spphos · 4 years
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FEAR THE WALKING DEAD deleted scene | 2x05 “Captive”
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spphos · 4 years
reblog this if you’re an indie roleplaying blog with both an LGBTQIA+ mun and LGBTQIA+ muse(s).
i’m trying to get an idea of how large portion of the indie rp community consists of queer muses being written and represented by queer people themselves. allies, don’t interact.
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spphos · 4 years
bah humbug. santana wasn’t exactly known for ever being the cheery type, even around the holidays, but this year in particular sucked even more than usual. at first, the prospect of having the entire dorm to herself had sounded pretty nice, considering how much all the other students tended to annoy her, but it hadn’t even been a full day yet and she was already feeling incredibly lonely. not even the fancy new earrings her parents had dropped off before heading on their christmas cruise had been able to cheer her up, and if some shiny bling couldn’t do the trick, what would?
as she was about to click the ‘continue watching’ option on her laptop, the sudden blast of music started coming from down the hall, earning a long groan from her in response. she didn’t have the energy to deal with whatever idiot thought it was acceptable to blast music at top volume while she was trying to get her netflix and chill on. well, minus the chill part, unless you counted the whole having to bury herself under her comforter, considering the freezing temperature of her dorm room. at least bitching someone out would give her some minor entertainment, beyond reruns of shows she’d already seen a million times. 
it wasn’t until she’d stepped out into the hall and noticed that the disturber of her peace wasn’t some annoying frat douchebag, but a tall, gorgeous, damn near naked girl, that she started to regret her choice of leaving her room in old pajamas, a messy bun, and bare face - minus the couple, tiny dots of zit cream. she was definitely underdressed. or, well, maybe overdressed, but definitely not at her best. “uh… hey. i’m santana.” suddenly, her body temperature felt much, much higher than it had a few minutes ago. as she shook the girl’s hand, all of snixx’s rage seemed to completely melt away, and instead she was forced to focus on trying to do anything besides just totally ogle this girl. and failing miserably at that mission. “aren’t you freezing?” the urge to wrap the girl up in a warm blanket was currently at war inside her brain with the urge to rip the tiny bit of fabric off her, and she wasn’t really sure which was winning. 
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brittany’s smile only widened when she saw who had interrupted her impromptu dance rehearsal, shaking the girl’s hand with vigour. santana. a beautiful name for a beautiful woman, spot cream and all. she only regretted that she hadn’t met the girl sooner, feeling that they’d wasted so much time sitting alone in their respective rooms. at least, that’s what she assumed santana had been doing. who knew. her x-ray vision 2004 lindsay lohan inspired sunglasses were still in the works, after all. “well, i hope i’m not freezing. otherwise i’d be like a snowman and tomorrow i’d probably melt away forever and we wouldn’t be able to hang out...” she deadpanned, eyes twinkling as she let a sly smile creep onto her lips, hoping her new friend knew she was joking. “i’ve been dancing around. and i run pretty hot anyway.” she winked, twirling long blonde hair between her fingers. knowing that not everyone really wanted to have a conversation with a stranger who was still in their underwear but...santana seemed cool and it didn’t look like she had much else to do. “why aren’t you home for christmas? i’m pretty sure we’re the only people in the whole block. did your parents read the calendar wrong too?”
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spphos · 4 years
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reagan had anticipated this reaction so she wasn’t surprised. however some part of her had hoped for something different, like maybe a switch would go off in nour’s head and she’d recognize the situation for what it really is. the femme ran a hand through her hair and let out a frustrated sigh. “no, nour. i’m telling you because i really like her and this can’t continue if i want it go anywhere. things with her could be getting serious.” crossing her arms over her chest, reagan studied her friend. it was amazing how quickly her demeanor changed. only hours ago it had been soft touches, whispered promises and lips on every inch of skin they could get to. now nour looked at her as if she was a stranger. “and you… you’re so fucking frustrating. you know that?” reagan had tried to act like she didn’t care that much, but oh she did. nour made her feel things she couldn’t explain and she knew they had crossed boundaries months ago. while she could see it, nour continually didn’t even want to consider it a possibility. 
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nour couldn’t help but momentarily drop her guard, visibly wounded at the revelation that reagan liked the girl. she hadn’t expected to care so much when they started hooking up. things had started off fun and easy, the taste of liquor staining forbidden kisses. but drunken hookups soon turned to nour climbing into reagan’s sheet at every possibility, to napping together. and the possibility that things between them could change...it was too much for the stubborn woman to handle. things would be easier if she pretended not to care like she’d tried to from the very beginning. reagan getting serious with someone else was only proof of that. she steeled herself, mask snapping back into place as she glared at her friend. “good for you,” she snapped, scraping her hair back into a loose ponytail and pulling her sweatshirt hurriedly over her lean body. “oh i’m frustrating? nobody is forcing you to be here reagan.”
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spphos · 4 years
                                                       alex put both her lips into her mouth and bit down, trying not to snicker. this was a bizarre situation, and she really REALLY wished it wasn’t turning her on this much. but just the WAY her friend was looking at her, her wows and temping blush… oh god. alex really wanted to kiss her. or her touch her. or her to let ALEX touch her. anything, really. the way ronit was touching the sensitive smooth skin of her thigh didn’t help either. there were goosebumps sprouting up them and on her arms. she felt like such a lonely loser lesbian. “you do seem WOWED-” alex teased her, “but you haven’t answered if this HELPS or not.” after all, wasn’t the purpose of this EXERCISE to help ronit find out if she was really into girls, or not? she smiled sideways, and then she GASPED when the briefest touch graced her heated pussy. she felt it clench on air, and her nippled hardened visibly under her shirt. “i-it’s. it’s okay.” she said, blushing profusely, and before she could CONTROL HERSELF, she blurted out, “do you want to touch it?” she felt her heart stop.
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surely there were more embarrassing situations to find yourself in. or, at least, that’s what ronit told herself as she let her eyes wander her friend’s body. she could see the way alex’s body reacted to her touch -- that raw attraction between them. and she couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t interested. sex with her boyfriend was...comfortable. but it certainly didn’t excite her the way seeing goosebumps rising on alex’s thighs as her fingers traced patterns into soft skin. “oh it helps,” she assured her, biting down on her bottom lip. and it certainly helped make matters clearer when alex reacted so positively to her touch. sure, it had been accidental and borderline innocent, but she certainly didn’t regret her slip up. and who was she to refuse such an offer? “i-i do...” she stuttered, eyes meeting alex’s as she waited for her approval. “if you want me to.” consent gained, she let her fingers slide slowly through slick heat, listening and watching for signs that what she was doing was correct, brows furrowed in concentration. wanting to take things slow, savour the moment. “maybe you could show me what you like?”
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spphos · 4 years
Jaime’s was the sweetest girl that Bodhi had ever met. The first time the woman had seen the other behind the counter at the cafe she’d definitely caught her eyes and after that day she’d become something of a regular. Then the little hearts on the cups. The smiley faces. Until she’d scrawled her number on the cup in return and placed it back on the counter for the other. From there, Bodhi had worked hard to get Jaime to open up to her and she’d patiently let the other lead how quickly their relationship progressed. Bodhi had made mistakes before and she was adamant Jaime would not be one of them. No she knew Jaime was her everything. She loved her a lot and she’d adored taking their relationship to the next level… but… had she let her down? “But…?” She asked softly, giving Jaime another squeeze. Her fingers drifted across her bare skin. She wanted the other to be open with her. Bodhi wanted to listen. To learn. “J…” Her eyebrows furrowed and her hand lifted to cup the other’s beautiful face. “I am ridiculously attracted to you. How could I not be…” She stroked her cheek lovingly before kissing her forehead. “I love you and I love everything about you. And…well…I want to see and know that I can make you feel good. You deserve to…”
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Often, Jaime wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. For the most part, she enjoyed the simple things in life. Small pleasures like her scented candles and waking up with Luna curled up by her feet. The taste of coffee in bleary mornings and the scent of the sea in thick curls after a stroll along the beach. The family hadn’t grown up with much and that reflected in her small apartment, filled with nicknacks bought from Seagrove and Monastiraki‘s various flea markets, her most treasured possession the crumpled stefanas that hung above her bed, woven by hand for the day of her grandparents’ wedding and lovingly cared for ever since. And then she met Bodhi, and having her made her feel like the richest person in the world. Loving Bodhi was the easiest thing and she would never get enough of getting to know her, what made her smile, how to make each day better than the last. She knew that for sure. Which is why she wanted to be the best for her, terrified that she’d show something that Bodhi didn’t like. “I love you too...” her answer was immediate, caring as she placed her fingers over Bodhi’s own, shifting on the bed to face her. Wanting to be ever closer to her girlfriend. “You do make me feel good. I can be shy about showing it and I can hold back but...I promise. I want you.” She leaned in, lips meeting Bodhi’s in a soft kiss, letting her eyes fall closed as she savoured all of the girl. “Let me show you...?”
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spphos · 4 years
Bodhi breathed out a soft sigh as Jaime’s long legs draped across her own bare skin. Her skin was cooling, her breath now totally steady but her mind was moving at a hundred miles per hour. Had she been….bad? She knew first times weren’t always groundmoving but she was letting her mind run away with itself. She’d been so excited to take their relationship to the next step, so eager to get to please Jaime’s beautiful body and it had been wonderful to be with her girlfriend but… had she done something wrong? Looking down at the other, she smiled tenderly before ducking down to kiss the top of her head. “You don’t need to thank me.” She whispered against her hair before reaching for her hand, lacing her fingers through Jaime’s and resting them on her stomach. “You really don’t need to thank me, J. I’m the lucky one.” She gave her a secure squeeze before pausing again. Nice…but not great. Not even good. She’d just wanted to make Jaime feel unbelievable and apparently she wasn’t up to the task… yet. Sadly. “Was that…okay?” She asked sincerely, shuffling so she could tilt Jaime’s chin up, meeting her lips in a firm but tender kiss. Maybe Jaime just wasn’t that reactive… or maybe, she just hadn’t made her feel good. “You’re so beautiful, J. And I want to make you feel good…”
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And it’s the tiny things that makes Jaime feel grounded. Bodhi’s fingers between her own bringing her back down to earth, the softness of her lips against her scalp. She turned to face Bodhi, nosing her way into sweet-smelling hair and letting her eyes slide closed momentarily, relishing the moment between them. Often she wished it could just stay the two of them (and Luna of course), in their small little world. Having sex had been a big step for them both and although things hadn’t necessarily lived up to their expectations, she couldn’t complain too much. “I loved being so close to you,” she breathed, eyes opening to lock gazes with her girlfriend, hoping to reassure her despite the crease of her brows. “It was. But...” she huffed a sigh, abashed. Nervous to open herself up to the other although she wanted to be truly intimate with her. In all ways. “I was just afraid. And self-conscious. Mostly afraid that if I let go you wouldn’t be attracted to me...” Her cheeks coloured red and she chanced a glance at Bodhi, wondering if that indeed had been the case or if her anxieties had gotten the best of her.
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spphos · 4 years
I simply do not vibe with my father
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spphos · 4 years
starter call / / .
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— hit the heart for a LYRIC based starter from commander LEXA woods !!
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spphos · 4 years
open to f, a friend, maybe her male friend’s girlfriend ✴ alex, 22 (blake lively fc) alex tries to help her friend (boy friend’s girlfriend) to figure out their sexuality.  ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ 
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“i cannot believe i’m actually letting you do this.” alex sighed, as she leaned back on her elbows, her blonde hair cascading behind her, as she bit on her lip and looked at the way the other girl was STARING between her open legs. “it’s really not that different from your own you know.” she pointed out, then speaking up again as she got impatient, “so?? does this help, or what have you?” she blushed. she was wearing a white shirt, stained with paint as usual, and buck naked from the waist down. her legs were spread wide open, knees bent up, and feet planted on the bed as she let the other look and waited, breathing shallowly.  she had no idea how on EARTH she’d let herself be roped into this… Or perhaps she did, and it was simply that the girl in front of her was the most beautiful one she had ever seen before. shit. she totally had a crush on a curious straight girl, didn’t she? one that was definitely out of her reach. she just PRAYED she didn’t get WET with all the staring the other was doing.
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ronit wasn’t sure how she’d managed to find herself here. one minute she’d jokingly mentioned that she’d never seen a woman naked, let alone been with a woman before despite finding them incredibly attractive, more so than her actual boyfriend. the next minute her friend’s clothes were on the floor and she was practically face to face with...the current situation. she swallowed thickly, eyes shifting from side to side as she tried (with great difficulty) not to stare too much. “wow,” she spoke softly, tearing her eyes away from alex’s body to look into her face, a sheepish grin on her lips. “it’s really...wow.” her eyes fell between the girl’s legs again, curiosity in her features. biting her lip to hide her growing smile. “i know but...it’s hard to see your own. unless you get a mirror. and i’m not really interested in doing that. though i guess that wouldn’t be as weird as what this is...” ronit laughed nervously, hand absent mindedly touching her friend’s thigh. “thank you for doing this, by the way. i really owe you one.” her fingers trailed the creamy skin of alex’s thighs, but she snatched her hand away as if burned when she accidentally brushed against her friend’s centre, cheeks staining pink. “shit, i’m so sorry...”
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spphos · 4 years
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spphos · 4 years
╰      ♡   ROMANTIC FIRSTS.           —————feel  free  to  add  ‘reverse’  if  you’d  like  to  see  my  muse's  reaction  to  the  opposite.
send  CALL  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  called  your  muse.
send  TEXT  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  texted  your  muse.
send  DATE  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  asked  your  muse  out  on  a  date.
send  KISS  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  kissed  your  muse.
send  WANT  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  wanted  to  have  sex  with  your  muse.
send  MISS  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  missed  your  muse.
send  NEED  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  needed  your  muse  with  them.
send  LOVE  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  said  “I  love  you”.
send  STAY  WITH  ME  for  the  first  time  my  muse  stayed  with  yours.
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spphos · 4 years
        ANGER   WAS   :                                      BETTER   THAN   TEARS                                     BETTER   THAN   GRIEF                                     BETTER   THAN   GUILT
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spphos · 4 years
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   santana’s   face   softened   as   soon   as   brittany   began   to   speak   .   her   best   friend   was   probably   the   only   person   in   existence   who   deserved   all   the   love   in   the   world   .   while   anyone   would   be   lucky   to   have   brittany   ,   santana   couldn’t   quite   picture   who   exactly   she’d   put   brittany   with   .   no   one   would   ever   be   good   enough   in   her  eyes   .   she   smiled   fondly   .   “ that’s   true   ,   you   make   a   good   point   , ”   she   hummed   , referring   to   the   comment   about   blaine’s   hair   .   she   was   surprised   it   hadn’t   gone   up   in   flames   before   now   .   “ well   ,   i   am   your   hottest   friend   so   it   makes   sense   that   you’d   want   to   bring   me   , ”   her   mischievous   expression   fell   into   a   soft   frown   at   brittany’s   next   words   .    she   had   a   way   of   melting   santana   to   the   point   where   she’d   probably   do   anything   she   asked   .   that   was   very   rare   .   “ fine   ,   fine   .   okay   …   i’ll   go   with   you   but   you   better   fill   me   in   on   the   details   you    gave   your   mom   .   who   knew   you   could   be   such   a   good   liar   ? ”
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“i know. i’m pretty much a genius,” brittany agreed with a firm nod of her head, eyes sparkling. “you’re the hottest friend ever. you’re like...madonna. but with boobs and nicer lips.” though seemingly innocent, brittany knew the effect that she had on her friend and how the slightest pout or the bat of her eyelashes was all that was needed to persuade Santana do pretty much anything she wanted. watching another disney movie, accompanying her to the park...and now this. and brittany wasn’t afraid to use that power. “i know, i hate lying. but my mom was going kinda crazy about how i need to settle down soon. something about lord tubbington needing a momdad.” she rolled her eyes as she grumbled, though her expression was fond. “you know how she is. she just wants to make sure someone’s looking after me. so i just told her i’d met someone really great and super hot.” her smile grew wider and she bumped santana’s shoulder softly. “but we should totally come up with a cool first encounter story.”
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spphos · 4 years
.*・。゚「 closed starter for : @chmpgneflwrs //. 」 .*・。゚
based on this prompt.
Brittany hadn’t been there long. Between long and gruelling dance practices and afternoon shifts at the local cat groomer, she hadn’t been able to spend much time in her dorms, only to dash between her room and the communal showers that were down the hall. Sure she’d bumped into a few people here and there, but the majority of her time was taken up with fellow dance students and her roommate Marley, who seemed nice but very shy. And one of the perks of not having Marley around was that she got to dance around in their shared room in her skimpiest underwear, wiggling her hips and singing loudly along to the best holiday song ever written -- christmas wrapping. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d pushed her covers away to reveal her nude body under her duvet, only for Marley to go bright red and sputter about how they needed boundaries. So it was nice to be free for a while, though it was sad she couldn’t go home for Christmas. It seemed that not knowing how to read a calendar ran in the family as her parents had booked what they thought was a sunny cruise in the Carribean. But it wasn’t all bad. She had the best pick of the showers, pretty much unlimited hot water...and the whole dorm floor to prance around in her underwear. Which was why she was surprised to see someone emerge from their room, seemingly curious about all of the noise going on. Brittany had been sure that nobody else was staying in the dorms for the winter vacation, but her happy demeanour didn’t falter at the news, beaming smile only growing wider. “Hi!” she spoke with cheer, bouncing over to the girl with an outstretched hand. Not caring that she was dressed in the scantiest of lingerie. “I’m Brittany!”
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spphos · 4 years
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reagan knew it was inevitable, eventually this conversation was going to come up. she’d tried to bring it up before but somehow they always found a way to push it off or ended up in a blur of clothing hitting the floor and lips intertwined instead. reagan was patient, kind and wouldn’t push. however it became harder and harder to deny how she was feeling about her best friend. there as so much at stake between them and she was terrified of losing everything they had built up until this point. she leaned up on her elbow, lips pursed tightly as nour refused to look at her, something about that struck a nerve within and she sat up, riddled with sadness and a bit of aggravation. “yes, we do. because i can’t move forward anymore without knowing where we stand.” reagan cleared her throat, daring to glance over at the girl who had her in so deep. she was so close yet often seemed so far away lately. the words that followed felt bitter on her tongue, and they felt wrong but she knew it wasn’t right to lie. “i met someone.”
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her eyes flashed with irritation and she pulled the sheets further over her chest as if to hide from her friend. why did reagan always have to do this? she wasn’t ready to admit to any feelings for her friend and she would much rather prefer that they just hooked up without acknowledging anything else between them. it was easier that way. “why do you have to make things weird?” nour snapped, glancing at the girl beside her. “it’s just sex. we’re having fun, that’s it. there’s nothing to talk about.” she pursed her lips, unwilling to give the girl a reaction despite how reagan’s words really made her feel. she couldn’t believe that her friend had met someone so quickly. she had been the one making reagan feel better after her idiot of an ex had broken up with her...but it didn’t matter anyway. she didn’t care. “okay, and..?” she rolled her eyes, reaching for her clothes that had been strewn over the floor. another reminder of the passionate night they’d shared. “is that supposed to make me jealous?”
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spphos · 4 years
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❝ i mean… i was already planning on changing something up anyway. ❞ it wasn’t a complete lie – the blonde was fully prepared to mold herself into whatever it was that was mina’s ideal type. anything. ❝ do you think it looks bad ?? ❞ regardless, this didn’t seem to be going how she wanted it to. red painted lips pull down as she stared down at the blonde locks she was winding around her fingers.
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“right...” mina couldn’t say she was entirely convinced. it seemed like too much of a coincidence for her to have mentioned having a thing for blondes and for manami to suddenly do something so drastic to her own hair...it didn’t quite add up. but she definitely didn’t want to make the other upset. that wasn’t her intention at all. “of course not,” she tried to sound reassuring, reaching out to lightly touch bleached locks. “you look really pretty.” she chanced a smile.
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