#(I also feel like he'll make an out of pocket joke here and there
kay9leo · 2 months
UK vs US Slang
Inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DR57_bCrsxs
NYC!MC: Why did you call him "Cheeky" Ominis? 🤔I'm mean, I know he has full cheeks, but how did you know?🧐
Ominis: You see MC, here in the UK ☕ when someone is being boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful 🙄😒 in a playful way, we call it being "cheeky". Which comes from the word "Cheek", 😌 meaning "insolence" and *😠 looks at Sebastian* is also the nickname of a misbehaving boy in a centuries old story. *😌sips tea in 🇬🇧🦁*☕
NYC!MC: 🤨😐 Oh....
NYC!MC: We say "Smartass" *😠looks at Sebastian* back home cuz you're smart and you're an asshole😌🤗 *😌sips coffee in 🇺🇸 🦅* ☕
Sebastian: I said "I was sorry!" 😫
Sebastian: And my cheeks aren't that fat! 😩😭
Ominis and NYC!MC both sip their respective drink while glaring at Sebastian (who made a cheeky joke earlier about them being grave robbers and disturbing the dead after completing a quest in the catacombs)
Sebastian: 😥😓
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tragedy-of-commons · 3 months
fuck it we ball. hsr prom date hcs because i am on something different tonight. based on my very limited experience.
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dan heng
he's painfully awkward. like you expected it when you asked him to be your date but it's even worse than you predicted...
he DID pick you up and he WAS almost an hour early, causing you to rush down the stairs and almost trip (not very magical-teen-coming-of-age-moment-like of you). that kind of lightened the mood though.
also painfully sweet! upon your arrival he gives you a boutonniere/corsage that matches your outfit which he had managed to keep hidden. his sweaty palms were not just because he was nervous, then...
march helped him pick it out, he admits with red-tipped ears. that makes sense, because she was suspiciously interested in what you were wearing to the function.
but he did also forget to pick out one for him. oops.
during the slow dance bit, his hands are sweaty. you don't care because your eyes lock and there's the fuzziness curling in your gut that plagues you whenever you're with dan heng.
overall, a good experience! polite and always willing to humor your whims, even if he's a little stiff.
and if you peck him on the cheek after he walks you back to your doorstep, well, that's alright with him. more than alright.
black swan
life of the party. not in a screaming-getting-way-too-into-the-music kinda way, but in the way that everyone wants a sliver of her attention. she's always relaxed, interesting to talk to, and dreamy to boot! it wouldn't be any different at prom.
but black swan, above all else, wants to just... spend time with you. anyone that wants to chat can wait until later, when she's not watching you stuff snacks into your pockets with a fond look in her faraway eyes.
to commemorate the occasion, you're cajoled into the photobooth where you both hold up props and make funny faces for the camera. you know black swan doesn't cherish much above memories, even if they're immortalized in a gag reel where you're clad in silly-straw glasses and her in a purple mustache.
but in the last photo, right before the camera flashes, she sneaks a kiss on your cheek. your eyes are blown wide in surprise in the picture and that's her favorite part!
surprisingly adept at dancing. depending on your taste, she will either dip you dramatically and take the lead, or fall into your steps and try to make you feel more comfortable if you're nervous.
cherishes any memento from the event. she does the teasing, though, so don't get any ideas about poking fun at her for being sappy.
a great date, i dare say.
it's a given that both of you look the best. dressed to the nines.
the whole thing is a bit sensationalized, though. mostly because he's used to everything being treated like a spectacle, aventurine tries his best (while looking like he isn't trying at all) to give you a good time.
his saving grace is that... he's here with you. everything is more enjoyable this way, even the distastefully loud music matches the pulse in his ears when he looks at y💥💥
his favorite part of the event, surprisingly, is when you ask him to ditch with you early. makes a little joke like "wow, are you having that bad of a time with me?" but there's a bit of weight behind it that you can sense. anyway, you answer by rolling your eyes and pulling him outside.
away from the noise, pretenses drop and You Hold His Hand, telling him that any time with him is a good time. but this is infinitely better, even if you're both just stood in the parking lot.
you both decide to stay a little longer. at the end of the night, the principal gets into one of those dunking booths for the children to throw balls at to get them dunked in water. aventurine bets you a date that he'll hit the target.
you know he'll win (his luck kind of scares you), so of course you take him up on that wager, very excited to lose. it's very sweet.
lol he does hit the target
you both are prom celebrities for the rest of the night with another date set in stone a week from now!
imo she would make the best date out of everyone on this list.
mostly because any outing with kafka is almost cataclysmic in its impact... starting when she pops over at your place to help you get ready! surprise!
zips you up/adjusts your lapels/make sure your makeup looks good/whatever is part of this whole routine for you. she does so while humming a dulcet tune. she wants to be involved with every aspect of your pivotal prom experience tbh. keen on making memories like black swan is, but the effort is unconscious.
also. since blade has his driver's license, she basically bribed him into being your chauffeur for the night. i think that'd be a fun detail.
if you suck at dancing, never fear, because she also isn't very good (or so she says, but she's kafka, so of course she makes it work).
is not opposed to silly photobooth pics but she'd rather have someone take a candid of you both together by persuading them nicely - more her speed.
her eyes are ENCHANTING in that dim lighting... i just know... you get so distracted that you trip over her feet. silver wolf, the resident DJ that the school hired, sees and laughs.
has that tattered jacket thrown over whatever she decides to wear. she drapes it over you if you get cold due to the weather or temperature inside of the building.
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snoringkitty1 · 6 months
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Aventurine boyfriend Headcanons
TW: Fluff, not proofread, Mildly suggestive content. Enjoy <3
Aventurine at the beginning of your relationship is a flirty bastard, he'll tease you to high hell and leave you high and dry for his own amusement.
There is 0 initial affection, he's only in it for his entertainment or because he has something to gamble or get from you.
Kisses you with his eyes open, atleast at the start.
But gradually, when you realizes you won't be leaving because of his lack of effort, he might just soften up and start to let his guard down a little.
Though of course this is after a while, but you'll start to see the more vulnerable and faint side to him.
He'll become more affectionate gradually the more he begins to trust you with his feelings, though, it still might take a while. Patience is key.
He's still flirty no doubt, but now there's actually feelings and meaning to his words, and they aren't bluffs anymore.
His sense of fashion may or may not rub off on you..aka he forces you to wear matching clothes, it makes him feel special.
"Do i really need to where this..? Matching outfits are so tacky." You grumbled and adjusted the hat on your head before sighing and taking it off, running your fingers along the rim and raising a brow. "Well, you don't need to, but i would love you more if you did." He joked and fixed a few details on your jacket before taking the hat from your hands and setting it on your head. "You don't love me enough already?" You pouted and looked up at him. He smiled and shook his head, pulling you close for a kiss, his hands holding tight onto your waist as he trapped you in a kiss. "I love you~" He cooed softly and leaned back, "Some matching clothes won't change that." he assured and rubbed your cheek before stepping back and putting his hands in his pockets, "now~ shall we?"
The king of shopping dates, if you don't like shopping though, then the two of you will probably be having at home dates most of the time.
But don't think for a second he isn't buying the most delectable (and expensive) food he can find, because to him, if its clothes, food, hair, nails, you name it. He thinks you're a worthy investment (he just likes to spend money on you.)
Speaking of giving presents, thats simply his love language, because i reckon he feels like if he gives enough, then he won't have to worry about you leaving him.
That being said, he'll need a bunch of reassurance to stop giving random super expensive presents. He'll still give you some regardless but he'll tone it down significantly.
He comes off as the kind of guy who only gives or takes longer kisses, to me atleast.
He might use this to his advantage if he perhaps gets jealous, which i think happens pretty often.
But i think there's also a chance of him just absolutely demolishing you once you two are home behind closed doors.
Switch energy, but can and will top when he feels like it.
He'll let you decide the pace though, he doesn't want intimate moments to feel transactional.
Afterwards, i Dunno i feel like he'd just fall asleep with you, then take of you the next morning.
You rolled away onto your stomach..or tried to, the tight grip of a certain blonde kept you from moving too far away. When you let out an uncomfortable grunt though, Aventurine was quick to let go and sit up to check on you. You opened your eyes and looked up at him, smiling a little before closing them again, "I'm fine, i'm fine.." you mumbled softly, but that didn't deter him. He leaned down and kissed your cheek before getting up, you opened your eyes and sat up on your elbows to watch him, he disappeared into the closet briefly and returned with one of his shirts. "Here you go Darling~" he cooed softly and held the shirt out from you, his messy bed head framed his face nicely. "ah..thank you-" you smiled and put it on before flopping back again. "Anything else i can get you? I can order food, or make bre-" He paused when you pulled him close all of a sudden. "Just cuddle with me for a little bit.." You muttered softly, and He nodded, pulling you close again..and like that, you two were cozy and asleep in minutes.
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Thanks for reading.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
Read recently your post about yandere Jichang (why did he have to die 😭) so can you also do yandere Jihan Kwak ?
Sure :) And I know, I get down in the dumps every time I think about Jichang's death, WHY is the world so cruel? 😭
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I simp for him too lol and god DAMN...I'll die from a nosebleed at some point because of how good looking so many of the Lookism characters look and cue my unholy screeching and psychotic giggling
You were visiting your grandparents for the summer vacation as you got down the bus and you sighed as you shouldered your backpack. You were too used to city life, you weren't sure how you'd fare in a quiet countryside but you did have to admit it looked peaceful. You pulled out your phone from your pocket to contact your grandparents when you realized the universe was playing a colossal joke on you since your phone battery was dead you grumbled under your breath. It's been a while since you'd visited your grandparents so you couldn't remember how their house looked like so you decided to ask someone along the way, hoping they'd know the location to their house. You were unaware of a certain pair of calculating eyes watching your every movement, surveying your features till you were approached by a guy who looked almost similar to your age and had a friendly polite smile on his face. "You seem to be lost there sweetheart...anything I can help you with?" he asked you politely as you smiled and explained your situation to him. The guy introduced himself as Jihan Kwak as the two of you headed to your grandparents house
As he kept talking to you, he couldn't help but feel more...attracted and drawn to you. You were a city dweller and yet you weren't so obnoxious and loud or had an ego complex, you had a genuine and nice personality. He kept looking at you from the corner of his eye, his cheeks heating slightly every time he saw you smile and talk about something you liked like your favorite book or your favorite movie and such, mentally noting down whatever you were telling him for future purposes when he'd meet you next time. Of course he'd be meeting you next time, and plenty more times after your first encounter, you've managed to make him intrigued and charmed him with your personality, you remind him of a fragile little doll to be honest, his savior and protector complex would get activated whenever he sees you, you're just too adorable for him, he can't take you seriously sometimes. He wonders how you've managed to survive this long but not to worry, he's here for you now
He'll pop by your grandparent's house every day and he'll have a good impression on them to get more closer to you. He usually wasn't someone who really gave love that much of a thought before he met you, he loved how soft your hands were, how kind and caring you were to those around you, how adorable you looked whenever you had that gleam of passion in your eyes when you spoke about things, how mesmerizing your eyes are and how he feels like he's getting lost in the beauty of your eyes... he loves everything about you. He isn't delusional, he knows his feelings for you are going out of control and he tries to suppress them only for something more darker, sinister and twisted to emerge as a form of love for you
He's aware his feelings for you are unnatural but he just can't help it. He just can't seem to get enough of you. He won't spill his heart out to yet since he doesn't want you to think he's weird but at the same time he doesn't have any qualms of being clingy to you and stalking you wherever you go. You're new to the countryside, you probably wouldn't be aware of the dangers but you don't need to worry, he's there for you to protect you and keep you safe. Of course, it kind of goes without saying, since he's also the brother of Jichang who's an officer, the people around would gladly keep an eye out for you to make sure you don't get yourself into any kind of trouble
His brothers would eventually find out about his immense feelings of love for you after Jichang catches his brother stalking you in the night as he simply glared at his brother which made it a bit awkward for a few seconds till they went back home and Jichang, Jibeom and Jihan sat down for a family discussion where he'll eventually be forced to spill his guts and heart regarding his feelings for you. Of course, they'd be happy for him and they don't really see anything wrong with how twisted his concept of love had become for you and Jichang would do whatever research necessary to find out more information regarding you by pulling a few strings here and there and would get rid of someone posing a threat to yours and Jihan's relationship. He wants his little brother to be happy after all, law be damned, plus they're eager to welcome you into their fold
Jihan likes being affectionate with you, deep down he's slightly insecure you might find someone else better than him which makes him even more clingier to you than usual till he starts developing the fear and paranoia of you leaving him. One day when you told him you'd be going back to your parents house since the summer vacation was over, he just looked at you in complete shock. For a moment he forgot you were on summer vacation and you were just visiting, he'll swallow the bitter lump forming in his throat as he wishes you all the very best and would invite you over for his house for dinner to which you'd agree. Then he'll formulate a plan to ensure you'd stay with him since he just can't afford to lose you, you mean so much to him. He'd feel empty without you and there needs to be someone by your side to take care of you, he's more than willing to be that man for you
Jichang would assist him in procuring some sedative to make you fall asleep after you've finished consuming the food which would make you black out in less than five seconds. Deep down Jihan feels slightly guilty he's slipping sedatives in your food but his fear of losing you overrides his sense of rationality which would compel him to slip the sedatives in your dish while telling himself that it's for your own good and he can't lose you. You're all smiles as you greet his brothers and they're really impressed with your courteous behavior and politeness. Jibeom would nudge Jihan in the chest and smirk at him and whisper what a good choice his brother made as Jihan grows slightly flustered and drinks some water. After you've finished eating your food, before you're about to bade them farewell, you lost your consciousness and you ended up blacking out in Jihan's arms as he carried you to a room and placed a blanket over you and caressed your head lovingly. You woke up after a few hours when the sedatives finally wore off as you looked around, confused as to what was going on when you were supposed to be at your grandparents house, packing for going back to your parent's house in 2 days
Jihan will enter the room and hand you a glass of water as he explains what he did and you'd stare at him in shock. He'd be hurt if you scream or insult him but he understands, he understands how you feel. It's a new concept for you and you can have all the time in the world to adjust, he doesn't mind. If you cry, he'll feel really bad and he feels an ache in his heart from seeing you cry as tears are streaming down your face. He wanted to ensure your happiness all the time, he didn't like seeing you sad so he'd just hold you in a comforting embrace and pat your head gently, telling you how much you mean to him. He isn't unreasonable, he knows you might be mad at him but deep down he'll be hurt and have the expression of a kicked puppy if you ignore him. Nonetheless he'll never raise his voice or hands at you, he can't bring himself to hurt you. That thought wouldn't occur to him even in his worst nightmare. With the kindness and love he's treating you with, you'll end up getting Stockholm Syndrome faster than Zack always screaming for Mira
You actually might have a shot at escaping from him since he does tend to take you out on dates outside to make sure you don't die from boredom from being at home all the time but if you do end up escaping, it'll be Jichang who'll find you and just bring you back to Jihan. Jihan would be worried about you and check you for injuries and then he'd tell you in a very serious tone how he'd never let you attempt something like this again since he loves you too much so now you'll have to earn his trust back before you're allowed to go out. If it's someone trying to take you from him then it's a completely different story. He might be kind and loving to you but his personality is like a snake, cunning and crafty as he analyzes how to get rid of the pest to meddle in between the both of you. Don't forget about his fighting skills, he's learnt from the very best himself and will not hesitate to snap the person's bones like a twig if he has to for your sake and the person would disappear off the face of the planet the next day who may or may not be buried 6 feet under the ground or probably fed to the wild dogs they have, but you don't need to stress your pretty head about that. Just leave all the violence and brutal things to him all right?
His love for you has no bounds which is mixed with possessiveness. Don't even try resisting his affection for you, he'll just hold you tighter to him and cuddle with you. He loves seeing you cooking, having a cute little apron on your frame as he envelopes you into a hug from the back and he kisses the nape of your neck and nuzzles your cheek with his. He truly does love you, just make him happy by being with him please, he'd be crushed if he loses you. Overall, a great yandere to have and he'd seriously be a blessing to have compared to the other messed up characters...
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scarletttries · 6 months
What One Piece Characters Are Like In A Relationship...(Part Two)
Request: "Greetings, could I ask for headcanons of what Buggy the Clown and Dracule Mihawk are like in a relationship?"
Pairings: Buggy x Reader, Mihawk x Reader, Shanks x Reader
Part One (The Straw Hats) here / One Piece Masterlist
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Buggy the Clown:
- It's impossible to overestimate the sheer vulnerability it took for Captain Buggy to speak genuinely and honestly when he finally confessed his feelings for you. A man who's spent so much of his life hidden behind a painted facade and a wicked smile, he tried to fight his truth for so long, forcing himself to treat you like just another pirate on his ship when there's nothing you could do that wouldn't stand out to him. The sincerity with which you speak to him, the way you don't gawk at his appearance, the fact that you never engage in the mutinous whispers of those around you. It wasn't long until you became his most called upon ally on the ship, through genuine appreciation for your insights but also his intense need to have his eyes on you at all times.
- With his feelings out in the open, Buggy is still conflicted in the way he showers his affections upon you. Behind closed doors the man is your personal jester, cracking jokes and using his gifts to keep you smiling and entertained constantly. Honestly that man would do anything to keep you looking at him, the warmth of your gaze enough to undo decades of cruelty and ridicule.
- Around the crew though, your captain likes to keep his adoration discrete. There are a lot of people out there that would love to have something they could use against him, and he knows deep down he'd surrender everything he's ever worked for if it stopped a single hair on your head being harmed. So despite how Buggy feels like he is bursting at the seams with joy every time he sees you, he insists on keeping things a secret for as long as the two of you can, lasting on longing looks and subtle contact for the price of your safety.
- That does add a certain desperation to the clown's behaviour towards you though, not that you mind. The moment you close a door he'll be on with you in a flash, all hungry lips and pressing his chest flush with yours to bathe in your warmth while he still can. He needs you overwhelming all of his senses, to fill his heart back up before he has to face the day without you again. Sometimes when he knows you'll be apart for a while, he'll tell the crew he's lost a hand somewhere on the ship so he can leave one tucked securely in your pocket, subtly interlacing his fingers with yours whenever the day gets to be too much; the powers he once feared made him a devil, now giving him the chance to stay by an angel's side forevermore.
Dracule Mihawk:
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- A life as the world's greatest swordsman can be a lonely one. Going wherever he's paid to go. Never putting down roots. Knowing that one day he might just find someone desperate enough for his title to kill for it. Mihawk had accepted this life with a certain pride, until he found something else he wanted to be the best at.
- Another night in another island bar had his path crossing with yours, the briefest of exchanges leaving an aching hole in his chest like he'd never experienced before. It was like your smile sent a spark his way that had his whole body going up in smoke, a fire lit inside him that he had only felt once before; for his pursuit of swordsmanship. He knew nothing would quell that desire except giving in fully to the devotion.
- Dracule is extremely attentive to your every whim. He's never really been tied down before he enjoys the grounding that comes from having someone else to influence each of his days. Nothing fulfils him like making one of your wishes come true, his dedication to your partnership unwavering no matter what the world throws at you both.
- He would take enormous pride in teaching you a few of his sword-fighting moves, framing the sessions as just a way to share in his two favourite things (swords and you), but in the back of his mind also very conscious that a time may come when you need to defend yourself from his enemies. Naturally he'll find a way throw your practice fights so the two of you end up on the floor together, his sword cast aside as he exclaims that you are the only person in all the seas that has ever disarmed him so. Don't be expecting to leave that floor for a while once he has you in his grips.
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- When you work in a popular port town you see a lot of pirates come and go. So it's pretty noticeable when a certain captain seems to do all his supply runs in your specific shop. Shanks is not at all subtle that he's continually coming to town for you, your first conversation enough for him to reveal that you might be the only person he's ever met that could convince him to give up the pirate life and settle down.
- You don't ask him to do that, instead the two of you settle for frequently being apart, but relishing in every second you get to spend together when you can. Every moment that Shanks is in your life is filled with fun, whether he's just dancing with you in your lovely little home, or convincing you to come with him on this next adventure, heading to a beautiful island where for once he's confident there's no risk of danger to you.
- When you have to be apart, Shanks will call you late in the night, narrating the view from his perch on the figurehead of his ship. He'll describe every detail of the stars glistening on the waves until the peachy rays of the sun trickle across the horizon, all while knowing the far superior view is wherever you are. He'll never reveal the true danger of his journeys to you, instead giving you joyful reimaginations of the troubles he's faced that day. You can tell when he's had a hard week from the pain in his voice though, so you take the chance to regale him with the softness of your peaceful day, recounting your every step and listening to his breathing slow as a weight lifts off his chest. He tells you how one day he can't wait to dock his ship one final time and fall in step with the life you've built, never having to hear your voice from so far away again.
- He lets that hope carry him through the most tempestuous nights at sea, through all the near misses at the hands of his enemies, through every day spent hiding from a bounty hunter and aching to hear your voice again. He finds himself picturing the two of you raising a family, a tiny crew of your own that will always unite you, the ultimate adventure Shanks can imagine, and one he never thought he'd long for until he thought about living it hand in hand with you.
One piece requests still open!
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 6 months
Obey me! Older Brothers Reaction to: Mc doing the "Come over. He just left" Prank
Other parts can be found here: Younger Brothers
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! To the first part of this adventure! This is just a silly idea I had. The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
CW: Luci's part has a small suggestive part, and Levi's is slightly angsty? besides that it's all fluff!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Lucifer's Reaction:
Lucifer has to go to the Demon Lord's Castle for a meeting with Diavolo. He bids farewell to his favorite little human Mc, leaving them in charge of keeping the house from burning down. Then Lucifer leaves the House of Lamentations like normal, he walks out the front door, heading down the pathway to the street. Mc watches from inside the house through a window, they wait until he gets to the street and is almost out of sight, then they send him the prank message: "Come over. He just left." Mc watches intensely, heart racing as Lucifer seemingly gets the text message. Lucifer pulls his D.D.D out of his pocket still walking as he glances over what it says, Mc watches as Lucifer comes to a sudden stop, they figure he's processing the message. Mc waits for his reaction, a little surprised as he starts typing on his D.D.D, they sit there waiting for a response message to pop up on their D.D.D from him...but that never happens. Instead when Lucifer's done texting he begins to continue walking, giving HoL a quick glance as he does. Mc watches him leave, baffled, did he not get the message? Did he not care? Mc's mind fills with a thousand thoughts and reasonings but they are quickly snapped out of their thoughts when a stampede of footsteps comes rushing towards them. Mc stares in utter confusion as Lucifer's brothers come and swarm around them, asking Mc what they are doing, if they have plans, telling Mc that they should come hang out! There's so many fun things to do, Lucifer's not home so what trouble could come from a little fun! Even if Mc says no, it doesn't matter, the brothers home will drag Mc off to "hang out". If Mc manages to get out of dealing with the swarm, they will be stuck with at least one brother being with them at all times. Mc doesn't get a moment of peace, even if they think they do, there's a brother watching from somewhere nearby. This goes on the entire time Lucifer is gone, when Lucifer gets back to HoL, the brothers disperse, no longer bothering Mc. Lucifer won't say anything to Mc, he'll act completely normal, but if Mc decides to bring up the message and ask if he got it..then they'll get a reaction..which is a "punishment" from him. The only way Mc will ever find this out, is if one of the brothers tell them or they happen to see the chat, but Lucifer is the reason his brothers wouldn't give Mc any space. When Lucifer had gotten Mc's message he was worried, though he's too prideful to admit it. He sent a message to the group chat with his brothers, that could've gone two ways, the first way is he may of made it simple and just sent a simple message of "Mc's planning to hang out with someone, someone they don't want us knowing about.", knowing his brothers, he knew his brothers would freak and go bother Mc so much that Mc wouldn't be able to see anyone even if they tried to. The second way is that he would've bribed his brothers, saying whoever kept Mc from seeing the person they were trying to see, could say anything they wanted and Lucifer would get it for them. Either way the point is that he sent his brothers to make sure Mc didn't see anyone while he was busy doing work stuff, not that he'd ever be caught admitting that. Also Lucifer likes to act like he knows Mc better than Mc knows themselves, so I feel like he'd know if they were cheating or not, but that worry can still cause him to send his brothers just to ease his worries. Low-key he would like Mc to tell him it's just a prank and ease his worries, but his pride would never let him admit that, so just tell the poor man it's a prank.
Mammon's Reaction:
Mammon has to go out and do an errand..because Lucifer told him to. Mammon went to his most prized treasure Mc's room and begged his human to accompany him while he's out and about doing the errand. But no matter how much he begged or bargained, Mc said they were too busy! Pouty and upset, Mammon goes to leave the House of Lamentations alone, he walks out the front door, heading down the pathway to the street. Mc watches from inside the house through a window, once Mammon gets to the street and is almost out of sight, Mc sends the prank message: "Come over. He just left". Mc watches intensely, and a little anxiously as Mammon pulls out his D.D.D while walking, seemingly checking the message. Mc watches as Mammon freezes in place for about 0.2 seconds before Mammon starts sprinting back towards HoL at full speed. Running way too fast and way too frantically, Mammon ends up tripping and faceplanting onto the floor, Mc can only laugh a little as they watch this happen. Just as quickly as Mammon had hit the ground, Mammon is off the ground, continuing to run to HoL like a maniac. When Mammon gets into the house, he's panting for air, but that doesn't stop him from beginning to rant and rave about how he's Mc's man! How Mc shouldn't be trying to hang out with anyone without him around to protect them! Mammon will sit there ranting until something shuts him up, which is Mc when they give him a kiss to make him stop talking long enough for them to explain it's just a prank. Mammon's face shows obvious relief and gets all flustered, he tries to play it off like he knew it was a prank, but he obviously didn't. Even though Mammon feels relieved, and does trust Mc, he forces them to come along while he does the errand..just in case. He won't trust his brothers to make sure Mc doesn't see anyone unless he absolutely has to, purely because he worries about his brothers stealing Mc. Mc's too precious for him to lose! A treasure he can't live without. Mammon's pretty clingy and over protective for a while do to the prank, he may even want to hear that it was just a prank more than once, he just needs reassurance.
Leviathan's Reaction:
Levi has to go to a student council meeting, it's mandatory and Lucifer would punish him if he didn't go. Otherwise Levi wouldn't be leaving the house let alone his room. Levi plays games with his player 2 until he absolutely has to leave to make it to the meeting on time. Levi bids farewell to Mc, leaving his human in charge of the timed stuff in the game the two are currently playing. Levi leaves his room, headed down the stairs and then out the front door, walking down the pathway towards the street. Mc waits until they hear the front door shut, then they fly down the stairs and peek out the window. Seeing that Levi is on the street and almost out of sight, Mc sends the prank message: "Come over. He just left." Mc watches intensely as Levi pulls his D.D.D out, seemingly getting the message. Mc watches as Levi freezes in place, just staring at his phone for a good minute or two, then he takes a glance back at HoL. Levi turns like he's going to head back inside, but then he stops, he turns back around and acts like he's going to walk away, but again he stops. Levi does this multiple times, seeming like he has no idea what he should do. Levi looks distressed and his movements make it seem like he's panicking. Mc realizes the prank is not going well, so they rush outside to tell Levi it's just a prank. When Mc gets outside and gets close enough to Levi to talk to him, they call out to him and he turns to look at them. Mc feels like the worst person ever as they see that Levi is crying. Mc frantically explains that it was just a prank as they approach Levi, it takes a second as Levi steps back a few times, but eventually Levi lets Mc get close enough to hug him. They just hug him while repeating how sorry they are and that it was just a prank. Levi seems to calm down a little and Mc eventually manages to get him back into the house in the safety of his room. Levi will need lots of reassurance and will need to hear that it was just a prank probably 100 times. It's something that'll stick with him so much that years later he may bring it up, just to really make sure it was just a prank. Levi and Mc play games, watch anime, anything Levi wants as Mc has to make it up to Levi for doing such a prank. The two completely forget about the student council meeting, when Lucifer gets home he goes to punish Levi, but after hearing what happened Lucifer punishes Levi lightly and gives Mc a punishment for doing such a prank on Levi. Mc gets their just desserts and learns that these types of pranks aren't something to be pulled on Levi. He's a sensitive, self conscious baby, don't hurt him like that again.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Do you guys want a version of this for the other characters I write for? Lemme know if so! More content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Ooo here’s an interesting thought for you. So you know how, in the interspecies romance, you mentioned how Jade and Floyd would still kinda ‘bully’ a potential partner? Can you imagine if that person were an overthinking type? Like the ‘mean’ interactions make them think that either of the tweels just do NOT like them.
Basically misunderstandings abound.
Floyd gifts them a tooth; are they next?? Jade gives a poisonous (but pretty/rare) mushroom; is this a threat??
Could also just be a person who has a difficult time interpreting social cues, or flirting.
But either way, the poor object of their interest starts avoiding them and is so confused by the mixed signals. So they go up to Azul or something and ask if they’ve made the respective tweel angry or something. Because they thought they were getting along???
Just a poor confused bean.
Anyway sorry that was long but I just thought it was an interesting concept. 😂
As someone whose autism severely impacted their understanding of social norms, I feel this on a deeply spiritual level. In the partner's defense, the twins are just generally intimidating and take delight in scaring their peers. They say the most out of pocket shit and it's hard to tell when they're being serious or joking (they also have a tad bit of the tism). Poor Azul would be so tired of having to deal with a potential eel mate asking him to call off his right/left-hand men, they don't have a contract with him anymore, so why are they threatening them with loose teeth and poisonous mushrooms?? Azul!! Make them stop!!!
(He briefly considers staying out of it. It would do them some good to suffer through their pining until they have the common sense to look up human dating and woo methods. But they are his friends that he actually cares quite deeply for his employees whose moods are affecting productivity, so he'll explain it to you, and then go give them a good wack in the head for being stupid.)
Floyd is the more likely of the two to not look up human courting and dating methods. He's more of the kind of guy that's hoping you will get what he means by vibe alone. Like that manifesting stuff Cater goes on about. You'll have to be particularly perceptive to notice that he squeezes you a bit softer, looks at you with hearts in his eyes a bit longer than more, and notice that he slips up and calls you by your name instead of Shrimpy; he's surprisingly subtle with his growing affections. Jade would have definitely research ahead of time, plus he's very perceptive of others and their emotions around him. He'll probably be able to tell that you're not getting his advances, but on the other hand, it would be so funny to see how long it takes for you to catch on. He'll make fun of you in the future on how you “strung along a poor eel's heart, waaahhhh!” while he pined after you with foraged and handmade gifts, classic merfolk courting! That, or you accidentally start dating/a friends-with-benefits situation, both of you misunderstanding the other's intentions. It would take some incredible denseness and misunderstanding on both your parts for that to happen, which is a lot easier than you think when it comes to Jade “Keep them Guessing” Leech. Truly, a man can be too confident with regard to love, please tell him this or else you'll spend at least four months in a relationship before realizing it.
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Welcome back to my crack posts! =D
We Are ep 9 is as hilarious as it's frustrating, and I will continue to the whys below with a healthy dose of crack. <3
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Ohoho, our little boy is jealous and... its not even 5 minutes in (2 minutes since the actual start). Is that a new record?
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Kluen: can I just sleep beside you- 😊
Phum: No. 🙂
Poor Toey getting roped into this too 😭
(something something, Chain helping Toey get Q jealous while Phum uses Toey as a buffer for the cause of his jealousy)
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Our favourite old married couple hehe (who aren't actually dating yet-)
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My poor Phum 😭
Okay, as much as I don't like Kluen, I have to give it to him for being so straightforward, going as far as telling Phum that he likes Peem when he realizes that Phum might does like him too.
Also the t-shirt: We Are Volunteer.
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Yes! Call him out!
We really need more call out-ers in BL.
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I laughed so hard my cat looked at me weird 😭😂
Children really are the best eyy
Phum looks so betrayed oh gods 😭
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The 'I know what you're doing but I'll still play along cause I like you too, ai'kwai' look. Ah, a classic from thai bl.
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This reminds me of when Tinn says "How can I be your friend? I like you!" when Gun finds him after he ran away from the MV shoot.
(And Gun replies, "You think I can?")
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On one hand we have Phum who bribes children with chocolates (that he just happens to have in his pocket) to lure away his crush from his rival.
On the other we have Q who simply up and runs away when his friend faux-swipes his crush's sweat simply to make him jealous.
*looks between them and shakes head* these boys are absolutely hopeless
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Our favourite married couple part 2 (who are actually dating)
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Pun and Mick just here playing around 😭👍🏼
Peem was right, if they were the only ones in charge of cooking, no one would get any food T~T
But... how exactly did "cut into round shapes" get converted to "cut into round glasses" to "rectangles"? 😶
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Fang is so done with these idiots 😭👍🏼
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In this moment, I kid you not, my brain played the "what did he sayyy" meme 😶
Phum: *bombastic side eye of death*
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Yes, please. We've been waiting for this for 8 and a half episodes.
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Yes, and you are the nosiest peep, now continue.
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Ah, so Fang is actually the violent sibling, and him and Phum (and Tan, apparently) got into frequent fights, it seems like.
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Got caught red handed 😭
Tan is so dead
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Wait... so Tan and Fang had a beginning much like Phum and Peem? 👀
Rivals to lovers for both brothers it is, then.
And I feel so bad for Phum, poor guy has been a third wheel since his high school days 😭
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...somehow, I think Chain and Pun will put even TanFang to shame when they actually start dating 😶
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'Course you have. You just played with water with your besties the other day
And with friends like yours, Peem? It's unlikely you'll go one day without playing around with something or the other
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Beer doing God's work here 😭🙏🏼
I love how Beer is both perceptive and observant of his friends, and knows just what to say to get them moving.
He wants the best for Phum and even tells him how he's happy that Peem came into his life, and Phum is a lot more lively these days. (MSP flashbacks again anyone? No? Just me?)
He might not be as playful or enthusiastic as Peem's friends, but he knows what his friends need and he'll try his hardest to make sure they have it. He's just such a good friend.
Phum telling him about the Deal™ also shows us just how much he trusts Beer.
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Love him <3
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Sweetie, I understand you need some space, but you don't talk to your future boyfriend possible crush like that 😭
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Nothing to see here, just a goodnight kiss.
Jokes aside, I like that Peem tries to figure out what's wrong, but he doesn't push too hard. And even tries to provide some comfort to Phum.
And in these moments with just them, Phum has bursts of courage to show his affection, and show Peem how much he means to him, instead of just telling him.
I don't think this is him being emotionally constipated (he is, no doubt about it, but strangely not as much when it comes to Peem), but more of him being unsure of where he stands with Peem (as I mentioned in last week's post).
Are they just friends because their friend groups merged? Acquaintances forced to be close due to circumstances? Just creditor and debtor? Is the deal all that's holding them together?
Well, Phum needs to find the answers. (Preferably and possibly within the next episode)
*sigh* they're gonna kill me with fluff (and I'm gonna die happy)
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This is my favourite scene of this ep. Just crushes cuddling each other with sleep, the rest of the evil world (Kluen) forgotten for the moment.
Ah. I love cuddles even more than kisses, not gonna lie
Also, ep 10 seems promising!
Anyways, that's all for now, see you next week! And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a cookie 🧋🍪
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Theft King is Wrong about Indigo Park and Here's Why
Theft King is an infamous YouTuber mainly known for the Kane Carter drama and not always having the best takes. He mainly covers Five Nights at Freddy's, and recently seems to be covering a lot more of Poppy Playtime, due to chapter 3. Recently, Theft King made a video critiquing the newest indie mascot horror game, Indigo Park.
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Suffice to say, it is not good. This post will be going over why it is not good, and debunking Theft King's own points.
"Indigo Park is the least original mascot horror game ever made. Between the tired, cliched premise of returning to an abandoned children's establishment, the enemy designs, the unnervingly cute, mascot character, and multiple sequences that appear to be directly lifted from Poppy Playtime. You'd just think this was another Garten of Banban-eqsue cash in. In a lot of ways, it kind of is. But it's more complicated than that."
Through your introduction to this video, it is quite obvious that you are biased. For starters, to call Indigo Park the LEAST original mascot horror game ever made is a big claim to make. Like, seriously, out of ALL the games out there, Indigo Park is? While, yes, the concept of finding out what happened to an abandoned children's establishment isn't original, it has a unique twist to it. We have Rambley to accompany us through out the park. It actually FEELS like a place that could exist in real life. It's also obvious Geese is a fan of mascot horror and got inspired from Five Nights at Freddy's and Poppy Playtime.
Also to compare Indigo Park to Garten of Banban is literally insane to me. You are comparing the dedicated, passion, and willingly to learn with Indigo with GARTEN OF BANBAN? The POSTER child of what NOT to do with mascot horror? Also, Theft King through out the entire video compares Indigo Park to Poppy Playtime, specifically chapter 3. When Indigo Park was in production BEFORE chapter 3 came out.
Before the recent Rambley plush, Indigo Park was for free and the money came of Geese's own pocket to fund this game. To say this a "cash grab" is very dismissing the hard work and passion Geese and the Indigo Park team put into the game.
"The game begins with a really slick cinematic depicting the establishment of Indigo Park. Alongside it's founder, Isaac Indigo. Isaac Indigo?! Hold on. That's not a name that humans have. This guy's definitely a space alien. I'm calling that now"
While the last part is definitely a joke on his end, there's a lot of reasons to explain why Indigo is Isaac's last name. For one, Indigo is a REAL last name. It's just uncommon. Second, there is thing called suspension of disbelief. It is when something fantastical happens that can't happen in real life, but you suspend your disbelief because it is a work of fiction. If you can suspend your disbelief to a murderous lion and parrot, I'm pretty sure you can suspend your disbelief to this old guy's name being Indigo. And third, there is such a thing called legally changing your name. Besides, why is this even here? This is just a nitpick.
"As the game begins we find the park's main gates sealed. And upon heading into the service station next door, we encounter Rambley. The single best part of Indigo Park. Rambley is an AI, raccoon mascot that serves as our guide. Appearing on countless, conveniently placed televisions through out the game. He's fantastic. His dialogue is well written, his voice actor is great and his animation is expressive and charming. He's the single best part of the game, but, Rambley is a crutch that Indigo Park leans far too heavily on. Though, we'll get there later."
While he does say he'll get to it later, I would like to still address this point right now. Rambley is a core part of the game. Rambley is the second protagonist, and is obviously going to be very important to the plot. He's going to be accompanying us through out however many chapters there are. Chapter 1, like many introductions, are we are getting to know the characters. Rambley is in a big chunk of chapter 1 is because besides, Ed, he's our secondary protagonist, and knows the in's-and-out's of the park, and knows crucial information. This will be expanded more when Theft King gets to this part. Rambley isn't a "crutch". The game is literally setting up the characters and scene. Like, y'know, how many first chapters do.
"And enter the doors to the park and enter the Critter Corner, where we're given a Fazwatch from FNAF: Security Breach. It's useless. It's just a plot device to justify why some doors don't open until they need to."
Theft King, have you ever been to an amusement park before? Many amusement parks have bands on to indicate you are someone entering, and not sneaking in. If you did an ounce of research, the Critter Cuff is a reference to Disney's Magic Bands. Do you only get your information from indie mascot horror? Do you not think stuff like this doesn't exist in real life? While, yes it can be a reason why some doors won't open. But you clearly weren't even paying attention to the own game you are playing.
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(Disney Magic Band)
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(Indigo Park Critter Cuff)
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(FNAF Fazwatch) The Critter Cuff looks NOTHING like a Fazwatch and has difference uses. Gregory can use the Fazwatch to see the map of the Pizzaplex, get emails, communicate with Glamrock Freddy, among other things. All the Critter Cuff can do is be a pedometer, heart monitor, and mood ring. The Fazwatch and Critter Cuff doesn't even have the same functions.
The Critter Cuff also just doesn't acts like this. It's hinted the Critter Cuff can keep away the mascots. When Lloyd was about to attack Ed, it let out a frequency that made Lloyd back off. Pay attention to what's happening on the screen and story, Theft King.
"Proceeding through an awkwardly placed loading zone, we find ourselves in some sort of subway, tunnel movie theater? I don't know the area's design wasn't very coherent. Look at that Poppy Playtime ass floor. Although, something is going on with the resolution or something. I don't know."
...As he says when the ride for this area is a train. Trains are often located underground. Also, apparently, according to Theft King any colorful, floor patterns is a rip off of Poppy Playtime when the ride is a reference to Mickey and Minnie's Railway. As for the "movie posters", Theft King the ride is clearly meant to introduce the park goers to the characters and other rides to this world. Please, pay attention and think before assuming something.
"After the train ride, Rambley gives us cart blanche to go wherever we want. Though, it's at this point, I noticed the game scaling. You know, the size of everything relative to your character? It's really weird. We are very short, I have to be perfectly honest. [...] When was the last time you walked up to a kiosk, a stand and your chin was like touching the table?"
This is just a nitpick. While, yes, it can look a little jarring, but out of all of things you're critiquing is the fucking counter "being too big"? Theft King, do you have spatial awareness? The counter is at Ed's chest, not eye level. Besides, you're not even fully looking up.
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Also, for some reason, he genders nail polish for some reason? Either saying it was nail polish or a bad "fingernail texture"? Which. Okay? Men can wear nail polish too, Theft King. It isn't a gendered thing.
"The next area is probably the most visually striking in the game. A large fountain square with a strange clock tower and Ferris wheel in the distance. It's pretty cool. But there's a lot of empty sky box visible and it's fairly obvious that there's absolutely nothing beyond these buildings that we can see the illusion that this is actually outside is completely broken. And as a result, this area feels more like a sound stage or movie set than an actual place. It just needed a lot more low resolution buildings and rides and stuff in the distance. Because it's obvious behind this clock tower, is just an endless void."
Theft King, once again, have you ever been to a theme park? It's the entrance to the ACTUAL park. You don't get to see everything right off the bat, it's just a taste of the actual theme park. If Geese and co. added more buildings and rides, it would look VERY cluttered and jankily put in together. It would also be way overstimulating, and ruin the atmosphere of the decayed, left-to-rot theme park with all of these lights and colors. It is a horror game, Theft King. Atmosphere, setting, and lighting are important here. It just seems like if you aren't being entertained for more than 2 seconds you're crying out it's "boring and just looks like a set piece."
Besides, do you think all of the budget is going to be spent on the buildings, just so it be can be aesthetically pleasing? A problem Theft King (and the majority of the indie mascot horror critics I see) really need to stop expecting brand new, horror indie games to be AAA quality. Geese funded chapter one from his own pocket money. Geese is the only programmer. Geese is still a beginner and still in college. The fact he is still a beginner, and pulled this off shows that he's a fast learner, willingly to learn, and talented. Give him some slack.
"[...] But we find that the door [Jetstream Junction's] is locked. This fountain square station is huge, but there's really only one destination. Lloyd's Mane Stage Theater. [...] Check out the LOD's on this box. There's no bar code, bard code. No bar code, bar code. Indigo Park is made in Unreal Engine 5, and it's really pretty at times. Though, certain effects are obviously pretty janky. Yeah, the flashlight looks kind of like ass. The flashlight looming shadows are pretty janky. You can see them kind of wobbling and flickering around. I turned on all of the fancy features and while the game looks really moody and atmospheric when lights aren't moving, the flashlight doesn't really look well with it. The shadows flicker and jiggle all over the place and it just looks really bad."
Okay, if it certain effects are janky, how are they janky? What could they improve on to not make it less janky? For the flashlight bit, you are holding a flashlight and how it's meant to be done is suppose to be more realistic, according to Geese. Also, this is just really nitpicky. If anything, it's a a subtle thing and you get used to the flashlight feature pretty quickly. It kind of just sounds like you're picking this game apart, if it was an AAA game. The game is not perfect, by any means. But tearing and shredding to bit little, tiny, things when this project has ONE coder, who spent all of us OWN money, is still a beginner, and IS STILL in college.
When someone is a beginner and showing a willingly to learn, you have to take a different approach. It'd be one thing if Geese was doing programming for years, but he's not. You have to redirect your criticism and maybe, I don't know, give suggestions? You haven't really gone into what he could do to improve, and give examples to help him out. This is like treating someone who's a beginner drawer and expecting Michelangelo perfect details. They're drawing is still good, there's noticeable mistakes, but there's room to improve and grow. Also, Theft King, you literally have your settings maxed out. Maybe trying lowering them.
"Earlier, Rambley asked us where we wanted to go first. Implying, that we had a choice. [...] We don't. We go where exactly where Rambley says, always. That's the name of the game. Rambley tells you to go somewhere and you do it. Honestly, until the theater just now, every area in this game has been walk in, talk to Rambley, and walk out."
Theft King, asking a small, indie team to program a BUNCH of stuff you can do within an entire SECTION of an area is... a lot to ask, don't you think? Like, yes. I will admit I will agree there should be a lot more interactable with the items around that Ed can explore, I think that's a good point to bring up. But those would just be side things to do. You still have to progress the main story of chapter one. You can be patient for one minute. They are clearly building up to something. Besides, it's an abandoned theme park, I doubt any of the items inside would work. It's "walk in and walk out" to set the atmosphere of what's about to come, and let your guard down. It's not that hard to put two and two together.
Also, as I said before, to put pressure on one programmer to program so many things all at once is just not a cool thing to do. It sounds like you have to be entertained 24/7. Be patient, and wait. They're building up to something. Just wait.
"[...] Like I said before, the whole game is just kind of just walking into an area, having Rambley talk to you for a bit, and tell you where to go next. We find ourselves in Mollie's Landing Pad, which is a play pen highly reminiscent of DogDays from Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 or The Daycare from FNAF: Security Breach. This section presents itself as a puzzle, but it's really not. It's another fetch quest. Embedded in the walls, are five-colored that each can be set to one of four symbols. And throughout the area, we find paintings of shapes that correspond to the code. Again, it's not really a puzzle. It's just a slightly, contrived justification to make you wonder through this area and experience all of the scripted sequences." Rambley "tells you where to go" is because it is establishing how his game mechanic works, expanding on his personality, and him finding out the horrors of the park and what happened to everything. It's setting up how things are going to go down. Rambley is an AI park, GUIDE. Rambley is LITERALLY doing his job, GUIDING us around the park. Pay attention to what's going on.
Last time I checked, play pins are a big part of children's entertainment. Your local Chuck E. Cheese has this exact same, ball pit. Poppy Playtime and FNAF doesn't owe the rights to a colorful, play pit. See, through out his review Theft King calls Indigo Park a rip off of Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, and of Security Breach. But never goes into detail as to WHY and HOW it is. Sure, he shows via visuals, but never expands fully on his point on itself. Also, "fetch quest"? Fetch quests are something you get and return to an NPC. This, by definition is a puzzle. What are we exactly fetching, here? We're solving a puzzle to open the door. Also, wow! Scripted horror events in tight closed spaces! What a twist! Sarcasm.
"Unfortunately, by this point, the game had all but telegraphed that I wasn't in any danger and thus, I wasn't really scared."
...You literally have shown insistences of being scared? Through out when you were walking through Lloyd's maze thing, and when Mollie was peeking around the corners in the slides. You HAVE shown you were scared, or at least startled. Thus, it did it's job of being a horror game. Theft King, something doesn't need to be happening 24/7 to do it's job. Sometimes horror works better in subtle ways than just blaring red, warning signs all over the place, or having a scary chase scene.
"After pressing a button, with no visible indication of what it does."
...Look down. The fact that you couldn't even pay attention to something as something simple as this, tells me you weren't even doing a fraction or even cared to actually pay attention to what was happening, gameplay or lore wise. That's how much care was put into "reviewing" this game.
"As the leader of the FNAF community and for the former, top five greatest FNAF player in the world, I shouldn't have died to that."
Why are you running directly towards Mollie? You only died because you ran straight into the obvious "RUN NOW" part of the game.
"Yeah, it's literally the DogDays sequence from Poppy Playtime. It's literally the same thing. I criticized the DogDays chase in Chapter 3 for being boring, so, naturally, this cheap, knockoff is... even more boring. Normally, in my videos, the chase sequence is like a free 30 to 60 seconds of watch time. I just let it play because it's exciting. However, as I edit this video, I realized I have to cut this chase down, it's so boring. And I think that says a lot. [...] Then we see ourselves being chased through vents, just like Poppy Playtime Chapter 1."
Theft King, being chased down closed, liminal spaces isn't something Poppy Playtime owns. There are MANY differences. For one, in the DogsDays chase, you have to avoid the smaller creatures trying to get you, on top of the possessed DogDays chasing you, which is quite fast in the decrepit area. In Indigo Park, you're still the Landing Pad, going down slides, and jumping on things to get away from Mollie. Which leads into the Ranglers' room area. The areas look ENTIRELY different, and so do the vents in Chapter 1 of Poppy Playtime and here.
Also, you're not suppose to wait 30-60 seconds. You're suppose to be actively running away from the monsters. Y'know, the whole point of a chase sequence, and y'know, playing the game. It's "boring" because Indigo Park lets your guard down, when the chase is STILL happening until you see Rambley again.
"That was when it hit me. Despite Indigo Park being the definition of a shallow, walking simulator that that is in many ways, even less original than Garten of BanBan, I was still enjoying it. But, only thanks to Rambley. Rambley carries this game. Without him and his great dialogue and acting, Indigio Park would be entirely forgettable. For all of BanBan's faults, the game has this at least has this unique, bizarre, liminal style to it. Even if it's completely incoherent. Indigo Park's environments are generic. They're boring. There are some cool rooms and set pieces, but this doesn't really feel like an abandoned theme park. Like I said before, it feels like a sound stage. This is the video game equivalent to those haunted house rides that shepherd you through a series of rooms as scripted sequences play predictably each time. Rambley is the only thing keeps you playing because he's great. But, the longer Indigo Park goes on, the more and more obvious it becomes that he's a massive crutch that it leans on to mask the lack of any real subsite gameplay, interesting environments, or even compelling narrative.
We know that something bad happened here and it caused the park to be evacuated and closed down but once we get inside, we just see that place is trashed. There isn't much in the environment that hints at what actually happened. And without those breadcrumbs of mystery, the only real reason to keep moving forward is because Rambley tells us to. And HE IS, quite entertaining. However, I am skeptical, that this trick will work twice. Rambley kept me going for the roughly 1 hour it takes to beat Indigo Park Chapter 1, but it had started getting old. Fellow YouTuber, UniqueGeese is crowdfunding for chapter 2 right now and I think that's awesome. But they're going have to do more to have to do more for the follow up game and because chapter 1 has ZERO gameplay with which to build on, it's not really clear what a more ambitious sequel would even look like. Poppy ran into the same problem. Prior to chapter 3, the gameplay was just like... puzzles, scripted sequences and freaking Simon Says. With the latest entry, they added real gameplay mechanics and some would argue that Poppy suffered as a result. By failing to establish any actual, gameplay in chapter 1, Indigo Park either needs to introduce something totally new in chapter 2 or continue with the shallow scripted, walking simulator approach but just turn up the spectacle and fidelity." Out of all the points in this video, this one made me sigh the most.
To even COMPARE Indigo Park to Garten of BanBan is a huge insult. Garten of BanBan pumps out game after game, merch after merch, to make a quick buck and splash because right now indie, mascot horror is still popular. This game took over a YEAR to make, and had love and time, and passion, and giving a fresh, twist on it and to even say BanBan offered something better is just... really gross, in my opinion.
For the environments bit, you can see clearly where nature takes it's course through out the land with bushes and grass, and the decay of food in one of the cafes taking place. It's setting up the atmosphere of being decayed, left to rot, and feels like something's in the shadows. It's to make you unnerved that happiness used to be here, but now it's gone.
And YES! The lore IS there! You actively have to PAY ATTENTION as to what's going on. The problem with this point is that Theft King expects the game to paint the entire picture of what happened. When part of Indigo Park is it's mystery. Mollie repeats words of the workers abusing her, or the fact that Lloyd used to be the face of the brand, or the hidden cage within the arcade game, and Mollie saying "Get back in your cage, bird." Something Salem says within game. Or showing us the mascots got corrupted by something, and implying this isn't their original selves, but the actual cartoony mascots. You just have to wait, it's giving intrigue, but not painting the entire picture because it's just chapter 1. You'll probably see more of what happened later on. Be patient. A big part of Indigo Park's horror is how TERRIBLE the mascots were treated, and the abuse they suffered via the workers and people attending the park. That is interlinked with what happened to the park, 8 years ago.
With this point, it just seems like if nothing is happening 24/7, you're just bored. The phrase "walking simulator" has been done to death. We're being introduced to the basic game mechanics. Of course chapter 2 is going to be better than chapter 1. Literally all I have to say for this entire nothing burger of critique is "pay attention and let the devs cook".
"We encounter another information kiosk. Which lets us hear the dialogue for the remaining secret items we found. The mask during the chase sequence reveals a secret audio tape with objectively worse voice acting within the entire game."
How are you a FNAFTuber and not know what Dayshift at Freddy's is? It's one of the most popular parody FNAF games out there. The voice acting is bad on purpose because a.) it's mocking the text-to-voice speech the game uses b.) it's a joke.
Then near the end he says how his critiques were fair, and then states he likes the game, and says it's fun? Even though he spent the entirety of the game saying it's a boring, cheap knock off of Poppy Playtime and FNAF? I'm getting mixed signals here. All of this review was not expanding on any of his points, or if he did, it was something already within the game, and he clearly wasn't paying attention and actually looking around for secrets. You're suppose to be looking for clues, not getting handed to you.
This review was just "meh it's bad", and doesn't give any helpful criticism on how said game can improve, and even just downright insults the game multiple times. For the majority of the review, he just narrates what's going on, with spliced clips of him playing this on a stream. If anything, this just pads out the entire review, and waiting to get to an actual part of where he has a point. It, frankly, gets annoying after awhile, until he basically just sums up what he thought about the game just all at the end. It seems like Theft King really only made this video was to get clicks and views.
Now, everyone on YouTube wants this, obviously. But he really just seems likes poking the bear and making fun of people getting mad at him. Even if his critiques were not good. At all. Indigo Park isn't the best game ever or even the best indie mascot game made ever. It was entirely made out of bad faith, just to get a quick buck. A big problem I have with the video is the only harping on the "lack of gameplay."
I think people forget the games "feels sameish to Poppy Playtime and FNAF" is because they are horror games, who are first person and exploration games. Yes, you can tell there is inspiration but it does NOT copy the games at all, and just does homages to them and pays respects to them. Geese is a fan of mascot horror, and clearly respects them. It's not a "walking simulator", it's doing it's job as an EXPLORATION horror game. People have been using "walking simulator" as a critique and just have beaten that horse to DEATH. Give an actual, substance criticism or move on. Not to mention, he literally says that "they copied Fnaf Jr's death screen" when it was made by the same artist.
Also, for the obvious gotcha,
For him claiming it's "unoriginal" and a "ripoff", is coming from the guy who's VTuber avatar is just a white recolor of CatNap.
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Just wanna add:
Listen. I know it's Theft King and he just does this to piss people off at this point but to just shame, put down, and put baseless claims of Indigo Park being a rip off, when it's inspired, not a rip off, of a passion project from a team that put so much love and time into it, is just really gross and needs to be called out.
Thanks for reading!
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missuswalker · 1 year
Could I req hcs of Stan (the slimy. The STINK.) and Kyle (I feel like he always has a prominent forehead vein from all the rage he has in his body) separate with some mutual pining w a f!reader that’s suuuuuper flirty n zesty w her friends like saying some out of pocket goofy shit like barking n meowing or “I’m hard” or like “I need u carnally.” LOL but also gets easily flustered when flirted back with??? I will kiss the ground u walk upon btw (thank you sm I’m literally up at 3:37 giggling thinking of when u post a response to this)
i'm in love with you for this YOU GUYS THINK UP THE GOOD SHIT
stan and kyle with a flirty reader
✮ summary: stan and kyle crushing on a flirty reader (who gets flustered when flirted back with)
✮ warnings: sexual jokes LMAO
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kyle broflovski
i can't imagine him getting all "omg i- i- i- i- 😱😱" over it
like thats not happening
his face will get red, yes
but he's not gonna get super flustered over it
he'll be like "🫥😧" and side eye the hell out of you
it's funny to him sometimes, but also, if he's already pissed off, it's just annoying
"damn, tryna take it to the temple? 😏" "y/n, shut the fuck up."
but that only encourages you to do it more
but it makes him think he's not special since you flirt with your friends, too
"bebe, you can be my baybay if you know what i mean 😏😏 just call me mommy 😁"
and then gets upset and hopes you come flirt with him
the first time he flirted back, it was like you shut down
"why ask for my number when you can just call me a good girl" "i bet you'd like that wouldn't you"
you'd almost start doing the butters foot kick thing like in the episode where he had to partner up with cartman
"what 😁 huh 🥰 say that again? 😊"
he'd think it was so funny
his rizz isn't bad either so it's even worse
would pull the "you don't have anything to say, huh"
he'd start calling you petnames to make it worse
"come sit over here, babe"
just shit like that
realizes he's the only one you get super flustered over, so he makes his move
after a couple more days of torturing you
his ego just expands
thinks he's the shit
pulls out the black tshirt
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stan marsh
oh my god he literally is a loser
"hey stan-ley, wanna give me that stan-d?" "woah."
brags about it
"y/n said she'd gobble me up yesterday 😏" "dude, what the flip" "kenny, you just don't get it."
but when he's around you he says the stupidest shit
"looking good, marshy poo" "oh, thanks 😰😁"
when he flirts back, it's all mid
"nice shirt, stanley" "nice face, y/n"
but when it still flusters you, he's like "yeah, she likes me"
"would you be interested in going out with me 🤓"
and then would be all like "uhhh i mean, uh, would you, let's go on a date"
thought he ate the girls up
standing there like "😏"
"yeah, sure"
pretends he's not shocked
"oh, sweet 🥱" "like this pussy" "😦"
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a/n: i love this so much
not proofread because im lazy (sexy facial expression)
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rinadragomir · 1 year
pov: you’re dating... (part |||)
Part 1; Part 2
Will Herondale
Very clingy, would stand behind the door like a puppy when you're taking a bath. Get used to it, it can't be fixed~
"My love", "darling", might call you "his angel" but only when he's extremely soft and a bit vulnerable around you
Expect tons of little but meaningful gifts. Silver bracelet with the date of your first kiss, rings with your initials, short funny poems with your personal jokes.
Weird exhibition dates ~
Openly flirts with you in public, touches, kisses here and there. But once you're alone in your bedroom, turns into a loving marshmallow, acts very gently.
Will ask your permission/if you're comfortable enough even though you're married for 10 years and you're literally throwing him on a bed.
Please say that you'll always protect him and never leave, he still tends to feel like a scared lost little boy
he is very fond of gesticulating, be careful! he has very long arms and they just fly around, there's always a chance of a crash with your head😞
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Tessa Gray
Cottagecore dates: you have a little picnic next to the lake, your head is on her lap, she's reading out loud, her fingers run through your hair.
You'll have to deal with her weird food habits. If you don't specify what exactly do u want you'll end up having a ginger ice cream and it would be mean to refuse.
And trust me, you don't want to eat ginger ice cream
Endless trips, at least once a month. She just can't stop taking pics of you, she's too fascinated by your appearance. But also because she might lose you one day and she wants to make every day memorable.
Maximum you can expect from her in public is handholding, she's "shy". Or she wants to seem shy🤨 because as soon as you're alone... there's no escape. (We all read "After the Bridge")
You two come to any private room and the next thing you know - you're pressed to the bed and your clothes is a mess. How it happened? You'll never know, but you won't complain
Forehead kisses before you go to sleep
Is always ready to mentally destroy everyone who tries to hurt you
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Jem Carstairs
Concert dates, he loves watching you singing and dancing to the music, wouldn't notice if you're bad at this, he's too in love
His fingers touching yours in public but in a secretive way, under the table, in his pocket
This is canon but still worth mentioning. He's the most polite and respectful man in public, leaves the softest kisses on your hand every time he sees you. Endless teasing but in a respectful way, you know.
Once you're alone... well I'm praying for your innocence. You should've known that he won't let you leave this bedroom for next 20 hours, i warned you, you never listen 🙄
Loves whispering to you in Mandarin. If you try to learn some phrases for him - he'll be smiling for the whole week nonstop
Cares about you more than for himself, tries to do anything to make your daily routine as easy as possible. Helps you cleaning, goes to the store, tries to make food. But don't complain if it turns out to be inedible, he's trying his best
You're his endless source of inspiration, none of your anniversary will be complete without a melody written especially for you
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 3 months
hihi! i hope you won't mind another request, if not, may i request for a sakuragi romantic hc next ?╰(*°▽°*)╯
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The first time he saw you he knew. You're the one. The one that he can't be rejected by.
He's trying so much.
You're his classmate so it's not very easy to dodge his presence.
At first you found him annoying.
He was too childish, too happy, too energetic.
But he quickly became your too happy, energetic and childish boy. Exactly when you realized that he's not that childish. Just kinda stupid.
He's a sunshine for you for most of the time but...
Let's remember he's a teenage boy okay? I'll leave you with this fact. Your can Imagine the rest (I'm joking I wouldn't leave you like this)
Also you're basically Haruko for him cause she doesn't exist in Hanamichi's eyes in my AU (cause she annoys me💖) so get ready to train basketball with him (good luck, my short ass could not)
Listen, if you don't like PDA, this boy ain't for you. He'll do everything to show you off to everyone around you. He's so happy he finally got a girlfriend.
He will be picking you up sometimes to carry you around.
And he wants to be cool so he picked up having a hand in your pant's back pocket from Yohei...
He got attached to you so much. He can't live a day without you.
He calls you all the cringy pet names he knows about to make you feel loved, even though it mostly ends up awkward.
He asks you to study together so he can just spend time with you, but he ends up almost crying because he has to actually study then.
If any boy wants to talk to you, Hanamichi will look at him like he wants to kill him. He's so jealous... Not because he wants to control you, but because he's worried you'll leave him.
He will be the one to ask to meet your parents, and at first they were worried that you're with a criminal, but as they met him, they started to like him. They love his jokes.
Well maybe not your dad really cause he went to your room one day to see you both making out but that's a story for another time...
Also he finally found a thing he's actually good at?? Like who would have thought he's this good at kissing?
Well his mouth is trained from all the yapping that he does maybe that's why-
Okay I got too comfortable with spreading my thoughts here, let's just say that if you like clingy horny teenage boy this one's for you 10/10 bye-
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quietwisp · 2 years
Venti Headcanons II Venti x GN Reader
There's a bit of angst but there's a warning before that section (:
A lot of people when doing headcanons for Venti seem to say that he wouldn't be very faithful in relationships and that whole spiel but I disagree. 
Venti would really enjoy having a lover, although I doubt it's likely he'd date/marry a mortal due to a fear of loss but for the sake of this Windblume is immortal. 
I can not see this man cheating or jumping around. He doesn't seem like the sorta guy to date for fun, I feel like if he actually manages to open up to you, he's gonna stay by your side of as long as he can.
(This one doesn't have the best characterization but I wanted to add it anyway) I like to think that if you request Venti to do so, he'll take his wisp form and let you put him in your pocket.
Petting small creatures tends to calm people down so doing this in a stressful scenario that he's unable to attend in his human form. (I might make another post on Wisp Venti headcanons if you guys are interested)
Wearing his hat & cape >>>>>>
After rummaging through Venti's wardrobe for several minutes, you've finally located his sacred beret and cape. Seating yourself on his plush mattress, you begin placing the beret on your head as you hear a knock at the door. Startled, you turn back to see Venti leaning against the frame, lovingly smirking at you. "Aww Windblume, if you wanted to borrow my clothes you could have just asked.~" he teases, taking the cape from your hands and draping it over your shoulders before leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.
In a previous post I mentioned that I think Venti's main love language is Quality time but I think that is secondary one is physical touch
Venti has spent the majority of his life alone and has never had a lover (please correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.) I find it highly likely that he received a very small about of physical affection int that time frame, meaning our precious Archon is touch starved.
Now I don't think he's clingy. I see a lot of people say he's overly clingy, especially in public but as I've said I disagree.
When it comes to PDA he probably likes hand holding, putting an arm around you, vice versa, and innocent kisses but I don't see him as the over the top, cling to your waist, whining sorta person, unless he's doing it as a joke maybe but even then I find it unlikely.
He definitely likes leaning his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, it reminds him that you're still here with him and that he isn't alone anymore.
He also enjoys playing with your hair, he finds it relaxing especially if it's soft. 
If you have curly hair or hair difficult to maintain I think he'd be interested in seeing and learning how you maintain it, possibly help if you'll allow him to. 
If you do not have any form of hair hon your head he just enjoys softly rubbing your scalp
He also loves just holding one of your hands and just sorta staring at it while playing with it  as he gets lost in thought.
Venti really likes having you in his arms and close to him. Just holding you close as he gently peppers you in kisses as you lazily doze off (hmmm it's almost like I'm writing a fic similar to this)
-----------------Angst Ahead-----------------
He may struggle a little bit with communication revolving around expressing his boundaries or opening up about his past at first but as you two get closer it gets easier.
When it comes to Venti I think that one of the most common arguments you two would have would be revolving around the tavern; to be more specific his drinking habits and his tab.
To make something perfectly clear I think that if Venti was to get into a relationship he'd likely start drinking a less but still drink
Depending on the sorta person you are this could cause some issues
I don't think Venti would ever get drunk to the point where he'd pass out (Can he get drunk!?!) But there's a chance, a very unlikely one but a chance none the less, a date or something of the sorts could have slipped his mind only for you to find him drinking the night away in the Tavern
Storming into Angel's Share, you glare around the room, spotting Venti pestering Diluc at the counter. "Come nowwww, just one more drink?" He slurred out. "Not a chance bard. Not until you pay down that endless tab of yours." Diluc rolls his eyes, preparing a glass for another customer. "Venti?" You murmur in an attempt to conceal your anger. "Ahh, Windblume!! What are you doing her- Huh?" Venti begins to sober up as he studies your face. "What's the matter love?" He whispers softly, approaching you. "You forgot, didn't you?" Your eyes dull as you make your way out of the tavern. Venti processes what you've said, his heart begins to ache with regret as he fumbles after you, "Oh my, Windblume, I'm so sorry!" 
He would feel horrible if he ever did do something like that, and I'm sure he'd come up with compensation to atone for his sins.
I am a firm believer in the fact that Venti would never raise his voice at his lover or physically abuse you when he gets angry. He's the literal anemo archon, he's above that. Any decent being is.
I'm not very satisfied with my angst section of this fic though that's probably because I don't like angst though. I was gonna add more of my angst headcanons buuuut as I said I don't like angst much so I'mma wait till I'm feeling it.
If you guys have any suggestions or requests be sure to lemme know!!! I love hearing feed back from you my loves <3
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youremyheaven · 3 months
yes, Venusian men can be soo disrespectful to women they're not attracted to/aren't to their standards. They'll pick on physical features that nobody would even think of or notice like 'damnn her fingers are too long, yuck' or 'she smiles weirdly'. I'd know, not only is my partner Venusian but he's in a band and all of the boys in the band are Venusian in their 'big 3'. They're kinda respectful in a way, like they're not so brutish like other men and value connection more but they do talk soo much bs about girls looks.
but yes when they truly find a girl beautiful they'll be respectful af... still critical, like they'll give out of pocket lowkey offensive advice and stuff, but they treat you like a goddess in their mind. Simpy simp city.
Though I hate the whole 'I'm mean to everyone, but kind only to you because that's how much I care about you' shtick tbh, like I want a man who has a heart of gold and is kind to all women & children indiscriminately with no agenda ♡♡ 
Healthy Jupiterian men are more like that, buuut Jupiter men have their own genre of crazy going on hahaha
😭😭😭😭 you nailed it bbg
I've seen the way Venusian men are with other women 😳😳and it lowkey freaks me out bc one day if he loses his attraction to me, he'll also start treating me like everybody else 💀💀💀 and that's not a nice way to think of a potential partner
Like don't get me wrong, I love the goddess treatment 🤪🤪but I also 100% know that a Venusian man's love is very much deeply tied to their attraction to you. HOWEVER, I don't think their attraction is as shallow as others make it seem. They can be womanizers for sure but Venus men fall hard and become completely deranged for that one woman whom he exalts to a deity level and doesn't let go. She can walk out on him, humiliate him, reject him, betray him etc but they're tortured romantics who will love their idea of you, until the day they die. This is not healthy or nice 🙂
They could be on their death bed thinking of you as their one true love who got away when in reality they made crass jokes, acted vulgar and gave you the ick by drooling all over you.
Yeah a Venusian man in love is 😩😩😩 thank you God for giving me many opportunities to understand what that feels like 😭🤧but it's so intense and delusional, sometimes I can't stand it lmao 🤣
I truly believe that marriages only work if the man loves the woman more. Hence, my preference for Venusian men lmao 🤣💀
Idk if y'all have noticed but Venusian men think like women and pay attention to absolutely everything 😭😭 my last Venus tryst (my June talking stage lmao) spoke at length about everything he liked on me, from accessories to makeup to clothes 😭😭😭 I was like how on earth do you notice all that 😭😭 and he was just like 😊😊I appreciate femininity and beauty 😊😊he said he dreamt of helping his wife get dressed because he loved to watch 😹😹 and pick things out etc 😭😭
Even when they're not artists, they have an artistic flair. Like man's out here planning outfits from head to toe 😭😭😭 crazyyy
My ideal man is Venus + Jupiter + Mercury (only because it's my DK and I can't stand dumb men)
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maraariana01 · 3 months
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return of DAN THE CARTOON MAN !! YAYYY YAYY YIPPEEEEEEEE (<- he is the only one cheering)
so uh !!! hi remember this guy !!? yeag im just updating his "ref" for art fight, despite the fact that im most definitely not gonna be very active this year.
i also updated his info there and, since i never really talked about his "lore" here, im gonna do that now!! here's all the info i currently have on Dan !!! (copy pasted from af but shut up who cares its like 1 am)
• Full name: Dan ???
• Nickname(s): Danny
• Gender: trans man (he/him)
• Sexuality: pansexual
• Age: 21
• Height: 6'5" (1.95 m)
• Species: human toon/cartoon character
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Dan is a tall man with blonde, short hair, blue eyes and fangs (although he is not a vampire. Or is he...? Nah I'm joking it's just a stylistic choice). He wears a white (with a hint of blue) t-shirt with text saying "HELLO!" on it by default but, being a toon, the text on the shirt can change depending on the situation. There is a magenta and yellow bowtie attached to his t-shirt. He also wears brown pants and magenta sneakers with yellow accents.
- - - - -
Being a cartoon character that basically came to life, logic doesn't usually apply to him. He can break an arm or a leg and he'll be just fine the next day. He can pull a comically large hammer out of his pocket. That sort of thing. However, he doesn't have "rubber hose" physics, for example, because he's a modern toon. So the cartoon logic that applies to him is generally that of more modern cartoons, or at the very least cartoons from the 2000s and forward.
Everything that happens to him and what he feels is usually exaggerated due to him being a toon.
He's weird, goofy and extremely energetic. He describes himself as "just a funnie little guy", but he does have a bit of an ego and can be a little cocky and arrogant sometimes. He means no harm, though. He just really embraces the cartoon part of his personality. Despite his attitude, he is also extremely squeamish.
Do not ask him about his mortality. He is unsure if being a cartoon makes him immune to death and he does not want to find out. He's totally not freaking out about it. (He is, he is absolutely terrified of the idea.)
Unrelated but he knows how to play the saxophone pretty well.
Also him and Springle are roommates and he loooves to be a little menace (affectionate).
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geekedoutbunny · 1 year
I loved the proposal one
What about one for as nodt, gin and adult uryu(seperately ) plz
Nodt\Gin\Adult!Uryu Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime Pt 2.
Part two for Proposal of a Lifetime. Here's part one.
Thank you for sending in this request, I'll try and give this Fic justice!! I hope it's to your liking.
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Nodt is a very arrogant yet very quiet man, he won't really come to you unless he has to. He's rather conservative and very isolated with himself. He is however very religious, so he'll be a very traditional man when he propose to you.
It'll be a normal day, nothing too special. It's dinner time and you were both currently eating, his palms were sweaty from nervousness, but he steeled his resolve. He pushed back his chair and he got down on one knee. You watched him for a moment, trying to figure out what he was doing, but your eyes widen when you seen him get down on one knee.
He dug into his pants pocket and he pulled out a velvet box. He stared at you with a nervous stare. "(Y/N), will you, make me the happiest man in the world? By being my love forever?" He'll ask you. You stared at him a shock a bit longer, before you nodded your head, as you began crying. He stood up, pulling you in a hug, you could feel his heart beating rapidly, and you smiled. Not feeling alone as your own heart was racing.
Gin was a real sly very sneaky man. He was mischievous and he enjoyed the element of surprise. He wanted to surprise you with the best proposal ever. So, he planned, and he planned, and he planned. He didn't want anything too basic, but also nothing too overdone, something that you both can talk about for years to come. He got it.
You just came home from work, and you were very tired from the day. You walked into your home, taking your shoes off and dropping your things off by the front door. You sat down on your couch, and you sighed. You were content in the silence for a while, before something hard plopped into your lap.
You jumped at the feeling, and you looked down at it. You saw a velvet box and your heart nearly froze in your chest. You stared down at it, overwhelmed with emotions, you slowly picked it up and you opened it, seeing that it was empty. You deflated from the sight, and you rolled your eyes. You threw the empty box to the side, too tired to focus on Gin's bull crap. But you nearly died from fear when he came from around the couch yelling.
"WILL YOU MARRY ME, (Y/N)!?" You jumped all over and you stared at him with wide eyes, he busted out laughing, repeating his words that slowly faded into historical laughter. You glared at him for a moment, before you sighed. "Gin." You said in a lecturing tone. He just hugged you, giving you a half ass apology and you could do nothing but shake your head. "I can't with you sometimes." You spoke.
Uryu was a very mature man, he was hardly the joking type. He had a strict schedule and he followed it dutifully. He wanted you to follow it too, but he understood if you couldn't, just as long as you were somewhat organized, then that worked for him. He's been meaning to propose to you lately as well, he's been so focused on trying to make it special for you until it was making him mess up his own schedule, and you noticed it.
So, came the next day, before he went off to work, you were helping him with his tie when you asked him. "Uryu, are you okay?" You asked him as you rubbed his shoulders comfortingly. He stared at you, compilating on lying to you, but he decided against it, and he looked down, digging in his pocket. "I uh, I wanted to try and make this special for you, but I didn't know how to go about it, and I started hindering my daily life, so it's best I do this now." He confessed.
You stared at him with a questioning gaze as you lightly shook your head at him. He then dropped to one knee, and your world went upside down for a moment. You nearly lost your breath as you covered your mouth in shock. He opened the little velvet box, and he presented the ring to you. "I know these words have been used a million times, but I don't have the creativity to express it any other way, how can I? When every time I look at you, I lose all sense of thought?" He spoke.
You smiled at his words as you moved your hand from your mouth and over your heart. "(Y/N), will you marry me?" He asked. You smiled as you slowly nodded, and he smiled. He placed the ring on your finger gently and you eyed it in the sun light. He then stood up and you both embraced. Your ride together was truly just now starting.
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