#( m. suzie. )
seoinquk · 11 months
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luxthestrange · 3 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#54 Crushes
Orias*Trying to make a move on you now that you two are alone, after he in his panic rejected your offering gum*-You know, on second thought, Gum would be perfection~
Y/n*Gives him a strange look and hands them a piece of gum*
Orias*Thinking as he walks to the corner* "Gum would be perfection. Gum would be perfection. I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick. But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself"
Orias*Leans over the wall to look out the window...but slams his forehead on the glass*
Y/n*Sitting idly waiting for the rest of the staff to come for a meeting*"Gum IS perfection..."
-Outside the Meeting room-
Dali & Suzy*On the ground laughing their asses off*-!?!?!
Raim*Facepalmed into her hand*...He's gonna make me an alcoholic at this rate...
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M!IK as Brandon Rogers clips
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artxii · 1 year
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Babyls Demon School Staff
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blakeexists07 · 2 months
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most of these are Mairimashita, Iruma-Kun sketches! I'm gonna confess that the teachers of Babyls are my favorites in the show, especially Professor Robin and Professor Kalego (I love their dynamic).
And here's a lit tidbit about my misfit drawing: Originally, Iruma was going to be eating a comically large ham, but I decided not to. I might make another post with the Love trio enjoying a nice meal together!
Professor Robin is one of my favorite characters! I love his energy (and stupidity), and what solidified him as my favorite was the scene where he's standing on the cliff as the sun is setting!
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incorrect-mairuma · 1 year
Rubbing Robin's age in his face
Dali: Man, when I was your age...
Suzy: Oh, how it would feel to be young again...
Kalego: Silence- *proceeds to scold Robin for swearing*
Balam: Hey now sonny, you can't be drinking that yet. *takes away his wine*
Robin: Oh my god.
*one day later*
Robin: Do you need that food blended so you can eat it better?
March: Want some help up those stairs? We can rest if you want to.
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
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Iruma ships but i refuse to draw them good
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geeky-mido · 2 years
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School has me drained but drawing opera helped
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guesst · 5 months
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mistystarshine · 10 days
Whenever a female character is widely hated, put the blame on misogyny. However, a good chunk of fans of specific works (with certain exceptions) are teen girls and women. Is it a case of internalized misogyny, then?
Somewhat, yes, but it's also a matter of attraction.
A great deal of fandom is shipping, and people tend to be more drawn to ships that they are attracted to. No, it's not the be-all end-all, yes, you can love characters and ships that you don't find attractive and dislike ones that you do, but it adds a MASSIVE boost. You are more likely to consider ships when you find one or more of the characters attractive. You are less likely if you do not.
I'll use myself as an example.
I don't give a shit about m/m pairings unless they have strong canonical chemistry that appeals to me (or it's a REALLY well written fic) because I'm a lesbian. It is harder to make them appeal to me because I don't get the attraction boost. I will read Adamsapple fics (with a note that I am picky about characterization) because I find the dynamic compelling. I don't mind Huskerdust, but have never once sought it out. Alastor is the major ship-launcher in this fandom, but I have not and will not read any fics that dedicate a significant amount of time toward Alastor shipping (or read Alastor-centric fics in general) because I can't comprehend how people find him hot and I find what we saw of him in canon deeply boring, so there is absolutely no appeal. M/F is honestly largely the same. Constrastingly, although I obviously gravitate toward things I already ship, I will give almost any f/f ship a shot if the fic seems well written. (With another note that I am picky about characterization.) Why? Because there is additional appeal there to make me willing to give the author the time to convince me.
(This is without even getting into smut, and I don't think I need to explain the importance of attraction there. All of the M/M or M/F smut that I've written was as a gift to a friend or because the narrative demanded it. And guess what? The f/f I've written (on a burner account that ya'll will never see) was way better.)
The majority of fandom is women. The majority of women are attracted to men. So guess what? Attractive male characters and m/m pairings get most of the attention. And guess what else? Female characters often get in the way of m/m ships, which provokes hate. Especially around younger fans who might not be experienced enough with narratives to be able to get a female love interest out of the way without demonizing them.
If you want me to say that female characters just aren't as well-written as men, it's not going to happen. There are PLENTY of male characters who are flat as cardboard yet get tons of adoring fans and fandom doing the work to flesh them out to hell and back. Just look at Hux in the Star Wars fandom. There are plenty of extremely well-written female characters who are ignored in favor of the most prominent bland hot man. And yeah, it's because they're hot. And maybe it's a bit of misogyny too, but... from what I've seen, a lot of attention comes from attraction, and when it comes to female characters, much of the hate comes from ship wars that people don't want to admit are ship wars. Plain and simple.
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ellidena · 2 years
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#40 He Doggy
The Faculty Found seeing A toddler iruma follow thru classes,Given Balam was having his human fetish questions answered by a legitamate grown up human,All the faculty knows is...Your Sullivan Child,And that Iruma has taken a big liking to Kalego and Balam...making him already have a big rep as the "Fearless Baby"...
(2)Iruma, proud*Putting his crayons down and runs to Kalego who is working in his desk* Wook, Da-*Gasps remembering he cant call him dad in school*D-Dawing! Waweego I dwew you!
Kalego: That is a dog
(2)Iruma, beaming: Yes!
Kalego, trying hard not to smile, blushing, hiding his face in his hands, realising his cold-hearted facade is crumbling down:...
Suzy to Dali, from afar, horrified: He's breaking Kalego
Raim, Who is getting baby fever taking pictures of the two to send to momonoki : How dare he~
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...Iruma in his Dog Onesie waddling behind Dad-lego...
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Part 7 of:
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gia-is-fangirlin · 2 years
Balam and Suzy being silly together makes me so happy
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Look at these nerds, I love them <3
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naehja · 1 year
The Teachers Familiars
I tried to guess what were the familiars of the others teachers, since we have seen only Balam's familiar (and Cerberus but he's not a familiar).
So i used Demonology to help me
I think he's in the same situation that Kalego, his "spirit" of fire is the manifestation of his magic and he can't have a familiar because of it.
But if he HAD a Familiar, it would probably be a phoenix, since Ifrit fire is stated to be the most pure of all fires.
He's apparently a demon who can make a lot of different forms. but no mentions of a animal with him.
I could see him having a DRAGON, since he sees his students like a tresor that he must protect.
(and i joked with other persons about him turning SUPER overprotective in his wicked phase)
"""Stolas is a Great Prince of Jinnestan, commands twenty-six legions of demons, and teaches astronomy and the knowledge of poisonous plants, herbs and precious stones. He is depicted as either being a crowned owl with long legs, a raven, or a man."""
So maybe a Raven?
Or there are nothing to see with the demonology (where Stolas is a man XD) and she has a plant monster? A animal/magical creature who has a tie with nature?
""In demonology, Marbas or Barbas is a demon described in the Ars Goetia. He is described as the Great President of Hell governing thirty-six legions of demons. He answers truly on hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, gives wisdom and knowledge in mechanical arts, and can change men into other shapes. He is depicted as a great lion that, under the conjurer's request, changes shape into a man.""
**mechanical arts** yeah right XD
No mention of any animals in his desciption; except the form that he can take when he's summoned by human (who is commun to a lot of demons, yeah a lot seems to take a lion form) :/  (so if Iruma had summoned him, he would have been a adorable little lion? XD)
I had one time joked that Marbas could have a cute (but super dangerous) familiar to contrast with his **fanboy of torture tools** side.
in demonology, the demon Barbatos is associated to a bear.
So Robin could have demoniac bear or he could have a hawk or a eagle who are associated to good eyes (he's kinda a sniper with his bow).
""In demonology, Orias (also spelled Oriax) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his command. He knows and teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions of the planets.""
And also ""The Fifty-ninth Spirit is Oriax, or Orias. He is a Great Marquis, and appeareth in the Form of a Lion, 3 riding upon a Horse Mighty and Strong, with a Serpent's Tail; 4 and he holdeth in his Right Hand two Great Serpents hissing.""
So it's likely that Orias Familiar would be a horse with a serpent's tail. Maybe with wings too.
Badass, right?
""In demonology, Ipos is an Earl and powerful Prince of Jinnestan (a Duke to some authors) who has thirty-six legions of demons under his command. He knows and can reveal all things, past, present and future (only the future to some authors, and past and future to others). He can make men witty and valiant. Some who have summoned Ipos have stated that he is the same entity as the Egyptian god Anubis. Anubis is said to be nearly ten feet tall and muscular with the head of a jackal. In this form he acts as a protector and guide for souls of the deceased.""
So his familiar could be a jackal, maybe? or maybe a Howl since this bird is associated by knowledge and strategy? or maybe mix of Jackal and owl?
"""In demonology, Murmur is a Great Duke and Earl of Jinnestan, and has thirty legions of demons under his command. He teaches Philosophy, and can oblige the souls of the deceased to appear before the conjurer to answer every desired question.""" And ""Murmur is depicted as a soldier riding a Vulture or a Griffin, and wearing a ducal crown. ""
So his familiar may be a vulture or a griffin. i rather the griffin, it's more badass. XD
"""Buer is a spirit that appears in the 16th-century grimoire Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and its derivatives, where he is described as a Great President of Hell, having fifty legions of demons under his command. He appears when the Sun is in Sagittarius. Like Chiron, the chief centaur of Greek mythology, he teaches natural and moral philosophy, logic, and the qualities and uses of all herbs and plants, and is also capable of healing all infirmities (especially of humans) and bestows good familiars. He has been described as being in the shape of Sagittarius, which is as a centaur with a bow and arrows"
So his familiar could be a kind of horse/kind of centaur, or maybe a snake since it's a animal who is often associated to medicine.
Morax Family
"""in demonology, Morax is a Demon, Great Earl, and President of Hell, having thirty legions of demons under his command. He teaches Astronomy and all other liberal sciences, and gives good and wise familiars that know the virtues of all herbs and precious stones. He is depicted both as a man with the head of a bull, as well as a bull with the head of a man. It has been proposed that Morax is related to the Minotaur which Dante places in Hell"""
so we could guess that, in this family, the familiars are bulllike. Demoniac Bulls. Maybe the Grandpa has a kind of minotaur, while his grandaugther has a bull.
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