#( an updated list for you all )
deoidesign · 5 days
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Return date for my webcomic, Time and Time Again!
It's been set for a while but sometimes they change the date without warning, so I'll keep you updated if anything changes!
I'm extremely proud of the work I've been doing on it, I can't wait to share everything!
See you then!
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holysupesbatman · 2 months
SuperBat Fic Recs
Woaaaah boy. I was in the Superbat tag and saw someone asking for recs and I got about 5 fics in before I realized that wouldn't fit in a reply and decided I should just make a whole post. I feel like I've read half of the Bruce/Clark tag on ao3 at this point and yet I still find more every time I look.
As a note, this post is heavily editorialized. These are all fics I've personally read and are here because I liked them and they come from my ao3 bookmarks. If you want better details about the fic, follow the links and check them out 🤷‍♀️ I'm a picky reader so the fact that it's on the list says a lot, though our tastes may vary.
Onto the recs! I'll organize them by ratings and then by length for simplicity and at the end I'll recommend some of my favorite SuperBat authors for further reading!
Rated: G
Uno Reverse by WixenBurr (~7k rated G) is really cute and fluffy
Summary: The batkids are trying to set Batman and Superman up. Unfortunately Bruce Wayne wants to date some rando news reporter named Clark Kent.
Rated: T
Know You Better by rotasha (~6k rated T)
super fluffy and cute. I adore this fic. Summary: Clark asks Bruce on a date, not knowing he’s a famous billionaire. Bruce says yes, because this is the first time this has ever happened to him.
I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am by Mardiaz173 (~13k rated T)
This one is SO much fun – Nobody believes Clark after he meets the supposed "flirty, stupid, entitled drunk" playboy billionaire Brucie Wayne when he says he's actually "clever, mischievous, and sober with an indecipherable ulterior motive."
Saudade by liodain (~20k rated T)
OK THIS ONE MAKES MY HEART MELT IT'S SO FLUFFY AND SWEET I CAN'T. Like put this on your re-read when you're sad and need to feel like love and goodness exist list. Bruce breaks down in Kansas in 2006 years before BvS and meets young Clark.
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace by Resacon1990 (~23k rated T)
It's just 20k of Clark simping for Bruce. That's it. That's the fic. He's a golden retriever and he's in love, Your Honor. Bruce is not unaffected, but the pining is glorious.
summary: Or, five times Clark finds himself falling for Bruce, and the one time he does something about it
Mr. Romantic by Pandamomochan (~24k rated T)
ft Established Relationship SuperBat. Summary: Clark gets tasked to write a Valentine's Day article. The end result has every single women throwing themselves at him. Clark has always been patient with the drove of Brucie fans. Will Bruce be as mature with Clark's sudden popularity?
How to Date a Superhero by @solomonara (~25k rated T)
Technically a series of fics. Pure fluff. 1. Someone spots the Batman kissing Mild Mannered Reporter Clark Kent. Hijinks ensue. 2. Superman kissed Bruce Wayne in full view of several dozen phones. Now the whole world, including Lex Luthor, knows Superman has a boyfriend. But that's okay. Batman has a plan. 3. Deleted scenes from the How to Date a Superhero series, ruthlessly cut in most cases to prevent the Robins from taking over.
In every sense of the word by froggy-o (bobafiend) (~29k rated T) From the author's summary: Alternatively titled "Why Wonder Woman is on the verge of losing her fucking mind."
I swear this fic is just Diana's eyebrow twitching as she watches Bruce and Clark start dating and she's let in on both their civilian identities meanwhile Superman and Batman are on the watchtower arguing and disagreeing about basically everything on the daily. In the name of Justice, of course. The identity porn is on a whole other level and it was done so well.
Get Over It by rotasha (~32k rated T)
heh this one has plenty of identity hijinks. Sooooo funny. Summary: Bruce needs to get over his inconvenient feelings for Superman and he meets an attractive reporter who he thinks can help him do just that. Little does he know...
the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish (~96k rated T)
hehehe... the batkids set up a dating profile for Bruce and catfish Clark. It's more of a blind date for Bruce (not that he had any idea he was going on a date at all), but who has Clark been texting for the past several weeks??? Oh yeah. The kids. What follows is as follows. Still with capes!
Rated: M
Guardian Dog by BombusBombus (~22k rated M)
Summary: There's something wrong with Clark Kent. He has to be a villain, right? A threat? He doesn't behave like a normal person, no matter how handsome or clever he may seem.
grasp his heart (once and for all) by liodain (~32k rated M) soulmate AU fic. Pretty emotional LOTS of identity issues going on there like so much. Kinda high on the drama and angst there honestly but it was a cute read. Summary: Bruce Wayne doesn't believe in fate.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter (~33k rated M)
love me a fake dating AU. Summary: It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Strangers When We Meet by Trista_zevkia (~63k rated M)
ANOTHER soulmate AU! This time feat. Kryptonian Biology hehehe. Summary: Clark Kent thought he was straight, until Batman kick started something. The question is what did Batman start? Is Brucie Wayne able to explain it to him?
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat (~77k rated M)
OK NO LISTEN this is one of my all-time favorite fics EVER. It's so meta and so funny. Clark is us. We are Clark. Clark is writing RPF for the Bruce/Batman ship and he's very convinced it's real EVEN THOUGH he has a huge crush on the Batman... let the hijinks BEGIN.
Rated: E
Embracing Destiny by Mithen (~8k rated E)
This one is just really really cute. Summary: As a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, a teenaged Clark learns a stunning secret about his own future: he and someone called "Batman" will be legendary lovers.
perfect strangers by susiecarter (~15k rated E)
like. bruh. susie did it again. This tag says it all: communication failure. I love this one though. Summary: Batman and Superman are fucking. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are a great cover for fighting crime, and also might be dating. Bruce and Clark have no idea what they're doing; but they definitely aren't going to be able to talk themselves into stopping.
Relinquishing Control by foxyk (~25k rated E)
afsfwsdfhishdfksj no words. Read the authors summary and then just go read the fic:
Superman worries that if he lets go he'll injure his partner. Batman knows better. Batman worries that if he lets someone else in, he'll hurt them. Superman knows better.
Picture Perfect by TheSaltiestDog @the-saltiest-dog (~26k rated E)
this one is cute and then horny on main but also just so fluffy. Clark sees Bruce in a new light through candid shots, then proceeds to take lots of candid shots as they begin a relationship. Cue schmoop, fluff, smut, and – you guessed it! –Miscommunication!
A Night Off and sequel A Day Off by Mawiiish (~37k combined; first part is E, second is T)
One of my all-time favorites. My bookmark says 10/10 would read again soooooooo... 👀🤷‍♀️😅🥵
Bruce is enjoying one of his few nights off when a very persistent young man offers to buy him a drink. At first he's apprehensive; he's just here for a good time and this Clark seems to be looking for more than that. Then again, what harm can one drink do?
Clark wakes up to an empty bed and despite Bruce being honest from the start, he's still disappointed.
The Downsides to a Secret Identity by liodain (~42k rated E)
I'm currently reading this one – the summary from the author says it all, it's so good but sooo drama:
Bruce Wayne has taken a shine to Clark Kent, but Clark is more interested in the Bat of Gotham. The Bat, however, has it in for the Superman in a big way. Clark should probably have considered that before falling quite so hard. They're working together to track down some missing Kryptonian weaponry, after all...
50 Shades of Wayne by susiecarter (~161k rated E)
No but listen, this is actually so full of plot and emotional depth and not as much smut as you might think. It's a full-scale retelling of Batman v Superman but without them knowing each other's secret identities. I read it in one go... the reveal? Maybe the best I've ever read. Soooo many emotions. It's one of the few times I've read BDSM in a fic and it actually felt in character. I wasn't sure I would read it when I started, but it was a compelling read and extremely well done. Honestly, I'd read it again.
SuperBat Author Shoutouts:
susiecarter @susiecarter
liodain @liodain
Resacon1990 @sassyresacon1990
shipyrds @burins
Mawiiish @superbattrash
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littlestuffstohide · 5 months
AA Fic Rec
I've sunk on AA so bad. I have such a long list. Almost 100 on my bookmarks. Here is my attempt to organize my bookmark list. I know I created a list before But this is better. I'll start of with my general AA WrightWorth List fic recommendation I've bookmarked since I sunk into this rabbit hole. Buckle your seats because this post is going to be reaaaally loooong. I tried to clean it as much as possible. So if you guys are looking for some AA WrightWorth treasure trove, this is it. I'm sure there are some I've read and missed. I will update my list as much as possible. My summary is literally bare to none and just my spoilers and hints what I love about it so mmmuuuch!
all there is - by sunsmasher. Narumitsu oneshot - A mix of bad Krisnix and goodness Narumitsu.
Summary: Phoenix and Kristoph during the seven year gap, Phoenix and Miles after it.
love most definitely requited - by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
Summary: cute hananaki au that of course involves confession in an unexpected way.
Pressure - by ApprenticeofDoyle
Summary: A different view/ canondivergent AA with the Feys. My ALL-time favorite AA fic of all times. AA with dash fam on Feys/Wright. It also has some great wrightworth pinning. And you will love the flow of wrightworth. There are still a lot of feels on this. It would be a crime not to read this. There is, like 4 parts on this. This one is complete. Read it! Here's the link for Pressurverse series.
if i woke up (next to you) - by ApprenticeofDoyle
Summary: Post Engarde Trial based on Pressureverse post Engarde Trial if that make sense. An canon divergent on pressure fic.
miles edgeworth's terrible, no-good, very bad week - by ApprenticeofDoyle
Summary: AAI but with Phoenix. Everything with Phoenix on AAI. Like I love it for many reasons. The WrightWorth is there but this is juuuuust so good. I'm low-key hoping for part 2 to have Phoenix altho that's least likely to happen. I juuuuust want Phoenix interacting with uncle Ray yknow!
a lie like a litany, cold and reformed - by fictitiousregrets
Summary: Where Miles bluffs about being engaged, gets engaged, gets married, and realizes they're in love and married. One of my favorite rom coms of all times. Really Wrightworth insanity.
Happier Than I Deserve - by KrisseyCrystal (IceCreAMS)
Summary: Pride and Prejudice representing Miles and Phoenix. Need I say more? This is going to be one marathon of wrightworth. Binge yourself on this monster fic. And really worth it to read.
where the heart is - by chameleonwrites
Summary: How Phoenix's home charmed Miles? Spanning from childhood until they move together, Real cute. I love for any Miles POV.
Trust Issues - by chameleonwrites
Summary: Phoenix sees plane tickets. Cue the angst. Wrightworth trying to make you cry.
The Catch-up Game - by theacegrace
Summary: Post AA6 Phoenix character study. Real good fic that's utterly sweet. It had lovely moments to angst moments, great confession to some wright family antics. A sin not to read. Never fails to tear me from the confessions?
Childswap - by theacegrace
Summary: WrightWorth switching children for a day. Real cutiiie fic! This never fails to put smiles on my face.
reading between the lines - by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
Summary: Another tearjerker. It starts tearing you to pieces then sweetening you with the fluff. And the last chapter is worth all the angst! A roller coaster fic. Basically Miles spanning from the horror of Manfred to Phoenix to great Franzy and Miles sibling love and back to Phoenix! Spanning the first 3 games.
Legal Partners - by Miggy
Summary: Oh boy. Another monster fic that's just so worth it. Fluffy and ansty and fluffy. A betting game between Klavier and Miles on who can show their? defense attorney how much they appreciate them as a legal partner. Quoting Phoenix in this fic a pissing contest between the two of them. Has some Kpollo but really more of Wrightworth goodiness. Anyone who hasn't t read this is a crime.
It Would Feel So Good To Make You Mine - by hi_its_ellis and lowbatteryhealth
Summary: Love is War but WrightWorth style. Literally flirting contest, knowing all the rules without talking and just driving the entire LA crazy while they both wait for the other to confess. My all time favorite WrightWorth rom com insanity. I don't feel bad at all. It will make you laugh so much.
A Fool for You - by bluemoodblue
Summary: Engaged but at the same time did we get married 4 months before the wedding? And it's not Vegas! This is just so romcom and just so good and sweet. I won't say anymore!
The PlayWright - by WingSongHalo
Summary: Miles visits a local theater where he meets a very intriguing actor who seems so much like someone. Really, really good. This is just one of my favorite WrightWorth fics.
Project: Matchmakers - by WingSongHalo
Summary: Literally everyone shipping Wrightworth and a club shipping WrightWorth and trying to get them together. Really adorable. Many cute parts. It has 3 parts found here. You will love the proposal on part 2 and part 3 is cute and lovely due to many reasons.
time goes by so slowly (and time can do so much) - by ohallows
Summary: AU AA magical universe Miles being a caseworker featuring Phoenix! Phoenix director of orphanage of magical pips. Really good!
Out of Order - by canolacrush
Summary: Falling in love backwards Phoenix style. Phoenix is sooo seduced that he runs from his husband who suddenly looks 100x hotter.
Chicago Noël by canolacrush
Summary: Mafia Miles and Baker Phoenix. This is also ooone monster fic. It's adorable and lovely in so Many levels. You will love the switch in roles for Miles and Phoenix. One of my fave fics! Forgot to tag this. I'm sorrry!
Earning it - by thebigeish
Summary: WrightWorth except Miles is his sugardaddy. It just hits me in a cute way.
all the ways to love - by hi_its_ellis
Summary: where Phoenix has his gay awakening and he figured it out late? Some internal homophobia. Really close to my heart.
Written - by Limey
Summary: Where Phoenix finds Edgeworth's fanfic.
The Opposing Counsel's Proposal - by the acegrace
Summary: Where WrightWorth tries to propose to each other with mix results. Really funny and you will love every second of foolishness of these two competitive dorks.
The Defense’s Proposal, Post Facto - by Kantayra
Summary: Where WrightWorth decided to get married during lunch because the paperwork drove them nuts. They pretend to try to be convinced but we all know how eager they both are.
The Perenial Pursuits - byDeiRyuu
Summary: Larry misunderstanding that whenever anything Phoenix related happens, Miles is the speed dial.
justice vs state - by sinkburrito
Summary: Apollo running errands for Phoenix and Miles over an envelope. Apollo at the same time being oblivious. Poor Pollo. Basically WrightWorth involving Apollo for their feud.
Sick of Leaving - by Jodalyn
Summary: WrightWorth sickfic. Miles POV. You would want to read this. It's adorable! Just wants to make you hug their sweetness.
they'll never love you like I can - by Jodalyn
Summary: Chief!Miles College Phoenix. Time Shenanigans. Miles meeting Phoenix. I'm so weark to Chief Miles meeting Baby College Feenie.
despite everything, it's still you - by orphan_account
Summary: AA novelization with analysis on how Phoenix and Miles view each other. There are a few aspects in this fic I could never forget which is just my favorite thing. Read it. You will love it. Spanning from childhood through Post AA6 I think.
Myths We Don’t Believe In - by hi_its_ellis
Summary: Cue Chief Prosecutor invites current BF and his not really exBF in the same room, in the morgue. Miles did this to himself. Sorry for langworth Miles. And Miles lost any braincells he had. Cue Jealous Miles.
Anytime, Anywhere, Again - by hi_its_ellis
Summary: Part two of Mythes We Don't Believe In. This is literally Phoenix roasting Miles on his decision. I love this one.
(confetti) (smile) (heart) - by lvl99arsene
Summary: Just Phoenix FINALLY upgrading his phone. This was just so cute and Phoenix being a menace! Feat Sugar Daddy Miles.
Change in Perspective - by chameleonwrites
Summary: Maya and Franziska having a betting contest on which brother is pinning for the other. Feat. Miles being the biggest victim of this spectacle. All betting fics are sooo fun. This is also one you shouldn't miss. Just feel sorry of Miles as the victim.
Phoenix von Karma - by Otoshigo
Summary: Canon Divergent AU where Phoenix had been declared all dead until He comes back with no memories and as a Prosecutor. One of my all time fave. If you want a german speaking Phoenix, read this! I love this for many reasons. Sadly, expect no Apollo or Trucy on this.
i can bring you to bathe in the river - by oredatte
Summary: on of my fave AUs. My fave trope for WrightWorth. To adopt Trucy, our lovable pair gets (platonically) legally married, moving in together, co-adopting an eight-year-old, and keeping it all a secret.
Of Haircuts, Pocketwatch Chains, Other Uninteresting and Undesireable Things, and Generic Wholecloth Christmas Magic - by ribbontype
Summary: Back to romcom WrightWorth gift-giving competition. One of my favorite fics due to how said men drive each other nuts.
Fixer Upper - by poodlepunk
Summary: Miles getting Phoenix's help to renovate his house. Renovating houses is just my guilty pleasure in fics. Domestic WrightWorth.
Tomorrow - by marttyyriroskis
Summary: From 7 Year gap through Spirit of Justice. There is so much angst here. Also cue the fluff and drama on AA4. You will love the way the writer handled the mess capcom made. I just love this fic due to some special moments. You will not regret reading this monster fic. Prepare all the tissues!
where are you going? (i've been looking everywhere for you) - by whackamacka
Summary: Kimi no Na Wa except WrightWorth style? This is it! Setting is between 3-1 to 3-4. feat BratFeen.
abracadabra! - by ohallows
Summary: Kay and Trucy shenanigans making WrightWorth dads panic. ahahah.
now i don't hate california after all - by ohallows
Summary: Kay and Trucy gossiping and plotting. Kay and Trucy are literally born to be sisters.
parallelogram - by zombiekittiez
Summary: A cute but nicer BratFeen Fic. Canon divergent au featuring Defense Attorney Miles and theater major Phoenix. It's Miles who Dahlia meets instead.
ticking time bomb in their chests - by harmony
Summary: Timetravel fic just so Phoenix finally gets the realization he needs. We all love time travel fics!
The lies we tell ourselves - by Danypooh80
Summary: A retelling of AA except of a surprise OC in this fic. I melt for this fic for all the time. You will love every second of this!
Everything Changes - by Danypooh80
Summary: More of a Edgeworth-Wright family fic? Direct sequel of The lies we tell ourselves. A must read for part 1. Just expounding on the first fic with so much fluff you will melt with the fluff!
Turnabout Ideals - by felicia_angel
Summary: AA but a magical AU? It's full of feels. Way too many Phoenix angst. This is part 1 of 6 Currently. Part 5 is my fave! Read all to understand the universe. Nulls and Voids series - series link!
Set Sail and Cannonballed - by Almod
Summary: WrightWorth navigating the beginnings of their relationship in their very busy life. Something about this fic hits me with how much I love it!
The "B" in Butz stands for "Bondage" - by JajaLala
Summary: Larry wants to learn bondage. Miles runs away, Phoenix appreciates the art. I love this for hilarious reasons.
bear trap - by ghostcatamount
Summary: feat Omega Phoenix. Were it not Phoenix, this would just be creepy about his pre-heat. SInce this is our fave Phoenix, he is just not so subtle and Miles being the oblivious Alpha is such a treat!
by the book - by zombiekittiez
Summary: Drunk Miles barging in at book clubs to confess. Miles being drunk is always a treat.
Rise from the Ashes, again and again - by theinkhiddenwithin
Summary: Romantic fairy tale featuring fated paired Miles and Phoenix. This is it!
Happy Accident - by Jodalyn
Summary: Phoenix had a rough day except Miles bought the wrong paint but Phoenix turns it around by changing his canvas.
we sleep and set fires - by fictitiousregrets
Summary: Dreamsharing WrightWorth. This is one beautiful incption like fic.
a crow's trial - by Charrelous
Summary: role reversal au featuring defense attorney Miles and Prosecutor Phoenix. one of my fave aus. Also my guilty pleasure tropes.
Through Time and Space - by Northernflicker
Summary: time traveler Phoenix and immortal Miles? You will love this, spanning through different eras of history.
Should be Pretty Mundane - by KrisseyCrystal (IceCreAMS)
Summary: Phoenix makes a discovery about himself that he is so embarrassed about. And Miles, of course, figures it out.
One step at a time - by OuterWilde (foreveraugust)
Summary: Post AAJ. Phoenix plans to reinstate himself as a lawyer and confess to Miles. Real cute lovely fic! Phoenix also being oblivious about how good he is as a lawyer.
take it like a man - by tudoo
Summary: Literally Phoenix is dramatic about suit shopping. Spanning 2 decade events. I love how dramatic Phoenix is and how endearing Mia and Miles are here.
co-signed - by tudoo
Summary: WrightWorth goes house hunting until angst ensues. Reaaaally adorable with a splash of angst.
Shear Luck - by TopazEstrella
Summary: Legit Pianist Phoenix and Barber Miles. The post-apocalyptic barbershop AU that no one asked for but we all secretly needed.
it's only love - by Jodalyn
Summary: Miles and Phoenix marriage through the eyes of Gregory Edgeworth. Makes you tear up!
Phoenix is Out of the Loop - by Living_Death
Summary: Miles decides to take up knitting until it drove Phoenix nuts! It's sooo adorable. There's literally a knitting club plus Apollo and Miles.
Change of Heart - by actual_goblin
Summary: Miles had an operation and Franziska and Maya happened.
Eavesdropping - by SapphireWine
Summary: Miles asleep and eavesdropping on Maya and Phoenix post Engarde trial. Quick and short but we just love how comfy Miles is in using Phoenix as a pillow.
Maybe In Time (you'll want to be mine) - by YourAverageBystander
Summary: Time loop shenanigans. aka: Phoenix's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, 2,400 hour day. What something Phoenix picked up on is my fave part of this!
where there is a flame (someone's bound to get burned) - by Samioli
Summary: Love lessons by Phoenix. It's good but these two constipated lawyers are pinning while having these sessions. Cue the angst.
An Anniversary Like Any Other - by Kantayra
Summary: Married WrightWorth just banter through anniversaries til they reach their old age.
Drunk on Kisses - by Zhuletta
Summary: Miles 5 + 1 drunk on kisses and he admits it on the last one. Real cute and adorable!
Turnabout Dishwasher - by zuzsenpai
Summary: Trucy asking Miles to keep an eye on her dad while on a trip around the world. Very dialogue AA style. You will love it! literally 3 fics in 1 fic if that makes sense. Turnabout Exchange Chapters are other pairings basically. There are a lot of pairings in this fic!
Texts & Turnabouts - by YanagiKana
Summary: explored AA love. really lovely shots. While WrightWorth here being my favorite, there are other tons to love here.
the bookstore at the corner of 14th and fen - by kbots
Summary: feat bookstore owner Miles and Single dad Phoenix. Reaaaallly fluffy and adorable on so many levels. Artist Phoenix creeps up. Extra Cute Trucy is here!
New to the Neighborhood - by paxton1976
Summary: Literally Phoenix and Miles being neighbors except the noise drove Miles nuts. Composer/Pianist Phoenix. AA but without the crazy drama? Very domestic life!
Seeing Is Believing - by paxton1976
Summary: Miles gets new glasses and he finds Phoenix 100x beautiful. Miles realizing how he also loves Phoenix and also somewhat obsesses on Phoenix too.
The Wooing of Phoenix Wright - by crayoncompanion
Summary: We've seen lots of fics Phoenix chasing after Miles. This is where the opposite happens. It's literally the title. Expect some angst tho. And some tear jerker moments but worth every tissue. You will love it!
The Art of Seduction: Is for People Less Attractive than Miles Edgeworth - by crayoncompanion
Summary: feat Sexy/hot Miles dropping all the hints for Phoenix to make a move but he sort of waves it off and acts ignorant about it? This is sooo funny on so many levels. It never failed to crack me up.
Love, Lust, and Libraries - by crayoncompanion
Summary: library au. It's soo good feat Miles and Phoenix clashing so muuuuch before they get each other. How can library AUs not be fun?
Angel of the Screens, Demon of the Courtroom - by JustNerdyThings
Summary: AA1 but Phoenix as a famous actor who became a lawyer. All good stuff. Where there is smol range of death for AA1. Pure gold comedy. Famous celebrity Phoenix is a riot having that Feenieness to him with money to spare to drive the world mad. Mia and Miles are the best worsties at law.
Guilty As Charged - by JustNerdyThings
Summary: Our wrightworth is mooning, everyone is trying to matchmake but it's not really needed? Another gold comedy wrightworth fic. Or Just torture Apollo with matchmake shenanigans that's really not needed.
Of Unravelled Knots - by Ekat
Summary - Very wholesome? Some really angsty in some parts only at the start majority. This fic is stuck to me because Miles narrative is hilarious to me and everyone literally roasting his house and I love how much of a BI Phoenix is on him and the times he decides to be petty.
Miles Bunworth Petitioned Bunshot Extravaganza - Ophelia_Writes
Summary - Everyone petitioning Miles in a bunnysuit. A part of A Brief Rest for the Defense fic. Loosely. Only need to know Miles messed up and Maya and Franziska happened. Somewhat post AA3.
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littledata · 6 months
what are these "best fics youve ever read that barely have any hits" you mentioned? can you give us a top 5 or sonething?
Oh God, you've really shamed me here because I read a LOT of random fics from fandoms I'm not even part of and the stories I was referring to largely come from there.
However, in the interest of practising what I preach, I sat down today and read a bunch of Warrior Nun fics I'd never read before so I could rec you some. To be totally clear, these aren't necessarily going to have "hardly any hits" but are fics that I think could use more love in general.
In no particular order:
I was seeing black and white (and now I'm living in color) by gayestcatra - 1281 words, a beautifully soft fic set in Switzerland with gorgeous description. By the same author I also enjoyed (your life was) my life's best part, an angsty Mary/Shannon exploring Mary's (heartbreaking) grief after Shannon's death.
Cat’s Cradle security checkpoint logs by @jtl07 - 518 words, have I raved enough on tumblr yet about how much I love their writing? No? Oh okay I'll do it again then. JT is one of my favourite writers in the fandom and I love this series of fics they did giving creative looks into the characters - this particular one is the contents of their bags but the whole series is worth checking out (and everything else they write too, obviously).
Lauds by @sisterdivinium - 3152 words, Mother Superion/Jillian Salvius. WE LOVE A RAREPAIR. Gorgeously written fic where you feel the weight of every single action. The author has a TON of fics if you liked this one too.
you're my best friend (in a world we must defend) by @daisychainsandbowties - 3980 words, avatrice and Pokemon. Beatrice's characterisation in this drives me insane. I MUST know more. If you know nothing about pokemon here's your primer: they're funny little guys you catch and make fight, exactly like the Catholic church did to Ava. There, now you've got no excuse not to read it.
Dead People Don't Shiver by waterintheshadows - 2068 words, avatrice soulmate AU set in a morgue FUCK YEAH. This is the kind of shit I live for. Great concept, great execution.
Where The River Bends by @itchyouchyz - 100,750 words, avatrice 1960s midwife AU. Full disclosure - it's 100k - I haven't finished it yet. But I LOVE what I've read so far, tender and lovely. Check the tags for trigger warnings on this one!
keep me in your mirror (but don't take your eyes off the road) by minutetuna - 26,343 words, avatrice season 2 road trip au. It made me feel this precise emotion: hnnnnnnghhhhh. There is a particular style of writing which is just bouncy and pacy and still draws you into every single emotion and this author has it in spades. LOVE.
This was so much fun! If anyone else wants to hit me up with some recs I'd love to hear them - even if (especially if) they're your fics. It's a long weekend, might as well spend it reading fanfiction.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 6 months
I accidentally became moots with a lot of cool undertale/UTMV artists-
@nobodys-reblogs Like, you were my first idol on here that I befriended 🥺 AND NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE MY IDOL- you legit just seemed cool, and I am very VERY grateful each time I see '#friend tag' with you!! I also love your style, it gives a sense of comfort because of the shades you normally use!! (<- psstt I also like your doors content!)
@inka-boi I love the way you draw chubby and plus sized people, literally helped with my own drawings of different body types! You're also super nice. And well, my mum—I love the purple yarn family, I live for the purple yarn ship, you're super sweet!
@zombiestar1934 Uhm, yeah—Yoink. Your art is very yoinkable, VERY HUGGABLE!! Looks like it was drawn in a library, where you had the peace of only hearing your drawing tablet make 'lil clicks! I love the hearts you add to blush, and the smiles you give them! Yet you're just as capable of making angst, and I love Angst :3
@absurdumsid I want to hug all, and I mean ALL your drawings. ESPECIALLY horrorpills, I love the clean look they all have, I love looking at your art, and I just- aghghgh your so cool!!
@italic-doing-random-shit man you're just very awesome, idk how the hell I manged being moots w/ you but I'm vibing with it, your art is like, yum. It gives me, hm... Oh! Okay it gives me animatic vibes, like you'd be a good animator! /pos!
@inkcat1987 AWE. JUST AWE—I love how sweet your style is, and I'm especially liking the middle school AU!! Once again, soft as angel wings!
@axinfinity there's just- there's something so HOLDABLE about your art! I just wanna pick it up and protect it!
@ant1quarian ah yes, a fellow UTMV enjoyer who collects a very specific sans, that being Dust in your case! /vpos. Your style, it's like moss. It has a natural feel, it looks like it'd smell like rain, like feathers and it's so... like this song, The Moss is how I feel when I look at your pfp!
@dzasterdumpterfire Stars. Your art looks like stars, I'm fairly sure the lighting comes from the stars. I dunno it's just kinda mystifying to look at!
@endless-emptyness Your art >>>> Very pleasant to look at. I really enjoy the facial expressions you do!!
@solusminds your art feels like it was crafted in the cozy darkness, illuminated only by a single lantern, while winter blazes outside. It's so nice and warm feeling!
@kiyo-void A lovely painting! All your works feel like they were painted, painted and set in a cool breeze to dry, especially your digital art, and I am LIVING for it! Plussssss Runetale is super cool!
@denieatsart HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE that's how I feel looking at what you make!! I love the kinda like, layered look your art gives!!
@largefound can't say a bad thing about ya, you're cool, your art gives cool feelings, cool vibes everywhere!
Annd... it's late, I can't think of anyone else BUT IF I DO I will ADD YOU to the list!!
@rushin-safire. Yeah, your art? Feels like it was drawn with a cat in your lap while you've just come home from the Cafe, still sipping on your coffee. :3
@nashdoesstuff for the LIFE OF ME I can't figure out how the hell to search your art, hpw am I screwing it up?? But anyways it probably tastes like gummy bears. /pos.
@nightmarish-qeuwusha Your art tastes like cotton candy! I think that your art was woven from candy floss and glittered with stardust! ^^
@analexthatexists Containment! I feel like your art gives off SCP vibes, I feel like I'm some sort of entity when I look at it, and that, is, awesome!
@determinedfanartist okay but like, your art is "I drew this specifically bc I love my friends" and I cannot be convinced otherwise. /pos
@mrfellsans Ah, cartoony. Specifically with that dapper charm to it! I'm talking bendy and the ink machine, I'm talking swing, I'm talking pleasant to look at as you have a modern spin on it!
@the-second-reason your art is that chill older kid, the one that helps ou their younger peers figure out stuff. They're the super relaxed big sibling, your art has a mellow style, gives chill big sibling vibes. :]
@dustsansm1 I mean this in the best way possible, your art feels friendly but has anxiety. And that's okay! Your art gives me like, it wants to be friends w/ someone but too shy to do so. It has a sorta 'I'm trying my best' style, when it's already really good!
@spookuzm cover artist! I feel like you'd do well drawing the characters that you put on the cover of stuff, your art vibes me those vibes! Like it's the peak inside a new world! ^^ Hey side note this changed to comfort artist
@mellybabbles Reflections, your art makes me reflect on myself. What was behind it? Every line you etch into it makes me think, ponder, as if it were drawn from a mirror.
@wickjump ICON. Your art is SUCH an icon, you're RADIATING icon vibes. The colours you use seem to naturally give off a hue to it, giving it that pop! It's beautiful and clean and iconic! ✨️
@hialeisanimation I mean this in the most light hearted way possible—It's just happy. Like your art is the definition of :3 and I am VIBING w/ it, very lovely to look at!
@joonebugg your art has PERSONALITY, like they don't take shit from anyone. Like looking at it, feels like they'd be the decals for a 1970s diner and they're like the characters, they work too hard to take orders from ungrateful customers. THAT'S what your style looks like to me.
@milkybnnuy so your style (especially when you draw Fell!NM) is so dark and radiates that dark energy and pretty pretty please I need more angst- /pos (edit: dear cod I got that angst)
@bluu3berry - you really utilize shades of colour really well, I think you've done a wonderful job with Bluu!! /Gen! I think your style really reminds me of an older cartoon with their softer colours, like Charlie brown! And, I love Charlie brown!
@hiro-doodlez - Your art uses ALL of your canvas to your advantage! Like rarely have I ever seen you draw something and leave a blank space, which also helps you create a ton of interesting shading! I like how you draw over colours w/ other colours, so your base colours helps the top layer—Does that make sense? ^^ like, your style is very out there! Very you, very recognizable!
@dustbvnnyy Y2K INVADER ZIM like it's awesome, your artstyle gives me y2k alt vibes!! I love the soft saturated (is that a thing? ^^') colours that go into your pieces!!
@murder-clown-around-town fun!! I saw your pinned post and from what you drew IT LOOKS SO FUN!! Like a balloon animal!! I like how the lines overlap and create a structure!! :D
@miracle-negative soft and heavenly! Your art, even using a darker pallet is soft and smooth!!
@yellow-computer-mouse it's quite relaxed! I like the shading you did on that smoking Dust picture! ^^
@eco-systeme royal! You have a very royal, a very fancy looking style to me!! Like, someone paid you a good amount to draw it! I hope you forever remain creative, love your art!
@wishtale-blogs spring vibes!! Absolutely beautiful spring, butterflies, meadows and more!! I LOVE MONARCH I've literally never seen orange and pastels work well like yours does!!!
@swiftmitsu YOOO MY FIRST FRIEND MADE ON DISCORD!!! I'd like to say I'm a huge fan of your artstyle! It's a good mix between adorable, but can be taken seriously if the tone demands it! This is a hard skill to acquire, because a lot of adorable art can be hard to feel the wanted emotions conveyed — But you found just the right balance! I always look forward to you posting! ^^
@cocopebblez Detailed and stylish! I look at your art and go WOAH, I look at your sona and they're STUNNING, I look at you and I see cameras flashing as paparazzi tries to get your photo as you strut down the red carpet. So fame worthy is how I perceive your art!! And fame in the future I see!
@underfaithangelz welcome to the wall! I see your art has a very lantern vibe! Using this as my reference! I love how you can use low lighting and still make everything perfectly visual! It gives it a warm glow! I think your style is like fire, with all the intricate brush marks like flames! Beautiful and gorgeous just as your voice!
Also, we may not be moots—But honourary mention to @somegrumpynerd you're my comfort artist, I go searching for Dadmare if I'm down and I find your art—I love how it just looks like the embodiment of Marshmallows. I love how you draw each and every scene you've made, the emotions you convey even if it's supposed to just be a silly post! Just ahhhhhh I love looking at what you make!!
Have a good day, night, evening, morning, or whatever time it is for you guys!
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
Another Update on the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse
Hello everyone! Back again with another update on the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse.
The first version is here, second version here.
EDIT: New update is here, the tag for future updates is here.
Must have visible lip to lip contact
Must be shown on screen in a GMMTV tv series (no kisses from ads, promotional content, etc.)
Breakdown by Show
I have analyzed 61 shows so far:
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(full list in alt text)
Breakdown By Actor
I have analyzed 112 actors so far:
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(full lists in alt text)
Results and Discussion
Most Kissing Pairs Per Show
The shows with the most different kissing pairs are:
Warp Effect (15 different pairs)
Friendzone (11 different pairs)
U-Prince (9 different pairs)
The Player and The Jungle (7 different pairs each)
Only Friends (5 different pairs)
Not Me and 3 Will Be Free have 4 each, then Mama Gogo, Moonlight Chicken, P.S. I Hate You, Theory of Love, and Three Gentlebros have 3 different kissing pairs each.
The Power of Jojo
As discovered in the first iteration, Jojo has an outsized impact on the number of kissing pairs.
He directed roughly 13% of all the shows analyzed but his shows contain about 33% of kisses present in the data set. Jojo also directed 4 of the top 6 shows with the most different kissing pairs (and 6 of the top 13).
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The median number of "different kissing pairs per show" of a Jojo show is 6.0, compared to a median of only 1.8 "different kissing pairs per show" in non-Jojo shows.
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(note: I am just looking at kissing pair iterations here not at unique kissing pairs, e.g., Phuwin/Pond are a pair in two shows (once in a Jojo show and once in a non-Jojo show), so they are counted twice.)
Most Kissing Partners
There has been a shift in the rankings... Welcome Joss to the top!
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Top ranked are Joss with 10 different kissing partners, then Lee and Namtan with 9 different kissing partners each, then Ohm and Nanon with 7 each.
Next are Gigie and Singto with 6 kissing partners each, then Bright, Film, First, Fluke Pusit, Jan, Krist, Mild, New, and Off with 5 each. Finally, Drake, Fah, Neo, Plustor, Tay, and Win have 4 each.
The average number of kissing partners per actor is 2.3.
Most Kissing Partners in One Show
We have four people tied for "Most Kissing Partners in One Show," and they are from only two different shows. A round of applause for Plustor (4 different kissing partners in Friendzone) and for Fluke Pusit, Gigie, and New (each with 4 different kissing partners in Warp Effect)!
Honorable mentions to: Joss (3 in The Player AND 3 in 3 Will Be Free), Namtan (3 in The Player), Neo (3 in Only Friends), and Singto (3 in Friendzone).
Please note all of these shows are Jojo shows.
The Kiss Web
Behold... the Kiss Web:
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I made this to better visualize the intertwined who-kisses-who situation going on. It's, uh... a lot.
I also made some fun visual breakdowns to help sort through the mess of the Web:
First image below highlights "kissing triangles" and "squares" (shout out to the 3 Will Be Free trio of Joss, Mild, and Tay; the Friendzone trio of Nat, Plustor, and Singto; and the Warp Effect triangle of Fluke Pusit, Gigie, and New and square of Fah, Gigie, Joong, and New, all of which were established over the course of one show each - yes these are all Jojo shows).
The second image highlights the reach of the top 5 kissers.
The third image shows the incredible kissing webs of Warp Effect (in red) and Friendzone (in blue), the two shows with the most kissing pairs.
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Unique vs. Repeat Kissing Pairs
The vast majority of kissing pairs only occur once, in one show. There are 136 "unique" kissing pairs in the data set, with 128 (94%) only appearing once, in one show, and 8 (6%) pairs appearing at least twice.
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The 8 pairs that appear in more than one show are:
Book/Force (in A Boss and A Babe, Enchante, and Only Friends)
Bright/Win (in 2gether and Still 2gether)
Dunk/Joong (in Hidden Agenda and Star In My Mind)
Earth/Mix (in A Tale of Thousand Stars, Cupid's Last Wish, and Moonlight Chicken)
Film/Gun (in Not Me and Three Gentlebros)
First/Khaotung (in The Eclipse and Only Friends)
Gun/Off (in Not Me and Theory of Love)
Louis/Neo (in The Eclipse and Fish Upon The Sky)
All these pairs, with the exception of Film/Gun, are BL branded pairs, which says something about the variety of the het GMMTV show world and about the structure of the BL system.
All in all, 99% of mixed gender pairs only appear once, in one show, compared to 88% of same gender pairs.
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Same Gender vs. Mixed Gender Kissing Pairs
A change in the data! With all the new kisses we've gotten in, the balance has shifted. Of the 136 "unique" (non-repeated) kissing pairs, 59% are mixed gender pairs and 41% are same gender pairs.
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Last time we were at 59% same gender kisses and 41% mixed gender kisses, but our sample includes more het shows now which explains the shift.
I dug into this a little further by looking at how many shows featured both same and mixed gender kissing pairs, and which shows featured only one or the other.
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43% of the shows had only same gender kissing pairs, 39% of the shows had only mixed gender kissing pairs, and only 18% of shows featured both. All in all, a fairly even split.
I was curious so I did the math - about 34% of the 112 actors I looked at have only ever kissed someone of the same gender. Of that 34%, roughly 32% have kissed more than one person of the same gender (representing about 11% of the full sample).
And now, some burning questions...
Which of the GMMTV boys has kissed the most guys?
We have a five-way tie for first place: congrats to First, Fluke Pusit, Neo, Plustor, and Singto, with 4 men kissed each!
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First kissed Gawin (Not Me), Khaotung (The Eclipse and Only Friends), Mix (Moonlight Chicken), and Ohm (The Shipper)
Fluke Pusit kissed Jay Jatuporn (Warp Effect), New (Warp Effect), Ohm Thipakorn (A Boss and A Babe), and Thor (Warp Effect)
Neo kissed Drake (Only Friends), Force (Only Friends), Louis (Fish Upon The Sky and The Eclipse), and Mark Pakin (Only Friends)
Plustor kissed AJ (Friendzone), Arm (Friendzone), Nat (Friendzone), and Singto (Friendzone) [he was very busy in Friendzone]
Singto kissed Krist (SOTUS), Nat (Friendzone), Ohm (HCTM), and Plustor (Friendzone)
Second place is a five-way tie between Earth, Gawin, Khaotung, Krist, and Ohm who have kissed 3 men each!
There are also 13 men who have kissed two men each: Chimon, Dunk, Force, Gun, Mek, Mix, Nat, New, Papang, Pawin, Phuwin, Pod, and Tay.
*Note: while First and Fluke Pusit appear together in The Shipper, and it gets verrrry close, they do not actually kiss.
Where does Only Friends stand so far?
Only Friends itself is at 5 kissing pairs so far, which is higher than average but only 5th place overall among shows. I believe it can claw its way up easily though (it only needs two more kissing pairs to catch 4th places The Jungle and The Player)!
First has had 5 kissing partners so far which means he's only 2 away from reaching the top 5 Kissers (Joss has 10 kissing partners, Lee and Namtan have 9 each, Nanon and Ohm have 7 each). Neo is at 4 kissing partners, so also within reach of the top if he puts some effort in. Khaotung is at 3 partners, so within reach of the upper echelon but maybe more of a stretch. Force and Mark Pakin are at a respectable 2 partners each so far but Book has only had one kissing partner so he is going to need to kiss a lot to make up some ground. Lookjun is at 2 so she has room to move too.
In terms of gay kisses, First and Neo are already at the top of the leader board with 4 men kissed each, while Khaotung sits in respectable second place with 3 men kissed. All three have a strong chance of moving up the standings (Neo is averaging 1 new kissing partner a week so let's see if that continues). Force has kissed two men so he is not far off either. Mark Pakin and Book have only kissed one man each and thus they are far down the leader board for GMMTV men who have kissed men, but I remain optimistic.
Contributing authors:
@airenyah, @alsoran, @alwaysthepessimist, various anons, @bengiyo, @burnsuncomet, @callipigio, @cangse-sanren, @catboykacchan, @catboyjosten, @catsundmaus, @chickenstrangers, @crowie, @dribs-and-drabbles, @ffirstkhao, @isaksbestpillow, @jeonghanurl, @kattahj, @kpinhiding, @lurkingshan, @maibpenrai, @maybeitdontmakesense, @nieves-de-sugui, @non-binarypal7, @sammie-lightwood-bane, @sollucets, @userneos, @theselightsareblinding, @tiistirtipii, @waitmyturtles, @williamrikers
Data visualization consultants: @chickenstrangers, @wen-kexing-apologist
Asked to be tagged: @blmpff
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i-may-be-an-emu · 19 days
Some of my favourite out of context sfth ao3 tags because these are so funny (also all of these are from different fics)
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Disclaimer that these aren’t mine :)
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berryless · 3 months
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Ren [REDACTED] from @14dayswithyou Fan SoundTrack
(cover edited from official blog related pictures)
Spotify | YouTube Music | Yandex Music
American Authors — What We Live For
We're taking off, woo This is what I live for Baby, you're my open road You can take me anywhere the wind blows Right into the great unknown We can throw our hands up out the window This is what we live for Hey! We look up at the stars A perfect night to dream with you Got 90's retro on the radio, our favorite tune (Hey!) I put the pedal to the metal just to laugh with you It's interstellar, when it's just us two
Где Фантом? — Я тебя люблю
А на кухне суп мой стынет, в голове одно: "Я тебя люблю" Мяч гоняю по двору, в голове одно: "Я тебя люблю" Сны хорошие и плохие, в голове одно: "Я тебя люблю" В этом городе где-то ходишь, всё никак тебя не найду
Rough translation:
My soup's going cold in the kitchen, my mind goes, "I love you." Playing ball in the yard, my mind goes, "I love you." Dreaming good dreams and bad dreams, my mind goes, "I love you." You're walking around in this town, I can't find you.
Mosimann, Joe Cleere — Never Let You Go
All my faith All my love In a pile Light it up Things I'd burn To keep you warm And in the storm I'll never let you go, oh-oh
Deepend, Phil Soda, Lono — I Hate Everyone But You
Been everywhere, searching for something that ain't there I been wandering, and I don't know what's wrong with me So sick and tired, these people leave me uninspired 'Cause no one else could ever bring me to my knees I don't want nobody else in my bed Rather talk with you instead Or maybe it's just all in my head What should I do? I try to find someone new But I hate everyone but you It's true And I don't mean to be so rude I hate everyone but you
Cinema Bizarre — Deeper and Deeper
I'm fallin' deeper and deeper Getting sweeter and sweeter You can't obscure desire 'Cause you learn as it grows It's so strong It lingers on Forever
Нервы — Волшебная
Ты - солнце, ты - звёзды Ты, ты, ты точно не Земля Ты сложна, ты, ты, ты, ты так просто Но кто с тобой я Мы гуляем по краям Бессконечно нежная Не чужая, не моя Но ты волшебная
Rough translation:
You're the sun, you're the stars You, you, you, you're definitely not Earth You're complicated, you, you, you, you're so easy But who am I with you. We walk on the edges Endlessly tender Not a stranger, not mine But you're magical
Мумий Тролль — Фантастика
Осталось никаких сомнений Похоже, счастлив я И не слегка
Всё это ты! И ты – не привидение Фантастика, фантастика! Неужто мы Остаёмся вместе навека, навека?
Rough translation:
No doubts left It seems I'm happy And not just somewhat
It's all you! And you're not an illusion Fantastic, fantastic! Are we Staying together forever, forever?
Official translation:
I have no doubts, no hesitation Secure in who I am Everything's all right
And because of you One word whispered Fantastica, fantastic Our love is true Tangled up together Our galaxy The stars I give to you
All that we dream Comes true in this moment I'll keep you warm and safe Never let you go
Who's Molly? — Until I Found You
I didn't know what life was till' I found you Am I wasting my time? Until I found you Going out of my mind Until I found you I need you back here tonight I didn't know what life was till I found you Oh, until I found you
ТОКИО — Если Да
Я смотрю в твои глаза И тону в своей любви Я прошу лишь слово Если ты готова Пусть об этом скажут губы твои
Если да - тогда все звёзды в твоих руках Тогда все улицы в облаках именем твоим Если да - мы не расстанемся никогда Мы будем вместе с тобой всегда если да Всё зависит от тебя
Rough translation:
I look into your eyes And I'm drowning in my love I only ask for a word If you're ready Let your lips speak for you
If yes, then all the stars are in your hands Then all the streets are in the clouds in your name If yes, we will never part We will always be together if so It all depends on you
Muse — I Belong To You
I can't find the words to say They're overdue I've traveled half the world to say I belong to you
Weezer — Happy Together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you For all my life When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue For all my life
Звери — Не Важно
Не важно, кто спутал маршруты Кто кинул нас круто Кто впарил нам жажду Однажды я стану минутой Я стану минутой твоей каждой!
Rough translation:
It doesn't matter who tangled the routes Who screwed us over Who duped us to thirst One day I'll be a minute I'll be every minute of your life
Cody Fry — I Hear a Symphony
I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along You took my broken melody And now I hear a symphony
Dневник Dжессики — Когда ты улыбаешься
Ночь выжигает мои пьяные мысли Видишь, как небо над нами зависло? Сколько мне ждать, когда ты успокоишься? Вниманье твоё — это моя утопия
Когда ты улыбаешься, ноги подгибаются Тело рассыпается, планета взрывается Когда ты улыбаешься, когда ты улыбаешься
Rough translation:
The night burns away my drunken thoughts See how the sky hangs over us? How long do I have to wait for you to calm down? Your attention is my utopia.
When you smile, my legs buckle My body crumbles, the planet explodes When you smile, when you smile
STERVELL — Вот Увидишь
Ночь, гроза И я ревную тебя к ветрам Что могут обнимать тебя Дождь, а я Всё так же ревную к его каплям Целующим твои глаза
Rough translation:
Night, thunderstorm And I'm jealous of the winds That can embrace you The rain, and I'm Still jealous of its drops Kissing your eyes
Matt Maltese — As The World Caves In
Oh, it's you that I lie with As the atom bomb locks in Yes, it's you I welcome death with As the world, as the world caves in
Земфира — Кто?
В руки твои умру, в руки твои опять Не долетевший Икар.
Кто показал тебе звезды утром? Кто научил тебя видеть ночью? Кто, если не я? Я, я всегда буду за тобой Я, я всегда буду за тебя Нет, не отпущу
Rough translation:
Into your hands I'll die, into your hands again Icarus who didn't make it
Who showed you the stars in the morning? Who taught you to see at night? Who else but me? I, I'll always be behind you. I, I'll always be for you. No, I won't let go.
Три Дня Дождя — Где Ты
Ты не знаешь меня даже по имени Но я снова у тебя за спиной Ты задела всё живое внутри меня И одна шагаешь снова домой (домой)
Я сделал бы тело себе из твоего запаха Я двери сносил бы с петель, чтоб ты заплакалаЯ Продал бы душу, затем отнял обратно Чтоб ты любила меня неадекватного
Rough translation:
You don't even know my name But I'm right behind you again You've impacted every living part inside of me And you're walking home alone
I'd make a body for myself out of your scent I'd tear doors off their hinges to make you cry I'd sell my soul, then take it back So you'd love a madman like me
Три Дня Дождя — Иду За Тобой
Отведи меня туда, где потеплее Я держу тебя за руку, и губы немеют Ты бы знала, как я сильно не хочу домой Тебя касаюсь и жалею, что живой Я иду за тобой по лесам Ищу тебя по коридорам, серым этажам Я предвкушаю, как я скоро всё тебе отдам Убей меня, наблюдая, как схожу с ума, в поисках себя
Rough translation:
Take me somewhere warmer I hold your hand and my lips go numb If only you knew how much I don't want to go home I touch you and regret I'm alive I follow you through the woods Looking for you through the corridors, the gray floors I'm anticipating how soon I'll give you my everything Kill me by watching me go crazy, searching for myself
Saint Motel — Sweet Talk
You're probably not aware That I'm even here Well, you might not know I exist But I don't even care Sweet talk Everything you say It sounds like Sweet talk to my ears You could yell "Piss off! Won't you stay away?" It'd still be Sweet talk to my ears
Моя Дорогая — Моя Дорогая
Моя дорогая, я не так далеко Ты можешь убить меня, не обнимая Моя дорогая...
Rough translation:
My dear, I'm not that far away, You can kill me without embracing me, My dear…
IVEMBR — Реплики и Роли
Оставим реплики и роли Героям посредственных фильмов Рядом с тобой я свободен Твой звонкий смех — моя сила
Озеро глаз твоих плачет Слёзы реками впадают В этих глазах всё без фальши К этим глазам меня тянет
Rough translation:
Let's leave the lines and the roles To mediocre movies' heroes With you, I'm free Your clear laughter is my strength
The lake of your eyes is weeping Tears flow in rivers Those eyes reflect no falsehoods Those eyes draw me in
Перемотка — Как Тебя Покорить
Как тебя покорить Как тебя покорить не знаю я Не проходит без этой мысли дня Не проходит и дня
Просыпаюсь и вновь Дышу я тобой Живу я тобой Живу я тобой
Rough translation:
How to win you over I don't know how to win you over Not a day goes by without that thought Not a day goes by
I wake up and again I breathe (because of) you I live (because of) you I live (because of) you
Imagine Dragons — Follow You
You know I got your number, number all night I'm always on your team, I got your back, alright Taking those, taking those losses if it treats you right I wanna put you into the spotlight
I will follow you way down wherever you may go I'll follow you way down to your deepest low I'll always be around wherever life takes you You know I'll follow you
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galedekarios · 7 months
hi, sorry if you're not the right person to ask about this but i've heard that there's a cutscene in camp where gale is looking at a copy of himself and then talks to you about the symptoms of ceremorphosis. i also read that you can only get this, as well as a couple of other scenes with different characters, if you haven't visited the grove yet. but i'm at the beginning of a second playthrough and am right at the point where i should be about to visit the grove, and i've never seen this gale scene even though i always keep him in my party and talk to him frequently, and do a lot of long rests so i don't miss anything. do you know if there's anything specific that needs to be done to get it to trigger, or if it's bugged in some way?
don't be sorry and yes, i can help you.
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here's a quick guide on how i personally manage to reliably get all of gale's act 1 scenes (i did one for early access that still contained the deer stew scene and loss scene, which still applies overall):
1. first conversation at camp (camp scene) - recruit gale  - go to camp and do the first talk ("go to hell" convo) -> be sure to have your character selected before resting, if you accidentally selected gale or a different character before resting, the conversation sometimes will not not trigger (bug since ea) - you can also do his player-intiated conversation at this point ("are you versed in magic" convo) - rest
2. mirror image scene (camp scene)  - go to recruit lae -> it doesn’t actually matter if you recruit her or not, if you save the tieflings or fight them - go to the grove and do the fight between the goblins and aradin’s party and the tieflings - talk with zevlor and aradin -> again, it doesn’t matter if you fail any checks or what you do, it’s more about the steps than what options you pick - talk with zevlor and accept to help or not - after this rest and you should get the mirror image scene 
 3. magical artefacts convo (happens while travelling) -> approval depedent to this point/convo where gale reveals his needs for magical artefacts - save sazza, the goblin prisoner at the druid grove, by stepping in front of the crossbow (gale approves a lot here) and do gale’s ! convo -you can further net approval by picking supportive dialogue options here  4. weave scene (camp scene) - help guex, the tiefling who doesn’t know how to fight, at the grove - go and talk to arabella’s parents -> you can accept to help them or not because, again, this is more about the steps rather than any particular option - trigger kagha and arabella’s scene -> it does not matter whether you manage to save her or not -if you DO save her tho, it'll give you approval and you get an extra ! convo with gale -> the one if you failed or stood by to watch were cut and are unavailable in the full release of the game - talk to arabella’s parents again to complete the quest (komira's locket can be given to gale later during his arcane hunger convos) - if you rest, you should get the weave scene -> if not, try to see if your approval is too high or too low. you can get the weave scene either on high or very high. if you are too high you can attack gale (he disapproves) and you should loose approval with him. -> also important: you can explore the ruins or another area than the grove and do a smaller quest in a different sector of the map (save mirkon, explore the ruins, explore the owlbear cave for example) if the weave scene hasn’t triggered. the weave scene should trigger in cave and forest areas. - if you’ve triggered the weave scene, you are free to explore the game as you see fit
5. tiefling party (camp convo) -eliminate all goblin leads, talk to gale at the party
general -arcane hunger convos (happens while travelling): reliably trigger for me while travelling, especially when you cross certain trigger points at the emerald grove (entrance), defiled temple (entrance), blighted village/moonhaven (approach from either entry point, ethel's hideout -be careful to not recruit any other companion yet, other than perhaps lae and exhaust her dialogue -> gale has very low overall priority and other companions will usually overwrite his interjections & dialogue
i hope this was helpful to you! 🖤
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snekdood · 1 year
hey if ur in the midwest or more specifically missouri here’s some websites i’ve found helpful for finding native seeds and live plants (they’re not all in missouri or the midwest specifically but have some seeds from around here too bc truly human made borders are fake and plants go wherever they want so):
mowildflowers (this websites cool bc they’ll deliver live plants to you if you live nearby enough and they also go to different places around missouri all year to sell plants at festivals or events or whatnot)
seedvilleusa.com (also on etsy)
mybutterflylady on etsy
and if u ever need help or info or whatever about plants or even find a place to exchange plants and buy some on a forum check out dave’s garden
if anyone knows any other websites and wants to add them on i’d totally appreciate that c: !
(i will update this with more websites too if i come across any)
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dragonsbluee · 3 months
Listen I was a Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons kid (past tense, as if I ever stopped), but I never officially jumped aboard the Hijack ship. Lately though, it seems real appealing.
All I'm saying is that the hijack shippers are getting to me. They're luring me in, they're very talented, and they know that I know that they have all the drama, pinning, and fluff that I need.
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justinegreenpie · 2 months
does anybody else feel like a lot of sso's features aren't fully implemented lately? for example the championship season pass thing, I think that was so hidden. for no reason. i've had multiple people tell me they didn't even know it existed until somebody told them about it. and that seems like such a big flaw for a timed event and brand new feature?? i also felt very thrown into the deep end with the collections lately. both gm bee's bees and erissa's dolls didn't tell you anything about what you had to do! i loved the stars, i adored the spiders, this would be right up my alley. but all the confusion ruins it for me! why doesnt sso tell us how many things we have to collect? what's the diary even for if they don't add the new collection quests to it? i loved it as a way to keep track of your progress and get hints of the areas of the collectables you're still missing. the way it is right now it just incentivizes looking up guides instead of trying :(
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mizgnomer · 9 months
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This may not be interesting to anyone but me, but I’m always intrigued by which of my little posts people liked the most in the last year
1. 41,015 notes - Aug 1 2023 - Crowley's Looks through the Ages
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2. 35,171 notes - Sep 2 2023 - Parallels in Good Omens season 1 & 2
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3. 31,120 notes - Sep 7 2023 - Hippity-Hoppity Crowley
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4. 7,054 notes - Aug 3 2023 - Trouble in the 1800s
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5. 5,278 notes - Jul 29 2023 - Good Omens 2 Behind the Scenes
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6. 4,693 notes - Jul 22 2023 - Doctor Who reference in Good Omens Season 2
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7. 4,638 notes - Nov 30 2023 Parallel Portraits - Ten/Fourteen and Donna
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8. 3,479 notes - Dec 10 2023 - David Dancing on the set of The Giggle
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9. 3,026 notes - Dec 12 2023 - Fourteenth and Fifteenth Doctors in the TARDIS
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10. 2,672 notes - Aug 17 2023 - Let There Be Light Collection
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Created by TumblrTop10
Source: jetblackcode.com
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brechtian · 10 months
(Mostly Signed!! YA + Sanderson) books I own and am extremely willing to sell for cheaper than average listings bc I don’t want them anymore. a lot are hardcovers (heads up most are signed but some include personalization with my name sorry. if ur name is Ella congrats tho). All are very very good quality or like new bc I was delicate with my books when I was younger (prices are for the lot of every book described in a listing and all are negotiable!)
Six of crows & crooked kingdom (1st/1st) both signed - $90 + shipping
Shadow & bone (hc) and siege & storm (pb) both signed and original covers - $75 + shipping
divergent books, all signed with inscriptions - $100 + shipping
mistborn second gen (wax and wayne), bands of mourning is a signed 1st/1st, alloy of law is a used 1st/1st, shadows of self is a used 1st/1st. $150 + shipping SOLD
Alloy of law 1st/1st former library copy - $45 + shipping
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson trilogy, firefight & calamity 1st eds hardcovers; steelheart just paperback. $35 + shipping SOLD
hardcover signed copies of first dragonsteel editions of legion and legion: skin deep by Sanderson, rare - $75 + shipping SOLD
Darkest minds trilogy + companion novel, first two books signed, all except first book hardcover - $80 + shipping
All of lunar chronicles and fairest signed; cress, winter, & fairest are hardcovers and 1st/1sts as well. Winter has an exclusive stamp. All include personalizations “To Ella” - $125 + shipping
heartless and renegades by meyer signed hardcover 1st/1sts with inscriptions - $50 + shipping
First five books & companion novel for throne of glass, all first ed hardbacks except the first one I believe. Queen of shadows is signed and has the empire of storms signature tour stamp, empire of storms is signed, and heir of fire has the empire of storms tour stamp. Lot is $500 + shipping, individual book prices vary. SOLD
First two acotar books with original covers, both hardbacks. Acotar is first printing. Acomaf is a special signed first edition/printing with a page insert declaring its special binding, first edition status, & signature. Together $250 + shipping SOLD
Literally the entire The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney none are signed but I own all fucking thirteen and the companion book in original covers, mix of paperback & hardback - $100 + shipping
Grave mercy (paperback) & mortal heart (hardcover) both signed - $45 + shipping
The Entire selection trilogy & sequel trilogy all signed. Sequel trilogy are all hardbacks, original trilogy paperbacks. - $185 + shipping
Boys I loved before trilogy + summer I turned pretty, all signed except for always and forever Lara Jean. Mix of hardcover and paperback. - $100 + shipping
Anna and the French kiss trilogy, last two books are signed, all paperback and the colored cityscape covers - $50 + shipping
Everything everything by Nicola yoon signed paperback + sun is also a star signed hardcover - $95 + shipping
Unsigned lot of 5 rainbow Rowell books, four of which are hardbacks; carry on & landline are 1st/1sts - $95 + shipping
Ember in the ashes first three books by sabaa tahir, first two signed paperbacks; third one unsigned hardcover - $60 + shipping
Brandon Mull: signed hardcover holographic copy of the first beyonders book, all the fablehaven books (all paperback mix of new and old covers, but all are signed except book 5, and book 1 is double signed.), and signed hardcover first ed of dragonwatch - $110 + shipping
Not signed but I do own the entire Artemis fowl series minus the time paradox: $70 + shipping (mixed paper and hardback)
Daughter of smoke and bone trilogy by Laini Taylor all signed paperbacks in original covers - $125
Scythe & thunderhead, thunderhead is signed - $60 + shipping
Original pjo covers all paperback, the lightning thief and battle of the labyrinth are signed SOLD for $200
I also have pjo hardcover the ultimate guide with the holo cover and all of the trading cards like new and demigod diaries both 1st/1sts! - $60 + shipping
Heroes of Olympus series original covers, son of Neptune is signed. Last four books in the series are all hardcover 1st/1sts. - $125 + shipping SOLD
Pjo greek gods and Greek heroes hardcover. Heroes is signed by Rick and John Rocco, both first editions - $100 + shipping
Kane chronicle trilogy original covers, serpents shadow is 1st/1st hardcover, other 2 paperbacks - $40
Illuminae files trilogy first two books signed, all three books hardcover first editions - $200
Way of Kings signed hardback like new/unread - $100 + shipping
Hardcover signed copy of Oathbringer - $130 + shipping
Well of Ascension signed hardcover like new - $150 SOLD
Elantris signed no printing number - $150 SOLD
Warbreaker signed and inscribed w/ my name, former library copy - $95
Arcanum Unbounded signed hardcover first edition - $150 + shipping SOLD
Rhythm of War 1st/1st SOLD
Okay um there’s more but these r the main listings for now, see my reblog with the more comprehensive Sanderson listings if you are interested in his signed books (I have a lot!).
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fisheito · 6 months
Bottom yakumo fics i rotate thru bc the tag is playing games with me
(Sequel) "Another Spicy Study Session on Self-Pleasure" by MistressVanya https://archiveofourown.org/works/49270402
(locked) "plants should stay in your soup and out of your sex life" by acynthe https://archiveofourown.org/works/37453975
(locked) "surprises" by Anonymous https://archiveofourown.org/works/48090496
KUYA (some dubcon+yaku whump):
"As I Am, Entirely" by zerenovation https://archiveofourown.org/works/54831790
EDMOND: "Of Love Confessions and a Horny Snake" by goldgalaxytea https://archiveofourown.org/works/52916077
"Magic 101: Lessons in Gem-based Erogenous Zones" by auriadne https://archiveofourown.org/works/37413112
(locked) "Day 6: Dom & Sub" by Nya (Yuutfa) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49106176
"Trick-or-Treat" - Chapter 3 by SnowRelic https://archiveofourown.org/works/50601046/chapters/128881948#workskin
"in good taste" by winterdesu https://archiveofourown.org/works/59208052
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
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(Assuming all membership offers are accepted)
own work, public domain
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