#((god i hate you for this one (no i don't)))
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Sick of It
in which Tommy gets sick, and he and Buck head towards making up.
The first time Buck gets a call from a number he doesn't recognize, he ignores it.
He does the same the second time too.
The third time, he waits for it to go to voicemail so he can block it.
“Why don't you just answer?” Hen asked, annoyed by his grumbling. “Might be something important.”
“No. Someone gave my number to a debt collector and I've been dodging calls for a Victor Fornell all week. It's nothing.”
He'd barely had time to block the number and resume his search for new bread recipes when Bobby was walking out of his office and calling out to him on the couch.
“Buck, Captain Dominick just called me.”
The name got Buck's attention fast. He stood. “The captain at 217? Why? Wh- What's wrong?”
“Calm down, Buck. Tommy didn't show up for work today and Dominick couldn't get ahold of him. You heard from him lately?”
“N- No. No, I- Was Captain Dominick the one trying to call me?”
Bobby nodded. “Apparently, Tommy put you down as his emergency contact a few months ago. Like I said, could be nothing,” he repeated, noticing Buck's heavy breathing, “it's just not exactly like him to not show up.”
“No,” Buck agreed. “No, it's not. Um, Boss, I-”
Bobby held up a hand to stop him. “I'm not stopping you,” he said, “but I also don't want you going alone. Chim,” he said, glancing around Buck to see all the others paying close attention, “why don't you head out with Buck and see what's going on?”
Chimney nodded, getting up and heading for the stairs. “Let me grab my bag and keys!” he called out to Buck. “I'll meet you at the car.”
Buck already had his phone pulled up to Tommy's name, typing out a text to ask if he was okay. He sent one text, then another, then another.
“Eddie, ha- have you talked to him at all? Since we, um, since the breakup?”
Eddie shook his head. “He broke up with you,” he reasoned. “I figured that's the end of that.”
“You're joking.”
“You're my best friend, Man, I wasn't gonna take his side.”
“Eddie, you've gotta b-”
“Okay, okay,” Bobby interrupted. “Buck, you need to get going.”
Buck turned his phone toward Bobby, eyes pleading. “He... He's not answering me, Bobby.”
“His spare key is in one of these,” Buck said, lifting up rock after rock in the flower bed at the front of Tommy's house.
“We could try knocking on the door first, Buck.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Buck replied, waving Chimney off. “Try it. I'll keep looking.”
Chimney knocked three times, then waited. Called out Tommy's name, and knocked again.
“Maybe he's out?” Chimney suggested just as Buck found the fake rock.
“His car is here, Chim.”
“Could've gone for a walk.”
“When he's supposed to be at work?”
“Just trying to be positive here.”
Buck unlocked the door and entered slowly, afraid of what he might find. “Tommy?!” he called. “T- Tommy, it's Evan.”
“And Howie!” Chimney added. “You here, Buddy?”
They waited for an answer, then continued on into the house when they didn't get a reply.
It was dark inside, the only light filtering in through a couple of open windows.
It was messy too, which was unlike Tommy. He was always so put together; had a space for everything and liked it that way.
But now there were half empty glasses on the kitchen counter, dishes in the sink. Take out containers were on the coffee table in the living room.
There was also a ridiculous amount of plants on every available surface.
“I think Tommy might have you beat in the breakup grief department, Buckley.”
Buck ignored him in favor of calling for Tommy again. “Tommy! You here?”
“I'll check the garage,” Chimney said, he and Buck splitting up to cover more area. Buck headed down the hallway, tilting his head a bit when he noticed a light shining from underneath the bathroom door.
“Tommy?” Buck felt anxious in a way he wasn't sure he'd ever felt before. As he neared the bathroom, he heard a weak groan, and then the sound of someone shuffling.
Every horrible thought ran through his head in a matter of seconds. What if Tommy was hurt? What if someone had tried to murder him? What if that was the murderer on the other side of the door right now?
“I'm coming in!” he exclaimed, shoving the door open as he braced himself for whatever was waiting on the other side.
And there was Tommy, lying on the bathroom floor. Not murdered, but definitely not okay.
“Oh my God,” Buck breathed out. “Chimney, in here!”
Buck knelt down beside Tommy, who was curled on his side, eyes clenched shut, practically vibrating with chills even as sweat covered his face.
“Tommy, what's wrong? Wh- What happened?” he asked, resting a hand over Tommy's forehead. He was burning up.
“I- I passed out, I think,” Tommy replied, teeth chattering. He managed to turn his head enough to look up at Buck. “I- Why're you here?”
“Doesn't matter. Chim!”
“I'm here, I'm here,” Chimney said, rounding the corner. “Whoa! Whatcha doin' on the floor, Tommy?” he asked, managing to keep his cool far better than Buck.
“I'm really... I'm okay, guys.” Tommy's weak voice betrayed his words.
“Don't think that's true, Man. Buck, mind giving us a little room?”
Buck nodded, pushing the hair off Tommy's forehead before standing and moving to the doorway.
Chimney knelt beside Tommy, putting on a pair of gloves before beginning to look him over.
“You fall?”
“K- Kinda. I felt like I wa- was gonna puke, so I was l- l... leaning over the toilet. Then I must've passed out.”
Chimney began to feel around his head and neck. “Can you tell me the year?”
“Your name?”
“Tommy K- Kinard.”
“And where are you right now?”
“Ugh,” Tommy groaned, a look of disgust on his face. “My bathroom floor.”
“Alright. I don't think you've got a concussion, but there's definitely something going on.”
“Ya... Ya think?” Tommy deadpanned.
“There's that humor we all know and love. I need to look you over, Bud, but I'm gonna have to move you a little. Can you turn to me a bit so you're laying flat?”
Slowly, Tommy turned, briefly glancing up at an anxious Buck before closing his eyes. “Hurts,” he grunted.
Carefully, Chimney began to feel around his abdomen. “Tommy, you still got your appendix?”
Tommy shook his head. “No."
“What first brought you into the bathroom?”
“Had t- to pee.” He sucked in a shaky breath, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple. “Then puke. Then I mu- must've passed out.”
“Mm.” Chimney felt around Tommy's midsection, stopping when Tommy practically jerked away from him. “You been having pain in your side?”
“What about your back and/or groin?”
Tommy curled back in on himself, lying sideways on the bathroom floor. “Yeah.”
“Chim?” Buck spoke up from the doorway. “What is it?”
Chimney raised a finger at him. “One second.” He turned back to Tommy, pulling a infrared thermometer out of his bag and pointing it at Tommy's forehead. He whistled when the temperature popped up. “Quite the fever you've got there. Tommy, does it hurt when you pee?”
Tommy managed to glare aback at him.
“It's important, Bud.”
“Mmm,” Tommy groaned. “Mhm. Yeah, i- it does.”
Chimney nodded. He placed the thermometer back in the bag and rested a hand on Tommy's shoulder. “I believe that you, my friend, have a kidney infection. A pretty bad one at that. How long have you been hurting for?”
“Few... Few days. Not this bad though.”
“I'm gonna call for an ambulance. Infection this bad might've gone into your bloodstream. Buck's gonna stay with you while I wait outside for the ambulance, okay?”
“It's really,” he had to stop as a wave of chills came over him. “Really no problem.”
Chimney rolled his eyes, standing and turning to Buck. “I'm afraid he might be close to septic shock,” he whispered. “He's gonna keep fighting against going to the hospital though, however weak he might be. Talk some sense into your man while I put the call in.”
“He's not my-” Chimney pushed past him and headed down the hall, “man.”
Buck moved back into the small space next to Tommy. Hesitantly, he reached out, his hand hovering over Tommy's arm. He'd touched him before, when he was checking for a fever. That had been in a rush, without much thought.
Now, he wasn't sure. Wasn't sure if he was allowed to touch.
He pushed the thought aside as another almost violent wave of chills overcame Tommy.
“It's okay,” he soothed, running his hand up and down Tommy's arm. “It's okay. Chimney's got an ambulance on the way.”
“I think... I just n- need to rest. I- I'll be okay,” he tried to insist. “It's n- nothing.”
“Tommy, it's not nothing. You're crying right now.” Buck leaned forward, gently running his thumb across Tommy's cheek, wiping away a tear. He'd never seen him like this before, and it was terrifying. “Do you wanna try to get up? Would it be more comfortable to wait on th- the ambulance in bed?”
“Don't think I can. Everything gets t- to dizzy when I move.”
“Okay. That's okay. Here, why don't I...” Buck's voice drifted off as he maneuvered Tommy and himself into a better position. One where Tommy's neck wasn't awkwardly angled down in a way that was sure to cause him more pain later.
By lifting Tommy's head slightly (and slowly), Buck managed to slide between him and the bathtub. He straightened out his legs, one on either side of Tommy, then gently rested Tommy's head on his stomach.
Tommy, still on his side, unconsciously curled his hand around Buck's thigh, gripping onto his pants.
It was quiet for a bit, then, “Ev- Evan?”
“I'm here, Tommy,” Buck answered quietly, running his fingers through Tommy's unkept and sweaty curls, softly massaging his head.
“It r-” his voice was cut off by a jerk, chills prickling up all over his body, “really hurts.”
“I know. Help will be here soon.”
“I- I tried to ignore it.”
“I can tell. Not sure that was the wisest choice.”
The side of Tommy's mouth managed to lift into a small smile, but as soon as it was there, it was gone, a grimace taking over.
“Maybe... Maybe I j- just need t- to sleep it off.”
“Well, you can sleep it off at the hospital.”
“I don't... I don't think I-”
“You're going to the hospital, Tommy, whether you like it or not,” Buck interrupted, matter-of-factly.
Tommy jerked again, a little whine slipping out as he curled in closer to Buck. “I- I'm sorry,” he said, nearly whimpering. “I'm sorry.”
Buck wanted to cry. Tommy- big, tall, strong, Tommy- looked so incredibly small right now. Like a scared child, afraid he was going to get in trouble for being sick.
Buck held him the best he could without hurting him. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Tommy.”
When Tommy woke up, it was to Buck by his side. He was sitting in the visitor's chair, his head resting on the bed next to Tommy's thigh, their hands intertwined.
It made Tommy's chest ache. He wanted Buck there, wanted him to stay, but he didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve him.
Not anymore.
Tommy wiggled his fingers a bit. He didn't want to startle Buck, but he also thought it'd be best to wake him up.
Buck's head popped up quickly. He let Tommy go, using the back of his hand to wipe away the little bits of drool running down his chin.
“Good morning,” Tommy said, grinning over at him. “Or afternoon?”
“Night,” Buck informed him, causing Tommy to glance toward the window. A drawn shade blocked any potential view.
“I don't... I don't really remember getting here,” Tommy admitted.
“You, uh, you passed out in the ambulance. You'd wake up every once in a while, but you were kinda out of it.”
“Hm,” Tommy hummed. “Long day.”
“That was two days ago, actually.”
“Wow... Long week then, I guess.”
After a beat of awkward silence, Buck suddenly stood. “You thirsty?” he asked, pointing over toward the tray table. “I- I can fix you a cup of water.”
“Sure,” Tommy answered. “That'd be good.”
Buck nodded, but didn't move. He stared at the water, making no effort to actually go over and get it.
“Um, Buck?”
“The doctor said twelve more hours and you'd have been a dead man.”
Tommy closed his eyes, readying himself. He knew where this was going. “Buck-”
“What were you thinking, Tommy? You had to have been in pretty bad pain for a few days, at least. You should have gone to the doctor!”
“I know.”
“Or you could have at least called me, or Eddie, or Chimney. Somebody! Let someone know you were sick.”
“They're not my people to call, Buck.”
“Stop calling me that, and don't say that! I don't own them, Tommy, you could have called!”
“Are you really fighting a dying man right now?” Tommy pouted, wincing as moved himself up the bed slightly.
“You're not dying anymore,” Buck corrected, “and yes, I am! Seeing you like that, Tommy, it was... it was terrifying. The idea of you not being around i- is terrifying.”
“I'm sorry. Really, I am. I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't,” Tommy paused, taking a breath. “I didn't really think about calling anyone. It's not what I do when I'm sick. You just power through, you know? I figured I'd get better. Absolutely did not plan on passing out on my bathroom floor. Would have brought a pillow and a blanket with me, made things a little more cozy.”
Buck rolled his eyes. “You're using humor as a defense mechanism.”
Tommy raised his eyebrows. “Is it working?”
“Not even a little bit.”
Tommy sighed, but gave Buck a smile. “Listen, um, thank you for coming and everything. I'm gonna be fine though, so you can-”
Buck's face fell instantly. “I swear to God, if you're telling me to leave.”
“I told you to quit calling me that! To you, I'm Evan, and I'm not leaving you! I don't know what it is about me that makes you think that that's what I do, but it's not!”
“And I'm also sick of everyone telling me what I should or shouldn't do, so jot that down!”
“And I'm sick of you acting like you're not worthy, or whatever the hell you're doing, because it's not true. And I also know you're doing worse than I am with our breakup, which I didn't think was possible! I saw your place, it's a mess! So don't you-”
“What?!” Buck yelled.
“Why don't you sit down and we'll talk, okay?”
Buck eyed him curiously. “Really?”
“Mhm.” Tommy patted toward the chair beside his bed. “I think we both need it.”
Buck stood straighter, puffing out his chest. “Y- Yeah. Yeah, okay.” He went to sit, but Tommy stopped him before he could.
“But,” he said quickly, “could I get water first? I actually am thirsty.”
“Oh, damn it!” Buck exclaimed, eyes widening. He hurried over to the tray table, pouring a glass of water and grabbing a straw. “Sorry about that,” he said with a little laugh. “Got distracted, you know, yelling at you.”
“It's fine,” Tommy assured him. “I probably deserved it.”
“Oh you definitely did.” He shooed Tommy's hands away from the cup as he brought the straw up to his mouth. “Just sip, I'll hold.”
“Yes, Sir.”
They were both silent for a few seconds while Tommy drank, and then. “Tommy?”
“I- I want to be here, okay? I need you to know that.”
Tommy stared up at him, giving him a nod. “Okay,” he replied. “I want you here.”
#bucktommy#911#tommy kinard#evan buckley#911 abc#this is one of those I sat with for too long#and I hate it now#but I don't want to delete it because I spent too much time on it#so here you go#do with it what you will#go with god#rest in peace
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orym and dorian in c3 x 120: "the red end"
#critical role#criticalroleedit#critteredit#dorian storm#orym of the air ashari#dorym#dorian x orym#dorian storm x orym#bells hells#cr3#campaign three#critical role campaign three#my gifs#DO NOT ASK ME THE WARS I WENT THROUGH...THE SACRIFICES I MADE...TO MAKE SURE THIS DAMN THING UPLOADED TO TUMBLR...#sighs tumblr why are you broken. why do you hate warmth.#this gifset was originally like....half the length it ended up being I found I needed to capture all the phases of robbie's terror.#one because same whenever orym is in danger. and two because. it just felt right. like dorian is feeling that agony through him too.#ANYWAYS. this was so crazy. this was so so so serious to me#angst scene so insane I have three different gifsets made based on it THE BOYS WERE GOING THROUGH IT#matt did not have to go that hard with the descriptions I was already dying#two self-sacrificial bad bitches with compartmentalization issues fall in love with each other.#the end result is them crying screaming throwing up when the other is in danger#all while they forgot to protect themselves. because all they want is to make sure the ones they love stay safe#(DON'T THINK I DIDN'T NOTICE HOW YOU REFUSED TO HEAL YOURSELF BLUE BOY. DORIAN BRONTE SECONDSUN WYVERWIND STORM I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD)
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you ever just have a lot, a LOT of feelings all at once about a character and not even remotely enough words or brainpower to FORM the words to describe everything you're feeling. so it feels like you may explode. yeah
#sorry i got really into my feelings about mark hoffman again#the very specific version of him in my brain that i really really wish i had the time and energy to properly share with you guys#saw#well until i muster the energy to explode all of my feelings out into a fic. if you want to TRY and understand#know that my three biggest hoffman fic insps right now are as follows#your best kept secret hoffman. a series of mistakes hoffman. and rushed like a dreadful wind hoffman.#there is a very clear throughline just know i am extremely emotionally compromised rn#thinking about theee fics vs the canon path hoffman spirals down#something something the absolute tragedy of watching a man's descent into madness#the transformation of a man into a monster#and what could have saved him from himself and kramer's corruption#sorry i'm rambling so much oh my god i was just having such a crying fit out of nowhere about this#do you think he could feel it happening. do you think he was aware he was losing his mind.#the script version of him fucks with me so bad. the crazed rankings and the longer hair and him not being well kept anymore#it's impossible to think he didn't know he was deteriorating#fuuuck okay i need to either chill or write a whole longfic rn#i project on that guy so much i truly don't know if i could properly write my vision of him#until i do something more substantial the full extent of my hoffman exists for me and my boyfriend only. they get me like no one else#well ginny and jenna also get me. please read best kept secret and a series of mistakes Oh My God#where am i going with this. i like tag rambling actually this is a nice way to do it without forcing EVERYONE to read my delirium#anyways if you've read all of this i think i love you? feel free to dm me about hoffman and my very specific headcanons and aus#maybe soon i'll try and start writing my fics about this tragic man#i could never say any of this on twitter btw they'd string me up for my opinions on him as a sad wet beast who could have been fixed#if only he hadn't been weaponized first#god i'm too tired to even be as embarrassed about this as i should be. thought i unlearned cringe already#but i've been spending way too much time on twitter and they HAAATE hoffman there#rip. i know it's not that serious but i'm sensitive rn and hate feeling lonely in my thoughts#ok bye for real otherwise i'll never shut up. i might tag ramble more often bc this was therapeutic in a way i needed badly#cat chat
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was having trans marty thoughts again and i came to a realization about this scene

#back to the future#bttf#bttf fanart#marty mcfly#lorraine baines#lorraine mcfly#kit does an art#drew this one a while back and was hoping to save it until i compiled enough doodles in the same genre#but i like it better as a standalone picture bc it's funny so. here you go#poor marty he had so much going on in this scene alone#and if you think about him being trans it just adds another layer to that#1. just woke up from getting hit by a car#2. realized he wasn't dreaming and he definitely is in the past#3. that's his mom. in the past#4. his mom is HOT in the past. wasn't she born a nun or something this is wrong and terrible and he hates everything about this realization#5. where are his pants. why does he have no pants where are his pants. they're halfway across the room??? why are they over there#6. HIS MOM IS HITTING ON HIM???? his mom who is objectively hot in the past is hitting on him and he's in her bed with no pants on and ohhh#oh god. she took off his pants. to look at his underwear. and guys usually have something noticeably under the wear don't they. oh shit#7. SHE TOTALLY NOTICED. SHE'S GONNA ASK AND HE'S GONNA HAVE TO EXPLAIN THAT AND IT'S GOING TO BE SO AWKWARD AND BAD#8. there's no way someone in the 50s is gonna get it she's either going to think he's a girl (problem 6 is taken care of but replaced with#perhaps an equally uncomfortable experience) or like. they're going to stone him or something he doesn't know how they react to this stuff#in the 50s#luckily for marty the last 2 problems never happen but that still would've been a very stressful minute just thinking about it#she was so perplexed by the purple underwear ig she just didn't notice haha.#kit yap session#for the tags. as usual
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Shotout to Leona and Cheka for singlehandedly getting me out of the worst artblock I've had in months, love these guys
Tbh I just wanted to draw Cheka doing that one thing kids do when they treat you like a climbing tree, I have other drawing about that but it's a work in progress, it was supposed to be animation practice but Ibis got some crunchy quality on the canvas if you don't pay so. Yeah. Also Grim is here bc why not
#twisted wonderland#twst#leona kingscholar#cheka kingscholar#twst cheka#twst leona#i love em they are so funny#also first time drawing cheka leona and grim i hope you don't mind one or two little design headcanons#i just think that he looks good with curly hair#anyways when I tell you I was struggling with Leona's arm#but ehhhh it worked out.#maybe. I hope so#if this flops I'll cry/j I spent too long on this shit#also god I fucking hate drawing details I hate em if the character has more than two colors in their fit I'm going to complain like a bitch#anyways I missed rambling on the tags can you tell#i drew something#spent too long on details that aren't even noticeable unless you zoom in ughhhh#twst fanart#alt text#i hope the alt text isn't confusing. I always try but i'm not good with words so i'm never sure if it's as clear as I think it is#twst grim#grim twst#ain't that the same tag#grim twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland fanart
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I've seen a lot of takes on what would happen if Sonic and Tails returned to West Side Island and confronted the people who were so abusive to Tails, and I had an idea for a somewhat new spin on it.
What if, now that Tails is a world famous hero, the Islanders try to try to basically gaslight him into thinking none of the abuse ever happened? They find out he's coming and they throw a big "Welcome Home" party and give him a medal and stuff, and when confronted about their treatment of him just completely deny or twist it. Like "oh yes I'm so sorry there were a couple kids who were bullies but that happens to everyone you weren't being targeted, and we tried to get them to stop it" or "we didn't know you were alone and homeless, if we knew we would have taken you in" and all sorts of garbage like that
And Tails, who's maybe a tween-young teen now, and no longer has distinct memories from that early in his life, starts to question if maybe he really was blowing things out of proportion. Maybe he really was just bullied by one or two kids, and they weren't really that bad. Maybe people didn't really chase him away and refuse to even let him go through their garbage for food. He knows he has anxiety. Maybe he was just imagining how much everyone hated him. And he almost wants to believe it, to believe that he was never truly hated.
But Sonic remembers. Sonic remembers the gang of older kids beating and violently attacking toddler aged Tails, and only stopping when he physically intervened with his own fists. He remembers questioning the townsfolk about the two-tailed fox he'd seen and being meet with sneers and complete disdain. He remembers how skinny Tails was, how his ribs were visible even through his fur and how he wolfed down the food Sonic offered him so quickly that he nearly threw it up later. He remembers how Tails flinched from any quick movement or attempt at touch. He remembers the long process of gaining the fox's trust, a process that tested his nine-year-old patience as he spent literal weeks urging Tails to come closer, keeping his hands slow and his face friendly, finally getting the fox to join him at the campfire, to walk beside him without dashing away when moved his arm too fast, and then, eventually, to let him touch him. He remembers the first few times Tails let him try to brush out his matted, dirty fur, each knot a testament to neglect, and finding scars and wounds on the skin beneath that spoke of so much abuse. He remembers realizing for the first time that normal, everyday Mobians could be just as cruel as Eggman.
Tails doesn't trust his own memory. But Sonic remembers. And Sonic is not quick to forgive.
#i have so many feelings about Sonic and Tails returning to West Side Island#and for tails the longing to believe that his first home never really hated him#he is quick to forgive and just wants to put everything behind him#if you don't talk about it it never happened right?#but Sonic's like#i have fought robots empires and gods#and i would do it again#i would destroy planets if it meant protecting tails#and you think one village on an island in the middle of nowhere is worth anything to me?#drabbles#sonic the hedgehog#tails the fox#miles tails prower#unbreakable bond#sonic and tails#sth#sonic posting
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The silly stupid alien show about ghosts that steal your cock and balls just pulled the most gut wrenching, poignant shit possible and portrayed it so artistically and meaningfully what is even life.
This was MASTERFULLY done. The visual and environmental storytelling, the subtle foreshadowing, and inject those motifs into my fucking BLOOD.
Ho. Ly shit. Good fucking lord.
#dandadan#dandadan episode 7#ok so it should come as no surprise that i grew up on paranormal stories about ghosts aliens cryptids urban legends the whole nine yards#acrobatic sara sara is one japanese urban legend i don't see portyayed a lot. it's a bit nore obscure so when i saw they included her#i was IMMEDIATELY hyped.#but this episode#they did something so different#so unique#this is what i love about adaptations of urban legends you can do so much with them put so much meaning into something so underdeveloped#and what they did with that concept. holy shit.#they took a baseline legend about an underrated woman yokai - something that there are plenty of - saw her gimmick#and just shot it out of the motherfucking park.#it made me insane and then it made me cry so hard i gagged im dead serious.#the art in this show has been beautiful so far but never has it meant as much to me as it did here.#i love these characters so fucking much.#i need to read the manga. please dear god someone tell me where i can read the manga for free.#acrobatic silky#dandadan spoilers#dandadan acrobatic silky#dandadan aira#aira shiratori#if you hate aira shiratori genuinely fuck all the way off.
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*Different Beast motif plays*
Odysseus: *raises trident*
Odysseus, in the danger voice™: You're going to be my b*tch now, Poseidon.
Poseidon: ... Alright, please...!
... 600 Strike in a nutshell, right?
#Is that not what happened?#I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS Y'ALL#actually no I'm not sorry#Steven you didn't have to sound like that#simpseidon#<that's my tag for anything one-sided Poseidon x Odysseus#Bc that's the only way I like this ship#The fact that i could technically animate this scares me#Maybe i should#poseidon x odysseus#I guess I should tag it or sth#I still don't like the requited version of this ship but WHATEVER#All of you who do can enjoy this :)#epic the musical#epic odysseus#epic poseidon#Even as someone who doesn't ship them properly i must say Poseidon IS his b*tch now#There's no way he isn't#At least that means calm and favorable seas for the rest of his life?#At the cost of one simpy god trying to still act like he hates him#Small cost?? Maybe???
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I saw a Troilus post and that made me have Feels™ all over again. Something that particularly upsets me is the image of Troilus being dragged by his hair to Apollo's altar:

Like even putting aside the fact that Troilus, apart from being Apollo's son, is also a suppliant to Apollo here and to harm anyone in a god's temple is already an unforgivable violation of the sacredness of the place-
Troilus was a little boy or a youth at the most. His hair was most definitely sacred to him. It would have been cut and dedicated to Apollo, the protector of boys, if he had reached his adulthood. But he got dragged by his hair to his death, as if he was an animal being sacrificed to the god. Achilles didn't simply kill Troilus, he deliberately violated everything Troilus would have held sacred to him - his hair, his body, his god's temple...
Achilles had previously killed Tenes as well, another son of Apollo, despite Thetis very clearly warning him not to do so. So all of this was him knowingly spitting in Apollo's face, if you think about it.
#Troilus#Achilles#and he had the gall to accuse Apollo of being the most hateful of the gods#the fucking audacity of this bitch#like no shit Apollo would hate you#and this is also why I always prefer Paris being the one to kill him#because being killed by a god is an honor in itself#and Achilles has earned himself an inglorious death#also to clarify this isn't an attack on Achilles' fans#I don't mind if anyone likes him#i also find him interesting#tbh I'm not as affected by Tenes' death as i am by Troilus' death#it's entriely because of the brutality that Troilus was subjected to#in a place where he was supposed to be safe#it doesn't help that we have quite a few ancient artworks showing the scene of death#ugh#mine
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About Wyll and his horns (and what they mean)
Let's say I was writing a part of my Tav's story with Wyll directly connected to the dialogue he has during the tiefling party, and while struggling with this bit, I've realized there's quite a few misconceptions floating around. I felt compelled to add information to the table that might clear them, so here we go.
First, what exactly happens to Wyll when he disobeys Mizora in act one? Well, he doesn't get turned into a devil, he certainly doesn't get turned into a tiefling, he's not a half fiend, not a demon, none of that. Wyll stays human, but he has horns and red eyes (and other features we can't see on his model as of now).

(Everyone has their race listed, Wyll's remains "Human")
This is because when a warlock fails to uphold some part of their contract they can suffer a certain number of consequences, Wylls is “The character grows horns, a tail, or some other devilish features that can't be removed by any means short of divine intervention. As long as these marks persist the character detects as a fiend when subjected to Detect Evil and Good spells or similar magic.” ( from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, page 214)

And I’ve come across some people that think it wasn’t so bad of a punishment, that he was being racist towards the tieflings, or just not being justified in being upset after having his body forcibly changed against his will. I think they are missunderstanding just how insidious Mizora’s actions were, and here I just want to give some context to maybe bring a better understanding to the situation. Your conclusions are up to you.
Gonna start by using a not exact analogy, but I think it’s going to make the explanation easier. Stick with me for a minute.
Remember Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean? He had a branded “P” on his arm that marked him as a pirate. A murderer, robber, criminal, etc. in the eyes of the society he was a part of. What did Jack do to earn the branding? (if you don’t know this I suggest you look up the “people aren’t cargo mate” scene) He refused to transport slaves and later freed them, and Beckett had him marked as punishment.

Then, in the first movie, he saves Elizabeth, a woman he didn’t know, from drowning. Right after however, when Norrington sees he has a branded “P”, he’s like “alright, off to jail with you, and then hanging”, no other option crosses his mind. Again, Jack doesn’t know Elizabeth, isn’t indicated to think he is going to be rewarded for helping her, he just sees a drowning person, sees that no one else is going to help, and chooses to save them. That is a pretty selfless/good aligned thing to do, for no other reason that he was the one able to do it, yet the branding in his arm overrides any good action he could ever do, marking him as a criminal for execution and no further thought.
In a way, that’s what Mizora did to Wyll; she forever visibly branded him as someone that has made deals with devils, and that in the world of DnD is a VERY BAD THING. Personally I really like the mod that gives him more devilish features, but at the same time I think there was something clever about choosing to leave him looking more human. He can’t be confused with a tiefling, he doesn’t have the ears, the claws, the tail, all those features that characterize them. He looks kind of uncanny, and that would be like a red flag for anyone in that world. (Beyond the already existing hate for tieflings that I’m not gonna tackle on here because it’s a complicated thing that deserves its own post). And Wyll wants to do good, he wants to help people, to be a positive force in the world so, so badly. This dude got abducted by a nautiloid, got tadpole’d, and the first thing he did right after that was come across the Tiefling refugees and be like “Oh you need help? No worries let me teach you self defense. Oh you being attacked by goblins? Let me blast them real quick”. His way of saying fuck you to all the awful things that have happened to him is being aggressively good and kind. Mizora knows this very well, wants to see him suffer for her amusement, wants to remind him he can't escape her claws, so her choice of punishment was to forever taint his future interactions with mistrust and suspicion. Some people can go real fast from “oh thank God they saved me” to “oh no, are they gonna rob me, are they trying to trick me, are they in cahoots with the ones that attacked me first?” just because of outward appearances. Especially in DnD world. And that deserves its own conversation, but we're focusing on Wyll here.
(Mizora, when I catch you Mizora)
“Well, maybe he shouldn’t have made a deal in the first plac- - “ He was seventeen, alone, preyed upon by Mizora and put in an impossible situation. Please PAY ATTENTION to the story you’re witnesing.
About the tieflings. I know it’s easy to think his words can be derisive towards them, but it’s less about the horns and more about his body being changed against his will. Imagine instead that he got half his face burned, or something that disfigured him. I think his feelings at the moment were closer to that, and yeah they are pretty insensitive words to say to someone with a similar condition (horns or disfiguration), but when feelings are fresh and raw like that it’s easy to say insensitive things. Not saying it was ok for him to say them, but there was no malice in his words. I’ve also seen some people share that they think Mizora wanted to change him more to make him unrecognizable to his original self, the Wyll Ravenguard kid, and I think there is some truth to that too. She wants to make sure that Wyll remembers that he belongs to her, there's no question to that.
Whether the Tieflings refugees would feel unsettled by Wyll or not? Yes. In a way, they would. From reasons aside from the ones I explained above, remember that these specific tieflings come from Elturel. If you didn’t pass the History check or don’t remember, Elturel is a city that was literally ripped from the land and dragged to Avernus, First layer of hell (it left a hole on the ground and everything) because their mayor made a deal with the Archdevil Zariel some decades back in the timeline. He sold the souls of all its citizens and the city itself.

This was probably one of the worst times of their lives. Some even got captured and forced to participate in the blood War, like Dammon as a mechanic. And after Elturel got returned to the surface, the tieflings lost their homes because they reminded the other citizens of the literal Hell they’d just gone through, and they kicked them out. And remember, they met and saw Wyll as a human, and then saw him with horns. It’s not unreasonable to think that by looking at him they would be reminded of all the events that led them to the awful situation they’re in. Because of someone that was making deals with devils, just like Wyll. Even if his situation is completely different. And Wyll knows that, that’s why he tells you the tieflings are unsettled by him and chooses to stay away during the party.
It was never just about the horns.
And I know Wyll calls himself a devil but I think it’s because it’s the closest thing he looks as; devils are a whole different race with their own intricacies, although humans can be turned into devils ONCE their souls go to Avernus and they start climbing the power hierarchy there (Mizora and Raphael are cambions/ half-devils btw, which is a different thing, there are plenty of videos exploring those details more in depth).
Do I think Larian should have made some of this information clearer/easier to access? Maybe? but to be fair, it's a game focused and dedicated to a crowd that was already somewhat familiar with the source material, that blew up waay out of what they originally expected to reach. Hopefully they’ll add some clarifications like they did to other quests.
Anyway these are my two cents to the conversation, have a nice day, and don't hesitate to add your two cents if you feel like it!
#bg3#baldurs gate 3#wyll#bg3 wyll#wyll ravengard#wyll bg3#mizora#lore#baldurs gate#bg3 discourse#bg3 discussion#elturel#bg3 companions#tieflings#I hate mizora so much oh my god#fully headcanon that when my Tav went to Avernus with Kalach and Wyll they destroyed her#he canonically goes after her in one of the endings#so wtf not#and don't get me started on Ulder Ravengard#I'll rip him a new one on another post#just you wait#tw slavery#tw mentions of slavery
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blessed be (lorscher bienensegen) | telling the bees (wiþ ymbe)
"Bees" [remixed, abridged], Claudia Emerson // "Letter to Someone Living Fifty Years from Now" [remixed. abridged], Matthew Olzmann // "Letter to my Great, Great Grandchild" [remixed, abridged], J.P. Grasser | Len Redkole, Nina Weiss, Brian Babineau, Christian Peterson, Mitchell Leff, Dave Isaac, Megan DeRuchie
#liv in the replies#if i were insane there would be an appendix to this called telling the bees however i finished this at 3am yesterday its nearly midnight &#my cutoff is when my ahl asg stream cuts. GOD by now i should know when i save a poem like hmm. not applicable but god it'd be perfect#THAT'S A CURSE. DON'T PUT IT IN THE DOCUMENT. DON'T SAVE IT. FORGET YOU READ IT. IT'S A CURSE!! <- things i should've told myself when i#went to read bees was already like 👀 &then the first line was FUCKING CLAUDE!!!!! anyway. sorry also this is like. insanely long but ALSO#regarding mf claude. the first picture is a leftover from the claude edit i made years ago so that feels GREAT and BEAUTIFUL & also for me#as ever y'all will be getting a full breakdown. starting with what i regularly have a breakdown about every time i see it which is joelle's#james 1:12 tattoo which if u use the king james version (gay) is blessed is he who perseveres under trial because having stood the test he#will receive the crown of life the lord has promised to those who love him. which i always go blessed is he who perseveres // for those who#love him. and that's joel. ignoring him getting it then getting sent down on his birthday IGNORING IT. also we know the frosty/maple leafs#hahaha fuck the flyers lore right? good. that's morgan and his dad also bc i love a baby picture & it was perfect. also the dave isaac pic#next was in an article talking about morgan 'stung' by draft camp. shut UP. i have an alt for tells him with claude and ALSO hate the#elephant w/phil bc myesie u fuckin leaf-eater (giraffe) but i love the composition of that jake shot & had to use it (it was also almost#tells him) with thylacine jakey frog nolan also raff the extinct whale bc i needed him here. if my editing on incapable of joy is bad no on#tell me i did some SHENANIGANS to put morgan in there & color-pick/alter his jersey. new skill. i think euphoria is one of my favorite for#the sake of pride night but ALSO that polaroid kills me very time &they're so stoners contemplate the universe but ALSO i love transcendenc#so that whole three photo string i think is my favorite. and i was in looking at these like listen okay it's okay there are only so many#photos in the world. you can repeat from others you've seen before. except ALSO there's so many of these freaks together do you separate#and every time i was like there can't be more there was more. don't ask the number of back-ups for the sweetest blossom/pinch/ruffle sets#okay also the ready to be stung one was a surprise favorite fit for me because i love that line but wasn't sure how to convey it? so it's o#i think with how morgan's face is and the almost of it all. yes joel hardest trier is in there purely for me i do have an alt but. how coul#u doubt him. insert sasha's tweet abt how much joel loves philly but all his quotes have been abt being excited for morgan to have a fresh#start. AND NOT EVEN TWO MINUTES IN CALGARY AND YOU'RE STILL INSEPARABLE god i literally googled frost farabee calgary to find the last#blessed [because. heard but not seen you know of everyone traded but you went together. not seen. (which ties into the terrible appendix)]#and IT DIDN'T EVEN TAKE ME TWO MINUTES TO FIND THAT!!! WHAT DO YOU MEANNN anyway. sorry again it's so long & also i will be vanishing a wee#& a half after posting [redacted] is kicking my ass & im doing [redacted fun things WAIT ACTUALLY U CAN KNOW ONE i'm seeing hippo campus]#morgan frost#joel farabee#philadelphia flyers#calgary flames
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it's so obvious that most of these dudebros that hate the ironwood section are racists 🤷🏻♀️ and don't even start with "but the pacing.." when it's not even the "slowest" part of the game (and has, actually, plenty of action)
#angrboda was being hated on even before the game's release#and it doesn't help that most of the people who complain about the section are incels and dudebros#they really be talking shit about ironwood when the first mission to svartalfheim exists#don't get me wrong i love puzzles#but why are the svartalfheim ones so BORING#anyways you can definitely like them but i just think it's kinda repetitive and boring 🫶🏻#gow#god of war#angrboda#atreus
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thinking about when a door-to-door missionary asked my dad if he had a personal relationship with jesus and he replied, deadpan, "I eat him."
#my dad HATES missionaries#once a mormon asked him if he had read the book of mormon and he said yes i have one actually#the mormon asked if he had prayed on it and he said yes but i don't want to offend you with what god said about it#<<ik i have mormon followers i am just reporting an anecdote pls don't get mad
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Slowly introducing my mephone4 fanart to Tumblr this is probably the most normal one it only gets weirder and worse from here
#OH GOD WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU#object shows#How do you tag osc stuff here I am confused#osc art#ii mephone4#art#Uhhhhh#I've made so much mephone4 fanart in the span of like two weeks I have like 4 fully rendered drawings guys it's not ok#inanimate insanity#I ALMOST FORGOT THAT TAG..#ii osc#mephone4 inanimate insanity#Maybe I would get more interaction if I tagged my posts better but I don't think I really care#Mephone4 they will never make me hate you..#Mephone4 I am sorry for projecting my mental illnesses onto you#I'm working on another mephone drawing RIGHT NOW and no one can stop me#Uhhhhh that was all goodbye#Osc I am scared of you
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Have you watched the musical "Spiderman: Turn of the dark"?, what is your opinion? (I love musicals, but haven't watched this one, first I want to know if it is good).
Also I would have expected that the one who would get a theatrical musical, would be DP. I bet that if the musical exist in the universe of the boys, Wade would be a little jealous. 🤭🤭
i actually haven't seen this one - i've listened to the entire soundtrack and read synopsises, and know all the lore behind it and it's a point of obsession for me but - all the cams of it are so poor quality that it's completely unwatchable for me. i get too frustrated that i have to just stop watching.
i always ask people the question, you know, if you could time travel to any moment in time, what would it be - and when they turn that question back at me, my answer, at the ready, is that i'd go see spider-man: turn off the dark, on broadway. i'd give anything to see it, honestly. i want one of the spider-man stunt-men to fall on me, so, so bad.
i have read the script, for - you know, some version of it. there was more than one version. i read one of them. and i have to say, i really like it. i think peter's actually really, really hilarious, in his socially inept sort of way. it's very fun. also bonus points for having it canon that flash would fuck a spider, even before spider-man was a thing.
hilarious. also! pretty obvious from the soundtrack but gg is immensely queer coded and honestly it reads as though he just wants to share a condo and adopt a dog with spider-man. you're a queer in tights? IM a queer in tights. lets be queers in tights together. it's so funny how he goes about trying to be peter's bff. most hilarious interaction between a villain and hero ever 10/10
uh-huh. uh-huh. (writes a note in my little gay notepad)
how to make friends 101
#sci speaks#obsessed.#i do make it a point that i need to eat every little bit of spider-man media lore that exists#and the spider-man musical.. god. i want it to come back SO BAD.#i know everyone hated it. but they're wrong. or even if they're right i don't care. bring it back for me exclusively.#does something have to be good? is it not simply enough to have. spider-man in it.#that's where all the recent sony spider-man spinoff movies are going wrong. they are bad. and they ALSO don't have spider-man in them.#if they had spider-man in them i would maybe forgive them for being bad.#except homecoming. not you homecoming.#the mcu movies don't count because they don't have spider-man in them until the third one. nwh. which i forgive.#because two spider-men show up in the last act to make up for all the spider-man-less-ness#sorry i always ramble in the tags. it's a curse.
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Bit of a humorous ask. What would happen if König accidentally saw his neighbor compromised? Like, they are doing something embarrassing in their home and doesn't realize their window is open and they happened to glance up at each other at the same time 😭😭
I may or may not have been dancing to ABBA in my bathrobe and my neighbor was walking past and we made solid eye contact with each other for at least 10 seconds before we started laughing. I was in my bathrobe and my nightgown I was so embarrassed. Luckily she laughed with me and danced a little too.
(Anon, in your defense, ABBA is absolute PEAK for that kind of thing. Anyone who wouldn't do the same is either a liar or has no sense of joy in their lives. I'm glad that it was short lived embarrassment and your neighbor has a great sense of humor but still 😭)
Oh man, he'd be mortified.
His social anxiety, as well managed as it is, has him in a chokehold with those things. Second hand embarrassment is one of his worst enemies. As in, he will pause a movie and will exit it if it relies on it for "humor". It's just TOO painful for him to sit and squirm through, he hates it.
He cannot and does not want to deal with it, he'd rather pretend those things don't exist if it's that level of embarrassing. Alas life has a cruel sense of humor and things like that are bound to happen. So he goes the classic route of action: immediately diverts his eyes, pretends like he was conveniently doing something else, and acts like he never saw anything in the first place. He's never going to bring it up or mention it. Even if you swear he saw it, he won't say a word and forces it from his mind.
That being said, it really depends what it is and what happened though - because if it's something endearing where they're just enjoying themselves, living their life, it's really bad! What's "embarassing" usually depends on our own perceptions anyhow.
He may watch for a few moments with a small smile on his face before he diverts his attention before he can be caught. Since we all have those moments where we do things like that and it's a part of our nature to just be silly and to live our lives, it's something to enjoy. It's a moment of calm, normalcy, and tranquility in his otherwise tumultuous life, that he can savor because that can be gone in an instant. He knows that all too well. It's just humans being humans in the absolute best way and THAT is heartwarming and nothing to be embarrassed about. He'll cherish that and the good that he sees whenever he finds it in this world.
He's all for being yourself and enjoying life as you see fit. Go splash in those puddles, go feed the birds, go talk to the little flowers you see growing. Life is too short to waste in on worrying what others think when doing so would hinder your own. His cheeks might tinge a bit crimson if you make eye contact and he's looking away instantly, but that's not from embarrassment - those are just other, more heart warming feelings that are making him flush.
Still, he doesn't like to intrude on private moments (his curtains are usually drawn and he has privacy film on most of his windows) so you're usually going to be in the clear anyhow! But either way, nothing to be embarrassed about. He's not bringing it up either way and if it's bad, it's scrubbed from his mind. If not, he's instead doing his damn best to memorize it and cherish it, among the other small moments that you share together 💚
#cod#call of duty#call of duty x reader#cod modern warfare#reader insert#gender neutral reader#konig cod#konig call of duty#könig call of duty#könig x reader#cod könig#könig cod#könig#konig x you#konig x reader#könig x you#neighbor! könig#i know im not the only one who hates 'comedy' movies who rely on second hand embarrassment#that shit is so awful it should be illegal fr#like i have to pause the movie and im suffering. like NOOO DON'T DO THAT oh my god it was so big early 2010s and i hated it#ITS NOT FUNNY ITS AWKWARD AND PAINFUL#anyways#he wouldn't confront on things like that#he just knows people are people. we all do weird things in private - him included. Who is he to judge? Live your best life
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