Titles and Impressions
Sometimes it’s really bad to face issues like this, where you are being framed up in a people’s impression and perspective of you. 
Here’s an example:
“You are a girl, why aren’t you wearing dresses to events?”
“You studied this right? So you know how to do this right?”
I don’t know why people like framing people up in a box where it confines and pins down people’s freedom of thoughts and actions. I don’t mean anything illegal here so chill your thoughts down.
To be very honest, I just want to be able to feel safe and trusted in this environment. But it seems that in 2020, everyone has the right to judge you for your actions and words. Be it your parents, your friends, sometimes even a person you didn’t know existed on the other end of the world has the right to judge you on social media. WHY? Because freedom of speech and human rights. I am not calling those activist out for whatever they are promoting. But i just hope that people stop taking these chances as a opportunity to put people down. The very main reason why we wanted freedom of speech and human rights is so that we can support people for being ‘different’ or being them. but yet as time evolves, this becomes a chance for us to say whatever we want to say just because 
Everyday, people like me with insecurities come to work with the idea that I have to be very careful and make sure that my work is done well so my colleagues don’t talk shit behind my back or that I will get isolated. Because that is the attitude I see from them every time someone not in their ‘clique’ does something wrong. They start commenting about how badly this person is doing this, is doing that and they kept pining their standards on others. As if that if we don’t conform to their standards and ways of doing, we are the wrong ones. And H*LL man, what’s with that? 
Why can’t we just accept the fact that we all are born different and think differently? Why can’t we accept the fact that we are raised differently and have different morals and values we expect of ourselves? Why can’t people stop pinning their expectations on others, when sometimes they can’t even practice what they preach? 
In this fast paced society, it is sure evident that things come and go fast. A video goes viral for a week or so and then it starts dying down. A teen gets a new phone for a few months and gets tired of it then wants to change to the latest model. You wear your new kicks for a few months and then you saw the newest pair launched. 
No matter how fast things come and go, they leave scars deep down in people’s heart. You may not remember the good things in life, but you will definitely end up remembering the bad ones. Tell me now, can you still remember when was the last time someone praised you? But if i would to ask you, what was the last thing that made you so mad, I’m sure it wouldn’t even take five seconds for you to give me an answer. 
All I want is really to be able to express my thoughts, make mistakes and say stupid things but still get accepted. I know it is hard, but just let me voice this out. Because I am very sure, I am not the only one thinking this way. Let me still think that there is still that little bit of hope that this world will be nice and accepting to people of all sorts and kind. 
If you ever felt this way too, leave a ❤️in the comment and like this post. But if you don’t like what you see, kindly leave this post and keep your comments to yourself.
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