#(I do living history so like I actually need this outfit for reasons and not just vc insanity)
apoptoses · 2 years
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This only Armand-adjacent but I’ve been wracking my brain for months trying to figure out how they got perfectly pleated shirts in 1490s Venice without having to take apart the entire shirt every time it’s washed and re-pleat it.
The solution is to wash your shirt, wring it as tight as possible, and just leave it to dry in a heap. Armand just never had his clothes ironed and was at the peak of fashion🙃
(I’ll put the doublet on a dress form with the rest of the get up eventually but that’s what it would look like, all 100% hand sewn with visible decorative tiny stitches)
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millylotus · 2 years
“You Taunt Me, I Chase You” “You Catch Me, Then Let Me Go” They Do It Again The Next Day
Bat x Cat
Catwoman has a Kitten following her around, and that Kitten just so happens to like messing around with Batman's Sunshine Birdy.
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Maddie and Jack decide that Danny is spreading himself too thin between school and dealing with Ghosts and the GIW, also the excessive bullying is not helping at all. So they decide to send him to live in Gotham with Jack's cousin Selina Kyle. Danny's not extremely happy about this arrangement, but at least Jazz is going to Gotham University, and Sam and Tucker promise to visit during breaks. Selina is unsurprisingly, really cool and it gets even better when she's fine with the whole half-dead thing Danny has going on. One night Danny catches her coming back from a hunt and begs her to take him with her. After a few weeks of training Danny takes his first night on the town, and immediately bumps into Signal, who he may or may not have called hot once.
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BLOCK 1 | MR.LOGGE - Algebra 2 Teacher : Riko
BLOCK 5 | MRS.WILLIAMS - Spanish 3 Teacher  : Darcy
BLOCK 6 | MR.LE'STROD - P.E. Coach : Izzy, Troy, Dre
BLOCK 2 | MS.KITSON - CP Physics Teacher : Izzy
BLOCK 3 | MRS.O'BRIAN - AP US history Teacher : Dre
BLOCK 4 | MR.CHAKRABORTY - AP English Teacher : N/A
BLOCK 2 | MX.REAGAN - US history Teacher : N/A
BLOCK 3 | MX.LERROY JENKINS - AP Chemistry Teacher : Darcy
BLOCK 4 | MS.CHAU - English 3 Teacher : Troy
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Jack and Selina are cousins on their moms’ side, they're parents were siblings, Selina's mom drifted away from the family.
They’ve never really talked to each other beyond a family gathering or two
Jack is vaguely aware that Selina isn’t really on the right side of the law, but who’s he to judge The Fenton family has never really been on “The Right Side” of the law
But Selina is surprised when she gets a call from Jack asking her to watch out for his daughter who’s going to Gotham U that year
And even more surprised when he calls her a week later asking if she could take care of his son while he stays in Gotham
Selina ends up agreeing but is definitely scepticall
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[AN: The script kinda cuts off at the end so warning]
The sun is setting and DUKE has had a long day of patrolling Gotham under the sunlight.
DUKE sighs as he stretches near the ledge of a building, they need to get back to cave soon, do some homework, sleep. God Sleep would be wonderful.
DUKE’S shine golden for a second, and the vigilante moves quickly to the side baton up and ready to strike the person who’d attempted to attack him.
Whoa, okay no sneaking up on you then.
DUKE stared at the other boy. He wore a cowl that looked exactly like SELINA’S, the same with the rest of his outfit. Although it was accented with a more neon green then SELINA’S dark emerald green.
Who are you
What you can’t tell, I think it’s pretty obvious
His voice was light and teasing, he flexed his hands and claws popped out of his fingers.
Some wannabe Catwoman fanboy.
DUKE says sarcastically. The Catboy made an offended sound similar to a hiss even.
I’m not a wannabe!
The Catboy grumbled before calming himself.
I’m actually working with Catwoman I’ll have you know. I’m her apprentice.
Oh really, so she’s just got you up here talking to me for no reason?
The Catboy grinned, DUKE did not like that one bit.
I actually do have purpose for being here.
DUKE immediately started looking around the area, and spotted SELINA crouching a few buildings away with a duffle bag over her shoulder and one next to her.
As a distraction
The Catboy kicks DUKE in the chest when he isn’t looking. Quickly moving away from the vigilante now on the ground.
By the way, the names Kitten, nice meeting you Babe
KITTEN runs quickly over to SELINA and takes the duffle bag next to her, he turns back and waves tauntingly at DUKE, sticking his tongue out at him.
The two Cats run off into the distance.
Oh mother fucker
BRUCE is so going to scold him for letting that happen and, DUKE just knows his siblings are going to endlessly tease him about KITTEN.
The Vigilante gets up and begins his way back to the Batcave.
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SELINA  and DANNY return to SELINA’S apartment through the window. DANNY collapse on the couch, surprising the cats, SAPPHIRE, a blue eyed fluffy white cat, jumps on top of DANNY’S back. DANNY groans.
SELINA picks up SEKHMET, a dark grey Lykoi cat with big ears.
Hello my baby, did you miss you mama?
SEKHMET meows at SELINA happily.
Hon could you got put our hunt away please.
DANNY groans loudly but gets up and moves the duffle bags into SELINA’S bedroom then behind the secret bed door into the vault room. He began to pull out the jewelry from the duffle bags, laying them out carefully on top.
As he works SELINA walks in, holding SEKHMET and with SAPPHIRE following and winding between her legs.
So... How was your little chat with Signal
Pretty normal I guess, he’s jumpier than I thought he’d be
Didn’t I warn you about that
SELINA laughs, and DANNY grumbles.
Notice anything... nice?
DANNY’S face flushes.
Nope, nah, everything was just normal!
Oh really
Yupyup, oh would you look at that! Finished laying out the jewels, better got to sleep!
DANNY gets up and walks stiffly out of the vault blushing aggressively. SELINA smirks playfully.
As you said Auntie sleep is important!
It’s alright if you think he’s pretty Danny! I’ll put in a good word with Bats for you!
SELINA yells after DANNY as he retreats to his bedroom.
Goodnight Selina!
Who knows, maybe I’ll have a nephew-in-law by the time you graduate!
DANNY slams the door behind him as SELINA cackles.
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DUKE drives back into the Batcave, propping up his bike on its kickstand, pulling off his helmet. He dejectedly walks over to lockers where TIM is still getting ready to go out.
So how was patrol?
DUKE groans loudy, hitting his head against the locker.
Damn that bad?
DUKE lifts his head and nods.
Catwoman has an apprentice now.
TIM pause and stares at DUKE in shock.
He calls himself Kitten and he’s a fucking asshole
TIM raises an eyebrow
An asshole you saw? What was he like?
Checky, he got me distracted long enough for Selina to steal like a third of the Jewels on Rock Street. Then he kicked me and then just ran off, can you believe that!
TIM grins, as DUKE rants about KITTEN not paying attention to his brother.
Uh huh, what else?
He had this stupid smile and was all snarky and he looked sooo proud of himself for getting one over me. Then he called be “Babe '' before he ran, and just AUGH!
TIM smiles widens.
Oh you’re down bad.
TIM turns away from DUKE and to the rest of the cave.
Selina’s got a kid and Duke has a crush on him!!!
DUKE’S face morphs into betrayal and he tackles TIM who’s laughing.
The others in the cave start yelling about the whole situation.
Say sike right now!
Thomas your standards!
Selina has a what now!
DUKE whines and lets go of TIM. TIM gets up and drags DUKE to the center platform of the Batcave at the Batcomputer.
I got him!
The others had gathered in the central platform, half dressed for patrol.
Duke, could you explain please?
DUKE stands up properly and walks over to the Batcomputer and attaches his cam footage to it.
I was getting ready to finish up my last round of patrol when Kitten tried to jump me.
DUKE forwards the footage to the moment, pausing on a clear from of KITTEN’S face.
He said something dumb, I called him a “wannabe Catwoman fanboy” he got offended and said he’s Catwoman’s apprentice. I ask him what he’s doing, I realize he’s a distraction, next thing I know I’m on the ground and he and Selina are gone.
As DUKE speaks he fast-forwards through the footage to the last clear frame of KITTEN and SELINA running off.
Did he just call you Babe?
That is completely unimportant
Oh I think it’s important
TIM slips past DUKE and rewinds setting the footage to it’s proper speed.
By the way, the names Kitten, nice meeting you Babe
Damn Duke, didn’t know you’d be the one to inherit B’s cat thing
I do not have a “Cat Thing”!
Keep lying to yourself Tommy, we all know how that ended for Bruce
I don’t have a “Cat Thing”
Father don’t lie, you’re not very good at it
Ten bucks says we find them somewhere they shouldn’t be in two weeks.
I say four, deal
Stop betting on my relationship with the Catboy!
When did we ever say we were talking about you and Kitten?
Thinking about your Catboy that much ‘ey Tommy?
The rest of the sibling begin to laugh and DUKE groans in annoyance. BRUCE pats his son’s shoulder in condolences.
It’s alright, just remember to clean your clothes regularly, cat hair is difficult to get out of Kevlar.
DUKE looks up at BRUCE in both disgust and betrayal. Before stomping away to the lockers
I hate you all!
The rest of the family laugh as he leaves.
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DANNY stands outside of Middletown High staring up at it’s front building before sighing and making his way inside. There aren't that many people, just the front desk lady MS.CARTER. DANNY walks up to her.
Uh Hi,
I’m, I’m the new student. Or like one of the new students I’m not sure.
(Awkward Laugh)
Alright, what’s you’re name?
Daniel Fenton.
MS.CARTER opens the filing cabinet under her desk. Moving some things around before pulling out a small folder.
It’s a gold day so you have 1st 2nd and 2rd block today. Tomorrow is a gray day when you’ll have your last three blocks.
MS.CARTER hands DANNY his schedule and a school planner, DANNY stares at his schedule, reading through everything.
Since you’re an Outsider you’ll have to attended the safety seminars, and read through this pamphlet.
MS.CARTER pulls out the procedure pamphlets.
How long have you been living in Gotham?
About five weeks now, why?
Did you get all your vaccines for Gotham specific aliments?
Yup, I got the Ivy ones, the smaller doses for the Fear gasses. Much smaller ones for the Laughing gasses. Bunch of the other I can’t name.
You’ll want to know their names, understand.
MS.CARTER gives DANNY another pamphlet.
This has everything you’ll need to know about the vaccine you could need and even some you might not.
Is that everything I’ll need to know?
If need be you can change your schedule within the next few days, but you won’t have much freedom with it considering that you came in later in the school year.
Also your first class is on the second floor in the green hallway. And your locker and password are on your schedule.
Okay, thank you Ma’am!
DANNY leaves the front desk area and goes through the door into the school. Nobody was there either, which was great for him, he didn’t want to bother having to deal with new people.
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DANNY sits near the back of the classroom. The Algebra 2 teacher MR.LOGGE had put him in one of the empty seats once they got to school and opened up the classroom. A few other kids are already in the classroom and more are in the hallway outside. DANNY had found his locker, and after struggling for a while he got it open and stored his things.
People start to file in talking to each other, the bell rings and the class quiets down. MR.LOGGE stands up at the front of the classroom.
Good morning class, hope you’re all doing well. We just got back from fall break so lets do some introductions. Everyone up and around the room please.
The class moves and everyone stands back to the walls.
Your name and pronouns, favorite movie, and favorite food. Who wants to volunteer?
No one says anything
Alright, volun-told then
He pointed to a short Asian girl by one of the windows.
How bout we start with you
The girl sighs but speaks anyway
Riko Sheridan She/Her, my favorite movie is “The Devil Wears Prada”, and my fave food is chicken alfredo.
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hey henry i was going through ur circus au tag and i was wondering do u have any lore for this specific au??? im VERY curious i really like the designs esp mingus and norm (worlds most predictable phrase) :-)
HII MICH :-) smile! my circus au started as "lol wouldnt it be funny if cowboys instead of clowns were a separate species & went extinct". & now it makes me sick
ITS NOT EVENthat much different than the canon story ingame!!!! its just flashier & showy-er & LOUD. mingus demands attention, especially. her being a lioness does in fact mean callum had a pet lion. Alot wrong with him
she had callums ringleader outfit retailored to fit her, fun fact! (shes VERY large, almost scraping 7ft). its different cloth though & the gold studs had to be replaced & coattails needed lengthening & etc... so maybe it really isnt the same
(GINGIs made up of the same cloth as callum, however! the original CIRCUS tent, with polka dots and all !!! and who am i to argue that callum didnt embody the entire city of dialtown?) (mingus is very mad about this fact & actively denounces it)
rather than living on the outskirts of town, norm was found as a lone ranger out in the open prairies of Wisconsin (i cant elaborate here. thats another rant & theres too many parenthesis already) . instead of being immediately executed As is normal procedure, mingus recognizes him as a fragment of history & essentially forces him to join the ragtag rundown circus she runs
since dialtown is already a group of misfits, not many of the cast oogled at the new rodeo clown (it was a HUGE fight on what he'd "star as", & mingus finally relented to him keeping the cowboy hat & paper bag) (if he acts up she threatens to categorize him as a "freak show" and shred his bag)
mingus doesnt treat him as a thing with feelings alot of the time & moreso a thing to help get her pawpaw back. since right now hes. kind of a statue. shes opened up & put back together his head so many times & had to repair him & ward off rust so often that now ALL of his head is golden. not patchworked, but rather, polished
the city is only KNOWN as a city & NOT a travelling circus anymore is because of this, actually. its too much work to transport callum around in the state he is. so mingus dug her heels in & hammered in the tent poles hard. immovable force. not going anywhere til she can step down & let her pawpaw lead again
he was objectively better at it, anyhow. she knows this but WILL bite you if you say it to her face. callum was a magician too, after all! had tricks up his sleeve. much sneakier when hes pulling strings behind the curtains. he had his "assistant" too (aka the other half of the entire show) , which mingus TRIES to replicate, which... i love tango, but nobody can compare to marla
all of this is very upsetting to norm. everything about it, really. worst anyones ever done it. however hes just as stubborn as mingus and will NOT be used as a tool! (thats the ONLY reason, trust) (theres totally nothing about how he'd rather idolize crown in his mind & is a little terrified of whatd happen if he came back & saw the state of everything)
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Here’s some outfits for Chloe in the au!
Most of them are frilly and poofy dresses. Mainly it’s because I like Lolita and older styles of fashion. An in-story reason is because of where she ends up living after getting turned into a sort of vampire, has a lot of those types of outfits lying around in wardrobes. The place ties into one of the later arcs in the au.
The reason why she ends up wearing so many warmer toned outfits is because Chloe is desperately trying to cling on to any true signs of life she has left. She’s like a vampire, has pale skin like a doll and is cold to the touch. So she wears warmer toned clothes and neutral makeup to make herself look more alive than she actually is. The red sweater is actually Kagami’s. Chloe does tend to have a little habit of occasionally stealing her girlfriend’s clothes because of the circumstances.
Now you may be wondering about dress she’s in. That is a Tudor era dress. I think Tudor fashion is underrated and we need appreciate it more. I mean look at the dresses. The men’s fashion. It’s just beautiful. It isn’t the final design of the dress she wears but it’s basically there with the main colour being darker.
This dress she wears is apart of one of the arc’s in the story. The Darkblade arc, where Bunnyx accidentally leaves Chloe and Felix in the mediaeval era. And the name of the arc makes it pretty clear what it’s about. I am so excited to get to the arc. I cannot wait. I love mediaeval era history so much, so I can make even more Wars of the Roses and Tudor references than I usually do!
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twinsoftriumph · 11 months
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vedesa and lalut! the slightly awkward buddy duo ESPECIALLY now that lalut is hiding the presence of a certain someone who has history with vedesa... who might need their own post because i think 3 in one post might be too much.
vedesa wears air prophet hair (modified), scolding student mask, to the love outfit, moments guide ult camera, and saluting protector cape. yes none of these are vault cosmetics. she's actually a sky version of an oc i made almost a decade ago so if i slip up and call her by her other name just ignore it
lalut was literally based off of my sky kid. moth height so i consider them the baseline. maskless, chill sunbather glasses, reassuring ranger hat, gloat hair, nightbird whisperer outfit, lively navigator cape, pleaful parent guitar
vedesa has existed for a Long Time. she's my beautiful princess with a disorder(s)
the most obvious one being narcolepsy which i initially made a thing just because i was leaving rps frequently and figured id give a character reason for but now it's a legit trait
she works as a messenger and does photography as a hobby so she is trying her darndest to appreciate life and keep that joie de vivre kindled by Touching Grass
it's not like a super serious job though she operates on her own terms and limits. she's unemployed at heart
also neurotic as hell. this was me projecting as a kid and it still is now.
probably susceptible to Toxic Yuri (shes bi but for the sake of the joke.) because she is a little too interested in the dangerous. megabird's weakest yuri warrior
she originally lived near wind paths but lives in vault now since it deals with memory lantern and darkstone technology shit
vedesa met lalut through her travels, and they basically encountered each other enough times that they started talking casually
lalut invited her to prairie peaks and it was basically heaven. she really appreciated the gesture and now they're friends :) the awkwardness is mostly just because of their personalities
SPEAKING of lalut. they're a prairie guide and they love hanging out and showing moths around. they call themself a moth wrangler which makes it sound 10x more intense than any of it actually is
they want moths to think they're cool so badly. they will pull out the guitar unprompted and be like WELL if you INSIST
they're actually very good-natured. they are trying so so hard. they want to also be a Cool Smooth Flyer. results vary
they know a bunch of weird light creature facts because they love ecology shit which is what they bonded over with vedesa initially. they bring these up unprompted as well but not to be cool it just Comes Out
vedesa invited lalut to vault. lalut keeps meaning to go but also vault gives them major heebie jeebies. vedesa is too awkward to invite them again
lalut has currently taken in ames. vedesa has History with ames and lalut figured this out and is trying to basically keep that whole living situation under wraps for now. more details will come in ames' post which ill do another time bc i need to SLEEP
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
Legacies 1x05 Rewatch:
The Dryad, I've missed her
I actually love how they show the evolution of the school with stuff like adapting to monsters and giving the students a voice
No because who takes over Raf's spot on the Honor Council when he dies
"YoU'rE nOt GoNnA lOsE tHe ElEcTiOn OvEr An OuTfIt." Why is it so hard for Josie to just support her sister for once.
"Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman." You mean the Lizzie Saltzman, who does everything for her sister and sacrifices her life over and over again for every other student in that school?
"You still like it when I went low." "Oh, honey, you crush on me." Posie needed more than one season.
"We're not negotiating. Right, Ric?" "Uh ..." Dorian as headmaster would have been a great storyline.
Watching Rafael and Jed spar makes me realize that Finch never got to meet Rafael. What a wasted opportunity.
" You're mocking me." "Yeah but just a little bit." When I say Dorian and Alaric had more chemistry with the Dryad than they did with Emma or Mac ...
" Sometimes in the human world telling the truth can do more harm than good." OH THIS IS ABOUT THE MERGE. MM HMM.
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"I see it in their smiles, in their laughter. I still see her sometimes." Going to cry thinking about that last scene in TVD
"You straight up refuse to swim across the lake." "Excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons." And now he literally lives, immortal, ferrying across a lake.
Testing his ability to get away from you as fast as possible, Hope? Little Miss Hold on Tight?
So if Malivore's DNA showed up as literally everything, why did Landon's DNA show no supernatural history? Why didn't it raise any red flags?
"It's so nice to know you all love me as much as I thought you did." She's a comedian because I know she knows those kids hate her ass. They attended a book club reading of her diary. They laughed at her funeral. They did NOT love her and she knew it.
"Jackass Jed." If there's one thing the Saltzman twins know how to do best it's come up with nicknames.
"Say no more. I know how much it means to you and I would be happy to help." She needs a hug.
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Tell me again how it's Lizzie who's getting in the way of Josie's romantic life?
What is the SBS sex ed class like because the amount of STD jokes those students make is kind of wild.
Not Josie giving away Lizzie's pink sweater ... like we never even got to see her wear it before you did that ...
"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." Oh boy do I have news for you Lizzie
No, because Handon's "I don't want to be special" x "I need to be special" dynamic is so delicious
"You know, you can only hold out hope for so long and be hurt by so many people before it starts to seems impossible to trust someone new." "Do you trust me?" "Of course I do." Handizzie excellence.
Why did they have to do S1 Jed so dirty
"I'm trying to rise above it. So let me freaking rise."
"I'm a tribrid. The only one of my kind. No one can represent my interests but me." So does Lizzie finally get her spot on the council after becoming a heretic?
Did the Honor Council just disappear after Hope was forgotten??
Imagine if Lizzie had brought the truth orb with her when she hunted down Hope and confessed to being in love with her
Josie using her father and her sister almost dying since Landon arrived as an excuse to kick him out is kind of funny when you remember that later she kills her sister and doesn't care when her father stuck in a coma and on his death bed.
"This school is family." Guess nobody there can like each other now
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That's TWO magical trees in the Legacies universe now ...
"What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" No because one day I will write an essay on how all of Josie's love interests end up hating Lizzie for no reason and/or misinformed reasons and there's one common denominator.
"It's not about you. It's about how you treat Josie." Is that not literally about her. Like if your problem is that she doesn't exist solely to serve Josie, isn't that having a problem with her??
"Did you think to ask her if she wanted to run for council before you assumed you'd win?" DID YOU?? BECAUSE THAT GIRL LOOKED LIKE SHE WANTED TO DIE AS SOON AS SHE HAD TO MAKE A DECISION ON THE SPOT LIKE THAT.
The irony in Penelope telling Lizzie that she's left Josie with no room for herself when it's actually the opposite way around. Like real quick Miss Park, which one of them are you telling that they can't pursue their interests because the other twin might want it too?
I will never understand why Penelope acted like Lizzie and Josie couldn't both run for council. It was an open election. All she had to do was put her name in.
"She spends all her energy taking care of you." To recap in the past four episodes she has spent her energy trying to win over Rafael, trying to convince everyone to hate Penelope and not talk about her, trying to get offensive magic put into the school curriculum, trying to get everyone to lose the football game, and trying to drive a deeper wedge between Hope and Lizzie during community service. Now which part of that is taking care of Lizzie?
"You are a black hole of time and energy and love." Is the time and energy and love in the room with us right now?
"She won't ever burn you world down." The foreshadowing to her literally burning the school down ...
Every day I wish Penelope would have been around to see Josie in her black lipstick era.
No because what happened to pretty shots like the Handon kiss? When did TV shows stop caring about cinematic beauty and nicely lit shots and fantastic coloring??
Sandwiches are a Handon thing
"I have a family friend who's expecting you." The fact that we never see Landon with the Mikaelson family friend ...
Every time I see Raf and Lizzie's scene, I think about that post about how lesbians use hetero sex as a form of self harm and there has never been a better example to exist in all of history. Like what part of being told that you're the worst person in the world makes you horny??
Also Lizzie Saltzman kiss a guy without crying challenge. Like sweetie if you're crying every time you have to kiss them, maybe it's for a reason.
Every time I hear Someone to You on the radio I get chills because of this episode
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marashi96art · 1 year
Questions for the fanfic writers about Leon S. Kennedy's lack of background story: How do you deal with it?
I've been haunted by this problem for MONTHS and I needed to spit it out. I feel like Tumblr is a better place for long text and reasoned discussion, and most importantly: fanfic writers.
It's long and I sincerely look forward to your opinions. Even though I only draw Cleon, I didn't mention any ship in this post so I won't add ship-related tags here; if you're gonna list examples based on your ship, please respect each other.
So hear me out:
The best part and the worst part about Leon S. Kennedy is that HE DOESN'T HAVE A BACKGROUND STORY and a CONSISTENT characteristic development...and it's driving me insane.
The benefit of it is that I can shape his past into whoever I want to fit my stories. But it brings out a bigger problem: the development is solely depending on my understanding & knowledge of character design. He's pretty much a blank sheet of paper, except he's extremely famous, and I don't want to stray too far away from the canon info that we've got on him(and get "canceled" for OOC).
(I don't actually write stories into fics, but I DO write short scripts for my art when they are intended to be a series. I guess the prep work to start anything is the same: write it down in words, then expand the idea.)
I love AUs and I'm more interested in sci-fi/fantasy than modern/zombie-apocalypse kinda thing. But when I wanted to dig deep into their backgrounds, to start world-building, there's NOTHING for me. It's so frustrating.
For example, I'm currently working on a Monster Hunter AU based on the RE4R DLC Hero Outfit, which basically is the whole RE gang running around in the woods hunting supernatural creatures. (Not just CAPCOM's MH series but with the general mythical creatures, werewolves .etc)
And they have a Hunter's Guild, different tribes and clans, you know the drill. Since the setting was in a fantasy world, their surnames have caused me great pain from the start.
The easiest one is Redfield. It can be interpreted as "fertile land" or "battleground", and from these I immediately have quite a few visual ideas of how they'd look like, and what they'd do for a living. Chambers, Valentine, and Oliveira are "OK", but the surname Kennedy doesn't fit in ANYWHERE.
(Yes, I googled. It's Irish; but let's be honest, our first impression was a certain American political family.)
Then I read this article that shares a similar concern: Is Resident Evil 4’s Leon S. Kennedy Italian? An investigation
It pretty much sums up the most common FANDOM theories of Leon's background info. But all of them are still just, headcanons.
The more I try to dig in, the lack of this crucial element--a character's canon background story--is really blocking me to create things I enjoy. Even though I've been drawing him for almost 50 pieces of fan art, I still don't know what he's actually like. I can only imagine his personality by referencing other fictional characters/actors whom I think share a resemblance. (I have a soft spot for Keanu Reeves, Faramir from TLOR, and Sanji from One Piece. But that's another story for another time.)
Of course, I'm aware of the fact that, instead of spending this huge amount of time to rewrite a fictional character I don't own, I can create my own OCs and build everything from scratch. But that's not the point. I only started playing video games in 2019 when I bought a Nintendo Switch; and my first-ever, modern game experience was Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
The whole game-wise fandom and RE series are pretty new to me. But I've been in fandoms of books/movies/TV shows for over a decade. It shocked me that Resident Evil, this world-popular series has almost 30 years of history but non of the main characters have a consistent background that follows through the in-game timeline. There're huge gaps between the games even if we add all of the movies in it. How did that work? How do you get to know them? How do you get attached enough to write your own fan story?
In conclusion, I don't think I like Leon S. Kennedy, cuz he remains a mystery. Instead, I just combine all of the good qualities of other characters I like, create my version of Leon Kennedy, and hopefully pray that when he reappears in a new RE work, I didn't do him wrong.
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slytherinshua · 11 months
if you were to meet your moots irl, what kind of date/activities would you like to do with them?
@eternalgyu i want to do way too much hannie like. i want to watch kdramas and bake and blast kpop on a roadtrip and open albums together and SO SO SO MUCH OMG LIKE THERES TOO MUCH I JUST WANNA EXPERIENCE EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE WITH HER. but if i had to pick just one thing. id want to be on the couch under a blanket w her watching either a kdrama or like txt to do or smth kpop and we'd have snacks and we'd just be so cozy having such a good time together </3
AND OMG I ALSO NEED TO GO SHOPPING W HER BCUZ SHE NEEDS TO STYLE ME. but that's like a second priority to the first option. in a world where we had unlimited money, id be up for hours of trying on every outfit possible. and hannie would do my makeup and hair and like she'd make this potato look pretty SHE CAN DO ANYTHING YK :( anyway it'd be so fun </3
@wheeboo i wanna go to a cafe w rania and write. like we'd get bubble tea or little pastries and each have our laptops. and we'd probably get distracted by each other every couple minutes and burst into giggles BUT WE'D GET SOME STUFF DONE ON OUR FICS YK. and we'd be constantly trying to sneak glances at each others drafts to see what masterpieces we each have cooking up
@blue-jisungs I WANNA GO TO A CAT CAFE. like just play w cats and talk abt kpop w axe. we'd just be having the time of our lives petting all the little fluffy cuties </3 and afterwards we'd go to a kpop store and pick out a bunch of albums and other merch and buy them for each other.
@fairyhaos i want to sit down with yena and have a very serious discussion about all of joshua's looks. but like it has to be in person. we'd rate them all from debut until now while listening to svt songs and make a rly rly fancy powerpoint presentation about them all in order from least to best with reasoning. it would be so detailed and aesthetic bcuz we're like that <333
@mirxzii idk why i feel like i wanna go on a family history deep dive w roxie?? like maybe its cause we're both from similar backgrounds i just feel like it would be rly interesting (what if we're related actually 👀) just exploring like our family's history and everything <3 i also think celebrating hanukkah and passover would be rly fun to do w roxie :D i wanna eat yummy jewish food w her <3
@kyeomyun idk why i want to like?? bake?? w jada?? like i want to do it so badly i feel like we're both giving the warm cozy baked good vibes lmfao. we'd def listen to like ballads while we baked and hopefully we don't have a flour fight but like- it might happen. and i feel like we would slay each and everything we baked and it would just be sooooo fun
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Meeting Dad Again
[Green Rod was walking with Vittoria Aria De Drago who was giving her more orientation instruction as she just got her powers and now had a outfit to go.]
Green Rod (thoughts): Wow, I can't believe it I am actually going to be a genuine sidekick. This is so awesome.
[Just as Vittoria was continuing on instructing something caught Green Rod's eye that made her pause, she saw a familiar face who was talking with the man who was named Coach by everyone. He was a brunette man with a beard and was sporting an eyepatch who the young woman hadn't seen in person for years.]
Green Rod (shouts): Dad!
[She as fast she could with tears of joy coming down her eyes as if she couldn't contain herself. Vittoria stopped as she wondered where she was suddenly going. She then finally managed to catch up to her father as she hugged him tightly.]
Green Rod (hugging her father tightly): Dad, dad, dad, it's so great to see you you again. I never knew you worked for PEACE. Is that why you never were- (cut off by her father pushing her off of him)
Dario (confused why she's here): Paulina, what are you doing here? Did you really sign up to be a hero? What happened to your hair?
Coach (puzzled): Wait, you have a daughter? Why didn't you tell anyone you had a kid?
Dario (frustrated): Because personal reasons.
Vittoria (finally caught up): Okay, there you are. What is this about Dario being your father, young lady? - she narrowed his eyes at him as if he had a lot of explaining to do.
Dario (rolled his eyes): Okay, she's my daughter with my ex-wife.
Vittoria (looked shocked): When were you ever going to tell me this? You never striked me as the marrying type.
[Green Rod looked at them both puzzled as if Vittoria and Dario* had personal history together.]
Dario: Can I have a few secrets to myself? But the better question is why was she accepted as a candidate.
Green Rod (piped up): Dad, I always wanted to be a hero. It's been something I wanted since I was a kid.
Dario (rubbed his head as he took his daughter to the side to talk): Paulina this isn't a game or a way to fame and fortune. It's a dangerous profession and there are stakes. You should quit while you are ahead.
[Green Rod stood there stunned as if she was slapped in the face by her father's unencouraging words. She had hoped their reunion would a joyous moment but now it felt like a sting.]
Green Rod: I'm not doing this for any of the fame or fortune. And I don't want to take it as a game. I want to save lives and fight villains. Isn't that what heroes do? We put our lives down to protect others.
Vittoria: Even if she is your daughter, PEACE takes anyone who is willing to come to the call and we need all the recruits we can get.
Coach (nodded in agreement): She's right. I know you want to play protective dad but the girl like many others do know what they are getting into.
Dario (getting frustrated): I put her and her mother out of this life so that they wouldn't be used against me. The fact she allowed her to come into this life will never sit well with me. (then turns to his daughter again) Young lady, I am going to have a talk with your mother and hopefully I can convince her it was a mistake letting you here.
[Dario went off to his office as he left Vittoria, Coach, and his daughter, who was now feeling hurt by her father's unsupportiveness.]
They both have an on and off romantic relationship that has been a thing for years.
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playboyy ep 6 stray thoughts:
- not the conspiracy board and murder mystery plot ideas lmao. is it purposeful that they use filming through a rectangular hole/ cropping to never fit the whole friend group in one shot, specifically porsche?? like you can always see nant/zouey/first/ and captain (mostly) but there’s a fifth person there who you only see the shoulder of and i assume is porsche…. (adds this to my list of reasons i think porsche is distanced from the group)
- on the one hand i feel bad for keen cause captain is making him do things but also oh how the turn tables and all that
- the music of zouey and teena’s scenes continues to catch my ear for whatever reason and porsche continuing to have the vibes of an annoying cousin who is just always there being annoying for no good reason….
- i need to crawl inside aobs skull and see what the fuck goes on… excited for his storyline
- why they keep zooming in on nont closing his fist what is this supposed to say… all i can think of is the arthur meme…
- did they decide to throw a costume party or are they just like this… also nonts outfit is everything [rewatched the beginning and nont says the theme is sexy sleepwear, but like to me the sleepwear was nowhere to be found]
- free my mans jump he don’t deserve to be here… free my mans keen as well he looks like he’d rather die
- this is the worst investigation in history nightmare private detective squad
- crying at the rich boys playing party games to try to solve a disappearance, jump being conflicted in whether to continue being used by porsche, first soong having break up/make up drama, keen and captain having drama, and then teena just jamming to the music in the background like king shit
-seven minutes to do whatever they want to eachother why do i think first is gonna end up crying and someone’s gonna end up dead
- not this ending up being couples therapy akskdjfj also first being like “sorry you couldn’t fix my relationship to your friend, should we still have sex tho?” HOLD ON NOT SOONG BEING THE SAME WAY ?!?!? NOT THIS BEING AN EXCUSE TO FUCK OVER THEIR FRIENDS TOO LMAO maybe they could be good for eachother…
- HOLD ON THE SET UP WAS A SET UP!?!?!? ok but did teena ask soong to do that or was soong just in a chaotic mood…
- “twins are so identical” oh he gonna kill you jump… sorry sir but you getting roasted tonight.. actually maybe in a very different way than i expect- NO THERES THE FLAME I WAS RIGHT
- no one:
nont: and what if i SET YOU ON FIRE
- a second nant hallucination
- NUTH MURDER FANTASY?!?!? also the “protect trans lives shirt” to “i wanted to kill again” to why is his diary a word document?!?!?! like ahhhh this sequence got me damn near dizzy broooo
- honestly if you had to make a statement while jerking off to satiate your urge to kill at least it’s a valiant one 🫡
- is that a bloody handprint outside nuths door…
- phop is so sweet and nuth might take the crown for most unhinged little meow meow….
can’t believe i’m ending here for tonight…… i need answers…
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ineffable-rohese · 9 months
Thinking a bit about how I gender Crowley and Aziraphale in my writing, and why. Now, what I write is rarely trying to be canon compliant, or trying to exactly replicate canon characterization. I'm also writing what I like (or at least what the brain weasels want me to write), and I am an Aziraphale at heart, so I write a lot through his POV. And because a lot of what I write is smutty, that involves some degree of objectification, especially of Crowley.
So, that said... I definitely see canon Aziraphale as technically agender but also gay in a very mlm way, and Crowley as gender fluid in a broadly queer way. I think these interpretations are backed up by canon evidence.
Aziraphale: Learned to gavotte at a discreet gentlemen's club (AKA, a private gay club). Dresses somewhat flamboyantly, but in roughly period appropriate men's wear. It's often somewhat to a lot outdated, but even that Bastille outfit with the lace was fashionable men's wear in the mid 1700s. He is somewhat effeminate, but in a male way. This angel is gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide and THE southern pansy.
Crowley: Has presented female at a couple points in history. Nanny Ashtoreth was definitely a Role for a Job, but there was no unease in it. There's possibly a job-related reason for him to be in women's attire at the crucifixion, but we're not given one in canon; the Flood look is the same minus a headscarf, but everyone is in robes so I think that one's open for interpretation. In modern eras, some to most of the actual clothing pieces he wears are marketed to women (especially pre-Armageddin't). The pants, the glasses, the scarf, the S1 vest... Honestly, the whole 2008 outfit is such a queer female look and it overlaps with the Nanny timeframe. The 1827 Edinbugh look, from what I can tell, is basically men's wear, but the cut of that overcoat is, if not a women's coat pattern, verging really, really close to one. 1862 and 1941 are definitely masculine looks, like so much so in 1941 that it feels like an I Am Masc Today statement. 2023 also feels more masc in overall cut of the clothing (though the glasses and scarf haven't changed). Not canon, but I resonate with someone's suggestion that Crowley presents more masculine when he wants to be connected with Aziraphale, because Aziraphale is so obviously gay. All that together says fluidity to me. So that's what I see in canon, and I tend to default to those when I'm writing. When I'm staying closer to canon, I'm more likely to write them both as he/him, because that's what we see. For Pretense, they also both have penises, under the assumption that societally they may need them to blend in (we're in Rome in a time where some form of public nudity would be more common). I have written Ineffable Wives - in fact, that was what got me writing, was wanting to write them as female - and they both had vulvas in that one. For my post-canon/non-canon AUs, Aziraphale has so far been male-presenting and he/him and Crowley is variously presenting with a variety of pronouns. Either of them can have any variety of body configurations, just depending on my mood and what feels like it will best serve the story. At least one of them often has a vulva just because I feel like there isn't enough cunt love out there and I think it's hot.
I've thought about doing more female-presenting Aziraphale. If I'm writing what I find hot, it would make sense for me to write her. I'm not normally attracted to men/masc people with Aziraphale's body type but I am very attracted to women/femme people with that body type. Why? Who knows, but it is what it is. But the Aziraphale that lives in my head seems to resist being feminine in a female way, so he gets to be feminine in a male way, and the Crowley that lives in my head helps me write him as hot, even if I wouldn't normally see it. Crowley, on the other hand, seems totally fine with whatever I want to do with him/her/them, up to and including Demon and Snake forms. I'd like to write more of Fem Aziraphale (again, because I write what I find hot, and she's so hot), but I think she'd be an entirely different character to Gay Aziraphale, and she hasn't been as loud about having her stories told. Perhaps I need to try writing Butch Aziraphale instead and see where that takes me...
So anyway, that's way too many words on something no one asked me to talk about, but what is the internet for than spouting your opinions to people who didn't want or need them?
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hey Cherry today i have decided to show yuu our appreciation for all the bullshit they deal with at NRC by writing some of my personal headcanons about them
(sorry if the formatting and gramnar is bad i am writing this on my phone.)
Mc is a really good teacher because of how often they have to tutor Grim, Adeuce, floyd or anybody really when they need to write an upcoming test or exam and they need or didnt pay attention in class.
Mc is a DIY pro. Ramshackle dorm is akways falling apart due to how old it is so Mc has to repair it everytime something is not working or gets broken.
Mc and Grim arent apart of any clubs cuz Crowley is running them ragged with his personal tasks but they will occasionally pop by a random club and take pictures during their session
Following the previous point. When they went to the pop music club it damn near turned inti a photoshoot wuth Kalim, Lilia and Cater busy posing in different ways and in different outfits(Cater one hundred percent posted all those photos on his magicam account with hashtags like #popmusiclubphotoshoot and # pictures with the boys). When mc went to The film study club they became Vils impromptu cameraman because he decided to hold a theater practice that day (Vils was so impressed with Mc's camera skills he low-key thought of hiring them as his personal cameraman)
Mc is actually really beautiful but because of all the mishaps and their horrible sleep schedule they tend not to look all that amazing that was until Vil decided to hold a live QnA and have Mc work their Camera but because Mc didnt want to embarass Vil they put an actual effort into look nice by putting on their nicest casual clothing and some light make up. Eventually at one point Vil off handedly mentioned that they have somebody working the camera right now which soarked all of his followers pestering him into showing Mc face. After relenting and showing his followers their face they all blew uo his chat witg compliments about hiw pretty and breathtakibg they look and how only Vil could get another model to be his camera man etc. (definetly made mc a regular on his QnA after that)
Mc, Jamil and Ruggie all go to the Mostro lounge every friday night and drink a fae drink that has simikar effects to alochol without all the negative side effects and vent all their frustrations for that week to one another so yeah Mc has drinking buddies.
Mc is actually a lot fitter than they look because of how often they hace to run around nught raven college doing tasks or manual labor it helps keeps them fit.
Mc eats a lot of healthy foods meant for athletes because its cheaper than the other foods and mc is broke.
Speaking of that Mc is constantly broke because they have to a pay for all of the things Grim inadvertently breaks and materials to fix the dorm
Mc spoils grim, like a lot. This is because they know how tough it is bejng a magicless student in a school meant for mages but they know Grim has it just as rough due to him being a mknster so they often spoil him by bejng him premium tuna if their is enough money or buying him the food he wants at the cafeteria etc.
Mc at one pount wanted to renovate the entirety of Ramshackle dorm but didnt go through with it when they realised how much Malleus liked the look and feel of the dorm
Last one for today Grim is the sole reason Mc gets out of bed. Sometimes Mc gets tired. Tired of dealing wuth everyone's problems, tired of alk the scorn and hate they receive from student body and most kf tired kf never knowing when they can go home but when they hear in the early hours of the morning Grim shouting at the ghosts about how he will become the greatest mage of all time and how he will leave his legend in the annals of history. It makes mc realise that Grim has all the same problems as Mc but they don't bicth and whine about it and that gives them the energy they need to get through the day
Anyway cherry I really hoped you like it and if you want i dont mind making a part two of this later down the line.
Anyway goodbye
It was a surprise for me to receive such a good share of hcs for our lovely and hardworking MC/Yuu! Thanks so much, dear. I loved a lot of them actually lol
MC on their teaching skills, how they're getting better at the ghost camera and sometimes they just have fun with it. The bit about how MC, Jamil and Ruggie bond over their work struggles and just go on a relaxing night to talk <3
GIVING GRIM SOME LOVE BC HOW CAN WE NOT??? as much as I don't comment a lot about Grim either in posts or stories, I actually see much of my own cat on him so I would ended up spoiling him a little... but have some fights with him too lmao (that's just me being more of a cat-person)
Grim being a accidental inspiration is something that he probably wouldn't expect much himself lol but makes us think about how after mourning something, we should get up and face the world then again. I mean, it's a natural response to get sad and tired of lot of things but if you don't get over it or do something about it, what will all mean after all? You'll just get tired and nothing will change anyway
Grim going to the mirror and shouting that one meme "DO IT MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE" and MC, after some good moment of sleeping, is like "well, you heard the monster cat"
oh, dear, I love it! Feel free to drop by again with a part two if you want to. Thank you so much <3
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drdemonprince · 2 years
Hi! I've recently been getting into fashion and I need some advice. Specifically, I (queer trans man, American) really like the look of like. Men's leather bondage gear, and I want to try and incorporate that into my outfits to look cool, but at the same time I don't think my sexuality is anyone's business and I don't really want to be advertising the fact that I'm gay to everyone who sees me. Also, I don't want to be dressed innappropriately. My logic is that if people can wear chokers in public, there has to be some level of leather gear that is appropriate and not immediately obvious - do you have any ideas of what that level is?
I actually have an article on this! To wit: I think because of homophobia we hypersexualize a lot of gay men's fashion despite the fact that when we look at high fashion designed for cis straight women, bondage gear is absolutely fucking everywhere.
Leather, rubber, and bondage gear are an important part of queer history. Harnesses, collars, pup hoods, leather jackets, heavy boots, and handkerchiefs are all associated with sex, but they are also all cultural signifiers and articles of clothing. And they're all articles of clothing that you'd see on the runway or on a goth at the mall and barely blink at. The only reason we see these things as inappropriate is because of the growing moral panic surrounding gay people's sexuality, and our culture's particular bent toward hypersexualizing gay men.
(you'll notice in this essay that I say sexualizing leather is just as absurd as sexualizing drag. Just three years after I wrote it, we now live in a moment where drag queens are routinely painted by conservatives as being inappropriately sexual around children. This is the path we go down when we try to filter our sexual expression to placate conservatives who accuse us of being groomers. They just keep taking more and more away from us, because it's our very existence that is inappropriate in their eyes, not "how far" we have gone.)
A leather harness is no less appropriate for public wear than a promise ring or wedding ring. They're both symbols of the culture a person belongs to and that culture's standards regarding gender and sex, as well as a reflection of the person wearing the article subscribing to some extent to that culture's value system. I wear a collar nearly every day and that might put some sexual thoughts or hang ups in the minds of random people who behold me, but I haven't done anything to violate another person sexually by openly being myself.
I would also apply this same line of thinking to fursuits, by the way. Furries do incorporate their love of anthropomorphic animal people into their sex lives, consuming porn with anthros, pretending to be animal people during sex, or even having sex in their gear. But that is because being a furry is an important part of who they are, how they express themselves and who they find community with. And so, because being a furry is so important to who they are, they also incorporate furrydom into many many elements of their lives that are completely nonsexual: socializing with friends in their suits, making new outfits and accessories for their costumes, performing in their fursuits at furry talent contests and for tiktok.
A furry dancing around in their suit is no more sexual than a straight man dancing on tiktok with his wife. And a gay man wearing a harness, collar, leather chaps, or hell, a rubber tail on his belt is no more inappropriately sexual in public than either of them.
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whoredmode · 3 months
The SRR Retrospective
The retrospective all three of you have been waiting for…here’s my thoughts on the Saints Row Reboot. The good, the bad, and the somewhere in-between. It's quite long, and it took me a few months of leaving and coming back to it, but with Shan finishing the game for the first time yesterday, it really got me thinking about it all over again.
Before we get into it: these are all just my opinions so do not take it as gospel, I just enjoy writing things like this. If you love everything about this game, if you hate everything about this game, I totally get it and I'm happy for you either way. None of this is a jab at anyone (nor are any of my opinionated posts on any games ever an attack on anyone), just my personal thoughts on a very divisive game. This is just fun for me to talk about!
So I have a habit of always wanting to be a little contrarian. If something or some character is really hated, I always wanna like it. If something’s super popular, I always kinda wanna rip into it. It’s probably something I should work on, but I think it’s a trait most everyone’s been guilty of in some way or another at some point in their lives. And when I started playing this game, there was a part of me that really wanted to like it just because I knew how badly it got torn to shreds. But I went in as neutral as possible, and I gotta say…they weren’t wrong for being upset. But I do think a lot of people got upset for the wrong reasons. 
I wanna split up this review into three parts. First, I’ll talk about what I genuinely liked about the game—because there was some good stuff in it. Second, I’ll talk about the things that were in the middle. Not entirely good, not entirely bad, just stuff that needed a little more time. And finally, what everyone’s been waiting for, I’ll talk about the bad. Because…there’s a lot that was just plain awful. 
Santo Ileso is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. It brought me back to the days of SR1 and SR2 in the sense that I had so much to explore, so much to see and understand. It felt like a real place. It felt like a city that would exist in the SR universe. I loved it. I love how much care and thought went into making their history–one that spanned hundreds of years. I love the fact that there’s little information booths that you can discover to learn more about the city. It’s not necessary, but it adds so much. That’s part of why Stilwater was an effective city; the little details they added in were not “necessary” but they changed the way you interacted with the environment and improved the game so much. Stilwater is like a home to me, and Santo Ileso felt like a memorable vacation in the best way. It’s a place I’d wanna return to, and plan to with my AU (and it even cameos in my canon in-between story). I’m also just a sucker for desert locations, and it came as such a refreshing change of pace after the last games being set in big cities. Stilwater will always be my favorite, but Santo Ileso is definitely second place. Also because anything’s better than Steelport. 
Up next, the Wanted App. I loved this. So hitman has always been my absolute favorite activity of the entire franchise. Hands down, no competition. It’s so much fun. However, after SR1, I did feel like it was lacking in some areas. While it may be a controversial opinion, what I loved about the SR1 hitman system was that you had to do the job in a specific way with a specific weapon. Y’know, like an actual hit. I was always kinda sad that it was removed from later games, but then this game brought it back and put such a refreshing spin on it. I loved the added details of calling on a burner phone, of picking up certain items like car keys or outfits in order to properly do the job. I loved the backstory that went into the hits, something that I’d always wanted more of. The other games it always felt a little impersonal (though this was remedied somewhat in SRTT with getting specific blurbs on who/why the job was being done), but in SRR it almost felt the most real. And I loved the idea (not so much the execution) of a mission where everyone recognizes you and starts to attack; it’s a great set-up and I’m definitely using it for my AU (though adjusted greatly for my narrative lol). My biggest issue however is that I think the app should’ve been a little more underground; I said it in another post but I think it should’ve been the kind of app you would have to jailbreak your phone to use. The whole “even killers are getting in on the gig economy!” was way too on-the-nose for my liking. Detracted from the whole thing a bit.
The camera! I really enjoyed that. I was glad to finally have a decent camera for taking screenshots/being able to hide the HUD. It’s a small thing but as someone that loves to take screenshots/clips in their games, it was extremely nice to have. Not to mention the actual photography side activity was really fun to me, and a good way to make people engage with the city.
The score was also pretty good. I think for the time period and the setting it was very effective. The fact they even composed and wrote their own country songs was a nice touch. There were some super atmospheric songs and sounds throughout the game. Actually speaking on the general sound design and visuals for a minute, I really appreciated that animals and insects felt more common this time around. Seeing and hearing birds and flies more often and clearly, even coyotes in the desert apparently? A small thing, but it added a lot. 
This kinda goes into my next point, but the general visuals were nice. Yes, there were some issues, and I’ll be getting into that, but in my opinion it’s not a Saints Row game without some bugginess. But overall the visuals of this game were gorgeous. I was so glad they brought the day/night cycle back. The dust storms were a fun addition. It was a very pretty-looking game, which was nice to have after the slog of SRIV and GooH. 
To end this section, I’ll finish by adding that I appreciated the return of fast travel, and I enjoyed the character creator and the fact you could save multiple boss designs at once to one file. It’s great if you’re someone who likes to make specific characters and take pics of them. But that about does it for this section; I’m sure there’s a few smaller things I missed, but overall these are the major aspects I genuinely enjoyed. Like I said, there’s plenty to love about this game.
This will likely be the shortest section. Here I’m gonna talk about things that didn’t fall under entirely good or entirely bad umbrellas, at least for me. 
The biggest one that I need to mention is the overall technical performance of the game. I played on the PS4, and I only ever had two major technical issues—one at the very beginning of my playthrough and one at the very end. Some very fitting bookends if you ask me. The first one was the game froze on its loading screen, and the last one the Nahualli glitched and became stuck/invincible during the first phase of his boss fight in the casino, so I had to reload. So I’ll be upfront right now and say I am not the person to talk to when it comes to the technical prowess of this game as I had little issue with it running, however it is absolutely worth mentioning that some people had very messed up copies of the game. I mean, they patched it several times. Also worth noting I actually did play the original unpatched version for the first few days of my playthrough before getting the latest one; I purposefully didn’t update my PS4 at the time because I wanted to see what the release version was like, as I did not play this game the day it came out. It felt unfinished, and I’m glad they fixed it, but damn it should not have been released like that. I absolutely understand why that first impression soured so many people’s views of the game. 
Talking a bit more neutral here, I think overall the cars of this game were alright. The customization felt like any other Saints Row game, and there were several additions that made me stop and go “Wait, this wasn’t already a feature in the other games?” so that’s worth something. Speaking of cars, the car radio. I mentioned before that I did like the general score of this game, and every SR game has something good on the radio. I wish the radio ads were a little more interesting, but it was generally fine. Still wish we got an Aisha song on the tracklist though.
Normally I’d probably put this next part in the bad section because it’s something I personally am not a fan of, but I see the merit in it and I understand why someone would really enjoy it. The perk system. I think there’s some worth in the idea of something like that, but all-in-all it just leans way too heavily on formulas of games I dislike, and some of the things hidden behind what are essentially experience paywalls was just insane. What do you MEAN I can’t call nearby Saints for help whenever I want? I gotta fucking build up for that? Really?
And now what we’ve all been waiting for. I suggest turning back now if you’re either a huge fan of this game or you haven’t completed it, because we’re getting into big spoilers and me really hating a majority of this game.
The writing. Let’s talk about it. To be blunt, it’s just bad. There’s no subtlety, there’s no figuring things out for yourself, everyone’s so heavy-handed with how they talk. The writing holds your hand through it all. It has some unbearably corny moments, some cheesy conversations that felt straight out of a sitcom, and, at its worst, is so irony-poisoned in its writing and commentary that it just makes you roll your eyes and wonder how and why this was greenlit. 
I’ll talk specifically about both character and story writing, because there’s problems with both. Let’s start with the characters first.
The reboot cast of Neenah, Kevin, and Eli are some of the most generic and lame main characters I’ve encountered in a while. There is very little charm, even less character, and very poor examples of how to write meaningful players in your story when looking at these three. I’ll touch on the Nahualli in his own section in a bit. For now, I wanna illustrate my point by comparing the reboot cast to the original SR1 cast. 
I believe the major problem when it comes to the very basic likeability of the main cast stems from the fact that the writing of the game itself feels the need to hold your hand and spell everything out for you. Look at Johnny Gat in the first game. Our introduction to Johnny is him telling you about his cock. We get to sit and watch how he talks to Dex, how he talks to Aisha, and how he leads Playa by just demanding you get the girls back from the VK (something he will later smugly take credit for, which Aisha makes sure to call him out on). Now look at Dex in the same game. Dex, in contrast, doesn’t tell you much about himself, instead going right into his detailed plans. Even simple things like body language tells you everything you need to know about these guys right away: Johnny is relaxed and overconfident in his chair, propping his legs up on the desk. Dex is standing around waiting for the next course of action, listening intently to whoever’s speaking. Because both of them are in the Saints already, and presumably have been for a while now, we understand immediately they’ve been impacted in some way by the gang violence in Stilwater and likely come from the Saints Row district itself. We know they believe in Julius. They don’t need to tell us that.
Compare this to the new cast. Kevin will straight up tell you he’s a people pleaser and how he thinks it comes from his bad childhood. He tells you why he joined the Idols and how he wants everyone to be happy. Neenah will tell you she joined Panteros because of her family situation, how she’s missing familial connection. What should’ve been major moments for these people come and go in the same mission (see: Neenah’s car). We get no time to actually watch these characters show how these aspects of them shine through in their actions. We get no depth outside of them telling us they’re sad, they’re lonely, they had a rough upbringing. At its best, it’s lazy. Almost kinda funny at some points (I called this game the CW's Saints Row [à la Riverdale] for a reason). At worst, the lack of faith in the audience to have the capacity to figure things out for themselves is just insulting. “Show don’t tell” is a phrase that gets used ad nauseam in visual media for a reason, and the reboot is in dire need of following those instructions. Then again, the later games probably took the “show” part of that phrase to mean “showy,” so perhaps it’s not entirely surprising that the writing ended up this way when comparing this game to ones like SRTT, SRIV, and GooH. 
I’ll be here all day if I nitpick every single aspect of these characters, so I’ll move on. The story itself is just as lackluster. The gangs are boring, the antagonists are forgettable, and the big twist moment has zero impact. 
I really thought Panteros would be my favorite. On the surface, it’s a gang with an orange color scheme that seems to be harkening back to the likes of the Brotherhood from SR2—these are all aspects that should’ve made them perfect for me. Instead, we get by far the most bland antagonist from the entire series, across the board. I’ve seen wet paint with more character than Sergio. There’s no words to describe just how dull, uninspired, and uninteresting Sergio is. There’s so little to go off of I can’t even properly talk about it. I wish I was exaggerating. They gave us nothing so what more is there to say. Fuck this game for forcing me to give the ugly ass aliens from SRIV an edge here. Oh my fucking god. I wish y’all could see me bashing my head against the keyboard trying to think of any meaningful analysis for Sergio here. 
Similarly, the Idols and Marshall are also just. Boring. Poorly written cult (which, if you’re familiar with my canon you know I have thoughts on an armed cult being an antagonist for a game) and a mustache-twirling bad guy. Granted, I do think there’s some ideas here that could’ve been quite good had the game been written better, and there are some choices in the art direction for all these gangs that I actually really love, but it’s unfortunate that for every halfway decent part there’s dozens of other things that drag it back down. 
Speaking of halfway decent things that get dragged back down. The Nahualli. For one brief, shining, glimmering moment, the Nahualli felt like the most Saints Row part of this whole game. And then the game had to tell me to my face that this 50-year-old career criminal doesn’t know what tagging is. And that’s when I knew everything was about to get much, much worse.
His betrayal isn’t even a surprise. Of course he’s gonna betray you. What for? This man wants your friends because he never had any. This man, old enough to be you and your friends’ dad, wants your life.
Only once in my life has a game ever had a moment so contrived, so badly written, so achingly inane that it made me stop the game in the middle of a mission and made me quit. And it was a moment in SRIV. But the reboot definitely came close to being the second one to make me do that. 
Going on a side tangent for a moment, one that I’ve discussed before but it bothers me enough that I need to bring it up in this big retrospective. How and why did the Nahualli have a soundstage? Revealing a bit of Ted Lore here but my absolute favorite villain trope is that of the former star. If an antagonist happens to be a former TV/film star and it influences their actions as a villain, I’ll eat it up every fucking time. I bring this up because the trope of “the villain forcing characters into a soundstage to play house” is a bit I’m extremely familiar with and actually enjoy when done well. With the Nahualli, this was 100% just put in because some writer had the idea and wanted that imagery in the game so bad that it was tossed in without any thought on if it’d flow thematically, or even make any goddamn sense. There’s no motivation for that. It comes out of nowhere. The Nahualli has nothing like that to him, for as little as we understand about him. He’s a hardened career criminal. Him wanting to fucking play house with your friends is the most cartoonish, sanded-down, and laughable motivation you could have for a Saints Row antagonist. That’s like if when Maero offered to make a deal with you in SR2, it was actually because he wanted to take Carlos too because he was jealous of your friendship. I can’t overstate enough how bizarre of a choice this was, and how anyone on the team thought this was a solid idea is beyond me. 
Stepping away from the story writing for a moment, here’s some smaller miscellaneous things that were also just plain bad: the NPCs, the NPC dialogue, how they left any decent ideas for ventures/side hustles, the fact they called them business ventures and side hustles at all (put a pin in that, we’ll get into this in a moment), the preciseness/unresponsiveness of buttons, the weapons wheel, the general placement and usage of controls, how the phone menu doesn’t actually pause the game, and, as I hope I’ve made abundantly clear at this point, the incredible lack of stakes in the entire game. 
The NPCs and their dialogue is probably the worst it’s ever been with this game. Which is saying something, because it was already pretty bad as early as SRTT, and even worse in SRIV. But in this game, the NPCs have nothing to them. No bite, no intrigue, not even dropping the most basic mentions of anything to help fill out the world. In SR1 and SR2, NPCs would comment on how you dressed, how often you changed, actions you’d taken, recent missions you’d completed, areas you’ve destroyed and people you’ve killed, and that’s not even touching it all. NPCs in the reboot won’t even insult you anymore. Which may sound insane to anyone unfamiliar with the Saints Row games, but that’s a huge part of the charm. No longer am I bullied into changing my cool outfit because I’ve been wearing it too long, instead I’m only ever constantly praised with the same compliments over an outfit I made out of whatever options the game had for me (which, the shopping/clothing system in and of itself I had some issues with, but I digress). It’s tedious. It’s exhausting. Beating up randos doesn’t feel the same anymore, not to mention I can no longer friendly fire at other Saints. 
In fact, I never called up my homies during the main game at all. What was the point? Why should I call up characters you’ve made it impossible for me to care about? I know they’re not gonna have any interesting dialogue like homies of the past games. Why would I waste my time hearing dated one-liners that I know will add nothing to the characters themselves or to the larger world around them? I’m not gonna act like every line homies spoke in the previous games were some golden perfect pieces of dialogue (because they weren’t; SR2 Shaundi literally says “so that happened” when you hit things in your car), but the key difference here is that I actually liked them as characters. I didn’t mind if they joked around or said something stupid because I liked having them with me. 
Going back to the technical side of things for a moment: this may have been my game, but did anyone else have issues with buttons being insanely precise and ultimately unresponsive? In so many cases I had to be in exactly the right spot, completely still, waiting for the prompt to show up and it often not working. This was especially egregious during the mission at The Forge, because all this happens while several giant Panteros with large hammers are bludgeoning me and throwing me from the spot I’m supposed to stand at, while others shoot at me from all sides. It was by far the worst mission in my playthrough, wholly brought down by the shoddy controls.
Similarly, I hated how the phone menu worked. In literally every single game before this one, pulling up your phone menu paused the game. As it should, in my opinion. This game, for some godforsaken reason, decided not to. There’s really nothing else to say other than I hate it. I do think this makes for a decent segue into my general dislike of the overall control scheme. Some things, like driving for instance, feel really good. Ramming into cars is great. Other things, like the combat, are just not as fun as they should be. I didn’t have many issues with the gun controls (though I know many did) but I really hated the intrusive weapon wheel they went with. I wish they’d kept things similar to previous games, because for all its faults I actually really enjoy the general combat system of the Saints Row games. It’s very solid. The reboot however—and this goes back to my earlier points about things like the perks—leans very heavily on things I personally don’t like when it comes to combat in games, so overall it just all falls very flat for me.
Let’s come back to that pin we put in the business ventures and side hustles. I wanna start out by saying that the trajectory of this game, the direction it went, it makes a lot of sense when you look at it from the point of view of the most popular game in the series: Saints Row: The Third. I want to bring this game up specifically because the themes it has play into the themes of the reboot.
SRTT follows the Saints we know from the previous two games and their rise to stardom, how they’ve become very commercialized, less a gang and more a brand. They’re a part of the Ultor corporation, and the game follows, though not very well, their struggle with this new identity. In the bad ending (non-canon), they renounce it and take over the island of Steelport for themselves, no longer bound by the hands and contracts of Ultor. In the good ending (the canon one), you watch as they sink lower than ever, being the stars of their own movie. In a better game, I would’ve said “Wow, what a subversion. How impactful and provoking that the real ending is them continuing to lose parts of themselves, completely devoting their identities to their brand. They’re just another piece of Ultor. They’ve become what they’ve hated.” But this is Saints Row: The Third. That’s not the intention at all. Not even close. In the next game, we’re gonna sink even lower than that! But I bring this up because I’ve come to feel that the reboot plays on similar themes as SRTT and, like that game, fails to actually analyze it in a meaningful way. In some ways, it hurts even more in the reboot because it feels as if they wanted to do just that, but are so impeded by their terrible writing that it makes the whole game feel as if an executive wrote it. 
There’s a corporate coat of paint over everything in the reboot. Calling things “business ventures” like this is some shitty tech start-up. The fact that the main characters go into it seeing the Saints as a corporation. This is supposed to be a series about gangs. 
This topic deserves meaningful analysis. SR1 and SR2, even if not perfect (what game is), had a purpose to the story they were telling. There was intent and real commentary and discussion to be had with its themes. With the reboot, there’s nothing there. In the modern age, this is a perfect time to have a conversation about exploitation and identity as a brand, commodification of the self, gentrification and the way it continues to insidiously evolve, the way we’ve come to view so much of modern life through an entrepreneurial and capitalistic lens. There’s a lot to work off of, but instead we’re left with a story so soulless that I suppose it does reflect the corporations they want the Saints to be. So in that case, I guess they accomplished their goal.
“Empty” is how I’d describe the writing of this story. As empty and vast as the Nevada desert, even. 
When I started this playthrough, I said that this game felt like one big question mark to me. And in some ways, it still is. There was so much behind the scenes production issues and rewrites and changes that culminated in a game that feels somewhat unsure of its identity. Which, honestly, is par for the course for this series. Ever since the early days of being just “a GTA clone,” this series has struggled with how it’s perceived. It went wilder, more outlandish; sometimes it worked out, and other times it really didn’t. It’d be wrong of me to say there wasn’t care and effort put into this game. The people who made it were doing what they could, and it’s obvious so much of their work got washed out by marketing/executive changes. It’s something that happens in all areas of media, and I wish it didn’t happen to such a degree with this game. I can see the vision. I can see where this could’ve been a fantastic new Saints Row game. And perhaps that’s the most frustrating part of it all. 
This is one of those games where I can completely see how and why people would enjoy it. I get it. And I understand the opposite. It’s wrong to say there’s nothing good about this game, because despite its issues, there’s some truly great stuff. However, it’s not immune from actual criticism, and people shouldn’t be ostracized for doing so (in meaningful ways, I should say. You should ignore the dudes getting mad there’s a female boss or whatever); but there’s so many problems with this game in its writing and mechanics that are worth a discussion and analysis. And I hope I’ve done a sufficient job laying out my thoughts. If nothing else, this game made me wanna go back and replay the first two games again. And it was a lot of people’s introduction to the series, so for it to inspire people to seek out the earlier games is something that cannot be understated. It’s almost like SRIV where I think about how bad it is and remember just how incredible and special the original Saints Row was.
And, hey, for what it’s worth, I liked the reboot more than SRIV. But if you know me, you know how much I fucking despise SRIV. So it’s probably not that big a feat. It’s not hard to be better than that game.
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history of panic! at the disco except I’m only a moderate fan, so it’s not 100% accurate and I had to fill in some gaps with my imagination, so you definitely shouldn’t quote me on any of this
it is currently 1 am and this is the only thing in my head, so let’s go.
have I listened to every p!atd song? yes. do I know the history? absolutely not.
so, Las Vegas, right? there’s a bunch of high school guys who are in a band and everything is going great, but uh oh, they need some back up vocals. local loser teen Brendon Urie comes to the rescue with his mediocre singing skills (he can’t sing) (at least not yet) so the band reluctantly takes him on. they play a few shows, so pretty good for a high school band, then they release an album. did they get signed to a record label first? uhhhh, I’m gonna say yes. its Vegas, they might as well have been.
so they write their first album, “a fever you can’t sweat out”, and it does well! “I write sins not tragedies” does absolutely fantastic in particular. it’s emo, it’s young, and their target audience approves.
riding off that high, they do what any other self respecting cool, hip, emo band would do and they write a psychedelic folk album. because duh. and using my knowledge that the first track states “we’re so sorry we’ve been gone”, the album took a minute to make and produce. Two years to be exact. And that’s exact exact. A whole 24 months. Released it on fever’s anniversary and everything. Also; at this point, one of the band members dropped out. probably a drummer. their name? uhh, idk, probably frank, david, or pete,,
so they write another album. it’s called “vices and virtues” and it uses a bit more tech and it’s a good sound and it goes a bit more back into their rock and roll roots. they continue with their thing of going super heavy into eccentric album themes and where all these cool steampunk outfits in the mvs and on the album cover. then ryan ross leaves. and this makes lots of people sad because he’s ryan ross. but the album’s good, so there’s some consolation. also some of the other members leave with him. the bass player dipped and their drummer flaked again. he didn’t want to go on without ryan ross’s ryan ross-ness and honestly who can blame him? also fun fact! the bass player left for completely non-ryan ross related reasons. his parrot brother passed away and it really took a toll on the family. and no I’m actually not joking because another fun fact! parrots live really long and a lot of the times in families they’re raised along with the children and they become so bonded to the family that oftentimes they’re considered an actual part of it. I found that out from a podcast when one of the hosts said her ex had a parrot for a brother which made me break down laughing, but that’s honestly really neat. anyways.
after that they, you guessed it, write another album. this one’s called “too weird to live, too rare to die”. the album cover is very cool™️ and so is the music. and they have a new bass player! his name is dallon james weekes and he is actually The coolest person ever. lots of fans are upset with the new album because it’s missing ryan ross, but dallon makes up for it. Then he leaves immediately after they finish touring for the album. boohoo.
it’s the summer of 2016. death of a bachelor has just been released. I’m at an outlet mall with my family and am standing under a giant tree trying to catch some shade from the texas heat that burns on my black hair and my brother pokes me in the arm. he’s got apple music opened up to the album Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco. he asks me if I’ve ever heard of them. I say no. he offers me an earbud and I happily take it . he presses play on a certain track; LA devotee. I’m instantly transported to another world. the sound is like nothing I’ve ever heard before. it’s not like the Spanish music my grandma always plays or christian music or 80s songs my mom sings in the car or the show tunes I sing with my friends or the classic rock my dad always blasts. it’s different. and it sounds so distinctively like me.
suddenly I’m emo. a few weeks later, I’m at a sleepover and we’re singing death of a bachelor and I mess up one (1) lyric and one of the other kids calls me a fake fan. at that exact moment in time I make the decision to religiously listen to and memorize every single lyric off the death of a bachelor album. and I did. so take that, julia. (we’re still friends)(she absolutely does not listen to panic anymore)
oh hey, would you look at that. pray for the wicked just came out. for the first time ever, I count down the days, then the minutes to an album release. it’s really fun.
and uhhh, that’s it. it’s just one guy at this point.
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antiradqueer · 1 year
for anon who asked abt general explanation why being radqueer is bad. (i'm kinda interested in this theme and recently have read a lot of rqs' and transids' shit so here is a summary).
1. their ideology is built on a dangerous idea. they present themselves as "accepting everything," but, in fact, no one should accept everything. unacceptable things are called unacceptable for a reason. they mistake or purposely distort the idea of acceptance. acceptance isn't dragging everyone in harmful things, acceptance isn't pulling ur beliefs & labels on someone. they call themselves "the most tolerant community," but some things shouldn't be tolerated.
2. going further into their ideas. they claim they support paraphilias & transids. the second part is awful in any way (it'll be in the next paragraph). abt the first one. they may say strangers that they don't support harmful actions, but actually a big part of them do. u can even find them on tumblr, making pride flags for awful things. ex-rqs tell stories abt radqueer servers where they teach each other grooming and raping. where they push minors to predators. where they convince them to share their photos. so their 'anti contact' is mostly a mask for strangers to look innocent, not actual value. so, this movement is harmful for minors, animals, ones who have self-destructive urges or paraphilias (because they can and will literally push them to abuse) and people with harmful paraphilias who don't wanna contact and need support on their recovery way, not pressuring them into contact. also, their actions worsened the reputation of para-community because rqs make associations with themselves. so some people feel unsafe to be open abt their paraphilias because they may be seen as radqueers.
3. abt transids. (transids are identities for people who identify themselves with other race, age, disability that they don't have & so on). there are a lot of problems with this idea. first: it's transphobic in the core. gender is a thing that u understand by self-investigating. humanity too. these two are vague things with tons of lays and they're not closed. race, age, and disabilities are different. they have really huge basics determined besides self-identification. so trying to 'became a different race/age' or 'get a disability' is racist/creepy/ableist. abt their ideas of getting disabilities: they don't actually want it. it's not like in biid, it's more like they wanna wear it like a cool outfit. put it on when it's convenient, and take it off when inconveniences appear. same with race/ethnicity. u know, some cultures have open practices or ways to convert, but they don't actually try to understand the reality of the group they relate with. they don't try to respect them. they just wear it like a cool outfit. aren't going to actually convert. aren't going to listen, learn, and respect. aren't going to face discrimination and actually live 'chosen' life. just making fun. and it's a really bad way. it's diminishing of the experience of being <identity>. their actions show clearly that they don't understand. like, i saw it clearly when read abt 'medically unrecognized disorders'. they literally coin disorders by will (and it's either descriptions of existing disorders or normal things). they coin 'community terms'. like, do u know abt community terms for disorders in disabled community? it's abt history of medical abuse. of dehumanization, neglect, looking on living, thinking, feeling person like on an object. it's abt searching independence. abt searching names for actual experience. it's not abt making fun (at least not only abt making fun). it's a need, not a game or smth rqs think. i can rant a lot abt this but it seems enough.
4. 'but if someone claim themself radqueer but won't do these awful things?' 1) to be radqueer u have to accept transids (it's bad). 2) u can be dragged in dangerous situations. 3) u can be convinced that bad things 'aren't that bad'. and believe me, everyone can be convinced. because complaying is a really deep thing in our brain. people pressured by majority or authority can agree with things they won't agree before. can do things they won't do before. and u will be pressured hard.
so, my advice abt this: stay as far from radqueers as u can. there's no good inside. don't give them even silent support by staying with them.
thank you so much anon
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