#(&. you don’t belong here; know just what you are ) - changeling claire.
shadowedstaff · 4 months
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch 36 Grand Theft Otto
Ao3 Link
RoA Disclaimer: The Trollhunter universe and characters don't belong to me. River, Eri, Eemeli, Ms. Kamaria/Sylvina, Garridan, Ganieda, and the Eclipse Guard are my own characters (List is subject to change as the story progresses). The lore is a mix of old Arthurian legends, ToA cannon lore, and my own that I've developed for RoA.
If anyone is interested, I have a playlist on Spotify called 'River of Arcadia Phase 3' if you would like to listen to it. 'Atlas Falls' by Shinedown is a recent addition and seems to fit RoA very well. There are playlists for River, Phase 1 and Phase 2 as well. River's playlist hasn't been updated since I began separating it into phases.
                                                                                A stakeout the night after we almost drowned was not how I was planning on resting up. Blinky and Claire were sitting up front with binoculars, watching the street as we tried to lay low in the car. I don’t even want to know where Blinky found it.
To my right Toby was munching on as many gooey and sticky snacks as he could now that his braces were off as of this morning. NotEnrique took a spot on my lap as he was bickering with Blinky, wanting to see exactly what kind of changeling we were up against. Draal took the spot on my left, mostly there to make sure I didn’t fall asleep, recovering slower from being a magical battery than Claire was. Whatever happened when our magic melded seemed to give her an extra boost once she slept off the initial exhaustion.
“Do we even know who we’re looking for?” Claire’s question snapped my attention back to the stakeout.
Blinky was watching a police officer pick up litter before walking off. “It appears Strickler corresponded with a German named Otto Scaarbach.”
NotEnrique snickered, pulling himself up from my lap to the back of Blinky’s seat, “That’s his name? Might as well call him ‘Mr. Evil Man.’”
I rolled my eyes, leaning my head back against the headrest, “I know we’re trying to find the cure, but Strickler’s old associate is probably the last Changeling to hand it over.”
“How do you even know he’s going to be here?” NotEnrique asked, laughing as Blinky used ‘interneted’ instead of emailed.
“Silence, you impudent runt.” Blinky huffed, watching the streets as he explained. “I interneted him as Strickler, asking to meet.”
“Again, didn’t he abandon Strickler?” I asked, trying to point out the obvious issues with this plan.
“She has a point, Galadrigal,” Draal huffed, feeling like we were wasting our time with Otto. “The reason Strickler had to come to us for help was because the Janus Order kicked him out. You think one of them will show up to meet him now?”
Blinky pouted, “With Angor gone, Strickler’s presence itself is no longer a threat to whoever he’s around, with that, his contact may believe it worth trying to meet with Strickler. But, when he discovers he’s been stood up, he’ll lead us back to the Janus Order.”
“Couldn’t we have asked Eemeli for directions?” I sighed, unsure why we couldn’t have an easy win for once.
“Sorry, moonlight,” Notenrique chuckled, sitting back down, “Not every Changeling working for the Janus order has ties to every hideout, besides, neither of us were here long enough to be invited before switching sides.”
“If anyone’s hungry, I’ve got peanut brittle, popcorn, marshmallow goop, and 16 flavors of bubble gum,” Toby interrupted, partially trying to cut the tension, mostly just distracted with no longer having braces.
Claire rolled her eyes, looking into the backseat, “We get it Tobes, you just got your braces off.”
“Oh,” Toby chuckled, patting his cheeks, “Did you notice?”
“Keep goofing off and you’re going to need them again,” I huffed, trying to keep his snacks from overflowing the entire backseat.
Claire and Blinky spotted a very suspicious man heading for the streetlight.
Peering past Draal, I rolled my eyes, “Trench coat and fedora, so not suspicious,” I snarked, grabbing Midnight’s collapsed form.
“Slip out quietly,” Blinky instructed, keeping 2 of his 6 eyes on ‘Mr. Evil Man.’ “One false move and we might spook him.”
“Right! Follow him back to the Janus Order. Piece of cake, let’s go!” Toby grinned, throwing his door open and immediately falling out, slipping on all the bubblegum he had pulled out.
Wincing, I turned to see Otto flinch at the noise, trying to locate the cause of it.
Calire shushed Toby as he fell again, letting out a loud yelp, effectively scaring off Mr. Evil Man. “We can’t lose him. You drive, Blink. River, Toby and I will follow on foot.”
“One magic enhanced Changeling chase, here we come,” I huffed, flashing out of the car to avoid Toby’s gumballs everywhere, “Draal, make sure he doesn’t kill anyone with his driving.”
Draal laughed, jumping into the passenger seat as Claire got out, Blinky speeding off before he could respond.
We quickly began following Otto trying to keep a quiet distance, only being ruined by the candy dropping from Toby’s bag. As Blinky drove past him, Otto disappeared, “Can changelings teleport?” I asked, looking around quickly, snarling as I spotted the trench coat heading into a street blocked off for construction. “This way.” I took off sprinting, it seemed Mr. Evil Man knew someone was following him, might as well give him something to try running from.
I could hear Claire telling Blinky we had a new plan, one captured Changeling coming right up. Teleporting in front of Otto, my right eye glowing blue as the markings from my troll form glowed orange with magic, “Not exactly blending in there, are you?” I asked, his eyes going wide at the sight of daylight, he turned down another street, prolonging the chase.
Toby came flying by using his warhammer as a clever mode of transportation. And he ran into a truck. Wincing I saw the warhammer slam into his face. I really hope he knows my taunt about needing braces again was a joke.
Claire paused, letting the other’s know Toby was down. I kept running for Otto, if we were going to have a chance at saving Jim, this was it. Blink boxed the alley in as we approached, slowing down in case Otto tried anything.
I could feel energy near us shift and the sound of spray paint. I grabbed Claire’s shoulder before she could ambush anyone innocent. Walking around the dumpster myself, I eyed how the kid was using the spray paint, noticing how thin the paint looked. “If you actually knew how to use that, you’d know to shake the can first.” I glared down, still on high alert as the teen turned to face me. Shock written on his face before he pushed past me, running into the street.
“Where’s Mr. Evil Man?” Claire asked, watching the kid run.
I kneeled down, picking up the paint can, recognizing it immediately. “If I had to guess, that was him.” This paint was only sold by Ms. Kamaria, and I was the only one who purchased it.
“What do you mean? That wasn’t the guy we were chasing,” Claire looked down, trying to figure out why I was so fixated on the paint can. “River, what’s wrong?”
Draal came running over from the car, worried when he saw I wasn’t making a move to get up. “Why did you bring your paint?” He asked, recognizing the can as well.
I turned the can upside down, snarling as I looked over the bottom, my initials were marked, plain as day, something I did with all my paints in case I misplaced them, a habit I was terrible with growing up. Over the initials someone drew a sun. “The bastard either broke into the house or school to get this.”
“Wait, you thought that was Otto and you let him go?” Claire asked, “This was our one shot!”
I shoved the can against her chest, as Toby and Blinky finally caught up, “This means he knew we were the ones that messaged him, and he still came.”
“Maybe the information James and Eemeli are leaking is working?” Blinky asked, trying to dispel the tension.
“He is gauging how desperate we are for the antidote,” Draal snarled, not liking that Otto was either in my paint supplies at school, or worse, in my room at our home.
“River,” Toby winced, holding his face, “I think I broke my jaw.”
I winced, hovering my hand over the side of his face and pulling back feeling the extent of the damage, “Sorry Tobes, I don’t think you’ll want malformed bones. It’ll be best if you get that looked at by a professional.”
Claire handed the paint back to me, sighing. “We should head out, it’s not like we’ll be able to find him again anytime soon.”
With that, we all split up. Blinky took Claire home before returning the car to wherever he stole it from. Draal and I walked Toby home, making sure he got some ice on his face before heading out.
As we approached the front door, I snarled, feeling on edge knowing Otto could have broken in.
Uncle James opened the door, confused on why Draal and I were just standing on the porch. “I’m guessing the stakeout didn’t go as planned?”
I handed him the paint as Draal and I walked in, flopping down on the couch.
Sighing Draal ruffled my hair before explaining the can to Uncle James. “With all of us being at the learning dungeon or Trollmarket, it wouldn’t have been hard for him to break in.”
“I haven’t smelled anything off, even in his human form he’d give off a strange scent.” Uncle James explained, trying to help calm my anxiety.
Could something cover that though? My eyes widened as I jumped to my feet, running up the stairs and straight for my room. As soon as I opened the door, the stench of fresh paint filtered into the hall. Shuddering, I realized the yellow paint Otto had used tonight was covering the walls of my room. He had literally left a mark, letting us know he was here.
Suns were painted everywhere. It seems Changeling’s were loyal to more than Gunmar.
“Bushigal!” Draal snarled, running in after me, he covered his nose as he took in the paint covering my room.
Uncle James winced, peering into the doorway, “That would explain not being able to smell him,” Walking in, he glared at the larger of the suns painted. “He really had to drive it in, didn’t he?”
“Why would he do this?” Draal asked, not connecting the dots as fast.
“Morgana,” I seethed, letting my claws out and slashing through one of the suns, feeling irritated and violated at having anything to do with her in my room. It was bad enough I had the painting, now stuffed in the back of my closet, that Ms. Kamaria said I needed to make.
“The Janus Order works for her, I thought they were agents of Gunmar?” Draal asked, pulling me from the walls before I could do any more damage.
“To be an agent of Gunmar is to be an agent of the Eldritch Queen, which is why Garridan and I worry about finding the order in Arcadia.”
“Great, so here or the Darklands, I’m a liability,” Growling, I stalked out of the room, not wanting to see the damned suns any more.
Draal frowned, following close, “Are they hunting her?” He asked James, worried about being stuck in his fleshy form, unable to protect me at the moment.
Uncle James shook his head as we settled in the living room again. “My reports state that it is unlikely, at this point, I think it’s more of a calling card. They’re telling us they have what we want.”
“Think they’re willing to negotiate?” I asked, rubbing my temples. I knew Otto showing up to meet with Strickler was too easy.
“I think you’ll have to be part of the negotiation. They know we have the bridge, they know you’re capable of opening it, to some extent. If they want Gunmar released, us opening the bridge to save my son is their best bet. However, targeting you for the negotiation means you may have or can get something they need.” Uncle James explained, showing us reports from his spies stating that, other than Eemeli, there aren’t Witch Hunters assigned anywhere near Arcadia.
“Other than myself, what could they want?” I asked, irritated that we had more questions than answers it seemed.
“A sample of your blood, possibly a stone made of your magic. Honestly, with the information I’ve been given, it could be anything.” He sighed, looking over at Draal and I. “Why don’t you two get some rest, Draal and I can fix your room while you’re at school tomorrow. I’ll keep watch over the house tonight.”
I went to argue but Draal’s hand on my shoulder cut me off, “You’re still exhausted from stealing Killahead Bridge, and after tonight you’ve overdone it,” Even in his fleshy form he could tell I pushed well past my limits tonight. “Besides,” He was cut off by a yawn, also exhausted from our last few adventures, “until I turn back to normal, I’m stuck needing sleep.”
I nodded, heading down to the basement without argument. I flopped face down on the nest, wanting nothing more than to bash Otto’s skull in at the moment.
“You’re angry,” Draal got into the nest with me, nuzzling the side of my face. “And you’re plotting murder or dismemberment.” He chuckled, running his fleshy hand through my hair, taking the braid out so he could play with it, something he realized helped to calm me down.
“Is it showing?” I grumbled, flexing my fingers. I couldn’t feel Eclipse running along my skin, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t leaking out.
“Not literally,” Draal nudged my shoulder, gently pushing me until I let him roll me onto my side. “But you are pouting.”
I puffed out my cheeks, glad I had control on the  Eclipse magic since my revelation with NotEnrique, still mad at the damned Changeling that vandalized my room. “I want to bash his skull in,” I admitted, not liking that the Eldritch Queen was basically plastered all over my room.
“Murder it is,” He chuckled, pulling one of the blankets up, “Now, I’m happy to help, but I don’t think killing our only contact that is seeking us out would be wise.”
My brow knit together, eyeing Draal, “Who are you and what have you done with my mate?” I asked, teasing him.
Barking out a laugh, Draal tugged me close, making sure I had room to move, “I’m filling in for Vendel until her Highness-lady gets kicked out of Trollmarket.” He snickered, knowing we couldn’t go to Vendel due to the Tribunal’s edict.
I groaned, hiding my face against his chest, nuzzling my head up under his chin. “Remind me to bash her head in with that stupid crown she wears, maybe I can use it on Mr. Evil Man too.” I snickered, yawning as Draal and I curled up.
“Will do, but for now, I think you’ll have to settle for dismembering them in your sleep, love.” Draal chuckled, kissing the top of my head. Between our conversation about kisses and him being turned human twice, he’s been increasingly fond of the gesture.
I drifted off before I could respond. Once again, my dreams lead me to a shadowy castle. The corridor I was in looked like the one from my memory of Douxie finding me for my nap. I wandered the halls aimlessly, surprised at how detailed the dream was. A presence made itself known behind me, softly tapping the middle of my back. I turned quickly, having to look down to see a green fae-like creature with antlers.
She giggled softly, waving me to follow her. Odd, I don’t think I’ve dreamt about her before. Deciding to follow, we headed in the opposite direction that I was wandering. She couldn’t be a memory, magical beings weren’t able to freely roam camelot’s halls.
“You’re out of place,” The creature spoke sweetly, looking back with a smile on her face.
Confused, I frowned, “This isn’t a memory?”
“Shadow realm, strange for moonlight to dream here,” She spoke, again, gesturing to the dark halls. Now that she mentioned it, when I last dreamt of the castle it was also dark.
“That doesn’t sound good,” I went to pull the strings of my hoodie, a nervous habit, instead my hand met metal. Looking down, I could see a dark dress, similar to the one in the locket portrait of my family, a metal chestplate the only difference. “That’s new.”
“Memories are shifting,” The creature turned, touching the chestplate, suddenly the metal darkened, the dress I had been wearing was replaced with a shorter red robe, a hood falling over my head. “My memory.” Was all she stated, turning back around and leading me out of the castle.
I stopped short, seeing that we were in fact, in the shadow realm. “I can’t.”
Turning back the creature took my hand, smiling softly. “Taking to memories.” She explained. As soon as her hand touched mine, a comforting warmth spread through my chest.
“My memories, but,” I winced, remembering Angor Rot taunting me about a broken mind, and then when mom pulled up the memory of her death, saying it was messed with. “What if they’re wrong again?”
She smiled, pulling me off the castle grounds and flying off into the Shadow Realm, “Not wrong, taken. Changed.” We flew over memories of battles, forests, Troll villages, and caverns lined with precious gems. “Hidden here, by Morgana.”
I flinched at the name, feeling dread overtake my senses. “No!” I yelled, pulling from the creature, “I’m not letting her mess with my head ever again!”
The creature quickly came to my side, making sure I didn’t drift too far from her so I wouldn’t be lost in the shadow realm. “You are little light,” She spoke softly, using the name Merlin had called me, “She will not hurt you. I won’t allow it, I promise.” Determination filled her eyes, reaching her hand out for me once again, letting me choose.
Slowly, I reached out, settling my hand in her’s. I couldn’t understand why, but I knew if this creature made a promise, it was binding. “Okay, I trust you.”
Smiling softly, we floated down to an island cast in shadows. The only thing of note was the large cave we were heading towards.
“Why would she hide my memories in a cave?” I asked, surprised they wouldn’t be hidden in the castle.
The creature tilted her head in thought, “Primordial magics rest here as they do in your home. This was only place powerful enough to hold your memories at time.” She explained, hand ghosting over the cave wall, causing thousands of illuminating flowers to bloom within, casting green and pink lights over the shadows. “Only place strong enough to hold her.” She pointed up ahead.
My grip on her hand tightened as I saw a woman fully covered in gold armor trapped inside some sort of crystal. “That’s really her? That’s Aunt Gana?” I winced as gold flooded the cave, worried I had somehow released the one being I was truly terrified of. Instead, a golden figure matching the woman in my memories of Aunt Gana appeared, no armor or malice in sight.
Smiling softly, she dispelled the shadows surrounding us. “I had hoped you would reach this place one day, little light.” She spoke, all the harshness and vile I was expecting was nowhere to be found.
A thought struck me then, “You didn’t call me ‘Sunshine.’” I confronted the spirit vessel, confused on why there seemed to be two completely different versions of the Eldritch Queen in front of me.
Morgana’s spirit let out a sigh, turning back to look at her trapped form. “We are the same, though our imprints are from different times. The being you know as the Eldritch Queen was corrupted over time,” She looked to the creature guiding me, nodding to her. “Magic as ancient as the beginning, influenced and corrupted the body you see trapped. I believe your teacher warned you, perfection is not for everyone, it could hold some back,” she waved to the creature, “and destroy others.” She motioned to her armored from once again.
Dread filled me, if this version of Morgana could see me, then so could the one behind her. “You’re able to spy on us?”
She shook her head, pulling out a pale blue orb, it looked like condensed daylight. “I only know what Merlin has offered to tell.”
“Why would he tell you anything? You’re the reason his sister is dead, you separated our family. Hell, you’re the reason I’m in this time!” I snarled, the orange of my spirit-form being overtaken by Eclipse’s red.
Instead of answering, Morgana simply shook her head, “It’s not the time, nor my place to answer those questions.” She reached into the armored body, pulling out an orb of pale blue magic. “This is why you are here. I’ve been guarding these for over nine centuries.”
“Why guard something you stole?” I was so confused. Why would Morgana help me at all? If she took them, why would she give them back?
“I protected them, little light. She stole them,” She sighed, referring to her trapped form. Turning and holding the orb out to the creature guiding me. “They will return slowly so as to not overwhelm your mind, however,” She pulled a small droplet of magic from the orb, handing it directly to me. “This is the one you’re worried about the most. Ganieda’s final fight with the Eldritch Queen. When you feel you are ready, break the crystal. Until then, keep it close, little light.” I carefully took the raindrop of magic, watching it solidify in my grasp. With a final smile, Morgana, no Aunt Gana, began to fade. “I hope to meet you again, under friendly circumstances.”
I shot up in the nest, breathing hard and covered in sweat. What kind of nightmare was that?
Draal instantly woke up, sitting up slowly so he wouldn’t startle me. “Love, what happened? Are you alright?”
“I don’t know,” I winced, hands clenched so tight that my fingers were digging into the flesh of my palms. “A nightmare I think.”
Frowning, Draal took my hands. Slowly he rubbed the right one until it loosened up then began working on the left. As he loosened my left hand, a glowing raindrop fell, landing between us on the blanket.
“Were you in the mana pools?” He asked, carefully picking up the raindrop, just in case it was rigged to explode.
“Oh, no,” I flinched back, realizing exactly what it was. “Don’t break it, I,” I fumbled, trying to wrap my head around what happened. “Dreaming in the shadow realm, little green antlers, memories!” I yelped, trying to keep myself from panicking. I had come face to face with Morgana, the one from my earliest memories.
Draal’s hand froze, careful not to apply too much pressure to the crystal. “Love, you’re not making sense. What do you mean? Were you in the shadow realm?”
I nodded, carefully holding my hand out for the crystal, Draal carefully placing it in my palm. “I don’t know how. I thought I was dreaming of memories, then this little green fae-creature came up, she was so tiny!” I tried reeling my thoughts in, “She told me I was in the shadow realm, should have been obvious with how dark everything was,” I shook my head, trying to think straight. “She took me to where Morgana sealed my memories.”
Draal snarled, pulling me close. Any mention of the Eldritch Queen set him off. It seemed every time we tried to distance ourselves from her, she had a way of crashing back to the forefront of our worries. “It led you astray? How did you come back?”
Shaking my head quickly, I looked down at the crystal in my palm. “She didn’t. We, well, I saw Morgana, two of her actually. The one we’re terrified of, and the one I grew up with.” Holding up the crystal to him again, I frowned, unsure what to do with it at the moment. “The creepy one is sealed in some sort of prison, but the one I knew, she was protecting my memories from being destroyed.” Sighing, I really hated how complicated everything seemed to be getting. Between Merlin’s prophecies and Morgana in general, I didn’t know who was making it worse at the moment. “Something happened to her, she’s split. When she and the creature gave me my memories, she pulled this one out. It’s about mom’s final battle.”
Draal nuzzled the top of my head, having patiently waited for me to figure my words out before responding. “Have you seen it yet?”
“No,” I sighed, curling up against him. “She said the memories would return slowly so they wouldn’t overwhelm me, but she gave me the choice on this one. All I have to do is break the crystal when I’m ready.” I paused, carefully setting the crystal inside the family locket, wanting to keep it close. “What if I’m never ready?”
“One day, you will be.” Draal assured me, wincing as light filtered in the tiny basement windows. While he was human we kept the covers opened slightly to judge the time of day better. “For now, it is probably best to get ready for the learning dungeon. Your uncle and I will take care of the mess upstairs. Take this time to relax, you have most of the day to not worry about magic and monsters.” He chuckled, helping me out of the nest.
Smiling, I kissed his cheek. “Thank you, love.” Flashing up to the second story bathroom, I focused on the clothes I wanted from my room and got to work on cleaning up for the day. Once washed and dressed, I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and teleported downstairs just in time to see Uncle James and Draal head up stairs.
Grabbing my backpack, I chuckled seeing Eemeli and Claire arguing in his car, slipping into the backseat, I looked over at Toby’s house, “Are we waiting on Tobes?”
Eemeli snickered, taking off before answering, “Nope, Nana said he was at the dentist. One day without braces and he manages to break his jaw.”
“I’m surprised Draal isn’t coming along,” Claire glanced back, having gotten used to our temporarily fleshy Draal accompanying us to school. “Is everything okay?”
“Other than finding out where Mr. Evil Man got the paint from? Yeah, we’re fine. Draal and Uncle James are fixing my room.”
“Wait, you actually ran into Otto?” Eemeli yelped, looking at me through the rearview mirror.
“Told you so,” Claire stuck her tongue out at Eemeli. I’m guessing that’s what they were arguing about. “Wait, what happened to your room? He broke into your house?”
“Yup,” I snarled, sitting back and trying to keep my composure. “After talking to Uncle James last night, I realized the only thing in the house that could cover his scent was probably paint fumes. When I got up into my room, it was covered in spray paint suns. The walls, ceiling, hell he even covered my bed in the fucking things!” So much for composure.
Eemeli stiffened, “That’s not good, they’re calling you out specifically, why waste their time though? You could literally turn them to stone if they tried to even touch you. I don’t think they have the facilities to hold you hostage. Not to mention you’re unlikely to hand over anything to them.”
“That’s just it though,” Claire sighed, realizing last night was a total setup for us and not the other way around. “River would do anything to get Jim back, except go into the Darklands herself. If they want something highly specific from her, and they know we’re desperate, they may think she’ll hand over whatever they’re after.”
“Not completely wrong, though at this point, I’m starting to question if I’m any more dangerous in the Darklands than I am out here. If I have to help power the bridge and if Gunmar does manage to escape, what’s to stop him from using his soul sucking sword on me right there?” I huffed, having been worried about the thought since Jim and I managed to open the bridge together.
“Like Draal will give him the chance,” Eemeli snorted, parking at school. “Come on, let's go play human teenagers for a few hours. Who knows, maybe seeing Steve’s bruised face will cheer you up.”
I groaned, “I can’t believe Draal suckerpunched him after Toby said he wasn’t worth it.”
Clarie giggled, “You’ve got to admit, you’ve got one protective hubby.”
“I thought we were still using fiancé,” I laughed, shaking my head at her antics.
“Is there really a difference for trolls?” She asked, genuinely curious.
I paused at our lockers, “I have no idea, from what Draal explained there’s not-courting, courting, challenging, and mates.”
“See, you’re basically married.” She teased, grabbing her books.
We split off to our classes after that. Art was pretty uneventful. After Eri crashed the first show, we were working on individual pieces for a makeup show. I was planning on using the painting I had done of Ganieda in the mana pools for that, instead I pulled out a new canvas and began working on a dark background, mimicking the cave from last night’s dream. Something itching in the back of my mind.
Instead of Morgana, I began outlining three different creatures. The first was the little green fae-like creature that had guided me through the shadow realm, surrounding her in flowers, her body giving off a pink and green glow. By the time the bell rang for the next class, I only had some basic shapes down for the other two figures, still unsure about them.
Eemli and I walked out to the lockers to see that Toby had finally made it to school. The students around us apparently had a lot to say about whatever the dentist had to do for his broken jaw.
“Hey, Tobes,” I opened my locker, glaring at a yellow spray painted sun. Stuffing my mother’s grimoire in my backpack, I slammed the door shut. “How’d your appointment go?”
“You can hardly notice it,” Claire winced, having her first period with Toby.
Toby pulled back from his locker, closing it roughly before turning to face us. His entire face was encased in metal bars connected to his face. I’m really wishing I was comfortable healing bones now. “I look like somebody tried to build a cyborg, then gave up.
I grasped Toby’s shoulder, wincing at all the nuts and bolts carefully holding the headgear in place. “I can talk with Vendel later and see if there’s a magic option, that way you can get that off faster.”
Sighing, Toby nodded, picking up his bag. “I’m just going to head to class, this day can’t get any worse.” He walked off, even more dejected as the teens around him pulled away at the sight of his face.
“Seriously? It’s just medical equipment, Eli didn’t even faint at the sight of my eye the first time I came to school without the bandages.” I huffed, heading with Claire to our next classes.
Claire shrugged, “Human teenagers, not exactly the most logical people on Earth.” She snickered, heading into her class.
Growling softly, I headed to my science class with Eli, slamming my books on the desk we shared.
“Everything okay?” He asked, ignoring Steve as he shoved past us to his desk.
I nodded, plopping down into my seat, “Having trouble understanding the way teens think.”
Eli chuckled, keeping quiet as the class began, “You say that like you aren’t one.”
I shot him a pointed look before glancing down at the little notes he kept making about me. Alien was the forerunner, not surprising with Eli’s obsession with science and space. “Let’s just say that isn’t the right track.”
Eli grinned, crossing out his alien notes, now making small notes on different cryptids and creatures. Witches, werewolves, and vampires were now tied, I wonder if there are werewolves and vampires, might ask Draal about that later.
Steve shoved past Eli after asking to use the bathroom, glaring at us as he headed out. That boy had a serious hang up over Jim.
“Any other info you can give?” He whispered, hiding the notes whenever our teacher walked by.
I hummed in thought, this might give it away but hey, even Draal’s been routing for Eli to guess it. “We’re very connected to crystals.”
Eli’s eyes grew wide, circling ‘witch’ before going through a list of creatures off the top of his head that could also be connected to crystals, fairies were the only other thing he could list. “You wouldn’t happen to have a pair of wings would you?”
I grinned, picturing Strickler’s troll form as a tiny fairy. “Personally? No.”
Before Eli could ask, the bell rang. “We can continue this later.”
As we walked out I spotted Darci running off in tears as Toby dropped Claire to the floor. “What the hell happened?”
“No Darci!” Toby tried to follow her only to run face first into a locker. As he sat up on the floor he let out a gasp, horror taking over his expression.
“What is going on?” I asked Claire as we quickly went to Toby’s aide.
Claire sighed, upset that she inadvertently hurt her friend. “Toby’s headgear is picking up local radio signals, if you lean close enough to his mouth you can hear it.”
I sat next to Toby, leaning in to hear a woman’s voice, “Nineteen. Seventy-six. Thirty-five. Eleven.”
“It’s numbers?” I asked, confused on what he was listening to now.
“Don’t mess with it,” Toby yelped, “I think Blinky is gonna wanna hear this for himself.”
Now that’s interesting. “Think you can last the rest of the day with whatever that is playing?” I asked, helping him to stand.
“Yeah,” He groaned, not excited to have whatever that was playing on repeat.
As the day wore on, Toby looked more and more like he was gonna snap. “Tobes, have you considered writing down whatever you’re hearing?”
Toby gave me a dull look, opening his notebook to pages that started off as notes and quickly devolved into the message he was hearing. “It happened in every class. I’m just glad I can somewhat focus on Gun Robot. If coach shows this in class again I’ll have it memorized.”
I smiled, glad he was trying to keep his spirits up, even if whatever was happening was slowly driving him insane. It’s like wearing permanent headphones and having no control of what you’re listening to.
Eli sat with us, glancing at Toby’s notebook before opening his own on my desk. “So, about earlier, am I close?” He whispered, keeping the book hidden from Claire and Toby’s eyes.
I looked down to see ‘witch’ written in bold letters, and notes upon notes of why Eli thought that was correct. We really haven’t been as subtle about our Trollhunting as we thought.
I nodded slowly, smirking, “You’re sort of half right. Wrong term but that’s a cultural thing.”
“Half right?” He asked, confused about what he was missing.
“That’s my mom’s side of the family.” I grinned. With that, Claire and Toby went stiff, trying to look at whatever Eli was showing me.
Shaking my head, I waved them off, “Don’t worry, it’s between me and Eli.”
They settled down, but for the rest of class they couldn’t help but cast questioning glances whenever Eli would ask an ‘invasive’ question, and I’d give an honest answer, including that I don’t own a cauldron but I do work with potions from time to time, but that’s not what I’m limited to.
“Are we gonna talk about that?” Claire asked as we were waiting for Blinky and Draal on the roof of the school, Blinky said something about getting a better signal and the staff wouldn’t find us up here while they were closing down the school.
“About what?” I asked, reading through an anatomy textbook and mom’s grimoire to see if I could find a spell for bones specifically.
Toby huffed, plopping down next to me, “That magic talk with Eli. Or did you forget all about your conversation in history?”
“Oh,” I closed the books, looking at Toby and Claire, “Right, that.” I pulled the strings of my hoodie, thinking of how to tell them, deciding blunt was the best option. “Eli’s seen a lot of things we thought no one noticed. He knows Jim is involved somehow. He’s caught us teleporting off of campus, and my eyes glowing. After the battle with Angor and things were really rough, he put two and two together. So, I promised if he could guess what it was, well, what I was, then I would explain the things I could that wouldn’t put him directly in danger. Then he asked about Jim’s involvement, I told him that would have to come from Jim, if he decided to tell him.”
“So he knows you’re a wizard?!” Toby gasped out, careful not to hit his headgear.
“Who knows about Lady River?” Blinky’s voice pulled our attention to him and Draal’s human form climbing the ladder to the roof.
“My friend Eli found out,” I shrugged, “We haven’t been very subtle.”
Draal chuckled, knowing it was only a matter of time, “Does he know everything?”
Smiling, I shook my hand in a so-so manner. “He knows about what my mother’s side of the family is. Nothing specific and nothing that would put him in direct harm.”
“He knows magic exists! That you’re a wizard!” Blinky yelped, starting to panic, “That puts him directly in harm's way!”
“No, knowing me at all would put him in harm’s way,” I argued, knowing that if the Janus Order wanted info on me, they could ask almost anyone I came into contact with. “The same goes for mom, Ms. Kamaria, hell, even Stuart the taco truck owner.”
Blinky pulled his jaw from the floor, slowly accepting my reasoning. “You haven’t divulged any information on Master Jim have you? You promised master Jim you wouldn’t tell anyone”
Draal stiffened, knowing Blinky was about to be torn into, he took a step back from the troll.
Snarling, I got in Blinky’s face, glaring into his six shocked eyes. “Listen well Blinkous. I promised Jim that I wouldn’t tell mom about him being the trollhunter, or ANYTHING about who I AM. I never promised him I wouldn’t tell ANYONE else. If you ever try using my word against me again, then make damn sure you know EXACTLY what I said, or Deya help me, you’ll be a matching statue of Unkar the Unfortunate.”
Blinky paled as much as a terrified blue troll made of stone could. “I see,” he squeaked out, clearing his throat to recover. “Yes, of course. Apologies, Lady River. I did not mean to offend you.”
I huffed, nodding at him before plopping down near the edge of the roof. “You’re here for Toby. Have fun with that.”
Draal came and sat next to me, our feet hanging off the back side of the school roof. “I honestly thought Blinky was going to be a statue after that insult.”
Pouting, I nudge my shoulder into his, looking out towards the mountains a few miles off in the distance. “I thought about it. But you can’t always be my impulse control, gotta do it myself sometimes.”
“Your inner Vendel came out,” he snickered, pulling me into his side, keeping his arm over my shoulders. “The old goat would be proud.”
“That I tore Blinky a new one, or that I told Eli I’m magic?” I smiled, leaning into the hug.
“Mostly Blinky,” He grinned, knowing Vendel would blow a gasket if he found out another human might be on their way to Trollmarket. “I’m proud of you though.”
“Draal, the troll irritated by the mere presence of humans, proud that another might be joining us,” I giggled, thinking back to our first meeting. “Your time as a fleshy has really changed your views on us, huh?”
“No,” He smirked, leaning over to smoosh his face against my temple in his more troll-like ‘kiss’, “you and the trollhunter have changed my mind. Your fleshbag mother as well. She is terrifying.”
Grinning at the ‘kiss’ I turned to look over his human face, “Thank you, it means a lot, love.”
“Great Gronka Morka!” Blinky’s cry drew our attention back to the three other beings on the roof. Claire was pulling Toby around by his headgear, Toby about to fall over at any moment while Blinky held what looked to be a handmade gramophone speaker to his mouth. “Tobias, I believe your headgear is picking up the secret transmissions of the Janus Order!”
“That would explain the ‘Janus initiative’ part,” I huffed, Draal getting up from the roof's edge and offering his mechanical hand to me. Smiling, I took his hand and let him help me up, heading over to the others.
“Where two faces meet.” Claire recited, wondering why that was important.
“It could be a secret combination,” Blinky speculated as he and Claire continued to pull Toby back and forth.
“Why does that phrase sound familiar?” Draal asked, rubbing at his beard in thought.
‘Where two faces meet’? It did sound rather familiar. I used the hand Draal wasn’t holding to grasp my locket.
“Or lead us to a passage in a book,” Claire was throwing ideas back and forth with Blinky, each idea more unlikely than the next.
“Or coordinates!” Toby tried to shout, tired of getting yanked back and forth.
“‘I hope you and Jim never see where two faces meet.’” I recounted the ending of my father’s letter from my 19th birthday, the day I found out exactly what I was. “He was talking about the Janus Order!”
Toby pushed away from Blinky and Claire, coming to stand with Draal and I, pointing to me as I had my revelation. “They’re coordinates! They lead to someplace here in Arcadia!”
“That would explain why your father was worried you’d stumble upon them,” Draal grinned, turning to Toby. “Good job fleshbag.”
“How do you propose we figure out where these coordinates lead?” Blinky asked, “I don’t believe I have any updated maps of this area.”
“Don’t need it,” I grinned, entering the numbers Toby gave me into the navigation app on my phone, “And with that,” I grinned, turning my phone to show Blinky. “We have our location. And I know exactly where it’s located.”
“Can you teleport us that far?” Draal asked, not wanting to waste time, knowing Mr. Evil Man could be a problem if we didn’t deal with them soon.
Nodding, I grabbed Toby’s hand, Blinky and Claire quickly grabbing onto us, I teleported us to Ms. Kamaria’s store.
“Your art store?” Toby asked, confused.
Ms. Kamaria came up behind him as he looked around confused. Bopping him on the top of his head with her cane, she turned to look over Blinky and Draal, snickering at Draal’s form. “Again?”
“Not from Gatto,” He huffed, glaring the old woman down.
Blinky was confused, “Lady River, I do not believe we are in the right location.”
“No, we’re in the location I had the strongest emotional connection to that was near the coordinates.” I explained, showing him the location was extremely close to us.
“And the little shop keeper?” He asked, not having met Sylvina in this form.
Ms. Kamaria smirked, “Does your mind age too fast Galadrigal?”
“Sylvina!” Blinky jumped behind me, obviously scared of whatever Ms. Kamaria could do to him.
Shaking her head in amusement, Ms. Kamari turned her attention to me, sighing softly as she looked across the streets to where the coordinates showed. “I’m assuming it’s time you see where two faces meet.”
“You knew where they were?” Draal snarled, irritated that we didn’t think of coming to the wild spirit for guidance now.
“No, but I had my suspicions, spirits are not all knowing, unless we know what we are looking for, or who.” She grinned, shooing us out of her store as the last cars of traffic left town. “Keep your guard up, the Janus Order uses underhanded tactics, as you have learned.”
Nodding, I led the others across the street to another shop. “And here we are.”
“A travel agency?” Claire asked, confused why the Janus Order would use this as a front. “These places still exist?”
Nodding, grabbing onto the others, I teleported us inside the door.
“Keep quiet,” Blinky instructed in a whisper.
As we slowly walked further into the agency, Toby began to dance and hum along to whatever music he could hear. Everyone turned to shush him as Draal whacked his headgear, effectively shutting off whatever music he was hearing.
Looking around, Blinky fell into trainer mode, giving us directions. “Scour the room. Look here, here, here, and here.” He used all four hands to point in different directions. “This place might hold a clue to the location of the Janus Order.”
We began looking through different sections of the agency, I began carefully pulling books off the bookcase, wondering if this would be like our adventures of breaking into Strickler’s office. As a halfling, could I open a Changeling lock?
I could hear Toby and Claire talking about the fetch, apparently with the headgear, Toby couldn’t look inside, and Claire was too scared to see the place her brother was held captive until we stormed the Darklands for Jim.
“Let me see,” I huffed, taking the Fetch from Toby.
Claire grabbed my arm, trying to stop me, “Wouldn’t that be in direct violation of your word?”
“Do you honestly think my shoulders will fit through this thing?” I snapped, irritated at how many people were questioning my word today.
Her hand dropped quickly, taking a step back from me. “I guess not.”
I stuck my head through, looking around, I realized this was the cell they had been keeping Jim in. “Where the hell is he?”
“Little witch,” A voice spoke, one I never thought I’d hear again. “So the Trollhunter spoke true.” Looking up, I could see the green glow of Nomura’s eyes through one of the holes.
“One second,” I snarled, pulling my head out. “Toby, throw as much food as you have on you into the fetch right,” I moved, making sure it was far enough back in the cell that if Gunmar’s soldiers brought Jim back, they wouldn’t notice it. “Here.”
“What’s going on?” Claire asked as Toby took the fetch and did as instructed, emptying all his snacks and untouched lunch into the fetch.
“We found Jim’s cell, and someone else.” Looking at Draal, I took a seat near the cleared off bookshelf. “Keep looking, I have words for a very specific Changeling.”
Draal nodded, understanding exactly who I was referring to.
Closing my eyes, I focused on Jim's cell. Feeling my body fall away, I opened my eyes, staring down Nomura’s glowing green orbs.
She sneered at my presence, eyeing my orange spirit-form. “You’ve changed, witch.”
“And you’re locked away just like Jim, why?” I asked, in no mood for games or dodging questions. I floated into her cell, catching the changeling off guard.
Eyeing me for a moment, she huffed, sitting back against the cell wall she shared with Jim. “Gunmar had to punish someone for the death of his son, he needs little Gynt alive for you to have a reason to open the bridge.”
“Jim mentioned that Gunmar knew we were coming.” I sighed, feeling as if things just got much more complicated with Nomura involved. “‘Little Gynt’?”
“‘In the hall of the Mountain King,’ the hero boy of the story is referred to as Peer Gynt.” She explained, looking me dead in the eyes.
“Careful,” I snickered, “If you name something that usually means you’re attached to it.”
Nomura let out a gravely chuckle, wincing as she grasped at her chest, she was still injured from whatever punishment Gunmar put her through. “I’ve heard that’s the case with humans, would explain Stricklander’s attachment to you two.”
“Sit still,” I huffed, kneeling next to her.
Snarling, she tried to pull back. Far too weak to move more than a few inches, she glared over my form. “What do you think you’re doing, witch?”
“Well, I was trying to heal you, but if you prefer, you can stay in pain.” I huffed, hands on my hips as I scolded her like a child.
Shock was the first emotion Nomura truly showed during our conversation. She slowly nodded, allowing me to get closer once more.
I laid my hands carefully on her shoulders, pouring my healing magic directly into her. I could feel her tension ease as her wounds were healed until she could sit up straight.
“Better?” I asked, pulling back from the changeling, allowing her space once more.
“Yes,” She eyed me carefully, “what do you wish in return?”
I opened my mouth to deny her request, pausing as my eyes trained on the wall behind her.
“He’ll be back,” She spoke, realizing the only thing I’d ask is for information on Jim. “Not for a while though. The guards dragged him off right before you decided to ‘pop in’.”
Nodding I sat back, eyeing her as I thought over the injuries I could feel when I was healing her. “Do you,” I paused, wondering if Draal might snap if he knew what I was about to ask, Kanjigar will for sure. “Do you want a way out?”
Nomura studied me as if I had suddenly grown three heads. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do you want a way out?” I asked again, not sure how long I could wait for her reply.
She let out a cackle, holding her head in one hand as she stared at me with disbelief. “What are you?”
Smiling slightly, I shrugged, “Honestly, that list keeps growing.” I stood, giving her a slight bow before standing straight, head held high. “I am River Marie Wyllt. Merlin’s heir. Daughter of Lady Ganieda and General Garridan. Half Changeling.” I snickered as her mouth fell open at that, “And as far as the last Tribunal meeting, I am officially the leader of the Changelings of Arcadia. I know, I know, I never do anything simple, do I?”
Nomura kept opening and closing her mouth, trying to process everything. “No, no you do not.” She settled on, shaking her head. “I’m also starting to believe Draal has a type he’s not aware of,” she snickered. Standing, she circled me slowly. “So, if I do take your offer, would that make me one of your ‘Changelings of Arcadia’?”
“Only if you want to stick around without the trolls giving you a hard time.” I laughed, knowing full well Nomura could care less how the trolls viewed her.
“I’m not going to have to call you ‘my lady’ or ‘my queen’ am I?’ She asked, amused at the offer now that she knew it was serious.
I gagged, already hating the idea, “For the love of Deya, please never call me those again,” I shuddered, mind going straight to her highness-lady. “I’m about ready to commit regicide whenever I enter Trollmarket, that is a pedestal I will gladly jump off of.”
Nomura seemed to think over my answer, nodding to me, “Very well little Isolde. I will keep watch over the Trollhunter as best I can, while you work on the path out.”
Why did I feel like the new name was a dig at my previous request? “What, no questioning my word? My honor? Anything?” I asked, surprised Nomura agreed so easily.
Letting out a chuckle, I think my surprise was all Nomura needed to know the kind of weeks I’ve had since Jim crossed into the Darklands. “I’ve had plenty of talks with little Gynt, if you give your word, you’ll make it happen. Come hell or high water it seems.”
“Flooding the Darklands, not a bad idea,” I teased. “Then you have my word, even if I have to come in myself.”
“Curious, the Trollhunter said you promised the opposite.” Her eyes narrowed.
I shrugged, “I promised I wouldn’t come into the Darklands when we were all supposed to be storming this place together, I also promised due to the threat of the Eternal Night. Now, with how close the Janus Order truly is, it won’t matter what side of Killahead I’m on. My existence is enough of a threat.”
Snorting, Nomura gave me a sharp-toothed grin, “Truly a changeling, finding cracks in agreements and promises.” Thinking over my statement she nodded as my form began to fade, “wait for the phone to ring, you’ll know what to say.”
My brow furrowed at her words as I awoke in the travel agency once again, she caught on quickly. “Where’s the phone?” I asked, slightly groggy from the length I was able to stay in the Darklands.
“Phone?” Draal asked, helping me to my feet, it looked like the others were still tearing this place apart. “What happened?”
“Tip from Nomura,” I explained, looking over the room.
“Evil lady?!” Toby gasped out, glad he wasn’t able to stick his head through the fetch now. “What tip?”
“She said to wait for the phone to ring, and that I’d know what to say.” As I finished speaking, a phone on the back desk began to ring. Quickly walking over to it, I glanced at the others before picking it up. “Hello?”
A woman’s voice sounded through the phone, “Welcome to Omni Reach Travel. Where would you like to go?”
Where? Thinking back to my father’s letter and the transmission Toby picked up, I took a deep breath before answering. “Where two faces meet.” The call cut. Was that the wrong answer? Hanging up the phone, I glanced back at the others, shrugging.
The floor under us shook and slowly began to lower. We were standing on an elevator! Draal steadied me as we all took in what was happening. “Looks like she was right.” He huffed, glancing up as we sank deeper below Arcadia. Murals of Killahead bridge and the Darklands stretched on as we kept going.
“What are we going to do?!” Toby panicked, not wanting to face a horde of changelings with just us five. “We have to get out of here!”
“It’s too late to turn back now,” Blinky shushed him. “We must face what’s before us with courage and, beyond all else, a warrior’s dignity.”
“I thought the first rule of Trollhunting was to always be afraid,” I quipped, still irritated with Blinky’s earlier comments on the roof. Out of all the people who wouldn’t question me, Nomura was like, second to last on my list. Gunmar was probably last.
Toby yelped as we came to a giant mural of Gunmar, falling back into the desk chair as we reached what looked like elevator doors. Changelings were very advanced compared to Trolls.
“Welcome to the Janus Order,” a robotic female voice greeted us as the doors opened, revealing a hallway lit by a statue of an eye, the iris changed out with two side profiles of faces, one troll-like and the other human-like. Scratch that, I think Changelings are a bit too over dramatic, looks like Strickler got it honestly.
I pulled Toby up as the pathway lit up section by section. “Keep quiet, we don’t know how close anyone is.”
Blinky rubbed his stone chin in thought. “The Janus Order. This must be one of their bases of operations. By Gorgus, we were seeking a trail of breadcrumbs and wandered straight into the baker’s oven!” He panicked slightly, a little too loud for my liking as we exited the elevator.
“You think?” I asked sarcastically.
Draal nuzzled my cheek, holding my hand tight as he took up watch over my left side. “You seem calm.”
“Otto wanted negotiations with me, now he gets them express delivered to his doorstep.” I shrugged, at this point, Changelings were no longer the boogeyman Trolls pretended we were, even if the majority was working for Gunmar.
“We will have to improvise to keep Lady River safe, the antidote must be in this building.” Blinky seemed to ignore the part about the negotiations, or he was just ignoring me specifically at this point. “We’re in the den of spies, so try to walk lightly. Now fan out.” He ordered, taking off on his own before anyone could stop him.
“He does realize we have no idea how large this place is, right?” I asked, glaring at Blinky as he disappeared around a corner.
“Not a clue,” Draal rolled his eyes. “And neither do they,” sighing as he caught the last glimpses of Toby and Claire rounding another corner. “So how do you want to do this?”
“I was gonna go the direct approach seeing as that’s what Otto did,” I sighed, heading in the same direction as Claire and Toby. Before we could catch up, they walked through a door that locked behind them.
“You could teleport after them, but if there are changelings on the other side, they’d recognize you right away.” Draal offered, smirking as he saw the mischievous glint in my eye. “Direct approach?”
Grinning, I teleported us to Claire and Toby, “Since we were invited, shouldn’t we try asking for Otto?” I suggested as Toby was petting a tapestry, startling him enough that he ripped it down, revealing a communication room filled with changelings. “There you go,” I snickered.
Claire marched over, using a thick Spanish accent to yell at Toby as a woman ripped her mask off and marched over to us. “You’re right, Don Carlos.”
I arched a brow at her, confused by the charade.
She slapped the back of Toby’s head, “The Janus Order deserves a bigger banner than this toilet paper.” Was that supposed to ease the marching Changeling or insult her? “All hail Gunmar!” On second thought, we might be down two Trollhunters soon.
The woman approached us, eyeing all four of us. “I don’t recognize you four. What command post are you from?”
Claire glanced back at me and I only shrugged. She started the charade, she could finish it.
Draal glanced between the changeling and me, confused on how she didn’t recognize me.
Squeezing his prosthetic, I tried letting him know I thought it was suspicious too.
“Tapachula, Mexico.” Claire answered, hoping confidence would work here.
“You,” The changeling glanced back at me before looking down at her clipboard. Oh yeah, she definitely knew. “Must be the new transfer, Esmeralda!”
“Si, I am she,” Claire answered, not realizing her charade was already over.
“Esmeralda! Oh!” The changeling began to fangirl, “This is a huge honor!” The other changelings looked around the room, looking like they were just as confused as I was about whatever the hell we were watching. “You were the one who destroyed the dam and killed hundreds of fleshbags to protect our base!” She quickly shook Claire’s hand, glancing back at me again.
“Ugh, that was a crazy day.” Claire answered, obviously having no clue what the woman meant. “Not gonna lie, they had it coming.”
“You’re late for your orientation,” The changeling smiled sickly sweet, ushering us all further down the hall. “I’ll take you there now.”
Draal and I followed silently, either she was going to trap us or take us to Otto. Turns out, there was an actual changeling orientation. She handed us matching black masks and directed us to our seats.
“Well this is awkward,” I held the mask tight as we settled in our seats. Watching Strickler on a giant screen, the film looked ancient as it was now discolored. “Never thought I’d be seeing him again so soon.” The way the film played out, it looked like one of those silly documentaries you’d show elementary school students.
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Otto speaking with the changeling that lured us here. Looks like I was also right, she brought us directly to Otto. My attention was pulled back to the screen as Strickler began to speak of the Pale Lady. I could feel my sclera change at the mention of the Aunt Gana I was most familiar with, the murderous rage witch.
“We gotta go,” Toby grabbed our attention.
Looking past him, I could see security and Otto smirking at us, their eyes going wide at the sight of my sclera. Since Strickler had no idea until he went rogue, they wouldn’t know either.
Every changeling around us turned, eyes glowing gold as they glared at our group. You know, Otto may want to talk to me, but Draal and the others? They might want them dead.
I grinned, sclera glowing bright for the changelings to see, “Adios!” I grabbed the others and teleported out of the room in a random hall.
“What happened to the direct approach?” Draal asked as we began to run, going to look for Blinky.
“He wants me, don’t know what they’ll do to the rest of you.” I explained quickly. “I can come back once I get the rest of you out of here!”
“Stop them!” The woman yelled, apparently I teleported us closer to the orientation room than I had meant to.
“You’re tired,” Draal pointed out, seeing the irritation on my face. “Spent too much mana in the Darklands.” He remarked, having seen the change in my magic when I healed Nomura.
“I’ll decide if it was worth it later,” I huffed, heading back towards the elevator, keeping Toby and Claire in front of me.
They came to a halt as the P.A. system announced that there were intruders in Wing B. Two changelings stood between us and the elevator. Before they could get close, Toby threw the remainder of his gumballs on the floor, causing the changelings to slide past us and hit the Janus Order sign. Claire opened a shadow portal behind them, causing them to fall out who knows where.
We quickly ran and hid behind the statues of well known changelings, listening as the mob from the orientation room passed us.
NotEnrique came by, waving us into a room.
Claire and Toby took after him, before Draal followed, I grabbed his wrist, sniffing the air. “Not him,” I snarled, we hadn’t stopped to get NotEnrique on the way, and he didn’t know where the Janus Order hideout was, if I was correct about Otto, Claire and Toby had just followed him.
“We’re still going,” Draal pulled me up, tense now that he knew for sure we were walking into a trap. As we entered the room, Otto was tying up an unconscious Toby and Claire to chairs, next to an already incapacitated and bound Blinky. “Bushigal!” Draal let out a yelp as the woman from before knocked him out, having expected us to follow behind.
Snarling, I quickly stood between the female changeling and Draal’s unconscious form. “You fucked up.”
“Really, now?” A thick German accent asked from behind. “It seems all your allies are out cold, and you’re surrounded by changelings that are actually loyal to Gunmar.”
I glanced back to see a smug smirk stretching over Otto’s face. While smug, he was still cautious as he pulled Draal’s unconscious form to another chair, tying him up with the other Teens. “Gunmar? And here I thought he was a means to an end.” I snapped my teeth at the female as she drew closer, gloved hands carrying metal shackles.
Otto seemed taken back by my answer, nodding to the female changeling. “If you want your friends to survive until they wake, you best behave.”
“Really?” I grinned, knowing he was avoiding my question. “Well, if you don’t want to talk about her, I might as well play along.” Glaring at the female in front of me, I held out my wrists, allowing her to close to the iron cuffs around them, instantly burning my flesh.
Looking up, the female changeling seemed to be shocked that I hadn’t reacted to the burns, glancing over my shoulder to Otto. Burns from Daylight hurt much more than iron burns ever could, that or it’s because my stone skin was helping my fleshy form.
I turned to face Otto, glaring down the changeling that led us on a chase specifically to send me a message. “When it comes to negotiations, you’re not very subtle about who you want to speak with.”
Otto glanced at my wrists, color draining from his face as he realized the iron was definitely burning my skin, and I had yet to react or acknowledge it. “What are you really, Sunshine?”
“You know, if you’re going to use Morgana’s name for me, then you really can’t ignore my questions pertaining to her, can you?” I tilted my head in confusion as Otto and the female Changeling went stiff, turning swiftly to a vintage record player with a gramophone speaker.
“Do you think because you hold her favor that you can speak her name?” The female changeling snarled, holding a sharp object to my back. I assumed the sharp object was a blade.
“Favor?” I snarled, teleporting behind her, quickly slipping my bound wrists over her head, pulling back till the iron was held tight to her throat. “I call her Morgana because she is my aunt, and that is her name. If you don’t want to hear it, that’s your problem.”
Otto put his hands up quickly, glaring at the changeling that I know had in a chokehold. Good thing I wasn’t holding a gaggletak to her throat. “Now, now, Sunshine, there’s no need for violence.”
Giving him a blank stare, I pointedly looked at each of my friends he had knocked out and tied up. “You really want to go with that? Fine.” Even as the burning from the shackles intensified, I poured my magic into my hands, grabbing the female changeling’s face. I focused on the feeling of falling asleep and poured the magic directly into her. Not a moment later, the changeling passed out, slumping out of my hold and down to the floor. “Now for you.” I bared my teeth at Otto, letting my right sclera burn.
Otto seemed to choke, the glow of my eyes catching him off guard again. “You’re truly a changeling?”
“‘Halfing’,” stalking forward, the least I could do is answer a question or two before I tore him apart. “You know my mother, my father on the other hand? General Garridan.” Is it bad that I found the look of pure horror on Otto’s face funny? Probably.
“The heir of Merlin is half changeling,” He let out an exasperated laugh, backing us as I drew closer. “And you fight as the human Trollhunter’s pet?” He sneered, trying to get a rise out of me.
I grinned, tilting my head. “The trollhunter is my cousin by blood. Tell me, has there ever been a ‘halfling’ trollhunter before?” This news seemed to scare him just as much as I had. “Don’t worry, Strickler only found out after you abandoned him. Now, this ‘pet’ business, what put that in your head?”
“You’re stronger and older than the Trollhunter, yet you take orders from him,” Otto glared, trying to take charge of the conversation again. “We know he’s asked you to lie to your guardian after he almost got her killed.”
“Stricklander and Angor Rot almost got her killed, not Jim.” I snarled, the burns were starting to get on my nerves.
“So you’re fine with lying to her?” Otto smirked, thinking he hit a nerve. The bastard did, but I didn’t have to let him know that. Just needed to keep him talking till the others woke up.
My grin turned malicious, my iris narrowing as I allowed more of my trollish features to slip through the glamour. “Aren’t all changelings exchanged with their human counterparts as babies? Did you ever feel bad about lying to the family that ‘raised’ you?”
Otto stiffened, not expecting his questions to be thrown back in his face. “If you’re half changeling, why do you fight the Pale Lady? Why turn your back on your people?” He sneered, sounding almost desperate.
I lunged, picking him up by his collar and holding him off of the ground. “She tore my mother apart in front of me as a child, used me as a bargaining tool to kill Merlin in their final fight, and separated my father and I from our true time. Take your pick.” My right iris glowed blue with daylight, a silent threat to the changeling hanging in my grasp.
“If you turn me to stone, you’ll never get the antidote,” Snarling, he tried pulling away from my hands.
I dropped him suddenly, my grin replaced with a dead stare. “Then stop wasting my time and patience and start negotiating. You wanted to speak with me directly, so what the hell do you want?”
“That simple?” Otto glared at me from the floor, knowing on his own he wouldn’t be able to stop me, not while he was cornered.
Snarling, I thought of the burns on my wrists and the feeling of fire. I know I’m pushing it, but scaring this jerk would be worth it. My hands lit up as I pulled on the Eclipse magic, black flames spread from my palms up over the iron cuffs, melting them off of my wrists.
Otto stared at the puddle of molten iron bubbling between us in shock.
“Never seen a wizard use their brain?” I rolled my eyes, flicking off what little iron remained on my wrists. “Now, about that antidote.”
“Why do you want it?” Otto asked suddenly.
I thought Eemeli and uncle James fed all the information out. “To cure Arrrgh.”
“Why?” He pressed, eyes finally shifting from the iron puddle to me.
Tilting my head, I tried to get a read on whether he was fishing for lies, or if he hadn’t gotten all of the information. “Let’s get straight to the point Mr. Evil Man,” I walked back over to my friends, seeing the first stirrings of them waking up. “You want a chance to free Gunmar, so you can free Morgana. And don’t try lying to me, I’ve already spoken with her.” I glared, over my shoulder, seeing he was about to interrupt me. At my words, he snapped his mouth shut hard, eyes wide in shock. “Gunmar has Jim captive, and because of that, we can’t open the bridge, and no, I can’t open it on my own.” My jaw tightened, realizing how much changelings withheld information from each other, even when they’re on the same side. “So, your only hope of getting Gunmar, is that antidote. We heal Arrrgh, Kanjigar uses him as a vessel, and we open the bridge. So, I’ll ask again. What do you want?”
Otto seemed to contemplate my words for a few moments, “Are you guaranteeing my Lord’s freedom?”
I arched a brow at him, “No.”
He seemed to have expected it. “Once we deal with you friend, I will tell you what I want in exchange for the antidote.” He got up, heading straight for Toby.
Glaring, I stood between them, snarling at Otto, “You think I’ll let you touch him?”
Otto held his hands up in defense, “Perhaps I misspoke, I meant that I would deal with how you tracked us down.”
Toby and the others began to wake up, all coming out of their sleep induced fog quickly as they realized they were tied to chairs. Draal seemed to notice Otto and me first.
“If you lay a hand on her, I’ll gut you open like a fish!” He snarled, pulling on his restraints.
Turning, I went and stood by Draal’s side, mostly to keep him calm until I had answers.
“My deepest apologies,” Otto smirked, moving the record player near us before turning to Toby. “You must understand our irrational fears when discovering intruders crashing our private party.” He tried to seem threatening as he waved his finger towards the rest of us. Deya, I miss Strickler’s overdramatics compared to this. “You did not get an invitation.”
“You’re not like the others, are you?” Claire asked, trying to pull Otto’s attention from Toby, confused on why I wasn’t stepping in. “You changed into NotEnrique.”
Otto’s form was surrounded in light before the teen we caught in the alley stood before us. “Yes. I am a changeling polymorph. I can take the form of anyone. It was surprising to realize that the heir of Merlin saw right through it.”
“Next time, don’t use my paint.” I glared, keeping my hand on Draal’s shoulder.
Otto chuckled, turning back into his normal form. “One of the perks of being the Grand Commandant.” He picked up a screwdriver, heading back for Toby.
“I don’t care who you are! You can torture us all you want, we’re not talking!” Claire glanced at me, hoping I would jump in.
“I’ll talk!” Don’t listen to her!” Toby tried to bargain, terrified of what Mr. Evil Man could do to him. “I have loose lips! I’m a chatty-fatty!”
Draal glanced up at me, having no idea what those sequences of words meant. I shrugged, mouthing ‘later’. At least he was calm now that Otto didn’t seem to be threatening me directly.
Claire scoffed, turning a full glare at me, “Aren’t you going to do something?”
Leveling her with a blank stare, I lifted one of my wrists for her to see the fresh burns. “Already did. Congratulations, you’re not dead.”
“Lady River, I don’t believe this is the time for jokes!” Blinky panicked, surprised that this seemed to be the one time I wasn’t running into something head first.
Otto shushed the others, shaking his head, “So much noise.” Turning his eyes back to Toby I zeroed in on the polymorph changeling. One wrong move and I’d turn him to stone. “Now, let us discuss what we should do with you.” He turned to the record player and began winding it. Distorted music was playing, then Morgana’s voice began to speak through the gaps in the music.
A cold chill ran down my spine, my grip on Draal’s shoulder tightening as I realized this was the Morgana trapped inside gemstones, not the one I grew up with. This was the voice of the woman who tore my mother apart.
A malice filled voice whispered out, just loud enough for me to catch whispers in the old tongue, “Sunshine is the key, keep her happy and I will be free.”
Otto nodded, seeming surprised by the words, yet willing and ready to follow them without question. So, he really didn’t care about Gunmar, he just needed the warlord to free Morgana.
He pulled out the screwdriver again, going back to Toby. “It seems there is a change of plans.” He smirked, looking over to me, “The Janus Order would like to propose a trade.”
So that’s why he wouldn’t answer the question. He had to wait for her to tell him what to do.
“A trade for what, Mr. Evil Man?” Blinky asked as Otto walked past him. A changeling outside of the room, reached in, handing Otto a book similar in looks to ‘A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore’ Vol. 1, I haven’t had a chance to read the other volumes yet.
Thumbing through the book, Otto paused, “The antidote for creeper’s sun. Correct me if I’m wrong, Sunshine,” he looked over at me, waiting for a moment before looking back at Blinky, “but you’re stone friend, Arrrgh, needs this.” He smirked, knowing the only reason he had that bit of info was because I told him.
“What’s the catch?” Calire asked, glaring up at Otto.
“Such a clever one,” Otto said sarcastically, getting into Claire’s face. “For the life of your friend, we wish only Vendel’s walking staff.”
“A piece of the Heartstone,” I interrupted, “Why do you want that?”
“His staff is sacred!” Blinky broke in, glaring at Otto, “It was forged from the center of our Heartstone!”
“And therefore, exceptionally rare,” Otto brushed Blinky off.
“Not to mention, potentially powerful, given to the right person.” I sighed, having a bad feeling where this was going. If I was right, we’d all but be handing over an energy boost to Gunmar, if the similarities we share run that deep. I can draw more magic from the hearthstone now that I’ve somehow merged with it. Since he was born from one, could he draw similar powers from another?
“Consider it a one-time offer,” He grabbed a standard dental tool for removing braces and headgear, and returned his attention to Toby.
Toby began yelling out, trying to get away from Otto as the changeling began removing his headgear. The others wincing and looking away.
“Torture?” Otto smirked, holding Toby’s headgear up, “This is just to take the headgear off. We can’t have you listening in on our secrets anymore, can we? Besides, we’d never hurt friends of Sunshine, the Pale Lady wishes to stay in favor with Lady River.”
Toby licked over his teeth, sighing in relief as he realized he wasn’t going to be torn apart. “Thank you.”
Otto untied the humans and Blinky, ordering the Changelings outside to escort us back to the surface. “One last thing, Lady River.”
I glanced over my shoulder, glaring at the polymorph. Now what?
Otto’s face split into a sadistic grin, “You have given me much to think over, and I do hope I have given you something to think on as well, yes?”
Instead of responding, I turned and followed the others back to the elevator. A masked changeling taking us on a slow ride back to the surface.
“What was that about?” Draal asked, staying on my left and eyeing the changeling.
I glanced at our escort, smirking, making sure to speak loud enough for them to hear. “Seems like Otto didn’t get all the information, which means someone here is withholding valuable information. Strickler wasn’t the last traitor Otto had to worry about.”
“And the other part?” Claire asked, tone clipped as she was still mad I hadn’t stepped in earlier.
“Otto’s under the impression I’m fine with being some sort of ‘pet’, fighting alongside his master’s enemy. I gladly informed him that Jim and I are related by blood. If one of us is a halfling, so is the other.” I explained, shrugging off her anger. She can be mad at me all she likes, the only thing I care about at the moment is figuring out a way of getting Vendel’s staff without him knowing it’s us.
Glancing at the changeling, Claire elbowed me in the side, “Why didn’t you do anything?” She whispered. Apparently she wasn’t okay with me passing over her anger.
“I did, you were unconscious.” I glared down at her, irritated now.
“The changeling on the ground?” Draal asked, glancing between me and Claire.
I shrugged, trying to ease my own tension, “I got bubbles down, figured I’d give knocking someone out a try.”
Humming, Draal looked down at my wrists, having noticed the burns while he was threatening Otto. “Iron?”
“Shackles, they honestly thought that would hold me.” I winced, mind tuning back into the pain I was still in. I should deal with that.
“It should have,” Blinky interrupted, eyeing the burns on my wrist, “Iron hurts magic, it’s why trolls, changelings, and sorcerers can’t escape iron cages, unless you had something like the shadow staff on you, but even then, you wouldn’t have enough magic to use it.”
“I melted them,” I shrugged again, healing the burns just enough so that the pain wasn’t too noticeable. Blinky got one thing right, you’re really drained of magic after coming into contact with iron.
“Melted?!” He gasped out as the elevator came to a stop. The changeling waited for us to get off of the platform before heading back down. “How in Deya’s name do you melt them?”
“Fire wasn’t hard, Eclipse made it easier.” I huffed, holding my palm out, focusing on the flames again. Black fire came to life in front of Blinky’s eyes.
“Whoa,” Claire leaned over, anger seemingly forgotten at the new spell. “You can make shadow flames? Can I do that?”
“SHE shouldn’t be able to do that!” Blinky gestured to all of me, exasperation filling his tone. “Shadow magic does not conjure flames, that’s elemental magic!”
“And yet I’m holding black flames,” I huffed,  my ‘rule breaking’ making Blink slowly go insane.
Blinky huffed, glaring at the flames, “Right, because nothing about you can be normal? Can it?” He asked, not having meant it as an insult.
I winced, pulling back from Blinky quickly. Closing my hand to extinguish the fire, I started walking towards home.
“Not cool,” Toby huffed at Blinky, following after me, Draal close behind him, staying back long enough to growl in Blinky’s face. “River! Wait up!” Toby ran up to my right, knowing Draal prefers to be on my left now. “Look, Blinky was being a jerk. There’s nothing wrong with you.”
I looked down at him, right iris glowing red as my emotions ran rampant, “Isn’t everything?” I asked, moving to walk faster.
“No, it’s not!” Toby ran in front of me as we reached the dirt path that would take us to the back of my house.
Surprised at his outburst, my steps faltered coming to a stop. “Toby, everything about me is wrong!” I snapped, red lines glowing over my arms. “I’m in the wrong time, I was raised the wrong way for what I am, I’m using the wrong magic, I use said wrong magic the wrong way. Hell! Depending on who you ask, I’m on the wrong side of this war. So tell me, how is all that not wrong?!” I gestured to all of me, the red and black of my Eclipse magic showing, even through my clothes.
“Because you’re you!” Toby huffed, refusing to back down. Apparently a wizard on the verge of a mental breakdown with fluctuating magic was less terrifying than Otto with dental tools. “You don’t do normal, sure. But, normal to who? A bunch of teenage humans? Trolls stuck in tradition? Changelings that run on deceit, who’s only goal in life is to free the witch that hurt you?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as my face fell in disbelief. “You’re not human, you’re only half wizard, and you’re half changeling. You’re different and you get to do things your way!”
“My way?” I asked, shaking my head, “There are rules to magic, to everything.” I tried to argue with him, but apparently Toby wasn’t going to hear it.
“Rules written by people that didn’t know you would happen, rules that apply to how they do things. What about the rules to being a Trollhunter? Rule number two is to always finish the fight, every troll before you and Jim took that as killing their opponent, and what do you two do? We have a gnome living in my Nana’s dollhouse,” He gestured to Draal, “Your husband is still breathing and not a pile of rubble at the bottom of whatever surrounds the forge,” Huffing, he pointed his finger in my face, “You spared and befriended a changeling witch hunter who was hunting you, you trusted NotEnrique before anyone else, and you safely escorted Strickler out of Trollmarket when everyone else wanted to kill him!”
I blinked, staring at his finger in my face. Truly at a loss for words.
“So, yeah.” Toby shrugged, pulling his hand back. “You may be different, but you’re the only person who’s gotten this far. If Blinky thinks that’s a bad thing, or if Claire wants to be a jerk, whatever. You have me and Draal. I’d say Jimbo, but I still think you want to give him a left hook on sight.”
I rushed Toby, hugging him tight. Draal grasped my shoulder, just letting me know he was there.
Tobes was right. It doesn’t matter what others think, there’s no one else like me. “Thank you.”
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shadowdstaff · 4 years
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feather-dancer · 3 years
Tales of Arcadia Fanfic Recommendations - Part 6
I do admittedly have things left to read in my tabs I’d normally prefer to clear out before posting one of these but when you sail past the 30 mark I think it’s about time to get it out my drafts, yeah? Most importantly means this will be out before Rise of the Titans comes and emotionally destroys us all.
Needless to say soon as this is posted I give it 24 hours before 7 starts, we’ve got some amazing writers in this fandom and there’s a couple I juuust want one more chapter before I feel I can recommend it. Hope you find something you enjoy :)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
If at all interested in my own writing you can find it here!
General Trollhunters
Romeo, Question Mark - Jim is figuring himself out and has a question for Toby though nervous of how he might react. Honestly the support Aromantic’s need when they’re either questioning or coming out, Toby is a gem.
By The Book - After his dad left changing his world Jim had moments in his life where he needed to wrangle things in a way he could understand them with some moral support along the way that wasn’t there to do it for him, just give a light nudge the right direction. Comes with light Jilaire fluff.
That I Could Fear a Door - Jim was pulled from the Darklands whole but you cannot escape the trauma of your experiences quite so easily. It will take a little time, a lot of patience and perhaps the right ear to listen but with it can come hope.
Lest Back the Awful Door Should Spring - Sequel to the above, Jim’s capture to be sentenced by the tribunal echoes his experiences in the Darklands a little too closely sending all his careful progress hurtling back in one fell swoop. Is it any wonder he chose a false freedom that Unkar offered?
Façade - The confirmation that Mr. Strickler is not the man you thought he was probably was not going to be an easy one, Jim’s thoughts sit ill after that dinner.
Fashion - All changelings take root somewhere in a human life before their changeling one succeeds it and Nomura is no different. She felt love she could not understand and the ache of loss will follow for as she meanders through this world by the Whisper Man’s orders and her own volition of needing to belong somewhere. She will try her hand with the humans and the trolls, paint the road with blood as much as indulging herself with the arts and even risking her heart until everything leads her to Arcadia’s doorstep.
In Deep Trouble - What happened in the Deep during Season 2?
Aftermath - Just after the finale of Season 2 the Market trolls are forced to run leaving their homes behind and follow the Trollhunter they had dismissed so many times into the great unknown before them.
Don’t think - Jim weighs up his options and attempts to settle his thoughts before making the final decision whether or not to go through with using Merlin’s potion.
Nocturne for a Trollhunter - Jim learns a new hobby that gives him another way to relax that doesn’t involve cooking, one that follows him beyond Arcadia.
The Asteroid - A rare 3Below fic for my lists if centered on a certain hedge witch and Wizard. The end of the world is coming but not by Morgana’s hand and Merlin certainly never warned Douxie about it so if this truly is the end then it’s the best time to bring your loved ones close so you won’t be going out alone. Yes it’s Zouxie.
A bright future so it seemed (but that light grew a little less bright) - Claire’s parents (Or more specifically Ophelia) set her on the perfectionist’s path early, even a little slip can feel like the end of the world
Rest, Master Jim - You might be able to escape the Darklands but you cannot escape the consequences of being trapped there for so long as easily.
General Wizards
Not Found - So why did neither Douxie or Archie find the two remaining changelings in Arcadia or bring back the sole Akiridion when Merlin asked?
Place of Power - A lovely bit of shameless Zouxie fluff in that brief period the gang was at Hex Tech before the plot came to get them.
Bitter Water - Only two of the old team remain in Arcadia and those were Jim and Krel, the rest having left to pursue educational pursuits and in one particular case kept away for Nari’s safety. For the Akiridion he is still here with reminders of his heritage and what it took to have this life on earth chasing him all the way. It’s always good to have friends with a listening ear and hot chocolate.
Together, Dearest - The very act of resting is a potential invitation for nightmares and Nari is no different but when once more in the waking world you will find you’re not alone, there are hugs available.
The Night Belongs To Us - Lovingly described Skraelroc fluff during their long hunt for Merlin and the strangeness that can be observed on clearer nights.
Nineteen Plus Nine Hundred, Give Or Take - 900 years is a long time by anyone’s standards but perhaps during that Douxie can figure out how to truly live.
Twelfth Century Wizard, Twenty-First Century Witch - The follow up to the above, when you’ve lived a long and interesting life things can still pop up in odd ways... Even if you haven’t quite mastered the sacred art of texting yet.
ERAS TÚ (It was you). | Tales of Arcadia One-Shot - Would you want to live forever if it meant leaving everyone behind? Jilaire.
the only way for us to go - From his rescue from the streets of Camelot to the eventual guardian of this realm, Douxie has come a very, very long way. Through the frustrations of trying to learn magic, the belittling of others, the faith of Morgana and the power of music his experiences throughout 900 years truly make him what he is.
lay down your head - Even the mightiest can be plagued with the not so humble migraine. Skraelroc fluff.
Merry Christmas, Doctor Lake - Some Christmas gifts are worth going all out for and getting your friends and family to help out to make it extra special.
Grocery Run - After the incident where Merlin dismissed Strickler for being a changeling it is time for an excuse to get out the house for a bit and have a frank discussion about their relationship, the future beyond the incoming battle and lingering insecurities of two worlds colliding.
Alternate Universe
Fashionista, How Do You Look? - An AU that very much takes the term very literally here where everyone is human, Skrael, Bellroc and Nari are fashion designers plus many other ToA characters we know and love are either in the industry in some way themselves or on the fringes because of their jobs/who they know. Sometimes you work with catty bitches and want to kick back and watch the fireworks you know? Contains friends to almost to enemies to friends to maybe we’ll get our shit together this time but the odds aren’t great Skraelroc. There’s also a Zouxie oneshot in this collection that was a gift for meee because of the corner I dug in the AU.
Atlas, Fallen - When a star falls from the sky it is a punishment so when Atlas suddenly finds himself amongst the humans he had observed from above for countless ages in a flesh body like theirs he fears his Mother is punishing him and unable understand what he did wrong. While trying to find his way back home he gets a crash course in what it’s like to be human making friends along the way. Slow burn Jilaire.
she once was a true love of mine - I put this under the AU section even though it wavers between that and not, a mixture of classical Arthurian mythos and the glimpses of the Camelot in Tales of Arcadia where one kingdom collapses from war another strengthens by taking their princess as queen. While Arthur might have turned her head once it is the sibling that seems to be catching Gwen’s eye of late as much as her thoughts. Morgwen but in the department of pining.
Pulled From The Ocean - AU doesn’t quite fit this one but it feels a bit more fitting than general. A little oneshot snapshot of Jim living with deafness and the contrast of one world that falls easily into supporting that whereas the other tries their best but it makes the slip ups sting even more.
you are a stranger here, why have you come? - Fate is a funny old thing, something happens a little bit differently such as a father not leaving alone and everything can change so drastically. Nari’s fondness for children strikes again and this time it involves a 5-year old Jim Lake Jr. ending in the Order’s care and their foray into found family. Somehow Jim is even more of a disaster and as likely surmised from the fact I write this trope myself I am very weak for it.
go into your local forest and you will find a friend and a boy - Toby was unlucky in the friend department and by the time he is ten he still feels miserable and lonely having to endure Steve’s increasing bullying all the while. This is of course until he finds a blue half-troll hiding out the daylight hours munching cans in the local woods...
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 7 To Catch a Changeling
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How to catch a changeling for idiots.
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“All right”
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“Do your worst”
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The Sword of Daylight. A weapon to kill trolls and cutting watermelon.
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“What is this mockery?” Me seeing stupid shit.
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“You want to take it for a spin?”
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*Cries in Troll*
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Yeah, no one will notice.
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“Ridiculous garment” Agree.
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“Sorry. Draal was training Jim”
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“Draal?” “Training?”
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“Yeah, he sorta made a home in my basement to look out for the place”
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“Of course. When a troll is defeated in combat, it’s completely natural for them to take refuge in the victor’s domicile” So, this happened before?
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And it’s gone.
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“It was, eh... It was out of focus, and i did forget to turn on the flash” Once again, i went back.
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And the flash was on.
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Have some Jim is done with this bushigal face.
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“I’ve not left the Heartstone in a century” This is what it’s like to be force to go somewhere, cause they say it’ll be worth it. But it’s really not. Wow Vendel is becoming the most relatable character in this series.
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“I hate conspiracies”
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“That is why i am dedicated to rooting them out” If Trump hired Blinky to root out all the conspiracies of him Blinky will end up making them worse for Trump. #LetTrumphireBlinky
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“If it’s everyone, it must be a conspiracy!” I would say Donald Trump, but that would be insult to Blinky.
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“Oh, no. Claire”
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“Claire? A changeling?” Changeling Claire au.
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“No. When i thought i was gonna die, i wrote Claire a letter, too, and told her everything”
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“Everything” And what is this “Everything” you speak of? What did you write?
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“There you are!” Mission: Avoid Claire. Mission Fail.
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“You didn’t run into Miss. Janeth yet, did you?”
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“Is she mad i couldn’t make rehearsal yesterday?
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“Something kinda came up”
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“Heh heh” Good of the episode to put flashbacks in for me, so i don’t have to do it myself. Also Jim implies that last episode happened yesterday (Out of universe, yeah it did) But i thought about it and today would be Monday, and yesterday was Sunday. Jim and Draal’s fight happened on a school day meaning that it was Friday. Jim and Toby getting arrested and Jim making the letters were on a Thursday, and Jim and Toby finding out about Nomura was a Wednesday. And then the school trip to the museum was a Tuesday.
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“Steve filled in. That’s what understudies are for, right?”
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“Uh, you haven’t heard?
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“Steve isn’t the understudy anymore. You are”
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“She’s tired of you never showing up”
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“So she made Steve Romeo. And trust me, Steve isn’t happy about it either”
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“As i was saying, every algebraic equation requires balance”
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“Not unlike, say, actors in an ensemble!”
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“For instance”
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“Every piece of this equation plays an important role”
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“That is, unless variable X”
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“is a zero”
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“X has no role”
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“X doesn’t show up”
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“X lets the equation down”
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“Then, the entire play-”
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“I mean, equation- falls part!”
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“It becomes impossible!”
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“Mr. Lake”
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“How would you solve this mathematical problem”
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Yeah i’m at a lost.
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“Promoting Steve to Romeo wasn’t your idea. Plus, he’s been trying to leave” “Tell me about it. After class he told me off. Steve told me off. Steve. Of all people”
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“And, honestly, i’d rather be on stage with you”
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I’ve seen that face before. Marinette made that face, too, when Adrien touched her shoulder at the end of The Evillustrator.
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New meme template.
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“So, we find another changeling”
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“Stop saying that so loudly”
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“Do you mind?”
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“Whatever” Like i said, his name is Changeling.
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“Ailment or curse?”
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“Oi, numbskull! I;m supposed to answer it!”
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“But i already did answer it” Wait are Rot and Gut like one troll sharing a body or no?
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“You’re gonna need a gaggletack”
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“Unfortunately, you see, we’re a bit short on those. Very hard to get”
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“But i got a bag of them right here”
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“What in the world? If you’ll excuse us for one moment”
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“Ey, what are you doing? I’m trying to drive up the price over here”
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“I thought we were trying to help these nice lads” Rot doesn’t understand Capitalism. Good boy.
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“Rare artifact”
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“Exceedingly rare. An object of great mystery”
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“It’s a horseshoe”
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“Made of pure iron”
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“Why would you put such a precious thing on a horse’s foot?” Great, what other things are “Rare artifacts” to trolls?
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“Beware. Changelings are swapped with their human counterparts at birth. So, it is likely these troll-pretenders have dwelt amongst you for decades”
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“They could be anyone”
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“Used car salesmen”
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“Tax collectors”
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“Television executives”
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“Donald Trump”
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“Yes, especially Donald Trump”
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“Shall i hear more, or shall i speak-”
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“Hey! Who did that? And can i leave the play now?” “No”
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Another new meme template.
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Nope, nope, and nope.
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“You, uh, try this out on Mr. Strickler?”
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“Come on. You really think he is one?”
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So close.
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“Here you go, Mr. Strickler. Here’s your horseshoe back”
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“Thank you, Miss. Nunez, but that belongs to Mr. Lake”
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“Oh. Well that would explain the flying horseshoes” Wait “Flying horseshoes”? You mean Claire noticed the horseshoe that hit Steve earlier?
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“So not going to ask” Jim should look on the bright side of this. Claire touched the gaggletack, that means she’s not a changeling, and that the real reason she invited him to her house was not to secretly kill him. Oh wait. That’s not till later.
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“Claire” “Still here” When people forget you’re here too. Trust me, i know that feeling.
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“You’re still coming home with me, right?”
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“Oh, right!”
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“Claire and i are gonna go too her house... for math stuff”
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Toby is surprised by how that escalated quickly. And it’s not even the second half of season 1 yet.
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Series creator, director of The Shape of Water, and the man that said “Monster Fucker Rights” Guillermo Del Toro. Voicing a dentist.
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“For the glory of Merlin”
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“Daylight is mine to make babies ogle”
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“He really likes you” Jim would be a great dad. Wink wink Claire. Wink wink.
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“Wonder what he’s thinking about right now” “No idea what’s going through my brothers mind right now” “I’m going to get kidnapped next episode and you will never see me again for a long time. Goo goo”
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‘Wow, this novocaine you numbed my mouth with is really strong”
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“I can’t even feel my hands”
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“That’s because i didn’t inject you with novocaine, dear”
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“I hit you up with a potent paralyzer”
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“Why would you do that?”
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“Well, it’s not everyday someone comes in with a gaggletack” The moment i saw this.
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“Why don’t i take that, sweetie? It’s not very hygienic” I knew she was a changeling.
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“See, the equation only contains powers of X that are non-negative integers”
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“Does that makes sense”
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“Is it supposed to?”
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“Nah. That’s why it’s called algebra” Algebra never makes sense. It makes Kingdom Hearts make sense. #ReplacealgebrawithKingdomHearts
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“I realized you’ve got a lot more going on than people think”
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“I do”
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“I do?” You may now kiss the bride. Okay guys, Jim and Claire are married.
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“You can’t just write a letter like this and not expect a conversation. If you had written something like “I’ve most likely been slaughtered by a troll” I would’ve said: Understandable, have a nice day” “Wait, really?” “No! You are lucky, you’re cute and everything” “I... Uh... It’s... Wait what?” “Nothing”
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“You have to battle monsters?”
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“Saving the world in which we know? What monsters are you battling? Are they fuckable?” “Well- Wait what?” “Uh... What monsters are you battling?”
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Have some Claire being done with her (Not yet, almost, but not really, not for another season) boyfriend’s bushigal.
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“I mean, we all have stuff we’ve got to go through”
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“But are you in some kind of trouble?”
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“I... Yeah! Metaphoric”
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“I was...”
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“In an exploring stage”
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“Not successful” Let it be known that Claire thinks Jim has depression, if not suicidal tendencies. And i did not get this from the wiki or TvTropes.
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“There’s some sentimental stuff at the end which i thought was... kinda sweet” Umm. Can we read the full letter? I want to know what he said.
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“If you ever need someone to talk to about “the monsters” you can talk to me”
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“It can be our secret” Yeah. There are going to be a lot of secrets you two will be sharing. Also, you two could’ve kissed here as well. But whatever you tried i guess.
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“Halt, changeling!”
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“Or else my giant friend will tear you limb from limb!”
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“Maybe later” These things always happens.
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“Oh, it burns!”
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“Oh, it’s just a painting” Paintings don’t kill trolls confirm.
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Huh. After an entire episode of using it on everyone, and making me think it didn’t work, it actually does work.
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“What’s that?” “Laughing gas”
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*Laughs in Troll*
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“Laughs in Troll*
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“Hello? Wait how did you get my number?”
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“Hey! What’s up, Nunez?”
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“Hey Colby”
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“Someone named Woby?” Claire can’t remember Toby’s name.
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“Fighting monsters again?”
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“Who are you, Jim Lake” Claire is getting sus.
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Imagine walking into this.
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“Perish, you worm!” “Wait, before you kill me, i have something to ask. You know Nomura, right?” “Yes” “Well she has a history with a troll named Draal. Do you know what their history is?” “No, this is the first time i’m hearing about it” “Oh, okay. Thank you. You can die now” “You’re welcome. Wait what?”
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“Do you have some magic artifact that can clean this mess?”
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“Yes. I believe it’s called a Tobias” Translation: “Clean it yourself”
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“It appears Nomura has gotten her way”
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“Another changeling has been chosen”
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“And look who it is” “Enrich? Enquran? Enquin?” “Oh, for the love of. It says Enrique!” “Oh. Who’s that?” “Claire Nunez’s little brother!” “Which one is Claire again?” “The one you haven’t met!” “Well no wonder i don’t know who that is. I never met them”
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Anyone is a changeling. Maybe i’m a changeling.
So who’s the worst babysitter? Jim or Marinette?
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
@autumnalfallingleaves Happy Birthday! Here is your present!
Blinky looked up from his reading at the sound of someone walking up the steps outside. He could tell by the gait that it was Jim, and by the sound of it, another person as well. He closed his book and set it on the side table. 
"Hey dad!" Jim called into the house as he entered. 
"Right here, son." Blinky replied. Walking in behind Jim was a girl Blinky would assume was about his son's age. She was tall, had platinum blonde hair, and was wearing a red flannel shirt. 
"Dad I wanted you to meet Aja! This is Aja Tarron, my girlfriend. Aja, this is my dad Blinkous Galadrigal."
Blinky immediately stood up to offer the girl his hand. It felt weird only having two, but the glamour mask hid his other limbs. 
"Ah, Ms. Tarron. Jim has told me much about you! You can call me Blinky." 
Aja beamed as she shook his hand. Blinky smiled back then clapped his son on the shoulder. 
"She seems like quite the girl." Blinky said to Jim in troll. Jim smiled back. 
"Yeah she's really special." Jim said back in English. He turned so his smile could take in Aja as well. Blinky saw her give him an encouraging nod. "In fact I think she's special enough to know everything."
Blinky's heart stopped as Jim shimmered with a green light then shifted into his true form. The glamour stone for his amulet allowed him to transform at will, including the ability to walk in daylight. As long as he wore his armor he could pass as human again, just like changelings did. 
Now he was completely exposed. Stone skin, horns, three fingers on one hand. His armor shining with its own light. Blinky couldn't believe that Jim had changed in front of this human girl. He was so worried about Jim he almost missed Aja pull something from her pocket. 
He immediately stood protectively in front of his son, his arms outstretched. If she took a picture the image could be all over the internet in a matter of hours. However instead of a cell phone she pulled out what looked like a human protractor. 
Aja clicked a button on the side of the device and vanished in a dazzle of blue light. Blinky's jaw dropped as the light faded. Where she had been stood someone entirely new. 
She was tall, at least as tall as Jim's troll form. Her skin was blue, and her eyes were black. Her hair was white and had a soft glow to it. And the biggest change was that she had four arms. 
"Dad, it is my honor as Trollhunter to introduce Aja Tarron, Queen-in-waiting of Akiridion-5." Jim said proudly. He and Aja were both smiling as they moved to hold each other. 
“Great Gronka-Morka.” Blinky whispered. Then he smiled and reached up to pull off his own glamour mask. As the mask fell away his own true form was revealed. His own four arms, six eyes, horns and stone skin. 
“Seklos and Gaylen! You are marvelous!” Aja said as she stepped forward to investigate. Blinky couldn’t help but notice that she hadn’t acted this way when Jim revealed himself, nor did his son seem surprised by her appearance. A small paternal part of himself wondered if he should have a talk of a different kind with his son, but that talk could wait, pulling into the drive way was Barbara Lake. 
Jim turned at the sound of the car door slammed. He waved to Aja and she quickly stepped into the kitchen. His mother walked into the house and stopped in surprise seeing Jim and Blinky standing in the living room. She looked at them quizzically. 
“What are you two up to?” Barbara asked as she put down her belongings. 
“I was hoping to introduce you to my girlfriend Aja!” Jim said happily. Barbara smiled and sat down on the couch. Once she was seated Jim called into the kitchen. “Come on out Aja!”
Aja walked back out of the kitchen. She had not turned her disguise back on. A soft gasp escaped Barbara’s mouth, and her eyebrows shot up to her hair line. Then she smiled warmly and stood to give Aja a hug. 
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! I was wondering when Jim would introduce us.” She said as she hugged Aja tight. For her part Aja returned the hug with all four of her arms. 
“You’re handling this rather well.” Blinky said softly. Barbara let go of Aja with one arm and reached out to Jim. She held her son and his girlfriend tight, even though both of them were much taller then she was. 
“I’m married to a troll.” She smiled at Blinky. “My son is a half troll, and savior of troll kind. Different is my new normal. I can get used to this as well.”
Barbara gave Jim and Aja an extra squeeze as she spoke. Aja smiled brightly and leaned over Barbara’s head to give Jim a kiss. Finally they separated and Barbara was a little misty eyed. 
“Blink, why don’t you call Toby and Claire over and we can make this a triple date!” Barbara said. “We can have the whole family here.”
“Excellent idea!” Blinky said clapping his hands together. “And Jim, do you want to get started on cooking dinner?”
“Of course!” Jim pulled Aja into the kitchen. “I want to take another stab at your Akiridion dishes. If I can master troll cooking, then I can do anything.”
The two of them laughed as they began grabbing dishes and utensils. Barbara pulled Blinky into a kiss, then opened the divider between the kitchen and the dining room. The two adults sat at the dining room table while Jim and Aja prepared dinner. Soon they were joined by Claire and Toby, who arrived arm in arm. Aja greeted them both warmly, calling Toby “Robot Teeth” and Claire “City Council Princess.” They both seemed nonplussed by her four armed form. 
Soon dinner was underway. Jim had prepared human dishes, trollish ones and a passable attempt at an Akiridion one. Claire and Toby sat together and kissed in between dishes. Aja kept one arm wrapped around Jim’s shoulders and another on his knee while they ate. Barbara would occasionally steal some of the food she could eat off of Blinky’s plate. Despite his four arms he couldn’t fend her off. 
They laughed together long into the night, enjoying each other’s company. It was far into the evening when Aja leaned over to Jim. 
“This is nice.” She whispered. “Next I’ll have to introduce you to Varvatos and Zadra. Vex will probably demand to face you in single combat!”
Jim laughed lightly, then paused at the serious look on her face. “Wait...what?”
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owlmylove · 6 years
i am freshly 21 years old and my tongue sings with caffeine and chemicals, my fingers frigid to the bone from too many hours awake. i twist the ring on my finger, tuck my curls back. somehow, i have become the kind of — girl? woman? young lady? — who tucks her hair delicately behind her ear, silver bracelet brushing against my pulse. 
somehow i have become the kind of person who knows each of her baristas by name, who gets excited planning dinner parties, who flips up the fur collar of her coat and burrows in against the chill, until all you can see is tousled hair and wind-bright eyes. i still can’t tell if the half-feral changeling i once was would see me as charming or contemptible. i was a rabid creature then, and sometimes i still miss her: the rough, hot beat of my adolescent heart
the ring and the eyeliner and the coat i wear every day - the smiles i flash. these are the little rituals we construct, the little ceremonies we have to try and will ourselves into being. life is action, acting, constantly. the construction of self. where’s the boundary line between instinctive and elaborately performed behaviors? sure, the difference between the two may sound self evident. but truthfully, they’re both tools honed and softened by years of use. familiar. comfortable. are behaviors somehow rendered less sincere for the artistry that went into making them?
i’d like to think not. too much of -
no, strike that: nearly all of my life has been spent making my own responses. watching the faces of expressive people fascinates me. could i even imagine being that unselfconscious? i’m peculiarly charmed by the faintest snarl that appears around someone’s lips when an unwanted guest appears, by the aborted sigh and half-rolled eyes of someone attempting politeness.
i remember rolling my eyes once. i hadn’t even realized i’d done it at the time — truth be told, i’m still not sure i did — but my father certainly had. he had plenty to tell me about my disrespect, about my attitude problem. i didn’t roll my eyes again for years — and i certainly wouldn’t do it accidentally ever again
I’m not saying I’ve the botox-perfect rigidity, half-smile half-grimace. but i will say that most micro-expressions you spot are ones i’m strangely hyperaware of. i’ve practiced them, you see. tilt my head this way, angle my eyes away from whatever pair i can feel against my skin. laugh high, lashes low, bashful downward glance. i didn’t realize i spend most of my life still ducking, expression-wise. i thought only my sister still did that.
she flinches from hugs, standing petrified in my arms. i don’t know if she hugs my mother differently; i don’t see them hug often enough, and never think to examine them when they do. i’m too busy sulking, eyes low, shoulders tense. i become a teenager whenever i’m in the room with them both. with just one or the other, i usually seem okay. i seem better. my mother and i have a wonderful dynamic; good hugs and long talks and wine nights with charcuterie boards and roasted almonds.
my sister and i have rare, staccato starts and false-stops and “maybe..?” connections. we have sitting on the kitchen floor one sunny summer afternoon, when the light splayed languidly against the dining room walls and everything stretched sweet and still, a taffy-perfect moment of time. the first and possibly only time i’ve felt like a sister.
the implication of “sister” — one in relation to the other, a part of a whole set — has always been a sensation that escaped me. whatever belonging i could’ve had with my sister seemed, for years, to have been hijacked by the favoritism of my surly ex-Catholic psychologist father (just as winning a combination as it might sound.) he claimed me as part of his “whole,” as the sidekick to kick back in the passenger seat of his pickup with a baseball cap and a Mountain Dew, singing all his favorite songs and laughing at all his jokes.
my sister and i have been like. like what?
opposing magnets, moving gently out of each other’s way. alternatively: too-close contact between the two of us prompts abrupt and explosive separations
neighboring apartment tenants in a NYC walkup. politely averted eye contact, a few held-doors when their hands are full
the way you walk unseeingly around people on a crowded sidewalk. consideration without connection.
“strictly business, nothing more” 
maybe she’s the start of my love affair with people who close the door and cry? oh my god. maybe she’s why i’m so desperate to take care of people who’ll let me. all that pent-up momentum to murmur and soothe, to console, to hug and prescribe and therapize. something i was never granted. i don’t know
that afternoon was the only time i ever felt like maybe, somehow, we clicked. that, and the time i called her after those drunk women at work fell over themselves in the lobby, crawling like cockroaches, swearing and grabbing and grinding and snarling through laughs. belonging with each other, to each other.
i called her after in tears, asking why we’re always so goddamn nice to people who take advantage of us? who make us feel like nothing? why do we allow our senses of self to be overrun, over and over again? we have boundaries less like border walls and more like finish lines: chalked-up grass trampled flat and muddy.
she apologizes for it, constantly. i don’t know how to be friends with her. i certainly don’t know how to be sisters. maybe she doesn’t, either, but more often that not it seemed that she did know how to connect with all her high school friends. she just didn’t want to connect to me.
maybe this is why i’m still, perpetually, surprised by some people’s friendship. still a little starry-eyed by people choosing, actively, to keep connecting with me.
what a lonely thought.
in my handwriting, a horribly careless cursive scrawl, the slant of my “v”s and “n”s slope together. lonely and lovely look exactly the same. i realize i like the synonymical quality
i like the mercurial shape of myself. like my earrings, from chelsea market. like the earrings my aunt gave us once, when we were younger and new earrings not from claires were a shocking mark of maturity. they both changed color to match the surrounding light, filtering through the colors of our sweaters and our hair and our blushing, giddy cheeks.
(whenever i feel the cold brush of someone’s hands, no matter how much a stranger they may be, i instinctively cradle them to my overheated cheeks. there’s a metaphor there, i’m sure, but i don’t want to write it. so i’ll just politely avert eye contact and give it a nice berth on the sidewalk.)
my earrings and my smiles and my expressions, reflecting the rooms i’m in. i like being flexible. having synonyms. i like the different colors.
it makes it fascinating, renders soul-searching an act of psychological archaeology. realizing, today, now, why I like Jukebox the Ghost and Miracle Musical songs because of their fascinating similarities and differences to Owl City, to Panic! at the Disco, to the music of my day-dream childhood and sun-soaked adolescence. all those long car rides to shimmering shopping malls and airports. all the nights spent running barefoot over cracked asphalt. it’s so easy to romanticize! and i still can’t tell if it’s me or Adam Young’s idea of Florida writing these words.
how’s that for meta? is the cause for my romanticism of a sparkling-hot state from my listening to a boy in the cold middle of the country who stared at postcards and constructed an idea of a coastline, imagined himself beaches and tennis courts and saltwater rooms to wander in?
and here; even if that is the cause for my romanticism, is the habit and the emotions it inspires any less genuine for the degrees of separation required to construct the feeling?
like Stoker. “Just as the skirt needs the wind to billow, I'm not formed by things that are of myself alone. I wear my father's belt tied around my mother's blouse, and shoes which are from my uncle. This is me. Just as a flower does not choose its color, we are not responsible for what we have come to be. Only once you realize this do you become free, and to become adult is to become free.”
not to imply i’ll go murder anyone. but rather: the flower has no bearing over it’s color. 
does that render it’s color false? is intent necessary for effect? or, in the end, is it just a flower? 
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keepin-it-crispy · 5 years
Since you're taking writing requests, could you write a fic where Eli is a changeling?
Yes! Yes I can :)
     Eli stared at the creature in the mirror, his shocked expression mirrored back at him. He lifted an arm, the monster in the mirror did the same. He stared intently at the reflection as he brought his hand to his moth
     This had to be a joke, a prank. That reflection couldn’t belong to him. Someone must have done something to his mirror. Someone was pranking him. It just couldn’t be true
     As his fingers brushed over the smooth, hard surface of his newly protruding tusks, reality set in. His hands flew to the top of his head, grasping at the newly sprouted horns. 
     He finally brought his hands down to eye level, turning them over. He noted the pale orange color, the stony consistency. He glanced down at his new body, seeing that the color and texture extended down his new body. Eli took a deep breath, meeting his reflection’s eyes. Large, green, slit pupiled eyes.
     And screamed.    
          That day began the same as any other day, with his mom throwing open the door to his room.
     “Eli! Get up! You’ll be late to school!” She screeched. 
     Eli looked up from his journal, a small scowl forming on his lips. 
     “I know mom. I’m up.” He grumbled, leaning over the side of his bed to grab his backpack. Slipping the journal inside, he shouldered the bag and walking to the door. He hesitated a second before putting a hand on his mom’s shoulder as he slipped past her. His mom jumped slightly in surprise, giving Eli a small smile. 
     “Bye mom!” Eli called as he ran down the stairs and out of the house. He gave a small sigh as he set off down the street. A couple houses down, Eli jumped as a trash can shook, the lid rattling loudly as it banged against the metal bin. He stopped, watching it for more movement. A second later he heard a quiet growl and it rattled again.     Eli slipped the bag off his shoulders and picked up a nearby stick, carefully approaching the trash can. He brandished the stick in one hand, lifting the lid off the can with the other. The smell that wafted up from the shredded trash bags was enough to make Eli’s eyes water. He turned his face away, gagging. Taking a deep breath, Eli sifted through the top layer of garbage with his stick, looking for the critter stuck in there.  
     Eli yelped as he pushed aside a fast food wrapper, revealing a head. It looked like it belonged to an old baby doll. It was buried up to its neck in trash, its eyes closed and blond hair slicked down with garbage juice. He turned away, taking another deep breath to calm his nerves before turning back. 
     The eyes were open, staring straight at him. Eli screamed, scrambling away from the metal can. Green light flared from the inside and out crawled a… thing. Large yellow eyes peered at him out of a round green face. A line of scraggly brown scruff ran down the back of its neck. It smiled around two small tusks protruding from its lower lip.
     “Hey, what ya doin’ out here?” It asked. It jumped off the can, landing next to Eli. Eli oogled, his heart racing as he stared at the creeper. 
     “What are you?” Eli whispered, pulling his phone out for a picture. The thing snatched it from him, throwing it into the trash. 
     “Sorry, can’t let ya do that.” The creeper squinted at him. “And what’d ya mean what am I? I’m same as you!” 
     “You don’t look like a human.” Eli noted, his panic subsiding. “And I definitely don’t look like you.”
     The creature furrowed its eyebrows with a look of confusion. Suddenly the look cleared and the monster gave a sly smile. “Oh. That’s right.”
     “What’s right? What are you talking about? Wait, let me get my journal!” Eli reached for his bag, but the creature shouted.
     “Hands off. You can do ya writin’ later. As for what I am, I’m a changelin’.”
     “A changeling? What’s a changeling?” Eli’s fingers twitched, longing for his journal and pencil. He resisted the urge to grab them, not wanting the changeling to confiscate it.
     “We’re human, but we can be trolls if we want.”
     “So you’re a hybrid?”
     The changeling see-sawed his hand. “Kinda. It’s tricky.” He turned to go, but Eli called out to him.
     “Wait! Why are you telling me this? Why doesn’t anyone else know about you? What do you mean you’re the same as me? Can we meet again sometime?”
     The changeling rolled his eyes. “Ey, chill with the questions! Jeez! I gotta get back to me family.” it turned it’s back to Eli, took a step, faltered, and turned back. It gave a mischievous grin. “A changeling can always tell one of their own.” it said. “Can you?” Then it darted out of sight, leaving a very confused Eli behind.
               The rest of the day flew by as Eli walked around in a daze, mind focused on the changeling. Millions of questions swirled around his brain as he walked from class to class, hardly registering what was taught.
     The only thing to make it through Eli’s distracted brain was Toby and Jim’s antics. He always enjoyed watching the two of them, coming up with theory after theory in an attempt to explain the sudden change in his previously subdued classmates.
      Today they were carrying around a horseshoe, passing it back and forth between them as they tried to touch everyone they passed with it. Toby took the horseshoe from Jim and touched the cold metal to Darci’s arm. Darci shrieked, jumping in surprise. She spun around to face him, ready to tell him off. Toby shoved the horseshoe into Jim’s arms and took off running, Darci following in pursuit. Jim gave Claire and Mary a sheepish smile as he shrugged, inching away from the girls.
     Eli’ chuckled as he turned back to his locker, his thoughts returning to his conversation with the changeling. Something knocked against the back of his shoulder. Eli shouted in surprise as a white hot pain shot through his body. He wheeled around, finding himself face to face with Jim.  
     “Oh, hi Jim.” He said, trying to calm his racing heart as the pain subsided, almost disappearing. 
     “Hi.” Jim rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m just going to…” He trailed off as he pointed towards Toby, who was still running away from an enraged Darci.
     “Okay.” Eli nodded, watching Jim hurry after Toby. He took a deep breath, rubbing at his shoulder, where residual pain resided. Jim hadn’t hit him hard. He’d only brushed him with the horseshoe. Eli shook his head, the words of the changeling coming to mind. I’m same as you, he’d said. A changeling can always tell one of their own. Can you? Eli squeezed his eyes shut. What was going on?
          The changeling met Eli in his room that night. 
     Eli was up late, hiding under his blankets with a flashlight as he wrote the days unusual events in his journal, the only sound in the room was the quiet scratching of his pencil on the paper. Eli stared at what he had written, reading it over and over, silently wishing for it to make sense. 
     Eli groaned in frustration, slamming the journal closed and throwing it across the room. It hit the opposite wall with a thud, landing dejected on a pile of dirty clothes. He switched off the flashlight, tossing in the general direction of his desk as he laid down, slamming his glasses onto his bedside table.
     “Oi, that wasn’t very nice.” An agitated voice grumbled. Eli’s eyes shot open, his hands grabbing for his glasses as he shoved them back onto his face. Sitting on his desk chair was the changeling from earlier, rubbing at its head with one of its grubby little hands. 
     “It’s you!” Eli exclaimed, sitting up quickly. 
     “Shhh…” The changeling hissed, holding a finger to its lips. “Don’t wanna wake yer mom.”
     “Your that changeling from earlier.” Eli whispered, leaning in to take a closer look at it. Its skin looked hard and rough, with small sparkling specks embedded in its skin.
     “What are you made of?” Eli asked, reaching out to touch its skin. The changeling batted his hand. “Hey! Hands off!”
     “Look, I’ve gotta get back before me cover’s blown. I just came to give ya this.” The changeling held out a horseshoe that looked eerily similar to the one Jim and Toby were throwing around earlier. “It’s called a gaggletak. It forces changelings out of their human form and into their troll one.”
     “But I don’t have a troll form.” Eli said, his heart pounding as a crease formed between his eyebrows. “Why would you bring that to me?”
     The changeling raised an eyebrow. “Boss man told me stories. To scare me into behaving.” The changeling chuckled. “Didn’t work of course. I never believed em’, but I think they’re ‘bout you.”
      Eli shook his head, backing away from the tiny changeling as he tried to steady his breathing. “I don’t know your boss. I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m not a changeling, I’m a human!” 
     The changeling nodded at the gaggletak resting on the desk. “Care to grab this and find out? You never know for sure.”
      Eli took a deep breath, reached out with a trembling hand. He’d looked for creepers all his life, and now one had come to him. It claimed Eli himself was a creeper. He’d never forgive himself if he didn’t try. He needed to know if it was true. He closed his eyes tight and grabbed the horseshoe.
          I am a changeling, Eli thought, staring at the monster in the mirror, the fact finally sinking in.  All my life, I’ve been a creeper. Eli almost laughed. All this time, he was the embodiment of what he’d been searching for. His laugh died in his throat as one more thought crossed his mind. Mom is going to kill me. 
I’m so sorry it took so long! I haven’t had much time to sit down and write the last few days. I really love the changeling Eli idea. If it’s okay with you, i think I’ll add on to this :) Thanks for the ask! 
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yellowmagicalgirl · 5 years
@elizabethemerald tagged me
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
This is honestly only an ordered list to keep things simple for myself. Also, the list of honorable mentions contains Blinky/AAARRGGHH!!! and PV!Ladynoir Lucky Charm.
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? 
It was never any one episode that had me start shipping Claire and Mary. Rather, I started headcanoning Mary as a lesbian in “The Reckless Club”, and I began planning how I would use this as a character arc for her in my seasonal amulet au. I thought it would be funny if Claire were to react to Mary coming out to her as “if you had come out to me before Jim got the nerve to talk to me I would’ve asked you out because I had a crush on you for years.” I ended up transferring this hc to my view of the canon, that Claire has had an on-again off-again crush since sixth grade, and whether or not she gets over it is entirely dependent on what I’m writing.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? 
My favorite Taakitz fanfic is Lup Cons a Goddess into Murdering her Brother (for fun and profit). Despite the title, it’s very sweet.
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2?
This piece by @winterwithers is a great photoset of Jlaireby art
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1? 
I can’t think of a favorite so I’ll just share a headcanon that is a must to me for their relationship: their natural lifespans are about the same. Maybe they both age like regular humans, maybe Jim ages like a troll and Claire has an extended lifespan due to her magic. Either way, one won’t die of old age and the other has to live for centuries after them.
Though I have considered writing a sequel to I Will Learn to Let You Go (I Won't Let Go) whose premise is that Claire will have to outlive a human-again!Jim so she doesn’t have to watch Jim’s body rapidly degenerate in a maximum of 24 months.
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7?
Just how well they work together. Like, Jim and Aja are one of my fave BROTP’s for Tales of Arcadia based on the one episode where they knew the truth about each other which is why I find it odd that I don’t like romantic Aj*m outside of a poly ship, and Jim and Claire definitely have worked well together. As for Aja and Claire, they haven’t interacted much in canon but there’s something about the scene where Aja supposedly hacks the power grid that tells me they’d work together well.
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious?
I’m ace and not that interested in sex, so let me just say my only Glitradora NSFW headcanon is that Catra does something to her claws for safety.
EDIT: IDK why it suddenly posted, but here’s the rest
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry? 
It took me forvever to figure out the difference between “best chemistry” and “strongest bond”. I guess Jlairja or Taakitz?
Which ship has the strongest bond? 
Jlaireby, hands down.
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about?
Jlaire is definitely the top ship here. However, Taakitz is second for reading and Marynon is second for writing.
Which one was your first ship?
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? 
Oof. Unfortunately, I could see the right combination of Mary’s past as a player, Claire’s perfectionism, and both of their self-esteem issues contributing to a messy breakup where Darci is trying to get them to remain friends so she isn’t awkwardly caught in the middle.
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? 
On one hand, Krel might be immune to zombies. On the other, so might Nomura and more importantly, Barbara is a doctor. Thus, Barbmura > Kreli.
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why?
They might hide it from Claire’s parents for a little bit, since I can see them being the least understanding between the various parental figures. However, I don’t think they’d really hide it anymore after Jim becomes a troll? Unless they decided to do something convoluted where it looks like Claire dumped Jim for the “human” Aja.
What is 9′s favorite date to go on? 
Do ice cream parlors exist in Etheria? Because I can see glitradora enjoying them.
What’s your favorite canon moment between 10? 
Uh... hm... Toby and Claire impersonating changelings at the Janus Order was pretty good.
What do 5 argue most about? 
How to best make use of the television.
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? 
Do I have to? Because I’d have to narrow it down to Taakitz, Jlaire, and Marynon.
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? 
Still ace, still not interested in sex, still 19 years old so this question is rather awkward for me... I guess Claire counts as a monsterfucker? And that’s not even NSFW, she definitely looks like she finds troll!Jim hot and even professed her love to him.
Do 8 want children?
Not particularly, though Krel and Eli will happily be uncles.
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon? 
I mean, Taakitz already is canon, and I’d rather not have to deal with the breakup arcs w/in Tales of Arcadia for Claire and Toby to get together.
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? 
Yes. Draal would like them to get a room, just because this basement belongs to your family doesn’t mean he can’t kick Jim, Toby, and Claire out. Mary finds it cute.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?
“I... was crazy about you, before some weird light told me a story about your one hundred year journey through existence where you were fighting for a century to save the world. I love you, Taako, and at this point, I think that everyone in reality is going to love you after hearing your story, and... nothing’s gonna change that.”
Yeah, I’m going to say that canonically they have the most romance, and the only reason why we didn’t get to watch Taako and Kravitz’s relationship develop more is because roleplaying a romance with your family member must be really awkward (and that is why all of my D&D characters don’t have a love interest.)
How would the proposal between 5 go? 
Do you know that one vid of the two sapphic ladies proposing to each other because at the zoo? Yeah, that’s how it goes between Mary and Shannon.
Who cooks more often in 3?
I’d say Nomura would make sure Barbara doesn’t get to cook for both their sakes, but since she’s stuck in troll form she might actually like Barbara’s cooking. That being said, whether or not Barbara likes Barbara’s cooking is another story.
I’m tagging @infographicisminetocommand and @dork-empress
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gwenore · 6 years
The Trollslayer. Chapter 2.
Chapter 2: Jim tries to find the true owner of the changeling blade. 
Synopsis: Barbara and Jim has cut Strickler out of  their lives after Jim tells his mother the truth about the Trollhunter and what Strickler has done. As trolls start turning up dead, a figure from both Barbara’s and Strickler’s past arrive in Arcadia.
Walking back from Trollmarket Claire looked over at Jim who had been silent for some time. Though lately they had been at odds… Strickler had been his mentor since Jim had entered high school.
While she hadn’t known Jim long… everyone knew that Strickler was a mentor figure to him. Though Jim hadn’t said anything…
She knew the revelation of his mentor having done… what he did…
“You really think Strickler did this?” her voice was barely above a whisper. Jim looked down at the blade in his hand.
“I don’t know…” he finally admitted.
“Is he even still in Arcadia? I mean… wouldn’t someone have seen him? Also… wouldn’t that be like… insanely dangerous with everyone who wants to you know… off him?” Toby walked after them glancing up.
“I don’t know Tobes… but we have to find out… regardless of who is behind it… Strickler or someone else… then we have to stop them,” he said.
After that there really wasn’t much to say, the m walking in silence until they separated to go to their own.
Walking in the door Jim found his mom sitting by the kitchen counter sipping some tea.
“Hi Sweetie, did everything go alright on patrol?” she perked upon seeing him.
“It was fine… just found a strange blade…” he knew that he was lying to his mom… which was something that he had promised that he would try not to do… but what good would it do for her to be told of the possibility that Strickler may still be in town… and having done something so horrible. He knew that his mother still cared about the changeling… though she did her best to hide it.
“Oh?” she stood up, Jim showing it to her.
“You haven’t… seen this before have you?” he asked. Barbara furrowed her brows at the blade as she took it into her hands.
“I… I don’t know… I mean… perhaps. I think so…” Barbara muttered.
“Did… did Strickler own this?” Jim asked her.
Barbara shook her head.
“No… not Walter…” she said. “Wait… why did you ask about him?” she then asked.
“It is just… it is a changeling weapon. Also… it is very rare… Strickler… well he collect stuff…” Jim attempted to come up with an excuse which would work.
“Hmm… well… I suppose the one I am thinking off might not be this one…” Barbara said as she handed it back.
“You haven’t heard from him… right?” Jim asked, reaching out and resting his hand on her arm.
“No… I haven’t,” Barbara shook her head. “And I don’t want to hear from him ever again.”
“I don’t want to see him either again,” Jim attempted to comfort her.
“But… with him not being here… with the whole… you know, changeling thing?” Barbara asked, knowing that despite everything it was Strickler who had guided him when her son’s changeling nature made itself known.
Jim had worried about that he hadn’t really learned to change between his troll form and human form.
“I… well… I am good… so far I haven’t had any… you know accidents. I think it has stabilized. Also… trying to relax helps. Not give into the trollish instincts and… I suspect the aroma therapy kit you got me hasn’t hurt,” he laughed. Barbara laughed too.
“Well… you should go to bed… there is school tomorrow. Even though you are the trollhunter you really shouldn’t fall asleep in class,” she told him.
“I will do my best,” Jim said as he skipped up the stairs.
Barbara remained looking after him, letting out a sigh.
She couldn’t shake her thoughts about having seen that blade before. Having a late shift she decided to walk down into the basement.
Searching through several boxes she then found it…
The photo album which she had sworn to never look at again with the title of ‘Our first home’.
Leafing through it she then found it. In a picture of her and James in their living room in the house they had before he vanished. Hanging over the mantle was…
… the blade…
  “You really think Nomura would speak to us… you know… after…” Toby glanced up at Jim.
“NotEnrique said that no one knows more about changeling history than her. Besides… with her being an ally of Bular… we need to make certain that she doesn’t have… nefarious plans…” Jim answered.
“Yeah… better make certain evil troll lady isn’t up to evil troll stuff,” Toby nodded his head as they walked into the museum.
Looking around for a while they saw the Asian woman rearranging a shelf.
“Nomura,” Jim said, trying his best to make his voice certain and commanding. The woman stopped before slowly turning around.
“Trollhunter…” she practically hissed, reaching for something hidden in her belt as her eyes glowed towards them.
Jim however held up his hand.
“Look, we are not here to cause trouble. We just… need your assistance,” he said. The changeling let out a mocking laugh.
“Why would I EVER assist you?” she crossed her arms.
“Well… you did work for Bular and tried to bring forth the end of the world and yet Jim has not decided to separate your head from your body… also letting you stay in Arcadia and work at the museum. I’d say… best stay on his good side,” Toby spoke up from behind his friend’s back. He was still a bit nervous about the female changeling after the last time they faced off. In truth… he was absolutely terrified of her.
Nomura cocked her head at this, her lips twitching up into a snarl.
“And you will leave me alone after?” her green eyes boring into Jim.
“Unless you are doing anything to hurt humans or trolls… I will leave you alone. I have no desire to  do anything to changelings simply wanting to live their life,” Jim said with a sigh. After all… though with the exception of his mom, Strickler, Toby and Claire no one knew he was a changeling… he was one. At least… somewhat.
Nomura fell silent, judging the truth in his words.
“What do you wish of me trollhunter?” she practically spat out the words.
“NotEnrique told me no one knows more about the history of changelings than you,” Jim began, Nomura letting out a chuckle.
“Well… he is not wrong,” she stepped a bit closer as Jim removed his backpack and pulled out the blade.
“Do you know who this belongs to?” he asked. Nomura’s eyes instantly widened.
“That blade… it is the blade of the trollslayers,” she said as she reached out her hand towards it, however Jim pulled it away before she could grasp it.
“The trollslayers?” he asked, raising a brow, having not heard about anything like that before.
“More a legend among changelings… thought to be nothing more for a long time… a group of changelings standing up for the rest, slaughtering the trolls which thought of us as nothing more than slaves… but… they were unsuccessful…” her voice faded out.
Jim swallowed.
“Was… Strickler a trollslayer?” he then asked.
Nomura chuckled.
“He denies that,” she said. “But… several believe so.”
“Do you believe that?”
Nomura tapped her chin.
“Having known him longer than most… I would say no… but there is one carving of the trollslayers… and well… I have not met a troll of the same kin as him before… so… his kin is rather rare… and one of those depicted… well certainly looks like him,” she shrugged.
“You do not happen to have a picture of this carving do you?” Jim was curious, cocking his head. A grin came upon the changeling’s lips.
“Oh no… I have something far better… I have the carving itself.”
  “Trollslayers? Why haven’t we heard anything about them before?” Toby whispered to Jim as they followed the changeling down into the basement of the museum.
“I do not think the trolls know much about changelings… you know… other than the rumors,” Jim sighed. It was a good reason why he had decided to keep his heritage secret from even Blinky and Aaarrrgghh.
While he did not want to believe anything that Strickler had told him… he felt he spoke the truth about them not accepting him for being a changeling.
Blinky had even vehemently objected to them even asking Nomura for information, convinced that she would deceive them.
How could he be the trollhunter if they found out he was the son of a changeling.
Nomura let out a slight chuckle at his words.
“Hmm… you are not wrong, trollhunter.”
Jim did not answer her.
Down in the basement the changeling lead them towards ha hidden backroom which she unlocked with a key not unlike the one Jim had seen Strickler use in his office.
Inside was all kinds of artifacts, both Jim and Toby standing there in awe.
“Woah! This stuff must be thousands of years old!” Toby exclaimed.
“It is most of it… so do not touch anything!” she sneered towards them, both boys putting their hands up, to show that they would not dare do any such things.
Nomura then walked towards a large piece hidden by a sheet. Pulling it away she revealed a large stone slab, with five figures on it.
“Three was killed by Gunmar or his trolls… the two other’s identity or fate is unknown…” she mentioned to the figure in the middle and the one on his left.
The figure to the left certainly had traits which mirrored Strickler’s, the way the horns look and those wings he most of the time kept hidden.
But… it was the figure in the middle who caught their attention, the one carrying a blade similar to the one they found and…
“Dude… he looks just like…”
Jim nudged his friend to be quiet, but he could not deny it. The figure in the middle, the leader of the trollslayers… looked just like him.
  As sun was setting over the town of Arcadia a tall figure made his way from the trees towards a small house, carrying a large duffle bag. Glancing over his shoulder he made sure no one had followed before he knocked on the door.
“I know you are there, Walter…” he scratched his beard slightly.
Slowly the door was opened, the changeling backing away into his house in pure disbelief.
“James…” the name fell out of his mouth.
“Long time, no see old friend.”
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Trollhunters: True Lies
Chapter One: Buzz Kill
For the first time in a long while, Strickler felt old. There were more gray strands in his hair and some of his past injuries ached more with each coming winter. Old memories haunted his dreams at night but he still found the courage to move forward. After all, the Changeling had finally found a place where he belonged. He had fought in the war, he had survived Gunmar’s wrath, and somehow, he had found his place in this world. Instead of looking constantly looking over his shoulder, Strickler felt safe and confident in his allies. It certainly had been a positive change in his life.
“Time has sure steadily flown by, hasn’t it, Strickler?” Blinky asked as he offered a drink to the changeling. “Master Jim has grown into a fine young man. Clarie is a lovely lady, by human standards, of course. Tobias is…” He glanced to see the Toby attempting to help Claire hang a congratulations banner, nearly falling off the ladder in the process. Jim quickly steadied his friend and scolded Toby, telling him to be careful. While Tobias had shed a tiny bit of weight and gained some battle skills, there were still that clumsiness factor and love of spicy tacos. “… still Tobias.”
Troll Market was throwing a huge graduation party for Jim. Strickler helped where he could, including saving Jim’s cake from being a complete disaster. Try as she might, his mother had the best of intentions but could not cook. At least Barbara did decently at icing the cake and decorating it with candles. There were banners hanging from every vendor station declaring celebration. Barrels of mead were in every corner as were food stations, both human and troll dishes. There were some soda pop drinks from the surface, a fizzing liquid that made Argh’s nose sting. None of the trolls seemed to enjoy it but a few changelings did. The invitation extended to his friends and family. Supposedly, there was a surprise gift from Blinky. Yet, he would not tell anyone what it was to avoid spoilers for Jim.
“Indeed, it is strange to think that young Atlas is getting ready to leave high school and then go to college.” Strickler recalled writing the letter of recommendation for James. He wanted to stay in Arcadia to be close to his family and friends. His grades were high enough to apply anywhere he wished and acceptance was almost a sure guarantee. Despite a lot of objection, he applied to the local university to study, oddly enough, history. James had developed a love for mythology and legends over the years of being the Trollhunter. With a sigh, the Changeling took the mug from Blinky. “It seems just a few short years ago, we were trying to best each other in the dining room.”
“You still try to best each other in Barbara’s dining room.”
“Barbara asked Jim to take out the trash and he picked me up over his shoulder.”
“I recall that incident, we laughed about it for weeks.” Blinky admitted honestly with a small snicker. “Actually, we’re still laughing about it.”
“Good one.” Argh chuckled as he brought over a tray of used socks, soap bars, and broken vinyl records to share. “Laughed and laughed.”
“Well, I’m glad that you two obtained some amusement at my expense.” Strickler rolled his eyes and shooed away the plate full of distasteful goodies. He did not eat disgusting trash like trolls. Maybe the occasional pencil accidently had an eraser top chewed off the top due to not paying attention. It was part of the occupation, he supposed. “Younglings are so rude nowadays, thinking everything is a joke.”
“You just mad cause Jim taller.” Argh munched on one of the soap bars. “Taller than you.”
“Do they have any real food at this graduation party?” Strickler scowled at the brute, instantly wanting to change the subject. He would never admit it, though it did secretly bother him. Young Atlas had sprout up like a weed, surpassing him in height by a few inches. “Something that isn’t socks or garbage?”
“Yes, there’s lots of human food set out over there next to the fizzing lime liquid that Tobias loves to consume.” Blinky pointed in the direction of the table. “We’re waiting until Jim’s surprise gets here.”
“And exactly what is this surprise?”
“It’s for everyone, not just Jim.”
“You’ve been secretive about this for nearly a whole month.”
“I contacted many old friends to pull this off and I won’t have anyone spoiling it.”
“No surprise if know.” Argh reminded Strickler with a grin. “Excited!”
“And exactly when is this surprise supposed to arrive?” Strickler was beginning to think Blinky ordered a box full of cats for Jim. “Gift wrapped, I presume?”
“Stop pestering Blinky, Walter.” Barbara walked up behind the changeling, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Placing a kiss on his cheek, Doctor Lake knew her husband hated not having all the facts. She guessed that was part of being a history teacher. “You’ll find out soon enough what it is.”
“And what if it is a stripper inside of a cake?” Strickler asked his wife. “What will you do then?”
“What’s a stripper?” Argh swallowed another sock.
“If I remember correctly, it’s a human male or female who takes off their clothing for money usually while dancing around a pole.” Blinky quoted the statement from memory, earning a look from Barbara. He could not understand why Jim’s mother seemed a bit irked from his words. It was only the truth he spoke! “… that’s what it said in that human dicks-ton-airy.”
“That’s not the surprise, is it?” Barbara questioned in an accusatory tone.
“No!” Blinky replied very quickly, all four hands raised up in defense. “Most certainly not!”
“Hey, book brain!” NotEnrique jumped onto the bar, knocking over Blinky’s beverage. “You better go get things ready! The special package has arrived!”
“You could have announced that without jumping up on the counter and spilling my drink.” Blinky grumbled as he used a cloth to wipe up the mess. “But then again, that’s what you do, you create messes.”
Since Blinky and Argh had their attention on NotEnrique, Barbara took this as her chance to steal Strickler away from the party. Between work at the hospital and helping Blinky set up the party, she barely had time for her husband this week. Sometimes, a woman required quality time with her lover. Standing on her tip toes, she whispered into his ear.
“No one is in Blinky’s library.” Barbara murmured in a suggestive tone. “What do you say we do some research on the reproductive system?”
Perking up at the offer of pleasure, Walter smirked from ear to ear.
“I believe the Kama Sutra has some excellent references to offer.”
Blinky gathered everyone in the middle of Troll Market. He decided to leave Walter and Barbara to their odd human mating customs. If he interrupted them, it would surely cause unwanted embarrassment on both ends. He only hoped his table would survive all that rocking. So, he returned his focus to the gathering. After expressing how proud he was of Jim, he then explained he called in a favor from an old friend. When Blinky pulled back the curtains for Jim’s grand surprise, it was a gift he never anticipated. There was stereo equipment hooked up to a DJ system. It was the latest, top of the line products to produce music. At first, Jim and his friends exchanged confused glances. All three of them enjoyed music, but Jim never expressed interest in becoming a DJ.
“Yoohoo, little ones, up here.”
Everyone looked upward to the source of the voice. On top of the tallest stereo, there sat the esteemed guest of honor with her legs crossed. Multiple braids dangled from her curly locks and she had a smile that lit up the cavern. Waving at the graduates, she could not help but giggle at their shocked faces. She was a tall woman dressed in flashy clothing and wore expensive designer boots. From her overall reaction, she had seen trolls before and was not alarmed. The lady seemed quite comfortable in Troll Market.
“That’s… that’s…” Tobias stammered, his brain unable to process proper wording. “That’s…”
“The Siren!!!” Clarie squealed at the top of her lungs in absolute glee, causing some other trolls to wince. Even a few of the gnomes groaned their displeasure at the noise. Humans could be so loud and annoying. “Jim, you seriously like have the best mentor ever!!!”
“I know!”
“How in the name of the Heartstone was he able to pull this off?!” Tobias grabbed Jim by the shoulders and shook him. “That’s Loralei Abrielle! Her entire tour is sold out! There’s like no way to get tickets or backstage passes! How did he get her to come here?! Or allowed inside of Troll Market for that matter?!”
“I guess Blinky has connections we didn’t know about.”
“Forget that, we get a private concert!”
“From only the most famous, greatest, totally awesome techno, raving, music star in the whole country!!!” Tobias had to take a breath at the end of his excited rambling. “And she’s here! I can ask for an autograph!”
“Maybe she’ll sign my tour shirt!” Claire exclaimed as she pulled out several sharpie pens from her back pocket. Lately, the girl had developed a habit of collecting all the colors of sharpies like it was a hobby. Bright neon shades and pastels were her favorites. She doodled on every notebook page and blank surface she could find. Strickler had scolded her for drawing a rather crude drawing of him breathing fire on her desk. The rest of the class found it hilarious. “And I can get a selfie!”
“Think she’ll do a group photo?” Jim held up his phone and turned on the camera. “How do you set the timer on this thing again?”
“Don’t you think you should enjoy the music first?” Loralei asked them with a chuckle. “I came all the way from Malibu Beach to play for you.”
“Can I go back to Malibu Beach with you?”
Jim nudged Toby in the ribs for that statement.
“Heh, I appreciate your enthusiasm.” Loralei shook her head lightly with an amused grin. “But I think you’re a little too young for me.”
“She’s talking to me.” Toby nearly swooned and presented his most charming smile. “And you can’t be too much older than me, you’re what? Twenty-three, twenty-four? I can handle an older woman.”
“You have a girlfriend.” Claire reminded Toby with a cross of her arms. “Remember? Her name is Darci? Ringing a bell there?”
“Tobs, seriously, not cool.” Jim ran a hand down the front of his face.
“I’m actually a few thousand years old.” Loralei held up her fingers and counted in silence. “I forget my exact age, little one. After you live for so long, it becomes rather pointless to try to keep track of the years.”
Toby choked on his drink.
Scooting off the edge of the stereo, Loralei landed on her feet. The trolls would not allow any random human inside of their home. She supposed it was acceptable for these three kids to know the real her. With a blue flash, she transformed into her true appearance. The widely adored musician was a changeling. The musician had turquoise skin with dark blue streaks here and there. Black claws adorned her hands and feet, even blacker curved horns, standing proudly from her head. Strangely, Loralei’s eyes in this form had black sclera and glowing turquoise slit. It reminded Jim all too much of Gunmar, a slight chill going down his spine. Who exactly was this changeling? He could not look too suspicious. Questions could come later, seeing she posed no threat.
Toby’s jaw dropped, Jim stood there stunned, and Claire poked both boys in the chest with a triumphant yell.
“I told you, I told you and you two didn’t listen!” Claire held out her hand. “Pay up, I win the bet.”
“You predicted that she was a magical creature, you didn’t specifically say a changeling!” Toby protested with a pout. Jim swore there was no way a changeling could be that popular and hide among humans. Evidently, even a changeling could be a celebrity. “For all I know, you could have been calling her a unicorn!”
“Magical creatures include changelings, I win, you lose.”
“Urgh, fine.”
“That means you buy dinner at somewhere other than Tito’s Tacos.”
“But Tito’s Tacos is so tasty!”
“You can live off tacos, but Jim and I can’t.”
“Darci likes Tito’s Tacos.”
“Darci likes you, she tolerates your love of tacos.”
“Okay, let’s just come to a compromise and go to Amor’s and get pizza.” Jim interjected in the argument. “Then the girls will be happy.”
“And garlic bread.”
“Seriously, Tobs? That stuff reeks on you for weeks.”
“If I’m paying, I’m getting the garlic bread.”
“Girls like it if you shower them with delicious food, little one.” Loralei loved the banter between friends. “If you buy her food, she will feel obligated to eat it and not feel guilty about it later.”
“Why do you think the females wanted the best hunter as a mate?”
“Because… they got more food?”
“What do you know?” Toby shrugged. “Learn something new every day.”
“Now, little ones… what song would you like me to play first for you?”
“It’s Jim’s party, so he should pick first. Though, if I guess right, he’s going to pick ‘Take Off to the Stars’ cause that’s his favorite song.” Claire informed Loralei with a delighted clap of her hands. She was doing her best to remain casual in front of her idol, but it was hard. How could someone be so torn between wanting to scream from joy or embrace someone as tightly as possible and never let go? “Then me, the Toby, then uh… I don’t suppose your mom likes her music?”
“Mom likes Elvis, Sinatra, Darin, and Manilow.” Jim told his girlfriend. “She’s not too big on this type of music.”
“Only one question left, Jim.” Loralei put on the headphones and flipped on the power. “Original or remix?”
“I think we have officially disgraced Blinky’s library.”
“And sock pantry.”
“Don’t forget the potion closet.”
“Hrm, well, what should we disgrace next?” Barbara purred as she ran a single finger down Walter’s chest. Maybe menopause was making her more so feisty. It seemed lately that she could not keep her hands off her husband. The last time she acted like this was when she was pregnant with Jim. It was probably just the cascade of hormones. “I would like to nominate… the corner of bean bag cushions.”
Strickler gave a mock gasp.
“You’re the one who suggested Blinky’s beloved desk.”
“Hrm, the book brain had it coming when he called me an old timer.” Strickler huffed as he pulled Barbara closer, nuzzling her hair. The scent of lavender and coconut oil lingered from her shampoo. Her hairstyle was out of place now from all the wild movement. He ran his fingers through her reddish locks and she tended to pull on his horns during love making. Such a sharp tug always aroused him. However, Strickler’s favorite thing that Barbara did was a simple act of when she traced his markings after the deed. He had gotten used to the affectionate gesture and a purr rumbled lowly in his chest. Now, the changeling craved her tender touches. Strickler expected harsh words and striking blows. Cruelty was all he ever received from Gunmar or Bular. His wife, his sweet wife, helped him heal in ways he never expected. “Saying I was getting paler and grayer with age.”
“You are an old timer.”
“I’m teasing, honey.” Barbara laughed at his sulking. “You can still keep up with me and I’m almost in my forties.”
“And your Krav Maga, your horrible cooking, and your insatiable appetite in bed, my love.” Walter nipped at her ear as he rubbed his left horn. “I must say, I thought you were going to pull out one of my horns this time.”
“Sorry.” Barbara apologized sheepishly with flustered cheeks. “I didn’t mean to pull so hard, I just… well…”
“Trying to urge me on, are you, temptress?” Walter ran his teeth down her throat with a playful growl. “Faster?” His hand slid up her side, inching closer to her breasts. “Harder?” He pinched her nipples, earning a jolt from Barbara. “Deeper?”
“Walter!” Barbara squirmed in his grasp, laughing. “What are you doing?!”
“I am expertly obtaining my answer.” Watler buried his face in the nook of her throat. “Will my lady tell me or will we have to find the answer after round two?”
“Fine!” Barbara scoffed as she poked his nose. If the two of them had a second bout of intercourse, they would both miss Jim’s surprise. She knew that her son liked to focus more on his friends and love interest since he was older. Still, she would like to at least see him open his graduation cards and cut the cake. That was more of a birthday tradition, not really a graduating one, but she would always treasure, especially seeing such a smile on his face. “Yes, I was horny because we haven’t had sex in over a week, happy now?”
Music started playing from above in the market. The beats echoed down to the library as did the cheers of the participants. Both Walter and Barbara perked up at the noise. It seemed the party had started without them. Blinky revealed the surprise without their presence, so Walter expected that the nerd smelled the two of them mating. Or maybe it was Draal, he had a bad habit of showing up out of the blue. Nomura was not kind enough to keep her mouth shut, she would have said something to embarrass him. Then again, he had not seen Draal or Nomura. Maybe the two of them were patrolling the tunnels for wanted Gumm-Gumms. Someone detected their act of mating and decided not to interrupt them. Of course, he would keep this little detail from Barbara to spare her any mortification. Trolls and Changelings had sensitive noses, so it was not surprising to him that someone would find out eventually about their sexual activities in various areas of Blinky’s home.
“Damn, we missed it.”
“Language, Lady Lake.”
“I’ll fucking swear if I want to swear, thank you very much.”
“Spirited, aren’t you?”
Barbara shoved at his shoulder, before arriving at a conclusion.
“We missed the surprise, so while they’re enjoying the music, we could go for round two before presents and cake.”
“Depends on how hard you pull on my horns.”
“Oh, shut it.”
“Best. Party. Ever!” Toby was sweating profusely from all the dancing. Having the time of his life really turned out to be an excellent workout. Burning calories during a graduation party was the best way to stay in shape. He started to chug down a bottle of water to rehydrate. “You know, if her songs were on that game called ‘Dance Just to Dance’, I could totally nail all those arrows and be king of groovy.”
“You do have the moves, Tobs.” Jim spun Claire around and then dipped her. “Darci has really rubbed off on you.”
“Darci took ballet, tap, and even ball room dancing.” Toby sighed dreamily, thinking of his perfect girl. “And she can twerk like—”
“T.P.! Seriously don’t need to know that.” Claire stopped her friend before he went into a ramble about Darci’s perfect backside. She already heard Toby go on and on about Darci’s bubble butt and did not care to hear it again. Puffing a strand of hair out of her face, Claire then signaled that she needed a break from dancing to Jim. “Let’s go and get some food, yeah? I’m starving and that barbeque looks amazing.”
“Hey, Miss Abrielle?” Jim asked the musician, gesturing to the table of cooked food. “You want to join us for some grub?”
“Call me Loralei. I’d be honored to feast with the legendary Trollhunter.” Loralei left a personalized playlist running on the computer. Claire had taken the initiative of uploading a playlist of all Jim’s favorite songs to a flash drive and had it in her backpack. Dialing the volume to low so people could converse, the artist walked up to young graduates. “When Blinky contacted me, and told me who you were, I figured the least I could do was play my music for you.”
“Hey, being the Trollhunter is a privilege.” Jim was modest about his position. Since maturing, he had less bravado and was becoming more of a humble man. There were a few times when overcoming a new challenge that the streak of invincibility returned. “It’s given more than it’s taken. I’ve made a lot of new friends, seen new worlds, learned magic, how to fight, and I kept evil at bay. The adventure is still continuing.”
“Life is an adventure and yours will be fruitful.” Loralei agreed as Jim offered her a drink an empty plate so she could select what she wanted. “It is nice to be back in Troll Market after being gone for so long. There’s many familiar faces.” She looked at her surroundings, taking in the beauty of the glowing stones and listening to the chatter. “I would like to greet your mother as well. Is she here?”
“Yeah, she’s… let’s see.” Jim peered through the crowd. The trolls blocked most of his view. He finally spotted his mother preparing the candles on the cake. Pointing across the way, the Trollhunter gestured to his mom. “Oh! There she is! Her name is Barbara. She’s right beside of Strickler. See the dude dressed in the suit?”
“… Strickler?” Loralei set down her plate and drink rather hard on the table. Her voice sounded urgent. She wanted clarification. “As in Walter Strickler?”
“Yeah, changeling, greenish avocado color, throws knives around like they’re going out of style?” Toby filled his plate to the top with barbeque chicken, baked beans, slaw, and a sizable piece of cornbread. His love of food still lingered and he still ate like it was his last meal. Wriggling his fingers, he gazed at the plate full of chocolate browns as it were gold. “Talks like he’s from last century? That’s him all right.”
“Excuse me, little ones, I’ll be right back after I kill him.”
Dumbfounded, Jim, Claire, and Toby watched Loralei tromp in Strickler’s direction. Toby was chewing a mouthful of food and froze. Jim was holding up a potato chip to his mouth and stopped halfway. Claire was quite certain her idol could not be capable of murder until now. The look in Loralei’s eyes said it all. However, she did notice that Jim was not chasing after the music star. No one moved until Claire spoke.
“Yeah, Claire?”
“Correct me if I���m wrong, but, didn’t she just say she was going to kill Strickler?”
“Oh, you heard it too? Thought I accidently got cornbread in my ear or something.”
“Don’t you think you better stop her?”
“You think I’d be able to catch a break at my own graduation party.”
“Just go diffuse the situation before it starts.”
“Too late.” Toby noticed Loralei right in front of Strickler. “She’s got him.”
The chatter instantly died and all eyes were on the musician. Loralei’s voice was so full of hatred, it gave Jim pause. Something told the Trollhunter that Strickler’s past was coming back to get him. Before Strickler could even react, she grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against the wall. Argh pulled Barbara out of the way, not wanting her caught up in the scuffle. The stone crackled from her brute force and Strickler yelled from the crushing blow. It dazed him so badly, his vision blurred for a moment. He was not prepared for a fight. As soon as he could see clearly, Strickler gasped at the face in front of him.
“What are you doing?!” Barbara shrieked, trying to wriggle out of Argh’s grasp.
“Murderer!!!” Loralei spat in his face, her eyes seething in rage. She pushed Strickler even further into the rock, causing the cracks to spread. He grimaced and grasped her wrists, trying to push her off him. “I should have killed you right after Gunmar ripped out your wings, you coward! They’re all dead because of you!!!”
“Loralei, let him go!”
Jim grabbed her shoulder and was immediately shoved backward by the angry changeling. He fell over a table, knocking the contents to the floor and bonking his head on the wall. Claire rushed over to Jim to make sure he was all right. The changeling did not even glance over her shoulder at him. Her sole focus was on Strickler. A piercing growl rumbled forth from her. With teeth bared, Loralei was expecting a fight. She wanted to fight, she had that need for bloodlust. More importantly, his mother cared for his exasperating teacher so much, she married him. He did not have an excuse for letting him die so easily. Tolerating Strickler was easier said than done. First, he moved into the house, then he started the cooking competition to see who was the better chef, and finally, Strickler then asked his mother to marry him.
“Stay out of this, Trollhunter.” Loralei snapped at Jim. “This is between me and this foul fiend.”
“You let go of my husband before I rip off those horns of yours!” Barbara shouted as she tried to get free. “Put me down!”
“Husband?” Loralei sneered at Walter. “You? That’s laughable.”
“That’s what I initially thought at first, but he’s been good to my mom!” Jim protested, wanting to avoid a duel his favorite musician. “Mostly good, if you minus that Angor Rot incident that shall not be named but… more so annoying.”
“James Lake Junior!” Barbara started to scold him but Blinky entered the conversation.
“Loralei! Whatever are you doing?!” Blinky exclaimed with two hands motioning to her hand on Stricker’s throat and the others on his face under his eyes. “This is a party, not a battlefield!”
“Blinkous, why is this murderer here?” Loralei still held Strickler against the wall, never breaking eye contact. “Does he really have you all fooled? You know he worked for Gunmar! He should be killed!”
“He helped us defeat Gunmar!” Claire came to Strickler’s defense. “He used to be evil, but he righted his wrongs!”
“Not all of his wrongs.” Loralei squeezed tighter around Strickler’s neck, causing him to choke.
“Just let him go and we’ll talk in a civilized fashion. We’re all adults here, right?” Toby even tried to present his two cents. “So, let’s just sit down, have a nice cup of joe, and discuss this.”
“Lo… r… lei!” Strickler managed to say between gasps for air. His lungs were burning, screaming for air. Flashing green, he managed to kick Loralei back, causing her to stumble. He coughed, the oxygen rushing to his lungs. Pulling the knives from his collar, Strickler felt uneasy. “I… I didn’t know Gunmar was going to slaughter them! I didn’t even know you were still alive!”
“Lies!” Loralei hissed as she sharpened her claws on the stone ground. “You saved your sorry ass and left us all for dead!”
Lunging at him, Loralei aimed for his throat. The entire market scurried out of harm’s way, wanting nothing to do with the fight. Dodging her sharp talons, Strickler ducked and then rolled to the side. With a grunt, he hurled one knife after the next at her, seven total. Each blade was for a specific weak point. One for each knee, one for each shoulder, one for each wrist and one for her stomach. Loralei flipped in midair, twisting and turning flexibly so she caught each dagger between her fingers. Strickler’s confident expression instantly fell, knowing that his advantage of having a weapon just ended.
“Forget who taught you?” Loralei scoffed, twirling a single blade around a finger. Wisdom usually came with age, but it seemed Strickler was senile. Maybe he thought he was seeing a ghost. Perhaps she should remind him she was here, alive and well. “You stupid boy!”
One by one, she started slinging the blades back at him. Strickler managed to block the first three by grabbing a nearby tray. The knives dug into the wood. The fourth grazed his thigh and the fifth dug into his shoulder. His shoulders were his weak points. Strickler grimaced loudly and tried to pull it out from his stone skin. The remaining two blades, Loralei held in each hand. The green changeling swiped at her. Avoiding his claws, she slammed one dagger into his arm, causing Strickler to yell. Twisting his arm behind his back, Loralei had the final blade at his throat. He froze in place, not daring to move a muscle.
“Loralei, I swear I—”
“All I want to hear from your mouth is a scream!”
Before the final blow was dealt, Draal appeared and snatched Loralei from behind. His arms held her tightly so she could not get loose. She screeched in fury, kicking her legs wildly, spouting curses. Nomura helped Strickler to his feet. Reaching to pull out both knives, the pottery fanatic earned a strident objection from Strickler to leave it alone. His wife was a doctor and she could attend to the wounds.
“Should I put her in the cell?” Draal asked and Loralei aimed carefully, throwing her leg back to hit the troll in his weak point. Instantly dropping to his knees, he held in-between his legs. He exhaled forcefully. “That was… a dirty move.”
“No fight.” Argh told Loralei firmly, keeping her from her objective. “Talk.”
“Strickler, Loralei… I think there is indeed a tidbit of explaining to do.” Blinky looked at the pair, crossing both pair of arms. “You have made quite a spectacle of Master Jim’s festivities.”
“See? Like I said, sit down, have a cup of joe, civilized conversation.” Toby repeated his same phase from earlier. “If they would have listened to me, this wouldn’t have resulted in a fight. I know things, you know.”
Thank you for reading!
Likes are sweet, reblogs are awesome, but getting feedback is the best!
Chapter 2: Coming soon!
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daylighteclipsed · 8 years
What hogwarts house would you sort the trollhunters characters into?
okay so first im gonna sort based on the WHY (why the character does something)/ HOW (how the character does something) in relation to the Houses, and then bold the House I’d put them in if I had to pick one
Blinky: Ravenclaw/Ravenclaw
Arrrgh: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Toby: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Claire: Slytherin who relies on some System when her people are fine; I can’t decide which System, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor/Gryffindor
Jim: Slytherin who relies on a Hufflepuff System when his people are fine/Hufflepuff
Strickler: Slytherin/Slytherin
mostly brief explanations under the cut
> I don’t think I need to explain Blinky. He values knowledge and learning and goes about this through research from both books and experiences (as we witness during Blinky’s Day Off). He likes to have a plan. Likes to strategize. All very Ravenclaw in both Why and How.
> Strickler’s pretty self-explanatory too. I could’ve argued him as a Gryffindor Primary if he was interested in the Janus Order because he felt like it was the right thing to do after the changelings have been treated badly all these years, but nope he only wanted to be the king of the new world and has to keep his own interests in mind and really only cares about Barbara. I’ve no choice but Slytherin for his Primary. And then for his Secondary he’s (quite literally) a shifty cunning little shit. I hate cliches, but he’s Slytherin all the way, man.
> Arrrgh and Toby are both Hufflepuff Primaries and Gryffindor Secondaries. They both value loyalty, kindness, fairness, living things. Arrrgh’s literally a pacifist, and Toby was the one to see the good and worth in Gnome Chompsky. He couldn’t kill him. Didn’t want to, and grows attached to him (and Arrrgh) very quickly. Arrrgh chooses to stay with his family (and die for them) instead of saving himself. Toby is the loyalest friend, sticking by Jim’s side through Hell or high water, doing his best to keep Jim sane and happy throughout everything. Toby throws himself into the team and defines himself by it, really wanting to be seen as a valued member. Arrrgh and Toby have fiery Secondaries (especially Toby) both charging into any situation with passion and enthusiasm. Their shared Primaries and Secondaries are probably why they get along so well and form such a close bond so quickly. Overall I think they’d both fit best in Hufflepuff House over Gryffindor, but I can see Gryffindor too.
> Claire and Jim gave me the most trouble. Claire seems to be a Slytherin Primary with her main motivation being to save her little brother at any cost, even if it means risking unleashing Gunmar. We haven’t seen much of what she’s like before her bro’s taken, so its hard to say what system she usually relies on when her people are fine. I think she tends to live in a Gryffindor system because I don’t think she values knowledge and learning more than people. Sure, she’s good at school, but I think its more cause her parents expect her to maintain good grades rather than her actually having a passion for knowledge and learning. She could be Modeling Ravenclaw, but its not her actual Primary’s system. As such, right now I lean more toward a Gryffindor system for her, but that might change in time. 
Claire could also have a Ravenclaw Secondary with her immediate reaction to realizing she could save her brother being to research, to read the books and learn the language and just be familiar with everything, but it’s done with such an aggressive, reckless fire…I think Claire’s more of a charger and improviser rather than a planner, which is why I say Gryffindor suits her Secondary best. She’s a natural warrior. Overall I think she’d fit best in Gryffindor House. I can easily see her being one of the few kids that braves asking the Sorting Hat to put her in Gryffindor (and little Jim and Toby are just staring, in awe of her bravery and confidence, from the moment she sits down to the moment she steps off the stool grinning like crazy.)
> Jim…My bf and I went in circles trying to figure Jim out and as a result he’s gonna have the longest explanation here. Luke has lovingly dubbed Jim a Slytherpuffdor. For now I’ve decided he’s a Slytherin Primary like Claire because he has that fierce personal loyalty (its even more obvious than Claire’s), but he lives in a Hufflepuff system when his people are fine.
Jim values like every aspect of Hufflepuff: the loyalty, patience, dedication, justice, fair play, you name it. He’s completely selfless for his mother, whom he loves more than anything. He’d do anything for Toby. He’s devoted to Claire. He’d risk his life for Blinky and Draal and Arrrgh. He’s usually willing to help anyone really. He’s warm and kind and honestly such a good kid. On the surface he seems so Hufflepuff it hurts (and I really do think he belongs in Hufflepuff), but that Hufflepuff-ness falls away when his people are in danger, which is why it’s not his actual Primary.
When NotEnrique is being held down roughly by Blinky, Jim’s like ‘hey take it easy’ until NotEnrique says Claire’s in danger. Then Jim does a total 180 in a second, slamming the changeling back down on the table yelling “They’re after Claire?!”, and rushes after Claire alone, forgetting about everything else. The first time Jim breaks his personal ‘no killing’ rule is when Toby, Blinky, and Arrrgh are being attacked by the changeling in the dentist office. I thought it was when Jim killed Bular, but no it was here and Jim doesn’t hesitate, running the changeling through with his sword instead of trying to disarm her or pin her down or anything, because all he’s really thinking about is protecting his friends. Jim’s fully ready to kill Strickler for even touching his mother until Strickler mentions how he and Barbara are bound together. Only then does Jim halt but even then his sword shakes in rage for a few good seconds. That fierce personal loyalty emerges so brilliantly. Not because its the right thing to do, but because they’re his family and friends, his people.
It’s his downfall. His enemies know it. The Elder Trollhunters know it and constantly worry about it. All the past Trollhunters were able to put aside their personal connections to do their job, but Jim can’t. He can’t let his people go and they influence everything he does, and the Elders are terrified Jim will get himself, his friends, or many others killed because of it. Even at the end of the season, Jim only decides to “work alone” because he doesn’t want to lose any more of his people. Im also pretty sure the only reason Jim starts to see Strickler in a new light is because Strickler helped save Jim’s mom. I think the only way you could start to earn Jim’s trust back after losing it is by showing you care for his person(s) as much as he does. All of which is very Slytherin personal loyalty.
But Jim’s a Hufflepuff Secondary, preferring to toil and use what he’s learned from his hard work rather than blindly charge or improvise. He’s capable of improvising–probably even developing a Gryffindor Model to keep himself and others alive in a fight–but I don’t think that’s what he prefers. He doesn’t have the natural fire Toby and Claire have. He’s more steady and patient and earthy, for lack of a better term. He’s humble. Unconcerned with self accomplishment. Overall, I say Jim would fit best in Hufflepuff. He has a Slytherin’s personal loyalty, but that’s about it. Even if the Sorting Hat were to consider putting him in Slytherin, Jim would pull a Harry and beg not to be put there, so he’d end up with Toby in Hufflepuff. They’d be best Puff bros.
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 28 Skullcrusher
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What good name for an episode of a show that’s suppose to be for kids.
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“Where am i?” First thing to ask.
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“Blinky thinks you’re dead”
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“These books are all that i have left of him”
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“If he were here to see me now…”
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“If he knew what you were doing”
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Claire the Eavesdropper strikes again.
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“The edict has already been made”
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“Killahead Bridge will never be found again” But that’s what they did the last time and the changelings still found all the pieces. I doubt sinking them to the bottom of the ocean will stop them.
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“He’s actually asleep in your arms?”
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“Are you sure this is our child?” Yes, that is your child.
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“You’ll get him back, sis”
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“Uh, i mean, uh”
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“Spongeface” Cause we can’t say Spongebob.
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“Did you bring what i asked?”
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“Never told me the storage tombs were infested with scorch beetles”
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Scorch Beetles makes fart sounds.
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“It was created by the ancient guild of changeling spies”
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“As old as they are mysterious”
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“If you’re fortunate enough to find a member”
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“you’ll unfortunately find”
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“Where you walk, footsteps disappear”
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“They are the Janus Order” But hey they’re not that much of a threat after next episode for... reasons. Stupid reasons.
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“If the cure for Aaarrrgghh lies with the Janus Order”
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“It may as well lie with your...”
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“Easter Bunny” Or Santa Claus.
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“Need i remind you, after yesterday’s incident”
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“The Tribunal has you three on my- Wait. One, two. One, two. One, two. One, two. You two and the human girl on my strict probation”
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“Come on, T.P, we gotta get to class”
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“Oh, i don’t like it” It could mean Toilet Paper.
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“And now, to find the Easter Bunny” Good luck with that.
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“Attention, students and faculty”
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“The “Save Jim” bake sale was a massive success”
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“Together, we will find a cure for this rare and sudden disease” It’s not the Coronavirus that’s for sure.
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“Save Jim?”
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“What a load of crock!” What an odd to say crap.
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“Let him go, Steve”
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“Go back to the 80′s where bullies belong” Back when bullies was seen as cool.
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“Besides, no one cares about your stupid dance crown”
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“Everybody bows to the king!”
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“No, we don’t. And your hat’s dumb” Savage.
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“I wish i could punch him in his perfectly-chiseled face” That’s gay.
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“Did you bring Jim’s homework?”
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“Yeah. It’s right here”
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“Oh, no!”
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“Oh, man!”
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“Guess i missed a scorch beetle” Should’ve checked your bag after leaving the storage tombs.
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“What about school?”
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“Fuck school”
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“You shouldn’t have come”
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“What? Who’s there?”
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“You will die here” “There’s something familiar about your voice. Mary Wang? What are you doing in the Darklands?” “I am not Mary Wang!”
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“What’s with the bag?” Better question is: Where did they get the bag?
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“You think this is secluded enough?”
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“For a magic bridge?”
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“This far out, we could hide a few dead bodies” How to Get Away With Murder.
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“Making portals is exhausting”
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“And i don’t know how many i’ve got in me”
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“You’re turning pro with that magic shadow stick”
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“Well, it’s powered by emotions. Like how Akumas are powered”
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This is my sister when the light is in her face.
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“Where are we?”
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“All’s i could make out was someone saying “Starboard” or “Captain” and they all began to talk like sailors”
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“Smells like dirt” And water is wet.
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“Oh, it’s been so long since i seen you, Plankton” “My name is not Plankton. It’s Jim” “Silent Plankton! I know why you’re here. You’re here to steal the Gummy Patty secret formula! I will never hand it over to you!” “What is he talking about?”
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“Tell me, Trollhunter...”
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“What should a father do”
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”to the one who murdered his only son?”
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“Oh, no”
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“And there goes that move”
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“Go back to the Chum Bucket where you belong, Plankton!”
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“What is”
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“Nougat Nummy? Is this some candy that Plankton made?”
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“They thought Killahead could stop me”
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“This cage has only hardened me!”
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“When i bring forth the Eternal Night”
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“Trolls will take back the surface lands”
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“and claim what is rightfully ours!” The Eternal Night.
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“I knew you’d get us killed!”
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“You wanna know the truth?”
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“About to die, anyway”
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“I decided to stick around”
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“cause you’re a pushover”
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“I can do whatever i want”
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“and you’re too weak to stop me!”
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“Excuse me?”
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“How dare you!”
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“I use your toothbrush to clean me ears”
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“I steal cash from your purse”
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“And you know your lucky Papa Skulls jacket?”
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“I like to call that my snot rag!”
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“Ugh! Why, you...”
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“you baby genius!”
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“Wait a minute”
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“You didn’t really do that stuff, right?”
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”don’t use your toothbrush” That’s a maybe.
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“How the heck are you so heavy? I mean Claire could pick you up. Everyone can pick you up. Except Eli” “That’s true” “Eli, when did you get here?”
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“You leave Jim alone!”
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“He just ran off and left you”
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“What kind of friend is that”
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“Shut up! He’s coming back! I know he’s coming back!”
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“You’re worthless”
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“You’re wrong!”
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“I’m not worthless!”
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“I’m gonna get Jim back!”
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“He’s not worth it, Tobes”
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“You know what?”
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“Claire’s right”
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“You’re not worth it”
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“Steve, have you ever heard the expression”
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“heads up?”
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“Oh, it worked!”
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“Ah, thank you, Miss Janeth!” Indeed Toby.
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You learned from the best.
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“What emotion did you use to get us out of that tin can?”
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“Look at me, big eyes”
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“Dig deep. Maybe anger isn’t your thing”
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“Maybe you gotta find somethin stronger inside”
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“I was afraid...”
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“I lost you”
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“Hey/ Hey, come on, kid, wake up”
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“What? Where?”
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“No, i...”
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“I was in the woods”
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“And Jim was Toby. And Toby was Jim”
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“And the sky opened up! And there was a great flood”
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“And i was king of the ocean”
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“I was king of the ocean”
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“I got proof!”
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“Who’s king now?”
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“Boom! Ha-ha!”
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“What? No, no, no! That’s not-” “Yeah”
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“Someone’s had one too many juice boxes” “What?”
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“I’m taking you in. We’re calling your parents”
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“No! I’m telling the truth! There’s someone in the woods! I can take you there!”
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“Come on!”
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Steve has had one too many “juice boxes”
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Although the episode is called “Skullcrusher” the episode itself isn’t even focused on Gunmar.
Oh, well. Let’s go steal cars like in Grand Theft Auto.
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 25 A Night to Remember (Part 1)
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Yeah well, i really don’t remember any nights.
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“We need help! Please!”
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“Humans in Trollmarket?”
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“What’s going on?” “Fleshbags”
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“What are they doing here?” “I don’t trust him”
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“They don’t belong here”
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“Where are we...?” That’s a long story. You see-
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“JIM!” Oh, hey you guys finally decided to show up even though Toby was looking for the Horngazel.
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“A changeling!”
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“Let’s crush it!” How did they know Strickler’s a changeling? For all they know Strickler is a human.
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“Quickly! Bring them both to the examination dwell”
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Please be gentle.
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“You’re going to be okay, Barbara“
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“Mr. Blinky?”
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How long have they been waiting? Also Toby, Claire, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh are in the same spot while Jim isn’t. You mean to tell me they stood at those spots for possibly hours?
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“We’ll have to be careful”
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“That crazy psychopath will be there”
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“Oh! I forgot about Angor Rot!”
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“No, Coach Lawrence!”
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“It’s the Spring Fling Dance and he’s gonna be roaming the halls” Wait hold up. Episode 22 and 23 are the same day, while episode 24 was the next day. So does that mean that the beginning of this episode was still the same day and that Jim Toby and Claire likely skipped school? That means they stayed the entire day cause by the time Toby and Claire leaves it’s night and Spring Fling already started.
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“The Spring Fling, it’s tonight”
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”I forgot”
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“Your mom’s life is more important than a stupid dance”
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“I know”
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“i was looking forward to our stupid dance”
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“Me, too” Jim and Claire would’ve won Stupid Couple Dance.
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“Haven’t i redeemed myself?”
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“The humans have a saying”
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“I would describe as accurate”
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“NOT EVEN CLOSE!” Me, at Kylo Ren
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Wait Toby went in the portal first.
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But Claire came out first?
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You understood that?
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“Let’s make it quick, huh?”
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“I’m not a fan of this room” Wonder why.
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Oh, yeah.
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“What’s going on in here?”
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“Oh. I know what this is”
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“You two lovebirds sneaking around”
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”playing “romper room” unsupervised!”
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“Us?” “Yeah”
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“No way” “No. After all, Claire’s saving herself for Jim. OW!”
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”When you and your friends said you were going camping...”
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“We were getting a Triumbric stone from a place called Gatto’s Keep”
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“And when Steve crashed his Vespa?”
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“Um... vulture troll”
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“And your guidance counselor?”
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“He does give me a lot of guidance”
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“I should’ve told you sooner”
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“Maybe none of this would have ever happened”
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“You’re suppose to be able to tell me anything”
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“Whatever is happening, whatever it is you’re afraid to say”
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“I want you to tell me, face to face”
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“Believe it or not, there was a time when you used to share everything with me”
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“I never should have lied to you”
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“What do you mean”
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“you won’t undo the binding spell?”
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“I thought you cared about my mother!”
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“I do”
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“Much to my surprise”
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“and quite deeply”
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“In fact, i might even love-”
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“Do not finish that sentence!” Jim would’ve killed him on the spot if it weren’t for the binding spell.
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“You see my predicament, Young Atlas”
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“I have my own interests to consider here”
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“What interests?”
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“The spell has been the only thing keeping you from harming me, for one”
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“I won’t harm you”
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“I promise”
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“And what of your troll friends?”
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“They have no love for me”
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“As my present confinement demonstrates”
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“What’s to stop you from throwing me to the wolves the second my connection with your mother is severed?” He does have a point.
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“I have an ace in the hole i was saving for swim class”
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10/10 acting.
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“Back up, everyone”
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“I know CPR”
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“No! No, no, no, No!”
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“No, no!”
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“Remind me never to choke”
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“What are you waiting for?”
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“Okay, take it! Take it!”
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“Take your medical thing! Whatever! Okay!”
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’Whatever it is, i don’t know!”
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“You’re going to be just fine, Toby” And Toby stopped thinking.
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“Come on, hurry! Angor Rot could be anywhere by now!”
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“I’m trying!”
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“What do you think i’m doing?”
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“Talking to me!” No one can concentrate when someone talks to them.
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“The weak human thinks she has the will”
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“to power the Skathe-Hrun” “The Gronk-Nuks Hitter” “THAT’S NOT WHAT IT’S CALLED!”
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“A staff of such power is not meant”
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“to be wielded by man!”
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“I am not a man” OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!
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“Eat brick”
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”Hamburger face!”
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“When i’m finished with the girl”
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“I’m coming for you-”
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“Rule number 3″ Always kick them in the gronk-nuks.
To be continued.
Part 2
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 8 Adventures in Trollsitting
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Hey, this one is actually short for once.
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Suddenly first person view.
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“Chaka, chaka, chaka, chaka” Goblins are the best babysitters.
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“Can you imagine me going down the road on that?”
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“Wind whipping through my hair”
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“Claire holding tight to my back”
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“Me, cruising in the sidecar next to ya” Question: Are there any fanarts of that? If there are no fanarts, then i’m disappointed in this fandom.
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“What are the chances of your mom getting you one for your birthday?” “My birthday is next episode, Tobes”
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“It’s a goblin, with a baby!”
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“Come on, Jim! It’s just a bird! Or a plane! Oh it is a goblin with a baby. It’s a goblin with a baby!”
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“And, in order for a changeling to maintain it’s appearance in our world, no harm must come to the human child in theirs”
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“I assure you, there is no safer place for a baby to be than the bowels of the Darklands nursery”
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“Oh great, that means Gunmar is watching them. Gunmar the Black? More like Gunmar the Babysitter”
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“Got him!”
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“I told you i’d fall. Plus, i can’t go down there” “Yet” “Yet?”
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“As Jim has Draal now to protect his home”
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“Tobias, you will now have Aaarrrgghh to protect yours”
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“Really? For real? We’re gonna be roomies?
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“Yeah! High-five, big guy!”
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“We said we were sorry”
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“I am going to find out who it belongs to, and when i do i’m going to find the parents and punch them in the face for letting their baby get taken so easy. And if there’s an older sibling that’s my age, i’m punching them too. That stupid family that let thei-”
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“You have Suzy Snooze?”
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“My brother’s bunny! I’ve been looking all over for him” “So you still gonna...” “Shut up, Toby”
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“I, like, live in their shirt every day!” You’re in a cartoon, you’re suppose to wear the same thing every day.
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“Sorry, but Dean finally asked me to a movie”
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“And then Hank invited me to ice cream!”
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“Do you believe this?”
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“I know. Mary Wang’s a player” Important facts.
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“Claire, i can babysit!”
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“Wait, have you ever babysat before?”
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“Uh, yeah” And he said “Yeah” you know, like Lila.
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“Nana, i’m home!”
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“It’s your Toby-Pie!”
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“I have a giant troll with me!”
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And they’re safe.
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“Ladies love the floating ball” That’s what she said.
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Sonic the Gnome 2006
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“I guess i was just excited to have a roomie, you know?”
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“It’s just been me and Nana here for a while”
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*Cries in Troll*
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“Jim, put the horseshoe away” “Right”
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“You’re not the only one hiding a secret” “Secret? What secret? I’m not hiding an secret! No not me. No secret about me being the Trollhunter and your brother is a changeling” “You are lucky you’re cute” “What?” “Nothing”
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“So, if your secret is eating babies, now is the time to tell me” Jim the Baby-Eater.
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“Sheesh-kebab” What an odd way to say shit.
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“Steve the fuck are you doing here?” “I’m here to babysit!” “I’m the babysitter!” “I thought i was babysitting?” “Steve i would not trust you with a baby” “Hey! I could be a good dad! You two are lame anyway. You guys don’t know what i had to go through in 3Below!”
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“Yeah? Well why don’t you tell Aja! She’ll love to hear it!” “...” “Jim, We’re not at that part yet” “Oh... Uh. I’m gonna go and move forward with the plot, and shove my hand in a bin of used diapers. Okay, bye!”
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Suddenly blood.
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“Kill them all, kill them all”
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“Kill them all!”
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“Kill them all!”
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I don’t know about you guys. But this terrified me a lot (It still does)
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“Wow. When you get into a game, man, you really”
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“Um... commit” I sometimes throw my controllers, but i never smash them.
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“You hid the horseshoe in the diaper bin, didn’t you?”
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“Because you’re just a normal baby, and that’s what normal babies do”
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“Ooh, doggy! Oh, It is really packed”
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And you just did that for nothing.
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“Go away. We’re closed”
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“You haven’t closed your apothecary since the wart outbreak of 1982!” Wart outbreak? Was that the trolls version of Covid?
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Suddenly a cat.
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‘Are you not babysitting?”
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“Well, i’m not saying i’m good at it”
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“I don’t understand how the baby could elude you if you were rightfully sitting on him” Babies can’t elude you, if you’re sitting on them.
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“Do you see this? The little poop-bag locked us out!” What an odd to say shit-bag.
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“I feel a disturbance in the Force. Like someone is breaking into my room” “Who cares about you?” “Steve, go back to drinking your milkshake”
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“This is what a girl’s lips taste like!” Toby that “Girl’s lips” you tasted is Claire’s. So you kinda kissed Claire. Wait then that means the next time Claire uses that lipstick, she’s kissing Toby. Toby and Claire’s first kiss was with each other. Sorry Jim.
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“You’re freaking him out!” “He is freaking me out! Why are you gaslighting this!?” “I am not! I’m just expressing poor denial at the idea that an evil creature would take sweet, helpless babies from their families and replace them” “I- I’m sorry, Tobes. I had no idea this was hurting you on the inside” “No. I’m sorry for gaslighting this” “Come here Tobes. Let all out”
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“All right, come to daddy” That’s what she said.
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“That is not Enrique!”
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“That is not Enrique!”
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‘That is not Enrique!” And, for some reason, that’s his name.
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“No, hey!”
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“You’re a very bad baby!”
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“My word!” What are you reading?
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“Stay hidden”
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“I mean, lie low”
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“Lie low” Yeah, no one will see him.
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“Ooh, cake!” Priority straight.
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“Oh, hey, Claire! How’s the concert?” “We never went to the concert” “Why? What happened?” “Remember what you told Steve? Let’s just say he’s been a mess after that. We’re at a McDonald’s right now” “Really? Can you get me a milkshake from there?” “Sorry, but they’re out” “Of course they are. McDonald’s never has milkshakes” “That, and Steve has been ordering those all night. He’s on his fifth one right now” “I never wanted to be in this play! Tell Jim, to take his part back! I don’t want it!” “I can get you French Fries instead. Does that sound good?” “Deal!”
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“Oh, yeah. One other thing, my parents are on their way home” “What? I thought they weren’t coming back till late late!” “Jim, you should know by now, when they say “Be home late late” it means they’ll be home early” “God, i hate when that happens!”
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New meme template.
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“Need help”
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“But we are helping them by not helping” The best way to be helpful.
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“Can’t you see? By coddling a pupil, we’re only stunting-”
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“Aaarrrgghh, remove this door immediately!” Now it’s personal.
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“Where’s the bridge?”
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“What bridge? London Bridge?”
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“I hear it’s falling down” My fair lady.
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“Oh, no, someone’s home!”
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“I suggest we make our egress”
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“Agreste? Adrien Agreste?”
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And this will never be let down for as long as Jim lives- Oh wait.
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“Fudgeknuckle” What an odd way to say crap.
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“Jim, your French Fries are in the front room” “Thank you! Why are they cold?” “Cause i walked home” “Why did you walked home? Where was Steve?” “Steve got tired, and said “Screw you, i’m going to Eli’s! At least he understands me!” and left” “Why didn’t you use the Shadow Staff?” “I thought that too, but then i remembered “Wait this is the first half of season 1″ and then i began walking home”
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That’s a lot of babies.
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So “Best” babysitter. Jim or Marinette? You decide.
And now, it’s time for a birthday.
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
A Doctor and Museum Director
I wrote and posted a story on AO3! I want to write a little Barbmura story. If only there wasn’t a certain changeling already in a relationship with Barbara. 
Barbara sat in a tense silence in her home. She had one of the changeling familiars in her arms. She vaguely remembered how little sleep she had gotten when Jim was a baby. And that was one child. She had dozens. The babies all needed care, and she had to try and vet the people who were coming to adopt them. She sighed deeply as she finished feeding the one in her arms.
She set the snoozing infant into it’s crib and grabbed the next one. She reached for the next bottle and came up empty. “Walter! Do you have the rest of the bottles ready?” she called as softly as she was able. He came in soon after with a tray of bottles. In his troll form, that was now his permanent form, he had to duck under the door frame or risk knocking his horns against it.
He set the tray of bottles on the counter besides her and took one as he scooped up another infant. They sat in silence each feeding one of the familiars. The tray had a built in warmer that kept the bottles at the proper temperature.
The tension between the two of them was as thick as a troll’s hide. He was resolutely avoiding eye contact with her while he took care of the baby in his arms. However in troll form his face was very expressive, she could tell he was angry even though he wouldn’t look at her. She mentally sighed.
“Are we just not going to talk any more Walt?” She asked him. He flinched a little when she spoke.
“I don’t know what else to say Barbara.” His voice was closed off, even if his face wasn’t.
“I just want the truth Walter.”
“Why does it matter?”
“WHY-” The word came out as a shout, but she stopped herself. “Why would I want the truth of how many times you tried to kill me or have me killed? Or how many times you tried to do so to my son?”
“That’s in the past Barbara. I’m a different person now.”
“Do you have any idea how incredibly awkward that conversation was with my son? ‘I can’t get a straight answer out of Walter, how many times did try to kill you?’” She mimicked the conversation she had with Jim just a few hours ago. “Do you think I wanted him to know that I didn’t think the number was as high as it was?”
She glared daggers at him while he continued to avoid looking at her. “And when I do get an answer from you, it’s a lie often as not. You have to be honest with me.”
The baby in her arms had finished feeding. Once she burped it, she set it down in the crib. Before she could take care of another of the babies there was a knock at the door. Walter still refused to say anything to her. She sighed again and walked out of the room towards the door. She was a little worried that who ever was at the door was a potential parent. She preferred to meet the possible adoptive parents when her hair wasn’t all over the place and when she wasn’t fighting with her boyfriend.
Still she fixed a smile and opened her front door. She gasped as before her was not a potential parent, but a tall pink troll, with green eyes and long black hair all the way down her back. Over her shoulders were the handles of two weapons. Barbara reacted on instinct flipping a knife from its hiding spot next to the door into a fighting position. The knife was treated with Creepers Sun, in the event someone targeted the mother of the Trollhunter.  
When the troll made no move Barbara was about to call to Walter, when she recognized the troll. “Ms. Nomura?”
“Good instincts.” The former changeling smiled. “And is that Creeper’s Sun I spy on that blade? I’m glad to see you are taking the proper precautions, to protect yourself and the familiars. May I come in? And please, call me Zelda.”
“Oh of course.” Barbara somewhat sheepishly returned the knife to its position. She was a little embarrassed that she almost swung at someone who had fought alongside her son during the Eternal Night. After the knife was securely hidden again, Barbara stepped back and gestured to welcome Zelda in, she had never known the changeling���s first name. “What brings you back to Arcadia, Zelda? Is everything ok with Jim?”
“Jim is fine, he and Trollmarket are continuing their journey to the New Jersey Heartstone.” As she walked in, the tall changeling seemed to be inspecting the house. She checked the doors as she swung them shut, the curtains, even underneath one of the tables. “And it is at Little Gynt’s request that I am back in Arcadia. He wanted me to make sure you were unharmed.”
“I’m fine. I guess that neither of us can really stop worrying about the other, can we?” Barbara said with a light laugh. The laugh chilled as Walter entered the room, a feeding baby in his arms.
“Barbara dear, I heard voices-” He stopped at the sight of Nomura. On instinct the hand not holding the infant rose to his collar, and the collection of knives there. “Nomura. What are you doing here?”
“Oh Stricklander, I’m just ensuring the health and safety of the Trollhunter’s mother, at the express wish of that same Trollhunter.” She smiled widely at him, her smile for him was less friendly than the one for Barbara.
“I’m sure you two wish to catch up.” Barbara said, removing the baby from his hands. “Mr. Strickler I will be able to take this one from here.”
Walter stiffened at how formal she said that. “Thank you Dr. Lake.”
Nomura grinned at him, as she watched Barbara leave the room. After the other woman had lightly closed the door to the nursery, Nomura’s grin grew even wider.
“What’s wrong Stricklander? Trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up Nomura.”
“Really, what happened? You two were so close before, real love bird stuff.”
Strickler growled at her, his eyes flashing. “What’s it to you? Why do you care about our relationship?”
Nomura looked nonplussed by his growls, though she did drop her grin. “I care because, on my way back here after leaving the trolls, I received a phone call from the Trollhunter. He specifically asked me to check in on his mother. To make sure she was safe. To make sure you hadn’t harmed her.”
“Young Atlas did not think I would harm her.” His voice betrayed how much the thought hurt him.
“If only Little Gynt had some reason to mistrust you and fear for her.” Her smile returned in force. “Such as a sudden call from his mom asking him exactly how many times you tried to kill the two of them. And especially if that call ended with Barbara ballistically angry at catching you in another lie.”
A chill swept up Walter’s back, there was no doubt how such a call could be interpreted by his one time student. “That conversation was only this afternoon! There’s no way you could have made it from their location back to Arcadia in that time.”
She waved her cellphone in his face. “Phone’s exist you cretinous dullard. Believe it or not I didn’t leave the rest of Trollmarket and the chance to rejoin my kind just to check in on your love life.”
He merely looked his question at her. “I left because the wizard is a sexist, racist bigot and could not take one more day of his snide comments. I don’t know what he hated about me more, that I was woman, that I was Japanese, or that I was a changeling. Each seemed to be an unforgivable offense to him. There’s no way of knowing how he would have reacted if I told him I loved women instead of males. I don’t know how the girl, Claire continues to tolerate him.”
Nomura raised her fist to angerly smash some of Barbara’s decorations, but restrained herself. “I was on my way back here to pick up some of my belongings that I had stashed here, before continuing on to my next location. I received a very worried call from ‘Young Atlas’ with concerns about what you two might be up to here.”
Strickler put his head in his hands and sighed deeply. Of course his favoured pupil would react to the call and assume he had returned to his previous ways. He doubted there was any way to assuage Jim’s fears, but he would have to call the boy soon. He turned and looked at Nomura.
“We had an argument. Barbara is upset about me lying…” He stopped as Nomura started to snore loudly. As soon he stopped speaking she opened her eyes and glared at him.
“I’m not here to listen your relationship problems! I’m just here to make sure you are not going to try to hurt her again! If you want to talk about your problems, call a shrink.”
His body shook with his rage. He coldly said to her, “I have no intention of allowing any harm to come to Barbara Lake.”
“Well you know what they say about intentions, sometimes things just don’t work out the way we want.” She gave him a cruel smile, then returned to the door. “But I’ll call the Trollhunter and pass this on to him. If you’re lucky he won’t have Aaarrrgghh and wittle Toby-Pie over here checking in on you every day.”
Strickler tried to get in the last word, but Nomura was already outside, closing the door softly so as not to disturb the infants. He glared at the door for a few moments, before sighing and returning to the Nursery to help care for the familiars.
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