#i bet jim gets a lot of his puff from barbara
daylighteclipsed · 8 years
What hogwarts house would you sort the trollhunters characters into?
okay so first im gonna sort based on the WHY (why the character does something)/ HOW (how the character does something) in relation to the Houses, and then bold the House I’d put them in if I had to pick one
Blinky: Ravenclaw/Ravenclaw
Arrrgh: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Toby: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Claire: Slytherin who relies on some System when her people are fine; I can’t decide which System, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor/Gryffindor
Jim: Slytherin who relies on a Hufflepuff System when his people are fine/Hufflepuff
Strickler: Slytherin/Slytherin
mostly brief explanations under the cut
> I don’t think I need to explain Blinky. He values knowledge and learning and goes about this through research from both books and experiences (as we witness during Blinky’s Day Off). He likes to have a plan. Likes to strategize. All very Ravenclaw in both Why and How.
> Strickler’s pretty self-explanatory too. I could’ve argued him as a Gryffindor Primary if he was interested in the Janus Order because he felt like it was the right thing to do after the changelings have been treated badly all these years, but nope he only wanted to be the king of the new world and has to keep his own interests in mind and really only cares about Barbara. I’ve no choice but Slytherin for his Primary. And then for his Secondary he’s (quite literally) a shifty cunning little shit. I hate cliches, but he’s Slytherin all the way, man.
> Arrrgh and Toby are both Hufflepuff Primaries and Gryffindor Secondaries. They both value loyalty, kindness, fairness, living things. Arrrgh’s literally a pacifist, and Toby was the one to see the good and worth in Gnome Chompsky. He couldn’t kill him. Didn’t want to, and grows attached to him (and Arrrgh) very quickly. Arrrgh chooses to stay with his family (and die for them) instead of saving himself. Toby is the loyalest friend, sticking by Jim’s side through Hell or high water, doing his best to keep Jim sane and happy throughout everything. Toby throws himself into the team and defines himself by it, really wanting to be seen as a valued member. Arrrgh and Toby have fiery Secondaries (especially Toby) both charging into any situation with passion and enthusiasm. Their shared Primaries and Secondaries are probably why they get along so well and form such a close bond so quickly. Overall I think they’d both fit best in Hufflepuff House over Gryffindor, but I can see Gryffindor too.
> Claire and Jim gave me the most trouble. Claire seems to be a Slytherin Primary with her main motivation being to save her little brother at any cost, even if it means risking unleashing Gunmar. We haven’t seen much of what she’s like before her bro’s taken, so its hard to say what system she usually relies on when her people are fine. I think she tends to live in a Gryffindor system because I don’t think she values knowledge and learning more than people. Sure, she’s good at school, but I think its more cause her parents expect her to maintain good grades rather than her actually having a passion for knowledge and learning. She could be Modeling Ravenclaw, but its not her actual Primary’s system. As such, right now I lean more toward a Gryffindor system for her, but that might change in time. 
Claire could also have a Ravenclaw Secondary with her immediate reaction to realizing she could save her brother being to research, to read the books and learn the language and just be familiar with everything, but it’s done with such an aggressive, reckless fire…I think Claire’s more of a charger and improviser rather than a planner, which is why I say Gryffindor suits her Secondary best. She’s a natural warrior. Overall I think she’d fit best in Gryffindor House. I can easily see her being one of the few kids that braves asking the Sorting Hat to put her in Gryffindor (and little Jim and Toby are just staring, in awe of her bravery and confidence, from the moment she sits down to the moment she steps off the stool grinning like crazy.)
> Jim…My bf and I went in circles trying to figure Jim out and as a result he’s gonna have the longest explanation here. Luke has lovingly dubbed Jim a Slytherpuffdor. For now I’ve decided he’s a Slytherin Primary like Claire because he has that fierce personal loyalty (its even more obvious than Claire’s), but he lives in a Hufflepuff system when his people are fine.
Jim values like every aspect of Hufflepuff: the loyalty, patience, dedication, justice, fair play, you name it. He’s completely selfless for his mother, whom he loves more than anything. He’d do anything for Toby. He’s devoted to Claire. He’d risk his life for Blinky and Draal and Arrrgh. He’s usually willing to help anyone really. He’s warm and kind and honestly such a good kid. On the surface he seems so Hufflepuff it hurts (and I really do think he belongs in Hufflepuff), but that Hufflepuff-ness falls away when his people are in danger, which is why it’s not his actual Primary.
When NotEnrique is being held down roughly by Blinky, Jim’s like ‘hey take it easy’ until NotEnrique says Claire’s in danger. Then Jim does a total 180 in a second, slamming the changeling back down on the table yelling “They’re after Claire?!”, and rushes after Claire alone, forgetting about everything else. The first time Jim breaks his personal ‘no killing’ rule is when Toby, Blinky, and Arrrgh are being attacked by the changeling in the dentist office. I thought it was when Jim killed Bular, but no it was here and Jim doesn’t hesitate, running the changeling through with his sword instead of trying to disarm her or pin her down or anything, because all he’s really thinking about is protecting his friends. Jim’s fully ready to kill Strickler for even touching his mother until Strickler mentions how he and Barbara are bound together. Only then does Jim halt but even then his sword shakes in rage for a few good seconds. That fierce personal loyalty emerges so brilliantly. Not because its the right thing to do, but because they’re his family and friends, his people.
It’s his downfall. His enemies know it. The Elder Trollhunters know it and constantly worry about it. All the past Trollhunters were able to put aside their personal connections to do their job, but Jim can’t. He can’t let his people go and they influence everything he does, and the Elders are terrified Jim will get himself, his friends, or many others killed because of it. Even at the end of the season, Jim only decides to “work alone” because he doesn’t want to lose any more of his people. Im also pretty sure the only reason Jim starts to see Strickler in a new light is because Strickler helped save Jim’s mom. I think the only way you could start to earn Jim’s trust back after losing it is by showing you care for his person(s) as much as he does. All of which is very Slytherin personal loyalty.
But Jim’s a Hufflepuff Secondary, preferring to toil and use what he’s learned from his hard work rather than blindly charge or improvise. He’s capable of improvising–probably even developing a Gryffindor Model to keep himself and others alive in a fight–but I don’t think that’s what he prefers. He doesn’t have the natural fire Toby and Claire have. He’s more steady and patient and earthy, for lack of a better term. He’s humble. Unconcerned with self accomplishment. Overall, I say Jim would fit best in Hufflepuff. He has a Slytherin’s personal loyalty, but that’s about it. Even if the Sorting Hat were to consider putting him in Slytherin, Jim would pull a Harry and beg not to be put there, so he’d end up with Toby in Hufflepuff. They’d be best Puff bros.
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