#sakuragi hanamichi x reader
takumifujiwaraswfe · 4 months
Hello! Your miyagi headcanons were so cute and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing some romantic headcanons for mitsui? Thank you!
I'm very happy that you like my headcanons! I hope you'll like these ones too. Thank you ❤️
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First off, thank your best friend (eghem Haruko). Why? She loves Rukawa.
'Why does it matter?' - You may ask. She forced you to go to the basketball practice with you. And that's where you saw him.
He was intrigued by you from the first second he saw you, but he didn't really do anything with this fact at first.
After a few weeks, though, he asked Haruko about you, and she freaked out. She spilled the tea on you immediately.
The next practice you went on with her, she made the two of you talk with each other alone.
At first, it was kind of awkward, but you quickly got along with each other.
This man is the definition of an older brother's best friend, okay? You may not have a brother, though. You just have his best friend as a boyfriend now. You're welcome. Good luck.
TBH, he is kind of like a big brother sometimes and jokes like one most of the time.
He's possessive, but in his own weird way, because he's also really confident in himself.
He'll see you talking to any boy. He'll go over to you, put his hand in your pants's back pocket, grab your buttocks firmly, and just smile at the guy. His aura is just unbearable.
He's such a tease, too. No filter, man; I will tease you everywhere.
He'll introduce you to his grandma first. Since then, you go over to her place sometimes to help her with her garden or to simply eat cakes she makes. They are like heaven in your mouth.
He ain't scared of anything. Literally. He will ring the doorbell at your house, asking your parents if you're home, because he wants to take you on a surprise date. That's how he met your parents, btw.
Your mom loves him; she thinks that he's really handsome, and he helps her when she needs it, so it's a bonus point.
Your dad, though, thinks that Hisashi is just a bad boy and a bad influence on you.
He will teach you how to play basketball and say that you'll need that because someday he'll marry you and make a basketball team with you.
HE'S SO GOOD AT COOKING, LIKE WHAT? (got it from his grandma)
Hugs you from behind EVERYWHERE.
He picks you up on random trips or dates, nonstop. Once you were watching a movie and he just called you, saying that he'd pick you up in 2 hours. Why? You go on a trip to the beach with the basketball team, apparently.
You fight all the time because his hobby is annoying you. That shocks everybody, because he's just a serious guy for most people. Not for you, though.
He just keeps annoying you and then teases you about being angry.
But you can't be mad at him. He'll laugh for a little and then make you some delicious food.
10/10 boyfriend. Would recommend.
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overtaken-stream · 5 months
Random Sakuragi headcanons I thought of at 3 AM
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You'd think Sakuragi sheds his hair like a cat every day by the way you can find the vivid red strands everywhere, I hope you don't wear black often since the red lines are almost impossible to fully remove, the moment you think you got every single one off of you, they show up out of thin air.
Sakuragi is the type of guy who washes dishes with a bar soap and sees nothing wrong with it. I'm going to leave it at that.
And you shouldn't expect sweet moments with him all the time. He is very much embarrassing and cheesy person to be around, not in a bad way, since his adorkableness makes up for it, but what it doesn't make up for, is the first time you told him you were going to shower in the morning and he replied with the "Without me? ;("
Sakuragi exaggerates every injury you get, be it a little scratch or bruise.
He loves kissing your scars... And licking them. Sometimes.
His body is like a heater, always warm, and because of it, his hugs are really cozy. Also, his size grants him the ability to give bear hugs that suffocate you.
Sakuragi snores and sleeps in a starfish position, you have to cling to him to not fall off the bed.
Sakuragi loves olives and believes in the red string theory that Yohei told him about.
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drakendragun · 3 months
Sakuragi Romantic Hc's |
-Sakuragi is extremely passionate about things.
-His dedication to you can be seen from afar. He's always willing to just be in your personal space, wanting to be around you and do things for you
-I can see him as being a sort of cliche romantic gentleman despite his tough looks, ex. He's always holding your hand, he walks on the outside of the sidewalk, he vows to protect your honor
-He's extremely generous and wants to enjoy life with you.
-Since basketball has become a great love of his, he'd be happy to share it with you. He'd boast about him and his 'genius skills' in order to impress you and he may go a bit overboard with his importance but it's all genuine
-He'd love it if you came to his games, and he'd probably combust if you wore his jersey to support him. Ryota definitely takes a photo of Sakuragi being love struck and sends it to you
-He loudly proclaims that he does his very best with you watching him and that you just add to his genius.
-He sees his partner in a very high light. So they too are a genius just for dating him, a genius.
-It'd be important to him for you to be close to his friends and his team because they're his family
-You're likely to be around Yohei and the Gang a lot. So they act as your entourage sometimes. One of his friends is always around so they can get juicy details on your relationship.
-But they always mean well
-He wants to be perfect for his partner. So he always asks people for advice on how to be a better boyfriend, how to keep surprising you and to keep you happy.
-He's got date advice from everyone on the team. Ayako always manages to help him plan out something thoughtful and Ryota and Mitsui always bicker on who's date sounds better
-But really, just Sakuragi taking you somewhere like a grocery store, he'd make it extremely special because he just loves you that much. He'd buy anything you wanted, and he'd share his favorite snack with you
-If Ryota has a girlfriend, then he likes to double date. But the two of them always end up showing off on who loves their partner more.
-Sakuragi can be impulsive and a bit overbearing with his love so you'd have to tell him if he's doing too much because he'd be unaware
-He's extremely affectionate. He loves to give out physical touch. He loves to scoop you into his arms like you weigh nothing to him, sprinkle kisses all over your face and tell you how proud he is of you for literally doing anything and just being perfect in his eyes
-He gives you gifts that are based off your hobbies. If you're into collecting, he buys you stuff to help contribute.
-Sakuragi is also very loyal. You'd never have to worry about him looking or being tempted by anyone else. You're on his mind all hours of the day.
-He's protective as well. He worries about you because he's a delinquent (reformed, but he's always about that life fr) so he doesn't want anyone messing with you. He's insistent that you tell him if anyone's bothering you so that you can handle it
-Head pats and hair ruffles
-He likes to be snuggled and he loves when you run your hands over his hair
-I have to do it to em, I'm sorry. "This one's for you, y/n-chan!" and completely misses!
-Sakuragi is... an enthusiastic texter. He likes to send a ton of emojis and memes
-He prefers calling you, but he prefers facetiming you even more.
-He likes to be 'discreet' and take photos of you while facetiming so he can save them and keep them as his background.
Falling asleep together on facetime counts as a date for him.
-He feels if you love him, then he's won the game of life. He doesn't want to hear what anyone says because he'll loudly and proudly say that you love him exactly how he is.
-He says I love You multiple times a day. But it never gets old because it's from his heart.
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callmerainman · 7 months
If you're up to you, maybe some headcanons for dating Mitsui or Sakuragi?
Dating Hanamichi Sakuragi
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When I tell you this boy is head over heels in love with you.
You had to be the first one to confess, because Sakuragi after being rejected so many times became so DENSE and didn't have a clue that you liked him although there were signs.
And when you do, he's actually convinced that Yohei and the rest of the gang are playing a prank on him.
But when he realizes that you're being serious, he has to take a day off from school to process that.
After you become a couple, Sakuragi is all about BRAGGING.
Always has an arm around your waist, or shoulders, having you sit on his lap. And with the biggest smug face anyone has ever seen.
He likes to show you off but not in a materialistic way, he's seriously proud of you (and himself for landing you lmao).
Introduces you to the gang, they like you a lot and you love spending time with them!
Always up to some shenanigans with you and the troupe.
Takes you on sooo many dates at first, he had a date-wish list since he started middleschool, just in case he ever got a partner.
Despite still being a hot-head and arrogant, he's so sweet and caring.
You go to all his games and cheer on him the loudest.
If he's whistled by the ref, he'll shout at him in anger for embarrassing him in front of you.
Dating Hisashi Mitsui
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Mitsui would wait for a partner until he's more mentally okay, so you two would get together after he joins the team back.
Mitsui is very regretful of his past, and would try to hide it for as long as he can during your relationship.
He likes you so much, he doesn't want his delinquent past to be a deal-breaker.
But he finds it hard to keep secrets from you and eventually will tell you everything.
He feels so grateful to have you when you wrap his arms around him and reassure that you still love him no matter what, and that you're so relieved that he's in a better place now.
You helped a lot honestly.
Mitsui would think about the most perfect dates. Going out for a walk in the park, then out for a drink, a fancy restaurant.
Honestly I think you would be his first experience, since he was at first too focused on basketball, and then too lost to think about a relationship.
But he's doing so well, he treats you right.
His love language would be acts of service and gifts I think.
Not that big on PDA, he can get embarrassed, but he loves to hold your hand in public or have his arm wrapped around your shoulders while walking.
Sometimes his insecurities strike him back and you have to cheer him up and reassure him that he's good enough.
He will try his best at games knowing that you're watching.
If you're a sporty type, he'll suggest trying some basketball basics in a street court.
He tries to teach you 3-point throws!
Introduces you to the Shohoku team and invites you to team dinners, if they have any.
In general, although sometimes he underestimates himself, Mitsui would be such a thoughtful, caring partner.
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slamdunkhcs · 1 year
Hiyaaa! I’m so glad there’s still someone who writes for Slam Dunk :D If it’s not too much of a bother, can I request for a scenario where the boys get stuck in an elevator with their crush? I’ll leave the choice of characters to you. Pleas feel free to write for whoever you’re comfy with. Thanks a lot~
This is such a good ask LMAOOO
sd boys stuck in an elevator with their crush
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Lowkey he’d be nervous asl LMAOOO
Obvs he wants to look cool in front of the girl he likes but he doesn’t know what to do. And he’d prolly be a little panicked about missing practice
At first he’d be making small talk to pass the time LOL. He’d take it as a chance to talk to you more and ask you hella questions about yourself. I can see him as the type to ramble on and on about himself, but I think he would be a good listener too
He’d see you being hella anxious and he’d feel bad. I don’t think he’s really good with words but he’d be cracking up jokes to make you smile. Mf will be out there repping like he’s a comedian
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Let’s be honest, this boy is gonna be PANICKING.
He wouldn’t want to make it obvious though so he’d be tryna smile and reassure her.
I think he would also try making small talk but I think he’d be more nervous, but he’d end up going on about how his day is going and how he’s prolly gonna get bothered by his teammates for missing practice.
I think you’d have to ask him questions to get him to talk more comfortably. I think if you asked him how his last game went tho, he’d get TALKING. Like the dude would get sm less nervous
By the time yall are out of the elevator, he would definitely ask you to come watch the rest of his practice. HED OFFER TO BUY YOU AN ICE CREAM AFTERWARDS to “make up for what happened”
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I do think he would be a little reactive to it, kinda like “oh shit we’re stuck” but I don’t think he’d panick
He alr shows up late to his practices so he isn’t fr concerned LMAOOO he’d be calm and collected. If he notices his crush is nervous though, he would be really nice and smile at her to make her feel more comfortable.
I don’t think Sendoh is really the type to talk about himself. I do think he would be a good listener though and try talking to his crush and asking her questiohs
Mf would lowkey be swooning LOL. He’d be thinking “woah she looks even prettier closer up”
Honestly I think even after getting unstuck, he’d want to spend more time with you and just skip his practice and ask you to go eat with him. He don’t care 💀
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seven-004 · 1 year
Unexpected ally
Mito Yohei x Reader
I've seen little to no content for Yohei and simply couldn't stand for it. The most I could find were a lot of Yohei x Hanamichi on AO3 and only 1 on Wattpad for him and reader. It made me so saddd, he's literally my favorite in the anime I needed to give him some more love myself. Anyway enjoy!
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"Do you like basketball?"
Akagi Haruko inquired as she approached the gym doors to watch the team practice. The interhigh tournament was nearing and the boys were especially enthusiastic in comparison to the start of the season and even tryouts
"You could say that" you answered politely, Akagi was here on her own today without her two friends or Sakuragi's rambunctious army
Truthfully you had somewhat of a crush on one of the members of such
She hummed "Well I think I'll be going now" you bid farewell as who'd you'd actually been here to see was absent from spectating today and began to leave
"Ah wait!" She called out to you and you turned curiously back "I'm Akagi Haruko" she introduced herself with a warm smile
"(L/n) (Y/n), I'll see you around" you returned the smile waving a final goodbye before heading home for the evening
— • — • — • —
You glanced over -fortunately or unfortunately for you, you were also in year 1 class 7. Your seat? Next to Sakuragi- the red head himself had brought it amongst himself to find out if you were a fan of this particular genius
"You're the one from practice right? The one who was talking to Haruko yesterday"
This was the first time you'd actually talked, he was intimidating sure but overall not a bad person
"Uhm yeah, I've seen a couple of the practices why?"
Quite a devious look overcame his rugged features "You must be a fan of mine huh"
You almost choked but managed a simple deadpan "I- well-" he took the stuttering as confirmation "not really, sorry"
A look of utter shock took over his face before being replaced with confidence "Probably because you don't yet know the amazing capabilities of this genius, that must be it!"
"Sakuragi quiet down back there!"
You ducked behind the student in front of you to avoid the teachers glare
Sakuragi kept calling for your attention for a while longer, it was surprising that it was a first considering how restless he usually was in class. Then again he often dozed off or cried his rejections away
Throughout both the class and the short exchanges with the male you kept trying to steal glances at the boy two seats in front of you
Something the self proclaimed genius took notice to, for someone who didn't seem all that bright he was oddly perceptive
"Ohoho I see!" He cackled that devious look returning to his face startling you from the peering over the shoulder of the person in front of you that you were doing
"Youuu like Yohei~" he taunted in a singsong-ish voice
"No- that's not-" you turned away with bright cheeks, guilty as charged
Through the playful teasing and friendly smiling Sakuragi didn't seem all that scary anymore
— • — • — • —
"Hey! It's (Y/n)!" Sakuragi approached with his army of delinquents as some would say
"Ah Sakuragi" you smiled as he got closer
The boys beginning to tease as he talked so casually to you "Oh? Over Haruko already?"
"What- not at all! Haruko is the only one for me" he turned to glare at the accusor and proceeded to headbutt them causing you to laugh
"Oh there she comes!" Anyone could see the internal panic as she walked closer
In his panic and true camaraderie Sakuragi quickly grabbed Mito by the shoulders and exchanged places with him so he'd be facing you instead. Catching you off guard and consequently a bit flustered
"Hey?" He greeted sheepishly, his pompadour slightly disheveled making him look the perfect amount of rugged
"Hey- hi!" Mito didn't miss the octave jump or how your reddened face deepened a shade
You both loved and hated Sakuragi right now. But above that wanted to dig yourself a hole in the ground
Mito chuckled finding your overall demeanor endearing which in return made the blush spread to your ears. That sound was your new favorite as of now
"I didn't know you and Hanamichi were friends"
"Oh that, he kind of just started talking to me in class one day. Something about being his fan because he saw me watch practice a few times?"
For all you'd thought Sakuragi was perceptive initially Mito was even more so. Noticing immediately how the tension left your body when Sakuragi was brought up
"Are you?" He asked curiously just trying to keep the conversation going while such talked to Haruko and the rest of the boys participated in their conversation as well. Sometimes unnecessarily to Hanamichis dismay
"No! Er- well I'm not there to see him at least, not that I don't see him- wait that came out wrong"
Mito watched in amusement as you tried to both compose and not expose yourself. That sense of endearment came back to him as well as did the tension to your body
Being under the slight impression that you liked someone else on the team and were trying to hide it. Another Rukawa fangirl perhaps?
— • — • — • —
You walked to practice with Sakuragi, taking the route to the outdoor side of the gym while he split off to the locker room
Haruko whom was already there greeted you. Having talked to her a few more times now while watching practices with a new sense of kinship to the team now that you had befriended the simpleminded redhead
Sakuragi was quite sweet once you got to know him and you hoped Hakurko would come to realize such if she hadn't already
"Are you stupid?" The chatter of the boys was heard around the corner as they approached. Who knows what they were talking about
"Ah you two are already here" the lot of them greeted which you returned now being a bit more comfortable with the four rowdy teens
Whom were still secretly betting on who your crush was, still thinking it was someone on the team. Not sure wether to expand their options after the whole Mitsui scandal you were present for with the girls
There were hardly any practices left until their first match and both spirits and tension was high
But just like how Sakuragi still managed glances at Haruko you did at Mito as well
It was hard not to when he was leaned against the door like that perfectly in sight. Holding his uniform jacket lazily over his shoulder with a soft smile watching his best friend find his calling
His head perking up and looking your way only to find you staring. Embarrassed, you quickly looked away and back at the shooting drills missing the way Mito's cheeks grew a soft pink
— • — • — • —
"Guys I don't think (Y/n) likes anyone on the team" Mito contributed as their wagers increased
Sakuragi surprisingly able to keep his big mouth shut on the whole thing. And perhaps not actually being aware of the waiver they had going
"What makes you say that Yohei"
"Well- I think" he flushed a bit rubbing the back of his neck "maybe I'm her crush?"
The boys erupted into laughter all respectively making their comments of disbelief
"No way she likes you Yohei"
"You really think she'd like you over Rukawa!?"
"Ha! She probably likes cool upperclassmen Miyagi"
The choruses of laughter continued but after he'd caught you staring like that he couldn't get the thought out of his head. Maybe the boys were right. You were out of his league but they couldn't stop him from dreaming
— • — • — • —
Mito would now proceed to analyze any interaction you had like some passionate underpaid detective. His suspicion shifting to Hanamichi, it seemed like you two were closer than he initially thought
In reality the two of you had become each other's wing men in a sense
"Ah Hanamichi!" You ran up to the tall boy with a wide grin not even attempting to hide the giddiness in your step as you approached Yohei's best friend "Guessss what!" You jumped to high five said boy who was in actuality only holding his hands to about shoulder height
"Huh? What is it (Y/n)" although all the guys referred to you with your first name now, hearing it come from his best friend who currently held your attention made Yohei feel a slight pang
It was an odd sensation he'd never felt "Haruko was talking about you! She said you're improving a lot" the classroom was mostly empty and the others weren't around to rejoice in the small celebration the two of you shared
"You hear that Yohei!"
Hanamichis voice brought him out of his thoughts and into the present. That little exchange has now made his whole day as Hanamichi overflows with energy and enthusiasm now. Taking off into the hallway 'accidently' and not so subtly bumping you into Yohei who catches you swiftly
"Hey! Watch where you're going Hanamichi!"
It comes off more aggressively than he intended but the perpetrator is already out of the classroom
After the initial irritation resides his attention returns to you now going to make sure you're okay. The bump itself wasn't very hard but everyone knows Hanamichi can be quite a brute
Only he finds you already captivated by his face
He has very clear skin and it looks great. Even when he often gets into fights it's obvious he takes care of it. With the way his eyebrows are tappered and no remaining evidence of any of his fights
"You're beautiful"
He looks stunned, a slight blush creeping it's way onto those supple features
Now realizing you said it out loud, a look of utter mortification overcomes your features and you make a dive for Yohei's collar to hide your embarrassment away still securely in place in his firm arms. You can hear his chuckle and even feel the reverb from where your face is timidly tucked away in the crook of his neck and chest
He could feel the heat radiating from your face and he enjoyed the way you hid with him from him. It was cute. Especially when you weren't like this around any of the other guys
Finally recognizing that earlier pang as jealousy "Well you look beautiful as well"
You groaned clenching his open school blazer "You're teasing me aren't you"
Another melodic chuckle pushed it's way passed Yohei's lips "I'm really not. Promise" you could hear the smile in his voice and didn't believe him but he gave you a reassuring squeeze nonetheless
Such making you aware of being in his arms. The sudden awareness of this making you squirm. Yohei released his grip only enough for you to be able to pull away far enough to see him face to face
The proximity made your heart race. But the way your face stayed red and the small pout on your lips gave Yohei butterflies
"I think- no, I like you.... a lot" he smiled so genuinely but kept you in place so you couldn't hide in his collar again. Voting to instead hide your face behind your hands "Aww come on (Y/n) don't hide from me, please?"
You nodded but didn't make a move to actually remove your hands yet but he patiently waited. When you moved your fingers to peek he was also blushing quite a bit but didn't look the slightest bit embarrassed or teasing in any way
"I- I like you- I like you a lot too" it came out as a squeak. And it took everything in you to put your hands down but the way he looked at you so softly like there wasn't anything else in the world made it worth it
"Can- can you say it again for me?"
You nodded but got on your tip toes to try and reach his ear. Only for him to slouch down against his desk so you could reach him
It took gathering all your courage and clenching your skirt to be able to do it but instead of saying a word you bashfully pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. He immediately straightened up to his full height pressing a hand to his face looking rather dumbstruck "I could... get used to that"
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ritzy-reminiscence · 9 months
ೀ⋆。askbox + rules + masterlist ! ɞ°
⸝⸝ tl;dr : title says all ! my askbox is open, and under the cut are just some general rules to follow when submitting requests / asks ! also under the cut is my masterlist -- i thought to include both of them in one post to make it easier to navigate ^^
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ʚĭɞ || RULES ♡
I will only write for Lackadaisy for this blog ! For all Slam Dunk asks, please go to my other blog ! :DD
10 requests at a time, please ! Once I've received 10, I will close my askbox and will only open it again after those 10 have been posted .
Absolutely NO NSFW . Romantic stuff and displays of affection like kissing is fine, but I won't write about anything further than that .
I also won't write anything within the lines of pedophilia, abuse, traumatic deaths, or any form of bigotry or hate, as it not only makes me extremely uncomfortable but it also goes against what I stand for .
Please go through my askbox rather than commenting on my posts or messaging me ! It helps me keep track of everything a lot easier .
Do be patient ! I'm only a student with not much free time on my hands, and although I do love to write, I also prefer to do it in my spare time . I can't guarantee that I'll answer your requests quickly, but I'll still try my best ♡
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⋆୨୧˚ fanfictions
Melancholy Hours - mordecai heller
Snuggle Struggles - rocky rickaby, calvin mcmurray, ivy pepper
⋆୨୧˚ headcanons
Shut-Eye - rocky rickaby, calvin mcmurray, ivy pepper
Shut-Eye² - nicodeme + serafine savoy, mordecai heller, mitzi may
Lacka-Lacy - lacy hardt
Lacka-Lacy² - lacy hardt
Apricity - rocky rickaby x reader
Selcouth - rocky rickaby x cyclops! m! reader
Vivacity - romantic rocky x reader headcanons
Star-Struck - rocky rickaby x heterochromia! reader
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ʚĭɞ || SLAM DUNK - migrated to here ! ♡
⋆୨୧˚ fanfictions
Criminally Pretty - kicchou fukuda
Sakuragi Hanamichi Celebrating Haruko's Birthday - sakuragi, haruko akagi
⋆୨୧˚ headcanons
Kogure + Fukuda Helping You w/ Exams - kogure, fukuda
Megane-kun ! - kiminobu kogure
Pillow Wars - shohoku starting five
Secret Santa - shohoku starting five + kogure, haruko, ayako
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purplesugarbabe · 2 years
✨Sakuragi Hanamichi dating headcanons ✨
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Probably the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for.
Hanamichi is very affectionate. He wants to take care of you in any way he can.
Thinks of ways to cheer you up. Will definitely tell you jokes in order to make you laugh. Your laugh makes his heart skip a beat.
Wants to walk with you on the way to school. Will pick you up every day from your house and greet you with a hug and a loud, happy "good morning".
Will patiently wait for you on the school entrance to walk you home because he loves spending time with you. He also wants to make sure no one tries to hurt you.
LOVES holding your hand. It makes him really happy and feels very special.
Lots of phone calls. Hearing your voice makes his day better.
Hanamichi loves hugs so be prepared to be squeezed!
Matching outfits!
Your dates with him are really fun and sweet. He is actually a very romantic young man and likes taking things slow. Every moment he spends with you is very special to him.
Will actually buy you flowers. He will casually have Mito to ask you which is your favorite flower so he can buy a lovely bouquet for you.
Enjoys when you hang out with him and his friends. The six of you will go on crazy and fun adventures every time.
Hanamichi gets jealous really easily, everyone knows that.
He doesn't like it at all when other people try to flirt with you. Will probably pick fights. Typical him.
His face becomes a blushing mess every time you wear his clothes. His heart wants to jump out of his chest. He can't take so much cuteness.
Will brush your hair and even try to braid it if it's long. He is not really good at it but still, for you, he will give it a try.
Please kiss him on the cheek, he will smile the brightest.
In general Hanamichi is an amazing boyfriend. Loving, sweet and very caring!
I hope you liked it! ❤️✨
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mochisdoll · 2 years
SLAM DUNK AND DAIYA ARE MY LATESF OBESSIONS TOO! if you accept sd requests could u write abt confessing to the boys (whoever u like) and their reaction? 👉👈 my personal favs are mitsui and sendoh
Slam Dunk request!! Also taste, Mitsui is my favorite!! I had a lot of fun writing this
Feat. Mitsui, Sendoh, Sakuragi
Ok, ok, he’s imagined this exact moment countless times
And he’s fully prepared, or he thought he was
But now you’re standing in front of him, saying all these nice things
You tell him that you’ve kept an eye on him, how happy you were to see his growth
And how you love to watch him play, and that you admire him
The more you pile on the compliments, the more his composure slips and now he’s standing in front of you with a bright red face
He’s over the moon
When you finally finish he just stands there for a second trying to come up with a response
“Thanks.” Is what he settles on
You turn to leave, interpreting the awkwardness as rejection
And now it’s his turn, “Wait, no, I accept!”
Her spins you around and holds you by your shoulders
“I’ll go out with you!” He emphasizes his point by grabbing your hands. “Let’s go out right now!”
He took you to a cafe, it was nice, he was still very awkward but he should warm up to you by the next date
He’s definitely received confessions before, but none from you
When you pulled him aside after class, he already knew what was going to happen from your flushed face and the way you wouldn’t meet his eyes
But he’s not going to save you from any embarrassment, in the past, he may have turned down girls before their confession started to save them from saying things they’ll regret, but not you
He lets you stutter through each word, singing his praises, until your face was as hot as it gets
He watches you with that lazy smile on his face, until you reach the climax where you finally divulge what you brought him here to say, a much more genuine smile overtakes his face
“I’d love to go out with you.” Is his simple response as he brings a hand up to ruffle your hair
You push his hand away and he laughs.
“So, where are you taking me?” You stall for second, having not planned for this
“Ice cream?”
“Sounds good.”
You take him for ice cream, he continued to tease you throughout the entire date
He has absolutely no idea why you’ve lured him out here
A little afraid
Then you start spilling your feelings
He’s still a little confused, you know you’re talking to him, right? Maybe you’re using him as practice, you know that’s kinda cruel right?
But then you get a little more specific, talking about how you love his red hair, how you know he’s a big sweetheart, and how you love watching him play and he’s starting to catch on
But just to clarify that this confession is in fact for him, he asks
“So, this confession, is meant for me?”
“Who else, dummy!”
He takes another second to fully process it before he’s exploding with joy
“Yes!!” He is literally jumping. “I accept, I accept!!”
“Wait, I have to do something!!”
He runs off and you can distantly hear him yelling, “No more making fun of me, I’ve got a s/o now! And before all of you!!”
He runs back to you smiling maniacally with a new bruise on his face, “Now that that’s done, I’ll take you out!”
He took you to an arcade, swinging your conjoined hands as you walked the whole way with a dumb grin on his face
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 3 months
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To be honest you would never talk to each other if your parents didn't knew each other.
You moved to Kamakura before you started gymnasium and he's your neighbor, your mothers instantly liked each other so you were meeting each other quite often. (By meeting I mean that you let him sleep in your bed when his mom made him go over to your place with her)
At first you were just friends but at the first year of high school he realized he likes you, rejecting every girl that confessed to him just to think about a way to confess to you himself. It took him some time.
But he finally did it in the middle of the night cause he couldn't sleep because he kept thinking about you and it was a tragedy for him.
It ended up being romantic for no reason- Like he was scared that he'll wake up your parents so he just climbed your balcony and scared the shit out of you by knocking at your window.
Then he told you that he likes you and went back to sleep on your bed and you were just standing there in shock cus wtf.
It ended up as your ritual, he's just coming to see you through your balcony sometimes.
In the public he doesn't show you affection much. Mostly only when his fangirls torture him with their presence then he'll just look them up and down and hug you from behind and put his head on your shoulder or when he's not in the mood he'll just hold your hand and look at the girl annoyed.
In privacy though... He'll just cuddle you to the end. You go home from school and he invites you over? Only to force you to be his pillow.
He invites you over to his games cause he notices that he plays better in front of you.
Mostly because he does all the crazy shit he normally is too lazy to do.
He's not really jealous, he knows that you would never leave him.
When he sees any boy talking to you he just stares at him and then goes back to sleep.
When you became a couple your moms started planning your future as they are besties and will do everything so you will be family.
He's just like me, listens to music 24/7 and loves to share his songs that he gatekeeps only with you. So I will share my songs that I usually gatekeep that remind me of Rukawa here.
(and also this one cus it's only on youtube)
I like to think that he has similar music taste as me because he's similar to me so sorry but I had to add this part
Soo a few music headcanons cause I can't sleep so why not.
He looks like lana del rey guy outside but no. HE'S KINGS OF LEON GUY AND DON'T TRY TO ARGUE WITH ME OKAY.
He listens to really energetic music which shocked you at first when he let you listen to music with him. Omen III and him? Wha-
His fav genres are old school (duh) hip hop, rock, and some kind of techno but not techno eurobeaty music?(sometimes only) Idk what genre it is but if you're from eastern Europe you get it.
(If anyone cares to read that you can tell me if you want other characters have their playlists as well)
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overtaken-stream · 1 month
hello!! are the requests still open? may i have some headcanons about rukawa dating sakuragi's sister? maybe sakuragi would act overprotective of her?? thank you so much!!
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This is such a silly idea and I love it.
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``Out of everybody, why him?!```
The very first words he said to you after you casually let it slip that you are going on a date with Rukawa.
Hanamichi is overprotective of your feelings, he always has been involved in your business, even before adopting the delinquent lifestyle. After that, he had to enforce some rules around a few territories with his physic. this action did gain him a few grudges, none of the opponents planned on getting their teeth shattered again. It's safe to say he was more than interested in the events happening in your life, including your love life, which was especially annoying. Hanamichi doesn't feel a twisted jealousy like depicted in some animes, nor does he think you're his innocent, adorable sister who is helpless. Quite the opposite—he has seen you throw some mean "playful" punches and Indian/Chinese burns, which left his skin more vibrant red than a tomato. It's impressive, considering that not many of his enemies' hits manage to last as long as injuries caused by you do.
He tries to not meddle in your taste in men or what you're up too when you're alone. Hanamichi doesn't care as long as he or whoever the person would be is treat you right.
The root of his interest is curiosity,, he doesn’t know when to keep his nose out of your business, which causes a few quarrels between the two of you.
The problem arises when Rukawa involves himself with you. Hanamichi has seen how Rukawa treats women, especially those who are interested in him, which is why he might seem overprotective when all three of you are in the same room. In reality, he's just worried about your heart getting broken.
Rukawa, on the other hand, quietly celebrates his victory over Sakuragi, aware that Sakuragi can't interfere with his relationship with you. He finds it odd that Sakuragi is your brother, not because you share similar features, but in a way that is indescribable.
It also helps that your relationship changes the dynamic between the two boys. It’s not a noticeable change in their behavior toward each other, because you’re still forced into the role of a mediator when Kaede visits, however they do try to not physically fight and compete in front of you.
When Hanamichi realizes that Rukawa is serious about your relationship, his mind will be put at ease. Perhaps he’ll see both of you taking naps together, and it will all click into place, or he will witness Rukawa's efforts to contribute to the relationship, like sneakily trying to deceive Sakuragi into sharing facts about you that only he knows (aside from your friends), like what are your favorite foods and sweets?
Hanamichi doesn't care to give an approval because he believes that it is not needed and you can make your own decisions without his intervention and Rukawa tries extra hard to embarass Hanamichi in front of you if you happen to be in the gym when they're practicing.
On the surface nothing changes between them, except maybe they try to avoid throwing punches at each other's face. Only the face is prohibited... They don't want you to be mad at them...
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kuromitos · 3 years
Slam dunk fan fic ideas pt1?
I'm bored and I've been rewatching Slam Dunk alot. I've have noticed the lack of fanfic for our 90s basketball boys and I got ideas so I decided to share my ideas with the (small) fandom on here
Disclaimer: I'm just writing cringe stories ideas here. I might write some of these ideas one day bit that's a big might so dont get your hopes up.If anyone want to actually write any theses storylines you are free to do so! Just tag me/ credit me for the idea. Thank you!
Sakuragi Hanamichi- Friends to lover
You and Hanamichi have been thick as thieves since middle school and you always been there for him to support him in his quest for a girlfriend like the good friend you are. But once you both met Haruko Akagi, your start to think differently. Like how you don't like how close they are or how she touching his arm. Hey! What are they doing alone like that?!
Rukawa Kaede- one side affections
'Please watch out for Kaede-kun' was the phrase you heard since elementary school only because you had the misfortune of being the next door neighbor of Rukawa Kaede. And what did that get you? Being hunted down by his crazy fangirls on the daily, having to be responsible for almost everything piece of school work of his and having to babysit this human sloth. But you finally escape this hell when your parents move away during your last year of middle school and you get some peace and quiet, hoping to keep it going for your first year of high school. At least you thought that until you see him show up in your homeroom
Mitsui Hisahi- not sure
Since your first day of middle school, you have always seen Mitsui as that cool upperclassmen that you wanted to get closer to but you couldn't do it before he graduated. Lady luck blessed you by letting you go to the same high school as him but you noticed he way different since you remember him. What happened?
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callmerainman · 8 months
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↳ my AO3
↳ my TikTok editing acc
Reigen Arataka
✧˚ · . one shots
Still Into You | fem!Reader
Nowhere Near You | fem!Reader
The Morning After | fem!Reader 18+!
Wishing You Godspeed | fem!Reader 18+!
Cameras | model!fem!Reader
✧˚ · . headcanons and playlists
Reigen Arataka's shady playlist to scam people
Reigen Arataka with a s/o who works as a model
✧˚ · . headcanons and playlists
Alastor with a pure hearted s/o | gn!Reader
Alastor in a relationship with a pure hearted s/o | gn!Reader
Alastor realising his feelings for a pure hearted s/o | gn!Reader
✧˚ · . headcanons and playlists
First Man on the Earth still couldn't hit this | sinner!Adam x fem!sinner!Reader
Hellfire | Adam x fire-demon!Reader
Knuckle Bine
✧˚ · . oneshots
You Before The World | fem!Reader
Hanamichi Sakuragi
✧˚ · . headcanons and playlists
Hanamichi Sakuragi's pre-game hype playlist
Dating Sakuragi would include
Hisashi Mitsui
✧˚ · . headcanons and playlists
Dating Mitsui would include
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slamdunkhcs · 1 year
Hi, thank you for the follow and all the headcanons/theories/elaboration you have on Slam Dunk <3
It's potentially a thorny question but what do you think about Mitsui's recurrent need (?) for someone to call him by his name, like when he fought with Miyagi prior to coming back to basketball? And to a larger extent, do you think Mitsui's sense of self is a bit fragile – judging from how he was thinking "Akagi is Akagi, Miyagi is Miyagi, Rukawa is Rukawa" etc. during the final Sannoh vs. Shohoku match?
I just watched the movie for the second time and it got me thinking really hard. Sorry for the way I framed those questions if it was a little bit limiting or too vague. If you could elaborate anything you have about Mitsui's self-perception and his question about his sense of self/where his desire to have someone call him by his name comes from, it would be nice.
Sorry for my bad English. Have a nice day!
hii my bad for not replying sooner. But this is something i think i can answer
mitsui’s self esteen
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Honestly his confidence came a long way throughout the series. But especially in the beginning, I think he lacked confidence in himself
Notably, when he had been a freshman coming fresh off winning nationals, he seemed annoyed at his new peers calling him “MVP”. He even states that he’s tired of being called that, saying that his name was Mitsui
I was surprised he didn’t like the name since it wasn’t anything negative, but I also think he didn’t like it because he was put under the constraints of his past accomplishment. Like obvs he had more to himself than just being part of the winning team. And I think he just wanted to be treated normally
This is an additional note, but his insecurities are perceived by even Ayako, who realizes that he had been picking on Miyagi out of jealousy (since Miyagi had the same potential Mitsui once had)
I mentioned this in my other essay of him (the reputation of hisashi mitsui) but I think what really messed his confidence up when he came back to basketball was how he was just perceived by who he was in the past, as in “the MVP”. That’s why I think he wanted to be referred to as Mitsui so badly.
I think that by the end of the series, Mitsui likely still has some insecurities (like him comparing himself to Akagi, and how he didn’t get any college offers like how Akagi did). But, I think his confidence has come a long way
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messy-stacy · 5 years
Slam Dunk, phiên bản của tôi
soojin94 | Kid x reader | T | 1875 words | NonSA | High school romance, fluff and some crack
Dành cho tuổi trẻ thiếu sót của tôi và cảm hứng mà 2 bộ manga tâm đắc đã mang lại :3
_Anh biết Sakuragi Hanamichi chứ? Em thấy hai người cũng khá giống nhau đó nha.
Tiếng bóng lọt rổ vang lên, giải thoát cho tâm trí rối bời của tôi trong vài giây ngắn ngủi. Không hiểu sao tôi cứ nghĩ mãi về câu nói ấy của em, sợ rằng đằng sau nó là một ẩn ý nào đó mà bản thân không thể hóa giải. Thực ra nếu tất cả chỉ có vậy thì tôi cũng chẳng đời nào tự làm khổ mình mà suy nghĩ lung tung, sẽ chỉ đơn giản mà hiểu rằng tôi và chàng trai ấy có điểm gì đó tương đồng với nhau. Đáng nhẽ ra mọi chuyện chỉ nên dừng lại ở đó.
Nhưng rồi em bỗng nhắc đến việc Trafalgar cũng có gì đó giống với Rukawa.
Tôi không hiểu. Chuyện đó đâu hề liên quan tới tôi, vậy thì tại sao tôi lại cảm thấy khó chịu tới vậy? Sự so sánh ấy của em liệu có phải chỉ là một suy nghĩ bất chợt, không nhất thiết phải mang bất cứ ý nghĩa nào hết?
Mà… tại sao tôi lại bận tâm về vấn đề đó chứ nhỉ?
_Nii-chan, anh bớt nổi tiếng đi một chút có được không vậy?
Tôi nghe em nói chuyện với Trafalgar, phàn nàn rằng em đã nhận được vài cái nhìn lạnh gáy từ đám fangirl của hắn. Đương nhiên là sau đó tôi đã cố nói vài câu chọc ngoáy, thế mà cuối cùng vẫn bị hắn đá lại cho một cú mà không làm gì được. Lúc đó tôi tức muốn xì khói, cảm tưởng như có thể nhảy vào mà bẻ cổ thằng khốn đó ngay tắp lự. Chịu thua hắn như vậy là một việc không thể chấp nhận được!
Nhưng rồi tôi thấy em bật cười, tủm tỉm cố gắng ngăn mình lại mặc dù nó chẳng có ích gì hết. Mặt tôi đỏ lựng lên vì xấu hổ, chẳng thể làm gì khác ngoài việc đứng chôn chân tại chỗ. Cả đội bóng lúc đó cũng cười ầm lên, hoàn toàn không có ý định giữ cho thằng này chút sĩ diện nào cả. Nếu ở đó mà có một cái hố thì có lẽ là tôi đã nhảy ngay vào đó rồi, chỉ tiếc rằng đời không như là mơ nên cuối cùng đành căng giò lên đuổi theo Trafalgar mà đòi giết hắn.
Thôi thì ít ra tôi cũng có được sự chú ý của em, coi như bị gọi là đầu tuy-líp cũng đáng đi vậy.
_Đừng có nhăn nhó như vậy nữa, trông xấu lắm!
Đang tức mình vì bị thổi phạt, tôi xém chút nữa thì quay lại chửi ầm lên vì cứ nghĩ đó là con bạn trời đánh ngồi bàn dưới. Nhưng thật không ngờ rằng người đó lại chính là em. Hóa ra ngoài Trafalgar và Nojiko, vẫn còn có một người khác thích trêu chọc tôi tới vậy. Cứ thế, em nhìn tôi với một biểu hiện thích thú, đưa tay lên vẽ một đường cong dọc theo khóe môi mình.
Ý em là tôi phải cười lên.
Tôi không biết rằng mình đã di chuyển kiểu gì giữa cái sân bóng đầy người trong khi mắt cứ dính vào em nữa. Dường như trong phút chốc, tôi đã quên mất rằng ở đây đang diễn ra một trận đấu và em không phải là người duy nhất có thể nhìn thấy tôi. Nhưng nếu cái đầu đã không làm việc được tử tế thì tôi có thể làm gì khác được chứ?
Và ờ, tôi đã trả lại em một nụ cười tươi hơn cả hoa trước khi quả bóng ấy bay vào mặt.
Hôm đó là một ngày mưa, tôi bắt gặp em đi về một mình mà không có cô bạn thân bên cạnh. Em nói rằng giờ cô ấy đã có bạn trai, sẽ chẳng thèm quan tâm tới con nhỏ rắc rối như em nữa. Mặc dù từ đầu tới cuối em đều mỉm cười, thế nhưng tôi vẫn có thể thấy rằng có chuyện gì đó đang khiến em phiền lòng. Và thế là tôi đã quyết định rằng một chầu kem sẽ giải quyết được mọi vấn đề.
Đứng nhìn cơn mưa qua khung cửa kính của cửa hàng tiện lợi, chúng tôi cứ thế nói về đủ thứ qua từng muỗng kem mát lạnh. Được biết rằng lí do khiến em không vui chính là vì em đang ghen tị với cô bạn, người may mắn đã tìm được ai đó cho riêng mình. Tôi lúc đó thực tình chỉ muốn hỏi rằng em đã thích ai chưa, nhưng vì chẳng có đủ can đảm nên lại đổi thành chắc em cũng được nhiều người để ý lắm.
_Anh cứ đùa, một đứa như em thì ai thèm thích chứ.
Nửa đùa nửa thật, em cứ thế mỉm cười với tôi, làm như chuyện đó chẳng có gì quan trọng hết. Nhưng không quan trọng thế nào được chứ? Dù sao kẻ thích em cũng chính là tôi cơ mà.
Nằm vật ra sàn, tôi để mặc cho trái bóng màu cam muốn lăn đi đâu thì lăn. Mặc dù biết rằng tập luyện một mình sẽ rất mệt nhưng không hiểu vì sao khi mọi người đều quyết định ra về, tôi lại là đứa duy nhất muốn ở lại. Bình thường giờ này là tôi sẽ ghé qua mấy quán chơi điện tử rồi, thế mà không hiểu sao mấy ngày nay lại không còn thấy có hứng nữa. Kì nghỉ hè đã bắt đầu được ba tuần rồi cơ đấy.
Và từ lúc đó tới giờ tôi cũng chưa được gặp em lần nào cả.
Giọng nói của em khiến tôi giật nảy mình, chưa kịp định hình xem đây là thật hay mơ thì ngửa mặt lên đã thấy em đứng đó. Và cứ thế tôi thấy má mình bắt đầu nóng lên. Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi thấy em mặc đồ bình thường chứ không phải là đồng phục của trường. Chỉ đơn giản là quần short và áo phông mà trông em vẫn có thể xinh được đến vậy sao?
Em nói là tiện đường đi mua truyện nên ghé qua xem đội bóng tập luyện, ai ngờ lúc tới thì khung cảnh đã vắng hoe như vậy rồi. Tới lúc đó tôi mới để ý thấy cái túi ni lông đầy truyện mà em đang cầm trên tay. Là Slam Dunk, bộ truyện thời cấp hai khiến em chú ý tới bóng rổ. Nó làm tôi nhớ tới sự so sánh mà em dành cho chúng tôi và những nhân vật trong đó, một bài toán nhỏ mà tới giờ tôi vẫn chưa tìm được lời giải đáp. Nếu rút gan rút ruột ra hỏi, liệu em sẽ cho tôi biết chứ?
_Vậy… là em thích ai trong hai người bọn họ?
Ngẩng lên khỏi túi truyện, tôi có thể nói rằng anh ấy không hề ám chỉ Hanimichi hay Rukawa. Thực chất điều mà anh ấy muốn hỏi chính là giữa anh và Law nii-chan, ai mới là người mà tôi thực sự thích.
Mà tôi thích ai nhỉ?
Những ngày đầu tiên mới vào cấp ba, vì tò mò nên tôi đã rủ con bạn thân đi đến phòng tập để xem anh ấy chơi bóng. Trafalgar Law là hàng xóm của tôi, anh ấy cao ráo đẹp trai, tốt tính lại còn biết chơi bóng rổ, khỏi phải nói thì cũng biết một con bé mới lớn như tôi sẽ cảm thấy thế nào về anh ấy. Người cho tôi mượn bộ truyện ngớ ngẩn có thể khiến tôi thích bóng rổ ấy cũng chính là anh, thế nên sự chú ý của tôi lại càng chẳng thể đổ dồn sang ai khác. Chỉ tiếc rằng người đầu tiên tôi nhìn thấy hôm đó lại chẳng phải là anh.
Eustass Kid là cái tên của người đã ném bóng vào đầu tôi, hay đúng hơn là chuyền nhầm bóng ra cửa đúng lúc tôi thò đầu vào đó. Anh ấy có một vẻ ngoài khá bặm trợn, cộng thêm mái tóc đỏ rực khiến không ít người phải dè chừng. Nhưng nó khiến tôi nhớ đến một ai đó, một tên ngốc si tình cuối cùng cũng có thể tìm thấy đam mê cho môn thể thao mà hắn đã từng ghét cay ghét đắng. Và thật vô thức, tôi đã chẳng thể rời mắt khỏi anh.
Khi tôi nói rằng anh có điểm giống với Hanimichi, tất cả chỉ đơn giản là vì màu tóc, phần nào tính cách và việc anh luôn tỏ ra bất hòa với một cậu bạn nổi tiếng trong đội. Lúc ấy, tôi chẳng bao giờ nghĩ rằng chúng tôi lại có thể trở nên thân thiết như bây giờ. Tôi trêu chọc anh và rồi anh sẽ làm tôi cười, cứ thế ngày qua ngày bỗng nhận ra cảm giác thân quen ấy đã xuất hiện từ lúc nào. Tôi cũng đã nghĩ có lẽ bản thân đang đóng một vai diễn giống với cô nàng Haruko kia, nhưng rồi lại quyết định rằng tôi muốn làm chính mình hơn.
Và tôi á? Tôi thích Hanimichi hơn nhiều.
Tôi đứng giữa sân bóng trống không, mồ hôi trên trán cứ thế rịn ra khi nhìn thấy em bí mật viết gì đó lên trái bóng màu cam quen thuộc. Cái khoảnh khắc em bất chợt đứng lên trước khi nói cho tôi một câu trả lời khiến tim tôi như muốn rớt ra ngoài, bất giác bản thân cũng nhảy dựng lên như muốn giữ em ở lại. Nhưng rồi em bắt tôi đứng đó và thực hiện kế hoạch khó hiểu kia. Không phải là em lại đang định trêu tôi đấy chứ?
_Kid! Bắt lấy nè!
Theo phản xạ, tôi liền đưa tay lên đỡ bóng, sau đó chuyện gì có xảy ra thì bản thân cũng chẳng thể nhận biết được luôn. Đầu óc tôi lúc đó cứ có cảm giác quay cuồng, bên tai cũng chẳng thể nghe thấy gì ngoài giọng nói của em. Là em vừa gọi tên tôi, nó ngọt ngào và thân mật tới mức khiến tôi có thể tan chảy một cách dễ dàng như que kem ngoài nắng hè. Quả này xem ra khó đứng dậy rồi.
Chạy vội ra ngoài để đuổi theo em, tôi dáo dác nhìn khắp nơi mà chẳng nhìn thấy người cần tìm đâu hết. Cô nhóc tinh ranh, dám bỏ của chạy lấy người như vậy, chắc chắn là rất sợ bị tôi giữ lại đây mà. Đã thế thì lần sau thấy mặt, tôi nhất định sẽ không cho em đi đâu hết. Mà em cũng đã cho tôi lí do để làm vậy rồi còn đâu.
Và thế là cứ như một thằng ngốc, tôi cười tít mắt với quả bóng ở trong tay.
“Tóc đỏ ngốc! Em thích anh!
Tái bút, nhớ mang truyện trả cho em đấy nhé.”
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 4 months
Omg new slam dunk blog! Hi! May I request for a Miyagi ryota romantic headcanons please?
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Okay, listen, when he met you, he instantly forgot about Ayako. He doesn't care anymore.
He was the one person that you suddenly started seeing on the corridor 'randomly' (he was running through the whole school just to see you, even though you never spoke before).
When Hanamichi found out about the fact that he's literally smitten over you, he made a meeting with the team just to help Ryota out with making his first move lmao.
They ended up inviting you to their practice to make him talk to you because he was scared that you wouldn't even talk to him in the first place.
He was quickly surprised because you got along really well with each other.
You quickly started dating, and he treats you like a princess.
He likes to joke around from time to time. But if he ever hears someone joking about you, Better run.
Holds your hand EVERYWHERE.
He's a teenager, but this one kind is really mature. He even invited you over to a dinner at his place to meet his parents and sisters.
His family loves youuuu.
He started inviting you over more often after that; he ends up at his practice, takes your hand, and leads you to his house.
His mom shows you albums with his pictures, and he has to literally drag you away to spend time with you. You're a part of the family at this point.
He cuddles with you in his room until you have to go home. He'll escort you right to your house.
Sometimes, when you're bored, you and his sisters make him a makeover and watch movies.
He may be mature, but he's a jealous boy. When he sees you talk to any boy, he'll walk over to you, hug you from behind, put his head on your shoulder, and stare at the poor guy. You have to explain to him that the guy was your classmate, but he shushes you with a kiss.
If we speak about kisses, He can't really kiss you when you're over at his house because of his sisters and parents (who still give you quick peeks when no one watches), so he hides with you behind the gym sometimes to make out.
He'll be just kissing you there with a big grin on his face, checking if no one walks by from time to time.
You don't argue very often, but when you do, it's to the point that even his parents are worried about your relationship.
If the fight was his fault, he'll buy you flowers. Be 100% sure about that.
If it was your fault, though, he'd be just silent, sad, and distracted at his practices and matches, so please just apologise to this poor boy. He really craves it and is ready to forgive you.
Over all, 9/10, boyfriend.
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It's a little bit chaotic cause it's my first work in English but I hope you like my headcanons ❤️
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