#( development. ☀ )
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Mavis não era nenhuma guerreira: mesmo antes de afastar-se do Acampamento para viver entre os mortais, lutar nunca fora seu forte, preferindo aprender com os veteranos na enfermaria a costurar feridas abertas, fazer curativos e administrar exatamente a medida correta de néctar a um semideus machucado.
O arco e flecha era mais uma medida preventiva do que uma arma para ataque. Era uma excelente arqueira, sim — o que não era muita coisa para o filho de Apolo médio, mas certamente uma vantagem entre os outros semideuses —, e havia sido treinada em todos os tipos de combate antes de amarrar-se à arquearia, como qualquer outro campista recém-chegado. Contudo, agir primeiro custava para Mavis, que só pensava em puxar uma flecha quando o perigo já estava quase perto demais para que ela mirasse e atirasse. Para ela, defesa era seu primeiro e único instinto — o que enfurecera alguns de seus instrutores de combate na adolescência.
Assim, quando soube que havia uma oficina de armas em Waterland no dia que Afrodite e Eros haviam preparado para os campistas, inicialmente, ela não esboçara animação. Parecia o tipo de atração que só visitaria se lhe sobrasse tempo. Preferira brincar no carrossel com Flynn, nas bigas de bate-bate com Pietra, nas flechas de Eros com Héktor. Ganhara prêmios, passara tempo com os amigos e irmãos e, se parasse por ali, ficaria satisfeita. Mas então um dos amigos insistiu para que ela o acompanhasse à oficina e, como Mavis não sabia negar os pedidos de ninguém que amava, concordou.
Na oficina, ela encontrou uma variedade de armas e moldes que certamente deixaria um filho de Ares de antenas em pé. A presença e auxílio de autômatos era estranha e, ao mesmo tempo, empolgante: admirava as criações de Hefesto e seus filhos, mas, como alguém que vivera grande parte de sua vida entre humanos comuns, não conseguia evitar a sensação de que tudo aquilo era bizarro e fora da realidade demais para ela — e ela já havia visto muitas criaturas mitológicas bizarras e fora da realidade antes.
Em vez das espadas, adagas e lanças, porém, o que animou Mavis foi algo bem menor em tamanho, ainda que não em complexidade. Setas de flechas. A ideia lhe foi sugerida enquanto vasculhava os moldes já prontos na oficina, pouco inspirada pelas opções. Forjar suas próprias flechas, por outro lado… A maioria das suas foi presenteada pelo pai junto ao arco, Lyra, e as que haviam se perdido entre missões ou quebrado ao cravarem-se em monstros foram substituídas por flechas forjadas pelos filhos de Hefesto no Bunker 9, a seu pedido. Como o arco era feito de ouro imperial em vez do metal grego comum, bronze celestial, as encomendas podiam demorar até o material romano chegar à Colina Meio-Sangue, mas continuava usando-o por ter sido o que seu pai havia escolhido para ela.
“E uma aljava?” Ela perguntou ao autômato que a auxiliava. “Eu poderia fazer uma também?”
A resposta era sim, e um sorriso cresceu das pontas dos lábios de Mavis ao escutá-la. De repente, o desinteresse anterior tornava-se empolgação. A aljava que já possuía, a única parte do conjunto que não fora dada diretamente por Apolo, era uma criação do Acampamento e demonstrava os sinais da passagem do tempo desde que a adquirira.
Foi dessa forma que Mavis saiu de Waterland com uma nova aljava e um conjunto de flechas novas. Na aljava, desenhos de sóis e passarinhos haviam sido esculpidos em dourado, entrelaçados como se vinhas de ouro passassem por eles; já em cada uma das flechas, quase na ponta das setas, ela havia incluído um pequeno sol. Um detalhe pequeno que, para ela, era tão significativo. Apolo poderia estar desaparecido, mas seus filhos o representavam em todos os lugares, carregando seu legado — até quando não era escolha deles. Além disso, daquela vez, preferira fazer uma aljava não para as costas, mas sim para a cintura, assim poderia carregar ambos compartimentos ao mesmo tempo.
Mavis não era nenhuma guerreira, e mesmo naquele momento, enquanto saía da oficina com seu novo equipamento em mãos, ela não se via como uma. Aqueles tempos, no entanto, eram como nenhum outro que havia vivido, e quanto mais eles passavam, mais se questionava até quando não seria uma guerreira. Então talvez devesse começar a se preparar e, pela primeira vez, atirar primeiro. @silencehq
#❪ ☀ 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽 ❫ ——— point of view.#❪ ☀ 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 ❫ ——— development.#event: o amor está no ar.#povzinho da oficina de hefesto <3#agora voltemos aos rascunhos e às dívidas !!!
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Here's what you missed on Lucian:
A quebra do silêncio dos deuses se provara uma péssima coisa para Lucian. Fazia anos que não saia numa missão oficial e o resultado da primeira missão após o seu retorno foi um tanto... desastrosa. Acabara ferido pelas formigas gigantes enquanto investigava a fenda com Dove e Joseph, encontraram uma segunda fenda e ainda por cima, trombaram com o cão infernal no caminho de volta, fazendo com que Lucian ficasse assistindo enquanto seus companheiros davam conta da criatura. Se não estivesse tão machucado, acreditava que teriam conseguido derrotar o monstro. Porém, seus colegas de missão deram prioridade a sua segurança, deixando que o cão infernal desaparecesse enquanto o carregavam.
Durante o retorno, o filho de Apolo perdeu a consciência diversas vezes, o veneno das myrmekes correndo por suas veias. Só veio dar sinal de vida no dia seguinte, repousando na maca ao lado de Stevie, de Niké, que também havia sido vítima das formigas. Seus comentários trouxeram um breve sorriso aos lábios de Lucian embora ainda estivesse fazendo careta devido a queimadura de ácido que corroera sua braçadeira.
Os dias se passaram e veio a revelação sobre o desaparecimento de Apolo e as coisas começaram a fazer sentido em sua cabeça. O constante tempo nublado vinha lhe incomodando há algum tempo e finalmente ter alguma resposta sobre o assunto era um alívio. Que é claro estava acompanhado de ressentimento. Se não fosse por Veronica, quem sabe por quanto tempo Quíron e o Sr. D. manteriam a informação em segredo?
Lucian fazia suas as palavras que Yasemin jogou na cara dos dois, eram basicamente os mesmos questionamentos que passavam por sua cabeça. Sentia-se traído pela direção do acampamento. O semideus jamais hesitara em compartilhar suas previsões através de desenhos com eles, e fora ingênuo o suficiente para acreditar que a confiança era uma via de mão dupla. Estava terrivelmente errado. Hale não compartilharia o conteúdo de seus sonhos com eles, não por agora.
Apesar da raiva que sentia da direção do acampamento, Lucian fizera sua parte na tentativa de emboscar o cão infernal. Ainda remoía o fato de que a criatura continuava andando por aí depois de terem topado com ela durante sua missão. Seu instinto era o de lançar flecha atrás de flecha no monstro, uma vingança poética para a criatura responsável pela morte de Aidan.
Seus planos foram por água abaixo quando reparou a reação de seus irmãos mais novos. O desejo de vingança era compartilhado por muitos residentes do chalé sete, o vazio causado pelo luto sendo preenchido por uma sede de violência. Já tinha visto aquele tipo de reação antes. Foi a mesma que tivera diante da Batalha do Labirinto e a morte de Lee. Alguém precisava cuidar dos mais novos. Sabendo exatamente como se sentiam, Lucian se voluntariou para o trabalho.
O clima no acampamento tinha voltado a sua "normalidade anormal", enquanto Lucian passava mais e mais tempo na biblioteca tentando interpretar seus desenhos. E aí veio o anúncio o tal do baile de gala. Tinha que confessar que não estava nem um pouco animado para o evento. A última coisa que queria fazer era participar de uma comemoração romântica. Fazia meses que tinha trocado São Francisco pelo Acampamento Meio-Sangue e quanto mais o tempo passava, mais Lucian se arrependia de não ter contado para seu namorado sobre sua herança divina.
Com a mensagem de Dionísio e sua previsão sobre a Rachel, Hale fez as malas e partiu para Long Island com a desculpa esfarrapada de uma "emergência de família". A ideia de procurar um apartamento com James quando seu contrato de aluguel acabasse indo para o brejo pois cá estava, com o contrato vencido e sem poder entrar em contato com o amado. Lucian não estava nem um pouco interessado em sentir o amor no ar quando nem tinha certeza se ainda estava em um relacionamento.
This is what you missed on Lucian.
#( ☀ a hunger and thirst for adventure / selfparas )#( ☀ here i am alive / development )#basicamente um pov falando sobre o que rolou com o moço no meu tempo fora do rp/como ele reagiu aos drops/etc#um recap#agora falta coragem pra fazer o da darcy
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o apartamento A3 da torre TWILIGHT não está mais vago. quem se mudou para lá foi YOON HAJUN, que tem VINTE E CINCO anos e, aparentemente, trabalha como HOST (CONHECIDO COMO SUN EM UM HOST-BAR EM GANGNAM) E ESTUDANTE DE ENGENHARIA AEROESPACIAL (SNU). estão dizendo que se parece muito com LEE KNOW, mas é bobagem. não esqueça de dar as boas vindas!
25 de outubro, sol em escorpião, lua em sagitário. demipanssexual, solteiro. línguas faladas: coreano, inglês, russo, japonês e chinês. aparência no dia a dia: blusas de nerd, óculos, cabelos desarrumado, jeans surrado e tênis. aparência no trabalho: elegante, sexy e com roupas mais escuras, algumas transparentes e mais justas. cabelos curtos, sempre com o mesmo corte, castanho claro, liso. mora no complexo a 5 anos.
No interior de Daegu, mais especificamente na famosa vila da maçã, vive a família Yoon, mais uma tradicional família coreana que vive com o pouco que as maçãs lhe rendem. É uma família grande, unida e cheia de carinho, não tem muito a oferecer e parece se contentar com isso, acomodados na vida simples e na rotina pesada de trabalho diário. Cultivar maçãs, ou comercializar frutas e seus derivados, ou trabalhar servindo comida caseira não parecia nada atraente para Yoon Hajun, o mais novo membro da família. O jovem se mostrou um verdadeiro gênio desde criança, aprendeu a fazer contas antes mesmo de aprender a falar, com dez anos já ajustava todos os eletrodomésticos da casa e tinha uma enorme curiosidade sobre coisas eletrônicas, além da sua enorme paixão pelo universo e as estrelas. Era muito novo quando escolheu seguir a carreira espacial, definiu o seu sonho em desenhar foguetes e não mudou, nem mesmo quando se tornou adulto. Se inscreveu para o vestibular de engenharia aeroespacial, mas disse aos pais que estudaria agronomia em Seoul, que novas tecnologias estavam sendo ensinadas ali, então facilmente conseguiu organizar a sua mudança e, foi realizar o seu sonho.
biografia completa abaixo
No interior de Daegu, mais especificamente na famosa vila da maçã, vive a família Yoon, mais uma tradicional família coreana que vive com o pouco que as maçãs lhe rendem. É uma família grande, unida e cheia de carinho, não tem muito a oferecer e parece se contentar com isso, acomodados na vida simples e na rotina pesada de trabalho diário. Cada membro da família tem um único investimento que nunca muda: a educação, para que possam evoluir um pouco, a decisão é que todos só estudam coisas relacionadas à agricultura, foi assim que o comércio da família foi crescendo cada vez mais. Agora a família tem até um restaurante familiar bem famoso na vila, no qual o futuro de todos os membros parecem estar ligados a isso.
Cultivar maçãs, ou comercializar frutas e seus derivados, ou trabalhar servindo comida caseira não parecia nada atraente para Yoon Hajun, o mais novo membro da família. O jovem se mostrou um verdadeiro gênio desde criança, aprendeu a fazer contas antes mesmo de aprender a falar, com dez anos já ajustava todos os eletrodomésticos da casa e tinha uma enorme curiosidade sobre coisas eletrônicas, além da sua enorme paixão pelo universo e as estrelas. Era muito novo quando escolheu seguir a carreira espacial, definiu o seu sonho em desenhar foguetes e não mudou, nem mesmo quando se tornou adulto.
Não foi algo que agradou a família, Hajun passou a ter problemas por ser diferente e ter um sonho que mudava os planos daquela família, o seu destino traçado não parecia ter mudança alguma, então decidiu tomar as rédeas de sua vida, usando de um truque básico e meio sujo: a mentira. Se inscreveu para o vestibular de engenharia aeroespacial, mas disse aos pais que estudaria agronomia em Seoul, que novas tecnologias estavam sendo ensinadas ali, então facilmente conseguiu organizar a sua mudança e, foi realizar o seu sonho. Apenas depois de atingir a maioridade que dividiu esse segredo com a família, o que causou problemas em relação à confiança entre Hajun e a sua família, mas não durou muito tempo, principalmente quando foi notado que ele conseguia viver sozinho na cidade grande.
E mesmo depois de tudo isso, a falta de apoio dos familiares continuaram, mesmo Hajun provando diariamente o seu potencial, acabou se tornando completamente independente e isso resultou em ações mais desesperadas, em todos os empregos que conseguia, não ficava muito tempo devido a faculdade e acabava sendo demitido por atrasos e faltas repentinas sem aviso, foi garçom, caixa, atendente, e trabalhou até na construção civil, mas o que realmente lhe rendeu uma rotina segura foi o trabalho de Host. Em todos os lugares em que trabalhava, a sua beleza era algo que se destacava muito, sempre sendo assediado por proprietários de boates que focam em pessoas bonitas para o atendimento aos seus clientes, a ida até aquela boate em Gangnam foi pelo desespero em não conseguir fechar o mês.
Mesmo assim, precisa dividir o seu apartamento para conseguir se manter estável, mas agora com um apartamento que também se tornou fixo em sua vida, já que vivia mudando de canto em canto, de buraco para buraco, porque não conseguia se manter em lugar nenhum, nem mesmo os dormitórios que a própria faculdade cedia aos alunos de baixa renda. Com todas as economias que tinha, pegou as poucas coisas que tinha em seu último quarto e se mudou, esperando assim fazer com que a família finalmente entendesse, enquanto ele tivesse esse sonho, ele não iria desistir tão cedo.
Hajun foi para Haneul porque foi o mais barato que encontrou, já que não tem tanto dinheiro assim. Não tem muita coisa para colocar em seu apartamento e precisou de alguns meses para ter algumas coisas, como um sofá, uma cama para sustentar o seu colchão, que até aquele momento estava sobre papelões espalhados no chão, uma geladeira e um fogão. Existem algumas dificuldades que atrapalham um pouco, como a distância pro trabalho e a distância para a faculdade, tendo gastos que acabam dificultando um pouco as coisas, mas a sua dedicação e determinação faz com que ele aguente tudo numa boa, desde que se torne um bom engenheiro, dali em diante, ele poderia melhorar de vida.
VAGA DE GARAGEM: Ocupa uma vaga de moto com uma Lambretta LD 58 branca com vermelho.
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↪ not-so-brief introduction to percival ashworth.
full name: percival jasper charles ashworth. nickname(s): percy, pj. age: thirty-two. date of birth: 19 october 1992. zodiac sign: libra. place of birth: blackpool, lancashire, england, united kingdom. ethnicity: white, venezuelan. nationality: british. gender: demiboy ( he/they pronouns ). sexual orientation: pansexual. romantic orientation: panromantic. religion: neither of his parents were the most religious people in the world but percy was raised in an anglican household and baptized as a child. he wouldn’t consider himself religious in any capacity as an adult. education: bachelors of science in zoology ( university of derby ), masters in biodiversity, evolution & conservation ( university college london ), dphil in zoology ( university of oxford ). occupation: professor of zoology. language(s) spoken: english ( primarily ), french, german, russian, polish ( learned to the point of being able to carry on conversations during research projects across continental europe ). accent: he has a thick and immediately apparent northern english accent. though he’s lived in the united states for a couple years– it doesn’t take anyone more than a word or two to realize percy isn’t american. character inspiration: jamie taylor ( the haunting of bly manor ), newt scamander ( fantastic beasts and where to find them ).
face claim: sean teale. hair color: dark brown. eye color: dark brown. height: 6′2″. weight: 165 lbs. build: lanky, athletic. tattoos: a geometric lion / nature tattoo on his right forearm ( here ), an intricate, right half sleeve wolf on his left forearm ( here ), a small tattoo on the inside of his right bicep of the sun rising/falling over the ocean inspired by a drawing his baby brother gave him when they were children ( here ). piercings: he has a helix piercing in his right ear and a septum ring; he had an eyebrow piercing for a long while but took it out when he began guest lecturing and occasionally teaching in earnest– it’s healed up since then. distinguishing characteristics: his accent, how bright and warm he is, his tattoos & piercings, how smart he is ( or so he’s been told by many, many people after speaking to them for all of five minutes ).
label: the adventurer. positive traits: adventurous, articulate, brilliant, charismatic, charming, compassionate, considerate, dedicated, earnest, empathetic, forgiving, genuine, hardworking, intuitive, loyal, passionate, sociable, sweet, warm. negative traits: ambitious, competitive, proud, sarcastic, stubborn. assertive, boisterous, excitable, haughty, obsessive, possessive, silly, superstitious. goals/desires: to make a positive impact on his community, to live a better life as an adult than he did as a child, to spend the rest of his life doing things he loves, to fall in love and have a family of his own. fears: failure, proving to everyone where he grew up that he’s just as useless as they’d always claimed, disappointing his little brother, never seeing either of his brothers again, becoming anything like the worst parts of his parents. hobbies: spending time with his family, smoking ( both weed and tobacco cigarettes ), cooking, baking, gardening when he has the time to do it and the weather’s right for it, hiking, reading, doing research of almost any kind, spending time with his friends, going out– drinking, dancing, anything that lets him be social, watching nature documentaries, listening to podcasts, playing video games, learning new things, knitting, sex. quirks: he talks with his hands extensively, he self-corrects out loud if he uses british slang for something rather than the american equivalent, he rarely raises his voice for any reason at all, he can rattle off his favorite animals and fun facts about them at any given moment with no preparation whatsoever, he almost always has some pop song or another stuck in his head and can be heard humming it until he remembers the words. likes: animals of all kinds, mystery novels, nature documentaries, david attenborough, expensive liquor, pot brownies, baked goods of almost every kind, horror movies, music, flowers, being around people, sex, flirting, star wars, most marvel movies, rpg based video games, podcasts, true crime documentaries, his little brother, learning anything new, talking to people about things they’re passionate about, his adopted parents & family. dislikes: his older brother, his childhood, people who don’t respect him & the hard work that’s gone into getting him to where he is in life, dark chocolate, milk, toxic people, accidentally killing plants, being alone for long periods of time, boredom, people who pick fights just to pick fights, bigots.
father: simon james ashworth ( biological ). mark william eaton ( adopted ). mother: catherine ophelia chase ( biological ). rose katherine eaton née prescott ( adopted ). sibling(s): jack simon ashworth ( older ) & thomas rupert eaton ( younger ). michael andrew eaton ( older, adopted ). pet(s): a bernese mountain dog named luca and an australian cattle dog named koda. financial status: upper middle class.
( TW: teenage pregnancy, infidelity, drug use, overdose, death )
By all accounts— by every metric Percy could use to quantify the fact as an adult— Simon Ashworth and Catherine Chase had never been ready to be parents. Was anyone ever really ready to be a parent? It was a question Percy had asked himself constantly as he’d gotten older but it had never been his place to judge– his parents hadn’t done him any favors but for at least some time they had tried to be present and helpful and Percy could never fault them for that. Blackpool– a seaside resort town on the English coast– had been home to Simon and Cat as long as they both could remember but they had remained strangers to one another until they met through a mutual friend when they were seventeen years old. The attraction had been immediate– a spark neither of them were prepared to deal with but allowed to catch and ignite the moment they met, an encounter that resulted in an unplanned pregnancy and a great deal of responsibility neither of them wanted staring them both in the face. Simon dropped out of sixth form promptly to begin working in earnest and provide for the family he certainly hadn’t expected to have but was willing to work to support nonetheless; Cat, after informing her parents, remained in school at her parents’ request though their relationship became strained from that moment on.
When Jack was born the couple was delighted— Simon took to being a father rather quickly and seemed to enjoy it while Cat was an absent mother at best in spite of Simon’s many attempts to help her feel more present in their son’s life. It was no secret to anyone at all that Cat was cheating on Simon with what was rumored to be every eligible man in Blackpool and though Simon was heartbroken by the rumors and the confidence he felt in their truthfulness– he never brought the issue up with Cat– choosing instead to look after their son and try to hold their family together as best he could. It was yet another accident that marked Cat’s second pregnancy when Jack was five and though Simon wasn’t even reasonably confident that the child was his he again prepared himself to be a father as best he possibly could. Percy was born on a cool October morning and from the moment he uttered his first cry his father was devoted to him and for the first time his mother dove headfirst into caring for both of her children with a zeal she’d never demonstrated prior.
Though they were on the poorer side they were happy for a great deal of Percy’s initial childhood and seemed to be primed to be that much happier when Cat found out she was pregnant with her third child when Percy was seven. It was yet more of the same in the Ashworth-Chase household until Tommy was around two and Cat eloped with a family friend and informed Simon plainly that she couldn’t handle being stuck in a dead end town with a dead end life and three children she hadn’t wanted in the first place. Simon was devastated but for the first year or two following Cat’s departure he managed to hold both himself and the family together rather well. Percy– already a brilliant boy intellectually and a spot of sunshine in the world as far as his father was concerned– began to help around the house to take some of the worry away from his father even going so far as to look after his baby brother whenever he wasn’t at school. Jack, who was sixteen, more or less stopped coming home and though Percy was aware he was essentially living at a friend’s across town he considered his absence in his life nothing short of abandonment and even as an adult holds a deep resentment towards him for that fact.
Things for the Ashworth family began to unravel slowly— Simon began to spend what money he earned from work on cocaine and other drugs– he was still present and still loving but Percy found himself more and more becoming a parent to Tommy rather than a brother. When he was twelve Simon’s habits escalated to a rather expensive heroin addiction that Percy could hardly process, let alone deal with and though he tried his best to raise his brother and himself it was difficult for a child to raise another child. He was nearly thirteen when he came home from school with Tommy in tow to find their father had overdosed in their kitchen— an overdose that would, even after his frantic call to emergency services, eventually lead to his death. Without extended family to look after them and with Jack’s refusal to take on the responsibility of raising siblings he hardly knew both Percy and Tommy became wards of the court.
Percy– already with a reputation for being a brilliant student– threw himself into his studies with that much more zeal as he and Tommy adjusted to life with their first foster family; his IQ was tested and he was placed into progressively more advanced courses until he was taking university classes part-time by the time he entered year eleven. His foster parents supported him fully and there was frequent talk of adoption for both himself and Tommy— who was easily the most important person in his life bar none. He was very nearly eighteen by the time the adoption paperwork was processed and both he and Tommy were officially members of the Eaton family in all but name. Though he was reluctant to leave Tommy behind when he’d been his primary caregiver for so many years prior to being placed with their adoptive family it was the encouragement of his adoptive parents Mark and Rose that finally reassured Percy to the point of feeling comfortable applying to universities about as far away from Blackpool as he could get without leaving the country. Higher education was a world of splendor for Percy who had always been so fiercely curious and sharply intelligent– he finished his undergraduate degree six months earlier than most of his graduating class before moving on to study further.
Animals and zoology had been passions of his from the moment he visited a zoo for the first time on an outing with his parents when he was still very young. He was fascinated by animals of all sorts and wanted to know everything about how to care for them and preserve the environments they called home. It seemed the logical choice for him to follow his chosen course of study as far as he could– and when he was twenty-six he walked away from Oxford with a doctorate in zoology to his name and several research positions made available to him over the whole of continental Europe and beyond if he chose to take them. Traveling across Europe to do the thing he loved more than anything in the world was a gift Percy had never had any inkling of taking advantage of and he eventually began to give guest lectures at universities in major cities near his work sites as well as develop a passion for photography he found delightful to explore when he was researching in far away countries he’d never imagined even seeing as a child. When his research positions drew closer to their deadlines and the projects he’d been working on were finalized he began to search for another place to call home– though he had not, for a moment, imagined that that home would be in the United States.
He debated the prospect thoroughly— spent hours on the phone to his parents and his brothers before he committed to a job offer in Crossroads, Washington. It was a change in a great many ways but Percy had never been the sort of person to shy away from change and teaching, along with his research, had become passions for him unlike anything he’d ever known. Four years in and Crossroads felt as much like home to him as his parents’ home in Blackpool always had— his work was going well, his students seemed happy to have him and Percy was delighted to be in a place where he felt he was genuinely doing what he was meant to do with his life. At the very least, Percy was ready and deeply excited for the endless possibilities stretching out in front of him and an entire life in a place he’d come to love just over the horizon.
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" Maybe I should consider all of this a good thing: underestimating me has never done anyone any favors. "
#[ ☀ ⁱ ᵃᵐ ᵇᵒᵗʰ ʷᵃʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵒᵐᵃⁿ ;; ⁱᶜ ]#[ ☀ ᵈᵃˢʰ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗᵃʳʸ ;; ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵒˢˢⁱᵖ ˢᵗᵒⁿᵉˢ ᵒᵛᵉʳʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵗʰⁱˢ ]#when you've been underestimated your whole life and have developed a complex#or something 😅
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𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩.
i'll get over it; i just gotta be dramatic first.
☀ dossier ft. marlene.
☀ interactions ft. marlene.
☀ character development ft. marlene.
☀ musings ft. marlene.
☀ visage ft. marlene.
☀ ask memes ft. marlene.
☀ tasks ft. marlene.
☀ wardrobe ft. marlene.
☀ all posts ft. marlene.
☀ ooc. | created by me.
#☀ dossier ft. marlene.#☀ interactions ft. marlene.#☀ character development ft. marlene.#☀ musings ft. marlene.#☀ visage ft. marlene.#☀ ask memes ft. marlene.#☀ tasks ft. marlene.#☀ wardrobe ft. marlene.#☀ all posts ft. marlene.#☀ ooc. | created by me.
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𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢 ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩 ).
i wanna LIVE, not just survive.
♡ dossier. | kairi.
♡ musings. | kairi.
♡ visage. | kairi.
♡ ask memes. | kairi.
♡ interactions. | kairi.
♡ tasks. | kairi.
♡ character development. | kairi.
♡ all posts. | kairi.
☀ ali talks. | ooc.
☀ ali creates. | ooc.
#♡ dossier. | kairi.#♡ musings. | kairi.#♡ visage. | kairi.#♡ ask memes. | kairi.#♡ interactions. | kairi.#♡ tasks. | kairi.#♡ character development. | kairi.#♡ all posts. | kairi.#☀ ali talks. | ooc.#☀ ali creates. | ooc.
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I’m sorry what
I’m sorry w—
This au was inspired by—
I'm currently struggling to find my "ruin severely traumatizes blood moon to the point they cling onto everyone" confession (yes, i be editor L&E au maker) but i have some fun facts on that au.
blood moon clings onto sun & New moon/nexus the most.
the twins were, for a short time, in dark sun's universe (ran away trying to find nexus)
They’re terrified of old moon
ruin killed kc himself (a "necessary death" in his words)
this au was inspired by H-didanart's QTIPO au, mainly in the ruin traumatizing blood moon Department. (both bastards went about it in different ways)
after nexus’s death, the twins just curled up under sun's bed & cried
when lunar got ostracized from the family, the twins just hid from everyone. they were scared they’d be kicked out of the family
the twins have a comfort plushies for when things get stressful
blood moon ends up developing claustrophobia, Merinthophobia, & Nyctophobia because of ruin.
the twins managed to find kc's van & stay in there while hiding
🌙 ☀️ (im typing this on laptop )
I really hate that Ruin and that is saying something considering he's my favorite character. You know the writing is good when that happens.
#tsams au confessions#🌙☀ anon#posts by others#sorry to bother you mod#I kinda had to convey my surprise//excitement someway#I love this au#so they developed a phobia of the dark s phobia of enclosed spaces and a phobia of being bound//restrained#Ruin how could you#they went to look for Nexus. they went. to look. for Nexus#D:#and their trust issues are so much worse—#poor Bloodmoon :(
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TW: luto, gore, descrições de ferimentos e queimaduras.
Quando Mavis Delgado recobrou a consciência, era manhã. Ela estava em uma cama da enfermaria, olhares preocupados de seus irmãos à sua volta e uma ardência insuportável tomando-lhe metade das costas, que sequer tocavam o colchão, tendo sido posicionada de lado para que a queimadura exposta não encostasse no lençol.
Ela acordou tossindo, implorando por ar, o cheiro da fumaça e da carne pegando fogo ainda pungente e perturbador como na noite anterior. Sentou-se de supetão e, no momento em que o fez, as costas arderam ainda mais, despreparadas para o movimento súbito. Os Curandeiros foram ágeis em ampará-la, mas havia mais do que somente dor física na urgência de Mavis.
“Cadê o Andrea? Cadê o Lucian?!” Os olhos esquadrinharam desesperadamente o cômodo, em busca dos rostos dos irmãos que estavam com ela quando desmaiara.
Depois de uns minutos tentando acalmá-la, uma xícara de chá e algumas explicações, os Curandeiros finalmente convenceram-na a se deitar novamente. Informaram-lhe sobre o que havia acontecido depois que apagara: o traidor atacara o baile, o pavilhão fora tomado por fogo e Dionísio, junto a alguns semideuses, guiaram os outros campistas para fora antes do caos cessar. Andrea também havia parado na enfermaria, com uma cicatriz no peito para combinar com a da irmã, e Lucian passara mais cedo para visitá-los, mas deveria voltar em breve. As elegidas à Realeza do Baile — “e Yasemin?”, ela perguntara, “por favor, me digam que ela tá bem” — foram socorridas, os Filhos e Aprendizes da Magia haviam despertado e os feridos restantes estavam em outros leitos da enfermaria ou já tinham sido dispensados para seus chalés.
Só havia um detalhe que ninguém sabia como contá-la. O motivo para os semideuses estarem se reunindo em frente à Casa Grande, e para Quíron estar agora ocupado em providenciar uma mortalha com o emblema de Tânatos.
Na despedida de Aidan Moore, o choro de Mavis pôde ser ouvido por toda a extensão da Colina Meio-Sangue. Soluçava nos braços dos irmãos, negando-se a deixar que o cremassem, mesmo que soubesse que o estrago feito pelo Cão Infernal fora tão devastador que o que havia debaixo da mortalha parecia mais destroços do que um corpo. Soluçava até depois da cerimônia se encerrar, quando Quíron e os outros campistas foram, aos poucos, se retirando, deixando apenas a prole de Apolo a lamentar pelo irmão perdido. E soluçou pelos próximos dias, encolhida debaixo da coberta da cama, condenada a ser a única pessoa no mundo em quem seu dom acalentador não funcionava — afinal, havia limites para o quanto podia consolar a si mesma.
“Mas… Mas Flynn, ele… Eu vi ele hoje cedo.” Um riso soprado — triste, incrédulo — escapou de seus lábios ao entoarem aquelas palavras. “Nós… nós fomos no carrossel juntos, no parque. Eu vi ele hoje. Ele não…” O castanho nos olhos cintilava com as lágrimas começando a acumular-se neles. Nenhum de seus irmãos queria olhar para eles diretamente.
Diferente do velório de Aidan, Mavis não soluçou. Em vez disso, as lágrimas deslizaram silenciosamente pelas bochechas e pingaram da ponta do nariz para o travesseiro, desfazendo-se com elas os resquícios da maquiagem brilhosa da noite anterior.
“É tão cruel.” Disse ela, em voz baixa. “O deus da morte precisa levar o próprio filho.”
Após isso, seus irmãos foram, um a um, desejando-lhe melhoras e espalhando-se pela enfermaria. O movimento certamente levaria alguns dias para diminuir, como sempre acontecia após um ataque. O último a ir, também o Curandeiro responsável por ela, checou a queimadura em suas costas mais uma vez antes de alertá-la para que elas não tocassem em nada.
Mavis descobrira, ao pedir-lhe um espelho, que a maior parte do ferimento fora curada com magia, mas nem os esforços dos Curandeiros, nem a quantidade limitada de néctar que conseguiam administrá-la pôde fazer o trabalho completo. A cicatriz, que ia da metade de suas costas até o fim delas, já se formava nas beiradas da carne exposta, e Mavis não deixara de reparar no formato similar ao de uma estrela.
Havia sido tola em acreditar que, por pelo menos um dia, poderiam não se preocupar com o mau que os espreitava? Já não haviam aprendido, nos últimos meses, que nada no Acampamento Meio-Sangue ficava em paz por muito tempo? Mas como poderia aceitar que dor e perda era tudo que os aguardava? Mais que isso — como aceitar que era um deles, outro semideus, o responsável?
Como ele podia assistir um irmão queimar outro e não sentir nada?
“Que tipo de pessoa faz isso?” Deixou escapar em voz alta. O Curandeiro a encarou pesarosamente. Decerto, pensara que ela se referia à queimadura.
Quando suas lágrimas enfim secaram e os soluços cansaram-lhe a garganta, Mavis saiu pela porta da frente do chalé de Apolo com algo novo alojado em seu coração. O luto por Aidan permanecia intacto, porém, envolto a ele crescia um sentimento diferente. Determinação, como nunca havia sentido. Não deixaria nenhuma outra pessoa amada morrer daquela forma. Não choraria aquelas lágrimas de novo.
Um sentimento similar se alojava agora, enquanto encarava a pele disforme no próprio reflexo. A determinação, porém, não era para que não chorasse: era para que aquele traidor nunca a fizesse sentir tola de novo. Na próxima vez — porque sabia que haveria uma —, estaria pronta. E, quando estivesse, não precisaria ver ninguém lutando para encontrar as palavras certas para dar-lhe uma má notícia, nem precisaria dos olhares de pena de seus irmãos quando fechassem suas feridas. Na próxima vez, quando estivesse pronta, mergulharia no fogo em vez de deixá-lo a consumir.
#❪ ☀ 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽 ❫ ——— point of view.#❪ ☀ 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 ❫ ——— development.#plot drop: o traidor da magia.#tô zarolha de tanto editar esse pov#mas finalmente nasceu !
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Seu pai mortal, Ethan, era um estudante de medicina quando conheceu Apolo. Com os colegas da faculdade, fazia parte de uma banda e em uma das apresentações, acabou chamando a atenção do deus.
Lucian foi uma surpresa inesperada e indesejada para o jovem de vinte e poucos anos com um futuro brilhante pela frente. De início, quis colocar o bebê para a adoção mas foi impedido por sua mãe que assumiu os cuidados do neto para que Ethan pudesse focar nos estudos.
Com o ataque de um monstro quando Lucian tinha apenas seis anos de idade, Ethan colocou um ponto final na história. Não admitiria que o resto de sua família estivesse em perigo por conta de uma criança que sequer considerava sua de verdade. Após o escarcéu que armou, um sátiro apareceu e levou o pequeno Lucian para o Acampamento Meio-Sangue.
Sem contato nenhum com sua família mortal, Lucian foi criado pelos irmãos mais velhos no Chalé 7, o acampamento sendo sua primeira casa de verdade.
Sua ida à Nova Roma para fazer faculdade foi um grande marco. Era a primeira vez que deixava as barreiras do acampamento meio-sangue e se aventurava no mundo de um maneira mais definitiva.
Participou do conflito contra Gaia do lado dos romanos, pois era onde estava na época.
Após conseguir seu diploma, Lucian permaneceu na costa oeste, acreditando que seu tempo como "herói grego" tinha chegado ao fim. Era um semideus que tinha chegado à idade adulta. Seus dias de glória estavam no passado e era hora de viver uma "vida normal".
O chamado de Dionísio e seu retorno para Acapamento Meio-Sangue marcaram o fim de sua "aposentadoria". A urgência da mensagem, combinada com o desenho que fizera de Rachel lançando uma profecia fizeram com que deixasse seu projeto de vida para trás e voltasse ao primeiro lugar chamou de casa.
A morte de Aidan trouxe lembranças horríveis à tona: a guerra contra Cronos, a Batalha do Labirinto, a Batalha de Manhattan e a perda de dois irmãos durante o conflito. Tudo isso, aliado às visões enigmáticas que tem tido ultimamente... Lucian parece estar cada vez mais prestes a colapsar.
A existência de um traidor entre eles é outra coisa que faz com que se lembre do conflito contra Cronos. O exército só conseguiu entrar no acampamento pelo Punho de Zeus devido a informações recebidas do interior do acampamento. O papel de Silena no conflito o destroçou na época e saber que há um traidor em seu meio parte seu coração.
Lucian sempre foi uma pessoa que acordava aos primeiros sinais de raios de sol surgindo no horizonte. Porém, desde o desaparecimento de Apolo, essa sua "habilidade" está se tornando falha. Cada vez mais, se pega acordando mais tarde do que estava acostumado.
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PICK A CARD: What are your most alluring qualities?
🂺 "Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears." ~ Edgar Allen Poe~
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. This is meant to help uplift your spirit and highlight qualities about you that transcend space and time and manage to energetically get picked up by lil ol' me. Who then tries to put that inexplicable beauty into words. :)
p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
☀︎ Pile One ☀︎ (nine of cups, magician rev., moon rev.,hanged man, page of cups, queen of cups)
⇾ Pink. Yellow. Fuzzy. This feels so warm, there's heat around my waist. Maybe you’re a dancer? Do you like to wear very big pullovers or extra garments around your waist? Corsets? I’m getting a strong emphasis with an attraction toward your waistline. Also, a very airy feeling in my ribs. ⇾ You’re fucking hilarious. Your ability to uplift any room’s vibe is extremely attractive. Strong water energy, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, 4th, 8th, 12th house. But not as emotionally heavy. Not the thunderstorm but the sunny, dewy morning after. Literal sunshine. You may have a signature scent. Coconut, vanilla, brown sugar. Before shuffling your cards, my nose was congested but while I was channeling, I had these moments where air would pass through the room, clear my sinuses, and the tingling feeling in my ribs came back. ⇾ You’re a high. A nice clean, mellow high. The brief moments in time when your body completely relaxes and you start flowing with the wind. People are addicted to how you make them feel. Your energy feels like the first hit of that oui. wink wink. People get a hit of your energy and it feels like an escape. This is my intuitive and sensitive dreamy pile. There is a lot of emotional depth here, you’re enigmatic. Being in your presence transports people to a simpler time in their lives. A period where the sun shined brighter, the air was cleaner, and all the color in the world felt more vivid. People can sense the storm raging in the back of your head but can visually see your perseverance and ability to not let darkness rot you, keeping this light and airy energy. It’s almost superhuman, you almost seem not real. You’re impossibly infectious. ⇾ You have a lot of natural inner abundance, you attract a lot in life even if you don’t realize it. I’m getting moksha house energy, a strong wheelhouse of influential power. The duality of your sweet, caring but reserved introspective nature is sexy as fuck, to be honest. It is hypnotizing and ignites people. I also see you have attractive skin, whether it’s clear, glowy, or cute moles, I'm not sure. But something about your skin people just can’t help but want to trace and admire. Jupiter/Pisces energy. Sugary sweet and in your own world, I feel like I have a toothache. Rare kind and light energy. Your attractiveness and romantic influence on people is one of your natural talents pile 1. I can see that with the Jupiterian energy I'm getting. You got 3 major arcana cards back to back. You’re a light in the dark and people are moths to a flame.
"You're pretty like a memory"
☀︎ Pile Two ☀︎ (ace of swords, the tower, knight of swords, 6 of swords rev, the magician, 3 of wands)
⇾ Well for starters, you’re SEXXXYYYY. Not just physically, but your wit, intelligence…people’s attraction to you gives me the image of Joan of Arc’s admirers. People perceive you as gorgeous, brave, and intimidatingly capable. ⇾ I’m getting Uranian energy, Yes, something about you is very mercurial, but this is next level. In modern astrology, Uranus is a higher octave of Mercury and symbolizes putting these higher-level ideas into action. Your ability to think of a goal and go after it is attractive. Or have a belief and fiercely defend it. I don’t know if you’re aware, but you have an innate ability to monetize or profit off of your ideas and skills. Especially with all this sword energy, the 3 of wands, AND the magician. Mane, you make shit HAPPEN. You make shit shake. A lot of people say they’re going to do things they have no intention of starting or say things they don’t actually believe. You are a rare exception to that. You put your money where your mouth is, and the amount of willpower and intelligence you possess is intimidating yet so very very attractive. ⇾ There’s gotta be some major concentration in your natal chart, a stellium, a reoccurring modality, sign, not sure but your energy is uniquely focused and intense. You may sometimes battle with excess mental energy. Anxiety, overthinking, etc. You’re a harbinger of change. Wherever you go, major changes follow and there is something very important about your energy. Your footprint in this world is larger than the average person’s. Your sense of self and your loyalty to your authenticity and values is highly admirable. *whispers* maybe even enviable, watch out for negative intentions and trust your discernment. ⇾ Whether you’re a man or woman watching this, you intimidate a lot of men. You’re the creme of the crop so to speak. You are the human embodiment of a warrior. Strategic, brave, and your fire cannot be dimmed. You have this eternal energy to you. Your name will be sung long after you leave this Earth. There will be tales and songs about you. There is an emphasis on making a change and legacy here, 10th house/ Capricorn Energy. Solar and Jupiterian energy is possible too, there's a lot of king semblance here. I feel like your frame is very attractive. Defined muscles especially around your neck and shoulders. Fox attractiveness. Sharp features, or some special emphasis with your lips, jaw, and teeth. There is a lot of sexual attraction in this pile. I was shuffling and getting flashes of old Wattpad enemies to lovers and dark academia rivalry fanfiction 😭😭. I’m getting a headrush. Maybe you feel like a headrush to people at times. You might look good in darker, cool-tone colors or have dark hair. ⇾ You make people aware of their shortcomings and that triggers them. You trigger strong emotions in people. People see you as superior to many, you’re either singled out in a crowd positively or negatively. People either love or hate you but it is undeniable that you are sexy and very fucking capable. You also have the ace of wands at the bottom of the deck…like I said…sexy and capable.
"Don't look at me with those eyes"
☀︎ Pile Three ☀︎ (The tower, queen of swords, three of pentacles, queen of wands, 9 of wands)
⇾ This is my dark feminine pile. 🎶Sheee’sssss a maaaann eeeaaatttttttuuuhhhhhhhh🎶, Ironically, the black cat got chosen for this pile. The tower paired with the two queen cards screams shadowy feminine to me, but balanced. The three of pentacles create a bridge between your intense fire and air energy. You balance your shadowy, detached and your fiery, passionate nature and it creates this intoxicating dichotomy that people can not get enough of. ⇾ You also are reserved and guarded, people can tell it is hard to gain your trust and gain access to your inner world so people subconsciously try hard to earn your favor. When I was laying out your cards my eyes got heavy and I felt like I needed to go to bed. You have a very sultry sluggishness to you. Think about Corpse Bride, how her eyes were always low, she moved slowly, and her voice was low. You have a dark veil over your character that is very alluring. There may be an 8th house or Mars emphasis in your natal chart. Make sure to check your planetary midpoints. ⇾ I am getting a Gabriette Betchel vibe. There's a darkness around the eyes of the man standing in the nine of wands. There is a draw to the shape of your eyes, especially if they droop a little or you have sunken eyes. Maybe you like dark makeup if you’re into makeup. This pile definitely had a crush on Morticia Adams growing up. You ARE Morticia Adams. Pretty Rave Girl is playing in my head, I don’t associate your energy with the rave aesthetic but I get the sense that people fantasize about you. You’re naturally mysterious and detached and most people only have an idea of you rather than a one-on-one connection. You may face a lot of projections, there’s fog around people’s perception of you. Plutonian-type power, insanely magnetic, with Neputinian-type glamour, veiled and shapeshifting. There may be some WLW baddies in this collective. ⇾ I feel like a very small number of people truly know you, you are reserved and selective with your energy and let me tell you, that is the most attractive practice a human being can implement. You are a once-in-a-lifetime personality that people dream about embodying. YOU ARE AN AESTHETIC. Well not exactly, I’m not limiting you down to your appearance. But you are the ideal embodiment of the dark feminine, man-eater aesthetic. The other three piles felt like concepts that I tried to piece together to paint a picture, your pile feels like a tried and true timeless dark sexiness that we've seen in cinema and music videos throughout the years. There is range here though, I’m feeling anywhere between Morticia Adams to Effy from Skins. The allure of Hollywood’s bombshells mixed with the angst and self-guardedness of America’s outcasted teen icons. I’m seeing an emerald snake, if you’re into sidereal astrology you may have ashlesha placements. I could write an entire essay about the fucking bullshit you've endured and THRIVED FROM but this is already getting a lil lengthy lol. Just know that you are living testament to the saying “I get knocked down ten times but get up eleven.” Stay sexy pookie.
"You got your HP Lovecraft... your Edgar Allan Poe"
☀︎ Pile Four ☀︎ (high priestess, two of swords, 4 of pentacles, the empress, knight of pentacles, 10 of cups)
⇾ UHHHH THE DRAAMMAAA. Bae, the high priestess FLEW out. You’re angelic. No mf backtalk. I don’t know about the stereotypical angel, but something about your presence is otherworldly. So intense but hard to conceptualize, can’t classify your energy as anything less than angelic. People see you as something holy and righteous. A theme of fairness and divinity is strong here. I’m seeing the virgin (Virgo, purity) and a gavel (libra, balance and fairness.) Your energy is always in a state of balance and harmony. Temperance did not come out, but I’d bet my top dollar that it would have if I kept pulling. ⇾ I’m hearing a steady water stream and the flaps of bird wings. People come to you for peace and tranquility. Your aura is serene and healing. Being near you is like transporting to a haven with clean water, a sustainable garden, fresh air, and BUNNIES. An image of a ton of white bunnies just came to me. This is not an 18+ reading, so I won’t go into detail but bunnies represent fertility and high sexual energy. You have an abundance of creativity. The best representation of people’s attraction to you I can put into words is like seeing raw energy. There’s this movie that came out in 2017 called Annihilation and there’s a scene where the main character comes into contact with pure energy and is so entranced by it that she just stares at it head empty, blankly in complete awe. THAT is how people see you. Like c’mon high priestess, the empress, 10 of cups, don’t ever fucking question yourself. You have an undeniably divine aura. ⇾ You’re a big deal, you're energy is very enlightening and calm but there is a heavy weight to it. Everything you do in life makes an impression and holds weight. Your thoughts matter, your conversation changes lives, and your very presence makes an imprint on people’s souls. Virgo 6th house, libra 7th house, Scorpio 8th house, Pisces 12th house. ⇾ You also have a very stable, Earthy nature to you with the 4 of pentacles and the Empress. To me, this is pure wealth. You will see a lot of luxury in your lifetime. You are a giver, you have a lot to offer the world. You are the epitome of “fill my own cup and let it overflow to those around me.” You share your abundance and prosperity follows you. You have the divine understanding that life is all about balance and what you give, you receive tenfold. ⇾ People think you look really good in white. Blonde hair could be a good look on you. Any aesthetic that involves purity or innocence really suits you. Personally, I’d say you look fucking killer in red hair. ⇾ With the ten of cups, I’m getting major wish-fulfillment vibes. When suitors see you they hear an angelic chime in their ear (I hear it right now) and music starts playing. DREAM GIRL. By the strictest definition too, you’re very dreamy and your allure is cloudy, people are afraid if they touch you, you’ll float away. You could have prominent Neptune placements. Do you like to sing? Harmoney and melodic sounds keep popping up. I'm thinking of Euterpe, the muse of music. ⇾ Your abundance leaks into your appearance (look for aspects to your ascendant, especially Neptune, Jupiter, and the Sun), you look very youthful and hydrated. It’s going to sound creepy but from a biological, primal-lizard brain perspective, you look fruitful and like you'd bear many blessings and children. Your skin is well hydrated and plump, your hair is strong and luscious, and you look overall very healthy.
"Be Not Afraid."
ahhh that was so much fun! to those who resonated with a pile, thank you for giving me the pleasure of experiencing your energy and reading for you. if you liked it let me know :)
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( visage. ☀ )
( musings and quotes. ☀ )
( aesthetics. ☀ )
( likes & interests. ☀ )
( fashion. ☀ )
( music. ☀ )
( headcanons + lore. ☀ )
( development. ☀ )
( interactions. ☀ )
( texts. ☀ )
( calls. ☀ )
( social media. ☀ )
( connections. ☀ ) we are neither on good terms or bad; we are no longer anything | percy & jack
( connections. ☀ ) i have given my word that only death will take me from you | percy & tommy
( connections. ☀ ) we face the fire together; brothers til the end | percy & michael
#( visage. ☀ )#( musings and quotes. ☀ )#( aesthetics. ☀ )#( likes & interests. ☀ )#( fashion. ☀ )#( music. ☀ )#( headcanons + lore. ☀ )#( development. ☀ )#( interactions. ☀ )#( texts. ☀ )#( calls. ☀ )#( social media. ☀ )#( connections. ☀ ) we are neither on good terms or bad; we are no longer anything | percy & jack#( connections. ☀ ) i have given my word that only death will take me from you | percy & tommy#( connections. ☀ ) we face the fire together; brothers til the end | percy & michael#reference: tag dump
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☀︎ — summary: sneaking around with the acotar men👀 How long does this go on?
☀︎ — warnings: 18+, nsfw themes, tw beron🤢 mentioned
☀︎ — amara’s note: had this idea for a while, let’s bring this to life😈oh to be sneaking around with them🙏🏽💔
With him, no one finds out until you tell everyone
He is able to keep the links sneaky for sure, also he masks your scents so that no one can tell
No one really suspects that ur sleeping together because he isn’t paying any suspicios amount of attention to you.
He makes it up later though👀
At first, it was just a way for him to recover from Under the Mountain, so he sought you out for help in order to gain back some controll.
And he got better and began to carefully heal, yet here you both were, still sneaking around years later.
Yeah, years bc that is how good he’s able to keep secrets.
Oh, he gets jealous too and masks it as being a good friend and high lord when asked about it by the rest of the inner circle.
His favorite trick is telling the ic he’s sending you on a mission so they think ur gone, then he suggests them eating out while you’re gone then tells them he can’t make it so he stays at home and then you guys can stay at the house unbothered and alone
Since he gets jealous, he gives you hickies or make your legs so sore you can’t walk
Rhys looooves the attention you get during morning training for the others
“Are you okay, did you trip or something?”
“No, no Az,I’m fine. I was just doing some stretches and I think I overdid it.”
Rhysand just stands there happier than ever as you glare at him
Guys, let’s be so real. Azriel ain’t getting caught, ever💀
He teaches you tricks on how to hide better when you’re coming over to his room
And it’s usually his room you hook up in bc he has trained himself to notice anything being off. Like if a book has been moved like a millimeter, he knows so it’s the safest and least risky place for you to be.
Because he is so attentive and sneaky, he is incredibly risky
He loves risky sex. Bro will fuck your brains out knowing people are close bc he knows he’s able to cover it up
Azriel also uses his shadows on you in broad daylight.
You’re out for dinner w the inner circle and his shadows teases and rub your clit under the table. You use your magic to suppress your arousal but it’s kind of hard to not squirm and all that
Az just sits there cocky as fuck knowing that he makes you react like that without even touching you
So so so soooo much jealousy on your side bc Azriel gets hit on all the time, males, females, youngsters, oldies, bro everyone wants him
People don’t hit on you tho because Azriel is always standing behind you, exuding that scary aura and energy that has people running the other way
Even after you two become official, you keep it under wraps. You don’t want anyone or anything ruining it for you so it’s all very hush hush
Only years after, when your friends ask why none of you date people, do you spill. You tell them you and Azriel are together already but it’s a private relationship
They were a little pissed but they let it go when they saw how happy you were and how good your dynamic is
He is sneaking around with you because of both your parents
You’re the daughter of one of B*ron’s🤢 close advisors so you and Eris spend a lot of time together
Eventually it develops into a secret relationship with a lot of sex
You both know your parents would hung you both if you ever got exposed but you still do it.
You both act like you’re somewhat of enemies or don’t like each other in public so that no one can even rise suspicions againt you.
Behind closes doors he sluts you out like crazyyyyy, i’m talking any type of sex, rough, soft, different positions, different places, new things added, toys, rope, cuffs this man is kinky I KNOW ITTT
like he has no controll over his life bc of b*ron 🤢 so he likes taking controll in the bedroom and dominate, yum👀
It all becomes more interesting and exciting when your parents decide it’s high time to get engaged and married.
Your suitors always wonder why you’re late and messy, what they don’t know is that you were busy getting bent over by eris
anyways when b*ron 🤢 dies and eris takes over, the sneaky link ain’t sneaky anymore. The man fully claims you, even making you his high lady.
Ugh i love him💔💔💔💔
You’re Cassian’s sister and you’re hooking up with him on the down low
Lucien caught your eye when he and Feyre came back from Spring.
He seemed uncomfortable around everyone and kept to himself, until you started spending more time with him
Time turned your companionship to a secret relationship
Please, we all know how charming Lucien is, I mean, shit I’d fall for him too🫨🫨
Sorry @thelov3lybookworm but your man is so fuckable💗
Anyways, he is super charming and silver tounged and that makes you jump his bone immediately
This guy is amazing with his tounge, head game goes CRAZYYYYY
At first it’s just sex, but then instead of fucking then leaving, you begin to stay during the nights and talk for hours.
Eventually you realize the depth of your bond and how much you love one another.
You were quite nervous when telling Cassian bc Illyrian’s are super protective and possessive over their family but he is fine with it bc he knows that there aren’t better males than Lucien
Anyways, you keep sneaking around bc you don’t want to outright make out infront of the inner circle so you sneak away at parties, meetings and dinners.
This man is a risktaker just like Azriel. I know he sneaks up from behind, saying crazy and stomach flipping things, waiting for your reaction then fucks you in whatever place you are
You’re Lord Devlon’s daughter and you sneak around with him.
No one knows about your magic from your mother’s side that you use to remove any trace of cassian
At first you hated him bc of your father and bc he manipulated you into thinking cassian and his friends were dangerous
There is banter and mean words exchanged between you that only makes the sexual tension between you even stronger
One night you both snap and have hate sex and that one night becomes the start of years of secret meetings and rendezvous.
Whenever he's in Windhaven, you two have a blast. To dodge curious eyes, you've got this genius plan: throw a party whenever Cassian conveniently has a meeting or mission there. With everyone a bit tipsy, it's the perfect cover for linking up
After a while you’re caught by Devlon himself and all hell breaks loose. Rhysand has to come down and solve everything before blood spills
Devlon disowns you and would have killed you had it not been for Cassian protecting you from your father
So he takes you to Velaris where you live with him and eventually become an advisor for Rhysand since he hasn’t lived there for years and would benefit from someone who was so close to Devlon
You have so much fun and yeah, that’s how you went from hate sex, fuck buddies, in love and eventually mates
#talkswithamara#acotar#a court of thorns and roses#acotar x reader#acotar imagine#azriel x reader#rhysand x reader#cassian x reader#eris x reader#eris vanserra x reader#lucien vanserra x reader#eris vanserra#azriel#rhysand#cassian#eris#lucien vanserra#azriel acotar#rhys acotar#cassian acotar#eris acotar#rhys x reader#eris vanserra acotar#rhysand acotar#azriel shadowsinger#cassian imagine#rhysand smut#eris vanserra smut#azriel smut#high lord rhysand
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𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩.
of course i feel too much, i'm a universe of exploding stars.
✧ dossier ft. andromeda.
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✧ visage ft. andromeda.
✧ ask memes ft. andromeda.
✧ tasks ft. andromeda.
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✧ all posts ft. andromeda.
☀ ooc. | created by me.
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Nobody really knows a person with a 12th House Sun🤔🤔. They hide themselves really well, & project themselves as someone they're truly not. They don't do it on purpose, they're just so fucking private. My brother actually has this placement, and we're practically twins, but I still feel like I don't know him, AT ALL. They hide themselves, because they're afraid that their true selves won't be "enough"/won't be "liked". BUT OFC IT WILL, & IF NOT, THEN FUCK THEM, BABE.
MOON CONJUNCT/SQUARE SATURN people can hate being alone 4 the first two decades of their lives, but later learn 2 be their own best friend, & love it. They "mother themselves 2 life/back2life". They learned the hard way, that everything is better when u don't put your faith in just anybody. They also learned not 2 trust from a young age, because of their mother/father or both parents💀💔.
I've seen people say "that u can choose not to access that specific energy in your chart, if you don't want 2"🤣. Like u can choose 2 get a million dollars tmrw?, IF YOU WANT 2?🤣 come on. Natal charts are a tool 2 c who u are, why you developed that way/what “happens in your life”, and why you're here with the help of astrology. No matter the aspect, it will be present at some point. A chart never lies🔮🤷♀️.
MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX VENUS IN A MAN'S NATAL CHART tells us that he finds it hard 2 understand women. He has "problems" when it comes 2 feminine energies, &with the women he's surrounding himself with🤔. He can have a hate/love relationship 2/with women💋.
VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782) IN SYNASTRY, will cause the asteroid person 2 provide the Venus person with a lot of material gifts👠🛍💄.
IDK why anybody would say that your MC has NOTHING to do with how u look/how people see u! Lol okay. My mentor must have been on drugs when she was taught everything + in all those 43 years she's been in practice then. gtfo. Let me give u an example. 👇🏼
I’ll just tell you everything I see with this aspect.
Kim K = Venus in Virgo in 9th house at 19 degrees - Libra degree) conjunct her MC in Virgo at 28 degrees - cancer degree). She's famous 4 her beautiful looks/people finding her beautiful. she always does things to look "YOUNGER, cosmetic procedures etc. 2 take years off! Growing a big following worldwide of young people looking up 2 her/her being idolized by them. Famous 4 being beautiful/4modelling/fashion/cosmetics - being in Venusian businesses/4 who she dates. she also takes after her MOM, with her looks!!! I know her mom was/is also her manager, & I would include this here, cuz u can actually see that, but I would have to go into details again. Idk if u would find that boring?? as I already wrote a lot. Thanks for making it this far😂.
ASTEROID MEMORIA (1247) IN SYNASTRY can tell u why u feel like you’ve met the other person before, or what memories that r the most "memorable" with the other person🧡🪐🔮.
ASTEROID FANATICA - 1589) IN SYNASTRY tells u what really fascinates u about the other person/what u can become obsessed with, when it comes 2 the other person❕
IF U HAVE A SYNASTRY ASPECT/OR ASPECTS with someone, and u also have it in your natal chart = a very important person you're dealing with! They'll teach u whatever the aspect is/aspects are! And they're meant 2 be the one who teaches it 2u/ or meant 2 be the one who makes that aspect exist in your life. (good or bad).
VENUS OPPOSITE VERTEX/CONJUNCT ANTI-VERTEX IN SYNASTRY is co cute🥹, Vertex let Venus in2 their "private world". Venus is usually not the type Vertex person goes 4, but they’re mesmerised anyway!! “There’s just something unreal about Venus”.
KARMA ASTEROID - 3811) can tell you about your karma! Old karma/Karma you're creating etc. U can use it in in any chart u want2, natal charts, synastry charts, composite charts, Davidson Charts, solar return charts, lunar return charts, progressed charts, ANY CHART U WANT2 BABE!!🪐🤛💥🪐⛅☀🌊.
BLACK MOON LILITH SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC in a WOMAN'S CHART can show problems with both genders. She can feel left out, not apart of "the group", when it comes to women. And with men = men always trying to run up on her/trying her boundaries, &they're provocative af. People can't handle her here. She will not conform to anyone. She can feel pretty fucking alone in the way she goes about her day to day life. feeling like nobody will ever understand the struggles she has/the pain she's going around with. The key here is acceptance of ones self. She cannot change herself for others sake, she will never be happy. She'll be happy when she chooses herself, & the right people will flock 2 her, right after. They'll See her light, &will not put who she is down, but CELEBRATE. It can also be the complete opposite. She can be a people pleaser, & has internal fights with herself, every day about this. Trying 2 fit in with groups, dating men who's crossing her boundaries, all the time. She either fights people, or she fights herself. SHE HAS 2 STAY TRUE2HERSELF! There will always be people hating on her, no matter how she moves. FUCK THEM. People who are meant 2 be in her life will CELEBRATE HER!! Not put who she is down/make her change. People who can't understand her = she needs2 get them the fuck out.
NEPTUNE CONJUNCT ASC can show a person living in their own "delulu world". They're not really "there" - can be seen as the "dumb blonde". Neptune can cloud their mind, every single day. They're "different"/they change all the time. They can't really be "real" with people. Trying 2 always be friends with everyone, not really having their own opinions, following the pack etc. They can 100% people please.
VALENTINE/AMOR/ 447) - 1221) CONJUNCT MC - They "look like love", &they also project it out. People think they're beautiful. But remember, even tho people know/c them like that = doesn't mean that they're really like that. That's just what they show off/how they're "known" in the eyes of the public/in their career/their surroundings💜.
SUN MAKING AN "EASY" ASPECT2 MOON does not mean that your parents like each other. I have this, and my parents literally can't stand each other. I've seen this more times than I can count. It's about your conscious ego&how you emotionally feel about the way u express yourself/with the way u "show your ego off" - "yin&Yang duality".
I HATE MOON SQUARE URANUS IN SYNASTRYYYYY. Uranus will pop in&out of the other person's life, as they desire2. The Moon person needs support&a feeling of being safe, &Uranus wants other things/aka not worried about the Moon person - Uranus is erratic. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?
MERCURY OPPOSITE NEPTUNE can show us a person being pretty good at lying/coming up with lies easily/Quickly. Having no problems with finding "excuses" 4 what they say/do, &can get other people in on it, 2 lie for them as well. It happens in periods tho, like on & off periods.
Asteroids I always look at first: Nemesis - 128) Amor - 1221), Valentine - 447), Alma - 390), Destiny - 6583), Moira - 638), Eros - 433), Karma - 3811), Kama - 1387), Close - 54902), Apollo - 1862), Child - 4580), Compassion - 8990), Angel - 11911), Yes - 7707), Boda - 1487), DNA - 55555), Fast - 27719), Prey - 6157), Not - 2857), Casanova - 7328), Fox - 16248), Savage - 29837), Pholus - 5145), Fanatica - 1589), Priapus - h22), Sado - 118230), Medea - 212), Nessus - 7066), Dejanira - 157), Hazard - 9305), Mentor - 3451), Lysistrata - 897), Bilk - 4425 - using the other person 4 own material gain).
THANKS4READING BEAUTIFUL❤️🍒 Appreciate u, always.
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On Worshipping Lord Apollo;
I've decided to start a little series about the deities I worship, have worshipped, and will worship in the future. I've always found posts like these to be more helpful and, if I can help anyone, I think this is an amazing way to to so. In this post, I'm going to cover a lot, so buckle up! And I will make a master post for all of the posts I make in this series.
First up! Lord Apollo.
Hands down, he is the deity with whom I have the most experience and personal anecdotes. Apollo has been in my life since the very beginning. I go into a little bit more detail in this post, in which I detail how I view him as a worshipper, my patron, and a godspouse. For information's sake, however, I will try to keep this post a little bit more factual than UPG. UPG stands for "Unverified personal gnosis", which refers to a spiritual belief that stems from intuition or personal spiritual experience. So, while UPG may seem to line up with mythos or just "make sense" for the deity, it varies from practitioner to practitioner and from relationship to relationship. With that being said, I'll focus mostly on the facts with some little bit of advice thrown in from your older brother :)
First, let's talk correspondences. Consider this a little cheat sheet if you will.
☀︎ You can refer to him by Apollo / Apollon, typically he will clarify which. Many regard him as "Lord Apollo/n", though it is fully dependent on your relationship with him. I drop the Lord unless I'm praying or invoking him, such is the nature of our relationship. For the sake of this post, I shall be referring to him formally as Lord Apollo.
☀︎ He has... a lot of epithets. You can view them here (theoi.com) if you'd like to see a full list.
☀︎ Apollo is typically associated with Sunday, and such is associated with the Sun.
☀︎ He has many sacred animals - The raven, dolphin, swan, mouse, and wolves.
☀︎ Tarot-wise, he is associated primarily, and most commonly, with The Sun. He has also been associated with The Star, though I do not see this one in many sources.
☀︎ He is the God of a plethora of things. The Sun (he is responsible for pulling it across the sky), Light, Poetry, Music, the arts, plague, prophecy, logic and reason, truth, beauty, agriculture, and archery. I am sure I'm missing things. And if you know other deities to be associated similarly, that is okay. Many Gods can share domains and rule over certain things.
☀︎ He is associated with the colors red, white, orange, yellow, and gold!
☀︎ Symbolically, he is related to the Sun, the Lyre, the Bow and Arrow, and the Laurel Wreath.
☀︎ For incense, he is linked to frankincense, myrrh, cypress, clove, cinnamon, and bay.
But that is a lot of correspondence. What can we do with these? Why, I'm glad you asked! With this list of correspondences, we can start to worship Apollo by the book. These would be some more traditional things that would assist you in learning what you want to offer him, what to associate with him, and what you should keep an eye out for. In a later section, I go over some familial ties that can prove useful as well.
Apollo, as an individual
Lord Apollo has typically been regarded as a "beginner deity." He is very easy to work with, incredibly receptive, and is universally known as being a little more laid back with things such as offerings, prayer, and worship. Though I've found all deities to be understanding of circumstance, there is no strict schedule unless you decide to adhere to one.
At the start of our relationship, I found Lord Apollo's energy to be rather bright. I was very new to picking up on spiritual energy and the metaphysical, so his energy felt very overbearing, and we did not spend much in-person time together because of this. He was understanding of my limitations, but he did not hesitate to push these limitations as much as he could for my personal development. This is something he continues to do to this day.
While he does tend to carry himself rather relaxed and carefree, he has no issue being serious and stern whenever needed. If there were signs he was sending me and I would intentionally ignore them because they pointed in directions I did not like, he would respond sternly and ferociously, forcing me to face the negative sooner or figuratively shoving my nose in the signs so I couldn't avoid it. If I needed to face a brutally honest truth, he had no issue being brutally honest. This makes sense, considering he is the God of Truth and Knowledge.
Lord Apollo is also very playful. He's easily excitable. He loves seeing the people he works with make good progress. And if you take a few steps back, depending on your relationship, he is absolutely there to catch you. He is reliable and present. Additionally, he likes attention. He absolutely adores being talked about, thought about, referenced, and thanked. He adores being said good morning to, or even just getting a wave. Some people regard such deities as "high maintenance", but I really just consider it part of his character.
You have every right to decline to work with a deity, by the way. Don't feel as though there's any obligation to work with every deity that is considered "of your skill level", as there is no such thing, and you should only work with a deity once you are ready. The Old Gods do not come with stats above their head and white text that says "PREFERRED LEVEL." They are Gods. You should not get involved with them if you do not feel ready. And even if you feel ready, there is no pressure to invite them into your life.
Worshipping Tips!
This one is a bit lengthy. Apollo, being one of the twelve Olympians, has a lot of lore surrounding him. But this gives us a lot to work with! You can devote time to him in a lot of ways. This involves worshipping or leaving offerings to his family!
His mother is Leto, his father is Zeus, and his twin sibling is Artemis. Familially, he is not married to anyone, but he has had a series of lovers. One account says he was, at one point, a lover to Hekate and together they had Skylla, a sea monster. Though this is unusual. He was said to be a lover to each of the Nine Muses but married none. He fell in love with a myriad of nymphs; Aethusa who birthed Eleuther, Akakallis who birthed him twins Philanderos and Philakides, Daphne who was turned into a laurel tree, and more. There's famously Hyacinthous, a prince, who was accidentally killed. Hymenaeus, another prince, and Cyparisus, another prince, who died of grief and was transformed into the cypress tree.
This gives us a whole lot to work with. Especially for offerings! You can leave him a lot of things:
☀︎ Cypress tree leaves or seeds. ☀︎ Bay leaves ☀︎ Laurel leaves ☀︎ Sun imagery - charms, pictures, drawings, anything. ☀︎ Crystals - Sunstone, citrine, tiger's eye, amber, bumblebee jasper, orange selenite, carnelian, and other yellow, red, or orange stones. ☀︎ Coffee, energy drinks, or anything with caffeine in it. ☀︎ Citrus! Oranges and lemons! Grapefruit! ☀︎ Flowers - Hyacinths, sunflowers, orange roses, larkspur/delphinium, palm, aloe, or any plant that reminds you of him. ☀︎ Instruments - String instruments are the main thing people offer, however you can offer him any instrument. ☀︎ Art - Things you made. Drawings, sculptures, compositions, poetry, paintings, song lyrics, photography, literally anything you made with your two hands.
In terms of what you can do to worship him, there are a few things you can do.
☀︎ Maintain your physical and mental health. Go to the gym, take your medicine, and positively affirm yourself. ☀︎ Sing for or with him. Play an instrument. Learn an instrument! ☀︎ Write short stories or poetry. ☀︎ Go outside and bask in the sun for a little while. ☀︎ Say Good Morning and Goodnight; Thank him for pulling the sun across the sky. ☀︎ Write about him. ☀︎ Draw him offerings, or draw in his honor. Create in his honor. ☀︎ Do a paint-and-sip class, or follow a Bob Ross tutorial. ☀︎ Pick up a new creative hobby. ☀︎ Volunteer at a local hospital or nursing home. ☀︎ Grow some of the plants that are sacred to him! ☀︎ Go to your local museum or art gallery. ☀︎ Support small artists! Support local artists! ☀︎ Create a hymn in his name and honor. ☀︎ Wear jewelry with his symbols on it. I wear a sun necklace! ☀︎ Wear perfumes or colognes that are citrus-scented or scented like any of his preferred incense.
At the end of the day, you can really do whatever you want for Lord Apollo if it reminds you of him. And you can give him whatever you want, so long as it reminds you of him. If you think that it may not mean anything to him, let me give you a bit of brotherly insight. Offerings were left for The Old Gods as a thank you. A form of appreciation for the divine from the physical, mortal plane. People left whatever they had. And if they had nothing, they would pray and hope to be heard. While offerings are not optional, remember that your words count, as well. Even if it seems small.
And if you have any questions, as usual, please ask!! I love talking about Apollo. Not only am I godspoused to him but he's one of my biggest hyperfixations and I absolutely love talking about him and spreading his teachings and information on him. So this is me begging you to ask me questions, ask me anything, literally anything in the comments or in my inbox I will eat it up. Maybe I'll open up a brotherly advice box or something. Non lo so, ma vedremo!
Blessed be, and may the sun be your guide! A domani!
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