#✧ ┊  𝔦 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡.    ╱    ❪  willow. ❫
sybxritiic · 2 years
continued from HERE  //  @rcsecolor​
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danica rolled her eyes at willow. she knew the other was right but also danica was the type to be as stubborn as a mule - at least towards willow anyways. “if you’re not home one day when i need you then i go to your practice. i’ll call you up. i don’t know.” the firefighter scrunched her nose at the feeling of willow cleaning up her cuts. “at least i’m not all burnt up. take that as a plus. it wasn’t often she got all cut and banged up from a shift but this is one of those moments that seemed laughable. “when a little girl calls 911 and says that their cat is stuck up in a tree, you go get the cat. if only i was warned it wasn’t declawed.” 
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          “  right  ,  ”  willow  muttered  in  response  ,  pausing  to  place  a  bandage  over  the  affected  area.  “  or  you  could  just  go  to  the  ER  ,  and  follow  the  visit  with  an  appointment  to  see  your  general  practitioner.  ”  she  knew  the  likelihood  of  that  was  close  to  zero  ,  but  she  still  thought  it  best  to  give  her  professional  opinion  on  the  matter.  as  a  physician  ,  she  couldn’t  condone  danica's  behavior.  but  she  would  continue  patching  her  up  like  they  were  at  some  sort  of  back - alley  clinic.  it  was  better  than  nothing.  “  if  you  were  burned  i’d  be  driving  you  straight  to  the  hospital  myself  ,  ”  she  interjected  ,  quickly  snapping  off  her  gloves  to  toss  them  in  the  biowaste  container  that  she  kept  with  her  med - kit.  the  risk  of  infection  was  too  high  for  her  to  handle  debriding  a  second  or  third  degree  burn  at  home.  “  but...  what  kind  of  cat  was  it  ?  ”  
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sybxritiic · 2 years
continued from HERE  // @thequeensxgambit​
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“see… i think you’re confusing the word of the definition can’t.” estella said softly, resisting the urge to smirk as willow finished off her sutures. este knew it wasn’t the first time and she was more than sure it wouldn’t be the last despite the other’s insistence. este was a fighter. this was what she did. she knew little else outside the world of a crowd’s cheers and the sound of skin colliding. the blood. the bruises. the victory. the money. women. “then i will bleed to death on your doorstep and try not to let it seep under the door.” she let out a quiet breath and shrugged a tender shoulder. tonight had been a hard fight. a victory stolen. “do you not like looking after me? let me know if i’m an inconvenience.” 
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          willow  wasn’t  confusing  anything  ,  least  of  all  the  definition  of  a  word.  estella  was  free  to  do  as  she  pleased  ,  but  that  didn’t  mean  that  she  had  to  accept  it.  “  it’s  not  a  matter  of  liking  your  impromptu  visits  ,  ”  the  surgeon  insisted  while  covering  the  affected  area  with  a  non - stick  bandage.  “  it’s  about  the  quality  of  your  care.  ”  minor  cuts  and  bruises  were  one  thing  ,  but  it  wasn’t  always  easy  to  diagnose  a  fractured  cheekbone  just  by  looking  at  someone.  especially  after  swelling  had  set  in.  “  i  know  this  house  is  nice  but  i  don’t  have  an  x - ray  machine  in  my  living  room  ,  este.  i  can’t  fix  a  fracture  that  i  can’t  see.  ”
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sybxritiic · 2 years
continued from HERE  //  @paintingskylines​
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          poppy  sighed.  because  she  knew  that  willow  was  right.  she  couldn’t  just  keep  popping  by  every  time  something  went  wrong  on  an  assignment.  and  normally,  she  would  just  do  it  herself,  but  the  last  few  times,  she’s  just  been  in  unlucky  situations.  and  she  never  felt  comfortable  going  to  the  hospital,  it  was  too  risky.  "  i  know.  this  is  the  last  time.  "  she  did  say  that  the  last  time  but  she  was  really  hoping,  praying  even,  that  this  was  actually  the  last  time.  "  it  won’t  happen  again.  don’t  worry.  "  she  knew  what  willow  was  saying  was  a  possibility,  though.  in  her  line  of  work,  it  always  was.
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          willow  glanced  upwards  ,  her  expression  flat  and  chock  full  of  disbelief.  this  wasn’t  the  first  time  poppy  had  shown  up  to  request  medical  attention  ,  and  they  both  knew  it  wouldn’t  be  the  last.  “  what  won’t  happen  again  ?  ”  she  questioned  ,  breaking  their  eye  contact  to  finish  dressing  the  wound.  “  you  getting  hurt  ?  or  you  showing  up  at  my  house  in  the  middle  of  the  night  because  you  need  stitches  ?  or  a  bullet  removed  from  your  arm  ?  ”  at  the  hospital  ,  she’d  be  legally  required  to  report  poppy’s  long  string  on  non - accidental  injuries  to  the  police.  and  at  this  rate  ?  it  was  only  a  matter  of  time  before  poppy  acquired  a  life - threatening  injury  doing...  whatever  it  was  that  she  did.  “  you’re  lucky  you’ve  never  been  stabbed.  ”
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sybxritiic · 2 years
continued from HERE  //  @moonlitgazes​
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“i know, and i promise i had no intention to drag you into this but, if i wanted to make it back home, i figured i should at least be in one piece.” she said before finishing off the rest of the drink in her flask. usually after a job, westley would be so doped up on adrenaline that she could barely feel a thing until the next morning but, this time was different; she had no idea why but, she knew she didn’t like it. a small, tired smile made its way to her lips at willow’s concerns. “then i guess i should start brushing up on my grey’s anatomy.” she teased. “seriously, willow you don’t need to worry about me, i just—tonight was a rough night, is all…”
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          well  ,  she  couldn’t  exactly  argue  with  that.  if  westley  was  going  to  insist  on  dealing  with  such  shady  figures  ,  then  it  was  better  to  have  someone  check  on  her  injuries.  there  was  only  so  much  she  could  do  from  the  comfort  of  her  own  home  ,  but  at  least  she  would  be  able  to  tell  westley  when  it  was  time  to  stop  fucking  around  and  get  to  an  actual  hospital.  “  grey’s  anatomy  isn’t  going  to  help  you  if  you  have  internal  bleeding  ,  ”  willow  pointed  out  as  she  covered  the  affected  area  with  a  non - stick  pad.  being  that  she  was  a  trauma  surgeon  ,  it  was  borderline  offensive  that  westley  was  trying  to  minimize  her  injuries──especially  since  this  wasn’t  her  first  time  seeking  treatment──but  she  was  willing  to  set  her  ego  aside  and  deal  with  the  facts.  “  this  was  not  a  rough  night.  this  was  a  senseless  act  of  violence  ,  and  it  very  much  warrants  my  concern.  ”
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