#( victory stands on the back of sacrifice | lexa )
butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Do you have any unpopular opinions about Clexa that you feel haven’t been well received in the fandom
Mine is that Lexa died at the right time, but only cos more screentime for her would’ve given the rotten one more time to screw up her character like they did with the rest of them
Ehhh idk. I do absolutely agree that it very well might've been a fucked up blessing in disguise considering just how unbelievably bad the writing on the show got and how terribly they skewed damn near everyone's characterization to fit plotlines that ended up being nonsense to the point they were almost unrecognizable, but I'll never be able to say flat out her death is something I support (which I know technically isn't really what you're saying either but ya know. I just can't). They could've done other things is my main point. But yeah, I get it.
Idk really if my opinions are unpopular tbh. I mean pm every meta post I've put up has gotten decent notes so I feel like the majority agree with me on a lot of things, or at least partially do 🤷‍♀️
Something tho that has always been A Thing in my mind is Lexa taking the deal with the mountain men. I was just talking about it the other week in the writer's discord and every time I think about it, it pisses me off because that literally made zero fucking sense from Lexa's pov.
She knew the MM were harvesting the skairats marrow. She knew the marrow made them able to walk freely in the world. She knew that the MM had no desire for any kind of longstanding peace with her people/the clans and that their ultimate goal was eradicating them. So whyyyyy in the goddamn fuck would she have ever entertained the notion of trading the MM the very weapon they needed - skairat hostages - to save a few hundred of her people??? When she would've known that the inevitable outcome would be eventual full on war on her own land with the MM and their tech that would lead to thousands more deaths of her people, if not total annihilation?
You're talking about Ms. Victory Stands On The Back Of Sacrifice herself. "Concede this battle to win the war" headed ass. Ain't no fuckin way someone as cunning and calculated and pragmatic as Lexa kom Trikru would've done that, logically speaking. Not from a leadership point, not from a tactical point, not from a militaristic point.
It made for a great devastating arc of betrayal between her and the girl she obviously already loved, sure, but on Clarke's titties and Costia's too, I call bullshit. The unbelievable part was not that Lexa betrayed Clarke, I think she would've done that if it truly meant the safety of her people, absolutely. The unbelievable part was the overall action and logic of it in and of itself. She was too smart for that and I don't believe she would've actually done that
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libraesthetiques · 1 year
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victory stands on the back of sacrifice.
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wondertwinc · 4 years
the wisps | clarke + lexa
I don't even know how I got here.
I've always had a special place in my heart for Clarke and Lexa, despite not vidding them very often. I always thought that their story was left incomplete and even though I will always wish for a better resolution, I feel like the series finale brought all of those leftover feelings rushing back to the forefront. 
Clarke and Lexa are one of those couples that always made me feel 'soft'. I don't know another way to describe it. It was how they looked at each other - the tentativeness that always lingered between them even when they were angry or disagreeing with one another. Clarke had such a small amount of time with Lexa, but there is no doubt that the Commander left such a big impression upon her that echoed throughout the rest of the seasons. 
I never wanted Clarke to be lonely or unhappy, but in the end, a part of me is glad that Clarke never really had anyone else in her life that could match what she felt romantically for Lexa. This video is mostly from Clarke's POV - with moments that it switches over to Lexa's - and I am immensely proud of myself for finishing it even while I feel like it's a mess and I didn't do enough. 
Either way, I hope you all enjoy. 
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blackbled-blog · 6 years
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                                                    Ai am Heda lexa Kom Trikru
                                                 written by terk                                              
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spphos · 6 years
.*・。゚「 closed starter :@roseguided​ ! 」 .*・。゚
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“clarke?” you could find lexa a dictionary, if such a thing existed, and she wouldn’t have the words to begin to describe how she feels about her family. green eyes, weary with years of war and leadership, hardened and aged with stress and determination, still shine as bright as they did in the peak of her youth. nothing compares to the feeling of coming home to her wife and children, the permanence of the idea etched in the scars she still wears from battles past, enveloped and protected by love. and it’s not a concept she’d ever even allowed herself to dream of having, and admittedly, she’d been afraid -- knowing how her life was supposed to end, not wanting clarke to become a widow and her children to feel any loss at her expense, but she wouldn’t change a thing of how they’d gotten there. she drops her cloak, rids herself of her furs, braids falling in a delicate cascade over her shoulders, and wanders through the rooms of their home, shoulders tight and tired from a day’s work. even now, there’s no rest. “clarke?” her sword, she lays carefully to the side, unbuckling belts and armour as she moves fluidly, pausing only to place an affectionate hand on madi’s small shoulder as, eager for affection after such a long day, she searches out her wife. initially, lexa had been against the idea -- commanders never allowed themselves such luxuries -- but it’d taken little persuasion, and even titus had been supportive to the point of officiating. it’d been a small ceremony, intimate, an eclectic yet beautiful union of trikru and skaikru tradition. chiselled face youthful as clarke had snatched the breath from her lungs again as she’d appeared in grounder costume. it doesn’t take long before she locates the object of her affection, her beloved, and the smile that graces her lips is soft and warm, hands moving to rest on her wife’s waist. “hei, niron.”
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lexa-griffins · 4 years
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ClexaWeek21 | Day Seven | Free Day - Royal AU
Lexa, Princess of Arbor, joins a political marriage with Princess, now Queen, Clarke of Arcadia, as the neighboring kingdoms try to maintain conflicts at bay after the death of the previous ruling Arcadia royals. As their young love blooms, both girls are faced with an inevitable war declared by young Aden, Lexa’s brother and now ruling King of Arbor, influenced by those who wish to see Arcadia fall and become part of Arbor once again.
 Clarke paces the room, her heavy leather boots making stomp noises on the marble flooring. Around her a handful of military officials stand, backs straight and breaths itching as they wait for their Queen to speak.
 “Your majesty, if I may…” Her senior adviser, Sir Bellamy, speaks with caution, scared of startling the pacing royal, “I don’t believe we have many choices here. If King Aden declares war, we cannot stand down and watch.” 
 Clarke’s eyes quickly stare at him, a low growl on her lips and the man stands down, his eyes resting on the shine of the floor, a clear gesture of submission.
 “He’s right, your majesty.”  
The whole room turns to the door that now closes behind the newest member of the meeting. Sir Bellamy’s eyes open wide as the Queen’s consort agrees with him.
“Lexa…” Clarke says as she approaches her wife. While their political marriage is strong, their own personal relationship is still fragile, barely past the stage of young love.
“If King Aden decides to declare war as he has been threatening, failure to act would only reinforce Arcadia’s discontentment with your ruling.” Lexa’s face is stoic, speaking methodically and with control over every emotion, pushing down the feelings of dread the thought of a war against her homeland and her own brother, still a child, brings her.
 “Our army is now bigger than that of Arbor. If we go to war, we could lay waste to your Kingdom, kill hundreds of innocent lives - the lives of your people.” Clarke reminds her wife, sternely but with a kindness she does not show her generals. She can see the turmoil behind emerald eyes, the emotions Lexa always successfully hides from those who have yet to make acquaintance with her compassionate nature.  
Still, her wife refuses to stand down, “Arcadia is my kingdom and your people are my people. My duty is with you, my wife and my Queen, and with your kingdom,” She pauses for a second and corrects herself, “Our kingdom.”
The Queen takes a few steps closer to her wife, giving them the illusion of privacy as she leaves only a hand length of distance between them.
“Are you certain of this?” It’s the quietest of whispers, her words echoing the silent room but unintelligible to those around them. And in a need to assure her wife that a contradictory statement would not bring her any danger, Clarke holds Lexa’s hand and brings it to her lips, kissing her knuckles like she did only a few months before as they left Arbor behind at the start of her now ill advised brother’s reign.
Her wife simply nods, her thumb gently gracing the small dent on Clarke’s chin. She lets out a deep breath before answering verbally, a quiet whisper still.
“We cannot allow Arbors armies to march on Arcadia without retaliation. Nor can we let them win a senseless war.”
“The people might demand your brother’s execution, my love.” Clarke’s reminders are useless as she’s aware Lexa knows them all, probably went over them time and time again before coming to her decision, such is her nature.
“Victory stands on the back of sacrifice.” Lexa lets her hand fall, freeing herself from Clarke’s grasp.
The Queen sighs and despite her wishes of peace and unity, she knows her wife is correct in her statement. As a gesture of comfort before she seals her kingdom’s faith, Clarke let’s her forehead rest against Lexa’s for just a second, eyes closed as the other woman brushes their noses together.
With a deep breath, Clarke takes a few steps back and away from her spouse before turning to the room of women and men that await her verdict.
“Your majesty…?” Lady Octavia, the sister of Sir Bellamy and youngest member of the war room says, as if to give her Queen just a second before she reveals her decision.
“If King Aden of Arbor declares war against Arcadia, our armies shall march against them and give them no mercy until they surrender,” she takes another breath and steals a look at Lexa, who stands tall next to her but seems to refuse to look at her, “or until King Aden is dead.”
Around them the room rumbles with war cries but none of their Queens share the excitement. They both stand in their place, hands locked, scared for what the touchable future brings.
My AO3
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12-altunivkru · 4 years
10 Important Lessons The100 Taught Us
10. "Victory stands on the back of sacrifice" - Lexa🤍
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9. "Get knocked down, get back up" - Octavia❤️
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8. "Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things" - Bellamy🧡
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7. "It's the fighters who survive" - Murphy💚
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6. “One decision does not define a man" - Kane💛
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5. "Faith may be blind but loyalty isn't" - Indra🖤
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4. "As long as you draw breath, you can turn it around" - Diyoza🤎
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3. "Fear's only a problem if you let it stop you" - Jasper💙
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2. "There's nothing like a little pain to remind you you're alive" - Raven♥️
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1. "Life is about more than just surviving" - Clarke💜
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you are planning on ever typing The 100 characters
Hi, Anon
We’ve been asked for The 100 a few times, so we’ve decided to a quick-typings of the characters. We’ve only seen some of the early seasons and  read a bit about their characters and personality, so we’ve tried to do the best we can with what we know.
NOTE: We will be doing some of the other characters in another post, this is Part 1.
Clarke Griffin: 1w2
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Clarke is principled, responsible and self-sacrificing. Clarke has shown time and time again that she believes in saving everybody. She has a strong belief in the greater good and wants to do the ‘right thing.’ Clarke usually thinks before acting, but has been shown to act impulsively in certain situations. Sometimes her moral compass can make her make decisions based on absolutes that can lead to extreme consequences.
Clarke is very idealistic and tries to avoid hurting others if she can. For example, she stops the other Delinquents from killing Anya (their enemy) because it isn’t necessary. However, she does sometimes torture others, especially if she feels it is a necessary evil or if she is persuaded by Bellamy.
1s can become jaded and selfish when they are in the unhealthy levels, which we see with Clarke. After the aftermath of the Second Nuclear Apocalypse, Clarke becomes singularly interested in protecting Madi. Clarke begins to lose her own humanity and begins acting in self-interest, rather than for the greater good. Clarke shows her wing 2 as she is more people-oriented and emotional than a 1w9 would be.
“This isn’t about saving my people. It’s about saving the human race.”
“I bear it, so they don't have too.”
"While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting Jasper to not die is a bad thing? Like I'm such a downer. I can be fun."
“I tried... I tried to be the good guy.”
“Maybe life should be about more than just surviving. Don't we deserve better than that?”
Lexa: cp6w5
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This may be a bit of a controversial take on Lexa’s type, as I’ve seen her typed as both an 8 and a 1. However, I think Lexa’s main motivations are to fulfil her duties as Heda and to keep her people safe. Lexa is a very strong and fierce leader, but I think she has to take on these traits to gain respect from her people. 6s and 8s both have a real emphasis on ‘survival’ which is really prominent in Lexa’s character.
Lexa is protective, dutiful, strong and loyal. She is a fierce leader that isn’t afraid to go against the traditions of her people for peace. Lexa doesn’t like hurting people and when she is forced to punish people, she tries to choose the most human punishment. She doesn’t use her power for her own interests or vengeance, as she only punishes people to gain justice for her people. Lexa also doesn’t like conflict and is seen as trying to bring peace to the factions, despite the wishes of those around her.
Lexa was not always closed-off to love and did not always believe love is a weakness. This is due to her relationship with Costia as she blames herself for her death because she couldn’t keep her safe. Hence, Lexa emotionally closes herself off from love under the guise of it being a weakness. This changes when she meets Clarke as she begins to let her guard down a little bit more and allows herself to be vulnerable with Clarke. In her relationship with Clarke, Lexa realises that she is worthy of love and that it is not a vulnerability. Lexa has a wing 5 as she is more emotionally reserved and introverted than a wing 7 would be.
"My mistakes? Azgeda cut off Costia's head and delivered it to my bed, and still I let them into my alliance! I am more than capable of separating feelings from duty!"
“I know how hard that is for you. You think our ways are harsh, but that's how we survive.”
“Blood must have blood.”
“Victory stands on the back of sacrifice.”
“Some on my side say that's not enough. They wanted the murderer to suffer as our tradition demands. But they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days.”
Bellamy Blake: cp6w7
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Bellamy is protective, assertive and responsible. Due to his childhood and his relationship with Octavia, Bellamy has always had a focus on seeking safety for himself and his family. Bellamy has a take-charge attitude and isn’t above bending the rules to survive. He is also very loyal to those he loves, and will go to great lengths to protect and help them.
As leader, Bellamy becomes controlling and begins acting in self-interest, rather than for the people. However, he realises his actions are wrong and does feel guilt over the consequences of his actions. Bellamy also did help the Delinquents survive and adapt to the conditions.
Bellamy seems to want to find meaning and something to believe in, which is common for 6s. For example, he accepts the simplistic view that the Sky People are the ‘good guys’ and the Grounder are the ‘bad guys.’ Likewise, after being trapped in Etheria, he becomes very loyal to the Disciple’s cause. This can happen to 6s when they are in the unhealthy levels, as they begin to develop an ‘us against them’ mentality and become obsessed with belief systems. Bellamy shows his wing 7 as he is more expressive than a wing 5.
“Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things.”
“I was so angry at you for leaving. I don’t want to feel that way anymore.”
"We all have things to answer for things that shouldn't be forgiven but are. because we did them for our people -- our family."
“I’m not leaving my friends! I can’t do that again.”
“Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you’re awake, they won’t be there to get you in your sleep.”
Raven Reyes: 5w6
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Raven was a bit hard to type as she has traits of 1, 5, 6 and 8. I was mostly between 1w9 and 5w6 as she is very concerned with doing the right thing. However, I settled on 5w6 as I think she is more motivated by gaining knowledge so she can be a useful member of the Delinquents.
Raven is intelligent, resourceful and judgmental. Raven is a very useful member of the Delinquents due to her strong intellect. She is also very tough and will not hesitate to do what needs to be done. Sometimes, Raven can be a bit unemotional and seems to use her wit and sarcasm as a defence mechanism. However, as the series progresses we can see the emotional toll her actions has taken on her. 
5s are able to separate their emotions and fears from the task at hand, which we see with Raven. Raven is very mentally strong and is able to overcome many setbacks. She is also not afraid to speak her mind, especially if she thinks she knows more than the others. Raven shows her wing 6 as she is more practical and person-oriented than a 5w4.
"It's not your blood that defines you. It's your heart."
"I can barely walk, and my shoulder's killing me. But, my brain is all kind of awesome."
"Well, my mom was AWOL most of my life. When she did show up, it was empty-handed. Pretty sure she had me just to trade in my rations for moonshine."
"Everywhere you go, death follows. You always want to save everyone. What you don't realize is you're the one we need saving from."
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kiintsugi · 4 years
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CHAPTER 1: Clarke I (excerpt) 
Acid lingers in the air.
There have been more days than Clarke can count where she has wondered how it is so many people have survived on this damaged rock they call the ground, but now she finds these environmental hazards to be little more than an annoyance.
She’s sitting in a small, upturned automobile, watching through the cracked window as a thick, acidic fog rolls through the trees. She isn't the first person to ride out the mists in this old metal box on the side of the road. Like many other relics of the old world, it had been carved free from the terraformed earth with a singular entry point made accessible to those who could fit inside to protect them from the elements. This particular box has room enough for at least two adults, but Clarke is alone; stretched out as far as she can extend her legs, head resting against the cracked glass with a thin veil of fabric around her face to filter the air.  
Clarke likes being alone. Alone, no one can betray her. No one can need her. No one can blame her. She isn't responsible for anyone or anything, and she has only herself to care for and herself to blame. There is no one to save, no one to kill. There is no one to console, and no one to confide in. It is her sacrifice – her punishment – because Clarke alone is the only one able to bear it.
Victory stands on the back of sacrifice, Lexa’s words, not hers. The commander has taught her so many things since her fall to the ground. From survival to trust and to – most importantly – self-preservation. A lesson Lexa enforced when she taught Clarke that anyone can betray her. Anyone.  
She’s been alone ever since.  
Her choice. Not Lexa’s.  
Four long, arduous years – alone. Well, not entirely.    
In one of the many metal automobile boxes that liter the forest road, Luna sits in waiting. Every few months the captain of the Boat People, Flokru as they call themselves in the common tongue, meets with the self-exiled commander of the sky at the shimmering stones; a landmark south of the dropship the dropship where black sands meet red water. Here they exchange supplies and rumors with one another; Luna keeping Clarke updated on all the things she’s learned about the governance of the twelve Clans and Clarke tipping Luna off to any unseemly activity that interferes with Flokru’s trade routes. If Clarke is particularly lucky that day, she even gets another body to warm her furs at night. Sometimes Luna, other times, not. But there is no luck to be found on this day.    
Clarke looks at her scarred hands. Her arms are wrapped in cloth bandaging, covering the tears and slices up and down her forearms that will one day become new scars in her growing collection. As painful as they are, Clarke knows the damage was well worth the fight. Anything that might undo the damage she’s caused is worth the fight. Maybe that’s why she was so keep to assist Luna when she came asking for help. Maybe it was selfish of her. Maybe being selfish only adds to her mistakes. But she’s never seen Luna so desperate before, and she knew that she had to do something.
Outside, the fog continues to bellow. Years ago, when she first arrived on the ground, she used to fear the fog; more than the acid rains, or the flaming rivers, or even the two-faced wolves that stand so tall she could mount their backsides like a horse. Now? Now she isn’t afraid of any of it.  
She rolls over onto her shoulder and closes her eyes. Sometimes she wonders if she’s even afraid of anything anymore. If there's anything left on this violent, savage planet that can actually make her feel something again. These days, all she ever feels is the weight of it all; her past, her present, her future. It makes her envy the fog; how it frolics and dances through the trees, light, careless, free.
A sudden tapping against the glass jerks Clarke back to reality. Luna, wrapped in fabrics and goggles – a mess of green and blue and wild, fiery hair – stands over her from the other side of the barrier. “It’s passed now,” she tells her through the glass. “We should get moving.”
Clarke nods and stretches her arms above her head, her back arched and her eyelids pressed tight. She realizes as she twists that she must have fallen asleep at some point, but she doesn’t bother to glance through the trees to read the sun. The sky is stall hazy, and the sun is orange and large behind polluted skies. It hurt her eyes too much to do any more than squint, even after shielding them with dark lensed goggles of her own.  
Luna helps Clarke climb free of the rusty metal box, careful to close the hatch to protect the cracked glass casing, and threw a mesh blanket of woven vines and heavy fabrics over the top. Acid fog comes only once every few weeks and it’s common practice to leave the various shelters created from the ruins of the old world in as good of condition as they were found in.  
Luna tangles her fingers in the loose tendril ribbons of her cloak, behind the golden chains that cling to her tunic, and pulls out a short, curved blade. She cuts one of the ribbon-like strips from the cloak and ties it around her forehead, over the boiled leather rim of her goggles to protect her now pinkened and swollen skin from what remains of the lingering acid. Clarke assumes when Luna repeats the process and hands a cloth strip to her, that Clarke’s own skin must look the same. The acid, while far from deadly at this point, still trying to melt her flesh in its last moments.
“We have a lot of ground to make up before nightfall.” Luna pulls the hood of her cloak over her head.  “Follow,” She says.  And so, she does.  
Free? No, Clarke thinks as she falls into step behind the Captain. She will never be free. Lexa had made sure of that.  
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
lexa would absolutely lick the blood off clarke's face 10/10 and clarke would do the same but off her a-
I am so sorry and I'm saying this 100% lovingly
Extra ass Demon Lextra, who won't even soil her hands to wash her own dishes, would never imbibe some pos's blood she'd rather die😩 If they're bad enough to be in Clexa's crosshairs she would gag and put her fist through a wall if it got in her mouth
Unless it's splattered on Clarke's lips, in which case, victory stands on the back of sacrifice because they're definitely having a filthy makeout after a good kill
Clarke is another story tho 👀
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linkkon-blog · 7 years
can you imagine how conflicted lincoln would be if he found out lexa told one of her men to kill octavia in 2x14. because, in my headcanons anyway, they were very close at one point. he cares about her a lot, especially after she and costia were together and i think it would destroy him to know that lexa ordered octavia to be killed because lexa knows that, for lack of a better phrase, octavia is his and would be putting him through the same pain that she, and he, felt after costia’s death
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float-me-now · 4 years
25, 35 and 44 for the 100 ask game!
Yay, let’s do this!
25. Who are your top five characters?
I usually divide favourite characters in male and female (it’s merely a trick to put more people in the lists hehe) so here goes:
MALE: John Murphy, Roan kom Azgeda, Paxton McCreary, Bellamy Blake, Marcus Kane
FEMALE: Raven Reyes, Octavia Blake, Echo kom Azgeda, Charmaine Diyoza, Indra kom Trikru
OVERALL: John Murphy, Raven Reyes, Octavia Blake, Roan kom Azgeda, Echo kom Azgeda
35. What is your favorite quote from the series?
Hmm, that’s difficult. Assuming I have to choose a “serious” one and not, like, a witty comeback or such, “Doing the right thing the wrong way isn’t doing the right thing” (Diyoza) or “Faith may be blind, but loyalty isn't” (Indra), “It's the fighters that survive” (Murphy) or “Victory stands on the back of sacrifice” (Lexa).
If I had to choose a comeback or sassy, fun one, then all of Murphy’s snarky lines and Roan’s “gratitude problem” line to Clarke.
44. Which of the Grounder clans seemed most interesting to you?
Wohoo I was hoping for this question lol so I am a big fan of the Grounders clans, I loved this aspect of the series and the different cultures a lot. If we're talking about interesting, although I find them all very intriguing, I'd say Azgeda. The tradition of scarification was very particular, then there's the political aspect: as far as we know, the other clans were ruled by a war chief (Trikru had Indra, for instance) while Azgeda is a monarchy, where political power is inherited, and I think their aggressiveness was something that made them stand out too. Last but not least, I'm very fascinated by the territory in which Azgeda is located. I really like Nordic landscapes, snow and ice, mountains and such, so that's definitely attractive to me. Although we never got to know anything about them, I was really curious about Ingranrona too. I really like horse riding and I'd like to know more about the Plains Riders clan. I wonder if maybe they descended from some Native American survivors, and so they could have had a special culture and connection to horses and nature and I think that it could have been very instructive and representative (if handled well).
Thank you so much for the ask :D
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aphrodites-law · 5 years
The Clarke Show
(A take on The Truman Show)
Nia Reign is as imposing as Lexa imagined. Her suit is a dark green with silver cuffs, nothing that Lexa could ever hope to afford. 
"Why Clarke?"
She isn’t the only live show, but she's certainly the most popular in the nation. Arkadia's darling. Arkadia's golden child. Lexa has never had the time or luxury for escapism, but everyone knows that even the nation's prince, Lincoln, trails Clarke in views by millions.
"Because Clarke is getting restless. It's a phase I'm sure you're familiar with––the yearning for the world you've never been a part of. She wants spontaneity. Adventure. We've scripted something that’ll show her the grass isn’t always greener. It'll make for a thrilling story arc."
Lexa looks at the hundreds of screens, each one a frame of the town built for Clarke and the twelve other Selected. The grocery store she shops at; the movie theater she goes to; the streets she walks on; the beach; the offices; the coffee shops; the parks; the neighborhood––every single place ready to spring to life should the Selected decide to take the trams there. It's an exceptionally well-oiled machine.
"What role would I play?"
"You'll be the dark horse. The wild card Clarke never thought she'd hold. You'll take her places she's never been­––new sets we've built. You'll win over her heart and then you'll break it, right in time for us to introduce Finn."
"Finn?" Lexa asks, still gazing at a screen where a bird briefly flits in front of the camera. She wonders if its species is native to the area or if it's even real at all.
"Clarke's future husband if all goes according to plan. Finn is a perfect match for her in every way. Your opposite."
Lexa turns to the control room below the glass panels. There are hundreds of employees in headsets pressing hundreds of buttons, rushing from right to left, biting into sandwiches and yawning while they craft the details of Arkapolis. There are workers in shirts designing objects on large screens; workers in lab coats testing liquids in vials; workers with grease smears tweaking the settings of androids. There is so much energy and talent being poured into a fake world. Lexa wonders why these people couldn't better their real world instead. Lexa’s neighborhood in Arkadia is crumbling apart, the infrastructure rusting and rotting, and yet here she is watching engineers design sets with swimming pools and amusement parks.
"No offense meant," Nia says behind her.
Lexa shakes her head. "I'm no princess."
"But you can be charming.”
Lexa turns to her. "I'm not a good actress."
Nia sits in her leather chair, utterly in control of the room and the conversation.  "I've seen the women you seduce. They don't hold a candle to our Clarke. Surely it won’t be difficult for you to muster some passion."
What Nia means is that prostituting herself for entertainment should come easily. Lexa knows that's exactly why she was picked for the role.
"Clarke made a whole nation fall in love with her the moment she opened those blue eyes onscreen for the first time," Nia reminds her. "Right now there are millions of souls watching her and yearning to spend time with her. Time you'll be afforded. You don't need to be a good actress, Ms. Woods, you need to be exactly who you are: a lowlife drifter who seduces lonely women to get something out of them. In this instance, more money than you've seen in your entire life."
Anger boils inside Lexa, but the words aren't all lies. "You think you know everything about me based on police records?"
Nia chuckles at Lexa's naïveté. "I don't care to know everything about you. I know what's necessary. You need the money and you’ll do anything for it. Am I wrong?”
Lexa thinks of her sister Anya and the medical bills sticking out of drawers; the leaks in her apartment; the skittering of roaches on their floor. She thinks of her nephew and niece––Aden's gaunt face and Marla playing with dolls made out of cans and wires. She thinks of the floor she sleeps on in the corner of Anya’s room, cold and damp.
"When do I start?"
Nia smiles victoriously. "You’ll go through scrubbing and fitting first. An implant will be placed in your ear canal; it’ll be used sparsely but I will be communicating with you when needed. It’ll also track your location. Training will take three weeks––you’ll need to know Arkapolis like the back of your hand, not to mention your new profession. You’ll spend time with your new best friends, Raven and Costia, for familiarity purposes. We’ll have Clarke meet Lexa in a month’s time.”
Lexa’s eyes flash at her own name being used so strangely, as if she isn’t the one being referred to. As if she will exist separately from the character they have made up for Clarke, the Lexa who’ll take pleasure in seducing and using and discarding the nation’s sweetheart. She wonders how hated she will be coming out of it. 
"I want the money, a weekly stipend, sent to my sister," Lexa tells Nia, looking at her with a set jaw. "You control so much of the media––I want a guarantee my family will be kept out of it. No one bothers them. No one even mentions them.”
"We can do that." Nia looks up and smiles, the once cruel curve of her lips turning tender. "Look."
Lexa glances back at the screens, watching as Clarke walks out of her small house with her dog. She waves at her neighbor and grins. Her life is so simple that Lexa feels some anger toward her. Why couldn't Anya have been one of the Selected? Why did Aden and Marla know more about suffering than Clarke did? All she will know of pain is an orchestrated heartbreak before true love swoops in.
Lexa doesn't pity her. If it keeps her family safe and fed, she'll lift Clarke Griffin to unimaginable heights before dropping her. She'll be the villain her story needs; take her heart and crush it with a smile.
"Do you stream everything live?" She asks Nia.
Nia seems bored now, the formality of convincing Lexa over and done with. "Clarke's channel is family friendly, with a slight delay in the feed. We expect you to alert us at the beginning and the end of explicit footage. The public knows Clarke is only broadcast live for eighteen hours a day. It'll make our lives easier if you'd ensure physical intimacy happened within the closed window, but if not the delay gives us time to cut to our planned programming. Obviously you won’t start conversations that further the storyline within those six hours either. There is nothing more frustrating to the public than missing out on milestones.”
Lexa rolls her eyes as she watches the ants hard at work in the control room. "How romantic," she drawls. "Bet those guys enjoy the show when it goes offline."
Nia hardly contains her disdain at Lexa's crassness. "We have a number of protocols in place for private scenes."
Lexa vaguely recalls that bathrooms have no cameras, but ‘private’ has an entirely different meaning for the Selected. Surely it was private when Clarke’s father passed away onscreen, followed by a close up of Clarke’s sobs. Surely it was private when she kissed a girl for the first time and embarrassed herself with a sneeze, not knowing the entire nation was laughing at her clumsiness. 
But if it bothers Lexa that Nia talks about someone's reality as footage and scenes, she reasons she should get used to it fast. Soon she'll be a part of the show too, and her life will be nothing more than snapshots stitched together for the purpose of entertainment. Nia suddenly stands by her, surveying the control room like a Queen would survey her land from her castle's highest tower.  
"Believe me, the novelty of working behind-the-scenes wears off quickly. These people aren’t different from you. All they want is to get the job done so that they may go home to their families. Surely you understand that."
Lexa looks at Clarke again, her body in a medium shot as she walks her pet with no worry in the world. In a month things will change for her. For both of them. Lexa takes a deep breath and nods, knowing exactly what she would sacrifice for her family’s sake.
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alexialoveseverlark · 5 years
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What better way to begin this aesthetic mini series for international women's day than with the legend herself? Commander Lexa.
Favorite Quote:
“Victory stands on the back of sacrifice.”
52 notes · View notes
fanfics4all · 5 years
Not On Of You Anymore: Part 24
Request: Yes / No 
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Griffin!Reader 
Word count: 6072
Warnings: Black Hood stuff, break up, and I think that’s it
Y/N: Your Name 
Summary: You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Clarke’s POV
I stood there looking at the burning buildings, hurt people, both mine and Lexa’s. The fire and screaming, it was so much. I saw a horse running while on fire and then a woman collapsed on the ground holding her own severed arm… I started to make my way over to her but someone grabbed me. I couldn’t hear what they were saying or who it was, I was in too much shock. 
“Clarke!” Lexa said turning me around to face her. 
“I could have warned them… I could have saved them…” I said to her. 
“If they see us, they’ll strike again.” She said and I went to turn back around, but she made me face her again.
“Clarke. Victory stands on the back of sacrifice. You know that, just like your sister knows. Y/N is willing to give her life for me because she knows that if I live, we will win.” She said and I stared at the ground. 
“I want the Mountain Men dead. All of them.” I said looking in her eyes. She nodded and walked off, I followed. 
Octavia’s POV
Lincoln and I were helping save anyone we could. The explosion caused havoc, so many screams, both from the living and they dying. Abby came here to help as well, it was good to have a doctor here. Lincoln was checking for people under what use to be a building while I was checking for safer ways to enter. 
“Lincoln, be careful. It’s not stable.” I said to him. 
“They’re down there. Unh!” He grunted while trying to lift a piece of metal. 
“Do you hear someone? Abby asked worried. I ran over to where she was helping someone and crouched down. 
“Abby?” I said and she looked at me. 
“I’m sure Clarke’s okay. We’ll find her.” I said. 
“Indra! She’s alive!” Lincoln called, Abby and I ran over as he pulled a rock off her. 
“Indra?” He asked trying to get her to answer him. He grabbed her and pulled her out from under the rubble. 
“Stand ai daun, Reaper!” (Put me down, Reaper!) She shouted and pushed him off her. She stood up and looked around. Before she could say anything a gun went off and she was shot in the shoulder. She fell to the ground and we all went with her, ducking our heads. 
“Octavia, go!” Lincoln shouted at me and I ran for cover. 
Clarke’s POV
We were walking away from the screams and crackling of flames. I was following Lexa when we heard gunfire. I paused making her pause and looked back shocked. 
“The spotter.” I said and started walking towards him.
“He aimed the missile. He’s alone.” I said. 
“Clarke, just slow down.” She said grabbing my arm to stop me. 
“If he’s a spotter, he’s here to make sure we’re dead. If he tells the Mountain we’re alive-” 
“He won’t.” I said shaking my head. 
“How can you be sure?” She asked. 
“Because I’m gonna kill him.” I said and she looked at me shocked. We made our way to him. 
Jasper’s POV 
We were gathering anything we could as weapons and anything to block the entrances. I found an axe and broke the glass it was covered with. 
“Jasper, where do you want this?” Miller asked carrying one of the bed frames with another guy. 
“Put it here.” I said telling them to put it against the double doors. 
“No weak spots. We need to make sure they don’t get in.” I said and they pushed it against the door. 
“We took the level! But now we have to hold it! They will be coming, and we need to be ready!” I shouted at everyone. 
“Harper, get some pots and fill them with water. As big as you can find, okay?” I asked her and she looked at me confused but went to do as I asked. 
“Watch out!” Fox called and smashed a camera. 
“Good, Fox. Let’s go get those hallway cameras, right?” I said.
“Nope. Leave the hallway cameras. We’ll need eyes out there.” Monty said walking by. 
“You can do that?” I asked following him. 
“Have you met me?” He asked back and I smirked slightly. 
“Where are we on the doors?” I asked. 
“Elevators are all disabled. I shorted the other stairwell locks. This one’s tricky, though. I can’t seem to-” He started, but I took the end of the axe and smashed the panel with it.
“That works too.” He said and we looked back to see everyone working. 
“How long do you think we can hold them off?” I asked. 
“As long as we have to.” He answered and I nodded. 
“Jasper, what about Y/N?” He asked and I just looked at him then sighed. 
“I don’t know, I’m sure Bellamy will find a way to get her out.” I answered and he nodded. 
Octavia’s POV
Abby had found someone alive down below, but couldn’t get to them. We were being pinned down by gunshots. Abby tried, but she was almost hit. 
“I gotta get down there.” She said to me. I heard Indra groan in pain and looked over to see Lincoln picking her up while someone else ran, distracting the gunman. The guy was shot just in front of Abby and Lincoln was running past me. 
“Octavia, come on!” He said and I followed him. The gunman tried to shoot at us, but missed. We made it to Nyko and Lincoln put Indra down for him to look at. 
“What are we gonna do? We can’t move.” Nyko said. 
“I’m going for the shooter.” Lincoln said and I looked at him. 
“I’ll sound the horn when it’s done.” He said. 
“Alright, my friend.” Nyko said. 
“I’m going with you.” I said stopping him before he could leave. 
“No, Nyko needs you here.” He said stopping me.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” I asked. 
“Ge stomp round, ge on up no don time” (Get knocked down, get back up!) He said what I said to him and I nodded. 
“What can I do?” I asked Nyko as soon as Lincoln left. 
“Pressure, here.” He said and I pushed on her shoulder. 
“This is my village. You’re the chief Second. Save our people.” She said. 
“We’re pinned down. And the other Seconds won’t follow me.” I said.
“So make them.” She said breathing heavy and closing her eyes.
“Indra?” I asked worried. She shut her eyes and I looked up at Nyko. 
“She’s losing too much blood.” He said. 
“Indra! We have to do something.” I said looking at the others that were there. 
“Thanks Sky Girl, but there’s nothing to do until the sniper is dead.” Caris said. 
Jasper’s POV 
We had everything set up. We were all waiting for them to strike. I looked around the room and could tell everyone was worried and scared. Honestly if they weren’t I would be shocked. Monty was watching the cameras like a hawk waiting to see if they would do anything. There was a loud bang outside making everyone get up and clutch their weapons.
“We’re not ready for this.” Fox said coming up to me.  
“Yes, we are. Just follow the plan and we’ll be okay.” I said and she looked back at me scared. 
“I promise.” I said with a nod.
“Okay.” She said quietly and walked away. 
“No guns. You were right.” Monty said showing me the camera. 
“It’s because they can’t kill us.” I said looking at the screen.
“Not like this anyway.” I added. 
“Be careful with that thing. We’re in close.” Miller told Harper who was holding a gun. 
“You could hit one of us.” He added and she nodded. 
“Wait a second. Some of them aren’t wearing hazmat suits.” Monty said. 
“What’s it mean?” Miller asked. 
“It means they’re cured.” I answered. 
“The marrow treatments worked.” I added. 
“Get this down!” We heard someone say from the other side of the door. 
“Get ready!” I told everyone. They started trying to break down the doors and after a minute got them open. They still couldn’t get in since we blocked the entrance up with stuff. They threw in the cylinders with pink smoke then started trying to get the barrier down. We grabbed the cylinders and tossed them in the water then pretended to be passed out on the ground. They walked in and saw up and one of them saw the bombs in the water. I got up and slashed someone in the leg with the axe and screamed. Everyone else got up and started fighting with the guards. We were stabbing, hacking, shooting, smashing, anything we could do to kill them. 
“Retreat! Retreat! Pull back! Pull back now! Get up!” One of the guards said and they started running out. 
“We did it!” I shouted. Everyone was cheering, but they would try again. 
“Seal the barricade!” I ordered. 
“No!” We heard Fox shout. 
“Jasper! You promised!” She called out.
“Fox!” I shouted and started running to try and save her. Miller grabbed me and help me back. 
“Fox! No! No! I promised she’d be okay!” I shouted trying to get him off me. It was useless, Miller was stronger and I stopped fighting, he hugged me. 
“I promised her…” I said sadly. I noticed one of the guards trying to crawl away on the ground. I walked over to him and raised the axe in the air. I shouted and slammed the axe down into him and he was dead within seconds. 
Bellamy’s POV
I was still in the guard outfit and knew that Jasper and them took the fifth level. I heard Fox screaming and followed her and the guards down to the lab. I walked in and saw her trying to run and pointed a gun at her, making her stop in her tracks. 
“Thanks.” One of the guards said and I moved the gun and shot him in the head, then quickly shot the other one. I put the gun away as they fell to the ground and turned to Fox. I took my helmet off and she ran up to me.
“Bellamy!” She said in relief. 
“You okay?” I asked hugging her back and she just sobbed. Maya walked in and I looked at her. 
“Come on. We have to get her someplace safe.” She said and we left, I shut the lab door so no one would no… at least for now.  Maya lead us to her room in the Mountain. 
“Dad, you’re home.” She said. 
“Yeah.” We heard a man say and then she walked in. She looked back at us and we walked in.
“Yeah, the drill bit broke again.” He said and then got up looked at us shocked. 
“What are they doing here?” He asked. 
“Look, they’re in trouble. We just need someplace safe to stay.” Maya said. 
“They need to go, now.” He said. 
“Let me explain.” Maya begged. 
“Why don’t you explain where he got that uniform.” He said looking at me.  
“Maya, you know how dangerous this is. What are you doing?” He asked his daughter. 
“What mom would’ve done.” She answered. 
“I need you to leave.” He said to us. 
“Sorry, we can’t do that.” I said. 
“That’s okay. He’s gonna help us.” Maya said. 
“Really? Because I’m not getting that.” I said. 
“My parents were part of a movement that was against using outsider blood. My mom refused the treatments, and it killed her. She was willing to die for what she believed in.” She answered. 
“Maya, you were five. I couldn’t leave you alone.” Her father said. 
“I’m not a little girl anymore.” She said.
“They were willing to kill you before. If you get caught-”
“We won’t if you help us.” She said cutting him off. 
“Please.” Fox chimed in.
“They’re killing us. We don’t have anywhere else to go.” She said. 
“Just this once.” Maya’s father said to me. 
“Just for one night.” He said to Maya. 
“Bedroom’s this way.” Maya said taking Fox. 
“Thank you.” I said going to follow me, but he stopped me. 
“You know they’ll never stop,right? If the rumors are true and your bone marrow can get us back to the ground, they’ll never stop.” He said and I nodded. I walked to the bedroom to the girls.
Clarke’s POV 
Lexa and I were still trying to find the shooter. 
“It’ll be light soon. We won’t have the darkness to hide us.” Lexa said.  
“Neither will he.” I pointed out. 
“I feel your anger, Clarke.” She said. 
“Do me a favor. No more lessons.” I said. 
“You need to focus. We do what we must to survive. The enemy does the same. It’s not personal.” She said.
“It is to me.” I said.  
“You think killing the shooter will make you feel better, but it won’t. The only thing that will is winning this war.” She said. 
“That’s enough.” I said stopping and turning to face her. Before I could say anything more we hear someone moving in the woods. We crouched down and saw someone running around.
“Is it him?” Lexa asked as I aimed my gun. 
“No.” I said and walked towards him. 
“Lincoln.” I called to him.
“Clarke.” He said standing and walking towards us. 
“Commander, wh-?” He started confused. 
“Octavia said you were-”
“You’ve seen Octavia?” I asked cutting him off. 
“Yeah. The few that survived the explosion are being pinned down by a sniper. It’s why I’m here.” He answered then we heard another gunshot. 
“Come on, we need to get to the high ground.” Lexa said and we followed her. 
Bellamy’s POV
Maya and I left the room leaving Fox with her father. We walked down the halls and Maya was telling me information that would help.
“Lovejoy’s key card will get you in the armory. The guns are locked. The guard has the key. I can lure him away if-”
“There’s no time. Once I get the guns, how do I get them to Level five? They’re watching every door.” I asked.
“Maybe not. The mess hall has a trash chute.” She said. 
“A Trash chute?” I asked. 
“There’s one on every level. Best part, no radiation alarms. The hatches leak like crazy, so they put in these air locks to be safe. You get the guns. I’ll get them into the mess hall.” She said. 
“You’re a natural-born revolutionary.” I said. 
“My mom was the revolutionary. I’m just trying to do what’s right.” She said.
“Meet back here in 30 minutes.” I said and we went our separate ways.
Not long after I left to get the guns I heard Cage’s voice over the radio. What he said gave me enough incentive to turn around and abandon the gun idea.  
Jasper’s POV 
We moved all the bodies into the elevator and took all the walkies. We were getting ready for the next fight that we would have to win. 
“They’re gonna come in a lot hotter next time. You know that right?” Miller said coming up to me. 
“All we gotta do is hold the floor until Bellamy finds a way out.” I answered. 
“We’re gonna need more than a bucket or water and four guns to do that.” Miller said. 
“This is President Wallace talking to the people who killed ten of my men.” Cage’s voice rang over the radio and I picked it up.
“Jasper.” Monty said handing me the screen. There was someone in a hazmat suit in the hall.
“I thought we’d try something a little different this time.” Cage said. 
“There’s only 20 minutes of oxygen in Maya’s suit. Now I know she’s a friend of yours. In 20 minutes, your friend will either suffocate or burn. But you can save her. All you have to do is surrender.” He said and I looked at the doors that Maya was behind. 
I woke up who knows how much later and got off the bed. I walked over to the door and peered out the window. I saw two guards standing watch. Damn it… Who am I kidding? I’m still too damn drugged up to do anything… but I had to know what’s going on. I started banging on the door and the guards looked at me. One opened the door and I stepped back. 
“What is it?” One asked once they entered the room.
“Where is Cage?” I asked. 
“President Wallace is busy, he asked us to keep an eye on you.” The other said. 
“I need to see him. Now.” I said with my arms crossed. 
“I’m sorry Miss, but that’s not possible. He’s very busy.” The first one said. I huffed and did something stupid. I grabbed his walkie and rushed to the other side of the room. 
“Cage? Cage? Can you hear me?” I asked. 
“Hey! Give that back!” The guard yelled. 
“Y/N? How do you have a walkie?” Cage asked. 
“I took it from one of the guards that you have watching me. I asked them to take me to you, but they wouldn’t. Please let me see you.” I begged. I needed to know my friends were alright. The guard grabbed me and the other one took the walkie from my hands. 
“Sorry sir, we have her restrained now. Would you like me to put her back to sleep?” He asked.
“Let me go!” I shouted, I know Cage heard because I shouted it before the guard could finish his sentence. 
“No, bring her to me.” He said and I felt relief wash over me. Wow, I never thought I would be so grateful that I would be seeing this monster…
Octavia’s POV
It was day now. We were still pinned down by the gunman and Indra was still bleeding. We had to do something without anyone getting shot. I knew Lincoln would do his job, but he was taking too long. 
“We can’t wait anymore. Our people are dying down there.” Atohl said. I looked around to see what we could do. 
“If we can get to the crater we could tunnel in from the side.” I said looking back. 
“There’s no cover.” Caris said. 
“I’ll do it.” Atohl said and got up and started running. Before he could get far there was a bullet whizzing past him. 
“Get back, get back!” I called to him trying to help him, I pulled him back to cover. 
“Any other bad ideas? Caris asked. I grabbed the bottle Atohl drank from and took a sip to make sure it was alcohol. 
“Just one.” I said closing the bottle. I threw it into a somewhat near by fire and watch it grow. The smoke started forming and once there was enough I ran for it. The gunman took a shot at me, but missed and I made it to cover. Caris and Atohl followed me. 
“Now what, Sky Girl?” She asked. 
“Now we dig.” I answered. 
“Stay down, stay down, stay down. Move it.” I said and we started moving rocks out of the way. 
The guards took me to Cage just like he ordered them to. He was in what looked to be a command room. As soon as the door opened and we walked in Cage pulled me to him. 
“Are you alright?” He asked looking me over and I nodded. 
“That’ll be all, wait outside. Everyone.” He said. Everyone nodded and left the room. 
“What’s so important that you needed to see me?” He asked. 
“How long was I asleep for?” I asked.
“About six hours, I’m sorry love. I just want you to be safe.” He said holding me to him. 
“My friends, are they okay? Everyone seems a little freaked out.” I said and he pulled back to look at me. 
“They’ve killed ten of our people Y/N. We sent a bargaining chip in for them to surrender.” He answered and I looked at him confused. 
“What?” I asked and he sighed. 
“You’ll see.” He said and then called everyone back in. 
Jasper’s POV 
We went and got Maya out of the hall and I sat her down on a piano bench. 
“Are you okay?” I asked and she nodded. 
“Yeah.” She answered. Monty came over and knelt down in front of her. 
“Listen to me. Fox is okay.” She said and we both looked at her. 
“Bellamy saved her. He’s gonna get some guns in here through the trash chute.” She said. 
“If we can get guns in, we can get you out.” I said and she nodded. 
“No, we can’t.” Monty said and we looked at him. 
“I dismantled the chute.” He said and I looked away. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think we’d be trying to open it ourselves.” He said and I started trying to think of something. Monty placed his hand on Maya’s hand and looked up at her. 
“I can fix it.” He said then looked at me. I nodded and he left to go fic the chute. 
“Go help him.” I said to hiller and he nodded and followed Monty. 
“Harper” He called while he was leaving. I looked back at Maya and she looked so scared. 
“I won’t let you die.” I said. 
“I won’t let you surrender.” She said back. 
Abby’s POV 
After I got inside to see who was under there I learned it was Marcus. I tried to free him, but in doing so the building collapsed more. We were both trapped under the rubble and knocked out. Once I came to I tried to see if I could move to help him.
“Marcus?” I asked, but there was no response. I could only move my arm so I grabbed the flash light and turned it on. He was there and I could see he was still breathing. 
“Marcus. Marcus, Wake up.” I called to him and I saw him move his head. 
“Open your eyes. You have to wake up, Marcus. Open your eyes.” I said.
“I’m so cold.” He whispered shivering. 
“I’m right here. I’m right here.” I whispered back. He opened his eyes and looked at me. 
“I’m okay.” He whispered. 
“I’m sorry, Marcus.” I said and he looked at me confused.
“I’m so sorry.” I said. 
“It’s not your fault, Abby.” He said. 
“It is my fault. She’s my daughter.” I said with tears in my eyes.
“What are you talking about?” He asked. 
“She knew.” I said. 
“Clarke escaped? Before the attack?” He asked and I slightly nodded. 
“She knew it was coming?” He asked.  
“Yes.” I confirmed. 
“How could she do something like this?” I asked. 
“Because she grew up on The Ark.” He answered and I looked at him. 
“She learned what to do from us.” He said.
“She let this happen. She could’ve stopped it.” I said. 
“She made a choice. Like executing people for stealing medicine and food. Like cheating. Like sucking the air from the lungs of 300 parents so they could save their children.” 
“Like floating the man you love to save your people. Like sending your second daughter to the ground because she wasn’t supposed to be born.” I said and he looked at me. 
“Yes…” He said a tear falling from his eye. 
“Why didn’t you inform me about sending our daughter to the ground?” He asked with tears in his eyes. 
“Because, I knew you’d never let her go and we needed to see if it was survivable.” I answered. 
“We need to answer for our sins, Abby.” He said. 
“After all we’ve done, do we even deserve to survive?” I asked. 
Jasper’s POV 
 After some time, we went to go see if we could help Monty. 
“She’s almost out of oxygen. It’s been 19 minutes.” Harper said looking at her watch. 
“You’re not helping, Harper.” Maya said out of breath. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get it open. Won’t we, Monty?” I asked.
“Almost there.” He said. 
“Almost isn’t good enough.” Miller said. 
“I just need to bypass- Oh!” He said cutting himself off when the wires sparked. 
“Screw it.” He said and pulled off a wire.
“What the hell did you do?” Miller asked.
“Cut the power to the motor, Help me.” He said and they started trying to pull it open. 
“We can’t get leverage.” Miller said. 
“There’s someone in there!” Harper said. 
“They’re coming in!” I shouted and held up the gun in my hands. The door to the chute opened and Bellamy was in there. 
“Bellamy!” Monty said. 
“Get her in here.” He said and we helped her in. 
“Go, go, go! Hurry up!” I said following them down. We slid down and I ripped her helmet off. She was gasping for air and I hugged her. 
“I got you.” I said holding her. 
“Decontamination complete. All clear.” A computer voice said. I handed Bellamy the gun and he took it from me. 
Bellamy’s POV
We got Maya out of there with no time to spare. Her dad walked in the room and she looked at him shocked.
“Dad? What are you doing here?” She asked. 
“What your mother would have done.” He answered and they hugged. Jasper smiled and hugged me. 
“Hey, listen to me.” I said when we pulled apart. 
“Clarke is coming with an army of Grounders.” I said. 
“What?” He asked. 
“We have to keep all of you safe till then.” I said. 
“Don’t tell me Finn finally got his peace talks.” Jasper said with a smile and I looked down. 
“Something like that.” I said. 
“Come on, we got a lot of work to do.” I said, changing the subject. 
“Maya, do you know where Cage’s room is?” I asked her. 
“It’s on Level Seven. Why?” She asked. 
“You guys finish getting everyone out. I’m going to get Y/N.” I said.
“You can’t, what if Cage is there?” Jasper said. 
“He won’t be. He’s too busy with us.” I answered and left. 
“What if you send me in to talk to them?” I asked Cage and he shook his head at me.
“Not in a million years. They’d never give you up.” He said and I sighed. It was worth a shot. 
“Please Cage, killing an innocent girl isn’t going to do anything!” I tried reasoning. 
“Y/N! You are not going in there and that is final!” He shouted. I looked down and nodded. He sighed and came over to me. 
“You’re too special for me to lose.” He said and kissed my head. 
Clarke’s POV
It was light now and we were getting to high grown still looking for the gunman. We paused when I saw him, but he saw use too. He fired at us and we ducked behind a rock. 
“So much for the element of surprise.” Lexa said. 
“I’ll draw his fire.” Lincoln said. 
“No.” I said before he could leave. 
“I will.” I said and started shooting back at him. He ducked down while Lincoln ran to sneak up behind him. I ducked back behind the rock with Lexa. I looked out and saw he was coming out of his spot to try and find us. I saw Lincoln jump on him and attack him. He knocked his gun out of his hands and they started fighting. Lincoln knocked him to the ground and pulled out his knife. He was ready to stab him when the guy pulled out a transmitter. Lincoln dropped the knife to grab his head and fell off the guy. The guy grabbed him and held a knife to his throat. I came out of the hiding spot and held my gun at him. 
“Drop the weapon.” He said to me and Lexa came out as well. 
“Just let him kill me, then take him out.” Lincoln said. 
“Clarke, please!” He begged. 
“Your people need you.” He added. 
“You are my people.” I said and shot the guy in the chest through Lincoln’s shoulder. 
“Good shot.” He said looking up at me with a smirk. 
“Did that make you feel better?” Lexa asked. 
“No.” I answered, letting the tears fall. 
Octavia’s POV
We were still digging out a tunnel, but it was taking too long. Indra needed help now, but we couldn’t stop. This was the only way. 
“It’s no use.” Caris said. 
“Come on, we can do this.” I said and then a horn blew in the distance. 
“Wait. Listen.” She said stopping me. We came out and looked towards the Mountain. 
“Lincoln. He did it.” I said with a smile. 
“We still can’t get them out.” She said. 
“Wanna bet? Get back in there.” I said. And we went to continue. 
“Come on, let’s go see what’s going on.” Cage said. 
“Let me come, please.” I begged. 
“No. stay here.” he said.
“I can help!” I said. 
“No Y/N.” He said. 
“Cage they won’t kill me, you know that. I can help you with them.” I said trying to make it seem like I was on their side. 
“Sir, she’s right. She may be able to help.” A guard said. 
“Fine. You stay with me the whole time.” He said and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead me down some halls and stairs. 
“It’s been 30 minutes. So the girl is dead by now.” The head guard said. 
“I know that, lieutenant. They’ve made their choice.” Cage said and I looked up at him confused.
“What choice?” I asked. 
“Go in strong. Take them alive if you can, but take them.” He said and my eyes widened.
“No! You can’t kill them!” I said trying to pull out of his grip. 
“We already have been.” Cage answered. 
“Copy that.” The lieutenant said. 
“Deploying flashbangs!” One guard said. I watched as explosions went off and the guards pushed into the room. 
“Mr. President.” The lieutenant called out. Cage walked in pulling me along. 
“Find them.” He said. 
“Yes sir!” They called out and left the room.
“If I find out that you somehow had something to do with this-”
“I didn’t I swear!” I said cutting him off and he narrowed his eyes at me. 
“Let’s go. You’re going back in our room and the door is staying locked.” He said and pulled me in the direction of our room. 
Bellamy’s POV
I got to Cage’s room just in time to see him locking Y/N in. I hid and waited for him to leave. Once he did and I was sure he wasn’t coming back I rushed to the room. I knocked on the window to get Y/N’s attention and she weakly looked up. I grabbed the key card I had and opened the door. I rushed in and knelt on the bed next to her. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” I asked. 
“Bellamy? How’d you get in here?” She asked weakly. 
“No time. We gotta get you out of here.” I said pulling her up, she was almost like dead weight. 
“Bellamy… He drugged me again…” She said. 
“Shit.. Okay.” I said and lifted her up. I ran out the door and back to the others as quick as I could. 
Bellamy rescued me. I don’t know how he’s in here, I don't remember him being in here. Maybe he was and they’ve just drugged me too much. Either way, I was saved! 
“You got her!” I heard Jasper’s voice. 
“Yeah, but she’s weak. Drugs.” Bellamy said. 
“Someone needs to take her so Jasper and I can lead.” He added. 
“I got her.” I heard Monty say and then I was being switched into his arms. 
“Hey, just try and stay awake okay? We’re gonna get you back to Clarke.” Monty said. 
“And Murphy.” Bellamy said and I looked over at him. 
“Yeah, he’s back at camp Jaha.” He added and I gave him a small smile. 
“Alright, let me go up ahead and make sure it’s safe.” Bellamy said. After a minute I heard him give the call clear and we started walking down a hall. 
“What is this?” Jasper asked. 
“Relax, Maya took out the cameras.” Bellamy said. 
“Yeah well, we’re still sitting ducks in a group like this.” Miller said. 
“You’re right, so we’re gonna split up.” Bellamy said and my eyes widened. 
“No. We do this together. We survive together.” Monty said stopping Bellamy. 
“Bellamy’s right.” Jasper said. 
“Well they don’t trust Maya anymore. Who the hell’s gonna help us now?” Miller asked. Bellamy motioned his head for everyone to follow him and we walked a bit further to see people standing in the hall. 
“They are.” Bellamy said. 
“We’re going to hide you. Not everyone here agrees with Cage. Not by a long shot.” Maya said. 
“Come with me. We’ll divide you along the way.” A man said. 
“Monty, you can put me down. I think I can walk now.” I said. “Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded. He placed me on my feet as everyone started walking. I took a few steps then fell. 
“I got you!” Jasper said catching me. 
“Thanks…” I said. 
“You’ll be okay.” 
“Let’s go. You’re safe now, quick. Go this way.” The man said ushering the kids along. Jasper, Monty, Bellamy and I were the last people in the hall. 
“Hey, we’re coming with you.” Jasper said to Bellamy. 
“No, you’re not. They still don’t know I’m here. I need to keep it that way.” He said. 
“So, what do we do?” Monty asked. 
“Stay alive. Be ready to fight and protect Y/N. She’s too weak to fight.” He said. 
“I can fight!” I said trying to stand on my own again but failing, damn these drugs!
“No you can’t, you can barely stand.” Monty said.
“War is coming.” Bellamy said then left. 
“Come on. I can try and help get the drug out of her.” Maya said and she lead us down the hall. 
Octavia’s POV
“It’s still not working!” Caris said and another horn blew. 
“Sky People!” A woman shouted.
“A group of them!” A man shouted. We climbed out of the ditch and I saw Sinclare and others following him. 
“We saw the missile. Heard the blast. Figured you could use some help.” He said. 
“Just in time. Thank you.” I said. 
“Alright! I need everybody on that rope.” I called out. Everyone got on and we started pulling. We managed to create and opening and I looked in. 
“We got two survivors!” I called then went inside to see if I can help get them out. 
“Abby! Kane! We\ll get you out of here.” I called and climbed further in to them.
“We’re gonna be okay.” I head Abby say to Kane. It was dark when we finally got them out. I grabbed a blanket and put it over Kan. 
“Here you go.” I said and then I looked up to see Lincoln. I got up and we ran to each other. He picked me up in his arms and I was so relieved that I kissed him.
“You did it.” I said with a smile. 
“Yeah, I had a little help.” He said and I looked up to see Clarke and Lexa. The Grounders noticed Lexa and started chanting Heda, she held up her hand to silence them. 
“What happened here will not stand! The Mountain will fall! The dead will be avenged!” She shouted and everyone cheered. 
“Enough! That’s enough!” Abby shouted quieting everyone.
“There are still others in the wreckage. We heard them. Go to work!” She shouted and everyone started moving. Once we got everyone out I noticed Indra was up, Lincoln and I walked over to her.
“You’ve done well, Octavia of the Sky People. Today you saved lives. Tomorrow you’ll take them. Now, get my gear. We leave with the commander.” She said and I left. Once I got her stuff I was bringing them back to her, but I saw her and Lincoln making up. 
“I thought you were dead. I’m glad you’re not.” I said to Clarke when she walked over to me. 
“You too.” She said. I walked over to Indra and helped her with her gear. Once everything was in order we followed Lexa who would lead us to victory with Clarke against The Mountain men. 
Tag list: @theschuylersistersss @iamaunicorn4704 @sarasmismyonlydefence @imaginehuntress @tiannawashere @teenwolfbitches2 @mockinghijack @genius2050 @somethingdawn @j-a-val @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @pharaoh-of-time-and-space @marveloverdcsstuff @lady-of-lies @simonsbluee @emo-godess-loves-you @now-imagine
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12-altunivkru · 4 years
The 100: Top 10 Fighters/Warriors
1. Luna kom Floukru
Founder of Floukru
Best warrior of her generation
Superior Natblida of her conclave
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🌙I didn't flee the conclave because I was afraid I would lose. I fled because I knew I would win.
2. Lexa kom Trikru
Winner of her Conclave
Never lost a fight
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♾Victory stands on the back of sacrifice
3. Echo kom Azgeda
Spy and assassin of the most military clan
Head of Azgeda's Royal Guard
Trained by a level 12 Disciple for 5 years
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🏹She's very dangerous, very loyal...
4. Octavia Blake / kom Skaikru
Best warrior in Skaikru - Skairipa
Winner of the Conclave among clans
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🦋I am not afraid
5. Charmaine Diyoza
Distinguished Colonel
Famous terrorist
Leader of the convicts
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💣The sword of Damocles hangs over your head, so choose your response wisely
6. Indra kom Trikru
War Chief of TonDC
Most experienced warrior in Trikru
Leader of Wonkru
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⚔️We're at war and a warrior does not mourn those she's lost till after the battle is won
7. Roan kom Azgeda
King of Azgeda
Head of the Coalition
Third finalist of the Conclave
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❄️Until another Nightblood ascends, I, King Roan of Azgeda, eldest son of Queen Nia, grandson of Theo, and caretaker of the throne and keeper of the flame
8. Anya kom Trikru
Trikru unit leader
Mentor to Lexa
First leader of the war against Skaikru
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🌿You killed 300 of my warriors, I can't show my face without a prize
9. Bellamy Blake
Member of the Ark Guard
Trained in Azgeda-style combat for 6.5 years
Leader of Spacekru
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💥You fight like Azgeda
10. Clarke Griffin
Ambassador of Skykru
Unmatched survival skills
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🔥You may be the Commander, but I'm the Commander of Death, ...
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