#'you took my friend away' '(loading....) ohh. the old guy took him but i can figure it out. yeah. i know a lot of people one sec.'
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i wanted this comic digitalized so bad that i used max's birthday as an excuse. :)
this is the true ending. if im insane enough ill show you the alternate ending though
bonus because i just. it just kinda peters out. longggg post yayyye
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carrlyn-stan · 8 months
Campfire song
Pairing|| Luke x Hades!Daughter!OC
Summary|| Luke comforts Holly after she gets a verse during the campfire song in TLT musical
Word Count|| 915
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Holly watched the campers eat in the dinning pavilion. She poked at her food as Luke looked toward Holly. He sat by a unclaimed kid who just came to camp.
Luke slid Percy a glass of Ambrosia. Holly couldn't hear there conversation over the Apollo cabin starting to play guitars. She raised her glass along with the rest of camp as Luke toasted to the gods.
"My dad is Hermes, he messangers things, you'll know his sign by his shoes with those wings. I'd wait by the phone, but the phone never rings, OH NOO!" Holly listened to Luke sing. She frowned at their very similar stories.
"I know how that feels," she muttered.
"When your dad's a god, life can be tough! I met the guy once, and once was enough!"
"Oh, I hear that," Annabeth murmurs
"Annabeth!' Luke cheers.
"My mom is Athena," Annabeth joined in on the song, "she's smart and she's wise. She had sworn of gluten and she has sworn of guys. But if she came to camp, it be a surprise, oh noo!"
The rest of the camp joined in on the oh no.
"Oh and my step mom, she hates me, and my dad works all day. So I left Virginia and I ran away."
"Wait is that true?" Percy asks.
"Everybody!" Luke shouts. Even cranky old Holly joined in.
"Oh things couldn't be worse, when your parents run the universe. Ohh things couldn't be worse when your folks run the universe," "alright who's next."
A girl from Demeter cabin stood, "Oh my mom is Demeter, goddess of grain, she gets excited when it starts to rain. But planting and planting and planting's a pain, oh no! Right, for their sixteenth birthday my friends got a car, I got a fern in some dumb mason jar."
Grover let out a laugh, "Ooh, ooh, my turn! v I'm the child of pan, god of the wild. For those who love nature they're often beguiled. He's not really my dad, but i'm sort of his child, oh no. He went for a hike to explore new frontiers, no one has seen him for thousands of year."
The camp once more repeated the chorus before coming to Chiron.
"Oh, well, my father is Kronos," the camp fell dead, "remember my lecture, he ate his children."
"Yeah, Chiron wins," Luke said through gritted teeth. "What about you Holly?"
"Umm… my parents aren't quite like all of yours. My father was Hades, my mother Persephone, I was born eighteen years ago, on a technicality, oh no. A prophecy stated my early arrival, what a load of absolute shit. Dropped at the gates of this mighty camp, I was raised by Mr.D to one day be a god, yet that training has made me want to stay, oh no, so when the summer solstice comes, I won't know what to do, my life has gone to absolute poo," Holly looked down at her meal, she felt tears wanting to stream down her face.
"Aaa Alright Percy, it's your turn," Luke told the boy next to him. He did, however look towards Holly, her sad face breaking his heart. Without much warning Holly suddenly disappeared. Once out of the sight of the pavilion she wandered over to a tree. On the tree there was a ladder.
She started to climb till she was met with the familiar sight of her tree house, one she had built for her as a child. As she entered a set of small glowing lights flickered on. She crawls over to a small padded bench and sat down. Holly was under the roofed part of the tree house.
She took a deep breath in as rain starts to fall. Holly snaps her head to the crawl space. She saw a mop of curly brown hair emerge from the trunk.
"Can I come in?" Luke asks. He could barely see Holly nod. Luke pushes himself up into the small house. He walks over and sits down next to the girl. They both watched to the rain hit the wooden deck of the tree house. For Holly, it had soothing properties.
"I'm sorry I'm such a wreck, it's just my past is hard," Holly leaned into Luke's side. He wrapped his left arm around her shoulders.
"My history is hard to, at least one day you get to go and be with your dad," Luke harshly laughs.
"I don't even really know him, it was them who didn't even want me. I was supposed to be a great, amazing, universally loved gift."
"We all were supposed to be," Luke frowned.
"I don't even know how I'm supposed to go to the underworld when I've, one, never been there, and two, I don't even want to, I have to!"
"Are you sure you can't chose?" Luke looked towards Holly.
"No I can't, something about the gods needing this, requiring this," Holly groaned.
"The gods need to be put into their place," Luke muttered.
"What?" Holly looked up at Luke. Oh gods! Luke thought, she can't know. Why was I so stupid? Not yet at least.
"Um.. nothing, I just said I wished you had a choice," Luke lied.
"Oh, I wish I had a choice, too," Holly whispers closing her eyes. She graciously made her head comfortable on Luke's shoulder. Luke knew he loved Holly, he knew he wanted her in on his plans, but she couldn't know about, not yet at least.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing and I wanted to know if you could do one where the reader is trans masc and their dad is aizawa And no of 1a knows (except aizawa) until someone who went to school with them starts bullying them, and publicly outs them. And so aizawa makes a really big deal, and accidentally mentions that the reader is his kid, But everyone in 1a supports them and are more shocked when they find out their dad is aizawa. Thank you!!!! I know it's weird I just want validation tbh (´-﹏-`;)
Hi hi hi !! I wasn’t sure if this ask requested male pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘trans masc’) or GN pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘they’ across the request) feel free to educate me on that!! But for now, I used Male Pronouns!
Platonic! Aizawas trans male kid gets outed
⚠️warnings - mentions of outing, deadnaming, me antagonizing shindo bc haha I needed a bad guy-
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Loading off the bus, (Y/n) stretched his arms and let out a huff. He rubbed at his eyes, and activated his quirk slightly to see if it still worked. It wasn’t like it was going to go away, but it became habit to see if he could still do it after a long time or not. A useless habit, you could say.
Though, it was important he still had his quirk, since today was the day he was going to take the Provincial Licensing Exam. Along with his classmates.
(Y/n) strolled around the area, being sure not to stray too far away from his own class and bus. There seemed to be many schools here. Most of them, upperclassmen. (Y/n) swallowed the lump in his throat and stalked up to Kirishima to calm his nerves.
Kirishima spotted him, giving him a curt slap on the back. (Y/n) coughed, adjusting his hero costumes chest area.
“Yo! Aren’t you excited for this thing? Whaddya think we’re gonna do?”
(Y/n) let out a timid laugh, his voice noticeably deep, but almost borderline androgynous. Like he was trying to force it to go lower than it naturally was. An ear perked up from somewhere behind (Y/n). “Yeah, I’m getting kinda pumped u-“
“Well-I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
That sickeningly sweet voice made (Y/n) scrunch up his nose. He didn’t turn around. Nevertheless, the voice kept going. “Eh, well, that’s a lie. Your face was practically plastered everywhere on tv.”
“Tell me-how’s it feel to go to the famous UA, Sayaka-chan?”
(Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, still facing Kirishima as he looked between the two, confused.
“Uh-I think you got the wrong guy, dude. This dudes well...a dude.”
“Mm?” The boy was taken aback, before smirking and leaning next to (Y/n’s) ear. He said, rather loudly, “You didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
“Shut up, Shindo.” (Y/n) voice was quiet. It wasn’t as deep as it was ‘normally’, but it sounded very much less strained. Kirishima seemed to catch on, though he said nothing, out of respect. Though, Shindo did the exact opposite.
“Don’t be so rude, Yaka-chan! I’m just saying hi to my old friend!” Shindo turned to Kirishima, as the UA students started noticing their little show. That-and a scruffy man, who was now completely ignoring what Ms Joke was saying to turn his ears on hyperfocus. “Don’t mind her. I guess she’s on her period today or something.”
“Ne-what’s happing here? Do you know (Y/n)-kun or something?” Mina said. (Y/n) cringed at hearing his name. He knew Shindo was going to say it. Don’t say it. Don’t-
“(Y/n)? That’s the name Sayaka-chan goes by these days?”
His seemingly friendly smile made (Y/n) want to puke. Mina titled her head. “Sayaka? You probably have the wrong person. This is (Y/n).”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), his dirty, smug glare being hidden behind a innocent, confused smile. “You really didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
Shindo took a deep breath in. (Y/n) pursed his lips. “Don’t fucking-“
“Sayaka here,” Shindo slung an arm around the boy. “She’s a crossdresser. She’s ‘trans’. Isn’t that great?”
(Y/n) noticeably stiffened, biting his lip harshly and keeping his eyes pointed harshly at the ground like it was the only way to keep tears from flowing. He clenched his knuckles in embarrassment.
Before (Y/n), Mina, or Kirishima could say something, a hunched over, dark figure placed a hand on Shindo’s shoulder. His nice boy smile dropped. Aizawa, uncharacteristically, looked like he was seething.
“Shindo. Kid. Get away from my son. Before I find your teacher.”
Kirishimas eyes widened while Mina gasped. Son? Shindo bit back a snarl. He smiled irritably and put his sweet tone back on. “What? I’m just talking to Sayaka-chan-“
“His name is (Y/n). If you really want to be a hero, I suggest not being a nuisance to my son or any of my students.” Aizawa grumbled.
Shindo scoffed. “I’m sorry I offended you, mr...scruffy man. I’m not sure which son you’re talking about, though. Don’t you have a daughter-?”
Aizawa reached for his capture weapon, eyes glaring a Ruby red. Shindou was about to lurch forward when Ms Joke stepped in between the two. She huffed, turning to Shindo first.
“Shindo-kun, should you be changing into your hero costume about now? Go do that! The class already went ahead without you!”
Shindo gasped, his persona back on like a mask. “Oh! That’s right! I’m sorry Miss! See you guys! Do your best!”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), in a low whisper. “See you, Sayaka.” And timpered off. Ms Joke turned to Aizawa.
“And you!” She put her arms on her hips. “Just because your kid’s being teased a bit doesn’t mean you have to reach for your weapon!”
Aizawa seemingly let go of his scarf he’d been clutching for a while now. His hair flopped down and framed his face once more. “He wasn’t teasing. He’s been bullying my son since his 2nd year of middle school.”
(Y/n) was awkwardly standing behind Aizawa. Since they had no intention of bringing him in personally to the conversation, he shoved his hands into his pockets. It was then he noticed the majority of 1A staring at him.
He paled. Flashbacks of Shindo publicly outing him whipped by his mind, along with the way he hid his disgusted glare when he came out as trans initially in his 2nd year of middle school. It was his third year and (y/n’s) second year, Shindo being one of (y/n’s) closest friends until he became a ‘crossdresser’.
Were his new UA classmates going to to treat him the same? Would all the girls and boys be hesitant to undress themselves with him nearby, because he’s a “lesbian/girl perving on the guys”? Was he going to have to mend all of these relationships from the start again? A bottomless pit dug into his stomach. He didn’t want that.
Stagnant air filled the atmosphere as everyone stared at (y/n). Already thinking of excuses, explanations, anything, he opened his mouth to speak.
“You’re Aizawa’s son?!” Kaminari yelled, pointing a finger at (y/n). (Y/n) blinked, letting out a confused “eh?”
Mina popped in, flailing her arms in the air like Iida, but less stiff. “Dude! That’s so cool! You think you can tell him to round my 48 into a 90 from last weeks quiz?!”
Slowly but surely, his classmates started crowding around him, all talking at once. There were “Ohh-I can see the resemblance now!”s and “dude how are you still alive?!”s. Everyone seemed to forget what Shindo was talking about.
(Y/n) stood silent. “You guys...aren’t going to mention it?”
Most everyone stopped talking. Sero stepped forward. “Does it really matter? Your still our classmate, man. Plus, Aizawas your fuckin’ dad.”
Murmurs of agreement mused out from the surrounding crowd of UA students. (Y/n) smiled, attempting to answer every question about him or Aizawa as possible.
Ms Joke whistled from far away. Aizawa sleepily lolled his head towards her away from watching his son carefully, seeing if any students acted rudely in anyway.
“So your class didn’t know he was...y’know.”
“Mm.” Aizawa hummed. “Though, they seem to be more interested in him being my son than him not being ‘born a son’. M’glad that they’re bothering him instead of me. But knowing them, they’ll probably ask me some things after the exam.”
“I’m not meaning this in any mean way, but,” Ms Joke was oddly serious. “How are you so fine with this...change? It’s not like I’m saying it’s wrong, no, but you accepted it rather quickly and his transition happened pretty much overnight.”
“Does it really matter if he’s a boy or a girl or not? He’s still a pain in the ass. You don’t need a specific gender to be a problem child. As long as he’s keeping up with hero training and classes, I don’t really care.”
Aizawas eyes betrayed his words. They were dry, as usual, but they observed his students every move, every word they throw at his kid like he was stalking his prey. Like he was subtly saying “Say one misgendering thing, and I’ll expel you.”
In the end, Aizawa was a big softie. His child was happy, and that was fine by him. And, he’s less to deal with when he’s happy. His words, not mine. Ms Joke sighed, knowing her answer, and faced forward.
“Go out with me!”
“Go to hell.”
I’m sorry for assigning a ‘dead name’ in this fic; and I’m sorry if this fic was actually a they/them one!! Sincerest apologies :(
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blxxdyvalentine19xx · 3 years
Jaden Hossler x Matthew Musto (blackbear)
3517 word count
"I swear to ya, I'm tryin my best to make it right again. Tell me you're really going out with him. And know that shit between us has been different. Hey Jessica!" Jessica - Girlfriends
Not really over the breakup with Jaden, it stung a little seeing his ex and his best friend cozying up to each other lately. Watching them felt like poison, He knew he shouldn't really care, they weren't together long but it still hurt seeing Colson be the one making Jaden laugh. Trying to put his mind off it, he set the music on shuffle, getting around to a few projects that needed last minute finishing. "Who the fuck is Jessica" Matthew mumbled, hearing the intro to the 'girlfriends' song 'Jessica' ironic it came on, it used to be his nickname for Jaden before people found out about their relationship. Writing out a message to Jaden, Jessica" - Girlfriends, listen to it! " he pressed send, dropping his phone onto the desk.
Only half paying attention as Colson was in the middle of a night shoot, Jaden ran his finger over the screen, scrolling through instagram when a text notification popped up on his phone. "shit" Looking at the name, he took a shallow breath as it read out 'teddy bear 🐻' his old contact name for Matthew, he'd never had the nerve to change it. Opening it, Jaden felt like his heart dropped into his stomach as he read the message, "Jessica" - Girlfriends, listen to it! ". 
"Everything alright?" Colson asked, coming over between scenes. "you seem bummed out" he buried his head in Jaden's neck before looking back up, his eyes landing on the text on his friend's phone. The recognition hitting him, Jaden was Jessica, who he once thought was Matthew's girlfriend before knowing the truth. "ohh" He bit his lip before speaking, "we aren't exclusive, go, talk to him" Colson rubbed Jaden's shoulder, eyes locking on the man's blue ones as they looked at each other.
"You sure Kells?" He ran his hand over Colson's cheek, making sure the other was okay with it was important to him. "I don't wanna upset you or anything." Jaden cared about the blonde, even if they weren't 'dating'.
Leaning into Jaden's hand, Colson slid an arm around him. "You won't, but you have to talk to him" he mumbled, kissing the man's cheek. "The way you guys ended and you moved on so quick..." Colson stopped himself before getting  into it too far. Matthew was his friend after all, the concern for both existed, it wasn't Colson's place to get into it.
Jadens pov:
Finding a quiet place away from the chaos of Colson's music video, Jaden drooped down to a seated position in a secluded hallway. "Alright then, let's see what he's about" ruffling his hair, he opened spotify, looking up the band's name, waiting for the page to load. Finding the song, he pressed play and shut his eyes.
Listening to the lyrics, a grin crept up onto his cheeks as the song started out hard with "Hey Jessica all I think about is who is next to you." Jaden figured out quick the importance of it to Matthew, pressing his hands to his face, a groan leaving his lips over the second line of the first verse, "tell me you're going out with him." Shaking his head, he tipped it back as he listened to the rest of the song.
Once the song played through at least twice, he picked his phone back up, pausing the music before opening his contacts. His next move a possible make or break as he opened his ex's contact and typed out a message, 'can I come over? Can we talk?'
Deep into mixing a song, Matthew just about jumped out of his seat when his phone dinged. Picking it up, he read the text, a finger hovering over the keyboard. 'I'm in the studio, meet me?'. Sending it, Matthew let go of a sigh and leaned backwards against the chair.
'Be there in 10' pushing himself back up the wall, Jaden dropped his head, sliding his phone into his pocket and a hand into his hair. "I'm in a nice mess aren't I?"  rolling his shoulders, startling when he heard Colson just around the corner. "Hey" his spirits low and his heart as Colson's blue eyes were unreadable, a master of disguise.
"So..." not sure how to start, Colson flexed his fingers around his Jack Skellington mug as Jaden looked defeated. "...what's the deal as far as tonight?" His tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek, hair falling into his eyes when he looked up.
"I uh...can I get a rain check?" Jaden wrapped his arms around himself, sort of guarding himself. "Got to head to the studio." He didn't know what to say, the idea of it all do skewed in his head.
Getting the sense Jaden had texted Matthew, Colson nodded. "Yeah uhm...call me after?" He nodded, his heart ached when Jaden tried hiding the anxiety running through him. "Come here" Colson knew there wasn't much he could do but he did have a heart after all. "Whatever happens, you know I'll always be there for you" holding Jaden to him for a moment as the man nearly knocked him over, hugging him.
Rounding the corner onto the street homing the studio, Jaden rolled his hand over the shift in an attempt to calm himself. "I swear to ya, I'm tryin' my best to make it right again." Parking, he leaned against the steering wheel. "Fuck, you got this." Locking his car behind him, Jaden grabbed the door handle, walking in. "Where...."
"Control room, mixing" Travis (Barker) spoke, turning to see Jaden standing in the middle of the room. "Sucks, huh?" He'd heard three sides of the same story at this point. "Be the bigger person and make things right." In a way, matthew, Jaden and Colson were like his kids, the friction between them lately  was agonizing.
"Yeah" dropping his keys and his phone on the couch, Jaden sighed as Travis gave him the 'dad knows best look' "I'm trying man, I am" making his way toward the back, he knocked on the door.
"Open!" Matthew shouted, chin resting on his hand, too busy to open it himself. "What's up?" He let go of the mouse, turning his attention as the door opened. Eyes falling on Jaden, white t shirt, black pants and Converse. "Jessica..."
"Matthew" Jaden quirked a small grin at the nickname. "I screwed up..." he mumbled, lowering  onto the floor, 'grounding' himself. "...broke up, fucked your best friend, tried to move on." Jaden looked up, the butterfly feeling coming back when Matthew studied him.
"Not easy is it" stretching his legs out in front of him, Matthew bit his lip, sorting his thoughts. "Wait...you and Colson fucked?" The words felt like a confessional, like he was loosing Jaden.
"Fuckin' sucks trying to get over you" Jaden shrugged, suddenly interested in his shoe laces when Matthew called him out for screwing Colson. "Mm, that happened." He looked back up, a mistake, without thinking he got up, brain saying he should leave, heart saying stay. "I'm not dating him, just so you know"
Hearing the words, Matthew pushed himself out of the chair and across the room. "So you won't be mad if I..." kissing Jaden softly, he caught the man as Jaden stumbled.
His body screaming that he shouldn't be doing this, Jaden pushed Matthew off him, eyes wide and lips tingling. He wanted this, Matthew, the feeling of being close to him. "What the fu-" stopping himself, he reeled back into the kiss, grabbing Matthew's shirt.
"Did you miss me on the way down" his eyes drawing to Jaden's hands "are we history" bringing Jadens arms around his neck he grinned as his ex's fingers raked over his scalp. "For good times sake? Humm?" Matthew threaded his fingers in Jaden's belt loops as they stumbled to the couch.
"Fuck you" Jaden sucked in a breath as his hips met Matthew's. "Not sure we can ever be" he was addicted, that was his way, dropping drugs and falling into a new one. "Just fuck me, please." Jaden cupped the man's head as his own hit the fabric.
Pulling his shirt off, he bit his lip as he was straddling Jaden's waist. "Ride me" flipping over, Matthew grinned as Jaden's chest heaved. "And I'll fuck you" he laced his fingers in Jaden's, kissing his hand. "You're fuckin' weak and you know it." Matthew stated, Popping Jaden's fingers in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.
Pulling his finger away, Jaden shook his head. "Let's do this then." Starting to undo his jeans, his eyes flicked up as Matthew flicked his hands away. "Wh-" back arching when Matthew's hands ran over his thighs.
"Let me.." dragging his hands back up, Matthew ran his thumb over the button, looking up. "Does he fuck you half as good as I did?" He popped the button, running his hand down the zipper. "Does he make you feel half as good?"
Eyes following Matthew's hand, Jaden's thighs gripped the man's waist. "Mmm, Matty" he gasped when Matthew slid a hand into his jeans. Pushing into Matthew's hand, Jaden felt like he was melting as Matthew chuckled.
Watching his ex melt was a sight to see. "God, he doesn't touch you enough" Matthew rubbed his hand over Jaden's cock and slipped his hand into the man's boxers. "Fuck you're hard." He licked his lips as he wrapped his hand around it.
Digging his fingers into Matthew's chest, Jaden rocked his hips forward, biting back a moan as the friction was glorious. "I gotta hear you say it" he missed hearing him be called Jessica while being fucked, almost needing it.
"What? Me calling you jessica?" Matthew pulled Jaden's pants and boxers down, sucking in a breath as Jaden got them off. "Fuuuuck, look at you Jessica." He slapped the man's thighs and grinned as Jaden undid his as well.
Nodding, Jaden hummed once he got Matthew's jeans off. "Missed you using it against me in bed." He pumped Matthew before leaning down, taking the tip between his lips.
"Missed you giving me head" looking down, he grinned as Jaden sucked and licked his tip. "Good god, jess" Matthew pushed up into Jaden's mouth, moaning as the man gagged. "Get on it, now," he needed to see Jaden fall apart on him like he used to.
Coming off with a pop, Jaden nodded, balancing himself. His eyes closing as he worked at guiding Matthew into him slowly, breathing in as he did and out as he lowered. "Hmmm" fighting againt a moan, Jaden gripped Matthew's hand, the other coming up over his mouth.
"That's it, open" he stilled as Jaden sunk lower, settling onto him, knees planted against the couch. "Look at me" Mathew rubbed his fingers over Jaden's knuckles. "You feel okay?" He asked once Jaden's eyes opened again, smiling as the man's cheeks sprung a blush.
"Per-fect" his body warm with nerves yet alive with the danger of Travis not far from them. "H-i" Jaden couldn't stop a grin as Matthew looked up at him, eyes crinkling as they took it all in.
"Hey" Matthew chuckled as Jaden for the first time in a while seemed to have no idea what to do with his hands. "Shit, I missed you, idiot" he grabbed him by the thighs, rocking Jaden backwards on his dick. "Easy" he mumbled, sitting up slowly.
With his ex's direction, Jaden rocked forward, body arching as Matthew's dick filled him. "O-ohh fuckkk" he bit down on his lip, letting himself lean against Matthew as he started a gentle motion up and down, focusing on the space the man occupied inside him.
Running his fingers through Jaden's hair, Matthew bit back a moan, gripping the man's hips as Jaden sunk back down on him. "Look at you, taking it like you never stopped." He dropped his head against Jaden's shoulder and groaned.
Feeling Matthew slide in and out of him was ecstacy, his body fueling him as he gripped the back of the man's neck. "Goddd" Jaden's breath hitched when he hit his prostate. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He whined out a moan and guided one of Matthew's hands to his dick.
"Listen to yourself, you're such a mess" wrapping his hand around Jaden, he ran his hand up the shaft, matching Jaden's pace. "This undone already." Matthew pressed a kiss to Jaden's neck, careful not to leave a hickey. "But, damn you're so fuckin' pretty Jessica."
Letting the nerves and the care melt away, he let go of a hiccuped moan, his eyes watering as Matthew made him feel like he meant something to someone. "Needed it, needed you" Jaden gripped the man's shoulders and moaned into Matthew's neck as he was picked up, the two of them switching so Matthew was above him.
For Jaden's sake, Matthew took over rocking his hips into Jaden, savoring the drag as the man arched off the cushions. "I'm right here baby" he rotated his wrist, pumping up and down. "You're so fuckin beautiful" he groaned as Jaden's butterfly tattoo fluttered as the man swallowed.
"Is it awful that I love it when you make me fall apart like this?" Jaden hissed as Matthew drew him colse the edge and pulled him back, delaying the coming orgasam. "Ohhh godddd" he cried into Matthew's neck and felt himself weaken, body limber as he fell apart on his ex boyfriend's dick.
"Ohh it's so fucking awful" Matthew teased, rocking upwards as Jaden grabbed at the cushions. "But it's so fucking beautiful too." He thrust forward a couple more times and grabbed the man's hips. "Anytime" Matthew tightened his grip around Jaden's dick as rocked into him as Jaden came, riding it out as the man shook, his body clenching around him.
Head tipping backwards, Jaden screamed out a "FUCK!" as he arched upwards, his body searching for Matthew as the man held him against himself. "You always turn me into a mess" he grit his teeth a moan being cut off as Matthew took him by the neck, coming into him. "Got anything to..." he looked down, blushing.
Clenching around Jaden's neck, he came into the man, rocking into him as the man grabbed his wrist. "Ughh, fuck Jaden" riding out the high, he pulled Jaden into a kiss and smiled. "Still got here from when we were..." he hesitated.
"Just get it" he slapped Matthew on the shoulder and flipped over as his ex got up. "Don't wanna forget just yet." Jaden grabbed one of the pillows sliding it under his chest.
Taking a second to remember where he put it, Matthew found the spare plug and grinned as he caught Jaden watching him. "Sure it'll still fit?" He came over straddling Jaden and grabbing him with one hand. "On your knees, up." Matthew slapped the man's ass and moaned pulling Jaden's cheeks apart.
"Mm mhmm" Jaden got up on his knees, legs apart as Matthew ran a finger over his hole. "It'll fit" he pushed backwards, his breath shaking as his ex slid a finger into him. "Ohhh" Jaden dropped his head onto the pillow and let go of a squeak as he was fingered open, Matthew's cum inside him.
Pressing a hand against Jaden's stomach, Matthew made circles with it soothing Jaden as he fingered him. "Ohh my God, you're so cute, baby" he made a beckoning motion and grinned as Jaden pushed backwards, opening enough to slide the plug in. "Breathe in"
Taking a breath in, Jaden moaned as he closed around the plug, his body sent and his ex dropping next to him. "I still love you" he whispered into Matthew's chest as he was pulled into a cuddle, tired and whole.
"Let me drive you home, you're not driving yourself" He held Jaden close and squeezed his ass, kissing the man's head as Jaden squeaked, grabbing onto him.
Letting Matthew carry him in, he buried his head in the man's neck. "Stay, please" Jaden mumbled as he was lowered onto his bed. "I want you to stay" he looked up at Matthew who was sat on the edge.
"Don't really have a choice, you're spent Jade." Matthew would be a dick if he left, and Jaden would do well to be in any condition to be productive tomorrow. "I'm not going anywhere baby" he ran his fingers through Jaden's hair, pushing it out of his eyes.
Watching as Matthew took his shirt off, Jaden smiled a happy smile as he felt okay, his body little more than mush at the moment. "You always did take good care of me" he put his arms up and hummed as the man curled up with him.
Wrapping his arms around Jaden in a protective manner, Matthew released as they layed in bed, neither one willing to part as Jaden mumbled away about pineapples. "Go to sleep Jade." He smiled, shushing him as the man grabbed his face and kissed him.
🎶🎶🎶 next day
He was sore and the light hit his eyes as he woke up "fuck!" He grinned as the night before flooded back and his dick was hard. "Really?!" Not yet ready to face the world, Jaden shrugged and slid his hand below the covers. Biting his lip as he wrapped it around his dick.
Having gotten a phone call from Matthew earlier, Colson stopped himself just before walking into Jaden's bedroom, choosing to wait a moment when he heard him moan. A grin crept up his cheeks at the sound of a whimper.
Going slow, Jaden's breath hitched and he grabbed at the headboard above his head as he ran his hand up his shaft. "Mmmm" pumping slowly, Jaden let his eyes shut as he got to work, fucking up into his hand, letting go of a choked moan.
Walking in, Colson groaned as Jaden's mouth dropped open as he pleasured himself. "Morning wood?" He asked, climbing onto the bed, chuckling as Jaden whined out an 'uh huhh'. "No, no keep 'em closed, Colson mumbled as Jaden was about to open his eyes.  "Let me...." he hummed as Jaden kicked the blankets off, his dick hard.
"So you know then..." Jaden hummed out as Colson leaned down, lips wrapping around his dick, grabbing at the headboard with both hands, he whined as his legs were pushed open.
"Matt called me, he's downstairs." He said, coming off with a pop before pumping Jaden a couple times. "Said you two ended up fucking and he stayed over to keep an eye on you." Colson took Jaden further into his mouth and moaned around him.
Stiffening, Jaden squeaked out a moan as Colson sucked his dick, licking and sucking as he shook his head. "I can't lie about it if he told you." Coming rather quickly, he blushed, tipping his head to the side as Colson swallowed, laughing as he came up.
"So...for some reason I get the feeling you didn't come as fast for him." dropping onto the bed, Colson looked at Jaden, sighing as Jaden looked at him, eyes saying what he wasn't.
Taking a deep breath, Jaden let his hand drop and swallowed. "It isn't about that Colson" he pressed a hand to the man's cheek. "I-i don't know, I still love Matty" Jaden had to look away when the look of hurt crossed Colson's beautiful face.
"Fuck" dropping his head, Colson's breath shook as Jaden spoke, but he chose to let the man finish speaking. "Jade." He looked up, the man's attention back on him.
"I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you too" he said it loud, hearing it out loud in  a quiet room made it feel loud. It scared him, the idea of losing either boys scared him. "I love both of you." He looked at Colson, trying not to let the tears well up, overthinking as he often did. The man was often unpredictable and jaden had no way of Colson's expression.
Pulling Jaden into a hug, his rubbed the man's back. "That's what you're scared about? Loosing us?" Colson knew both hurt, but the idea of Jaden being scares of him hurt worse. "Baby, you know somewhere along the way I started to fall for you." He topped Jaden's head up and smiled. "And if that means i have to share you with my best friend, then I'm game."
Listening, Jaden looked up both laughing and crying when Colson looked at him, blue eyes sparking as the older man tried not to laugh at him. "we have to talk to him about all of this." He smiled as Colson's fingers wiped at the tears and kissed him softly. "Cause I fucked up, fucked up bad."
"You're Jaden, that's what you do and everyone loves you for it." Cracking into a laugh, Colson shook his head as Jaden punched him for it. "What the fuck?" He looked at the man, shocked, trying not to laugh again and Jaden shook his hand out. "Ohh my god! You're too fucking cute, c'mon get dressed, Matt made breakfast."
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hello 💖
May I please have Arthur x Reader? They get into a fight and reader is so stressed that they get overheated and ends up passing out? Like their pulse is fast and out cold for a few hours. Thanks chu 💫✨⭐
Hiiiii hun, I missed you! ❤ Of course. Its always a pleasure. Here is the result and I reallyyyyyyy hope you like it.❤
Arthurs hand in yours felt warm and familar. It was the only thing to hold onto in this cold, dark world, especially here in Gotham city. Walking through those crowded streets usually wasnt fun. But today he was by your side. The two of you together. Hand in hand. There was nothing in this world you needed more. Even though it was just a regular day, there was that moment of pure happiness.
You just came back from Arthurs appointment with his new therapist and she seemed so much nicer than Dr Kane. She even allowed you to be present for the whole time, because Arthur was more than nervous about meeting her for the first time. He didnt had  any good experience with his former ones. Arthur wished for someone to listen. Now that he was with you, he always had someone to talk to. But he still wanted to go to therapy, he wanted to get better and he needed to go there,to get his meds.
Arthur was very toughtful with his medication. Sometimes he took one more pill in the hope to find some sleep, but besides that he was trying his best to take his meds like he should. He knew it was important to talk about his thoughts and he felt the need to do so.
The new doctor seemed nice and asked him to start a brand new journal. She thought it was time to let the old diary go. It was nothing more but bad memories of loneliness and with you on his side, his lonely times were finally over .  Arthur smiled when Dr. Tyler told him so. He liked the idea of a new journal. So you both went into the city to get him a new one.
Arthur sqeezed your hand while he held his new diary with the other. It was dark red, his fave color. "I`ve got lots and lots of blank pages now" he said.
"Yes, I bet they will be filled with some new jokes tonight?" you blinked at him, which almost made him blush. It was so easy to make him blush. He was so innocent at heart.
"Nahh I think I will write some poetry tonight, especially for you."
"Oh Artie, you`re the sweetest"
"Dont say that before you read the poems" he laughed.
"I know they`re going to be beautiful"
He pressed his new diary to his chest "I dont know....sometimes I think I`m not good with words. I mean, besides from joking. Its hard to put my feelings into words. Especially love. I mean. I feel it. I feel so much of it. Too much actually. Its so much it feels like the words and letters are too tiney to fit all these emotions in them because the emotions are like....endless... and....." he looked at you and  noticed the grin on your face "See? Thats what I mean. I am not good in this. At all."
"It was actually pretty impressive".
A shy smile crossed his thin lips "Thank you, honey".
You felt happy for him. Arthur appriciated the little things in life. Like holding hands or a brand new journal. A poem.
Life in Gotham was often overwhelming but hand in hand you both created your own little world. You made the universe as small as you wanted to.
You just crossed the street as you noticed a very small man being kicked by a puff looking dude. Arthur immediately noticed. He knew these kinda situations too well.
"Arthur look, what is happening over there?"
He let go of your hand and ran up to them "Oh my god, thats Gary!"
He was a fast runner and it was almost impossible to be as fast as he. The traffic got in the way  and for a second he was out of sight.
He waved for you to come over.
He was kneeing down at Garys "Gary, my god, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" His workmate tried to get up "Its okay Art, I think I`m fine. Maybe a broken a bone or two".
"You are joking right?" Arthur seemed confused. Sometimes he couldnt tell if someone made a joke or not.
"His bones are not the only ones getting broken today" the muscular guy laughed.
"Excuse me, what?" Arthur got up but not before making sure Gary was able to walk.
"You heard me, you clown. Thats what you both are, right? Fucking clowns. I saw you working for HaHas."
Arthur took a step closer "So what?"
You took his hand "Arthur , I think we should go home right now"
Gary was standing right next to you, holding his arm, a painful look on his face.
Arthur focused the stranger "No. I mean, my friend was just attacked by this guy and I really want to know why".
A cruel smile formed on the attackers face "Because I felt like it, clown boy. I mean look at this freak" he pointed at Gary.
There was something in Arthurs eyes you havent seen before "Dont ever call him a freak again. He is my  friend!"
"Awwwww" the tall guy yelled "Sweet" and just as he said so, he punshed Artthur in the face. Bloods of drop dripped down his nose.
"Ohhh clwon boy got a red nose. How tragic!"
Your touched Arthurs cheek "Oh my god, are you okay? Baby?"
The attacker couldnt stop laughing "Baby! Hahaha. Yeah . Thats what he is" and his fist punshed Arthur right into the stomach. Arthur fell down on his knees, bending forward from pain. Gary whimpering in the background. This was all too much.
Arthur pulled his gun.
The stranger took two steps back "Calm down, pal."
"Leave now or you will see what clown boy can do" Arthur coughed while the blood was running down his nose.
"Arthur, don`t. He`s not worth it" Gary cried behind you.
You almost forgot how crowded this street was. But no one seemed to notice. No one ever seemed to care here in Gotham city.
The attacker turned around and ran away. Arthurs gun disappeared in his pocket.
Watching him pulling out his gun was too much for you.  You almost thought he would do something.
"Arthur you almost...." you felt the heat floathing your body. It was uncomfortable.
"No, I didnt. I only wanted to scare him. Its not even loaded."
His words should have camled you down but it was already to late for that. Your pulse was racing from stress. And the moment Arthur took you in his arms , your vision started to blurr.
The next thing you remembered was waking up on Arthurs couch. His huge, green blanket covering your whole body.
Arthurs curls tickeling your nose. The familiar smell of Prell shampoo and his cigarettes.
You were home.
How did you got here?
You tried to recall what happened.
There was an attacker and Arthur got into a fight with him.
You tried to remember more but everything seemed like a dream you forgot the minute you woke up.
"Darling?" you said with a sleepy voice while you felt Arthurs arms tight around your body.
"I`m here, Y/N. I`m right here. You are home. Everything is okay."
"I cant remember...what happened....is Gary okay,too?"
"He is" Arthur whispered into your ear. You now noticed that quiet music was playing in the background.
He kissed into your hair "He got away with some scratches."
You turned your head to face him "You`re nose is hurt" you kissed the tip of his nose.
"Thats....nothing. I`ll be fine. The most important thing is how you feel. You passed out. "
"Ohh....thats why I cant remember anything...this happenes when I get stressed out".
Arthur stroke your hair "I`m so sorry, its my fault.I should`t have pulled out that fucking gun".
"You only wanted to protect Gary "
"Dont blame yourself,Arthur. " you rested your head on his chest "I cant even remember you bringing me home. "
"I carried you all the way home. You coudln`t walk."
"Oh my god..."
He pulled you even closer "Tell me if there is anything I can do...."
"Just hold me....and could you....could you please kiss my neck until I fall back to sleep? I feel like I need some rest...After I fell asleep you could start the first page of your journal and tomorrow you can show me the poems you wrote? That would be nice."
"Of course darling" Arthur placed his smirk right on the spot he knew so well, placing one kiss after another, one as gentle as the other.
You thought about the unwritten poetry and what he might write for you.
But for now his lips on your skin was the most beautiful poem ever written.
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
And here's the final chapter! Let's Stay Together
It was late at night and Doria was sleeping after a long, hard, busy day. Maria got up and packed her personal items into a crab shell bag and set a note on the her bed and started sneaking out out her home, but before she left, she decided to bring Alberto's record player along so they could listen to music together. Before heading above depth, she took one last look at her home and smiled, "I promise I'll be safe." She said and started swimming above depth out of the kingdom towards the current. Maria went inside the current and started swimming through it back to Italian Riviera, where Alberto was.
Alberto woke up the next morning quickly running down stairs and running up to Giulia before she headed out to take care of fish deliveries with Luca. "Hey Giulia, mind if I speak to you for a sec?" He asked grabbing Giulia's arm and heading back upstairs to her room, "What is it, Alberto?" She asked "I wanna get Maria something really special. Like something that means a promise or that we'll stay together no matter what happens!" Alberto said, "Like... and engagement ring?" Giulia said "YES!... What's an engagement ring?" Alberto asked "Its a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married, its like a promise to stay together forever." Giulia explained, "Yes, that's perfect!" Alberto shouted "Where can I get one?" "I know someone in town that sells jewelry, maybe they can help you get one." Giulia said, "Perfect! Let's go!" Alberto said grabbing Giulia's arm again and racing downstairs to her bike and hopped on, "We'll be right back, guys! C'mon, Giulia!" Alberto said and Giulia quickly hopped on her bike and started riding up the hill the the person that sells jewelry. Giulia parked her bike by the door and went infront a building with a tent outside on top and a window with jewelry separated in boxes at the bottom, "Ciao, Mr. Miguel, my friend here would like to buy an engagement ring." Giulia said, "What kind?" Mr. Miguel asked, he was bald with scars on his face and a muscular chin and wore an eyepatch over his left eye and was wearing a avocado green shirt with white shorts on and slip on brown shoes. "Well? Which one do you prefer, Alberto? Giulia asked "Hmm, do you have any ocean-like ones?" Alberto asked, "Ohh, I have plenty, Amico. Be right back." He said disappearing into his store. A few minutes later, he came back with a medium sized box of rings, some were silver with ocean blue diamonds on them and some were gold with sapphire blue diamonds on them. There were so many to choose from, they were really pretty too, Alberto had no idea which one to choose, he put his hand inside the box and started moving some of the rings around so he can see what else was underneath them. At the very bottom, he found a ring that Maria might like, Alberto grabbed it and took it out the box, "That's my goddess of the sea ring. You want to buy?" Mr. Miguel asked, Alberto nodded and Giulia gave Mr. Miguel the money to pay for the ring, "Let me get a beautiful box you can put the ring in!" Mr. Miguel said and once again, vanished into his dark home to scavenger around for the perfect box for a perfect ring.
A few miles off the coast, Maria swam up to the surface to see if she was heading the right way, she looked and saw the two islands, one separated and one bigger than it with buildings on it. Yep, this was the place. Maria took a deep breathe and swam towards the island with the town while still holding Alberto's record player with the magical singing lady. Maria's shadow hovered past Luca who was putting his fish herd away, Luca looked up and saw Maria and started swimming towards her. "MARIA!" He yelled excitedly hugging her, "Hehe, hey Luca! Sorry I was gone for so long, my aunt kept worrying about my scars and was trying to keep me home until they were 'ok' on her side." Maria said "Its so good to see you again! Alberto's been missing you, like REALLY missing you." Luca said, "Oh, uhh, well, I'm here now! Where is he?" Maria asked "He's with Giulia, they went to get something I think." Luca said, "Ok, c'mon!" Maria said and started swimming to town with Luca.
Once on shore, Maria headed towards Giulia's home and went inside. Massimo was in the kitchen preparing some food, "Hi Massimo!" Maria said, "Welcome back, Maria. How's your wounds?" He asked, "They're all healed and well!" Said Maria, "That's good, you must be hungry after a long trip back. Please, sit and eat." Massimo said. Maria sat down at the table setting her stuff and Alberto's record player down on the ground and began to eat her pasta. Once finished, Maria went to the tree to decorate it to surprise Alberto. She put seashells around the edges of the wooden bed and set down the record player right in the center, she thought it was perfect and that Alberto was gonna like it. Maria started climbing through the window into Giulia's bedroom and began heading downstairs. Luca went outside and saw Giulia and Alberto heading their way back, he panicked and quickly ran to Massimo. "Alberto's back! Quick, take him with you to catch fish!" Luca said, "But Maria's here. He would want to see her first." Massimo said "Its a surprise! Maria doesn't want to spoil it!" Luca said and Massimo headed outside to Giulia and Alberto setting down the bike, "just in time, Alberto. Come, we have some more fish to catch." He said. Alberto put the boxed ring in his pocket and followed Massimo to the docks and jumped onto the boat and started heading out to the open water. Giulia went inside and saw Maria standing next to Luca, "Maria! Your back!" Giulia shouted in excitement and hugged her, "Hehe, its good to see you too, Giulia! Where's Alberto? Luca told me he was with you." Maria asked, "Oh, he's with my Papa hunting for some fish." Giulia said then looked down at Maria's dress, it had ripped holes from the shark bite and was stained with blood, but Giulia seemed more worried about the dress then Maria's wounds. "Aye, Maria! Your dress! C'mon, lets head back to the tailor. He'll make you a new one." Giulia said grabbing Maria's hand and heading outside to her bike as they hop on and started heading back to the tailor. They hopped off the bike and placed it near the entrance and headed inside, "Ciao, Chipo! We're back!" Giulia said, "Welcome back, Mia- DIO MIO! What happened, Amica!?" He said looking at Maria's ripped bloody dress, "She was attacked by a shark, but she's ok now." Giulia said "Sorry about the dress, do you think you can make a new one?" She asked. "Of course! Anything for a friend! And you need to be careful out in the waters. It may look pretty, but there's all kinds of predators down there!" Chipo said to Maria, "I'll be sure to be more careful next time." Maria said following him to the back so he can make a new dress for her.
Doria woke up and headed to Maria's room to wake her up for school, but her room was empty. There was a note on her bed, she picked it up and it read: 'Dear aunt Doria, I left early, by the time you read this I'm already at Italian Riviera with Alberto! Relax, I'm fine :).' Doria shook her head and smiled then set the note down and put on her crab gear, grabbed her weapons, and headed outside to go start her job on protecting her kingdom.
Massimo started pulling the net up when he noticed Alberto looking inside a small box. "Is that for Maria?" He asked, "Yeah, its an engagement ring! I'm gonna ask her to stay with me." Alberto said and showed the ring to Massimo "I'm sure she'll love it." Massimo said smiling, "I think so too!" Alberto said closing the box and putting it back in his pocket. They continued pulling the net up with another load of fish and started heading back to shore. After waiting a few moments, Maria came out wearing a 1950's light blue rockabilly polka dot Audrey retro vacation summer dress. "Whoa, you look amazing!" Giulia said "Thanks, you think Alberto will like it?" Maria asked "Of course he will!" Giulia said while heading back outside "Thanks, Chipo!" Giulia said waving goodbye to the tailor "Bye, Giulia! Come back soon! And be careful!" He said and Maria and Giulia hopped on the bike and headed back home.
Alberto and Massimo went inside and set the net full of fish down in the corner, "I'll prepare dinner, you go on upstairs to your friend." Massimo said. Alberto went upstairs to Giulia's room and went through the window to the tree, when he was in the tree, he saw his magical singing lady gift he got for Maria and there were seashells around the edges. His eyes widened open to think that Maria was here, Maria headed upstairs with Giulia and the window was open, Maria climbed through the window to see Alberto checking out her decorations. "Do you like it?" Maria said and Alberto turned around and saw her wearing a new beautiful light blue polka dot vacation summer dress, "Whoa, nice dress! Sorry about your old one..." He said "That's okay! Sorry for being gone for so long..." Maria said "... You know how protective my aunt is." "Yeah, I remember..." He said remembering her warning that if he's not careful with protecting Maria, she's coming after him. "Luca told me that you and Giulia went and got something, what was it?" Maria asked, "Oh, right!" Alberto said and grabbed Maria's hand and they both sat down on the wooden board next to the record player.
"Maria, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for 'kinda' faking being in love with you. I just wanted to hang out with you to forget my jealousy of my best friend Luca, he's been hanging out with Giulia all the time and it made me feel isolated. But then meeting you and realizing how much fun I had with you made me realize how much you mean to me, how happy I am with you." Said Alberto,
"Me too! Back at home, I was kind of this kid who breaks the rules and wrecks everything... I even ruined Emily's friendship with her long-time friends. I was just... an outsider... I thought that's how my life was gonna be, just a reckless kid who never learns. But then, I met you! You made me feel like myself again! And I haven't felt like myself in a while, but you helped change that! You showed me that staying with you I'm free to be myself and do whatever I want! And I thank you for that. And when you went after me down into the Midnight Zone, I thought I didn't deserve the rescue since I've done very little to earn it, especially from you." Maria said and smiled "And I'm happy to be with you too."
"Then let's make it official, to stay together forever!" Alberto said pulling out a small, royal blue box and opening it revealing a sterling silver ring with a mermaid on it. "This is a goddess of the sea engagement ring I got from Giulia's jewelry seller friend." He said putting it on Maria's ring finger and holding both of her hands. "Maria, will you stay and live here with me in Portorroso?" Alberto asked, "Yes, of course!" Maria said and hugged Alberto. "Ok... Silencio Bruno..." He said sighing, "what're you doing?" Maria asked "I saw human couples do this, and honestly, its nerve-racking." Alberto said blushing "What?" Maria said. Alberto took a really deep breathe "Silencio Bruno!" He said and quickly kissed Maria on the lips. Maria was surprised, but went with it and kissed back while hugging Alberto, "Ti Amo!" Alberto said ((I love you)), Maria giggled and spoke in her siren language, "Lu fow, that means 'I love you' in Murine Siren language." She said smiling. Alberto smiled back, "Anyways, wanna get some ice cream? My treat!" "Hehe, sure!" Maria said and they stood up and hopped down from the tree and opened the wooden gate to go and get some strawberry ice cream while holding hands.
When they got their ice creams, they went and sat over by the water at the docks and watched the sunset, "I'm really happy to be staying here with you, Alberto." Said Maria, "Me too." Alberto said, "Ah, how nice of you two fish freaks to enjoy a relaxing sunset pretending to be 'normal' when your not." Ercole said walking up to them. Alberto sighed, "Do you mind going someplace else?" "Do YOU mind taking a bath once in a while?" Ercole said while pushing Alberto into the water and he transformed back into a sea monster, Ercole started laughing, "Talk about swimming with the fishes!" Maria then went down to help Alberto up and dragged Ercole down into the water and he was all soaking wet and screaming, "'Talk about swimming with the fishes,' huh?" Maria copied and she and Alberto started laughing. Ercole started getting out of the water, "You will pay for this!" He said and ran off. "I wanted to go for a swim anyways, what about you?" Maria asked Alberto "Yeah, me too. Race to my island? I still have stuff there I want to show you." He said, "Sure." Maria said and they both dove underwater and started swimming towards Alberto's island, Alberto showed Maria all the human stuff he collected and Maria was impressed with the stuff he had. They brought the record player with the magical singing lady and played it, Alberto took Maria's hand and started dancing with her.
"What are you doing?" She asked
"Its called dancing! I basically invented it." Said Alberto twirling Maria
Maria giggled, "How do I do this?"
"Just let the music control your body and it makes you dance." Alberto said
Maria started spinning and skipping like it was a ballet as Alberto watched in amazement. He then grabbed her hand again and they both started dancing with each other spinning, skipping and twirling.
After a few hours of showing Maria all the cool human stuff, they swam back home and ate some pasta. They went back up to Giulia's room and climbed through her window to the tree and layed down together looking at the starry night sky. "This was the best day ever." Maria said happily, "I know, right? And are you sure that you aunt isn't gonna come here and take you back?" Alberto asked nervous that her aunt would return to check if he's taking care of Maria or else, "Don't worry, I left her a note this time. I'm sure she won't come back here." Maria said snuggling closer to Alberto "That's a relief." He said and kissed Maria's head "Goodnight, Maria." He said "Goodnight, Alberto." Maria said and they both dozed off into a deep sleep with Alberto's right arm wrapped around Maria and Maria's head laying on Alberto's chest while hugging him.
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
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Let me down
I used to be afraid of Darkness, I would wake up screaming in my bed, trying to find the nearest light. I could not breathe, the Darkness took me for many nights. I learned to embrace it...
I am a good for nothing, which literally means what it says, good-for-nothing.
I am the product of a broken economy, unemployment and most of all,  procrastination.
Somewhere along the way I lost the spark that lights our passions and it was replaced by the hole of despair. I am not willing to change things anymore, I just want to-
This is a work of fiction, but for me it means more than that, this is my only way to express what I truly feel, I don’t expect this to make sense, I just need to let it all out and maybe this will reach someone who will resonate with my words. I am afraid of putting my true feelings on paper, I am scared to be judged, to put the costume away and let all to see what lies beneath. 
Yet it is something I must do.
Sometimes to feel the light we need to take our masks out. This is my bare Self.
“When was the last time I left my house?”
I would ask myself this many times throughout the week, I could never remember.
The trash was starting to pile up in the kitchen, the food was running out and the stink of my armpits was becoming unbearable, but none of that mattered to me anymore. I had nothing, nothing to lose as well, I just had to pay rent and utilities and that meant 30 more days with a roof, simple and efficient-
No. It doesn’t feel right. Let me try again.
Ok I’m back I just had some rice.
 Eating that rice made me think about one quote from Lao tzu, I am not going to quote it but basically talks about water, how water gives life to everything in the planet yet it claims no ownership on any of the creatures it gives life to, you can step on water yet it will not react in any manner, water is everywhere. This really enlightened my conception of God (This just real I know). Growing up I was always told God loved me and had a plan for. How he was everywhere and loved everyone. As a kid I took that as a fact coming from my mom but not only until I entered my twenties I started to really look into it and give that blurred idea of God more definition. 
My conclusion? Well I don’t have one, but I got something better, a core idea of God (just to clarify this is my perception and yours is as valid as mine, something which I will explain later.)
Drum rolls please! (Now you imagine the cool drum roll noise, thank you)
Say what? But I thought God was a source of eternal love and he had a place in heaven for me?
Well yes, but no. By that I mean God does love you, but also he doesn’t. Confusing right? Well I have an imaginary doctor that looks like Einstein that will explain this with fancy words, Doc if you might?
“Why of course my dear colleague, allow me to clarify the previous statement. What my dear friend means is that technically good and evil are not really true concepts, to illustrate this I will ask you dear reader to think about temperature.
Many would say the opposite of cold is… Hot! 
But it is not as simple as that, in my colleague’s perception hot and cold are just a lack and abundance of temperature, they both belong to the temperature realm, they are not opposites, they are quantities of temperature. You wouldn't say a kilo of rice is the opposite of twenty kilos of rice would you? Well the same can be applied to actions to some extent. Now this is not to be taken as an excuse to become a murderous machine shielding your actions with this idea, only a fool would do such a thing, this is why “technically” is such a keyword. 
Societies do have good and evil, and depending on your society you may have slightly or even quite different conceptions of them. You have a moral compass, which will make you feel bad when you do something “evil” and good when something “good” has been done. But these are just human representation or more accurately, creation. Now back to my colleague thank you for listening to this old man’s rumbling”
Wow that was boring. Anyways back to what I was saying, again this might not make sense at all but honestly and too deep to stop now and I am having a blast doing this. 
So if God is everything why is he not associated with the bad stuff? I asked my friends one simple question, what is evil? Their answer?
“Imagine that God is a candle, the closer you are to the candle the more light and warm there is, but if you go far away you won’t feel that right? Evil is the absence of God.”
Clap, clap,clap.
That was good man, I liked that response quite a lot. But that's just a pretty response, I am at the same point before asking the question. God is everything right? So how can there be any absence of everything? See what I mean? My answer?
 God is. 
That’s it. Do with it what you want.
Let’s talk about love (Yay!) more specifically unconditional love (ugh).
My take on this is I don’t believe in unconditional love, we love things or people because of the things they do or have that benefit us. 
“Bu-But my girl is like the most loyal and she loves me no matter what and I asked if she would leave me for George Clooney and she said she won’t!”
Good for you mate!
Anyways I had a weird upbringing which led to me being a weird person. (Who would have thought right!?) 
And that’s it for the love section! Brief and underwhelming just like me in bed!
Now that the bed joke is finally taken out of the way let’s continue shall we?
Now on a more serious note, many of us feel It, I call it It because I don’t know how to call it, and in all honesty It sounds hella cool. But yeah, it happens, you relapse, things fall apart and everything lose meaning, you go to social media and are bombarded with smiles and people having the time of their life, what I am saying is not new, heck many of you might have heard the same thing on social media, which is so ironic but whatever. I am not gonna tell you things are gonna get better or worse, because I don’t know shit, but I can tell you that the only constant in life is change for the good and the bad, so if you are in at the bottom of the hill know that it won’t be forever and if you are on top of the mountain the same applies. That is. 
Ohh I love talking about myself, don’t we all? I could talk hours upon hours about myself and never get tired!
I have so many fuck yous to say but not enough time sadly so we’ll skip that!
I was raised by a single mother (Can I get a round of applause for them?)
In a country with a broken economy but an amazing quality of life, I still haven’t met my father and I don’t know if I’ll ever will, I wrote him but he left me on read (fuck him).
I have a half sister, her Dad ain’t mine but I took his last name, the guy was loaded and a drunk with psycho issues, so a lot of screaming at home which I am pretty sure messed me up because every time someone screams at me weird shit happens.
And that’s it for now, I don’t want to bore you guys but know that I have a lot to tell!
This is gonna get spicy!
So what am I? Am I a republican? An anarchist? A democrat?
Honestly dude, I am just me, do I have opinions on how a country should be run?
Of course!
Am I educated enough to convince people on how a country should be run?
I’ll let you answer that one! (the answer starts with an N and ends with an O though)
Do I think the people educated enough are doing a good job? Well just look at the news and it is quite clear.
My views? Equity, equal opportunity, racism is a no no. (Pretty basic huh? Well it’s only three things but we haven’t achieved a single one in thousands of years so you tell me)
This started as a cry for help, a hole in the balloon filled with despair and honestly, the balloon is gone, I feel so much better. So thank you Untitled Document and slowed down music compilation.
And yeah maybe I’ll continue this in more detail or maybe I won’t but for now this will remain a short story, with that said, See ya later alligator!
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hermionefae · 4 years
Hidden- Dhawan!MasterxOC Part 2
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This is part 2, part one is here. 
Earth, 21st century, United Kingdom, Brighton, 11.30pm. Alice was drunk, like most Saturday nights when she and her friends went down to their favourite club in Brighton. The club night was called Sane and was always held in the basement room of a gay bar that if you saw it in the daylight you would walk right past it, slightly concerned that you would get an STD from just looking at it but at night, especially Saturdays it was Alice’s playground.
She had a tough week at work and needed to let loose, which is what she was doing. They had drunk their cheap canned cocktails on the train down and were already half wasted by the time they had got to Sane, being regulars had their advantages, they were let through regardless of their drunken state. There was always a theme to the Sane club nights and this evening the theme was Moulin Rouge Realness so Alice had bought herself an expensive red and black corset with matching skirt, black fishnets and high heeled boots and had donned a realistic looking red long wig.
Her friend Gemma had decided to fish out her leather looking trousers and put on a Victorian looking flouncy shirt and clumpy boots. She had tied her blonde curly hair into a high pony tail and perched a top hat high on her head. As ever, Gemma’s twin brother George had gone extra flamboyant. Being the only gay man in the group George always played up to the stereotype. Tonight, he also had a pair of tight leather trousers on but instead of a shirt, he was wearing a black leather harness that Gemma was holding in her hand. “It’s a bit weird for me to be your Dom as I’m your twin sister George” commented Gemma when he suggested it.
“Sis please, you’re ruining my aesthetic” was George’s reply.
Anyway, back to the evening. Alice had consumed as many shots as she could without throwing up, had danced as much as she could without injuring herself, although the night was still young and she could always be counted on to get up on the pole next to the DJ booth as whenever Alice drank, she often though that she could pole dance. Just as she was about to order another shot of tequila, Alice felt a wave of nausea come over her.
She tapped on the shoulder of George who was shamelessly flirting with the guy standing next to him and pointed upwards. They had developed different signs a long time ago because it was often too loud to talk. Pointing upwards meant they wanted to go outside to get some air, brushing their arm meant they were going to the toilet and a rather crude gesture meant one of them was getting off with someone, it was usually George but sometimes it was Alice if a fit straight guy had stumbled into the club. It was never Gemma as she had a long-term boyfriend.
George nodded but then went back to talking to the guy he was chatting up, Alice looked around, but in her drunken state she couldn’t see Gemma so she decided to go up on her own. She wobbled a bit on the steep stairs but made it outside without making a fool of herself. She turned right, towards the Brighton seafront and then sat down in an empty doorway of a disused coffee shop. Her head was still spinning so she kept it down and took some deep breaths. Then she heard her name being called in the distance, she looked up and peered up and down the street but couldn’t see anyone she recognised. Alice was a pretty common name probably someone else she concluded.
She put her head down again but was interrupted once more by a group of male voices “Hey you, nice outfit” Slurred a man, a few years younger than Alice.
“Thanks” muttered Alice, trying to avoid eye contact with the drunk men.
“Voulez vous coucher avec moi” said another man cosying up to Alice, he was not French and was also drunk but Alice got the gist of what he was saying.
“Ahhhh, I don’t think so pal” denied Alice getting up and stumbling away.
“Hey we were just having some fun, no need to be so rude” said the first man, getting angry.
“Oh, just piss off and leave me alone” said Alice.
“Alice there you are!” Came Gemma’s voice behind the men. The group turned round and saw Gemma and George who’s lead was firmly in Gemma’s grasp, Gemma had also acquired a whip from somewhere which made her look more threatening and George had his arms crossed over his chest, trying to look intimidating but was actually just hiding the fact that his nipples were erect because he was cold.
“Err, come on man, let’s leave these costumed freaks to it” said the third man who had looked uncomfortable from the start. The three friends watched as the unwelcome men made their way back down to the sea front towards the more conventional clubs.
“Hey, are you ok? We were really worried” said Gemma, rushing forward to Alice.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I told George where I was but I couldn’t find you”
Gemma shot a dirty look at George who was clearly too drunk to remember that conversation. Alice felt the sickness and light-headedness arrive once again and swayed on the spot. “Alice, you look awful” stated a worried Gemma.
“I feel it” muttered Alice. Just then she heard her name being called again, the voice seemed to be coming from in front of her. Just as she felt the sick rise up her throat, she looked over at the opposite building and saw a man, slightly taller than herself with a dark complexion and black ruffled hair, wearing a purple jacket and dark tartan trousers. He had one hand in his waistcoat pocket, one leg crossed over the other and was leaning casually on the building’s pillar. He was grinning inanely at her, like a child who had just discovered a toy at Christmas. She couldn’t hold it in any longer, Alice spewed all the drinks she had consumed over the evening, plus the dinner she had insisted on having before going out, all over the floor.
“Shit!” Exclaimed George as he stepped back. Gemma grabbed hold of Alice and held her wig back from her face as she continued to throw up.
“Hey Gemma, you need to get Alice home. I’ll get the car ready” came the voice of Tyler, their friend and one of the bouncers of the club.
Gemma turned around “you sure? She might throw up again”
“No, I won’t” came Alice’s weak voice
“I’d rather she throws up in my car than in a taxi. I won’t charge you for it” said Todd as he disappeared to get his car.
They got back to Alice and Gemma’s flat without any further throwing up and Gemma took control of getting Alice undressed whilst George helped himself to toast.
Finally, Alice flopped into her king-sized bed and Gemma tucked her in. “Sorry for ruining your night” said Alice, who was still wearing her red wig as she wouldn’t let Gemma remove it.
“You didn’t ruin it; we were ready to go anyways. Who stays to the end hmmm?”
“We usually do”
“Well we’re saddos. Just get some sleep, I’ll be in my room and George is on the sofa, if you need anything okay?”
Alice nodded and rolled over, passing out instantly. Gemma, who had sobered up by this point waited and watched, making sure Alice hadn’t stopped breathing. When she was satisfied Gemma got up off Alice’s bed and took herself to bed, George had already passed out on the sofa, still in his harness. Gemma rolled her eyes at her twin and shut her bedroom door forcefully.
The first few moments of Alice being asleep, the room felt like it was spinning behind her eyes. This was a normal sensation for drunk Alice but then there was a bright light and she found herself in a long corridor with dark wood panelling on the walls and many, many doors. She tried the first door but it was locked. The same for the door opposite, the third door she tried was also locked but she could hear suspicious noises coming from behind so she recoiled and moved on. The door at the end of the hallway seemed to glow so she decided to head for that.
On the way she passed a mirror and stopped to look at her reflection, she didn’t really recognise herself, she seemed to still be wearing her wig from the club but as she tugged on it, it wouldn’t come off, it felt real. She was also bizarrely wearing an Alice in Wonderland costume complete with the white tights and black hair ribbon. She shook her head and proceeded to the last door.
This time it sprung open easily and she stepped through. She found herself in a bright garden with massive roses that seemed to sway in the breeze with their human faces turned upwards. There was a table in the centre, set for an afternoon tea with loads of cake and scones and a big tea pot.
“Hello Alice” said a familiar voice. The man she had seen observing her whilst she was throwing up outside Sane was standing in the exact same position by one of the ginormous red roses, a croquet mallet in his free hand. “Fancy a game? Or a cup of tea?”
“Who are you?” asked Alice who was equal parts confused and slightly turned on. She hadn’t noticed how attractive the mystery man was before.
“An old friend” he answered simply. He moved towards the table and took the seat at the head and gestured for her to join him.
She felt the overwhelming desire to obey him and took the seat to his left. He watched as she poured him some tea and then her own. Alice sipped it carefully “Earl grey, my favourite. How did you know?”
“I know a lot about you love, a lot! Also, Earl Grey happens to be my favourite too”
“Well if you know so much about me, I feel a bit stupid not knowing anything about you. What’s your name?”
“Ohh, I’ve gone by so many names in the past. You can call me Master”
Alice snorted “that’s a bit presumptuous” but then instantly regretted her words as the Master’s expression darkened. He looked like he was going to explode at her but then he seemed to get his temper under control. “Have a slice of cake Alice”
“Oh, I shouldn’t, I’m watching my weight”
Slam! The Master pounded his fist onto the table top, making the china rattle and the cutlery fall to the floor. Alice was proper shaking now, ‘ok time to wake up now!’ she was thinking furiously.
“You’re not dreaming Alice” said the Master darkly. He got up out of his seat and crept towards her, he sat down on the table so he was so very close to her. “This is very real, well in a manner of speaking. I had hoped that we were going to have a nice catch up before I got to this but I suppose if you want to skip the formalities, that’s fine”
The Master took a steadying breath “I need to you help me Alice”
“Help you? How?”
“You need to let me into your world”
“And why would I do that?” Asked Alice, getting a bit braver.
“Because I could tell you the truth, about your life, about your parents. Everything”
“I know about my life”
“Nope, you only think you do. I can show you the world Alice. Shining, shimmering, splendid” The master had got back up at this point and hand gone round to the back of her. He had placed his hands on her shoulders and worked on the tension in them. This was one of Alice’s weaknesses, she loved it when a guy touched her like his, or played with her hair, or kissed her neck which was what the Master was doing now.
“Oh God.” she vocalised.
“That’s right Alice, and there’s a lot more where that came from.”
Despite herself, Alice got up off the chair and sat on the table, pushing the chair away from them. She grabbed hold of the Master’s lapels and pulled him closer. “Tell me what I need to do” she said breathily.
In the TARDIS, the fam was watching at the Doctor was concentrating very hard. A moment ago, she had gasped and said “he’s found her.”
Graham, Yaz and Ryan had both established that the Doctor had meant that the Master had found the Princess and had rushed to the Doctor’s side.
“What are you gonna do?” Asked Ryan
“I need to establish contact, he’s brought her into his psychic garden, I need you and Yaz to keep the TARDIS flying, we’re gonna break through my barriers soon and land near her home. Graham keep an eye on me, if it looks like something bad is happening, shake me. Got it?”
“Got it” the three answered in unison. The Doctor sat down on the steps and put her fingers to her temples. Suddenly she found herself in the corridor that Alice had travelled down a few moments earlier. Like Alice, the Doctor tried all the doors but to no avail. One did open further down but out sprung a Slitheen which she had to quickly shut the door on. It was then she noted the door at the end. “This is got to be it hasn’t it Doctor?” She said out loud to herself and ran straight for the heavy looking door. It opened but jammed so she couldn’t squeeze through.
Through the door sliver, she could see the garden and the table as before. She could hear voices too which she knew was the Master and a lighter more feminine voice she presumed was the Princess.
“Tell me what I need to do” said the Princess. The Doctor remembered that tone of voice from long ago and she fought harder to get through.
“Kiss me” said the Master softly.
Alice had never felt so turned on in her life, it was funny how quickly she had gone from scared to horny but it happened and she drew him closer placing her lips on his. It started off gentle, almost as if the Master was astounded that his request had worked but then he got into the groove of the action and their kiss deepened.
The Doctor heard cups and saucers being pushed off the table and managed to get her head and half her torso through the gap. She saw the Master pushing the Princess down onto the table, the Princess had her white legs wrapped around the Master’s waist, giving him everything he wanted.
“Get off her!” The Doctor yelled. The couple broke their kiss and looked over at her. The Princess had no idea who the Doctor was and the Doctor felt the pure hatred the Master was giving off hid her like a wave.
“She’s mine!” The Master growled. He turned back to Alice who was panting, her legs still wrapped around his waist. He knew that she could feel his erection through his trousers but they would have to delay this slightly. “I’ll be with you shortly Princess.”
The Master put his hands on Alice’s temples and the girl began to glow, the Master kissed her again, once more to seal his passage into her world and the Alice was gone.
“Bye Doctor!” called the Master as he began to glow too.
“NO!” Yelled the Doctor as she watched her former best friend fade away, following the Princess. Suddenly she felt Graham shake her and she returned to the TARDIS.
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cloudylovemuses · 5 years
All Of Me
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Pairings:Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: lots of angst, depression low self esteem, cursing, but loads of fluff in the end I promise.
Summary: You are dealing with depression and sometimes your breakdowns were really bad. Although you never let anyone know or help you. Not even Bucky, your best friend and your crush. You loved him, but your head was so messing with you that whenever you got on a state like that you shut him out. But not this time.
Author's note: Well first of all, Hello everyone. I'm Nefeli, I'm a really messed up writer and a lazy one, they told me that I had a good writing, I never really believed them, but anyways I decided to write fanfiction about a year ago and these are the results. I hope you like it. I love feed back so feel free to comment. I love comments.
Anyway, I wrote this after my own breakdown when I just prayed for a Bucky to hold me on that state, 'cause ya know, I feel alone. Oh and now that I said alone, if you ever feel this way feel free to message me, I'll always be there for you, whatever it is I can listen.
I hope you like it, enjoy❤
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It was one of these days. When your head was so fucked up and playing tricks on you. And you are so tired. So fucking tired.
Mentally and physically.
You just returned from a fucked up mission. Well, it was supposed to be an easy one. But no. No. You had to fuck everything up. You couldn't even had to look at the others to see their disappointed faces. You could feel them on you. Through the whole flight home you kept your head down. Not wanting to talk to anyone.
Not even Bucky.
Poor guy, tried desperately to talk to you and calm you down, but you refused to even look at him. He understood. From first hand knew that feeling. But he heard you. He heard your struggling heart beat. The little trembles and the small sobs, that were escaping your mouth.
When the quinjet landed, you run outside like there was no tomorrow. You needed to be at your room, immediately.
Bucky tried to come after you, Natasha and Steve stopping him from doing so, saying it was better to give you time. He didn't want to leave you alone on your dark times. He knew that you needed something, someone, to hold on. He had to find you. Be with you. Hold you.
You were on the floor, on the edge of the bed. Crying. Knees on your chest and hands hugging them tightly. Your room was so dark. So small. So lonely. You felt your breath cutting from your lungs when the voices came.
You hated them.
You couldn't think straight when they were talking so loud. Saying; you'll never be enough. You'll never be like them. They are gods. You are a nothing. You are just a pathetic stray that was peeked from the road. You. Are. Nothing.
"God, please stop." You tried to say between your sobs. It was pointless.
You will die alone. Don't expect them keeping you. They'll kick you out the next time you do something wrong. They'll leave you without even thinking about it. He would be with a burden less. He will be free from your petty ass. He will never love you. 'Cause who's looking at someone so broken? Who will give you a second glance. You. Are. A. NOTHING.
"Please. Oh god. Please stop" you silently cried again, keeping your head between your knees.
You believed them. Them voices were so convincing. You believed every word they said. You couldn't get them out of your mind. You couldn't let the team see you weak, so you couldn't tell them about it.
Only Bucky knew. He've seen you. In one really stressful mission that was too far from home. He had hold you, after you told him a thousand times no, he had hold you. He didn't judged you. He just held you until you fell asleep. Oh, it was the most peaceful sleep you've ever had. In his arms, you felt safe.
The knock at your door scared you and you shot your head up.
"Doll, can I please come in?" Bucky. Ohh Buck. I wish I could let you in. You thought to your self.
He'll pity you. Don't let him in.
"Go away!" You shouted, half hearted.
"Sweetheart, you know I won't leave if you don't open the door." He said, tapping slightly the door.
"Buck, please leave." Your voice was so weak. He thanked god that he had enchanted hearing, to hear your small and tired voice.
"Doll, please I need to know you'll alright. And I'm pretty sure you're not. Please. Let me help you." You could hear the worry in his voice.
Those damn voices told you to stay were you are. But you didn't want to. You wanted him. You needed him.
Slow steps opened his eyes wide. A little hope hiding behind them. And then you opened the door and his heart stopped. You were still on your bloodstained suit. Hair still dirty. And your eyes... Oh those pretty eyes, that he so loved were full of pain. And your pretty face tearstained, lips and eyes puffy from crying.
He immediately pulled you in his arms. He had taken a bath. You smelled his shampoo and the fresh washed T-shirt. Steve had to push him in the bathroom so he would take a bath. When he just wanted to be with you.
A metal arm on your back and one on your head, keeping it close to his heart. He kissed multiple times the top of your head, saying soothing words to calm you down. Your hands were around his waist holding him close, not wanting to let go, crying.
You couldn't keep yourself on your feet and you fell on your knees. He followed you. Keeping you close.
"I'm right here sweetheart. I'm not letting you go." He whispered in your ear.
You don't know how much time had passed, but you stopped crying and you rose your head to face him. He smiled down at you softly.
"Do you want to take a bath and then go to bed? I know you don't want to talk about it yet. We can talk in the morning. Take a walk or just stay here. Whatever you want. Just please, let me help you bath and take you to bed." He quietly said, pushing some hair out of your face.
You wanted to cry again. He was so sweet and kind. You thought you didn't deserve his kindness. But you couldn't deny him. So you just nodded.
He took your hand in his and guide you to the bathroom. He filled the tub with hot water, just how you like it. He put your favorite bath bomb and let you undress your self. Your movements were really slow. You didn't had the strength to do it more quickly.
He heard you struggling to get in the bath. He turned and gave you a hand to hold on, his gaze never leaving your eyes. You settled in and he started washing your hair.
You felt so numb. You couldn't even lift your gaze to see the loving emotions his eyes hid when he washed your hair. He then started washing your body. Taking his time on all the places you got hurt. From small scratches on your hand, to the big wound on your stomach. He took his time on your scars from old battles. He took his time at your numb hands, that were hanging on each side of your body. He took his time at your tired legs, that were so bruised from the fighting. He took his time at the curves of your body, that you always said how you so hated them.
He did this to show you how much he loved you. How much every single thing on your body was perfect.
You couldn't understand him. You couldn't understand why he did it.
The water got cold and dirty. He helped you get out of the bath and gave you some underwear and one of his T-shirts. You raised your head, a questionable look on your face.
"I didn't want to dig on your clothes, and I brought you one of my shirts. The underwear were out of your closet. I hope you don't mind." He softly said and you shook your head.
He must had left when you were  undressing, you thought and changed on his shirt.
He took one towel and dried your hair a little and then took your hand in his again. He took you to your bed and tackled you in.
"Goodnight, Doll" he whispered and kissed your forehead. He tried to leave, but you pulled his hand.
"Please, stay with me. I don't want to be alone." you said and his heart broke. He gently pushed you further in bed and laid beside you. He pulled you closer to him and putted your head on his chest. Flesh hand drawing circles on your back. Metal arm rubbing gently your hand, that was spread on his stomach. It felt like you were doing this for years. It felt normal. And  you felt peaceful. Relaxed. Your eyes started to close, more and more and soon sleep found you curled up together.
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The next morning he woke up first. He spent some time admiring you. Your beautiful face. He wanted to keep that picture forever. Your peaceful pretty face right next to his. Legs tangled together and hands holding each other close. He could get used to this. He wanted to wake up every day like this. With you by his side, hugging and kissing him the way you did on your sleep. You had kissed his neck while trying to get further on his hold and he swore it was the best thing that happened in his life and that his heart had left his body right then and there.
You slowly opened your eyes and saw him staring at you. "You're staring" you lightly laughed at him and his just shrugged "I guess I'm enjoying the view" he smirked down at you and you giggled, blushing like crazy.
"How are you feeling?" He asked stroking your cheek.  "I think I'm good. Better than yesterday. Thank you."
"You don't need to thank me, doll."
"But I want to. And to thank you more actively, I'll make you breakfast. What do you say?" You smiled at him.
"Doll, you don't have to" he said already defeat in his voice.
"Yes, I do!" Yes you did. You needed distraction from last nights events, and baking was just perfect.
You stood up and dragged him with you in the kitchen. He groaned not wanting to leave bed, but your sweet laugh woke him up.
The kitchen was empty, a note on the fridge saying that half of the team was on a mission and other half didn't want to be woken up. Bucky took it as an opportunity to do something more to light up your mood and show you how much you mean to him.
You had started making the pancakes and you suddenly stopped to listen to the song that started playing.
"What would I do without your smart mouth. Drawing me in, and you kicking me out. Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down."
All of me.
You turned around to see Bucky with an extended hand to you. You took it and he pulled you closer to him and started to sway both of you to the rhythm. You hugged him close, keeping your head on his chest. You hadn't realized that he had started to sing the lyrics quietly.
You rose your head and locked your eyes on his. Tears were already falling from your eyes. He meant it.
All of it.
"What's going on in that beautiful mind. I'm on your magical mystery ride. And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright."
You slightly smiled and didn't know what to do. He was meaning every single word he sang. You knew he meant it. You saw it in his eyes. Oh those beautiful grey-blue orbs said everything you wanted to know.
"Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections."
He always said that to you. How your curves and stretch marks made you beautiful. You were just perfect to him. Even the smallest scar that you hated it, he loved it and made sure to show you that he did.
"How many times do I have to tell you.
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too. The world is beating you down, I'm around through every move."
He had told you before, while a movie night when you had started sobbing on an emotional scene "don't look at me, I don't want you to see me like that" you had told him hiding your face, "why? I think you look beautiful" and those god damn butterflies had a whole ass party on your belly.
"My head's under water. But I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind."
He couldn't imagine what he might thought, when you never answered him while you had your anxiety attacks or your breakdowns. He was out of his mind for believing in me you thought.
"Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts. Risking it all, though it's hard."
You where still swaying on the rhythm, when you looked up at him finding him staring at your eyes, and he broke the silence. "I love you doll, I love you so freaking much. I can't think of you dealing with this all alone. Knowing that I could help you. Be there for you. I don't want you to be alone. I want to be with you. Helping you. Holding you. Loving you. I love you."
Happy tears filled your eyes. your hands left his waist and went on his chest, standing on your tiptoes you brought your lips almost on his and whispered "I love you too". You had said it so quietly that he thought he imagined it, but when your lips met his, the whole ground got lost under his feet. His lips were soft and danced with yours perfectly, it was like you were doing this forever.
You smelt smoke and you broke away "Oh my god the pancakes" you shouted and pulled away from his embrace and turned to the stove. He laughed and you felt strong arms hugging you from behind, while you removed the burned pancakes, you smiled and bit your lip when you felt a kiss on your neck.
It felt so good. So normal. Like you meant to do this, every day. And you wanted to. You hoped to.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Summer horror; Roger Taylor x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all for my fellow American followers I hope you all are having a happy and safe 4th of July. Having lots of food and watching the fireworks and spending time with your families. Now in honor of what Starz has done by giving us a full 24hr marathon of all the JAWS movies, I have been working on this little fic thinking that since Queen were working on ‘A Night at the Opera’ at the same time this movie premiered so I figured why the hell not? So warnings consist of swearing, mentions of the movie and in case any of you haven’t seen the movie then there are spoilers of JAWS in this story. Hope you all enjoy it :)
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Queen/Permanent taglist:
I don’t know how my cousin managed to convince me to watch this movie.  He had said that this was probably the most horrifying movie he had ever seen and since he and I always love to compare and talk about all things horror, he told me I needed to see this movie.
Steven Spielberg’s biggest summer hit that’s hit the box office in America, a film known as JAWS.
Since Roger and the boys were away recording their album “A Night at the Opera” I needed something to watch so I had managed to buy me a ticket to the next evening showing of the movie.  Little did I know just what I was getting myself into.
The ominous theme song of the shark potentially coming out, the gruesome detail of the killings, and of course that shocking jump scare with that head in the boat. Literally I had never heard an entire audience scream all at once than at that moment of the picture.  Of course when Brody shot the shark, the audience was in a roar of applause and I’ve never seen a theater audience act like that before.
Let’s just say that…..after seeing that movie I will never think of the beach no scratch that any large body of water that isn’t a bathtub the same way again. Because unlike movies like “The Exorcist” or “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, this is something that is based on fact.
With a degree in marine biology I knew that sharks have been known to attack people and there have been such famed attacks in America, Australia and in the bottom coast of Africa, and of course there the true story of the USS Indianapolis during WW2.  So to see a movie be made to this degree, it was just—horrifying to see.
As I went home I didn’t think I could go to sleep.  The phone rang which made me jump in my seat.
“Bloody hell.” I picked up the phone and said, “Hello?”
‘So how’d you like it?’ My cousin’s voice spoke up.
“Elliot I swear to god next time I see you, I’m going to fucking kill you!” I hissed. He laughed and I said, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself right now.”
‘Geez (n/n) and I thought a Marine biologist like yourself would love a movie like that?’
“Well…..not anymore. In fact I think I may just change my major now because of you arsehole.”
‘Hey don’t blame me. I didn’t make the movie, nor did I write the book.’ I groaned and he continued, ‘and besides aunt (m/n) would throw a fit if you were to change your major now. Don’t you only have one more semester to go before your graduate. Changing now would be pointless.’
“You’re an idiot.” I muttered and of course he just laughed.
‘You know you love me, and when I come back into town we’re both going to see it together this time.’
“Fuck no! I am never watching that film again!!”
‘Says the girl who watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre three times when it came out.’
“Whatever you saw it five times you psychopath.”
‘Sociopath actually. Alright you nerd we’ll talk later, I need to head to bed. Got an early conference tomorrow. Talk to you later kiddo.’
“Sleep tight El.”
‘Will do, you sleep tight and don’t let the sharks bite.’
“Fuck you.” He laughed once more before I hung up the phone and just cuddled on the couch clinging onto the blankets.  God I really wish Roger was here right now, his hugs always made me feel better and boy did I need them right now.  Since it was so late and I began to grow tired no matter how much I tried to fight it, soon I found myself asleep.
There was nothing but murky blue right before my eyes.  I was trapped in what looked like a shark cage, the metal bars being my only source of protection.  Then suddenly out of nowhere, I saw it coming.
A giant great white shark probably the same size as the one from the movie.  It swam right past me, allowing me to see it’s large size, the lifeless black eye just staring straight ahead as it swam by, then as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared into the ocean.
I didn’t know what to do.  I had nothing on me to protect me, no knife, gun, or even spear.  All I had was this cage that seemed to have no way out.  I kept my eyes forward and was frantically looking around hoping to find it.  Suddenly I was jerked forward as I felt something bump the cage from behind.
I began to panic as I saw right behind me swimming away was the tail of the great white. It circled below the cage before coming right back for me.  It’s large mouth gaped open exposing the rows upon rows of teeth.  It banged against the cage creating an even bigger dent than it first left.
Oh my god this shark was actually trying to eat me.  I tried to find a way out of the cage but there was no way out, the top was bolted shut and I couldn’t curl up because the cage wasn’t big enough for me to try and escape without risking getting caught by the shark’s mouth.  My heart felt like it was going to explode as it relentlessly rammed the cage until it was just big enough for it to finally swallow me whole.
I shot up panting, sweat dripping down my face.  It was then I began to hear the sound of my phone ringing once again.  I looked at my overhead clock to see that it was 2:30am.  I picked it up and tried to say with a steady tone.
‘Hey love.’ Oh thank god! It was Roger.
‘Hello my love, are you okay you sound a bit frantic?’ I placed my hand over my heart and wiped away my tears and choked out.
“I’m fine Roggie.”
‘You sure? You sound like you’ve been crying. Don’t tell me you’re missing me already?’ to get my mind off of my nightmare I went ahead and lied.
“Yes, that’s exactly it.”
‘Aww love we already talked about this. The only person who should be missing the other more is me. You broke your promise, now you’ll have to pay the toll.’
“Okay. I’ll take some time off of work to come with you guys on your next tour.”
‘Yes!’ he cheered and I swore I could hear him fist pump the air. ‘So sorry to be calling you so late, hope I didn’t wake you.’
“You’re fine I was—talking with Elliot anyways.”
‘Ahh so what’s that old bastard been up to lately huh?’ I shook my head.  See Roger and my cousin had been friends for years ever since grade school, in fact that’s how we met and eventually Elliot played matchmaker/tormentor toward us by the time we were all in high school.
“He’s currently away on business for his company in Athens. But hopefully he’ll be back in a week or so.”
‘Ohh fancy, lucky bitch gets to go everywhere.’
“Well he is the CEO of his company. But what about you? How’s the album coming along? You and the guys playing nice?”
‘Yes we are.’ But the way his tone was, it sounded like it wasn’t.
“What happened?”
‘Damn your keen senses.’ He teased and I chuckled softly. ‘I’ll tell you later, I only called to tell you that since the album is coming along so well, we’re relocating to another place just for some downtime and I want to invite you there.’
“And just where is this place at?”
‘Ridge farm studios. A nice family owns the place, it’s supposed to be a lot more open and more things to do than here at Rockfield. Think you can make it?’
“I think I might just be able to do that.” I heard Roger cheer and he told me of the address of the farm and we ended our conversation.  As I hung up the phone my mind went back to my nightmare so I kept the lamp on just so that I knew I was on dry land and not surrounded by water with a man eating shark about to eat me.
The next morning I began packing my things for the trip.  I was hoping on staying maybe a couple weeks but knowing Roger he’d try to convince me to stay the whole time they were there so I packed about five weeks’ worth of clothes.  Once I had everything packed, I took out my map and began to trace the route I would need to take to get to the farm.
Once that was done, I loaded my car and got on the road.  It took pretty much all day to get out of London and out into the country field of Capel.  It was probably 4 maybe 5 o’clock by the time I reached the farm and there waiting outside on the porch was none other than Roger.
As soon as he saw my car pull up, he stood up from the front steps and waved at me. I parked my car along the driveway and turned the engine off.  I got out of my car and sighed exasperatedly.
“If I didn’t love you so much, I never would drive out this far, or for this long.”
“Ahh but you do love me.” He said as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.  He leaned his forehead against mine as he swayed me from side to side.
“That I do.”
“And I’m grateful for that,” he cupped the side of my face and stroked my cheekbone with his thumb as he continued, “I’m so happy you came. I’ve missed holding you in my arms, I’ve missed seeing you first thing in the morning, missed these eyes, those lips.” I chuckled softly and said.
“Who would’ve thought Roger Taylor was such a softy.” I teased.
“You made me this way. You’re such a bad influence on me love.” He moaned as he soon captured my lips with his.
“Look who’s talking? Mr. ‘I want to have sex almost everywhere in the house’.” I spoke out between kisses.
“Shhh, don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it.” He whispered seductively as he began kissing down my neck. I breathed out a soft moan as I treaded my fingers through my boyfriend’s silk smooth blonde hair.
“If you’re going to be doing any of that Roger, I would suggest getting a room first.” We looked up and there were the rest of the Queen boys.
“Screw the lot of yah. I hadn’t seen my girl in months. SO if you don’t want to watch, then look away.” I hit Roger on the chest which made him both laugh and cry out in mock pain. “Ow love that hurt!”
“Then don’t say stuff like that around me.” Freddie chuckled and was the first to come up and greet me with a hug and peck on both cheeks.
“Welcome darling, oh it’s been too long. Why don’t you visit us anymore?”
“Sorry Fred, been trying to finish up my degree before I finally graduate.”
“Oh wow you’re nearly done. Congratulations (y/n).” Brian spoke up next.
“Thanks Bri, and it was about damn time too. Six years of school is too damn long.”
“I’ll bet.” Deacy soon spoke up.  I walked over to him and we both hugged each other.  Since Deacy and I were the same age with me being a few months older than him, we grew close to each other.  He was my confidant, my partner in crime, my sidekick especially when it came to messing with the others.
We were like the troublemakers of the group behind the scenes, both quiet and reserved until we decide to strike.  And when you get both of us putting our devious brains together, watch out.
“Well now that you’re here, Roger will actually begin to behave for once.” Freddie proclaimed.
“What did he do? He mentioned something briefly over the phone last night and now I’d like to know what it was?”
“Back at Rockfield he decided it was best to lock himself up in a cupboard in protest.” Deacy explained.  I turned to Roger and he only replied.
“They wouldn’t do my song.”
“And what song would that be?” I asked.
“‘I’m in love with my car’.” Brian answered.  I then looked at Roger offended and I said.
“So, which car do I have to smash?”
“The song’s about you!” he exclaimed.
“Oh so that’s all I am to you? A machine? That’s it from now on I’m Brian’s girl. Brian c’mere please.” He gladly came over and swept me off me feet as Roger just gawked at us.
Later that day after getting settled into our rooms, of course I shared a room with Roger (who else would I do share one with?) we were all gathered around the kitchen eating our late lunch/supper with Deacy cooking.
“Mm Deacy I swear Veronica is one lucky lady.” I praised.
“Thank you love.”
“You on the other hand need to learn how to cook.” I said to Roger.
“I tried to. But you shouldn’t be so cute then I wouldn’t be distracted.”
“Roger who burns a boiled egg?” he playfully shoved my shoulder and said.
“Alright then you don’t get any snuggles and kisses tonight.” I gaped at him but just before I could retort back, Freddie’s spoke up.
“My darlings they’ve got a pool here, let’s all eat by the poolside and then go swimming.”
“Fred you know you’re supposed to wait an hour before swimming right?”
“Oh poppycock my darlings, let’s go!” As we were now by the poolside, I stared down at the water and couldn’t help but freeze.  My nightmare soon came flashing before my eyes, as well as the opening scene of JAWS.
“(Y/n). (Y/n)!” I snapped out of my daze and turned to see Roger standing beside me. “You okay love?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“No Rog, I promise I’m fine.” I said as I cupped the side of his face.  He held my hand in his and kissed my palm.
“If you’re sure. But you know you can tell me anything yeah?” I nodded and kissed his cheek before sitting myself at the table to finish eating my potato salad. After we ate, the boys all began swimming.
Roger and Fred were mostly roughhousing around in the pool, while Deacy and Brian were on inner tubes.  I on the other hand was lying along one of the pool chairs and chose to get some sun rather than going in the water.  The guys seemed okay with it for awhile but soon Roger got too impatient.
“C’mon (n/n) just come in already!”
“No I already told you Rog I don’t want to go in!”
“Why not?”
“Cause I just put some suntan lotion on, you know I’ve got to wait at least 30 minutes before I go in.”
“Now that I know is a lie.” He proclaimed.  I flipped him off and put my sunglasses back over my eyes and just lay back down against the chair.  A few minutes later something was blocking my sun.  I looked up and the next thing I knew I was being picked up.
“Roger! What the hell Rog!? Let go of me!”
“Nope not till you get your pretty little butt into the water.” Oh shit no.
“Roger I swear to god if you throw me in I’ll—” I began kicking and punching him trying to get out of his arms but he kept a strong grip on me and soon I was submerged into the deep end of the pool.
I opened my eyes and I swore I saw a shark-shape like figure in the water and I began panicking.  Frantically splashing around trying to get back up to the surface but I was only drowning myself further.  I soon felt something grab onto me and I let out a scream allowing water into my lungs before I was pulled back up to the surface.  I let out a cough and horrifying scream as I lashed out at whatever was grabbing onto me.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! It’s okay, it’s okay it’s me love, it’s me.” But I couldn’t hear the voice as I was now being pulled out of the water and back onto solid ground. I felt a towel being wrapped around me as Roger’s voice spoke up.
“Love are you okay I am so sorry I—I didn’t mean to…..”
“JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!! ALL OF YOU!! Please I—I…..” I soon began weeping hysterically on the ground.
Later that night I didn’t even come out of my room.  I kept it locked and refused to come out and confront the boys, hell I didn’t allow Roger to even come in and change, he could just sit there dripping wet for all I care and think about what he’s done.
I soon heard a soft knock at the door and Roger’s voice soon said.
“(Y/n)? Love?” I didn’t answer him, “Look I—I’m so sorry for what happened back at the pool. I know you’re probably still angry, you have every right to be.” He paused midsentence I guess waiting for me to answer but he continued, “You don’t have to answer. What I did was a—dick move and I shouldn’t have done it. Brian, Deacy and Fred threatened me with murder if I didn’t come up and fix this.” Thanks guys. “I uhh—I bought you your favorite chocolates. There was a candy store nearby, quaint little place and I feared they wouldn’t have it but they did.”
Oh Roger. He willingly went out and bought my favorite chocolates.  But it wasn’t his fault.  I’ve been thinking about it and I shouldn’t be putting the blame on him. After all he didn’t know about the movie, he didn’t know that I was still scared about the movie so how could he have known that water suddenly became my number 1 fear now.
“I know it probably isn’t much right now but I hope it at least shows you how much I love you. I just—wanted to spend time with my mermaid. But I went about it the wrong way.” Mermaid. Huh? Hadn’t heard him call me that in a long time, not since our first date when we snuck into the community pool.  “Can you—please just open the door? I want to see you, I want to hold you and comfort you.” I silently walked towards the door but I didn’t open it as I heard Roger’s solemn voice say, “Nothing?” he sighed, “Okay love. I won’t bug you anymore. I’ll just—leave these here for you. Bye.”
I opened the door.
I saw that he was just a few feet away from the door and he turned around to see me.
“Hi.” He said nervously.
“Hi.” I whimpered.
“Oh lovely come here.” We walked up toward each other and he embraced me.  Rubbing my back in soothing circles with my head resting against his chest listening to his heartbeat.  “You’re really starting to scare me (y/n), what happened back there?”
“Shark.” I muttered.
“What was that?” he asked.
“Shark.” I said a little bit louder.
“A shark?” I nodded confirming what I had said. “Did you—see a shark?”
“I thought I did I—this is stupid forget I said anything.”
“No, no, no, no. It’s not stupid. Anything that scares my girl is serious. Why did you think you saw a shark in the pool?”
“Because—because of a movie I watched while you were away.”
“And what movie was that?”
“It was a new movie. American director Steven Spielberg, he made a movie called…..JAWS.”
“Wait I think I remember that title? Yeah the theater near here was promoting it while we were filling up the car with gas.” I looked down shamefully. “But I thought you and Elliot always liked talking about those horror films?”
“But this one was different. It—it showed me just how dangerous the ocean can be.”
“But that’s just it. The ocean. Sharks can’t get into a pool, I doubt they’d find chlorine pleasant.”
“Roger this is serious!” He grinned and said.
“I know, I’m sorry. Here hug me tighter love.” I squeezed him as tight as I could and he did the same thing.  “You know that I would never let anything harm you, right?” I nodded in his chest.
“I know, but the nightmare I has last night was—”
“Hold up, you had a nightmare last night? That’s why you sounded out of sorts?” I shamefully nodded. “Oh love why didn’t you just tell me over the phone?”
“Because I didn’t want to worry or bother you—”
“You are never a bother to me. There’s nothing in this whole world that matters to me more than you. Even the band.”
“Wow I feel special.”
“And you should.” He pecked the top of my head as he rubbed my back once more.  We stayed in each other’s arms for a bit longer and he proceeded, “You know that I would never let anything harm my baby girl right? I’m much scarier than anything that could do you harm.” I giggled and said.
“No you’re not.”
“What? Baby I totally am. Haven’t you seen me when I go into my rage modes? Remember the Rainbow back in November?” I did actually remember that but of course I wasn’t gonna let him win.
“Don’t recall that.”
“Okay then, maybe this will refresh your mind.” Much like he did back at the pool, he tossed me over his shoulder and walked us into our bedroom shutting the door. He flopped me down on the bed, I tried to get away but he captured me by imprisoning my legs with his, tangling our limbs together and wrapped his arms around my waist trapping my arms.
I couldn’t stop giggling as I soon felt Roger nuzzle into my neck, moaning softly occasionally kissing along my neck but not in the pleasurable kind of way, more of the tickly way.
“Roger….stop it.”
“Oh does it tickle?” smug little shit he knew it did.  “How about if I do this?” I then felt him tickle my ribs which elicited shrieks out of me.  “Oh don’t you squirm away from me little missy. Come back here you.” He pulled me back as I had tried to squirm out of his embrace and he proceeded to now tickle my stomach as well as raspberry my neck.
“Ahh Rog! Okay! Okay! I yield I yield!”
“You gonna say it now?” he mocked as he now hovered over me.
“Roger Taylor is the scariest and toughest being in the whole world.”
“And don’t you forget it lovie.” He gingerly pecked my nose and said, “In all seriousness love. I won’t let anything real or supernatural hurt you. No ghosts, vampires, werewolves, aliens, serial killers, kidnappers, nothing.”
“And sharks?” I asked worriedly.
“Especially not sharks. I’ll beat them all to a bloody pulp if they even think about eating my girl. I’m the only one who can do that.” He winked at me and grinned cheekily at me.  I slapped his chest as he laughed and held me close.  “Try to get some sleep love, I’ll protect you. And if you have another nightmare, just wake me up, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you Roger, for everything.”
“Anytime my love.” He kissed my lips gingerly and whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” We cuddled close together and soon we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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tholland3432 · 4 years
In a different life. Chapter 3 - Fancy seeing you here.
I have just rewrote this part, just felt like it was rushed and needed a little bit more love.
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Sydney’s POV
I was desperately wanting to look back over at the table to get another glimpse of the mysterious guy with the dark eyes but didn’t want to make it super obvious, my drink was almost empty so I went to the bar to get another round in as the quiz was coming to an end. Tapping my fingers against the bar, I felt someone come and stand right next to me.
Slowly glancing to the person next to me I heard “Fancy seeing you here” it was Harrison. I smiled widely and turned to him. Given that I was pretty pissed by this point and obviously over confident, I lent in for a hug. “Heyyyy how are you” I half slurred at him, “Yeah I’m good, someone’s clearly having a good night” he chucked noticing my inebriated state.
“Yeah, sorry I am a bit pissed” I laughed, waving my hand in front of my face, trying to focus on acting more sober. I could feel his touch on my lower back, his arm stayed firmly placed there whilst we were talking. I was half listening to what he was saying, something about a question in the quiz but all I could concentrate on was the feeling that someone was watching me.
“I said, Sleeping Beauty but nooo, these guys thought it was Snow White” he laughed, I smiled back “So who are your friends?” I pointed behind him.
“Oh come on I’ll introduce you” he took my hand and pulled me way quickly to their table. I just had enough time to pick up my freshly poured drink from Stella off the bar. I couldn’t think straight I wanted so badly to get a proper look at his friend from before but I focused on the two guys sat facing me. It only took a few steps to reach their table, trying to avoid the dark eyes spying me from my left hand side.
“Sydney, these are my friends and housemates; Tuwaine..” I shook his hand. “Heyy nice to meet you” Trying to act sober was harder than I thought right now.“That there, is Sam and his twin Harry” I nodded and took a sip of my drink offering them both a small wave as they were on the other side of the table. They both muttered a ‘Hello’ ‘Nice to meet you’.  
“and this here, is Tom he is Sam and Harry’s older brother” he nodded to Tom, this was now my chance to turn, our eyes connected instantly - he was already staring right at me as I looked down to meet his gaze. His nose had a slight bump in it and I could faintly see freckles across his skin, he smiled at me the kind of smile when it reaches someone’s eyes, the most genuine kind. In my drunken state, I felt like I had seen this face before.
“Oh shit, you’re fucking Spider-Man” the penny finally dropped. The whole table burst out laughing at me, I brought my drink to my mouth hiding my smile behind it, that wasn’t embarrassing.
He chucked and put his hand out for me to shake, I gently placed mine into his noticeable bigger hands “pleasure to meet you darlin’” he nodded his head at me. I bent down slightly as I was towering above him, he was perched on a small bar stool “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to blurt that out to the whole pub. The thing is my nephew, he erm he is a big fan, I’m not a stalker” shut up Syd. I suddenly felt nervous and very warm in here, I don’t know if that was because he still had my hand firmly placed in his or it was the eight rums and cokes I had drunk.
I let go slowly, realising that this suddenly felt very awkward, his whole table was just watching our interaction and not saying a word “Anyway, I won’t intrude on your night guys, it was lovely to meet you all” I held Tom’s gaze and waved to them all, sipping my drink as I walked away. Jay was staring right at me as I walked back to our table, he looked at me then behind to see their table, I saw him wave I am hoping it was to Harrison, I sunk on the vacant seat next to him nursing my drink, I looked at him through my drunken haze “spill, now”.
I woke up the following morning, who let it be so bright in here. I groaned as I rolled over and picked up my phone. 11am – great. I slowly crawled from my bed wearing an old t shirt and last nights knickers I dragged myself across the flat to Jay’s room, lightly knocking on the door. “come in” he groaned, equally as hungover as me.
“Hey boo” he said as I walked in, he lifted up the duvet and I threw myself in, our usual post night out debrief. “how much did we drink last night” I asked him, knowing full well that we didn’t just stop after the quiz we went on to G-A-Y drank a shit load of vodka lemonades, not my favourite drink – rum and coke was my main tipple. Mixing drinks was never a good idea nor is coming rolling in at 4am.
“I am never drinking again” he moaned “I still can’t believe Harrison’s friend is Spider-Man” I half laughed and half groaned as I turned to face Jay, I had my phone in my hand so I quickly typed his name in on Instagram, seeing his page come up I started to scroll through his pictures. “god he is so fit isn’t he” showing Jay a picture of him at some premier, he just nodded at me in response.
“yeah but you know that Harrison also thinks your hot and would 100% want to fuck you” Jay always had such a romantic way with words, I shuck my head “No, I don’t think he does” I half laughed back at him “when will you realise that you are a hot piece of ass” I took a pillow from behind my head and hit him with it muttering ‘shut up’ I have always been so awkward when people give me compliments.
“Right” I stretched and rolled from Jay’s bed, “I need to recover and be in a fit state to sing tonight” I left Jay’s room but could hear him behind me “ohh yes, you do – reckon the hotties will come to see you again tonight?” I hope not I thought. I mean would I like to stare into Tom’s gorgeous brown eyes again, yeah but why would he be interested in coming to see me.
Tom’s POV
The following morning we were all sat around as we usually do, I mean none of us have a 9 to 5 job so usually after a night out we will all sit around making breakfast having a cup of tea and a chat. “So when does the battle for the Sydney start lads” Tuwaine said. My head turned at the mention of her name, I groaned internally, honestly she was so beautiful. It was so endearing when she came over to the table drunk, I don’t mind that she knows who I am, I mean she didn’t really seem phased that I was “Spider-Man”.
“you can have her mate!” I heard Haz say across the kitchen, my head snapped up. “what you on about, I thought you liked her” I said to him. “yeah but did you see the way she was looking at you, I mean she probs just see’s me as a mate. Think I am firmly in the friend zone. So do me a favour and fuck her for the both of us” We all laughed at him, “I will try my best but how am I even going to go about that”
“Easy” Sam spoke up. “She sings at the pub doesn’t she? So you turn up again and then speak to her, ask if she wants to get a drink when she finishes and boom” he clapped his hands together on the ‘boom’ at the end, I just rolled my eyes at him, I wasn’t going to start stalking this girl, it’s a bit creepy if I turn up again the next day “yeah Sam because it is that easy” I said back to him.
“Follow her on Instagram” Harry shouted from the other side of the room, probably burning whatever he was cooking, I opened my phone and went to Instagram “how would I even find her” I spoke to no one in general.
“Mate, I know that Jay guy right, so if I find his insta surely he will follow her – slide in the DMs” Haz smirked as he came and sat next to me at the table, looking over my shoulder at my phone I threw my phone down “this is beyond pathetic” I just said as I stared into my cup.
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lhugbereth · 6 years
So ummm I have about 2700 words of (mostly) Promptio smut, but it isn’t actually finished, or edited or....anything. But I’ll put some of it up as a teaser I guess. Might motivate me to write more. 
It’s the third chapter of Under the Skin, a tattoo/band AU I’ve been working on for...too long now. It should have been done months ago. I’m awful. 
(I’m also attempting to add some CindyLu to it but am feeling very stuck. Writing Luna is tough. Writing is tough. Advice/suggestions/help appreciated. Please. I’m so lost) 
SFW teaser under the cut v v v 
Helping Noct and Iggy load up the car would have gone a lot faster had either of them actually bothered to show up.
Gladio really shouldn’t have been surprised. The two of them had been dating for as long as they’d had the band together, and they often disappeared in the excitement after a show. Noct would whisk Ignis off to a bathroom stall, or Iggy would pull Noct into a backstage changing room, and they wouldn’t be seen again until they’d both worked off some excess energy.
But this time, it should have been Gladio’s turn. At least, that’s what he thought as he tossed another speaker into the back of their equipment van. The longer he kept Prompto - Prompto! - waiting back in the bar, the less confidence he had that the cute blond wouldn’t go home with someone else first. One look at those gorgeous blue eyes and anyone would fall him, after all. Hell, maybe someone was in there flirting with Prom at that very moment - someone who wasn’t stuck loading up instruments all alone because his stupid bandmates couldn’t keep their hands off each other.
As soon as they got paid, the first thing Gladio was doing was hiring some roadies.
Eventually, he finished up. Ignis and Noct still weren’t back, so he shot them each a text telling them not to wait up for him later. He toweled off and locked up the van, then headed back into the Garage ready to offer up a dozen apologies for the delay.
None of them, it turned out, were necessary. The moment Prompto caught sight of him from the bar (it was easier now that the crowd had mostly dispersed), he was jumping down from his stool and practically running over to greet him.
“Cindy told me everything!” he said excitedly, bright blue eyes wide. “You guys got signed!”
Caught off-guard, Gladio could only nod. “Oh. Uh, yeah. Noct’s got connections with an agent at Citadel Records, and she decided to give us a shot. No big deal, really.”
Prompto, apparently, disagreed. “It’s a huge deal! Did you know Cor used to be in a band? Something weird, like, uh, Accordion or Apocalypse, or --”
“Accordo. Yeah, uh, I know,” Gladio smiled, running his fingers back through his hair.
“Yeah, that’s it! Anyway, he’ll be so excited when he hears one of his clients is gonna be famous.” On reflex, and totally without thinking, Prompto reached forward to trace the tips of his fingers over Gladio’s chest piece. The beak of the eagle was still little more than an outline, but it looked good nonetheless. Even Gladio was proud of it - especially with the way Prompto’s eyes shone as they drank it in. “I can’t believe I got to be a part of rockstar history.”
Gladio laughed. Laid his hand atop the blond’s on his chest and held him there, freckled cheeks slowly tinting red beneath the dim lights of the club. “Still got a long way to go before I hit rockstar status. But maybe, y’know, you could stick around, keep bein’ a part of...this?”
He meant the tattoos. He meant the music. He meant anything and everything Prompto could imagine and more.
The blond blushed a shade darker at however he chose to interpret the words. The smile he’d been wearing stretched wider, and his fingers curled against Gladio’s chest. An answer, perhaps, followed by a question of his own. “Did you still wanna come over tonight?”
The unmistakable yes came in the form of Gladio’s mouth on his.
“It’s not much, but. Well. Here we are.”
They were standing outside of Prompto’s apartment building, essentially an old tenement that had been patched up ages ago and left standing on the edge of downtown. Beyond the distant horizon of Insomnia’s outer walls, the sun was nearly set, and the sky was painted in delicate orange and pinks. The latter reflected the color of Prom’s cheeks in that moment as, shyly, he explained that he hadn’t cleaned since the last time his parents paid him a visit.
“I live with my little sister. I’m used to it,” Gladio grinned, intentionally leaving out that most of the mess at home was actually his own and that Iris was the only one who ever bothered to tidy up anyway. But his answer seemed to relax a little of the tension in Prompto’s shoulders, which was the point, and then the blond was unlocking the door to let them both inside.
It was as small on the inside as it had appeared from the front. The door opened into a humble living room, complete with a loveseat (black pleather), a coffee table covered in magazines, sketchbooks, empty soda cans, and takeout boxes, and a stereo system against the far wall. Above that were countless posters - the longer Gladio focused on them, the more familiar faces jumped out - of some of Insomnia’s most famous heavy metal bands: The Glaives, DeathMog, 10,000 Needles, and even The Call of MalBoro. A few of those, he noticed, had been autographed in scrawling silver ink.
While Prompto scooped up the boxes and cans that littered the table, Gladio took a few moments to admire the collection. “I didn’t realize you were so big into music,” he said, smiling, and glanced back to cast the blond a look over his shoulder. “Looks like you even got to meet Nyx Ulric. I’m jealous.”
Freckled cheeks brightened even in the apartment’s dim light. “A-actually, Cor got that for me last year. I’ve never been to a Glaives concert, they’re always sold out.” Hastily, he dumped his armful of garbage into a half-empty trash bag, and dusted off his shirt. “Do you like them?”
“Sure, I’ve been to a couple shows.” Make that at least a dozen, Gladio winced mentally. His father got free tickets to just about every concert performed in the city, probably a perk of being both a legendary guitarist and best friends with the Regis Caelum, the King of Rock himself. Usually, attending felt like a chore, but now…. “Maybe I can snag a seat for you next time I go.”
The offer had Prompto beaming, his smile so bright it was staggering as he rounded the table and closed in. “Wow! You’d do that for me? I mean, I’ll pay, of course, but —“
“Don’t worry about it.” Large hands welcomed thin shoulders in an embrace. “My treat.”
He could practically feel Prompto’s face burning, especially as the blond leaned into him. Soft skin brushed his jaw, and eyelashes kissed the side of his neck as Prom closed his eyes. “Gladio.”
The word was a question. A timid request that took them back to the warmth and energy of the Garage, where they had felt like the only two people in a crowded room. Now they really were alone, however, and the attraction, the need that had blossomed between them was free to grow.
It started with a kiss. Silent, wordless, as Gladio turned his face to the side and met Prompto’s lips. Slow, soft, hands exploring every curve, every edge, drawing each other closer in time with their quickening heartbeats. Eager and determined not to miss a second of this moment they had both wanted for so long.
Prompto, shorter by at least a head, found himself swallowed up in Gladio’s arms within moments. They wrapped around him, strong and familiar, lifted him up onto his toes; hugged him until his body felt on fire and his lungs burned with the kiss. Still, he didn’t pull away, couldn’t because every fiber of his being wanted, no, needed this more desperately than air. When he kissed Gladio, all the weeks and months of waiting, of not knowing, of hoping, were poured into the act. His tongue claimed Gladio’s mouth, drank in the tastes that left him reeling, dizzy, breathless. Intoxicated.
Until, at last, it was Gladio who was forced to break for air.
“Prom...gods.” Amber eyes, nearly black in the shadows of the room, struggled for focus. “I, uh. I got something to say.”
The blond swallowed down a breath. “Y-yeah?”
“I have never wanted anything as bad as I wanna fuck you.”
“If you don’t stop me right now,” he added in a voice like whiskey melting Prompto from the inside out. “I’m not gonna let you go. I’m taking you to bed and we’re not gonna quit ‘til morning. We’re gonna get wild.”
“We’re gonna get hot.”
Large fingers stroked back through blond locks. Clamped at the base and tugged Prompto’s head back, just out of reach of his mouth. “We’re gonna get rough.”
There. The pupils of those heavenly blue eyes blew out wide, and he felt Prom shudder against him. His lips trembled as he tried to respond, all the while his gaze never leaving Gladio’s face. “Y...yes. Please. I want…. I want everything.”
So, he’d guessed right. Heat boiled in Gladio’s own gut as, once more closing his mouth over Prompto’s, he lifted him off the ground. Held him tight until surprisingly strong thighs gripped around him, and then they were moving, blindly but steadily, through the small apartment to the bedroom at the back.
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foxxhoecourt · 6 years
Let’s Go to the Beach!
Fandom: Mech-X4
Relationship: Ryan Walker/ Veracity Campbell 
Tags: Pre-Slash, Fluff and Angst, Post Canon, Scars
Summary: The evil may be gone, but the scars remain.
Text: Read on AO3
“Woohoo! Beach time!” Spyder yelled as he threw himself out of the car, ducking his head just in time to avoid hitting the doorframe. A concussion would be a bummer, especially now that Traeger was gone and the team was finally getting their well deserved vacation.
The beach house they pulled up to was big enough to fit the team (and Grace, who had agreed to chaperone) comfortably, walking distance from the beach, and relatively low tech. The point of going to beach was to unplug, anyway, as well as spend time as a team in a non-life threatening situation, so it was time to ditch the science fiction for a week and live low-key.
“Ohh sweet!” Ryan followed, slapping Spyder on the back as he ran into the house. The rest followed, woops of excitement erupting from the younger boys as they all pushed each other in hopes of getting the best bedroom. Veracity and Mark approached the house calmer, shouts and the telltale sounds of someone getting pushed to the ground audible from upstairs.
“Not worried about getting the suite?” Mark asked Veracity, wincing as another shriek filled the house.
“Nah,” she shrugged. “I get my own room no matter what. That’s enough for me.”
Veracity rounded the stairs to the second floor and almost tripped over Harris, who was currently in Spyder’s headlock. Stepping over the wrestling boys and ignoring the quiet “Not the time, not the time!” coming from Harris, Veracity entered one of the bedrooms and looked around. It was nothing special but it had a great view to the ocean, so she flopped down onto the bed. Sadly, her moment of peace was broken by a shout of triumph from Ryan as he claimed the suite.
“You know!” Veracity called through her open door, “Since the suite only has one bed you and Mark are gonna have to share.”
Twin groans erupted before Mark announced, “Guess you’re on the couch, bro.”
“What the hell! I got here first!” Ryan quipped back before the brothers devolved into more fighting. As much as Veracity loved her team, sharing a living space with them for a week was going to be a challenge.
“Everyone come down and help unpack the car!” Mrs. Walker called from downstairs. Veracity picked herself up and scurried downstairs with the boys.
“This isn’t over,” Ryan gritted out, angrily picking up a cooler from the car trunk. Most of what needed to be unpacked was food they had brought, so the team congregated in the kitchen to discuss what the plans were.
“It’s what, four o'clock now?” Harris said, “So why don’t we get dinner and then hit up the beach?”
Veracity agreed, leaning over the kitchen island, “Sounds good to me. There's probably some good restaurants on the boardwalk.”
“Mmmm, I’m thinking crab. It reminds me of this time I-” Spyder was cut of by Ryan’s hand over his mouth, saving the group from a story that would have probably put them off from crab forever.
With full stomachs, the teens returned to the house to gather everything they needed for a few hours at the beach.
“Towels?” Grace asked as they got their bags together.
“Check,” Veracity said as she loaded up the cooler with bottles of water and snacks.
“And I’ve got the boogie boards!” Mark lifted two boards which looked well loved and worn, flames decorating both.
“Yes!’ Spyder said, grabbing one from mark and putting it on the floor to surf, flailing arms and all.
Mark jokingly pushed Spyder of the board, “Get off dufus.”
“Hey! I’m the king of surf!” he retorted.
“Well you can show us when we’re actually at the beach, c’mon people let's get this show on the road!” Harris started out the door, towel around his shoulder.
“Where’s Ryan?” Grace asked, not seeing her son in the common room.
“He was getting his swimsuit on last time I saw him,” Mark said. “I’ll grab him and tell him to hurry up.”
The older brother went to the stairs. Before he could get halfway up, though, Ryan himself almost ran Mark over, flying down the stairs.
“Alright, let's get our beach on!” Ryan said in his typical cheerful fashion. Veracity sensed something was off but the other boys just whooped in agreement and ran out of the house. Ryan had a football in hand and tossed it to Mark, who had to drop the boogie boards to catch it.
“Hey, no football in the house!” Grace called, picking up her beach bag.
“C’mon bro, last one to the water is sleeping on the couch!” Mark yelled as he ran out the door behind Harris and Spyder.
“Not cool, Mark!” Ryan followed.
Grace sighed and picked up the boogie boards, struggling to find a grip for a second, before Veracity grabbed one and put it under her arm.
“Thank you, Veracity,” Grace said with a smile.
“It’s no problem, Mrs. Walker. We girls gotta stick together, don’t we?” Veracity answered, doing a slow arm punch like she would do to any of the guys.
Grace didn’t know to respond exactly, nor did she have a free hand, so with an awkward chuckle, she responded, “Let’s just make sure none of them drown out there.”
Veracity nodded, “Sounds good!”
She grabbed the cooler, and walked with Grace out the door, who shut it firmly. Eventually the two met up with the boys, who had all dropped their shirts and supplies in a pile and jumped into the ocean. All except Ryan, who was sitting on towel, smiling out at his friends. While Grace set up an umbrella a little bit away from the boys’ pile and started to read a book, Veracity sad down beside Ryan.
“I guess you’re sleeping on the couch?” she asked, genuinely curious why he wasn’t out with the others.
Ryan seemed to have not heard her but, after a moment, noticed her presents with a double take, “Oh! Hey V, did you say something?”
“I asked why you weren’t swimming with everyone else.”
He chuckled half-heartedly, looking down at his crossed legs, “I mean, I could ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I,” Veracity answered, looking at Ryan even if he wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Wanted to check in on you. You seemed a little quiet during the drive and you took a while getting ready so-”
“I’m ok, V. Just don’t feel like swimming today,” he finally looked up.
Veracity squinted, “Hmmm-- You’re lying. But it’s ok, you can keep me company.” She pulled out a book and layed back.
“Wuthering Heights? Isn’t that an old romance book?”
She looked up, unimpressed, from her position lying down, “What? Should I be reading a textbook on particle physics?”
Ryan laughed, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“If you must know, it’s part of my required reading for next year,” her gaze returned to the book, but her attention remained on her friend.
His face twisted up, “You actually do the required reading?”
“Uh huh. Though I’m mostly reading this book to hate the characters,” Veracity shrugged.
“They’re that bad?” Ryan asked, twisting to lie on his side, facing her.
She nodded, “Totally. They’re all terrible people, but I guess that’s what makes it a good romance- they deserve each other.”
“Do you read a lot of romance books?” his eyebrows furrowed a little.
“Nah,” she challenged. “I’m too busy reading about particle physics.”
The two chatted for a little bit longer, the sounds of the waves and their friends in the distance. Gentle reminders that they were safe, that they had made it through everything the past year had thrown at them. Silence eventually fell over the pair and Veracity finally started reading her book. But the quiet was short lasting before a dripping wet Spyder interrupted, shaking his head like a dog and getting both the teens and V’s book wet.
“What the hell, Spyder?” Veracity said harshly, using her towel to dry the novel.
The boy grimaced, “Oof, sorry. I just wanted to know if you had a hair tie I could borrow? My hair keeps getting in my eyes.”
Still a little startled, Veracity dug into her bag and pulled out a black hair tie, holding it out to him.
“Cool! Thanks V!” Spyder yelled over his shoulder as he ran and tied up his hair at the same time.
Ryan watched the ordeal with amusement before noticing V’s still damp book.
“Oh shoot is your book gonna be ok?” he winced.
She sighed, assessing the damage, “Yeah this isn’t a library book, I own it, so that’s not an issue. It’s just gonna be all wavy.” She clicked her tongue and inspected the novel before putting it down. “It’s fine, I was done reading for the time being anyway.”
“You barely got to read at all,” Ryan pointed out.
Veracity jumped up, “That’s just how it is going to the beach with four boys! C’mon, the water’s warm.”
The confidence Ryan seemed to have been regaining over the course of their conversation instantly left him. He bit his lip.
“V? I’m gonna show you something and if it’s too gross just tell me-”
“Oh my god Ryan I don’t want to see your-” Veracity quickly interjected.
“It's not my-!” Ryan cut her off, both of them blushing profusely. 
“It’s this.” Ryan lifted his tee shirt, reveling an X scared into the entirety of his chest.
Veracity crouched down to his level, examining the scar with mouth slightly agape. “Is that? From the-”
“X- weapon? Yeah. Harris thought it would heal right up like most of the times I get hurt but I’ve never gotten burned before- and it’s been like this ever since it started to heal,” Ryan talked fast, like he needed to explain his situation.
“And you think it’s gross?” Veracity asked, confused as to why Ryan was letting this of all things affect him. He never seem to be one of those vain guys who worried about his appearance.
“Isn’t it?” Ryan looked at her, scared.
She hummed for a second before reaching out and running her fingers across one section of it, “No. It’s not gross. And I think I know your problem with it.”
Ryan shuddered a little at her feather light touch but rolled his eyes to mask his feelings, “Enlighten me?”
“Well, we know that you hate when us, or your mom, see you hurt. You think it makes you look weak. Right?” Veracity looked knowingly at the boy.
“Fine. But-”
“And a scar is a permanent reminder of you getting hurt.”
“I don’t see how this is supposed to make me feel better.”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to make you feel better? I was just answering your question. With a /hint/ of psychoanalyzing.”
Ryan rolled his eyes again as Veracity continued, “Well anyway, what I was gonna say is that getting hurt, needing help, doesn’t make you weak, Ryan, it makes you strong. This scar,” she gestured to Ryan’s once again covered chest. “Proves that. You take the hits like a champ, and you know what I think?”
“Aren’t you already telling me?” Ryan cocked his head.
It was her turn to roll her eyes, “I think that a scar doesn’t show that you got hurt, it shows that you healed.”
Ryan licked his lips and looked away, unable to deal with the intensity of her gaze. “Uh, thanks, V. That, uh, did make me feel better, actually.”
Veracity stood up and smiled, holding her hand out, “Cool. Ready to swim now?”
Ryan took her outstretched hand and used it to get up, “Yeah. I think so.”
He took of his shirt and she took off her cover-up and glasses.“Race ya,” Ryan challenged.
“You’re on, labrat.” 
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thehiddensemicolon · 7 years
Kacchako fanfic: New Prey Chapter 30
I just want to apologize for the readers that read this fanfic on Tumblr. I just updated two chapters before this post.. but I still haven't caught up updating the other chapters I've posted in my other accounts on watt pad and fan fiction.net. I update those accounts more often than Tumblr unfortunately. I will update the rest of the chapters right now on this account. thank you all (to the readers that messaged me) for reminding me that I wasn't updating on this account!
~~~enjoy chapter 30!~~~
The young couple walked inside the place of there soon to be apartment. First came the tour.
Bakugou knocked at the leasing office door and out came the landlord.
"Good morning Mr. ?" The woman questioned him.
"Bakugou." He replied.
"And this is Uraraka." He pointed to his left.
"Um Uraraka who?" She asked confused.
"Um Uraraka my fiancée?!" He said like it was obvious.
"Oh no, am asking where is Uraraka?" She said.
Bakugou looked left. Only to not see the girl in question. He could have sworn that she was right there.
He slightly cursed to himself and began looking for her.
"I'll be right back!" He yelled to the woman behind him.
He sped walked around the apartment complexes and saw Uraraka outside on her phone.
Who was she talking too? She looked worried.
He could hear what she was saying from a distance.
"Am sorry. I didn't read the email correctly I guess....... huh there was a mistake with the dates in the email...... Uh huh. So am not in trouble? Thank goodness!....... today? Am kinda getting an apartment today....... I don't want to disappoint my boss even before work started, it's just the train that would take me there already left....... oh someone could pick me up?........ you guys are picking people up because you guys got the dates mixed up, that's so nice of you......okay I'll go in today, someone is coming to get me in two hours? Okay that's fine.....I'll send you my address..... oh you already have it?......how I didn't move in here yet..........oh you tracked my cell phone.....neat I guess haha. Okay bye." Uraraka turned off her cell phone.
She turned towards the apartment complex and load her eyes on the blonde in front of her.
"What happened at work?" He questioned.
"Oh um. The email I got the other day told me that my newbie evaluation was tomorrow, but endeavors secretary told me it was a mistake and it is today. So someone is coming to pick me up in about two hours. Am sorry. I guess I won't be able to help you move in today." She looked down at the ground.
"No it's okay. It's work. Even though someone fucked up on the email, doesn't mean you should miss it or be late. You don't want to be known as the late girl before you even start working. It's cool. I'll just call someone to help me out here." He said.
"You're not mad?" She looked up.
"No am mad at that damn person that fucked up on the dates for the evaluation. Not you. But it's work. Gotta do what you gotta do." He told her.
She hugged him and gave him a kiss.
"Well since we are limited to time. Lets go see that fucking apartment right now." He said.
"Okay!" She followed him.
~~~ At Endeavor's office~~~~
"Do you understand! After you get a hold of that zombie boy and get him and gravity girl to this building you are fired! It is no excuse for a well respected hero agency to get the dates wrong for the newbies! A wrong schedule only inflicts trouble and unnecessary problems. This is not acceptable. This is embarrassing! Those are newbies! They now have an impression that this office is a joke and has poor management that don't even know what they are doing! Get them over here! Right when I see them walking into these doors. Pack your stuff and get out of my face!" Endeavor yelled at his secretary.
"Yes sir... I understand." She quietly responded.
He kept yelling that he specifically said that evaluations was on Friday. And he kept questioning his other staff management if they heard him speaking about Saturday at the last meeting they were at.
The employees said no and said he told everyone it was Friday. It was even on the electronic board to remind everyone.
Endeavor kept rambling on how someone could possibly made such a dumb mistake.
"Yes I am sorry for the mistake. We will have someone to pick you up... you will also be stoping to pick up the other new hero on your way over here. Again sorry for the trouble I have made for you today." The secretary got off the phone and sighed.
"Sir both of the new recruits got the call and transportation has been taken cared of. Both will be on there ways within two hours." The secretary said.
"Finally good news. Well what are you waiting for? A promotion or a raise for fixing your mistakes? Pack your stuff and get out!" Endeavor demanded.
"Yes sir." She responded.
"Shouto! Get in the car that is picking up the other recruits! I can't have them thinking this agency is a joke! Go and welcome them! Also since this is so rushed, tell them what I am looking for at the evaluation. And here!" He tossed his son three bags.
"Tell then once they get here they have ten minutes to change into this gear. Also tell them that I am giving them an extra bonus in their paychecks. That should fix the mockery we showed them today with the date mistake. Go!" Endeavor told his son.
Shouto agreed and was about to walk out of the office.
But he stopped by at the old secretary.
"I hope you will give me a call for a job, once I take over this office. It will be a different respectable hero agency. " He told the secretary.
She silently thanked him.
And Shouto left.
~~~back to the apartments~~~ The two just finished the walk through of the the apartment.
Bakugou is obviously complaining about wood floors and he saying how he wants carpet.
But Uraraka fell in love with the apartment. It was perfect for them!
"Oh please please please please! Can we get it! Just wear socks if your feet get cold!" She begged.
She put her hands on his shoulders and started shake him.
"Please please please please!!! I'll let you claim what side of the bed you want! Only if you say yes!" She offered.
The two have been fighting over what side of the bed they wanted when they were at Bakugou's parents house. So naturally they both wanted to claim the best side.
"Argh Fine! You better not cry and whine about the deal later!" He said.
"No I won't I promise! Thank you so much! I just love it here so much you know!" She smiled.
He looked over at the landlord that was behind them this whole time.
"We will take it." He said.
"Alright! Lets go back to the office for we can finish your application." She said.
After awhile the papers were done and the money was paid. The two were allowed to move in immediately.
Soon Bakugou's parent came to drop off some of the boxes the young couple has packed. And... Kirishima came too!
"Ohh how nice. So you still care about your friends." She mocked Bakugou.
"Oh shut up! I can't do all the unpacking myself. The beds, tables, and couches can't be lifted by one person. And I don't want to hear my mom bitch and moan about how old she is to be doing that kind of lifting and shit." He said.
"Okay." She smiled.
"Argh not this again!" He said. Clearly she didn't believe his reasoning.
"Hey Kirishima! Thank you for coming today." Uraraka waved at him.
"It's no problem! Sero, kaminari, and I got a three bedroom apartment three blocks that way." He pointed at the direction.
"No way! That's so close to us! I bet Katsuki is glad his friends live so close!" She said.
Bakugou mentally punched himself. He knew the three of them were moving into an apartment together. They all kept texting him about it! But he didn't even bother to look at the address of their apartment. If he would have known....
"You better not be knocking at my door 24/7." Is all he said.
"Well I take it that he is glad too." Kirishima agreed with Uraraka.
"The fuck? No I just said don't be bothering me!" Bakugou said.
"No you said don't be bothering you 24/7. So that means we get to bother you as long as it isn't everyday!" Kirishima joked.
"Hey brat! Start unloading!" Mitsuki told her son.
He grunted and started walking to the trailer full of their furniture and stuff.
He didn't hear anybody walking behind him. So he looked back and saw that his mother was talking to Uraraka and Kirishima.
Mitsuki was hugging Uraraka again... for the 100th time. Ever since she found out about the confirmed engagement. She kept babbling on about finally having a good daughter. And that she can't believe someone like her would want to marry someone like her son.
And Kirishima was caught off guard in confusion.
"Engaged!" Kirishima stepped back in confused and hurt... hurt that Bakugou didn't even tell him and his friends.
But nonetheless he was happy for his friends.
He gave Uraraka a hug congratulating her and started to ask when she said yes to Bakugou.
"Hey we don't have all day! The trailer is a rental! Come on!" Bakugou yelled.
"Hey man! Why didn't you tell us you proposed to Uraraka? That's not manly bro." Kirishima said.
"It's none of your business, that's why." Bakugou said as he unlocked the trailer.
"It's okay don't worry about it. The guys and I will throw you a bachelors party anyways whether you want one or not." Kirishima said.
"I don't want a party." Bakugou said.
Kirishima and him went back and forth about the topic.
"Wow there is a lot of stuff. Well good thing there is no one here to watch this!" Uraraka said.
"Eh? No one here to watch what?" Kirishima questioned.
"This!" She said. She activated her quirk on the boxes and made it a hell of a lot more lighter.
"Come on quickly! Before anyone sees!" She said.
Kirishima grabbed a lot of boxes and walked into his friends new apartment.
"Wow I didn't know you can make stuff not float away into space haha it's pretty neat to have no gravity and it float in place!" Kirishima praised her.
"Haha It took a lot of practice but yeah it's possible. But it's a whole lot easier to let the boxes float away to space haha." He said.
"I bet!" Kirishima laughed too.
Soon all the boxes and furniture was in the apartment. Bakugou's parents left already. And Kirishima stayed to help Bakugou move all the furniture around in the apartment.
They would have Uraraka use her quirk to make it easier. But she received a phone call saying her ride will be there within five minutes. And since they lived in a gated community she gave them the code number for the gate and her apartment number.
"Ahhh am nervous now." Uraraka admitted.
"Why?" Kirishima asked.
"Because what if I don't do good today." She said.
"Ah I would worry about that. You will do fine don't worry about it." He told her.
"Thanks Kirishima." She said.
They heard a knock on the door and Bakugou went to answer it.
And he saw half and half on the door step.
"Bakugou." Todoroki said.
"Half and half." Bakugou said.
"Ahh Todoroki! Hello! Give me a few minutes please!" She said.
"That's fine take your time." Todoroki said.
Bakugou saw another individual in the car. That person was getting out of the car.
Once he saw a familiar gray hair individual, he immediately got annoyed.
Fujimi... that thug from Isamu Academy. The one with zombie virus quirk and dumbass face.
"Oh fuck no!" Bakugou yelled.
Fujimi Saw Bakugo and thought the same.
"What! You again!" Fujimi said.
The two did not get along.
And Shouto then remembered when those two first met.
'Oh. Oh yeah they don't like each other. Now I remember. Guess I should have told Fujimi to stay in the car.' Shouto thought to himself.
"Get the fuck out of my face you low life zombie face dumbass!" Bakugou said.
"How the hell did your Fuck Face get accepted into Endeavors office?" Fujimi yelled.
"I cannot believe I have to work with you! There must be a damn mistake somewhere!" Fujimi questioned.
"Sorry I took so long Todoroki! Am ready now!" Uraraka said.
Everyone looked at her. She heard an argument but didn't know who was the other person.
"Ahh what's wrong?" She asked.
"There is a misunderstanding. Fujimi, meet Uraraka she is the other recruit... not Bakugou. So don't worry we are going to be working with her." Todoroki clarified.
"Oh hello! I remember you from the practice course back in high school! Am Uraraka!" She greeted Fujimi.
Bakugou looked so pissed at this situation.
Not only was his fiancée working with half and half, but that zombie ass too!
"I knew there was a mistake. Just glad that I get to work with you. Rather than that punk ass over there." He pointed at Bakugou.
"Oh that's right." She said. She just remembered Bakugou and Fujimi don't like each other.
"Well this guy is my fiancé. So I hope you too well get along." She said.
Fujimi couldn't believe the ticking time bomb got a girl like her! And fiancée.
Bakugou shot out a grin. Like he won the argument.
To Fujimi that grin meant, "Yeah that's right my "delinquent ass" got a girl like that, she is my Fiancée, so hands off."
"Well we should be going now. I don't want to keep everybody waiting!" Uraraka said.
"Bye sweetie!" She said to Bakugou and have him a kiss.
She walked outside and Shouto followed her.
"Nice seeing you again Bakugou." Shouto said and left.
Fujimi and Bakugou still had a stare down.
"Stay away from Uraraka. And fuck off." Bakugou told him and slammed the door.
Fujimi blood boiled and walked away.
He had to work with his bosses son and now the the guy he hates, fiancée.
He didn't have any hard feeling for Uraraka. She looked like a nice girl. He just wondered how someone like her is with someone like him.
"Oh this is going to be fun." He said. Thinking about all the different ways he can annoy Bakugou with this kind of working situation.
Bakugou was about to set off some explosions because he was so goddamn irritated.
Kirishima places a hand on his shoulder.
"Boy that was intense. Who would have thought Uraraka would be working with him huh? Well it's nothing to get irritated over. Calm down Bro." Kirishima said.
"I am calm! Now lets finish up this shit." Bakugou said.
"And while everything was happening earlier... I ordered us some pizza." Kirishima said.
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thatgaylittlefrog · 7 years
Is it too late to request all the TAZ asks
Not at all, my dear anon! (Side note: you should listen to The Adventure Zone if you haven’t already!)
Remmy: Love is a motivator - who do you want to make proud?
I’d love to make my family proud. I’m not always on the best terms with them, and I just can’t help but always feel like a disappointment. I know in theory that I make them proud, but I just want to know that they’re proud of me, you know?
Nadiya: Be proud - talk about something you’re good at.
I’d like to think I’m a pretty great singer. I’ve been in the top choirs at my schools for years, and have a good ear for music and can learn it with relative ease. Now if only I could transfer that talent to other instruments..
Irene: You are brave - describe a time you persisted despite your fears.
Just recently I was searching out for spooky places on campus with two dear friends of mine. Now, I’ve had a fear of the dark for as long as I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, it’s gotten better since I was younger. However, it’s started to resurface a bit more lately due to my fascination with horror games. Despite this, I found myself leading them around dark buildings. I felt brave, and had a load of fun with them.
Kardala: You are divine - describe a time you felt free.
Honestly, I’ve felt really free since I’ve started going to college. There’s something about living on your own that really forces you to be independent. Now that I have my own room on campus, I feel even more free. I can choose who I spend my time with and what I spend my time doing. It’s devine, and while I miss my family and friends from home, I just feel like I can finally be who I want to be.
Merle: Even if we forget, we are important - name at least one way you matter.
I’m capable of doing good for so many people. I have rather big plans of being a therapist or a social worker. I’ll do my best to help those in need of it.
Magnus: Don’t always take the big hit - what is your definition of strength?
Truly strong people use what they were given to help others.
Taako: You’re worth more than you think - how do you defy expectations?
I’m much more intelligent, insightful, and friendly than my introverted demeanor lets on.
Lucretia: We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins - what was a time you thought you couldn’t go on, but kept pushing?
Oh heck, I’m about to get a bit vulnerable here. Well, high school was a whole lot of that. I went through a lot of really shitty friendships and just really didn’t feel wanted. Anxiety and depression reared their ugly heads, and have never truly left. There were some points where I just felt so alone that I didn’t want to be alive. I never attempted anything, but I was also so afraid to get help for a long time. Thankfully I got help, and while my depression and anxiety are still with me, I’m equipped to handle it now.
Lup: You are so loved and love in return - gush about at least one sibling, friend, or partner.
I’m going to go ahead and gush about my little sister. We’ve always butted heads with each other, much to my parents dismay. She’s a hard headed little girl with very little filter. She gets into a lot of trouble for it and isn’t always well liked, but I love her and appreciate her so much. She came to my dorm and helped me organize and place all of the new supplies brought for me. She also is the person in my immediate family that’s most accepting of the LGBT community, which is such a tremendous relief. And honestly? I miss her a lot, and I really hope she knows how much I love her. She’s my baby sister, and I won’t let anyone hurt her.
Barry: Home isn’t just a place - recall a joyful reunion.
My first reunion with my pets after leaving for college was joyous. I had gone a month without seeing them, which has been the longest I’ve been away from them. When I first entered the house, the dachshunds were barking at me like I was a stranger. It took them a moment to realize who I was, but when they finally did, loud, excited barking followed. All four of my dogs were equally enthusiastic to see me. My cats even reacted, meowing loudly at me and demanding to be pet. The pets were so excited to see me again that there was a brief moment of peace in which my cats actually tolerated being around our big dog. It wasn’t necessarily a fear of mine, but I’m still glad I wasn’t forgotten.
Davenport: Become the stars you gaze upon - how have you been defined by a journey (literal or metaphorical)?
I’d describe my realization of my bisexuality as a journey. I’ve come a long way from when I was first questioning it, but I still have a way to go. Still, I’m much more comfortable with this aspect of myself. I still need to face coming out to my family though, so we’ll have to see how well that goes.
Angus: Adoration might be hidden - describe a time you felt loved or appreciated.
Last month I went back for a birthday party of a friend of mine. It was at the theatre I used to work at, so I got to see a lot of old coworkers of mine. Plus, going into the theatre to be greeted by a huge group of people happy to see me again was just incredibly reassuring.
Kravitz: It’s never too late - what makes you feel alive?
Honestly, being outside. This can be hard to do when it’s so damn cold out, but even now I just find myself invigorated by the sunlight and fresh air. I feel like I’m at my best when I’m outside. I’m pretty much a plant.
Julia: No battle is forever - what is your happy ending?
Oh heck man. I suppose in a perfect world, I’d like to have a secure job and settle down with someone I love. I’d love to have kids if possible, but if not definitely some dogs. Dogs are a must in any happy ending of mine.
Johann: You will not be erased - what do you want to be remembered for?
I want to be remembered for the good I did. I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I really just want to be a good person for the sake of being a good person. There’s so much pain and suffering in the world. I want to do my best to help combat it, even if it’s just in small ways.
Commitment: Don’t give up - what are you committed to?
I’m really committed to getting my education. A year ago going to a four year college didn’t seem to be on the table, yet here we are. I don’t want to waste this opportunity.
Here There Be Gerblins: Embrace nostalgia - what was your first encounter with a loved one?
Ohh this is a doozy. I have a best friend from home. This friend has been in my life since the fourth grade. Now, I’ve always been a bit of a socially awkward little nerd, so I was going around my computer class asking everyone if they played Wizards 101. She was the only one to say yes. What started out as a person I played Wizards 101 with grew into my oldest friend. I miss her dearly, and wish I could see her more than I do now.
Moonlighting: Tomorrow is a new day - when have you begun a brighter chapter of life?
Honestly, college. I went through a pretty bad breakup at the end of my senior year that took me awhile to get over. College was a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to forge myself. I’m super involved here, getting good grades, and have made some amazing friends here. So yeah, I’d say things are definitely looking up.
Murder on the Rockport Limited: Not everything is clear - how do you feel about mysteries?
I’m open to them! I like the challenge of trying to solve them, so long as they aren’t spoiled for me. Then it can just be frustrating.
Petals to the Metal: Sometimes we need to let loose - when have you done something you shouldn’t have because it made you happy?
Over Thanksgiving Break. It was my first time really sneaking out late. Now, if it’s all the same with you, I’d rather not go into any more detail.
Crystal Kingdom: There is more to existence than we could ever imagine - discuss.
Humans can’t even begin to fathom just how small we are in the grand scheme of things. We haven’t even fully explored the Amazon Rainforest or the Ocean. Beyond our planet is the vast universe, which we haven’t even begun to explore. It’s just so exciting because in the expanse of space there is most likely life elsewhere. We have no idea what else is out there, and at this rate, we never may.
The Eleventh Hour: There is relief in letting go - write about it.
So… That aforementioned breakup. I had dated this guy for most of my high school experience. We broke up because he lost feelings for me and he didn’t want to date anyone in college. Nine days later he’s dating a new girl. I was hurt. I was angry. For the longest time I thought he cheated on me, and just questioned what was wrong with me. I’ve gotten the chance to talk to him since then, and he didn’t cheat on me. I forgave him for what happened, and I’m doing my best to be on good terms with him again.
The Suffering Game: This too shall pass - how are you stronger for your struggles?
High school sucked. I’ve talked about this in a previous question. I survived it though. And because I survived it, I’ve learned how to cope and combat it. I’ve grown from it. It still really fucking sucked though.
Reunion Tour: Everything can change in seconds - what is your definition of trust?
I suppose trust is allowing yourself to be vulnerable with a person. Letting down your walls and opening up to somebody else. It is so exhausting when you don’t have anybody you can trust. You always need to have your defenses up and never can really be real with people.
The Stolen Century: Bonds have power - who do you consider family, and why?
Well, there’s obviously my family, but they’re far away from me. I’ve found my own family here. I have a support system here, and some good friends who I consider family.  (the found family trope is the best trope.)
Story and Song: You’re going to fight and you’re going to win - how or why?
Because there’s still horrible inequality and injustice in this world. Because there are people around the world who struggle to survive day to day. Because it’s my responsibility as a caring human being to fight against inequality.
Tom: “That one was called… Wizard Shout��� - tell us about a time you hilariously failed at hiding something.
I ordered twenty dollars worth of stickers. Most of the stickers were McElroy based, and pretty.. Eccentric. For whatever reason, my computer had my neighbor’s address saved in it. So, my stickers went to my neighbors how
Lenny: “You may remember, you subscribed to the cylinder of the month club” - what is something you are well-known (or notorious) for?
Among my family, my crazy liberal ideals. Among my friends, my horrible jokes consisting of both memes and puns.
Troth: “Go home and pray for sunrise” - when have you said something badass?
The only things I can think of are the times I’ve basically told customers to fuck off in my customer service dialect. It usually goes something like “Well, I’m very sorry you felt that way. I hope you can have a good day after this” Customer service is so passive aggressive. It’s excruciating at the time, but it makes for some excellent stories after.
Tres Horny Boys: “Nobody ever say that out loud ever again please” - what is your worst nickname?
Probably Gabbus, although my friend called me Babby today so that takes the cake.
Team Sweet Flips: “Me and Carey and a robot ghost with a gun arm, fuck yeah” - if you and your friends had a spin-off show, what would it be called?
I have two groups. One is Tales and Tights, while the other is Two and a Half Men.
Reapers: “ARE YOU AFRAID?” / “Merle, it’s me, Pan” / “Also! Greg Grimauldis-” - do you have a flair for the dramatic?
I’ll sometimes get into bits with friends where we just go off citing quotes from some shared pop culture interest. I also have had a few good one liners. One of my friends has been keeping track of funny things our group says. He’s an angel and I appreciate him greatly.
Magic Brian: “Haello haello welcoeme to my caeve” - do you have any unique speech patterns?
Ooohhh dear. Yeah. Apparently I have a horrendous Minnesotan accent, so I over pronounce my os. This habit intensifies when I’m made fun of for it. (You have not lived until you’ve been cussed out by someone with a heavy Minnesotan accent)
Jenkins: “…aaaand he misses by a country mile” - are you any good at planning?
I try my best at it. But damn, I’m indecisive. To help combat this I’ve been keeping a planner.
Marvey: “Well, let’s see if I can make a mark in that book on my– in my– hey, fuck you!” - are you any good at comebacks?
I’d like to think I’m a pretty witty person. As of late it seems that most of my comebacks are positive in nature, and lift my friends up. I can still sass with the best of them, though.
Garfield: “Do you like deals?” - describe a time you expertly negotiated.
I was able to convince my parents to let me stay at my significant other’s house in high school, which felt like quite the feat at the time.
Lunar Interlude: “I hand Leon the token” - how do you make your friends laugh?
With my excessive use of stupid jokes, memes, and puns. *finger guns*
Fantasy WWE: “I Morco [guitar sting]” - describe your wrestlesona.
(NOTE: it is past 1 and I am weary) I’d be the gingerbread man. Enough said.
Camp Goodfriend: “You guys know you earned a teamwork penalty for that one, right?” - do you work well with others?
I pull my own weight and keep group morale up when I’m working with others. I don’t like having other people carry me, and would prefer to carry my own weight.
Neverwinter High: “Magnus, it’s another day of high school! Taako and Merle, you immediately realize something horrible has gone wrong” - how observant are you relative to others? Has this led to any goofy situations?
I’m good at reading emotions. I can usually tell when someone isn’t feeling well and will ask them about it in a safe space. However, I cannot for the life of me interpret when someone is being flirty or friendly with me. Just recently, this led to me thinking of a coffee outing with someone I was interested in as a date. These hopes were shattered when she told me about her new partner. So yeah… It’s hard navigating this stuff.
Tomb of Horrors: “I expected you to catch a fucking fish in the fish minigame!” - when has something gone ridiculously off the rails? Were you the derailer, the voice of reason, or a bystander?
As the Mom Friend, I try to be the voice of reason in most scenarios. Sometimes though, it is out of my hands, and all I can do is sit back and watch the disaster unfold. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Sleepover comfort; Sebastian Stan x teen reader
This was a recent request from my wattpad account that I had just posted today. This request was inspired by one of my favorite Full House episode and I hope you guys enjoy it. Now there are some major sensitive topics mentioned so I’m just gonna say, TEXTING OR DOING SOCIAL MEDIA WHILE DRIVING CAN WAIT!!! DON’T END A LIFE JUST BECAUSE U WANNA SEE WHAT YOUR FRIEND JUST SENT YOU. IT CAN WAIT SERIOUSLY!! One swear world is said, but all in all there is fluffiness in the end with daddy Seb. I hope you all enjoy it :)
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I rode up to my backyard and just dumped my bike on the ground before storming in the backdoor of my house. I saw my dad, Uncle Chris, Uncle Anthony, and Aunt Scarlett all sitting in the kitchen.
"It's official! I quit! I'm quitting the Dance team!" I proclaimed as I handed my dad Sebastian Stan, yep that's right I am the 14 year old daughter of the Winter Soldier himself, Sebastian Stan.
"(N/n) you can't quit, I just spent 25 dollars buying you this Dance Varsity jacket" he said as he pinched the collar of my dance jacket.
"And there's no way I'm going to the Varsity sleepover this Saturday!" I then ran up the stairs leading up to my room.
"What was that about?" asked Anthony Mackie.
"I know what," Sebastian stated solemnly. He then walked towards the kitchen table and sat down on one of the chairs and he said to his Marvel friends, "those sleepovers are for Mothers and Daughters".
"Ohh man poor (n/n)" said Chris Evans.
"It's gotta be devastating for her" said Anthony
."At times like this, especially now I wish (y/n) had a mother" said Sebastian.
Now I wasn't really told this because it was always so hard for my dad to speak it to me; but when I was just 2 years old, my mom and I were driving home from the mall my dad was away filming Infinity War when it happened, a young teenager texting on their phone didn't pay attention and rammed into my mom's car. It flipped a total of five times and was completely totaled. It took over and hour and a half to get me and my mom out of the car.
When my dad got the news, he immediately booked a flight from Atlanta to New York and rushed to the hospital asking where we both were. For 2 weeks my dad refused to leave both me and my mother's side, unfortunately my mother was soon pronounced dead after failing to get out of her coma but I came around.
The young teenage girl who was texting on her phone went to trial for reckless manslaughter and attempted manslaughter on an infant and was sentenced to 25-40 years in prison.The press was all over my dad after the trial, asking him questions of what he was going to do now. Did they give him a fair trial even though he was a celebrity? His only statement was this before refusing anymore questions.
"Kids today do not realize the pain they can give to another family. All they care about is what's on their phones or what text they've received than the life of someone else. I'm only grateful that I get to take one of my girls home today".
After that my dad went out of the spotlight for a while to raise me, he had only just started back into acting just a few years ago after I had watched him in the Marvel movies and asked him to be an actor again so that I could see him on TV and say 'that's my daddy!'
Sebastian raised his head up in an idea and turned to Scarlett and said.
"Hey Scarlett, I know this is a big question to ask,"
"No Seb I will not marry you". Which got Chris and Anthony to call him out on it, Scarlett smirked knowing what Sebastian was really meaning and said, "But I will be happy to take (y/n) to the slumber party. I'll be in Boston Saturday morning for a photoshoot but I'll be back in plenty of time".
"Thank you Scarlett, and know that if little Rose needs someone and you're too busy, I'll be there for you". The two actors hugged each other before Scarlett went up the stairs towards my room.
I was currently on my bed holding my 'Bucky-bear' given to me by my dad as a birthday present when I was 6 years old when I heard a knock.
"I'm fine please go away".
"(Y/n) it's Scarlett" I heard her say.
"Come in". My door opened and in came in my Aunt Scarlett
"Hey Big (n/n) can we talk about this Saturday?"
"Sleepovers are so boring, all you do is just sleep on the floor and eat junk food, besides Uncle Don would have my head if he found out about that".
"Well gee that's too bad cause I was hoping maybe you and I could go to that party?" My eyes widened in hopefulness.
"You mean it? You'd go with me? AWESOME!! We're gonna sleep on the floor and eat junk food!" I jumped on my bed and hugged my Aunt Scarlett who chuckled and hugged me back. "Thanks Aunt Scarlett, I can't wait till Saturday!"
"Hey I'm there for you babe" She rocked me back and forth and then as we separated she told me that even though she had a photoshoot for People Magazine, she would be back in plenty of time to pick me up and take me to the sleepover slumber party.
*FF to Saturday*
It was Saturday afternoon and I was busy packing up for the slumber-party when my dad came in with a load of my clean laundry and when he saw my packing my sleeping bag he said.
"Whatcha doin packing now? I thought the party wasn't for another 6 hours?"
"You know the Varsity motto. 'Always be one step ahead'" I said. My dad smiled then he said,
"Well can yah take a break and help me with your clean clothes?" I paused my packing and went over to help my dad with my clothes. I put my underwear and bras into my top drawer, my pajama shirts in the middle and pajama pants at the bottom drawer.
Suddenly I was glomped by a mass of fur and next thing I know something is licking me. I looked up to see Dodger standing over me.
"Hi Dodger!" He barked and I ruffled his head and face as I playfully wrestled with him making him growl and grunt.
"Dodger! Dodger where did you get to you mangy mutt!?" Uncle Chris soon came in and saw us playing together then he said to my dad, "Sorry man, as soon as we came in he just got away from me".
"No worries Chris, we love having Dodger here, out house is his house, so long as he doesn't shit on the carpet".
"Uncle Chris! Tati said a bad language word!" I proclaimed.
"Did Robert tell you about that?" he asked. I smirked then next thing I knew I was in between my dad and uncle who were now tickling me. Dodger soon turned to my team and he would get on top of either my dad or uncle and lick them trying to get them to get off me.
*FF 6 hours later*
I was downstairs on the couch with my bag all packed up, Dodger was lying on his stomach just a few inches away from me. Now should've been the moment when Aunt Scarlett would come through the front door ready to take me to the slumber party. I soon heard the sound of footsteps coming down the staircase and soon my dad and Uncle Chris were just getting on their jackets and baseball caps on.
"Dad, where is Aunt Scarlett?"
"Calm down squirt she's only 20 seconds late she'll be here. Now your Uncle Chris, Anthony and I are gonna meet with your Uncle Don and the other guys for a Nightly gym session before having our own Guy's Night Out while you're at your party. I want you to text me whenever you get leave, when you get there and have fun and be safe, okay?"
"Alright". Dad then kissed my cheek and hugged me goodbye then Uncle Chris gave me a kiss before saying.
"Have fun tonight with Scarlett, you girls are gonna have fun tonight".
"That is if she gets here" I stated.
"She'll come, Scarlett isn't one to dump you without good reason, just be patient, and you know how traffic is on a Saturday afternoon between Boston and New York". He gave me another kiss on my temple and soon the boys left saying bye to me and I told them bye back.It was then my cellphone rang. I turned to Dodger and told him.
"I got it," I reached out for my phone and saw that it was labeled 'unknown landline'. I slid the answer button and said, "Hello?"
'(Y/n) it's Scarlett'.
"Aunt Scarlett where are you!?" I asked.
'Honey I'm in New Haven. I've finally managed to get to a phone since my phone died, look my car broke down. I dropped my transmission'.
"Well pick it up and get your butt over here we're gonna miss the party!”
'Honey I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it, I feel terrible' she stated solemnly. My heart dropped but I told her.
"It's okay. Thanks anyway, bye". I hung up and just sat there on the couch broken-hearted. "I didn't wanna go to that party anyway Dodge, it's just a bunch of girls with their moms, how boring. We'll have much more fun by ourselves, won't we Dodge?" Dodger then leaped onto the couch and placed his head on my shoulder as I turned around and hugged him.
I decided that since Aunt Scarlett wasn't coming, there was no point in having my bag still packed. I walked upstairs back to my room and began unpacking. I then heard a flush from the bathroom across the hall and it was then my Uncle Anthony came pass my room and saw me.
"Big (n/n) what are you doing? Scarlett's gonna be here any second".
"No she's not, her car broke down in New Haven" I told him solemnly.
"Aww (n/n) that's awful". I looked down sadly when he then suddenly proclaimed, "Hey! I'll take yah!"
"To a slumber party?" I asked skeptically."Hey I slumber and I bring in the party, ain't no party starts without the Mack-Attack!" He stated strongly.
"But it's for Mothers and Daughters, and you're a guy. Plus you only have a son, no offense but you don't know what girls do at slumber parties".
"Well I won't tell if you won't. Come on Little Stanner your friends all know me. Now we are going to that party and we are going to have a ton of fun!" He said as he walked right up to me and put my Bucky-bear back in my sleeping bag.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked him skeptically.
"Hey I'm there for you my little Stanner-rama!" He wrapped his arm around me in a one armed hug. But I had a little voice telling me that this was going to end badly.
Anthony drove us to our Head instructor's, Amy's mom's place. I rang the doorbell and answering it was Amy herself.
"Hey (y/n)"
"Hi Amy".
"What'd yah bring Anthony for?" she asked confused.
"Oh don't mind me tonight I'm just one of the girls". We entered inside and soon my instructor Mrs. Perry came up and she and Anthony exchanged some words.
"Hi Anthony".
"Hello Deb, ladies"
"Where's Scarlett I thought she said she was coming?"
"Oh she had car troubles so I'm the DDM. Designated Dance Mother".
"Well you and (y/n) are just in time for some Monster".
"Oh none for me thanks, tried it once didn't like it". I mentally face-palmed and explained it to him as my dance team all looked at him confused.
"Uncle Anthony, that's Monster High Dolls".
"Oh well now—hey that's even better I love those crazy High school girls!" We set his sleeping back down while Mrs. Perry told me where to set mine at while Uncle Anthony went to sit down on the couch with the rest of my team and their moms and he grabbed Lagoona Blue. "Oh look its Aqua-girl. Sea-creatures come forth" he then began making beeping noises acting like she was sending out a telepathic signal.
"Her name's not Aqua-girl. It's Lagoona Blue" stated Tayandra.
"Oh yeah I knew that, well I'm—I'm more of a manly monster anyway". Uncle Anthony said as he picked up Clawd Wolf and stated in a deep, masculine voice. "Hey she-wolves, looks like we have a lot in common. I mean, we howl at the moon, we're real werewolves and we're a whole lot better looking than those Twilight pups. So let's Boogie baby!" he then moved Clawd side to side making him dance.
"Hey Mack-attack. Cut. The. Check!" I used his catchphrase against him as I sliced my finger across my neck telling him to just stop.
"Mother-Daughter Double-dutch!" exclaimed Allie. The girls all cheered and we all got up and Uncle Anthony said.
"Alright (n/n) let's show these girls how we superheroes do it!" I looked up to the ceiling and muttered.
"What am I doing here?" Then as Tayandra and Amy held the two jump ropes and began turning them around and around. I leapt in first and the girls and their mom's plus my Uncle Anthony began doing the Teddy Bear rhyme.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoes, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear that will do!Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, call a friend.
"Anthony Mackie!" I proclaimed. It was then Anthony jumped in successfully and the rhyme continued.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs,
Teddy, Bear, Teddy Bear—
But it was then Uncle Anthony got caught on the rope to his right and he joked out.
"Get caught in the rope like a big dumb dope".
"Next" I said as the two of us left the ropes and Amy and her mother came in.
Out in the streets of New York, Sebastian, Chris, Don and his workout team were walking from the restaurant to the gym.
"I'm wondering why (y/n) hadn't texted me yet?" said Sebastian
"Maybe she's having such a good time with Scarlett maybe she just forgot, don't worry Seb, she'll be fine". Said Don as he placed a strong hand on his shoulder.
"I hope so. I just—I just worry about her that's all, especially now. Starting next year she can legally go out and test for her diver's permit then the next year, her license".
"I know how much you worry for her Seb, even after all these years but you can't go about your life always worrying about her. Yeah it's scary out there on the road, hell I was a nervous wreck when my sisters first started driving, but if you keep holding onto that fear forever, how will you trust her out there on the road. She won't be like those other teenagers". Said Chris.
Sebastian took the advice from his friends and nodded. That's when his phone began to ring and on the caller ID it said 'Chocolachino'. He swiped to respond and he said.
"Hey Chocolachino where were you? You didn't follow us after we left".
'Scarlett had car troubles so I'm here with (n/n) at her slumber party'
"Is she alright?"
'Oh yeah she's doing great. By the way I took second in the PJ competition'.
"Not gonna comment to that".
'You just jealous cause they made Falcon PJ's and not Winter Soldier ones'.
"Shut up!"
'Alright hey listen I gotta go they're about to start the relay race!'
"Okay, tell (y/n) I love her".
'Aww I love you too Papa Bear'.
"Seriously Mack-Attack".
'Yeah, yeah, yeah I'll tell her, bye!' The two then hung up.
"So he went with (y/n) to the slumber party?" asked Chris.
"Yeah apparently Scarlett had car troubles so Anthony stepped up and took her there".
"Oh man that must've sucked for (n/n). But bless Anthony for taking her there" said Don.
"Yeah well at least now we'll actually be able to work-out without the Mack-attack bringing us out of focus" joked Sebastian which made all the guys laugh as they continued walking towards the gym to work out their meal.
Back at the slumber party, all the girls and their mothers plus Anthony were now all in their pajamas.
"Okay now girls, mothers—I mean parents—uhh.... Adults" Mrs. Perry began but as she took notice of Anthony she tried to come up with a better word for the grownups in the room until she finally stuck with a good one before continuing. "The object of the race is to carry an egg and a spoon without dropping it but the tough part is...we'll be wearing High-heels" my friends all laughed and giggled out as their mothers held up their high heels but I just looked down embarrassed.
"Hehe silly me I guess I left my High-heels at home" Uncle Anthony stated jokingly.
"Don't worry I've got an extra pair" said Mrs. Perry. Then we all began to prepare for the relay race. First me and my friends wore the high heels as Mrs. Perry explained, "Alright everyone we're gonna go three times around the coffee table then back to your starting places, you'll hand off your eggs and your spoons. Girls go first, ready. Set—go!" I then took off like a shot and circled the coffee table three times without dropping my egg.
The mothers and Uncle Anthony were all clapping for each of us then as I came back Uncle Anthony proclaimed.
"Yeah gurl! Cut the check!" I then handed him the egg and spoon and quickly took off the high heels and Uncle Anthony tried to get his big feet inside them before slowly starting to walk as did the rest of the mothers as we now began screaming and cheering.
The rest of the mothers then began to pass him with no trouble at all and in the end Mrs. Perry won while my Uncle hadn't even completed one turn before falling to his knees on the carpet floor dropping the egg.
"Ahh Mack-attack" I said shamefully as I walked up to him. He breathed a sigh and said.
"Sorry there Big (n/n), if these heels were my size we'd have definitely won, besides the blonde cut me off". I placed my hand on his shoulder and admitted to him.
"I knew this was a bad idea".
"Let's do Beauty salon. Daughter's makeup mom's, then mom's makeup daughters" proclaimed Amy. The girls and their moms all cried out at what a great idea it was then all gathered around the couch and chairs while Mrs. Perry looked at us mainly my uncle worriedly.
"No, no this works out fine, my wife sometimes tests out her makeup on me".
"Umm, why don't we skip Beauty salon and do something else" Mrs. Perry said. All the girls whined then Amy whined out.
"Why can't we do the makeovers?" All the girls soon turned to me and that's when I finally snapped.
"BECAUSE OF ME YOU DUMB BITCHES THAT'S WHY!!!" I then turned and ran out the front door and slammed it shut. Uncle Anthony took off the heels and ran after me calling out my name.
Back at the house, Sebastian and the guys were now settling down after a quick workout at the gym just talking and drinking a couple of beers.
"So then Ton here comes up to the Bell weight and he—" the door suddenly opens revealing me stomping in the living room.
"(Y/n)?" My dad stated in disbelief.
"(Y/n) will you just stop and talk to me?" said Uncle Anthony. I whipped myself around and faces all my dad, uncles and a few of my dad's workout friends before exclaiming.
"There's nothing to talk about! I don't have a mother and there's nothing you guys can say to change that! Right!?" They all remained silent before I finished, "See". I then took off up the stairs towards my room. I shut my door loudly before knocking random objects off my drawers in anger before ripping the sheets off my bed and threw my pillows at the wall before finally sinking to my bed.
My door slowly opened and I felt a dip in my bed and I heard my dad's voice say.
"I'm sorry you had such a bad time tonight baby girl. I know exactly how you feel". I sat up and choked out.
"No you don't! When you were a kid, you had grandma to take care of you and go to anything that required a mother!" He looked at me sadly and said to me.
"But that doesn't mean I don't miss your mother just as much as you do".
"IT'S NOT FAIR DAD!! ALL THOSE GIRLS WITH THEIR MOMS TONIGHT WERE SO HAPPY! Why couldn't I be happy too?" Tears spilled down my face and next thing I know, dad scoots himself closer to me and I'm crying against his chest with his arms wrapped around me.
"Iubita mea it's okay. You know I look at guys with their wives and feel the same way". He rubbed my back and that's when I finally had to ask him.
"How did it happen?" I felt him tense up and he finally confessed to me everything all the while holding me tightly refusing to let me go. After hearing the full and heartbreaking story I asked my dad.
"How do you deal with something like that? How do you make the feeling go away?"
"It's hard. But something that helps me is, I try to think of the things I gained, instead of what I lost that day" he said as he lifted my chin up. I sniffled before asking him.
"Like what?"
"Well your Marvel aunts and uncles were really supportive of us. Whenever your old man wasn't being such a stubborn ass they'd send in money, clothes and gifts for your birthdays and Christmases. They were there to help keep the press off my back even after the trial, but there's one thing I will always be grateful after all that".
"What's that?"
"I got to keep you". He choked out as he smiled at me with tears glistening in his eyes. I hugged my dad and he hugged me back as the two of us just sat there in silence with tears falling down our faces. "If I had lost both my girls that night I don't know what I would've done. Your mother must've made a deal with whoever is up there to take her soul instead of yours. And even though I had to lose one of my girls in the end, at least I got to see you grow up into this beautiful, strong, determined young woman. Your mama would've been so proud of everything you've accomplished in your life".
"Te iubesc tata" I said.
"Si eu te iubesc ingerul meu" he said back to me lovingly as he peppered my face with kisses making me laugh and giggle.
After our little moment together, papa called up Mrs. Perry and told her that Anthony would be arriving to pick up my sleeping bag as well as his and told her that everything had been taken care of but I wasn't going to go back to the slumber party.
When Uncle Anthony came back with our stuff, I thanked him for taking me to the slumber party and I apologized for running out like I did. He said it was no prob and gave me a hug and a kiss then the guys all left to head back to their homes leaving me and my dad alone again in the house.
We then decided to have our own slumber party. We did a three legged race, nerf gun war, pillow fights then to end the night, we got our sleeping bags, made ourselves a blanket fort and decorated it with beautiful lights and stars and we just lay there watching some Disney movies before I finally fell asleep curled up to my dad.
He smiled down at me and wrapped a blanket around the both of us before wrapping his arms around me. He kissed the crown of my head and whispered softly.
"Thank you God for allowing me to keep my little girl. And (m/n) I know you're looking down at us now, being our Guardian Angel". Then my dad fell asleep holding me in his arms never letting go.
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