deus-ex-mona · 6 months
been thinking about how asuna’s [spoiler] scene in the last chapter of idol sengen is oddly underwhelming in the volume version compared to the piccoma release?
i mean l i ke (spoiler reveal under the cut)—
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idk if it’s just me but seeing it in colour made the scene hit harder somehow? in some way?
s o . im just. thinking ahead here but…
what if i tried to overlay the colour panel onto the page when i eventually tl it in a few months?
i’m not good at picture editing at all.
b u t still.
i kinda wanna try to go the extra mile for asuna anyway… hmmmmmmmmm…
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mammonsmommymilkers · 2 years
i will never forgive solomare for messing up the brothers sin colors
lucifer- purple because it was a rich person color and rich ppl are always stuck up/pridefull
mammon- hes perfect, yellow is the exact greed color
satan- should obviously be red
asmo- hes also perfect, pink is the lust color, red would also have been acceptable
beel- should be orange. yellow and red would be acceptable too but theyre more suited to the others. wasnt there like a whole study on how red,yellow and oranges make ppl hungry
belphie- should be blue, blue is the sleepy color, purple is also good but it would have been lucifers so
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lindwurm-prince · 6 months
having a pd is so fucked up like ohoho you were lonely and scared as a kid and desperately want to be loved? bam youre incapable of forming real relationships because of your shallow underdeveloped socialbrain. throw in some obscenely long periods of apathy and anhedonia to make you forget you ever had emotions as well. lol
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{T.R.C.} x {H.O.L.I.C} + THE 1 S T W O R L D ~ B U T T E R F L Y O B I YUUKO & C!Sakura
"This is NO DREAM."
{Cap by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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bugsb1te · 3 months
Te Reo Māori rambles ~
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Kia ora, quick disclaimer! I'm still sort of new learning Te Reo Māori! (Teh-*r*eh-awe maah-*r*ee: the māori language) I only started my classes in term 1 and its term 2 currently. (a term is half of a semester, there are 4 terms in a nz school year) so yea! If you happen to know more than me and or spot a mistake I make when posting in or about Te Reo Māori, please correct me! Te Reo Pākehā (teh-*r*eh-awe paah-keh-haa: the English language) is my first language so I'm fluent in that :)
Also Te Reo Māori is kinda like a spinterest atm lmaoo im so excited about hearing the language being spoken and seeing it written around the country and im excited to learn!! Yayy!! Learning the language and Te Ao Māori (Māori ways/culture/traditions) helps me feel more connected to my Māori whakapapa aswell! (fuhck-ah-puh-puh: ancestors/ancestry) I am Māori, it doesn't matter if you're white or mixed. Having Māori ancestry = Māori. Period. In Māori culture we dont believe in blood quantums!!! so im what people call a "White Māori"
anyways onto the yapping!!!!!!
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• (small brackets) = pronounciation and/or meaning
• *r/t/ng inside asterisks* = special māori sounds.
• bold = kupu Māori (maori words)
Fun fact: the p sound is very soft! Like the p in "poo" NOT like the p in "keep" does that make sense? another super fun fact: all kupu Māori (cooh-pooh maoh-*r*ee: māori words) end in vowel sounds and never consonants!
Māori vowel pronounciation:
a - "ahh" as in: car, star, bar, guitar, far
e - "eh" as in: lego, leg, peg, said, head
i - "ee" as in: key, bee, see, reach, scream
o - "aw" as in: saw, claw, maw, jaw, NOT as in "oh/low/so/no"!! This is the most abused vowel by English speakers!
u - "ooh" as in: poo, moo, goo, soon, lose, choose, move, room
Ng - "ng" as in: song, long, pong, singer, rung NOT as in: finger, linger
Wh - "f/ph" as in: phone, food, few, far, physical, philosophy, phile. NOT as in: who, where, when, what, whether, why, while .
note: different Māori dialects sometimes pronounce this sound as a "w". eg: lots of people pronounce "whanganui" as "wanganui" (fah-*ng*ah-noo-ee/wah-*ng*ah-noo-ee) For other sounds: For "R" focus on rolling your 'r' sounds, It's a soft rolled 'r' (NOT as strongly rolled as how Spanish speakers would roll theirs).  the sound you should aim for is somewhere in between an English ‘D’ and 'L'. e.g. like the 'dd' in judder, or the 'tt' in a kiwi accent for 'butter'. You should feel your tongue tip touching near the backof the roof of your mouth. T is pronounced kinda like a sharp "d", but 't' pronunciation varies depending on which vowel appears after it. When succeeded by an ‘a’, ‘e’ or ‘o’, it’s unaspirated (softer, closer to an English 'd'). When followed by an ‘i’ or ‘u’, it is an aspirated 't' (sharper, closer to an English 't'). Hope that makes sense!!!
Tohutō vowels:
(Special vowels sounds written with tohutō (macrons) on them)
ā - exaggerate and deepen the regular māori "a" sound and make sure it stands out from the other vowels! But not too much or you'll look like a fool lmaoo X3 eg: when pronouncing the sound, open your throat and lower the back of your tongue. And say "ah". It should sound different to normally saying "ah". another example is that "tohutō" is pronounced "toh-who-taww" not "toh-who-toh" !!
ē - same thing ^ but with "e"
ī - ^
ō - ^
ū - ^
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Sentences !
(Please correct me if I make mistakes or worded the sentence incorrectly)
- " i tēnei ata i whakarongo ahau ki te ngā manu " - this morning I listened to the birds
pronounced: ee tehh-nae ah-tah ee fuck-ah-*r*awh-*ng*-awe uh-hoe key teh *ng*aahh munooh
- "Kei te pēhea koe?" - how are you?
pronounced: Kay teh pehh-heeya kweh
- " Kei te ngenge ahau " - I am sleepy/tired
Pronounced: Kay teh *ng*eh-*ng*eh ahh-hoe
- " Kua haere ahau ki te wharepaku " - I went to the toilet/bathroom
Pronounced: kooh-uh hai-*r*eh ah-hoe key teh fuh-*r*eh-pahk-oo
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Ok im done yapping have a good day!!! Ka kite!!
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pompadourpink · 2 years
L’alphabet phonétique
Les voyelles
[a] open front unrounded vowel - cinéma (cinema, m); hat
[ɑ] open back unrounded vowel - château (castle, m); hot
[e] close-mid front unrounded vowel - clé (key, f); may
[ɛ] open-mid front unrounded vowel - père (father, m), chêne (oak, m); bed
[ə] mid central vowel/schwa - jeu (game, m); bird
[i] close front unrounded vowel - souris (mouse, f); free
[o] close-mid back rounded vowel - rose (rose, f); UK yawn
[ɔ] open-mid back rounded vowel - océan (ocean, m); thought
[ø] close-mid front rounded vowel - jeudi (thursday)
[œ] open-mid front rounded vowel - peur (fear, f)
[u] close back rounded vowel - chou (cabbage, m); boot
[y] close front rounded vowel - tu (you); UK few
This vowel diagram shows the inside of the throat from the left side (pronounce /i/ "eee" and /ɑ/ "aaa" to feel the difference). Antérieur: front, postérieur: back, aperture: opening of the lips.
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Les voyelles nasales (followed by a consonant except -h- or ending a word)
[ɑ̃] > am, an, (é)en, em, aon - temps (time, m)
[ɛ̃] > aim, ain, eim, ein, em, (i)en, im, in, um, un, ym, yn - pain (bread, m)
[ɔ̃] > om, on - ombre (shadow, f), bonjour (hello)
[œ̃] > um, un - humble, un (one, m); dying, turning into [ɛ̃] 
N.B. When a nasal sound is produced, despite being made of two letters, they are to be pronounced as their own sound: in Bonjour, the /o/ and the /n/ shouldn't be heard at all since they are followed by the consonant /j/, as opposed to the usual dragging of /o/ then /n/ like in Bonne journée.
Les semi-voyelles
[j] voiced palatal approximant - lieu (place, m); you
[ɥ] voiced labial–palatal approximant - huile (oil, f); wall
[w] voiced labial–velar approximant - oui (yes); witch
Les consonnes
[b] voiced bilabial plosive - bête (beast, f)
[d] voiced dental and alveolar plosive - déjeuner (lunch, m)
[f] voiceless labiodental fricative - faim (hunger, f)
[g] voiced velar plosive - gâteau (cake, m)
[ʒ] voiced postalveolar fricative - ange (angel, m); vision
[k] voiceless velar plosive - cadeau (gift, m)
[l] voiced apical alveolar approximant - lait (milk, m)
[p] voiceless bilabial plosive - pain (bread, m)
[ʁ] voiced uvular fricative - roi (king, m)
[s] voiceless alveolar fricative - sel (salt, m); nonsense
[t] voiceless denti-alveolar plosive - table (table, f)
[v] voiced labiodental fricative - violon (violin, m)
[z] voiced alveolar fricative - maison (house, f)
[ʃ] voiceless postalveolar fricative - chocolat (chocolate, m)
Les consonnes nasales
[m] voiced bilabial nasal - miel (honey, m)
[n] voiced denti-alveolar nasal - nez (nose, m)
[ɲ] voiced palatal nasal - montagne (mountain, f)
[ŋ] voiced velar nasal - connexion (connection, f); sing 
Voiced sounds are those that make our vocal chords vibrate when they are produced; voiceless sounds are produced from air passing through the mouth at different points. Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that when they are produced, air escaped through a small passage and make a hissing sound; plosives are a type of consonant produced by forming a complete obstruction to the flow air out of the mouth.
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Movie: Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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sunnychuuya · 2 months
I have light tho so maybe I won't be as fucked over
I'm hi key so glad I'm making these posts cuz I don't remember what the fuck happened last night
-wrf is wrong with miss rosenberg girly pop get help that's dark
-mr Addison family is dead! Dude I don't fucking care he's suspicious as hell
Watch this turn into nothing hes prolly just a fucking dude idc tho hea sus
What the FUCK FUCK
HUH ?!
-bro my bracelet is like a little tight and I had it pressed under my leg and it fucking imprinted sals name on my arm lmaoo
-okay wait this might be a stretch- Megan has a cross necklace and ik Travis is like super christian(ive seen him with a cross necklacein fanart i dont think its on his canon sprite tho?); and ik Kenneth is the one who sh0t sal but what reason would he have to be involved here idk I just wanna get down all my thoughts even tho most aren't righg
-nvm rhe necklace is in the building apparently im dumb
-Wait actually sal hasn't started school yet has he? So he wouldn't know travis anyway
-having the light on makes this game so much easier go play
-"I just want you to know ghat I understand what it's like to be afraid. To hide away from the world" rahehhehe sal ur 15 u shouldn't have to be offering advice to an adult I wanna be sals friend so bad it's unreasonable
-I d o n t. L I k e m r a d d I s o n
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-"Holy fuck knuckles" jnfjdjdjd
-oh pleasant so I'm assuming Megan's mom was a cheater
-is Megan's Dad the one who killed them ??
-yea okay I'm a fucking dumbass I just want to try to connect everything even if it doesn't work I'm low-key tempted to just delete that paragraph about the necklace but shh it's fine
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-oh a noose!
-feel like this game is foreshadowing 4 sure
-like there's no way this is just here for some reason
-dam devourerers of God is sick name bro almost makes me hope this is foreshadowing
-j i m
-the way chapter 2 faded out like that is sus this is foreshadowing for sure
-oh okay so this is just real fucking life then?
-well that makes me scared about the devorous of God thing especially cuz the circle things I keep seeing
-this is ominous bro
-this game is underestimating how much of a dumbass I am wtf is happening I'm walking in circles
-made it back to the circle rock
Why did it restart
Gyys I'm too dumb for this
Circle rock again
Help I'm in the dark now had to turn off my lights what do I dooo I'm so bad at this
it restarted avajn fml
I sent out a post as a cry for help but I might just have to look up a tutorial
FUCK IT. I'm going to sleep.
Goodnighttt I made like nooo fucking progress despite playing for two hours
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merakiui · 7 months
oh my god… i just read ‘the most dangerous game’ on ao3 and while i was at the part of where jade pretends to be floyd while they… ya know 🥴
i was listening to phantom of the opera’s ‘medley : down once more / and track down this murderer’. and i just wanna you to know the heavenly experience i had cause OH MY LAWD
(~5:35 in the song, which is the duet/ trio between the phantom, raoul [love interest] and christine [main girl] )
and i LOVE how beautifully it connects. with reader’s confusion about their sudden flooding thoughts of jade. why they keep thinking about him even though they’re WITH floyd
while jade is going to the ‘point of no return,’ he literally cant go back. hes pretending to be his brother to 1. plant more jade shaped seeds in their head & 2. HES LITERALLY FUCKING THEM AS HIS BROTHER WHO HE KNOWS THEY HAVE A CRUSH ON. so yeah: he’s literally crossing the ‘point of no return,’ and he knows that. that this will either work out, or horrifically blow up in his face. but that’s only if you found out ☝️😲
my favorite part is that when christine sings about the ‘angel of music.’ the man [phantom] who was there in the shadows supporting her, yearning for her, loving her obsessively to the point it scared her (jade was much more discreet but that’s not the point)
a bit later in the song she sings ‘angel of music you have deceived me’ and i LOVE how it timed up when i read it. and she goes about how ‘she gave her mind blindly’
cause that’s EXACTLY what happened. jade played and deceived reader like she was a piece on a chess board. she literally let him into her mind because she wanted floyd so badly. he literally took over her mind as her thoughts slowly started contain less floyd and more of jade.
also, in the way he deceived her; jade never was going to help them with floyd, and made that ‘contract’ under false pretenses cause this was him making his attack. (ambush hunter, and you know that man was cooking shit up for months too, maybe it got sped up when reader wanted a job at monstro)
(this song also came again when reader and jade were in the ocean 🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 and ARGGHHH. i’m gonna lose my sanity im in love)
but also. the song before this is literally ‘the point of no return’ and reader the floyd part while listening to it was just spine chilling. but the icing on the cake for me was the medley 🤤
sorry for the long ask, but i just- i’m literally in love with your writing, the planning that goes into is just awe-inspiring. i love how you give us readers things at face value before revealing smthn HUGE but if you go back and reread you’re like ‘how the FUCK did i miss that’, or when everything gets packaged in a nice little bow (so coquette 🤭🎀)
any ways, just wanted to share this with you! keep up the great work‼️ (i’m foaming at the mouth for more jade)
:O :O :O :O !!!!!!!! AAAAAA THAT SONG AND THOSE MOMENTS FROM IT CONNECT SO PERFECTLY..... "plant more Jade-shaped seeds" omg that's so true. >_< he really did surpass the point of no return in that scene just to ensure you slowly but surely thought less of Floyd and more of him throughout the time you spend together. It was so high-stakes, too. Either it works wonderfully or, as you noted, it completely blows up in his face.
And you're right!!! Jade was never going to help you get closer with Floyd. He was willing to entertain and enable your obsession, but that's as much as he'll do. He's just in it for his own benefits and to hopefully twist your perception so that you might fall for him instead. He really was cooking that plan up months in advance. T^T what an evil eel... I love the Phantom of the Opera and its soundtrack,, <3 your ask reminded me of just how brilliant it is!!!! I need to listen to all of the songs again. >w<
Thank you for reading and enjoying tmdg!!!!! I'm happy you like the way I write. One of my favorite things to do is write scenes in which you can glean new information after a reread. >:D there are so many tiny details sewn into tmdg and topped off with a pretty bow!! Very coquette indeed!!!! (˘ ˘ ˘)💖
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rcsewcrld · 1 year
the folklore love triangle pt.1
part 1: cardigan vol.1 (0.00-0.58)
content: kissing (obvs), minimal use of y/n, basically just the folklore love triangle idk :), no upside down!au (years the same e.g. steve’s junior year is 1983-84, senior year 1984-85, graduated and living in hawkins in ‘86, same with y/n, eddie held back for his second senior year in ‘86, making him the same age as steve + y/n :D)
a/n: i hope u enjoy! i can’t stop thinking about this series. when i was out today all i could think about was coming home and writing this im ngl bahaha :D
series masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
24th July 1986, Present Day.
“Stevie, I’m gonna miss you so much.” You whined with a pout as you clutched desperately at the neck of your boyfriend’s white polo shirt.
“Baby, I have to. Believe me, I don’t wanna be holed up in some fancy schmancy country club with a bunch o’ stuck up moneybags either but my Dad wants me to. Somethin’ about ‘making good connections’.” Steve glanced down at your widening eyes that were brimming with tears. Maybe it was the sweltering July heat or the fact that you’d been together for so long but Steve most definitely would drop the whole trip if you asked him to. Right then and there.
But you knew it was important to him to please his Dad, although said man was absent from his son’s life for most of the time that you had been in it. 
“I love you so much, Steve.” You buried your face in his chest as his arms tightened around the thin fabric of your flowered sundress.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” And with that his father whisked him away, to a country club in another state too far away. Any distance over a metre between you and Steve is too far away.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
October 1984, Flashback
Vintage tee, brand new phone, High heels on, cobblestone, When you are young they assume you know nothing.
You and Steve had been a bundle of drunken roaring laughter for the best part of an hour. You’d been traipsing through neighbourhood after neighbourhood in a messy, giggling stupour after a two hour stint at ‘The Hideout’. You’d listened to a few bands performing, sure, but the drinks had come in masses.
“D’you remember that time in-“ You hiccuped in the middle of your sentence, your ankle wobbling as your high heels disagreed with the cobblestone of the sidewalk, which led you and Steve into another fit of obnoxiously high pitched laughter. All of a sudden, you noticed your best friend had stopped laughing. 
“You’ve got something in your hair.” He reached forward and your eyes unashamedly zeroed in on his biceps flexing in the short sleeves of his vintage t-shirt he had proudly shown off to you soon after its purchase, knowing that you liked that sort of stuff. At this point, he had removed whatever was in your hair but your close proximity remained the same.
You locked eyes underneath the dim glow of the amber streetlight beaming onto each of your faces. Steve took notice of the shadows it created, accentuating features he had fallen in love with in middle school. Now it was your Junior Year of high school and he still fell in love with them every day. He just hadn’t told you. You took notice of how the light reflected in his eyes, the golden flecks it created in the pools of chocolate brown that you’d loved for so long. You just hadn’t told him.
“Kiss me. Please, Steve.” You slurred slightly.
And he did.
April 1985, Flashback
Sequin smile, black lipstick, Sensual politics, When you are young they assume you know nothing.
The distant thunk of your high heels descending the stairs had Steve turning around in an instant. When he saw your figure, every part of you that he had grown to love clad in a black dress, smile nothing short of charming and dark, shiny lipstick that made him want to kiss you forever.
“You look beautiful.” He gaped although he felt stupid because ‘beautiful’ didn’t feel anywhere near strong enough to describe how you looked to him
“Thank you, handsome.” Your face grew hot under his attention. Steve had been invited to one of his parents’ fancy dinners and was offered the opportunity to bring a plus one. If there was anyone that could make one of his parents’ monotonous events bearable, it would be you. Plus, he could show you off.
A comfortable silence set in as you both moved fluidly around one another to get on your shoes and coats. Before heading out the door you gave yourself a once over in the mirror.
“You really do look beautiful, my love.” He smiled, making eye contact with you in the mirror. He circled his arm around your waist and you spun in his arms to face him. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He brush a strand of your hair away from your face and pulled you in for a long passionate kiss which left you both flustered and breathless, him with a dark smudge of your mauve lipstick on his lips. He wiped it off with a chuckle and led you out the door by the small of your back.
August 1985, Flashback
But I knew you, Dancin’ in your Levis, Drunk under a streetlight, I, I knew you, Hand under my sweatshirt, Baby, kiss it better, I, And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, You put me on and said I was your favourite.
“I can’t believe he called me that.” Steve muttered solemnly. You were both tucked up in bed, the bedside lamp flicked on. Steve had been resting his eyes and you were reading a book with your knees tucked up to your chest. 
“Stevie… you’re not worthless, honey.” The word felt bitter coming out of your mouth, despite the fact that you weren’t using it maliciously against him as his father had been. You bookmarked your page and set your book down on the bedside table. You crawled over to Steve and straddled his waist. He pulled you into a hug and you accepted, slipping your hand beneath his yellow sweater he had yet to remove for the night’s sleep. You rested your chin on his chest and moved your other hand to occupy his hair. “You’re my favourite person, you know that?” You mumbled sweetly. Proudly. If Steve wasn’t already on the edge of crying, he sure was now. But not for the same reasons before. 
That singular sentence spoken from the lips of the girl he loved most in the world in one moment could erase the hundreds of cruel words spat from his father’s mouth over a lifetime. A tear slipped down his cheek and you were quick to wipe it away. 
“I love you.” He blurted. Your mouth dropped open in shock. That was the first time he had said those words to you.
“And I love you.” Was your quick response. That’s all he had needed. He sniffled slightly and pulled you back into his chest.
You two fell asleep in that position and woke up in that position the next morning. You with your slippers still on your feet and him still clad in his bright yellow sweater and his marginally uncomfortable Levi’s. But that didn’t matter, he was fine as long as you were with him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
a/n; first instalment, check! i’m not totally sure which part of which song i’ll do next however it’ll most likely be august vol.1 which will be the first part of the song so i hope ur excited for that! feel free to leave some positive thoughts down below (if u thought it was good) and if not just keep scrollin’ !!
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popponn · 4 months
hi dear, hru? if i could eat your theme for breakfast, lunch and dinner I'd die a happy human it's super cute and crunchy even though i forever will memorise the green themes you'll still manage to pull it off
BUT i genuinely need your opinion on bllk side characters (shidou, ness, aiku, barou and maybe karasu) rate them spell your favourite and last favourites because I'm ready to set up a chair with side of tea and listen to them rambles :3
im currently running away from deadline hello. pls don't tell them im here bae : D (i really need to lock in);;;; my love, as someone whose country is full of sour strawberries you kinda scare me. but i heard overseas strawberries are sweet tho so!!! also girl :(( im :((( wait im bad with praises but pls know i love ur themes and u especially skskdhfsf
now. to my bullshit. (please do know YOU are asking for this okay ^^) so while i put my yappings down the read more to spare some poor souls, tldr: honestly i cant really pick faves simply because my ass is indecisive as hell and i constantly switch rankings lololol and like when it comes to fictional character honestly as long as they manage to catch my eyes (whether by being amusing, complicated and so on) they are immediately an okay to me. and bllk is pretty good at making entertaining charas no matter how much of an asshole they are. so, yeah, this ranking rn is more of "what i can see from whatever spotlight was given to them and how much it makes my personal taste raises an eyebrow character-wise rn": aiku > shidou > ness = barou > karasu (give crow man more spotlight im begging)
shidou: honestly he is like. a force of nature himself. and also remember that one trivia on why he cries? yeah, that trivia honestly raise him up so much in my eyes it's kinda insane. but he is hard to write because i do n o t get him. i wish i do tho, he seems interesting and he praised isagi. already a pretty cool guy in my book, if we ignore the whole other package on the side but hey what is someone without spice. solid 8/10. the fact the first person he really kinda gets on with was sae is also hilarious. like talk about not seeing it coming. common knowledge that bllk side charas deserves more screentime bUT BOY. does this guy really deserve and need it (going back to isagi for a bit but i really want to see isagi work with types he really clashes with like shidou and reo. not even as a simp, but isg is our main pov so. like. isagi dissect this guy's brain pls. or hey light novel pls)
ness: despite his whole relationship with isagi i don't wanna deck him the same way i do to kaiser. absolute soggy wet meow meow to me, whoever calls him babygirl has taste. if i have to say anything is that i really hope his growth will be outside of kaiser. when a character is connected to much to another character in a canon setting, let's just say i can see why people like it but i prefer it when the narrative forces them to face the horror and save themselves in one way. honestly, a goofy guy who i wish to see develop more in the same way barou did. like we know kaiser will (unless the plot twist is twisting) but seeing a character like him who gets stereotyped as a "masochistic, dependent sidekick" by most getting more dimension and spotlight? yeah honestly i really want that. but for now... yeah im sorry but my personal score is 6/10 (but i really hope he will rise up because him being a dark horse in the narrative will be a breath of fresh air honestly)
aiku: i left bllk the first time right before u20 so let me tell you how amused i am when this guy is more than what i expected. if bllk wc team doesn't have him as captain im asking ego WHY. like as a captain? aiku really got my respect. like his canon cheating aside, one of the most decent dudes who can admit their faults out loud. if bllk was about defender instead of striker he would SHINE as a main rival. he kinda already does tho. the whole cop roleplay with isagi was so funny in an amusing way. honestly i really like his writing as a character. very mature, but his selfish bet was really telling of the another side of his character too. 7.5/10. minus point because i cant write him and im mad about it!!! (aka in all serious: 8.5)
barou: first time reading bllk, when isagi chose him i think it becomes one of those moments that really cements bllk. like?? the canon fodder villain who usually was just relevant in the first arc???? become one of the main rivals now???? also he is so housewife and why lmao. also put him and rin in a room. it will either end with a massacre or just them ignoring each other. honestly tho, he is funny to me because this guy has the Deep Voice but then he opens his mouth, call himself king, also dye his hair before uber vs bm match, and i remember how he truly is lmao. also the bowling and his whole dynamic with nagi are so entertaining. like nagi doesn't have to try to piss him off. hilarious. as a chara, 7/10, minus point simply because while dating him in rl sounds like a healthier option, i like my man a blaring red flag. on field a 9/10 because his whole asshole personality comes out and things get interesting
karasu: this guy is like. i am really mixed about him because i think fanon give him more dimension and raises more interesting points than canon has done him so far. but honestly, considering self aware he was and the rare moments the series gave him? he is an interesting character to have in a sport manga. this guy is realistic as shit, and he is also very self-aware of his own downsides. like. read his trivia. this guy is interesting honestly. another one i wish will work with isagi simply just to see more of him. also he is such a little shit but he is funny about it so it's okay. so, yeah, canon wise i don't really can say much about him (yet? idk). but there is this version of him i seen in a gen fic from the red white holy websites of fanfic that just makes me: yo. i wanna see more spotlight on this crow. so uhhhh 6/10 too?
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{H.O.L.I.C} [LORE] ~ T W O D r e a m s ~ {Shopkeeper!}WATANUKIs Dream World
"I was thinking I could go on if it was all a D R E A M..."
"Both kinds of D R E A M..."
"When S Y A O R A N paid the P R I C E..." {Cap's by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
0 notes
oraclebabsday · 9 months
um hello!! im very new to comics, but of the characters I’ve seen so far, I really like Barbara and I was just wondering if you had any comic recommendations on where to start..? its very confusing trying to get into it all, but I’d like to be able to hold a conversation about someone I find interesting with my boyfriend so I can hear him info dump on me more cus he’s deep into dc so :)
Hi!!! That is so sweet omg 😭 Welcome to the weird wonderful world of comics!!! and also i’m so sorry for what I’m abt to throw at you lmao
Since you’ve sent this ask into an Oracle-centric blog, I’m gonna keep this rec list Oracle!Babs-centric (& also encourage my fellow mods to add on if they also have some recs!) I actually don’t have a whole lot of recs for Batgirl!Babs anyways, but I’ll be tagging my gen dc blog at the end in case you’d like to talk abt those or any other characters!
Also before I get Into the recs, I wanna give you some words of encouragement: there’s no right or wrong way to read! You’re also likely gonna have some well a lot of confusion at the beginning, esp bc there will be Events™️ that have ramifications™️ and you’re not always given full context of what’s come before or what’s happening concurrently with what you’re reading. I’ve been doing this for awhile and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that the more that you read & explore, the more fun you’ll have & the more things will usually start to make sense! But it’s all gotta start somewhere first! :D and you’ve def chosen a great character to be your launching point!
Im gonna be hopping around a bit in my recs here but I’ll try to keep it mostly in chronological order. That said, first up:
Suicide Squad (1987) - she appeared semi-regularly starting in #23! This was also her debut as Oracle! I really enjoyed the overall run & would normally highly recommend it, but also want to warn that it’s a pretty heavy read in terms of content itself (canon-typical violence ofc esp for a SuiSq comic, discussions of suicide ideation, period typical stereotyping/‘subversion’ of said stereotypes, but that’s a deeper discussion for a different blog) For that reason, I don’t necessarily recommend it for a first-time reader, esp if you’re wanting to solely focus on Babs. Team books usually aren’t super great when you’re reading for an individual character, in my experience, esp in a case like this where the character isn’t always necessarily part of the team or appears sporadically enough to disrupt the flow of following a storyline.
Birds of Prey (1999) - This team book breaks that prev rule tho, bc Babs is the leader & is in Damn near every issue of this run 😂 There’s several smaller team-ups before the main ‘99 run (BoP:Manhunt, BoP:Wolves, etc), which are also good as a prelude before the main run itself. This will be the longest thing that will give you a LOT to parse through & ymmv with a lot of it. (Dixon & Simone are the most prominent writers for it & without getting Into It they each have their Issues™️ & Crimes™️) It also crosses over with a few events/references others. Imo it’s a good window into what comics are like overall, esp when you get into a longer run with multiple writers at the helm. But it has an added bonus of keeping a pretty small cast at its forefront (for about half the run, it’s solely Babs n Dinah!) It also has a follow-up run in 2010 which is broken up by-
Oracle: The Cure - (technically a 3-issue mini-series but!!!) this one’s a culmination of Oracle & Calculator’s (it’s not rivalry? That can’t be the right word… Uhhh, nemesis-sitch?) from BoP & leads right into bringing Babs back to Gotham in Steph’s Batgirl run as well as the next BoP run I mentioned just a sec ago. It’s what I like to call connective (t)issues lol. Ymmv I think depending on if you’ve read BoP ‘99/TT ‘03 beforehand, but I hadn’t read a lot of TT before reading it at the time, and I enjoyed it a lot!
A couple individual issues I wanna suggest:
Batman Chronicles #5 - Oracle: Year One!!!!! Cannot rec this one enough!!! In lieu of reading Killing Joke (which really only serves Bruce, Joker, Jim Gordon’s characters) read this!!! LICHERALLY her origin in coming into her own as Oracle!!! This one is THE place to start, actually, before you read anything start here 😂
Batman: Gotham Knights #6 - okay, this one is admittedly a self-indulgent rec. Without spoiling the plot, it’s CLASSIC soap-opera level shit. The TENSION at play & the layers of Bruce & Babs dynamic, the messiness of the batfam!!! 👌 *chefs kiss* GK as a run in general too was a LOT of fun for me & Babs is a pretty prominent player in much of it, but this issue rlly takes the cake for me ngl
And to tie it all together for an extra couple of Important Event recs that you’ll run into esp if you pick up BoP first:
Batman: No Man’s Land - okay, this event was a Behemoth. It’s a LOT to read, but it is REALLY good imo as a launching point for where Bat-comics were at the start of the millennium. Babs takes the narrative role SO many times throughout & she rlly comes into her own by becoming a linchpin for the info system she builds for the batfam. Again, I don’t wanna discourage you when I say it’s a Long read, bc it’s well worth it imo, but also 100% okay to skip when you’re just starting out! It’s a big time sink!
Batman: Officer Down - okay put away the meme forJUST A SEC, our old friend Jim Gordon’s been shot & it’s up to Batma- oh wait bruce sulks by Jim’s bedside while Babs rallies the troops and GETS SHIT DONE to find who shot her dad? INTERESTING 🧐 In all seriousness tho, & compared to NML, this is a much easier bite-sized event that can give you a taste of what Event/crossoverComics™️ are generally like 👍
Bruce Wayne: Murderer?/Fugitive - okay so, take that same energy of the batfam having to Put In The Work to help Bruce out & flip it around bc now Bruce is the Main Suspect. The drama, the Intrigue™️. Pretty much everyone in the fam gets a moment to shine & this is def peak of how Babs fits into the fam during this era. This one runs a bit on the longer side & babs is again, more of a support role here, but god damn I loved it a lot!
I feel like I’m obligated to at least Mention Batman: War Games, mostly to note that it finally shakes the foundation of Oracle being the batfam’s main support (her CLOCKTOWER gets nerfed in this event 😭) If you read all of BoP and skip over this event & then are confused abt why Babs is suddenly being ejected from Gotham, just remember that her clocktower gets blown up, Steph dies, Bruce n Babs have a falling out & that’s basically why Babs starts flying around the country & settles in Metropolis for a bit instead of going back to Gotham. I reread this event at least once a year bc it gave me brainworms, I can not in good conscience recommend it to anyone bc no one understands her (War Games) like i do 💕 Godspeed if you decide to read it o7
Other recs/mentions:
Batgirl (2000) - okay if you end up reading NML, you’ll be introduced to Cass in it, & this run picks up with her. Babs is in it a LOT at the beginning as supporting cast to Cass (up to War Games ofc, but I won’t say much more abt that lol) I’m ngl, when I was trying to get more into comics, this run was what HOOKED me
Batgirl (2009) - so in a similar vein, Babs also features as a support for Steph too in her batgirl run. It’s… different from Cass’ run, but I also rlly love this one too. And also am forever bitter that the Batgirls run didn’t realize their potential BUT WE’RE NOT GETTING INTO THAT HERE.
Gonna mention Batman: Gotham Knights one more time bc again, while Babs isn’t a main focus, I think it’s rlly good at tying the batfam together during that era & giving a reader glimpses into other characters/dynamics. I think I got more out of it after I had read a few other runs from this time period (namely Robin, Azrael & some prominent stuff with Huntress), but can also see it as a potential launching point for new readers too 👍 if you wanna get more into the batfam/Batman but are intimidated by the Big Runs, this can potentially be a good bridge!
Gonna rapid fire mention that Babs as Oracle has a lot of appearances in Robin (93), Nightwing (96), JLA (96), Azrael (95) and obvsly Batman/Detective Comics from the 90s into 00s. I’ve read a few of these runs, and ymmv depending on how attached you may get to certain characters. But that’s what comics is all about! Getting attached and exploring other characters n teams n stuff!
A Gen note that I wanna end on: I wasn’t exaggerating when I said earlier abt how the more you read the more you’ll have fun. I can’t even begin to count the number of times that I’ve read something from a 90s/00s comic & was essentially jumpscared by a sudden Oracle cameo that I wasn’t expecting! She pops up in so many things throughout the universe at the time!!! She was THE info broker for all the supers!!! It makes me so insane that DC threw that all away to magi-cure her and demote her back to batgirl when she had grown so much 😭
anyways I hope you have fun!!! And again if you’re ever looking for other recs my more Gen dc blog is @dyketectivecomics! If my fellow mods or anyone else have some recs to add or to dispute haha, I’ll be tagging this so others can see/rb/reply to add their recs too 👍
Okay! \o/ that’s all I got for now! Happy reading anon!!!!
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phobia-sweets · 1 year
Just thought of this:
All the Scarecrows you write for reacting to their trans S/O (who takes T injections) having just injected their/his leg, forgetting about it and while still sitting down laughing at a joke and slapping their thighs as a reaction. S/O then proceeds to yell out in pain because they/he accidentally slapped the spot they just injected, causing them to laugh even harder at their/his own misfortune
(Sorry if the ask is a bit long)
this took a bit long bc of the amount of characters and bc i was worried abt this being inaccurate bc i myself don't take t shots D:
Anyhow, this was fun to write!
Arkhamverse, BTAS, BTAA, DK Scarecrow x reader
Warnings & Notes: obv mentions of syringes, could be ooc in some parts bc im still a bit rusty, not proofread
“I assume you won’t be needing help with that.” Jonathan stated quite matter-of-factly as he walked past you to his workstation. You hummed in response, gently flicking the needle to get any air bubbles out.
Sticking the needle in your thigh carefully and injecting the liquid, you watched Jonathan get to work – he was always so calm and calculated. Taking out the needle, you sighed in relief. You were taken aback by the sound of glass shattering, which made you turn towards the source of the noise – Jonathan’s work station. There, on the ground laid the remains of a glass bottle and a puddle of orange liquid. Jonathan’s irritation was evident in his… lack of an expression and tense posture. It wouldn’t have been funny if it weren’t for the second bottle falling onto the ground when he turned away. You put your other hand across your mouth to avoid laughing at the situation. Your other hand, however, landed a bit harder than necessary on your thigh, right on top of where the needle was injected.
“FUCK-” you yelled, making Jonathan turn to face you so quickly you’d think he’d get whiplash. The situation and his reaction just made you laugh even more and he practically ran to you to assess the damage. “No, Jonathan, It’s fine- I’m just-” You laughed, making him take a few steps behind.
“You really shouldn’t be so reckless with your medication-” He started, crossing his arms with a grin on his face.
“You really gonna go all doctor on me?” You laughed at him, holding onto his shoulder for balance.
“I’m afraid so.” He said, grinning.
Gotham was in complete, utter chaos. Ever since Scarecrow announced his prescense and the Arkham Knight’s militia came to the city, everyone left – except for the people wanting to take advantage of the situation and the people trying to resolve the situation. People like the penguin, Mad hatter and even firefly were in the city, doing what they did best.
You had been just taking your t-shots when the comms rang – Nygma was trying to contact Jonathan. Putting the empty syringe on the table, you walked into his lab.
“Jonathan, you done yet? Nygma is uhh… trying to contact you.” You walked into his lab – it was pretty clean if you ignored the stray bottles and notes laying around. “Said it’s something about-”
“His plans do not concern me. He’s distracting batman – that’s all that matters right now with him.”
“Allright, I’ll make sure to tell him.” You chuckled at his irritation with Nygma and walked just outside the lab. You turned on the radio, hearing nygma mutter something about having to wait so long. “Nygma?”
“You?! I called scarecrow, not you!”
“Yeah, well, he isn’t available right now.” You sighed, already tired with him. “So leave a message or call later.” You could practically hear the smoke come out of his ears as he started,
“What could be so important he can’t answer to me?!”
“I don’t know, working? Making more toxin? Planning? There’s a lot of options, if I’m honest.” You laughed. Before he could respons, the connection cut. Did he break it in frustration? Did he cut the connection? Whatever the case, you found it funny. You started to quietly laugh at him, slapping your thigh. You shouted in pain, catching Jonathan’s attention in the lab. This only made you laugh more, and he came out.
“Are you allright?” He asked, voice emotionless as ever.
“Ye- yeah, just- give me a moment here.” You responded, laughing on the ground.
“You’re sure you weren’t imagining it? You know, wouldn’t be too outrageous if one of them toxin canisters were leakin’..” You questioned Anthony, one of Jonathan’s goons doubtfully, with a slight smile on your face.
“No, no! I swear! I saw it with my own two eyes!” He tried, but you weren’t buying it.
“Batman has a kid fight for him? You really believe that?” You asked, unknowing that he did, indeed have a boy wonder fight by his side now. “I mean, I’d expect him to be against having some kid fight with him.”
“No, I saw a guy get his ass handed to him by that kid!” Nigel joined in.
“You what?” You asked, giggling a little. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah! He was maybe like this tall-” He started, holding up a hand at a height he claimed this boy wonder was at. “And the guy didn’t stand a chance!” You laughed at this, slapping your hand at your thigh, where you had a fresh injection site. You felt a sting in your thigh, and cursed in pain.
“OW, SHIT-” you yelled, standing up from your chair. Nigel and Anthony looked at you worriedly, which only made you laugh at the situation.
“What’s going on here?” Jonathan asked as he walked into the room.
“Boss- They just- yelled in pain and now-” Anthony started explaining as Jonathan looked down at you.
“I’m- I’m fine, I promise.” You laughedm looking up at Jonathan. “Just stings a bit” He furrowed his brows at this, concerned.
“We’ll uhh… leave them to you, boss,” Anthony said as he dragged nigel with him outside the room.
“...Did you hit the injection site?”
“I told you not to-”
“Well, I was livin’ in the moment, Doc.”
Jonathan’s lab wasn’t the best choice when it came to taking your shots. It was grimy, messy and… well, not very hygienic. Rust covered many of the metallic surfaces and chemical bottles littered the tables. Yet here you were listening to a radio, sticking a needle into your thigh. You’ve grown used to it – the sting of the liquid spreading wasn’t as bad as the soreness that came afterwards. The radio next to you hadn’t played any songs in a while – instead the hosts were having a conversation, which you had been listening to while waiting for Jonathan to come back. He had gone to fetch something – a specific chemical he needed.
Jonathan oepned the door to the lab, hearing you giggle at the radio. He didn’t pay too much attention to it until he heard a slap and an “OW, FUCK-” coming from you. He quickly walked so he could see you, hand resting on your thigh – presumably the spot you had slapped. He raised his eyebrow, until he noticed the discarded syringe next to you. He sighed, watching as you started laughing even more at your own misfortune. He said nothing, and went back to work with a smile.
Taking your testosterone wasn’t that scary – you’d gotten used to the needle with time. But whenever Jonathan insisted on doing it for you, it was a different story. He had this effect of making even the most innocent things seem atleast a bit unsettling – He prided himself in that. He grinned as he inserted the needle in your thigh without much of a warning, making you jump slightly at the sting.
“You know – you could warn me when you do that.”
“oopsie-daisy, seems I forgot - ” He laughed and pulled out the now empty needle, setting it aside. “but a little scare never killed anyone.”.
“I’m going to have to disagree with you there.” You responded, furrowing your brows at him.
“Now, when has anyoene ever died from a little fear?” He started, standing up proudly. “I would know, yes?”
“You’re goddamn annoying, you know that?” You smiled up at him. He laughed in response, grabbing his burlap mask and putting it on.
“Oh shoot, am I?” He jokingly asked, dramatically turning towards the door. “I’m afraid I just don’t believe that.”
“Oh you fucking-” You started, slapping your thigh and standing up. In that moment, you had completely forgotten about just having a needle in your thigh just moments ago. You felt a sharp pain in your thigh and yelled in pain – catching Jonathan off guard. You started laughing at your own pain and forgetfulness, to which he started giggling along.
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jupiter---daydreams · 3 months
thanks to @agirlandherquill for the tag!!
rules: for every letter of the alphabet, compose a sentence/short paragraph beginning with that letter
(im technically cheating since I'm using sentences from my wip and not making them for this challenge)
A: “And you remember the kind of impression we're going for?” Mr. Fyre speaks up again, looming over my shoulder to speak into my ear.
B: Being in a car–especially now that it's moving–sets off every nerve in my body.
C: Caleb takes it and his eyes start to flick from the photo to me to the photo to me. We’ve done this before and I know that he’s trying to see if I look like either of them. To see if there’s still a connection.
D: Despite those thoughts, feelings, and impending panic attack, I force a smile–not that they can see with my mask on, but you can sort of hear it in my voice–before I reply.
E: Exorcist stands the second that he stops talking. “No thanks. We’ll take whatever you have back to our base–Verse, you’re welcome to join us–and we’ll get out of here.”
F: Finally, he says, “Can the story be about Mom and Dad?”
G: “Glad to be here, sir. I’ve always been a fan,” I say, not a single truthful word present in that sentence.
H: Hopefully that’ll get Mr. Fyre off my back later, but knowing him, he’ll find something else to pick at me for.
I: I lay down on my own bed, too big and too empty, with a muted sob.
J: Judging from the way Exorcist clings to Emote’s side and even Null’s face is pulled into a tight frown, they certainly feel it, too.
He knows. How does he know!? I’ve only known him for, what, a few hours? Am I that easy to read? Oh god, when Mr. Fyre and Ms. Monsley find out they’re going to kill me.
L: Like he doesn’t understand what training means. Then, I have the strange thought that maybe their version of training is different than Ms. Monsley’s.
My eyebrows shoot up. That was…childish.
A shocked, startled laugh comes out of Null. Apparently, I had said that aloud.
N: Nulls raises his hand, only speaking once Mr. Merced gives him an affirmative nod. “That’s not a lot of time to prepare. Why so sudden?” He asks. It's startling how serious he sounds. All joking, laid backness is gone from his voice. This is Null.
O: Of course. They–a Hero that has good cause to get revenge, a Hero that can sense emotions, and Null, too, I guess–are the ones I’m meant to be working with. Is it even possible for me to have worse luck?
P: Patrick lets the audience laugh for a moment, then he says, “Now, Verse, I can't speak for the audience, but I will when I say we've all been wanting to know one question. What is your powerset?”
Q: Right, the mission. I nod, silently returning to my area. I can practically feel the stares of the others on my back, and a quick glance back confirms it. Exorcist isn’t even trying to hide that she’s staring.
R: Right. The DNA sample that I definitely knew about and am totally not just finding out about right now. By the way, let's give a big round of applause to Ms. Monsley and Mr. Fyre for always keeping me in the loop.
She. Can. Sense. Emotions. 
Get your spiraling under control.
That leaves Exorcist without anything else to say, and she huffs, crossing her arms and turning away.
Emote's eyes flicker to me and I mentally prepare myself for a lecture, but Null lets out a snort of laughter–at my expense, no doubt–and Emote swivels her head to face him instead.
U: “Uh, Emote, Exorcist?” I call out as they start to leave the table we had gathered around. They turn, expectantly. “I was wondering if I could, uh, grab your powers now?”
V: “Verse, I really don't think you respect me. And that bothers me, because I am someone who deserves to be respected. So, watch your tone,” he pauses then and I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes.
W: A thought strikes me suddenly: how would any other child react? Would they throw a tantrum? Would they cry? Would they forgive me like Caleb?
X: For good measure–extra humiliation–she puts the sharp point to my throat. It digs in with a small prick of pain, letting out a bead of blood.
Y: “You’ve been contacted by ASPI. They want you to be involved with a mission. There weren’t many details, just a time and place for a briefing meeting, and a list of the other Heroes you’ll be working with.”
Z: I’ve been threatened by enough scary women to make me ready to back off–explanation be damned– but Emote stops me before I can even start to apologize.
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quodekash · 1 year
so. episode 3 comes out in 10 and a half hours, so i guess that means its time for me to finally watch episode 2
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im sorry what.
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you're clearly going on a date
you dont know its a date
but its definitely a date
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this, my friends, is boyfriend behaviour. take notes on this.
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THAT much food for two people??? there's no way theyre finishing that
also: all the food looks so yummy holy hell
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no clue what this is but it looks so good, i want it please
my chicken nuggets im eating for lunch rn feel so boring in comparison
i googled it and they sound so good holy freaking hell why have i never tried vietnamese food before
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nita's helping zo with allowing joke to join the debate club, and i know its because she's a good person and she probably wholeheartedly believes that everyone should have equal opportunity and all that jazz, but im also 80% certain she ships jokezo
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please i just want aouboom and i know we're getting it but we're one episode and 9 minutes through the series and we havent gotten it yet and im starting to get impatient
i suffer severely from Side Couple Syndrome
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are they gonna fu-
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because of soundwin, i cannot hear/read anything about one person coaching another person without thinking theyre about to get into a fight that ends with them in each others' pants, so
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hes fully just looking at zo's lips
he's not even trying anymore
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i feel like if he was caught staring at zo, he wouldnt do what kan and thua always do in the eclipse where he looks away and half-heartedly pretends he wasnt staring, no, he would commit to staring at him
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i love daydream scenes
also: i think theyre gonna kiss in this imaginary scenario
or theyre like gonna be right about to kiss, and real life zo is gonna ask like "are you listening?" or "what are you looking at?" or something like that
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real life zo, this is your cue to interrupt
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b r o
i forgot how much i love bl tropes
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they goin on another dateeee
ah frick i got distracted watching videos of the cast of barbie.
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boyfriend behaviour
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i just love him so much your honour
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frick i ran out of images
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
Tagging: @queerlordsimon @thesunshineriptide @aetherphobia @end3rm1st @ladyzsgolla (lemme know if you wanna be tagged)
Hiiii this is a long one because. Yknow we say a lot of weird shit.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 6
Uhhh CW: cursing, joking mockery, threats of violence (all joking I prommy!!), sexual innuendos
Lilia: I want to sit in the fire chair and I want to touch the disease book
Floyd: Btw I got some candy you want some 🍬🍭
Azul: Did you check for blades?
Floyd: yeah
Floyd: no blades but I found this 🥄
Azul: Is that a spoon???
Azul: Who puts spoons in candy??
Floyd: cool people with vans apparently
Cater: My illness is that I like men
Floyd: I will break ur spine with my love
Sebek: All of my family members got the talent of art but I didn't.
Silver: I dunno, that was a pretty good dog you drew earlier
Sebek: Oh come on, don't even go there, you know better
Ace: the opposite of formaldehyde is casualdejekyll
Deuce: get out
Jade: Eyes are kinda like Jewels. which Is why I like to collect them :)
Leona: I'm way too stoned to go into the danger zone
Floyd: Loafers, loafers, loafers, loafers. . I have an eye for loafers
Azul: I can tell
Floyd: loafers-
Ortho: That's why I got the party sized bag of Doritos
Azul: Idia is his own party.
Ortho: He is his own party
Azul: Do you just bring the party with you where you go?
Idia, deadpanned: that sounds draining.
Crewel: The Overhead Sun is when the sun is overhead. DO YOU HEAR ME? T H E O V E R H E A D S U N I S W H E N T H E S U N I S O V E R H E A D.
Ruggie: but what if I want to eat the hunger
Lilia: Dead sucks. Just ask, well, nobody because they're dead
Lilia: haha, dad jokes
Ruggie: I'm so hungry I could eat my own hunger :))))
Savanaclaw Student B: what's a single kid gonna do?
Yuu: a lot, actually. i plan to take over the world, catch all the legendary Pokemon, overthrow the champion, and whoop your ass
Lilia: Okay Malleus, what did we learn about awakening the ancient ones?
Idia: I will not accept Sans' banana.
Ace: When I die I want to be baked into a chocolate cake alive
Floyd: We have that psychic connection, we're just built different
Jade: …yeah
Lilia: What if Bigfoot takes off his fursuit before making fudge
Trey: I don't think Bigfoot making fudge naked will make me want to buy it more
Lilia: Who said he was naked????
Trey: He took off his fursuit!
Lilia: People usually wear clothing under their fursuit?? Like underclothing??
Trey: Still don't think I want bigfoot making my fudge
Lilia: I love that we're skipping past the fact that I am insinuating that bigfoot is a furry
Trey: Ehh…
Lilia: Consider this: Bigfoot is just Mr. Clean's fursona
Jade: I could see that– the psychology in that-
Jade: Being so obsessed with cleanliness that you revert to the total opposite, living in the woods; the wild, being one with the dirt. .
Jade: Hey look at these nice shoes!
Grim: Imagine waking up in a strange new world and looking inside the bag that was given to you upon waking up only to fucking find human ears
Jade: I would never threaten a moose. An elk on the other hand, I'd fuck it up.
Floyd: Heyy, you want some candy? They're good. A dollap something, a Squirmy... ooh! And this one's my favourite! It's from the floor
Floyd: Now THOSE were some slurpy tentacle sounds
LilIa: aaAAAUSGHHHSHHHHHHHNNNNNNGgggGerrrrrrr. . . That's what creativity sounds like, trust me
Idia: I don't know if I should say 'Im happy to inform you' or 'I regret to inform you,' but I must inform you that I'm back in my fnaf phase
Ruggie: head empty. only primal instincts. and shiny things.
Ruggie: I am here only for picking flowers and shiny gems
Azul: And now. . ... . when I look in this chest. .. I will see all of my treasures.. .. ..
Azul, chasing a rooster: Sir? SIR! Sir do you have time to talk about extending your car's warranty??
Floyd: Ok I'm done being angsty now.
Floyd: I will now be *horny-*
Epel: Speaking of precious, [breAKS INTO A COUGHING FIT]
Ace: Skate fast, eat ass
Trey: Do you need glue?
Cater: If I need glue I will cry.
Idia: Emotions are wack [finger guns]
Ace: Jesus my hands are dry... they just like.... snorted.. .... the lotion I put on them.. ... ..
Deuce: Okayy let's see how well I can do my math homework after having a mental breakdown!
[Deuce looks at the nonexistent camera]
Deuce: Dw it was for an English assignment
Yuu: Guys, I have an important question for you
Overblot crew: what
Yuu: are you okay, like, mentally
Overblot crew: what kinda stupid question is that? of course not.
Ace: British people actually exist?
Riddle: Yes
Ace: Damn, that's crazy
Floyd: It's like being a halloween stripper except they throw candy at me instead of money
Ace: I was born to kick ass and take names, I'm not just gonna stop bc some adults told me to
Yuu: I have a history of befriending bastards
Yuu, at Floyd: "oh boo hoo, I'm so tall I can touch the ceiling 😭😭"
Lilia: I mean I got a violin case and you don't see me putting baby corpses in it
Ace: Is thay the one were Jesus rose from the tomato soap
Trey: what
Kalim: I befriended a gravy monster
Floyd: Fuck you. Eats dice.
Cater: If you avocado squeezes back, it means you are happy
Floyd: It’s like a slip n slide on a warm summer’s day. Expect its November and you’re sliding in your own liquids.
Jade: Look out Floyd, the babies are poisonous
Deuce: His parents was Greek
Jade: Set the temperature to 420 degrees F and let it cook for 2-3 business days
Azul to the twins: You don’t have to eat everything that disagrees with you
Ace: how old were you when you were eleven?
Deuce: evaporation is the process of elimination
Rook: goats are the gateway to aromatherapy
Rollo: the children must be burned
Floyd: chicken octopus legs
Deuce: but blue and orange make purple, so…
Hope y’all like these lmao
Another one is in the works already, be prepared 😄
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