#( the antivan ambassador )
pagodnapagod · 2 months
Josephine's going to be staying in Antiva for DA:Veilguard- I can't do this, I hope Antiva is a playable region so we can see our wife. At least give us a chance to decide whether we want her to join us again or not, sort of like a companion quest but instead of taking her to the field, we "Recruit" her. We do little things to ensure that she can leave her House Head responsibilities to her siblings without everything coming down on their heads
If not & all we get is a faceless, presence-less mention of my Antivan Goddess? I will actually cry. The way her romance played out in DA:I was my favorite, it was a perfect vibe of "Coming home" to Skyhold :"D
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chiefambassador · 2 years
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bloedewir · 2 months
Incorrect and nonexistent Dragon Age: The Veilguard dialogues
Just trying to fit Inquisitor in DA4 party activities for my amusement. It is no less than an act of desperation. (May contain some headcanons).
Rook: I need to ask, Inquisitor. Can I trust Him?
Inquisitor: I don't know.
Rook: But..
Inquisitor: I am not you. And you are not me. Decision is yours to make.
Rook: I see.. But do you trust Him?
Inquisitor: ...
Inquisitor: I do, yes. With all my heart.
Rook: Ah!
Inquisitor: It's broken.
Rook: Ah..
Harding: Hey, Lavellan, I..
Inquisitor: It's "Inquisitor", Lace. Or any other impersonal word. For your taste.
Harding: Oh.
Inquisitor: I know that look, no need to apologize. It's just.. Do you still remember Ameridan?
Harding: I see.. Yes, I do remember him. I remember all of them, to be clear. Even if the world has forgotten, I remember. Inquisitor.
Inquisitor: That's why I always loved you, scout Harding.
Emmrich: I was told you are familiar to necromancy art, Inquisitor. Is it correct, if I may ask?
Inquisitor: Yes. And you are from Mourn Watch? Seeker Pentaghast was telling me about mortalitasi but I still don't know the details.
Emmrich: Ask then and I will be glad to fill in the gaps, so to speak.
Inquisitor: I heard about binding spirits. Is it true?
Emmrich: In some ways, yes.
Inquisitor: Against their will?
Emmrich: It would be irresponsible, if not to say cruel. No, dear Inquisitor. We bind those spirits who are willing to cross the Veil and want to stay.
Inquisitor: Hm. If so.. I guess, you would find common ground. Probably He is regretting being bound with Rook instead of you.
Emmrich: Flattering as it is yet it's for the best. Two academic minds connected by an unstudied kind of magic? A recipe for disaster, mark my words.
Inquisitor: Apparently so.
Emmrich: Although... I would like to discuss some quite capturing matters I have in mind. You think master Solas would agree if I make that kind of suggestion?
Inquisitor: I'm not the person you should ask.
Emmrich: Oh. Yes, I should've thought.. I apologize, Inquisitor.
Lucanis: Verdict?
Inquisitor: Benissimo.
Lucanis: Speak antivan?
Inquisitor: Just a few words. Picked that up from ambassador Montilyet.
Lucanis: Accent is terrible.
Inquisitor: Si, lo so.
Lucanis: A mockery?
Inquisitor: Perish the thought, Crow.
Lucanis: Drink your coffee, Inquisitor. Preferably in silence.
Inquisitor: Si.
Lucanis: You well aware I built a reputation on killing people, yes?
Inquisitor: As am I, in a way.
Lucanis: Hm. I think, we'll get along.
Taash: I know you hunted dragons.
Inquisitor: Few years ago, yes.
Taash: And you killed avvar dragon.
Inquisitor: I did.
Taash: And Ataashi.
Inquisitor: That one I released.
Taash: What for?
Inquisitor: No glory in victory above trapped enemy. A friend of mine told me so someday.
Taash: Some wisdom I hear in those words. Who was that friend?
Inquisitor: Tal-vashot.
Taash: As I thought. My kin knows much shit about good battles.
Inquisitor: He also loves to yell "Taarsidath-an halsaam!" after every dragon fight. Can't say it's fitting me.
Taash: Ha! I already like that bastard.
Inquisitor: You and me both.
Neve: Good morning, Your Grace. Or it's evening? Hard to tell.
Inquisitor: I have no titles anymore. You know it, I'm sure.
Neve: Don't be. You're still quite popular, especially among the venatori. Titles you possesses in Tevinter? Many.
Inquisitor: Heard a few. "Southern mud" or, my favorite, "Dog's slag".
Neve: Surprised those rumors have reached your elitist ears, Your Grace.
Inquisitor: Do we have a problem, detective Gallus?
Neve: Not sure yet. I'm just interested, where was your glorious Inquisition when people needed it? And by "people" I don't mean those false orlesians and their fancy soirees.
Inquisitor: I was a bit busy trying to patch a hole in the sky. I'm so sorry my actions offended a few grocers in Minrathous yet I can't imagine how they would've helped me to defeat Corypheus.
Neve: Profit isn't the only..
Inquisitor: Not to mention I have no interest in dealing with Tevinter Imperium. Or helping. It must be "saved" by those who love the place and I don't. My interruption is hypocrisy in that matter.
Neve: Well, that was a more honest answer than I expected. Accepted, Inquisitor.
Inquisitor: Case closed?
Neve: Not entirely, but I can call it a progress.
Inquisitor: I bring some "normal" food. Left it in kitchen.
Davrin: Assan is not a kitten, lethallan.
Inquisitor: I've noticed. There's no harm in feeding your friend with some treats instead of ripped enemies' limbs.
Davrin: Maybe.. but do not spoil him! Griffon isn't a halla to be treated so gently.
Inquisitor: I never took care of hallas. And probably never will.
Davrin: About that.. I'm sorry you were cast out.
Inquisitor: Arlathvhen spoke their word. If they've decided I'm harellan, let it be.
Davrin: Clan isn't everything, you know. I'm handling, as you see, so you can too. And.. for all that matters, I still think you're lethallan.
Davrin: I.. Thank you. Lethallin.
Bellara: No, no, I understand. I really do, but.. please, tell me I'm not the only one who sees a potential here?! A tragic love story between a rebellious god and his..
Varric: Don't go there, Bunny. It's.. complicated.
Rook: But the profit? I can bet nobles would discuss your book a whole season. Maybe two? There will be enough gold to build another Lighthouse to the east.. or west? I can provide you a few spicy details, huh?
Varric: You can? Pfft.. nug shit, Rookie. Chuckles would rather drink a pint of tea than tell you anything about it.
Rook: Well, maybe it's only a guesses but..
Varric: AH! Inquisitorialness! Finally decide to join us?
Inquisitor: Don't interrupt your conversation on my account. I just went down to drink.
Lucanis: I made coffee a few minutes ago. Interested?
Inquisitor: Much appreciated.
Varric: So, and.. Ha. Can you imagine, I just lost my thought! Let's talk about anything else?
Inquisitor: If you need an assistance, you just discussed how to take the most painful memories of mine and transform it into vulgar porn novel to entertain nobles.
Varric: Oh. You heard.
Inquisitor: I lost the arm, Varric. Not my ears.
Bellara: Varric didn't agree anyway.
Rook: He didn't agree either.
I know none of it will be canon but
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niofo · 2 months
okay so, in wicked eyes and wicked hearts, why the hell is cullen introduced first, it makes no sense. josephine should be introduced first, she's the ambassador and a diplomat, and on top of that, she's an antivan nobility. then probably leliana just due to her ties to orlesian court and divine justinia, but tbf i'm not sure how high the senechal office is compared to the commander, if they're comparable. but if they are, cullen has literally just that going on for him, while leliana has other important accomplishments. either way, i think josie should be introduced before the two of them, she's like, the main person arranging this whole thing on the inquisition's side.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
DAI Companion Styles: Josephine
Dragon Age Companion Styles Series
Next up by special request from @magneticmage is the lovely, the gracious, the refined, the stunning Josephine Montilyet, Ambassador to the Inquisition. (And yes, Josephine is an advisor, not a companion; yes this series is called “Companion Styles”; yes I’ve decided to just lump the advisors in with them and not change the name, and we’re all just going to have to live with it. 😉)
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Disclaimer: I am not a fashion expert, dress historian, or professional designer! I'm just a gamer who likes to sew and has a casual interest in historical fashion, and a great interest in fantasy worldbuilding and the implications thereof, and that's where I'm coming from on these posts. I'd also love to hear thoughts from fans who have a more in-depth background in historical dress, textiles, and armor.
Also, we’re going to be talking about gendered clothing, so let me state for the record that I don’t believe clothing has any inherent gender. However we’re going to be talking about fashion in a cultural context here, and in the context of Thedas (and specifically Orlais), fashion is heavily gendered, and how characters engage with those gendered expectations can be personally and socially interesting.
As with Sera, I’m going to be focusing mostly on Josephine’s style from an in-universe perspective because that’s what I think is most interesting!
Much appreciation to @dragonagegallery, whose posts have made the canon review for this post much easier! The Art of Dragon Age Inquisition was also a great reference.
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(Look at her. She even looks good in the Haven Chantry lighting. Nobody looks good in that. Iconic.)
Josephine is an Antivan-born noblewoman educated in Orlais, who trained and briefly worked as a bard before becoming disillusioned with that life and turning to a career as a diplomat instead. She has been working as the Antivan Ambassador to Orlais up until the point she joins the Inquisition as its Ambassador. Josephine is well-versed in the Grand Game and the culture of the Imperial Court and the upper class. If I were to say that Josephine is fashionable, I don’t think most people would disagree with me.
Yet her signature outfit is quite different from what we see on the fashionable upper class ladies of Orlais. There is a fair amount of Renaissance influence in Orlesian high fashion, but as others have pointed out, there's actually quite a lot of variation in sleeves, collar, and understructures (things like crinolines or panniers that give a skirt a certain volume and shape), drawing inspiration from centuries of European historical dress. Yet Josephine still stands apart from the fashions for Orlesian noblewomen, in some very interesting ways.
I should note at the start here that I am working at a bit of disadvantage with Josephine because we've never been to her country of origin in the games, and basically every Antivan character we've met so far has either been wearing armor, or the same styles as the country they're in at the time. (Also, most of them have been Crows, which Josephine is not.) So I can't comment on how Josie's look compares to what is fashionable in Antiva at the moment, because we don't know. Instead, I'll be talking about her style in the context of Orlais, which I think is fair since she went to school in Orlais and has been living and working there for quite a while now. Just bear in mind going forward that there is a whole sphere of potential influence that we can't really examine here.
But I do think there's also good reason to assume that Josephine takes inspiration from Orlesian fashion, starting with her color scheme. One of the first things that strikes me (and I think many viewers) about Josephine's outfit is "Wow, that's very gold." And it is! It's very gold and blue—colors directly associated with Orlais and with the nobility especially. We see gold and blue all over Orlais, from the capital to the countryside, and Josephine has deliberately chosen to dress herself in the colors that signify power and influence in this nation.
So let's take a look at the specific pieces she wears.
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Josephine is wearing what appears to me to be a blouse of gold-colored silk satin with puffed sleeves and a tie-neck or possibly a matching scarf, dark-colored breeches ending just below the knee, a heavier sleeveless overdress or vest in blue brocade or damask (possibly even fine tooled leather; it's really hard to say) that ends at the knee, gold stockings, and black flat shoes. She wears a wide leather belt at the waist, with a gold satin sash tied over it. You can see some better images of Josephine's outfit in concept art and her character model in detail on @dragonagegallery.
This outfit is fascinating to me, and if you've read my post on Sera's style, you might have already guessed a few reasons why.
Given Josephine's basic silhouette, it's easy to look at her and assume she's wearing a dress, but she actually isn't. Even if she was, it would be a break from the Orlesian high fashions of the day, which favor floor-length skirts. But this isn't a dress at all. I would actually compare the blue vest to the leather vests we see in some of the Inquisitor armor variants, for mages and for rogues. The detailing on Josephine's makes it look finer, but it's a similar style, with a similar utility: it's easy to move in. Josephine's vest even has large visible pockets on the sides! And this goes all the way back to her concept art.
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I think it's easy to get distracted by the big shiny gold sleeves and miss the fact that Josephine's outfit is actually very practical. In fact, you know what else it reminds me a little of?
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Variants of this outfit appear in both Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition, and it's always been a non-gendered look. Note the knee breeches, the vest, and the puffed sleeves (though with much less extravagant gathers than Josephine's).
Josephine wears flat shoes, easy to walk in, comfortable for all-day wear. The wide leather belt echoes but does not exactly mirror the popular underbust corsetry seen on gowns; it is of a more practical style and material, and I'd imagine it could be good for back support for those long hours she spends at a desk. And in fact, the way Josephine wears it over her vest with the sash tied over the belt is not unlike the way a rogue Inquisitor wears their armor:
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Though Josephine has left behind the life of a bard, I feel it's undeniable that that life has influenced her style. This is rogue fashion—practical but still stylish, easy to move in, easy to carry items you might need. Josephine is dressed as a rogue, but adapted to her current profession and personal tastes.
It’s all an intriguing choice for a diplomat! Because despite the clear Orlesian influence, Josephine’s look does not very much resemble any of what is fashionable for Orlesian noblewoman at the moment. No long full skirts, no outer underbust corsetry (though her belt does offer a cinched at the waist look), no deep V neckline (though her blue vest does create a similar shape over her blouse). When we compare Josephine to these looks, it’s a very different silhouette with mostly very different shapes. Even her puffed sleeves are puffed in different places than the fashions of high noblewomen (which seem to have the most volume at the elbow or lower right now).
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But you know what we do see in Josephine’s outfit?
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Breeches ending just below the knee. An outer garment that ends at the knee. Knee-high stockings. A flat black shoe. A shirt with sleeves puffed at the shoulders.
While Josephine’s look is ungendered in the context of a rogue, in the context of a noble this look is undeniably gendered, in a way that might not immediately register to our modern eye.
In the context of Orlesian culture, this is a Menswear-Inspired Look.
Now, unlike Sera, I do not believe Josephine to actually be wearing clothing designed for a man; given her station, this was all likely custom made for her. But in the context of Orlesian high fashion, there is some undeniably masculine styling going on here! And this isn’t about “women don’t wear pants”; many women in Dragon Age do, in fact, wear pants, all the time or in certain contexts; see above about rogue looks. Cassandra and Vivienne both have a skinny pants/leggings thing going on, and they both read more feminine in their styles to me, but they’ll get their own posts! With Josephine, it’s the specific styles of the pieces she’s wearing that bear similarities to men’s high fashion in Orlais. In a modern context, think a woman with long hair in a deliberately feminine style, wearing makeup, some statement jewelry, with a custom-tailored suit. Maybe with a few feminine accents on the suit itself; still definitely a suit. Josephine’s sleeves, for example, are not simply a copy of the male sleeve style; they’re taking inspiration but kind of doing their own thing. And of course, her hair is worn in a style that is practical, but still very elegant and feminine. It’s a Menswear-Inspired Look.
And I just love the fact that both of our F/F romance options in this game are kind of playing with gendered clothing in their personal style, but each very much in their own way.
I'm also fascinated by this one set of concept art called "Displaced Pilgrims" in The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition, meant to represent "Fereldan and Orlesian refugees who arrived in Haven on a pilgrimage and were unable to leave following the disaster" (p. 75). One piece depicts an Orlesian woman dressed in what is from the hips up the same silhouette we see at the Winter Palace: exaggerated underbust corsetry that emphasizes the hips, a plunging V neckline with scalloped embellishment, a slightly puffed half-sleeve. But below the corset, the skirt has been cropped to mid-thigh and the woman wears a pair of breeches, stockings, and flat shoes with a rounded toe—strikingly similar to Josephine's lower silhouette. I can't recall ever actually seeing any NPCs wandering around Haven looking like this, which is a shame, because I love the concept of an Orlesian noblewoman blending masculine and feminine fashions in order to dress more practically for a journey into the mountains, while still appearing fashionable. I think this may be what Josephine is doing.
Josephine’s necklace is of interest to me as well, as it doesn’t bear a particular resemblance to anything I’ve found in Orlesian fashion; while we see a lot of necklines trimmed in gold, and a few necklaces, there’s nothing that looks like this piece. After a bit of research, I don’t think this is just a flashy piece of jewelry. Given the size of the chain and the way Josephine wears it draped over her shoulders, I think this might actually be a livery collar, also called a chain of office, that denotes her position as an ambassador!
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Josephine’s whole look is very distinctive, and very put-together. In my opinion, this is a Choice. This is the kind of outfit that says, “I look like this on purpose,” and this from a woman who knows that a first impression may decide the course of a conversation that will affect the fate of nations. She is wearing a chain of office that immediately announces her station. She’s wearing expensive fabrics—again, I am interpreting that shiny gold fabric as silk and that is not cheap. Her vest shows fine detailing. Her clothing immediately says that she is both a person of means and holds a position of respect. Her color scheme speaks to her Orlesian connections. Her clothing conveys power and status. Yet her divergence from the styles of an Orlesian noblewoman also sets her apart. The practical elements of her look say, “I am no idle lady of leisure; I am capable; I am prepared for every occasion, even the unexpected.” And the roguish elements hearken back to her bard training, saying, “I know how the Game is played; I can be dangerous if I must be.”
Above all, I think this outfit speaks to Josephine’s self-assurance. She knows and understands social trends, but she is not beholden to them; she bends them to her tastes, rather than being bent by them. She acknowledges her past and what she has learned from it. She knows herself, and is in control of her own image.
I think this outfit does some pretty brilliant and inspired visual storytelling about Josephine Montilyet. I wouldn’t change a thing.
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Ambient Dialogue
Herald Introductions
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Masterpost
Herald: Revered Mother Lucille of the Chantry of Arlesans, third cousin of Duke Gratien of Arlesans.
Herald: Lady Solange Levesque, Marquise of Montvert, ambassador to the Court of Nevarra. Herald: Accompanying the ambassador, her daughter, Lay Madeline, renowned poet and author.
Herald: Lord Severin Doucy, baron of Jader. Accompanying the baron… Herald: Lady Arlette and their son, Lord Edmond, student of the composer Emeline of Montsimmard.
Herald: Lord Marcellin, Comte de Travert, and his wife Lady Elodie, patroness of the artist Chantal of Val Royeaux… Herald: And Ser Bastion Voclain, Chevalier of the Empire and paramour of the comte.
Herald: Ser Honorine Chastain, Chevalier of the Empire… Herald: Champion of the Grand Tourney of Tantervalle, bearer of the Veridium Signet of Bravery and the Golden Star of Orlais… Herald: And patroness of the great artisan Baldassare of Antiva City.
Herald: Lady Fifi and Lady Babette de Launcet, daughters of the Comte de Launcet.
Herald: Lady Yvonne Blancard, Duchess of Val Montaigne, Chevalier of the Empire, hero of the Battle of White River… Herald: Patroness of the painter Ambroise Poirier, and second cousin of Princess Elettra of the House of Albercini in Antiva. Herald: Accompanying the duchess: Anselmo, Undergardener of Val Montagine and paramour to the ducches.
Herald: Prince Ezio Valisti of the House of Valistiin Antiva, and Third Talon of the Antivan Crows.
Herald: Khalida Zuri Siavash, eldest daughter of the Gana of Dairsmuid and Rivaini ambassador to the Imperial Court.
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tahopo · 2 months
This isn’t a jab or anything but pure curiosity but your Cousland was the ambassador to Orlais. Aren’t the Couslands huge royalists and basically Orlesian killing machines? And as far as I know, Eleanor is practically known for being one. I can’t quite see her and Bryce allowing that let alone the bannorn. I could see being diplomatic with the Free Marcher cities [they even have their own banns] and with Antiva [they accepted Orianna after all] but how did Kaleb end up in his situation?
No hate! I’m developing my own Cousland and he was squired in the Free Marches like Nathaniel. This is the first I’ve encountered another take where Cousland was sent abroad rather than being raised domestically in Highever.
Sure! it’s actually supported in canon that bryce was a frequent visitor of orlais. literally the very first thing eleanor says in-game is that bryce was just there the year before, 9:29, and she says this in the context of candidly showing off some souvenir to lady landra. Bryce’s business in orlais is also something howe holds in deep contempt: “he was a traitor to me, and a coward to his nation. trips to orlais, gifts from old enemies”— trips, plural! gifts, plural!
i agree he’s a royalist. but whereas most would focus inwards and domestically, i think bryce’s nationalism expresses itself outwards, encouraging ferelden to involve itself in diplomacy and endorse bridges between neighbours. Why! well i think it’s important to remember highever is a coastal city that faces the free marches, orlais, nevarra, antiva and even rivain. highever is practically begging to be traded and interacted with. a country — which bryce fought for and really believes in — can’t grow by licking its wounds but by strengthening its economy. trade (and marriage ie. permitting Fergus to marry Oriana who is from a prosperous Antivan merchant family) promotes that, but nothing hurts a centre of commerce quite like isolationism which is loghain’s favourite pastime. being diplomatic reads as weak! and sentimental! and impotent! and fereldans are hardy, rugged, proud folk. it’s certainly divisive to the bannorn, and there’s only two teyrnirs with adequate influence to tender such political overture and if loghain won’t do it…… but you must understand, while loghain has his supporters like ceorlic (and atp, a tiptoe-ing howe), there are the guerrins. eamon has an orlesian wife and child. leonas is one of bryce’s oldest friends and is half-orlesian himself. alfstanna whose jurisdiction is the waking sea, aligns herself with the cousland no matter what (and she’s the one who speaks up if you make a point in-game about how the blight is the real threat and not orlais). they would certainly not oppose improved relations.
i imagine this became an even bigger issue and point of tension after loghain almost entirely emptied the treasury on a manhunt for maric and began blaming orlais for it. this is around midlate 9:20s and i personally place this as around the time the rumors of bryce becoming king were in full swing, which he quashed in full favour of cailan: it’s a very cutthroat statement that while he holds no contempt for foreign lands, he’s utterly devoted and subservient to the fereldan throne.
while we’re on the topic of cailan, bryce rebukes howe twice (from what i remember) and very swiftly. the speed of it reads almost like a paternal instinct to defend that boy lol (and it’s my personal headcanon that bryce did serve as a father figure to him wherever loghain fell short of being one). in the HN prologue, when you ask for duncan’s opinion on cailan, duncan is forthright about not knowing him well at all but speaks virtuously of what he can: “cailan is an eager young man who has shown great wisdom in responding to the darkspawn threat”. howe chips in with what is basically yeah well iiiiive heard he has warden hard-on and that’s why he let you in. it’s only then that bryce interrupts and calls howe “unworthy”. his tone is particularly severe here. it’s like a You’re Better Than This (and there it is, bryce’s particular characteristic: giving people the benefit of the doubt). this is all to say Bryce is an appreciator of tact and savoir faire, but he does not delight in rumor.
but it’s no easy task for bryce to be in orlais. it certainly wasn’t for kaleb, even though he was groomed into it and practically lived there for ten years. in inquisition, during the guest announcements at halamshiral, duchess yvonne blanchard is introduced as “hero of the battle of white river”, the very battle that bryce fought in and lost. she outlived bryce and remains openly revered in society. kaleb would have gone fucking insane if he stayed in that court.
anyway howe ultimately does not take bryce’s propinquity in good faith. he has no interest in diplomacy, and whatever small victories bryce achieves in that godless pool orlais calls the game is considered ingratiating at best, anti-fereldan at worse. he’s looking for the friendship from bryce thirty years ago that was built on hating orlesians and killing orlesians, he never quite grew past that. He blinks and he’s stuck with a half-orlesian wife he can’t stand, and a firstborn he dislikes enough to pack off abroad to an orlesian chevalier. it’s all wasted investment. kaleb was bryce’s investment and bryce’s worst sin. why is no one chatting about HIM (people were). seeing him return to highever that night all grown up, refined, well-connected, w good marriage prospects (delilah at that point was ruled out looong ago), bilingual 🤢 and in those stupid good-quality silks. oh i have to kill this guy stat!!!!!!
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immobiliter · 23 days
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okay so now josie is rolling around in my head again, there are a few verses/AUs i am considering for her~
bg3 verse - so the best equivalent to antiva i can find through scouring the wiki is amn, and that nation has historically had a challenging relationship with baldur's gate ( but the two are still close ish ) so i feel like that gives me some interesting stuff to play around with through making josie an ex-bard turned amn ambassador to baldur's gate. i'm undecided yet on whether i would want a tadpole/companion verse for her because a huge part of her character is that she is non-violent so i'm not sure how she'd fit into a party dynamic, but her being an ambassador likely concerned about baldur's gate politics under gortash opens up some possibilities. plus i might tie her to jaheira again like i have varric just because i can
post trespasser / pre veilguard - so a lot of this is speculative because i personally don't think josie is high up on the list of likely cameos for the new game, but we do know from trespasser that if her personal quest is completed josie begins rebuilding her family's trading fleet and starts pissing off rivaini pirates ( so get ready for me to be 👀 at the lords of fortune faction ). i also imagine she continues to be involved with antivan politics even if the inquisition is disbanded post-exalted council or by the time veilguard rolls around, and ofc she still has her friends within the inquisition who she would help out with her extensive contacts across thedas high society
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possessedopossum · 2 days
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Idk why but I felt the need to make this template for my Rook, Noel/Noelle Benois de Riva. They're an adopted child of an orlesian ambassador to Antiva and a former spoiled brat. Their pet horse ate better than all the elves in Val Royeaux alienage combined. Unfortunately, their life of luxury ended, when their father was assassinated for selling classified documents. Off course, no one recognised an elven child as a relative of ambassador. The only choice they had at this point is to become an antivan crow or perish while trying to survive on the streets of a foreign city on their own.
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illusivesoul · 1 year
First fic for Kinktober 2023 using the prompt list made by @starsandskies You can find the list here.
Day 1 - "Flashing"
Pairing: Josephine Montilyet/Leliana
Summary: During a boring war table meeting, Leliana decides to give Josephine a small show.
Words: 731
Rating: Explicit
Read it on AO3
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"How about supplies? I can't have my army worrying about water when there are wardens to kill" Evelyn Trevelyan said as she pointed at the 4 figures representing each of the Inquisition's armies.
Cullen exchanged a wary glance with Cassandra before continuing, his eyes burning with tiredness from being awake so late into the night. "We will have constant caravans bringing food and other supplies to the inquisition's troops besieging Adamant" the former templar replied, not so subtly emphasizing that they served the organization and not just her. "For all that that matters" Cullen probably thought to himself "I must admit that water remains in extremely low supplies. Given that the underground oasis is right beneath Adamant, we will have around 2 days after the siege starts to break in before water becomes a problem"
"The dwarven munitions should be enough to deal with the defenders on the walls. We shouldn't discard the possibility of some the wardens joining us"
"Irrelevant" Trevelyan answered without lifting her eyes from the map "They are all traitors. You of all people should know better than that, spymaster"
"Of course, inquisitor" Leliana replied, unfazed by the inquisitor's hostility as she kept toying with the cord of her black robe, the only thing she had managed to put on at the late hour the inquisitor had decided to call this meeting.
As Cullen continued explaining the great strategic advantage the orlesian trebuchets would have for the assault, Leliana smiled as she turned her gaze to Josephine. The antivan's gaze moved away from the map and met her eyes, looking at her with the concerned expression she always got whenever Trevelyan and Leliana sparred with words. The only downside of her antagonism with the inquisitor was the constant concern it brought to Josephine.
She decided to make it up to her.
The redhead winked, and Josephine’s brow raised in curiosity at the wicked grin forming on Leliana’s lips. Motioning, just barely, downwards with her hand, Josephine followed the indication given, until her gaze reached the spymaster’s legs.
Seeing her eyes had reached what she wanted them to see, Leliana smiled as she spread her legs.
Josephine swallowed hard, using all her composure to keep her eyes from widening too evidently as she was met with the sight of Leliana’s cunt, with a hefty but trimmed red bush that made the ambassador bite her lips. And as quick as she opened them, Leliana closed her legs once again.
The antivan watched intently as the spymaster's finger moved between her legs, and the motion it started making left little to the imagination.
Pulling her other hand coveredly over her chest, Josephine saw a perky nipple appearing Leliana’s fingers, and she wondered how is it that no one else was noticing this. She felt a warmth starting to pool in her lower stomach as she pressed her legs closer, trying to retain her composure.
"Excuse me. I have to see to some matters with my agents" Leliana said all of a sudden as she stood.
The Inquisitor answered with a nonchalant handwave as she kept her eyes fixed on the map, making it clear just how much she cared for Leliana's presence.
As the spymaster reached the corridor to exit the room, outside of the sight of everyone but Josephine, she turned around, and the eyes of the woman met hers.
With a wink and a half smile, Leliana tugged at her robe, which shortly after fell to the ground, exposing herself completely to Josephine. She quickly ran her hands all over her chest and body, arching her back as her hand teased the space between her legs, enjoying the way Josephine got redder and tightened her grip on the table in front of her.
The spymaster then turned around, and in a very deliberate manner, she bent down to pick up the robe, giving Josephine a complete and total view of an orlesian landscape she was quite familiar with, leaving nothing to the imagination
The antivan disguised the gasp that left her lips as a sudden cough, her eyes fixated on Leliana as the woman shoddily put on her robe and exited the room.
Waiting for a few minutes, Josephine also stood, apologizing as she walked out of the room and headed towards the rookery.
She was just in the mood for a tour of Orlais… gourmet cuisine included.
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dragonagekeeper · 3 months
Disclaimer: Refused to work with Master Ignacio is not in the keep, but is included here to differentiate not encountering him at all versus outright refusing his proposal.
Denerim Polls
Dragon Age Origins Polls
See quest and choice descriptions from Dragon Age Wiki/Keep below
Master Ignacio is an Antivan trader, located in the Denerim Market District. He is the business partner of the merchant Cesar.
Initially loath to admit it, Ignacio is actually a handler of sorts for the Antivan Crows—dispensing contracts, hiring agents, and distributing loot. By virtue of this, he appears to be quite well-connected in a foreign land.
Ignacio contacts the Warden after Zevran's assassination attempt with an interesting offer. If Zevran is present when the Warden meets Ignacio, he can be asked to verify the information given by the handler. The latter will comment that Zevran is Taliesen's problem, hinting at things to come, and sternly reminds him that he is "already dead" in his eyes.
Warden killed Master Ignacio
Kill Ignacio who has mercenaries concealed about the room
2. Didn't complete Master Ignacio's assassinations
Refuse to work for the Crows, in which case Ignacio will leave peacefully 
3. Completed Master Ignacio's assassinations
Completing his assassinations includes the following kills:
The Warden earned access to a "special stock" of goods by earning Ignacio's favor.
The player is asked to kill a man called Paedan in The Pearl, Denerim's brothel.
In the Pearl, after speaking with Sanga and then knocking on the locked door, it is revealed that Paedan is actually working for Rendon Howe, trying to kill all Grey Warden loyalists, and attacks the Warden alongside Shaevra, Tennant and Jarvy.
Kadan-Fe mercenary
This part requires you to go to the Kadan-Fe mercenary hideout where you will encounter a band of [Tal-Vashoth] Qunari mercenaries. Once all these are killed, the Warden may return to Ignacio for a reward.
Gainley with his guards
The Warden is asked to kill Ambassador Gainley, who can be found in his quarters in Orzammar Royal Palace.
Gainley is an ambassador sent on behalf of Regent Loghain Mac Tir[1] to Orzammar. He can be found in the Royal Palace, having taken up residence in the former bedroom of Prince Trian.
The Antivan Crows want him assassinated and the Warden can help by killing him themselves, thus undermining Loghain's attempt to gain Orzammar's support. If the Warden accepts the contract, Gainley and his cadre of guards attack the Warden on sight and are slain by the Warden's party.
Disguised Crow
Once the previous two tasks have been completed, "The Ransom" can be started.
Ignacio informs the Warden that Arl Howe's minion Captain Chase has kidnapped a boy, and is holding him for ransom. The boy's father's agents (really Crows in disguise), would like to have your backup during the exchange. The exchange will take place in the Ransom Drop location, and will quickly go bad, resulting in all of Howe's men attacking you. It appears, however, that Howe was expecting the betrayal, and his men have not brought the boy. After killing Howe's men, the Warden may return to Ignacio for a reward. Ignacio states that the exchange was phony from the start: the Crows had already rescued the boy, and were only going through the motions of an exchange for an opportunity to assassinate the men involved with the kidnapping.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
i thought josie just wanted to show off that her socks match her shirt since apparently she only gets two colors, and not even a pattern besides some embossing you can't see unless you're way too close. bioware really expects us to believe an antivan ambassador to orlais wouldn't wear something extravagant?
josephine in haven like pls these shiny socks are all i have in this world
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inquisimer · 2 years
this dadwc friday I come for fluff PLEASE SJHGKFJGHFGH and the prompt "kissing their lover’s knuckles" for solas/lavellan? 🥺
dusts off this solavellan prompt from....a while ago it's sort of fluffy??? but c'mon bb, it's solavellan
for @dadrunkwriting
The Winter Palace is aglow with Orlais’ best decorations and their gaudiest patrons, but nothing holds a candle to the Inquisitor.
She positively sparkles. The dress she contrived with the Ambassador and Madame de Fer falls in sheets of silk and magic, though Solas doubts any of her admirers in their pastry-like attire appreciate it for what it truly is. It is a shade of what she should be, what she would be, if not for his interference.
She is busy. There is espionage afoot between many factions, his own people among them. They do not approach him directly, but he knows who they are, notices how they fail to bow to him as they bow to every other patron in his vicinity. Any observer, should they be oddly inclined to note the behavior of so many elves, would simply assume the servants thought him one of their own. But Fen’Harel knows, and he holds their loyalty to his chest like gold.
Let none be beholden but by choice.
He shifts his feet slightly, adjusting his posture against the stone column, and suddenly she is before him, resplendent in her glory and flushed from both the wine Vivienne has pressed upon her and the partner who has just whirled her across the floor.
“Solas,” she stage whispers, eyes alight as he failed to expect. “Isn’t is fabulous?”
His eyes linger over her, from her ankles strapped up in golden heels, to the fabric that clings at every dip and curve, to the braids and curls that have tamed her usually wild hair. The torchlight catches the freshly shaved side of her head; it catches the dark lines of her vallaslin, too, but he is adept at looking past them now. He holds her violet eyes with his own, deep and solemn, and knows she can see the trickery flickering behind it all.
“I do adore the heady blend of power, intrigue, danger and sex that permeates these events,”  he says, hiding a smile in his wine glass. He’s had more than is advisable, perhaps, but there are few joys in this sundered world and he finds that Antivan wine is one of them, especially when one has just cause to celebrate.
And he certainly does, what with the key to Briala’s network nestled safely in his mind.
Irosyl leans closer and suddenly his senses are filled with her lavender perfume, the elfroot he knows she adept at sneaking past even the Spymaster, the gently zing of mana that says she has been recently casting. She cups his face with one hand, one long, lithe finger tracing his ear with a caress so gentle. His breath catches and for a moment he forgets his walls.
“Save me a dance, vhenan?” she ghosts over his lips.
His heart stutters and before he can stop it, his mind puts her in Mythal’s ballroom, the centermost of the dancers, draped in light and mana and glory and wrapped up in his arms, the envy of the Evanuris. They dance a dance forgotten to time and it goes on for longer than anyone cares to track, because they have forever and a day.
Except they don’t.
His fantasy shatters around him and he surges forward, closing the distance between their lips so she will not notice the tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.
“I will not give that to them,” he says when they break apart. “I will not give them us.”
She looks crestfallen for a moment and he almost wavers, almost casts aside his hat to sweep her away to the shame of these shems. But she is a master of sealing the cracks and she draws herself up in the face of his refusal with an understanding, if somewhat bitter smile.
“Ar lath ma,” she reminds him. Even here, in the heart of Orlais, in this next of vipers. Ar lath ma. They cannot take that away.
He catches Irosyl’s wrist as she turns away, off to see to what intel the Spymaster has gathered. She pauses at the gentle pressure of his hand, turns back as his lithe fingers sip down to cradle hers and he brings her knuckles to his lips. They are spit-slick and swollen from her attentions still as he brushes them across her hand.
“Ar lath ma, vhenan,” he echoes.
He wishes it was not true.
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sidhelives · 1 year
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The Black Emporium Exchange Works Reveal
Yeah, I'm late. I know. Sue me.
Basically I was picking up a few extra treats after the deadline because I discovered a few people had slipped through the cracks and I can't live with that. I was also busy, I'm an adult with responsibilities, it happens.
I ended up completing 26 works for the exchange this year totaling 62,968 words. That is twice the fics I wrote last year and very nearly double the words. I'm pretty proud of it.
Before we get into the full list and links, here are some general stats for the group:
Date of first posting: July 18, 2023
Date of final posting: September 26, 2023
Longest work: 8,473 words
Shortest work: 1,147 words
Most Featured Character: Anders (5 works)
Most Featured Pairing: Solas/Trevelyan (3 works)
Rating Breakdown: 15 General; 3 Teen; 1 Mature; 7 Explicit
Category Breakdown: 13 F/M; 6 M/M; 5 F/F; 2 Other; and 2 Multi
Game Breakdown: 5 Origins; 3 Awakening; 6 DA2; and 12 Inquisition
With that out of the way, lets get into the links!
The Ambassador Will See You Now for @thedaselcor
Krem Aclassi/Yvette Montilyet
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,829
The End of a Long Night for Missjlh
Leliana/Female Surana
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,147
Aboard the Siren's Heart for sgtblue
Bethany Hawke/Isabela
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,197
Engaging with the Rabble for @amarmeme
Original Female Inquisition Scout/Original Male Ansberg Noble
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,245
It's About Time for @ripplesofaqua
Original Female Inquisition Scout/Original Male Ansberg Noble
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,254
Between One Breath and the Next for Inquisitor_Inquisitor
Solas/Female Trevelyan
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,927
Coming Home Late for Luffymarra
Zevran Arainai/Male Hawke
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,557
Old Fears Never Fade for taintandloathering
Anders/Desire Demon & Anders/Jowan
Rating: E [Warning for Non-Con]
Word Count: 2,668
A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement for RootboundWoodWitch
Female Hawke/Cullen Rutherford
Rating: E
Word Count: 4,108
Can't Sleep for Wanting You for @settiai
Anders/Bethany Hawke
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,524
Subtlety for @hazelestelle
Female Hawke/Loghain Mac Tir
Rating: E
Word Count: 8,473
Little Hurts for @lordnochybaty
Fenris/Bethany Hawke
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,002
The First Night of the Rest of Our Lives for @antivan-beau
Female Cousland/Anora Mac Tir
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,458
It's Him or Me for CrimsonShield75
Alistair/Female Amell/Zevran Arainai
Rating: E
Word Count: 4,730
Senior Enchanter Seeks Employment for Tafka
Bethany Hawke/Josephine Montilyet
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,716
Thanks for the Conscription (affectionate) for ghostbunny
Nonbinary Amell/Anders
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,287
The Crown Thanks You for Your Service for dawnstone
Zevran Arainai/Anora Mac Tir
Rating: E
Word Count: 3,618
Vigil Kept for @hazelestelle and ghostbunny
Jowan/Male Surana
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,159
Looking for a Bargain for Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Mouse/Male Surana
Rating: E
Word Count: 2,759
Leaving Home for cartographicalspine
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,213
Dream a Little Dream of Me for dreamkist
Solas/Male Trevelyan
Rating: M
Word Count: 1,334
Tripping Hazard for emocsibe
Anders/Cullen Rutherford
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,940
A Quiet Morning in the Clinic for Sinister_Queer
Anders/Bethany Hawke
Rating: E
Word Count: 1,328
A Good Night's Rest is Hard to Come By for Sumi
Solas/Female Trevelyan
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,655
Missed You for kaijuburgers
Krem Aclassi/Female Trevelyan
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,201
Dress for the Job You Want for adlerobsessed
Female Adaar/Vivienne
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,639
Apologies if I mistagged anyone or missed anyone, I don't know everyone's Tumblr handles (or if they have them). If one of these is you and you want to be tagged just let me know and I will update the post!
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henshark-blog · 1 year
Zevran could make fun of HoF while they haven't romance (why 'could')
in general he could say that antivans greet each other with a kiss
And yes, HoF could greet and say goodbye with a kiss every time shamelessly
And everyone like that: wtf
HoF: what?
Ogren: suked to him like to the bottle of ale
HoF: I - what? Not that I recall
HoF: I would definitely remember
Dorian: the dwarf means your close greetings with...your Antivan crow, as I can judge
Ogren: yeah damn I mean
HoF: it's antivan greeting gesture. And why so much attention?
Dorian: I would be necessary to clarify with our dear ambassador what other gestures the Antivans welcome. I'd try a couple. You have been cheated, my dear Warden
HoF: I'm not quite sure about that
HoF: Zevran wouldn't lie to me
Dorian: I can assume that it was just an innocent joke
HoF: Zevran is honest with me
Dorian: well... you know better
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open rp
Fingers stained with ink, hair coming out of her usually so perfectly coiffed bun, mud staining her shoes, Josephine rather felt like a mess. It was rare to see the ambassador frazzled, but there was an undeniably hunted look to her eyes.
The truth of it was that the sun had long since dipped below the horizon, but Josephine had been up since sunrise, running all around Skyhold, getting letters sent, getting papers signed, speaking with the visiting nobility, and even still, she knew there was a pile of parchment laid high, waiting for her back at her desk.
A master at the ebbs and flows of politics, she'd known this was coming. After a few scant weeks of peace and relative simplicity, she knew it was too good to last. And now, it suddenly seemed as if every political disaster came crashing down upon the Inquisition at once. That wasn't to say she couldn't handle. It was simply...a lot at once.
It certainly didn't help matters that near seconds after the thought, she flew around a corner and directly into someone, sending her reeling and all of the paperwork and contracts in her arms to the floor, "I apologize!" Josephine exclaimed automatically, even as a rather rude collection of Antivan curses floated through her head. "My mistake." she babbled, body wavering precariously for a moment before she regained her balance and crouched down to start collecting papers.
"It's rather late. I wasn't paying attention. Truly, my fault." If she didn't look to see who she crashed into, then it couldn't be some easily offended Orlesian noble or gruff Fereldan dignitary that she'd have to make amends to. If she moved fast enough, perhaps they wouldn't even make comment and she could manage to reply to at least some of the letters waiting for her before she fell asleep at her desk.
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