#(Thank you for the asks!)
occudo · 11 months
Patron saint of art I want to stick all over my wall
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one of these is not like the others...
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
About Asks
I just want everyone to know that I'm not ignoring anyone's asks! (Don't worry, no one brought this up to me, I just kept thinking about it.)
I get so so so many amazing asks, and I see them all. If you sent a lovely message about LoF and what it means to you, I saw it, and I keep it dear to me! If you sent an ask that hasn't been answered, it's likely because it could be a spoiler (major or minor) and I might go back to it later. Whatever the reason, please know that I see you and I really am grateful that so many of you love LoF <33
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juanabaloo · 2 months
Plot hole that bothers me: where was Faith in "Helpless"?
Oooh this is such a good one, thank you for asking it. Pretty sure others have talked about this before, here's my attempt:
This is post Amends but pre Bad Girls, so the Faith and Buffy friendship is going pretty good at this point. (Literally we've only had 5 Faith episodes by Helpless, and that's how quickly she and Buffy get to a good place.)
In Helpless Faith is purposefully sent away so she would not interfere with Buffy's birthday Test by Giles. (cruciamentum is an annoyingly long word) I don't think the Watcher's Council thinks much about Faith, if they do at all...
[related - this ask answered by coraniaid is great and includes Post taking Faith out of town for the test at Giles' request. also it gets into how hands off/disorganized The Council is.]
Anyways, Giles has heard Buffy talking about Faith and knows they patrol together. He also knows Faith spent Christmas Eve with Buffy and (mostly) Joyce. So he knows Faith would definitely not stand by while Buffy gets tested. So he sends her out on a silly mission, like gathering a weapon from LA or something like that. He does not tell her that the Test is coming up for Buffy.
More under the cut bc this got really long!
Giles wrongly assumes that Faith is aware that on her 18th birthday a Slayer gets this Test. This is because he wrongly assumes Faith has already been through this herself, bc she is already over 18. In my HC Faith IS over 18 she only seems younger sometimes bc she's emotionally immature. In my HC she is over 18 but she has not had the Test and has never even heard about it.
[if you HATE the idea of Faith being older than 18 by Helpless, then Giles thinks she is over 18 bc he snooped one day while she and Buffy were sparring in the library and he found her wallet and saw her fake ID**. This leads him to believe she is in fact 19 or 20 or 21. So in this slightly divergent timeline Faith is only 17 but she still won't ever have the Test bc she doesn't have a proper Watcher / they don't really care enough about Faith to give her the Test.]
[** MORE FAKE ID thoughts: It honestly makes the most sense that her fake ID would say she's 21 so she can buy liquor bc that's what *ahem* most people did back then. BUT also Faith would not have much trouble getting guys to buy her liquor so maybe she only needs her fake ID to prove she's over 18 so she can get a bank account. BUT it seems weird that she's THAT responsible and she's not just shoving her cash under her mattress...
FAKE ID CONTINUED: Other interesting theories for a fake ID to prove she's over 18 that aren't about liquor or opening a bank account: change her birth name (non cis Faith? she already changed her name TO Faith?? maybe she has her Mom's name and she hates her Mom so she changed it on the fake ID? all valid), get piercings/tattoo (although in the 90s it was very common for under 18s to have these), get a job (only believable if she wasn't already a Slayer), buy a car (maybe an aspirational goal), go parachuting (another goal?). ANYWAYS enough thoughts about fake ID Faith this is turning into a fic prompt with like 10 options...)
MORE AGE THOUGHTS: Sorry one more thing. It seems unlikely that Fatih would be sentenced (for murder 2) to 25 years to life in prison - not jail but prison - for murder without legally being 18. Well just researched that and sadly this isn't true. I thought maybe her going to prison was a point in favor of her being at least 18 by ATS 1x19 Sanctuary but perhaps not. It's unclear. There's a 2000 California Prop 21 that seems relevant, which passed in March 2000 and Sanctuary aired in May 2000. And ofc the carceral system sucks and makes mistakes and Faith might have lied about her age.]
Where were we? Giles thinks that Faith already passed her own Test and knows that Buffy will get one when she (Buffy) turns 18. This leads to some trickery by Giles, bc he wants to hide when Buffy's birthday is from Faith. He shares a fake birthday for Buffy with Faith in a very awkward conversation while they wait for the Scoobies to assemble one day in the library. (Repeating the I Robot You Jane continuity error from S1.)
Faith thinks it's weird bc it seems like Giles is telling her to buy Buffy a birthday gift - which is already weird in itself - - and bonus leads her to wondering if Buffy is telling Giles what gifts she wants Faith to buy her, like a girl might with her Dad Watcher about a boyfriend -- and it's even weirder bc Buffy's birthday is months away. Thankfully the Scoobies arrive, and Giles stops talking about it. But the lingering "queer vibes boyfriend gift buying vibes" nugget has now been planted in Faith's already pretty-gay-for-Buffy mind.
And since i HC Faith as over 18 by Helpless, Faith should have gotten her own Test back in Boston but Diana (her Watcher) did not administer it. Diana had plans to, or plans to somehow avoid giving it / giving Faith a cheat, but then Kakistos came and she became pre-occupied with surviving him. (She sadly did not, as we know.) (Bonus points for the very sad HC of Faith turning 18 on the same day that Diana dies. OR she could turn 18 on a bus by herself during her cross country trip to Sunnydale. Give that girl more angst!!)
Diana never told Faith about the Test so Faith doesn't have any idea Buffy is in danger, even when she learns that Buffy has her 18th birthday coming up. And how does she learn this, despite Giles's attempt to hide it?
When Willow mentions something about Buffy's birthday coming up! Faith is confused bc of the prev Giles birthday talk. Once Xander mentions something as well Faith knows that Giles was lying to her. (This adds to her mistrust of Giles / The Council, not that she needs it.)
Faith resigns herself to the idea that Buffy doesn't want her around for her birthday party, and that is why Giles came up with his awkward birthday talk / lie. (This also reinforces the idea that Giles is very close to Buffy, since he's telling birthday lies for Buffy.) Faith then leans headfirst into her Slayer duties leading up to the week of Helpless, bringing it up to Buffy multiple times so Buffy knows Faith isn't totally wounded annoyed about missing Buffy's birthday.
(I'm not sure how Faith gets to LA for the Giles-weapon-mission. If she drives herself it makes her ATS 1x18 Five by Five bus arrival kinda "look how far she has fallen." If she takes the bus it makes her ATS 1x18 Five by Five bus arrival kinda "oh she knew what to expect at the bus depot bc she'd been here before.")
In LA Faith learns some local stuff (what neighborhoods are dicey, where the fun clubs are) and does indeed find the weapon Giles has sent her to get. She returns after Helpless and is surprised when no one talks much about Buffy's birthday party. When she tries to chat with Buffy about it in a fun casual way - it's clear Buffy doesn't want to discuss it.
And what weapon does Faith bring back to Sunnydale? It's the sword she uses in The Zeppo's first scene! It turns out not to be as important as Giles predicted, but that fits with this plot hole filler.
Faith doesn't find out about Giles drugging her for the Test, bc Buffy is repressing it and no one else ever talks about it again. (I don't agree with the writers' decision about this really terrible thing Giles does, but this filler needs to match on both ends.) This also matches bc if Faith ever did find out about it she would be incensed to the point of shouting and at least shoving Giles, if not more. She def would not shut up about it to Buffy, even if Buffy asks her to not bring it up again. ("How can you trust him B? After what he did to you??")
Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this! It was a lot of fun. Thanks so much for the ask!
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jemgirl86 · 3 months
Marvin and Chardonnay? Do tell.
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Hi! Thanks for the ask ❤️
Tagging @katatonicimpression & @thatmexisaurusrex because they both asked about this one too.
I started this a while ago, maybe for the Valentine’s Bingo, and it’s still not finished. I only have approx. 1400 words written. Anywho, the main plot: Bucky wants to propose to Sam, but after talking to Rhodey he realizes that proposals are a lot more… of an event than they used to be.
Eventually, he decides to use the Quantum Tunnel to go back to 1976. Sam’s told they’re going to fight some random Hydra agent, but really they’re going to see Gaye’s famous Amsterdam concert so Bucky can propose at some point during the night lol.
Here’s a snippet:
From jump the meeting has been out of the ordinary. First off, Bucky had called them all together, which was weird in and of itself. Sam always called the meetings and briefed everyone. Even on the rare occasions when he was otherwise occupied and someone else had to gather the team for one reason or another, it had never been Bucky. Well, mostly because if Sam was off doing something, especially something work related, then nine times out of ten, Bucky was right there with him. But even if Bucky hadn’t been, he enjoyed the team meetings about as much as he would’ve enjoyed a hole in the head. So, seeing him voluntarily organizing one and leading it, was just a bit much for Sam.
There was also the not so small fact that this newest mission, if he chose to accept it apparently, didn’t even make sense. Well, not so much that it didn’t make sense, more like Bucky hadn’t given him enough details to make sense of it. And yet, everyone else at the table — Bruce, Riri, Joaquin, Scott, Monica, hell, even Rhodey — was acting like Bucky’s completely out of the blue idea to use the new and improved quantum tunnel to go back in time, to Amsterdam of all places, to… catch a Hydra agent who’d moved there and started a new life, with a new identity to match, at some point back in the day, was perfectly reasonable.
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ax1s-mod3l-014 · 4 months
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selnyam · 2 months
For the Dawntrail inspired questions- 15, 17, and 20! Answer as many of those as you wish!
15.What was their experience like in Living Memory? Flidais struggled a lot here. It was incredibly hard to see all these people, knowing they had passed. To see her friends get to meet and say goodbye to family and loved ones. Where she has no memories of her past, it was hard to not think "I'll never say goodbye to my parents, never gt to meet them like Krile." She also had a really hard time saying goodbye to Cahcuia, because she was a woman so full of life and joy. Who wanted to travel and see the world. She was exactly the kind of woman Flidais would love. To show her the world and so much of the star and nature together. Because that's how Flidais sees the world. She wants to see and experience so much of the beauty and love of the world. She wanted to share it with Cahcuia... but they were too late and she never would get the chance. (suffice to say I was a sobbing mess the entire zone, to the point I worried my wife) 17.The theme of family and legacy is repeated throughout Dawntrail—did this theme resonate with your character? Were there specific moments relating to family that impacted them?
it resonated really well with Flidais, especially the 'family isn't just blood' parts. As I said in the previous question, she doesn't know about her birth family. She has no memories of her parents, any siblings, or who she was before she lost her memories. But she's made a family here. She has a wife, she has partners, she has loved ones. She has the twins who she adopted after they were disowned, she has amazing friends. She has people who call her sister, even though they have no blood, that she loves dearly. I may have started crying when we were asked if we had someone who we loved like family, even though they weren't by blood and Alisaie looked at us. that said it still caused some sadness for Flidais, because she won't ever know her birth family. 20. Do they lean more Tuliyollal or more Solution Nine? Tulliyollal, but mainly because the sight of every regulator caused her anxiety and stress. As an amnesiac with so few memories, the idea of willingly letting those of your loved ones be taken HORRIFIES her. She wants to love the city and the people but she's just so stressed out there. She's working on it though, fighting through her fears and anxieties. (partially by fighting in the Arcadion to show what you can do without a regulator, partially by making out with Melancholy at the bar) Dawntrail Questions here!
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babygirlwolverine · 8 days
And what is your least favorite thing about Cas? 😉
that he isn’t my best friend
probably that he’s impulsive and does things without thinking them through (and I’m the same way and i drive myself crazy that I do things impulsively whoops), but that’s such a human trait for him to have that it’s actually in a roundabout way my least favorite and also one of my most favorite things about cas
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violinist-rachel · 9 months
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Rachel smiles pleasantly and waves. "Hello there! How do you do?"
Tagged: @tumblerors
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15, 18, 30, 34 for Glorfindel/Erestor💜
(I love all your fic and art for my otp!!)
Thank you so much, anon! I'm glad you enjoy them. 🥹
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
Not only is Glorfindel the movie crier, he's just hands down the crier of the relationship.
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
Glorfindel is a talkative drunk and an even more open version of himself. Alcohol magnifies whatever state Glorfindel finds himself in, so you can either steer him to joy that he starts singing with the bards, or to despair until he's crying over his pint.
Erestor is a quiet drunk. He doesn't like getting drunk in the first place and gets even crankier, if that's even possible. He cannot believe he's allowed himself to be so careless as to get drunk lmao.
They tend to take care of each other when only one is drunk. Erestor can swat away anyone who bullies Glorfindel into the more outrageous dares (which he happily would have done). Conversely, Glorfindel would be the only one brave enough to pull Erestor out of the room when he's so drunk he starts reprimanding everybody.
When they're drunk together, they stick to each other and their conversations won't make any sense to anyone but themselves. People generally would just leave them to it, since somehow they keep one another in check even while drunk.
30. Pet names? Yes or no?
Glorfindel: Yes!
Erestor: Hard pass.
(Narrator: Erestor is a liar.)
34. How do they cheer the other one up during sad times?
Glorfindel stays with Erestor. It is rare that anything anyone says would change Erestor's mind, and he stews about things and is best left to do so. But company doesn't hurt, and it's good to be reminded that whatever happens, there is someone rooting for him and wishing for his happiness.
Glorfindel is a bright spirit, but when caught in despair, he can spiral. He thinks about the things he could have done differently and can drown in guilt and regret. But for him, words do have power, and Erestor has a way of pulling him back. Erestor’s light comes out best in times of crisis, because it is then that his practicality and impersonal perspective make him the most forgiving. We do not so much as fail as our abilities can only do so much in the face of a world that unfolds with no conscious sympathy. Erestor reminds Glorfindel of the important things, the great things amidst all the seemingly bad, and helps him sit with the reality of it all without putting blame on himself.
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orions-bolt · 4 months
Kinky q's 10 and 11 please
10. Where did you last cum?
@fell-contract's 🍑 and lower back 🙈
11. Are you hornier in the morning or evening?
i'd say i am reliably horny in the morning but i think the evenings hit different (and better).
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crownleys · 6 months
Ooooo, 3, 12, and 20 for those edgy asks? if you want to!
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Answered here! Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
No, I wouldn't really say she's self destructive! Though if she is, it's via self-isolation. More unconscious self-sabotage than anything. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest? She doesn't really get jealous! She can get a teensy bit competitive, but I wouldn't say jealous.
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calamity-aims · 4 months
[fruit ask game]
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Oooh this is a hard one because I feel like I get a lot of love! Maybe a once and future sun just because I liked the imagery, but I get why it didn't hit with the general public because it's 1) a oneshot and 2) weird.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
REX. OH MY GOD REX. I find Rex sosososososo hard to write for some reason?? Like I still haven't finished the last chapter of Unexplain the Unforgivable because Fox has to talk to Rex and I just. can't. do. it.
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juanabaloo · 1 year
Top 5 sapphic movie recs? :)
Thanks for the ask! In order, from 5 to 1: D.E.B.S. (2004) - Lucy and Amy Mosquita y Mari (2012) - Yolanda y Mari - the one movie i would show my kid self (if i could time travel) Bound (1996) - Violet and Corky Imagine Me and You (2005) - Luce and Rachel Saving Face (2004) - Wil and Vivian - the one movie I would save from a fire (if i could only save one)
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[captions top to bottom: Lucy and Amy with guns drawn in D.E.B.S. Yolanda and Mari hanging out in Mosquita y Mari. Violet reaches out to hold Corky's hand in Bound. Luce laughs as Rachel fishes her wedding ring out of the punch in Imagine Me and You. Wil looks at Vivian's hair and then stares longingly at her face in Saving Face.]
Highly reco all of these! More spoiler-free ranting, worksafe gifs, and trailer links under the cut. (one mild SPOILER ... but good news: none of these women die, like not even a little bit!!)
starting the list at Number Five: D.E.B.S. (2004) is Comedy, rated PG-13, and a campy delight. I buy the chemistry between Lucy (L below) and Amy (R ), and it's a cute enemies-to-lovers story. It doesn't take itself too seriously. And as the gif text says: Charlie's Angels but it's actually gay!!!
Best to watch: when you want something campy with some fun spy action scenes. Kissing plus. Also: Jordana Brewster!
D.E.B.S. (2004) trailer
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Number Four: Mosquita y Mari (2012) is an unrated Drama (PG-13-ish IMO) that's one of my all-time faves*. Mari (L below) and Yolanda (R ) are high schoolers and they are INTO EACH OTHER. You can practically see the vibrations in between them. It's about two Chicanas and it touches on family and money and immigrant stuff. (*If I could go back in time and show my kid self one movie - out of all the movies in the world - it would be this one.) There is a lot of intimacy between them, but there's nothing explicit.
Best to watch: when you want to reminisce about high school and that friend you had feelings for. Grappling and holding hands and snuggling. Also: gorgeously shot scenes that set the mood, even with no dialogue.
Mosquita y Mari (2012) trailer
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coming in at Number Three: Bound (1996) is a Heist movie, rated R, and amazing. The directorial debut of the Wachowski sisters. Chemistry for MILES between Violet (L below) and Corky (R ). Also a strong crime/thriller/heist plot, aside from all the chemistry. I don't find the violence to be THAT explicit but that's my opinion.
Best to watch: when you want to see a very sexy heist movie and don't mind some violence. Rated R for a reason (both sex and violence). Also: Jennifer Tilly and her voice! Gina Gershon in a white tank top! Both of them in leather jackets!
Bound (1996) trailer
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Number Two: Imagine Me and You (2005) is a Rom-Com that's rated R, and super cute. It's love at first sight but there's some angst. Rachel (first gif below, L) is trying to resist her attraction to Luce (R ). I feel like this movie doesn't really deserve the R rating. Anyway, it's cute and fun.
Best to watch: when you want some decent angst, but a happy ending. Lots of intense making out. Also: British accents! a flower shop! Dance Dance Revolution! Piper Perabo and Lena Headey!
Imagine Me and You (2005) trailer
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and at the top of my list at Number One: Saving Face (2004) is another Rom-Com that's rated R, and it's PERFECT TO ME. If I could only grab one movie to save from a fire - out of all the movies ever made - it would be this one! It's childhood friends - who reconnect as adults - to lovers. Vivian (L below in the first gif) is a dancer while Wil (R ) is a doctor, technically a surgeon. There's family and immigrant stuff, and they are both Chinese-American.
Best to watch: when you want angst with a happy ending, with some good mother-daughter stuff too. Flirting, making out, intense making out, hand holding, and yes a bedroom scene. Also: authentic Mandarin! a comforting mother-daughter relationship! a race to the airport scene!
Saving Face (2004) trailer
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Lightning in a bottle stuff here, seriously. Lynn Chen (who plays Vivian) had never been in a feature film before. Michelle Krusiec (who plays Wil) had never had a lead role before. Alice Wu wrote AND directed the movie, and this was literally her FIRST MOVIE. You would never guess any of that watching this movie. They all knock it out of the park!!
Any questions about any of these movies, send in an ask!
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within-infant-rind · 5 months
How about X Y Z?
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
For the series I’m slowly working on, there isn’t a character I don’t put through it - but I would have to say currently, Katie Pearlhead is going through it emotionally and physically and I love that for her.
Y: A character you want to protect.
Again, Katie Pearlhead. She is doomed by the narrative for her part in the Oxventurers story, which makes her a very tragic character.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Yes. I love a tragedy so I am here for character deaths if they are done well and are heartbreaking.
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fetchingtears · 2 months
ask game 26 30 57!!!
26. What are you craving right now? I answered this one here!
30. What's irritating you right now? Honestly I can't think of anything. I'm at home, I'm crocheting. Feeling pretty content.
57. Do you believe in true love? I do!
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falasta · 8 days
1 and 8 for the fandom asks!!!
1. This one I just answered previously 🥰
8. Fandom you're a part of that's the most obscure?
This is a hard one. I don't think I've really been in an obscure fandom in a meaningful way. Smaller ones, perhaps. Some that used to be obscure but have bloomed in the advent of AO3. "Cats" would probably have been considered obscure by me until I found it! 😂
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