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cyle-stuff · 2 years ago
(Man that’s a mouth full)
Macaque with the Little Monkeys!
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Plus This Hilarious Scene:
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(Also sorry the gif are horrible quality)
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etherealyoungk · 2 years ago
how seventeen deal with your period cramps
requested by anon: "Would it be ok for you to write : How would Seventeen react and help with bad period cramps ? (I am currently on my period and its killing me... I can barely stay up, cramps are hurting as hell, I have nausea, hell I feel the worst...)"
notes: tw for menstruation pain, reader therefore has a uterus
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tbh he's kinda a little bit Clueless, but he tries his best. cannot fathom the amount of pain you're in, but he does his research and immediately jumps up to boil water for a hot water bottle the second you tell him you're on your period. is confused by the idea of pre-menstrual syndrome n thinks that it's very unfair: bc you can be in pain???? even before the actual menstruation itself???? that sounds terrible :((( always has his arms open for a hug
spots its arrival better than you. can tell when your period is coming like some sort of seer. has a cupboard full of chocolates and snacks which he stocks up constantly and allows you to take your pick of whatever you feel like having when you're on your period. insists that you don't have to do anything while you're going through the worst of your cramps, tells you to just lie down w the hot water bottle he made for you n he'll do whatever you need okay? 
you Need to tell this man whenever your period starts bc otherwise he'll get upset that his calendar is all messed up :(( i firmly believe shua is the typa guy to keep track of your schedules for you, even if your cycle isn't regular. does Everything you want. you wanna eat a whole tub of Celebrations? he's rooting for you. need to cry bc the world is just too frustrating? tell him what movie you wanna cry to, he'll stream it illegally if that's what it takes. will probably also end up crying w you, but hey, we love a supportive guy <3
curses the menstruation gods every time you tell him you're having cramps again. is essentially trying to stuff you full of painkillers the entire day bc he hates the idea of you being in pain </3 wanted to buy one of those period cramp simulator machines to see how bad it was for you, ended up chickening out when you told him vv seriously that it was like being thrown into the pits of hell. isn't allowed near the kettle to boil water for you (due to previous Mishaps), so he'll give you a pillow to put over your stomach and hug you in his arms for warmth
is confused for all of two seconds every time you tell him you're having rlly bad cramps (again?? didn't you have them last month??) before it clicks in his head. coos and baby-talks to you, offering his shoulder for you to sleep on if the physical contact will help. builds you a pillow fort to get comfortable in practically every single time. you had a really bad headache one month, and so now he's constantly talking in a hoarse whisper when your cramps are bad
he's not Entirely sure what to do, but he does know that period pain can often manifest itself in mood swings, so he's always extra caring and considerate around your time of the month. will Let himself be yelled at if you do end up getting frustrated, then will hug you and pat your hair to help you calm down after. makes hot water for all the hot water bottles that you're ever gonna need. 
makes sure you take your painkillers on time, and also makes sure you eat. he's heard from his mom that loss of appetite can happen often during periods, especially when cramps are bad, and so he encourages you to eat foods with lots of magnesium and nitrates in it. will hug you if the cramps are really bad and you're practically crawling to him in tears. will probably hug you even if you're only pouting and talking in a sad voice tho, tbh. 
he researched that milk chocolate and white chocolate increase cramps pain, and so now he only ever gives you dark chocolate that's 60% cacao and above. has encouraged you to take up meditation when you're not on your period, saying it'll help strengthen you. you're still not entirely sure it's working, but then again, it's better to try than not. swaddles you in fluffy blankets and cushions bc seungcheol stole the hot water bottle to help with his indigestion or something
he's a lil confused, but he means well. carries you bridal-style everywhere you wanna go. searched up the types of foods best to eat to help with period cramps, and cooks food with lots and lots of spinach in it. regardless of whether you like it or not, because it's good for you and makes you feel better. spoon-feeds you the soup he makes, asks if it's making you feel warm inside with his adorable bright eyes
has a little corner in the bottom of his wardrobe full of sanitary pad packages, bc one time he panicked when you asked him to buy you some and practically cleared the whole shelf of them. also has like 3 boxes of chocolates stacked on top of them bc of that same time where he panicked and ended up buying too many. as a result, always has supplies whenever you need them. is a little clueless too, but he's willing to help w lots of hugs and warmth!! 
Knows your menstruation cycle for you. frets if you're a few of days early or a few of days late. if you have an irregular cycle, then oh god he's analysing everything to see if there's any sort of pattern. ngl he's a little nervous of you when you're on your period, but he's always ready to open his arms for you to draw you in for a hug if you need. starts crying if you end up crying bc of the pain/ mood swings, bc he's an empath okay n he feels your pain so bad
i get the feeling he's like. the hidden pro at dealing with cramps. you tell him that you're hurting, and he's already boiled the kettle to make you a hot water bottle, arms laden with snacks and blankets and do you wanna come into his room to relax and watch the new movie he's fixated on or do you wanna just go to your room by yourself and sleep? big encourager of sleeping through cramps, bc he swears it helps so much and actually. he is so right it really does
went through like five different brands of paracetamol with you during your previous cramps to see which one was the best n lasted the longest. steals the expensive chocolates from mingyu's stash bc really, the guy has far too much and it's more deserving to go to you when you're in pain and also pls share w him as a thankyou for getting them for you. offers to run you a bubble bath to help you relax, often forgets about the bath while he's doing other stuff and almost makes it overflow
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luvergirl-866 · 5 months ago
something like love
part - 1
pairing - paige bueckers x azzi fudd
word count - 4.1k
c/w - language
a/n - hi!! i am so so excited to be posting my first ever pazzi fic (and also my first post on tumblr!) she’s a cute little fake-dating rom-com for yall, and i hope you enjoy reading it as much i enjoyed writing it! updates will probably be inconsistent but im gonna do my best lol. lmk what yall think!! (edit: side note, this is obviously all fiction! i’m sure paige’s mom and step-dad are perfectly good people irl, lol)
“Will you go out with me?”
When Paige asks this question during their weekly lunch date, Azzi is so taken aback that she almost chokes on her Chipotle.
“Shit, you good?” Paige asks, concerned, handing Azzi a napkin to cough into.
Azzi waves her off, swallows, and croaks, “What?”
“Hm?” Paige is staring at her nonchalantly, like she didn’t just ask what Azzi heard her ask. “Oh, that. Yeah, will you?”
“I don’t—“ Azzi shakes her head. Is she being messed with? It feels a lot like she’s being messed with. “Paige, you’re my best friend.”
“I didn’t know you…had, like, feelings for me.”
“Huh? No!” Wide-eyed, Paige shakes her head violently. “No, ‘course I don’t.”
Azzi’s stomach clenches—not in the good way it sometimes does around Paige—and she thinks Paige could’ve bothered to sound less disgusted by the notion of her having feelings for Azzi. “Funny, P.”
“I’m for real.”
Azzi frowns. “Actually?” Paige nods and Azzi wrinkles her brow, confused. “So you wanna go out with me but you don’t feel…like that about me.”
“Were you even listening earlier?” Paige playfully rolls her eyes, sitting all casually in her seat with her legs spread like she has the biggest dick on campus. Azzi usually loves it when she sits like that, but now she’s too annoyed and confused to appreciate it. “I was talking about my mom.”
“Oh.” To be fair, Azzi stopped listening a while ago, when Paige was still talking about the hot electrician that fixed her leaky sink the other day. She wasn’t aware the conversation had taken a more serious tone. “Sorry, I spaced. What were you saying?”
“I was saying she and her fuckass husband invited me home for a few weeks this summer…” Paige waits, but it doesn’t ring any bells, so she sighs and continues. “They told me to bring Josh.”
Azzi scrunches her nose. “Eww, why?”
“Because…I haven’t really, like, you know…” Paige tips her head to the side, “told them we ended things.”
“Paige,” Azzi sighs.
“I know! I know. Just, I dunno.” Paige sighs, and Azzi knows she’s trying to act chill about it even though she likely laid awake last night thinking about it. “It’s hard, y’know? They’re not like my dad’s side, they’re not like your parents. You know what they did after I told them…” Paige glances surreptitiously around the restaurant, even though they’re far away from campus and not very likely to be recognized, “everything. And if I told them about Josh and they suspected something, I don’t think they’d let me see Ryan and Lauren again.” Her eyes are wide, now, and she’s doing that thing she does when she gets mad, pinching her bottom lip between her fingers.
Paige and Josh were never actually a thing, by the way. Paige doesn’t swing that way and she’s known it for a long time. But she came out to her mom over the new year, and that phone call had ended in a seething Paige at Azzi’s door, yelling and cursing while Azzi listened, and a broken one in her bed that night, crying herself to sleep while Azzi stroked her hair.
So a couple months later Paige recruited their closeted gay friend, Josh. And they became each other’s beards, pleasing her mom enough that she could stay in contact with her younger siblings. That is, until Josh found a nice boyfriend and Paige was left hanging.
Azzi tries to come up with something to say, something comforting, but she’s not sure there is anything to say.
“And I hate them for that,” Paige goes on. “But as long as Ryan and Lauren are still kids, my parents can still keep them from me. And it sucks they’re holding that over my head but there’s not a lot I can do about it.”
Azzi offers a sad little smile, letting her silence urge Paige to go on, even though she can tell it’s hard for her.
“So, anyway,” Paige sighs, sitting back in her seat, “when Josh ended it, I didn’t wanna tell them, because I knew the calls would stop coming, the support. And so whenever they asked about him, I’d be all, oh, yeah, he’s doing great, just busy. Just bullshitting my way through it.”
“And you’ve been doing this for the past two months?”
“Umm…” Paige looks down at her fingers, counting on them, then furrows her eyebrows. “Pretty much, yeah.”
“Okay…” Azzi leans forward on her elbows. “So how does your weird question come into all this?”
“Don’t say no right away,” Paige says, giving her this knowing look she hates.
Azzi narrows her eyes at her. “We’ll see.”
Paige reaches over to whack her and misses. “Lemme explain, damn. So, when they called me last night and invited me to come home with Josh, I was like, oh, shit. And I thought of ways I could handle it.”
“Uh-huh…” Azzi watches with wary eyes as Paige bends to rummage through her book bag. “Paige, tell me you’re not—”
“Let me introduce you to…” Paige keys up her laptop and then turns the screen toward Azzi with a wide smile, “Boom!”
“Oh my fucking god.” Azzi buries her head in her hands.
“No, bro, listen! It’s lowkey impressive!” Paige taps the screen. “It’s titled Game Plan for my Summer Visit to my Fuckass Parents, featuring Azzi Fudd. By Paige Bueckers.”
“Good Lord,” Azzi says, taking a peek at the PowerPoint in front of her. When has Paige ever gone to such lengths as to create a PowerPoint before? This must really be serious to her.
“So, listen carefully.” Paige taps the screen again; it changes from the title slide to one labeled ‘First (and worst) Option’. “I put the worst part because it’s true, but it’s also a lil rhyming moment.”
“Right, okay. Just keep going, please.”
“So, this is the first option that came to mind,” Paige starts, glancing down at the screen. “This is the option where I ghost my parents and refuse to come see them at all.” She taps the screen to a pros and cons slide. “As you can see, I mostly only came up with cons.”
“Yeah, because it’s a terrible idea.”
“I know. So then we have option two.” The next slide is labeled ‘Option Two (mid)’. “I put the mid part because—“
“I get it.”
Paige shoots her a look. Azzi playfully kicks her under the table. “Go on.”
“Okay.” Paige nudges Azzi’s foot with her own, but her attention is back to the laptop. “This is the scenario where I let my parents think that Josh and I are still together by telling them that I can come to Montana, but that Josh can’t. It’d be pretty easy, and as you can see here…” she clicks the screen, “there’s an even ratio of pros to cons.”
Azzi nods sagely. Sometimes, her best friend takes a while to get to the point, and Azzi learned a long time ago that waiting it out is the best way to go.
“But there is this one big con: I can’t keep lying to my parents forever. So this option is pretty much a way to procrastinate on telling them the truth. Which takes us to the last option.”
This slide is titled ‘Third Option (THE BEST)’ along with a few muscle emojis tacked to the end. A headache forms at the base of Azzi’s skull.
“This is where my awesome idea comes in.” Paige gives her a very self-satisfied smile. “Instead of Josh, I take you with me to Montana and we pretend you’re my girlfriend for two weeks. Literally a genius idea.” She leans back in her seat, nodding assuredly to herself, and Azzi can’t help but smile because she really loves this girl. Despite how bat-shit crazy she is.
“P, I don’t—“
“Hear me out.” Paige clicks to the final slide. This pros and cons list is mostly pros, and Azzi spots many love-emojis sprinkled throughout. “We pretend we’ve been dating since beginning of March. They know you’re my best friend; we’ll pretend that after Josh broke up with me, you and I bonded and fell in love or some shit. My parents won’t be happy, but I’ll already be there with you so they won’t kick me out or nothing.” Paige frowns. “Probably.”
Ok, so, Azzi absolutely hates to admit it, but this does actually make some sense. Not that she’ll ever say such a thing out loud.
“And then they’ll realize we’re totally in love and I’m happy and even if they hate gay shit they just want me to be happy, because I’m their kid.” Paige says this last part less like a fact and more like something she’s trying to convince herself of. Azzi can’t help but feel bad for her.
“Okay,” Azzi says slowly, watching Paige tuck away her laptop. “That’s your plan.”
“I’m seeing a few plot holes.”
Paige waves her off. “It’ll work. No plan of mine is gonna fail, trust.”
“And why should I help you?”
Paige gives her an easy smile, and Azzi sort of hates how confident she is. “Because I’m your best friend in the whole world and you love me.”
Azzi raises an eyebrow.
“C’mon, Az. What is there to lose?”
Azzi sighs and almost says something stupid like I’m in, but this isn’t just one of those things that she can help Paige with without thinking twice. It’ll be two weeks of torture, pretending to date the girl she’s secretly in love with while being surrounded by her homophobic family, and then having to come home at the end of the two weeks and pretend she never got to experience a glimpse of what it’s like to be with Paige in the way she’s always wanted.
It sounds like hell.
Azzi sighs again, ready to say no, but when she looks up Paige is staring at her with something more vulnerable than before, open in the way she bites her lip, her arm reaching across the table like she’s wearing her heart on her sleeve and waiting for Azzi to take it.
Azzi takes her hand, instinctually, and says, “Okay.”
She is so fucking gone for this girl.
They don’t talk about it for two days after that. It’s not that they don’t get the chance, or that they don’t see each other—they go to the gym together both days—it’s just that neither of them seems to have the guts to bring it up. And why should they? It wasn’t too scary while they were having the original conversation—nothing too big or threatening or, god forbid, real—but as soon as Azzi stepped into her dorm after that lunch, she realized just how much she fucked up by saying yes to Paige’s crazy idea.
It would be an understatement to say that talking about it is the last thing Azzi wants to do at this point.
Paige, however, seems to have other plans, as she usually does. When she storms into the living room—where almost every single member of the UConn women’s basketball team is doing homework—she makes a beeline for the seat beside Azzi on the couch and whispers, “Hey.”
Nika leans up from the floor to poke Paige with her pencil. “No chit-chat, we’re working.”
Paige glares. “What, I can’t talk to my best friend?”
“Shh,” hisses Aaliyah, barely pulling her eyes from her laptop.
Paige flips her off even though Aaliyah is too immersed to notice, and then she turns her attention back to Azzi, bumping their knees together. “Can we talk later?”
Azzi pretends to be focused on studying. “Mm. About?”
“About…” Paige glances around furtively, “y’know.”
Yes, Azzi does in fact know, but she really wishes she didn’t. “What’s there to talk about?”
“Oh, I dunno,” Paige says sarcastically. “Specifics? Rules? Details? I prepared a whole new PowerPoint.”
“So that’s what you’ve been doing the past couple of days.”
“Yeah, turns out I love PowerPoint.”
Azzi finally cautions a glance up, and Paige is looking at her, completely serious. The eye contact seriously messes with her ability to make sound decisions.
“Okay,” Azzi relents. “As long as you’re quiet for the next forty minutes, we can talk.”
Paige, dutifully, doesn’t say a word for the rest of Azzi’s worktime, letting everyone study in peace. And that’s how Azzi ends up in Paige’s bedroom an hour later, perched on the edge of her bed while Paige struggles with her laptop.
“Okay, fuck this,” Paige says after extensive fiddling. “My stupid fucking PowerPoint isn’t loading. What the hell.”
Every bone in Azzi’s body wants to take this as a sign from God, the fact that this PowerPoint isn’t working, that they’re not supposed to do this. She wants to walk out of the room—and this agreement—for good. But Paige is her best friend and Azzi had always been too loyal for her own good, so she sighs and says, “How about we just talk about it? Y’know, like normal people.”
Paige frowns but closes her laptop regardless. “Okay. So.”
“First off,” Paige says when Azzi doesn’t continue, “I just felt like I should probably say sorry for dragging you into this.” Paige scratches the back of her neck, always a little awkward when it comes to apologies. “I know it’s a lot to ask for.”
Azzi blinks, startled. “Oh.”
“Oh, well…” should she back out? If she were going to, now’s her chance.
Azzi looks down at a scab on her knee. “I mean, that’s okay.”
Paige shifts in her seat, the stool creaking underneath her. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. It’s not like this is the first time I’ve had to help with one of your ridiculous plans.” Azzi goes for lighthearted but knows it falls flat under the weight of what she’s going to have to do.
“Okay.” When Azzi looks up, Paige is staring at her suspiciously. She wonders just how bad of an actress she must be for Paige, the same Paige who hasn’t yet detected Azzi’s somewhat obvious, six-years-long crush on her, to see right through her. But then she just shrugs and continues, aloof like she always is. “So then I wanted to ask you about what you think we should do about…all this.”
“I was thinking we should get into the, like. The specifics.”
Azzi rolls her eyes. “Paige, just tell me.”
Paige gnaws at her lip until it turns white and Azzi starts to worry it might bleed, but then she says, “We need a sex timeline.”
If Azzi were drinking water, she would have surely spit it out.
“A what?” she asks, sort of incredulous. Paige has said a lot of crazy things before but nothing quite like that.
“Okay, my bad, weird way to put it.” Paige grins as if all of this is funny to her. “What I mean is we need a story to tell my family, our friends. Like, why did we start dating? When was our first kiss? What’s our song? Have we, you know…gone to the penthouse and freaked it?”
Azzi throws herself back onto the bed. Paige’s bed. Which she is just now realizing is probably going to be the bed that many of these fictional events are going to take place in. “Paige.”
Paige is giggling now, which is endearing because Paige doesn’t giggle often. If only it weren’t at Azzi’s expense. “We need to figure it out, for real! People are going to ask questions.”
“People are not going to ask those kinds of questions.”
“Um, excuse me.” Paige stands and walks over until she’s at the bed, pulling Azzi’s legs off the edge playfully. “Have you met our friends? KK’s not shy with that shit.”
Azzi’s ankles instinctively go around the back of Paige’s thighs, but she’s in a certain mindset due to their current conversation and the casual gesture suddenly seems much less innocent than usual. She unwraps them, pulling her legs from Paige’s grasp as discreetly as possible. “So we’re planning on telling them we’re dating, too?”
Paige shrugs. “Yeah. You weren’t?”
“I don’t…” Azzi straightens up as Paige sits beside her, their hips touching. “We spend every day with them, P. Don’t you think it’ll be hard to keep up the act that much?”
“Yeah, probably. But that’s also why I wanna do it.” As usual, Paige sounds completely sure of herself. “We only have a couple weeks until Montana and I wanna make sure we get enough practice acting like a couple.”
Azzi still feels uneasy about the whole thing, but Paige is right—they can’t get onto a plane as best friends and get off it a convincing pair of girlfriends.
Azzi’s face heats at the term. Girlfriends. But that’s what they’ll be, isn’t it?
“I was thinking we’ll tell them next week,” Paige says. “We’ll ask them to hang out and then drop it on them that we’ve been dating since March.” Paige must recognize the look on Azzi’s face, because she puts a hand on her knee—which does absolutely nothing to help. “Is that cool with you?”
Azzi can’t say all of the things she’s thinking right now, so instead she settles for, “Yeah, no.” She pauses, her feet on Paige’s fuzzy carpet, and decides this will be the last time she lets herself doubt this.
“I think that’s perfect.”
One week later, three Saturdays from the end the school year, Azzi sits with a bowl of popcorn in her lap feeling like she might hurl.
“Why are you acting so weird, Fudd?” KK asks, and Azzi startles at her name, looking at the freshman who’s sitting on the floor in front of her and giving her a weird look.
“Leave her alone, Camera,” Paige says, settling into the couch next to Azzi. “What movie we watching?”
They are all crammed into a dorm, as they often are, excited for a chill team movie night in the midst of finals season. Little do the girls know, they will be getting entertainment from more than just the movie tonight.
“No, KK’s right,” Ice says, scrolling through Netflix on the TV. “Azzi’s been acting super weird.”
Azzi, somewhat offended (she thought her acting skills were pretty decent) looks around the room for help. Instead, the girls all just nod their agreement.
Paige nudges her and raises her eyebrows, and Azzi knows exactly what that look means.
“You don’t have to tell us what’s up if you don’t want,” Inês says from her place on the other side of Azzi, dipping her hand into their shared popcorn. It almost makes Azzi want to back out.
Putting on her bravest face, Azzi nods and turns to face their friends. “Paige and I have something we’d like to tell you.”
There’s something odd about the silence that follows this, the way the girls on the floor look at each other before turning their bodies to face the couch, the stragglers sitting in the loveseat and at the dining table leaning forward almost imperceptibly.
Azzi tenses up as she is suddenly under the scrutiny of eleven other girls. How is she going to lie to them? How is this ever going to work?
Paige, through some form of best-friend-telepathy, senses Azzi’s struggle and places a comforting hand on her back. “I can say it.”
This isn’t what they practiced, but Azzi is too grateful and too distracted by the hand on her back to worry about going off-script.
“We’ve been wanting to tell y’all for a while,” Paige says. “But we also wanted to just keep it to ourselves for a little bit.”
It sounds so natural, and effortless, and Azzi can feel herself slipping into this role for the first time. She pretends the hand on her back is more than friendly, the nerves in her stomach are something other than guilt, the things Paige is about to say are true.
If one good thing is going to come out of any of this, it’ll be this feeling of contentment that Azzi will get to have, at least for a little while. And maybe she’s okay with that.
“Do you guys remember that party we went to a couple months ago?” Paige asks. Her nails scratch over Azzi’s shirt, making her shiver.
“Yeah…” Nika says at the table in the corner. Aubrey rests her chin in her palms, looking suspiciously like she’s trying not to smile. For some reason, Ice and KK are clutching each other’s hands.
“Well, when Azzi and I got home we just decided to stay together in her dorm…” Paige trails off like she’s hesitant to continue, and half the girls lean closer to them while the other half look a little too relaxed. Ice is now glaring at KK, who’s…beaming?
“Something happened between us that night.” Paige looks at Azzi now, and even though this is what they were supposed to do the look in her eyes still takes Azzi’s breath for just a moment. She has dreamed of Paige looking at her like this for years, and now it is finally happening, and Azzi thinks she would do anything to make this all real.
Paige opens her mouth to continue, but before she can, KK jumps to her feet and squeals, and Ice throws the remote on the ground with an angry, “Fuck!”
Azzi and Paige both startle, and Azzi loves the way Paige’s hand fists up her shirt in surprise, but then the notices that all the other girls don’t seem surprised or confused at all—rather, they all seem to be having similar reactions to KK. Nika and Aubrey are even singing something, and Inês has jumped up from her spot beside Azzi to join the others in what looks a lot like a celebration. Why are they all chest-bumping each other?
Finally, Azzi finds it in herself to speak. “Guys, what…?”
KK kneels to wrap her arms around a sulking Ice and looks at them both, eyes glimmering. “Whatchu mean, what?”
“I don’t…” Paige releases Azzi’s shirt, her hand falling to the seat behind her. “We haven’t even finished telling you yet.”
“Are y’all actually this dumb?” KK asks, before squealing in Ice’s ear and then throwing herself onto the couple on the couch. “Ugh! I’m so happy for you two lovebirds.”
“Lovebirds…?” Azzi asks, but the room is too raucous for her to be heard and when she looks at Paige, all she gets is an equally confused head shake in return.
“My babies are growing up,” Aubrey says, wiping an invisible tear, and Aaliyah comfortingly pats her shoulder.
“Baby,” Amari says, smiling at the both of them, “we have known.”
“Uh,” Paige says, thrown off for once in her life. “How?”
“Because y’all are the most obvious fucking couple in the country,” Ice chips in. She is still pouting, even with Ayanna patting her on the head and Jana rubbing her shoulders.
During the past week, Paige and Azzi have been dropping a few hints here and there in the hopes that they could almost ease their friends into it before telling them, to make things more believable. But obvious? Obvious enough for all of them to know? That’s a stretch.
Apparently thinking the same thing, Paige laughs awkwardly, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation. “We thought we were pretty good at hiding it.”
“Yeah, right.” Caroline flicks Azzi’s forehead good-naturedly. “KK and Ice have had a bet running for, like, six months now.”
At this, Azzi tenses up, and Paige turns to her, gives her a cautious, confused smile. “That long?”
“I started the bet, of course,” KK pipes in. “You two are so in love.” She sighs dreamily and then nudges Ice with her foot. “You owe me my five-hundy, girlypop.”
“You didn’t even actually win, this doesn’t count,” Ice grumbles. “We made the bet six months ago and they only started dating in March. And also, I thought they’d be way too pussy to tell us yet.”
Paige perks up at this, her unusual awkwardness gone as fast as it came. “Hey! I ain’t pussy about nothing!” and KK chimes in with her own protests of, “Girl, boo! It does too still count, you’re just a sore-ass loser!”
Azzi can’t bring herself to say anything, because their teammates believed Azzi and Paige gave been dating longer ago than this arrangement was even brought up. And that means they must have seen Azzi’s feelings for Paige, and whatever the other side of that is, and they don’t really act like a couple, do they?
“Anyway,” Ice continues, a little less pouty now, “I totally thought I’d have to walk in on you two fucking or something before you ever really came clean.”
Azzi squeezes her eyes shut. Paige’s fingernails dig into her back a little bit.
“I actually can’t believe none of us have walked in on them fucking yet,” Nika muses, and the room quiets down a little, everyone mumbling their assent.
“Maybe they’re celibate,” KK reasons, then fixes them with a look. “Are y’all celibate?”
Paige laughs, and then bends close to Azzi’s ear and mutters, “Told you so.”
For the rest of the night, Azzi’s neck is hot.
This might be more complicated than she thought.
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munsons-melody · 2 years ago
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summary: you flinch during a fight with eddie
pairing: eddie x female!reader
cw: angst w a fluffy ending, thoughts of abuse
word count: 1.5k words
a/n: wrote this v quickly so it’s not really proofread or anything. i could’ve done it better but i’ve been soo busy :/ might rewrite later
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
you were in eddie's trailer, wayne had just left for work 10 minutes ago, and already you were in some silly little fight with eddie which you didn't expect to escalate how it did
"it's just sometimes guitar players think they're better than everyone else" you stated and eddie rolled his eyes, taking it as a personal jab to his skills
"okay but they almost make the band" he responded from the kitchen, hearing the clank of dishes as the water ran from the faucet
"okay but most of the time they are just assholes who just care about the sex, drugs, and rock n roll life style" you shrugged
"so you think i'm an asshole?" he responded back with a sharp tone and you shook your head
"no i'm talking about the people like mick mars who are so doped up and sleep with hundreds of women and just act like a douchebag" you said with a matter of fact tone
"well it kinda sounds like you're implying that i'm going to turn out like them" he snapped, turning off the water and drying his hands
"no! god no, i'm not saying that! i'm saying once in the spotlight, most people turn into assholes like that" you said, trying your best to stay calm
"so once my band makes it big, you're what- just gonna leave since you think it'll happen to me?" he questioned, turning the corner to meet you in the living room
"of course not! why would you say something like that?" you asked with a louder tone
"well it sounds like that's what you're expecting!" he said, starting to shout
"im not expecting it to happen!" you said, your voice growing to match his
"yeah well i'm pretty sure those 'friends' of yours think it will, they already think i'm in a satanic cult about to sacrifice you" he told you with a sarcastic growl, grabbing some extra dishes he found on the small table to put in the sink
"what the fuck is that about" you asked confused, remembering the party in which you two had met up with a couple of your girl friends but failed to recall them talking about that certain subject
"yeah you didn't hear what they said? we were at that party at steve's house the other night, and they started talking about how i'm some trailer trash wannabe rockstar" he angrily said, flipping on the water to keep working on the leftover dishes from the previous night
"okay first off, i never heard them say anything like that! second, why were you even hanging out with my friends if i wasn't there?" you rebutted, questioning him
"because i was trying to be a caring boyfriend and find you since robin said you looked a little too drunk and i didn't want you to hurt yourself" he snapped back
the volume of the argument kept escalating, which brought knots to your stomach. you hadn't really had fights with eddie and now that you're in one, you badly wanted to go back to how it was
"well i'm sorry i was trying to enjoy myself at the party but also i have never heard them say anything like that before in my life" you told him, starting to pace around, not knowing what else to do
"oh great and now you're defending them, what- do you agree with them?" he asked as you started to pick up empty cans and put them in the bin
"i do not agree with anything they said! but i've known those girls for a good few years now and i know they wouldn't say that about anyone" you tried and he laughed, putting his head down
"you are unbelievable!" he screamed and that's when you didn't care if you started yelling, the anger bubbling up inside you
"oh really so you want to talk about what friends have said about us? okay, well remember that time we were at the hideout and your friend hank said that he liked your other girlfriend before me better and was annoyed that you're whipped for some girl who was less pretty than she was!" you screamed, tears pricking in your eyes
you remembered that moment all too well when hank mentioned how much prettier eddie's ex girlfriend was, and your heart sank but you laughed it off, coming up with some smart comeback to brush off the pieces of your shattered confidence
"that was a joke! you even laughed!" eddie rebutted, slamming a cabinet door shut. you flinched at the loudness of it but he didn't see with his back turned to you
"i only laughed because i was uncomfortable! i didn't know what else to do!" you said, wiping away a tear that fell down your cheek
eddie angrily stomped out of the kitchen to his room and you followed, blinking away tears
"and i also don't exactly remember you defending me and telling him off!" you screamed and he turned to look at you
"because i didn't know you were uncomfortable!" he screamed back, looking around his desk for something
"well you should know from common sense that anyone hearing that would not find it amusing!" your anger was consuming you as you watched eddie throw a shirt from his desk to his bed
"well i guess i'm just not a very good boyfriend then!" he said throwing his arms up in the air
you stepped back, bringing your arms up in a defensive stance as your head turned, somehow expecting there to be an impact from his hand
eddie realized what happened as he stared at you with wide eyed and you slowly moved your head to look at him with your arms still up
you moved your arms down as eddie just stood there in shock, and you moved to wipe a couple more tears of frustration from your face
"y/n... did you think i was going to hit you?" he asked softly, a huge change in tone from what you previously were hearing, his stance deflating
you gulped put a small "no" not wanting him to think that you'd think he'd do such a thing. you knew he would never, but it was a natural reaction that you instantly regretted
"baby i..." he trailed off, taking a small step forward towards you. you didn't move back which he took as a good sign
"you know i would never ever do that to you, right?" he asked, taking another small step forward and putting a hand on your arm which was intertwined with your other arm, folded across your chest
"i know..." you muttered out, moving your head to look away from him, keeping your arms crossed
"can i please hold you?" he asked gently and you nodded, slowly moving your body into his open arms as he wrapped them around you, engulfing you into a giant bear hug
a few more tears fell down as he held you close to his body, and you leaned your head into his chest
"i'm so so sorry for yelling and getting mad, and i'm sorry i didn't defend you when hank said that bullshit, i love you so so so much" he spoke softly, his hand coming up and gently placing it on the back of your head
“and i want you to know that i promise you i would never hit you or do anything of the sort, i’m so sorry you thought that” he said with a shaky voice
"i'm sorry too," you started to apologize, feeling guilt run through your veins from not defending him earlier, and for reacting the way you did
"i didn't realize they said those things, and i know for a fact you aren't going to end up like mick mars or nikki sixx or any of those drug abusing rockstars, well maybe only with the level of rock n roll fame part, not the drugs" you joked with a sniffle
"and what about the sex?" he said with a chuckle, and you moved your body to face him, wrapping his arms around his waist and you moved your eyebrows up in a surprising way, pushing your head back in slight confusion
"you know, sex, drugs, rock n roll- they're a package deal... and obviously there's gonna be no drugs- well okay maybe weed, then a huge amount of rock n roll fame... what about the sex?" he joked making you smile with a small giggle
"well maybe, only if you'll still love and want me when you're big and famous" you told him with a small laugh, a smile growing on his face
"oh baby i will always love you and want you for the rest of my days" he said sweetly before leaning in and giving you a small kiss
when he pulled away he looked into your eyes, a hand moving to the back of your neck
"then show me how much you mean it," you said with a small smirk as he pulled you in for another kiss
he leaned in, kissing you passionately, his tongue fighting with yours as you moved you hands to slightly scratch down his back
"i- love- you" he said between breaths as he continued to kiss you, and you knew he really meant it
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partytillicry · 8 months ago
Ticci toby x Reader // fem reader
these are general dating and nsfw hc’s so beware!!
TW’s: fighting, slight angst, reader is friends with Nina the Killer, & smut
AN: i love toby sm, he’s def my fav creep. this one is a bit 𝓯����𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂. btw this is half reread so there maybe some mistakes here and there
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toby’s bipolar so a relationship with him is hard but you both work your way through it
he never wants to fight but he can’t control it sometimes
he truly does love but it happens
most of your fights are because he gets jealous or he is just upset about something else
you were laying in bed, just mindlessly scrolling on your phone. reading something that you’d forget a minute later. you were broken from your trance when you heard the door open to see your boyfriend walk in. no hi or hello so you knew something was up.
you immediately got up and walked over to him as Toby was taking off his hoodie and mask. you reached over to his hand to hold it and Toby slapped it away.
“are… you okay? you can talk to me, ya know.” you ask him concerned
“get the fuck away from me.” Toby said firmly. your eyes widened, stepping back and giving him some space. you already knew what was gonna happen next so you just decided to leave
“where the fuck are you going? what? think i’m gonna hurt you or or or or or something? cause i’m ssssssssooOoooOo f-f-f-fucked up?!” Toby yelled. all you did was grab your phone and walk out then booking it to Nina’s room
thats how most of you fights go, he never tries to get physical but it can happen
he apologizes like crazy after, usually with tears cuz he thinks you’ll leave him
and because he’s so nervous and scared, his tic’s are going off like crazy
with all his stuttering, random phrases and sobbing, he’s very hard to understand
you sat on Nina’s floor of her room as she brushed and played with your hair while you talked about what happened. you knew everything would be okay but you were just worried about Toby. you were thinking about asking Slender to lay off on the missions for a while
“look, babes, i know you’re worried about him but you should be worried about yourself too!! how many more fights can you take?” Nina spoke worrying.
“we really don’t fight a lot!! and plus we only do when he’s upset, i know he doesn’t actually want to fight!! you just don’t see how he is after.” you said firmly. it felt weird to defend him but you knew that he wasn’t actually pissed at you
Nina sighs as you pass her a hair tie and she finishes off your braid. you both hear a knock on the door, immediately knowing who it is. you glance back at Nina and she gets up to open the door.
“well hello Toby, i’ve been waiting” Nina says. “you better give her a good apology.” she says firmly but quietly as she walked out. Toby walked in and sat on the floor next to you. you both sat in silence for about a minute.
“i’m so sssSsSsorry, i’m truly sorry. i shouldn’t h-h-have done t-t-that, i had no reason to be maDDd aaaaatt you.” Toby finally spoke up, immediately starting to sob. you sighed, smiling.
“oh baby, im not mad. i know you don’t actually wanna fight.” you said softly. he looked over to you, tears streaming down his dirty face. you cupped his face a wiped away what you could, pulling him into you closer.
“what do you say we hop in the shower, your still covered in dirt and blood.” you said chuckling. all the boy could was nod.
on a happier note! other than the once in a while fights, Toby is actually very sweet but he can get possessive
he’s only somewhat controlling. he doesn’t really like the idea of you belonging to him but you are his
if that even makes sense 😭
he will call stuff like “mine, my love, my baby” etc etc
he’ll let you go out in revealing clothes but he has to be near you at all times
you and Toby were walking around the outside of the mansion (slender wouldn’t you guys leave). you were wearing almost booty shorts and an off the shoulder band tee. Toby thought you looked so cute, he was obsessed with your outfit.
you guys were just holding hands and talking about whatever, Toby leaving an occasional kissing on your hand here and there. it wasn’t that hot out this morning, it was nice. not much wind either. all of the sudden, Toby stopped walking
“what? what happened?��� you asked confused. no answer but he let go of your hand and walked up to the corner you guys were about to turn. peeking his head around the corner like a cat only to see Jeff the killer practicing with his knives.
he immediately takes off his hoodie and wraps it around your hips, leaving him with a wifebeater and a pair of baggy cargo shorts on. instead of taking your hand this time, he grabs for your waist
he then starts walking, you following in his lead. you glance over at Jeff then back to Toby and right there, you immediately figured out what was happening. and you couldn’t lie, it was kinda sweet
he’s got a lot of respect for you, and women just in general
like what do you mean you go through horrible pain and bleeding once a month but still have to deal with sexism?
it doesn’t add up for him
he’s always had a respect for women because of his mother and sister being the only reason he actually survived his childhood
he’s always trying to break the gender roles in your relationship
“ no, i can cook today. no, you should be on top. no, im not calling you my bitch. no, ill never call you a bitch.”
he HATES when people call their partner “my bitch” or anything like that
moving on!
bros a cuddle bug
all up and on you whenever and wherever
PDA is his personal favorite
Toby’s top 5 favorite ways to cuddle!:
5: you laying on your stomach while Toby sits on your ass or back
4: him laying on top of you
3: standard spooning (preferably you being little spoon)
2: sitting on your lap or the over way around
1: honeymoon cuddle, which means sleeping sideways and trying to get as close together as possible
it was a pretty busy day at the mansion and Slender had given you chores all day while most of the others were out killing. most of the proxy’s got night missions, which means Toby would be back pretty late. you wanted to be up when he came back so you picked up a book and began to read it.
it was around 11:48pm when Toby came back. he walked into your room to take off his shoes, mask, hoodie, goggles, and leave his axe too. he quickly ran over to you with a heavy breath
you looked up from your book and stared into the boys dark brown eyes. he kissed you passionately, almost starting a makeout session with you. his hands cupped your face as he started kissing you faster. but then he pulled away
“oh g-g-god, i’ve been waiting for that all day. i’m gonna gooOoo showEr, kay? i love you and ill be right back” Toby explained before leaving one more quick kiss on your cheek
when Toby came back and changed into his pjs, he immediately crawled into your arms. he was sat in your lap and was definitely more important than that book you were reading before. you started to rub small circles into his back
“oh love, i’ve been a bit worried about you. i swear, slender needs to stop sending you on these night missions before i get a heart attack.” you said, pressing small kisses onto his face here and there
“babe, i know you don’t like them and believe me, i don’t ether. but please just trust me, ill be okay. i mean slender has sent me on a mission that lasted a week before and i have no doubt it will happen again. these missions are like nothing to me.” the boy reassured you
you smiled, kissing his cold lips passionately. you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him in closer. his hands immediately went to your waist, sliding up and down slowly. lets just say you guys made out for the rest of the night
this man is a FREAK.
he always makes sure you’re satisfied, you are his top priority
he wants to hold your tits during sex. not grab but just touch ‘em
he loves to involve your tits with the sex. cuming on them, sucking them, playing with them, etc
sucking on them? what kinda freaky shit is this?
he will go CRAZY if you let him suck your tits
toby laid on top of you while pressing small kisses and hickeys on your neck. he wanted to go a little further so the boy let his hands go up your tank top. his brown eyes lock with yours, asking for permission to take off the small piece of clothing
you nodded, cold air immediately hitting your hard nipples. all toby could do was look in awe. his mouth immediately crashed onto your soft boob. kissing and licking around your nipples, little whimpers and whines leaving your mouth
“uh c-C-can i suck them..?”
you nodded and he moved on your sensitive nipples. licking and taking your breast into his mouth the best he could. Toby loved to see you all whiney and overstimulated under him. you could feel him getting harder
he’s pretty average when it comes to size but boy, he knows what he’s doing
toby had an insane porn addiction before you both met and omg, he watched everything
because of that, he will try anything and know how to do it
wanna peg him? he’s already bought the stuff. wanna have buttsex? he’s got lube. want him to eat ur ass? so down and ready.
honestly though, toby loves to just fuck like normal. doggy and cowgirl are his favorites.
“you sure your ready?” toby said teasingly.
“god, Tob’s, just fuck me already”
after what felt like forever, toby slowly slipped his dick into your dripping wet cunt. he groaned as your eyes fluttered closed. his cold, dirty hands began to feel around your thighs as he held you up.
“okay love, im gonna move” you rolled your eyes. his pace started out slow but hard. after a while of fucking once a week, toby knew exactly were all your g spots were. he would tease you a bit by almost hitting it and then hitting it.
you moaned and begged for toby to sped up but he kept his pace. it was slow and painful but god it felt so good. he started to speed up slowly. you moaned and groaned, only making him go faster and faster
he love love lovessss to go at it for hours but only if you’re up to it
and ONLY if you want too
“consent is sexy baby” -toby 2024
he wants to see you begging on your knees for more
on average, you guys are having 3-8 rounds everytime
cum stained sheets just turn him on more
heavy breathing fills the room, toby laying on top of you. his hands rubbed your stomach while his throbbing member was still inside you. as you felt it pulsing, it only turned you on more and more. 
“…hah…b-bAby, do you wanna go again?” the boy said as he pulled out. his hand now rested on your face as him thumb trailed across your cheek.
“fuck yeah.” you sighed out with a smile. toby smiled, quickly grabbing your waist and thrusting back in. a sharp moan escapes your lips while toby grunts
hardcore aftercare everytime
“are you okay? did i hurt you? was it good? are you in pain? do you need anything? do you want anything? do you wanna your put clothes back on? do you want my clothes back on?”
so. many. questions.
he just loves you and doesn’t ever wanna hurt you
he WILL cook you a full course meal. i mean, it won’t taste good but hey its the thought that counts
you moan loudly, coming down from your high. you immediately collapse on top of him while sliding him out of you. chest to chest, your breathing intertwine’s and your body becomes one with his.
“oh baby i love you but i’m done” you say sleepily. your hands run through his dirty, brown hair.
“that-tha-thats okay!! are you alright?” toby says concerned.
“yeah, yeah. i’m just uh tired” you reassured him, still playing with his hair a bit.
he started to rub your back in small circles, kissing your forehead ever so gently. your hands let go of his hair, wrapping your arms around toby’s neck, pulling yourself into him even closer. he breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled.
“oh i love you my darling, a-AAnd not just for sex. your so much more than that, *we’re* so much more than that. of course i-i-i love your body and the way you moan and and and everything else. but i love all of you.” toby said lovingly
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verynastyspoon · 3 months ago
Summary: A christmas get to together that may be the start of the rest of your life
word count: 781
Authors note: I don’t remember how long after the christmas party was so I just said 10 years and sorry I got bored of the original scour fic but if anyone wants I might go back to it.
10 years. Its been 10 years since the last time you saw Jeremy. You live a single life alone, no kids, just a dog but even in your lonely life youre happy. One day you get a letter in the mail from Jeremy Willis. You hastilly rip it open and nearly scream when you read the contents of it.
‘Hey y/k I miss you. I’m having a little Christmas get together with all the team and I would love to have you there.’
You are ecstatic and quickly pack all your things and rush to the airport with your dog. You had been alone for so long just the idea of being with some real friends makes you happier than you could imagine. You have “friends” but they have never fought beside you, almost died for you, and would do anything for you. They aren’t family like they are.
You get to Jeremy’s house on Christmas day. You can hear the boisterous laughter even from the driveway. You rush to the door and knock which you are greeted by a handsome (and very haircut needed) Jeremy.
“Y/K!” He gives you a hug. “Ive missed you so much!”
You hug back and smile warmly. “I missed you too Jeremy.”
You walk in and see kids running about “Wow are these all yours?”
“Hell ya well most of them those few are sollys but the others are mine.”
“Do…you have a wife?” You ask reluctantly because some stupid part of you still has a crush on the same man you haven’t seen in years.
“Pff those dead beats are gone for good. Im raising these beauties all by myself.”
You look in shock and a little relief. “Jeremy thats amazing.”
You all sit down eating and catching up on on eachothers new lives. After a while you find yourself on the floor playing with Jeremys kids. Tanya is running around in spys mask and the others are playing toys with you. Jeremy cant help but fawn over you playing with his kids.
When you look over and see him he looks away embarrassed for staring. You wave him over to come play, but a few moments later the kids leave to go play with your dog. Leaving you and Jeremy alone.
“You have a beautiful family Jeremy.”
“Thank you, you should come by more often youre great with them.”
“Maybe I will.” there is a long silence between you before Jeremy speaks up.
“You uh got a husband?”
“No and I dont have kids.” you sigh “I just havent found the right person yet.”
“I know what you mean, I got 3 ex wifes.”
You look up “3?! Why?”
“Well the first one cheated, the second one was a bad mom and the third left me for a woman.” He sighs “I just i dont know, I know 3 is alot but I just have so much love to give and no woman to give it too. But now I have my kids and I couldn’t be happier.”
You give him a hug “I love that for you Jeremy.” it stays quiet again for a moment. “You know, all those years ago I had a raging crush on you.”
“Yes, but I kept it too myself because I knew you liked miss pauling. After you said you would move on I thought about speaking up but I was too scared too…. sometimes I wish I did.”
“I had no idea y/k, I wish you did because well I had a thing for you too.”
You both laugh softly at your obliviousness.
“Would, you ever want to go out to eat or something?” He asks nervously. “I know it’s been so long since we’ve last seen eachother but it feels like you never left.”
“I would love too.” You smile warmly.
“Great! But dont tell my kids I want to bring them around another girl unless I know its gonna work, you know?”
“I completely understand. Having in introduce a third girl to the family sounds like alot.”
“Thanks for understanding.”
The kids run back and jump on Jeremy all yelling ‘DADDY’
“Yes? What’s up?” They all yelled about some shenanigan Misha and Herberts baboon got into, leaving you alone excited for what’s to come
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toxic3mmy · 7 months ago
prompt: alex is your new and annoying stepbrother
warnings: incest (kinda?), taboo, smexual scenarios, and again… INCESTTTT
not everyone is interested in themes like this and that’s okay! keep in mind, this is all made up and i am by no means encouraging blood relative incest lolll
also, im trying something new— this will be a mini book with hopefully more than two chapters so stay tuned!
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Part One
you sighed as you looked at your reflection. new town, new life, new school, but the same old you.
you only had one person you knew in this new city but even then, you didn’t want to overwhelm him with the fact that he’s all you had. you sighed again as you finished getting ready.
a text message from him let you know that he was outside waiting for you. you grabbed your keys and purse before making your way to his car.
“for someone that doesn’t want attention on them, you sure look hot tonight” he winked
“oh shut up. you know i don’t want to go to this party, missa”
“i know, but hey, it could be a good way to make friends you know?”
“i guess you make a good point… let’s go”
he drove you to the house party and you hesitantly followed him inside. immediately as you walked in, missa was greeted by a lot of different people. you felt a little jealous that he had so many friends already. still, you smiled as he let you know he was going to be with his friends and to meet him later in the night for a ride home.
you decided to make your way to the kitchen to find some alcohol to help loosen you up. hopefully you’ll be able to socialize after a drink or two.
you made yourself a simple orange juice and tequila drink and soon wandered off to the vacant backyard. you sat in one of the benches and watched the moon rise.
you weren’t excited about moving, not one bit. but you knew that your mom had a long distance relationship here and you just wanted her to be happy.
you sipped your drink and enjoyed the nighttime breeze. you weren’t too bothered by being by yourself, you were actually quite used to it. you just hoped that it would be a decent college year, considering it was your senior year.
“y/n! hey, want to smoke with me and my buddies?” missa suddenly appeared from inside
“um.. sure, if you’re okay with that”
“of course i am or i wouldn’t have asked” he laughed and led you to the other side of the wraparound back porch
“guys, this is y/n, she just moved here from texas. she’s pretty cool” missa smiled
you nervously waved at his friends and stood quietly as they introduced themselves briefly and passed around a blunt. you weren’t much of a smoker so you knew to take it easy. after you took a small puff, you went to hand it to one of missa’s friends that was standing near you. just as you approached him, he turned around and ran right into your outreached hand with the blunt, burning his arm
“im so sorry—”
“aw fuck! god, watch what the fuck you’re doing you clumsy bitch!” he yelled right in your face
“it was an accident! you don’t have to be such an asshole!” you spat right back
“woah, chill alex, she didn’t mean to do that” missa suddenly said sternly, defensively standing in front of you to shield you
“you’re seriously gonna defend this bitch?” alex narrowed his eyes at you
“dude, i think you’ve had enough to drink”
“fuck you missa… protect your prissy little whore all you want” he mumbled
you had had enough of his insults and you threw your ice cold drink in his face, smiling as he began to cry out that his eyes were burning
missa quickly grabbed your hand and led you through the house and into his car. the two of you were suddenly laughing uncontrollably.
“so much for a first impression” you said, shaking your head
“well, it could’ve been worse. but hey, at least tomorrow you’ll make a better first impression when you meet your mom’s boyfriend and his son” missa shrugged
“i guess you’re right”
he dropped you off at your aunt’s house and you got ready for bed.
you woke up early to make sure that all your things were packed and ready to go.
although your mom was in a long distance relationship, her boyfriend had proposed to her a month ago which is why she decided to move the two of you all the way to california.
you had been staying at your aunts house with your mom for about a week now and today was the day that her fiancé was back from a business trip.
this meant that it was also the day the two of you were moving in with her fiancé and his son. yeah… it was definitely a lot to take in. his son still lived with him even though he was in the same grade as you. this was probably because his dad was always away on business trips. at least you’ll have one other person you’ll know at your new college.
“ready to go, mija?”
“yup” you smiled and the two of you said goodbye to your aunt
the car ride to your mom’s fiancés house wasn’t too long. you looked around the neighborhood and admired the huge houses.
as you approached a house at the end of a cul de sac, you almost gasped at the sight. this house was beautiful. it had so many windows which definitely meant a ton of rooms. you were in awe.
your mom put a code in at the front gate and she parked in the driveway. the two of you started unloading your luggage just as a tall handsome older man approached your mom.
“hola hermosa, im so happy to see you” he smiled and embraced your mother
“and you must be y/n, it’s very nice to finally meet you” he took your hand and kissed it gently
“it’s nice to meet you as well” you smiled
the three of you brought in all the luggage from the car. the inside of the house was even more beautiful. you admired its entirety as your mom and soon to be stepdad were catching up a bit
“well, feel free to look around ladies. i will show you to your rooms and— oh yes! i wanted to introduce you to my son. vieja.. y/n… this is my son alexis” he gestured to the figure that was making his way downstairs
your blood immediately boiled as you realized exactly who he was. you said nothing as your mother hugged him and introduced the two of you. you felt enraged and embarrassed all at once
this is definitely going to be a shit show.
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flashbangstars · 1 year ago
How People Found out you two were dating
NCT Dream Edition
pink ~ y/n
Blue ~ dream
Green ~ secondary character/another dreamie
"so um Jeno found out about us dating"
"oh, I thought we were waiting until game night to tell them"
"well yeah uh funny story, I tried to put my sweatshirt on at Jeno's house and your hot pink thong fell out of the sleeve onto his carpet."
"Yeah I know me too, besides that. Jeno got mad and lectured me on not leading you on if I had other girls I was doing stuff with, so I uh.."
"you told Jeno the hot pink thong was mine"
"yeah basically"
"and I have to face him on friday knowing he's seen my panties"
"to be fair he did say they were cute"
"you know that actually didn't help at all"
"hey babe can you help me really quickly, I need help moving my monitor, the cord is stuck somewhere behind my desk"
"Y/n can it wait like 10 minutes"
"No it literally can't I have a assignment due in thirty minutes and I will literally jump off a fucking cliff if I don't get full credit for this"
"Nice Hello Kitty Underwear"
"Renjun you're the one who bought me these, you've seen them and taken them off me numerous times"
"oh he has!! has he!"
"go put some pants on please sweetheart"
"I'm so fucking terrified why were their two different voices just now"
"Hi y/n"
"I'm gonna start crying please tell me Jaemin didn't just see me in fucking hello kitty underwear"
"Y/n please go put some pants on"
"yeah....yeah I'll go do that...... Uh just so you know....im not letting him hit for free.....he did ask me out"
"congrats to the happy couple"
"fuck you"
"so how did you all manage to fail the same test?"
"I cheated off of Haechan, and Haechan Cheated off of Jaemin, so its basically Jaemin's fault"
"hey I thought Jaemin knew what he was doing"
"Haechan, Jaemin never knows what he is doing"
"oh fuck, I have to go babe I'm gonna miss the bus if I dont run, I will see you soon" *phatass smooch before leaving* *leaves*
5 minutes later....
"alright I'm back I missed the bus"
"oh thats so crazy I think I just heard the bus, I have to go omg byeeeeee"
"so you're leaving me to deal with this"
"yes, bye pookie, smooches I'll see you later tonight, bye Haechan!"
"are we gonna talk about it... or should I just ignore it"
"ignore what"
"im not following"
"are you two being serious"
"dude what the fuck are you talking about??"
"you've been sitting in y/n's lap the entire time we've been here"
"we are literally just close friends"
"dog you are literally hand feeding haechan french fries"
"im literally baby"
"even that was a lot for me"
"im sorry pookie"
"allllriight get off, I wont be this couple"
"pookie did you just make it official!"
"can you please be normal"
"Hypothetically what do you guys consider too much for a gift for your significant other"
"well how long would you two have been dating"
"like 6 months...?"
"umm anything ring related, thats kinda scary, too reminiscent of marriage"
"well fuck"
"what do you mean oh fuck? what the fuck did you buy"
"a ring"
"for who??"
"the guys know you and me are dating"
"what? how"
"I got in trouble"
"what did you do..."
"they all got kinda mad at me and said I was kinda mean to you and asked what my issue with you was"
"and what did you say"
"please don't be mad"
"I told them not to worry because you think it's hot when I'm kinda mean"
they didn't believe me at first... and I was feeling pressured!...they literally cornered me!"
"so I showed them a little bit of our texts when you said...itwassexy whenIwasmeantoyou"
"run. now"
"hey guys, just wanted to let you know me and jisung are dating now officially"
"Jisung what..."
"jisung park"
"please ma'am stop spreading that!"
"I'm so sorry guys I dont know whats gotten into her!"
"jisung...She's literally your lockscreen"
"I literally have no idea what you are talking about"
"jisung I WILL do a coochie ban"
"this is actually bae 4 lyfe, she my day one and I worship the ground she walk on fr"
"thats what I thought"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi! here is a little something from the drafts that is basically finished, I hope you like it! I am fr just getting back into writing so excuse any errors. But i hope yall have a good night/day!
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 11 months ago
The Sleepy Kitten Cafe 🐱💤 
(The Drakes Spoiled Brat. (im sorry dad))
Ill solidify an actual layout design later (since this will become a major setting for most of the fic) BUT for now you get a shitty collage design Edit- Fuck it I was gonna wait till post chapter 7 but I decided to publish now so here you go!
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Info (may or may not become relevent in the fic, I just think is neat also for my own reference)
Located on The Narrows of Gotham city
All utensils and containers are thrifted so none of them match
Upstairs lounge is a mini library/book store
They sell baked goods and have a shitty service window where you can order diner style food/snacks
Regular game nights/other events (including jazz night which Tim vehelementaly refuses to attend)
Not uncommon for random strays to come hang out (no one tell their manager)
Have a photo wall of regular customers (it took several weeks of begging before Tim allowed Gwen to snap his pic and pin it up)
They have a whole buisness card holder on the counter people can advertise their shit
Owned by a former hippie from Washington and her husband from Sikkim
Almost gets robbed once a week but hey its Gotham, what can you do? (emphasis on almost)
Employees (named thus far, who I will also probably draw later)-
Gwen Parkins she/her- Main Barista Alans (Tims) BFF, utter sweetheart, but will cry if yelled at. Also plans like 80% of the work events. Wears clips in her hair that are "on theme" for whatever event is for the day (cat ones for work obvi) Never checks her bank account so doesnt notice Tim slipping in an extra 500-3k every month (tax free of course) and she ends up saving or donating half of it anyways. From the Narrows.
Zeek (Ezikel) Zoref he/they- Cook/Security Very open stoner, likes bullying his friends (kinda an asshole, but will apologize if too far), also loves Gotham for the fact he can and will fist fight customers given the oppertunity, and there are PLENTY of oppertunies. Carries around a bat. Almost became a Joker Goon out of nessesity but by sheer happenstance he tried robbing Alan who somehow got him an interview at the Cafe, even with zero experience. (Owes his life, but will never admit it) Allergic to mint and mourns mint gum everyday. From Crime Alley.
Obsidian Fowler they/them- Manager/Barista The reason shit gets done, newly recognized artist, meticiously does inventory because they find it fun. Gets stressed about hygine when his coworkers keep sneaking random strays in the cafe, but weak to begging. Did not give in when they brought in a Raccoon. Keeps offering Alan a job because "Please I cannot be the only competent member here" From Old Gotham.
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year ago
F*ck me like I’m famous
Chapter 4
Warnings: Sex, implied sex, talks of sex, alcohol, language.
Hello friends! Here is chapter 4. Sorry for the delay. As I said in the chapter I just posted for Sway I’ve had a ton going on. Hope this is worth the wait!
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“Hey Josie.” Vince called from his living room “Are you ready? We have to leave like…10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah I’m coming!” She called.
“You did that last night already!”
“Vince!” She yelled from the bathroom.
He giggled and stuffed his feet into shoes, grabbing his keys from the table next to the door. He was having the time of his life.
She had made good on the phone sex and dirty texting multiple times over last night, until the early hours, which was part of why they were running late today. He also might have caused a distraction in the shower, but that was a minor detail.
He had some autograph signing thing that would kickstart the celebrations for the week, and he was planning to meet up with friends for drinks later on. He was so excited to show her off to everyone, if they ever got there.
He heard her shuffling and then coming down the steps and turned the corner.
He paused and smiled “Damn.” He said giving her an appreciative once over “You look hot.”
“Really?!” She asked brightly, glancing down at her dress “It’s not too dressy or boring?”
It was pale green, falling mid thigh, with a floral pattern on it, paired with black wedges. Her long hair was loose and wavy, and he almost considered taking her right back upstairs. But then he remembered this week was not only about him, but the community as well.
“Not at all. Oof. You’re in for it later.”
She blushed and waved him off, taking his extended hand and they made their way to the car. The sun was shining down on them, a beautiful perfect day to start a beautiful perfect week.
“Where are we going exactly?” She asked from the passenger seat, turning to put her purse in the back. He smiled a little at how comfortable and natural she looked in his passenger seat before he answered.
“I have an autograph signing.” He said, turning the key in the ignition and backing out of his driveway.
“Ooooooh. An autograph signing? Fancy.” She said side eyeing him “How many body parts do you think you’ll sign?”
He rolled his eyes and nudged his chin at her “I can think of one I’d like to sign later.”
“No I don’t think so. The pen is way too big.”
He burst out laughing and shook his head “Okay you win. So how was your first official day in Canada?”
“It was good. I spent most of it with this hot guy.”
“And how was your first official night in Canada?”
He gasped and reached over grabbing her thigh and squeezing it. She screamed and slapped his arm “I’m kidding! I’m kidding sheesh.”
“Okay so let’s try that again.”
“My first official night in Canada was amazing.”
“Better. Just means I’m gonna have to one up myself tonight.”
She chuckled and watched the Canadian countryside zoom past outside. She was having so much fun and it hadn’t even been 24 hours yet. Being here, although in a country she’d never been to with people she didn’t know, felt so normal, like she’d been here before. She wasn’t nervous, or awkward or anything like that. She felt at peace.
It was so nice.
“So when does the cup actually get here?”
“Friday. That’s when the fun begins.” He waggled his eyebrows “And there’s a ton happening that day. Are you excited?”
“Me? Are you excited? It’s your big day.”
Josie didn’t know Vince when he won the cup. She hadn’t seen the game, watched the moment, or even knew anything about how he and the team had gotten to that point. But what she did know was that if anyone deserved this week, it was him.
“Of course im excited, but i want you to be having fun too.”
“I’m just happy to be here and watch you do your thing.” She said, smiling widely and reaching forward to squeeze his hand.
Josie spent most of the signing hanging out behind him with his mom. She’d been friendly the day before, but she could tell her guard had been up and with good reason. Vince was a highly successful professional athlete, who had a lot at stake in life. She didn’t blame his mom for being wary at first.
But now she had truly warmed up and they were talking and laughing like old friends.
“What are you telling her back there, because whatever it is you can be sure it’s a lie.” He called over his shoulder.
“Most of it sounds pretty on brand.” Josie said smiling at him “So I’m inclined to believe her.”
He made a face and turned back around, but the thought of her being close with his mom brought a small smile to his face that stayed there the rest of the afternoon.
As the line wound down, and the last few pictures had been taken Vince turned to her and waved her forward. When she reached him he gestured to a lady he’d been talking with.
“Josie, this is my mom’s friend, Sheri.”
Josie reached forward to shake her extended hand “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
“And this is your-?” Sheri asked, looked at Vince expectantly as she let go of Josie’s hand.
“This is my girlfriend.” He said simply with a smile, hand on the small of her back as he gave her a gentle push forward so she could shake the woman hand.
The word made Josie want to jump for joy, scream, ugly cry and kiss his socks right off but then she remembered they were in public so she just smiled, feeling a redness come to her cheeks. They chatted with for a minute when Vince’s mom called her name and Sheri walked away.
Josie turned slowly to look at him “Girlfriend?” She asked quietly.
“Is that okay? I didn’t really know what else to call this.” He gave a small laugh.
“I mean-yeah. It’s okay.”
“I really wanna kiss you, but we’ve already been on the cover of one newspaper.”
She giggled and smiled at him “You can make it up to me later.” She waggled her eyebrows and he gave her waist a small squeeze.
“So you’re here with Vince?”
Josie turned to find a dark haired girl standing next to her and frowned a little, leaning away from her.
The day had gone great. Better than great. She’d had so much fun watching him do his thing and interact with members of his community. She’d also really enjoyed being introduced as his girlfriend.
They’d met up with a few friends of his that she hadn’t met yet for drinks at what Vince called “The best bar in Lindsey” and it was still great.
“Uh, yeah?” She looked across the bar at Vince, but he was absorbed in a conversation and didn’t seem to notice. She looked back at the girl who was staring at her, one hand braced on the bar top.
“You must be his new fling of the week.” She said off handedly, glancing at her and then over her shoulder where he was standing.
Josie felt a twinge of annoyance. She wasn’t a confrontational person, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene in front of his friends in a country she was visiting, but she wanted nothing more than to back hand her. The smug smile on her face had sparked an irrational rage that Josie wasn’t sure she’d even had in her before today.
“What are you talking about?” The question came out more rude than she’d anticipated but it didn’t seem to phase whatever her name was.
“This week it’s you, last week it was someone else, and next week it’ll be- hi Vince.”
Josie looked behind her to find Vince was there, frowning at the girl she was about to beat up.
“I was just talking to your new girlfriend of the week here and I-“
“Yeah well stop talking to her.” He turned Josie abruptly, and steered her across the room and out the front door of the bar.
She waited until they were some feet away until she said very quietly “Who was that?”
“Just a girl I know is all.”
She stopped walking, which caused him to stop and she crossed her arms, head turned to the side “Wanna try that again? But with an actual answer this time.”
He sighed “I hung out with her one time at a party last summer. Nothing happened, she wanted more and I just didn’t see her that way and she’s been dragging my name through the mud since then. She does this every time she sees me out with anyone.”
“I see. She said there was another me last week? Is that true?”
Vince’s mouth fell open and he looked back at the bar in outrage before he turned back to her “She said that? Josie I swear, I haven’t been with anyone else since I met you. I can’t believe-“
“If you have been it’s okay. I wasn’t your girlfriend so I can’t really get mad.”
It was true. She hadn’t been his girlfriend last week so he was able to do whatever he wanted. But it didn’t mean it would hurt any less if he had.
“I swear to you. I am not talking or hooking up with anyone else. And fuck her for saying that to you.” He gripped her hand “You believe me right?”
She stared at him for a few minutes. She did, she didn’t think he’d fly her out here if he was hooking up with girls at home, but her guard with him was up a little for the first time. It had definitely brought down her mood, and made her feel a little bit weird about the whole thing.
“I-I believe you. But why would she say that?”
“You don’t believe me I can see it all over your face. She’s jealous obviously.”
“Jealous of who? Me?”
He rolled his eyes “Of COURSE she’s jealous of you. Your beautiful and smart, and your here with me and she isn’t.”
She shrugged and looked at his hand, which was still holding hers. He gave it a squeeze.
“I promise you. There’s no one else.”
Josie pursed her lips and looked at him “Okay. I believe you.”
He glanced over her head and then around the street. It was empty and then he smiled.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?” She asked as he tugged her along by the hand.
“You’ll see.”
Before she even knew what was going on they were tangled up in the driver seat, attached at the lips.
“Oh my god this is so risky.” Josie breathed out as Vince stuffed his hands underneath her shirt, hands sending goosebumps across her skin.
The car was cold, but they had fogged the windows up in less than two minutes. Their make out in the bar had now spilled into the front seat of the car.
“Shhh it’s fine just kiss me.” He said quietly, pulling her down to his level and pushing his tongue in her mouth. He had a hand on either side of her hips, fingers brushing her bare legs until he had her skirt pushed completely up.
He reached down, fumbling around on the side of the seat looking for the lever to move the seat back, and finally found it, yanking on it a little too hard because it sent both of them flying backwards with a squeal, followed by laughter.
“Jesus Christ.” He mumbled against her neck pulling on it again and lurching them forward. Josie was crying with laughter until he gave a large push and they flew forward, Vince’s elbow hitting the steering wheel, horn blaring.
They both jumped expecting it to stop but it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!” He looked around her, smacking the horn several times, the loud sound cutting through the night. Josie felt her face burn for the amount of embarrassment she was about to feel when someone came over to investigate why the horn in the car was sticking, and found them both in the drivers seat, half dressed.
He finally punched it and it stopped, and he glanced up at her before resting his forehead against her chest.
“This just isn’t meant to be.” He picked up his phone and checked the time “But I can have us home in 10 minutes.”
The rest of the week in Lindsay passed by slow enough to enjoy it, but too fast for it to be over. Every morning she woke up she got a little more sad. She was having so much fun and by Thursday evening she only had 3 days left and it had begun to weigh on her. She never wanted this trip to end, and as it inched closer to Sunday she was reminded that she would be going home alone.
“What’s wrong?” Vince asked as she plugged in her phone and laid next to him.
She glanced up “What? Oh nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and sighed “Nothings wrong. Just bummed that I have to go back to St.Louis soon is all.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and sighed “Me too. But let’s just enjoy our last three days together, and then we’ll go from there.”
She frowned “What’s that mean?”
He pursed his lips and turned on his side to face her “Well. I was going to suggest maybe we take a trip, a vacation if you wanna call it that, before camp starts in September. If you can get off of work and everything.”
“A trip? Where?”
“To a place where all you have to wear is a bikini.”
“What?” He said innocently, letting one hand trail up her bare leg “Can’t a guy have dirty thoughts about his girl in a bathing suit.”
A slow smile spread across her face until it was so wide her face might crack “What did you call me?”
“My girl.”
She wanted to kick her feet and squeal “I like that. Being your girl.” She ran her fingers through his hair, nails scratching his scalp. He leaned up to move his lips across her jaw until he reached her mouth, hand traveling up her thigh to the band of her underwear on her inner leg.
He was slotted between her legs, pelvis grinding up against hers as he kissed her slowly. He floated a hand up her shirt, resting it on her waist.
Before she knew it her shirt was gone and he was unhooking her bra big hands roaming everywhere. Every nerve ending in her body was a live wire, as his lips left hers and moved down her jaw towards her neck. She tugged at his shirt, prompting him to reach behind his head and pull it off in one quick movement.
She marveled at him as he hovered above her. Everything about Vince was thick, broad and muscled. Her hands roamed from his lower back up to his chest, scratching her fingernails across his skin. His mouth crushed hers, hurriedly kicking his boxers down his legs and tossing them aside.
She was shaking underneath him, cheeks red, goosebumps across her skin as she took a page breath in, the bones of her ribcage rippling underneath her skin. He stopped for a minute to really look at her.
“Goddamn your beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. Her blush deepened but she just pulled him back down by the chain to kiss him. Slower this time, her fingers moving down his back, nails scratching his skin, causing him to shiver. He sat back, hooking a finger on either side of her underwear and pulled them down her legs, leaning back over her and pushed a finger inside her causing her to gasp.
“That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He pushed another finger inside, moving them in and out, hooking them ever so slightly as he kissed her. She gripped the sheets, balling her hands into fists.
His lips brushed over her neck, eyes flicking up to meet hers as he pulled his fingers out, moving up her body and bracing himself between her legs.
“Tell me what you want.” She reached down, guiding him towards her. His head tipped down, stray hair falling into his eyes. She pushed it out of the way and bucked her hips up to meet his. She closed her eyes dreamily as he slowly pushed inside her, body arching up to meet his. He was so big, so broad as he moved above her, finding her mouth and kissing her slowly, methodically.
Vince splayed a hand across her ribcage and pulled her right leg up over his hip, lifting her clear off the bed. She let out a moan as he pushed deeper than before, hitting a new spot that had never been hit before.
“Vince I-“
He let out a breath, abdominal muscles tightening as he pushed faster, leaning down to kiss her desperately as he did. Her heart felt like it was about to explode out of her chest as a crippling, toe curling orgasm made its way through her body, sending shockwaves from her head to her feet, her entire body flooding with heat. She felt like she couldn’t breath as Vince gave his last few pushes with a groan and leaned down, head resting in her neck. His breath tickled her skin and she could feel his heart beating through his skin. He pulled out and laid next to her, chest rising and falling as he tried to slow his breathing, and he turned to smile at her.
“Your amazing and I-“ He stopped and cleared his throat “And your amazing.”
He’d almost said something crazy, but she thankfully hadn’t seemed to notice as she began to rummage around for her shirt and slipped it over her head before collapsing next to him. She rolled on to her side, eyes closing sleepily and hooked one of her legs with his, and promptly fell asleep.
The cup arrived early the next day, and Vince had jumped out of bed like the house was on fire. He was showered, dressed and putting on his shoes by the time she had come out of the bathroom to get dressed.
“How fancy is this anyways?” She asked rummaging through her suitcase “Like should I wear a dress or pants or-?”
“Whatever you wear will be hot, but I like that one.” He was pointing at a yellow dress she had hung over the back of a chair in the corner of his room. She’d bought it and never worn it, tags still hung from the arm of it. She smiled.
There was already an entourage outside when they left the house, many friends and family had gathered in his driveway to watch the cup be handed to him. Even though Josie had no idea what was going on she was still excited to watch him pick up the cup. She googled it the night before and apparently within the hockey community it was a huge deal, so because it was big to Vince, it was to her. He gave her hand a squeeze before he released it and made his way over to the keeper of the cup to shake their hands. His mom spotted her and made her way over.
“You look nice.” She said commenting on her dress.
Josie looked down “Thanks. Vince picked it.”
“Well he did a great job. It’s so special you’re here with him for this, it’s his greatest achievement.”
“I didn’t know him then, but if it’s important to him it’s important to me.”
She smiled at her and gave a small laugh “You are important to him. I hope you know that. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”
Josie smiled and looked back at Vince as he picked up the cup and lifted it over his head and cheers erupted around him.
It was going to be a great day.
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shakirawastaken · 2 years ago
dsmp if....it was taylor swift
i am the biggest swiftie dsmp blog here i am a swiftie i love taylor swift unless she sings new romantics at a show that im not at then i hate taylor swift
dream: paper rings by taylor swift (from Lover)  - i have written a one shot to dream for stay stay stay like a year ago. please read that too amen - i feel like this song lowkey fits him so well??? just like lowkey - cause like man is rich as fuck hes like a CEO and stuff  - BUT let me backtrack - you met him before he face revealed in the middle of the swamp in florida (orlando) - lets use my other post and say you met him in the grocery store SLAY - you “went home and tried to stalk him on the internet” - and obviously couldn’t find anything - but you reached out to him over text and he didnt answer you..bc he was like filming or smth and you were like bruh - but he eventually did answer you and you were like cool - you guys hung out ALOT  - as friends - to the mall as friends, to the cafe as friends, to the movies as friends - you even met his friends...and then you figured out he was Dream  - your relationship was like slaying at this point - you moved in with him! - and at this point now that you know Dream is Dream and is RICH - he showers you in gifts - expensive jewlery, trips to places, the mans love language is gift giving and he def has the $$$ to make that happen! - but one day he was like drunk or smth idk  - and he was like “wanna get married?” - and you were like “LOL sure” - and he, in his lovesick era, talked about the ring he would buy you in great detail - you were flattered ofc and laughed along - the next morning he woke up from his drunk era and was like “did you really mean it” - and you were like “yes!! i like shiny things, but i’d marry you with paper rings whenever you want dream” - and he was like “bet” - and he made paper rings and you drove to the courthouse and GOT MARRIED STOP IT THAT IS ADORABLE AND YOU HAD AN ACTUAL CEREMONY LATER CUTHE MF CAMERAS THAT IS IT THIS IS IT - I WANT TO WRITE THIS INTO A ONESHOT COMMENT “ceo of minecraft” IF YOU WANT IT - runner up song for dream was wonderland btw
george: gorgeous by taylor swift (from reputation) - now LISTEN i was gonna do London Boy - but im saving that for another thing - GORGEOUS FITS and its not just cause george is actually very pretty - this takes place in LA, george is here and you work here  - you also have a boyfriend - lets say you and some of your friends went out to a club one day - so did the dream team tm  - and you just came from a stressful day at work so you did what anyone would do and you drank - enough to get you a bit tipsy - and somehow all the stars and planets and fates aligned and you bumped into mr notfound - and you were like “sorry!!” - and he was like “oh its alright” but he said it british - and you were like “HAHAHAH YOURE BRITISH” and you mocked the way he talked  - you were tipsy alr - and he knows he should have been offended but he couldnt help but smile bc he thought u were cute - you two talk some more and you sober up through the conversation - its cliche but you forget everything else when u talked to him - including your very real boyfriend - and he shoots his shot “do you think i could have your number?” - your eyes shoot open wide and you just groan - “i got a boyfriend, he’s in the club and idk what he’s even doing.” and george is like “oh - but then you just keep going and youre like - “dude if you have a girlfriend im jealous of her” - and he laughed - “but if youre single thats honestly worse” - and he was like “how is that worse” - and you gathered all your confidence and was like “you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts” - and he smiled and said thank you - and you watched as his face moved to sadness - “i dont want to get in the way of your relationship, it was nice meeting you” he says as he walks away - DONT LET HIM WALK AWAY your mind yells at you - but you cant have him, bc youre taken - nothing you hate more than what you cant have - ding - why do all of these suck today guys im so sorry
sapnap: you are in love by taylor swift (from 1989)  - you both start as best friends in this scenario - like best friends since high school middle school school  - you talked everyday , hung out everyday - it was natural that you would form a crush on the man - but then he moved to Florida - you totally understood why he did that - but the communication between the two of you died down - and so did your crush, it flickered out - but one day, he texted you - “hey! im coming back to texas for a couple weeks. are you down to hang out?” - and ofc you said yes - you two met up in a little diner, just to cach up  - and it was like you two had never seperated - you were joking around and laughing just like the old times - eventually you two were ordering coffee at midnight as he told you get in the car - he said “i have a surprise for you” - who were you to deny him? - so you got in the car and he sped off to the old dirt road or something where you used to go in high school - shoulders brushing as you two sit in the trunk, he tells you to look up at all the stars - but you looked at him instead, and all your feelings came crashing over you - all you could hear and think about while he drove you home, while you slept was that - “you are in love, true love” - god this SOng THIS SCENARIO - the weekend before he moves back to florida - you had spent the night over, wearing his old shirt as a pajama - burnt toast because he dont know how to work the toaster - you decide to make a move, to let go of your fears on how he’s gonna react - and you kiss him on the cheek - you two spend the whole day being a little more romantic than usual - holding hands, kisses on cheeks, etc - you spend the night over at his house again - then he wakes up in the middle of the night with this look of ?? on his face - you turn to look at him, staring him dead in the eyes - and he stares back, the moon reflecting onto his face - “you’re my bestfriend” he silently whispers, scanning your face for ANY reaction from you - and your heart starts rushing and your head starts beating and all you know is that he is in love with you. and you are in love with him.  - the night continues in a rush of kisses and rushed feelings - he of course had to go back to florida - but now he keeps a picture of the two of you in his wallet - and you see him in everything around you - you two facetime everynight and talk about everything with each other - because you are in love, true love - bonus: when sapnap gets home dream’s like “whats up with you” - and sapnap just shrugs and grins  - “spent some time w my best friend” - “IM NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND?” - dream LMFAOO - can you tell im in love with this SONG quackity (hits different from midnights (the till dawn edition)):  - I KNOW THIS SONG HAS A LOT OF DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS OKAY - im very aware of that its all i speculate and talk about - its like that one meme with the guy and the bulletin board and hes like “DO YOU SEE THIS” - but i interpret this song as someone singing to a person (bonus points if theyre a friend) they have a major crush on!!! except their crush is dating someone - and you can tell that the person they are dating aint it for them - its giving you belong with me - in this, you’re quackity’s neighbor - and you two have lived next to each other for a while  - to the point where you two have become kinda good friends! youd eat dinner together, have some movie nights, etc - you could say you know him pretty well - well ig you didnt know him as well as you think - one night you knock on his apartment door, looking for someone to hang out with whatever - ignore that you had a crush on him that you were actively suppressing - and his girlfriend answers the door all nice like “hi! how are you!” - and youre like “im good, are you?? who are you?” - and quack pulls up behind her and is like “OH meet my girlfriend!” - and youre like “oh! nice to meet you!” - then you shuffle back to apartment ASAP - suddenly it hit you that the person you had a crush on was unavaliable - and suddenly you felt the anguish that comes from him being in love with someone else - it made you wanna throw up - you call another friend up and meet up at a bar, ready to drink your sorrows away - and the bar you go to is playing the song you and quackity listened to everytime together - you groan and explain everything to your friend who’s just like “oh my! love is a lie, don’t worry - it happens to everyone” just to get you by - but you knew this wasn’t like any other time - youve been so willing to move on in the past - it hit different this time because it was him - you drink so much you start slurring his name and your thoughts are plagued by him - someone puts you into a car and sends you off to your apartment - you slump onto your bed, and fall into a restless fit - dreams of his hair, and his stare, and his sense of belief. of times you once believed he could love you.  - you dreamed of you melting his world like an argumentative, antithetical dream girl - the next morning, you hear a key turning in his door  - and you cant help hope but hes coming in to check on you - so you rush to open the door - he jumps and looks at you startled - “hey! my girlfriend and i heard you come in from the bar last night! must have been a wild night!” he chuckled, wishing you the best of health as he retreated into his apartment - you stare at the spot he was just standing out, letting out a big sigh as you groan, your hangover catching up with you - “catastrophic blues, moving on was easy for me to do. it hits different, it hits different cause its you”  - be glad i didnt pick “youre losing me” for this cause damn
karl (invisible string from folklore): - okay. i have already written a karl one shot. to holy ground by taylor swift. from red (taylors version) please go read after this. amen - okay - THIS OSNG THIS GOSNGS ITHSIGHSDJKFG - i cant get over the childhood best friends to lovers shit - but i dont think youre childhood besties - you just met when you were younger - its giving karl lives in a place where your family used to take you on vacation every summer - like to ur grandparents place or some white shit like that - every summer, you would go to the park, read and then go get fro yo at the shop near by - every year growing up, youd read stories of epic romances - and you couldnt help youd meet somebody there, sitting in that park - then, they year you were 16. you went into the fro yo shop. same as always - and there stood a 16 year old karl, in a teal shirt, asking you what you wanted to eat - there wasn’t anyone else in the store, so you two talked. and you two clicked instantly.  - you went back everyday for that year - and did the same every summer after that - until one summer, you told him that you were moving to LA. to pursue your career - and he finally gave you his number - when he finally got around to going to LA he called you up - and you two reconnected, just like the old times. ate at your favorite dinner spot and everything. you decide to try something more - so you date long distance - three years later, you two meet up at the old yogurt shop. and then got lunch down by the lakes - now, years later you two live together. in the same small town you vactioned in every year - you two walk the park you read at every day - karl owns the yogurt shop you two met at  - and you cant help but think that even through all the bad things that you had in  your life - the only good thing that was stringing along for most of your life was karl - karl made you less vengeful of the boys youve loved before - karl made you better. and you made him better - the both of you cant help thinking about the wonderous time, and how pretty it is to think about how “all along there was some invisible string” tying the two of you together - i feel like i coulda expanded here but i think its cute idk sorry guys
wilbur (begin again from red (taylor’s version)): - i think i got a different era for each person SCORE! - wilbur is sOOOO evermore and red coded - but not 22 or ikywt coded but all too well and the lucky one coded - you had recently gotten over a breakup and were ready to start dating again - and a friend of yours hooked you up with this guy from her office - who she said “does not do typical officer work” - you ready for anything, so you thanked her and took her offer - and now the date of your date is here, and you couldn’t help but be nervous - you critiqued and critized every small bit of you, just like your ex did - but now youve grown to love what you wear and what you look like - you blasted your favorite song that he seemed to hate as you walked out the door, as ready for this date as you could ever be - you walked to the cafe that you decided to meet up at, expecting wilbur to be late - imagine the soft surprise that took over you when he stood when he saw you, waving to you as he strode over to meet you halfway - “hi” you said breathlessly, surprised at the common decency he showed you - “hey” he said slyly, making small talk with you as he ushered you over to the table he saved - he pulled your seat out and everything, helping you take your coat off. he doesn’t know how nice that is - while you’re talking you tell some stupid joke, trying to ease your nerves - and when he throws his head back laughing like a little kid? youre done for.  - for the past 8 months you could only think about how love breaks and burns and ends - but on a wednesday, in a cafe. you watched it begin again - you cant help but smile back, agreeing to a second date - you meet up for a second date, this time in a record shop.  - you two talk about your shared love for music - and he’s like “ive never met anyone who as many los camp! records as i do” - and you were like “bet!” - turns out, you two have the same amount - you two walk around the city, exchanging stories about your lives when he suddenly teases you for being shyer than on your first date - you jsut blush and nudge him teasingly while rolling your eyes. and he laughs again.  - your ex never did that. he was never carefree, kind, and careless around you - but wilbur was. and your idea of love just grew and grew and grew - he walks you to his car, and the words about your ex are on the tip of your tongue. youre about to tell him about how different he is than your ex and how grateful you are for him - but then he cuts your thoughts off, launching into a story about him and tommy - and you find yourself wanting to talk about that instead - you can finally say what’s past is in the past - because on a wednesday, in a cafe, you watched it begin again.  i love taylor swift. i could do so many more of these. please tell me if you want
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aves-ery · 2 years ago
last kiss; w. maximoff
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these are not my photos, creds to the owners.
pairing; wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary; your fiancée, wanda, passes away in a car accident. you never even imagined life without her. (based on the song last kiss by taylor swift)
warnings; angst, death, depression, allusions to sex, SELF HARM, thor takes care of you
you're then-girlfriend, wanda had texted you before your flight, telling you that she'd meet you at the airport. so, when you got off Tony's private jet, you booked it to the airport. it had just finished raining, and the smell lingered in the air.
when you found your lover, she was dressed up. you giggled at her silliness, wrapping your arms around her and kissing her deeply. "why do you look so pretty?" you mumbled against her lips. wanda raised her eyebrow.
"I can't dress up for my favorite girl?" she asked, kissing you again. it wasn't the way you wanted to find out (though you wouldn't want it any other way) but your hands were freezing and you shoved them into her blazer pocket. you felt the box. "wait!" she yelled trying to yank your hands out. you could feel her heart beat faster. it felt like it was beating out of her chest.
"wanda-" you laughed, pulling the ring out and looking at it. "it's gorgeous."
wanda groaned "i didnt want you to find out like that. i was gonna take you to dinner," she laughed before running her thumb down your lip and saying, "y/n, since you met you five years ago, you have turned my life upside down. i couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than you. or a better best friend. you are my person, my lover, my soulmate. y/n i love you. and it'd be my pleasure if youd agree to marry me. will you marry me, baby?"
you smiled, kissing her deeply, "i will. over and over again i would choose you. yes I'll marry you. yes."
that week tony threw a party at his mansion to celebrate. wanda had you by her hip all night, refusing to let you go. she was showing you off, drinking champagne and dancing.
"dance with me, baby," she asked, swinging her legs a little farther than usual. you rolled your eyes and looked at her. "i know! i know but please. just once. one dance and then you can wait until the wedding to dance with me again,"
you grumbled something about hating dancing, but let her drag you along to the dance floor anyway.
when the party was over, the two of you laid in bed at 1:50 in the morning. you were insanely tired, partied out.
you were in the shortest shorts you could find, and absolutely nothing covering your top. wanda loved that, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer.
"i love you, fiancee," she whispered into the quiet night. you giggled and kissed her softly.
"i love you. you're actually my favorite person. i knew i fell in love with you when my dad was so accepting of you. he never once doubted your love for me. i cant thank you enough baby. or our first date when your hands shoved in your pockets. you were too afraid to even touch m-" you were rambling and wanda shut you up with a rough kiss. you gasped, but moments later kissed back with just enough force. she was practically on top of you, making out.
you flipped her over, pinning her hands above her head and growling lowly. you pulled away from her for just a few moments, your alarm clock illuminating a red 1:58 on her face.
"i couldn't live without you," she whispered like a secret. like it was only for you and her to know.
"ma'am im sorry. shes brain dead. we can't... so anything. shes dead." the nurse said. the first fucking thing she said to you. wanda was dead.
"shes not! shes not gone. sh-she-" a sob broke its way through you, sending you to sit back in your chair. it was late, the waiting room almost cleared. the only sound were your loud sobs.
you couldn't breathe, the room stripped of all its air. tears were streaming down your face, but you were choking. you felt yourself going to puke.
all the nurse did was stand there as you broke down in a panic attack, shaking violently. it wasn't until a surgeon came by and heard and shoved the nurse out of the way.
"ma'am! miss, can-can you breathe for me?" he asked. you cried harder, wanting wanda. she wasnt gone. you were getting married tomorrow, she was not. gone.
they were talking at you, trying to calm you down. one even tried to hold you and you shoved them off, banging your hands into their chest and screaming.
you passed out five minutes after that. falling straight down and dreaming of your wedding the next day.
when you woke up, you demanded them to let you see her. they let you, and you could see her chest moving up and down, even with the tubes sticking out of her.
they had to put you in a wheelchair, saying you were too unstable to walk. you only rolled your eyes and let it happen. you watched her breathe the next few hours, until at 12 A.M tony came and picked you up. literally.
weeks passed, and you sobbed on your bed every day. getting up only to use the restroom. you havent showered, and the last time you ate was three days ago when natasha came in your room and shoved your face.
you threw it up 30 minutes later.
on the third week, you took apart a razor and cut your thighs. the burning sensation letting you focus on anything else besides her. when you did it, you weren't thinking. blood had soaked the bed.
you should've known better. someone always came in after one hour and checked in on you. so, when it was thor's turn, he didn't yell. he didnt say anything. he only took the blade and picked you up, carrying you to the bathroom.
"i know it feels like the world is ending. thats okay. yours is," he whispered into the air. you didnt say anything as he ran you a bath and silently asked permission to rid you of your blood stained clothes. you let him, and not once did he let his eyes linger on you. he only set you in the tub and washed you. the cuts stung, he knew that by how you winced. he asked you if you wanted to get out, but when you shook your head no he nodded.
he kissed you on your head, excusing himself and coming back moments later with a bandage. you sat there for two hours, thor with you. he didnt talk, didnt crack jokes. he rubbed your back and kissed your head brotherly multiple times.
when you got out, he slipped you into new underwear. you let him. you physically couldnt move. "im sorry," he whispered. you looked at him and looked away with a distant look. "do you want to wear one of her hoodies?" he asked. you shook your head no, and he slipped the one he was wearing onto you. he then bandaged your thighs up, making sure not to let his eyes linger on the cuts for too long.
they were deep, he noticed. but he cleaned them and put some ointment on it. when he was done he picked you up and laid you down. he sat with you for a few moments, looking at you, inspecting your face. he was scared he was going to lose you also.
after you'd been asleep for multiple minutes, he stood up to leave. somehow, you felt the bed shift and watched him get up. the first words you said since you saw her were, "stay."
your voice was hoarse, barely there from lack of talking. he heard you and stopped. he turned and sat back on the bed, his hands running over your hair. "hold me," you sobbed into the air.
he held you until you fell asleep. he couldn't. he just bathed himself in your presence, afraid you'd be gone if he fell asleep.
he continued to help you get better, feeding you small portions and getting you able to dress yourself. sometimes you'd have a hard time in the shower, so one time he came in fully clothed and showered with you. still, you wouldn't get out of bed.
one night, before thor came in, you overheard natasha and him yelling. "thor you cant babysit her! shes a grown adult. people die! people leave. wanda is gone and shes overreacting! shes been in that bed for weeks! if not a month. you cannot baby her!'' natasha hissed in the air. somehow, the words didn't bother you. you just stared at the door.
"fuck you, natasha. i know damn well you've delt with loss in your life. maybe not the love of your fucking life but you know its hard. they were getting married the next day when she died! they were soulmates natasha. wanda was her person. she can take however goddamn long she wants." thor slammed his words back, immediately busting into your room after that and apologizing for natashas behavior.
you shrugged. both of them were right in ways.
more weeks went by, and you had been able to throw on some of wandas clothes, walk around, eat, and think about her without wanting to chop your hand off.
everyone was cautious around you, except thor. he handled you beautifully, always there when you needed him. thor was being an amazing person and you knew someday you'd hug him and thank him for everything.
one night, you texted wandas number. you knew she wouldn't be able to see it but you needed to tell her.
'i miss you.'
then, you sat in her hoodie and sweatpants, thinking to yourself. you were getting better, but somehow, with every passing day, you forgot the way her voice sounded. you didnt realize immediately, but that was the moment you truly started accepting wanda wouldn't be back.
when you went to the hospital the next day, still looking rough, you asked for the nurse on wanda's case. you were pointed in her direction. when the nurse saw you, she tensed up, as if she were afraid of you.
"you guys didnt pull her off, right?" you asked. the nurse shook her head no, and led you to wandas room. she didn't look any different until you looked closer. her lips had grown dry, cuts on her body were starting to heal. the same things were the tube sticking down her throat. you knew you had to let her go.
"take it off of her. please. shes- she doesn't look like herself." you whispered. the nurse nodded, and moments later handed you papers and they went to work. you watched as they turned off every machine, rid her of every tube. they talked you through everything. that the process might take a bit, no longer than a few hours. then they left the room.
you cautiously put your hand in hers, it was cold to the touch, yours also. but the moment they touched yours warmed, along with your stomach. you missed her.
"I'm sure you've been watching me, wherever you are. you know thors been taking care of me since... yeah yknow. since the accident. my accident. i was alone for the first few weeks of yours. I'm sorry that we didn't have a funeral. I'll go home and plan it with Thor and the guys," you let a few tears drop as you talked.
"sorry. i just miss you. and I don't know what to say," you laughed through tears. you sat watching her chest move slower and slower, "im sorry i haven't come since i saw you the first time," another pause and then a kiss to her hand, "i wish you would've stayed. you were my soulmate, wanda. and my heart is not full without you here. your name will always be on my mind, my heart, my lips. i know you're gone. i know you forgot me already. but i will never forget the way you looked at me. i love you."
when you said the last three words, you knew it was when wanda left. her breathing stopped and her skin was growing colder.
at the funeral, you cried multiple times. your heart grew as every passing moment a new person walked in. wanda had so many people who loved her, that sometimes youd forget someones name.
you were given multiple hugs, "im sorry for your loss"'s, and other cliche things. you hated it but you could hear wanda scolding you from the afterlife, so you thanked everyone.
now you were watching a video put together of photos and clips of her. you were silently crying, the hardest out of everyone here. particularly at one video that tony caught of her failed proposal and the sound of her voice.
that night you drank lots of wine, and were sitting in the living room filled with your friends. you didnt mind, your heart was actually starting to feel full again even with the linger knowing she was still gone.
"do you think she's okay... wherever she is?" you asked. it was all you wanted to know.
"i hope so," tony said, patting your knee. multiple people hummed in agreement. you looked to the sunset and thought;
i hope it's nice where you are.
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 26 days ago
ppppaart like. 4??? of the hero and basil thing. ummmm
taglist for this one should jusr be
@n3hmof1sh (idk?? im writing it for u so i figured 😭😭)
ookaydoky i wrote A LOT today but heres some small tws
Neutral ending VAGUELY mentioned (no graphic descriptions (if any at all)), one/two instances of swearing, major character death, ‘delusional’/‘crazy’ used as derogatory terms
Hero followed behind Sunny, Kel, and Aubrey as they walked to Basil’s house. Kel was chattering to the other two (mostly Sunny) and Aubrey shivered a bit. When Kel quieted down for a moment, she said, “I hope it doesn’t rain. I re-dyed my hair last night…”
Kel rolled his eyes. “Oho, your poor pink hair… whatever will you do if it gets ruined?” He elbowed her playfully.
She scoffed. “Oh, shut up…”
They eventually reached Basil’s front door. Kel went up and knocked.
…It was not Basil that opened the door.
“Oh, hello, everybody!” Polly said.
Kel grinned. “Uh, hey, Polly! D’you think Basil could hang out?”
Polly leaned against the doorframe. “Ah, sorry, Basil’s in the hospital.”
Everyone froze. 
“What?” Kel asked, voicing Hero’s thoughts.
“Oh! Let me specify- he’s visiting his grandmother. She got taken in last night.” Polly said. “Sorry about that!”
There was a collective sigh of relief. “Thank god, that scared me half to death…” Aubrey muttered.
Polly smiled sympathetically. “Sorry, again. Maybe you can come back later?”
Kel nodded. “For sure!! Thanks for letting us know, Miss Polly.”
Polly nodded in turn. “Of course. See you later!”
She closed the door. Hero frowned. “I hope Basil’s okay.”
Kel rubbed his arm. “Yeah. Me too.”
“Basil? Please let us in… we’re worried about you.” Aubrey said, standing in front of Basil’s bedroom door. The house was dim, as it was late in the afternoon. 
…There was no answer.
Aubrey let her head fall against the door.
“...damnit, Basil.” She mumbled.
Kel sighed. “Hey… Basil. If you’re listening. We’re gonna stay the night, to check on you…”
Hero nodded. “Good idea, Kel.”
Kel turned to Polly. “Is that okay?”
Polly nodded. “Yes, it’s alright. I’m glad you’re all such caring friends. Basil’s lucky to have you.”
Hero woke up to Aubrey letting out a cry of shock.
He sat up. Sunny was asleep, and Kel and Aubrey were nowhere to be seen.
He got up, walking towards Basil’s room.
Polly, Aubrey, and Kel were all in the hallway.
Basil’s door was closed.
“Kel? Aubrey? What… happened…?” Hero asked.
Aubrey shook her head, pointing towards the bedroom.
Hero slowly walked over. He had a suspicion, and he was hoping he was wrong.
He was scared of what he was about to see.
Hero placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly twisted it…
…he gently opened the door…
And then he closed it.
“Oh my god…”
He stepped back. He felt sick.
Sunny came through the doorway, his eyes tired.
“No… Sunny… you’re supposed to be getting a fresh start. You shouldn’t see this…”Hero muttered.
Sunny ignored him, glancing at everyone else and then walking to the door.
He opened it, and then closed it as immediately as Hero.
A small whimper escaped his lips.
He stepped back, turned, and ran.
Kel stepped forward, his eyes teary. “Sunny, w-wait…”
The front door slammed.
Hero stood behind Kel and Aubrey as Kel knocked on the door of Sunny’s house.
“Maybe he’s sleeping. Let me try.” Aubrey said.
Kel stepped aside.
Aubrey raised her fist and banged on the door. “SUNNY SUZUKI!!” She yelled. “IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED WE’LL—...we’ll…”
She trailed off as the door opened to reveal Sunny’s mother, her eyes puffy and red.
“Um. Miss Aiko.” Aubrey mumbled, awkwardly.
Kel held back a laugh.
“Are… you okay?” Aubrey asked.
Aiko shook her head. “My son is dead.”
Hero stepped back in shock. “What?”
“I came to pick him up and he wouldn’t come out of his room. And when I looked in…”
“No…” Kel muttered. “No, it can’t be… why does this keep happening to us…?”
Aiko sighed. “I’ve called an ambulance, but… come inside.” She stepped back to let them in.
Hero stared at the text from Kel.
‘Basil left a note.’
It had only been a week. But it had taken the whole week for someone to notice?
‘You’ll wanna read it in-person. Polly found it on his pillow- I don’t know how none of us noticed.’
Hero got up. Kel was at Basil’s house, with Aubrey, he knew. He’d head there… and read the note.
He was curious, he had to admit.
Hero set the piece of paper down.
‘I’m sorry.’
Really, Basil? You’re sorry?
‘I hope you’ll forgive me.’
I want to, but how could I? Mari was the love of my life. And you lied to us for 4 years about her death. How could you do something like that?
Basil… Sunny… why did you do it?
Aubrey huffed. “Get it? I don’t hate them but I’m angry. 4 years is a LONG time to mess with our brains and lie about something so major- if the cops didn’t know, at least we should have.”
I don’t get it. Why didn’t they call for help? Maybe we could have done something!! Maybe we could have saved Mari!
Oh, Sunny. You could have told Mari you didn’t want to play anymore. It didn’t have to end this way…
“I forgive them.” Hero said.
Aubrey looked up at him. “Really? That fast?”
“...I want to… really… but I need time. I need to think about this.”
Aubrey sat on Basil’s bed, next to Kel.
“Why did it have to go this way? It’s… awful. They’re both dead and there’s nothing we can do about it.” 
Kel looked down at her. “Oh, Aub… it is awful, but- at least Basil thought to tell us everything…”
“Yeah, at least. Would have been really frickin’ selfish of him not to.”
“Well, Basil’s not… selfish.”
“Sunny is.”
“He chose to get violent instead of venting his frustrations!! If he’d just thought for a moment, maybe Mari wouldn’t be dead!!”
Kel flinched back. “Well- look, Aubrey, just put yourself in his shoes. You don’t know if he told Mari how he felt or not. What if Mari just didn’t listen?”
“Oh, don’t make Mari the bad guy here.”
“I’m not!! Mari just wanted the recital to be perfect- you know her!! Maybe Sunny was just overwhelmed!! But of course, you wouldn’t know because you never thought to ask how he felt, did you?!”
Aubrey fell silent.
Hero stared at the note.
‘Please, don’t hate Sunny; he did nothing wrong. It’s not anybody’s fault- it was a freak accident.
I won’t.
Sunny was a great friend to everyone… How could I hate him?
“Aubrey, Kel, just look at what Basil said here at the end.” Hero said.
Aubrey and Kel looked over. Aubrey leaned in close to the table.
“...Just because Basil says that doesn’t mean anything. He also said this.” She said, pointing to a different part.
‘I don’t want anything bad to happen to Sunny. Be sure to have him read this, okay? I need him to know he’s a good person and I trust him with my life. He’s incapable of hurting anyone, even if he breaks promises sometimes- that’s only human. I forgive him for everything he’s done, to me and to you, and even Mari.’
“It’s like he’s in love with Sunny or something.” Kel said.
Aubrey frowned. “What? No way.”
“Anything’s possible, I suppose… but I don’t think that’s really it.” Hero said.
“See? Exactly.” 
Kel scoffed. “Either he loves him or-”
“-Or he’s delusional.” Aubrey finished.
“That’s not-...” Kel trailed off.
Hero held up his hand. “Let’s… not call Basil delusional, okay?”
“..Ugh. Whatever. What’s this about, though?” Aubrey muttered, pointing to the note again.
‘That awful Something- blaming every fault and evil on Sunny, as always. Sunny didn’t push Mari. It was Something behind him. Surely you’ve seen it, lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting for the perfect moment to strike another one of us down. You can’t trust anything it says, it can only speak lies. Lies to turn you against Sunny and I.’
“...Well, it’s odd, but that shouldn’t justify your words-” Hero started.
“What the hell even is Something? Never seen it.” Aubrey interrupted.
“There’s this drawing here.” Kel said, tapping the paper.
“Ew. Looks like a pile of leeches with an eye.”
Kel shuddered. “Eugh. Just looks like some creepy demon to me.”
A demon…
Wait, trauma-induced hallucinations.
“It’s not real.” Hero said. “It’s not real.”
Aubrey looked back up at him. “What? Yeah, clearly not.”
“What is it, then?” Kel asked.
“Trauma-induced hallucination.” Hero replied.
“...Oh, hey, that makes much more sense.”
“Uh-huh…” Aubrey said. “So, they’re both crazy?”
“What?” Hero was appalled. “No?? That’s not what I said. They just weren’t mentally well, after witnessing something like that.”
“They’re crazy.”
“No. You shouldn’t call them crazy until we have proof that it’s clinically correct.”
“You are so lame. Basil seems pretty loopy to me.”
Hero pinched the bridge of his nose. “Basil is not crazy.” He said, firmly.
Aubrey rolled her eyes. “Whatever floats your boat.”
“Aubrey, you could stop being so mean. Is that any way to talk about the deceased?” Hero asked.
“I’m just saying.”
“I don’t care what you’re ‘just saying’.”
“Why? I’m really not that far off.”
“...Basil was… a little messed up. Not crazy.”
Aubrey got up and walked out. “He was crazy!!” She called over her shoulder.
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taylormarieee · 2 years ago
~I love you too much~
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Summary: You and Glenn are arguing about how you almost got killed on a run being arrogant but you blame the whole situation on Nicholas. Eventually your anger forms into lust.
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Angst - Smut
Pairing: Glenn Rhee X Fem!Reader
Warnings: PiV sex, Unprotected sex, Angry sex, Protective caring Glenn, Angry Reader, Clitorial Stimulation, Glenn being angry/worried, The whole group being concerned and curious, oral(Fem!Receiving)
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You rush into the house angrily while Glenn is rushing behind you. You slam the door in his face and he just opens it to just slam it all over again. "Uh you guys ok?" Abraham asks. looking between the two. of you.
"Perfectly fine Abraham! Now shut it!" You say angrily not even breaking your eyes away from Glenn. "Your reckless baby, you could have gotten killed! You have to stop being so stupid!" Glenn yells.
You scoff and roll your eyes pointing to yourself saying, "Im reckless?! I'm stupid?! Go tell all of that to that idiot Nicholas! He was the one that left me for dead Glenn! He already got Noah killed just to save his own ass!" You yell louder getting more and more angry.
"Baby, You don't think I understand that! He died right in front of me! My friend and all because of him but you should have never gone down there in the first place! You seriously need to think!" Glenn says feeling defeated about Noah.
Noah was a good kid and just wanted to go home. When we finally found a home he died a day later after escaping a bad place. So you understood Glenns pain and his anger but he can't possibly think you are reckless, is he?
"Listen Glenn I don't wanna have this conversation anymore." You say defeated walking up the stairs. "No baby we're gonna continue this! You need to get this through your thick skull! Get back here we are not done!" Glenn says running up the stairs after you.
The group stands there flabbergasted at what they just witnessed and just decide to leave them going back to just lounging around the house. You slam the door again and the whole group rolls there eyes.
You two have been going at each other's throats for the last 20 minutes. "Why do you think it's my fault! I did nothing wrong and you should know that!" You say throwing your hands up.
"Honestly, I don't know anything anymore! So much has happened and I just can't lose you too ok?!" He yells.
"Glenn, Your gonna lose me if you keep talking to me like a toddler who just got in trouble and is giving me a whole lecture on how to behave!" You say staring at his eyes with anger, "You can't even believe your own wife! You think i'm being reckless and stupid and it's not fair! I was very careful!" You yell getting closer to him.
"Your a real brat you know that!? Always complaining till I fuck that attitude right out of you." He says darkly getting closer to you. You feel like a magnet is dragging you closer to him.
Like you can't walk away. He has such a hold on you, you can't even stay mad at him. He grabs your neck and forces your lips together in a strong, passionate kiss.
He grabs your waist and pulls you as close as he can feeling every part of your body. He walks backwards to the bed and plops down on it, leaving you still standing.
He pulls on the hem of your shirt asking silent permission to take it off you. You pull away and take your shirt off. He runs his hands up your beautiful curves. He admires the way you chest goes up and down, heaving from the intense kiss.
He pulls you down on his lap and starts grinding you on his hard cock. He kisses you again muffling your sweet sounds. You start to grind on him faster creating a wet spot on your panties. You remove your jeans and he removes his. He flips you over so he's on top of you.
He leaves wet kisses on your body from your neck to your lace panties. He slowly slides the off of you, making you suffer until he's ready to make you scream his name.
You squirm under him whimpering. "I'm sorry Glenn! Please just fuck me, please!" You whine feeling helpless and vulnerable.
"Look at you... all whiny and needy for me aren't you?" He chuckles kissing your clit. Without warning he sucks on your clit making you gasp.
He sucks harder and you grab his hair and grind your hips on his face. You moan his name begging and whining. He licks your slit and slides his tounge in your hols and leaves it there unmoving.
He begins to lap up your juices flowing from your soaking pussy and starts rubbing your clit. You feel a familiar fuzzy feeling in your core. You feel yourself getting dizzy as you start shaking.
"Oh fuck- I'm gonna cu-" You can't even finish your sentence as your orgasm rushes out of you. Glenn continues to suck on your clit letting you ride out your high. You start to squirm at the overstimulation. "Glenn... Glenn babe it's too much Glenn!" You whine feeling dizzy.
He unlatches from your pussy and begins to line his cock up to your entrance. He pounds his cock into you and doesn't slow down. He only increases his speed when he hears you scream his name.
He pounds into you, "I love you too much sweetheart. I really can't lose you!" He grunts. "You're all I have. You and this group! So stop fucking up!" He yells at you pounding harder and faster, his pace never faltering.
"PROMISE ME!" He yells. "OK! I PROMISE!" You yell back feeling your second orgasm approach. "Good girl." He says kissing and sucking on your neck. You squirt your juices all over the beds sheets and your thighs.
His thrusts start to become erratic and have lost the rhythm he maintained to keep. You feel his cock twitch inside you and he lets out a long, drawn out moan, "Fuuuckkk- You are so tight babe" He says.
He spurts his warm, thick cum inside you. He lets out a groan and you let out a whine. He pulls out and holds you for a second. "I love you, ok? I was jus worried. I should have never said. that stuff, I just didn't want to lose you. I'm sorry." Glenn says kissing your forehead.
"Its ok. I forgive you and I understand. I personally should have been more understanding of your point of view during the situation and I wasn't. I am sorry for the things I said as well." You say holding him tighter.
You both kiss each other lovingly and put on your clothes and go downstairs. You guys come down stairs only to be met by the groups disappointed shaking of heads and some small smirks and smiles.
"Really dudes?" Abraham says.
"Oh shut up!" You say smiling and covering your face.
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The Gang:
The group is downstairs listening to you two argue for the past 20 minutes. Them being the concerned people they are, listen to the whole argument and choose who's side there on.
"Personally, Glenn does have a point!" Maggie says.
"Ye, but I dun think he shoulda said those things to 'er, y'know?" Daryl responds.
"I personally understand her. That Nicholas dude has been shady ever since we got here. He did get Noah killed." Tara says
"That is true." Carol agrees.
"Dios mío, esto es estúpido." Rosita says rolling her eyes.
"Who wants to play some card games?!" Carl says excitedly.
The whole group says "ME!"
After about 10 minutes of playing they hear moaning and whimpering, they also hear the arguing has stopped too.
They all roll their eyes again. "Judith cover your ears, now."Carl says annoyed that their card game has been ruined.
They both come downstairs and the group gives disappointed looks and some smirks, giggles, and smiles.
Carol gives a thumbs up and Daryl just chuckles as memories of the prison flood his mind.
"Really dudes?" Abraham says smiling.
"Shut up!" You say laughing and covering your face.
The group was at least thankful the arguing was over and there two favourite couple was happy again.
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Taglist: @sinsandsweetness @murdadixon @moved2murder-jacket @number1gal @neytirishottie, Idk who else to tag...
©TaylorMarieee| All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
Hope u enjoyed!
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 year ago
Part 2 of my Mario and Sonic @ the Olympics AU! Now officially calling it Intermission AU ive decided.
Part 1 is here!!! its about Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails and how they are brothers <3
So i guess i should talk more about the premise for this AU huh.
Its literally the part between Olympics, when everyone is like 'well that was fun... anyway what do you wanna do now?' Normally its just kinda antics and such.
Also everyone being paranoid that Eggman and Bowser ran off together after the last Olympic truce. What are they planning....? Probably nothing, but its better to be safe than sorry! Everyone immediately puts their brains together and makes an 'incredibly fool proof plan in order to completely beat them' (Mario made Sonic change "kick their asses" into something less crude, to which he then suggested "to destroy them" and Mario asked if he could think of something less violent). In the meantime, everyone gets to hang out and have fun :D
Here's some kind of misc things i thought of for this:
Rouge is hired to be Peach's bodyguard. GUN took interest in protecting her from Bowser, and Rouge immediately offered to take the role. She later told Peach its because she knew she'd be constantly swarmed with GUN soldiers if she didn't "as their best agent". Peach and Rouge getting along is underrated. They should be friends your honor.
Luigi tries to talk to Shadow, and maybe get along with them, but because of them generally being introverted it doesn't go so well. Everyone assures him that Shadow is just like that, and they'll come around eventually. (they do, and they become friends :) )
Team Sonic absolutely clowning on Wario and Waluigi. The two of them have never been bullied by teenagers, and theyre so embarrassed. Luigi asks to PLEASE be nice to them for once, and they all just kind of agree 'no its funny'
Daisy is the best hype-woman. She's hyping up Sonic and he's hyping her up in return. Shadow and Rosalina are watching at them yelling incoherently at eachother excitedly, and not understanding what they're saying.
Eggman watches as Bowser monologues about how much he totally DOESN'T like the green one and he's just as annoying as Mario and is a big WIMP too. Eggman's bisexual ass watching and understanding whats going on: mmmm.... mhm..... yeah and you hate him so much? mhm yeah.. okay..... alright........
anyway yeah expect a part 3 im probably gonna work on it rn heehoo
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itsajanea · 1 year ago
I CANNOT stop thinking about this
Where Four and Three are sleeping together(I know there is the forced to hold hands video) but it would be like that one Friends scene. (except im gonna try to make this a fanfic)
*Smg4 and Smg3 cuddling with each other*
*They both wake up and started screaming*
Smg4:I DON'T KNOW?!?
Smg3: We fell asleep. That is all.
Smg4: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Smg3: Uh well. I better go.
Smg3: I think that would be best.
Smg4: Yeah alright, I'll talk to you later.
Smg3: Okay. But not about this.
Smg4: So uh, Bye.
*Smg4 offers to shake the other mans hand*
Smg3: NO TOUCH! No touch.
Smg4 leaves the cafe
Smg3 takes the elevator down to his lair, gets into his bed and proceeded to stuff his face into a pillow
Smg3 then heard Eggdog barking, He stopped yelling so that his son wouldn't be too scared
Smg3 sits up on his bed and placed Eggdog on his lap
Smg3: I'm sorry Eggdog, I didn't mean to scare you.
Eggdog barks, then looked at his dad confused
Smg3: I gotta admit tho......damn what a good nap that was.
Then cut to Smg4 locked in his room, screaming into his pillow about what had just happend
Note: This is my first fanfic lol, I just rushed this cause I'm at a bday party and I'm scared someone might ask me what I am doing. 😅
Part 2 soon ;)
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