#(<<< heavy sarcasm)
stench-core · 3 months
once you realise when most people say 'trans' they don't actually mean trans men or mascs and just mean trans women or fems it's incredibly hard to not see it. or sometimes 'trans' things that are nonspecific get turned into women & fem only things
similarly i see a lot of trans women say 'trans' and mean 'trans women' and also assume trans spaces are just for them, contributing to the aforementioned problem of trans spaces getting turned into [trans] women exclusive spaces
just a bit sad innit
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transmascissues · 6 months
if you had to live even one day as a biological homosexual male (don't play dumb or smart, you know what i'm referring to), you'd fucking k!ll yourself once you realize how miserable it is.
right, because trans people have famously never had to survive being so miserable that we feel like we’d be better off dead, and transphobia totally doesn’t compound with homophobia to make life even harder. i mean, fuck intersectionality, right? obviously being trans on top of being gay would make things easier, not harder. silly me. my stupid little female brain just can’t possibly comprehend how hard your life must be. of course i would be too fragile and weak to survive the hardships that you and only you experience. really, we should all give you a standing ovation for surviving more suffering than anyone else on the entire earth has ever had to experience.
…anyway, this whole stolen valor angle of anti-transmasculinity is weird as hell. big “back in my day we had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow” energy. have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, you don’t have some sort of monopoly on suffering? because believe it or not, finding community with other people who have faced similar hardships is actually a really healing experience when you let yourself do it, and would definitely be far healthier than whatever the fuck you’ve got going on here. i’d strongly recommend trying it sometime. if you get the stick out of your ass, you’ll realize we’re in this together, and that’s an incredibly powerful thing.
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almondpiglet · 11 months
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fav ship for mobtober
wait huh??? serirei? what a surprise!!
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atthebell · 4 months
this is how i feel about people on this website every single day [thank you cellbit reactions]
"Fuck, you don't know how to INTERPRET A TEXT sorry I'm not having a very healthy day today"
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spectrumgarden · 2 months
Sometimes the way people talk about low masking / higher needs & level autistics in these "this isnt how autistic people are" ways is fairly subtle, by excluding any information on us from the conversation & constantly centering themselves etc. But sometimes self proclaimed autistic advocacy posters will literally just go online and be like "autistic people dont stim like that [in public]" and it's like ahhhhh ok cool what the fuck are you talking abouttttt that's a regular tuesday for me, that's normal fucking stimming. That's not even my big body stims. That's the small ones. What the fuck
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partyboyx3 · 11 days
Spent 15 hours on this wowza. You totally can't tell who my favorites are based on their designs full of headcanons nuh uh no u can't /s
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the OG pic for comparison and close-ups below🔥🔥
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 10 months
Just because Dead on Main and Deadlights are two wildly different ships with drastically different dynamics doesn’t mean I can’t fully support both.
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madame-helen · 10 months
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technovillain · 1 year
the saddest thing you can realize about helmut is that.
this outfit??? probably was never real.
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this one was probably his real outfit. it also appears in his portrait near truman's office.
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his main outfit is just his dream outfit to meet the aesthetic of his brain....sad..... i do love that his real horns are knitted like in the concept art. and the knitting fan implications are still there.
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m1zumono · 2 years
dean winchester and autism because this man is autistic and i will not accept otherwise:
his reaction to sam giving him the giant slinky at the end of 7x14 'plucky pennywhistle's magical menagerie'
actually physically stimming when he enters the bunker with sam in 15x14 'last holiday' and sees the christmas decorations
the boxing episode, 11x15 'beyond the mat', where dean spends the entire episode fanboying and (for lack of a better word) plays in the boxing ring
wearing the same thing (flannel, jeans, in earlier seasons the leather jacket) almost all of the time while not in disguise to work cases
eating the same thing (cheeseburger with extra onions or pie) at almost everywhere they go, as often as he can (about dean winchester and food, i could talk about that for hours he has so many issues with it and it's all john winchester's fault)
his ability to recite movies line for line, and his tendency to communicate almost entirely through references and movie quotes, and expecting people to understand what he means
about references, he makes jokes and references when it's not appropriate, he doesn't understand that something isn't appropriate in a situation where it isn't specifically pointed out to him, and he generally has a pretty messed up sense of empathy and inability to 'read the room'
‘you’re always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every led zeppelin song, backwards and forwards. you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between ’67 and ’84… and you watch ‘jeopardy!’ every night.’ - directly quoted from sam winchester in 14x20 'moriah'
in 13x06 'tombstone' when they go into the motel and dean talks about the cowboys, identifying all of them and going into quite a bit of detail about a few of them, even though nobody asked him about it and he is absolutely infodumping. 'he really likes cowboys.' 'yes. yes, he does.'
his knowledge of cars, particularly baby, and how he takes her for a ride when he's sad because of the comfort she provides him. also about baby and comfort, the way he offers to let people drive baby when he realises that they're sad, thinking it'll make them feel better as she makes him happy and he doesn't understand how else to help
in 1x03 'dead in the water' he talks to lucas about how he didn't speak as a kid, he plays with the toy soldiers and it doesn't come across as playing with them to make lucas trust him, it actually comes across as him finding genuine enjoyment in it
in 1x15 'the benders' when he's talking to the kid who mentions godzilla, dean brightens immediately and goes off topic talking about his favourite godzilla film, and has to be reminded that he's working a case by sam
the entirety of 14x04 'mint condition', how dean gets to express his interests and be himself and how a lot of people have mentioned that he seems to be genuinely himself in that episode instead of the act he puts on
larping with charlie, no explanation needed
he shuts down when things go badly, often blasting music and ignoring everything and everyone around him
he always picks scissors when playing rock, paper, scissors, and it's actually something that comes up multiple times within the show - in 2x17 'heart', sam says, 'dean, always with the scissors,' and along the same lines, his excitement both times he actually wins the game
in 1x04 'phantom traveller', dean is terrified because of the plane and sam points out that he's humming metallica. he replies that it calms him down, and that just seems very autistic
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 months
Do you guys think Maddie got to keep any of the pictures of all three Buckley siblings together or did her parents take that from her as well? Or maybe their parents never even took pictures of the three of them.
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this-too-shall-bleed · 2 months
you ever just go batshit insane in blender for a while
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stillfertile · 6 months
wait why are the leafs playing in st patty jerseys?
isn’t it distracting? what if the players don’t agree with what it stands for?
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a-polite-melody · 7 months
Love it when people reduce transandrophobia down to being told “you’ll never be a real man” to say that it (or whatever you want to call oppression transmascs face) doesn’t exist.
Just like. Way to go, showing how little you’ve actually listened to any of the experiences any of us talking about this subject have shared. You look so good right now betraying that you’ve never actually read anything about transandrophobia beyond what’s been spoon fed to you by people dead set on misrepresenting us.
So enlightened in your “knowledge” that patriarchy only harms people who identify as women and anything else is “misdirected”.
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prettieplural · 2 days
you don't have DID you're just boring and you have to make up shit to be interesting ~
Thank you anonymous Tumblr user. You are right, I will go tell my therapist right away that she is wrong and I do not have DID 🫡
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
My punk ass cannot stand it when people call characters who kill or abuse or often both tons of innocent people and actively further corrupt whatever society they exist in 'revolutionaries' because they have sad backstories.My siblings in christ,that's not a revolutionary,that's a fascist😭💀
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