sybxritiic · 2 years
continued from HERE  // @thequeensxgambit​
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“see… i think you’re confusing the word of the definition can’t.” estella said softly, resisting the urge to smirk as willow finished off her sutures. este knew it wasn’t the first time and she was more than sure it wouldn’t be the last despite the other’s insistence. este was a fighter. this was what she did. she knew little else outside the world of a crowd’s cheers and the sound of skin colliding. the blood. the bruises. the victory. the money. women. “then i will bleed to death on your doorstep and try not to let it seep under the door.” she let out a quiet breath and shrugged a tender shoulder. tonight had been a hard fight. a victory stolen. “do you not like looking after me? let me know if i’m an inconvenience.” 
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          willow  wasn’t  confusing  anything  ,  least  of  all  the  definition  of  a  word.  estella  was  free  to  do  as  she  pleased  ,  but  that  didn’t  mean  that  she  had  to  accept  it.  “  it’s  not  a  matter  of  liking  your  impromptu  visits  ,  ”  the  surgeon  insisted  while  covering  the  affected  area  with  a  non - stick  bandage.  “  it’s  about  the  quality  of  your  care.  ”  minor  cuts  and  bruises  were  one  thing  ,  but  it  wasn’t  always  easy  to  diagnose  a  fractured  cheekbone  just  by  looking  at  someone.  especially  after  swelling  had  set  in.  “  i  know  this  house  is  nice  but  i  don’t  have  an  x - ray  machine  in  my  living  room  ,  este.  i  can’t  fix  a  fracture  that  i  can’t  see.  ”
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lilacwiinearchive · 3 years
a closed starter for @thequeensxgambit​ featuring kamile and julianna.
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it’s been a conversation that she’s tried to put off for a long time but as it stood kamile couldn’t wait anymore. it didn’t feel fair to wait anymore  —  not on her and definitely not on julianna. still, that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to put it off until the last possible second. she’d waited a while, let them both have dinner and come down from work before she finally decided to broach the subject that had been consuming her thoughts for weeks... possibly even months, now. “jules, babe?” when her eyes turned to the other end of the couch she couldn’t help but feel guilty and that was perhaps because part of her had every reason to feel that way; she was about to throw a spanner into their otherwise completely perfect relationship. “i’ve been thinking about something... for a while now, actually. i thought it was probably time to talk about it.” she paused for about half a second, having to get it out there before she bit her tongue again. “how would you feel about opening things up a little? between us?” 
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societysburdens · 3 years
@thequeensxgambit​ liked for a female starter. / morgan+?
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it was the third night in a row that morgan has spent her night here at these sketchy card games. there was a chance for big money and she needed that money for her father’s surgery. it was expensive and she hasn’t had any real luck scoring some big numbers. she’s gotten enough to help with small treatments but what he really needed was surgery and it was an invasive one. “i fold,” she whispered, throwing her cards in and begins biting her nails. she was nervous.
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moonscenes · 4 years
@thequeensxgambit​ liked for a spooky starter ! 🎃
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      “the underworld heard you request, and now i’m here.” she was absolutely the most annoying person that they could’ve chose, that was for sure, but finn enjoyed making people’s lives a living hell. she pretty much just walked in through the door once the full moon was at it’s peak. the person in question had just done a ritual from out of a silly book they probably got on amazon, or from one of those fake witch shops. it’s probably why they got a demon other than whatever they may have been looking for. “unfortunately i do have to take the souls of a few people to make my boss happy but there’s been a few people bothering you, right? and, don’t worry ... for the time being, only you can see me so when i start to knock shit over, people will get royally freaked out.”
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mrsxbrightsidex · 5 years
Three months ago, she sent an invitation through FedEx. It was a beautiful invitation, with Boone Harper written in calligraphy across the front of the envelope and sealed with a white bow. It was dainty, yet felt heavy against her finger tips. She supposed it was a natural reaction. Any envelope being sent to your ex-boyfriend was, by default, a heavy transaction. But she convinced herself it was the proper thing to do. After all, he was more than an ex-boyfriend. He represented her childhood and young adulthood, all wrapped into one. Despite the complicated feelings she had, inviting him felt right. Besides, it’s not like he would ever actually come. Her wedding to Miles Devereux was set at her father’s vineyard in the Bordeaux region of France. If, in the ten years they hadn’t spoken, Boone considered coming, France would be her deterrent. It was what split them up almost ten years ago. A scholarship and opportunity to be closer to her father outweighed their relationship. She’d begged, of course, that he join her. But no such luck. He was a small town boy, there was no changing that. Hayley shakes the thoughts away, instead focusing on the wedding.
It was the morning of, with everyone from family to business partners moving through the vineyard. Sectioned off in a separate room, she examines her reflection in the mirror. She wore the dress selected by her fiance and his mother; a haute couture piece that screamed their wealth. It was a far cry from her mother’s dress, a simple linen dress that she wore almost forty years ago. For years, Hayley dreamed she’d wear her mother’s dress to a simple yet chic wedding. Then again, in her fantasy, it was to her childhood sweetheart. As her eyes lift from the train to her veil, her eyes stop at the reflection. “You came.” Hayley gasps, spotting her ex-boyfriend lingering in the doorway
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annawintcur-a · 5 years
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it had gotten to the point where karmen was making the trip to the rooftop just to see them. she’s pretty sure this has become their thing now, but she was too afraid to be any kind of label on it and scare them away. all that kar knew was that it kind of made her day seeing them. with a blunt being her choice of method today, it hung loosely between her lips as she climbed the stairs to the rooftop of their shared apartment building. the door is pushed open with excitement and her lips pull into a wide grin when she sees them right on cue. “’sup, nerd.” karmen had anointed the other with what had become a term of endearment because, in karmen’s world, anyone that owned a telescope was a big, giant nerd. she pulled out her lighter from her back pocket as she walked towards them, now finding comfort invading their space instead of what was her usual spot on the opposite end of the rooftop. “you don’t need that tonight, i can already tell you what you’re going to see: it’s the planets being aligned for us to fuck again.” / @thequeensxgambit
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dareyous · 5 years
@thequeensxgambit​ liked for an f/f starter
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ANISTON : i’m heading home early ANISTON : i feel super sick :( ANISTON : but i also really miss you :(  ANISTON : so i’m sad
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felixculpxx · 5 years
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Jennifer laughed as they stepped down from the table. She shook her head slowly. “It’s just a spider. Don’t worry. It’s gone now,” The woman flashed a smile at her friend. “I’ve got you covered.” | @thequeensxgambit
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unsctisfied · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF THE COOLEST CHICKS!!!! and one of my best friends on this big ole flat planet we live on!!! @thequeensxgambit
amie, you are one of the most amazing people i have ever known. when i first met you, shay and i wondered whether you liked us or not. it was like this big mystery that we had to find out. i wish i was joking... it was this whole thing.  does she? does she not? does she? trust me, if we had a flower we would have used that. though we didn't have to. spoiler alert: (as though you need to be spoiled) you did. you do. you have this thing where you just like everyone. you're so non-judgmental. it's kind of insane just how much. god, you're so kind... and wonderful. you have one of the biggest hearts of anyone i know. it’s like you’re the opposite of the grinch... and i guess that would probably make me him, but that’s beside the point. you're ridiculously talented. i could go on and on about the great writer you are, but you already know how i feel. i’m sure i’m speaking for most people when i say you’re fucking inspirational at it.  it's completely true though. you're so great with words. some people's soulmates might be other people but i'm a firm believer that yours just might be the pen. you're already accomplishing so much and this is just the start. I can't wait to see what you become. just know I expect a very specialized signed copy of whatever it is you do. i don't make the rules okay...  i love you so much, buddy! <3 -leAnn
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lilacwiinearchive · 4 years
a closed starter for @thequeensxgambit​
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working the late shift had never been leah’s favourite thing, though some things had to be done and this was one of them. she was just glad to be back home, shuffling through the apartment while slipping her jacket off. she was a little surprised, it sounded pretty quiet and if it weren’t for the fact the door wasn’t properly looked she might’ve thought her roommates had gone out. she decided on the fact they must’ve been sleeping but when she wandered into the kitchen to grab a drink she was surprised by the sight she was met with. “oh... i just  — water.” 
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making out with one of her roommates while slightly tipsy? not one of the worst things aylin had ever done. except, it sort of passed from making out into something more when she found herself fussing with trying to undo darby’s jeans so that she could get her hand down the front of them. she was almost successful in her task when a voice filtered through the room and startled her from it, rearing her head back to part their lips and turning it in leah’s direction. “you’re home,” she greeted, paying little mind to what the state she’d been caught in with darby. 
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spphos · 4 years
.*・。゚「 closed starter for : @thequeensxgambit​ //. 」 .*・。゚
plot: muses are both world leaders of different nations who are secretly hooking up bc the world needs more women in power who have really hot sex
“You want to cut the crap and tell me exactly what is going on here?” Dayanna’s voice shook with fury as she slammed a pile of paperwork onto the woman’s desk, the noise of the impacting echoing around the usually hushed office. With her eyes burning and dark browns drawn together in a blatant scowl, President Martinez looked a far cry from the usually composed and well-presented woman who always looked so confident on screen. Headlines and cameras followed her wherever she went; discussing her clothes more than her carefully implemented policies and most certainly linking her to a never ending stream of (male) celebrity lovers. Columbia was still adjusting to having their first woman president and despite her unwavering popularity amongst young, liberal voters, her smart legislation that had led to a sharp decrease in unemployment and her push to legalise same-sex marriage, older voters and the media couldn’t see past her womanhood. She was constantly under pressure to not be too feminine, but be feminine enough -- to not appear too confident, but still seem like a leader. But fiery by nature, it wasn’t always possible to reign in her short temper, and especially not when one of the other most powerful women in the world seemed to be going back on a deal she’d been under the impression they’d already come to an agreement on. Especially when she was already tired from the long international flight and the morning spent doing a press conference with the United Nations Secretary General. “We talked about this, and I seem to remember the exact moment you agreed that these would be the terms we’d set before anything went to the courts. And now you’re pulling this shit?” If it weren’t for the other woman’s security team, having already sent her own away for privacy, she’d be showing her exactly what she thought of this backhanded move, preferably against the very desk she’d slapped her palm onto. “I suggest that next time you try and fuck somebody like this, you buy them dinner first, Madame President. Or is playing nice not your style?”
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virgoxwrites · 5 years
starter for @thequeensxgambit based off of this.
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“hey there drunky, how you feeling?” the redhead speaks, shaking her head in amusement as the other stumbles into the car. she had gotten a call from her twin’s partner, asking them her to retrieve them from a party, lily knew that reese was out with her own friends, so she figured thats why she was getting the rescue call rather than reese. “am i taking you home?” the redhead questions, glancing over at the other. “don’t forget to buckle and if you throw up in my car i’ll have to kill you.” the two had always gotten along, and truthfully, lily had always had a bit of a crush on the other, which she knew was wrong for so many reasons, especially given that the other was dating her twin sister. sometimes, lily wondered what would have happened if they had met first though, would they have had a shot at being together? she couldn’t help but feel like they were a better fit anyway, reese was a bit neurotic to say the least, and wasn’t the easiest to deal with in relationships whereas lily was much more easy going — she liked making her partner happy. she sighed, snapping herself back to reality as she shifted her car back into drive.
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hopelesswxnderers · 6 years
The other had been in the hospital Mercy worked in for some time and they’d struck up a bond - maybe something more than that. But now the other was going home and Mercy was feeling a little sad about it. “Do you think I’ll ever see you again?” she questioned sadly, pushing her arms around the other into an embrace. “I’m so happy you’re finally able to go home, but I’m a little selfishly sad for me.”
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societysburdens · 3 years
@thequeensxgambit​ liked for a female starter. / lyric+?
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night has fallen which means lyric has come out to play. like a typical vampire, she spent most of the daytime sleeping, regaining her energy, preparing for the moon’s beckoning. she never knew what she was going to get into until she was out there, listening to the energy that the moon emitted. she followed the instinctive whispers that spoke to her, goosebumps forming on her skin. she giggled quietly to herself, finding the voices humorous. she entered into a dive bar, scanning the area. there wasn’t many patrons for the exception of a few drunkies, locals, and lonely people. the bar was filled with smoke and country music filled the silence. this wasn’t her scene, usually, but this is where the voices beckoned her. she sits at the bar upon a stool, ordering a gin and tonic, talking silently to herself.
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mrsxbrightsidex · 6 years
Imagine, for a second, knowing who your heart belongs to at fifteen and thinking he’d keep it forever? Now, imagine a world where he takes your heart and runs away with it forever. Well, it was far from imaginary for Hayley Crimsen-Pryce. She wrote the story of stolen love, before she burned it to ashes. Its been ten years since she last saw Boone. To this day, she remembers it vividly; his tender kiss goodbye on his way to the academy, whilst Hayley was frantically finishing an English Lit. paper. They had dinner plans at Hal’s, the local diner, and maybe a movie. Another ordinary day, meant to pass along to the next. But days turned to years, and neither Hayley nor anyone Boone ever knew heard of him since. Now, ten years later, Hayley nearly drowned the noise with society parties and drunk dancing on a yacht down the French riviera. She’s lounging by the fireplace of her New York City penthouse late into the evening, her hair done up and silk pajamas adorned on her figure. Her husband, Anthony Pryce, was negotiating a new contract in Beijing. It was for the best -- Hayley enjoyed her evenings shutting down bars or purchasing couture like macarons at fashion week. She’s just about to head to bed when the private elevator to her apartment rings. Frowning, Hayley crankily mutters “lazy” under her breathe. Where was her housekeeper to attend to the door? “Maria, I told you! I didn’t want any visitors --” She’s making her way to the elevator in hot pursuit, startled in her tracks. Boone.
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consteilaticns · 5 years
❝ i like my reflection a little more with you all over me. ❞ em + el
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elena was the most beautiful woman that emelia had ever laid eyes on, and she knew that would never change. no matter how long she lived, nobody would ever even hold a candle to el. so it was insane to her when she saw elena staring at her face in the mirror, brows furrowed as her fingers stretched and prodded at her skin. the idea that elena didn’t see herself the same way em did was so confusing to emelia. no matter how many times em told her she was beautiful, she would always catch herself staring in the mirror, critiquing herself. 
they were supposed to be going to a friend’s barbeque, but emelia couldn’t help but sigh as she watched elena fussing for a little bit too long in the mirror, sure that she was about to say that she wasn’t going because she looked ugly. wrapping her long arms around elena’s waist, emelia rested her head on the younger woman’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to her jaw as she looked at her through the mirror “you look beautiful” she said softly, nuzzling against her face, smiling at her girlfriend’s words “if only you could see yourself through my eyes. your reflection is perfect. as are you.”
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