#(I would love to do some rotational play w/ the girls)
micrathene-w · 1 year
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They sit down to chat, and Mahina makes her way over to join them. Ari gives her sister a quick glance - and a big grin.
"Well, I can guess what your latest news is, 'Hina sweetie," she says. "Congratulations!"
Mahina beams back at her. "Thanks! How are Duane and Simone?"
"They're doing great," says Ari. "Duane's been hinting he'd like a second little one, but I'd like to get another promotion at work before asking for maternity leave again."
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magecrafts · 4 months
Would you be willing to write a headcanon combo of all the characters you write for on how enthusiastically they’d listen/dance to Chappell Roan?
sure!!! she's been big on my spotify rotation lately so this was fun :) kate got the most attention w this one bc i just know she’s so into chappell but there's a lil bit for all of 'em. also established bishova by accident hello???
agatha knows who chappell is because she’s a tiktok lurker. calls her the twinkly little cowgirl. with a fond smile.
kate pretends she isn’t as big of a fan as she is because she’s trying this thing where she tamps down the stan behavior because it almost drove clint away. and because being a stan with manhattan penthouse money is detrimental to her allowance (which isn’t so much an allowance anymore as it is just … her money bc the feds have eleanor and kate has access to the accounts that haven’t been seized). it’s silly to try and pretend she doesn’t love the things she loves but it helps that she’s not actually very good at pretending. she knows the school nights ep like the back of her hand because she believes in entire discography supremacy. likes the vocal differences between then and now, likes to be able to listen to someone’s growth. learned the term comphet in a good luck, babe! tiktok comment section. will wear merch shirts to the pizzeria and listen to hot to go! loud enough that the sound bleeds out of her headphones for anyone who passes to hear. she’ll do the dance while she microwaves that pizza for breakfast the next morning. calls it her ymca. will scream-sing good luck, babe! will jump on her bed and put on a messy lil concert of that one, too. says it tickles her soul like a past life lover. and if you dig around in her closet you’ll find a purple rhinestoned cowgirl hat.
maya likes her lyrics, thinks they’re smart and witty. the songs she can feel the best via bass and vibration when played real loud are super graphic ultra modern girl, femininomenon, and naked in manhattan.
natasha likes most music. and most things. her background (red room, espionage, superheroing) calls for adaptability. assimilation. she learned a long time ago to take everything in stride. there are things she likes more than others, of course, but most things are generally fine for her. she’ll make it all work. in that same vein it’s kind of hard for music to be really special to her. she mostly hears chappell when kate throws parties. she and yelena are similar in that dancing probably won’t happen unless someone else drags her into it.
wanda likes some of her slower songs. picture you, kaleidoscope, coffee, casual. likes when they come on shuffle. will queue them up to listen to while she reads, cooks, or gardens. 
yelena won’t listen to chappell on her own. won’t listen to much of anything on her own if it isn’t something she used to listen to with alexei when she was little. she’s one of those people who does most things without a soundtrack. most things in silence. including working out, which kate says is serial killer behavior. but she likes when kate plays chappell. she’ll nod along, tap her foot, start to smile. sometimes she’ll ask kate to play “naked in the city” even though she knows that’s not what it’s called. she just likes the little unimpressed face kate makes when she gets things wrong on purpose. yelena doesn’t really dance but every once in a while she’ll let kate pull her around the kitchen in a half-assed pantomime of it. she’ll sway to slower songs. she’ll hum along. and she'll always slow dance with kate to love me anyway.
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virtchandmoir · 2 years
They’ll be dancing with themselves next season when same-sex teams come to Canadian figure skating
The move is meant to create opportunities for skaters who can��t find partners, but it’s sure to create an uneven playing field.
January 12, 2023
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Figure skating is the most gay-friendly sport in the world. If there’s any athletic arena that doesn’t need a woke kick in the arse, this is it.
That’s if “inclusion” — as the term is now understood to mean — were the motivating factor behind Skate Canada’s decision to permit same-sex competitors in ice dance and pairs as of next season. The organization has rewritten policy, which previously specified that those disciplines must comprise a man and a woman, quite patting itself on the back for the groundbreaking shift.
But figure skating has long had a problem of gender imbalance, from the earliest of age. There aren’t enough males to go around in coupled competition, at least in North America. At rinks across Canada, little girls who want to do pairs or dance have difficulty getting proper ice time because of that scarcity. And as skaters mature, entering the elite ranks internationally, quite frankly men can have their pick of a partner, trade up. Hence, females who have put in just as many hours of training, honing all the necessary skills, sometimes find themselves jettisoned for a more medal-enticing model.
So maybe conjoining girls with girls makes some sense, particularly in ice dancing.
But indisputably, man-man pairs would create a competitive advantage, especially in the side-by-side jumping elements. Men routinely do quad jumps now while only a handful of women include four-rotation jumps in their singles routines. Because Skate Canada has no intention of expanding formats to encompass strictly same-sex teams, male-male duos would compete alongside male-female couples. I don’t see how that playing field can be levelled.
Canada is the first and thus far only country to go down this road. There’s been not a shred of evidence that the International Skating Union is in the mood for changing its rules. Consequently, at this point same-gender teams would only be able to compete domestically, up to the Canadian championships.
Scott Moir, who with Tessa Virtue won two Olympic gold medals and a silver — they’re the most decorated ice dancers in history — was among those who most passionately advocated for the rule change.
He insists there would be no competitive edge for a same-sex men’s team. “If you’re asking yourself who would win between Tessa Virtue-Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir-Scott Moir, I’m going with Tessa. I know that Tessa, if she trained lifts, she could lift. She was a fantastic flyer.”
To be clear, Moir is talking about ice dance. He doesn’t consider himself qualified to speak about pairs.
“It’s just time for us to give a bit more access to the sport of ice dance,” Moir, now a coach, told the Star on Thursday at the Canadian championships in Oshawa, where he has several teams competing in the junior ranks. “It allows us to get more athletes into the sport, most of all. But the other part is that I don’t think there’s an advantage to a man-man team or a woman-woman team. So it’s unnecessary to have those boundaries.’’
Moir anticipates that, with same-gender teams, skaters will invent new moves and different lifts, while exploring alternate storylines in programs — figure skating, performed to music, is very much about depicting a narrative, particularly in dance — though there would still be a “leader’’ and a “follower” as there is on nearly all dance expression. It’s make-believe with an athletic foundation.
“I don’t know if people know this but Tessa and I, while we love each other, we weren’t in love. We were playing characters our whole career. We convinced a lot of people. But two women, two men, can do the same thing, for crying out loud. It’s just the age that we’re in. The people that perceive it as quote-unquote gay, for me, I really care very little about what their opinion is.”
There’s a traditional view, Moir acknowledges, that the sport should stay the same way forever. But within the sport, among coaches and skaters, he’s found an open-mindedness, a willingness to adapt and innovate. And certainly, to find a competitive path for more females in the twosome events.
“There are a lot of female skaters who are sitting at home simply because we can’t find them a man. They’re all training at an elite level but they can’t get anywhere, can’t even get on competition ice. If this is all that it accomplishes, then I think it’s a success.”
Kaitlyn Weaver, a two-time Olympian with partner Andrew Poje — they’re event ambassadors in Oshawa — came out publicly as gay 18 months ago on social media. With Moir, she took a strong stand championing same-sex partnerships to Skate Canada. Weaver was sick Thursday and not at the rink, but she had explained her activism earlier this week in an interview with Lori Ewing of The Canadian Press.
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the stories we’re telling (but) I think there’s room for so much more. My queerness has a big part in why I felt especially motivated to help push this forward. We don’t see young people in our sport that are not heteronormative … and I think that that’s a problem.
“Canadians belong on the ice. If there’s a group of people that don’t feel like that, it’s our job to make sure that becomes a reality. And a visual reality. Kids can’t be what they can’t see. And if we make space for everyone, I think that our sport and our country will be much richer for it.”
The three-time senior world medallist has worked with American pairs team Anna Keller, a non-binary trans athlete, and Erica Rand. They had hoped to compete at their nationals but were prevented from doing so because U.S. rules still stipulate one man, one woman.
But will audiences accept same-sex teams? It’s a largely conservative fan base that has stayed loyal to the sport, which has otherwise plunged in popularity since the 1980s. Even Moir concedes that young girls who would benefit from skating with other young girls feel awkward about it.
“Right now, the females are shy. They’re worried about how the world of figure skating is going to look at them. That’s a big obstacle. The tough thing for me is pitching the idea, which I have many times, and it falling flat because they’re worried that they’re going to be judged and embarrassed and not taken seriously.”
The spectre of bullying and shaming is real. Moir, who is straight, likewise absorbed a lot of teasing in his younger days for being a figure skater, and an ice dancer at that.
“Not amongst my friends. My hockey player friends also stuck up for me because I played hockey against them. They knew they’d have to face me on the ice as well.
“Let’s hope we’re in a different era now.”
—The Star
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
Lost In Translation // Bitching At Your Girlfriend
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Warning: Angst, cursing, & smut
Collaboration w/: @alltimereverie
Bradley Bradshaw as Noah
Bob Floyd as Harrison
Pretty Girl | Masterlist
It was official after that, Harrison and I were together and he loved telling anyone and everyone. The only place it wasn’t blatantly obvious was at work. But outside of work he held my hand, kissed me, and opened doors for me. Any time I met some of his friends or we met someone new he immediately introduced me as his ‘gorgeous girlfriend’ and it made me giddy like a little girl every time. We were together nearly every night, rotating out whose house we stayed at. We moved fast, but we couldn’t help it. He made me feel things I had never felt before and I didn’t want those feelings to stop. After work I had to run to the store for groceries, Harrison deciding to go with me. “Let’s just toss a pizza in the oven tonight.” He said as we walked through Costco. “Pizza does sound good.” He grabbed a frozen supreme pizza from the freezer, laying it in the buggy. It was supposed to be a simple shopping trip, but of course it was interrupted when we bumped into Katy. 
“Liz?” I turned to see her standing across the aisle with a buggy of her own. “Oh, hi Katy.” I said with a fake smile. She hasn’t spoken to me since that day at the cemetery and I was perfectly fine with that. “How are you?” She asked and I nodded. “I’m okay. How are you?” I asked, just trying to be polite. “I’m handling it. It’s hard without Noah here, and even harder when I don’t know what’s going on.” I nodded. “Got your coffee, baby.” Harrison said as he walked by, pressing a kiss to my temple before setting the large container of coffee in the buggy. “Oh, Harrison. Hi.” She waved and he flashed her a smile. “Hey, Katy. Good to see you again.” It was all polite but I could tell he didn’t mean it. “You too. So are you two…?” I nodded. “We’re together.” He grinned wildly at my words. “My gorgeous girlfriend and I have been together for five weeks now.” I giggled as Katy smiled at us. “Aw, he even keeps up with how long you guys have been together! That’s so sweet! I wish Noah would do that. He tends to forget.” I nodded, about to end the conversation when she spoke up. “Noah told me you hung up on him a few weeks ago.” I nodded. “It was just a bad time.” She shrugged. “He told me he really wanted to talk to you.” I shrugged back. “Yeah, well he had multiple opportunities to call me and he didn’t. The one time he did, it wasn’t the best time.” She gave me a smile that screamed fake. “Well he gave up one of our phone calls to talk to you and you were rude.” 
I was about to lose my temper on this bitch and I knew Harrison could tell, his fingers pressing into my back. “I’m not going to drop everything just because he calls. Believe it or not I have a life away from him, and I have other people in my life I enjoy spending my time with.” She scoffed, walking over and reaching onto the shelf behind me. “Really it seems like you found a play thing while Noah is gone and when he comes back, you’ll be all over him again. Just remember, I’m his girlfriend, not you.” Harrison watched us closely, knowing if she pushed, I would fly off the handle. “Maybe stop being a jealous bitch and you would see that I don’t want him and he doesn’t want me. You are the one who is acting paranoid and projecting it onto everyone else.” I said before I grabbed the buggy, pushing it away as I left her behind me. The rest of the shopping trip was quiet, and as we were loading the groceries into my car I looked to Harrison. “Do you worry about Noah and I?” I asked, propping my fists on my hips. He didn’t miss a beat, shaking his head as he put the last bag in the car. “Nope.” I nodded, taking a deep breath. “Why?” He just smiled at me. “You told him exactly what you were doing on the phone call. If you wanted a shot with him, you wouldn’t have mentioned me. Plus, you wouldn’t be wasting all your time with me, it’d be more of a fling.”
I took a deep breath, nodding before we got into the car. Once he backed out of the spot I grabbed his hand from the steering wheel, kissing his knuckles before resting our hands on the console. “Thank you for trusting me and believing me.” He smiled at me before turning his eyes back to the road. “Always pretty girl.” That night we went home and showered before I tossed the pizza in the oven while he poured some wine and searched for a movie. I smiled, crawling across his lap and laying down, my legs tossed over his. “Did you hear them announce that they were moving up the start of the F-19 project to next year?” He nodded, raising his brows at me. “Yep, you gonna apply?” I nodded. “Yeah. I mean, how amazing would it be to create the next generation of fighter jets?” He had a look in his eyes that I couldn;t describe, but his grin was taking up over half of his face. “You’re a shoo-in for it, Lizzy.” He said, leaning over and kissing me. “You think?” He nodded, pulling me close. “I know it.” He said before kissing my nose. 
A few more weeks went by in bliss, we’d go to work, come home, he’d hold me as he nuzzled his nose into my cheek. We were practically inseparable. "Fuck." He moaned as I was grinding on his lap. His tongue licked into my mouth, the makeout session getting heavier and heavier. His large hands held my waist and mine went into his hair. "Come on." I said, leaning back and yanking the t-shirt off him, dragging my hand across his chiseled chest. My lips found the spot under his ear, sucking on it as he pulled me closer. My phone started ringing, but I didn't care, too busy working my way down my boyfriends neck, searching for that spot that drives him wild. "It's Noah." He gasped as I licked across his clavicle. "Don't care." I whispered, working my way down his chest. I squealed as he pulled me close, forcing me to pull my lips away from his chest as he did. He leaned forward, grabbing my phone and holding it out as he sat back. 
"Answer it." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "I really don't want to." He raised a brow at me. "You've been pissed about the Katy thing for a few weeks now. Say something to him." I groaned, knowing he was right. I took the phone, attempting to stand before he pulled me back down, holding me on his lap. "Uh uh, you stay right here where I need you." I smiled at him before answering the phone. "Hello?" There was a groan on the other end. "About time you answered! I thought I wouldn't get through to you!" I rolled my eyes as Harrison planted his lips on my cheek. "Well I was a little busy." Harrison bit his lip, dropping his head to my shoulder. "Oh, you with Harrison again?" I nodded. "Yeah, you're being a massive cock block right now." I said, winking at Harrison. "Good." I rolled my eyes. "So are you gonna hang up on me like our last phone call?" I shook my head. "No cause I think we have a few things to talk about."
"Like what?" "Like you telling Katy about our last phone call." He just groaned on the other end. "Next time you wanna bitch to your girlfriend about me, maybe make sure she's not gonna stop me in the grocery store and say something." I heard a rustling on the other side, like something fell over. "What did she say?" He asked. "Oh a few things. She told me I was rude for hanging up on you because you gave up one of her phone calls to talk to me. She called Harrison a 'play thing', just someone to keep me entertained until you come home. She said that in front of Harrison by the way. She was quick to remind me that she was your girlfriend and not me. So, I called her a jealous bitch and told her to quit projecting her insecurities on everyone else."
He groaned and I could practically see him pulling on his hair. "I wish you wouldn't have called her a bitch." "Oh, so it's okay for her to corner me in the store and insult me and my boyfriend?" "What? No! Liz, it just stirs up more trouble." I knew I'd sound like a child, but I had to say it. "Yeah, well she started it and I don't appreciate her stirring up trouble in my relationship. Next time you tell her about our problems, better make sure she doesn't say shit about it to me." Harrison grinned, kissing up my neck. Immediately my body felt like it was on fire and it made it hard to concentrate on the conversation. "Liz. I'm sorry, I was just frustrated and was venting to her. I never expected her to say something about it." Fuck, his voice was soft and it made it so hard to not just forgive him. "I appreciate the apology, but you better get your girlfriend in check before I do it."
"Okay. I gotta go Liz, love you." I bit my lip, looking down at Harrison who had his lips attached to my neck. "Bye, Noah." I said before ending the call and tossing my phone across the couch. "I'm proud of you." He whispered in my ear before nipping it. I moaned, my head falling back so he had access to my throat. "You're so sexy when you stand up for yourself." He licked up my throat, causing a shiver to run up my spine. “Hm, I was standing up for you too.” He smirked against my throat, his hands pawing at my back. “Fuck, that makes you even sexier.” He said as he stood before gently placing me on my back on the couch. He reached up the back of my shirt, undoing my bra with one hand before pulling my shirt and bra off all at once. As soon as he discarded the clothing his lips attacked my breasts, licking, nipping, sucking. I was a moaning mess, arching my back just trying to get closer to him. He ground his pelvis against mine, allowing me to feel him through his jeans. “Feel what you do to me?” He muttered as he nuzzled his nose into my cheek, a moan escaping me. “Yeah.” He chuckled, capturing my lips with his as he unbuttoned my shorts, pushing them down my legs. In return I pushed his jeans down his own legs. We tossed those who knows where as we rushed out of our underwear. “Fuck. Harrison, please.” I whined as he tossed my right leg over his shoulder, grabbing my left leg and holding it out. “I got you, pretty girl. I promise.” He lined himself up, kissing me as he slipped in. “Oh.” I moaned, the stretch stinging deliciously as he slowly bottomed out. 
“Feel like fucking heaven around me.” He said as he gently gripped my neck, rolling his hips into mine. My head was hazy and all I could think about was how amazing it felt when he fucked me. “You like that, baby? Huh?” I could only nod as one hand gripped his wrist, the other scratching along the back of his shoulder. “Yes. Fuck, Harrison.” He moaned as I said his name, kissing along my neck. His hand holding my ankle let go, opting to slowly rub my clit. A high pitched moan escaped my lips as he did it, but slowly turned into a whine as he slowed down. “You look fucking ethereal under me.” He said as he slowly fucked me. “I’m not gonna last long.” I cried as he continued rubbing my clit. “Then cum, pretty girl. Cum around my cock.” I just moaned as my chest heaved, pleasure pooling in my belly. “Fuck! Fuck!” I cried as he sped up, slamming into me. “Come on, baby. That’s it, be a good girl for me.” The rope in my belly snapped. My head flew back as my toes curled. “Oh fuck!” He quickly pulled out, his release covering my belly. He rubbed my clit, dragging out my orgasm as he moaned. I had to push his hands away, my legs shaking from the over stimulation. “Yeah, definitely sexy when you stand up to someone.” He said as he buried his face in my neck, making me giggle. He laid his body weight on me, his head resting on my chest as I ran one hand up his back, the other scratching his scalp. “I think I’m in love with you.” My eyes flew open, looking down at him to see he wasn’t looking at me. “You don’t have to-” “I think I’m in love with you too.” He smiled, placing a kiss to my chest before he wrapped his arms around me, and for a minute, in our own little bubble. We were at peace.
Taglist: @wkndwlff @dhwanishah09
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
mekaru cuz she's neglected tbh 🥺?
im so fucking guilty of neglecting her. i neeed her to make friends so i can start spinning her in my mind with characters im already obsessed with so she can be More in my brain as her own character. mekaru pls pls just start being more authentic and love urself-
cw she has so much internalized homophobia. that’s all tho
-My identity hc for them
canon lesbian!! has a lot of comphet tho. like, a lot. like, only character to upload the “fact” they’re het to their report card. 
- Thoughts on their home life/family
ya know. i think she’s lying to herself about how much she likes kids. i don’t think she’s inclined to them but playing babysitter all the time has made her p child adverse. however admitting this means realizing she can’t gain “i am a normal respectable non-offending person who no one has any reason to have any issue with” points by raising 2.5 kids. so. yeah she just chooses to keep lying to herself
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
tbh i think i do a bad job portraying her comphet? buuut. to take a step back and think neutrally about things, i think that’s predominantly a result of, again, the role she plays in the story, and the fact we’re not in her head. we can judge how well i write her comphet when we get to pick her brain a bit more in ftes. id rather have a more subtle, more accurate depiction, then one that’s made inaccurate with how in your face “wow my bestie is so pretty if only girls who liked girls were real…” it is. (<- not that portrayals like that are bad/wrong, it’s abt enjoying yourself while not feeding into negative stereotypes! i just don’t really want to depict her comphet in that more lighthearted manner).
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
again. this is prolly just gonna be stuff which didn’t happen in canon but could’ve if things were different? w/mekaru i think if she studied psychology more and like. Dedicated herself to it she could easily rise to shsl psychiatrist level. this is canon but i think that she’s specifically interested in medicine when it comes to treatment of the human condition. she likes and grasps it all, but the history of assorted pills is where she Shines
- My number one favorite ship for them
okada my beloved <3. (obligatory: okada aimi is mekarus bestie! she’ssss. sapphic, i don’t have anything more specific/anything otherwise canon for her. she likes mekaru and thinks mekaru likes her back (she’s right), buuut. she hasn’t confessed because she thinks she’ll be rejected (she’s right, again.) she’s trying to gently tug mekaru into having a Revelation but it hasn’t been going v well for her.
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
i used to say that like. tomori was probably her gateway into her moment of Realization. i can still see that being true but i think it was less genuine desire to date and moreso.  mekaru projecting what she feels she needs to be onto tomori then seeing tomori being queer and going. hmmm. anyways tho. i kinda like her w/kurokawa but i think kurokawas just v shippable? poor okada tho i think she’d would be crying and throwing up if she found out mekaru dated a girl from hpa before dating her.
also tho i kinda think she’d be cute w/hatanami. sorry okada :(
- The thing i will NEVER ship
she is in fact still a lesbian, folks! uhh past that tho im rotating her with different girls and i don’t like the idea of her and inori like. at all for some reason
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
i think it’d be neat if she. i don’t know got to have friends. id like to chat abt her interacting with tomori more!!
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
im really happy with her redesign! her personality and demeanor changed from the first one she had here, but her fit didn’t change, and it really just didn’t work. also it’s kinda matchy with linujs actual beta design for rei iirc? so that’s funny
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
lol. little miss perfect from write out loud/etc. uhh past the obvi one i had to list… first love/late spring - mitski comes to mind less in a. struggling with growing up and loving seriously as an adult and moreso. fear that comes with realizing ur in love with ur bestie (u are a teen with severe internalized homophobia). again apologizing for my inability to stick with what the song is actually about at least this one was semi accurate. please know i will go to war when it comes to respecting mitski as an artist and not dismissing her experiences and what she’s saying. 
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shannadreamgoddess · 5 months
heya! its the anon who gushed about story of arceus a while back (which was apparently over a year ago??? gosh it doesnt feel like its been that long.. still here, still keeping up! ^-^) and im back for round two !!!! this time with Actual Coherent Thoughts !!!!!!
i would like to say that i am also thoroughly enjoying fire & stone!! both you and mimi have done an excellent job writing it. my favorite chapters are probably the ones focused on adelaide's 'conversation battles' (for lack of a better term lol)- reading them gives me the imagery of the whole interaction being like a quick time event, with all the information, status updates, and planning being banners that flash up on screen- something like how the persona 5 battles play out, is my closest comparison. its so fun to read along because of that! that, and the fact that i do genuinely love how adelaide thinking out her next moves is written as well. a constant rotating thought of what moves to make, those move's consequences, their benefits.. the consequences and benefits of those consequences and benefits... shes always trying to think one step ahead of the curve, the paving of the future, even if in that haze of planning she forgets about the people she cares about in the present. ohghhhhhhhh
on that same sort of topic, also loved chapter 80 of soa and the 'deception fight' the crew had + the napkin conversation. the acting to play into vinae's low expectations of them all, the genuinely smart idea of how to communicate without scrutiny, reassuring each other that they're all in this together, and they'll get through it together... outstanding. clapping and cheering. cant wait to see where it goes from there. the bonus chapter is also a nice touch, just from the irony of learning team ganusi's backgrounds- pokemon of lower economic class, who were probably indoctrinated into becoming the people they are today through blind adoration and still being impressionable children at the time. and oh god i just noticed the parallel. they're indoctrinating vizon now. the cycle fucking continuessss auuuggghhhhh also. team ganusi absolutely killed that emboar right. twisting of the truth and whatnot. 'no officer we didnt kill that guy he simply was so stupid he killed himself. you can trust us we're guild :)'
anyways. splendid job on the fics. cant wait to see how they conclude. just imagine that im on my bed kicking my legs and giggling like a highschool girl whenever i read them. im having soooo much fun ^v^
(also... as a small side note..... do you perhaps have an artfight account/are planning on participating this year? lets just say someone would be fully willing to send some attacks of SoA or F&S characters your way... wink wink nudge nudge)
UWAAAHHH IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. ;; I'm really happy you're still enjoying the story <3 I hope it's brought some nice comfort and fun.
SOSOSOSO - I showed this to both Mimi and Cam. They're both super happy, too <3. In FAS Mimi and I are having a blast including those conversational battles. But even more than that I'm having the time of my life watching Mimi write Adelaide. She's such a good character and she's absolutely fun to just mess around with, you know???
Like, setting up conversational challenges then compounding them with emotional challenges -- she's this fiercely oberservant thinker girl yet a single frown from Siranae is like Kryptonite to her (pic related).
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I'm genuinely happy you're enjoying those conversation sections!! Some part of me always worried that maybe Fire and Stone was too boring or too dry to anyone but me but I've been pretty lucky to have attracted a reader base who is similarly into these kinds of vibes. ; w ;
And speaking of yeah!! SOA kind of had a similar thing in chapter 80, huh?? Having to outsmart instead of overpower - thank goodness for Loshjno. You know it's funny: Cam was the one to remember and point out that Avery could read but not write so it ended up making the scene even more challenging and fun to pull off than I'd initially thought it'd be! I loved it!
(Also oh my god I'm seeing it too now that you pointed it out -- Team Ganusi is just like Vizon. Who knows, maybe the teams that inspired Ganusi were ALSO like Vizon. Arceliaze is a FUCKING MACHINE, dude!!)
(And also bonus points for picking up on that last detail with the emboar -- I'm so proud of ya'll <33 It's funny because from the outside it looks like a perfectly bog-standard PMD story but all ya'll know better by now >:3 Well done~!)
But HUWAH WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO FINISH THEM!! We're in the struggle of trying to finish long fics - you know how it is. Especially with chapters that some say are as long as novellas all by themselves. We'll get the eventually, we hope!!
And finally…hmmm…I'm not actually sure about art fight. Only because I'm worried about being unable to fire back - I'm genuinely really bad at doing art except in sudden, unpredictable bursts. I could never be a career tumblr artist like some folks art ' w '; But Cam said I could probs just mark myself as an 'easy target'? I dunno, I'll probably think about it, fwah <3
Thank you so much for this, by the way. ;; Comments like these do always reminds us we're not just writing into a void and it makes the keystrokes feel that much easier…genuinely, it helped us today. >.< <3 Much love!!!
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justfandomwritings · 2 years
I have been devouring your content for the past few days and let me say: your writing is absolutely AMAZING! The way you write Jake is just chefs kiss. Jake and Addie are my new OTP
That said, I have read everything you have written about these two, the fic and all the OTP questions as well. But I have this very specific itch that will not leave me alone which you kind of touched on in one of your asks. What do you think Addie would be like if Jake got into an accident while flying? Nothing major obvs, but maybe a really bad scare?
No Callsigns
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Female!Reader (Addie)
Word Count: 3.1k (Idk how that happened)
Warnings: whole thing takes place in a hospital, panic attack, character is seriously injured but the injuries are not described in any way, some light angst but with a happy ending
Notes: I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but this little scene has been playing around in my head for a long time. This is Addie reacting to Jake being injured, but it's not really an angst heavy introspective of how it makes her feel. It's more how it would play out.
This is a prequel to The Only Thing, but it can be read without reading the only thing. This story takes place before Jake goes to Top Gun the first time as a student but after he becomes a pilot.... Also Featuring Iceman and Coyote because why not.
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“Seresin residence, you’ve got Addie.” Addie tucked the phone between her cheek and her shoulder to free up her hands as she turned back to the sauce bubbling away on the stove.
It was Thursday night. Thursday night meant family dinner in the Seresin household, and the girls, Addie included, took turns rotating who cooked. Normally, it would’ve been Ronnie’s turn, but she was back in Austin studying for an organic chemistry final. Which meant it should’ve been Andy’s turn, only Andy was off in New York at a high school friend’s bachelorette party. Which meant it should’ve been Debbie if not for the fact that Debbie’s sister was in town and demanded the two go to the city for the night.
Kate had offered to order the two of them Chinese food so neither had to cook, but Addie had been perusing the Seresin family recipes again and decided it was time to try her hand at Debbie’s world – or at least county – famous marinara sauce.
Things were shaping up quite nicely before the phone began to ring.
“This is Admiral Tom Kazansky, US Pacific Fleet Commander. I’m calling to speak to Miss Debbie Seresin.”
Addie’s back straightened involuntarily. The wooden spoon in her hand slipped lower in the sauce as her grip on it loosened.
“She’s not in at the moment...” Addie didn’t really know what to say. “Can-Can I take a message?”
There was a quiet sigh on the other end of the phone. So quiet she almost missed it. So quiet she almost missed the melancholy coloring its’ tone. “Unfortunately not. Do you know how long until she’ll be back?”
The man’s voice didn’t turn up at the end the way one normally would to indicate a question. It stayed flat and even, like he didn’t have the energy to raise his voice, or perhaps more likely that the words were too heavy, too weighed down to be lifted up in any way.
“W-What happened to Jake?”
It wasn’t a question she was supposed to ask. Addie knew that. She’d had that talk with Jake before.
If something happened to him, she would have to find out from Debbie. The Navy didn’t exactly recognize ‘besties’ as a category for immediate disclosure. If he got hurt… or worse, the Navy would call his mom until he had a wife or kids.
“Pardon?” The high-ranking admiral on the other end of the line was, no doubt, not used to being questioned.
Addie wasn’t supposed to ask, wasn’t supposed to cause a scene, wasn’t supposed to stick her nose in. Jake had made it very clear that, much as he wanted them to tell her, much as he didn’t want her to find out second hand or have to wait for news, much as he loved her, the Navy would make her wait. She would have to wait, not on him, never on him, but certainly on them.
But Addie couldn’t help it. When Jake told her all those things, told her that if she ever got a call she would have to get ahold of his mom, told her that she shouldn’t barrage whoever called with questions, told her that she would have to get any news after the fact, told her to be on her best behavior if something really bad ever happened and someone important made the call… When he told her that, he’d never been on the receiving end.
He’d never felt his throat close up knowing that best case scenario she was in an ICU bed somewhere. He’d never gone weak in the knees when someone told him they could neither confirm nor deny that she was dead. He’d never spent hours waiting by a phone with the news blasting over loud speakers knowing she was going into a combat zone where she could be killed any second, knowing the six o’clock news might be told before him.
Jake had never gotten a phone call from someone telling him she was dead or dying, and he would never have to worry about getting that phone call, not really. And she knew without a shadow of a doubt that if their roles were reversed he would be so much worse.
“You’re a Fleet Commander; you wouldn’t be calling un-unless some-something really bad happened to Jake.” She felt out of breath, like she’d run a mile. Maybe it was the way her throat felt like she was breathing through a straw.
“Ma’am I’m not at liberty to discuss that with anyone other than Lieutenant Seresin’s next of kin.”
There was a loud crack followed by the sound of breaking glass. The salad bowl, balanced on the kitchen island behind her toppled to the ground and shattered as she stumbled back.
Next of kin. He was looking for Jake’s next of kin.
Addie gasped for air. “Is he alive?” Her words came out in a pant.
She didn’t hear any more than that as Kate burst into the room.
“Addie, what’s…”
Addie was hyperventilating now. A hand on the island behind her, gripping the granite so hard her nails were cracking under the pressure, was all that kept her from sinking to the ground, unintentionally kneeling in the shattered glass around her.
Her hand pulled the phone away from her ear and waved it blindly in Kate’s direction as she desperately tried to catch her breath, tried to steady her shaking legs, tried to calm herself down.
“Who is this?” Kate’s tone was demanding, accusatory as she snatched the phone away from Addie. There was a brief pause as Kate’s face contorted. She clearly wasn’t getting the answer she wanted, or an answer at all.
“This is his sister, Kate. Now tell me who is calling, and why does Addie look like she’s having a panic attack?”
Addie’s head jerked up at the sound of the name.
It was a pilot calling her. She recognized him immediately. One of Jake’s friends, the only Navy friend of Jake’s she’d met so far.
“Coyote, right?”
Coyote nodded and crossed the room in long, sure strides to stand beside her chair. There were seats open all around her, but he didn’t make a move to occupy any of them. He stood, feet shoulder-width apart, hands tucked behind his back. There was no rocking or shifting to his stance like there would’ve been a civilians, no pacing or show of emotions. He was soldier.
“Your Jake’s wingman?” Addie pulled her legs up into the seat with her, hugging them against her chest as she stared up at the man standing over her.
“Yes ma’am,” Coyote wasn’t looking down at her. He was looking straight ahead at some unknown point on the waiting room wall.
“Please don’t call me ma’am. You can call me (Y/n), or Addie, whatever you prefer.” Addie sighed, slumping back in the chair to stare up at the ceiling. “I’m not old enough to be called ma’am. Jake calls me ma’am when he says I’m being a buzzkill.”
“From the stories Jake tells me, ma’am, that can’t be often.”
Addie’s eyes flashed back from the ceiling, just for a second, to see the corner of Coyote’s lips tugging up. He suppressed it well, but the amusement was still there. “You’re not much of a buzzkill either from what he tells me.”
“I try not to be.”
There was an amicable silence for several long moments. Coyote standing vigilant, staring at the wall behind her head, Addie tracing patterns in the ceiling with her eyes.
It was Coyote who broke it. “Are they… not allowing visitors yet?”
“They let his mom and Kate back about ten minutes before you got here.” Addie quickly corrected. “Two at a time. I let them go first.”
“Would you mind if I came in with you?” Coyote’s tone was constantly polite, deferential. It fit with the military man she knew he was, but she couldn’t reckon it with the stories Jake told her about his friend who seemed like absolute mayhem. “I know you’ll want some time alone with him. I’ll only need a minute. I just need…”
Coyote’s voice fell away, choked on a word Addie wasn’t sure which. It drew her eyes back from the ceiling, tilting her neck down to a more reasonable angle to look at his face.
Coyote’s gaze finally left the wall. It was like watching him pull himself together, draw up the courage to meet her gaze not that that made any sense. “It’ll only take a minute. I need to thank him, ma’am.”
“Thank him? What for?”
Coyote visibly swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, but he made no other display of emotion even as he said, “Because, ma’am, I would be dead right now if he weren’t in that bed.”
A dawning realization crossed Addie, her jaw going slightly slack. “The medal… You’re the pilot he...”
“Yes ma’am.”
Addie gave a thoughtful nod. Much as it hurt her, pained her, filled her with overwhelming dread to think of Jake lying cooped up in a hospital bed, Commander what’s-his-name had painted a marvelous tale of heroism for Debbie once she finally returned home, and he told her the story.
And now she had a face and a name to put to the ‘fellow aviator’ whose life Jake had saved. A face she knew, a name she liked, a nice guy with his whole future ahead of him because of Jake’s skill and sacrifice.
“Of course,” Addie choked out, “you’re welcome to come in with me.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Coyote’s head turned back up to face the wall. He was only staring at it, and she was only staring at him, for a minute more before the doors behind him swung open.
“Addie, sweetie,” Debbie crossed the room in a flash of worry seeing yet another Navy uniform standing in front of one of ‘her own’.
“Debbie, this is Coyote,” Addie jumped straight to introductions even before she made it to her feet. “He’s going to come inside with me to see Jake for a minute if that’s alright. He is Jake’s wingman.”
Kate approached behind her mother, sticking out her hand to the aviator, “It’s Javy, right?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Debbie hugged Addie, ignoring Kate as she seemed ready to vet Coyote before allowing him entrance. “He’s doing a lot better than he looks,” Debbie whispered in Addie’s ear, hiding her voice in the tones of Kate and Coyote’s polite small talk in the background. “Really, the doctors say he’ll be his usual handsome self in no time and back to flying in a couple months. Don’t worry yourself to death, okay sweetie?”
“I’ll try not to.” Addie’s tone was as clipped as she felt.
Debbie pulled out of the hug and jerked her head towards the door. “Get on in there; you look like you’re barely stayin’ in your skin you wanna leave so bad.”
Addie nodded. She clearly wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding the fact that she was ready to bolt.
“They made Jake sign a couple waivers for you,” Kate added before Addie could leave. “But it should all be sorted out now. They all know you’re staying the night and to talk to you.”
“Thanks Kate.”
“Jake,” Addie’s voice broke on his name as she froze in the doorway.
‘He’s doing a lot better than he looks.’
He didn’t look good.
Hospital gown slung low around his neck with wires running down under the fabric, needles poking from IV bags into one arm, head lulled back against a pile of uncomfortable looking pillows, an oxygen mask hanging loose around his neck, and a bag partially filled with what could only be urine connected to a tube that ran up under his thick pile of blankets.
The air was filled with the smell of chemicals and the constant beeping of a heart monitor.
“Addie,” Jake croaked out. His voice was rough, deep and crackling as if he’d been screaming nonstop for days which she knew he hadn’t.
Addie couldn’t help it. She flung herself across the room to his bedside. She’d not said a word about waiting for Debbie to get back from the city to find out what had happened. She’d not said a word while they waited in the airport for the first plane out to the base. She’d not said a word waiting for the taxi to the hospital. She’d even held herself back to let his family see him, knowing she wouldn’t be able to leave once she was in the room.
But now that she was in the room she couldn’t hold herself back. She balanced herself on the free inch of space at the edge of his bed and gave in to the absolute panic and desperation that had been warring quietly inside of her since the moment she managed to swallow them down in his family’s kitchen.
One of her hands reached across his body and clutched his left hand in a vice grip. It was almost the only inch of skin free of any signs of what happened. Her other went straight to his cheek, cupping it in her hand as the tears finally began to fall.  
“When that admiral called I thought for sure you were dead.” She didn’t sob. Her voice was soft, calm, and unwavering even despite the tears. “I was so scared. I broke your mom’s favorite bowl. I couldn’t form a sentence; Kate thought I was in shock.”
Jake sighed and leaned his cheek into her hand. The rough cuts and scratches to the skin there brushed against her palm and reminded her that every part of him would be effected by this in some way. “You’re gonna have to try a little harder if you wanna get rid of me, darlin’.”
Addie smiled through the tears and leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss, barely more than a brush of her lips, to his forehead. “Noted, next time I’ll do it myself.”
“I always knew you’d be the death of me.”
Addie chuckled and turned her face into his neck. Her temple brushed against his shoulder, and Jake winced. “Sorry.” She pulled back immediately.
“It’s alright, Addie,” Jake smiled up at her. Even his smile was scarred. His lip split in more than one place along it’s usually silky smooth lines. “Having you here makes up for it.”
“Well in that case, you should know I brought a friend.”
“Why the fuck would you do that?” Jake tried to laugh but immediately winced at the motion shaking his chest, “I only wanna see you.”
“I know,” Addie conceded easily and without any show of false modesty, “but I think you need to see him too.” Her fingers went to his hair, absently brushing the sweaty, greasy flyaways out of his face as she glanced back over her shoulder.
Coyote stepped in from where he’d been standing in the doorway. Jake’s senses, usually razor sharp, hadn’t so much as gotten a whiff at the other pilot. Whether that was due to his current state or the all-consuming peace that visibly washed over him the moment Addie walked in the room, no one could be sure.
“Hangman, I…”
“You don’t get to call him that here.”
It came out with more bite than Addie meant it to. She hadn’t intended it to have any at all, in fact. She’d only meant to say it matter-of-factly, but the emotions boiling up inside her simply could not be contained when she heard that callsign, that word.
“It’s fine, Addie.”
“No it’s not.” Addie looked to the floor to try to hide the glare that was forming in her eyes, but her words didn’t need an accompanying glare to convey how upset she was. “His name is Jake, and he wouldn’t be here if he hung you out to dry.”
“Addie…” Jake’s tone was placating.
“She’s right,” Coyote cut him off. “I’m sorry… Jake, I came here to thank you not insult you.”
Jake looked up at Coyote, utterly shocked. They were friends, certainly, but no one, not even his friends, had batted an eye when his squadron assigned him his callsign. No one batted an eye using it every day. No one ever questioned if he deserved it.
“You saved my life today, Jake, and I can never repay you for that.”
Addie couldn’t lay down with Jake in the hospital bed, much as it would have been both of their preference.
The nurses had spotted her sitting back against the pillows with him in the early evening hours and immediately put a stop to that and any other notions of Addie getting on the bed.
Instead, she’d shuffled the uncomfortable plastic couch in the corner up against the bed in what she was sure was a safety violation but could not have cared less at that moment in time.
The couch was much lower than the bed, but it was close enough that she could curl up and still reach a hand up to hold Jake’s.
“You didn’t have to do that today, Addie.” Jake murmured into the absolute stillness of the night.
The rest of the floor seemed to be asleep, even the beeping of his heart monitor had seemingly faded to a background drone. They were, at that moment, in the silence of the hospital and the darkness of the night, the only two people in the world.
“Yes I did,” Addie countered in a similarly quiet voice.
“Addie, they call me Hangman for a reason.” Jake gently pushed back. “I don’t like to admit it any more than you, but I earned that name. I hang them out to dry in training every day, and if it came down to it in a fight I probably would hang them out then too.”
“You didn’t though,” Addie reminded him quietly. “When the cards were down, you risked your life to save his.”
“And I almost didn’t make it.” Jake didn’t need to remind her of that. The awkward position holding hands through the railing of his bed did a fine job of that. “When I did it, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. How you met Coyote, how you liked Coyote, how you joked that the two of you would be really good friends one day… and I thought… I thought, ‘I have to go for it.’ For you.”
Addie’s hand tightened her grip on his, giving him a reassuring squeeze, “Well, that’s… morbid.” She propped an elbow on the back of the couch and lifted her head just over the edge of the bed to give Jake a teasing smile, trying to lighten the mood, “I guess I’m just only allowed to meet friends you’d be willing to die for.”
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Part I, no.15 kook please 💜
Pompt: “I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
Pairing: Jungkook x female reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, vaginal fingering, oral (Female receiving)
*sorry for any typos! enjoy:) And don't be shy, send me number and a member!*
“One of these days y/n, you will just give in and admit you’re in love with me.” You want to wipe off Jungkook’s smug ass smile off his stupidly handsome face as he gazes at you, his arms crossed over his chest. You continue to ignore him though, dipping your chip into the dip.
“In your fucking dreams, Jeon.”
Ari is your best friend, she’s sweet, lovely and overall charming. Her brother though…not sweet, not lovely and maybe just fucking maybe a little charming. In his own weird way. You are more than used to his behavior towards you—he’s just your best friends annoying younger brother.
“Jungkook, why don’t you leave y/n alone?” Ari whines, “She’s going through something right now.”
Your eyes slide to Ari and you roll them, scoffing.
“I’m barely going through anything.” You huff out, “Sung-Ho can suck my dick.”
“He was your boyfriend of 6 months!” she tries to reason for you. “And he…”
“He what?” Jungkook cuts in, his voice serious. “Did he cheat on you? I knew that asshole was well, an asshole.” Jungkook starts getting worked up, his anger bubbling over.
“Chill dude.” You bring the chip to your lips. “The past is in the past.”
“It literally only happened last night…” Ari reasons again. “Anyway, the shower is free now y/n. Feel free to wash all that chlorine off your body!”
“Shall I join you?” Jungkook smirks and you hit his gut, causing him to groan. “Fine, fine.”
You make your way up the stairs and head towards the bathroom. Once inside you begin removing your swim suit and turning on the shower, the water starts off chilly but eventually warms up. You moan when you feel the hot water on your back, you dip your head back letting the water run through your hair and you feel grateful for the alone time. Sung-Ho cheated on you. You found out last night and came running to Ari’s arms, she held you as you sobbed and sobbed.
But today, you are stone cold. Trying to forget the very existence of your ex-boyfriend. How did you find out about him cheating on you? You heard it. You walked into his apartment and heard him fucking some chick in his bedroom. The sounds permanently in your mind.
You hurry with your shower, rinsing off before you are turning off the water. You grab your towel and begin drying off…you search the bathroom for your clothes when it hits you that you left them in Ari’s bedroom. Well, you’ll just make a run for it to her room, no harm no foul.
You leave the bathroom and begin walking towards Ari’s room when you hear a booming voice.
“I’m not leaving until I see her!” You know that voice. Your fucking ex.
“Sung-Ho, get out.” You hear Ari yell back, “Just go!”
You start to feel panicked…Sung-Ho is here? You are half way to her room when you decide you cannot do this. You cannot face him. In panic, you rush to the next closest room. You quietly make your way inside, shutting the door behind you.
You hear Sung-Ho say “Did you hear that?” and you decide you need to hide. You run to the bed and throw back the covers and slip inside the bed, bringing the blanket over your mostly wet body. You realize this is a horrible hiding place but maybe if he comes in here he will think it’s someone else just sleeping. Or something.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opens. You feel your heart begin to race, you swear anyone from a 25 mile radius can probably hear it thumping so loudly. You try to hold your breath, not ready to face this situation. You slam your eyes shut and breathe in and out, in and out. Then…the blanket is being lifted off your body, your wet body that is hardly being covered by this sorry of an excuse towel.
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
Your eyes shoot up and you see Jungkook standing, basically hovering over your body with his arms crossed over his chest. He has the most shit eating grin as his eyes scan your body.
“I’m wearing a towel…” you mumble lamely and he nods his head mockingly.
“I knew this would happen eventually y/n, but maybe not like this.” Jungkook smirks, gesturing towards your body.
“Shut up, Jeon.” You sit up, grabbing the top of the towel and try to slide it up higher, covering more of your breasts. Jungkook’s eyes you shamelessly, his smirk only growing. You take a deep breath and look at him with a frown.
“My ex is here so I’m hiding.” You admit, “Let me live.”
Jungkook’s smirk begins to fade as he processes your words, his eyes hardening.
“That asshole is here?”
“Yeah. So can you keep it down?” You usher for him to quiet down, your hands gesturing for him to lower his volume.
“Ari told me exactly what happened.” He says quietly. “Instead of lowering our volume we could…raise it.” He finishes with raised brows and a sly smile forming.
“W-What do you mean, Jungkook?”
“You heard him with another girl.” He sits down on the edge of the bed, “What if he hears you with another guy?” his fingers dance up your arm and you shiver. You aren’t sure if it’s because you’re kind of wet and he has his ceiling fan rotating in cold circles or because it’s Jungkook. And he sometimes makes you feel a certain way you would rather forget.
“You want me to get revenge?” you whisper shout, “You’re ridiculous.”
“Don’t you want him to feel what you felt?” Jungkook slides his fingers down your arm, until he’s playing with your fingertips. “I can help you with that.”
“How…how would you help with that?” you ask, feigning innocence.
You know how he could help with that. This wouldn’t be the first time you and Jungkook have messed around. Before you started dating Sung-Ho, you and Jungkook may have accidentally drunkenly hooked up after Ari went to sleep one time. Whoops.
“He probably isn’t used to the sound of you coming…but maybe he should hear it.” Jungkook’s eyes meet yours, they’re playful and scheming and you can’t help but fall for his charm.
“You think you could make me come?” you challenge, “How would you go about that?”
“How about I just show you?” He gently pushes you back by the shoulder, laying you down on his bed, your head falling on his pillow.
“This is just for revenge, Jeon.” You breathe out roughly, anticipating his next move.
He nods his head dramatically. “Oh, for sure.” He says with a smirk. “Revenge only.”
Then his hands are at the towel and he’s slowly unwrapping it from your body, revealing your wet, naked form.
“Fuck.” Jungkook whines, “I have fucked my hand thinking about this view again.”
“You’ve thought about me?” you play dumb, “In your fantasies, what do you do first?”
Jungkook crawls over your body and starts kissing down your neck, his lips tickling your sensitive skin.
“Kiss your body.” He admits weakly. “Over and over.” His lips find your collarbone, he sucks on the skin until he continues until his lips are wrapped around you left nipple, his hand massaging your other breast.
“Kiss all the way down.” He whispers, “Until you’re screaming for me.”
“Ari is going to hear…” you realize, your breathe quick and short.
“Mostly importantly your nobody ex is going to hear.” He kisses down your stomach, his lips traveling lower and lower. Then his face is hovering over your pussy, he darts his tongue out and looks up at you.
“Sweet, sweet revenge.” Then his face is buried between yours legs, licking a strip from your hole to your clit causing you to groan in satisfaction that you finally feel him. He starts licking you over and over, flicking his tongue just right. You squirm in your spot on his bed, your loud moans escaping your parted lips.
“Ah….” You whine, “Fingers too, please.” You begin to beg and Jungkook smirks into your pussy. He brings his hand to your center and enters one then two fingers inside your desperate hole.
“Two is all you get.”
“Ugh, one more, please.”
“I said, two is all you get.” He repeats, thrusting his fingers in and out of you.
“Such a….such a fucking brat, Jeon.” You gasp when he curls his fingers and they brush against a sensitive spot. “Need your mouth.” You beg and he digs back in, his tongue assaulting your bundle of nerves. His warm, wet, slippery tongue is setting you over the edge, your moans filling his ears, filling the room, filling the house. His tongue and fingers fuck you so well, it reminds you of the first time you hooked up with him, how he gave you his full attention.
“So close, Jungkook.” You whine, wrapping your legs around his head. Squeezing him tight as he finally adds in that third finger.
“Gonna-Gonna come.” You warn him, you feel your body tense and get lit on fucking fire as your orgasm approaches.
“Jungkook!” You scream out his name as a huge wave of pleasure washes over you as he continues to lick you up, you move your body around, feeling overly stimulated.
“Okay okay.” You sigh out, completely out of breath.
Jungkook kisses your inner thighs before he is rising from your body. “You were only a little loud.” He pouts, “Might have to fuck you so he can really hear.”
Your eyes widen before you are relaxing beneath him, you can’t help the smirk that draws itself on your face.
“Revenge, right baby?”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
so i read this scenario on reddit and i thought it would be a cute and fluffy fic idea if you want to write it :)
one of the Pedro boys (i was thinking frankie or marcus moreno but you can put any one of them that you feel like would fit the story) lands himself in the hospital and the reader visits him often cause they’re friends. they notice that every time they visit, his heart rate monitor speeds up, like not enough to cause alarm but enough to be noticeable, and that’s how she finds out that he likes her and they decide to date (after he gets out of hospital)
Appendicitis (Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: ^^
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: talk of being ill, vomit, pain, lots of talk of hospitals and that being a major setting, Frankie is a dad, language
A/N: welcome back to Josie’s quest to clean her inbox! This idea was so precious!! I hope you guys like it!!
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Frankie is in fucking agony. Never has he felt something as painful as this, never has such pain radiated through his body so intensely that he has no choice but to vomit out his stomach’s contents.
He spends the day at home, occupying his daughter as best he can while he’s in such suffering. He figures that maybe it’s just really bad gas cramping or constipation. Marisol plays quietly, at her daddy’s request, watching her favorite Disney movies on the couch while nuzzled into his side. Frankie has never been so grateful to get her into bed at the end of the day.
After a full day of the pain, and realizing that it wasn’t going away no matter how many painkillers he took, Frankie gave in around midnight. Lying in his bed, skin turning gray and the pain now decisively in his right side, Frankie called you.
After a few rings, you picked up. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hi.” His voice sounds agonized. “How much do you charge for babysitting again?” He asks, the strain clear.
You’re confused, pushing the phone closer to your ear and thinking it might be the distance that makes him sound so odd. “Uh, you’re my friend, so free. You need me to take Mari?” You ask him.
He nods. “Yeah; how much for like a week though? I don’t want to impose though, and-“
His voice sounds terrible. “Frankie. Shut up. A week? What’s wrong? I can take Marisol for as long as you need, but I gotta know what’s going on.”
Frankie is quiet before he grunts softly in pain. “I think my appendix might be fucked up. It hurts like fucking hell. Mari’s asleep, I don’t wanna wake her or anything, but could you-“
You cut him off once more, sitting bolt upright. “I’m on my way over. Do you think you can hang on until I get there? I can drive you to the hospital, or we’ll get one of the boys.”
“That sounds good,” Frankie agrees. “Fuckin’ ambulances are so expensive.”
You chuckle softly. “Hang in there, Fish, okay? I’m gonna call Will, see if he can drive you and I’ll stay with Mari. How’s that?”
Marisol loves you. There’s no better solution in Frankie’s eyes: she behaves better for you than she does for him. She’ll be in good hands, happy for as long as he needs to be in the hospital healing. “Perfect. God, you’re a fucking angel. Don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve better than me,” you snort as you pull on a hoodie and slip on some shoes. “I’m gonna call Will. You got this, Fish. Distract yourself. I’ll send you updates.”
When you arrive at the Morales household, Will’s truck is already in the driveway. He lives closer, so it makes sense. Be quiet and don’t wake Mari, you remember as you slip off your shoes and head up the stairs of Frankie’s home. It’s quiet, unsurprising for this time of night, and you know Mari is a light sleeper. Frankie would never want to wake her at this hour.
Wandering into his room, you find Will standing next to the bed and an incredibly worn-looking Frankie. His skin holds barely any color, his face almost green in nausea. You rush to his side. “Frankie, holy shit,” you exclaim in a loud whisper, taking his hand. “You’re okay?”
“I will be if Miller mans up and gets me out of this bed,” he says, followed by a chuckle with no humor.
Will sighs. He’s wearing pajamas too, looking as exhausted as you are. Frankie groans as he hears Mari’s tiny voice over the baby monitor. “Fuck. You’re staying with her, Will’s bringing me?” He clarifies, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes.
Nodding, you squeeze his hand. “Give me directions quickly and I’ll go get her. You gotta sit up first, Frankie,” you reassure him.
He squeezes your hand back tight and sits up, his face contorting in pain. There’s a flush of redness to his cheeks, and it makes him look more human for a moment until it fades again. “She won’t fall back asleep unless she’s in this bed with you. She needs the attention. Uh, food is in the fridge, you know emergency shit,” he says, with surprising coherence for the pain he’s in.
You nod and ruffle Frankie’s soft bedhead. “Benny- fuck,” you wince, knowing the Miller brothers hate being mixed up. Somehow, even with their distinct personalities, you do it all the time. “Will. Send me updates,” you remind him as you stand. “And you, Francisco,” you murmur and press a kiss to his sweat-beaded forehead, “get some strong pain meds and get better for me and Mari.” You smile softly and walk out of the room.
The room next to Frankie’s is beautiful, a sage green paint and lots of woodland creatures painted on the walls by Frankie’s surprisingly artistic hands. There’s a crib covered by a creamy white canopy and the little girl pokes her head up, tilting to the side in confusion as she sees you.
It’s not fear, of course. Mari loves you, absolutely adores you in fact. She’s just… confused. Her little brain can tell it’s the middle of the night. “Where’s Daddy?” She asks, making uppy arms at you.
You walk over to her crib, picking her up and kissing her head. “Daddy’s got a tummyache, cutie,” you tell her and tickle her tummy gently, making her giggle and bury her tiny face in your chest. “He’s gonna go see the doctor and get it all fixed up, okay? You and I are gonna have so much fun,” you assure her, and she giggles again.
You can hear two sets of feet, slowly moving. “Let’s go give Daddy a kiss goodbye, okay?” Mari nods and rubs her little eyes.
Frankie’s got an arm around Will’s shoulders in the hall, looking absolutely agonized. He smiles a little as he sees you and his baby. “Hey, patita,” he chuckles. He dubbed her duckling from the soft tufts of fluff on her head as a baby. “Be good while I’m gone.”
Mari nods and puts a hand on either side of Frankie’s sweating face, making a little pout and giving him a kiss. “Love you, Daddy,” she says, a yawn overtaking her tiny face.
“Love you too,” he nods and looks up at you. “I owe you.”
“Friends don’t owe each other,” you shake your head. “Now get your a… butt to the hospital, Morales,” you tell him and pat Will on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”
He nods at you and the two men shuffle along through the house until they can get Frankie into the car and on his way to (hopefully) sedation and a cure.
Yawning again, Mari’s big brown eyes look up at you from where you hold her on your hip. “Snack?” She asks you, pointing towards the kitchen.
Her little voice and tiny, pudgy fingers are too much. “I suppose. Only because we’re having special girls’ time,” you tease and boop her nose. Setting her on the counter, you grab some cubes of cheese and some berries, which you make sure are in small pieces.
Mari’s content to eat her snacks with you, and you can see her growing sleepier again as the plate empties out. “Sleepy?” You ask her, and she nods. “Alright, cutie pie,” you sigh and lift her, holding her to your chest as she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your torso. “Do you want me to cuddle with you?” You ask.
She nods. “Gotta snuggle for late sleepies. Daddy says that.”
The words melt your heart. Frankie’s always been so good with her, so warm and skilled and precious. It only makes your crush on the man grow every time his little girl babbles about how much she loves her daddy. “Does he?”
She nods. “Daddy sings for me.”
Frankie singing Marisol to sleep. The idea melts your heart. You need in on that. “What does he sing to you?” You ask. “What’s your favorite song that daddy sings to you?”
She thinks for a moment as you sit on the edge of the bed, allowing her to clamber off your lap and into the cozy king-sized bed. “Rocket Man.” It’s hard to decipher in her baby-talk, but you get it.
“He sings that for you?” You ask as you get under the covers, into the blankets that are still warm from Frankie’s body heat, that smell like his cologne.
Mari snuggles into your chest, and nods softly. “Can you sing Rocket Man?”
“Of course,” you nod and trace little circles into the toddler’s back, singing the Elton John song to her in a soft voice. It doesn’t take long, now that she’s in her daddy’s bed and got a snack, for her to fall asleep. She snores softly, and you follow suit not too long after.
It did turn out that Frankie had appendicitis. The doctors weren’t entirely sure what caused it, but you and the Miller brothers rotated your time with Marisol at home and the hospital with Frankie, as his stay was painfully long for such an active man. Santiago video chatted often, but being out of town prevented him from physically seeing Fish.
It took him about a week to recover, and that time was mostly spent napping or watching the television in his room. He’d bullshit with the guys or you when you were around, and he especially loved the time of the afternoon every day where one of you brought Marisol to see him.
Usually it was just you or one of the Millers who stayed in the room with him. The other two either stayed with Marisol or got to stay at home and rest for themselves. It was a lucky day when you and Benny got to both be with Frankie for a while, telling stories and laughing. It was your turn to be off-duty, but all you wanted from your free time was to be with the man.
Your presence has always made Frankie’s heart rate a little faster. It’s always made his palms a little clammy, and his pants a little tighter sometimes. At least now he can attribute it to the pain.
Every time his eyes catch yours, his heart monitor gets a little louder. It’s odd, but you shrug it off. It can’t mean anything. It’s just your Frankie. After an hour or so of spending time with the guys, you run to get fast food for the three of you. While you’re away, you receive a text from Benny.
Benny Boy: you’re fucking with his head, bro
You: what?
Benny Boy: the heart rate monitor is nearly silent right now. every time frankie looks at you it spikes, don’t tell me you haven’t been noticing that
You: do you want nuggets or a burger?
You: thats ridiculous, Benny.
Benny Boy: always nuggets. but seriously, his heart rate is at like 54 right now, he’s just chilling and kind of dozed off. let’s check it when you come back.
You: be prepared for the most boring science experiment ever. also, what dip do you want?
After you receive your bulging bags of food, stuffed from both Benny’s and Frankie’s massive appetites, you return to the hospital.
You: walking in. pulse status?
Benny: 60. he’s a little more awake now.
As you enter the room, Frankie turns to you and grins. “Hey. What did you get?” He asks.
You plop the bags on the small table overhanging Frankie’s bed and grin. “Just your usual order. I know what you like,” you shrug as you unpack the food.
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 77
Smiling at the rate of Frankie’s heart, more than you should really, you sit down back next to Benny and the three of you eat your food. It’s somewhat quiet, the chatter dying as you devour the fast food, savoring the grease and salt.
After everyone is finished, you stand and clean up the garbage, tossing it all away. You sit back down on Frankie’s bedside. “So, macho man. How’s the pain?” You ask, your fingers tracing his good side.
Beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 86
He shrugs. “It hurts like a bitch, and they said it’s gonna keep hurting like a bitch.”
“Poor baby,” you chuckle, cupping the side of his face and kissing his forehead softly.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 96
Benny groans and stands. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” He smacks your arm as he walks past, as if rubbing in the evidence he’s found. “And then take a walk, I think.”
You’re still seated at Frankie’s side, on the inflatable hospital mattress. “Oh Benjamin,” Frankie rolls his eyes. “Why’d he leave so quick?”
You shrug, though you know the answer. “Who knows? Benny can’t even predict himself,” you chuckle. Frankie’s hand rests over his chest. You slide your hand over his torso and lace your fingers through his until you’re holding it. You can feel his heart thumping steadily against it. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 104
He smiles. “I’m lucky I have you.”
You sigh softly as you look up at the heart rate monitor again. “I gotta say, you have a really high resting rate,” you say nonchalantly, as if you believe it.
Frankie’s face warms. “I, uh-“
“I’m kidding, Frankie,” you mumble softly to him, smiling a little. “I really like you, and I think that monitor is helping me know you like me too. When you get out of here, can we maybe go on a date some time?”
Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. HR: 112
Nodding enthusiastically, those floppy curls move with his head. “I would love that,” he tells you with a beaming smile. “God, have you been able to tell all day?” He asks as he looks up at the monitor, his ears burning with heat as he reads the pulse rate. It’s embarrassingly high.
“Yeah,” you finally admit and smile down at him. “But it’s cute. And it makes me feel all warm inside because I finally know you like me too.”
Big brown eyes stare up at you with all of the love in the world. “If I wasn’t wearing a hospital gown, I’d kiss you right now,” he promises. “But that’ll have to wait.”
“Yes it will,” you nod and kiss his forehead again, easing him back against the mattress he’d lifted up from slightly. “Now I’m going to go find Benny, and you slow down that heart rate,” you tease and ruffle his curls.
“I’m not gonna be able to slow it down with you around,” he says with a soft smile, his eyes slipping shut.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan
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idolshineitai · 2 years
bandori ship thoughts!!!!! give em!!!! <3
CRIES. I have friends or whatever SABLE FOR U AS WELL THANK U BOTH OF U FOR ASKING 🫂💗🍓🍒
Yukilisa and mocaran are practically canon to me. Yukiran as well to a SLIGHTLY lesser extent. Lisa and moca work together and have literally been shown talking abt their gfs and their problems all shift. I think that they can have a little polyamory as a treat. The specific dynamics and who is dating who is a little messier in my mind but they’re all so homosexual . i need more content of them immediately (there is none) . ITS HARD TO COME UP WITH A NAME THAT SOUNDS GOOD.
To elaborate on Them:
yukilisa childhood friends that fell apart and came back together in order to make music as roselia (with 3 other ppl ♡ whom i adore) . What makes me insane is how much of herself lisa is willing to instantly sacrifice just to get to play with yukina again. That’s not a good thing and yukina is kind of cold for quite a while but she is Going Through It and AUUGH they’re learning each other again and healing and 💔💔 their dynamic is sooooooooo sweet and yukina puts up with things from lisa that she genuinely wouldn’t with anyone else and they are So close and yukina is kittygirl REAL I LOVE HER SOFT LITTLE SMILES THAT SHE GIVES LISA AND THEIR CARDS TOGETHER AUAUG
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MOCARAN. I constantly think abt all of their matching items thats so coupley (OH CIRCLING BACK I ALSO CONSTANTLY THNK OF THE AREA CONVO WHERE LISA BUYS YUKINA N HERSELF MATCHING KITTY PHONECASES I REALLY WANTED TO DRAW THAT) . AND SWUWUAUAHUAUH Everyone in afterglow is always talking abt how, while they have ALL been friends since forever, moca and ran have somehow developed this really special unique bond. they understand each other ! what the other person will do,, or say,, AND THEYRE 💔 Also flawed, moca has a hard time expressing to ran when she thinks ran is doing something wrong (SAME W LISA @ YUKINA TBH !!! AND THEY GIVE EACH OTHER ADVICE ON THIS!!) but they get better and they care abt each other So much
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YUKIRAN INSANITY theyre rivals musically and also they fight and its ❤️❤️❤️💜❤️❤️ … ONE OF MY FAV CARDS AND ALSO ONE THAT IS IN MY BAND IS THIS ONE :
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i still feel like i haven’t properly expressed my feelings on them or really Sold it LIKE I FEEL LIKE SOME OF THESE DESCS R SO SHALLOW BUT THEYRE SO AAHHFJBJFNSHDNM )5)&)&s . YOYUKNOW.
AND FINALLY IM THINKING OF . HIMARI/KAORU/TOMOE...? Ohhh my god ok this one is a lot more indulgent but it’s good i prommy .. Himari literally tells tomoe if only she were a boy 🥰🥰 CUZ TOMOE IS SO CARING N WARM N STRONG.
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canvas2929 who works on bandori implied tomohima canon in the comments of this art piece i love so much :
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HIMARI and rimi are So fucking gay for kaoru they literally bond over it together im Screams. I THINK RIMI COULD ALSO B IN THIS POLYCULE but it’s just that .. i think the other 3 have more close personal connections and r more interlocked than she is w them? I THINK IF Himari and rimi were any less intensely femme4butch they could date each other . But theyre obsessed w handsome women adn for good reason 🥰 KAORU IS SO FUCKING LESBIAN HAVE U SEEN HER CHARATCTER SHES LITERALLY 24/7 PLAYING A PRINCE AND SHE WONT STOP CALLING GIRLS HER KITTENS EVER SHES LITERALLY ALWAYS FLIRTING WHAT S WRONG W HER. Cluster b boss.
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TOMOE IS SO FWGHBGHVHJHK. i heart the udagawas :] :] SHES A DRUMMER AND SHES SOOOBBJGVJ K. It’s the older sister in her.. but she’s so ……………..
i also ❤️ kasuari i believe theyre canon but im thinking of THEM .
secret bonuses: i firmly believe sayo is crushing (unrequited? possibly?) on yukilisa. Im also pretty fond of misakao i just dont have as many thoughts :] i also believe chisakao are exes 💗💗 I leave u with……... mocalisa card…
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doodler-jpeg · 3 years
Life [Wilbur Soot/Fundy]
Pronouns: she/her or they/them [you’re referred to as wife, mom,, that stuff, but you can change those if you want]
You hummed as you strained out your clothing beside the river near your home. A smile graced your face, [Eye Colour] eyes glinting happily in the warm sunlight of that fine summer day. Autumn would soon turn the land into a seemingly barren wasteland, though, so you decided to savor every last bit of happiness the hot days brought you. 
Hanging the large amount of clothing upon thin clothing lines, you dumped out your bucket and made sure nothing got in the lake. Walking back inside of your home, you set the buckets in the corner of the cozy cottage and walked back outside. Your brown boots thudded quietly against the cobblestone path that lead into the woods around your home that would eventually be covered in snow.
A sudden childish giggle made you turn to the fields that were a ways away from your house, right in front of the sparsely scattered trees to the right of your little house. You furrowed your brows in confusion as a blur of yellow, white, and red rushed over to you.
“Hello there.” You couldn’t help but stare as the child looked up at you silently. “What are you doing here, little one?” He only blushed, his face flushing a vivid red before he ran off. You shrugged and continued your trek into the forest.
You watched as flakes of snow fell delicately onto the muted green coloured grass, bundled tightly in a burrito of quilts that you and your mother has made together. You shuffled slightly from your position on your warm bed, closing your eyes as you waited for sleep to consume you.
It seemed life had other plans, though, as a faint light came toward your home, edging closer and closer until you could make out a figure, their clothing a great contrast to the paw snow. They were shivering visibly, clutching their arms as their lantern shook in their hand.
You frowned as you peeled your blankets off of you, pulling your boots on quickly. Grabbing a lantern cage, you lit the candle inside of it and hurried outside, feeling nervous as the figure hurried over to you.
Soon enough, they were standing in front of you, a miserable look on their face, their eyes red and puffy as their teeth chattered together.
“Come inside,” you didn’t care for introductions or your safety. This person seemed nice. “I’ll start a fire. Uh- there should be a few blankets on the sofa. Would you like anything to drink? Warm milk, tea? I’m not gonna offer coffee because it’s late, so I’m sorry about that.”
“Just water, please,” they croaked out. “I’m sorry for the intrusion. I was headed off in search of territory to claim. Turns out I chose the wrong day. God, it’s cold.” You let out a quiet laugh as you carefully tossed some wood into your fireplace, lighting the material on fire. Almost immediately, the flames grew and you sat up, placing your flint and steel on the fireplace mantle.
“I’ll go get you your water. Go warm up.” You urged before you walked into the kitchen to get the brunet some water.
““And then Tommy ran off!” Wilbur howled with laughter as he told the story of how he managed to lose his father in the forest close to his family home. ““Phil was looking for us for hours!” You smiled at the story as you carefully sewed up your friend’s heavy coat, making sure the patches were relatively the same colour as the rest of the jacket.
“You never really tell me about your family, so why are you telling stories now?” You commented, threading the needle in your hand through the fabric and back out of it, pulling the thread tightly. You snipped it with your scissors, placing the needle down to look for any other holes as Wilbur flushed a bright red.
“W-well— one day, I want you to meet my family, so- this sounds so fucking stupid. Never mind, forget about it.” He covered his face in his hands as you bummed, picking up a patch and laying it out on the brown fabric.
“What you’re saying is that you would introduce me to your family because you like me that much, huh?” No answer came from Wilbur, though he did let out a flustered groan as you chortled.
You placed a kiss upon your new boyfriend’s cheek, causing the brunet to laugh as he shrunk away from your lips
“Stop it,” you only grinned at the man, kissing various areas of his face in retaliation. Wilbur laughed harder, pushing you away gently as his face scrunched. ““It tickles!”
You grabbed his face in your hands and he looked into your eyes for a moment before you began attacking his face with kisses. When you pulled back for a break, Wilbur copied your actions from earlier and rubbed his thumb across your cheeks with a smile. He leaned his forehead on yours and let out a breathy sigh, closing his eyes as he basked in the moment.
“I love you so fucking much, [Y/N].”
““Dont be scared, darling,” Wilbur mused as he gently rubbed his thumb in circles on the back of your hand, lightly squeezing every few rotations. “Techno’s made sure to keep any weapons away and Tommy might be a little less wreckless. I’ll make sure to tell them during dinner.” You nodded uncertainly, playing nervously with the bracelet Wilbur had made you way back when the two of you first started as friends.
Wilbur rapped his knuckles on the door, his other hand never once letting go of yours as the two of you waited. A bit of shouting was heard through the door, slightly muffled, though it was evident that it was coming closer.
The door was flung open by a blond boy, his blue eyes shooting us to meet Wil’s not even a second after he opened the door. A grin was on the boys face as he turned and shouted for Phil [who Wilbur had told you was his father]. Soon enough, a blond man with a bucket hat trodden over, frowning at Tommy.
“Listen, motherfucker, you may be living here, but I’m not gonna fucking let you live if you keep fuckin shoutin.” You froze nervously and glanced over at your boyfriend. He just sent a small, awkward smile onto reassure you before he turned to look down at the two.
“Are you really gonna argue in front of my wife?” Wilbur piped in, feeling himself become giddy as Tommy and Phil shot their heads over to look at you.
“You brought a girl over?!” Tommy yelled in surprise as he stumbled back, eyes wide as he observed your movements skeptically.
“Wil? Can you come over here real quick? I just need to talk to you.” Phil forced a smile as he grabbed the taller man’s ear and yoinked him over to a different room, leaving Tommy and you alone.
“Hi,” you smiled nervously, raising a hand in a half assed wave.
“Do you happen to be American?” The blond asked, leaning his face over to stare at you.
“I mean- I’m a water nymph. I don’t really know if that counts because we usually just have different accents, but we never take into account where anyone’s from.” You laughed, scratching your cheek.
“Well where are you from?” Tommy urged, crossing his arms.
“To be specific, I came from the North Sea right by the Netherlands. I don’t really think that’s important though.” You shrugged.
“So you’re Dutch? Speak it.”
“Im not necessarily Dutch, I was just born in the North Sea, Tommy- I think you’re a Tommy. You seem like a Tommy.” You cleared up, ““The only reason I learned English was to communicate with certain humans.”
“Okay.” The boy sighed, shoulders slumping forward as you let out an amused chortle, “I’ll leave you alone. For now.” Tommy backed up, turning into a room while a big, burly pig person ducked under the doorway, a large sword in hand and an uninterested expression on his face. As he turned to the door, he spotted you and his eyes widened momentarily before going back to their half lidded position.
“Who’re you? Phil didn’t- oh. Oh, today was that day. Oh my god, how could I forget it?” The hybrid smacked his forehead harshly, ““I’m so sorry.”
You laughed, waving your hand dismissively as the pig moved to the side to let you in. You carefully stepped into the warm house and the tall hybrid closed the door behind you.
“Dinner’s nearly done, so you can go sit down in the living room. If you need anything, Phil has ears all over the place. Just look at those crows.” Techno motioned over to the few crows that perched themselves on the window, letting out quiet caws. You waved at the birds and they flapped their wings in response.
“They seem nice.”
You sat next to your husband, hand intertwined with his as Phil smiled over at the two of you.
“So, anything new happening with you two?” The blond man inquired, placing his hands on the table. 
““I mean,” Wilbur laughed, turning over to look at you. “Would you like to tell them, dear?” You nodded, a grin on your face as you sat as straight as you could.
“I’m pregnant,” you said, your voice surprisingly calm. Tommy let out a shocked ‘‘what the fuck??’, while Techno choked on his food, slamming a fist onto his chest.
Phil was quiet, eyes wide in shock as he took in the information.
“Pregnant? With Wilbur’s kid?” You nodded, swinging Wilbur’s hand as Tommy cheered.
“Im gonna be a fuckin uncle! Yeah! I’ll be the best damn uncle ever!” He cackled, leaning back as Techno snorted.
““Can I teach them PvP?” You and your husband glanced over at each other before shaking your head.
“Maybe when they’re old enough to know what they’re doing.”
““Hello, my precious baby,” you cooed gently, holding the newborn as they let out a quiet sigh. ““My baby. You look just like your father.” A warm but tired smile was on your face as your baby opened their eyes, brown meeting [Eye Colour].
“Love, is the baby okay? Is she doing alright?” Wilbur called nervously through the door, to which you laughed.
“Yes, they’re doing great,” placing a gentle kiss on the baby’s nose, they brought a hand up and lightly tapped their nose.
““Fundy! Come here!” You cheered, reaching your arms out to the toddler. They giggled, waddling over to you. Their scab covered knees were littered with bandages and the red overalls they wore were much unlike what Wilburs would have wanted your child to wear, but it was your kid! They deserved the best!
““My precious baby,” you placed a kiss on their cheek, causing the brown haired child to giggle and wipe the kiss from their cheek. You grinned, littering their face in kisses as they squirmed, ““My little champion!”
“Yah! Cham-champion!” They babbled, bringing up a finger to chew on as you set them down and smoothed out your dress. 
““Alright, sweetheart, papa will be here soon, so make sure to tell him what you want to tell him, alright?” Your boy nodded, a goofy grin on his face as he reached over to one of the toys you had brought.
You cradled your son’s head as he sobbed, shaking his head in denial as to what had just happened.
“He-he’s gone, mama!” He choked out, wrapping his arms around you tightly. His tears stained your shirt, though the feeling didn’t bother you as you rocked your son back and forth, combing your fingers through his hair.
“Fundy, it’s okay,” you cooed, ““He doesn’t have to live with all the mistakes he made in the past anymore. Who knows, maybe he’ll come back?” 
““But what if he doesn’t? That was his last life and- and it’s gone! My dad’s gone!” Letting out a pained wail, he continued to sob. And you let him.
He had gone through so much.
““Who the hell are you and what are you doing around my son?” You sneered, standing in front of your son as the transparent figure stared at you curiously.
“You don’t remember me?” They asked, voice echoing as they tilted your head. “I- [Y/N], it’s me! Your husband! I- I am your husband, right?”
“My husband didn’t push away his son and focus on a failed country more than his own fucking family.” You loaded your crossbow, aiming it at the ghost. ““You didn’t come to his birthday parties, didn’t get him anything, you barely paid attention to him when your country was in the spotlight! You’re no husband to me.”
“Mama-” Fundy gulped nervously, ““Mama, please.”
“You know what, whoever the fuck you are? You’re no damn husband to me and you never will be. Now leave me and my son alone, for fuck’s sake.”
The ghost was silent as you turned, leading the man beside you toward the house at the top of the hill, though a small smile made its way onto his face.
“She’s the one I married?” He murmured, moving his hand to where his heart was, “Was she really the love of my life?”
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Your Ass Is Out of This World (Kelley x Reader)
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Request: alex or kelley or sonnett x reader where they've been dating for a few years R is an astronaut for NASA and she gets to go to space
Author’s Note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ cause without her, none of this would have happened. 
Kelley wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up standing next to a dive bar sipping a lukewarm beer on a Friday night. In her defense, Ali and Ashlyn had convinced her it would be fun and had promised to pay for the Uber rides both ways. It had been fun for a while, dancing with them to some old 70s songs on the light-up dance floor, but half an hour ago they had disappeared off into a hallway somewhere, and she had no intention of third-wheeling (she knew she should have convinced Alex to join them). But she also wasn’t going to leave without them, because she wasn’t convinced either of them were sober enough to take any kind of transportation safely (someone needed to be there to make sure they didn’t puke in someone’s car).
So here she was, standing by the bar waiting for her friends’ sexcapades to be over, nursing her drink. The clink of a glass settling in front of her caught her attention. She blinked at the bartender. “I didn’t order another one,” 
The man’s lips ticked up and he shrugged. “Lady on the end paid for it. Said you looked sad,” 
Kelley looked up, following the man’s eyes towards a woman standing a few seats down the bar from her. She was also standing alone but was dressed as though for a different event altogether. Kelley had embraced the 70s theme of the bar slightly, wearing a jumpsuit and a scarf around her head, but this woman had just thrown a white NASA shirt--like the one Kelley got for her little cousin at Target-- over a pair of black jeans. As she bobbed her head to the music she met Kelley’s eyes and smiled. 
Kelley took that as her invitation to approach. Kelley’s eyes traced her form, lingering on the white material. She didn’t know those came in adult sizes...
“You must be a star, I can't stop orbiting around you” Kelley smiled charmingly as she approached you, setting her beer on the bar beside you and settling in the seat to the left of yours. 
“I do believe I was the one to buy you the drink…” you said, your lips twitching as you tried to keep a serious expression. “Shouldn’t I be the one throwing pickup lines here?”
“You bought me the drink, so I get to be the one to woo you. I’m Kelley, are you from Mars? 'cuz I wanna explore you with curiosity.” Kelley said, wiggling her eyebrows at you, enjoying the light blush coloring your cheeks. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned, “that was terrible. I mean really good but absolutely awful.”
“At least I got you to smile, but you still haven’t told me your name.” Kelley laughed, taking a sip of her beer. She was prepared to lay on the horrible pick up lines for your entertainment. 
“I’m Y/n,” you said, putting down your drink and holding out your hand, “pleasure.”
“They call me the milky way...Pleasure You Can't Measure,” Kelley smiled, shaking your hand as you laughed and pulling you a little closer “Why look at the moon, if I can’t touch it? Why look at your lips, if I can't kiss them,” she said, winking so you knew she was completely joking. 
“How do you know so many of these?” You said, shaking your head in awe. “ All I know off the top of my head is ‘do you work for NASA? Because you’re out of this world!’”
“Ah, a magician never reveals her secrets,” Kelley whispered conspiratoryly, bringing her hand up to cover her lips. “but my team and I have definitely had flirt offs for bonding nights,” 
“Your team?” 
“Yeah, I play soccer for the US and Washington,” She shrugged as if it wasn’t a huge accomplishment. 
Your eyes widened and you nearly spat out your drink. “Didn’t they, like, just win a World Cup?” 
“Yeah, No biggie,” Kelley said, side-eyeing you as she took another sip. 
“No biggie?  I’m surprised you don’t have a swarm of paparazzi shadowing you, that’s incredible! Weren’t the USWNT like the most successful US team in soccer?’
“Hm, there’s not enough drama for them, but we don’t mind. How about you? What do you do beautiful?” Kelley hummed. 
“Oh. I work for NASA,” you said, gesturing at the shirt. “I can’t wait to bring some of those lines back to work.”
“So do they at least give you a good choice of flavors? So you don’t get bored and stuff?” Emily asked from across the table, licking her dripping I cream cone. 
When your girlfriend decided to introduce you to the team after their match against Colombia, you were quite surprised she had chosen an ice cream shop as a venue. But with how food motivated the youngins seemed, you realized how appropriate it was. 
“I mean,” you said, your spoon suspended in the air as you blinked at Emily, “ice cream isn’t the only thing we will eat. I’m going to be on the station for like 8 months. Ice cream is not a balanced diet.”
“But it’s the only one they sell in the stores. You don’t have to lie cause the veggie lovers are here,” The defender said, leaning across the table, as though it would prevent the rest of the table from hearing her. 
“Babe, you literally love most veggies too,” Lindsey rolled her eyes, using her thumb to wipe a spot of chocolate ice cream from Emily’s nose. 
“Actually, I heard they’re a pretty good selection of dehydrated fruits and veggies and MRE’s and Tortillas and stuff. Plus I get to take a few things from home…” You mumbled, leaning back. 
She couldn’t be serious right? There was no way she thought you were supposed to sustain yourself on horrible freeze-dried dairy products for that long. Not to mention, freeze-dried ‘astronaut’ products for the most part weren’t actually possible to bring to space, with how crumbly they are. You were more likely to eat actual ice cream on the space station (less chance for an errant crumb being inhaled or destroying an important piece of equipment) than that gift shop garbage. 
“Oh yeah, MRE sounds way more likely than just eating the stuff they literally label as being for astronauts…” Emily said, rolling her eyes. “What does that even stand for? ‘Must reject Emily?”
You opened your mouth to answer, eyebrows furrowed, only for Kelley to nudge you softly. 
“It’s not worth the fight babe, trust me. Not the brightest lighthouse if you know what I mean,” Your girlfriend made a swirling motion with her finger next to her temple. 
You leaned in closer so your lips were nearly touching her ear. “She’s not serious right?” 
“I never joke about ice cream,” Emily answered seriously. 
You blinked at her, looking to your girlfriend who just shrugged and raised her eyebrows. 
“I’m, I’m not sure if they have a flavor rotation system for ice cream flavors. We haven’t been… briefed on that yet,” you nodded seriously. 
“Can you hear me?” Kelley said, tapping her fingers impatiently as your face appeared in the video call. 
“He- -utiful,” You smiled through the glitchy computer screen. Your waving was broken up like a bad claymation. You leaned in to make out the fuzzy figures standing behind your girlfriend, assuming she was at camp or something. 
Normal long distance sucked, but literally being off-planet really made things difficult. It wasn’t like Kelley could just text you when she missed you, or randomly call you when she missed you at 3 am. Sure, she could email and you made a tremendous effort to schedule calls once a month, but it was still incredibly difficult (and slightly weird that a NASA tech dude had to monitor each call to make sure the connection stayed up). And sometimes even the best video-calling technology had issues. Like today (when a giant satellite or piece of space trash would block the signal). 
“Are you hav- -un at -amp?” You asked, grabbing your floating water pouch pushing out a sip sized water drop. 
“Yeah, it’s great,” Kelley said, watching you munch on your water. When you first got on the station you sent her pictures of artwork you made out of different drops of colored water- specifically making a giant water ‘soccer ball’ for her. Then you tried to boop it around and ended up losing control, amusing all your crewmates who watched you trying not to run into too many walls. “We’re looking forward to playing against Brazil on Friday, should be brutal.” 
“We’re set to be ov- Florida on -day, so I’ll try and tune into the ga-. Catch a nice - view,” You nodded, wiggling your eyebrows (which looked more like you having a seizure due to how badly you were pixelated). 
While Kelley wasn’t entirely sure what you were saying, she went ahead and nodded. “Let me know what you think!”
“Wh- color -it are you w-ing? Y- look -uper s-xy in the -ue,” you said, floating up in a ‘draw me like one of your french girls’ pose. 
“You’re favorite one,” Kelley said, winking at you. 
“-es!!” You cheered “-ake p-ture -or -“ the screen flickered dangerously for a second. Before a wobbly picture returned. 
“Babe you’re breaking up, I can’t tell what you’re saying. Y/n. Are you there? UGh. I love you! We’ll talk soon.”
“-ove y- -oo” 
Kelley blew a slow kiss to her camera before she heard a deep voice saying “Sorry ma’am. The connection was lost. Y’all still have five minutes on your scheduled call- Want me to try calling again? See if the signal improves?”
“Yeah,” Kelley shifted, rubbing the bridge of her nose as typing sounds echoed through the speaker. How she was going to make it through four more months of this she had no idea. 
“What if like the ship was attacked by aliens or something,” Sonnett whispered from her left, staring at the blank screen with real trepidation. 
“Not possible ma’am,” she heard him laugh. “But I doubt I would have the right level of security clearance to know.”
Kelley grabbed a pen and marked a day off the calendar hanging on her wall. So much for ‘phone call with Y/n.’ She sighed. Just a few months to go. 
Gravity fucking sucked. It was disorienting and heavy and made you sick to your stomach. Space station alums always talked about re-entry and how bad that was, but you thought sitting in a NASA hospital bed while your equilibrium readjusted was way worse than your fireball craft plummeting into the ocean. 
“This fucking sucks,” You groaned, again throwing your hand over to pull out the IV. You hated how hard it was to move (and how you actually had to hold up a cup of water to get a drink but that was beside the point). 
“Whoa babe, I know you’re a little out of it right now, but that has to stay in. Just try and relax for a little while,” Kelley said, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of your knuckles. 
You frowned at her through heavy-lidded eyes. “Don’t wanna be here. Wanna be home with you.” 
“I know, but you gotta stay here until the re-entry symptoms have worn off a little more,” She said again. She knew that you weren’t going to be 100% when you stepped out of the spacecraft, but she hadn’t expected you to be so out of it. You were sick to your stomach and entirely unable to walk without assistance. 
The doctors assured her that you would be fine (residual effects from not being in gravity for so long and the impact of the landing or whatever), but it was still difficult to watch. It didn’t help that you were a horrendous patient. 
“Just watch the game. The US is even in Blue,” Kelley tried to coax. Even she was beginning to grow restless. But you couldn’t leave until you could keep down solid foods. 
“I don’t want to watch. You’re not in it,” You said, grabbing the remote from her and turning the television off. Then you tried to set the remote in the air, but instead of hovering like it should have done, it dropped to the ground. 
“Alright, commander Y/l/n. It’s dinner time,” one of the NASA hospital nurses said, bringing in a tray for you. Kelley thanked them as they left since you were too dazed to think of it.  
“God this food sucks, I hate jello ” you grumbled, lifting the spoon in front of your face (fully expecting it to float so you could take your bite) and dropping it as you want to open the pudding packet instead. “I just want a big juicy cheeseburger. With bacon and onions and-“ You trailed off, your mouth watering at the thought. You hadn’t had proper food in 8 months, and it had been your major cravings food. 
“A side of diabetes” she scoffed, picking up the discarded remote and spoon, “And are you going to keep dropping things everywhere?” She asked, carefully filling a spoon with chocolate pudding and guiding it to your mouth. 
“Fuck Newton. Things are supposed to float,” 
You loved the soft skin behind Kelley’s ear. It was so smooth, and it always smelt like a mix of her perfume, shampoo, and something inherently Kelley. It was a bonus that your exploration of the area always sent a shiver down her spine. You ran your nose along the skin there, nibbling on her ear before moving down her neck. Leaving little kisses along your path. Kelley sighed, sleepily scratching your scalp and tilting her head to the side to encourage you to continue. 
“You,” Kelley said. “ I like you.”
“Hm, I’m glad. It would be kinda scary if you were doing this with someone you didn’t like,” you mumbled against her skin, unwilling to part with it for even a moment. Kelley giggled at the tickling sensation. How you still had so much energy after you had thoroughly worn her out getting… reacquainted she would never know.
 “But what do you like most. Tell me, babe,” You said, moving your lips a little lower, towards where her shoulder and neck met. 
“I love… your ass. It’s out of this world.” She said sleepily, reaching around to grab her favorite asset of yours. 
“Well, it has been,” You laughed, pulling away reluctantly so you could look her in the eyes. 
“Shut up you goof,” She rolled her eyes, grabbing a pillow and whacking you lightly. You fell over dramatically, pulling her so she was on top of you. 
“Hm, I’m your goof,” 
“Yeah. You are. And babe?” She smiled down at you, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. 
“Hmm?” You hummed against her lips. She leaned back to look you in the eyes, one forearm across your chest and her other hand beside your head supporting her. 
“No more space travel for a while?” 
 “Pinky promise,” You said, wiggling your hand so your littlest finger connected with hers. 
“Good. I can’t believe I was dating someone from TEXAS for a while.” Kelley pretended to shudder. “Jus think, one of your coworkers might have been a Houston dash supporter!”
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
So @alcinassugarbby asked for another part of my previous music drabble, where R teaches Alci how to perrear to latino music. And if you want to get the vibe you can listen to the Spotify playlist i made specifically for this.
Also, just to let you know, this was written with latino people in mind.
I took my time with this one, but please enjoy ;)
The castle was huge af, you yourself had gotten lost in its infinity many times, mostly when you have the late night cravings and sneakily you manouver you way out of Alcina's hold and have to find your way through the darkness of the hallways in order to find the kitchen. It was like a neverending maze, but just as it was great for parties and hide and seek games, it was a pain in the ass to keep clean.
Maids had stopped roaming the castle's halls a long time ago (more like, the family outlived them), and Alcina never bothered to hire new ones, so the chore of cleaning the place fell upon the daughters.
Your mom raised you right, you were not going to let the girls struggle with the the chores when you could do something about it, and so, you being in your right age to put music to clean but not old enough to put Juan Gabriel, you pulled out your phone, connecting it to the speaker you made Alcina buy for you, and you started to sweep and mop, with your sleep shorts on clinging to you like a second skin and an oversized shirt (courtesy of Alcina's wardrobe) hanging on your body.
You were the only one currently in the castle, as the rest of the family went out for some business stuff with MM, leaving you the entire place to do as you pleased, so you didn't hesitate to blast the music through the whole east wing while dancing around the room you were cleaning. Though you lost track of time, and when you felt a hand on your shoulder just when you were crouching throwing it back, lost in the music, you jumped 3ft in the air with a surprised yelp, only to run to the nearest couch to grab a deadly weapon, a decorative cushion, and wield it with assertive determination towards whoever had dared to put a foot inside your home.
"Whatever are you doing, dear?" You heard your lover's amused voice and you blushed, letting out a squeak of surprise at being caught while dancing like that. You didn't even hear her arrive, but then again, the music was too loud.
You quickly turned the music down, so it wouldn't hurt her ears and so you could hear her better.
"I uh, was cleaning?" You said, unsure of your answer. You went to her, giving her a welcoming hug, though it was mostly to hide your face.
Alcina, the ever teasing woman, looked at a flustered you and a smirk formed on her face. "What an interesting way of cleaning. I'm sure the floors will be sparkling when you're done." And if it wasn't enough, she added: "You're really good, my love, you should teach me sometime." Alcina could say stuff like that all day, but in reality she loved the cute way your butt bounced up and down and as cool and composed as she looked in the outside, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes (and hands) off of your lower back. Because she's a gentlewoman, and a lady, and not because her daughters are wildly unpredictable and no one could assure her they wouldn't barge through the door at any moment effectively interrupting and testing her self control.
Though what she said gave you an idea, and now it was your turn to smirk mischievously. "Oh, i can definitely teach you. I would love to, even."
Her expression went blank and her face went pale, or well, even paler if it was even possible. "No." She said without a pause.
You giggled, and she giggled too because she cherished your laugh.
"No, but really. I could teach you. I mean, i'm no master myself but i know my moves." To prove your point you smoothly swinged your hips left and right, while holding Alcina's hands to make her follow your dance.
"I don't think i can do that, dearest. Maybe is best if i refrain from doing such dance." The smile on her face was small but it made the whole room brighter and you wanted to kiss her right there, although at that exact moment one of your favorite songs, and a classic at that, could be heard from the speaker and you didn't waste a second to dance along with it.
"Watch this, Alci." You said as you started to move at the rhythm of Yo Perreo Sola. Your left leg bouncing against the floor, then you started to move your hips in a rhythmical circle with a little pause and bounce of your butt at the end of every lap. It was really simple, yet Alcina looked mesmerized. And when you bent over, with your hands on your knees, and started going up and down, Alcina's eyes were definitely glued to you.
"See something you like?" You asked, smugly.
Alcina was speechless. But her gaze fixed on your behind let you know that in fact she did like it, she did like it a lot.
You stopped and you could have sworn you heard Alcina whine. "Why did you stop?" She asked, with a tint of disappoinment in her voice.
"You didn't say anything, so i thought you might not like it." You turned away from her to hide your smirk, because it was all bs, you knew she was enthralled.
"No, no. I like it. Although i must admit, i'd rather wish you'd dance for me like this more often." When you faced her again ahe was watching you intently.
"Tell you what, you dance for me first and i'll dance for you tonight in our chambers, how's that sound?" You were struggling to keep your grin under control as Alcina seemed to seriously think about it.
"You really want to see me dance like that, don't you? You little devil."
"There's nothing else i'd wish for right now."
Alcina sighed. "Fine, i am willing to do it." She held your face with her hand and leaned to kiss you. "Just because i really like that butt of yours."
You blushed but went to choose a song nonetheless.
"Let's start with something easy." You said as you browsed through the Colores album, looking for a song that you thought fitted her perfectly and 'Negro' started to play.
Alcina had listened to your songs before, but it never ceased to amaze her how different each song was, the rhythm and lyrics, not to mention the many different languages, and seeing you so excited to share part of your culture with her– it just made her heart soar.
"Alright, how should i start?"
Your huge bright smile made it impossibe to hide how much you were enjoying this. "You see, my dear apprentice, perrear is an art where your hips are the brush and the room is your canvas. Now, with me, stand like this and try to move you butt up and down along with the beat."
Alcina was hesitant. How a lady such as herself would allow her body to move in such an... aggravating... manner? Well, the answer was that she loved you. She would do anything for you and if it was your wish to see her dance, then she'd swallow her pride and try her best.
With awe you witnessed how your lady attempted to perform the basic step of perreo, though you could clearly see she was being shy, and you didn't blame her. The first time you tried to learn in front of your full body mirror was like that too.
"How's this? Am i doing it right?" She asked, unsure.
Her posture was a bit awkward, and you placed your hands on her to correct it. "Yes, now try to lean down a bit, like this. You can put your hands above the knee for support." She did. "Now, the tricky part. Try and arch your back a bit, just a bit, while you throw it back."
"I'm not throwing anything back, dear." Alcina said, confused, and even glanced behind her to confirm.
You giggled. "Baby, i meant your butt. Like this."
Alcina followed your example, and she being an extremely smart, talented and observing woman, picked up the move real quick.
"Now try to draw a circle with your hips. Yes, just like that. You're doing great, babe!"
"I sure hope so, my love. I'm really looking forward to you dancing for me tonight." She smirked, stopping her moves and pulling you close to her, her hands on your back pressing you against her front. "I putting a lot of effort and i require praise and kisses." You were more than happy to comply to her wishes, climbing on a chair and proceeding to kiss her hungrily. Wet kisses could be heard in the room, and Alcina's hands under your shirt gently scrapping the bare skin of your back were driving you crazy. But you knew you were getting too lost in the moment, and as much as you wanted to keep drawing those delicious groans from her you still had a goal to accomplish.
With a last bite to her bottom lip you pushed yourself back and jumped to the floor, ignoring Alcina's whine of disappoinment.
"Let's move to something a little more difficult." You say, a little bit out of breath, as you change the song to Gasolina. It started with a rapid beat and you wasted no time following it.
"Oh god..."
"Now you do it."
You'd be lying if you said seeing Alcina try that specific step didn't stir something in you. Definitely her leaning down, moving her hips side to side, slightly rotating her waist, in a rapid pace was a sight to behold.
"My love, you're drooling." Her amused voice reached your ears and you got out of your trance.
"I guess i'm really good teacher." You day, the back of your hand hiding your mouth.
"Mmh, well i think so too." She laughed. A beautiful laughter indeed. "Do you happen to have more knowledge you'd like to share?"
You lit up as a new song came into mind.
"I do!" Wait a sec!"
You quickly change the song and run back to Alcina's side.
"Third step! Should be easy enough." You squat and thrust your hips forward in a repetitive smooth motion while gradually rising with every 'Tra' of the song, slowly, tempting, alluring. "What do you think?"
Alcina is staring again, and you can almost hear the Microsoft startup sound as her brain reboots.
"Would you look at that! It's already night time." She said, pointing to a half covered window that lets in a faint but clear ray of sunlight. You opened your mouth to deny it but Alcina was already hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around her waist. "And i believe we made a deal." Her husky voice and hungry eyes left no room for arguing, though you wouldn't complain.
I think i should put links to videos so you can get a reference.
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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msfett · 3 years
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✨ Chapter 9: Halo Effect
Boba Fett x F!Reader
Rating: NSFW Explicit 18+ only
C/W: Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Sexual Content/Dialogue, Power Play, Breathplay, Anal Play, Impact Play/Spanking (we're here to play with everything in this house y'all), Oral Sex, Rough!PIV Sex, Enemies to Lovers, Angsty Mutual Pining, AHHH Feelings!
Some Stuff 😊 Well. The following is what happens when I get carried away. And I hope it’s just as much fun for your beautiful mind as it is for mine. 😁
Definitely more intense sexual imagery/rougher aspects in this chapter. But if you’re into that (cuz dude, I sure am!), here’s a ticket and please enjoy the show!
Much thanks (grazie mille!) to the lovely Alex @nyrakaraay for song inspo. You're the best, girl! *love and hugs* AT-AT
Always appreciate sentiments and feedback; here, as a message, or as anon 🥰 (And I LOVE music recommendations!)
Immense thanks for all y'all supporting this fic! For real, your comments make me smile, like, so much ☺️ If you prefer AO3 (msfett_ifyourenasty), this series is cross-posted there. Please feel free to reblog and share 💕
🎶Musical Motivation/Lyrical Inspiration: I Wanna Be Your Dog by The Stooges *woof woof* 😉
“Let go, young one. I’ll be back before nightfall.” His voice is stern, likely matching the look on his face. But tears sting your eyes, and all you can see is the dense fabric of his robes as he attempts to pry the incomplete circle of your stubborn arms from clinging around his waist.
He’s trying to be patient, to not pacify you by easier means. You feel his tension, the worry of leaving you alone for the first time in weeks since the dusty hut became your new home. He didn’t think it would be this difficult.
The hand he places on top of your head stops short of any additional comfort as hiccups intersperse the hot, still air. “This can’t be the same girl that so bravely jumped over a big ravine not one rotation ago. She wasn’t afraid of anything.” His words calm you to sniffles.
“Master, please don’t go.”
“But this is exactly why I must go.” Your young mind doesn’t understand. “You and I will always share a bond, but we must not become so attached that we fear losing the other. Fear is a selfish emotion. The Force guides us to serve others and the greater good, not just our own wishes.”
“I don’t care. I want you here.”
“That is greed speaking, one of many paths to the Dark side.” His wisdom urges you to see the consequence. “Do you want that?”
The muscles in your little arms start to relax, slowly letting go. “No.”
He’s softened and allows you to continue stepping back at a comfortable pace. “There’s that brave girl. Always know that even when we are apart, you are never alone.”
You don’t look at him, ashamed by your outburst of emotion, tears drying on your warm cheeks.
You never cried again when he left. Only after would you allow the tears to flow freely.
The air is silent, his slowing movements the only reply of want, praying the question will lose relevance long enough until it’s forgotten. He’s softening, lips losing form, almost dragging across your collarbone.
“This is not an answer.”
You can feel his vibration of conflict to your statement as his breath heats your skin. “For now, can you accept it as one?” But there’s also an unusual lightness, a hazy afterglow awash with sustained brilliance in a ritual he’s creating. “What about you?” He catches the thin strap of your undershirt between his teeth, playfully tugging before gently biting the skin underneath, mumbling, “What do you want from me?”
It’s strange how much you’re caught off guard by the reciprocal question. At times, he's remarkably disorienting. And you don’t know what to tell him. There’s a newness you’re unable to describe, or maybe unable to admit, or even allow.
“For now, I want you to keep your hands to yourself.” But your body is motionless with no indication of resisting his soft exploration of your skin as he discovers the dimples low on your back, and you secretly appreciate his lack of seriousness. “It’s a long way back to the Core.”
He throws his hands up in mock compliance, but his teeth continue, contentedly nipping the side of your neck.
“That means your mouth, too.”
It’s an exaggerated bite before he abandons the diversion, thudding against the wall, hands behind his head, pleased with his actions. It looks like he’s biting back a smug smile as you struggle to untwist from the awkward straddle. It had been so much easier to get into than out of.
Untucking your knees, you’re forced into an ungraceful squat before rising, dripping your combined release on his pants. And it’s definitely becoming a fucking smile now as you attempt to stand. He grips the back of your thighs, pulling you toward him, cramped legs trying to find balance and you fall forward against the wall.
His grumbled name serves as your purposeful warning. It’s as if he’s trying to get you into complicated positions, face level with your pubic bone as his lips press just above. Your favorite curse has become his surname as his tongue darts out, licking up, quickly flicking, freely toying with you.
Appetite insatiable, his fingers knead the juncture of your ass and thighs, spreading your cheeks apart, hands inching to your center. As he parts you, the ambient temperature cools the smear of fluids coating each crevice. The heat of his exhales is stupidly enticing as he deeply breathes in the scent of sex. His tone is powerfully teasing, oozing with some deranged smile, as if he were the one standing over you instead of gladly buried at the apex of your thighs. “You’re making a mess, pretty Jedi.”
“That’s it.” Huffing in outright exasperation, you grab his hands from their increasingly ambitious placement, and throw them aside. A blush radiates from your face, and though you hadn’t been embarrassed, his teasing has made you feel so. You’re already stepping away, wanting to completely scrub his distinctive taste from your lips, his musky smell from your skin, anything he’s left behind, when you feel his large hand encircle your wrist, abruptly jerking you back to him.
“Let go, Fett.”
The sliver of white from behind his lips is a beautiful contrast against his olive complexion.
Is this what it takes to get him to smile? A half-naked, frustrated woman dripping on the floor of his ship?
He pulls you ever so slightly closer and presses his lips to the back of your hand. And there’s something about the trusting way his eyes close as he kisses you, the gentling of roughness in his actions, that your body responds in kind, wrist momentarily relaxing.
He must feel the tension slip from your arm, sliver returning as he pulls you into his lap again. And despite your irritation with him, you can’t help the curve in your lips that mirrors his.
Orondia is just as expected; a bleak rock of a planet, of no interest to any faction, including the Empire. Dreams were already dead before entering this Outer Rim system, setting aside no room for nightmares either, safe in its nothingness.
The encrypted channel necessitates continuous minuscule adjustments for adequate reception as you automatically scan the surroundings from behind a decaying stresscrete building.
“Your actions have put many in danger, 401.” His voice is severe through the earpiece. “Your protection will extend as far as necessary, but if you deliberately disregard operational procedures for your own self-interests, there is nothing I can do.”
“Copy.” The familiar ache of tension in your jaw is just another reminder of current circumstances.
“Odd, because I don’t quite think you do understand.” His irritation crackles. “I will require a detailed sitrep from the moment you went dark. This has become a rather dirty extraction. You are to stand by until I’m able to locate an escort.”
“315, I have safe passage to Coruscant. Let him —”
“No. I am firm on this matter. You are too valuable and he is an indisputable danger. You should have no confidence in this man. He is —”
“But where’s your faith in me? You’ve always trusted my decisions. This is a simple way for me get back to the Core without other agents getting involved. When I get there, I’ll…sanitize everything, like I was never there. Just like always. Repeat. Just like always.”
“Wait one.” The static is deafening while he considers. “Though I do feel this could go sideways, I respect your insight. It’s not served you wrong in the past. I’ll relay this confirmation of plans to HQ. We can’t afford further compromise of your status, for many reasons my dear. Please be careful. Over.”
Movement slyly peeks from behind a corner until its curiosity assumes the form of an advancing figure.
“Thank you, sir. Out.”
Simple was never a safe word to utter aloud.
The unmistakable wheeze of metal breath hisses loudly throughout the audio communication in the cockpit of the Slave I. “Given her likely connection, I should think you’d take a personal interest in her, bounty hunter.”
“I need more information,” Boba states, composed and concise. “Can’t find someone that doesn’t exist.”
“Indeed.” The respirator invades the brief silence. “I will not waste your efforts on details. Once the necessary information is obtained, you will be notified. She will be made your priority. I want her alive, Fett,” ensuring to add, “and relatively unharmed.”
“I’ll await your message, Lord Vader.”
The pilot’s chair creaks as Boba leans on the weathered arm, impassively staring at the rising fuel gauge as the conversation replays. The ghost exists; breathes spirted life in his ship, on his body, through his mind. Inwardly unnerved, his thoughts revolve until he’s alerted by two approaching thermal outlines.
Running attracted attention, but in this instance, a light jog seemed a viable option. The way the man lumbered toward you with a marked limp indicated his inability to sustain that speed. A new face meant opportunity as he scrambled after you, imploring credits, a menial job in exchange for a meal.
The despair in his cracked voice clambers for the strings of generosity, tugging, until desperate, feigns an act of violence by brandishing an ancient blaster. You don’t even bother to dodge the poorly aimed jittery bolt as it blasts by.
A surge of sorrow for the sad shadow of a man rushes over you even before the carbine rifle speaks its fatal judgment. There’s no emotion behind Fett’s visor as the man stumbles backward, blood sputtering out of the corner of his mouth while death imparts an everlasting kiss.
“What the fuck?” you practically spit at the helmet.
His retort is harshly clipped. “Did you need it for something?”
So callous for the pitiful life taken, you snap back. “Him. Not it.” You’re reluctant to concede. “But, no.”
“Then what’s the problem?” he asks, seemingly confused by your reaction.
“You didn’t have to kill him.” For some reason you’re disturbingly trying to comprehend Fett’s thought process.
As always, he’s flawlessly calculated. “It shot at me.”
You glare at him, heart thudding with every step you take up the ramp.
“You.” It sounds accusing despite whatever underlying objective he’s attempting to convey. Still soaked from recycled water, his hair is wavy, longer pieces adhering to his temples. He is warm and clean, cold grime sucked down the shower drain. “He was shooting at you.” His dark eyes narrow, droplets splashing to roll down his nose. “Wasn’t going to let him live after that.” But the few flecks of gold in his eyes flicker brightly, skin dewy even with the glare of poorly filtered light.
You’ve been stripping away lingering anger, removing more of it with each article of dirty clothing heaped on the floor. “No. Don’t use me as your reason for his death.”
“You don’t think you’re a good enough reason?” There’s a great wondering sincerity in his voice, avidly waiting for your reply, and you try not to notice the slight slipping of his towel exposing more of the muscled midriff.
“To die for?” But your face is placid, reserved, a practiced emptiness acting as a blank, secondary mask. “No.”
Detached, you brush past him in the narrow hallway to the bunk when he grabs your wrist, striding the single step needed to pin you, his trap precisely accurate.
“Well, maybe I do,” he growls, bare chest rising and falling so closely. The push of his body against yours; the hard and the soft, the long wavelengths of red forming a passionate anger.
“Let go,” you say evenly, apathetic to his increasing agitation.
A fist smashes into the durasteel, reverberations echoing through your chest. “Do you ever actually feel anything?” He’s snarling the words, bringing his face closer until you’re sharing breath. “You lack basic emotions.”
“I lack emotion? What about you? You never—”
“You think I have no emotion?” He smiles like a ravenous animal delivering the final, debilitating injury to its prey, energy spurting to pulsate in your temples, your stomach, between taut thighs. “Fine. You asked me what I want. Here’s your fuckin’ answer.”
He is made of teeth and claws leaving you defenseless, unprepared for the brutal veracity of his attack.
“I want to rip off those skin-tight, cock-tease pants and bury my face in that sweet little cunt until it’s the only thing I can taste.” Raw desire burns in his dark eyes, fingers mauling the flesh of your hips through the fabric as though he’s about to make good on his depraved word.
“I want to push you to your scratched-up knees and watch that pretty, too smart for its own good mouth open wide so I can fuck it.” With predatory intent his large hand seizes your chin, calloused thumb harsh against your lip, tugging it down so he can slide his carnivorous tongue in your mouth, mimicking the voiced desire of defilement.
“I want to bruise that delicate, fragile throat and know I’ll be the only man who’s cock you choke on.” The hand enclosing your throat is finely shaking with fixed intention, cutting you off from any thought except him being deeply lodged, boldly pulsing, aggressively preventing passage of another.
“I want to fuck you so hard that I break apart that beautiful cunt until it’s shaped only for me. Knows only me.” He utters the possessive confession in his silk-over gravel voice, shock pummeling you like waves crashing against a rocky shore. A jealous hand harshly claims your sex with a greedy command, heel rubbing an order.
“That’s what I fucking want. Now how does that make you feel, Jedi? Or are you still dead inside?” His voice is a savage roar that ricochets through your body, awakening everything.
His neck is massive in your small hand, grasping only the front, but enough to feel the pounding of his pulse at your dark explosion. You don’t even need to touch him. He could be armlengths away and still fall victim to your crushing force. But his skin feels so alive beneath your bare fingertips as you hear the telltale gasp of deprivation. But there isn’t a hint of contention under the force of your clinch. If anything, he seems excited about becoming one with the wall as long as your hand is dictating the decree. The silence is charged, wrapping you in a distorted cocoon of electricity together.
“There’s that fire.” His voice deepens to a constricted, raspy rumble, so low it’s almost unintelligible. “Let it burn.” But he could’ve spoken in any alien tongue and you would’ve been able to decipher it, heart and body translating every syllable.
Your chest is an active battlefield raging with anger, pain, need, lust, all fighting for equal ground. He can feel you emanating. Your body heat. Your presence. Your power. And your momentary lapse of control over it. This is what he wanted. He’ll fucking get it then.
His hair is still damp, wringing water with your grip that makes clear the purpose of direction, a provocative coaxing to gentle him to the floor. “Down, boy.”
Positively growling with hostility, the bend in his knees is defiant, yet he complies, progressing in accordance with your charge. “You’re gonna fuckin’ regret that.”
Maybe so, but your smirk is vindictive as you rip the towel from his waist, leering as his cock bounces in unabashed liberation. Letting the towel fall from pillaging fingers, you graciously give him something to kneel on aside from the saccharine granules of disparaging instruction, questioning, “What happened to never bowing, Fett?”
Like the position of his body, his threat is low and frustrated, deliciously vicious. “Keep talkin’ pretty girl. You already know what I’m gonna do with that mouth.”
Insides quivering with the intimation, you instruct him with a swat. “Hands off. Let’s see how talented you really are.”
His hands want to disobey, but recede to the wall, attempting some semblance of control with the makeshift cage. Teeth scrape against the tender skin above your pant line before he begins to tug, intermittently shaking his head to slide the tight material lower on your hips. And It’s dreadfully enjoyable to taunt him as he performs in this submissive position. “After running your mouth, I thought you’d be better at this.”
Oh, he takes the dangled bait, practically salivating to prove you otherwise. “Turn around.” And he’s biting your ass through the pants, capturing flesh between slashing teeth as if he can rip a hole to satisfy his need. He sharply yanks the material over the swell of your ass, slowly licking the inflicted teeth marks like he can skin you with his tongue, only to nuzzle between marked cheeks, hunting for what’s buried between. The luscious arch of your back presents him with a faceful of ass and collected moisture glossing your folds. He groans as if he wants to stuff all of it in his mouth at once, devour you whole, and the thought makes you touch the arousal seeping around your clit, softly gliding a finger over.
“Face me,” he rumbles against your cunt.
There’s a raised eyebrow when he sees you touching yourself, but he’s raptly fascinated watching how the delicate finger provides pleasure in the form of little breathy noises that escape your throat. Tongue moistening his lips, he roughly fists his cock in a solicitous response. He’s breathing faster, eyes entranced as you add a second finger to the small, slow motions causing your hips to rock.
“How about making yourself useful, Fett?”
The words have just left your mouth, but he ignores the snark, already made of warm breath and ghosting lips, barely touching as disobedient hands skim up and down your calves. His lips press against yours, keeping resolute contact as he pulls a crate over. Grasping your ankle, he gently guides you as the new angle naturally opens your legs. Inhaling deeply, his nostrils flare to draw in your scent before licking up the fingers pleasuring yourself.
Quickly flicking your wrist, your fingertips hook behind his lower teeth, pulling his jaw down, and he’s trying to fight against you, trying to lift his head against your pressure. But the pressure is too great, and you feel the lack of resistance in his slackened jaw as his head lowers. But even so, his eyes lock with yours.
“You can do better than that.” You drag slicked fingers from behind teeth, down his lower lip, across until you’ve made sure the fingers leave any remaining juices on him. Cupping his face, you give him a grin before patting his cheek, and it’s absolutely condescending when you speak.
“Be a good boy.”
Oh, you’ve struck a nerve, maybe hundreds. His desire flares, hot and angry, sending chills thrilling over your skin. “I’m gonna do more than break you.”
And hearing him repeat his destructive compulsion initiates your own self-sabotage for the complete devastation of your body, of the dark desires of his needs, your needs, of the growing threads of attachment.
Your grip tangles in his hair, incrementally pulling back, forcing him to crane his neck. “If you really want to taste this pussy so badly, you’re doing a shitty job of showing me that.” The look on his face is wild. “Lick.” You shove his face closer and he absolutely dives in with an eager tongue. He can fucking drown there if he thinks he can break you. The darkness in his eyes is all consuming, as you feed him each demanding word. “Slowly.”
His tongue is broad and powerful, fitting the rest of his body, licking your clit in firm, perfectly replicated movements, flicking at the sensitive top before beginning again. Your moaning intensifies as you watch his devoted mouth. His dark eyes are expressive, full of strength and naked vulnerability as he worships your cunt.
This beautiful man has undeniably surrendered between your legs, forehead creased as he focuses on your pleasure, making the rest of the galaxy seem unimportant if only for a moment. The Empire’s well-trained dog has strayed, lapping up your juices with abiding loyalty, confirming his allegiance.
He refuses to break eye contact, even with his nose so pressed against your skin that he’s sucking ragged inhales through his mouth instead. He would gladly take his last breath here, strangled on the scent of your body, gasping on your explicit desire for him.
The furious restraint is loosening in his hair, fingers running through his drying soft curls, sweetly petting his obedience. His reward is circling hips that grind, ride his tongue, and he stills for you to set the pace, knowing he will ultimately be your undoing, hungrily devouring your cunt so he can feast on the drip of succulent lips.
The guttural groans he makes vibrate against your swollen clit while he tongue-fucks you. He’s faithfully licking, elongating his adoration until his head is actively dipping, dragging his tongue from behind your sex, through soaked folds, trilling his tongue with worked precision before sucking your clit between focused lips. He hasn’t laid a finger anywhere near the weeping slit, excellently proving the true talent of his mouth.
He locks eyes with you, words uttered between lips slicked in arousal. “Fuck my face, beautiful. Come all over me. Want that taste to die on my tongue."
His voice resonates through your body to a fine point in your cunt. You hold your breath as he draws you to the edge of release, thighs tightening, toes curling against the durasteel floor. Heat blasts outward, rippling like seismic waves through your belly, releasing in blissful contractions, crying, mouth agape, until wrought with intensity you hunch over, hands braced on muscled shoulders.
And you’re mewling, shaking against his begging mouth as he desperately sups every part of you, each scrap of pleasure, each morsel of desire, gnawing at you to fucking let go so he can tear at you, sinew snapping between his teeth until you become a part of him. He is overwhelming, and the beautiful, brittle snap of your will flows into him.
He can taste it. It is the grit of dried sweat laced with burning sand, crystallized salt that melts across his tongue. And his throat becomes parched with undying thirst.
He can smell it. It is the essence of smoke, of blazing nighttime fires warming huddled bodies in the evening cool. He breathes it in until his lungs are lined with soot. And he pleads to suffocate.
His mouth slows, gentle as you pulse with little aftershocks. When he hears your breath steady, he carries your fluid body to splay across the bed. Laying beside you, he leans on an elbow, fingers lightly tracing along your midline, tracking your breastbone, stomach, lower. Even with his soft touch your breath hitches as fingers explore his wet ruin, stroking between plump lips.
His eyes shift between yours and the scene playing between your legs. Bending, his lips are soft, like he’s breathing kisses along your shoulder. “How do you feel?”
Your relaxed hum is not enough for him and the lilt of his accent covets more. “I want to hear you say it.”
“Good.” Your hand finds the back of his neck, encouraging his closeness and he burrows his face below your ear. “You make me feel really good.”
It isn’t until after you feel your tongue has betrayed something; not made me, but make me feel good. And maybe he doesn’t notice, perhaps more concerned with the solid erection he’s pressing into your hip, but then you hear him.
“That’s what I want.” His ankle crosses over yours in a comfortable way like he’s settling in. “I’m in no rush.”
“Give me a few minutes.”
“As long as you need,” he whispers into your hair, repeating your earlier observation. “It’s a long way back to the Core.”
A part of you is surprised by him. This is the same man that unflinchingly killed that unfortunate soul…because of you. Because he attempted a pathetically aimed shot at you. And Fett did not, would not tolerate it. The hand that summoned death is now intimately stroking you with divine care.
And that fucks with your head.
The twisted thoughts of Fett’s capabilities, his murderous, bloodied hands all over you…
It’s sickening and yet your body responds, hips almost unknowingly rolling against his hand. His cock has been patient, but now twitches in pleased anticipation with your engagement.
“I meant it. What I said I wanted.” He props back up, brow serious, searching your face for any wrinkle of doubt. “Will you let me?”
His caution is exciting, thrilling through your veins as a rush, and you flash a devious grin. His darkness is absolute, drowning out any possible light. And you’re glad for it, hiding the warped elements of desire no one should witness.
He suddenly morphs into a hissing whisper, tongue seducing, slithering from your ear to sink his fangs into the pulse of your neck. “You get that shit out of your system?” He wants to ensure your poison has been flushed before injecting his.
A blush spreads across your face as your lips continue their insidious curl.
“Good.” He grabs your wrist, yanking you up to pull off the sweaty shirt clinging to your skin. “Because now you’re mine.”
“On your knees,” he commands, and you hesitate. He shouldn’t hold any authority, but you feel the division of relinquishing control. He not only sees this, but recognizes it, adjusts to it and leans close to your ear, tone soft. “Do you want this?”
The scrape of stubble scratches a persistent itch as you nod. “Then I need you to let go.” He is taking deep breaths. Nothing else. Just steady, deep breaths. “And trust me.”
And you let go.
Shuddering, you slowly lower to the floor, his reassuring hand on your arm helping to steady you. With your gaze averted, he moves in front, tenderly tilting your chin up, thumb skimming along your bottom lip. “Eyes on me.”
But his gaze emboldens you, the words spilling out before you realize the implications. “Thought you wanted to push me to my knees, Fett.”
A switch is flipped, a fluent, dark current in his voice. “Next time you use that smart mouth the only sound I wanna hear is you choking on my cock,” he husks, and your walls clench around his filthy words. His grip changes to tighten around your jaw, sharply pressing below your cheekbones, forcing your mouth open. His other hand is pumping his erection, then brushing the seeping tip over your lips, and your parted mouth opens wider to accommodate his thick girth. He only thrusts once, just enough to slick saliva over before his next order. “Tongue.”
Your mind is screaming, who the fuck is this man? His gruff commands make you cringe in excitement as dominant energy exudes from his body, and strangely you’re getting off on his power trip. Fuck. His tan complexion, smooth with jaggedly raised scars. His focused, dedicated eyes, mouth matching their intensity. His defined abdominal v pointing to your pulsing devastation.
Starting at the base, you slide up, tongue fully pressed to his heavy shaft until taking the leaking tip into your mouth and add a little suck before slowly descending as far as you can go without taking him into your throat. He’s groaning when you come up, watching how your lips stretch around his cock, fingers threading through your hair. “All of it.”
Giving him the sight he’s throbbing for, you lower down his length again, but this time when his head hits your throat you swallow and allow him to go deeper. He holds you there, testing, watching how the side of your neck trembles as you take him. And when he sees the dampness at the corners of your closed eyes as your throat begins to spasm, he guides your head back up saving you from fully gagging, patting your cheek in return. “Good girl.”
Despite wanting to absolutely hate his arrogant tone, arousal seeps from your cunt, lips sliding together with the press of excited thighs, and you take pleasure in the wet reaction as he sets the slow rhythm of up and down. Inspiring hands tangle in strands of hair, spurring your head to bob on his cock. On every downstroke he gives a small thrust to the back of your throat, each collision of the broad head becoming more aggressive. His breathing has picked up and you can hear him trying to maintain composure as you keep a soft mouth, saliva sticking to him when he pulls back.
His reaction to your silky mouth is making his entire body stiffen, and you know he’s on the verge of coming down your throat, his increasing engorgement causing you to choke. He savagely twists your hair, jerking you up, stiff cock jumping as your reddened lips are popped off. "Fuck." Eyebrows drawn together, he roughly squeezes the head, controlling, waiting for the edge to fade before moving.
Guiding your body up, he places a tiny kiss on each shoulder before running a tongue along the top of each breast, cupping and thumbing pert nipples. Flipping you around, he closes a hand around the back of your neck, and you know he can feel your pulse quicken, fingers gradually tightening as he whispers hotly in your ear. “Kneel.”
Your body is completely thrumming with desire at his command, and when he shoves you forward onto the bed you feel the wetness leak down the inside of your thighs. “Head down. Want that pretty ass up.” You’re not sure why he bothered to say it, his hands already moving you into position, gripping a hip as he continues to push your neck down. The power excites him, cock twitching against your ass as he manhandles your legs flush with the edge of the bed.
But feeling the demise of succumbing to his wishes, the tension in your jaw starts to radiate, neck stiffening, shoulders raising in protest, and he recognizes your telling signs of stress. The heat from his breath on your ear, the way his nose brushes your hairline is soothing, and your muscles begin to uncoil as he reassures, “Doing so good.” He continues nuzzling down your neck, murmuring into your skin, “You’re beautiful.”
You’re waiting for him to qualify; beautiful on your knees, beautiful bent over. But nothing follows. And that’s when you relax, trusting, regulating your breath with his, the shiver rolling through your body acting as willing surrender.
Grazing only his fingertips along the curve of your overarched spine, it’s shocking when his hand sharply smacks a presented cheek. Your cry evolves to a high-pitched whimper of breath as he immediately smooths over the sting with his palm. But then, jolting smacks land on the opposite cheek, and he kneads the soft flesh between his own moans of enjoyment.
Each exhale is shaky thinking how demented this must look as he readily delivers a thorough spanking. But his hands on your blushing cheeks are a ridiculous turn on. No one gets to touch you like this, see you in this vulnerable position, and these thoughts combined with the burn from his smack have your body trembling with anticipation.
You can feel his stare devouring you, projected excitement just as palpable, fingers swiping through your slit, gliding over a cheek to leave a cool trail over the reddened skin. His touch is deceivingly gentle, and you try to relax beneath it, but just as tension begins to dissipate, the warm hand disappears only to come down again, harshly slapping your ass.
His dark chuckle wraps around, caressing the sound in your ear, and you don’t want to give him any pleasure of knowing your pain, but, fuck, the audacious swagger in his voice. “You regretting what you said yet?”
Iron bleeds onto your tongue from your attempt to bite away the cry, but your only response is a deeper tilt to your pelvis, back incredibly arching, ass inching even higher unintentionally spreading your lips. The parting is audible and he freely groans, roughly grabbing your ass, licking a firm tongue up your cunt before shoving it inside. It feels like he’s gathering every drop of arousal in his mouth, and you hear a swishing, a mixing of fluids before feeling the spray of spit attack your other hole.
His timbre is impossibly evil, juxtaposed to the sweet kisses at the cleft of your ass. “How about now?” His thumb is lightly circling, coating the tightness, pressure daring to enter, daring your denial.
“Fett…” It’s a breathy whine more than a word.
He’s careful not to scratch you with his nail, thumb slowly pushing past your weakened resistance. “No. Not like that.” Each syllable penetrates further. “Say. My. Fucking. Name.”
Your brow furrows into a pleasurable version of his typical features as molten heat melts down your center.
You cry out as he stretches you, thumb deepening, completely filling you as two fingers squelch into your cunt, curling, dancing expertly as they did across the control panel. He’s doing it again, leading you to the edge, pulling you back into his sin.
His tormenting laugh hangs in the air. “Say it again.”
That’s what he wants, and part of you wants to give it to him, give it all, but pride is powerful and so is your level of restraint.
It's his method of punishment, cruelly removing all fingers from your holes, trailing wet fingers from your cunt as the next smack connects with only one cheek, the next bringing a sting to the other. “Naughty.” And then he’s using more force, undoubtedly leaving his mark of angry handprints on your ass as a sadistic reminder. It’s insane how much you’re enjoying getting spanked, the loss of control its own heady concoction. At Fett’s unforgiving mercy, you grow more and more aroused each time his palm connects, ripping strangled whimpers from your throat.
The next slap elicits a soft moan from your lips, ass wiggling in anticipation for the next as his audible groans of drunken power harmonize with your feminine sounds. This slap is the hardest yet, slicing the air with a loud thwacking noise and bringing a dull ache to the abused skin before rubbing away the burn.
“What a strong girl.” And he’s sincere, no notes of mockery in his voice, words echoing, reverberating as praise through your body. “Even like this, you’re a perfect warrior, Jedi.”
His voice unfurls stored heat, pouring low into your belly, keening with his honest endearment. Each hard strike builds upon a blissful numbness, mind separating from body, limitless infinity. But he helps bring you back each time. And you’re not lost, not gone, more present in the now with each outstretched hand he eagerly offers.
Smack. Room spinning. Smack. Skin on fire. Smack. Sizzling need. Smack. “More…”
It sounds like his groan of satisfaction is absolute, but then you push him beyond known limitations with a freely uttered intimate address.
“More, Boba.”
And he stops as if startled, violently panting through his nose, like he doesn’t even know what to do with that.
The soft moan of his name is the blade that slices through his last thread of control, and a low-seated rumble exits as a curse. So wrapped in sensation, you barely register his change in position, the flimsy mattress bowing under the weight of a foot appearing next to your torso. His hand is intent on writing a permanent signature on your hip, muscled forearm braced along your lower back, when you feel him shift, and everything blurs.
Solid weight presses between your shoulder blades, breath forced from your lungs, pinning you as he leans into the edge of his foot. His anchored points are purposeful as you buck under the intensity. His hand is relentless; one cheek, both cheeks, fingertips brushing slick and then, fuck, his entire palm, and it’s with such ferocity that he’s flinging droplets of arousal from soaked lips to land on tingling heels.
The concept of control ceases to exist with each ardent cry of his erotic assault, each searing smack lighting like dry tinder on your skin.
Let it burn, he said.
And you are. And so is he. The ashes will mix.
The sweat on his skin coalesces with yours as a weight is lifted. The resurgence of oxygen flows like his hands until he twists your arm behind, grabbing a wrist. Driving your legs apart, he kneels between to slide the tip of his cock through the sopping mess he can own. Plunging in, he has you take it all, just like your throat, tight and hot, setting nerve endings on fire, searing pleasure with pain until there’s no separation.
The deep penetration has you swimming in arousal as his other hand wraps around the nape of your neck, pushing down. His thrusts are slow, coating his cock until he can smoothly slide through the heat, pressing against your cervix with small, purposeful rolls of his hips. “To think at any time,” he pants, “you have the power to kill me with your magic.” His stroke becomes profound, sack slapping with each snap. “But instead, you’re letting me do this.” And it feels like the unadulterated language issued from his lips couldn’t possibly become more cataclysmic until…
“Never thought I’d see a Jedi on her knees, begging me for more while I fuck her.”
And the astonishing shock of his horribly exquisite revelation makes you cry for him in a finality of desire. He stakes claim on his twisted truth with each fulfilling stroke, each rocketing piston into your body. Each slap of flesh against flesh. Each groan that echoes loudly. Each panted, whispered word of praise for his Jedi; feel so fucking good, that’s it, such a good girl.
He consumes you with overwhelming need, like he’s been waiting for years to obliterate every part of you in his search for vengeance. He works your body, your cunt, molding it to him just as he promised. He hears you ask for him, say his name, repeat it, run it together, make it your curse, your deliverance.
He leans over your body, rasping into your ear, "Remember that gorgeous way you came all over my face? That's exactly how I'm gonna make your perfect little cunt come again on my cock."
And he fucking means it, each thrust shoving you closer and closer to diving into the dark but blazing abyss. But this time you don’t have to reach for a hand because he’s already holding yours. The pressure released from your neck is now the grip of interlaced fingers that tighten, attach with pulling intensity, need personified. He’s savoring every drag, every strike of his head marking territory. Taking everything. Inside. Deep inside. Driving you toward an ending, terrifying and exhilarating.
Blinding brightness. Stinging darkness.
Damned or not, he’s there. And so are you. Fate holds the future. But now, right now, you’re able to accept, to let go.
He frees you from the other restraining hand, snaking it between trembling thighs, rubbing his name into your demise, living in desperation for a similar destiny.
“I want you.”
With a keening cry, you surrender to his want, exploding, triggering him to pound into your cunt. He’s chasing after you, keeping time with you. He’s erratic, pulsing, shooting a part of himself inside your orgasm-tightened walls as his harsh groans batter the air.
And then he's taking deep, gasping breaths. Nothing else. Just deep, gasping breaths.
But he doesn’t wilt, mindful of your wrecked body underneath as his breath hits hotly against your neck. Attached, completely sheathed in your heat, you feel potential trickling down a thigh as his body conforms to yours, readjusting, lying chest-to-back. He owns a new layer of sweat combining with yours, and he’s proud not to cleanse, pressing kisses behind your ear, sliding slick fingertips across your belly as his toes play friendly games with the soles of your feet.
I want you.
Does he mean it? Could you? Could you kiss each other healthy, feel away the fear? Could you be brave in daylight, too?
Lying in his arms, you smell his want becoming a part of you, dawning, sparking a light. It is a dream-like space, where night uncloaks the sky, fading, blending into the brilliant colors of morning’s hopeful palette. And though revealing a rocky landscape, it’s better to travel, to commit to a difficult road now than in darkness.
But commitment has no patience for ambivalence. Attachment does not just begin and end. It is a tapestry lovingly woven, nurtured with time, care, patience. There is nothing safe and neat about it. Should the needle slip, blood will be shed. When its strength is tested, that is where the beauty of artistry gives way to functional durability.
He holds you with capable strength. It is sure, like the fury in his eyes that burned into you, sure as the mouth that stoked the fire so his lips could swallow the flames.
Even as his arms completely encircle you, he lets go of what you asked.
Because now, it is time. It is safe to let go.
“Meant every word I said.” His voice quietly caresses the shell of your ear. “I want you.” Pressing his mouth to the back of your neck, his lips seem…affectionate. “In all of those ways, I want you.” He’s sighing deeply, coasting his hands over the curve of your hips, the contours of your thighs, gently stroking the welts that will fade into darker shades. “I hope that’s enough right now.”
For the first time, you return his ready embrace, encouraging devoted dedication to the dense fabric of attachment.
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💕 Partner consent, communication, and trust are essential when engaging with any elements of BDSM. It's safer, more intimate, and just straight-up sexier to know what a partner wants, needs, and agrees to 💕
Safe. Sane. Consensual.
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myspecialinterest · 3 years
magi characters on the beach hcs!
modern au! cuz i think going w them all would be super fun and a mess
aladdin this dude is so so excited to be here w all the people he cares about !! probably brings games to play and also loves playing in the sand w anyone. prefers going at sunset time. if pisti came along they're usually together and making puppy eyes to kouha so they can borrow more of his sand toys
i think water is a bit overwhelming for morgiana so she probably would stay w masrur whenever he's at the beach and if he goes in the water aladdin, baba and hakuryuu rotate so she isn't alone! likes playing beach volleyball and watching yamuraiha surf
im going to say alibaba is a bad swimmer just cuz i think that'd be funny as hell, he just gets his feet in because he gets scared. hakuryuu, ja'far and sharrkan have offered to teach him but his pride makes him stubborn. he hangs around yamuraiha because she protects him from everyone's pranks and doesn't tease him about it
hakuryuu we get it you know how to swim since you were two /lh loves the idea of teaching baba how to swim, always has at least two drink by his side cuz he gets very thirsty and offers to pay for all the food
kougyoku probably brings like three umbrellas and she invites alibaba over cuz she gets really hot easily but doesn’t want to stay alone,, omg such cute swimsuits:(she color codes everything from her sandals to hat and fights w judal about wanting to choose the music
of bloody course sinbad is the one who drags the generals to the beach "so what if we went last week! come on, im paying for everything" sin, my beloved, people have jobs and things to do other than enjoy getting tanned... he also loves just going by himself to read some books or scape from ja'far.
ja'far actually loves going from time to time cuz sinbad does most of the planning himself and for once he gets to lay down and rest.
sharrkan surfs!! he has done it since he was a kid, loves just floating in the sea, is probably friends w a lot of the safeguards cuz he's always around. is the one who usually gets to pick the place they go to. absolutely loves spending hours w yamu and masrur picking the weirdest swimsuit and if u buy him stickers for his board he won't stop jumping around until he puts it on. his board has a name probably something like diana and will correct u everytime if u say it like "diane" and says she's his only girl smh we get it you like men.
yamuraiha also surfs!! sharrkan gets jelous of all the attention she gets because she always gets at least a couple of girls numbers and he can't even get spartos to come to the beach w him. she reminds everyone to put on sunscreen but forgets herself. both her and sharrkan have a little rainbow flag on their boards and yamu has the lesbian one sharrkan got her
flash round judal my dear, please put some sunscreen on. no, no i don't care ur skin is already brown u need sunscreen u will burn yourself... hina lets his kids bury him in the sand drakon loves making big holes in the sand for no reason koumei has sensitive skin so he doesn't get out of his ubrella a lot therefore debarely goes to the beach kassim would definitely tease alibaba about not knowing how to swim only to hide he is scared of the ocean and lastly kouha has all of the beach toys and extravagant swimsuits u can dream of
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camping hc’s w/ the feral boys <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE : implied smut if u look hard enough , but really just some cute , fluffy feral boys content lol . these ended up being really fun to write so let me know if u have any other ideas for more hc’s !! ily , starlight ☁
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
all as a group - 
god help us all this would be a MESS
you guys would get one of those massive tents that have separate rooms for everyone
s’mores are a guarantee
alex and clay would light their marshmallows on fire
and chase each other around with them
karl is FOCUSED on getting the perfect golden roast
sapnap keeps nudging him to mess the marshmallow up
george literally has his marshmallow in the fire for .2 seconds
clay would give him so much shit for it and the two of them would “argue”
but george would end up breaking his smore in half for clay
and feeding it to him most likely 
alex would bring his guitar and play it while everyone sat around the fire
sapnap would definitely start singing ‘campfire song’ from spongebob
everyone would pick up
and dissolve into laughter
clay would be the first to bring up telling scary stories
you’d be scared as shit from the words he was crafting
youd sandwich yourself between karl and alex
alex would poke your waist , jumpscaring you
and you’d pout saying you’re going to bed
youd walk into the tent
they would all C O M P L A I N but eventually join you
at least one of them pees on the fire “to make sure its completely out”
george would ‘knock’ on the tent to see if you were dressed
because they’re respectful , your honor
everyone would meet in the main part of the tent with sleeping bags and pillows and blankets
completley abandoning all the separate rooms
you’d all take turns talking about nothing at all really
making stupid jokes
if you fell asleep first , clay and george would make everyone whisper
you need your beauty sleep
they’d all fade pretty fast after that
but karl would wake everyone to watch the sunrise together
dream -
would have the top of the line camping equipment
even if it was for like
a two day trip
he’d go to an outdoor store and come home with an entire car full of camping shit
a portable grill
a blowup mattress
the nicest two person tent money could buy
the full nine yards
would put you in charge of planning meals
which is probably a good idea
has had the campsite booked for months
somewhere by a lake
“clay , we literally live by the ocean”
“it’s not the same , baby”
he’s right , its not
would take a mini road trip to get there
he’d make sure to stop at all the tourist traps along the way
you two would end up with a bunch of fruit from a roadside stand
once you finally got there
the tent would essentially pitch itself
he’d do the car salesman slap on the nylon
“best tent money can buy”
you’d probably take a nap , tired from the drive
by the time clay shook you awake the sun was setting
so he'd fire up his little camping grill
pls he’d geek out so hard over it
you’d be awake from the nap
so clay would light a lantern and the two of you would just 
wander around the campsite holding hands
you two would absolutely go swimming at midnight
clay would pick you up in the water 
and have you wrap your legs around him like a koala
he’d pepper your face with kisses
then dunk you under the water
once you two got out you’d get in pajamas
and clay wouldn’t be able to inflate the air mattress
he forgot the pump
but you brought sleeping bags just incase
you two would fall asleep as close as two people in sleeping bags possibly could
sapnap -
would insist on being the manliest man
like would collect firewood and everything
he’d show off the axe he brought
then would chop the wood
he's gloating smh
and would get 125670 % more overprotective when you wanted to try
would stand behind you and show you how to swing
would guide your arms and everything
but would stand like
10 feet away
when you went to actually swing
spooked by how hard you chopped
but also proud ???
would build a fire as it got dark
and tell you how pretty you looked in the light from the flames
he’d be pretty old school w camping food
would stab a poker through hotdogs
he’d help you roast yours , rotating it so it cooked even
would forget the buns and condiments
“i thought we had everything!”
the two of you would die of laughter
just eating ur hotdogs
off of the pokers
would remember a stash of candy and snacks
so you end up eating those too
nick would have the tent up in less than five minutes
“fastest tent pitcher on this side of the mississip” 😎
would bring it up 13790 times
he would find a way to zip your sleeping bags up together so it's one big franken-bag
he’s so warm
keeps you toasty
George -
camping was most likely your idea
but gogs is all for it
gets really excited and buys a two person sleeping bag
“so we can still cuddle”
you’d bring all your camping equipment so you had a pad to sleep on
“sleeping on the ground hurts , baby”
“isn't that the whole point ?”
would have his hand on your thigh as he drove to the campsite
and would play loud music the whole way there
with all the windows down
you two would set up camp while it was still light
both struggling™
to get the tent up
it would take y’all like an hour
and both of you would be all sweaty after wrestling with it
so george would change into swimming trunks and wait on you to put on a bathing suit
then he would piggyback you to the lake
running straight into the cold water while you scREAMED
you’d smack him so he’d let you down
then you’d splash him
a splash war would ensue
george would grab your hands , threading them through his
“be nice to me >:,(“
you’d get all soft and wrap your arms around him
the two of you would swim for h o u r s
until someone got hungry
you’d show gogs how to make a campfire
he’d knock over your demonstration
“i want to try”
would nail it on the first shot
you'd be baffled but entirely impressed
after dinner he would show off the oversized sleeping bag
you two would get in together , legs tangled
would probably download movies on his phone beforehand for you guys to watch
he’d fall asleep first , lulled to bed by the sounds of outside
Karl -
loves camping so much
just loves outside in general
would already have a bunch of gear
but would insist on finding a way for you two to be able to sleep together
we all know this boys love language is touch
even in his sleep he needs some sort of skin to skin contact
would buy a camping bed
i feel like karl would want to make “real camping food”
so he’d do hotdogs
and those foil packet thingies with potatoes and corn
he’d show you how to seal they foil and bury it in the coals properly
would scrunch his nose at you while you messed the wrapping up on purpose
“let me do it for you , baby”
would proceed to do it for you
he’d take 100000000000 pictures of you 
in the sunset lighting
the campfire lighting
the moon lighting
because he cant help how beautiful you look
would feed you bites of vegetable in between your hot dog
“are you staying hydrated?”
brought juice boxes , too
he’d set up a place for you guys to stargaze
and would point out all the constellations
yall would make up your own too , giving them full backstories
he’d slow dance with you under the moon until it got too cold to be outside
the two of you would … take advantage of the camping bed
crossing ‘outside’ off the bucket list 😌
by day 3 he was tired of his traditional camping food
would beg you for some of your snacks
you’d feed him oreos and fruit snacks while you guys hiked
Quackity -
was not down™
at first
but once he saw how excited you were 
he would be all in
would go to a camping store with you and pick out equipment
alex would insist on getting the stereotypical camping cookware
“we have to !!!”
“no we dont???”
“yes we do 😤”
would refuse to sleep on the ground
buys one of those camping pad things
would buy a two person sleeping bag as well
“if im doing this im at LEAST sleeping next to you”
you’d beg him to bring his guitar and play it at the campfire
he’d sing you soft songs while you toasted marshmallows
and you’d feed him s’mores
but you two would end up just eating the chocolate bars instead
he’d bring some sort of card game
and you two would get way too competitive
probaby uno
you’d be screaming at each other at like 1 am
would get a noise complaint
but alex does not care
not one bit
would make a joke about you screaming his name instead
ends up loving falling asleep to the sounds of nature
somehow finds his way into being little spoon
you two fall asleep holding each other
and wake up a tangled mess
begs you to stay another night
because he actually likes being away from it all
and getting uninterrupted one-on-one time with his girl
next time you guys get a free weekend , he’s the one who suggests camping
because he loved it so much
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