leonardovaldezz · 2 years
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percy jackson ft. using tennis player poses as reference
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leonardovaldezz · 2 years
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infodump adhd vs totally spaced out adhd GO
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
leo recording a video of him (5’5) jumping clean over reyna’s (5’9) head and splicing it with clips of him skateboarding with animated fire igniting on the wheels as graphics pop up randomly saying things like “cool move!” “radical” and “totally tubular” as reyna stands far off in the background barely noticeable with her arms crossed sunglasses on and her head just barely nodding imperceptibly to the beat of the chaotic background music he chose
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
might not have a wap but at least all my top posts are mine
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
Dude, same. School sucks even if i get out at 1.
I feeel, I don’t know how I’m gonna survive this college is hard 😭
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
It’s the way I’m exhausted despite it only being the first day 😭😭
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of Percy Jackson from the thigh up on a bright yellow background. He looks right, smiling and relaxed, one hand on his hip and the other holding his bronze sword Riptide. He has brown skin and green eyes, with dark tightly curled hair that is long on the top and buzzed on the sides. He wears an orange t-shirt rolled at the sleeves with a small “CHB” embroidered on the top left of the torso. He also wears his camp necklace with four beads, a turquoise bracelet, and black adidas joggers with white stripes. End ID.]
happy birthday legend!!
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
Are you wondering what we mean when we criticize they way the books and characters are written? Are you wondering what we could possibly be talking about? Does it make absolutely no sense to you that we’re ‘attacking’ the books you love so much?
Here is your answer
The first problem within this entire mess of a post is the actual author of the book itself thinking it’s okay to link Harriet Tubman and the plague that is slavery to a fictional story about Gods and Goddesses and their children to explain hard hitting historical events such as slavery and the Underground Railroad.
“Why isn’t it okay?” You ask? It isn’t okay because it downplays the history, the horror and the pain that was American Slavery into some fun story about a woman who was using a fictional maze to ‘help people out’.
The second problem, as a result of these books, is that people within this fandom or people who have read the books now thinking that it is perfectly okay to say things like “I want a book about Harriet Tubman as a Hermes kid!” As well as not being able to process real life situations outside of the fictional lense.
You’re wondering why we critique the books you love so much? Here is your answer. Stop ignoring it.
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i want a spin-off series about Harriet Tubman using the Labyrinth as part of the Underground Railroad
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
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@tridentgum made a post about the missing credit cards that the original trio got from the lotus hotel. they had an unlimited amount of money!!! 😌 anyway, the only description from tlt was that the LotusCash was green, but it's a high-tech magical hotel, so i assume they have super cool and personalized cards. also... its magic anyway 😩 now i'm wondering what the cards for the di angelo's looks like... 🤔
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
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everyone say happy birthday to the king of new york 👑
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
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In the critically acclaimed children’s fantasy series Percy Jackson and the Olympians, author Rick Riordan creates a complex setting in which Greek mythology is intertwined with modern society. The main character, Perseus “Percy” Jackson, becomes a hero not by choice but by his duty to save the world which he has come to love. However, due to the nature of popular media, recently there has arisen a point of conflict as to whether or not Percy is white. In this essay, I will…
Keep reading
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
I am kinda conflicted, I am a fan of rick riordian and have read all current pjo, hoo Magnus chase and toa books (need to go through my tbr list before I pick up kane chronicles) so I wanna read the new book but at the same time after all that has come out about Rick's representation being bad I kinda dont want to
Simply don't then! or pirate the books so you're not giving any money....or get the information second hand through tumblr like I do
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
So you are taking requests? Idk why but I really would love to see something preator squad ™ (Reyna, Frank, Jason and Percy) related. Oh and I loved your Coffeeshop AU btw! 😍
Ooft took me a while to figure out what to do for these guys and also to find diverse pictures lol 💀💀
Anyway, here’s a lil Youtuber AU where Reyna, Frank, Jason and Percy are semi-popular stunt/parkour/freerunner youtubers!
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A lil Hazel cameo because camp jupiter 😌😌
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Some chaotic praetors shenanigans
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And some wholesomeness
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And one of their videos
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Hope you liked it! (And yes I am kinda obsessed w the youtube edits because I spent all night on thursday making a template for them 😭😭)
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
I think something many people have lost the ability to do is to recognize the intersectionality of good and bad and their ability to reside within one person. Something I’ve noticed about many of the responses to RR criticism is people saying things like: “he has a whole series dedicated to boosting authors of color” and “he didn’t have bad intentions when writing these characters you’re being far too harsh”, or something else along those lines.
Rick Riordan has done many good things, this is true and, speaking for myself, I am not disputing those good things. But that doesn’t erase the problems within his books, or his response to people acknowledging those problems, and it’s okay as well as important to call him out on those things. Nothing is as simple as good or bad, and for me at least it’s not all black and white. His characters of color have been poor representation. That is a valid criticism, it’s time we stop looking at people we might admire, people in positions of power, etc, and putting them on a pedestal of ‘all goodness’.
Disregarding valid criticism because that person is your ‘fave’ and has done some good things is an extremely dangerous road to go down. Justifying or ignoring the bad because you’d rather focus on the good is problematic not only to the people around you but to yourself; take off your rose colored glasses, learn that it’s okay to experience all aspects of good and bad and whatever’s in between.
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
I would like to first and foremost mention that it is not my responsibility to spoon feed information to anyone, if you found my post you most certainly can and do have the ability to search through the rr-critical tag to find the answers to your questions. This isn’t coming out of no where, fans of color have continuously called Rick out for his poor representation throughout the duration of his books. But, here is a masterlist of all of the problems as well as a response to the letter I referenced in my post.
Racism, implicit bias, and fetishization are all taught and learned behaviors. If one actively participates/does any of these things themselves, it is effectively easier to pass these thoughts down to any youth who takes a second to listen. It is even easier when you have a large platform to do so.
The behavior Rick Riordan has displayed not only over the past few days, but in the duration of the journey of his books, speaks to how little he cares about passing these three things onto the youth that consume his content. Instead of actively seeking credible sources, he relied heavily on his own racism, bias and fetishization of minority groups and hid it behind “I had a Muslim student once who told me this was all true”. Now, this is not saying the experience of middle school children, the demographic that Rick Riordan teaches, is invalid, but it is saying that middle school is a rapid period of growth and identity searching. Middle schoolers should be allowed to explore this without a middle aged white man, who is in the position of being their teacher, taking what they say as law. Not to mention: it is one source. Successful research utilizes a multitude of sources, stories, and people. Children, teens and adults who live and breathe that culture/religion.
Diversity isn’t a checklist of races and cultures you check off every time you sprinkle one in. Rick Riordan doesn’t get a pat on the back for having diverse characters because in the end they perpetuate harmful stereotypes to younger generations; thus continuing the cycle of racism and implicit bias against Poc. Bad representation is not representation. In his letter, he blatantly disregards the voice of the groups of people he should be listening to the most, which not only shows how little he actually cares about Poc besides gaining clout from using them in his stories, but is also dangerous for the young people that hang off his every word. If he doesn’t listen to Poc, why should they?
As a privileged white man Rick Riordan is not in a position to negate the criticism of his poc characters by his poc audience. And I encourage you all to think about how blatantly disrespectful his response to this criticism has been. Bad representation aids in the regression of progress and the continuation of racism. Take a step back and look around at the people it’s hurting.
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
Finding references for curly hair is hard
Googling curly hair isn’t hard, but so you don’t have to do what much work here are some pictures of me as references:
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leonardovaldezz · 4 years
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wishing every day that we got to see leo and nico being the rowdy bois together they were so obviously meant to be
follow me on insta!!
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