float-me-now · 4 years
25, 35 and 44 for the 100 ask game!
Yay, let’s do this!
25. Who are your top five characters?
I usually divide favourite characters in male and female (it’s merely a trick to put more people in the lists hehe) so here goes:
MALE: John Murphy, Roan kom Azgeda, Paxton McCreary, Bellamy Blake, Marcus Kane
FEMALE: Raven Reyes, Octavia Blake, Echo kom Azgeda, Charmaine Diyoza, Indra kom Trikru
OVERALL: John Murphy, Raven Reyes, Octavia Blake, Roan kom Azgeda, Echo kom Azgeda
35. What is your favorite quote from the series?
Hmm, that’s difficult. Assuming I have to choose a “serious” one and not, like, a witty comeback or such, “Doing the right thing the wrong way isn’t doing the right thing” (Diyoza) or “Faith may be blind, but loyalty isn't” (Indra), “It's the fighters that survive” (Murphy) or “Victory stands on the back of sacrifice” (Lexa).
If I had to choose a comeback or sassy, fun one, then all of Murphy’s snarky lines and Roan’s “gratitude problem” line to Clarke.
44. Which of the Grounder clans seemed most interesting to you?
Wohoo I was hoping for this question lol so I am a big fan of the Grounders clans, I loved this aspect of the series and the different cultures a lot. If we're talking about interesting, although I find them all very intriguing, I'd say Azgeda. The tradition of scarification was very particular, then there's the political aspect: as far as we know, the other clans were ruled by a war chief (Trikru had Indra, for instance) while Azgeda is a monarchy, where political power is inherited, and I think their aggressiveness was something that made them stand out too. Last but not least, I'm very fascinated by the territory in which Azgeda is located. I really like Nordic landscapes, snow and ice, mountains and such, so that's definitely attractive to me. Although we never got to know anything about them, I was really curious about Ingranrona too. I really like horse riding and I'd like to know more about the Plains Riders clan. I wonder if maybe they descended from some Native American survivors, and so they could have had a special culture and connection to horses and nature and I think that it could have been very instructive and representative (if handled well).
Thank you so much for the ask :D
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the-bronze-snitch · 6 years
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keplei · 5 years
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non mutuals do not reblog.
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kepleia · 5 years
tag drop for ,
leila kom ingranronakru.
malik kom ingranronakru.
safiya kom ingranronakru.
seiku kom azgeda.
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deathbringers · 4 years
visage  tag  drop  for  the  new  muses  !
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stealing-jasons-job · 3 years
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Intertwining your soul (with somebody else)
bellarke | multi-chapter | angst | arranged marriage | canonverse | grounder!Bellarke
There are three things Clarke's known since she was a little girl: 1. Love is weakness. 2. Bellamy will make a great heda. 3. He will never be hers.
Bellamy and Clarke grew up together in Polis — Clarke's parents served the previous heda and Bellamy was part of the novitiate class. She's been in love with him for as long as she can remember, but those feelings have never mattered. Ever since he survived his novitiate class as the next heda, he's been promised to Gina kom Ingranronakru as part of a political alliance established during the heda before him.
Clarke's had years to come to terms with the fact that Bellamy will never be hers. But actually living alongside with the woman who gets to live the life she used to dream of? Nothing could have prepared her for that
Read ch. 12 on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22539121/chapters/87931966
This update is dedicated to @rosesandgunpowder​, who prompted this chapter as part of @t100fic-for-blm and has been SO PATIENT as I work through my prompt list to get this published.
I hope you enjoy this chapter update, forgive my tardiness, and stick around to read the rest. ❤️
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talktomeinclexa · 2 years
On The Ground All Can Hear You Scream
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Blood and Injury
Status: WIP
Summary: Novitiate Lexa is captured by reapers and wakes up locked in a cage, not knowing that the blonde who finds her there will change her destiny. Unless this enemy turns out to be who Fate had in store for her?
Chapter 5: Meet Heda
The sun slowly disappeared over the horizon, swallowed by the forest spreading west of Polis. An unstoppable reminder of time’s passing, of the cycle of day and night even Praimfaya hadn’t changed or interrupted. Men and women lived and died, loved and cried, none of which mattered to the star. It continued its journey, oblivious to the pleading and suffering of the people staring at it.
Not unlike Heda used to be before Lexa ascended and changed the rules. Before the girl dared to take one step down the stairs leading to her pedestal to be closer to her people. She ruled them strictly, enforcing the same laws her predecessors had, but fairly. With her guards at a distance, she walked through the market during the day and listened to the merchants, the visitors, and the children tell her about their day, their concerns, their joys. She visited the clans allied to Trikru and met with the others’ ambassadors to negotiate agreements and treaties. Everything she could do to ease their burden and offer them a better life.
Much to Titus’s displeasure, she also chose to spend time with her novitiates. To be a better, warmer example to them than the three previous Heda had been to her. To be involved in their lives and lessons rather than delegate it all to the Flamekeeper, his apprentices, and the fos she assigned them. Her devotion to her people aside, the one thing she hoped to impart to them was her love for books and the knowledge they contained. Something too few warriors valued.
After spending the six colder months of the year in Polis, Aden, Nina, and Seth — the oldest Natblida — were back to traveling the clans with their fos. They would return in two seasons, eyes shining and minds full of the adventures they had gone through. And she would be there to welcome them and hear all about what new skills they had learned. But in the meantime, she focused on her younger charges. The two girls and the boy too young yet to have a mentor. Lira, Kali, and Gael.
“Why did Vren kom Sankru end his clan alliance with Yujleda?” she asked as the four of them sat in the throne room, alone apart for Gustus and Max standing guard.
Of all the things she made sure to teach them, their people’s history was her favorite topic. She could discuss it for hours, often watching over them as they fell asleep in their beds, listening to her voice. A strange habit that the guards and servants pretended not to notice, none of them daring to question their Heda.
If she didn’t expect Gael, who had only seen three summers, to pay much attention to the question or remember the story she had told them the night before, she was pleased when Lira answered.
“Because Yujleda didn’t respect the terms of their agreement. They sent less meat than promised.”
“Very good.”
Lexa nodded at the girl. Lira reminded her of her as a child. Always interested in learning, not so much in fighting. If her fellow Trikru hadn’t been born a Natblida, she would undoubtedly have become a scholar.
“And why was that an issue, Kali?” 
The Ingranronakru girl hesitated, her small head cocked to the side. Unlike her older blood sister, Kali preferred physical activities to long lectures and rarely volunteered answers.
“Because Yujleda wasn’t honorable?” she tried, her voice low. When Lexa smiled gently, encouraging her to dig deeper, she spoke again. “Because they needed food. There aren’t many animals in Sangeda.”
The young woman nodded, pleased to see that the girl remembered her lesson after all. Trade was an essential component between the clans, especially for those less fortunate in resources. If they couldn’t peacefully obtain enough to feed their goufa, what other solution would they have than resorting to war and pillage? As potential future Heda, the novitiates needed to keep that in mind, or the Coalition she hoped to build wouldn’t outlive her.
“Well done. That is all for today. You may return to your room and go to bed. Tomorrow, we will practice with staffs.”
The three children hurried out of the room, but not before wishing her good night. Gael waved at her, his curls bouncing around his head, and she grinned at him.
If he were around, Titus would advise her not to treat them too gently. They weren’t normal goufa; they were Natblida. Warriors destined to die young. They didn’t have the luxury of being soft. She knew that better than most, the seven circles inked on her back a cruel reminder of the lives lost when Heda’s Spirit chose her. Still, despite herself, she wished they could have known a different, kinder existence. One that revolved around more than lessons, training, and death.
Keep Reading
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savagc · 3 years
floukru ;; notable mentions
there are anywhere from 50 to 75 members of floukru at any given time, so i thought i would make a post to list some that luna may reference in threads with others.
notable members acknowledged on this blog are as follows. [ like bring me floukru people and you have our hearts ]
luna. - formerly trikru, leader of the boat people. luna fled her conclave at the age of thirteen and upon her arrival at the rig, was looked up to first as a natblida and then for her beliefs, caring for children as a child herself, caring for her people.
cap. - formerly delphikru. cap is floukru highest ranked scout. he is the eldest of those luna calls ‘the brothers’ (cap, thatcher, lincoln) cap handles all shoreline signal fires and containment upon arrival at the rig.
thatcher. - formerly delphi, thatcher was cast out for being mute, hearing impaired, following a blast by the mountain men that destroyed his home. he is luna’s personal scout. sign language was taught by thatcher from the moment he arrived and met luna, formed between the two, and then luna taught it to the children on his behalf from there on. he is the closest to luna at all times and in ways is her body guard and big brother. thatcher is luna’s most tenderly close friend and confidant, protector.
lincoln. - formerly trikru. nuff said. lincoln’s home is the rig, more than it is anywhere else.
adria. - formerly louwoda kliron. adria is luna’s second for intents and purposes, raised as her daughter to lead floukru in the event that luna should pass.
koda. - formerly azgeda. two years of age or older verse depending.
river. - formerly ingranronakru. infirmary. the head floukru healer.
shay. - formerly louwoda kliron and like a sister to luna, shay teaches lessons with the children when luna is not and is known as a floukru seda alongside luna.
derrick. - formerly trikru. mostly works fishing and netting and i don’t really talk much about him here bc he just doesn’t vibe well with me, with how he comes off around luna sooo…if you know me you know a fair bit about how i feel about derrick. [ i’ll keep that abusive mess in other past posts where it belongs. feel free to just ask. ] 
arthur. - rig-born. luna’s ambassador in polis. given that it is the floukru ambassador who first stands to call for a coup, luna had heard plenty to be unhappy with lexa as commander and challenged her from afar. with hearing about the azgeda ambassador being kicked from the tower just prior, luna gave orders to her ambassador to voice her displeasure with lexa. arthur is great basically and is the grandfather within the clan, don’t fuck with arthur he will tattle to luna and you’ll end up with a coup de grâce. just hug him and braid shells into his beard.
animals on the rig. floukru harbors dozens of chickens as a second source of protein to the sea life pulled in with nets. three dozen are laying hens, and two dozen are there to hatch chicks. their numbers are closely monitored to keep a balance between meat and eggs. aside from the chickens all other animals found on the rig are companions and there are not many. a rabbit calls the rig home and goes where it likes.
notable animals on the rig.
Nox. - dire hybrid. as a pup nox was found and cared for by lincoln, but upon lincoln aiding luna in fleeing to floukru at the age of thirteen, the female wolf pup was left in luna’s care as a comfort as she adjusted to her new home. nox has grown at luna’s side and though mellow in demeanor, is known to snap at those who invade luna’s space, should luna feel threatened or uneasy. nox submits to luna when the command is given for her to lay down at luna’s side, but if luna does not give this command and is made to feel uncomfortable nox will defend her. derrick is the only person among floukru to have been scarred by the wolf’s bite.
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valkirie · 4 years
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click  the  heart  for  a  starter  from  valkyrie  kom  ingranronakru  !
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keplei · 5 years
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mutuals can reblog.
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pretend-writer · 5 years
Down Below (Chapter 49)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home��� after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 1067 words
Warning: mention of death, 
Down Below Masterlist
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‘It’s almost time.’ Marcus walked over to me and Bellamy as the ceremony for the conclave ended.
'Can’t believe Luna came back.’ I mumbled, looking down. After Flokru have been wiped and she’s the only left in the clan, she came to the conclave fighting only for herself. She looked furious, now more than ever but I didn’t blame her.
Abby and Clarke conducted a nightblood experiment, drawing blood from her without permission and ended up breaking her trust. To be fair, I’m surprised she didn’t kill us yet.
'Octavia is getting ready if you wanna go see her, Bellamy.’ Marcus looked at him and smiled.
Bellamy sighed, 'I don’t know what to say to her.’
'You being there for her will be enough. It’s better than not showing up at all.’ I squeezed his arm, trying to make him feel better.
'Can you come with me, Reyes? It’ll make me feel better and probably would help Octavia too.’
'Of course I will.’ I smiled.
He nodded, changing his direction to go to where Octavia was preparing at. As we were all walking, I turned to Marcus.
'Hey, how’s Raven? Wasn’t she supposed to be here by now?’ I asked curiously. My mind wouldn’t leave me alone about the fact that there might be something serious going on with my sister.
'Last time I heard, she’s doing fine. Her, Emori and John should be here soon.’ Marcus smiled. Even though I knew he was saying what I wanted to hear, his smile slightly made me feel safer.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Octavia.’ I called her name as we entered the training ground. She raised her head but her smile faded when she saw me walking in with Bellamy.
'What are you guys doing here?’ Octavia spoke monotone as she sharpened her swords.
Marcus smiled, 'Just here to give you some tips. I’ve noticed some weaknesses from the opponents if you want to hear it.’
She looked away then nodded, 'What do you got?’
As Marcus gave some pointers, I looked over at Bellamy. He seemed nervous as he fidgeted with his fingers, switching foot he leaned on.
Eventually, Octavia noticed as well. 'Bellamy if you have something to say, say it.’
'I-I just wanted to say, stay safe O. When Y/N was going to fight we told her to stay put and just kill the last one alive.’ Bellamy blurted.
'You want me to hide?’ Octavia asked.
'It’s strategy.’ Marcus said.
Octavia cocked her head to the side then slowly nodded. Knowing her, she probably wants to go ahead and kill everyone instantly but Bellamy was right. It’s the best strategy to have.
'Champions, to your flags.’ We heard a grounder shout. My eyes turned to Octavia, trying to keep my emotions from spilling out.
She smiled at me as she wrapped her arms around me. 'Again, I’m sorry about what happened in Arkadia.’
'Don’t mention it.’ I said as I hugged her back.
Octavia then turned to Bellamy with a serious face, 'May we meet again.’
'Damn right we will.’ Bellamy nodded.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
The conclave began as the horn blew throughout Polis. Hearing the warriors screaming from outside, I stood by Bellamy on top of the tower watching the fight from above.
With the candles lit for each of the clans fighting in the conclave, we anxiously watched Gaia, Indra’s daughter view the war zone for the fallen warriors.
After a few minutes, Gaia returned inside the building. Waiting for her to announce which clan’s warrior have past, we watch her walk to the candles.
Nervously, Bellamy grabbed onto my hand praying that it wasn’t Octavia that died in the conclave.
With sorrowful eyes, Gaia blew off the candle that represented Trikru, announcing that the clan has fallen. She also blew out another clan’s candle that represented Ingranronakru.
Marcus turned around and walked towards Indra as she hugged her daughter, showing sympathy that Trikru was officially taken out from the conclave.
Bellamy spoke, 'I thought it was her and I instantly regretted not saying I love her before she left.’
I gripped on Bellamy’s hand tightly, 'She knows you love her. I promise you.’
He stared at me with glassy eyes, as if he was about to cry. I rubbed his arm, reassuring that everything was alright.
Shortly after, he pulled me and led me outside to the balcony.
'Are you sure you want to watch the fight?’ It would’ve probably made me more anxious watching than staying inside.
'Yeah.’ He replied as he grabbed the binocular to peek on the fight.
Several minutes have passed and Gaia continued to announce the clans that have fallen. Octavia was still surviving and fighting for Skaikru.
Leaning against the wall, I watched over Bellamy as he looked through the binocular to check on his sister.
With an angry reaction, he quickly turned to me. 'There was an arrow. Sangedakru was shot by an arrow.’
'What about it?’ I responded back, wondering why he sounded so mad.
Bellamy took off into the building without any explanation, starting to look around every corner of the room. 'Where’s Echo?’
'Oh, I don’t know. She’s been gone for a while I think.’ Bellamy then pulled me to the side, looking stressed more than ever. 'What’s going on?’
'Sangedakru was shot by an arrow and Echo isn’t here. Isn’t that a coincidence?’
It wasn’t a secret that Echo always did things she wasn’t supposed to but would she risk Azgeda like this? If she got caught, the whole clan would be disqualified.
He saw doubt in my expression, 'I know there’s something wrong and she’s behind it.’
'What’s going on?’ Marcus comes and questions us, perhaps we looked worried whispering to each other.
'I’m stopping Echo. She’s cheating.’ Bellamy blurted quietly as he walked out the door.
'Wait.’ I said, following him. 'It’s dangerous out there. If you get caught, it’s over for Skaikru.
'If I don’t stop Echo, it’s over for us either way.’
Marcus sighed, 'Bellamy, wait until the sun goes down. That way, it’s harder for you to get spotted.’
He nodded then looked at me. 'You’re going to stop me Reyes?’
I bit my lips, then shook my head. 'Of course not. Be safe, please?’
Bellamy smirked and hugged me. 'I will as always. I love you.’
'Love you too.’ I murmured as he prepared to sneak out into the war zone.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
tag list; @jodiereedus22, @coffeebooksandfandom, @bellamyblakemorley, @wisestydia-15, @dbtvluv , @hurricane–amelia , @lexalexy , @olkathefoxi, @lena-davina, @kellbell44, @thehakunamatara, @akelly4477, @morgannope, @littlegirl-fox, @captainam-erika-trash, @greygarbage, @nathaliabakes, @eternal-l-appel-du-vide
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damnearthborn · 4 years
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DELFIKRU    ,      (n.) from philidelphia
delfikru is one of the earliest-formed clans behind trikru and azgeda. it originated in what was once philidelphia, and expanded outwards as the other clans settled in the area. the majority of delfikru now reside on the west coast, below trishanakru lands, with smaller territories scattered across the continent: one in trikru, one in podakru, and one in ingranronakru. they are a relatively neutral clan and prefer to avoid violence where possible; following a major territory disagreement some years ago, they do send regular patrols along the southern border of their lands to keep sangedakru from raiding their villages.
the people of delfikru reside primarily in the underground metropolitan areas of the old world; the locations of every station, tunnel, and surface outpost can be found on maps around the capitol city, frisco. while the stations themselves are relatively safe, the tunnels are a source of constant danger: radiation, mental threats, bandits, and mutant predators take the lives of the many who travel between stations for trade or travel. these threats mean that, in major cities, many of the warriors are trained to use guns and other old-world weaponry, thanks to the abundance of resources found by early survivors of the nuclear exchange. where ammunition can not be found, it is often crafted.
due to the individual dangers of each territory, delfikru has evolved to have no set leader - rather, they operate in neighborhood-like systems with each station acting as a different ‘house’; in times of crisis, one head member from each ‘household’ will come together to form a council capable of making decisions based on the needs and wants of their ‘family’. as a whole, the clan has an ‘of the people, for the people’ mindset, and one station will rarely make a decision without considering the opinions of the rest.
delfikru heavily relies on trade for food, as few things will grow so well underground. in exchange, they craft and export weaponry and armor made out of sign posts, license plates, and other debris, as well as building materials that are not otherwise common, such as steel and cement. 
standing out from most clansmen, delfikru clothing most resembles the old world  ( and later, skaikru )  styles. they prefer things to be tighter fitting for sake of ease, as flowing or accessorised garments tend to snag and catch on the rubble of the city as they travel. they prefer lighter fabrics due to the year-round heat.
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deathbringers · 4 years
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click  the  heart  for  a  starter  from  ryder  kom  ingranronakru  !
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stealing-jasons-job · 2 years
WIP Game
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @burninghoneyatdusk! Per usual Mads fashion, I have a neverending list of WIPs — some published, some sitting 1/2 baked in my drafts, others just slivers of ideas for fics that I may or may not write. 
published wips
now with my eyes wide open 
bellarke | 1/9 complete
historical au | philippine-american war | enemies to lovers with some ✨ shared history ✨
Bellamy. She can’t help the way her chest tightens at the thought of him. The memory of his bruised and battered face as it hovered over hers, a dagger pressed against her neck, all of the love she once saw replaced with hate and anger and hurt. So much hurt.***Clarke is back in Manila following the Philippine-American War hoping for a fresh start. But the hurt and pain she left behind haven't gone anywhere.
the choices we make 
bellarke | 9/12 complete
modern au | greys anatomy au | slow burn 
Clarke Griffin is a mess after the death of her father and estrangement from her mother. She decides to spite her mother by doing her surgical residency across the country in the city she grew up in, Arkadia. Her first night back in town, she has a one night stand with a random guy at a bar, only to find out the next day that he’s a fellow intern — Finn Collins.Her first day as an intern definitely doesn’t go as planned. Her chief resident Bellamy Blake seems to hate her. The chief of surgery Marcus Kane apparently knows her mother. And Finn Collins is popping up everywhere. Surviving her residency at Arkadia Memorial may be harder than Clarke originally thought.
intertwining your soul (with somebody else) 
bellarke | 12/15 complete
canonverse au | slow burn | angst 
There are three things Clarke's known since she was a little girl: 1. Love is weakness. 2. Bellamy will make a great heda. 3. He will never be hers.
Bellamy and Clarke grew up together in Polis — Clarke's parents served the previous heda and Bellamy was part of the novitiate class. She's been in love with him for as long as she can remember, but those feelings have never mattered. Ever since he survived his novitiate class as the next heda, he's been promised to Gina kom Ingranronakru as part of a political alliance established during the heda before him.Clarke's had years to come to terms with the fact that Bellamy will never be hers. But actually living alongside with the woman who gets to live the life she used to dream of? Nothing could have prepared her for that.
cross my heart 
bellarke | 2/7 complete
gallagher girls au | spies | exes to lovers 
Normal girls graduate high school, and then they go off to college with their friends. Maybe they join a sorority. Hell, maybe they get a boyfriend or girlfriend and fall in love. They sleep in and skip class and stay up late with their equally normal friends. And then they graduate college and find a normal job in a normal industry and go on living their normal lives.But Clarke Griffin has never been normal.It comes with the territory of being the daughter of two renowned spies for the CIA. Clarke was raised to speak seven languages and be able to change her entire appearance with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and some shoe polish. She isn't built for normal.*********Aka: The Bellarke Gallagher Girls AU you never knew you needed.
amor vincit omnia
bellarke | 1/3 complete
canonverse au | reimagined s7 
Peace has never come easy, and this new planet is no exception. Less than 24 hours after taking down the Primes and quelling the violence in Sanctum, Clarke is thrown back into an impossible situation. Octavia's been stabbed by a woman who has no memory of who she is or why she's here before disappearing into the anomaly. And Bellamy and Echo have followed after her, leaving Clarke to get backup before racing after them. Who knows what's waiting for them on the other side.**Basically, S7 reimagined as if Bellamy's absence didn't exist.**
upcoming wips
What I’ve got partially written but fully plan to publish. 
the alie program
bellarke | 2 chapters planned
modern au | white collar crime | begrudging coworkers to lovers 
Clarke has been a scam artist on her own for a long time—it's how she pays for her mother's treatment bills—but her colleague Murphy recommends branching out to the Alie Program for an extended job for some job security in the current economy. Of course, it would be her luck that her first assignment with the program is to team up as a fake married couple with the most arrogant, irritating, hot-headed, smug asshole she's ever met in her life. God, she doesn't know how she's going to survive this assignment even if the payout is everything she needs and the view is...admittedly nice. 
you can feel the light start to tremble 
bellarke | 5 chapters planned
canonverse s7 au | evil!Bellamy (sort of) | angst 
It feels like an out of body experience for Clarke, as if she's watching herself without really experiencing what's happening. She *sees* rather than *feels* the way her handshakes as she raises the gun toward the man she's loved for over a century. 
"You're not Bellamy," she says, voice cold. 
Everyone watches horror-struck at the perverse smirk that pulls at the corners of Bellamy's mouth. No, not Bellamy. *Sheidheda.*
unworthy of a trade
bellarke | oneshot
vikings | arranged marriage 
After Roan kills Bellamy in a battle between their clans, Clarke offers her own life in exchange for her people. Roan accepts — except he doesn’t kill her, he takes her as his wife instead. Clarke fears nothing. She has fought countless Vikings, gone on trips out to the unknown, gone to war. She fears nothing—nothing except falling in love with Roan.
plot seeds, as kathryn would say
aka some ideas written down but just in the planning stage/who knows if they’ll be written, but probably not
darklina - alina is the new secretary of state who has to work with a private contracting firm that she once called “the guise of satan”...who happens to be run by a very charming man named aleksander, a man who makes her question everything she thought she knew (if you’ve watched Madam Secretary, this is based on the steaming hot chemistry between that episode in s1 w/ bess and the head of the vesuvius mercenary group 
darknik — canonverse au where nina and aleksander learn to heal together. dark daddy doesn’t become a tree and nina doesn’t cart matthias’s body around for an entire book like a psycho 
darklina - after the fbi turns her suspicions away, journalist alina decides to goes undercover at a bdsm club in the hopes of uncovering a human trafficking ring 
darklina - blacklist au with alina as liz and aleks as red 
tagging: honestly, I have no idea who is still writing so just open tagging anyone who wants to join in!!! 
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speispy · 4 years
@arzodae​  //  river kom ingranronakru.
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not everyone had made it back to the ship.  the wairpaint was still smudged on her face.  too many dead were left behind in the valley but there were no available means to make their death ones with honor.  massive decisions still had to be made.  later.  clarke was assisting with the surgeries,  nothing would be done without her input.  she was a traitor to those in the bunker, moved with caution among them, looking for somewhere that she can have a purpose, somewhere to be met without hostility.
“ is there anything i can do to help? ”
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savagc · 5 years
floukru ;; notable mentions
there are anywhere from 50 to 75 members of floukru at any given time, so i thought i would make a post to list some that luna may reference in threads with others. 
notable members acknowledged on this blog are as follows. [ like bring me floukru people and you have our hearts ]
luna. - formerly trikru, leader of the boat people. luna fled her conclave at the age of thirteen and upon her arrival at the rig, was looked up to first as a natblida and then for her beliefs, caring for children as a child herself, caring for her people. 
cap. - formerly delphikru. cap is floukru highest ranked scout. he is the eldest of those luna calls ‘the brothers’ (cap, thatcher, lincoln, and nolan) cap handles all shoreline signal fires and containment upon arrival at the rig.
thatcher. - formerly trikru, thatcher was cast out for being mute, hearing impaired, following a blast by the mountain men that destroyed his home. he is luna’s personal scout. sign language was taught by thatcher from the moment he arrived and met luna, formed between the two, and then luna taught it to the children on his behalf from there on. he is the closest to luna at all times and in ways is her body guard and big brother. thatcher is luna’s most tenderly close friend and confidant, protector.
lincoln. - formerly trikru. nuff said. lincoln’s home is the rig, more than it is anywhere else.
nolan. - formerly sankru. nolan came to floukru with his father at the age of four, a thief fleeing sangeda’s capital punishment of stoning for stealing food for his son. nolan works trade ports most frequently and barters keeping the rig in strong supply of nourishment from outside clans.
emil. - formerly azgeda, emil sought out floukru for refuge after fleeing. like a brother to luna the two are very close. emil has taken fondly to koda and though luna has raised the little boy for a year now...it’s becoming apparent to her that the bond between emil and koda can not be denied.
adria. - formerly louwoda kliron. adria is luna’s second for intents and purposes, raised as her daughter to lead floukru in the event that luna should pass. 
aspen. - formerly azgeda, aspen is cousin to echo kom azgeda and was brought to luna by echo upon the death of her parents in the trikru allied war against azgeda to be raised in safety. she has been raised by luna since the age of two weeks.
koda. - formerly azgeda. two years of age or older verse depending. 
zane. - formerly ingranronakru. infirmary. the head floukru healer.
shay. - formerly louwoda kliron and like a sister to luna, shay teaches lessons with the children when luna is not and is known as a floukru seda alongside luna. 
derrick. - formerly trikru. mostly works fishing and netting and i don’t really talk much about him here bc he just doesn’t vibe well with me, with how he comes off around luna sooo...if you know me you know a fair bit about how i feel about derrick.
arthur. - rig-born. luna’s ambassador in polis. given that it is the floukru ambassador who first stands to call for a coup, luna had heard plenty to be unhappy with lexa as commander and challenged her from afar. with hearing about the azgeda ambassador being kicked from the tower just prior, luna gave orders to her ambassador to voice her displeasure with lexa. arthur is great basically and is the grandfather within the clan, don’t fuck with arthur he will tattle to luna and you’ll end up with a coup de grâce. just hug him and braid shells into his beard.
raven reyes. - is so home within floukru i shouldn’t even have to put this but i will bc it’s the tea. the show denied us a lot.
animals on the rig. floukru harbors dozens of chickens as a second source of protein to the sea life pulled in with nets. three dozen are laying hens, and two dozen are there to hatch chicks. their numbers are closely monitored to keep a balance between meat and eggs. aside from the chickens all other animals found on the rig are companions and there are not many. a rabbit calls the rig home and goes where it likes. 
notable animals on the rig.
Nox. - dire hybrid. as a pup nox was found and cared for by lincoln, but upon lincoln aiding luna in fleeing to floukru at the age of thirteen, the female wolf pup was left in luna’s care as a comfort as she adjusted to her new home. nox has grown at luna’s side and though mellow in demeanor, is known to snap at those who invade luna’s space, should luna feel threatened or uneasy. nox submits to luna when the command is given for her to lay down at luna’s side, but if luna does not give this command and is made to feel uncomfortable nox will defend her. derrick is the only person among floukru to have been scarred by the wolf’s bite. 
Lux. - the newest animal on the rig, Raven rescued the male pup, small for his age an abandoned, as a gift for luna to mother. 
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