#'i can't write--' write a meta post or something then or put together a damn moodboard just stop complaining
syrupwit · 2 years
"Everyone else's take on this character/ship is wrong though--"
Write it yourself then!!!!
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
[tw sexual assault mentions/discussion for the content of this post. if that's a trigger for you or something you're uncomfortable with, but i've tagged you in the post and you are uncomfortable or can't handle it, please feel free to ignore it, or ask me to untag you, or mute the thread (if that's a thing you can do on tumblr?)]
before i get to my inbox, i got to thinking about @treesofgreen's interpretation/headcanon of izzy as a survivor of sexual assault, about the comments @ourflagmeansdemise left on my post about the aftermath of what ed did to izzy, the tags @aromanticjangofett put on that post: "#you guys are driving home what a breach of trust this was from ed and i am all the more sad for izzy AND worried#what it will do to me if this isn't given the appropriate weight in s2#BUT i love everyone ITT#of meta#correct opinions about ofmd#ed x izzy" (love the "#correct opinions about ofmd" tag so much 😂) and, finally, my post about the framing of the toe scene as sexual assault
and, obviously, we don't have confirmation of izzy being a sa survivor in canon, that's just a (very good and unpleasantly likely accurate) read, and most of my metas are drawing from the immediate text (things explicitly said/done) rather than a more speculative angle
i cant get it out of my head.
when i first read that meta i was like, "damn, this is really good, but idk if my personal read is the same as yours. great analysis though!" and then, without me even realizing, it wormed its way into my head as my own headcanon, to the point it's become a big factor in the fic i've been writing the last few days
so, naturally, when all of those additions and thoughts happened above, i tacked them all together on a corkboard inside my head with pushpins and red string and what i got from it was: oh god
because the main point that @ourflagmeansdemise and i were making on that post up there was how awful what ed did to izzy was on so many levels, including that if izzy has an icky tummy (like chronic IBS or something), especially an icky tummy that is triggered by stress and anxiety and fear, and ed knows this, the cruelty of feeding izzy his own toe, especially in a moment of heightened anxiety, stress and terror is immeasurable
but god, then i got thinking about those thoughts in correlation against the framing of the scene that's so much like a sexual assault, and the idea that izzy is already a survivor of sexual violence
and fuck.
imagine if izzy has chronic IBS and he's a sexual assault survivor, and the thing that ed decided to do to him in 1x10 was to creep into his bedroom in the dead of night, with dim lighting and a soft voice, assault his body without consent, feed him his own body part while crooning that it's okay, it's just the pinky, stop crying, swallow it down, shut your mouth, there you go, threaten me again and i'll do worse, okay, clean yourself up and come find me, whilst invading his space, his body poised over izzy's, the two of them horrifically alone with no one coming to save izzy who screamed when he woke up in such agony, mostly naked and vulnerable and assaulted
i am having a lot of feelings about this
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bidokja · 2 years
I so agree w that post where you described orv as a fever dream bc SAME. People are out there complaining abt their media like how "part x had bad pacing" "they ruined char x development" "bad writing" and then orv here is just??? Seemingly flawless?? Like all the characters and their developments are important and amazing, the concepts of like trauma (as you said)/other psychological topics are so well represented and there's literally a god given incredibly unique meta plot that hits u in all the right spots with all it's very unpredictable plot twists (at least fr me)
and the ending?? God the ending is what stories are supposed to do. it feels like a summation of everything up to that point and everything makes sense and your just there losing ur mind and dying bc every new thought u have hits u like a truck. It's like. the story of all time.
And tbh i think it's severely underrated, even amongt webtoons. Not to be a sore loser but if it was an anime or smn, i think it would have WAYY more hype than it has rn. Little to no large media I've consumed are as consistent as orv is. Like I genuinely think that this is just the beginning and that it has a long way to go in the next few years. I can't wait for the last ep of the live adaptation or whatever lol <3
that being said!! i have Thoughts xhsjd
i'm on the fence about how i feel irt other adaptions of ORV, since ORV is best consumed as a web novel imo. the whole point of it, the biggest impact, is that you are Reading this Novel just like KDJ was at the very start of the series. his name itself means Reader. it's an important detail both for him individually and for ORV as a whole, thematically.
while i do like Seeing certain scenes illustrated, there is much about ORV that works best (or ONLY works) because it is a story of Words. still, i do like that it means we will keep getting more ORV content, and hopefully i will be pleasantly surprised by some well done adaptions down the road!
anyways yeah like. ORV is just so?? Well Done. Put Together (surprising given how messy it also is dksdjdkd). i can only think of...two or three complaints about ORV? and NONE of it is like...heavily consequential to what it is meant to convey, or even beyond personal taste of mine.
1) The inconsistent and sometimes inaccurate translations (which isn't the original writing's fault, plus i read it for free so i'm not about to lodge a formal complaint here or anything).
2) the lgbtphobia isn't a cute look i'll be real but it is unfortunately something i will choose to read past in cases where its not like, the point or focus imbedded into the media itself. it is not one of the take-aways or themes of the series.
3) in my opinion, there is actually a noticeable lack of various characters' interactions and developments, but this was likely done (mostly, though not fully) on purpose. i believe it's a writing decision fueled by the same Thing as their decision to have the novel be almost entirely in 1st person...and then slowly have more and more chapters where it's Not. it's about the impact, and what this lack of interaction/communication (and When it is most prominent) and what this viewpoint shift Convey thematically, qs well as the impact this has shown for the characters themselves at times. *points back at the ORV Is A PTSD Allegory thing*
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iwantescapism13 · 3 years
😂 - What moment in Season 3 made you laugh the hardest?
'Olivia & Yunan', when Marcy was just out of the tank and she just couldn't say things properly : "Lead the way, Lady OliviYAH and... Captain YOOhoo~" and then falls down. So fucking hilarious.
A runner up is in 'Turning Point', Sasha's "H-Huh? What? OF COURSE this is my natural hair color!"
💕 - What was your favorite episode from this half season?
I have 2: 'Olivia & Yunan' and 'Turning Point'. They're both damn good, I couldn't decide on just one.
⚔️ - How do you think Andrias will die? :D
Impaled. Like Green Goblin from the Sam Reimi's Spider Man movie. He'll think he have the upper hand, planning to impale Anne or some other character but they were able to dodge in time so the object goes right to him instead.
🏡 - Wartwood, Toad Tower, Newtopia or LA?
Toad Tower. I want to be as badass as Sasha and be trained along with the Toads.
😱 - Was there a scene in Season 3A that took you completely by surprise?
Most definitely Marcy's screams. That fucking traumatized me until this day. I can't even watch it properly without the need to fast forward to the time she's not screaming anymore. It's very haunting. It was surprising because I didn't expect Amphibia to go that route.
🐸 - Favorite Wartwood citizen?
Wally. I like that he doesn't give a shit about what other people thinks and although he's actually a rich creature, he still decided to stay in Wartwood. It's a very nice message.
📖 - What is your favorite quote of the season?
Sasha Waybright in 'Turning Point' : I wanna be someone better. Someone that deserves you.
🧐 - Which scene from this season did you rewatch the most?
The reading of Anne's journal in 'Turning Point'.
🥒 - Favorite meme/joke/running gag in the fandom?
The Marky Wu meme and the current Anne's Letter meme.
✍ - What is your favorite piece of Amphibia fanwork that you made so far? fic/art/shitpost/meta, etc
I don't draw and... writing fanfictions was something of a past time. Not anymore. So... a favorite post of mine here on tumblr is the Marcanne moments compilation because I had to rewatch several episodes of them together again just to put up the screenshots. And... yeah. I just love seeing them together.
😍 - What is (one of) your favorite piece of Amphibia fanwork that someone else made so far? fic/art/shitpost/meta, etc
This drawing. The best Dark Marcy In Suit drawing I have ever seen.
👨‍👧‍👧 - Favorite side character introduced in this season?
Mrs. Boonchuy. She's so damn wholesome. I love her so much. Matt Braly's mom's voice is also so damn cute. I smile whenever she talks.
👀 - What are you most excited to see in season 3B?
Anne's reaction to Dark Marcy. I wanna see her break down on the spot, like what happened in 'True Colors'. I wanna see her go apeshit at King Andrias for doing that to Marcy. And I want her to say certain things.
😏 - Thing you just want to rant about
Nothing right now. It'll probably be on another post.
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crystallos-sol · 4 years
Hey have another meta on Gray & Natsu because I don't think I went deep enough.
Gray is traumatized and can't even voice his emotions sometimes. Natsu understands him WITHOUT any issues even during this time.
Don't believe me? Here look at this:
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Natsu knows Gray just basically said:
" I care about you please take care of yourself "
I'm so emotional about these two because they are great and they understand each other on a deeper wavelength than I have ever seen within Fairy Tail.
I'll throw in multiple examples for you to compare but please come up with your own. Rewatch the show or Read the manga if you want to, there's so many examples that I cannot fit into one post so I have to suffer with a few. (Not including Happy has I think it's best to put people that aren't his kid,,,,)
First up: Lisanna.
I'm not hating on the ship at all. I'm picking people CLOSEST to Natsu & Gray. And she was essentially close to Natsu before her death. They raised Happy together and had a secret hideout for fucks sake.
Lisanna has I recall from the episodes we had of her, was close with Natsu. But something changed. Because her death hurt Natsu and changed him into a different person. That's clear to see. But her death drove a wedge between them and changed the entire relationship for good.
Lisanna was Natsu's friend, back before her death but however I believe that we do not know much of her outside of her death and how it affected Fairy Tail. We also do know about her Family and how it hurt them. But not about Lisanna, from what we can gather from the many episodes of Fairy Tail she is kind hearted and genuinely loves her family and doesn't want to lose them again. (Her reactions to her siblings being thrown into danger.)
But again her death drove fear and grief into Natsu and that's why him and Lisanna aren't exactly close anymore, because Natsu runs from his feelings. It's also hard to talk to someone you haven't seen since you where a teenager.
Up next who is/was close with Gray: Erza. We know Gray ran after her and helped to fix her tears, even making a child's promise about it. We also know, Gray was Erza's first real friend. Gray has a child was close with Erza in that regard. I do believe Erza shoved him away like she does with everything in response to what happened to her. (But that's a post for another time.)
Gray is still close with Erza, but due to Erza never feeling as if she can stop being Titania he is not as close to her as he is Natsu.
Lucy, who is one of Natsu's best friends, is actually close with Natsu. But unlike with Gray Natsu usually is (Ignoring Mashima's horrible writting between for now because that's a WHOLE OTHER issue) saving her or protecting her. At least it was like that until recently when Lucy finally got the character development and upgrade she deserves.
Lucy is close to Natsu but Natsu also doesn't want to lean on her. Yes you can qoute multiple instances and scenes where it appears he is leaning on her. But however with this you have to take into account the period of time Natsu has known her. The trust issues Natsu already has and previous trauma he has gotten and even new trauma!
Now it gets worse because this is dipping a little into Mashima's terrible characterization and understanding of how people function and feel. Especially women. Take Lisanna and Lucy, if you think about it they are essentially the same fucking character. Both are kind, stubborn, where hurt by someone they love, left their home behind for a number of years, painted has a badass while also simultaneously being soft and delicate.
Sound familar?
Because that's basically the Mashima guide to write a female character. Now what really gets me is the final thing that really cements it. They both have been/are in the supporting role for Natsu. Don't you dare go saying: But Lucy is the main character!
You, like the rest of is because Mashima wrote her like shit, didn't even know that until the interview or you saw that Fairy Tail fact post. The majority of us thought it was Natsu. Because in reality Mashima did NOT start writting her like a main character. He did not give her the good motivation every single damn Fairy Tail Character has.
Lucy & Lisanna have the same number of things that make up their characterization, and yes so do a number of Fairy Tail characters. But that's not the point. The point is that Lucy reminds Natsu of Lisanna in some ways and Natsu cannot bring himself to trust and lean on her fully like he can with Gray. It is not an attack on Nalu. Nalu is a fine ship if only written correctly (aka: Not Mashima's Version Which Is Horrible And Toxic But That's Another Meta For Another Time.).
This is a post about how Gray and Natsu are close. That's it. Natsu cannot bring himself to fully trust Lucy and lean on her comfortably without 1) forcing himself, 2) it happening outside of his control because of past trauma which by the way knowing Natsu he did not do anything about it and most likely bottled it up.
Wow that was a long session on Lucy but in summary: Natsu is traumatized and is not mentally healthy like the entirety of the Guild.
Now, the last one, which I'm sure you can GUESS. It's Juvia. Because some people think that Gray and Juvia are the " closest people! " And " he doesn't let anyone really touch him other than her! "
1) Bullshit. And 2) Bullshit. Here's why:
Juvia is a toxic character who stalks and uncomfortably idolizes Gray to the point it's fucking ridiculous. There are multiple scenes of her following (stalking) Gray around and being jealous of Lucy. Even declaring her a " Love Rival ".
This is probably because: Gray was the first person that was decent to her. (She was bullied for who knows how long and involved in a toxic guild + an abusive relationship.) Before you say shit about Gajeel: He's not nice. Gajeel before all of this, was an asshole, now he is nice which is pretty cool and a great character development. Back then? He was not nice.
Which brings me to Gray. Who even is okay with being stalked, being grabbed randomly and having someone so obsessed with you they made fucking dolls of you? No one. Before you argue: But he doesn't pull away from her!
Gray is most likely touch starved. Considering his entire background and general tendency to not receive hugs or any sort of affection usually. My evidence for this? Myself. I am touch starved and I often react bad to touches from strangers or creepy people but I also have a late reaction time. Because my body is saying: Oh touch???? And my brain is screaming: No.
He also could be trying to be decent. Which is all he did in the first place. He could be trying to not hurt her feelings and yes you could say he hurt Mira's feelings when he called her stupid for betting on Natsu but he also was apologising and panicky because he didn't want to hurt her.
Also if I even have to explain further why being stalked and basically turned into a fetish and an object is a bad thing then clearly something is fucking wrong with you.
Gray however feels safe likely with Natsu, who's been there from the beginning, took on Deliora, fought too many people just because one of his friends are in danger, has repeatedly stopped Gray from using Iced Shell and was ready to Die with him.
Natsu in return probably feels safe and like he can trust Gray to handle himself because this man has been there since day one and even can take Natsu himself on with no problem. Natsu also probably is happy Gray is nothing like Lisanna or Lucy. Because Gray is Gray and he doesn't remind Natsu of anything traumatizing he's been through.
They both trust one another and stay by one another's side because they are both understanding that they aren't gonna leave. Because think about it, Gray has lost family and his mentor to death. He has suffered through that. You wanna know who's constantly beating death on its ass???? Natsu " I refuse to die " Dragneel.
Natsu has lost family by being abandoned and by Death. He got it both ways and he's suffering because of it. But Gray who's stubborn has shit and stood death in the face at a young age and screamed fuck you at the top of his lungs, wouldn't leave. Gray who fucking went through hell and back, destoryed his own infiltration mission just because Natsu Dragneel rolled up, Keeps Trying To Protect Him, Never once wants to lose Natsu. And Natsu knows that. Because Gray is his constant. Gray is that constant presence in his life he knows for a fact he can trust.
But idfk that's just my thoughts on them.
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verobatto · 6 years
"You loved me, but in your heart there's something else before me."
How season 14 is Foreshadowing the Destiel talk
Hello my dear fandom, I rewatched properly the last episode, and I have to say... Many things had been written... And I was looking for Cas again... And hell yeah he was everywhere again!
This is another romantic post bc the last episode was talking about love all the time WRONG TOXIC LOVE AND TRUE AND REAL LOVE.
Let's see...
The talk? The moves?
Ok, we had innocent Jack asking this two question, he is ignorant about flirtation or love, so he is there with the best teacher: Dean Winchester.
This two questions caught my attention bc is reflecting what we were waiting since season 12 and more in season 13 to happen: THE TALK and THE MOVES.
The last episode (Nightmares Logic) we had Mary mirroring Cas all the time, and this particular conversation with Sam about how to talk with AUBobby. So I was thinking, are they Foreshadowing a real Destiel talk? And now after watching this episode I must say... Yes. They are.
This two specific terms... THE TALK and THE MOVES, are two things that Dean and Cas should finally do. But... What is blocking them to do it? Ok.. let's find out...
Dean thinks Cas doesn't love him in that way.
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Gif credit @archangelgabriellives
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And this fe
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Gif credit @littlehobbit13
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I had to put all this entire scene bc... Ok look at this, that's what Dean thinks about how Cas feels about him... Why he thinks Cas doesn't love him in the same way?? CAS already told him he loves him, but it was confuse, that time in the barn it was confused, Cas didn't get the words wrong but the attitude, he said "I love you" to Dean and immediately he turns to Sam and Mary and said the same line, SO DEAN THINkS CAS LOVES HIM AS FAMILY.
Since then, we had increased and failed intentions of talk. Dean closed more inside, repressing more and more his feelings, showing the "no homo" attitude he always had with Cas. And the fears.
Son in this scene we see how innocently, Jack describe the way Harper looked at him, "She was looking at me with those googly eyes" and Dean trying to cut "that crap" bringing reality to the topic "She is not in love with you" and "That's not how it works."
... this isn't enough to Dean. To Dean LOVE IS MORE THAN THAT. Love is DEEPER, AND CRAZY, AND SUFFERING, AND HAPPINESS, AND AND... Damn...
Dean is accepting he's in love. That he loves a man, Cas. He is in knowledge about this. He is learning to live with it... But he's struggling all the time inside beacuse of this, so things like googly eyes, or like hooking up (as Roweena and Gabe did) or even he hooking up with random waitress... "That's not how it works." He's talking with authority here, bc he knows what is truly love someone. And the following scene here...
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Gif credit @mishalocked24
... he is showing us a lot but... Did you stop just a second to see... How Dean is talking about the "L" while smiling (thinking about his love) with that goofy smile that we make when we think about our love interest??
And he is saying that Love is crazy, being in love is to be crazy, is loosing control of yourself, is doing crazy things. You are not thinking bc you are crazy for that person. He's the professor here, my friends.. he is TALKING ABOUT THE L WORD BC HE IS ACCEPTING THE LOVE IN HIS LIFE. THE LOVE HE FEELS FOR CASTIEL.
Harper as a mirror of Dean's journey in love.
"She is bad luck."
Ok, when I heard this, I said, this is Dean. Is Dean!! He feels HE IS BAD LUCK BC EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES IT BREAKS. Every single person that came to his life, that was part of his family, died. As Crowley said once.. he is bad luck. ANOTHER IMPEDIMENT TO SHOW HIS LOVE AND TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH CAS. He feels he doesn't deserve this, bc he is bad luck.
After this we were introduced into Harper's department... And it was so so Dean's inner desire of being loved! First of all, there were GREENS COMBINED WITH BLUE IN EVERY WALL. (Dean and Cas) and a red heart, and a legend: "Amore" love in Italian. And a blue couch in front of a red couch. And the bedroom was all in green and on the bed there were stuffed animals, so so innocent look about LOVE, so princess like. Waiting for being loved.
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And I thought, this is Dean's head about love. He WANTS TO BE LOVED IN THIS INNOCENT WAY BC HIS HEART IS PURE AND INNOCENT as I said bf in my other metas.
Now... Here comes the spec and the sadness...
Foreshadowing the Destiel talk (again) and perhaps... A possible lovers separation.
"He left? Without you?"
And then I heard Jack saying this meanwhile Harper told him her love story. And I was like... Ok... What is this... And my mind, immediately, run with this...
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Gif credit @hunenka
Mary... Mirroring Cas... And Dean saying goodbye to her and wishing her happiness... But this is not all the thing...
Sam was trying to convince AUCharlie to stay in the bunker bc "people needs people", and bc Charlie was sis u're of leave, Sam throws this line...
"Don't go"
So I thought... Another foreshadow!
Then yes we are having foreshadow for the Destiel talk but for a lovers separation too?
Now that I accepted my love for you...
And we had that zombie (Vence) in red too, representing Toxic Masculinity, and wrong love, and old Dean all at once (as was with all the monster we've had so far) and Jack trying to convince Harper that he was her true love. And Dean talking with this zombie telling "This is not love!" Ofc it isn't Dean! So kill your toxicity right now!
And then was Harper again, dressed in green... (New Dean, healing Dean) writing a love letter to her true love (Jack) and I saw this with hope in my eyes... But then i payed attention to the song that was playing...
"We are from differents worlds,
We travel for two differents path,
You loved me but in your heart
There's something else before me.
If we can't live together
Is better to live separated.
You'll go your own way, and I'll go mine.
The two of us starting from zero."
Sorry if the lyrics are wrong I translated from Spanish to English but the message is the same and it's clear... It talks about two lovers that must be apart... And IDK why yet but something is telling me that, there will be a Destiel talk... A blow out and a goodbye, be happy scene...
I hope this isn't going to be for ever... And just some episodes bc we need Dean and Cas to be happy, but if they are separate from each other... Well... They are not gonna be so...
And this is related too with the TV guide resume from Byzantium (14x08) where Cas goes to Heaven doing an enormous sacrifice... I was talking with @gneisscastiel about this and she has such interesting spec about this!
Ok... This is it my friends... I know, I know... This is a little sad but... Let's be positive and let's imagine Destiel becoming canon through this! Awwwww I need so much a huge and strong Destiel scene!
Oh! Aaaand all the parallels with the first encounter with Cas will be written in other post!
I like to put my ideas I diferentts meta and focus one by one! But I think you already know that. 😉
Ok... Tagging some friends here..
@emblue-sparks @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @cheerstofandomfamily @evvvissticanteand everyone who wants to discuss!
Buenos Aires, Novembre 17th 2018 2:23 AM
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