the shield itself.
You nodded sadly and focused on answering Bucky's question as you gave Sam the okay to keep going.
"Walker, didn't get what he wanted, so he did the only other thing he knows how to do," you cleared your throat and rubbed your hand against your forehead.
"Use brute force," Zemo darkly said.
"He used the shield to push me up against the wall over there," you pointed over as you continued re-telling what happened. "I was knocked into the wall pretty hard, but Walker lost all focus and nearly suffocated me from the force of the shield against my body. I think he -" you yelped like a wounded animal, not able to finish your story when Sam touched your shoulder.
Bucky's eyes had widen and became deeply concerned over your pained scream.
Your muscled were clenched tight as you tried to ride out the pain, face starting to turn red.
Zemo had placed a light hand on your back, leaning down to comfort you and remind you to breath.
You fumbled with your good arm as you tried taking in deep breaths and motioned to Sam what was wrong with your arm.
Even with your poor mime animation of pretending to have your arm pulled from your socket, James picked up on what you were getting at. He tapped Sam to switch places with him. Your eyes were watering at this point and you blinked back the tears wanting to fall.
"Alright doll, on the count of three, I'm going to raise your arm and put pressure on your shoulder, okay?" Bucky solemnly said.
Sam gave you a smile of assurance while Zemo ended up taking your good hand, letting you know you could use him to brace yourself. He and James shared a silent conversation before nodding at one another. If Sam had a problem with Zemo providing you comfort, he didn't show it. You figured he was letting some of his dormant humanity rise to surface in this moment.
You shook slightly trying to prepare yourself for the next round of pain once your shoulder was fixed, but James didn't give you any time.
"Three," he commanded, snapping your shoulder back into its socket before you had a chance to even reaction.
You let out another cry of pain, holding onto Zemo's hand tightly, but somehow, the fear of the oncoming pain dissipated as you let go of his hand and rubbed your shoulder with minimal soreness.
You cleared your throat and looked at everyone after a few moments of rest. Surprised at how efficiently James had handled your shoulder, but then again, he was the perfect person to do the job.
You scrunched up your nose at James, "What happened to one and two?"
He huffed out a laugh, "It worked didn't it?"
"Thank you. All of you," you gave a lazy smile through the tiredness that filled you up. "I think I'll be okay now - that was the worst of it. Promise. Walker didn't do any further harm to me. I managed to convince Lemar to get Walker to back down," you glossed over the section where Walker threatened you, but you could bring that up later.
None of them were satisfied with your response, but you're guessing they let it slide given the circumstances.
Zemo reached into the freezer to grab an ice pack. He handed it to you to place on your shoulder helping with your recovery. You accepted it from him extremely grateful. You mused your opinion of him was constantly evolving the more time you actually spent with him.
Sam had asked if you were sure there weren't any other areas you wanted to have checked over for injuries.
You assured him, you were alright, just tired and very sore.
Bucky had swiftly gotten up from his chair and made it known he wanted to go after Walker this evening. You knew he wasn't going to let this incident go any time soon. Sam had also been in agreement after fully understanding what transpired, but Zemo was eerily silent.
"You guys should follow your original plan. Don't let Walker distract you. I'm alive and I am going to be okay. Go follow your lead on Karli," you interjected, trying to be the reasonable one. There was no need for them to go off halfcocked while they were still very upset. You were too, if you were being honest with yourself, but your focus was on your friends first and foremost.
"Well, we're not leaving you here alone. I can stay behind and let Zemo and Sam check things out," James said.
"Actually, it makes the most sense if I stay behind," Zemo chimed in.
"Why is that?" Sam countered warily.
"The particular location you are going to, I have....a history there. It would be wise for me to not be seen in that part of town as to not raise any alarm bells," he reasoned with them.
"And why should we trust you with her?" Bucky asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.
"Because I have no motive to do any harm to her nor shall I allow any further injury come to her. On this James, I give you my word," Helmut replied, the seriousness of his tone was not lost on anyone in the room.
"Okay," Sam relented, moving about the kitchen to pack some food for their evening night out.
"Just like that, huh?" James said with disbelief.
"Yeah, just like that," Sam parroted back.
Bucky wasn't happy about the situation, but there was an urgency to find Karli, so he caved.
James leaned over on the counter to make sure you were 100% okay being left along with Zemo, reminding you at any time you can call and they'd rush back instantly for whatever reason.
You stood up slowly, balancing the ice pack on your shoulder and shuffled over a few steps towards him, "Thank you. Now, go."
You waved to to your friends a second round of goodbyes for the day. You sagged against the counter, temporarily forgetting about Zemo for the moment. You really needed to lie down.
As if he read your thoughts, you suddenly felt his presence as an arm wrapped around your waist, resting firmly against your hip.
"Here, let me help you get someplace more comfortable than this," Zemo asserted, taking his free hand and dropping the ice pack from your shoulder onto the counter. He then grabbed your left hand, raising your arm and wrapped it around his neck to help support you. So now most of your weight is on your left side, allowing your right to have most of the pressure released from your injuries.
You were so close to him you could smell his expensive cologne and aftershave. It was intoxicating and caused your head to swim a little. You stumbled slightly, but Zemo kept you steady as you both made your way to your room.
In your exhausted state, you managed to sneak in a few glances to Zemo, who was concentrating on the task at hand, not wanting to cause any jarring movements. He deserved more credit than you had been giving him; he truly did seem to care in his own warped way.
Once you had gotten to your room, he guided you to the bed to lie down. Not once had you complained. A true testament of just how tired you were. You couldn't even muster a snarky reply at his disheveled state of being, from practically dragging you down the hallway.
You snuggled into the hoodie you were wearing and tried to lie in a position that wouldn't cause too much discomfort for your shoulder and ribs.
Zemo had stepped into the closet and when he returned he came back with a couple extra pillows. He propped them against your injured side to prevent you from rolling over during the night.
If nothing else, Zemo was incredibly thorough when he focused on something. And right now, that focus was you. It was unnerving, but also thrilling at the same time. Maybe you did have a head injury, because all you could do was smirk at how utterly adorable he was tending to you. It made you curious as to whether this was what Zemo was like before. For the first time, you really wanted to know more about him.
You saw how he was confident in everything he does, and this situation was no different apparently. He had been muttering to himself as he adjusted bedding and made sure there was nothing in the room that you could trip over if you had to get up. He was taking in all the possibilities, like you did.
He had been actively avoiding looking at you though since Bucky and Sam left. You weren't entirely sure why, as he's had zero problems watching you over the past several days. You have a feeling it's because you're one of a few people who have seen beneath the surface of Helmut Zemo, and he's reacting the only way he knows how to at this moment.
You were too sleepy to ponder this any further and turned your head to the side to see what Zemo was fiddling with now.
He had finished up the last of his tasks and looked around the room satisfied with his work. Only then did he turn to look at you.
If it had been anyone else, you would swear that Zemo almost seemed nervous. He was, at many times in your experience, hard to read; so all of these new expressions are a different side for you to see.
Zemo tentatively sat on the edge of the bed next to you.
"Do you need anything?" he genuinely inquired.
You shook your head, indicating you didn't.
All of a sudden he laughed. It ended nearly as quickly as it had began. You raised an eyebrow him in reply, but he simply tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie you were still wearing.
Too tired to be embarrassed about it, you simply mumbled, "Shut up. I still plan on giving it back, although, given it's track record, you should quite possibly get rid of it. After what happened today, I think it might be bad luck."
You saw Zemo dip his head and chuckle at your reply. He look much more carefree when he laughed. You'd have to add him to your daily list. Make Zemo laugh.
His expression sobered rather quickly though and became pensive after that, staring out the window briefly before resting his gaze back on you.
"You keep it. It looks better on you."
Not knowing what to say, caught up in the storm in his eyes, you give a small smile. You can feel your cheeks turning red under the intensity of his stare.
Zemo stood up, getting ready to leave when you stopped him by latching onto his wrist.
"Wait," you murmured.
The swift action caused him to furrow his brow in confusion.
You weren't sure exactly what you wanted from him, only that you didn't want him to go.
You could tell you startled him with your request. Your eyes grew larger realizing the potential double meaning.
"Just until I fall asleep?" you clarified, a yawn escaped as you covered your mouth.
Zemo visibly relaxed and had you relinquish your hold on his arm so he could pull up a chair to your bed. He turned his head around the room in search of something. He went to the nightstand and picked up your book.
Amusement flitted across the features of his face as he read the cover. Zemo sat down on the chair and propped his feet up on the side of the bed.
You shut your eyes and tried to block out the soreness covering your body. Tomorrow would be worse. The next day always is. You had begun to doze off, when ever so quietly, you heard Zemo's voice fill the room.
He was reading to you. Lulling you into a peaceful sleep and letting you know he was still present. Wanting you to know, in his own way, he was upholding his promise to Bucky and Sam. That you were safe with him. That you could trust him just as you had, when you asked him to stay in the first place.
With those final thoughts, you drifted off, listening to the subdued sound of his voice.
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thetypedwriter · 3 years
Harrow the Ninth Book Review
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Harrow the Ninth Book Review by Tamsyn Muir
This book is a pretentious trash fire. 
...in my opinion, of course. 
One of my favorite things to do when I finish a book is to look at reviews on Goodreads. Usually, I try to formulate and write down my own thoughts first, as I don’t want to be influenced by others’ thoughts and opinions, but I couldn’t help myself this time. 
As I envisaged, the reviews were mostly positive with sporadic one or two star ratings. Unfortunately, my review will emulate those fellow abysmal ones. Trust me when I say that no one is more disappointed than myself and my best friend. 
As I buddy-read Gideon the Ninth with her, so too did we also accompany each other while reading Harrow the Ninth. However, because of things like life and jobs, she was well ahead of me and warned me quite succinctly that I was going to hate this novel. 
And she was right. 
Now, I can still appreciate Muir’s writing skills, her creativity, her myriad vocabulary, and the sheer guts this novel probably took. Muir is a fantastic writer. She’s obviously skilled, highly detailed, and unimaginably creative. Her vocabulary is insane.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with so many unfamiliar words in my life. And just like the first book, Muir continues to advance her world-building, the magical universe of necromancy, her character base, and the conflicts. 
All of this being said, the book was still atrocious. 
You might be wondering how I could spout all these lovely compliments at Muir and then turn around and stab her book through the cover. It’s quite simple really. The book was absurdly confusing. 
Not confusing in a hahah, what a cool mystery! kind-of-way, but in a what the hell is going on for 2/3rds of the book kind-of-way. This feeling as a reader is dreadful. 
Now, I like mystery as much as the next person. I don’t like to be spoon-fed every morsel of information from an author that doesn’t think I can comprehend a little ambiguity, but this novel in particular takes this idea and chucks it off a cliff. 
Things are so ridiculously intentionally confusing from the get-go, a feeling I thought would go away once we got 15 pages in. Then 30. Then 75. Then 100. This book makes no goddamn sense until, no joke, maybe the last 100 pages. 
Now. The last 100 pages were phenomenally entertaining and especially titillating when we actually started getting answers, but for me, wading through 300 pages of absolute nonsense, over-the-top language, and purposefully perplexing scenes in which the readers are given no kind of payoff or even the chance to understand was not worth it to me. 
We see no hair nor hide of Gideon Nav until the end, we don’t even really get the real Harrowhark until too late in the narrative, the plot doesn’t make sense until near the finish line, and the payoff just isn’t worth it. 
I also especially loathed the second-person-point-of-view. I always wondered why more books weren’t written in the 2nd POV and now I know why. It’s the absolute worst. Even after the twist at the end in which the POV genuinely has an explanation, it didn’t make the fact that I had to read 300 plus pages from that viewpoint any better. 
I really wanted to like this book, I really, really did. 
And for the most part, it seems like Muir’s risks paid off as most people praise it highly and enjoy the jumbled mess that is the narrative, including my friend. I get that. I acknowledge that. I also acknowledge that this book isn’t for me. 
I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t get to see the characters that I had grown attached to. I didn’t understand the burgeoning whatever was happening between Ianthe and Harrowhark, disliked the idea that Harrowhark was incapable of loving anybody except “The Body”, and I abhorred the feeling of being in the dark for so long.
I grew bored, irritated, and uninterested, a feeling that lingered even when I started to see the light of the end of the novel. 
The only pinprick of hope for me was God. I found him almost sickeningly enjoyable. I have no idea why. I’ve always been a huge sucker for the all powerful character with immense stature that seems banal and ordinary on the outside.
I mean his name is John for god sake, John when we have other characters called Harrowhark and Mercymorn. I found him unironically enjoyable. 
Other than that, however, this book was quite an unfavorable experience for me. 
Now, the question begs: will I be reading Alecto the Ninth?
Honestly...I’m not sure. I’m still strewing over the train-wreck that I found this sequel to be and the thought of the third novel makes me want to cry. Unless it’s more reminiscent of the first novel. If that’s the case, I’d be more than happy to read it. 
I suppose I’ll have to wait for it to come out, read the reviews, and then ultimately decide if the next installment of The Locked Tomb will belovedly return me to the universe of Dominicus or end it for me permanently. 
Recommendation: Read Gideon the Ninth, then read my review, and then peruse many more before deciding to pick up the sequel. Maybe read an Amazon sample before purchasing. I highly recommend you taste a sampler of this story before deciding to purchase it yourself.
Or, better yet, check it out from your local library and save yourself the cash and the potential heartbreak. If it ends up being your next love, you can purchase it after-the-fact and not before like me. 
Score: 4/10 
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I find it interesting how each Feral boy is with DreamSMP lore and how they approach it if they do. This is also some ideas and improvements. This is all my opinion and you don't have to agree or disagree.
Disclaimer this will be me using comparisons as it makes it easier to explain. This isn't me saying one person is better than another. Some might be negative points, some will be positive so no critical tags sorry. Even with me once again expressing my strong negative opinions on Tales. The idea is good the execution is not.
This is based off of multiple things; Character story, Character traits, Lore?, Plot holes, Fan theories, General enjoyment, Viewer impact, Clear goals etc
Dream seems to enjoy it the most as he offers to join everyone's lore as well as helping when he can and also trying to include others into "main" lore He also has managed to create a character with a full storyline without not once streaming from his perspective. He's very good at doing things that may seem small at the time but ends up having a huge impact. He manages to have a full storyline and a complete character but still leaves room for theories and headcanons for people to add on (Dreamon my beloved 💕). Because we don't see his perspective we don't know his intentions or goals so he's made his character detailed but mysterious which is actually quite difficult as he's the main character (Sorry Ranboo but it's true)
When it comes to acting he's very good at staying in character even when things get a bit scuffed obviously there's a few moments of breaking character but they're not him trying to get others to break character with jokes and voices they're genuine fuck ups (Accidentally blowing himself up and breaking character to both clear up confusion about it being canon and to switch from a tense atmosphere to give the audience a break for a bit and breaking character to say his Twitch handle after accidentally breaking TOS so George didn't get banned)
Dream said he's got a storyline from his perspective and it's all prerecorded which I'm excited for as I think it's going to be a bunch of flashbacks which could expand both character backstory but also create more storylines for people to bounce off of. For example if he did a flashback with some of the OG members they could build from that. It could give more of an explanation of why he changed. Essentially Dream's lore could be a bunch of behind the scene clips giving more lore for characters like him discussing the egg or prison with Sam, him and Punz talking more about the deal, him and Techno , him and Puffy, him and Ranboo. Dream is the main character because literally ever other character can do a flashback scene with him and build a whole storyline from it. For example Dreamon Hunters can be bought back in which already was linked to the Egg by Fundy. To sum it up Dream's lore from his perspective can not only made way for multiple new theories and headcanons but also is the easiest way for other characters to have more dimension even with a 20 second clip. And it gives more context to Dream as a character. Disclaimer this isn't me saying people can only be dimensional characters because of Dream I'm saying that Dream is the easiest way for someone to start a storyline that they can then work on if they want.
Quackity can do lore if he puts his mind to it. However it also has to rely on multiple things. Who the lore is with?, How serious is it? And What's the vibe? Basically if Quackity is with people who don't do serious lore or people who crack jokes often then his lore won't have that good quality lore I know it can be. For example Quackity's lore with Sam and Dream couldn't be replicated with most other people on the server. I can't even imagine if Karl and George were trying to do the prison lore. Even in Quackity's big stream you can see this difference Schlatt's bit dragged on and often got derailed because whilst they were both interested in the lore they weren't invested. The bit with BBH was a bit all over the place because they were both talking over each other and you could sort of tell it had little to no script or end goal but this was also partly down to them both being very into lore. They both tried to stick to their pre-existing character traits which clash Vs the Prison which had a clear script even if it was vague. Go to prison, convince Sam to bring weapons, Go torture Dream. Sam, Dream and Quackity are 3 of the most mysterious characters who have no clear plans, you can't predict their moves which is why any lore with them is good because they don't have a character personality that they have to stick to. For example Dream is known to adapt for each person so he could be nice one minute and demon child next.
Once Quackity has broken character he used to completely lose it. The vibe was gone however I was highly impressed with how he and Sam managed to keep the vibe when the prison broke. Previously Quackity would have lost his shit and derailed everything. I do think Quackity's strongest lore point is going with other strong lore members or just being on his own.
George and Sapnap I'm going to sort of link together. They both seen to be a bit meh on lore. I think it genuinely depends on what mood they're in. I also think that they'll both be much more comfortable doing lore that's prefilmed Vs live on stream.
Sapnap is very good at bouncing off of people so I think he'd be really good at lore with most people. I think Sapnap could definitely capitalise on the angst of being the abandoned one who is loyal to death but doesn't have the same in return. Like Dream both Sapnap and George are good at voice manipulation meaning if they want sad angst they can sound upset. Sapnap seems more tempted to do on the spot lore so he can't back out so that's another option. Like Sapnap has multiple headcanons handed to him and I know this bitch can act his little yeehaw soul out. Even if it's short clips talking to people like Punz or Sam who he seems closest to.
George has this strange ability to kickstart ideas for lore and then let's others build from it. (Also his ability for all of his lore to have a LGBTQ subtext like pack it up Dean Winchester) I genuinely don't think it's intentional however I think with a bit of thought he can have a general well rounded character. I know he did that lore the other day and has started to build up a character background however I think he's better with less serious lore people as I don't think he can do serious mood streams like Dream or Ranboo but can potentially hold it long enough for a bit like Techno or Phil. I think George's weakness is he'd rather someone else guide him through lore instead of doing it himself. Man really doesn't like being the main character.
Karl seems to want to do lore but doesn't have the ability to create it. He has all these ideas but can't form a proper story about it. I used to have this issue where I had all these cool bullet point ideas but I could never form a cool idea with them and I think Karl has the same issue. In my opinion if Karl does want to continue with Tales and bullet point ideas I think he needs help formulating a bit more of a story. Once again like Sapnap and George I think he excels in prerecorded lore however it's also either heavily scripted or he's having his hand held through it. Which is fine but that's why a lot of people can't connect Tales to DreamSMP as his streams are the only ones that are heavily scripted and it gives off a different vibe. Karl is also too bubbly to crack down on serious lore which is fine not all lore needs to be serious and angsty however he tries to make it deep. I personally think that Karl should capitalise on this uwu soft boy persona he has. No deep lore. Obviously choosing memory loss time travel involves serious moments but I think he needs to split it more between dark angst and wholesome Karlnapity moments. What I mean is that Karl on DreamSMP and Tales Karl seem like 2 completely different characters that just so happen to share a name. I think the prerecorded bit at the end needs to begin to add his DreamSMP personality a bit more.
TLDR: Dream is strongest lore, Quackity works best with serious lore with people invested or on his own with a bit of direction, Sapnap and George will probably be better off doing prerecorded lore as it seems more comfortable for them, Karl struggles to put his ideas into a storyline and would benefit from doing less heavily scripted pre recorded lore to make his storyline cohesive Vs a bunch of one shots.
To sum it up Dream is Hot and should bring back Dreamons, Quackity needs to work more with serious lore people, Sapnap should Capitalise on his loyalty trait and constant abandonment for maximum angst, George should cry on command more, Karl needs spend more time writing instead of paying for builds.
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Sun transits in the houses☀️
Transit Sun in the 1st House
With the transit Sun in your 1st house, your focus is on you. You can work on your appearance, make changes in the way you behave with others, and need to express yourself in some way. You want attention more than usual, wanting to be in the spotlight. It’s a good time to start something new in your life, especially going down a new path. You’re more independent, but also self-centered, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You need to focus on yourself every once in a while. You’re more confident, bold, and daring, and you’re willing to go out and take what you want without waiting for anyone’s permission or help.
Transit Sun in the 2nd House
With the transit Sun in your 2nd house, your focus is on your material wealth. You may try to work out your finances so you feel as though you have more money, or do some extra work to make more. Having more disposable income makes you feel more secure, as well as having more objects that are of value, so you may purchase something that will be worth more over time. Just make sure you don’t spend too much on it now. You may seem more grounded and practical, and you don’t want to rock the boat. You likely won’t start much new during this time, and instead continue to work on the projects that you’ve already started.
Transit Sun in the 3rd House
With the transit Sun in your 3rd house, your focus is on communicating. Your mind is more active, you have more ideas and thoughts, and you want people to hear what you have to say. You’re more social, so this can be a good time to make connections. You want to stay busy, and can take on many tasks, but usually smaller ones that can be completed quickly. You’ll have trouble with anything long-term because your concentration isn’t great, and you’re a little scatterbrained. You keep your schedule packed, and this can be a good time for some short trips. You may want to learn something new, or are more curious about the way things work.
Transit Sun in the 4th House
With the transit Sun in your 4th house, your focus is on your home and family. You may do something new to your home to spruce it up, buy or sell a home, move, or fix something. You could do more with your family, spending more time with them than working or being social, and can have family outings or get-togethers at home. You want to feel as though you have a solid home base, a place that’s comfortable and where you feel secure, and that you’re connected to your family. You can work on building up your inner foundation and getting in touch with your emotions. It’s also good for planning long-term projects.
Transit Sun in the 5th House
With transit Sun in your 5th house, your focus is on fun. You don’t want to sit around, work, or deal with serious issues. Engage in your favorite hobbies, go out with friends, attend parties, and go on dates. You’re a little more daring and a lot more enthusiastic about life. You seem more friendly and outgoing, and you come across as warm and funny. You want attention, and you can get it. You may be a little more dramatic and theatrical with your behavior, but you’re just living life to the fullest right now, experiencing and enjoying as much as you can, and you want everyone to get in on it with you so you have company.
Transit Sun in the 6th House
With the transit Sun in your 6th house, your focus is on work. It’s not the time for play and silliness. You can get through work projects easily because you’re more focused and pay attention to the details. This is an excellent time for getting done smaller projects, but not the larger ones since you’ll have a harder time dealing with the big picture. You can deal with your day-to-day affairs, the mundane tasks of life that most of us shun, and make improvements to your routine, as well as your health. You’re better at working by yourself but for others rather than starting things up on your own. You can come across as more analytical, distant, and a bit of a perfectionist. You could also deal with or get a pet.
Transit Sun in the 7th House
With the transit Sun in your 7th house, your focus is on other people and your relationships. It’s less about you and more about them. You work better with a partner, and feel better when you’re with someone in a one-on-one setting. You can have a hard time doing anything alone or being in a crowd. You want to make improvements to your relationships and become more committed. You come across as more charming, mediating, and can make compromises happen. You’re also concerned with balance, and try to strike the perfect balance in your life, so if you’ve been spending a lot of time on work, you’ll spend more time playing, and try to balance the scales.
Transit Sun in the 8th House
With the transit Sun in your 8th house, your focus is on transforming some part of your life. You’re not satisfied with leaving things the way that they are, and want to make something better. This could be some aspect of your life, personality, or even a physical object. You spend more time by yourself reflecting on life, and seem more serious, brooding, and emotional. Your emotions can sway between extremes, and you may hold a lot in and be secretive. You’re excellent at researching now, and can dig below the surface of anything to get to the heart of the matter. You can also deal with your joint finances, financial partnerships, debts, loans, taxes, and inheritances.
Transit Sun in the 9th House
With the transit Sun in your 9th house, your focus is on expanding your world. You want to have experiences that open you up to the other ways in which people live, and give you greater perspective. You may spend time with people who are from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds from yourself. This is a good time to learn something new, study philosophy, or go back to school. You identify more with your beliefs, and love to have a lively debate about it with people. You’re more outspoken and willing to voice your opinions. You have an easier time dealing with the big picture, but have a harder time with daily life. You’re more honest, blunt almost, and might stick your foot in your mouth.
Transit Sun in the 10th House
With the transit Sun in your 10th house, your focus is on the direction your life is taking and your goals. You want to take a look at how your life is unfolding and where you’re going in life, and determine whether or not you’re going in the direction that you want to be going in. You want to accomplish a goal, and are more hard-working and sacrificing to get it. You take a more practical approach to life, and have to deal with bosses, parents, mentors, or other elders. You’re recognized for work that you’ve done, and can be praised, or you can be punished if you haven’t been behaving right or smart. It’s a time to be responsible and mature.
Transit Sun in the 11th House
With the transit Sun in your 11th house, your focus is on independence and the future. You want to do things in groups, spend time with friends, and are quite sociable, but you don’t actually need any of them, and don’t want to feel tied down to anyone or anything. You keep yourself somewhat at a distance from people and don’t want to deal with emotional drama. You concentrate more on your future, what your dream future would look like, and what your hopes are. You have a better grasp on what you want your future to be, and can formulate ideas of what your ultimate aspirations are. You’re also more of a humanitarian now, and want to help the world as a whole, so you may get involved in a cause. You’re attracted to the unconventional, and don’t want to be put in a box.
Transit Sun in the 12th House
With the transit Sun in your 12th house, your focus is on your subconscious and letting go. Old issues can come up that you need to face and move on from. This is a good time to get rid of baggage, and clear your life physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. There’s always something that you can get rid of. You may feel drained, especially around people, and need to spend more time alone to recharge. You don’t want to be in the spotlight, and prefer to stay in the background and not get any attention from people. You may seem more sensitive and emotional, require more rest, and are more intuitive. You’re also more compassionate, and you want to help people who can’t help themselves.
*this is all information I found on the internet while looking on this topic
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quidfree · 3 years
hey im reading wuthering heights for school and i chose it over frankenstein bc i saw it on ur blog a while back lol do you mind sharing more of your thoughts on it if you have any more? they were so interesting!!
i really like this ask so i’ve been sitting on it trying to think of a good response, but i can’t quite formulate it in a nice digestible way so it’ll have to be a bit all over the place.
the main thing that i want to talk about is how funny it is that your main choices were frankenstein and wuthering heights, because to me these are extremely similar books in a lot of ways? firstly in that i really love both of them for quite comparable reasons (nb choosing WH on my say-so will hopefully nonetheless not be a choice you regret haha), but also because they have a lot in common?
both have two of my fav narrator set-ups in literature which involve a random intensely pretentious and obtuse outsider who is retelling the whole book as a tale within a tale about a really wild holiday he had. this is iconic because (a) i love reading povs from people who are annoying because the author made them so on purpose (b) it adds a fun layer of hearsay to the dramatic plot of the book to know how unreliable the story we get is. the nanny in wuthering heights is one of the most infamously controversial narrators in classic lit and honestly i don’t trust the bitch either. but yeah tldr lockwood and walton are both insufferable dumbasses who r taken by the dramatic male protags and way too into the super personal crises of the mcs.
obviously the Gothic Girl Core…. brontës and mary shelley really paved the way in the aesthetic and the horrible sad lives they lead. but they’re both incredibly good at conveying Gothic Atmosphere, from the Humanity to the Wilderness to the Evil Within. scenes w pathetic fallacy in both books have some of the best descriptive passages in western lit in my humble opinion. like the combo of the Dark Scenery and Inner Turmoil…. and theres also the Women Writing Men aspect that adds some Layers that i always find interesting.
mary’s is more about Privileged Male Intellectual Hubris (wonder why) and emily’s is more Emotional Turmoils of the Rich and Fucked, but both have a psychological element that disguises a deep and interesting questioning of ethics and society. What Makes A Man + Nature and Nurture are core qs of both… inherent savagery and the cultivation of goodness… yeah theres a lot going on there.
bad communication kills guys! (but really though)
everyone in both books is like, either deeply annoying or deeply horrible or both, and make Bad Choices constantly, so you have to be willing to ride out the consequences of these terrible choices to enjoy them. personally i love flawed people being horrible as long as they’re framed properly so for my money the vibe in both can be both Haute Comédie and Deeply Tragic as you ride along and it’s all very enjoyable. altho victor frankenstein is more of a bitch than anyone in WH and i will stand by that. actually WH kind of edges out frankenstein in this regard bc the whole supporting cast in frankenstein is like obnoxiously saccharine but in WH basically everyone sucks at least a little so it’s more fun and balanced. esp true wrt cathy and heathcliff vs victor and liz.
i like people’s Dark Urges and Personal Failings driving the story… like yes i enjoy greek tragedy inescapable fate bc it hurts the most but when people are Responsible for the bad they create… that’s Modern and yet real. both works walk the line between Inherent doom and people very much making Bad Choices A Lot. and i enjoy that they were both women in very repressed & sexist societies writing hard violent grim stories that disturbed audiences as much as enthralled them.
also this isn’t comparative but kate bush’s wuthering heights = top 10 songs based on literature, yeah?
anyways sorry this is only half about WH & uses very gratuitous caps for emphasis but seriously please submit thoughts or interesting essay questions on WH proper after this if you like i really enjoy talking about classic lit w you all :)
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lesbiansanemi · 3 years
Now I'm curious about your issues with Black Clover. Honestly I like it a lot, I can't say it's one of the best new gen anime (simply because I've seen literally 3 anime in my entire life lol) but I'm hyperfixated on it. I'm still curious to read your opinion, I like your ramblings even though you often destroy characters I love lol
Oh, well I’m glad I can at least be entertaining while I rip characters you enjoy to shreds laskdjkla but yeah sure
So I love shounen, especially fantasy shounen. It’s my favorite branch of anime, and there’s only ever been two fantasy shounens I have not enjoyed, and unfortunately Black Clover is one of them (with Naruto being the other)
Ultimately, it all boils down the fact that it’s just very, very formulated; both the characters and the story. It’s packed to the brim with tropes, which wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, if anything was ever developed past the initial trope or given depth outside of it, but... it’s not. Fantasy shounen is honestly a very formulated genre, at their core, about 90% of them are exactly the same when you actually examine them. Which is fine! It’s a formula that works! People enjoy it! (I’m proof of that, and shounen’s always been super popular). It’s just... when that’s the case, you do need to work harder to find subtle ways to set your story apart from others, and Black Clover just did the exact opposite of that. It decided to lean into every fantasy shounen trope and formula with everything it had. You can see bits and pieces of practically every fantasy shounen that came before it, and those pieces are just barely holding together with an overly simplified overarching plot duct-taping them together. Again, there’s nothing wrong with tropes or paying homages to other series, but uh... Not saying it’s directly copying from other shounen, but there isn’t a single piece of Black Clover that genuinely feels original. Some big examples are Asta’s entire goal being “I want to be the wizard king!” basically being the updated version of Luffy’s “I want to be the pirate king!” and Yuno is every single shounen MC’s rival rolled up into one bland, “I’m always slightly better than you” character, and... yeah the Magic Knight Squads are basically just Fairy Tail guilds, with Asta joining the ragtag band of misfits that are disliked by authority figures because they’re unhinged and don’t fucking listen (sound familiar?). So right out the gate, I was bored with it
That isn’t even getting into how tropey the characters themselves are. Practically none of them have a layered personality, and even backstories were designed and developed to feed even further into the original trope they were based on. Yami is the over powered, stoick, badass mentor. Noelle is the Girl who’s half her personality is that she has a crush on the MC and the other half is she wants to Get Stronger for the MC. Luck is literally just a berserker, like that’s his entire Thing. Like I mentioned above, Yuno is nothing but the “rival” character. And the further you go out from the main characters to side characters, the more and more tropey they get. The only character that even kind of began to break away from his initial trope was Fenral. 
And then... of course... Asta. I fucking hate Asta. He is so annoying, and an annoying protagonist is literally the worst thing you can do to your series (it’s why I hated Naruto so much, despite liking the premise and most other characters in that particular series). Asta can literally be boiled down to three things which are: “I want to be the Wizard King,” screaming, and being overly happy-go-lucky (even about his demon powers which was so fucking lame and such a let down). He has literally no actual layers to him, even if you try and dig and search for literally anything. 
And then on top of all of this, all the arcs I’ve seen so far have been super overly simplified, the fights are really nothing to write home about, the world building is pretty “meh” and filled with lots of holes if you examine it. Literally the only thing about the series that I actually genuinely think is cool is the concept of Asta’s “anti-magic” and even that isn’t used to it’s fullest potential or explained with the depth it needs (also why does literally no one actually give a fuck that this kid possesses a power no one else in universe does? Like they all just accept that? Wtf)
Idk, yeah. It’s just not the series for me. I think it can be good in the sense that it can be mindless fun, or a good starter anime, but as far as an actual good or interesting story? Yeah, nope, nothing there. Certainly not when it’s compared with other new gen shounen like Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Fire Force, etc (all of them have interesting protagonists at the least lol). 
And I mean, it is ranked 41/77 out of the anime I’ve watched so it’s nowhere near my least favorite by any means, I guess? Haha, but yeah, no. Definitely not the series for me, and I’m never gonna understand the people who praise it for being one of the best new gen, or for saying it’s using older shounen tropes better than series like Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail, etc
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mercyxkilling · 3 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you...
@chronicparagon​ said: [If it’s not too late, my url please?] -- oh my darling, it’s never too late to send me memes, even if i reblogged them years ago (though if they’re really old you’ll probably have to send me the context lmao; i have the worst memory in the fucking world!)
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: harmony, harmony, harmony... i mean, the girl’s name says it all! she’s such a sweet and wonderful girl from what i’ve gotten to see of her. she’s so accepting of others, so open-minded, and so ready to rush into action if it means she can save another person. mercy is such a bad influence and i’m almost worried for her when she and harmony interact, not that i don’t think that the other woman can’t think and act for herself or formulate her own opinions, of course! it’s just that i worry that there could be so much friction there and that’s the last thing i want for an OC like harmony that i truly, truly adore and feel like deserves better... in fact, i think that beautiful girl deserves the best things in life alone tbh. (i wish that i’d drawn her better a while ago, but now that i have my tablet hooked up and now that i have photoshop... maybe i’ll get you a better sketch this time around, yeah? :3c) how they play them: this is always kind of a hard question to answer when it comes to OCs since they aren’t canon or have something i can base their portrayal off of and be like ‘oh yeah, it’s true to game/movie/comic/whatever’ or something like that. but i really can say that i enjoy the way you play harmony, everything down to her fear of fire, to her pride of her heritage, her love and kindness, and the way that she strives to help others. closed-minded people are so quick to write off a female OC with a kind heart when those kinds of characters have SO MUCH to offer the creative writing world, and i’m so glad you’re here and that you’re apart of it, sharing what you do with all of us. it’s truly a joy to see, you know? the mun: when i’ve posted stuff that, unfortunately, has sometimes been on the negative side, you’re one of the first people to slip into my IMs and ask me how i’m doing, offer me advice, and talk me down, or at least into a more manageable mood. now i’m not saying that others don’t do that for me, too, but... i mean, because we don’t talk a whole lot or interact ic very much (and that is ALL my fault btw because my muse is a fickle fucking bitch... and because i’m SO afraid that mercy will clash with harmony because of her awful personality--at least depending on the point in her narrative we’re at) you’re still almost ALWAYS at the forefront sending me supportive messages to bring me up and to get my feet back on the ground when it sometimes can seem impossible depending on the situation. you’re such an amazing person and i feel like people (including myself) don’t remind you of that or tell you that often enough. so thank you for... simply being who you are.
do i;
follow them: of course i do!! rp with them: we have exchanged ic things here and there, but not nearly enough. i want to change that soon, but as i’ve stated above, i do have my reservations. nothing to do with you or harmony at all!! it’s just mercy. but i do owe you a starter, and i plan on getting to that very soon! want to rp with them: bitch you bet your sweet ass i do. ship their character with mine: i mean, sure? if it happens then it’ll happen! familial-like bonds, platonic bonds, enemies, frenemies, actual lovers... who knows!? there’s room for all kinds of things and i would welcome them all as they happened!
what is my;
overall opinion: my god i adore you, i adore harmony, i adore the thought that you’ve put into her background and development, i love seeing you on my dash, and i look forward to seeing even more of you in the future. i hope you’re not too upset with me for having sat on a ton of asks that you’ve sent me in the past, but just know that i still have them and i still plan on answering them eventually! you mean a lot to me and i’m not about to just throw them out because ‘i wasn’t feeling it’ at the time you sent them to me. and honestly? if you’ll have me? i’d love to have lots of interaction with you in the future. :3c
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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btxtreads · 4 years
haha okay 👏👏 since you guys want to play, fine.
I, like most of you, am on MOA stantwt and I have seen all of the conversations circulating around there brought here by some MOAs pushing the CA Narrative. However, it was explained OVER AND OVER by ACTUAL NATIVE AMERICANS that it wasn’t appropriation, but appreciation? I’ve listed it all down:
The reason why it was called CA was because of a feather in a headband, but it was explained that the boys didn’t wear a full headgear, wear face-paint or make fun of the culture so it isn’t meant to offend. Check that thread here.
An Inca from Peru explained how these headgears are part of their economy sold for tourism—labelling these as CA, when Incas themselves openly sell it for a living, would actively bring down their economy and impact their tourism industry as a whole. When it comes to the culture, it was also explained that they were actually proud when their headgear is used and actively welcome that. Check that thread here.
In relation to the point above, clothes are also part of the tourism industry—not just headgear. All of these crafts are made for the tourism industry to flourish, and the actual culture that does this is happy to share their craft and see foreigners enjoy it. Some are being alarmed with the fact that this is being labelled CA because this might make tourists wary of wearing these crafts, thus negatively impacting the business. Another point they made was the fact that a MUCH worse CA by literally leaving a native goddess on the floor and sitting on her throne. But none of you talked about that, yet you are all angry at a fucking headband and a cardigan which makes no sense. Speak about that first and call for a statement about that first before bullying a boy for wearing a feather. Check that thread here.
Since when did feathers become CA? Cultures all over the world use feathers, including Asians themselves—yes, even koreans. Designs for Ancient Korean Hanboks often include feathers themselves. Doesn’t the fact that you saw a feather and immediately thought “holy shit this is CA” make you the racist appropriater in this regard? Check thread here.
Native americans have explained that feathers are not CA—on threads OUTSIDE kpop. People around the world wore feathers throughout history for many reasons—warmth, symbol for power, religious reasons, etc. Feathers are easily accessible because birds are everywhere. It’s been used for centuries by different people—so why are you calling out 5 boys for doing so? Check that NON-KPOP thread explaining that here. Related thread here, also non-kpop.
Here are some articles differentiating appropriation from appreciation since you guys are all confused about it: (one) (two) (three)
I am not Native American, I do not want to speak over them—this is why I only explained points backed up with threads made by actual Native Americans. Because this is how you comment on things. You find claims and formulate an opinion based on that—“I’m not native indian but this is what I think” is utter bullshit.
The fact that a whole lot of you are ready and willing to drop TXT just because of this small controversy being pushed by non-natives is insane and goes to show that you don’t really like the boys for their talent—but rather the fact that they have a clean slate. Stop. TXT is not your token boygroup.
BH should make a statement to clarify and not apologize like you all are pushing because the actual Native Americans are saying it. There is nothing to apologize for.
Now, if you really want to talk about helping Native Americans, stop talking about TXT and sign these petitions.
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Put your wings on me...
For the lovely @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321 🤩🤩
Hope you’ll enjoy the story!
TW: Mentions of past abuse.
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On the road to other adventures, Geralt, Dandelion, and (Y / N) took advantage of being alone during their journey to rest a little before facing new dangers. 
(Y / N), their new adventure companion belonged to the fairy people. Her mastery of magic and pleasant character struck a perfect balance between the shadowy witcher and the talkative bard.
And the duo appreciates her company, especially Jaskier, who falls head over heels for her.
But what fascinated the young bard the most was the young woman's immense wings. Two wide ebony black wings that could obscure the sun when deployed.
One day, as they stopped near a forest for eating, (Y/N) extended her wings to be at ease. The same wings that amaze the bard since the first day he met the fae.
Geralt noticed that his friend can't take his eyes off of (Y/N), and he growled:
"Damn it, Jaskier! Stop staring at her like that!"
"Oh, leave me alone, Geralt! You can't understand the enchantment of her wings!"
"I certainly understand that it'll bring you into trouble... As always!"
The young man pretended not to hear and tempted, he extended a hand to the wings and gently touched the dark feathers. They were so soft and delicate as silk. Although he felt their strength and their might.
However, this sudden touch did not please (Y/N) who jumped out of her place, shrieking with fear:
Startled, Jaskier felt from his place, while Geralt stayed silent surprised by the sudden outburst.
Once she felt better, she turned a furious glance at Jaskier:
"Why did you touch my wings?"
"Well... Because..."
Jaskier was stammering: the most talkative musician of the country was unable to formulate a sentence. Probably because he never saw her angry like this. 
Geralt sighed: he knew that it would happen. But Jaskier was so stubborn that he did not listen...
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was still enraged towards the bard. How dare he touch her wings? How did he think he was?
"No one ever touched my wings! NO ONE!"
"But (Y/N), I swear that I mean no harm..."
"That's not very helpful, Jaskier!"
"Please, Geralt, don't make it worse!"
The fae darted her eyes on the witcher.
"And you let him do it?!"
"I just wanted him to know what would happen if he dared!"
(Y/N) was surprised.
"Wait a minute... You did not tell him?"
"Tell me what?" asked the bard.
Geralt sighed before negatively shaking his head.
"Oh, no..." she groaned.
"Can somebody explain to me what's going on?" asked Jaskier, irritated.
Geralt started to explain:
"Well, as you're not familiar with the fairy people, I forgot to tell you that their wings are extremely sensitive!"
"You've seen it by yourself: she felt your fingers on the feathers, even if you barely graze them!"
"So... Was her reaction only based on self-defense? A natural response to potential danger?"
(Y/N) bit her lip, embarrassed.
"This is not the only explanation for my reaction, Jaskier."
She breathed before explaining:
"A long time ago, before I met you, I was in love with a human. A man named Argen. We loved each other for years..."
She dryly smiled.
"I should say: I thought he loved me. But, one day, while I was sleeping, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I woke up, and I saw Argen with his knife in his hand..."
Jaskier saw all the pain she tried to contain as she pursued her story:
"It did not take me long to understand what he was doing. He tried to sever my wings..."
"Why he did that?" asked Geralt, visibly shocked.
"That's what I begged him to explain. He coldly told me that he wanted to be sure I would never leave him. Moreover, he heard that his king promised a reward for those who would bring him a part of a magical creature..."
"What a monster!" muttered Jaskier.
"What did you do?"
"I was so enraged... I deeply scratched his face and broke his limbs. After that, I flew away, and I swore to never come back nor see him again!"
(Y/N) wiped away the tears that start falling and concluded:
"It is the reason that I do not want anyone else to touch my wings. It always brings me back those frightening memories!"
"I understand now..." mumbled the witcher.
As for Jaskier, he stood silent a long time. 
Ashamed, the fae said to him:
"I am sorry for yelling at you, Jaskier. I thought that..."
Geralt and (Y/N) were taken aback by the sudden answer.
"Don't what?"
The bard gazed firmly at her:
"Don't say you're sorry. I should be the one apologizing to you right now. I hurt you, and I'm remorseful. Furthermore, I acted poorly towards you. Even if your wings are as astonishing and beautiful as you, I should have asked you first if you allow me to touch them! So, I'm sorry if I acted as crudely as this despicable Argen. I hope you will forgive me!"
The fae faintly smiled: she knew enough Jaskier to understand that his intentions towards her were pure, and all of this was based on a misunderstanding.
"Don't worry, young bard. I already forgive you!"
"What a relief!" breathed Jaskier.
"You're lucky it ends well!" added Geralt.
"Geralt, why do you always kill the mood?" 
The fae laughed at the bickering between the two friends. Then, she told the bard:
"Now that everything is clear... You can touch my wings!"
"That's very nice of you (Y/N), but I must decline. I don't want you to feel forced to do so. Maybe later, when you feel ready!"
"Alright, I'll wait. Thank you!"
"You're welcome!"
A few days later.
In the tavern they settled down in for the night, Jaskier prepared himself to go to bed.  As he opened the door, he realized his mistake as he saw (Y/N) brushing her hair.
"Oh, sorry! Wrong bedroom!"
"It's alright, you can come here..."
"Well, if you allow me..." muttered the bard as he closed the door behind him.
With a warm smile, the fae stretched her arms and opened her wings.
"Oh, dear Lord!" gasped Jaskier.
He wanted to reach them but stopped before. With a shy voice, he asked:
"Will you allow me to touch your wings?"
"Permission granted!"
Widely smiling, Jaskier started skimming the soft feathers. His touch was gentle, which relaxed the fae.
The bard pursued his touch until he felt a wing surrounding him in a welcoming gesture. Amazed, he looked back at (Y/N).
"You know, in my opinion, your wings are a gift from above!"
"Yes, because... When you hold me like this, I feel like an angel protects me!"
(Y/N) beamed with a slight blush on her cheeks.
"I'm glad to be your angel!"
"And I'm glad that the said angel put her wings on me. This is the sweetest proof of trust you ever give me!"
He held her hand.
"Thank you for giving me your faith!"
"Thank you for respecting my worries and giving time!"
The two stayed like this, enjoying the company of each other in this room lit by candles.
For this day, (Y/N) wasn't scared anymore that someone else brushed her wings as she savored the gentle caress of Jaskier on her ebony feathers. He was her savior, she was his guardian fae...
Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed!
See you next time! 🥰😘😍
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harris-coopers · 5 years
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Inside Lili Reinhart's Launch Party for Covergirl's Clean Beauty Collection
The actress speaks to The Hollywood Reporter about doing her own makeup on 'Riverdale,' as well as her experience as EP and star of 'Chemical Hearts': "It was time for people to see me in a different light."
Lili Reinhart is getting behind clean beauty. A Covergirl ambassador since October, Reinhart celebrated her first campaign on Thursday with a launch party of Covergirl's Clean Fresh line at Rolling Greens nursery in downtown Los Angeles.
The brand tapped her as the face of the collection, which includes vegan highlighters, blushes, foundations and lip oils formulated without parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde, talc, fragrances and phthalates.
"It's just walking art, living art," says the Riverdale and Hustlers actress of the power of makeup. "You can do whatever the hell you want to your face."
Covergirl — which is under Kylie Cosmetics majority owner Coty — joins other beauty labels in the clean beauty realm. Several stars-turned-entrepreneurs have put their weight behind the movement, including Jessica Alba, Victoria Beckham and Miranda Kerr, who promote more natural or safer ingredients in their respective beauty empires.
At the outdoor event on Thursday, Reinhart chatted with Euphoria actress Sydney Sweeney, both in pink ensembles. The Instagram-ready guests enjoyed fresh coconuts branded with "Covergirl"; butternut squash and coconut garlic creme pizza; and an edible garden featuring puffed wild rice "soil" with black olive and breadcrumbs, seasonal baby vegetables, mini jewel lettuce heads and housemade ranch dressing. On the drink menu was a watermelon fresh cooler, fresh pressed juices and the "Easy Breezy Rosé," of course.
Also on hand was a plant-decorating bar, where attendees received a potted aloe plant and filled the pot with quartz stones, pink sand and colorful moss to fit the au naturale theme of the makeup collection.
Ahead of party, Reinhart (who has previously repped Dermalogica) sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to discuss her work onscreen, in the makeup chair, as an executive producer and as a brand ambassador.
Why did you want to partner with Covergirl?
When the opportunity presented itself, I of course was thrilled. More people congratulated me on Covergirl than anything else. They were like, 'Oh my God, you're a Covergirl? That's incredible.' It was always a strange experience when people congratulated me because it was humbling, like, 'Wow this is a big deal.' I love Covergirl having their first male spokesperson, James Charles. It felt like Covergirl is such an inclusive brand when it comes to that and that's incredibly important.
Why is clean beauty important to you and what's your journey been like learning about the benefits?
I wasn't aware that clean beauty was even a category. It's so crazy to think that that exists, and then the opposite exists. There's obviously products out there that have a lot of stuff going on in them. Consumers are smart and they're paying attention to what they're putting on their faces, as they should be.
It's a lot harder to get away with producing low-quality products. A lot of people think of a vegan line as being very top dollar, and so the fact that Covergirl has found a way to make it extremely affordable is really admirable and cool. It's important that people have access to that. I wasn't too familiar with it until this line.
Patrick Ta (the makeup artist to Gigi Hadid and Olivia Munn) worked with you for the shoot. What was that experience like?
It was my first time working with him. It was great. I've never seen my brows look so good. I was like, 'Damn.' He used these makeup sponges from Japan or Korea. They were the softest makeup sponges I've ever used in my life. Of course you can only get them in Asia so I'm like, 'Guess I'm going to have to go to Asia and get some sponges!'
Your Riverdale co-star Madelaine Petsch said she does some of her own makeup on the show. You do as well?
I started to do my own makeup just out of comfort, when I would go to set in the morning. I love makeup sponges and I love the way they feel on my face and I was like, 'I wanna do it!' So I started doing my own foundation and I started doing everything. I've always enjoyed doing makeup. It was a very meditative thing to do in the morning. Because I'm not a morning person, it became a very easy way for me to just zone out and do my own thing.
I've experienced, over the last few years, makeup artists who really don't know my face and they try to make me look like something that I'm not. It gives me less anxiety to it myself and know that I'm going to look the way that I want to look.
How is Betty's makeup different than your own, besides being heavier for the camera?
It is heavier. Betty is natural, but because you're on a camera [there's] definitely more makeup involved. I do more eyeshadow for Betty than I do. I really don't wear eyeshadow unless I'm going out or it's a particular event that I'm doing. In my day-to-day, I wear very minimal makeup, but for Betty it's a process. You got the whole bronzer and highlighter and liner. I'm much more basic.
So how long does it take you to do Betty's makeup?
Like 30 minutes. I used to be 45, but I don't have the patience anymore. I'm just like do it, do it, do it, fast. In my real life, I only take like five minutes to do makeup. I use Clean Fresh Skin Milk Foundation, I put on the back of my hand, I put a sponge in it. I put it all over, do my brows and then my Covergirl Exhibitionist mascara and my lip balm.
What beauty tips have you learned from various makeup artists you've worked with?
I've learned a lot about what products to use — what works for me and what doesn't. I've enjoyed using more colorful eyeshadows over the last year. People in general are being more playful with the colors that they're using on their face, especially their eyes. It's been a very experimental time in makeup right now.
What trends are you loving on the red carpet this awards season?
The makeup on the runway has become such a thing now. Like Valentino did a collection where girls had [feathers] on their eyes [by Pat McGrath]. I was like, 'Oh my God.' It's just so beautiful and so dreamy. It's just walking art, living art. Makeup really is a way to just — it's like a blank canvas everyday. You can do whatever the hell you want to your face. I think that's awesome.
Sounds like you have an admiration for Fashion Week?
I do, I definitely do. I don't have time [to go] because I'm usually filming, but I do enjoy Fashion Week and I like fashion. I'm wearing Valentino today.
Well speaking of filming, your Amazon film Chemical Hearts wrapped. What's a big takeaway there for you?
One of the best filming experiences I've ever had to be honest, because I was an executive producer on it as well. I worked so closely with the director [Richard Tanne] for months beforehand and got to help with the casting process and I just think it was a script and a story that meant a lot to me.
It was based off of a book, so I read the book first and fell in love with the book. It's a bit of a melancholy movie. It's not like your average teen love story movie. It's not funny. It's almost like a teenage Blue Valentine in a way, if I want to toot my own horn. I loved working on it. It's very different from Riverdale and it was time for people to see me in a different light.
What was the appeal of stepping into that executive producer role?
That came into effect with the post-production and pre-production. I was very involved in the script and the casting, and then also for post-production, I have been involved in seeing different cuts of the film and giving my opinions on 'Does this work? Does this not work?'
Having my opinion actually matter and having Amazon executives listen to me and the director really take what I'm saying seriously, it definitely makes me want to be a producer on more things in the future. I really loved wearing that hat as an executive producer, so [I] definitely would do it again. It's a lot of work, I didn't realize, but I like having control. I like being in charge of things and having my opinion count for something.  
source: Hollywoodreporter
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