#( thank you x 1000 )
mischieviem · 11 months
My final peice for good omens inktober over on Instagram
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livindeadgirlgrav · 3 months
Hi, i was wondering if you could do a Michael Myers, Otis driftwood, The sinclair twins and The grabber x Reader, but the Reader is kidnapped or is cornered by them, and with no options left, they Surprise attack with a smooch!!!
Of course!! Thank you for the request! Also I love your profile pic its so cute!
Warning: Violence, slashers, kidnapped, kinda NSFW, blood, gore, slasher things, overpowered, mature themes, Stockholm syndrome,
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Michael Myers
Since Michael has kidnapped you, you have become use to him towering over you and corning you but he usually would turn around and leave after a few minutes but today he wasn't moving a muscle. In fact he kept getting closer to you. Forcing you to back up into the wall. Starring at him you watched him become inches away from you, lowering down to become inches from your face. Forcing you to stare into his dead eyes through the eye holes of his mask your eyes glanced down at the lips of the mask and before you knew it you threw your arms around his neck and smashed your lips onto his. You held onto him tightly as he sprung up faster then his typically movements. Michael quickly grabbed your arms forcing you to let go. As your feet hit the floor your furrowed your eyebrows at him, upset at the lose of contact. Michael quickly left the room, he was more confused than he had ever been.
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Otis Driftwood
You had been stuck in Otis's bedroom since the first day he kidnapped you. Otis has tortured you for weeks now, but it wasn't as bad as what you seen him do to other victims within the house. Besides you were the only victim in his bed now...which is scary by itself. Today was like any other, you woke up chained to an empty bed. Sitting up you rubbed your sleepless eyes and pulled at the doll like dress he forced you to wear. You hated it, it was short and itchy but it was better then being naked all the time. Your head shot towards the door as you heard him barge in carrying a unconscious girl in his arms. You sat up on your knees looking to see who the girl was. "Who is she?" You asked a bit demanding. Otis shot his head up at you. "A new pet.." You widened your eyes and quickly stood up on the bed and shook your head. "No! Get her out of here!" You shouted. Otis chuckled a bit watching you before turning and placing the girl on a chair, tying her up. "Otis get her out of here." You demanded stepping down off the bed. Before you knew it Otis grabbed your throat and forced you back onto the bed. Falling down you caught yourself on your elbows. "Now listen mama, I don't rightly care for your attitude." He stated shaking you a bit. "Maybe I need to remind you about your place here hm?" He asked but seeing that his threats weren't phasing you made him more mad. Otis pulled his bloody knife out from its holster on his hip but before he could do or say anything you grabbed his hair by one of your hands using the other to balance yourself on the bed. Pulling him down quickly you smashing your lips onto his. Otis didn't pull away he chuckled into your kiss as he kissed you back roughly. Before you knew it your dress was being cut off with his bloody knife. Once your dress was off he pushed his knife onto your neck. "Come on mama, lets finish what you started." He stated as he ushered to his belt with his free hand. Quickly nodded you did exactly what he wanted, your fingers undid his belt with ease. Otis was a bit shocked by your eagerness but he wasn't about to stop you anytime soon. But he did know one thing your lips were much sweeter when you kissed him willingly.
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Vincent Sinclair
Vincent favored you ever since you rode into town. He actually thought you would have wanted his twin brother more than him but when he saw you running into the wax museum trying to hide within his work he felt a sense of happiness he had been searching for. So when he came out of hiding, gently pushing you into a corner of the museum, smiling a bit to himself when you didn't shout out a blood curling scream. "Help me." You stated softly starring at his waxy face. Vincent tilted his head in confusion. Weren't you scared of him? Vincent grabbed your hand and pulled you into another room then through a door and down the wax steps. Pulling you into his workshop. Luckily there wasn't any projects down there at the time. "You make them?" You asked softly as you looked around. Vincent stared at you before walking closer towards you. "T-That man out there is trying to kill me.." You stated as you watched the man. Vincent pointed to himself. Shaking your head you stated. "No, not you. The mechanic, I think his name is.." You stopped trying to think before you knew it you were pushed against the wall. "Hey?" you stated looking at the man. "I'm sorry, thank you for helping me." You stated before kissing the man's waxy cheek. Vincent quickly backed up and stared at you. Starring back you watched him point towards a bed within the corner. Nodding you walked towards the bed and sat down as you watched the man nearly trip up the stairs and slamming the door.
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Bo Sinclair
Bo chased you down and jumped on you like he's down countless times to several different victims. The more you squirmed the more he liked it. He flung your small figure over his shoulder and carried you into his shop and down to his little makeshift dungeon. Bo slammed you down into the chair in the center of the room and was surprised when you didn't fight back or tried to get up and run. Regardless Bo still tied you down with duck tape. You breathed deeply trying your best to calm yourself down. Bo quickly grabbed your jaw and forced you to stare at him causing you to whimper a bit. Bo smirked a bit as he stared down at your lips. "Look at the way those lips curve." he stated in his deep country accent. Without thought you leaned up and smashed your lips onto his, Bo didn't stop you and didn't push away he simply kissed you back a bit rougher then you were. As you pulled away Bo bit your bottom lip and tugged it a bit before letting go and pulling away. He watched you lay your back down against the chair, once again Bo smirked and chuckled. "Don't you worry darling we'll get there. Just gotta be patient girly." His words made your face heat up turning your glace away from him, he chuckled and stood straight. You eyes wondered you him, watching him grab his keys and head to the door. But before closing said door he glanced up at you with the most lust filled eyes you've ever seen. You knew exactly what was gonna happen once he got back but for once you were excited to see him come back.
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The Grabber
Sitting on the mattress you stared at the door. Today was the day you knew it. You knew you had to get out of there. Feeling yourself slipping into what felt like madness. You were so strongly conflicted, you despised your captor but in another light you were weirdly attracted to him. You liked the way his hair framed his masked face, you enjoyed the way his fingers moved and how comforting his presence could be. You picked at the skin on your fingers thinking about how soft his lips were before being interrupted by the sound of the door unlocking and opening. You watched him walk in with a tray of food. The same as always eggs and a soda. "I made you some breakfast." He said like every other day. You nodded and walked over towards him. He looked down at you, watching how your eyes glanced at the stairs behind him. He tilted his head a bit. You could have swore he read your thoughts because as soon as you darted behind him he dropped the tray and grabbed you up. But to his surprise you didn't fight him or scream. He growled and walked towards the mattress but as he tried to throw you down he noticed how you hung onto him. He pried your hands off of him. "Stop! Don't!" You shouted as you fell to the bed but you quickly grabbed his shirt pulling him down a bit just to wrap your arms around his neck and smash your lips onto the masked lips. Kissing him you didn't care that it wasn't his actually lips. This was still him and you loved it. The grabber was taken back but he let you kiss the lips of his mask. Once you stopped and pulled away looking at his blueish brown eyes. "Don't leave me." You stated as you hugged him. Albert furrowed his brows but he let you hug him placing a hand on your back.
Wellll thank you for reading! And I hope you guys enjoyed! I loved this request! Thank you again for it! 🖤🖤
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melbee · 2 years
The Ikranä Maktoyu (‘banshee rider’)
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Pairing: Neteyam x TayrangiClan!Reader
Summary: There was nothing you thought you couldn’t do. So, when the eldest son of Toruk Makto challenges you to a race on your Ikran? Well, you never were one to run from an honest challenge. Especially when you had the fate of your feelings riding on the line.
Note: This is my first Fanfiction for Avatar and specifically WoW. This doesn't follow any sort of plot, so it's not technically necessary to have watched the new movie. Anyways I hope you enjoy xx
Warnings: Fluff, Enemies to Lovers (kind of?), Blood. Kissing? idk. This is a long one. I like to give my fanfics context, ok?? lol
Word count: 4,203
As far as you were concerned you couldn't be any different from the similar blue skinned Navi in front of you. While you were used to more complicated headdresses, and guarded expressions, these Forest children of the Omaticaya clan, wore little and expressed much. Several Tayrangi Clan members and you had journeyed vast from the Eastern Sea to meet with the Omaticaya people and its fairly new leader, Jake Sully.
Your mother had brought you up on the story of Jake Sully's arrival, on how the Toruk Makto had led all the clans together in harmony in order to rid your home planet of the humans who were intent on destroying it. Everything about Omaticaya had fascinated you, but as you grew so did your responsibilities, and now you reserve your emotions to plain passiveness.
This was mostly due to the fact that the people were so much different from your own. Tayrangi had long been separated and socially outcasted due to their spirited independence, and the Omaticaya people had once despised it. However, times had changed, and as your mother fondly admitted to yourself, new beginnings can bring new outlooks.
So, there you sat, trying to hold in any regard of the Omaticaya children in front of you, who had been introduced upon arrival as the Olo'ekytan's children. The youngest and giddiest, Tuktirey, smiled brightly at you as if she noticed your presence for the first time since you had been there.
"Come play with us, y/n! We were just about to go out into the forest." Tuktirey laughed, as she tugged on her elder sister's hand. Kiri looked up at you with a shy smile, and for some reason it made your heart warm.
They were very sweet children, most of them at least. Upon your clan's arrival to the forest, you were bombarded by the sounds of Ikrans all around you. While you were mostly familiar with the sound, the laughter and rambunctious noise as they swooped across the trees startled your clan. Who was behind the wonderful greeting? None other than the eldest of Jake Sully's children, who you were introduced to through a flurry of apologies as Lo'ak and Neteyam.
Each bore a startling resemblance to their kinfolk, and by closer inspection you saw the youngest of the brothers resembled the same five fingered trait as his father. He was the most feigned of the two, which made you suspect this wasn't his first time having to apologize. Neteyam was sincere in his apologies at the least, the perfect mockup as the prodigal son, burdened since birth you could tell.
However, something about Neteyam made your heart race just a little faster. Perhaps it was the way he laughed, and his broad shoulders lifted up ever so slightly. Or maybe it was the way he looked into your eyes, and you felt the weight of the world fall endlessly at your fingertips. Either way, you made sure you kept your feelings in check. You had goals in life, and you wouldn't let some skxwang (idiot, moron) mess it up.
"I was hoping to head near the top of the mountains. It's actually really beautiful to see near sunset." Kiri voiced out, the sound startling you out of your memories, as she looked back to see Tuktirey jumping for joy.
"Mom never lets us go out there before dinner, but maybe she'll let us since you're here!" Tuktirey laughed as she began to beckon us to follow her.
"We can go, but we've got to wait for Spider. He should be here any minute." Kiri rolled her eyes, before glancing back in apology for her sister's rambunctious nature.
"You called?" You heard a male voice call out from behind you, your body jumping in fear. You were used to the rocky shores of your homeland providing you a sense of hearing, but now that you were hidden between the sounds of the forest, you couldn't quite gather your surroundings.
"Spider! There you are, where were you?" Kiri exclaimed, as you watched to see the human jump from a fallen tree limb, as he laughed underneath his mask.
When you had first taken a glimpse of a human on Pandora, it had not been under good circumstances. It was as the RDA had begun to shuffle their way out, but the memories from your older clan members had done enough to make you hold reservations against them. Even though you had been told of Spider's upbringing, you couldn't help but feel as if his alliance did not stand completely still against one side.
Spider glanced your way, a careful nod towards you, before pulling on Kiri's tail in playfulness. Kiri hissed as she smacked him away, him dodging her advances. Before you knew it, they were in their own little world arguing about something leaving Tuktirey to sigh in impatience.
"Guys can you stop! We have to get going!" Tuk complained. Kiri looked up as she glanced your way in apology. She beckoned Spider to follow us, as we began heading through the thick jungle.
You watched in hesitance as the Sully clan leaped and bounded across tree limbs and small streams. Syaksuk (lemurs) danced across the forest vines, their playful voices echoing around as they swung. Every so often Tuk would stop, playing with some sort of creature or fauna before Kiri or yourself would have to get her away from the distractions.
The trek was long, but it resembled your own passages on top of jagged rocks, trying to avoid falling. You laughed as you tried to keep up with the Omaticaya children, your passive disposition beginning to fade away. You actually felt really happy.
At this point in the day the light in the sky was beginning its descent, and you had just reached a parting in the densely bushed trees. Pushing forward, you followed Kiri and the rest stopped at what you could tell was an overlook. Pushing back a stray vine, your eyes widened before looking up.
There it was. Out of everything you had heard of the Omaticaya clan growing up, Ayram Alusing (The floating mountains) was the most magical. Your arrival to the clan had been up these very floating rocks. You could almost see the activity where the clan resided near the Tree of Souls.
"Mons Veritatis." You heard Spider whisper in awe, your gaze settling to where he looked to see one of the tallest mountains you had ever seen. Its top didn't even reach vision, the dense vog settling eerily to the distant calls of the Ikrans.
It made your heart thump in excitement at riding your Ikran across the sky.
"Iknimaya. It is our rite of passage to ride our Ikrans. You do the same right?" Kiri looked over at you, noticing your excitement with a smile.
"Yes, although I'm not sure which is more dangerous." You laughed as Kiri giggled, latching onto Tuk's hand. 
"Well, there is only one way to find out."
You were startled by how quickly they began to race across the overlook and jump onto the vines. Your heart began to thump as you scaled the rocks higher up into the sky. You looked down to the steep fall below, wondering if you had just enough time to call for your Ikran to save you if you fell.
You were surprised that with each step it got easier, and even Spider, who was not built for Pandora's harsh terrain, kept up almost effortlessly. Maybe that was why they called him monkey boy.
"We're almost there!" Tuk squealed, as the sound of the Ikrans could be heard louder. The waterfalls were louder too, and you felt a strange lightness as you along with the rest of the group slowed down as you neared an alcove.
"There they are." Kiri said, pointing over to the left side of us where the Ikrans nested. The backdrop the rest of the way was beautiful as the Sun began to hang low, and the outline of the gas giant was visible.
You felt yourself wanting to ride your Ikran Payngyì , remembering that the hangar in which she resided was not too far away, and perhaps you could reach her.
Before you could debate it further a call could be heard, the voice sounding familiar, as you began to recall back to before and your arrival to Omaticaya.
His Ikran soared across the sky, the multicolored blues of its wings casting shadows in the sky. Neteyam held strong to his Ikran, a symbol of good ability and you couldn’t help but feel your heart race at the sight. He swooped below, somehow spotting us in the little opening that we stood.
Spider began whooping, before you looked over to see Kiri rolling her eyes.
“It’s so obvious he’s trying to show off.” Kiri snarked, the signature fourteen year old attitude dripping off of her like hot honey. You couldn’t help but chuckle, before looking back towards Neteyam.
He now perched his Ikran where we were, his hushed whispers calming the still active creature. Looking over towards us, he swung his legs off the Ikran, before lifting his Ionar (rider's mask) and grinning.
“So, how long until Mom punishes you guys for being up here now?” Neteyam laughed at his siblings, before looking over at you. He pushed his head forward, and signaled a greeting. “Oel ngati kameie”
You felt your face heat up, as you returned the gesture haphazardly. “Oel ngati kameie.” Usually it came to you like clockwork, but you were quickly starting to realize even everyday tasks came awkward and jumbled when he was around.
Neteyam shifted his head in curiosity, before looking back at his siblings. “You know this won’t be a good impression to the Tayrangi clan if we keep breaking rules.”
“No. That was you and L’oak. Y/n wanted to be here.” Kiri sassed, knocking Neteyam over the head who groaned in playfulness.
“Mom will let us be here if y/n is here. She is a fierce hunter!” Tuk replied looking up to her older siblings.
Neteyam looked back at you, and the same expression graced his face. Can he seriously stop staring at me like that? It’s like he’s looking into my soul. You thought quietly, albeit returning his stare.
“Is that so?” Humor now splashing his face as he laughed. You frowned at his obvious display of mockery. “Pray tell me, where’s your Ikran now?”
Something in you snapped and whatever ounce of female gaze you had for him went away, and a competitive nature overtook you. “Where your clan resides. Why do you sound so shocked?”
Neteyam’s eyes lit as he watched you begin to challenge him with your voice. Something about the way your eyes squinted, or the way your soft lips titled in a scowl made his heart race in excitement.
Ever since your arrival he couldn’t help but find any way of talking to you, being near you, anything. He would be lying if it wasn’t driving him mad, especially when his siblings were beginning to pick up on it.
“I’m not. I just…” Neteyam paused thinking about his words before smiling deviously. Your head tilted as you began to realize what he was about to ask you.
“Do you care for a race? Since you’re a fierce hunter, I’m sure you and your Ikran can make a fine challenge for mine.” Neteyam crossed his arms, his mouth trying to hide the obvious nature of trying to get you to blow your temper.
“Now I would pay to see that.” Spider laughed looking over to Kiri who was shaking her head.
“Alright, what are the odds then?” You replied, your hand already itching to latch onto Payngyì.
“If you win, I’ll cover for you in case we get into trouble after this.” Neteyam shook his head in humor.
“And if I don’t, what… I’ll be thrown off the mountains for all of eternity?” You laughed.
Neteyam smiled widely before shaking his head. He began to walk towards you, and the feelings that you had pushed back in place of competition started coming back all at once. He leaned down, a wonderful scent invading your nose before whispering in your ear. “You owe me a date.”
You tried to hold in the gasp that threatened to push out, your head which had been cast down tilting up toward his own, very near face. “Deal.” You whispered. You watched as the corner of his eyes crinkled in amusement, the ghost of his touch passed your waist, before standing back. “Call to your Ikran.”
You wasted no time in standing closer to the edge, letting out your familiar call in hopes Payngyì would hear. You were right, as a few moments later her beautiful light blue figure flapped its wings and perched with a sounding screech.
You walked over to her, the beautiful golden shade of her pupils dilated as you gazed into her, petting her slowly in greeting. You looked over to Neteyam with a nod. “What are the parameters?”
Neteyam points out past the Tree of Souls to where a carefully arched connection of vines floated two mountains. “Over there, a little stretched away from where the camp is.”
You looked at him curiously, and he seemingly read your mind in the instant it crossed your face.
“Trust me it will be a challenge. The mountains move quickly, and you have to be careful to not hit anything.” Neteyam walked over to his Ikran, leaping up onto it.
You climbed up on your own, latching onto the Tsaheylu (bond/connection), feeling Payngyì screech, and her breath beginning to pump as she anticipated your next move.
“You can do it y/n!” You heard Tuk cheer, looking over you watched Kiri look at you with careful caution.
“Be careful. My brother is stupid, but he knows these mountains well. As much as it pains me to say it, he is one of the best hunters.” Kiri grimaced, Neteyam cheering out in response to her compliment.
“Are you ready, y/n?” Neteyam looked over at you with a wide smile.
You couldn’t help your own smile grace your face, nodding before him. 
“I will see you at the finish line, then.” He winked, and suddenly you had forgotten there ever was a race, before watching as he dove his Ikran down, and upwards into the sky.
“Oh sh-” You exclaimed with a huff, following after him, the legs of Payngyì tightening, her wings closing in downwards. You felt the gust of air and you were suddenly very laser focused on winning. Not because the bullshit win might not guarantee you a harsh scolding afterwards, but simply to beat Neteyam. A man that was so intently after your own heart. And winning. 
You saw him not too far in the distance, realizing there had to be a shortcut or some way to catch up to him and gain more speed. You tightened your hold on Payngyì, her voice squawking out as you nearly collided with a mountain that was moving closer to your right side. You banked left, realizing the air was a lot similar to that of the Eastern Sea.
Before in races, you would use the wind speed to gain traction by going downwards and upwards. This worked even better, once you realized that Neteyam in the distance was having to lose traction to weave through the mountains.
“Come on Payngyì.” You whispered, feeling her move exactly what you had in your mind, soaring upwards and downwards, before realizing you were nearing the tree of souls and the archway. 
Neteyam glanced behind you with a fierce look in his eyes, before banking off and passing behind a particularly large mountain. You frowned realizing the same mountain that was coming left was now barreling toward you. You gasped narrowly escaping the bottom as you dived downward.
You must have startled Payngyì, because now she strained on your hold, and you could feel the fear in the bond. She began to slow down much to your disappointment, as you tried to push her forward. 
All of the sudden you heard Neteyam fly past you from the opposite side he had come from. Payngyì, who had already been startled by the unfamiliar mountains, saw the shadow of his Ikran and screeched before diving again this time barreling towards the cliffs. You screamed, urging your Ikran to pull up but to no avail.
Neteyam must’ve seen the whole thing as you heard him call out to you. “Quickly this way!” He cascaded his own Ikran near the rocks, trying to keep Payngyì from hurting herself. In the process of pushing your own away from the cliffs, you watched as his shoulder scratched against jagged rocks, his skin tearing up. “Shit.” He swore.
“Neteyam!” You yelled, sighing in relief as he managed to pull his own Ikran away from the cliffs and fly smoothly next to mine. “Are you alright?”
“Yes…” He groaned, his injured arm locking up as his face squinted into a scowl. “I think-hold on…”
“Neteyam… do we need to stop?” You replied in concern, worried for the fact that his injury had begun to slowly bleed. 
“Uh yeah…maybe…” His words now stuttering, looking at you in embarrassment. “Look, let's not go back to camp, I won’t be able to make my promise to you if we do.”
“If I was that worried about that Neteyam, I wouldn’t have agreed to this race.” I huffed. “Where do you want to go? You need care, you’re going to bleed out.”
“No, I know a place.” Neteyam grimaced, beckoning you to follow him. “Follow me.”
You grappled at the possibility of finishing the race or saving Neteyam, as you realized the way he was taking you was straight past the archway. He’s going to win, and I’ll owe him a date. You shook your thoughts from your mind, realizing any race or date was far from the task at hand, and making sure Neteyam is safe was more of a priority.
You sailed through the sky, the sun now setting, and the realization that your own mother and clan will be very disappointed if you embarrassed them by arriving past curfew. “Shouldn’t we just go back? I just don’t understand how any place we’re going will help you or anyone’s case.”
Neteyam, who had gone quiet, shook his head. “There is a place on the ground near the tree of souls not far from camp. Our ancestors used to go there because it possessed great healing powers. That’s where we get most of our medicine.” 
You stared at him, his braided hair flying in the wind and his eyes focused intently on the mission ahead. It made you realize just how deeply he knew about his clan, and the role he knew he would have to serve one day. It made you look at him differently, and not just as a headstrong boy. He was a leader, he would be their savior one day.
As you neared the forest floor you saw a few spirit trees up ahead and a small rocky alcove. Resting both of your Ikrans on the floor, you realized the forest was beginning to come alive with its beautiful glow. 
Neteyam grumbled, holding onto his arm loosely before looking up at me. “Uh.. if you grab some of those nearby plants-” You held up a hand, taking over realizing this routine was much similar to that of your clan near the Eastern Sea. Many times, you had to seek out ways to produce medicine for your injured clan, and the forest was no different.
“Sit down.” You ordered, pushing him down his mouth beginning to move in protest. “It’s the least I could do. You saved my life.” You looked down at him before turning back and grabbing some plants to make some sort of salve.
“Thank you.” You heard Neteyam quietly speak, feeling his eyes staring intently at your back. Your face heated up, grabbing a nearby rock and beginning to mash a few plants together.
You turned around, meeting his eyes who looked almost fascinated at you. You scrunched your face, and for the first time voiced your opinion. “Why do you always stare at me like that?”
“Like what?” Neteyam whispered, the nearness of your body to his and possibly the loss of blood making his voice go hoarse.
“Like…you’ve known me all your life or something.” You began applying the makeshift salve to his cuts, making him hiss in alarm. “Stop moving.”
“Well sometimes I think I do. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” Neteyam reached out his free hand, stopping you in your tracks. Your ears flicked in curiosity, before you shrugged his hand off of yours so you could continue. “Why do you ignore me?”
“I don’t.” You frowned, now suddenly very intent on helping bandage his arm, and stop from blurting out every ounce of feeling you have all at once. “You just-” You paused before continuing. “All the other boys in my clan have never once been so intent on getting my attention. Not that I want it but- you seemingly always do. And I-”
“Secretly like it?” You scoffed watching Neteyam’s mouth form into a wide smile.
“You’re a skxawng you know that?” You hissed, wrapping the bandage a little tighter against his arm much to his chagrin. At this point in his bandaging process, you had knelt next to him, and not realizing your nearness to him until you looked up to see his face so close to yours.
You inhaled that wonderful scent again and this time there was nothing to pull either of you away from each other. Neteyam closed in first, wrapping his uninjured hand onto your cheek softly, pulling you in for a kiss.
Wow. You thought to yourself. His lips were just as delicate as you had imagined them to be, yet strong and firm. You felt yourself move your own lips against his until both of you were passionately locked in one another. You felt his arm slide against your waist as you gasped, pulling you into his lap. Your mouth moved fervently against his, feeling the way he groaned beneath you. Something about the moment was complete bliss, and suddenly you were far away from your worries and goals in life, and all you wanted to do was to be wrapped in his arms for all eternity.
It all came to a halt when you felt his bandage arm try and glide against your body to pull you further down before the pain tore through. “Damn it!” Neteyam cursed, as you both pushed away in alarm. Your eyes widened as you  fell away from his arms looking frightened at hurting him, but also at what had just transpired.
Looking around you realized it was now nightfall and most definitely one skip away from being permanently grounded forever. The spirit trees moved as the wind passed them by, a few sacred seeds falling around both of you, most definitely aware of what had just transpired from you.
“I’m sorry.” Neteyam apologized, his breath still uneven, and his mouths a bit swollen from your own lips. If it had been any other situation you would have climbed back into his arms, but you realized you definitely should be heading back. Getting up from your position, your hand reached to grab his uninjured one. 
“We should get going.”
Neteyam stuttered before grabbing onto your hand and standing next to you. “I- Don’t you want to talk about what just happened?” His hand swept across his face. “So does this mean…?”
“I-” You were at a loss for words. “I don’t know.”
Neteyam laughed before shaking his head. “You are unlike any female I’ve met.”
You bit your lip as you shook your head, laughing with him. “Look, I’m not sure if I’m-”
“Before you say anything.” Neteyam said, grabbing your arm to keep you from walking away. “Can I take you out on that date anyways? Since I figured it was a tie, and I was going to try and cover for you anyways.”
“I don’t think anything will save either of us from punishment, Neteyam.” You chuckled, shaking your head, before turning around and making your way back to your Ikran to fly back to camp. 
“So?” Neteyam called back to you, as you heard his steps race toward your own. You turn around watching as he got closer and everything that had just transpired came rushing in.
“Yes.” You smiled. You realized there was nothing stopping you from him. You spent so much of your life running from love because you thought it would stop you from achieving your goals in life. That was until you met Neteyam, and suddenly you couldn’t imagine your life without him. You were hopelessly in love. “As long as you promise you can kiss me just like before.”
Neteyam grinned, before nodding, grabbing your waist and pulling you in close. “Deal.” 
And just like that, you had fallen for the Ikranä Maktoyu, with no chance of catching yourself either.
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virescent-v · 2 months
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Drabble? 🥹
Summary: Emily looks at you from across the bar. Warnings: none :) Word count: 875
Thirties and Flirties Lesbian night at Goldilocks was either a hit or miss. There could be a smattering of available and “normal” women to mingle with, or it could be a hodgepodge of people who were taken, weird, or timid that just didn’t mesh with the vibe you were after. 
To be fair, you weren’t sure what you were after. 
You just knew that being alone was weighing heavily on you. You were ready to settle down, sure, but you wouldn’t be opposed to a friends with benefits situation either. 
Apparently, it was the company that you were after. 
Sitting at the bar, a cold drink in hand, you did your routine of gazing around the bar. You started at the door, trying to catch anyone new walking in, then made your way to the dance floor, looking at bodies of all shapes and sizes grinding against each other. Shaking your head at some of the desperation oozing from some of them, you cast your eyes to the various tables scattered on the right side of the dance floor. Most people were already coupled or grouped up. 
However, at the last table closest to the bar, and already looking at you, was an absolutely breathtaking brunette. 
Her hair was almost black, eyes just as dark. She was wearing a tight, black dress, the neckline square across her collarbones. It showed just enough cleavage to be tantalizing, but nowhere near as scandalous as some of the other dresses being worn tonight. Her makeup was smokey, bringing out the deep colors of her eyes. She had one hand resting on her hip and the other was toying with the rim of her glass. 
Trailing your eyes from the heels on her feet to her face, you realized that those deep eyes were already watching you. When you finally made eye contact, the brunette tilted her head far to the right, a small smile appearing. 
You felt something warm grow deep in the pit in your stomach. A shiver of excitement rolls up your spine and the hairs on your arms stand up. A way for your body to prepare you for the storm of the woman to (hopefully) approach you. 
Turning back to the bar, you order another drink and get the bartender to make whatever she was drinking. 
When the bartender passed the two drinks to you, you felt a light brush of fingers on your upper arm. “Any chance that’s for me?” 
Looking over your shoulder, you almost gasped. She was even more beautiful up close. You found yourself getting lost in the details of her; long eyelashes, a sculpted nose, full lips. Every trace of your eyes over her skin brought new details that you tried to memorize. 
Cooling yourself, you smiled, turning towards her. “Sure is. How’d you know?” You handed her the drink. 
She smiled as she took a small sip. You were enraptured by how her lips curled around the rim of the glass. You imagined them wrapped around yours, how soft they would feel moving with yours. 
“I had a hope,” Emily said, dragging her eyes up your form. “I haven’t seen you at Goldilocks before.” 
You made a noncommittal noise. “Interesting. I come here often. Do you?” 
Emily smiled, shrugged. “When work allows.” She took another sip of her drink before placing the cup down on the bar. “Excuse me if I’m being a little forward, but would you like to dance?” 
Placing your drink down beside hers, you extend your hand, which she happily takes before dragging you out into the middle of the floor. 
You can feel the deep bass thumping within your chest, instantly drowning out any further conversation. Your heart beat starts to match the pulsating music, the pulsating of bodies around you. 
Emily drags you towards her, bringing your arms around her neck, effectively slotting your hips against hers. It makes your breath catch. 
You both start to move with the beat of the music, keeping eye contact that grows heavier with each passing moment. As the songs blend and mesh into the background of your thoughts, Emily’s hands begin to wander, rubbing up and down your back, around your arms. 
As the sweat builds on your bodies and your quickened breath mingles together, the tension rises and rises. There’s almost no discernable space between you two, your noses brushing. 
Just as the tension almost reaches its zenith, a passerby in the crowd bumps into you, forcing you off balance, making you almost fall to the ground. 
Before you tumble fully, warm, strong arms embrace you, hauling you back upright. Brushing hair out of your face, Emily’s eyes track over you. “Are you alright?” 
You blush deeply, embarrassed at such a moment. “Thanks to you.” 
Emily smiles before her eyes search the crowd for the person responsible. Having lost them in the sea of people, her dark eyes turn to you. “Want to move somewhere more quiet? There’s a late night cafe open next door.” 
You tilt your head down, tucking more hair behind your ear, bashful. Looking up from under your lashes, your cheeks heat again. “Yes, please.” 
Emily smirks, grabs your hand, before dragging you towards the front door of the club. 
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fcthots · 11 months
cuddly night's after patrol with Jason? 🥰
"I know. 'M sorry." He burrito'd you in a fluffy blanket after you got home. Gotham's winter weather is brutal on a good day and your heater broke. You tried to call Jason to fix it four times over the span of an hour after he was already supposed to be home, but the calls rang out each time. You were worried sick about him and freezing to death with no heater.
When he walked into your freezing apartment an hour and a half after he was supposed to, you weren't exactly happy (even if you were so relieved you couldn't form words). Especially after you saw his cracked helmet. He explained to you that his helmet got cracked in a fight and he didn’t think to look at his phone during the hour long debrief in the batcave.
At first, you were a little pissed off, but truthfully it was earlier's fear talking. The fear that something happened and he wasn't coming home and you were worried about the stupid AC while he was out there probably dying in a dark alley somewhere-.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Now, he has you wrapped up in blankets against his chest. He kisses the crown of your head. "I didn’t mean to make you worry."
He runs his finger through your hair and you sigh. "I know. I'm not really mad at you. I was just worried about you."
"I'm ok. I promise." He runs his other hand up and down your back. He won't be leaving your side for a while.
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featherandferns · 14 days
risk : where are they now?
jj maybank x kook!fem!reader
content warnings: mentions of sex and drugs
word count: 900
read risk | Thank you so so much for 1000 followers!!! Since starting this blog in May of 2023, I have written so many characters and storylines. I get so many lovely anon messages telling me about their favourite universes and wondering what happens next after my fics have ended. So, I thought to celebrate 1000 followers, I’d indulge. Here’s the (current) where are they now for all of my fics so far…
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There’s a pretty smile on your glossy skin when JJ squints his eyes open. 
“Quit it!” 
“Just wanna look at you,” he mumbles with a dopey smile, closing his eyes once more. 
You laugh quietly and JJ can imagine you shaking your head or rolling your eyes. It makes his smile grow. The cool, damp feeling of clay being smeared across his cheek has him nearly flinching. It’s worth it, though, to feel you rub it in with the pads of your fingers. The tips of your acrylic nails barely scratch the surface of his skin. You wipe the facemask under his eyes and around his temple, and paint it along his cheeks and chin. 
“Is it stinging?” you check. 
“No,” he hums. 
There’s rustling as you wipe your hands clean on an Egyptian cotton towel before digging about in your make-up bag. JJ is subjected to lip scrub, gel-cooler pads on the eyes, and even eyelash and eyebrow serum. He takes it willingly, secretly enjoying how doting you are on him. Besides, his skin will probably be translucent by tomorrow with how thorough your skincare routine is. 
A warm, wet washcloth is used to wipe his skin clear. JJ’s then treated with toner and moisturiser and facial spray and lip balm. 
“Done,” you brightly announce. 
Sighing, JJ opens his eyes and sits up onto his elbows. For the past hour, he’d gladly sunk into your mountain of throw pillows. Every joint and bone creaks awake as he moves. A mirror is held out before him. He pulls a face, impressed by the glow of his skin. 
“Feels nice, right?” you say as JJ runs his fingers along his jaw, admiring your handy-work. 
“I’ll say,” he grins.
His hands plant on your hips and he tugs you toward him. Giggling, the mirror flops onto the plushy comforter and you gladly fall into his hold. Your lips slot against his, the combination of oils, scrubs and balms tasting sweet and tangy. Pulling away for breath, JJ’s hooded eyes flit between your damp lips and shining eyes. A boyish, telling smirk grows. 
 “What’d you say I give you a facial too, huh?”
“You’re gross,” you reply with a roll of your eyes. He sniggers and gladly lets you silence him with your mouth. He sinks into your kisses like he sinks into your bed. 
Fingertips teasing at your skin under his shirt, you sigh contently against his lips. The fire simmers out into a warm burn and you slowly ease away. JJ is only half joking when he protests as you clamber off his lap. Lounging on your bed, he watches you wander over to the television set at the foot of it. As you lean down to turn it on by the socket, JJ’s t-shirt that you wear rides up. It reveals the dainty tattoo you had him stick-and-poke into you a couple of weeks ago. P4L. It’s downright sexy to see it marked permanently into your skin.
When JJ had completed the tattoo for you, you’d also joked that maybe he should mark his name there too. That way the girls at keggers and house parties would know to keep their hands off him. You see, most of the fellow Pogue-Cut girls who had once flirted and fucked JJ didn’t take well to you being his girlfriend. They thought his head might be turned and so they tried their luck with trying to ‘steal him back’. JJ didn’t entertain it for a second, but your possessive side showed when it happened, and he shamelessly loved that side. You’d spend the rest of the party coiled around him like a viper and the hours of the night reminding him why he was so smitten. A tattoo of his name felt a risky play but love-bites were a perfect substitute. 
Sauntering back over to the bed, remote in hand, you snuggle up beside him. You click on Gossip Girl. JJ had confessed to you one night, completely hammered, that he was obsessed with your guilty pleasure show. Since then, you watch and re-watch the series together nearly every night. 
It was baffling to everyone how easily JJ had fit into your world, and you into his. It baffled the two of you as well. His room was now littered with your belongings. They intermixed strangely well with his surfer-boy decor: a Fenty make-up kit stacked up on his desk; Clinique skincare claiming an entire shelf in the bathroom cabinet; designer panties carelessly tucked into his drawers. Your bedroom was the same, though perhaps more secretive considering JJ still had yet to meet your parents. Neither of you were stupid: they had probably already heard from others on the island that you’d had your head turned by a Pogue. But right now, you liked the lack of prying parental opinions. That to say, JJ’s smoke kit was hidden in your bottom drawer under several Vogue magazines and his frayed boxers in a Channel shoe box.
Pressing a kiss to your forehead, the two of you settle into the show. 
“Hey, JayJ?” you mumble, eyes fixated on the screen. 
“I love you.”
His heart breathes. Swallowing away the trickle of nerves that your three words always bring, JJ plants another kiss to your skin. Then, he squeezes your thigh three distinct times. You cuddle closer to him with that. It was your own secret language. Three times for three words. 
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luzz56crown · 4 months
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No habría llegado a los 1000 «Me gusta» sin vuestra ayuda. ¡Gracias por este sueño!
oh and all thanks to Noamae nation 💜
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briarfox13 · 1 year
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Citadel Nights 💜
Featuring Saskia & Garrus
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xninaz · 3 months
•🍓 Another Sonadow art because I love them😋
They’re so silly💔💔💔😢 I’m also in tiktok guys!! @xninaz
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nuclearanomaly · 7 months
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Post workout cuddle, y/n?
pose ref
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majorpatheticcas · 1 month
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first of all, thank you. All of you. I never expected to ever reach this far, and never have I thought this blog would even get this big. A thousand followers is pretty big for me, y'all have no idea how pressured I felt thinking I could never reach this high up. However, I don't know whether I should expect that this blog may grow bigger by time, but I am very content with how many of you guys appreciate my work. Little me always thought I'd just be some kid who would draw anywhere on anything and no one would even give a damn about it too. Though, you guys made feel very special, and always will. You guys made me more confident about my art, giving me motivation to draw more, and letting me feel like a real artist. I thought maybe this blog would just be something I would throw my crappy art in and just let it rot- but you guys didn't. And I can tell you guys all day how much this means to me, how much it motivated me to become a better artist and improve my skills. I can't thank you all enough.
(I cried seeing the following ;;)
Biggest thanks to: @htsan , Too. Srsly. 🫶🫶
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tumbleweedmemethemes · 9 months
Holy crap- 1000 followers!?
I have no words, thank you so much!
And as a thank you, please have this sad Stolitz
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kaylopolis · 3 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes on Alastor’s Shadow ❤️🔥
Alastor's Shadow (18+)
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Alastor x F!Reader, Alias: Thestral
Synopsis: There’s a new Overlord in town and it isn’t the Radio Demon. Six years after you fell into Hell, you have finally earned your seat at the table as Pentagram City’s newest and baddest and with the Extermination coming six months sooner than planned, it is now time to implement your ultimate endgame. Afterall, who doesn’t love a bit of power and chaos? Your plans brings you to the doorstep of the Hazbin Hotel as Charlie’s newest Redeemer, but who you find waiting for you will not only turn your entire plan upside down, but also challenge your grab for power… 
Tags: Slow burn, rivals to lovers, eventual smut 
Author note: This is my first attempt at a fanfic, but I was just so inspired and wanted to post it somewhere after writing like +67K words (and counting). So here goes nothing I guess?
Warnings: Minors DNI! 18+! May contain disturbing, gruesome, and graphic sexual scenes. Graphic violence. Blood. Obsession. Mentions of abuse. Mentions of substance abuse. Trigger warnings will be given at the beginning of each chapter. 
Masterlink: Link
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1eoness · 1 year
Could you make a Dom!Leon x trans ftm reader NSFW fic with some fluff thrown into there?
୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ author rambling; HI i am eating pineapple rn and i never forgot this request. just to clarify and for some context, i dont have experience of writing !reader anything out of sub afab so im sorry if this is super inaccurate or inapplicable or unsatisfying and im open to criticism on this :( :) idk im so sorry aghdfhdsfhdj i really need to work on this. oh and i read some ftm smut for this so ty to those writers :> pls criticize anything off (with reason ofc). [btw i feel like this is super bad im sorry im not feeling creative rn i have writers block :((( ]
anyway 'DOM!LEON KENNEDY X TRANS FTM READER NSFW WITH SOME FLUFF THROWN IN THERE' COMING UP. i'm sorry this took so long for such short content too :(
cw: fluffy dom!leon kennedy, trans ftm!reader (w/ bottom surgery) [i can always redo this if you don't like me mentioning top/bottom surgery]. praise, oral (reader receiving)
synopsis : re4r leon and he loves u and ur worried little face and he's gonna kiss it better (and fuck it better, maybe).
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ -♡- ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
leon loves you. he knows you're constantly worried over him being troubled over his trauma but he wants you to know, between every crevice of his clouded thoughts, that he loves you and it's the surest thing he knows. it's hard to admit but even when he loses himself, it will always, and forever be clear to him that you have his heart and there's a reason why.
you were about to get under the covers to go to sleep (after a day that felt longer than it should be.). though, you lowered your headphones to the lower end of the volume once you saw leon through the bedroom doorway.
"baby, i wanna tell you something." leon said, his quiet and soft voice only going a decibel higher as he crawls to you on your bed. he hated seeing you about to sleep with such a worried look on your handsome face.
you thought he didn't notice? even if you're his neutral-faced boy, he knows when the air around you feels more somber than usual. "do you ever feel.."
"like a plastic bag?" you quipped quickly. (i'm sorry if you don't get it)
"no, damn it." leon's mutter-reply followed with a quiet chuckle that you echoed. he likes that about you, your incessant annoying humor (but you'll never beat him in that). he sighs, and tries again. "you know, like... you're kind of.. stressed over someone else's troubles?"
to be honest, he doesn't really know how to go about it. he doesn't want you to think you're burdening him—though, you could never ever make him feel like that. leon nears you, hovering above you and adoring your face wherever his mind runs. for some reason, before you guys go to sleep he just does this. he also likes talking to you before you both go to sleep ♡.
you hum, just a little bit sleepy. "what do you meann?" you ask quaintly, and leon's heart melts at the tone of your slightly languid voice. you sounded so cute. a rather random yet soft laugh escapes before he dips down to give you a small kiss on your cheek.
"...y/n, i'll just be straight—i don't want you going to bed looking so.. upset." leon mutters softly, rubbing over the skin of your cheekbone with his thumb. maybe he shouldn't have gone into detail how heavy his mission felt. because when he was done talking, you gave him some short comfort and impulsively stood up and said that you needed to wash the dishes (and the dishwasher was literally running when you said that).
at first he thought he did something wrong and upset you, and the guilt immediately seeped in. naturally, he didn't want it to go undiscussed, that would murder him! so he went to find you ASAP. but when he went to check on you in that dim kitchen, he saw you with your back turned and trying to silence your tears. apparently, you felt so bad for him it was enough to hurt you, too. you were just too sweet—leon also felt bad. he gave you some space for a bit, though he's sorry because he really wants to be there for you and he can't afford to leave you by yourself sometimes :(
you looked a little to the side from his forward words. you didn't really know what to say in response, you were just.. tired, and also worried. leon understands this, picking up on it and showing it by giving you a reassuring, subtle smile. he wants to see you smiling, too, and he knows just how to do it. it's his favorite thing about his little boy ♡.
"..come, baby." he coos quietly as he began to take a hold on either sides of your face, knowing you don't need discussion right now. maybe loving is enough. and loving you is a way of reassuring himself, you just need to accept that :( so you be good for him and let him give you the praise you deserve (and so much more).
he kisses you on the forehead first. he loves cradling your handsome little face, placing safe pecks all over it. especially on that spot a little adjacent from under your eyes. leon hums when his lips reach your jaw, peppering it with innocent love. but will it really only go that far? "because you're the most perfect boy ever." he reasons hushedly, his left hand holding the side of your neck and caressing it gently.
oh, it's going to be one of those nights where he kisses you all over and doesn't leave you alone.. but you know better than to complain.
"y're so clingy..." you decided to joke, though you both knew you loved it. while you giggled at his antics, you can feel him smiling into the skin of your neck. he's so ready to spoil you rotten.. and you had no idea:( ♡
he moves his broad hands under your shirt, handling your being with tutelage. the fuss of the sheets make hush noise as he moves downwards, worshipping your body along the way by placing kisses over your clothed stomach. "...so?" he laughs softly against the skin of your lower inner thigh, the fluttery feeling of his lips planting a kiss on it making you shudder. he sees you, and how you turn so bashful all of a sudden.
"..tickles?" leon mumbles amusedly.
"yeah-" you mutter in response before he abruptly did it again on your stomach this time, which made you giggle. you were just too precious to him!
he holds your thighs in his hands for a minute, resting his head against your left thigh. you see the muscles on his arm flex subtly while he does so, your stomach tumbling at witnessing his strength at such a mild moment. for a minute he just gazes at you fondly, a hinting coyness hiding beneath his expression.
you were making it so tough for him. he just wants to kiss you all over . hell, he might even want to merge corporealities with you.
he doesn't speak, his eyes trailing down to your pelvic area while unnoticeably smirking to himself. you were so cute to him, so what else can he do but lift your thighs over his broad shoulders?
but he looks up at you, immediately. his fingertips are teasing at the hem of your bottom clothing, insinuating what he wants to do for you as he lightly taps at your skin. "baby, may i?" he asks with a sudden comforting tone. he'll never make you do something you don't wanna do. but like said, if you accepted, there's no promise that he's going soft on you.. but that's because he just wants you to be all nice and happy! a very innocent motive ♡
"mhm.." you hummed lowly, willingly giving him your greenlight. and has leon said he loves you?
"thank you, love.." he mutters shortly in reply before pulling your pajama bottoms just a little down. down enough for him to free your pretty shaft. he sees you blushing, covering the bottom half of your face with your sleepy hands.
and this man.. was so hard to predict!
the soft hunk of a man wants to wrap his right arm around your abdomen, pull your hips up to his face. "leon!-" you gasp abruptly with that same low voice.
"shhh, baby." leon mumbled while his left hand snaked around to cage your right thigh firmly to his shoulder. his knees dip on the comforters, pulling his boy's lower body up like he was challenged to lift a feather.
you quickly brought your hands up to take your headphones off, but leon suddenly spoke when you pried the muffs off your ears.
"keep them on." he cuts your actions off. the subtle demand of his tone says you're going to keep them on. he, somehow, reaches to turn the volume up on your headphones. you were puzzled, not knowing what he was aiming to do with such-
"a-aah!-" you yelped in utter surprise. a dribble of spit threads from his pretty lips and down onto your length..
he's hunched over as he takes your tip, then more in his mouth. he glances at your dumbfounded eyes, and you swear you could see him smirking to himself. but before you could think further, he was suddenly suckling onto your cock so firmly you started to squirm.
but that's why leon's holding you so tightly, so you can take it the way he needs you to~
you felt restricted. leon wants to steal your senses, inject pleasure in your veins like he were trying to fucking save you. he's beginning to get so hard that it makes him whine against your shaft, and he's so hard that you're making it difficult for him to think rationally.
"l-leonn! slow down!~" you cried without sense, which only urged his fingers pressing into your skin as he held you in place. he takes an inch further, his mouth working eagerly, making sure you can understand his carnal urge of making you cum with his mouth. "uh-uhh!-.... nghhh-hh..."
"mhmm..mmmm..." he hummed roughly, following with a soft growl as he slurped you up stupid. you kept moving. why were you moving so much? you were so sleepy just a minute ago.. oh, well; leon thinks. but is this man really oblivious to the fact that he can make you feel so, so good?
of course he wasn't. your erotic whines got louder and louder by the minute as your headphones disabled you from being conscious of your tone at all. your voice fell muffled upon your ears but leon was devouring it, using your moans and sobs as a motive to eat you up until you're heart-eyed. you couldn't even make sense of the music anymore as leon's mouth clouded your empty mind.
i'm gonna drown you in pleasure, baby.. leon thinks to himself while he's busy adoring you and the way your cock twitches onto his tongue :(
you were flailing slightly while leon went down on you, seeing you and your eyes struggling to keep open. he trails his left hand up and down your thigh, the sensation feeling a little ticklish. your chest rose and fell warmly, trying to reach out to stop him with a weak hand but he wouldn't let you and he feels (mildly) sorry. but it doesn't make him halt— he looks at you with sweet eyes that say 'please cum for me~'
you whined weakly at this, voice going raspy as you full on started to cry. you felt so vulnerable and so good at the same time and you trusted leon so much. you could feel it, could feel him about to siphon your orgasm out of you. just the way he wanted it..
the faucet began to spill and you were crying, the tears trickling down your cheeks messily and around your headphones, too. leon looked at you with mostly with affection, but also with a bit of sympathy. you must've had such a hard time, huh? he's so happy he can make you feel better..
"u-uhh, f-fuck, leon!! n-nno- nggh..a-ahh!-" you didn't even know what you were blabbering or retorting for anymore, but your hips twitched in his grip as you began to tremble within the fuzzy feeling of your orgasm. you were being such a pretty boy for him like this, all sensitive and crying after one minor blowjob. how were you going to handle the rest of the night like this?
it was hard to ignore his boner at this point. "mm..mhh, fuck- such a good boy f'me, huh?" he groans while he sucks on you at a slower pace, trying not to overwhelm you too hard (but still overwhelming you :( he's sorry, he swears.). "god, you're so cute.. but you have him so horny and frustrated now, what did you just do to this boy? he isn't frustrated at you.. but..
he isn't letting go of your thighs any time soon.
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featherandferns · 14 days
F.W.B : where are they now?
jj maybank x fem!reader
content warning: mentions of sex; alcohol; violence
word count: 1.4k.
read F.W.B | Thank you so so much for 1000 followers!!! Since starting this blog in May of 2023, I have written so many characters and storylines. I get so many lovely anon messages telling me about their favourite universes and wondering what happens next after my fics have ended. So, I thought to celebrate 1000 followers, I’d indulge. Here’s the (current) where are they now for all of my fics so far…
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You land on the mat with a smack. Blood fills your mouth, sticking to the guard, and you spit it onto the floor. It’s an ugly swirl of pink-ish saliva. The referee is going to start counting you down any minute. Your head is pounding, body aching, ears ringing. It’s one of the biggest matches of the school year so the room is packed to the brim. People are cheering and chanting and it creates a dichotomy of pandemonium. For you, it’s the biggest match of your career. The college that could supply you with your dream scholarship and ticket out of a trailer-park life has sent a scout here tonight. They’re here to see you. Clinging onto that, you rock onto your knees and spit once more. The ref has started to count. You close your eyes and try to steal yourself. That’s when you can make it out. 
JJ’s voice carries over everyone else's, singing to you like a siren. He’s hollering like someone’s house is on fire. 
“Come on, baby! Let’s go!” 
Your eyes shoot open and you seek him out. Front row - stood settled between the Pogues who are egging you on - JJ’s clapping his hands and nodding emphatically. He meets your gaze and it hardens you. Ignites you with newfound vigour. You grit your teeth and give him a barely-there nod, and then you’re hopping back onto your feet. A new wave of cheers crashes around you as rock on your toes and heels, readying your fists. You settle your gaze on your competitor. She isn’t that big. Isn’t that strong. You can take her. Picture her face morphing into Kelce’s. Into every person who’s ever wronged you, made fun of you, looked at you the wrong way. Growling, you waste no time in throwing the first punch the minute the ref allows. As your gloved fist meets her skin, you hear JJ shouting. 
“That’s what I’m talking about! Let’s go, mama!”
JJ’s endless support energises you for the rest of the night like an endless line of cocaine. And when your competitor finally taps out, on the brink of blacking out, and the ref holds your arm up in victory, JJ’s celebration is louder than an erupting volcano. 
The second you’re free from the ring he tackles you in a hug. 
“That was fucking insane, baby! God damn! That was hot as hell!”
You laugh as he practically wrestles you in his enthusiastic embrace. He breaks apart from you when you’re ushered into the changing rooms. You speed through the post-match clean-up and emerge in a pair of his sweats (tied double at the waist to keep them from falling down) and an oversized t-shirt from a competition you won a couple of years back. The look on JJ’s face would make someone think that you’re dressed to the nines for the Oscars, though.
He hooks an arm around your shoulder, grinning proud, and the two of you load into the Twinkie with the other Pogues who share their congrats on your win. You still haven’t shaken him when you pull up to the Chateau. Loud chatter warns of your coming as the six of you walk up. It looks the same as always aside from the makeshift banner hung along the porch. It’s made of an old fitted sheet; you can recognise JJ’s handwriting from a mile away. In his familiar scrawl, it reads Well Done to the Sexiest Girl on Earth. 
Amused, you look at JJ and quirk a brow. “Sexiest girl?”
“Just stating facts,” he shrugs with a grin. 
“He needed my help on how to spell it,” Pope chimes in as he walks past, heading for the cooler. JJ prods him in the chest before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. Leaning your head back against his chest, you sigh and let JJ sway you in his hold as the other four chatter. 
“That was a hell of a fight, huh?” JJ says, just loud enough for you to hear. 
Looking up at him, you find his eyes already trained down on you. Smiling, you reply, “I know. I’m pretty impressive.”
“And modest,” he says, squeezing your body teasingly. 
“And sexy, apparently,” you add, referring to his banner. 
“Like that’s a surprise?”
“Mm, you got a point,” you say, playing along. “You might’ve mentioned it a few times.”
“Happy to mention it a few more,” JJ grins boyishly, dipping his head down to meet your lips with his.
You easily twirl in his embrace, coiling your arms over his shoulders to deepen the kiss. His tongue shamelessly slips into your mouth and his fingers slide under your t-shirt. 
“Knock it off love birds,” Kiara calls. 
There’s no hurry to break apart. 
“You guys make me sick,” Pope mutters, collapsing into a chair. 
JJ gropes your ass before walking away just to irritate his friend further. Your cheeks flame hot despite biting back a smile. Your boyfriend flashes you a grin and tosses you a beer. The two of you settle into seats and join the conversation with the others. John B starts up the music and the six of you get to celebrating.
Beer pong and wrestling and impression-offs and dumb drinking games. You and JJ shotgun a beer and once downed, JJ slaps your hand into a bro-like hug and plants a kiss to your lips. The juxtaposition is the perfect summarisation of your dynamic. Jesting and casual in front of others, and sweet and sentimental behind closed doors. He knew the deepest and darkest parts of you, and you him. 
“Thank you,” you say to JJ at some point in the night. “For all this.”
“Course,” JJ replies. He says it like it’s obvious; like it’s ludicrous to think that he wouldn’t go all out to celebrate your success. 
Finishing your beer, you look around the night-casted scene and find your eyes settling on the banner once more. Something occurs to you and you begin to laugh. 
“Wait, what would you guys have done if I didn’t win?” you ask.
“I guess we would’ve taken that down,” John B says, nodding to the banner, “and made it a feel-better-soon party?”
“I mean, celebratory beer and sad-times beer are the same beer, so,” JJ agrees, tipping his bottle up as he makes his point. 
“We knew you were gonna win though,” Sarah says from John B’s lap. 
“The odds were literally stacked in your favour,” Kiara adds. “With the winning streak you’ve been on lately? Girl!”
“That’s actually a common misconception,” Pope says. Everyone groans and JJ tosses a handful of grass at him. “I’m just saying! It’s called hot-hand fallacy!”
“Dude. Not the time,” JJ says.
Pope shuts down his spiel with that. You shoot him an apologetic smile, appreciative of his Pope-like support. A yawn slips out and suddenly the exhaustion from your earlier fight hits at once. JJ seems to notice, always hyper-aware of you. 
“Wanna head home?”
“I’m beat,” is your reply. 
“A’right, we’re off,” JJ announces, finishing his drink with two swigs and ditching the can. He takes your hand to help you out of your seat and the two of you make your way to the drive. The others holler their farewells and final congratulations on your scholarship win. Their indefatigable conversing fades into the soundscape of the night as you and JJ walk back to your house, fingers intertwined. 
“So, college, huh?” he says. 
“College,” you hum. 
“What’d you think that’ll mean for us?” 
You smile and glance up at him, and for the first time in your life, realise that you’re not afraid of losing him. “Same thing as always. Great sex and great company.”
“Just in another city?”
“It’s only Raleigh,” you hum. “Two hour drive tops.” 
“Sides, not like I’ll be going to college anytime soon, so I can just come visit you,” JJ agrees. 
You nod and lean against his arm as the two of you continue to walk. “I love you, y’know? I wanna make this thing work.”
“It will,” JJ assures. “You’re the best sex I’ve ever had. I’ll chase that to Raleigh.”
“Spoken like a poet,” you sardonically return.
His ambush of wet kisses to your cheek has you laughing, pawing him away. His hand finds yours and the two of you finish the journey to your house, hearts intertwined like your fingers, the future unclear aside from the fact that you and JJ would face it together.     
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loonasketches · 2 years
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Also @vurelly, @pillowspace, @lilmissnia, and @thatmooncake thank you guys so much for the reblogs and follows I love your art and you inspire me thank you,,
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