#((and I hope it makes you want to ship with me >:3c ))
organanagear · 2 years
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          For Orga, his love is soft. 
          He loves so softly.
          He’s the one to buy flowers, to shower his beloved in attention and gentle affections; tucking a hair behind their ear only to caress their cheek, holding their hand and rubbing the back of their hand with his thumb, having a few pet names for them, reaching out for soft touches, kissing the corner of their mouth or their cheek, etc. He pays close attention to them and tries his best to make his beloved feel as though they are the very center of his universe.
          When it’s with Orga, it’s all about the small things. The softness of his love is what makes him feel on top of the world. While more- ahem- dominant in a physical sense, that’s not what makes his heart roar like thunder. It’s the whisper of his name, the soft gasp his beloved makes when he gives them gifts, the feel of them against him in a tight hug. It’s dancing horribly in the kitchen at midnight, singing to serenade each other.
          It’s less the ‘I love you’, and more the ‘You make my heart happy’ or the ‘Please be safe’ before they take off on a job.
          He WILL say I Love You- it’s just not the only way he proclaims his love for his partner.
          He’s not one for grand gestures and doesn’t like the attention of a crowd with all eyes on him when he’s with his beloved. He prefers the quiet times where they build memories and spend quality time together. He’s not the one to propose in the guild hall or sing to them in the open. His love is quieter than that, and he prefers the subtleness and the privacy that comes with it.
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eisenrosen · 3 months
I am obligated to ask about ur thoughts on frapru >:3c
At the tail end of my original run of the hetalia fandom (2018-2019) FraPru was my SHIT. Like idk what about it had me in a chokehold but it was my number 1 Prussia ship for a bit.
I’ll have to pull my thoughts from the dark recesses of my brain for this one
A lot of Prussia ships I feel has one party fawning over Gilbert for his strength and mysterious aura and Gilbert just standing there picking his nose and this is turned up to the nines with PruFra
François has an “I can fix him” attitude and Gilbert is very “you will not change me.” And it’s a back and forth until François learns to love Gilbert for the things he wishes he could change and Gilbert learns to love the things about François that piss him off
François brings out his more creative side, the two exchanging hundreds and hundreds of letters talking about the nastiest shit to François forcing him to pose for paintings with his nuts out. And Gilbert loves to push him to his limits, Swordfights aplenty (in more than one way), long discussions of war tactics late into the night, the two have a lot of similar interests.
Also view François as more dominant in both the romantic and sexual sense, despite the fact Gilbert desperately wants to be the dominant one in the relationship, that is just not happening. François is much more experienced in all aspects of relationships, he is often the one who takes the initiative and Gilbert is relegated to being dragged along by his leash (not that he minds but you will NOT see him admitting that)
Hope these make sense I haven’t thought about them since like 2019 god bless
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nari-writes · 11 months
What's a fic you want to write but are scared of?
Oh man. Aw man. I presume you mean something like "dang this is gonna be massive and I don't want to dive into it" but.
This is a perfect excuse to segue into: I don't want to write this fic because I'll stick my foot in it. 'Cause of the relationship focus (PLATONIC!) that would just. The two factions of people who would see it would Both be angry/annoyed. Reading comprehension in this decade is horrendous. And I don't want to get death threats from people who won't read my explanation/won't get that I'm doing this for comedic purposes and ALSO as someone who ships a tiny-ass rarepair I do not want to engage in the....adjacent queerbait of "this is possibly an inherently romantic concept but I am playing it ENTIRELY straight"???
And then ALSO I don't ship them so I also don't want to fall into the trap of my OWN DANG SELF where I LOVE writing romantic drama and will potentially-possibly actually-accidentally turn it romantic simply because I love writing pining so much. It could be fun! I can see why their dynamic would be SO PAINFUL (and fun) to ship but I don't, but I know writing this WOULD MAKE ME want pinning involved. Because I love writing Romance. I'm a goddamn romance/fluff/plot author. It'd be there. A spectre. Haunting me. Cackling in a little :3c fashion. I know myself. I know myself. I will fail. I'm weak and the internal pressure of writing this would lead SO well to pining and then I'd probably get attached because I can justify so much so easily and when I write people stuck in romance-esque situations I make it Work for what I Like and I DON'T want to do that because I DON'T want to con myself into shipping this.
"what the fuck are you talking about Nari," you ask, "and why the hell are you adding so many disclaimers before you even go into the fic idea???"
So Dick Grayson gets married to the Red Hood.
(this is platonic) (BEAR WITH ME) (THIS IS PLATONIC)
1 x Bludhaven Cop finds out that he's gonna get called upon to testify against the Red Hood and due to some absolutely WILD Shenanigans that will never make more than a singular mention in the fic, the Bludhaven court currently is running around with Diana's lasso of truth and/or some other artifact that makes it LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to lie on the stand. You WILL tell the truth. It is great for weeding out false confessions. The crooked cops and judges are incensed and trying to get rid of this thing ASAP but Dick has spent months trying to keep it safe and Still Working and he- he can't get rid of it.
And if Dick Grayson, Bludhaven Cop, current third witness in a case revolving around the Red Hood, gets on that stand...Oh Fuck He Knows So Many Red Hood Secrets. He 👏 knows 👏 so 👏 many 👏 secrets 👏
So Dick Grayson, Bludhaven Cop, sleep-deprived and panicking, goes: FUCK.
Well I can't be forced to testify against my spouse.
Jason howls when he hears what Dick has decided. He is absoLUTELY going along with this, this is the dumbest shit his brother has gotten himself into, how the FUCK is he gonna explain it to his co-workers. Jason is DELIGHTED at how stupid Dick is being. This man's a moron.
"oh I need to work within the confines of the law" YOU ARE A VIGILANTE, DICK, says Jason, cackling. Steal the damn thing!
They do not have a ceremony. Jason grabs one of his lieutenants to act as signatory/witness and they go to the one branch of city hall that's in Crime Alley because Dick needs it done now and the case is in a week. There are three leaks in the ceiling. They are taking advantage of Jason's reputation to a) skip the line and waiting period and b) convince the magistrate to accept Jason's so incredibly fake ID:
(Chew. Chew. Pop.
Dick kinda wishes there was a polite way to say 'hey can you spit your gum out before it makes my brain explode from how not-seriously you're taking this super serious matter?' but he has a feeling something will get lost in translation, and the look on the registar's face is already deadpan and unimpressed.
"And that's your legal name?" she asks, and the gum pops. Jason tilts his helmet, and Dick can imagine his grin; can hear it when Jason says,
"Definitely a legal one."
"You file your taxes under the name 'Red Hood'?" she inquires, her drawl filled with such a level of derision that Dick knows why she's chewing gum, now. It's to highlight how much she doesn't give a shit. Why is every resident of Crime Alley like this?
Her name tag says her name is Monica - Monica, like this is a normal day with a normal person! - and there are four people behind him with cellphones. There's a security guard behind them with a cellphone. He's not even calling the cops, he's definitely just recording them. Dick wants to vibrate out of his skin.
"Yep," says Jason, popping the p obnoxiously. "I'm an LLC, baby."
"Look, Monica," Dick says, shoving the bystanders out of his mind and giving her his most charming grin. "When secret identities come into play, getting married is a bit difficult. Dick Grayson is definitely dating the Red Hood-," holy shit he finally managed it without sinking into the depths of his 'how the fuck did we end up here???' self-spiral! "-which means if I want to marry him I have to marry the Red Hood. If I suddenly show up with some new, random husband that doesn't have this shiny primary-coloured helmet, isn't it going to be a bit weird?" And here's the part he can actually say with sincerity, even if, in this context, it'll mean something different- "I love him. I want to get married. But I need to protect him. Please?"
Monica looks at him. She looks at Jason. She pops her bubblegum, and then reaches for her stamp.
"Congratulations," she says, and slides the wedding certificate under the glass. "Enjoy domestic bliss.")
(We #loveMonica. She cares just barely about the legalities of marrying a crime boss and is Not Paid Enough to Deal With Anything Else).
Anyway, other things that occur that @midnightluck and I talked about, everyone say <3 <3 to Lucky for having the funniest goddamn words. Wildly out of order/messy/random humour things that occur (under readmore because this post is INSANELY long):
Precinct is Not Surprised by Officer Grayson revealing he has a partner, due to conversations like this:
(phone rings) "Grayson here. Wha--oh, hi. What? No, I didn't touch your book, you know I don't read your books. No, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Chaucer, I just don't have the time-- can we. Can we not. Look, I don't know, maybe it's on the nightstand where you left it after that concussion last week? No, not the one with the grenade drawer, though we do need to talk about that, how do you go through so many so fast? No, I know that, that's why the spare room is your armory, I don't have a problem with that--yes, I know, but that doesn't mean-- ugh. You know what. No, I'm at work. This can wait. Uh huh. Uh huh. No, I want Thai. Thai. You owe me satay for this and you know it. What? Yes, we're still on the Robinson case; whatcha got for me? Uh huh. Uh huh. Really, them? Oh, I know that address, isn't that that warehouse where Timmy--yeah, haha, right? Oh, right? For sure. Let's get that picture printed; he'll hate it. Uh huh. Okay, gotta go, some of us have a day job--no one pays you to be a zombie, okay? Okay, see you at home. Bye."
Reasons why people think it is the Red Hood:
police officer Dick is doing a thing at work and suddenly! The Red Hood appears at his raid/bust/whatever! And he's all "drop the weapons or I'll get another duffle bag" and Dick goes, "Everyone chill a sec," pulls out his phone and is like, "Hey, Red Hood, are you in Blud right now?"
"No? You know I've got that thing at the harbour tonight. Why would I be in Blud?"
"Well, I've got a Red Hood and that's definitely your jacket and hood he's wearing, like, a couple iterations ago but it's yours. You piss off any magic users lately? Trip into any time slips? Dimensional mirrors?"
"No? Shit, when's he from, can you tell?"
"It's that jacket with the high collar, with the stain on the sleeve, you know the one? The red piping?"
"Huh. I haven't worn that one since two summers ago, so careful, he might be riding green?"
"Lemme check. One sec--hey! Mr Hood! How do you feel about Tim?"
"…Tim who?"
"…That's not me."
"That's not you. It's not a time dimensional thing, is it, mr Hood. You're just a copycat."
"I bet he found an old safe house, he stole my shit--Hey, asshole! Wait, am I on speaker? Put me on speaker. Hey, copycat! I want my stuff back! And I'm coming to get it!"
and later when the precinct has gotten sort-of-used to Dick Grayson "being married" to a vigilante:
Grayson and partner walk out the station doors and Red Hood descends upon them, gun out, gets right up in Dick's face and says "I swear to god Dickolas if you leave your wet towel on the ground one more time I will start washing it with peppers and make you regret everything."
2. The Precinct All So Fully Aware of Dick Grayson's secrets yeah man they all know it! Dick Grayson is....dating the Red Hood!
"Grayson? Yeah, he's dating the Red Hood, they're basically married--"
"W h a t, we are not--how--what--"
"oh shit, my bad man, y'all broke up? Sorry to hear it. Anyway, Grayson is the Red Hood's ex--"
"I'M NOT."
"-you're still together?"
"We were never together!"
(precinct decides to set up Officer Grayson and the Red Hood because OBVIOUSLY they've got a bond.png)
"you can encourage him away from crime, grayson!!!"
"I can't encourage him to do shit," dick grumbles, "i cant even get him to have a shower if he doesn't feel like it." (dick ignoring the times he has actively bullied jason into taking care of himself)
Every single not-dirty cop is just: no no of COURSE Grayson won't admit it. That's not fair! He loves being a cop. It must be so hard to balance justice with love.
3. married behaviour: Dick Grayson is Never Beating the Allegations
the Red Hood waltzing into the Blud police station all "here to see Grayson please--that way? (The guns are out but then he asks for Grayson and everyone's like oh shit yeah we wanna see this first hand) "Thanks. Dickiebird! Honey bun! Your forgot your lunch at home, puddin' pie!"
"now, now, all these nice folks here have told me we're together, so we must be, mustn't we?"
"Oh? You don't want your delicious lunch I handmade for you out of love?"
"…I…didn't say that…"
("Don't you love me?" Jason asks, and every single warning sign yells: this is a trap!! Dick contemplates burying his face in his hands.
"At work?" he says instead, wishing he could transplant his pain so Jason would stop finding such joy in his embarrassment.
"Oh, so you aren't bummed you forget your wonderful home cooked lunch at home? You're happy for me to turn around and take your lunchbox back home with me?"
Roll back- his what?
Jason smacks a bento box on his desk, the clear lid showing off tiny red sausages cut into mini replicas of Jason's helmet and tiny guns, and Dick chokes. Jason's face, he can imagine, is gleeful; his tone certainly gives it away. "And after I put in so much effort…"
"No, no, I love you," Dick says, lunging for the box and mentally discarding the stale coffee and sandwich made with slightly-off meat that he'd been planning to get from the cafeteria.)
Gives him the lunch, goes to kiss him on the head but with the helmet he just straight up bonks him painfully, waltzes out again. "See you later for dinner, sweetheart!"
"Sooo, Grayson…"
"can we arrest him? Why aren't we arresting him? He's super wanted, let's arrest him."
"Please, like we'd get involved in your domestic affairs"
Dick torn between Homemade food and god jay why are you doing this. Do you exist only to make him suffer. Why are you the most evil sibling.
The fake is the biggest one, the kickstart, because how would officer Grayson know that wasn't hood unless he knew the red hood well? - but then it's bits and pieces, that Dick doesn't even do consciously, and then Jay finding out and the Lunch Situation Dick gets called in by his captain and he's like no sir I swear sir it's not, I'm not-
I'm doing an undercover op
His captain, not buying that shit for a minute: uh-huh
Barbara: "okay but Deathstroke was bad enough, now you're going after the Red Hood? You've got a dangerous type, boy wonder"
"babs why are you doing this to me"
"don't pretend you don't know >:/"
babs hanging in the bludhaven office during Dick's lunchbreak and ABSOLUTELY supports more rumours. She's Dick's best friend!!! Of course SHE'D know about Dick's ~paramour~.
Dick is going to hide under his desk and Never Ever Come Out Again
His captain realising red hood is less violent when Grayson's on the scene and finally awkwardly is like "look….if it's because the Precinct isn't a safe space for you…"
so his co workers start working around it but then Dick gets into a situation where he'd Have to testify and he's like. Shit. and he goes NOPE SORRY CAN'T DO IT, CAN'T TESTIFY AGAINST MY SPOUSE WHO IS. THE RED HOOD. :) MY SPOUSE THE RED HOOD. (is dying)
Moment of quiet then "wait who won the pot? Was it Johnson? Mick, you owe me $20 personally--"
Jason is going to be insufferable.
But also yes, Dick getting wildly congratulated for "finally managing to put a ring on it" or some shit and he's like/ Don't put your head in your hands don't put your head in your hands, don't --
"So how'd you two meet?"
1: "he stole my dad's tires so we kidnapped him" (true)
2: "he attempted to kill my little brother and also my dad" (true)
3: "he saved me from a mugging?" (Embarrassing lie)
and you KNOW he has to say 3 tho, the other two may have come up earlier about Jason and he canNOT let anyone connect them
The bullpen dissolving into yelling as everyone tries to sort out bets. Dick being asked who/how popped the question.
4. Dick Grayson and "I was trying to infiltrate the dirty cops of the precinct but goddamnit being Red Hood's fiance has revealed there are so many of them- and now they're throwing me a stag party. great.
Dick trying to salvage any of his dignity: Red Hood proposed. He was very romantic about it. Read me Shakespeare. Threatened to maim my enemies. Very sweet
"awww.. it's really great that he's so enamored with you Grayson, you deserve it :))"
"and you stopped him at only maiming!!! Dude, nice!!"
"yep. That was his (grits teeth) proposal gift. No more killing."
Jason, busting into their apartment later: DID YOU TELL PEOPLE YOU WERE ENGAGED TO THE RED HOOD?
Except Jason busts in on a contingent of tipsy and delighted cops. Who are like oh!!! Grayson friend!! Celebrate with us!
Jason forcibly cuddled and celebrated with, trying to yell at dick in code: "YOU'RE MARRYING THE RED HOOD? ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT ABOUT HIS REPUTATION."
Cop: "Wait you didn't tell your brother you were gonna have a wedding?!?"
"It was- it was a city hall thing! It's hard to be discreet- Hood didn't want witnesses-"
"Not gonna want witnesses for what happens next either," jason mumbles.
5. Tim Does Not Need to be Blackmailed into Humiliating Dick:
"Here to see Grayson please. That way? Thank you." (deep breath) "D--Dick?"
"Tim? Timmy, oh no, why are you crying, what's wrong, Tim, what--"
"How could you?"
"Little bird no, what did I do, Timmybird talk to me--"
"You're dating a supervillain? What if you get hurt??? Dick, this isn't like you!"
"...how much is he paying you."
"How could you think that of me!"
"Oh. What's he blackmailing you with?"
"I JUST WANT YOU TO BE CAREFUL," Tim howls, scrubbing his eyes and using his stupid babyface to great effect and Dick's gonna kill both of them
Dick finally get him to "calm down" and as they hug and say bye, Tim whispers, "if you think this isn't the funniest shit I've participated in all year you're out of your mind. Blackmail isn't required."
Dick, uncomfortably aware that Tim will help Jason stir the pot in cackling delight if he thinks something's funny, is not comforted by the fact that they're bonding. He is immediatly right, because he later finds pictures of himself drooling on Jason's shoulder, but they've been edited so Jason has on the hood. Several guys in the precinct think it's very sweet
("Aww I just thought Dick would like some family photos for his desk, y'know, officer John? Let him know we support him🥺")
6. Post-wedding wedding gift from the precinct:
"We had a whiparound for you, Grayson; here."
"…Uh. What."
"Well since you're with the Red Hood--"
"--right, since you're totally not with the Red Hood and have no contact with vigilantes ever and James totally didn't see anyone crawl through your window the other night bleeding, we got you a good first aid kit. So you can learn and be a more supportive boyf--I mean. Just in case. First aid kits are a good staple of any mixed household :)"
Dick later delivering it: "Guys at the precinct got us a wedding present. It's a first aid kit."
"Oh? Cool, we're out of Oxy anyway, good timing--"
"it doesn't have Oxytocin in it, Jay, that's a controlled substance, they're cops!"
"Well then what use is it!"
"Its usefulness isn't the point! Anyway, they themed it."
"WAIT THEY DID WHAT" (immediately delighted and digging through the kit)
Someone has individually drawn tiny red hood helmets on the bandaids
A note like "eyo dick, washable red pen works rlly well if u wanna write notes to your beau on these too"
Jason cackles and puts a bandaid on his perfectly fine helmet because he's so charmed
Dick goes into work one day with a black eye, a small cut on his forehead, and a Red Hood bandaid over it. Jason has written a tiny message on the bandaid like "healing kisses applied".
One of the secretaries who works DV cases very worriedly and subtly approaches him but Dick just immediately says, "No I got mugged, he saved me"
"damn. You get mugged a lot in front of him huh-"
"Well I have that kinda face, I guess"
"good thing you've got someone to save you!"
"…Yes. It's a good thing I get saved. Yes indeed. Love it."
(gasp) "Is this a flirting thing???"
7. Dick Grayson Has a Type, don't you know?
Red Hood manages a short appearance with just the domino, not the hood, and he's dyed his hair temporarily red
(this backfires: Dick shamelessly takes the opportunity to glomp on and brag about his super smart so strong really amazing (little bro)
"he can bench me!! It's so cool! And he's so supportive when he does I feel so safe in his arms :)))"
"you're a loser and I'm gonna hurt you."
"and my enemies~")
Bruce: so. I heard something interesting the other day. The bludhaven Precinct got to celebrate an engagement
Dick: no
Bruce: congratulations, Dick
Jason, also lowkey dying bc he figured bruce would know but was also kinda not expecting him to bring it up in front of the WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY
Bruce: I'm sure you've put plenty of thought into your....choice.
Dick: I'm going to self combust and then you won't have a son OR a dining room table. Is that what you want? Is that what you want, Bruce?
Bruce: I just wish you'd invited more family than just. Jason.
Dick: you're dead to me
Jason, mumbling: hey tbf I had to be there
Bruce: "I want you to know I support you, no matter what. Just because Red Hood is--"
Jason: "what, a vigilante? A zombie? A mass murderer? What am I, Bruce?"
Bruce: "--male, I don't see you any differently. You're my son, no matter who you love."
Bruce: I just wish- well, no, it was your choice. But I hope you know a private wedding won't get you out of wedding gifts.
Jason/Dick: nO
Bruce: I took the liberty of having them delivered already :)) And if you would- Just a small ceremony, in the backyard--it would mean a lot to Alfred, and to me--
Dick: there better be a return policy---
and because it's fucking Bruce he's absolutely using the excuse to get them So Much Fancy Bitch Shit
(And a dog 🐕)
Bruce: a home for a family :))) if you'd like. I know the Red Hood cares deeply for children. --and you know how I feel about your place in Blud, Dick, it's no place to start a family.
Dick: "Please don't tell me you bought us an apartment."
Bruce: "Don't be silly, boys. I bought the whole building. it'll give hood plenty of space to store his things away from the kids!"
Jason: what kids.
Bruce: well, I always presumed, from red hood's behaviour, he'd quite like a few children. Even just to foster.
Alfred coming out stone faced, "congratulations on your nuptials, master Dick. Felicitations."
Dick: "Not you too."
Alfred: Miss Gordon informed me.
Alfred, sounding disappointed as fuck: I'm glad I was informed by someone.
Jason: Bruce I'm absolutely gonna bury you
Bruce: may I meet my grandchildren first?
Bruce: Anyway that was Dick's present. Please give this to Mr Grayson-Hood--oh, did you not hyphenate? I assumed you would, apologies. It's full tuition to Blud U for however long he wants. Do give him my best wishes too.
And then Bruce just. So soft. "And please make sure he knows he's always welcome, if he'd like to join us for family dinners. No matter his profession or choices."
I feel like this line would be Way Too Much for Jason and he'd storm off tho 🥺 and Dick would have to go get him to Chill out.
"it's just Bruce. You know what he's like."
"Overbearing and insufferable?" Jason sneers, hands curled around his elbows, and being "married" has been awkward but at least it's finally started to mend the physical distance Jason's been keeping. Dick knows, when he slings his arm around Jason's shoulders and pulls him in close, that Jason isn't going to go stiff and angry.
"Hey. I have an idea on how to make you feel better," he says with a tease, and Jason grunts. "Okay, no, little wing hear me out. How are we gonna get divorced?"
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ruewrites · 4 months
Kinktober 2022 Day 31: Sex Dice
Ship: Asmodeus/Diavolo/Mephistopheles/Solomon
Word Count: 1678
Warnings: suggestive
I hope you all enjoy the last chapter! I AM FREEEEEEE. MARTHA I'M COMING HOME SWEETIE.
Comments are appreciated :3c
Mephisto wasn't necessarily interested in another Asmo night. Of course it could be a chance to get more information, maybe  even enough to write a juicy paper, but Asmodeus was an open book for matters that would interest him. There wasn’t a single thing that Asmo hadn’t shared with the world. But when he heard the Devildom’s Prince would be in attendance from some overexcited babbling, well, how could he possibly refuse?
The night started off normally enough, the House of Lamentation was oddly quiet as it's only occupants seemed to consist of Asmodeus, himself, Lord Diavolo, and Solomon.  Asmodeus was busy pouring demonus, assuring that no one's cup remained empty for long. A few glasses in and the Avatar of Lust started getting handsy with the other attendees. It took almost everything within Mephistopheles to withhold his horror as Asmodeus helped himself to a handful of the prince's chest. It was shameless and downright deplorable.
How a Lord of the Devildom could fling himself around so carelessly was beyond him. It was even more baffling to watch the way Diavolo laughed and curled his fingers under Asmodeus’ chin. 
“Playful this evening aren’t you?”
“He’s always playful,” Solomon’s cheeks had started to turn a rather rosy shade of pink. Figures the human would fall first, even if he was the most powerful sorcerer in existence. His fingers lazily started to trace up Asmo’s spine, causing the demon to shudder, “It never fails to bring a light to my day.”
“Well it isn’t a side I have the pleasure of seeing as often.” 
“Because Lucifer would kill me,” Asmodeus was pouting and looking up at Diavolo through thick lashes. It was humiliating.
So humiliating that Mephisto couldn’t suppress the scoff that escaped his lips. 
“As he should! You should be able to hold yourself with more decorum,” his eyes flickered back down to his own glass. It was more than obvious that he was currently the most sober being in the room, “Throwing your body at Devildom royalty, surely the Avatar of Lust should be able to hold himself better.”
He couldn’t be too sharp with his tongue. Despite how despicable he found the entire display, he was in Asmodeus’ house, he had to tread with some caution. The last thing that Mephistopheles wanted was to make an ass of himself.
“Awww Mephi, are you feeling ignored?” Asmodeus was practically on top of him before he could react, “Don't worry, there's plenty of me to give enough attention to everyone, especially a handsome devil like you.”
With a noise that he was less than proud of leaving his mouth, Mephisto backed away from the other demon, eyes wide and at a loss for words. Diavolo's laughter only heightened his embarrassment surrounding the situation. 
“There's no need to be shy Mephisto, we're all friends here,” Diavolo shifted and reached into his pocket, and pulled out a set of dice, “I believe now might be a good time for these?”
“Ooooh you brought them! Oh these are perfect.”
“Of course I did, you made them seem so enticing.”
Mephisto dared to come closer  to glance at what they  were so excited over. When he did realize, he almost couldn't believe his eyes. There was no way Diavolo would take interest in such a thing right? Especially not in this type of situation! It didn't make sense, it was far from appropriate behavior from royalty!
“Those are… rather provocative dice,” he said, eyes never leaving the objects in the prince's hand.
“You can just say sex dice,” Asmodeus giggled, falling back into Solomon's lap, "And these ones are rather tame. Right Solomon?”
Solomon hummed in agreement, threading his fingers through Asmodeus’ hair who trilled in delight in return.
“Ah, my apologies, I hope they aren't too boring for you two.”
“No no, that's- Solomon, behave- that's alright. I think they're perfect for tonight.”
With how the human was starting to act, Mephisto doubted any prompting was needed, and perhaps it was time for him to leave. Then again-
His eyes drifted back to Diavolo. He was so bright and brimming with laughter. That glorious smile corrupted his better judgment. Instead of leaving the room like he should, he scooted closer to the circle, curiosity and the flickers of desire licking at the back of his mind. And of course someone had to prevent glasses from tipping and spilling demonus on the floor, and it seemed he was perfect for the job.
“May I go first then?”
“Be our guest, I've made myself comfortable,”Asmodeus slid further into Solomon's lap and his eyelids lowered slightly.
Mephisto watching intently as Diavolo rolled the dice in his hand. His motions were fluid and caused Mephisto's thoughts to drift to what those hands were capable of. He was positive that among other things, they were most certainly warm.
The dice fell to the floor with a sharp crack and rolled a small distance away before stopping. 
“Bite Neck?”
“Mmm, it's a nice one to start with,” Diavolo rubbed his chin in contemplation, “The only question is who to start with.”
His eyes shifted around the room and Mephisto could feel his heart thudding in his chest. 
Asmodeus let out a small noise as he found himself squished between the two men. 
Solomon didn't have time to react. Diavolo was already on him, “From the number of hickeys I've seen on your neck, I'd say you quite enjoy these.”
There was no time for embarrassment, Solomon's eyes flew open at the first peck to his jugular. Diavolo's hands were placed on Asmodeus’ knees and running down his thighs as he marked Solomon's neck. He was slotted firmly between the lust demon's thighs and appeared to be thoroughly enjoying himself.  Solomon certainly was if his noises were anything to go by. 
It was only supposed to be a bite. Nothing more. Why was he going further? 
The whole lecherous scene went on for far too long in his own personal opinion, and he was all too relieved when Diavolo finally seemed happy with his work. 
“Someone's haaaard,” Asmodeus sang, earning a swat to his chest.
“Shush, you go next.”
“No matter what it is I do, it's not gonna make you any less hard.”
Asmodeus didn't even bother taking time to roll the dice properly, instead he threw them in the air with a  flick of his wrist.  They bounced off Mephisto's calf and onto the ground. He squinted at the dice as they landed.
“What's it say Mephi?”
“Suck, lips?”
“Is that an invitation?”
How Asmodeus was upon him so fast he would never know. He was quick to situate himself in Mephisto's lap and framed his face with his hands. “There's no need to be shy,” he purred, “I hate seeing people left out.”
Their lips were inches away now, he could feel Asmodeus’ smile, “And some people like it when you put on a show.
He stiffened initially when Asmodeus brought his lip into his mouth. It was uncouth, down right debauchery, but then he saw the Prince's gaze so attentive upon him. How could he toss away a golden opportunity?
Placing his hand on the back of Asmo's head, he took control of the situation. It was amazing how much a fistful of hair could accomplish when one wanted to take control of a kiss. His other hand squeezed at Asmo's ass, eliciting noises with each touch. At some point Asmodeus had started to grind down on him. 
The sound of a belt being undone caught his attention.
He yanked Asmodeus's head away so the demon's head bent at a rather harsh angle. There wasn’t a single protest from the demon, rather he’d let out a rather pleased squeak. Diavolo was staring at him, hand on Solomon's cock and lazily stroking. The human was gripping the Prince’s thigh, every now and again his hips would jerk as his cock twitched, and Diavolo would stop for a period before continuing to jerk him off. All eyes were on him now. Asmodeus had put him in the spotlight, and now he had to perform.
“You're going to use your mouth on me until I say you're done,” he said, lowering his voice. His eyes bore into Asmodeus never wavering, never faltering. 
Asmodeus’ grin never faltered, “I’m glad to see you've finally decided to join us.”
Mephisto woke up the next morning, head pounding and in a messy tangle of limbs. At some point, there had been more, salacious dice introduced. His head spun with the way they swapped positions and partners, and the memory of Diavolo between his thighs was one burned into his memory. It was a position he dreamed about being in.
Solomon hadn’t been lacking in talent with his hips either. Honestly Mephisto had to admit, he was surprised the human could hold his own in their little rendezvous. His stamina was impressive, especially considering he had more than outdone his estimated lifespan. 
But alas all good things must come to an end, and he could risk being caught in such a scandalous position. He went to move but was caught between two pairs of limbs. Diavolo to his left, and Solomon to his right.
It didn't occur to him that he didn't see Asmodeus. Not until the flames of pleasure once again started to stroke at his lions. He managed to stifle a groan, just as a familiar face popped up from under the blanket.
“Quiet now, we don't wanna wake these sleepy heads up,” he grinned, “And I don't believe you ever told me to stop putting my mouth to work on you. 
Mephisto bit down on his lower lip as his one hand stealthily reached down to bury his fingers in Asmodeus’ hair. 
He'd find his pants after.
Besides, in this moment, he was too busy getting lost in the eyes of the silent, but smirking Prince. Soon, he'd be getting lost in his lips.
Oh he could see the headlines now.
But first, he wanted to see some stars.
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triptychofvoids · 11 months
First things first, I love your head cannons and the way you draw it's very very crunchable, now the question, do you have any science party head cannons? That's all, thank you!! :3c
thank you i appreciate it!! and yes i have a few im normal about them <- foaming at the mouth btw
you know the drill theyre going under the cut in case it gets long
someone made a post about this already i think and i dont remember who but medic and engineer would be so good at parallel play. theyre both content to be in the lab or in the workshop doing their own thing just alongside each other, maybe occasionally dragging the other over to look at what theyre working on either to show it off or get feedback of some kind. they both find each others work to be fascinating even if they dont completely understand it, and on the occasion they combine their knowledge to work on something together it always ends up being Really Fucking Cool and fun for them, regardless of whether or not it ends up being something successful. thats their idea of a date. parallel play working on fucked up and evil science stuff
out of all the mercs, engineer and heavy strike me as the ones that would do most of the cooking. not that the others cant cook (although i think some of them would need supervision....) but most of the time they just dont really want to, and besides theyd both be very good at it. but anyway engie would know about medics sensory issues and him being picky about certain foods and hed always try to make meals everyone will enjoy. if there is something in a dish that he knows medic wont like then he will either mess with the recipe a bit in order to exclude it or will just make it on the side so everyone else can have some but medic wont have to deal with it.
medic uses a weighted blanket and likes to hold onto things in his sleep as well so anytime they share a bed engie gets compressed into a jpeg. this is sometimes avoided because it isnt uncommon for engie to pull an all-nighter or for medic to wake up freakishly early so sometimes medic will already be asleep and/or will get up before him but still, its like a hydraulic press in there
like i said about engie knowing about medics sensory issues and whatever else, sometimes on the battlefield if medic is starting to get overwhelmed he will fall back to a dispenser and engie will shoo anyone else off to go find a health kit instead so medic can get just a few brief moments of peace
they have the kind of relationship where neither of them ever get bored of each others company and neither of them ever run out of things to talk about. which is very cool and awesome for them and sort of boring and awful for anyone else who might get stuck in a room or a car with them for any extended period of time
medics love language, platonic or otherwise, can be best described as 'all of the above'. hes very affectionate and bitey and he isnt always very good at communicating that he cares but he tries to convey it through things like weird gifts (like how a cat brings back dead animals), surgery and medical evaluation, talking a whole lot and hoping it counts for something, acts of service but he can only kill and dissect, etc. and engie somehow has the patience to put up with it. engie is big on acts of service and words but it doesnt matter because medic saps up any and all affection he is given like an infinite sponge and then tries in his own deranged way to return it tenfold
also. i think shipping these two is so funny because at first glance it might look like medic is the feral one and engie is the responsible one but then you look again and the roles have switched. and then you look a third time and theyre actually both a little unhinged. anything in the name of science
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littleshysheep-at-da · 3 months
SUCCESS IN PITCHING KUMODESU MWHAHAHAHA. THANK YOU FOR THE EGO BOOST!!!! I’m still kinda terribly Self Conscious about Posting my Opinions and Headcanons (to the point I'm aware I probably read like I'm Fishing For Compliments and Super Annoying when I always bring it up but I try to keep that to a minimum...) but the Response I have gotten has made me feel so GOOD. I’m so incredibly glad everyone likes my KumoDesu musings I think about this Series like 24/7 ngl so it’s very validating.
My biggest hope is to spread my Ships because it is CRIMINAL there is not more Shiroai x Ariel Content and once you see Shun x Katia x Kyouya you can’t unsee it (I think about this OTP and this OT3 basically 24/7 also I will DIE ON THIS HILL SHIPPING THESE). Like I need more people on this. I always want to make more Content for them but have had some massive Fatigue and Art Issues lately so I will settle for Ranting about it so much that I end up living rent free in everyone’s minds lol.
Also free like I should apologize for how many KumoDesu Spoilers you probably get here haha (Tagging Kyouya’s name is lit a Spoiler, he is a Spoiler lol). But hey! Sometimes I think you only get interested once you know a couple Spoilers! So it probably works out! KumoDesu is a… bit convoluted ngl so maybe Spoilers actually gave you a better idea about what it’s about lol!
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noodleblade · 10 months
Swerve is hosting a human themed holiday party at swerve's and he's set a mistletoe over the door for the next unsuspecting bots of your choice who enter (very cliché) :3c
nckjsendkjsfkjef any of them bots would be good, but it has to be simpatico for you <3 its a little off topic but we get there in the end:3 also look who failed their maximum 500 words fdnksjfnkdkfv
“We’re late.”
Drift hummed unbothered, glancing up briefly from his datapad as he sat cross legged on Perceptor’s workstation. 
“Fashionably late.” He turned back to quickly type out something before adding, “We all know your social meter runs rather short so we should wait for the peak to get there.”
Perceptor…couldn’t quite argue with that logic, but he still felt the anxiety ticking through his frame, his processor tracking the kliks that passed, of the time he was missing, wasting. 
For once, he had actually planned to spend the entire night at Swerve’s Holiday Bash. He hadn’t initially when the invitation was sent to nearly every mech aboard the Lost Light over a month ago. In his servos, he held the flimsy tin pamphlet adorn with tiny, twinkly lights and glitter. Lots and lots of glitter. It promised music, drinks and “fun, Earth customs!” with a crudely drawn snowman holding a cube of energon. Perceptor was going to toss it away, ignore the social gather in favor of focusing on his work but…
His optics darted to the other half of the lab currently unoccupied. Its inhabitant was on the other side of the ship. Probably enjoying music and drinks and whatever Swerve’s best guess at Earth holiday festivities included. 
Brainstorm had been giddy when he had received the invitation. His golden optics had met Perceptor’s and casually asked if Perceptor would be going to. Any thoughts of spending the night alone had flown out the window as he gave his lab partner a single, solid nod. 
It seemed now, he was back to his usual plans. He wasn’t sure why Drift had insisted they would go together, only to keep Perceptor held up in his lab for nearly an hour, but…it felt like the cosmic forces were against him. Or maybe just Drift. Despite his neutral, calm demeanor, Perceptor felt the other mech was hiding something from him. 
“The party is going to be over before we get there,” Perceptor tried again.
Both of Drift’s optic ridges rose as he met Perceptor’s gaze. “Trust me, it won’t. Rodimus is usually the last to leave and I know for a fact he plans to spend the whole night-”
An alert sounded from Drift’s datapad. He immediately looked at it, cutting off his train of thought. A bright grin flashed across his faceplates as he jumped off the counter.
“Actually, let’s go now.”
Suspicion rose across Perceptor’s frame but…he checked his internal chronometer. Brainstorm had left with Nautica and Velocity nearly an hour ago. Perceptor didn’t want to waste anymore time, suspicions and Drift’s general weirdness aside.
“Okay,” he said, standing up quickly, hoping it didn’t come off eager. 
Judging by Drift’s widening grin, it did.
They walked in silence. Perceptor forced his pace to remain slow and even, despite wanting to rush down the halls as quickly as possible. He had been amping himself up for weeks about finally making a move and talk to Brainstorm, taking those weeks to plan out his words, gathering up the courage to cross the invisible barrier of lab partners to something more. He was ready and he didn’t want to delay it any further. He just want to get to Swerve’s, find Brainstorm and take him aside to a small, secluded booth and-
A firm hand grabbed Perceptor by the wrist, halting his pace just as the doors to Swerve’s came before them.
Perceptor couldn’t even hold back his annoyance as Drift gave him a sheepish smile.
“One more minute.”
It came out blunt, almost rude. Perceptor only briefly felt bad for his callousness. 
Drift opened his mouth to explain but before he could, the doors to Swerve’s opened his optics widened. With two firm hands, Drift pushed Perceptor through the opening, an apologetic wince on his faceplates.
Perceptor stumbled. He bumped into someone and braced his hands against them for support. An apology on his lips as he turned and-
“Percy!” Brainstorm yelped. His golden optics were wide, wingtips twitching with embarrassment as he clung to Perceptor. Behind him, Chromedome stood, his arm still outstretched. “I didn’t know you were coming in! Or that you were coming at all! I thought you weren’t interested or…” the words died in Brainstorm’s intake as the jet’s optics rose up to the doorway. Embarrassment, dread and anxious desperate worry curled around his field, brushing up against Perceptor’s. “Sorry.”
Perceptor remained unmoving as he let his own optics follow Brainstorm’s, landing on a curious bundle of colored aluminum, mangled to look almost like…a flower?
Almost like…a mistletoe…
Perceptor’s brief stint on Earth had given him a crash course on Earth and its inhabitant’s culture. Even more so, his own research had supplemented the rest. Even if the craftsmanship of the mistletoe was shoddy at best, its intent was still beyond apparent. 
“We…” Brainstorm’s intake made an audible click, “...on Earth, they have to…when humans stand under it…they have to…” the words trailed off once more, Brainstorm’s optics staring at Perceptor’s in complete and utter dismay.
Distantly, Perceptor was aware of multiple eyes on them: Swerve, at the bar, grinning bright and wide; Chromdedome, Nautica and Velocity forming a small crowd beside them; Drift surely as well behind him.
Oh. He turned his gaze from Brainstorm to throw a withering glare at Drift. Unaffected, Drift only nodded his helm back to Brainstorm, ushering with his hands for Perceptor to get on with it.
Evidentially, this had all been planned. Perceptor…didn’t have time to dwell on that. Not with Brainstorm attempting to shrink himself as small as possible while still in Perceptor’s hold.
“Kiss,” Perceptor murmured, dropping his voice low. “Traditionally, speaking.” Brainstorm’s optics were glued to Perceptor, wide and fearful. It made Perceptor’s spark drop painfully. Weeks of courage and weeks of pep talks and weeks of planning all swirling down the drain as he whispered, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Brainstorm blinked, slow and owlishly. “If…If I don’t want to?”
A sickly warmth crawled up Perceptor’s cheeks. Leave it to Brainstorm to dissect the meaning of his words now. “Yes,” Perceptor gave a faint nod, his optics closing as he added, “I am…not opposed.”
The silence was deafening. 
Perceptor began calculating the probability of socially ever being able to recover from this. It truly depended on the Rodimus and Whirl factors. If they were here and watching, the ridicule would be endless. Though with Drift watching behind him, the sting would last a bit longer. He would just have to hole up in his lab for a few weeks. Unless Brainstorm still wanted to be lab partner, then he’d have to steer clear of the labs and-
His thoughts were interrupted with a quiet hiss of depressurization. Before he could open his optics, soft, warm melt brushed against his lips. Shyly, almost timid.
Hope, horrible and all consuming hope, burst in his chest as he reached forward, one hand finding Brainstorm’s arm and the other cupping his cheek.
“Is this okay?” Brainstorm asked quietly, ringing in Perceptor’s audials.
“Yes.” Perceptor onlined his optics to meet Brainstorm’s. “Is this okay with you?”
His grin was on full display, blast mask hanging gingerly between two digits. “Absolutely, Percy.”
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choccy-sippy · 21 days
Hi, hello! I make another return
I'm not sure how many asks you get about the plushies you're making but I'm not asking for any dates or what not
I'm just here to ask if you ship internationally or not because I want to order from the second batch if you ever do one and I was just wondering/ wanted to know in advance if you do shipping to Ireland
(btw hope you're doing alright and are staying hydrated💙❤️)
Hi again! It's always nice to see you in my ask box hehe
I'm actually running a second batch rn (forgot to post it here TT) you can find them on my store. And yes! I ship worldwide :3c Thank you so much for always supporting me and checking in! I appreciate it a lot🙏
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galaxyinacup · 8 months
smoleef for the shipping ask game? :3c
Hi anon! I am not entirely sure bbut I am guessing you mean smalletho! If not and this is an obscure ship I don't know about please let me know and I shall correct myself!
I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1-What made you ship it?
They are so weird about eachother! It ofc started on double life but ever since they just have not let it go at all and I find that so funny.
2-What are your favorite things about the ship?
I am a firm believer that nobody who teams up/bases with Etho leaves unscathed, everyone just gets weirder about him because of his quirked up white(?) boy swag, but also if he likes you he'll just, follow you around like an anxious puppy whenever he can.
Joel gets so flustered so easily it's my favorite thing ever, he is almost on par with Tango when it comes to making Noises and that paired with Etho's kinda dense attitude makes this a very fun pair to watch banter and navigate situations.
Any Etho ship is great in my books but I also just really really like Joel so it's like making your two favorite characters kiss, selfcare:)
3-Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Had tto think a bit cause at first I thought I didn't, and tbh Im not even completely sure? But I have seen a lot of people say that it's Joel who brings out the red energy of Etho, and that Etho in turn acts as some sort of balance or accomplice and I just don't really see it that way? I think it's actually Etho who makes Joel act differently, in double life Etho keeps bringing up Joel's reputation as a Red and once they die it feels like Joel is almost putting up a show. Like he needs to live up to Etho's expectations of his Red persona because he admires him and wants to impress him, the moments that come to mind are the Pearl chase when they first die and then Joel yelling to Cleo about how he killed her last time, I just think they both kinda admire eachother but act so weird about it so there's no other choice but to kiss sloppy style
These are kinda scattered thoughts and I might not be making much sense but I hope it helped! If I think of a better way to word something I'll revise tomorrow ^_^
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cubffections · 2 months
xinnie ! may i request… all questions in the ask game for you n argenti… i want to learn more abt you two! ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა ♥️
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awea ‎.. rae .. thank u 4 givin' m' tis opportunity 𐡋՞⑅ ʚ̴̶̷̷ 𓊪 ʚ̴̶̷̷ ⑅՞ᱩ i rambled a little much durin' answerin ! >< hope it isn't teww much my precious luvs !
sunday ⭑ do you and your lover have children?
no but ! ! i rlli do want them 𐔌՞⸝⸝ʚ̴̶̷̷ · ʚ̴̶̷̷⸝⸝ ՞𐦯 i absolutely adore children soo much n rose is also fond of them ! buut he believes since he’s constantly on journeys he’d be absent most of the time & he doesn't want tht for me or our baby! :c tho if i culd steal a wubbaboo n mak it my bwabie . . i wud ٩(๑`o´๑)۶
film ⭑ what’s your favorite movie? what’s theirs?
ooo . . castle in the sky for us both 🥹 watched it recently & ‘s v much a comfort movie ! gosh i adored evrythin abt it + snuggling’ in rose’s arms made the movie even mor enjoyable <33 though my personal fav genre is fantasy & his is action ! ( oh oh if i had to pick a old long time movie : cheetah girls 2 ૮꒰˶´˘`˵꒱ა i’ve rewatched sm fur various reasons n had tew show argenti >< )
cheesecake ⭑ is there a sweet treat that the two of you adore and love eating together?
mm a fight between glazed croissants & chocolate cake ? we lovee the taste of chocolate 、especially opera cakes ! but i try to hide my sweet tooth :p though if he’s the one giftin’ them i will eat @.@ ! on the other hand , argenti also doesn't rlli care for overly extravagant desserts nommin’ down on some glazed croissant ( or jus sweet bread ) is enough :3 !
tune ⭑ do you two dance in the comfort of your home? what are your favorite songs?
YES ‎𐡋՞⑅ ʚ̴̶̷̷ 𓊪 ʚ̴̶̷̷ ⑅՞ᱩ ! ! dancin’ around wif rose is my favorite thing evr ! not to mention he’s unexpectedly such a gud dance partner ? he knos how much i adore dancin’ in general so he alwys finds a chance to spin me in his arms ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝⸝⸝ᐢ꒱ waaa . . just being in his arms as he sways with me & looks into m’ eyes make me extremely giddy ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა⋆⑅. our favorite song to dance too is definitely : lady love. & love goes around comes around. ❤︎ argenti’s favorite being lady love n’ mine being the latter ! !
espresso martini ⭑ do you and your lover like hosting dinner parties?
mm no, we would rather be guests than hosts ( ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶و) though if we evr had to it wuld b argenti’s chance tew introduce me tew every1 he’s evr encountered . . which wuld b alot . . ໒꒰ྀི˶•⤙•˶꒱ྀིა goodness my social battery may nawt make it ! ! i’d most likely be following him around n trying delicacies tht i would lovee tew make !
wicker basket ⭑ how do the two of you feel about picnics?
honestly m not veri sure ! i personally hav nvr had one so i’d lik to believe tht i’d enjoy the sight of flowers && nature bwut be jumpy thanks to how much of a homebody i am >:o . . but knowing rose he’d love them ! while i’m squirming away frm anything on the ground tht culd bother mi he’d encourage me to focus on the beauty of the picnic instead ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎ ( which probably doesn't wrk but hey ! at least he tried :3 ! )
sofa ⭑ when did you move in together?
the moment i find out he didn't jus live in his ship . . ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ WAA it’s rlli a funni story realli bcs since he's always flyin’ around i wz like 💡 omg prbz he lives inside there ! so when i asked him during a walk, “is it comfy sleepin’ inside one and only during travels ? wouldn't you rather sleep in a bed?” which he agreed to, then continued to tell me— “ fortunately, if the planet offers an inn i would rest there, but i could always return back to my house.” & yea i jus felt dumb . . ໒꒰ྀི˶•⤙•˶꒱ྀིა BWUT to cut myself some slack、he followed up saying that that he was barely there anyway ! ! which was why i was so determined to move in and make that house into a sweet home for him to return too more often ૮꒰˶´˘`˵꒱ა
bouquet ⭑ do you keep flowers or plants in your home?
waayy tew many to count ! it started with me making the home more bright and more homely :3c but when rose caught gist of that soon vases & vases appeared around our home with so many different flowers from every planet he ends up on ՞⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 𓈞 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝՞ i culd jus remember him telling me about penacony & sending a photo of the huge bouquet that reminded him of me most (*ˊ˘ˋ*)♡ it was quite alot but i plan to make sure not one of them die !
morning sun ⭑ how are the chores split in your household?
hmm, there are not many chores to take care of other than dusting, tending to the plants and occasional sweeping ! so if there is some to do it’s mostly me doing them since i love cleaning <3 though he helps whenevr he can ! ( sometimes he forbids me frm cleaning if i ovrdue it :c but we are both very neat and tidy people ! )
shooting star ⭑ what does a date with the two of you look like?
oh gosh i was excited to answer tis one (*,,ÒㅅÓ,,)و so as you all know my dear knight is quite known throughout the cosmos :3c thanks to his wide connections he always finds the most amazing spots for date nights ꒰ঌ❤︎⸝⸝ʚ̴̶̷̷ · ʚ̴̶̷̷⸝⸝ he surprises me endlessly with reservations at the most sought seats at restaurants or resorts he had discovered during his trip ! ! while i would him take him to places i found beautiful on my side if i joined his venture <3 its our own special thing ! <33
moonshine ⭑ do you have a skincare routine?
yes ! ! though i believe argenti doesn't need it the way he appears flawless no matter the situation ! it’s a simple one though, i just wash, cleanse, serum ( sometimes hehe ) and then apply sunscreen ! ˙˚ʚ(꒪ˊ꒳ˋ꒪)ɞ˚˙ nd dun forget the occasional charcoal face masks ! he luks so cute with a fluffy eared headband holding back his adorable bangs ugh !! he’s just to die for guys i’m soooooooo in love !!!!!
teddy ⭑ are there stuffed animals on your bed?
ooo definitely ! literally cannot sleep wif out dem ٜ ྀི ͚ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷ ͚ ྀིᡘ݂❤︎ rose brings adorable cute ones that would remind me of him if he can’t see me for a while </3 though when he does come back its something like this ↓
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lavender ⭑ what do you do to relax?
waaa well if it’s jus me . . i adore taking walks or watching the stars to relax ! it’s comforting and lets me process things when needed <3 i also take walks with rose but us reading a novel together is also my favorite way too relax ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა whenever i ramble he always listens so intently that it makes my heart flutter just looking up back at him ..
fade into you ⭑ favorite sex positions?
(▭-▭)ゞ missionary is a agreed favorite 4 the two of us ( LIK HAV U SEEN HIM ?? i can cum alone just staring at his face writhe with pleasure GOODNESS :)?:’s ) , my personal fav will alwys b pronebone ( we hav a entire foot difference .. heart eyes .) & his is surprisingly cowgirl ꒰ˆ‎꜆‪⸝⸝⸝⸝‎꜀ˆ꒱ do wif this information as u will . .
in dreams ⭑ what do your pajamas look like?
omgie xixi funfact but i hav a pajama collection ! ! i love evry type of nightwear i can find ૮๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅა argenti on the other hand usuall sleeps in the undergarments of his armor <3 though i bought him some rose petal decorated top & bottom pajamas ! must mak him wear one of these nights mueheheh ! !
waaa if u actually read all tis tusm i had fun writin all of these ! rmbr u r loved by mi always ! ! ✺⋆* (⸝⸝⸝´▽`⸝⸝⸝)⋆*✺ 🌹⭐️
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I also hope people don’t think “is this a haurchefucker main blog out of sudden”, he just needed help in the tournament and I happened to be the one willing to unleash my simp cannons for him at this given time. The tournament also inspired me to draw more haurchexarch that I already shipped since last year as a fun sidething. Their chemistry’s just going brrrrr and making me weak.
As for my personal relationship with Haurche as a character, I love him as much as I love Feo Ul, Alisaie and, drumroll, Aymeric. I think a lot about them since they’re all prominent in Fragments, even if they take years to fully blossom. The main plot’s all figured out, I’m just refining it at my leisure and bursting with secrets untold. I might have gone too hard on avoiding any comic spoilers at all though, with how I never drew Aymeric and let him lose that round 1 in favor of Haurche (I voted with my brain, not heart! I thought Haurche’s meme power could carry him further in the poll and, look, it really did), but he’s my fav chew toy. You’re in on a secret now :3c
The two elezen are an extremely popular wolnpc choice, so it shouldn’t even sound that shocking, especially with Vivi and his *waves vaguely* preferred pastime before the ShB events. However, I’m putting a lil spin on the way Vivi interacts with them, that will leave you feeling horrible and hating him and possibly me as well. Or maybe being impressed. Up to you. ShB is his redemption arc, stuff that happened before built him up as a person, and there’s quite a bit to cringe at. I like to say that I’ll always explain why he acts the way he does, but never excuse.
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Okay sorry for all the rambling, my anxious ass just wanted to clarify that, if a character other than cat appears in my art, it’s not random and that I deeply care about them, ‘s all. 🖤
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Ask for Acciane; what's your favorite thing about Ciero/what do you like about him?
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"Choosing just one thing is kind of impossible isn't it? he's my favorite person in the world..." "I can trust him and i feel safe with him" "I love his smile and he makes me smile too" "He takes good care of me when I'm struggling to take care of myself" "its fun to make things with him and play pretend" "he has a great sense of humor" "he's warm and cozy and perfect for snuggles"
"he's earned my trust, and i didn't know anyone besides my family could do that really... even I didn't know how much I trusted him until that trust was tested."
*cough* this may read as ship art as despite the fact I don't want their relationship to be CANNON i kinda ship them because uh- well turns out i was projecting a bit about my *BELOVED BOYFRIEND WHO SENT ME THIS ASK MY BELOVED-* the whole time i was writing this book- though its far from a one to one recreation of our relationship at all dear goodness we are so much healthier but-
like dont be like OHHH this means its canon but feel FREE to ship them too and consider them cute- but do consider it free fanservice to those of you who also ship it-
thank you for the ask my prince~ I hope you like the art :3c is extra special just for you~
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tojisparasite · 11 days
Introduction Post
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Hi! My name is Cherub, i’m 20 years old, i use he/him pronouns, i made this account for selfshipping purposes and to make f/o related posts! You may know me from my fanfiction account @/iwriteloveletters and if you do i am so sorry you had to find out im a fucking selfshipper 💔
Warning before you continue - this IS a Dead Dove Do Not Eat account meaning i’m gonna be going into more darker themes! it’s okay to block or scroll ! i am an adult doing adult things :3c
Some themes include -
- Murder
- Abuse (physical, emotional, mental)
- Kidnapping
- Etc. Will add more later when necessary but this is just some of the grounds i want to cover from now !
My f/o’s <3
- Toji Fushiguro (JJK, have to catch up and finally watch it)
- Eren Jaeger (Attack On Titan, i have loved him since i was 12 years old)
- Shigaraki Tomura (MHA, still have to continue the series bfsjjdskndn but he has my heart anyway)
- Fyodor Dostoevsky (BSD, i have to actually watch the series but i’ve seen a bunch of videos of his scenes nd i just love everything abt him already <3)
I personally do not care about ppl who have the same f/o as me, i actually insist if you tell me if u do or even have f/o’s from the same media! but this could change very easily but i want to give it a shot and meet everyone! (^ν^)!!!
What i don’t want - hateful messages, homophobia, zionists, ANYTHING BIGOTED IDGAF THIS IS NOTTTTT FOR FUCKING YOU I HATE YOU oh and i also don’t want minors here sorry…..
Tags -
#parasiterambles - i am just yapping away
#parasitesships - i am talking about my own f/o rather than just making a vague scenario
#parasiteslovedoves - Dead Dove Do Not Eat posts
#askparasite - ask posts / tag games / misc. posts
That’s all for now! Bye bye, hope to see you soon (〃ω〃)
- Cherub 🐾🍡(these are not pro ship emojis they are related to one of my self ships)
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starleska · 7 months
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OP: hello! sorry for the blank blog but im shy and i wanted to hide LOL, i wanted to practice my art and i drew a little doodle of your cute oc! im a lurker on your account and you inspired me to be more open about my self-shipping and embrace my inserts and stuff more, its so fun!!! i hope it looks ok, sorry for any mistakes ^^“ starleska: oh my GOD SWEETHEART???? THIS IS SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖 i am absolutely overwhelmed, thank you SO SO SO much for this stunning gift!!!!! Harmony looks so SWEET in your style, oh my gosh!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 aaaaa the fairy-like cut to the wings, the pretty eyes, the poofy sleeves...!!!!! she’s perfect!!!
gosh, i’m totally floored!!! thank you ever so much for this wonderful art - with your permission, i’d love to have it printed to put up in my bedroom 🥰💖 and thank you too for your kind words. it means more than i can ever express knowing that my silly little Internet ramblings have helped you feel comfortable with such a wonderful part of you!! whoever you selfship with, your blorbos love you very much, and you should think about them giving you the biggest cuddles today 🙈💖
god i’m going to be looking at this for the rest of my life. THANK YOU, brilliant anonymous artist!!! if you ever get the courage to come off anon and want to say hello please feel free, but no pressure at all :3c thank you for making my day!!! ✨✨✨
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multi-lefaiye · 9 months
ship names tag game
ty for tagging me @vacantgodling!!! this seems fun :3c
Rules: make a list of ship names from your wip(s) (it's okay if they don't sound cool) for people to send in asks so you can talk about them! Fan ships count too if you're writing about them.
okay first, tagging: @skitzo-kero @jezifster @albatris @anexor @kk7-rbs with no pressure to any of y'all <3 and anyone else who'd like to do this! just remember to tag me. or else. (no pressure <3)
so i'm heavily fixated on bg3 if that isn't extremely obvious lmao, SO i might just share some of the key relationships involving my tav eden, the pretentious ass ship names i came up with for each one, and a brief summary of the dynamic. if any catch your eye... feel free to ask :3c
also using the ao3 convention of a / for romantic ships and a & for platonic or queerplatonic ships.
eden/wyll - handsome devils. (you find someone who finally shows you that, oh, life is worth it and you deserve the same kindness you show other people. everyone deserves to be saved, and that includes you.)
eden/astarion - loyalty in dogs. (you aren't the kind of person that others think is worth caring about. that's something you've made your peace with. it's a dog eat dog world, and you know you have to be the bigger dog to survive. unfortunately for you, it seems not everyone feels this way.)
wyll/eden/astarion - moths to a flame. (perhaps it was inevitable that you and the monster were drawn to the same star, the same bright flash of light that warms your soul and gives you hope like never before.
eden & gale - it's a wizard thing. (forsaken by the gods, you find divinity in the people around you. the only god worth your devotion is the one who stands besides you.)
eden & lae'zel - strange new worlds. (you are in a strange new place, a strange new time, and you are humbled by all you do not know. you decide to listen, and perhaps for the first time in your life, you truly learn.)
eden & karlach - self-determined determinism. (the world has given up on you, but you're not giving up on it. you believe in love, life, and justice, even if it seems most are content to leave you out of those. you will have your happy ending, even if you have to tear it from the closed fists of the gods themselves.)
eden & shadowheart - the children of lost souls. (your life is a lie, forged by the hands of people who only want to hurt you. nothing is what you thought it was, and you've lost everything you ever cared about. misery loves company, and you certainly have it in spades.)
eden/the knight - to love a fairytale. (you are haunted by the shadow of a person you'll never know, whose presence hangs over you like a funeral shroud. you mourn someone who was never alive to begin with. you want, and you want, and you want, but you don't know what.)
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writing-for-life · 10 months
Let's go choose violence:
3, 8, 9, 25 for The Sandman :3c
Rubs hands gleefully…
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr 
Of course not screenshotting as everyone’s entitled to their opinion, so this is just a thing *I* find hard to understand/get my head around:
“Neil Gaiman ran out of ideas, and that’s why he killed off Morpheus.”
I mean, you could say he wanted to conclude his arc, and with that I agree. And thank fuck he did, because if Murphy were still alive, we would need to suffer the horrible takes that DC has foisted upon us ever since. But it is so completely incomprehensible to me when I read that there was no sign that Morpheus would off himself before World’s End or TKO. That it came out of nowhere, that it made the whole thing completely depressing and insufferable and sends a "bad" message. 
It all was right there, from the start. You can’t read "The Sound of her Wings" and not see that he’s absolutely haunted by the narrative, and how much comfort he finds in her. And you don’t need to read the whole thing and then just see it in hindsight (it's something I hear/read quite often). It’s clear as day if you are willing to go down the line of thinking that the Endless aren’t people but concepts. I personally think that’s where people can trip up. And I even get it--of course we want to humanise them because we are human. But they are not. They are mirrors and foils that are supposed to make us think about our own humanity (and we recognise it in them, but that still doesn’t make them human--they just show us human traits and what this mortal coil is about. Carry it and abandon it in equal measures).
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about 
Everyone apart from me of course 😂
"Hob Gadling is any shape or form the personification of hope, and his sole purpose is to (squee! UwU) save Murphy from his bleak existence".
No he ain’t. Hope is Hope, and she is a little girl (blows a raspberry right in your face). If Hob''s anything, he is humanity in a nutshell: ugly, self-serving, opportunist, but also feeling, caring and redeemable. But especially the first part is harder to woobify.
Did I also mention I have this take that making Dream's relationship to Hob all about romance and sex forgets about the importance of friendship, and why it's actually so important for the plot? Plus, that we have a tendency to erase male friendship and hence lean into toxic masculinity if we make every glance and every touch and every close emotional bond about: "Oh, they want to fuck?", and that's decidedly *not* progressive? Yeah, about that... (ship them, it's fine, no problem whatsoever, just be aware it's not the *only* take, and I will stick my neck out now and say: it won't be canon).
9. worst part of canon
That’s a tricky one because I can make sense of pretty much everything to be fair, but if I had to choose, it’s that Morpheus’ failed relationship to Nada created ripples that basically doomed every black woman connected to his arc (not *all* black women, I think that’s actually a misinterpretation, as is that Morpheus is racist, which he conceptually can't be). And as soon as he’s dead, we get token Gwen who isn’t doomed by the narrative anymore. And said Gwen *really* is a token black woman with no true agency of her own—her entire purpose is to serve the redemption of the slave trader. And that Neil actually confirmed this was *intentional* in The Sandman Companion. I get why he made that narrative choice, but to me, it still looks bad. I have hopes though he moved on from that take and we don’t get to see it in the show (the signs are there, so fingers crossed).
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Ties in with 3: That The Sandman should have a different, “more hopeful” ending. 
But quite a few others: 
You *should* write fanfics about XYZ because there’s not enough of it. 
You *should* elevate supporting characters to main characters because they are ABC.
You *shouldn’t* focus so much on the main character because he’s a guy/male-presenting (I mean, he’s the protagonist, so there’s that).
You *should* ship m/m because it makes problematic dynamics less problematic. 
You *shouldn’t* ship m/f because it’s heteronormative. My favourite: Johanna Constantine is bi, you *shouldn’t* ship her with a guy, because again: Heteronormative. Erm, I hate to break it to people (and speaking from experience): That’s how being bi works, and we like m, f and nb equally? And we happen to want sex with m, f and nb? And we pretty much have blinkers on when it comes to falling in love with a *person*, or what we find hot/sexually arousing? And I swear if I read shit like that once more, I’ll get heteronormative out of sheer spite and will smite people.
You *should* or *shouldn't* ship. Both fine. And/but there's certainly more to The Sandman than blorbofication and allosexualisation of everything.
So yeah, pretty much anything that involves a *should*. You can do whatever the fuck you like as long as you don’t lose your ability to critically engage with it. Plus, the space has to be welcoming for everyone, and that’s sometimes hard for creators and people who don’s serve/like the main flavour. And therein lies the problem, because critical engagement doesn’t always happen, and a lot of good stuff disappears in amongst the noise…
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