#( like smh a god of death has better hair than i do )
daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 6 - The Princess and the Queen
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Omg I love my Queen so much! Look at her smile 😔
First of all... How TF did Alicent find out so quickly that Nyra gave birth?
Mere seconds after pushing Joffrey out Nyra is told that Alicent wants to see him
At 2:38 she pushes him out. At 3:20 she's told by a maid that A wants to see the baby... Like.... How??
You can see only from a couple of minutes that Nyra already loves her baby boy! 😭😭😭
A is sooo evil for doing that to Nyra! Oh you're going to the Seven Hells for that!
Laenor is so confused but he's got good intentions lol
When he says 'I thought we were past this' it implies A did this with Jace and Luke as well...
The way Nyra is struggling to get up those stairs...Alicent I am in your walls!
Also I don't understand her saying 'you may get one who looks like you' like this baby isn't three minutes old!
I mean I know why she said it but damn, let him develop some features!
Baby Vermax is so cute!
DRACARYS! Poor goat though
It's so obvious that Aegon was the one behind the Pink Dread. Alicent blames Nyra's boys but like Luke is like 5 maybe and Jace 7/8. Your son is the oldest one so shouldn't he know better than to bully his own brother.. Oh that's right he doesn't because you let him bully his brother.. And you call yourself a mother 🙄
Helaena my little cutie pie... You deserve a better mother btw
'Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding'
He's a Targaryen and his brother bullies him for the fact that he doesn't have one, ofc he wants a dragon, Alicent, pls just say you dont understand anything about the House you married into and leave
'It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched' Why? Their mother is a Targaryen....? So what is your point exactly? Oh she's such a bitch I can't stand her!
Like. Your kids are half Targaryen. Nyra's kids are half Targaryen. Also all of Nyra'a kids had their dragons hatch to them.
None of Alicent's did. They all had to claim dragons. Which there's nothing wrong with that it's just why are you talking such bs?
God I wish they kept Rhaenys's hair black. That way you could have plausible deniability for why Nyra's kids have dark hair, smh.
'I have to believe that in the end honor and decency will prevail'. Literally three seconds ago you were talking shit about her out in the open halls... Right, decency, sure...
Alicent yelling at her son and getting in his face - someone give her mother of the year award...
Caraxes and Vhagar having a cute little dance in the sky, oh the foreshadowing 🙃
Harwin, you're so sexy, if only you lived longer 😔😔
Omg Jace's little face, he's so cute little baby 😭
Why is Criston soo agressive? He's manhandling a litteral child? Like bsffr 🙄
The way Harwin holds Jace's face and encourages him - I'm fine.. I'm fine 🙂🙂
'You forget yourself Ser that is the Prince' as if you weren't encouraging Aegon to attack and harm Jace, who's also a Prince and in line for the throne... Right
I know Harwin punching Clumbo in the face was not a good move politically but he was sooo hot doing that ughh😫 I need to stop
Nyra has such a sweet relationship with her maids. You can see they genuinely care for her😭
We stan Elinda Massey in this house!
The way Nyra was looking up at Laenor as he drunkenly talks about the Triarchy, bye! 💀
The way Daemon smiled at Laena when she walked to sit beside him ughh he loved her I know he did!
Alicent pointing out Nyra's milk leaking was such a bitchy move! 🙄
Viserys I need you to grow a spine, you are the King not Alicent. If he said so Helaena would've married Jace and Alicent couldn't do shit about it.
Larys is such a slimy shady rat I hate just seeing him on my screen!
Laena, bestie, you truly died a dragonrider's death! RIP you were a true girlboss 😔
Vhagar hesitating to burn Laena ughhh my feels!
Harwin saying goodbye to the boys and Nyra holding back tears.... Ughh my heart!
I don't even wanna talk about Harwin dying... You're telling me a man called Breakbones couldn't break a door. I call bs on that.
He's alive and well he's alive and well he's-
I'm fine fine fine fine I'm fine 🙃🙃
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Ok so I did the hcs of what OrangeJuiceVerse Stan and Kyle look like already (here) so now I gotta do the rest of the Star Seven
*Kenny- this guy is littttllllleeee like short king oh my god this poor mf grew up constantly malnourished and never grew taller than 5’5! I’ll write Kenny all across the board appearance wise but ojverse? He’s short. And he OWNS it!!! He’s also my king of fully climbing on everyone physical boundaries are not a thing with him (this is a problem when he meets Craig and Tweek) and he and Stan both have a penchant for hugging people but Kenny is the type to be like “watch if I run at Stan he’ll catch me” “wait no Kenny I’m holding coffee” *catches him* lmfao my beloved Disaster Duo. Kenny’s tiny ass is literally alllllways on Marj.
Sandy blond hair and the style changes CONSTANTLY he’s a MENACE with the scissors, but it’s usually on the long side and YES he grows a beard in his late 20s (this started as a bet with Stan to see who could grow the better one) he 100% braids it and puts glitter and flowers in it smh eccentric icon. Pretty light blue eyes, they look vaguely purple for a few days after he comes back from a death.
He dresses like a damn muppet half the time, and a lot of his clothes are stuff he made himself (artist slay) or found at a thrift store and altered, out here wearing shirts with vulgar sayings, weird clown pants, juicy sweatsuits, obnoxious Hawaiian shirts with leopard print leggings, like this man lives for looking like a weirdo. But the other half of the time he’s in jeans and t shirts, hoodies, and (also artist slay and literally me) so much of what he owns has some kind of paint or bleach stain. His go to “formal” attire is legitimately a floral suit with PRINCESS embroidered on the back.
*Marjorine- my tall goddess! She’s the third tallest of the 7 at 5’11 (Kenny is very into that) and loves to wear heels so she’s really out here towering over the peasants like the QUEEN she is lmao. She also dresses like a BARBIE I’m talkin the pastels that perfectly flatter her coloration, def some seersucker a-line dresses, MONOGRAMMED STUFF bruh they may be from assfucknowherecolorado but this lady dresses like she’s a pageant queen in the Deep South! It very much fits her as the baddest bitch in the mlm meeting (y’all keep her away from that shit frfr) she’s such a sweetie but she’s so damn susceptible to stuff like that oh noooo but then she winds up running the show 💀
She does indeed have the Eye Scar (blind in that eye she can’t legally drive rip) one eye is this pretty disney princess blue and the other is almost white but she looks SO fucking cool and the juxtaposition of her otherwise angelic features with a badass anime protagonist scar is KICKASS! Plussss since she dresses like fuckin Elle Woods but is taller than God just the BAD BITCH VIBES!!!
*CRAIG TUCKER MY DUDE!!! Ok so I believe I said that this mf is whole ass 6’4!!! “Yer a long boi ain’t ya” like bruh he’s so damn lanky whole ass string bean lmfao. I am an enjoyer of the Peruvian Crog hcs, so yep. Really dark black hair and grey eyes, he’s also like super hot??? I’m talking PERFECT skin, the most gorgeous chiseled face he deadass looks like a statue and women are all over him tryna flirt BUT!!! this mf is gayer than a mf picnic basket 😭
He’s seriously so cool looking but if you tell him that he’ll be like ?? It’s so funny bc Stan’s over here like “dude how do you wear a leather jacket without looking like a douchebag” and Craig’s like “idk?? I just do?” smh poor Stan he wants to look cool so bad and and Craig’s the only “cool guy” he knows but he’s not helpful at alllll.
He mostly dresses in dark colors, black, gray, navy, he’s like super hot but he is SUCH a loser!!! (I’m stealing this from my partner btw) one time he was just… walking around the apartment dressed as Spider-Man? And didn’t even acknowledge it? Like Tweek had a migraine and was bedridden and Craig fully just went up to him IN THE SPIDEY SUIT and handed him a jar of pickles “you should eat” Tweek was like “man WHAT are you doing dressed like that?!?” SMH he’s actually an icon
*TWEEK!!!!! Ok so Tweek (I’m projecting y’all know I love an artist character) he doesn’t own a single item of clothing that isn’t stained. And he mostly sticks to earth tones, a lot of green and brown, also let’s talk abt his skin. He has TERRIBLE skin! Cystic acne, he’s blotchy as shit, rosacea, got moles and freckles everywhere, acne on the left side of his chin from throwing up (when he’s in the drankin era) Kyle described him as scrunkly when they met lmfao like twerk is really just one of those little stray cats you see on the street. He’s honestly really cute tho
He’s LITTLE he’s Kenny’s height at 5’5 BUT!!! He’s literally so fuckin strong! Like out of him and crog? Tweek’s the jar opener. He has… actually kicked Stan’s ass at the gym (it was so unserious Stan was being angsty about a birthday and Ky was like “dude go spar Tweek or sum” and Stan has reservations bc he’s like a foot taller than Tweek and so much bigger and then Tweek kicked his ass!) smh they came home from the local planet fitness both smiling so hard and crog and ky were like TF?!?!? Like why are y’all beat up to hell
Tweek has very light blond hair, it’s technically curly but he pulls the hell out of it so it just kinda stands straight out, it literally feels like straw someone get this man some Fuckin conditioner
*Cartman! Ok I stand by him having heterochromia, he’s got one brown eye and one blue, totally thinks it makes him look “awesome and kewl” (it does lowkey) unfortunately he’s actually very attractive until he calls you a slur lmao. His features are literally perfect, he takes care of himself, skincare on point, LISTEN HE IS SO ABSURD about his cocktail of products it’s literally asinine
He’s around 5’9, and fat. Light brown hair that he keeps fairly short and ALWAYS immaculately styled. Like this guy cleans up NICE and u meet him for the first time and are thinking you’re meeting a very friendly lawyer type dude but then you shake his hand and he goes “what’s with the sword earrings, what? You just get off a dnd session?” Lmfao literally I cannot stress enough that he never grows out of being an asshole. He does MOSTLY stop with the truly offensive things though. Mostly. The Fuckwad Jar may have had something to do with it.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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ukiyo-vibes · 3 years
general request - share some of your yttd hcs!
I FORGOT TO POST THESE BUT HERE THEY ARE: Now that I’ve played yttd I’mma do this one! I got a bit carried away and divided it up by character. I didn’t include the dummies or the floormasters, but if you’d like, feel free to request headcanons for them!
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- Mod Mercie
Back before the death game, Sara already didn’t have a good sleep schedule
Sometimes she goes horseback riding, which sounds all fun and games until her horse starts running through trees and she’s too focused on staying on the horse to duck and avoid branches and gets whacked in the neck with them. Yes I’m projecting. I have scars because of this. Thanks Cody.
Her hair may be straight but she certainly isn’t
He doodles a lot in his notes at school! Usually just dogs or other animals 
Once accidently mistook a wax fruit figurine for a real fruit and took a bite of it. 
He doesn’t know how to tie a tie, despite that being part of his school uniform. He’s too scared to ask at this point.
Drinks primarily Gatorade
 Speaking of Gatorade, he fought an alligator once
He lost.
And was escorted out of the zoo after that.
Has a hard time emoting / making facial expressions. He can, it’s just a bit tiring so he usually doesn’t.
So if he’s pissed and *smiling* you better fuckin’ run before you get the butt end of a frying pan to your head
Oh look at that, humans bleed blood
God of scramble. Will pull out words no one even knows like ‘ Xertz ‘ and ‘ Erinaceous ‘
He used to be a theater kid
Back when Fortnite started getting popular, some of his students dared him and taught him to do the floss. Said students have not recovered from the fact he actually did it.
He... actually has a really good singing voice
Nao once tried to convince him to wear an Elsa dress. 
Probably read Shakespeare for fun in the 6th grade after getting a minor role as a narrator in the school play
Knows how to play the kalimba!
Actually gave himself that undercut (I think that’s what it is? Idk)
I feel like in her fannypack / napsack, she carries around some first aid supplies like bandages and antiseptic wipes, and the such!
Trans. Ain’t no cis Yabusame /hj
The first instrument she learned was piano!
Ex gifted kid burnout probably
*Points* Twink. Seriously though in the island mode he’s weaker than Gin. Imagine being a full grown man and losing a fistfight to a grade schooler
Got this one from a friend: Sou keeps random stuff in his scarf/beanie/jacket and keeps forgetting he has them there
“Oh? Why does my beanie feel so... heavy?” *pulls it off* “Huh... pair of crocs.”
This dude has the courage to wear neon slippers out in public but not tell you his name //shot
smh probably has to peer pressure Sou into a sleep routine
She stims sometimes by tapping the top of her bucket hat, since it taps her head indirectly, and it’s a bit soothing to her
I’m so sorry I literally can’t think of any rn... I miss him though I liked his character arc a lot /gen
If given coffee, it’s a 50/50 chance. Either he’ll be vibrating in place, or he’ll be falling asleep. No in between
Mew-Chan feels exactly like one of those squishmellows (If you know what those are) and is very fun to squish. 
He’s really good at noticing patterns in things, and also noticing slight differences in images (Example: those spot the difference puzzles? He’s great at them.) 
She has a bit of a country accent. I can’t explain it, but I can’t hear her voice without a country accent. Help.
Prefers overalls over skirts for sure. Easy to move around in, still, but also cute.
Small enclosed spaces actually make her feel secure and safe (ofc not if they’re like. Tiny where she’s literally being crushed... too soon? but yeah)
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
Lil ransom POV that’s been knocking around since Nurseyweek
seemed like a good time to post
Ransom loves Samwell, even if he can only make it down for Alumni Weekend.
This was the place where he had met his best friends, played swasome hockey, and made some banging spreadsheets, if he does say so himself. And he does. Because Excel backed him up.
“Yo, Ransom! What’s up?!” Ransom spins around at the sound of his name, and then –
“Oh, chill.”
He really should have braced himself. Nursey always was like a puppy. But like a Newfoundland puppy. Or some other puppy that doesn’t realize how big they are. Because now he and Nursey are both on the ground.
In the back of his mind, Ransom knows they are completely in the way of people trying to get to class, but he’s just so glad to see Nursey in person that he doesn’t care.
“Nursey! What have we said about curbing your enthusiasm?”
“That I shouldn’t because it’s a delightful part of my personality?” Nursey asks.
“5 points to Nursey!”
They finally manage to untangle themselves enough to stand up and move off the sidewalk, Ransom initiating a proper hug. “It’s good to see you, got time for Annie’s?”
“Chyeah for sure! Oh man, I have so much to tell you.” And they’re off. Just like Ransom never left. It’s comforting to know that Nursey can still ramble on with the best of them. He was worried about Nursey a little bit this year. He knew first-hand how hard senior year could be, especially with an A on his jersey. Listening to Nurse go off about his classes, how much he missed Bitty’s baking, how much more terrifying Chowder is in goal this year, Ransom grins. Nursey seems to have gained a new version of his chill. He seems happy, and in control of things.
One of the first things they bonded over was their respective anxiety. Ransom is glad that Nursey is starting senior year in a much healthier mental place than he did. One thing off Ransom’s mental worry checklist.
“…And yeah, now that Dex is captain we have all these morning practices again, like Jack, but not quite so early, thank god. He’s doing a good job with the new freshmen; they really look up to him. He’s started making bread, actually? I think Bitty sent him a recipe. Oh, and Chowder and Farms are even cuter this year than ever before, its nauseating man. But all three of us are in a class together, actually! It’s really chill, we’re taking that photography class like Jack took! Dex suggested it – which was totally chill of him. He was all its arty for you Nursey, Chowder is enthusiastic about everything, and its technical enough that I won’t feel totally lost. Like how cool is that? It’s a really cool class, relaxing, weirdly. Like, meditative, ya know? Anyway, tell me about you, man. It’s been too long since we caught up!”
As they get in line at Annie’s, Ransom fills him in on working with Holster and applying to med school for next year.
“Yeah so I figured out I want to be research focused, and probably kid-focused? Like, I want to be able to help kids with what I’m researching, so I’ve been looking into what I need for that, but it’s going well, I think. Hilariously, no one at work seems to realize that Holster and I a) know each other and b) are dating already. I’ve had 4 people in the last week come up to me and ask if I’m seeing anyone because Adam in the other department would be PERFECT for me. Truly amazing.”
“That’s hilarious, holy shit.”
“What can I get you today?” the barista asks.
“I’ll get a vanilla latte, please,” Ransom says.
“And I’ll have a Chai Latte with a shot of vanilla. Oh, also a Hot Honey Ginger Lemon Tea. Thanks, Steph,” Nursey rattles off.
They collect their drinks and head toward the Haus without needing to talk about anything in particular. It’s always restful just hanging out with Nursey. Ransom is the most extrovert ever to extrovert, but even he needs down time sometimes, and Nursey can be, dare he say it, chill, when he wants to be. Also, it’s a beautiful fall day, and it’s nice to just soak it up. Nursey is probably composing like 5 poems in his head about it right now.
Walking up the steps to the Haus, Ransom pauses a little, just to savor the moment. He’s been back before this, obviously, but it’s getting harder to visit, and once he’s in med school, it’ll be even rarer. He wants to keep this place in his memory forever.
“Dex! You’re alive!” he hears Nursey yell from the kitchen. Walking in himself, he sees Dex, looking utterly miserable. He’s wrapped in a blanket, wearing his roadie flannel sweatpants, his SMH hoodie, and – is that Nursey’s green beanie? Ransom blinks, trying to process.
“Hey Nursey. Hey Ransom,” Dex rasps out, trying to smile at Ransom before coughing a little.
“Oh hey, I got you this from Annie’s since you weren’t feeling well this morning,” says Nursey, “It’s the you tea.”
“Thanks. The U tea?” Dex asks before taking a sip and sighing in apparent delight.
“No, the YOU, Y-O-U tea, the Dex tea,” Nursey says.
“Why is it the Dex tea?” Ransom asks.
“It’s the Hot Honey Ginger Lemon tea,” Nursey explains.
Dex goes bright red, and Ransom would blame the coughing fit he has, but it definitely started in his ears and is it just him or do those coughs sound a little forced?
“Did you just get him the only thing with Ginger in the name?” Ransom asks, amused. Dex narrows his eyes at Ransom while Nursey looks in the fridge for a snack. Good to know that Dex’s crush on Nursey is healthy as ever, even when he’s not.
“No, but that’s an added bonus,” Nursey says, “I got him tea because tea always helps my throat. The ginger, lemon, and honey all work really well together for a cold; my moms swear by it, I always had it growing up. No it’s the Dex tea because its ginger like your hair, obviously, and honey like your eyes, sorta, and lemon like your attitude when you’re stressed, and hot because – “ Nursey pauses like he just realizes he was on the verge of waxing poetic about Dex.
“Hot because what?” Ransom asks. Ransom is outright grinning now, while Dex is looking determinedly into his cup like maybe he could drown himself in it, blushing more deeply than Ransom has ever seen him. And Nursey – Nursey is visibly putting on a layer of chill, of armor. He catches Ransom’s eyes, nods once, takes a deep breath, and finishes the thought,
“And hot because you’re hot, Dex.”
“You heard me.”
“I – wow, Nurse. I don’t know what to say.”
“You could say yes.”
“I could say yes?” Dex asks in a small voice.
“To whether you’d come on a date with me when you feel better.”
“I – I –,” Dex looks at Nursey intently, probably trying to see whether he’s serious or chirping. Ransom holds his breath. If they remember that he’s here, they might not ever get this far again.
“Yes. I’d like that.”
“Did you just say yes?” Nursey asks, smile starting to break out.
“Yes. When I don’t feel like death on toast. Yes.” Dex is smiling too.
“Chi – “
“GUYS!” Ransom interrupts before Nursey can say chill, and also because he’s legit tearing up right now, “If I wasn’t so damn happy for you both I’d be fining the hell out of you.”
“Like you could, I’m the captain now.”
“Yeah but the group chat would back me up on the sap level in the kitchen right now,” Ransom smirks.
“Alright, fair.” Dex says, taking another sip of his tea. His blankets slip down to his elbows now, exposing the number. But instead of #24, C there is very clearly a different number. #28, A.
Nursey falls off his chair in his attempt to make sure that what he’s seeing is real.
“Dexy, are you wearing my hoodie? And my hat?”
Ransom’s phone chimes.
Holster: U @ the Haus? I’m omw with Chowder and Whiskey rn
Me: yup It finally happened btw
“Maybe? Dex its right there!”
Holster: what happened? The railing finally gave out?
“Maybe they’re comfortable. And warm. I’m sick.”
Me: nah man Well maybe idk Haven’t left the kitchen But Dex and Nursey They’re goin on a date
“Well maybe if I’d known how hot it is to see you in my clothes I would have asked you out sooner,” Nursey says flirtatiously.
“I signed up for this. I literally signed up for this,” Dex groans.
Ransom: Nursey brought him tea That reminded him of Dex Because it’s the hot honey ginger lemon tea And he got to why hot reminded him of dex And was actually smooth??? That was a trip to watch Dex said yes And now they are bickering again But like its sweet?
“Yeah you did, Dexy. Can’t get rid of me now. You know I’m ride or die.”
Holster: HOLY SHIT I’m so proud of them Chowder is crying btw Oh wait Now he’s sprinting toward the Haus So Incoming
Me: 👍
“Hey lovebirds.” Nursey and Dex look over at him, both surprised he is still here. They definitely forgot about him. “Chowder’s on his way. Also Holster and Whiskey. So. Get pumped for that because the groupchat isn’t far behind.”
Dex puts his head on the table and groans unintelligibly. Nursey just beams and puts his arm around Dex’s shoulders, “Oh, nice. Now we don’t have to stress about when to tell him.”
Ransom just laughs and preps the text he’s gonna send to the groupchat. He really should try to visit more often. Ransom loves Samwell.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Scarface was too fucking boring, didn't make it past chapter 3, but that's good, because that means Baki-Dou time 😍
Time to read the fourth book in this series! Excited to see Musashi <3
Chapter 1
Baki please stop flexing
A FELLA SAYING THE SAME I SAID WHEN YUJIRO PULLED HIS SOB STORY, FR GO TRY SOMETHING ELSE! What happened with that whole "i don't care about fighting" eh Baki?!
Chapter 2
ah no :/
HOLY FUCK is this quality bad!
He wants to taste defeat i see
Oh they removed the... Egg in the back of the neck, nice
God this guy's tits so fat 🥵
Chapter 3
He doesn't even know 🐍
Oh i saw fanart of this scene
Baki, it's your fault that you are bored, you fucking teen
This shit boring ME
Chapter 4
Oh, goroukou is a title
I like how the prime minister is becoming a recurrent character
I thought he said babe for a sec-
That little "oh~" is a bit sus, are the old men... No, it can't be 😳😳😳
I'm fucking choking fuck
"yes <3"
These ppl never learn
Chapter 5
What a way to go, a la gamzee /j
This dude so weird lmao
Dude he has huge round eyes tf you talking bout?
IGDUFSUEASEUURSS he's such a freakkk 😭😭😭
This is the most wtf thing Baki has pulled, remember when this was about fighters fighting? I don't know enough about science for this shit either man
Okay so their hug wasn't Tokugawa being touchy like he is, this guy is even worse, se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer HSHAFSFG
Chapter 6
Baki's dead
Katsumi about to kill get killed by my grandpa i see
Katsumi bro don't be so happy over nearly killing him-
I love seeing him get better tho
Uwaadgsgsjdga 😍😳🤤 twisting my hair irl,,, 🥴
Finally Motobe remembered he was a character here 😐
I LOVE that they got dark lips again
Jack's scar looks cool ngl
Retsu living the good life lmao
Hana just doesn't care, smartest Baki character lmao
Idk what they talking bout but good for em <3
Cum basement
Chapter 7
Obsessed he thought his heart was failing 😭
Dude you can just hear the heart beat of your friends/opponents just like that? 🤨
Notice Gaia in the top left 🥴
Thick 🥵
Unironically built different
Chronic back pain if you ask me, that's how I stand to relieve my agony
Did. Did you just call him a femb-
I love John sm lmao
Mr Musashi has 2 (3?) dads
Chapter 8
Those things look like boobs
Bet you would know eh SHAFADB
They jerked off the mummy?
Reminds me of eye surgery
Mf came out the tube ripped af 😭
Chapter 9
Everyone is so feminine lately good ol Kureha fell behind 😭
I like his bandana tho it's cute
Fat tits 🥴
Eheojeudkshs 😖😳👉👈
You know like i understand Baki, he is at the highest he can be rn, NO ONE can defeat him, but the rest? Like c'mon y'all just beat each other up or something
Ah, the miracle of birth 😍
Chapter 10
I love how all these two do is hang out together in bars, boybosses
I love what they have
Hana thinking of getting his 4 limbs broken again i see
WOOO!! Nice cock Mr Musashi 😳
Chapter 11
I love those freaks
I just now I'm seeing the little scars on his cheeks from the fight with Spec ☺️
I love the fact that Musashi has hair in his legs BUT not his arms like ??? Okay king
Heated scientist moment
Chapter 12
UTSURAARSDFAFA sibling goals
Holy shit she's amazing
Chapter 13
And his ass is very thick too 😳
Those fucking sunglasses, obsessed
Debatable, he got struck by lightning :/
Nooo they censored the cock again 😔😔😔
"I'm exciteddddd" "ok."
Chapter 14
You just hate seeing a girlboss win
She truly is amaizing
Also i just realized spirits have been showing up since the first book so this isn't so crazy lol
Chapter 15
Glad seeing some things never change
He looks so much like Jun
Someone question if Yujiro knew how too write obsessed,,,
Chapter 16
Goddamn it you got even older in the past 3 or so chapters bro
Mouth to mouth soul transference
Some mf got turned on by this HELP 😭
Chapter 17
I love how Yujiro and Hana are still getting ready to throw hands while this happens lol
Okay yeah that was super disrespectful honestly, guy is having a chat :/
God i thought it was Hana the one grabbing some random lady for a second AFDJSJSSJS
He cute af ngl
Fsr I'm surprised he can talk, like it should be obvious but in all the fanart i saw he never said a word, also, he's so damn respectful 😍
Chapter 18
Idk he was never that clever /hj
Hehehe blood
I love how John can only sit that way
The size of his balls lmao
Coward won't even fight with his dick out smh :/
God he mad cute-
Chapter 19
Hm i think this random tiny bald man is not Tokugawa but someone that looks awfully similar to him
Apparently there was a cameo, i don't know enough about anime to know or care
Chapter 20
He's tripping balls
Tokugawa should have gone a bit slower with this poor guy, this is like a lot to process at once <:/
Nvm he's doing better than me
Oydirsusefs look at himmm
Chapter 21
Musashi be like °_°
He's just chilling, mentally killing this dude
Murder baby
Chapter 21
The way his eyes are drawn is so cool
And he jokes too! Wow I'm in love 😍
I remember a show where you would bring your own knives and swords and go thru a bunch of test, Musashi should have been one of them
Mf truly is like :]
I love how he didn't buy it
I can't wait for him to fight Yujiro 😍
Chapter 23
He truly is 😌
He was happy this time at least, 5 times he lost already btw
Tokugawa truly in unhateable lmao
Chapter 24
Oh I forgot Musashi does that
I miss when translators would add notes i don't want to google shit myself :/
"I'm hard as rock" /j
Chapter 25
Look how happy he issss
I love how Tokugawa can't believe he got it first try and it's trying to lie now sjdakdyv
This mf is actually making me insane what the actual fuck i don't know what he has but he's gonna make me act up 😳
Mf be shadow boxing too dammit /j
Baki please
Chapter 26
Look at the size of Baki's eyes holy fuck lmao
He's gonna yeet him!
Chapter 27
How little time passed? They have barely moved
Yeah you did it last book too Baki
King shit
Chapter 28
I love how he only now realized
Okay no he has a point
I love how he just calls him boy
Look at that smug face
I trust Musashi but at the same time he, really should be walking around this new world alone. Now, if i were to accompany him... 🥴/j
Baki please
Chapter 29
I love how soft the artstyle suddenly got, like if done big a big brush
Yujiro you just insulted every single anime character in history
Baby Baki's just like "Ok."
I like how Yujiro looks here
HOHO badass
Chapter 30
He died 😔
Idiot hasn't even beat he 0.5 reaction seconds lmao 🤣
HOHOOOOO?!? 👁️👁️
"my curiosity exceed my fear!!" I RESPECT THIS MAN SO MUCH??
Chapter 31
Fighter to fighter communication
He's just gone now LMAO
I honestly don't mind Baki being weak against this, he never fought against a two handed swordman, this is new territory
Chapter 32
Oh his really tripping balls now this is why he shouldn't be alone
I just now realized he's barefoot
Nice ass king
The policemen are quite nice
He's very cooperative but i can't blame the cops either
Chapter 33
Yeah no shit that must be so insane
That's kinda funny but idk man he's right i think
He's just like :3
I love how he isn't picking up a fight out of malice but rather just instinct like, he can't understand shit that is going on
Chapter 34
Don't you fucking dare shave him Itagaki
It's funny how it took 2 books and a half for Baki to start being a protagonist
Holy fuck did Baki add height or is Miyamoto that big?
Wow how perfect i ran out of space just now!! Having fun with this book ngl :]
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
Tumblr media
and i am back with the pretty setter squad! it took me a long time to decide which character and then after that i had to fumble over how corrupted or innocent i wanted him to be. i ended up choosing innocent bc fluff. maybe i'll write the not so safe for work(?) stuff another time. (^_^;)
* shy boi. head empty only volleyball so is understandably confused about his reactions to you.
* what are these new feelings? he just has no clue. what even is love? does he even know what romance is??? what is a date?
* wants to spend time with you but doesn't know how to say it... awkward bean he is
* probably asks if u wanna play volleyball with him HAHAHAHA will want to teach you also. u know how mika got pissed at daishou? same feels
* hinata best wingman tbh
* hinata and sugawara best wingmen. first two to notice the feelings and totally helped set you guys up with lots of *wink wink hint hint* (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* anyway when he finally realises he likes u he is a red, blubbering mess.
* what is a date? 可以吃的吗? (is it something to eat?) LOLOLOL
* anyway hinata at least got the point through to him that he should bring u to eat during a date and so..... he brought you two to a speciality milk shop smh
* ok the yogurts were good give him some credit
* anyway most of your dates r either food dates or wanna-come-watch-game-tape-with-me type of dates omg this boy. just what even is love only volleyball
* u will b bored. mika/daishou vibes
* travels around a lot for pro vb matches so be prepared for late night video calls and super early good morning texts (who tf wakes up at 430am kags pls. just bc hinata wakes up at 5am, u don't need to one up him for everything)
* he doesn't really care if u come to his matches or not. bc you will both end up watching the game tape at his apartment. it's not a choice he will watch it with or without u
* he will obsess over the details and replay all the bits he wants to see. will nudge u or narrate the good points and the bad points. minimally just nod in response
* not especially cuddly but when you're watching game tape tgt he likes it when you sit between his legs
* like will set his chin on your head and just watch the match and b engrossed it in while drinking milk (STILL? baby you're old enough to do power curry advertisements). he'll be really quiet tho (focused!!)
* basically u are a giant pillow when he is watching tv. occasionally will even hook his legs around u to pull u closer to him to hug.
* you don't actually have to watch the tv with him, he doesn't mind if you just do whatever as long as u stay his warm pillow
* if he is sleepy he will move his head to rest on your shoulder and snuggle his face into the crook of your neck. that's a sign to turn off the tv or pause the tape and move so he will actually go to bed
* he is ticklish. if u feel like u need attention u can tickle him and immediately he will react
* he is ticklish AND competitive, so u have to b prepared for revenge and a tickle battle to the death
* n e way other than that i don't really see much skinship in your relationship like he is not fond of PDA and not fond of anything more than handholding and if he can avoid it he will
* he does like to hold you by the waist. or ruffle your hair. but only in private
* fav place to kiss you? top of your head, or temple
* fav place to be kissed? if he's not expecting it he gets shy no matter where so go for it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* has no idea what romance is, do u actually think he knows how to resolve arguments between u two? NO
* will ask hinata for help. bless his soul, hinata is best bro hinata gives him actually good advice!! unfortunately kags cannot replicate the ways of the sunshine child and so he has to look for someone else
* will never ask tsukki. tsukishima will also not answer, anyway.
* yamaguchi, lovely sweet baby, will give him good advice and even help to pick out flowers actually it was yachi who picked over his shoulder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what r these two up to
* yams will become his relationship advisor
* pls give yams lots of soggy fries as reward for saving your relationship
* when you're sick he will turn to suga for help bc suga is mom bc suga is domestic god and will make some porridge or soup for him to bring to u. all hail suga the kitchen god
* suga has given kags the recipe once but after the other first years had to rescue him from the resulting fire he never touched a stove again
requests are open! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
masterlist here (♡-♡)
ah yes. i've been caught up in life recently and so have not had the time to post or write but i do have a long captains crack fic i've been working on LOL. it's very long. save me. i've also been really swamped at work recently so i just can't deal with life and any free time i get i will take a nap. my therapist does not approve but yet here we are with my poor self control and lack of motivation to get better. in other news i went to see the psychiatrist today for my meds and there was a cute med student who was asking the usual questions and i just blanked half the time cos he was cute
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
What would u do if u could change anything about anything in the series?
I’m gonna assume you’re talking about Hero’s Of Olympus, since I want to talk about it. Let’s start with the relationship each of the 7 had with one another/character dynamics.
Percy. We know who he is, we’ve met him before, we’ve lived through his adventure with him. He’s a shithead, we love this about him, but he’s also kind and loving. Percy would’ve made an effort to get along with everyone, to be friends and goof off to help everyone feel better. Which is why all of this shit Rick created with Jason being his Roman counter part and them being rivals, the two “macho men fighting for power to lead the pack” makes NO goddamn sense. And quite frankly smells HEAVY of toxic masculinity the entire series could’ve gone without. They would’ve been friends. Maybe not the best of friends because Jason has Leo but they would’ve been those two dumb jock friends and that narrative bettween them would’ve made the story so much more fun and interesting than pitting them against eachother.
Annabeth. The trope Rick created with Annabeth being a know it all, smartest person in the group is a disservice to her character and makes her shallow. She’s the daughter of a goddess of wisdom, wisdom recognizes intelligence when it sees it, and the fact that all Annabeth thought about Leo during the entire book was that he was annoying is VERY dumb. They could’ve had a really good friendship, two nerds playing off of one another’s intellect to create things that could benefit everyone on their journey. Or even Leo just convincing her to help him make stupid shit like a toaster that can toast eight pieces of bread at once. I would change how rigid Annabeth is, loosen her up just a little bit and make her friendship with Leo the type of thing where they constantly feed off of one another.
Piper. Her entire character arc revolved around being beautiful, being Native American, and Jason. Firstly, we’d have to throw away all the stereotypes and general horrible things that Mr. Rick Ross (read: Rick) did to her character. Like the whole feathers in her hair thing. There are better way to incorporate Piper being Native American, there were so many missed opportunities to intertwine Greek mythology and Native American beliefs. Secondly, in order to get rid of the. Frankly, shit, way Piper dealt with beauty is to first address the way the Aphrodite cabin as been treated through the entirety of the PJO universe. Instead of writing Aphrodite children like frilly little things that can’t stand to get their hands dirty and Piper being “not like other girls uwu”, I would’ve written them as deceptivly beautiful. Deceptive in the fact that no one expects them to be strong, cruel, to be able to hold their own. Knights you mistake for damsels in distress, and before you realize you’re wrong they’ve already defeated you. You can be strong and feminine, and femininity isn’t the only way to be beautiful, so I would’ve explored that too. And Pipers arc on beauty would’ve been different in the sense that she realizes she doesn’t have to like pink and glitter in order to be beautiful, and that even if she did like those things, that’s okay. Let girls be feminine without demonizing them for it.
Hazel. God Hazel was done so dirty. First, she’s thirteen, so no Frazle shit, jot that one down. Her and Frank being really good friends would’ve been so much better and allowed her to grow as a person without throwing her into some serious romantic relationship so young with someone so much older. I would’ve written Hazel as very cautious, specifically around her white friends. She comes from the 40’s of course she wouldn’t be buddy buddy with them immediately, and I think that would be a valid concept for the books to explore. And besides, her realizing later on that things really are different and times really have changed would be such a heartwarming thing to experience. Her breaking out of her shell and leaving that shit behind her to be unapologetically her. Actually exploring the racism and prejudice in the world instead of ignoring it and erasing the experiences of black people and black youth in this world is problematic and we won’t be doing that here smh. I wouldn’t make it the core of her character because that’s wack but it also wouldn’t be something that’s just never talked about. That being said, I would’ve made her relationship with Leo SO GREAT. They could’ve been dumbasses together running around the ship playing stupid games like hide and seek. Once again, instead of that romance shit, I would’ve built their friendship. Let the girl have fun, she’s 13 for gods sake.
Jason. The essence of his character was to be Percy Jackson’s Roman counterpart, which IS WACK. It made him VERY boring and one sided, so away with that! The Jason I had hopes for and wanted to see was, in simple words, a blond Himbo Jock!!! He loves his found family (Piper, Leo, and later the rest of the seven) and he PROTECT!! He and Percy would get in mock fights and wrestle sometimes because Percy says something very stupid and Jason simultaneously wants to laugh and shake him and he and Leo have the type of friendship where even the last few barriers come down and they are unapologetically themselves with one another. Jason learning that he doesn’t have to be a grown up and that he doesn’t have to have such a rigid sense of responsibility and that it’s okay to have fun sometimes, things Leo and Percy teach him. He grows into himself and realizes that he’s not JUST a son of Jupiter, and he doesn’t have to be a leader all the time. It’s okay to let go of the reins, and be stupid.
Frank. Rick made him... so forgettable. Firstly, the fatphobic blessing of Mars shit. We can hit next on that shit: the blessing of Mars but Frank goes from chubby to chubby with muscle because believe it or not a lot of fat people have muscles!! The arch with him wanting to be a child of Apollo is VERY interesting and something that should’ve been played up more within his arc until he realized he didn’t have to prove to anyone how manly he is, that you don’t HAVE to be aggressive and manly to be a child of Mars. Once again: Rick was on some toxic masculinity shit. Frank being okay with being a big teddy bear is enough for me. Also fuck the burning stick of life things stop putting a time limit on teenagers lives that’s bullshit. His relationship his Hazel was rushed and shallow, and quite frankly (ha) they should’ve just been friends.
Last but not least: Leo. Leo’s relationships with EVERYONE could’ve been better. He was treated as the comic relief, an annoyance, someone everyone could barely stand to be around, and instead of bettering his relationships with everyone Rick thought killing him off and then bringing him back with a love interest was the best thing to do. He was the treated as an emotional whipping board and then gave his life to save everyone on some sacrificial lamb shit which is a fucking cop out. In my head, Leo would’ve remained single, he would’ve felt like an outcast in the beginning, yes, but his friends would have actually noticed and reminded him that they value him as a person. I would’ve also built Leo’s arc so that he realizes the only validation he needs from anyone is himself, and that he wasn’t responsible for his mother’s death. I would’ve also written him realizing he has a support system amongst his friends, and he doesn’t need to overexert himself trying to fit because he’s already one of them. Leo has an inferiority complex and that was the core of him sacrificing himself, he felt like, if anyone, it would be him. He felt that he wasn’t as important as any of the other 7. He wouldn’t have died so other people could live, his life would’ve mattered to everyone including himself.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
Look I'm not one of those people who believe Kishimoto decided to have Hinata and Naruto end up in the middle part of Shippuden. I believe he decided in the very last arc but he wanted to sound smart so he said he decided earlier on. Otherwise, they obviously would have more scene together. In Shippuden, they have only three scenes together ; when Naruto came back, the pain attack and the neji death scene. That's it. In the original Naruto, they probably have less than ten canon scenes not including fillers.
So I'm sorry I'm one of those who wasn't convinced by The Last. They literally had a basic villain go after Hinata who was cringe btw (the villain). They gave Hinata op powers which she doesn't have in the novel 👀. Despite having op powers, they made her the damsel in distress. Very "The hero saves the princess" cliche. Again, to justify them being together. I mean Naruto can't differentiate his love for ramen and romantic love so how??? He was just being nice to Hinata just like he does to everyone. He stood up for her just like he does for everyone.
Don't get me started on the Sakura Sasuke relationship 🤣. Cringe. They never knew each other. The whole Sakura's love for Sasuke saved him doesn't make sense. They spent barely a year in their genin year before sasuke left. Sasuke tried to kill Naruto and Sakura multiple times. Then at the end of the war, Kishimoto tried to do the "oh they have such a deep understanding between each other" which comes off as cringey. He gets her pregnant then leaves for years. She's literally a single mom who's broke.
Every relationship in Naruto is so cringey and forced except shikatemari. Kishimoto should've focused on the main story and fixed his potholes and leave the ending open.
Naruto would not have been perfect but at least it would've been remembered for staying true to its vision but instead it's remembered for cringey relationships, dumbass villain (except pain and madara) and a story that lost its core which is a shame coz I used to love Naruto. I was inspired by its messages but now....
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BUT FIRST Ive read what you said and I lowkey agree :p
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okay lol now for the juicy part click readmore and beware I shall be brutally honest so yea enjoy
I mean, Naruto in general is a mess, not just the ships if we're being realistic. Alot of plotholes, rushed endings, this and that, the w a r a r c, Kaguya, the way they rushed Boruto ehhh. Honestly, getting into Naruto is literally my biggest regret of 2020 :"DD
Im an NH shipper as you can tell by my hotmess of a blog but i fully respect your opinion and understand your point of view. I also know a bunch of nh stans who have their complaints with their development. I wish Kishi gave more attention to his female cast really, thats all I fucking ask. If he did that one single basic thing, then maybe the endgame relationships wouldnt have been an asspull and theyd be given propper screentime with their love interest, both Sakura and Hinata. The Last tbh i think the writers played it safe and stuck to the whole Naruto shounen vibe thingy, so im not surprised it was plotted that way. Typical cliché shounen movie.
But does that bother me? No! The Last was a mess, their development was shit, they definitely needed more screentime but hey at the end of the day theyre cute as fuck, we have that kiss scene, flirting scenes, a shit ton of official art, three kids, Seiki's gif :33 and a whole ass arc for their wedding all that for just a shounen anime so eh. Compensates for it i guess xD theyre not toxic, unhealthy or whatnot. Theyre wholesome, soft and vanilla as fuck and exactly what i need in my hectic life rn. No drama, just two kind souls who are adorable as heck and theyre dynamic means so much to me and I will love them until i shall leave this earth.
Anon, im not even gonna waste my time and defend their development because i think it sucked too xD but if you wanna know why i love them so so so soooo much, Id be more than willing to tell you :33
Sasuke and Sakura on the other hand eeeehhhh i can see why people like them. Sasuke's hot, he's your typical hot bad boy aad Sakura's hot and pretty too. Basic blue and pink trope. Aside from their canon interactions, fans have all the opportunity to play around with their dynamic but for me, its just sooo basic and so hetero and can easily appeal to any 16 yr old teenage girl, no wonder it has an active fanbase on twt and---- AM I MAKING ANY SENSE? AHDBAJJE LIKE ITS SO-- BASIC, your usual bad boy x pretty girl trope that you get to read in YA and coming of age novels. Not only that, but going back to canon, they have too many negative interactions for me to like them together :p The least Sakura can do is put down her own foot and yell at him for not contacting them for god knows how long. I also dont like how he always gets easily forgiven >=[[. I mean at least He's compensating as a dad good for him but ehhhh i still dont like him and Sakura together :v And im not falling for that "Sakura is the reason why Sasuke isnt lonely anymore" because thats NARUTO AHHH. Sasuke said that Multiple times. HE LIGHTS A FIRE INSIDE OF ME. HES MY SUN. MY ONE AND ONLY FRIEND. LIEK?? THATS NARUTOOO romantic or not, Naruto was the reason for his not so lonely existence anymore smh >=[[
Sasuke almost murdered her and Naruto and made their lives a living hell but hey its all good!! He's my best friend and Sakura loves him!! So set him freeee into the worldddd~~
Sasuke left his family without even simply contacting them but can easily contact Naruto through a hawk but hey thats fine! His and Sakura's feelings are connected afterall! Sasuke gave her a ring and said thank you! Who cares about leaving your family. She loves him and he loves her so yey!!! All is forgiven :D
Sasuke gets too many life points this isnt fair >=[[ But tbh he's nerfed so bad in Boruto manga and anime power wise. Like in that time travel arc and the manga. The rinnegan kunai thing was still so funny to me even if it was Borushiki. I just idk its so funny to me lmaoo
OKAY WHAT ELSE. I dont even know any more. Im tired of complaining about Naruto and just when Ive finally gone a little bit away from Naruto, Hinata fucking pulls me in again 😩 she has me on chokehold pls send help. Watch castlevania!!! and one piece!!!! ten times better than this anime about a loud blonde boi who wants to be president. Trust me
overall, i dont fully agree but i lowkey agree i guess. I do respect your opinion tho :))
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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authorized-trash · 4 years
To Tie a Knot: Chapter 5: Important Meetings in a Coffee Shop Bathroom
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Content Warnings:
Self harm, self deprecation, making out, stress, emotional turmoil, elusion to character death, (If anything else needs mentioned tell me)
Chapter Summary:
Damian should know better than to walk into coffee shops when he’s the protagonist of a romance fanfiction smh
Word Count:
Note: I posted the last chapter on Ao3 a day or two ago, and it got so many comments so fast I was inspired to write another on. So here is nearly 4k words of >:]. Chapter six is halfway done as well, so please, keep the comments up, I’ve never written so much so fast in my life asdf
By the time noon had come and gone and Logan had left, the others were restless. Patton was stress baking and Roman was practicing his lines a bit louder than normal. Virgil was nowhere to be seen, most likely hiding in their shared room listening to too-loud music.
Patton kneaded dough between his hands, planning on making bread. One would think he would make cookies or something while stressed, but he found the process of homemade bread and the smell of it baking was much better for calming. 
Over the years he had gotten pretty good actually, won a few dumb little neighborhood competitions with his baking. His soulmates all adored his cooking, Roman had stated one of his favorite things to wake up to was the smell of pie or bread.
Patton let his mind wander while he worked, thinking about his new soulmate. He couldn’t help the wave of anticipation and impatience that hit him when he thought about their meeting. He was just so excited! A large smile stretched across his face, and he did a few happy stomps with his feet.
Roman stopped repeating his lines and looked over to him, a soft smile on his face.
“You okay over there, dear? You’re lucky that bread isn’t alive, you’re beating it quite thoroughly,” Roman said with a teasing tone.
Patton looked up at him, blushing a bit at being caught, “Oh! Yeah of course I’m fine! I’m just overwhelmingly giddy, I guess.”
Roman laughed and crossed the room with a few long strides, grabbing Patton around the waist and setting his chin to rest on the other’s head. He gave a kiss to Patton’s scalp, and Patton giggled and swatted playfully at him.
“Ro stop, I’m trying to cook,” Patton whined, placing the kneaded dough into a bread pan. He leaned back into Roman’s hold either way, looking up at him through his eyelashes.
“Sorry Sweetheart, I simply couldn’t resist,” Roman winked, laughing softly. They stood there for a few moments in silence, swaying slightly.
“Do you think they’ll like my bread?” Patton asked quietly.
“What? Of course! If they don’t I will have to fight them,” Roman said dramatically. Patton chuckled.
“No fighting Roman, everyone has their own tastes.”
“If someone’s taste doesn’t like your bread, they’re wrong. Sorry, I don’t make the rules,” Roman spun Patton and gave him a peck to the lips.
The oven beeped a few times behind them, and Patton started to squirm in Roman’s hold.
“Babe, you gotta let me go so I can cook!” Patton said, squealing as Roman held steadfast, unmoving.
“Nuh uh, you are in the Princey Dungeon of snuggles and cuddles, I’m very sorry Padre, but I simply cannot let go unless you pay bail.”
“Which is?”
“Kiss me.”
Patton didn’t protest as he pressed their lips together. Roman hummed and smiled into the kiss, trailing his hands up Patton’s back and threading his fingers into Patton’s hair. After a few long seconds they parted for air, but Roman didn’t seem to want to stop, and at this point neither did Patton.
Before long Patton was up against the counter, kissing back with fervor as Roman picked his legs up and sat him on the counter. Patton made a small noise into the kiss, arms draped around Roman’s shoulders.
Just as Roman was teasing his hand up and under Patton’s shirt, a gagging noise came from the door.
“Eugh, can ya’ll like, not be horny in the kitchen please? I don’t want you contaminating my bread.”
Roman nearly fell to his ass with how fast he jumped off of Patton, and Patton buried his head in his hands and grumbled something under his breath.
Virgil laughed all the way to the kitchen’s island, wheezing and wiping tears from his eyes.
“You two should see your faces, you would think your parent’s just caught you or somethin’. Calm thyselves.”
Patton just stood silently and went to put the bread in the oven.
“Wait, excuse you. Your bread? No, sorry sis, it’s mine,” Roman said as he brushed himself off.
“Oh god, please don’t call me sis, I’m your boyfriend, that’s weird,” Virgil said, moving to sit himself up onto the counter on the other side of the room.
“Oh,” Patton spoke up suddenly, “Roman, I meant to ask, how’s Remus? You haven’t talked about him in awhile.”
Roman’s brother Remus visited them every holiday. It was getting close to thanksgiving at this point, and they were all looking forward to seeing him.
Roman shrugged, “Don’t know, haven’t talked to him in… a little over a month now?”
“How come?” Patton asked.
“Normally I’m not the one who reaches out to talk, I just haven’t thought about it. And since, ya know, I don’t talk to my parents, it’s easy to lose contact for larger periods of time,” Roman explained, slumping into a chair at the kitchen table. Patton nodded in understanding.
They went back to their routines, this time with both Roman and Virgil on their phones while Patton baked a few more things.
Half an hour went by with little words, just a comfortable silence as they all enjoyed the company.
A sharp and hard tug caught their attention.
“Ow, damnit,” Virgil said, shaking his hand roughly as if it were burned. The other two looking down at their hands in confusion, wincing as their yellow strings gave another sharp and painful tug.
“Language,” Patton chided absentmindedly, then, “Do they want something?”
“I don’t think people yank on their strings that hard in order to get someone’s attention, Dearest,” Roman said, flinching as he bent his finger. It was already sore.
“They’re not trying to take the string off or something, right? That’s impossible, they should know that,” Virgil said shakily, curling in on himself and his hoodie.
“It is. Maybe they’re not thinking clearly?” Roman said, trying to offer an explanation.
Patton pouted, 
“I hope they’re okay.”
Damian was not okay.
You wouldn’t be able to tell it, though, with the way he was carrying himself.
His strides were confident, and he held his head high. He tipped his hat at the people who walked by and offered polite hellos. He looked like every bit of a man who was sure of himself.
But he was far from it, really.
If you knew him personally and were looking closely, you could see the way he sometimes fidgeted with his jacket sleeves. You’d notice the slight tremble in his hands, or the way he seemed to run his fingers through his hair too many times. He honestly probably had his hat off more than he had it on, lifting it off of his head as much as he was.
Damian was a nervous wreck, but a nervous wreck who was good at hiding it.
His classes that day were ridiculously stressful, and it didn’t help when every other person exclaimed suddenly when they noticed the shadows of his soulstrings. He would wave them off, or excuse himself. Hell, a few times he even made up what his soulmates were like. He wove tales of wonderful people who had swept him off his feet, if only to appease the asker and get them to stop bugging him.
He had watched earlier that day as the indigo string seemed to detach from the others, just barely heading in a different direction. It was a very slow process, meaning they were probably decently far, but it still scared him.
Were they going to work? Coming to find him? Oh god, what if indigo left the other three because he couldn’t deal with another string showing up? What if Damian was the reason why they broke up?
No, Damian thought to himself with a shake of his head, no that was ridiculous. Really, he needed to stop letting his head go off in random directions, the self deprecation was getting old.
Damian walked up the steps of his apartment building, entering with a nod towards the doorman. The man smiled and waved.
“Heya, DJ,” He greeted. 
“Hello, Larry. How’s the wife?”
“Oh you know her, same old. She’s missed you, you know. You should really come over for some tea sometime soon,” Larry said, opening the door for Damian.
“Sure thing, how does Thursday sound?”
“That would be awesome, see you then, Damian.”
Damian smiled to himself as he entered the elevator to his floor. He let out a shuddery breath. Small talk came to him easily, he was never really introverted to be honest, but that didn’t stop it from being taxing on the days when he really didn’t want to have to see people.
As soon as he crossed the threshold to his apartment, he checked the time. 
Okay, it was a little past five in the afternoon, cool. He figured Remy would be up to go somewhere, if he wasn’t already out with Emile.
He shot him a text, which he got an immediate reply on.
Girl course i wanna hang. Ill be there in half hour, see ya hot stuff xoxo
Damian chuckled to himself. Of course Remy would be the kind of person to still unironically use X’s and O’s.
He double tapped the message to like it, and took off for the restroom. He needed to freshen up before he left for the outside world.
He went ahead and re-brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and washed his face. He really needed some moisturizer for his burns, they were getting a little scratchy around the edges, the sensitive skin looking a little red and agitated. 
By the time he was done toweling himself off, his eyes fell from his face in the mirror to the strings tied neatly around his fingers. He had spent most of the day ignoring them, other than the occasional check-in on Indigo’s progress.
He looked at them for a long while, feeling how they moved. He always found it so fascinating, how sometimes they would be pulled tight and sensitive to any slight movement, and how other times they seemed to pool onto the floor in piles of color. He figured it depended on some kind of need or something, it was always when someone’s emotions were high that the strings seemed to tighten, maybe as a way to aid communication.
Damian just figured it was some weird magicky shit, and didn’t let it bother him too much. He had gotten over the trying to explain the strings stage back in middle school, back when it was just him and green.
Nausea and guilt ate at his insides even thinking about the green string. It hung loosely to the fingers on the hand opposite the new strings, its once brilliant earthy color now a faded grey.
It was so pale and sad looking in comparison to the other brighter strings, and Damian couldn’t help but want to cry again. It was such a lovely color, and he was sure they would have been such a lovely person.
He didn’t even have a name to mourn, a funeral to attend to. Only a sad little frayed string to cry pitifully over.
And that brings up another question, why frayed? Damian hadn’t met anyone who had a dead soulmate that had a frayed string. Sure, others had their colors dulled, but the end looked clipped with scissors. Damian’s looked as if someone had pulled it apart with their teeth.
It wasn’t fair, Damian thought. It wasn’t fair that he got all these questions. It wasn’t even a simple, “oh no, my soulmate is dead, I’m doomed to be lonely and soulless.” No, he had to deal with all these mysteries. Why frayed? Why four others? Why add him to an already complete group? Why not someone else? Why had it been a month, when the average wait on the reassigning was a week? Were the other’s even able to love him like they loved each other? Damian wasn’t paired with someone equally as heartbroken and lonely, he was paired with an already complete soulmate relationship. Was he doomed to be an outcast?
Damian didn’t want this, he didn’t ask for this. 
His emotions were all over the place, but he steeled himself, and with an angry huffed, he grabbed his four strings, and yanked.
White hot, dizzying pain lanced up his arm, and he gave a shout. His vision blanked, and a throbbing headache pounded behind his eyes.
His vision cleared after a while, stars and dots still dancing across his eyes. The pain was so bad, it was nearly incapacitating. 
And in a mix of morbid curiosity and the horrible feeling of self loathing, he yanked again, harder.
He stumbled to the ground, sweat beginning to drip from his forehead. His heart was pounding in his ears, and what sounded like a dull roar caused his eardrums to hurt. Every bone in his body ached, and his arm hurt to move.
Well, he thought, guess they were pretty authentic then, at the very least.
He heard a knock at the door and tripped over himself to get up. He dabbed his face with the towel once again, wincing at the pain in his arms.
By the time he left the bathroom, Remy was already standing inside.
“What on earth were you doing in there, you look awful,” Remy asked, before going a bit pale, “You know what? Don’t answer that.”
“Oh shut it,” Damian snapped, taking his hat off the counter and fitting it back into place.
“So, wanna head out to that coffee shop you like downtown?”
Damian shrugged, “Why not.”
“Sweet, let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
Damian sighed but laughed at his friend's antics, following him out the door with a fond shake of his head.
The coffee shop was nice. It was small, cozy, and had a nice arrangement of potted plants scattered about. The barista was kind, and pretty cute. They had a cute grungy-emo thing going on. 
Damian had a thing for emos.
He, like normal, had ordered some black coffee with two creams and a sugar, much to Remy’s dismay. Remy had then proceeded to buy some ridiculously over sweetened drink with a stupid name and two muffins to share, much to Damian’s dismay.
“You have got to stop buying food for me Remy, I’m a grown man, I can pay for myself.”
“I offered. Besides, you need your money for your hobbies.”
“What hobbies?” Damian laughed, smiling despite himself.
“I don’t know, your music. You play the clarinet, right?”
“Flute, actually,” Said Damian, rolling his eyes, “And it’s not a hobby. Band was the only reason I managed to get into college. You know this, why are you asking?”
It was Remy’s turn to roll his eyes, “Small talk, babes.”
Damian was so caught up in their conversation he missed as the indigo string tied to his finger moved at a rate much, much faster than earlier that day.
“Mhmm, small talk about something we are both familiar with?”
“I don’t know, you band nerds seem to like to talk about band, despite making sure it is known that it is hell on earth,” Remy laughed, “Why don’t you, I don’t know, tell one of those ‘this one time at band camp-’ stories, babes?”
“Uh huh, and which one haven’t you heard?” Damian did in fact have a lot of stories, as every band kid tended to, but he was almost certain Remy had heard every one three times. It was obviously his best friend was just trying to cheer him up, and honestly? Damian really appreciated it.
“I don’t know, what about the one time you passed out on field and went to the hospital for a broken rib after being stepped on?” Remy’s grin was shit-eating, and Damian felt his face turn a deep crimson.
“We agreed not to talk about that,” he hissed, attempting to hide his face behind his coffee as he took a sip.
Remy shook his head as he laughed, before standing up.
“I’m heading to the restroom babes, try not to miss me too much.”
Damian sighed and sat back in his chair as Remy left, closing his eyes and smiling to himself. He was enjoying himself, this was nice. Remy was an awesome friend and really helped Damian to forget all about his stupid soulmates.
If all went Damian’s way, he wouldn’t have to deal with soulmates for the rest of the day.
Of course, knowing how fate liked to fuck him over, that isn’t what happened.
Logan had had an exhausting day, and he was ready to get it over with. He wanted nothing more than to go home to his soulmates and curl up against them, but he knew he couldn’t. He had been sentenced to sleeping in a cold hotel bed, alone.
The day had started well, with breakfast with his beloveds and a few kisses to his cheek, and a few kisses he returned. He had left with a small smile on his face.
But his good mood had slowly disappeared as the day wore on, as no sign of his other soulmate was to be found. The string slowly started to move more and more as he was sure he was getting closer, but the direction it was in was so vague, he could only hope he was going the right way as he drove.
Honestly, he didn’t know why some machine to find them hadn’t been invented yet. Surely there was some way to get some magnetic something or other to pick up on soulstrings, and then lead you there with a convenient little GPS voice.
But nope, the stupid strings were too stubborn to be beat. Everyone had just accepted them as immovable magic and was done with it.
Everyone including Logan, but he still felt like he was allowed to complain about that fact.
It was a little past six in the evening at this point, and the sky was beginning to darken considerably. Logan could feel his body getting heavier, but wasn’t quite tired enough to stop yet. 
He didn’t think his perception skills were too bad, surely he had a few more hours left in him.
That was probably a bad judgement call, as they were apparently bad enough to not notice how fast the string on his finger moved as he turned the corner into coffee shop parking lot.
He locked his car as he stepped away from it, and entered the building. He took a right to the restroom, wanting to wash his hands before doing anything else, not enjoying the feeling of sweaty driving palms. 
He heard the door behind him open, and looked up to see a man wearing sunglasses (indoors?) walk in.
“‘Sup Babes,” the man said, and Logan lifted an eyebrow in confusion.
“Babes? I’m sorry, do I know you?”
The man laughed, “Nope, you just look like someone who would be fun to piss off by calling them babes. For real though, why are you wearing a necktie in a coffee shop?”
“Plenty of people wear neckties in a coffee shop,” Logan answered, fixing his tie with an affronted look. The other man just laughed, running a hand through his hair.
“The name’s Remy,” The man said, offering his hand to shake. Logan took it, if with a little hesitance and confusion.
“Logan.” Logan responded. Remy nodded, going to turn around and leave, probably deterred from using the restroom in what would now be an awkward situation. He stopped suddenly, eyes going wide from behind his sunglasses.
“You have four soulmates?” He said, looking at the slight shadow cast on the tiled floor.
“Yes,” Logan answered, easily. Remy was not the first one to ask that today. There was the woman at the gas station, and the man walking his dog outside of the Ihop. It was a little disorienting hearing four instead of three, but whatever.
“You here with someone? One of your strings seems to be pointing in a weird direction,” Remy commented, nodding down at the shadow heading straight out the bathroom door. Logan looked down hurriedly, just now noticing the yellow string that was pulled tight.
“I- no I’m not. I’ve actually been looking for our fourth soulmate all day,” Logan didn’t take his eyes off the string, “In fact, it only appeared recently. Me and my other soulmates decided it best to find them as soon as possible.
After a few more minutes of staring wide eyed at his yellow string, he looked up at Remy. He, once again, looked confused at the wide smile that had spread across Remy’s face. The sunglasses clad man grabbed Logan by the hand and tugged him towards the door.
“Come on, there’s someone you need to meet.”
Logan allowed himself to be pulled back into the main part of the coffee shop and led in the direction of a booth in the back. He opened his mouth to protest, but stopped when he caught sight of the man seated at the table.
“Damian, babes, you will not fucking believe who I just ran into,” Remy exclaimed. The man, Damian, turned around to face them.
The two men locked eyes, and Logan felt his heart hammering in his chest, that familiar yet foreign feeling of something clicking into place in his chest was present for the fourth time in his life, and he was almost certain he had never been happier.
Logan was at a loss for words for one of the few times in his life.
“Uhm, hello?”
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denbroughism · 4 years
It’s Lilia Barber ( @jaedenphy​ ) day and guess who’s making a fanfic masterlist for her?? That’s right, me! Okay, so I gathered together a bunch of fics I’ve read and considering that you’ve read the fics I sent you, some of these fics you’ve read before but are still godly. List under the cut for length purposes <3
My comments and reviews may contain spoilers and the ones without a specific chapter count are one-shots :)
The way making this masterlist made me reread the fuck out of so many fics smh
LAST UPDATED: 1 August 2020
Bill Denbrough / Richie Tozier
"Game Over, Bitch” by sweetpeacheddie | General
Richie plans a surprise date with Bill, but it doesn't quite go according to plan...
MY COMMENTS: smug Bill? yes. the Bill in this fic made me grin like an idiot just from how sneaky and attractive this little piece of shit is. Richie being soft and scared about Bill not having a good time is so adorable and the way Bill used it against him made me go jsjjdjsjd
Twister by @antisociallilbrat | Teen
Fluffiness, tongue twisters, and making out
MY COMMENTS: it’s short but still adorable idc idc. fics about love interests helping Bill with tongue twisters is adorable in itself and the flirting and the teasing in this fic made me scream from how cute they are pls
The Cruel Irony of Sunshine by @theflirtmeister​ | Teen
That’s when Richie spots him.
Leaning against one of the ridiculous fake palm trees, clearly not listening to the conversation he’s caught in, is Bill Denbrough in the fucking flesh. Richie could have picked him out from a hundred yards away, with his floppy hair, perfect eyebrows and jawline that could cut crystal.
Richie hates everything about him.
MY COMMENTS: the reason why i want to write bichie fanfics. the amount of angst and fluff mixed with longing and pining is godtier. the way they fell apart because of a fight and the first thing they do when they meet—after pining and longing mixed with anger—is fight made me cry :’)
Disciplinary Action by Apuzzlingprince | Explicit
He simply sat down on the end of Bill’s bed and patted a knee. Bill stared at him, uncomprehending.
“Bill,” said Richie, gesturing for him to come closer. “Pants down, over my knees.”
Bill balked. “Wait, s-seriously?”
Bill does something stupid and reaps the reward.
MY COMMENTS: i don’t think i’ve sent you this one because i remember i read it on my laptop instead of my phone lmao. this fic is the definition of “i’ll make it up to you with sex” fics but holy fuck this one is good. i remember reading this a while ago and yelling internally because wow this fic is so jsjsj
Dissolve by @wonderwheelzier | Explicit
After eight years of radio silence, Bill Denbrough finds himself at the same Hollywood party as his once best friend, and his first and only love, Richie Tozier. As adolescent memories come flooding back, Bill has to decide what he wants to do with this second chance.
MY COMMENTS: first off, the author is a brilliant writer so let’s put that out. second of all, this fic is 17K words long so that’s really fun. third of all, what the fuck? this fic is amazing and so well written, honestly. the way the pining and the smut were tied together wonderfully just blows my mind. this is such a pretty fic and the way the story ends with Richie leaving and BIll knowing that there’s no going back? that shit HURTED
If Your Love Was Bad for You by @perceabeth​ | Teen
Prompt: angsty unrequited type of situation with a happy and/or bittersweet ending.
MY COMMENTS: i gotta be real with you, i forgot about this fic whoops. but i read the last paragraph and i started heaving. i love this fic but i forgot the title and the way this fic started jsjfjsjf this fic is ends in a bittersweet tone holy fuck. the account on AO3 is an orphaned account, but i found the tumblr user of the author so here ya go
Soulmate AU by @perceabeth​ | Major Character Death
MY COMMENTS: i still think of this fic to this very day, this fic is the reason why i hate soulmate AUs oh my God. Richie and Bill’s dynamic isn’t too laid out in this fic, but the ending? God, the ending—absolutely wrecked me. I cried and I screamed and I couldn’t function properly after reading this fic. It’s one of the best fics I’ve ever read and deserves all the love you can give. I love this fic, I adore it, read it.
One Week Away by @trash-the-tozier | Teen | 2/2
School is out for spring break, and the Losers are taking a week long trip to visit Beverly in Portland. Could there have been a worse time for Richie to realize that he was in love with his best friend?
MY COMMENTS: I remember sending this to you but reread it. this fic is so soft and adorable my babies istg. Richie pining for Bill while Bill tried to stay away from Richie because he has a crush on him? God-tier trope. Put it in, roll it up, give it to me. The Stanlon in the background and Bev being the cheerleader she is? i love this
What We Built by @sinningtozier​ | Teen
each nail, each plank, the little scratches on the walls and the sloppily carved initials were a testament to them, a testament to their love and what they built.
MY COMMENTS: Soft boys in love that is all. The connections between kisses and hugs and the tears and pain was just adorable. Bill and Richie always being there for each other makes me smile and cry oh my God
Blood Brothers by @fairyling​ | General
bill and richie don’t say they’re dating but they kiss and they fight. their relationship isn’t one that the other’s understand or event try to.
MY COMMENTS: i read this fic once and i still cry about it <3 it’s just a really soft and adorable fic but then the ending made me scream and cry oh my God. Blood Brothers. The way Bill remembers vaguely even as all else fades away just hits hard. i love this fic so damn much and i think you would too
Eye On the Ball by @call-me-eds​ | Mature
Bill tries to cope with his role in his friend group and Richie can’t stand it.
MY COMMENTS: first of all, everyone say thank you to them for making Bichie Week and making fic hunting a gazillion times easier. Second, this fic is amazing i don’t care. the way Bill is so tight and Richie is trying to loosen him up is a concept that would first come to mind when you think of Bichie, but somehow I’ve rarely seen this put to work. This fic is amazing that is all
The Math Tutor by @sinningtozier​ | General | headcanon
georgie needs a math tutor, bill’s strong point is english not math, so his mom hire’s her coworkers son to tutor him three times a week 
MY COMMENTS: look, i know this is a headcanon but lol i love this so much. Bill is so awkward around Richie and i find that hilarious omfg
Like I Do by @thegreatwhiteferret​ | Explicit
Richie is feeling down on himself because of his ADHD and Bill jumps in and tries to teach him to appreciate all of his flaws for how beautiful they are.
MY COMMENTS: I’ve always been a sucker for Richie’s ADHD going feral and his s/o helping him calm down. This fic covers that part along with smut so bonus points on that
Bill Denbrough / Stanley Uris
Ain’t Eez-Eh by simplerplease | Mature | 17/17
Bill gets drunk, texts a number written on the club bathroom wall, regrets it, then falls in love.
MY COMMENTS: deadass the first thing that comes to my mind when anyone says Stenbrough. this fic is iconic and god-tier. I’ve read this a few times and I love it :’) if you haven’t read this fic... wow alright, cool. read it.
All My Little Words by jojenstarked | Teen
Stanley Uris never considered himself a jealous person. That is, until he met Bill Denbrough and suddenly he was jealous of the person getting songs stuck in his head.
Bill Denbrough had always wanted to meet his soulmate. Then he met Stanley Uris and he forgot all about them. All he wanted to do was get him to love him back.
Good thing they're soulmates.
MY COMMENTS: this fic is so adorable and so soft holy fuck i remember crying a bit after reading this from how sweet this fic is, i love this fic sm
More Like Baerista, Am I Right? by @billdensbrough​  | Not Rated
In which Stan is a fake black coffee drinker, Bill really shouldn't be a barista, and the rest of the losers just want them to get together without a counter in-between them.
MY COMMENTS: First off, this fic is 10K words long and contains slow-burn and a lot of pining so there’s that. Other than that, it’s really soft, adorable and fluffy. It’s just a really adorable stenbrough coffee shop AU, truly one of the best coffee shop AUs
Richie Tozier / Stanley Uris
Untouched (Need You So Much) by breathplayed | Explicit | 9/?
Stan Uris could’ve gone his entire life without knowing what Richie Tozier’s dick looked like.
(Or, Richie has a big dick and Stan the Man has a Big Crisis.)
MY COMMENTS: this is the abandoned fic i cried about the other day omfg i can’t believe i started an unfinished fic :’) but either way, this fic is so sexy and hot holy fuck, the pining, everything is godly. Richie singing a song for Stan and Stan being awkward about it?? amazing. last updated in 2018 and ends with a sort of cliffhanger, but still—
Stan My Man! Series by @birdboyinthedeadlights​ | Explicit | 4/4
MY COMMENTS: bitch you thought i wouldn’t add this fic on this masterlist when it’s the definition of goddamn iconic. you really thought i was going to leave the fic that pushed us both into the Stozier hole? as if. the was the Stozier friendship and dynamic is laid out is wonderful. The banters and the snark along with the lovely fondness is tied perfectly. i love this, you love this, we all love this, i’m dragging you back into the Stan My Man! series hole, you’re welcome <3
I Wanna Hold You Like You’re Mine by @birdboyinthedeadlights​ | Explicit
Stan's hand was moving before he could think better of it, wanting to touch the pleated navy skirt in front of him. God, it looked so soft, it must feel amazing. The whispered drag across his thighs -
“What’re you doin’?”
Stan’s hand froze, looking up at Richie’s unfocused gaze. No aide of glasses to let him see Stan’s heating face in the low light.
Richie’s eyes squinted, trying to make out the shapes around him until he looked to where Stan’s hand still hovered. The small inhale and grin let Stan know he didn’t need his vision clear to figure out what was going on. He always did know Stan too well.
“You’d look pretty in that.”
MY COMMENTS: Hello, yes, the author is so great at writing Stozier fics oh my God. The intimacy, the relationship, the pining, the need. Everything about this fic is brilliant. The way Stan wants Richie’s love and Richie wants to give Stan love but they’re both so afraid, so nervous. God, the way they dance around each other and when it’s time to take a dip, they were both to scared. Oh God, I love them so much and this fic ties the intimacy of pining and the ‘friends-with-benefits’ line so well, so perfectly. The mirroring between past and present? I love this and the author is a genius.
I Need You by @childrenofthe80s​ | Teen
Richie Tozier was a mix of emotions. He was absolutely miserable and it was all because of a motherfucking named Stan.
MY COMMENTS: the way the insecurity trope is flipped to Stan being insecure and Richie holding onto him and comforting him just makes me so soft oh my Lord
The Truth is That I Think I’ve Had Enough by @eddieeatsass​ | Explicit
For the first time since Stan developed feelings for his best friend, Richie was finally single on Valentine’s Day, and Stan was fully planning on taking advantage of it. He invited Richie on a camping trip, just wanting one night where he could pretend, but Richie had different plans.
MY COMMENTS: Yo, do you remember this iconic fic? Because I sure as hell do. The camping mixed with the repressed feeling and Richie slamming his head on the tent cover when he tried to strip? Amazing
why not me? by seeingredfics | Mature | 1/?
everything between stan and richie was supposed to be platonic, especially their secret hook-ups and longing stares.
MY COMMENTS: This is unfinished but even the first chapter has a satisfying end to it. Richie is so soft for Stan, Lord Christ and wasted!Stan gives off second-hand embarrassment like no other. But other than that, it’s amazing.
I Guess That's Love by @birdboyinthedeadlights | explicit
Stan shook as Richie held him.
Richie was used to this - used to the damaged boy with his fractured face and shattered soul. Used to playing clean up to his meltdowns and sitting with him through his dissociations. Richie knew he was a burden, wouldn’t ever say it, but Stan knew.
Stan was tired of knowing.
MY COMMENTS: I don't think this author can even write a bad stozier fic, this is so good as well tf? The angst is so wonderfully done and put together with a Stan Uris who's trying his best just mames it perfect
Bill Denbrough / Richie Tozier / Stanley Uris
Not Complete Until There’s Three by @thoughtfullyyoungduck | Not Rated
Mike’s call brings back some memories for Stan, more specifically memories about Stan and Richie. Stan is in for a rough awakening when he comes back to Derry and finds out Richie and Bill are married.
MY COMMENTS: see my reaction here :’) but other than the angst from Stan’s half, the fic is godtier. There isn’t much Stenbroughzier fics out there, but this one is so satisfying and the way everything falls together was simply perfect.
Sk8er Boi by @s-s-georgie | Teen
Stan and Richie are dating. It sucks that Bill likes both of them.
MY COMMENTS: Honestly the first Stenbroughzier fic I’ve ever read. This fic dragged me into the Stenbroughzier mess I’m now dragging you into, but holy fuck. This fic is really adorable and the pining—the lovely, lovely pining. It’s so soft and adorable aside the slight angst that is all
To Make You Feel My Love by @thegreatwhiteferret | Explicit
Stan takes care of his very neglected boys.
MY COMMENTS: i remember finding this fic and falling in love with it immediately. i know it’s on Tumblr somewhere, but I can’t find the author’s Tumblr (if you know, please respond so I can change it) and this fic covers the intimacy and the worry along with the love and fondness. Really cute, really smutty, threesome warning.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Uris by @thegreatwhiteferret​ | Explicit
Stan is always taking care of his boys and making sure they feel loved, so for his birthday Bill and Richie decide to show him how much they love and appreciate him by fulfilling his biggest fantasy.
MY COMMENTS: This is the second part to this series but it’s optional to read the first one. If you read this in order of the list, then you’ve read the first part lmao. 
Soulmate Tattoos AU by @peachyuris​ | Not Rated
stenbroughzier w/ soulmate tattoos!!
MY COMMENTS: The amount of pining here? Godly. Bill misunderstanding the situation? Stan and Richie feeling like something’s missing? I love this, I love them and I know you’ll love it too.
Milkshake Date by @winterstenbrough | Not Rated
stenbroughzier milkshake/diner date?
MY COMMENTS: Insecure!Richie is something used a lot, but never fails to warm my heart whenever his significant other(s) help him out. This fic also covers that aspect and is really soft, babies
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
swashbuckle and islands
Tumblr media
a/n : this boy will be the death of me i love him so much. excuse my horrible grammar. my fav gif, and has nothing to do with the story lol but enjoyyy
genre : angst + fluff
pairing : readerxjeno & readerxmark
word count : 2.6k
okie, be ready for this mess
and excuse any non spaced words my space bar isn’t working properly
cool so your from an island
which imma call Skye bc i can
now your mum is originally from Skye, and had like second cousins of a cousin or whatever to throne but she married you father who was from the mainland 
which is a big no no but at the time she didn’t care bc she was so in love
skip forward a couple of years and the father is a complete ass
doesn’t work or really do much except order your mum around
anyone who has a wonderful father or really good parents im sorry don’t attack me this is for the story
so, mum has had you and your older brother, whom your brother continues to admire your father bc he really just wants love and is hella lost in this mess of a world
Moving on
you used to have a really good relationship with your father until he changed.
cheated on your mother, and would blame it on you mum
in response you really just tried to help you mum get through this mess
big big mess
your brother, at the beginning helped and tried to calm your father  
boy kinda gave up, hela understandable
and left to the mainland to study medicine
wooot go him
but you were devastated because you were now alone 
now bc your brother has left your father has really worsened and blocks your freedom more and more
The point where you were literally only allowed to like go to school, work in the fields and be a servant
now remember how your mum was like the second cousin or smth to the royal crown?
Twas was importanttt
that managed to get you a study abroad year in london, 
queue your best friend mark entering
this boy showed you what freedom was and felt like for the first time since your father went off rails
iss been like a good 13 years and you're like 16 ??
I digress
mark literally made you feel more yourself because of his natural outgoing and easy behavior
It really was pretty amazing
And then the hiding and going out late at night was over
It was back to no friends, working at the field
sad life tbh
I must note, that because mark lived in canada bc why tf not 
y’all couldn’t really communicate
this is set when pirates where a thing, think of pirates of the caribbean 
I love those movies 
okie, progress two years 
of you thanks to you mum’s second cousin related human lol
you became friends with the cousins friends daughter 
y’all really had known each other since they were smol 
but hadn’t really been friends, bc the girl was pretty quite and a beaut
even her own father treated her better than she treated her own daughter
smh, ik this is a cliche live with it
but overall she was a really good person and kinda managed to sneak you around the island when you weren't on “duty” for your father
though its not that you didn’t like working in the fields bc you loved helping out with the animals and occasionally give food to those who were less fortunate than you and really couldn’t afford it
being a trooper, that you are you often told your friend idk wanna give her a name so y’all could come up with one if it were up to me it would be lilith about what you would see around the island and how the country was pretty not doing a okay
she would listen and talk about her own problems and how she wished she could travel and paint everything 
Bonding over traveling yep yeo
one day, you were supposed to work in the fields as you tend to have to do to the cows, and sheep and horses, while picking up the apples? from the trees ??
Idk i don’t farm
either wayyyy
you had finished your tasks early, and had struggled, and i mean stRuGgLed to get away from your father
he was in one of his moods today, shouting at everyone and refusing to admit he needed help
it was a constant reminder of every bad thing every failure that could happen in your life every thing you didn’t want for yourself or your mum who had slowly been getting sick and y’all had some money that could have helped her but your father thought that she deserved the illness
and i quote he said “everything happens for a reason child, if your mother had treated me and had been a good person this wouldn’t have happened to her, but alas some people deserve what they get”
he continued to say how “i on the other hand, have been a good man all my life, have always helped others so i don’t get sick”
this man i swear to god this has actually happened help
being very much done with your father who you really wished would just disappear and leave you and your mom who no longer lived with you but now lived with lilith to be
you had thought of running away for a very long time, though never knew how to get off the island it seemed impossible
sure you knew how to fight, somewhat by watching the guards and the little training mark you had taught your two years ago. 
missing mark hours but it wouldn’t compare to the guards of the royals who would never aid you
and even if they had, you had never learned how to sail which was ironic as the island you lived in wasn’t very large. Your only method of transportation has been your legs and your families faithful horse lethian ?? who really was your favorite out of all the animals 
running away from the trapped life had always felt like a dream, one that you had lived for for the small year in london with mark
you thought about running away again, the idea of sneaking into a trading boat slowly forming in your mind
you could take her your mum and lilith and travel the world go to london again and paris and canada and re-unite with the friend you missed the most
a smile had formed on your previous grim face, the dream something you held onto until your eyes opened and smoke covered the sky
a ringing began in your ears and you tried to stop it, your hands covering your ears in an attempt to stop the noise but the ringing only got stronger
the sky was black, shots were heard were the village people yelled in panic
you looked out towards the sea and could see the outline of a ship
a very large ship
oh shit 
a pirate ship
the flag blew proudly in the boat and from where you stood the bone white skull that contrasted against the black around it was made visible everytime the wind blew 
you gasped, everything anyone had told you about pirates were that they weren’t to be trusted
they were ruthless and would do nothing to stop from getting what they wanted
the stories you'd heard all came to the same conclusion you see the flag you run in the other direction
you pace quickened and in small time you were running towards the blazing village now up in smokes fire and fog covering the bakery, and fields
the school that had taught you the basics of reading and writing until girls weren’t allowed to attend was a blaze royal guards their black and purple uniforms waved their hands around and pointed their too heavy too unbalanced swords not being of much use
she should be safe
safe with lilith you thought, looking back towards were the small castle stood its bold flag still flying proudly in the grey and black sky
safe , shes safe you keep telling yourself a constant buzz that you repeated over and over to yourself in order to continue moving towards the castle walls
you only lasted a solid five minutes before the guards were holding the civilians back
you sighed angry these idiots being more preoccupied with holding back the citizens who were trying to get to safety behind the castle walls than actually dealing with the threat at hand
who hired them really??
being the stubborn human you are you decided to head towards the back entrance as yuo saw a flash of blonde hair headin towards the back gate of the castle 
oh no was your immediate thought their gonna get to lilith and mum
all the guards had been directed out of castle except a few that had stayed inside to keep the royal fam safe the infirmary had been left unguarded
you looked around trying to look for a familiar face, a familiar guard who youd seen at a practice lilith had dragged you too she had said it was too “admire suitors” you had shaken your head and laughed 
you had no interest in tying yourself to a man that would treat you like something to throw around but you let her revel in her fantasies 
no familiar face was found so you turned and ran towards the blonde head you had seen walk towards the back entrance grabbing a sword from one of the dead guards 
your cursed the clothes women were given making it impossible to run in impossible to fight in 
the blonde boy turned around at your approach, he was young you noticed
probably your age, his grin was deviant and his eyes were mocking as she approached 
“please” you tried “don’t hurt hurt anyone else” 
the boy looked at you with a puzzled look at laughed, slashing away at the thorns and vines that encircled the back door to the castle as he found the lock and tried to break it open
you got closer, looking at the broken glass bottles that littered the floor and torches that lit up the fogged street 
the boy was too busy with the look to realize the girl that had come behind him and hit him in the back of the head with the swords dull pommel the boy let put a yelp before collapsing at your feet
your small victory lasted a small time and before you noticed the boy you had tied with the thorns and vines from the door, which continued to be locked 
your mum and lilith as far as you knew safe
began to stir and as his eyes opened another boy appeared at the end of the alley
his hair seemed to be part of the night sky, falling over his dark eyes. 
“mark!” the black haired boy cried, his hand at his scimitar pointed directed towards you his other hand had managed to slip a dagger out of god knows where and sliced mark’s binds
mark the name sent a shock through you and you took a closer look at the young boy whose eyes were now wide open no anger shown
 but instead amusement and the joyous spark you had once known
he looked so different 
the black haired boy still had a sword at your throat and you swallowed briefly 
“mark?” you gasped feeling the tip of the sword against your neck a small movement and it would nick your skin, blood would swell
‘Mark’ looked at you again and laughed, 
the black haired boy looked confused “let her go jeno” 
jeno was like ‘excuse me ? she knocked you unconscious no i'm not doing that’ he didn't say it but mark understood and laughed again this time it was more mischievous a feral grin adorned his features
“let her go, she’s coming with us” jeno and you were both like huh? has this boy gone mad?
probably letss be realll
“umm no im not” you snapped at the boy you once knew, you glared at jeno who had regrettably removed his sword away from your neck but had placed the dagger threateningly close to your back ashe forced you to move along
you didn’t get an answer from mark who still seemed very entertained by the whole situation
he had changed so much since you’d last seen him *sigh*
you three walked back towards the village and you hadn’t realized how the screams of pain and fear were no longer heard
more than a few guards littered the floors and you tried not to gasp as jeno forcefully continued to move you towards the sea its waters black 
the walk to the pirate boat seemed to last ages, the sun had begun to set in the sky casting dark purple and red shadows above the black water that didn’t reflect any light. It broke your heart to see the usually clear water be black, the animals that lived in the waters probably struggling to survive.
when you finally arrived, the panic began to settle in again. you didn’t know if your mum and lilith were safe, you didn’t know what would happen and the boy you knew two years ago had changed so much that you could no longer read what he was thinking 
the ship loomed in front of you, you hear the small buzz of chatter from the ship and laughter
why was there laughter in such a horrible place ??
“Come on” mark said, already walking getting onto the ship, not looking back at the mess they had left behind
You no longer felt the sharp prick of a dagger or sword at your back, but instead it had been replaced by a strong hand guiding you towards the ship
the contact startled you, and you straightened and continued to walk forward the ship only a few feet away, you still held onto the rock that you had hit mark with, your sword taken away by jeno
you forced your feet to stop moving, because one more step and you’d be on the pirate’s boat, and ducked, and made a weak attempt at attacking the black haired boy behind you hitting him with the small rock you had on the leg
you begin to move away from the boat. The victory lasted a solid second before jeno had his arms around you, pinning your hands behind your back. No longer smiling, or understanding in his dark eyes. you glared at him and then at mark who had finally turned around, a sort of sadness passed over his features before he spoke
“you can’t run away y/n” he said calmly. “remember in london? when you dream about running away, leaving this island and  exploring the world? away from your father?”
his words shocked you, but you didn’t want to leave your mum she had no one else 
“i can’t just leave mark !! my mum, she’s still there and i can’t just leave her with father” a look of recognition and understanding flitted through jeno’s face and reflected in mark
“i know, i know but if you stay here and go back” the boy shook his head, the dark of the night making his blonde hair a dull light in the fog, 
you knew, that in many ways he was right. if you did go back the villagers had seen you with the pirates, being taken by them as the village had burned down and you weren't scared. the worst scenario would be that if you did go back they would imprison you, ask you for information 
hurt mum, hurt lilith even is she was part of the royals
you felt the tears well up in your eyes, and refused to let them fall
“we aren’t all that bad” peeped jeno’s voice who had softened again, until you looked at him and his gaze hardened
you forced yourself a small smile, and placed your foot on the board of the boat 
“Let’s go swashbucklers” you said, 
after all, the stories you’d heard had come from your father, and all his stories were a lie.
a/n : i hope y’all enjoyed that. ik there wasn't much jeno lol but i’m planning on king this a series if you want? send me an ask, if you do! either way, 
peace out luvs,
stay safe
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S1 E8
quarantine diaries: may 24 2020
season 1 episode 8: “Day Trip”
i did not know that the actor that played bellamy is half-filipino. that made my day! pinoy pride!
that headbutt. btw miller and the grounder i laughed out loud
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WINTER IS COMING! any other GoT fans out there? 
clarke a gamer? she out here with a headset and gaming chair? she’s using discord isnt she lol no wait she using the master of online video communication not skype but zoom.
dax really looks like the actor that plays luke in that horrid percy jackson live-action movie. (i pray to god that this new live-action with disney+ does not fuck up this beautiful story like they did with the films) that’s a pretty compelling deal tho. i would take it. i would do anything for my mom. but i know that bellamy has plot armor so im not to worried about this guy
the camp is really coming along these little stations are cute. also monty and jasper’s handshake is everything to me. very good for social distancing :) does anyone have a gif of that?
finn really does not deserve raven. why is he still so caught up on clarke? because like clarke said they barely know each other :| those longing glances between clarke and finn oooof and with raven in close proximity :| i cringe. ive never felt so uncomfortable in my live expect while watching scott’s tots. somebody tell me how much longer of this misery i have to endure..
when bellamy said “a lot can happen in a day” really this shows a lot within one episode. its a lot to take in. like i thought weeks had past but when raven mentioned in the other episode how only 10 days had passed i spit out my drink. bitch waht. like so much shit happened like jasper gets speared (thought it was an instant kill but miraculously it was not and he got better real quick), atom dies, charlotte kills wells, charlotte kills herself (tho we don’t see her body and you know how tv shows and movies love to pull that shit about you can’t be sure someone is dead unless you see their dead body), murphy is almost hanged but then is just banished...just to mention a few things.
LINCOLN. the grounders name is lincoln like the president? this is a lot to unpack. of all the names. he really don’t look like a lincoln tho. but I can’t believe that octavia really apologized to him for how she reacted when he chained her up. seriously that was not okay. listen to the guy when he says that he is the enemy 
also what is the deal between jasper and octavia is that ship just gone now?
octavia why you gotta stir the pot like that bringing up clarke and finn to raven. that was dirty but good for raven taking the high ground. did not expect that.
woah ‘day trip’ has more than one meaning. i did not expect a high episode from this show at all. the whole group is trippin balls. WOW i love this show.
the glowsticks (found when clarke and bellamy go to that place where they find the guns) ok you know its gonna be a good scene when they break out those glow sticks. reminds me of that one scene in spy kids
GuNs! bellamy’s smile at 16:45 he’s a little too happy. like a kid on a sugar rush
bellamy is definitely catching feelings for clarke. that shoulder touch. that head shake/hair flip. and she definitely checked him out too
bellamy’s hallucination *sad face* 
go octavia! saves yours mans even tho i really don’t think you should. way to take initiative and have some agency for once in your life. this drug thing is very convenient
THEY KISS! ummmmm i do not ship it. the guy literally chained her up and she instantly forgave him. i don’t even like octavia but i think she deserves better
*intense stares between finn and lincoln* did finn really not recognize him as the grounder or did he assume he be another kid trippin
bellamy and clarke saving each other. protecting each other. that talk after bellamy killed dax. ok i kind of see that as a zutara moment.
also did bellamy use a bullet shell to stab the guy in the neck. resourceful king. but i dont think that bullet shells are sharp enough to do that
can we also talk about how majority of on screen death we see are not because of gun shots but neck wounds: wells, atom, and now dax. literally jasper had a spear go through him. now he is fine. jaha was shot. now he is fine. i guess dwight really wasn’t lying when he said that necks are the greatest weakness of people
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GUNS GUNS GUNS! bellamy and clarke really came back to camp slinging guns and said fuck it let the grounders come. I love this american trope where having a gun = invincibility/safety 
oooh yes clarke you tell finn off! you deserve better. how much longer is this ship gonna last because its annoying me.
they really killed off another POC (jeff epstien style) smh. fuck ok. and i called it! did not trust diana at all.
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sweetrosetta-martin · 4 years
Beatle tag (cause why not ✌💗) 
I’m new to this fandom online, so what best way to present myself but doing this (plz don't kill me guys I come in peace).
 But I do have to give an special to @sgt-revolver cause thanks to their post I decided to do it. 
How long have you been a fan ?: About two years if I’m not wrong, but god it has been two intense ones. Long story short, this band never was part of my life (grew up in a different culture) until the day I was reading some fanfiction in AO3 and stumbled across one about them. I then found out they were the guys behind “Let it be” and “Here comes the sun” so I decided do dig even deeper..... (Now I’m here simping and crying to their music at 2am) 🙃
 Favorite Beatle: Used to be Paul (man got a charm) but when I better discovered George as a hole human being, and not only a Beatle, I went 💥. Tho, sometimes I do get frustrated with him and stay on John’s side cause he was lowkey relatable and a big bi-disaster mood. (I suddenly feel bad for Rings.... srry bro ) 
Favorite era for music: At the beginning I didn't like the mop top era and practically only listened from Help! to then end, but now I appreciate each period as a part of the band’s musical history and can’t help to fangirl to most songs. (Tho I’ll always have a soft spot for 1966)
Favorite era for lewks: Each Beatles had its own I think. Ringo as a teddy boy (he looks like the bad boy of your dreams), George in 65` (longer hair but not to long and just overlay hotness) and Paul/John in 66`. (The perfect balance between early and late looks)
Favorite song: Guess it depends on my mood, but it’s surely a tight between “Strawberry fields forever”, “Happiness is a warm gun”, “Lovely Rita” “While my guitar gently weeps”, “Don't bother me” and “Across the universe”. (This is such an unfair question xd)
Favorite album: Honestly I just can’t decide.. Its prob either “The Beatles (aka white album)”, “With the Beatles” or “Revolver” 
Unpopular/Controversial Beatles opinion: “Revolution 9″ is not an unlistenable song and has an actual artistic value. I mean, I don’t think is a song meant to be listened during a car ride, but I do think it encapsulates pretty well the chaotic and changing vibe of the late 60s. This song makes you feel unwell because it’s meant to. Despite that, I do believe it should not have been included on the album, but rather as a John/Yoko project. (Ik Geo had a input though)
A song everyone loves but you dislike: Never was the biggest fan of “Come together” or “With a little help from my friends”. They are not necessarily bad, but rather average for me
A song everyone dislikes but you love: “Run for your life”... I know the lyrics are quite nasty but its so catchy and I love George’s guitar in it. I also really like “Dizzy Miss Lizzy”, but I don’t know if it really is that unpopular among people
Your fantasy involving The Beatles: The PG one or the ??.. 
JK, but I would have love to meet them during their cavern/casbah days. Like about 1961, just to chat with them about rock n roll and even jam some songs. (Even if I’m not sure that I would love to do that as a girl or a guy). And I sincerely wish I could just have some deep conversations with George and John while we share a joint . I just wish I could have known them better... 
Tell us about the moment you knew you were a fan: When returning home after a long school day I decided to look after some live material (At the time I only knew like 4 songs). I put YouTube on my tv, and found “She loves you” . I was not the same girl after watching that video. If I could explain how I suddenly felt so much joy and excitement looking at them that I even started singing and dancing. The rest is history 😉
Did you ever have a genuine ‘The Beatles suck !’ phase before becoming a fan?: Because their music was not around me 24/7 growing up, I never got fed up with their music. For me almost everything was new and interesting, so I never had a hater phase 
Favorite Beatle’s book: Have not read any for the moment, but I’m dying to buy Cynthia’s and May’s books. (Also the autobiography “I me mine” by George) 
Thoughts on the old generation of fans: Even if the few experiences I’ve had with them have not been good, I know most of them are chill people. I also love some podcasts made by first or second gen fans. The only thing that I dislike, is the average boomer who will claim they know more than you cause they were alive at the time, even if the only song they know its “Hey Jude” . (Or those who treat John as a saint, and blame the hole break-up on Paul... smh)
If Hollywood were to make a high budget Beatles biopic, what is one thing you desperately hope they include?: I wish they wont do it (We already got enough movies), but if they do something, it would be better if it was a series and not a film. If it had to happen, they better not forget how young the guys really were and how they were actual people. I know they were ground-breaking in so many ways, but they were also human beings with many defaults and even a bit naïve in some aspects. If you only give me a wife-beater (nasty) John, delicate flower Paul, silent George and dumb Ringo, the cartoon series has done a better job than you. 
Do you read/write fanfic: One word.... Yes... *Hides her unfinished drafts*
Are you the only one in your family/friend group to enjoy them?: Sadly yes. I have to force my dad to play some Beatle music while driving cause most of the music he plays is raegetton, and even if I’m proud of my Latino roots.. I’ll do salsa or merengue anytime but not some Bad Bunny ok. 
Are you a shipper?:  Yup
Favorite movie starring/made by them?: Help!.. I mean I also love AHDN, but it’s just so funny to see them run around being high af as they play music despite Ringo being in mortal danger. (Also the visuals we get each song just give me such a MTV vibe. Its genuinely beautiful)
Do you believe in McLennon?: *smirks at the camera*
General opinions on McLennon?: Oh boy. The Lennon/McCartney relationship is one that seems out of my grandma telenovelas. From Paris to the breakup, their story is one of up and downs, but they never really stopped loving each other. Not even death could stop their link as Paul still dreams of him and thinks about John when composing songs. I understand that not everyone may be convinced that something really happened, but I think we all should be open to the possibility. 
If you got to change ONE thing about their history, what would be and why?: Brian’s death. The beginning of the end was the moment he passed away. With Brian the band would still have broke up (All things must pass, even the good ones), but it would have been less messed up. No Paul trying to take the lead a bit too much, Apple Corps probably being better handled and no Allen Klein messing up everything. (And probably no Yoko in the studio but that may be a bit of a stretch) 
What song has the best vocals?: As a group, “Because” it’s probably the one. Such a simple, yet perfectly well put vocals. The peak of their talent for harmonizing in my opinion. In another side “Oh Darling!” is prob Paul best and John’s voice in “This Boy” always get me
What song do you feel had no effort put into it?: Prob an unpopular opinion but “Eight Days a Week” is such a basic song. It’s not innovative, it just uses the formula, and I feel like around this time the guys were kind of tired and just fabricated the song to be a single. It simply not feels genuine, and for me it shows the biggest problem from the “Beatles for Sale” era. 
What is a well talked moment in Beatles history you genuinely believe to be false?: The way Yoko met John. The most known story is that they met each other at a Yoko art gallery, but many sources (such a Cynthia or Brian personal assistant) tell us a complete different truth. I do believe she knew the band, stalked John and force herself into his life, despite of the romantic tale she keeps repeating. 
What is something you KNOW to be true, but often gets erased in their history: John. So many things about John. Many see him as only a funny character and ignore so many cues that he was a man struggling with his own self esteem to the point of having eating disorders. Not forgetting his fluid sexuality, the fact that many think that as house husband all his problems went away or that he was a wife beater. John was more than the “Imagine” martyr or  monster so many people (even some fans) make out of him.
Least favorite look from a Beatle(s): Ringo in the Help! movie. Horrible mushroom hair 😂
Favorite look from a Beatle(s):  George Harrison in the “Hey Bulldog”/”Lady Madonna” videoclip. (I also want that cherry SG Standard so bad omg)
I really don’t know how many others have done it but here are my tags 
@rocknroll-imagines @moreofthatdrowse @cultofbeatle @joan-deserved-the-silver-hammer
Thanks a lot guys !! ❤✌🥦🐘🎵😎
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btsvt-adventures · 5 years
Ice Skating AU - Opposites (sometimes) Attract
A/n: So, this literally took me eons to write, even though I’ve been planning this for a month smh. This is also literally stupid long god... .
Pairing: Jicheol (Jihoon x Seungcheol), Jihan (Jisoo x Jeonghan)
Warning(s): Nothing too major, lots of fluff, some drunk jihoon (drink responsibly kids!!!)
Word Count: 3,388
Want more of this AU? Ask me here!
Ice Skating AU: Introductions | The Beginning | Drunk (Almost) Kisses | I Have Faith | Promised Rewards | Secret Plans | Opposites Sometimes Attract
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Jihoon wants to strangle Soonyoung, and maybe.. to an extent… partly, Jisoo as well. He knows, he just knows that it’s their doing that he’s been tasked with getting drinks with none other than the big, stupid, (cute) figure skater doof Choi fucking Seungcheol. He sends Soonyoung a quick text right before Seungcheol is meant to pick him up, threatening death by hockey stick, and his ex-captain just replies with a lot of winky faces, and a couple eggplants.
Jihoon’s already waiting when Seungcheol pulls up, and the figure skater has to resist the urge to squeal, because Jihoon just looks so fucking cute. He’s drowning in an oversized hoodie, with his blonde hair all tousled from the wind, and he just looks so tiny and adorable (not that Seungcheol would say that he doesn’t want to make things worse.) Jihoon’s ripped jeans however, leave nothing to the imagination, and Seungcheol is quietly drooling over the perky round ass he spotted as Jihoon climbed into his car. 
“Let’s go, I have work to do and I don’t want to waste too much time arguing with you over what kind of drinks to get,” Jihoon grumps, pulling out his phone to play some music game while Seungcheol drives, humming to some girl group song.
“I play that too,” Seungcheol piques, startling Jihoon while he’s scrolling through songs to play. “You’re much better at it though, I suck at games like that,” he mumbles, and Jihoon snorts.
“I hope I’m good at it, I’m a music producer; if I can’t match the beat to my own songs I better change careers,” he shakes his head, and Seungcheol reels from the information Jihoon just offered up.
Before he can ask anymore, he sees the supermarket, and decides to hold off his questioning till after he’s parked. He almost makes it too, reversing into a lot when he hears Jihoon humming to the song on the radio, and Seungcheol can’t hold it in anymore.
“What’s your producer name? Have you met any kpop groups? Who do you produce for?” he blurts, flushing red when Jihoon stares at him confusedly. Seungcheol flushes, quickly putting the car into park and getting out, plastering a fake smile on to try and hide his embarrassment.
“Well, I use Woozi, under the studio ‘Universe Factory,’ yes of course I’ve met idols, and I produce for Pledis Entertainment,” Jihoon answers quietly, suppressing a laugh when Seungcheol gawks at him for voluntarily offering the information. “What about you?”
Seungcheol’s brain farts entirely, and he just goes “uH oh right, well I skate professionally of course, but during the off season I teach kids back in my hometown, Daegu,” he stutters, and Jihoon nods, letting the conversation die off.
It’s not an awkward silence, but it is silence, and Seungcheol wants to keep Jihoon talking. He’d seen the way Jihoon had lit up when he mentioned his music, and he wants to see that happen again (he’s already so whipped what the fuck Choi get a grip).
“… box, yeah?”
Seungcheol’s so busy yelling at himself he totally misses whatever Jihoon says, and glances into their trolley to see a giant Styrofoam box.
“Uh…. Why do we need a styrofoam box?” he asks, staring dumbly at it while Jihoon just tsks.
“To keep all the drinks,” he deadpans, like Seungcheol’s stupid for even asking a question like that. Seungcheol shakes his head, plucking the box out of the trolley and putting it back. Jihoon frowns, raising an eyebrow when Seungcheol rounds the corner, re-appearing with a giant cooler box on wheels.
“No, no you gotta use a cooler! A nice big one to keep the drinks chilled properly,” he insists. Jihoon rolls his eyes, turning his nose up at the stupidly expensive box, defiantly picking up the styrofoam box again.
“This will do just fine! What are we gonna do with a giant cooler box after the party anyway?” Jihoon challenges, but Seungcheol refuses to give in, and Jihoon throws his hands up in frustration. “Let’s just get the damn drinks, we can come back to this shit later,” he grumbles, stuffing his hands into his pockets, and Seungcheol shrugs, leisurely following Jihoon towards the drink aisle.
They end up with more drinks than fifteen people can (presumably) drink, and not a lot of ways to carry them. Jihoon, as Seungcheol is quickly learning, is frustratingly (read: endearingly) stubborn when he wants to be, picking up the cartons before Seungcheol can take them.
He stops Jihoon from trying to carry his body weight in liquor and soft drinks, offering what he thinks is a kind, helping hand. Jihoon, of course, reacts in a way only Jihoon can react.
“Are you implying that I’m weak?” Jihoon snaps, glaring (or trying to) at Seungcheol over the top of the boxes. It takes everything Seungcheol has to not burst into laughter because he just looks so cute, but he manages to get himself under control.
“No, no of course not, but you uh… also can’t really see where you’re going, so I thought I’d offer,” he says delicately, and Jihoon makes an incoherent noise of assent, grumpily letting Seungcheol take half the boxes he was attempting to carry. They dump the drinks in Seungcheol’s car before they stand awkwardly next to each other, unsure of what to do or say, letting the silence slowly engulf them.
“Let’s grab dinner,” Seungcheol blurts, ears turning red before he can take it back. “I mean, we can get some food and then I can drop you at home, I mean- your house!” he yelps, and Jihoon stares at the figure skater like he’s grown a third head. Seungcheol flails uselessly, hands fidgeting nervously as he watches the cogs in Jihoon’s pretty blonde head turn, lighting up when the hockey player nods slowly.
“It’s not a date,” he warns quickly, ears quickly turning red. “It better not be, or I’ll kick you with my skates,” he huffs, turning away with a huff. Seungcheol can’t help the grin splitting his face as he climbs into the car.
“It can be whatever you want it to be,” he glances at the younger man,  praying he isn’t pushing too hard, watching as Jihoon sputters indignantly.
“NOT A DATE!” he yelps, smacking Seungcheol in a panic. Seungcheol bursts into laughter, as Jihoon glares at him. “For that you’re paying, and I want meat,” he huffs, chin pushed out defiantly as he dares Seungcheol to refuse him.
Seungcheol chuckles, turning to face the disgruntled skater, grinning wickedly. “Yes dear,” he coos, and Jihoon groans, head thunking quietly against the headrest.
“Fuck, I really need a drink,” he mutters, turning away and shutting his eyes while Seungcheol hums to the muted music. He glances at Seungcheol, drinking in the way the streetlamps outline his silhouette, almost contouring the lean, muscular lines of his arms.
God, he’s really hot, Jihoon thinks helplessly, forcing himself to turn away before Seungcheol catches him staring. He watches the street fly past, wondering idly if Seungcheol was genuinely interested or if he just wanted to rile Jihoon up.
“You’re thinking really loudly,” Seungcheol says suddenly, and Jihoon startles, letting out a surprised squeak. Seungcheol glances quickly towards Jihoon, who just shrugs, claiming he’s thinking about food.
Seungcheol laughs, wanting to probe further (because seriously, no one thinks that hard about food), but they arrive at the restaurant before he can ask. Jihoon practically throws himself out of the car, claiming to be starving, and Seungcheol snorts, figuring that Jihoon probably would be full after two portions of beef or something.
He should’ve known.
An hour later, he’s staring at Jihoon in mild horror as he polishes off his third bowl of rice, and his nine (and counting) portions of meat. Seungcheol’s only on his second bowl, and already his stomach feels like exploding.
 “How the fuck do you eat so much?” He gapes, and Jihoon shrugs, taking a sip (read: gulp) of his soju.
“Your lips are so pretty, soooooo prettyyyy,” he grins dopily, reaching for the soju again and pouring himself another shot. Seungcheol blinks, frozen in shock (and fear, because did Jihoon just compliment him????)
“W-what?” Seungcheol stammers, and Jihoon lifts a finger lazily, poking Seungcheol in the chest, eyes unfocused and –
It hits Seungcheol suddenly. Jihoon’s drunk. Like, full on, giggling and cute and slurring drunk. He looks at the empty bottle of soju next to Jihoon and realizes that not only is Jihoon drunk, but he’s also this drunk after a single bottle of soju.
“Y-you,” he mumbles, eyes wandering before focusing on Seungcheol. “You’re so hotand mus-muscular is not f-fair,” he hiccups, giggling when Seungcheol’s cheeks flush. “Pretty too when you blush- take me home hyung,” he blurts suddenly, head flopping into his waiting palm. “Tired, want cuddles,” he pouts, and Seungcheol nearly goes into cardiac arrest.
He quickly calls for the bill, helping Jihoon slip his jacket back on. Jihoon clings to him, nuzzling Seungcheol’s chest, quietly whining for cuddles. He taps his card on the machine and tugs Jihoon out of the restaurant so he doesn’t do something he’ll regret later on.
“Cuddlessssss hyung,” Jihoon whines, pouting up at Seungcheol again and fuck, Seungcheol so desperately wants to kiss the pout away.
“It’s not a good idea Jihoonie, you’re really drunk right now,” he coaxes gently, trying to offend a drunk Jihoon as little as possible. Jihoon pouts even harder, clinging tighter to Seungcheol’s jacket sleeve, nestled perfectly into his side.
“No, no, no hyung need cuddles,” he insists, and Seungcheol sighs, giving in and tugging him to the car, heading to his apartment so he can at least make sure Jihoon doesn’t hurt himself while he’s drunk.
For someone so much smaller, he’s surprisingly strong. It takes him an hour to finally get Jihoon into bed, with most of said hour taken up by Jihoon insisting he have his required cuddles. He tucks Jihoon into his bed after forcing the younger to take some Aspirin, and flops onto the couch, sighing heavily.
Fuck, Jihoon’s so fucking cute.
The hockey player however, definitely does not feel cute. He cracks his eyes open and jerks upright, groaning when the movement makes his head pound.
“Where the fuck am I?” he grimaces, glancing around at the unfamiliar surroundings. “At least I’m clothed this time,” he sighs, peeking out the open door, trying to get a glimpse of whoever it is that brought him… wherever here is.
Did I get kidnapped or something dear god why don’t I remember anything, why the fuck do I drink alcohol– “WHAT THE FUCK CHOI SEUNGCHEOL PUT ON A GODDAMN SHIRT!”
Seungcheol jumps so hard at Jihoon’s exclamation he almost breaks something, and he flails, apologizing repeatedly as he scrambles to put a shirt on. (Jihoon half wishes he wouldn’t, even though he told him to because hot damn, ice skater boy is hella fine) Seungcheol, in his flustered state, desperately tries to not trip over the various pillows Jihoon had apparently kicked to the floor, but before he can shout a warning, Seungcheol trips on a pillow and tumbles onto the bed.
Right on top of Jihoon.
The air whooshes out of Jihoon’s lungs as Seungcheol lands on him, and he finds himself staring into the prettiest, widest eyes he’s ever seen. Their lips are so close they’re practically brushing.
Fuck, he’s so pretty, Jihoon thinks breathlessly, silently hoping Seungcheol would make a move, but the older comes to his senses and throws himself backwards, much to Jihoon’s disappointment relief.
“You’re heavier than a sack of potatoes,” Jihoon huffs raspily, still breathless, although he’s not sure if it’s from Seungcheol trying to flatten him or if it’s from the overwhelming emotion he’s trying to hide.
Seungcheol dusts himself off, mumbling something about getting ready for the party and making breakfast, disappearing from the room, and Jihoon sighs, grabbing his phone and texting Soonyoung to grab his outfit before meeting at the rink. Soonyoung responds with an affirmative, followed by more smirky emojis, and Jihoon contemplates Soonyoung’s murder for the second time in as many days.
He wanders out into the kitchen after a shower, wearing Seungcheol’s smallest clothes (which are still three sizes too big), looking around the spotless space Seungcheol apparently lives in. He turns to Seungcheol, who’s setting down some hangover stew and rice, and motioning for Jihoon to come in.
“What’s all this for?” he asks, grabbing the rice bowl and taking a sip of the hot stew, sighing happily when he feels it soothe his empty, growling stomach. Seungcheol shrugs, picking up the other rice bowl and loading it with pickled radish.
“Consumption and energy, but also I’m sorry for scaring you awake like that,” he mumbles through a mouthful of rice. “You were kinda drunk and I was worried about leaving you alone in your apartment, so I brought you to mine  hope that’s okay,” he frowns, swallowing and looking at Jihoon worriedly.
Jihoon laughs, shaking his head gently. “Yeah, that’s fine I should’ve warned you that I was a lightweight. sorry about all the trouble, and thanks for the food.”
Seungcheol grins at him, turning his attention to their shared bowl of stew before Jihoon inhales all of it (again). A ping from both their phones just as they finish, and they scramble to get ready before Jisoo beheads them for being late to his beloved’s surprise birthday party.
“Hurry up of Jisoo hyung will literally kill us,” Jihoon nags, grumbling when Seungcheol comes out of the apartment with the cooler. “Can’t believe you talked me into buying the fucking cooler,” he huffs, and Seungcheol just laughs, telling Jihoon to pull up the directions and tell Jisoo that they’re on the way.
 Jisoo, on the other hand, is a nervous mess. He knows he’s planned everything to the best of his ability, and there’s literally nothing else he can do, but he’s still scared.
What if Jeonghan figures it out?
What if they all arrive later?
What if Jeonghan doesn’t arri–
His train of thought breaks off when he sees his boyfriend walk through the arrival doors. He runs up to Jeonghan and literally throws himself in his arms.
“Hello to you too baby,” Jeonghan laughs, hugging Jisoo back equally tightly, lips pressed against Jisoo’s hair.
Jisoo sighs, pulling away and handing Jeonghan the flowers and the gift, excitement humming through his veins. “Happy birthday Hannie,” he grins.
Jeonghan lights up at the roses, pressing them carefully to his nose and sniffing delicately, handing them back to Jisoo with a kiss so he can open his present. He tears the wrapping eagerly, gasping when he sees the silver necklace nestled in the black satin. Jisoo beams, tugging something from under his collar.
“We match,” he murmurs, and Jeonghan’s grin gets impossibly bigger. Jisoo takes the box from Jeonghan, carefully taking the necklace and securing it around Jeonghan’s neck, watching as the necklace sparkles prettily between his clavicles.
“It’s beautiful, I love it,” Jeonghan hums, pulling Jisoo close for a kiss. “and I love you,” he breathes, humming contentedly when Jisoo blushes hotly.
He presses another quick kiss to his boyfriend’s lips, pulling away slightly. “Do you trust me?” he asks, Jeonghan nods immediately eyebrows disappearing into his hairline when Jisoo pulls a blindfold out of his pocket.
“In public? How kinky,” Jeonghan teases, laughing harder when Jisoo swats him huffily, but he takes the blindfold, securing it over his eyes when they’re in the car. His vision goes dark immediately, and it’s a little uneasy, but Jisoo assures him that everything’s going to be great.
 Seokmin’s (and everyone else’s, really) phone pings with another update. “GET READY!!!” he screeches, and everyone scrambles to get into position. Seungkwan yelps, rolling out the carpet so Jeonghan doesn’t faceplant on the ice in regular shoes, and they wait in silence, staring at the entrance eagerly.
 Jisoo appears with a still blindfolded Jeonghan, and they stay frozen in position until Jeonghan’s standing in the middle of the rink.
“Three,” Jisoo whispers to Jeonghan, who’s already itching to take his blindfold off. “Two,” he breathes, hand raised as he counts down to the surprise reveal.
Jeonghan startles so hard he nearly falls over, and his eyes widen as he takes in the familiar faces suddenly surrounding him, gasping when he finally recognizes where he is. Jisoo grins so brightly, watching the emotions play across Jeonghan’s face.
“How-“ he stammers, staring at everyone who’s cheering and clapping, laughing as they celebrate a successful surprise. “You did this?” he asks incredulously, staring at Jisoo.
 “Yep! Happy birthday Jeonghannie,” he giggles. “I have one more surprise for you though, but you gotta put on your skates first.”
Jisoo knows Jeonghan can put on skates quickly, but he’s never seen anyone put them on that fast. It’s endearing, really, knowing how eager Jeonghan is for his second surprise. He steps off the carpet, spinning gracefully before he turns to Jisoo.
“Surprise, now,” he pouts.
“Still as demanding as ever,” a deep, husky voice breaks through, and Jeonghan whirls around, breath hitching as he sees someone he honestly never thought he’d see again.
“Ssaem,” Jeonghan breathes, vision suddenly blurry as he launches himself forward, enveloping the elderly man in a crushing hug. The old nightguard laughs, holding Jeonghan equally tightly, blinking away the tears clinging to his lashes.
Jeonghan lets out a sob, burying his face into his teacher’s shoulder, shaking from the overwhelming emotions. The guard takes it in stride, petting Jeonghan’s back comfortingly, and Jeonghan pulls away, still sniffling, but grinning widely now.
“S-still not dead yet I see,” he jokes tearfully, and the guard guffaws, smacking Jeonghan lightly upside the head.
“Still disrespectful I see,” he fires back. “Now stop your baby crying, this is a party so we damn well be celebrating,” he pats Jeonghan on the back again, and the figure skater wipes his face clean, nodding.
“Let’s get fucking liT!”
 The party winds down after a couple hours, with everyone either in food comas, drunk or exhausted from Seungkwan and Soonyoung’s games. Seungcheol spots Jihoon drinking his (hopefully alcohol free) coke, watching as Jeonghan and Jisoo dance and spin in a corner of the rink.
“So,” he starts, making Jihoon jump in surprise, but Seungcheol decides to push on. “So.. since we did spend a night together,” he pauses, and Jihoon turns to glare at him murderously.
“Die in a hole, thanks,” he hisses, taking a sip of his drink. “What do you want?”
Seungcheol chuckles, leaning against the barrier. “Go out to dinner with me. Like, y’know, a date,” he blurts, praying Jihoon can’t hear his heart thundering in his chest.
They both fall silent, watching Jeonghan and Jisoo perform their duet for Jeonghan’s old teacher. Seungcheol tries not to fidget, but he’s desperate to know Jihoon’s answer. The duet ends, and Jihoon turns to face Seungcheol.
“One one condition,” he says, and Seungcheol nods immediately. “Keep me away from the alcohol. I don’t need, or want, to remember me waxing fucking poetry about how pretty you are– “
Seungcheol’s grin is blindingly bright, and Jihoon feels his heart stutter for a moment. “Aw,” he coos, and Jihoon’s already beginning to regret his decision. “You think I’m pretty!”
“I  take it back, I don’t want to go on a date with you,” Jihoon grumbles, pushing uselessly at Seungcheol’s chest.
“Too late! I’m about to make a reservation for a BBQ place” he chirps, and Jihoon sighs defeatedly, playfully rolling his eyes at the figure skater.
Jisoo catches Soonyoung’s eye as he skates past, pointing at Jihoon huddled up with Seungcheol in the corner of the rink. Jeonghan raises an eyebrow questioningly, wondering what his deviously brilliant boyfriend is up to this time.
“Long story, tell you when we get home,” he winks. “Maybe I’ll even let you use the blindfold on me.”
Jeonghan chokes, and everyone else makes a face.
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