#'Omg do you see that girl behind us hehe' and I like. I left because I was done with my mcflurry
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anothermonikan · 2 years ago
I should not be letting some random teenage girls going to make fun of me get to me this much man, but like. That's just it. They were random teenage girls? I didn't know who they were and they probably didn't know who I was? What is so funny and make-fun-of - worth about me just. Eating my Mcflurry. Like huh :sob: I'm used to weird high-school bullying that makes no sense but I litro don't know who you are and you don't know who am I. Please grow the fuck up <3
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unriding · 5 months ago
cutie zevieeee ): you are such a precious gift and an even more precious friend to us on here ♡ i am always left so giggly after our interactions, and even through seeing how you interact with others! :3 most especially with how thorough and thoughtful and kind you are in the feedback you leave on fics you reblog — it only inspires us all to be more like yourself (at least, such is the case for me!!). you are so engaging and dynamic and always so! very joyful on here! seeing you on my dashboard is like bathing in the sunlight that says hello from behind a cloud hehe :3 i think your beauty shines brightest from the kindness of your heart, and i hope you might realise that sharing your kindness, and enthusiasm, and happiness on here influences us all in the best way possible ♡ waaahh it's just so hard to Not love you zevie ... and just as hard to not think of you with the utmost fondness! actually, sometimes i worry that you may be pushing yourself too hard to be so interactive and friendly with us all on here and tiring yourself out — so i do hope you know that it's okay to take it easy at times, and just focus on yourself 🥺 you are always so selfless, so it's very much okay to be selfish at times hwehe :3 this is getting so long omg i will shut up .. but, i suppose i just wanted to say that i love you smuch zevie ): and that your kindness never goes unnoticed!! i hope we might be able to make you feel as loved as you make us feel ♡
— 🍙 ( sending on nonie asks bcos i just feel ridiculously shy saying all of this ... TT hehe sowwies :3 )
dearest 🍙 i will have you know that i saw this ask right before bed and bursted into tears halfway into reading it!!!! you are so so so sweet for sending me something as kind as this 🥺 i have a lot to say but thank you so much omg 🫂 from the very bottom of my heart 🫂
giggly after our interactions is probably the kindest thing i have heard omg 😭 my beloved 🍙 i feel the exact same with you!!! you are quite literally kindness personified in my eyes. such a sweet, sweet girl and you have so much love in your heart. i will always love hearing you talk about your selfships & seeing you support other people’s selfships. ITS SOO . genuine. i love you so much. hhhggrrr gives me so much cuteness aggression i could JUST 🫂🫂🫂🫂
the rbs if i sob !!!? it makes me so happy to hear that you think im engaging ?! inspire is insane /pos. i love you so, so much. NEED TO TYPE THIS OUT BEFORE I CRY AGAIN. bathing in the sunlight is insane. UURRVHHHHHS. YOU ARE SO KIND IM ))))): i am happy if my interactions make others happy!! that makes me smile so hard. for meee, you are the equivalent of finding a flower on a walk! sometimes i venture off campus a bit when i have time,, stumble into a pretty little flower and i always am like “oooh! what a pretty flower.” IT MAKES ME SMILE. just like your presence nodsnods 🌸 (you also remind me very much of tohru)
THIS LASY PART IS WHAT MADE ME SOB omg. this is such a sweet reminder 🍙 ): i love you soooo much. you are so sweet for worrying about me. i don’t even have words to put in now hsjsjsmn omg it really just is me like this: ⬇️ that made me feel so soft and valued omg ): i really don’t have any way to put that into words
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i hope you know that i will 100% be re-reading this message as an affirmation whenever i am having a rough day 🥺 genuinely thank you for the bottom of my heart hsmsms i had a little voice telling me to keep this in my inbox forever so i can see it every day but !!! i decided against it BECAUSE i must tell you how much i appreciate it hhhrgrrr 🫂 THANK YOU ONE MORE TIME for choosing to type this & send me it ?! it means so much to me,, more than i could ever express > <
i hope you have the loveliest day ever omg. baking you fresh cookies …. handpicking each flower and arranging a pretty bouquet for my dearest 🍙 ……
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piecksz · 4 years ago
prove it | (m)
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pairings: modern!jean kirstein x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, mirror sex, penetrative sex, saliva, fingering, finger sucking, handjob, slight mentions of breeding, explicit language
words: 3k+
summary: your jealousy sparks a bitter argument between you and jean, but he shows in more ways than one, that you’re the only person he’s infatuated with. 
a/n: as always, if you wanna fully immerse yourself in the smut hehe you can listen to the songs i looped incessantly while writing: girls need love too by summer walker and excitement by trippie redd and PARTYNEXTDOOR (you cannot tell me that jean wouldn’t listen to either he’s so sexy omg pls free me from my brainrot)
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You gripped the fabric of your dress, hiking it up above your ankles to make sure the material didn’t get caught under the sharp heels of your shoes while you stormed into the house. Seething with outrage, you swung the front door shut behind you, savoring the few seconds of solitude you had before Jean trailed behind you clamorously.
“I already told you, and I’m telling you—again—I didn’t know she was going to be there!” Jean was insistent, his footfall demanding on your tail as he followed you into the kitchen. His fingers were carelessly twined in his hair, an overt demonstration of his stress.
You hastily tossed your purse onto the counter, paying no mind to the way it slid across the granite and almost toppled over its edge onto the floor. “Bullshit Jean. It was your fucking event, how did you not know she was gonna be there?” You spared him an irate glance, it was the first time you’d looked at him since the two of you left the venue.
The entire ride home, Jean had attempted to make conversation, asking you if you’d enjoyed yourself and trying to solicit your opinion on how he’d done coordinating his company’s milestone event. Following the successful closing of a large venture deal and the expansion of the corporation, his boss had entrusted him to organize a company soirée to celebrate, and if Jean’s event had managed to go off without a hitch, a possible promotion was in the cards for him. However, much to Jean’s confusion you were quiet in your responses, mainly giving one word answers and little praise.
After relentless prodding, you snapped, admitting you were irritated after seeing Jean talking to Mikasa, an old coworker and friend of his. You’d disappeared for only a moment to use the bathroom, but when you returned, the two were engrossed in what seemed like interesting chatter. Seeing the way Jean laughed after everything she said prompted the agitation in your lower stomach to boil up into your throat. Nothing was that funny.
“Maybe I overlooked her name on the guest list.” Jean’s fingers left his hair and wrapped around his tie, tugging to loosen it.
“Oh, you sure looked over her while you two were talking and laughing.” You stood on your toes to grab a mug from the cabinet before slamming its wooden door shut. “What was so funny? The fact that you used to fawn over her like an idiot?”
You shuffled back over to the sink, flipping the faucet and watching as the mug filled with water before bringing the cup to your lips to take a long drink. You sighed as the liquid quenched your dry throat, raw from yelling. You peered over the top of the mug at Jean, eyes following him as he made his way over to the selection of hard liquor against the kitchen wall.
“There you go. Name calling like a fucking child.” He poured himself a generous glass of booze, chuckling wryly and taking a sip.
You pulled the mug away from your mouth. “You—are so—,” you started, but your words disbanded into a loud and frustrated groan.
“I’m so what?” Jean swirled the auburn liquid around in his glass, pretending to look more interested in the way it moved than in the conversation you two were having.
“You don’t want me to finish that sentence, Jean. You really don’t.” You set your cup down loudly, so forcefully it might have shattered with just another ounce of force. “Stop acting like I’m overreacting. You know I’m not the jealous type, you fucking know that. I wouldn’t care, but you know you guys have history together.”
“Yeah, history means that it was in the past,” Jean retorted. “It was in the fucking past.”
You leaned forward on the counter, dipping your head low as if to question the validity of your boyfriend’s reply. “You’re telling me you’d be okay seeing me with an old flame?” You laughed humourlessly.  “You complained for ten minutes after a waiter called me sweetheart.”
Jean took another long sip, then exhaled. “Because he clearly couldn’t tell the difference between horny and hospitality. Now you’re blaming me because you couldn’t see that?”
You nodded sardonically, a disbelieving smile shadowing on your lips while you reached behind your neck to unclasp your necklace. “And how’s that any different from this?”
“Mikasa never liked me back, what’s the problem? Did you just pick a topic out of a hat to bitch about?” Jean downed the rest of his alcohol, and then returned the short glass to the display. He wiped at his lips with his thumb and started back toward the kitchen.
“Fuck you, Jean.”
He let out a low chuckle while he rounded the length of the counter, sauntering in long strides until he was behind you with his large hands planted on the curve of your hips. He dipped his head, letting his mouth ghost by your ear. “You know, you’re kind of hot when you’re mad.” His palms began roaming, first gliding across your stomach before moving to your backside and cupping your ass in the curve of his hand. “Especially in that dress. You look really fucking good, baby.”
You barely cracked a smile. “Yeah?”
Jean’s low voice rumbled against your back. “Hell yeah.”
You turned around to face him, gazing up at him from behind sultry lids. “Then how about…,” you started, teasing him by fiddling around with the loose buttons on his shirt. “You sleep dreaming about all the things you wish you could do to me tonight. Because you’re not getting any.” Your seductive expression fell, and you pushed him backwards so you could slide out of the space between his body and the counter.
As you retired into your bedroom, you heard Jean’s weary voice echo from outside. “You’re cold.”
“Good,�� you responded back resoundingly. “Maybe Mikasa’s free.”
“Maybe she is!” he retaliated, and although he wasn’t in front of you, you could nearly see the way he rolled his eyes at your spiteful jab.
You rolled your eyes back. “Shitforbrains.”
You removed your earrings, throwing them onto the dresser with your necklace before slipping out of your heels and stepping out of your dress. You struggled to make haste, trying to get ready for bed as quickly as you could before Jean entered the bedroom and had a chance to say anything that would incite another feud. Lazy and clad in your undergarments, you hauled yourself into the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror lethargically while you brushed your teeth and removed your makeup with halfhearted effort.
“Do I need to prove it to you?”
You removed the cold wipe from your lids, opening your eyes and watching as Jean wandered into the bathroom. He continued walking until he met you at the sink, and he wrapped his long arms around your frame again.
“Come here,” he said, pulling you into him until the space between your bodies waned. You gave him an unamused glare through your reflection in the mirror, and resumed rubbing away at your persistent eyeliner.
“Should I mark up that pretty neck of yours?” Jean nestled his face into the curve of your neck, pressing messy, carnal kisses along the side of your throat until his lips met the dip underneath your jawline. He lightly brushed over it, knowing it was your sweet spot. Every time he wanted to turn you into a frenzy of moans, that spot was the easiest way he knew how.
“Or maybe I should have you carry our child.” His hands were hot against your stomach, the soft pad of his finger drawing a delicate circle around your navel. You were glad it didn’t tickle enough to make you laugh.
“You’re pissing me off,” you said, simply.
Jean released a husky groan that vibrated against the hollow of your throat. “You’re turning me on.” He hummed. “You feel that?”
You did. Against your ass, you could feel the prominence of Jean’s hardened cock through his pants, digging eagerly into your backside, and he did nothing but continue to fuel his lust by rubbing his erection against you.
“You’re the only one that can get me hard like this,” he strained, grunting at the discomfort in his briefs.
“Look how pretty you are.” Jean took your chin in his hand and prompted you to look at yourself in the mirror. He hovered over your shoulder and looked on, like he was only spectating. “Do you think anyone compares to you?”
His eyebrows creased while amber eyes fixated on your skeptical face. After a lack of response, he jerked your chin, forcing your attention back to yourself. “Answer me.”
“No,” you said quickly.
“Exactly. Good answer.” Jean’s thumb swept gently across your chin while he withdrew his hand.
Your timid eyes drifted over to him, observing as he slid two digits into his mouth, glazing them generously with saliva before lolling his tongue and pulling his fingers out. A thick string of spit lingered until his hand dipped and slid itself into your underwear.
You choked back a desperate cry once you felt Jean part your folds, using his wet fingers to pet the sensitive swell of your clit. Instinctively, you wrapped a sweaty, tremulous hand around his wrist, but it did nothing to quell his painfully tender ministrations.
“Jean,” you murmured. Your voice was breathy, just barely above a whisper while you gave in and rolled your hips against his hand. “Fuck, wait—Jean—”
“I love the way you say my name.” He placed his free hand on your breast. His fingers hooked onto the delicate fabric of your bra and tugged the material down, freeing your nipple. “Say it louder.”
“Jean,” you mewled loudly as he began flicking the hardening peak of your chest with a ginger touch. His movements were delicate and sensual, as though he wanted to kindle an impatient desire within you.
Jean’s fingers continued to rub slow, tortured circles into your clit and he eased into you every few seconds to make sure he was keeping his fingers slick. Once he heard your whimpers begin to ebb, he would stop and switch the direction of his motion, sending you into another flurry of moans and taking pleasure in the filthy-wet mess he was creating in your panties. “Louder.”
You bit your lip and closed your eyes until the darkness of your eyelids melted into white heat. The familiar torrent of quivers shook your body, and the surface of your skin tingled with the onset of your orgasm. You dug your nails into Jean’s forearm, and in the haze of your high you forgot about all of your concerns.  
“Jean!” You cried his name again, your wail echoing off of the bathroom walls while you writhed against his hold. You moved restlessly, looking for absolutely anything to cling to in an attempt to steady yourself until your climax subsided.
After you came to and regained your soundness, you scrutinized yourself in the mirror through misty tears, chagrined at how easily you’d submitted to him. You were situated limply in Jean’s arms, bottom lip swollen from persistent biting in your best efforts to veil how good he was truly making you feel, but from the sickeningly-smug simper on his face it was obvious that now Jean knew his fingers were more fruitful than an apology. Which meant this episode surely wouldn’t be the last of its kind.
He slotted his fingers into his mouth for the last time, sucking the silken coat of your arousal off of them before releasing them with a quiet pop, then Jean’s other hand crept up your neck until his thumb drove itself to part your closed lips, just wide enough so he could stick his lubricous fingers inside.
“Mhm,” he encouraged, nodding at the way you meekly looked to him for direction.
Jean’s fingers were warm and sloppy in your mouth as you sucked and he watched you intently, undoubtedly wishing that his cock could receive the same treatment. He sighed heavily as you wreathed your hot tongue around his knuckles.
“Good girl,” he breathed, pulling his digits from your jaws before his urge to stick them down your throat and watched as you gagged through tears became insatiable.
Jean worked one hand against his belt, unbuckling it skillfully before impatiently forgoing his buttons and tugging on his zipper instead. His breathing grew labored while you watched from the mirror as he shuffled behind you, and you canted yourself to the side to provide yourself with a clear view of Jean’s cock in the surface’s reflection.
His thick length pulsated, convulsing even without contact, and every time it did so, a fresh stream of precum dribbled from the swollen, red crown of his tip. With a light hand, Jean tapped his cock against the side of your thigh, prompting you to take him in your palm, and when you obeyed, it elicited a lengthy groan from him.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
You weighed his hot and heavy cock in your hand before beginning to move slowly, flicking your wrist and evoking the jerking of Jean’s hips when you did. His head hung forward and loose strands of his neatly tucked hair billowed around his face while he watched as your hand worked against his throbbing heat.
Jean delivered another set of kisses to your neck, kissing along your jawline until he stopped at the corner of your mouth to take a brief second to acknowledge his own pleasure. “Shit,” he grunted, his fleshly pants now becoming uncontrollable. “Okay, that’s enough.”
You loosened your grip around Jean’s cock while he curled his fingers around the cloth of your thin underwear, pulling it down until he stopped midway past your thighs, then his large hand settled between your shoulder blades to bend you over.
His palm collided with the pert curve of your ass, delivering a mild spank, and then he ghosted his touch over the stinging pain, blithely enjoying the way you whimpered his name ever so quietly. Jean positioned himself at your dripping entrance, prodding the tight hole with his tip over and over again just to taunt you until you glowered uncomfortably at him through the mirror.
“Stop it,” you heaved, your longing now turning into an unbearable itch.
Normally, you knew Jean would have loved to tease you, disregarding your begging and instead working even harder to rouse you, but you could tell by the sweat that beaded around his hairline that he needed relief too. So Jean spared you, grip tightening on your hips, and he pushed himself into you with a husky and guttural moan that overwhelmed your delicate whines.
He wasted no time and began moving, gradually picking up his pace until he decided on a moderate speed, not too rough, but just forceful enough that your breasts jounced and your body lurched against the sink whenever he thrusted into you.
“I always tell you how good you feel, do you need to hear it again?” Jean murmured, watching as his cock disappeared inside you and whenever he pulled back to rock his hips forward again, it glistened with a new layer of your arousal. “Your pretty pussy always takes me so well.”
He leaned into you, wrapping an arm around your waist and placing his hand on your shoulder, holding you in place while he fucked himself into you, over and over again. You tugged at Jean from deep inside your well, tightening your walls around his cock and causing his jaw to go slack with bliss.
“The way you fucking milk me, I could cum right now.” His balls slapped ceaselessly against your skin, and the sound of two sweaty bodies married together saturated the thick sex-tainted air. You struggled to watch yourself in the mirror, mouth wide open and eyes bloodshot from your tiredness and tears. Jean’s lips brushed against the shell of your ear and sent a ripple of goosebumps down the expanse of your back.
“I wish I could take a picture of you right now and keep it for later.” He panted into your ear. “You’re the only thing I can think of when I jerk off, it would be nice to have a visual.” When you said nothing he smiled, tugging at the softness of your lobe with his teeth. “Maybe next time, yeah?”
You could only give a weak and disoriented nod, and when you felt Jean’s cock twitch inside you, coupled with the way his muscles tensed underneath his skin, you knew he was close. You wrapped your hands around the arm curved about your waist and nodded at him again, cueing that you wanted to feel his release inside you.
Jean arched an eyebrow, his thrusts becoming sloppier, but he made no efforts to slow his cadence. “Yeah, you’re gonna let me cum inside you?”
You nodded silently for a third time.
Jean delivered a few more generous jerks before the small of his back tightened and he came inside you, amply flooding your chafed walls with his hot seed until you overflowed, and the creamy, white liquid seeped past the girth of his cock and began dribbling down the inside of your thigh.
Jean pulled his now limp cock out, wiping his essence gently on your folds before pulling you into another doting embrace. His clinch was tight, warm cheeks pressed against each other while he looked at you in the mirror with complete and unadulterated adoration.
“I love you,” he affirmed before flipping you over in his arms to face him. He bent down to press a salty and clammy kiss to your mouth, his lips stalling for a few moments longer before he pulled away and then delivered another kiss to your forehead. “Alright, stupid?”
You bobbed your head briefly, now embarrassed at your earlier outburst. You sunk into Jean’s torso, head against his chest, and mumbled sheepishly. “I love you too.”
The two of you stood together, arms encircling each other until Jean carefully broke his caress and began tugging you in the direction of the shower.
“Come on baby.” He grinned. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
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littlepadika · 4 years ago
🎀 pink (Din)
🧼 laundry detergent (fake dating)
🍄cottage core (innocent kink)
with some fluff and smut included maybe?? 🥺👉👈💘
Hi @ppslutt I don't think we've interacted so hello! Thank you for this request! Omg i am both soft and amused by this idea. Hope you like this... Din is such a cheeky bb but at the same time a feral fucking machine hehe
500 follower celebration (closed now)
Warnings: Asshole ex boyfriend, protective mando, innocent reader, unprotected piv smut, fingering, 18+
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source: @reilink
"Can I sit here?"
Din startled. He had been glaring holes into the metal table at the cantina for so long he almost forgot there were other people around. He was in between bounties. Waiting for Karga to come up with something worth his time.
He nodded at the seat across from him which you fell into. He would usually say no, preferring to be left alone, but you were hardly a threat. Young and apparently unarmed. You looked stressed. Eyes darting all over the room. Were you in trouble?
"Thank you." You tapped your fingertips on the table. "My ex is here and I don't want him to see me alone."
"Are you in some kind of trouble?"
"No." You stare down at your lap. "I just don't want to talk to him."
That made sense, but Din couldn't understand why you were talking to him specifically. Most people feared Mandalorians. He expected you to want to hire him or ask him to kill your ex. You glanced over your shoulder. Din followed your gaze, identifying the man in question, an arrogant looking human with his arm around a girl with her back to you both.
"I'll leave you alone in a minute." You turned your attention back to him. "What's your name, sir?"
"Mando." He grunted. You replied with your name. Din's ears perked up when he heard it. The sound of it echoing in his mind. He had never heard such a name before. "Have you ever seen a Mandalorian before?" Din couldn't help but ask.
"Is that what you are?" You felt embarrassed at his amused tone. "Am I supposed to bow or something?"
Din chuckled, which came out as a crackle through the voice coder. "No. But people tend to stay away from me because- because we're killers."
"Oh." You swallowed a gasp. It never occurred to you to be afraid. "I didn't know. I've never been off world."
"What the fuck are you doing here?" You snapped your head up to see your ex standing over you, an angry look on his face. "I thought you didn't like going out."
"I-I can go where I please!" You jut your chin out.
"Fucking bitch. You're just spying on me, aren't you?" Your ex spat. Din clenched his fist, not liking the way this bastard was speaking to you. He could easily break this man's arm and hardly break a sweat.
"I'm not!" You cried shrilly. "I didn't know you'd even be here."
"What are you doing with him?" Your ex turned to Mando with a sneer. "Tryin to make me jealous?"
"Obviously it worked." You glared. "Now go away."
"No hang on- you're gonna come with me and we're gonna talk."
"I think it's time for you to go." Din rested his hand on his holster, his voice impossibly low. You shivered in your seat.
"Whatever." The man gave up, backing up a little. "Good luck with this one, Mando. She's a prude."
You looked down in shame feeling angry tears sting your eyes. It was hard to believe you once loved this asshole. Din felt his temper flare in his chest. Your ex finally left, looking over his shoulder a few times to watch you and Din.
"I'm sorry." You wrapped your arms around yourself. "I'll leave you alone now."
"I don't mind." Din said, surprising himself. He hated seeing you so upset. He thought about going up to that bastard and putting a hole in his chest, but that wouldn't make you feel better. "Can I get you something?"
"I don't know." You looked up at the bar trying to read the menu overhead.
"What kind of fake boyfriend would I be?" Din joked, hoping to see you smile. It worked. You let out a small giggle into your hand that made Din's heart constrict strangely. He ordered you a Tatooine Sunset.
"You don't want one?"
"No. Thank you." Din hesitated before adding "I don't remove my helmet."
"Ever?" Your eyes widened.
"Not in front of people."
"Oh." You took a small sip. "It's really yummy. Thank you."
Din noticed the prick from earlier still watching you both. "Come over here, ad'ika." He tapped the seat next to him.
"Why?" You asked, looking up from your cup.
"Because that nurf herder is watching us."
"Oh." You frowned, moving to sit next to Mando.
"Lean into me."
"Like this?" You asked again, tilting your head onto his cold beskar paldron.
"Yes. Good." Din nodded, enjoying the look of anger that passed over that bastard's face. "Sit closer."
"I-I am." You blushed, moving until your legs were pressed against him. He wasn't super comfortable with all the metal.
"On my lap, ad'ika." Din patted his thigh. He was being bold but something about your instant trust in him made him want to hold you closer. Feel your soft body on his. You go bright red as you stand and then perch on his knee. His gloved hand covered your lower back.
"Look at him." Din instructed, smirking behind his helmet.
"Oh he's so mad." You giggled. "This is fun, mando."
"It is, ad'ika." Din couldn't' help but agree.
"Wh-what does adeeka mean?" Your tongue got caught on the syllables.
"It means 'little one'."
"I'm-i'm not a child." You frowned, ducking your head. A weak objection as you were sitting in his lap right now.
"It's not just for children." Din placed another arm around your legs, pulling them more securely onto his lap. He regretted that he was in full armor because he could not feel you but that was also probably a good thing or else he'd be hard. You smelled divine.
"Mando he's still staring." You whispered against his cowl which was surprisingly soft.
"Shall we make him even more uncomfortable?"
"Mhm." You nodded, kissing Mando on his cool beskar helmet, where his cheek would be. "How's that?"
"You can do better than that." Din encouraged, enjoying the little game.
"Oh yeah!" You grinned, feeling your competitive spirit rising. "How about this?" You lowered your head, leaning against his neck, kissing him through the cowl. You could feel his warm neck and strong pulse against your lilps. He swallowed hard, his hand tightening over your thigh.
"We should walk out now. Really make him jealous." Din suggested, mostly to stop you from giving him a full on erection.
"Oh yeah." You hopped off his lap, taking his large leather clad hand in yours. "Come on."
Once outside in the warm sun you laughed at your antics. You had never had so much fun. You used to fear your ex. He was mean and cruel. You felt safe now that you had Mando. You tried not to worry what would happen when Mando was gone. Din watched you hungrily, beaming up at him, your face lit up in the daylight. He subtly turned off his tracking view in his visor so he could just see you without any distractions on his screen.
"Thank you Mando."
"You're welcome." He let go of your hand making your face fall. "What's wrong?"
"I want to keep playing."
"What do you propose?" Din felt his cock twitch behind his flight suit.
"I think he would be really jealous if I had marks on my neck." You suggested boldly. Din shook his head in disbelief.
"You are not a prude, you know that? I'm sorry he said that to you."
"I was only a prude with him. He was ugly." You grimaced but recovered. "You're beautiful, Mando, and I want- I want you. Not just to make him jealous but I want you."
"Oh Ad'ika..." Din chuckled. "We can do both."
This led to Din taking you in the alleyway behind the cantina. First he knelt down between your legs and fingered you until you were dripping into his hand. He wanted to watch your little cunt squeeze and flutter. Your little mewls grew louder and louder until you came with a cry. Din loved how innocent you were. You didn't even know how to be quiet. You didn't hide your pleasure. He hoped your shitty ex was listening. Hearing your sounds that he never got to draw from you.
Next he stood lifting you up with ease onto his hips. You were already delirious from your first orgasm you shot up to the stars when he entered you. You tightened your legs around his waist, holding onto his broad shoulders. All thoughts of being seen or herd left your mind. You were overwhelmed, Mando pushing into every corner of your senses along with your pussy.
"Fuck..." Din grunted, feeling your hot walls suck him to the hilt. It had been so long he realized how sensitive he was. And you were so tight. He held your ass up, pulling it to grind into him with every stroke.
"Oh Mando!" Your head fell back against the wall. "This-it's so good."
"Mmm you feel amazing, ad'ika. So fucking perfect." Din watched your face slacken with the pleasure he was giving you, your plush lips teasing him. He wanted to feel them. He wanted to put his lips over every inch of you. Your eyes were drooping, staring right into his visor.
"Stay with me, little one. Look- look at us." He fucked harder, leaning back slightly despite the ache in his lower back, watching the point where your flesh met. Your little swollen clit was sitting right on top of his dick, smashing against his pelvis with every stroke.
"Oh-Maker-I'm gonna cum again." You cried, scrabbling against his shoulders for better leverage. You wanted to fuck him back. Din readjusted his grip allowing one hand to be free to circle your clit.
"Who's making you cum?"
"You! You, Mando!" You cried feeling your stomach go incredibly tight then spasming with your orgasm.
"You think anyone else could make you feel this?" Din sped up also nearing his own climax. His voice was rough and torn up, cracking and stressing the voicecoder.
"No-no one else!" You answered eagerly, wanting to please him. "I don't want anyone else."
"Good girl. Fuck- you want to be mine?" He felt his cock twitching. He was seconds away from cumming inside of you. This was the last chance to pull out.
"I want to-be yours- please." You nodded vigorously, looking up at him so he could see you meant it. You dug your heels into his lower back. His grunts became short and quick with each thrust then he came abruptly, crashing his forehead against yours. You gasped feeling the spot where you were joined grow incredibly wet.
"Stars..." Din hissed feeling his pleasure prickle down his spine into his cock. "You mean it, ad'ika?"
"Yes. Show me the stars, Mando."
My masterlist
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @Idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy @dindjarinneedsahug @anaaaispunk @headinthestarz
Din Taglist: @a-skov @pasckles
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years ago
Lisa (Blackpink) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “HEADCANON’s are my thing. Can I request Lisa as your girlfriend, please?”
A/N: lovesick girls SOTY,,, that’s all i have to say
- C
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Get ready to be treated like royalty,, miss manoban won’t settle for anything less when it comes to her baby
Lisa is always romantic, whether its taking you our for a candle-lit, romantic dinner or just staying at home and slow dancing around the living room together
Your guys’ apartment would be the perfect blend of both your tastes, with a gorgeous, retro, red jukebox in the living room that you and Lisa play music from whenever you’re at home
You have a big photograph wall in your room of all the memories you’ve had together,, with most of the pictures being taken by your very own personal photographer Lisa hehe
her camera goes everywhere with her, and she has millions of photos of you that you’ve never even seen, as Lisa loves to keep them to herself so she can look through them when she’s away and misses you
the rest of the pinks are basically your best friends, and they basically knew you before they even met you, thanks to Lisa’s constant gushing over how amazing you are and how lucky she is to be with you :’]
you’re always invited to their shows and concerts,,, and the absolute joy you get seeing all Lisa’s fans scream for her knowing she all yours at the end of the day simply cannot be put into words
on long days before comebacks, you often find yourself heading to Blackpink’s practice room with snacks in hand, reminding the girls to stop overworking themselves and put their health first!
Lisa always teaches you her new dances, even if you have two left feet lol
she loves watching you learn, and after a few months she’s really helped you improve - even if most of you lessons end up to you and her dancing to crazy frog around the practice room like maniacs
the most fun dates!! Like one time you and Lisa went to every single ice cream parlour in your city and reviewed each one to find out which one had the best ice cream around
like YES you were both stuffed and couldn’t touch ice cream for about a month after because you hadn’t recovered... but it was still worth it
the two of you also love to pack a picnic and a blanket, taking a drive out to the big fields in the country side
there’s nothing else around you for miles, just you, Lisa and the sound of birds as they fly by and nest in trees, the two of you just enjoying the blissful break from city life
Plus you get to make daisy chains and talk about the most random things as you lounge on the blanket you packed, completely at ease with life and with one another
you love talking to Lisa so much; your conversation can honestly range from questioning the creation of humanity to talking about your favourite flavour of ice cream (mint choco team rise up)
she always does that little thing with her thumb when she holds your hand, rubbing her thumb ever so softly across the back of your hand and it makes your heart go dsfjksskl
gives the BESTEST hugs ever omg
her head rests on top of yours as she loops her arms around her waist and yours drape around her shoulders, your head against her chest or on her shoulder as she holds you tight against her
also gives A+ cuddles too, she’s like your own personal teddy bear that you can just never pull away from,,, she’s too warm and soft,, you always end up spending hours in her arms whenever you can
rumour has it you almost broke your knees trying to beat Lisa at the rasputin dance - spoiler alert, she still won like she always does jndsfdklds
shopping dates!! which are actually really fun,, Lisa always picks out something for the both of you that’s absolutely ABSURD, and when you go and try it on the two of you end up cracking up with laughter
don’t tell anyone but half the time when Lisa buys clothes for herself she goes for things that you would like in hopes that you borrow them off her... because YOU... in HER CLOTHES... she might just cry uwu
dating Lisa and accidentally becoming a parent to all FOUR of her cats.. good luck i guess xoxo
she loves taking you to Thailand to meet her family, and bringing you to all her favourite spots as a child, wanting to make new memories there with you by her side
she’s also one to show up on your doorstep with two plane tickets and a suitcase packed for you - she doesn’t even tell you where you’re going, but she always has a plan and brings you on the most memorable and life changing trips around the world
she just wants to make so many memories with you and switch things up when you least expect; Lisa loves to keep you on your toes
plus,,,, more memories = more stories to tell your kids when you get to that milestone in the future
which Lisa definitely sees happening, she’s never, ever leaving you behind, it would be a crime to lose a love as strong as yours.
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NSFW From Here:
kind of a service top tbh,,, like this girl just wants her baby to be feeling good and satisfied
will have her way with you any time any place though,, like she always catches you so off guard - you could be just cooking dinner and then all of a sudden she’s crept up behind you and her hand is down your pants
“and I’ll do it again” - Lisa after eating you out on the kitchen counter top x
It drives her fucking insane when you moan out her name, and it only spurs her on to fuck you harder and faster, listening to each heavenly scream spill from your lips
less into sending you nudes and more into sending you steamy choreographies that she’d been practicing just for you
Lisa feels the best when she’s dancing, and she knows just how worked up you get when you watch her dancing to something sexy, so she never hesitates to invite you to the practice room when she knows she’s going to be putting on a show
which usually ends up with you against the practice room mirror, begging for Lisa to go harder and harder - probably scaring away everyone else in the YG building </3
definitely has a rainbow coloured strap on because gay rights 
tbh you couldn’t care less what colour it is - you don’t even know anything except Lisa’s name when she’s using it, each thrust driving you closer and closer to that glorious edge
Lisa absolutely LOVES when you take care of her too, especially after a long day of schedules when she just gets to come home and ride your face until she crashes from tiredness
her favourite thing in the world is getting eaten out, her long legs wrapping around your head to keep her close to her core while her head is thrown back in pleasure
i could definitely see her being into wax play too, mainly because she think its so gorgeous,, the hot wax melting onto your skin and creating a beautiful picture on her favourite canvas
Lisa in thigh high boots......... and deep red lingerie........... thinking so many thoughts
absolutely LOVES receiving/sending nudes, and she saves every single one in a locked folder for her to look back on when she’s busy on tour and missing your touch 
and don’t be surprised if you get a facetime call in the middle of the night, filled with Lisa’s whines and moans as she touches herself over the phone, driving you crazy knowing you can’t be there to please her the way she so clearly desires
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voidclrx · 4 years ago
i requested a yelena college au where the reader has classes with yelena, but they never spoke or anything. yelena catches feelings for the reader. there’s a party going on that weekend and they both attend, the reader with her friends (sasha, mikasa, historia) and yelena with hers (zeke, onyankopon, etc) yelena sees the reader and her friends know about her feelings and encourage her to ask reader to dance. they do and reader accepts. things go well later on and yelena asks to talk to her in private. they go and yelena confesses her feelings. the reader reciprocates the feelings and they end up kissing and end up going to their dorm to do nsfw activities :) thank you! sorry if it’s a lot
aaaaaaah i remember now!! i’m so sorry if it’s late
yelena x fem!reader
tw: little mention of alcohol, nsfw, and fingering
note : it’s too long 😭😭
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the place where people enjoyed the most their life. they’re studying , they met new people and make new friends. but some of them, sometimes fall in love, and yelena was one of them. since a few weeks, she catches feeling for a girl that was in the same classes as her. every time she can, yelena looked at her, trying to watched what is she doing and this girl was you. she didn’t know you much and didn’t even talked to you. but her feelings was there and she was tired of avoided them every time of course, you don’t know about her feelings towards you. sadly, yelena didn’t have any ideas of how approached you, and was really scared of your reaction. lost in her thought, she didn’t noticed that zeke was talking to her. “oi oi, yelena. are you with us?”. “ah yes, sorry”. she said. niccolo looked at her with an interrogative gaze. “what you were thinking about?”. yelena blushed instantately at onyankopon’s question. “oh, um n-nothing special”. “pretty sure you were daydreaming about this girl, y/n, that is in our class”.zeke teased her; nobody expect him and onyankopon know about her crush on you. “i don’t know what you are talking about, zeke.”, she turned her head on the side to hide her embarassment. “we’re not stupid you know. the way you look at her is totally fooling you, don’t lie to us”. zeke declared. yelena was there facing her friends, didn’t know was to responded to him. she knows that he was right, she can’t denied it. she sighed loudly as an answer. “oh and by the way, there is a party this weekend and we are invite”. “oh i don’t know i-”. you know she’s gonna be there too”. onyankopon announced. zeke smirked at her, knowing that she would obviously coming with them at this party. “okay”; she sighed. “i hope for you she’s really gonna be there, if not you’re both dead men”.
the weekend were finally there and the party too, you were in your dorm with mikasa, historia and sasha, preparing yourself for the party. “wow this dress suit you a lot mikasa”. you complimented her as she blushed. “oh t-thanks y/n, you too by the way”. you smiled at her. historia looked at you as she finished putting on makeup to sasha. “y/n? do you want me to put makeup on you?”. “i would like to, thanks”. historia start to put mascara on your lashes, her moves was really soft. after that, she searched for a lipstick. “you want something more glossy or matte?”. “humm, something glossy” you replied. historia takes a glossy pink lipstick and start to put it on your lips. "oooh it suit you a lot, y/n". you looked at yourself in the mirror. she was right, the lipstick made your lips look really beautiful. after everyone getting finally ready, you finally headed towards the party.
there was already a lot of people there, some was already drinking alcohol as if it was water. you and your friends finally arrived, when you saw jean with connie. "hiii guys!". historia runs towards them. jean looked at you four and wave his hand. "hi girls! ready for this party?". "of course, always hehe" sasha replied. "music? yes! come on girls, let’s go dancing". you said as taking your friend’s arm. students were already dancing like if it was their last party.
yelena was there, sat around a table with zeke, onyankopon and niccolo when she saw you, dancing with your friends. your body were synchronised with the rhythm of the music. she was almost drooling looking at your curves, that were more visible because of the dress you wore. "omg yelena, you’re so hopeless. ask her to dance with you or something". zeke proposed her, annoyed by her desperate gaze. "are you crazy? she don’t know me how can i ask her?". she replied. she really wanted to but she was a bit embarrassed because you both had never spoke, so she thought that you may find it weird. "yelena, go ask her or i’ll do it for you" niccolo snapped. yelena looked towards him and replied. "do that and i’ll kill you". as she turned her head, she saw zeke lifted up from the table. "zeke? where are you going?". yelena looked at him. "because you don’t want to ask y/n to dance with you, imma do it for you". yelena’s eyes widened at his answer. "what? no no no!!". zeke stopped and turn around toward her. "so what? you’re gonna stay there, daydreaming about her? yelena i didn’t know you this shy!". "zeke! it would be embarrassing. she didn’t even know m-". zeke cut her off. "i don’t care yelena, i’m done with you looking at her and doing nothing. so with your agreement or not, i’m gonna do it for you". "okay okay, i’m gonna do but please let me a second before, i have to prepare myself mentally". yelena sighed, her heart start to raced really fast. she didn’t expected that the evening where going like this. she start to got up and headed herself towards you. the most she approached to you, the most she felt butterflies growing up. as she was behind you. "mmh, y-y/n?". you turned around as you heard a baritone voice calling you. you looked up to see a tall figure. you know this person, she was in your class, you didn’t say anyone but you find her really beautiful. "yes?". "i-i was wondering if you want to dance with me?". she looked at you, waiting for your answer, you cant help but blushed at her request. you turned on face your friends that seems to cheered you to accept, especially historia. "uhm yes if you want" you looked up to her, not knowing her name. "yelena, i’m yelena!". hearing her name gives you goosebumps, and your cheeks turns red. you wrapped your hand around her neck, and she put her hand on your waist. yours body dance with the rhythm. yelena still had butterflies in her as she look at you, fuck she’s so beautiful, i’m lucky that she had accepted, she thought. you looked at her and smiled, you traced her face with your eyes. you looked first at her big black eyes, you can see that her pupils was bigger than usual, maybe it was because of the alcohol (readers we all know that it’s not alcohol). after that, you looked down at her nose to end up on her plumpy lips. you didn’t know why but you want to kiss them so bad. nobody knows that but you had a little crush on her. you get to be really discreet, so nobody remarked it.
after couple of minutes of dancing with yelena, she approached herself against your ear to whispered "y/n can we go out in a more private place? i want to talk with you". you were a bit hesitant at first but you finally accepted, knowing that she didn’t seems to be dangerous or something. she took your hand and carried you to place where nobody was. she cleared her throat and start to speak. "okay listen y/n, i know that we didn’t know each other that much but since months now a grew up a certain interest towards you, until i developed feelings. i-i like you, y/n". you looked up at her, completely shocked by her announce. "you might think i’m weird sorry. y-you dot have to reciprocate it, it’s not a big deal anyw-". she get cut by you, kissing her. you separate from her to talk to her. "don’t say stupid thing like that, don’t reciprocate? you must be crazy yelena. nobody knows but i was in the same situation as you, i love you too yelena”. as you finished your sentence, yelena takes your cheeks in her hands and kiss you softly. your arms go around her neck, and hers on your hips. your lips moved together, and yelena wanted to mix her tongue with yours, so she asked for you to open your mouth, which you did. the kiss start to get more sensual and needy. yelena stop the kiss and looked at you. "follow me". she took your hand, and you followed her. arrived at her dorm, she opened the door and you entered in. as long as she closes the door, she pinned you against the wall to kiss you. "jump". she commanded you, you jumped and she took your legs to wrap them around her waist. you known how it would ended, but you didn’t complain. yelena carried you in her big bed and continue to kiss you. she wants to took off your dress, but she asked your consent first. "can i?". you nodded as a response, as she unzipped your dress and unclip your bra, your bare breasts showing up to her and she almost drooled at the view. "fuck princess, you have perfect nipples". she started to lick the left one and squeezing the others. you let out small squirming because of the sensation, but scared of someone hearing you, you covered your mouth without hand. but yelena disagreed and pinned your hand in the bed "you have handsome moans, don’t keep them for you". your soft moans were music to her ear. as you let her playing with your breasts, you looked at her. i didn’t know this dominant side of her, that’s freaking hot, you thought. she started to her down on your panties, playing with the elastic. again she asked your permission. of course, you accepted. you lifted your hips to help her. she kissed your inner thigh, and even leaving hickeys on it. after they, she headed her tongue against your soaking cunt. "mmh look at these pinky lips, already so wet for me". she started to lapping your clit slowly as you arched your back because of the sensation. your hands were going in her hair, starting to pulling them. she groaned because of you weren’t going easy on her poor locks.
her licking we’re going faster and your moans were getting loudly. "f-fuck y-yelena that’s so good". "yes, i can hear that kitten". she said, before adding 2 fingers in you. your eyes widened at her thrusts. your legs starting to shakes and you rolled your eyes back, moaning desperately. "baby, i didn’t know you were a pillow princess". your only answer were a moan, since you can’t barely spoke because of yelena’s thrusts that were dizzying you. "yelena- ah. i-i’m clo-ose". you were crying of pleasure. "i know, your wet walls are attacking my fingers now". she joked. "cum on my fingers baby". after the last thrusting, you arched your back as your climax comes over you. getting down from your high and catching your breath again, you looked up at yelena that was smiling at you. she stroke your cheeks softly and kiss your nose. "so are we official, now?". she asked smirking. "of course, ‘lena. it’s not like our private discussion were about that at the beginning". you replied, teasing her of how it has turned.
fuck i hope my english is good and that you like it🏃🏼‍♀️
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rayofsunas · 4 years ago
valentine | diluc [4] finale
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A/n: excuse my little break, lol. I’ve been busy with homework and life tbh, but I’m back!! thanks to those of you who checked in and reassured me breaks are necessary, you really made me feel better thank you <333 andddd, this last chapter whoop whoop! I had so much fun with this, I’m kinda sad ;-; but I’m really excited to start my next mini-series hehe. I’m not sure who I’m going to do next, but I’m leaning towards scaramouche or xiao hmm. let me know what you guys think!! I hope you’re having a beautiful friday/day wherever you are! stay safe <333
Summary: the ever so stoic diluc thought he was being secretive when sending anonymous letters and gifts to you during the week of valentine’s day but turns out everyone in mondstadt knew it was him, though thankfully had tight enough lips to not spill the beans to you. kaeya is of no help, so you go seeking answers yourself.
Parings: Diluc/Fem! Reader (for my other mini-series, there will be some gn ones!)
Warnings: valentines (yes, I’m late, shoot me), fluff, swearing, OOC DILUC BECAUSE I CAN’T WRITE FOR HIM (you’ve been warned)
Word count: 4.9k (omg- I’m so proud of this chapter too, enjoy!)
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Kaeya was the younger brother of Master Diluc. The anonymous man writing to you said he’d had a brother, you assumed younger and now that you knew which was the older of the pair, everything was pointing to the man being Master Diluc.
You couldn’t lie you were frazzled. Could it really be Master Diluc writing to you? You of all people? You weren’t special in any way, no matter how many times Victoria praised you for your intelligence and skills. You didn’t feel so smart right now though, seeing as though Master Diluc had completely slipped your mind as being the writer; you felt ignorant. 
Now that you were walking quietly behind Master Diluc, it made sense. The encrypted words, expensive and thoughtful gifts; Cecilia’s, Qingxin imported specially from Liyue, hell you were even gifted a gorgeous silver bracelet, a red jewel in the center that looked very similar to Diluc’s vision dangling by his left thigh. And although both Captain Kaeya and Master Diluc were well off in terms of Mora, it was your understanding that Diluc was the wealthiest person in Mondstadt, he could afford such commodities anytime he wished.
Should you ask him or would you just embarrass yourself? 
No, you should respect his wishes... If he was in fact the anonymous man, he’d wanted to stay that way for reasons he’d already stressed to you. The least you could do to return the favor was respect his decision and not force him to come clean... No matter how curious you were. 
By the time you were at the Knights headquarters - you have your own place, headquarters is just better to sleep it when you have early mornings - the cool night breeze had set in as well as the silver, twinkling stars. You stood awkwardly at your door, eyes frantically looking anywhere but those red hues. Master Diluc seemed to also be doing the same much to your comfort. At least he was feeling similarly to you. 
“I hope this doesn’t get you in any kind of trouble.” Master Diluc suddenly said, hand sheepishly going to scratch the back of his neck. 
You tilted your head, confused. “Hmm?” 
He blinked at you, eyes going wide for a minute; embarrassment it seemed. “Do Knights not have strict curfews anymore?” He asked. 
Ah, the curfew rule. You had been a young Knight when that was implemented, though, in recent years, it had fizzled down to nothing really. All thanks to a few rule-breakers, a few years back. Then rule had been made for Knights, Captains, everyone. Though now it mostly applied to Knights in training, obviously no one followed the rule. 
“Oh, no, the rule was changed a while back,” You said. “Young Knights in training kept ignoring the curfew and it became a hassle for the Captains to go search them during bed checks at headquarters, they pulled an invisible plug.” A look of distaste appeared on the young man's face, you frowned in response.  
“Of course,” He muttered. “Inefficiency at its best.” You watched silently as he folded his arms across his chest and looked off into the distance to his left. He seemed to be trying to control his anger and irritation, or at least keep it locked down in front of you. Though he was failing, the scowl was evidence on his handsome face. And almost as soon as the words had come out of his mouth, he’d seemed to have regretted it. He snapped his head back to look at you and rushed to apologize. 
“I’m sorry, I meant no disrespect-”
You waved a hand out in the air interrupting him. “I agree,” His face relaxed. You what? “The curfews helped us all be more responsible. There was less slacking off and rogue Knights, that’s for sure,” He watched in astonishment as you laughed it off as if he hadn’t just offended you and your fellow Knights.
“My Captain still follows the rules, to an extent. The trainees are required to live at headquarters, they can’t leave until they’re eighteen or get promoted to a higher position. Knights like me or higher, on the other hand, that rule doesn’t apply to us, unless there’s a far away commission the next morning.” You explained. Master Diluc seemed to visibly relax, you assumed he was glad to hear someone still followed the rules.
“Don’t tell my captain I said this, but he’s a real old-timer; that’s why he follows your rules.” You laughed again, a small smile formed on the redhead's face, you were surprised and caught off guard by that. 
“A good man.” He approved, you laughed again. Archons, was that music to his ears. 
“That he is.”  
Diluc enjoyed the silence settling in, that’s for sure. He only realized how late it had gotten until after he’d watched you yawn, eyes closing slightly as your body seemed to shrink with each inhale and exhale; you were tired, and no doubt had duties tomorrow. How ignorant of him to keep you up like this, even if he had more of a chance to speak with you and be in your presence. 
“I shouldn’t keep you any longer,” You heard him say, watching as he took a few steps back. “I’m sure you have a busy day tomorrow.”
That was partially true, you did have an early day tomorrow. You weren’t sure what your duties would be though, maybe paperwork, more training, a commission or two? You would check with your Captain. But jeez, why had things slipped your mind so easily today? 
“Yes... I nearly forgot.”
He chuckled, adding, “You seem to have forgotten a lot today.” You giggled tiredly. 
“I agree. I promise, I’m usually not like this,” You said. “I did have a question, but it’s quite late...”
A single eyebrow quirked up, he shifted to lean on one side, cockily almost. “So, you’ve remembered?” Shit. 
“Yes and no?” You replied, realizing, either way, you’d gotten yourself in a mildly sticky situation. 
Okay... At Dawn Winery, it had completely slipped your mind. But it seemed the fresh air and break from Victoria’s amazing story had helped you regain your memory. You remembered your question now, it was in bold, red words right in front of you. But you’d decided to not ask him, not until he came forward and revealed himself if he really was the anonymous man he would. Maybe you’d give it a week...?
“Interesting...” Diluc thought to himself, you cringed to yourself, fearful of being caught lying, he seemed to be onto you. “When you remember, will you come find me?” He teased. “Stop by for a drink one time; tea, wine, juice, anything. My mother really enjoyed your company...”
Master Diluc knew. He had to of known you were lying. He was far too intelligent to not know. 
“I- Sure.” 
Diluc had never thought he’d see you in his presence so soon, that’s for sure. He thought he’d only see you when he decided to confess, which he was still working on. He never thought he’d be walking you home, but you had been great company and what kind of man would he be if he let a woman walk home by herself? Even if you were a Knight. 
He was a bundle of nerves the whole way even after he arrived back home, to greet his mother was oddly still up. 
“Mother, you’re awake?” He asked, stepping into the house for the last time tonight, eyes scanning the room to see the fireplace lit and crackling, the older woman sitting on an armchair. And would you look here, his annoying brother was present as well. That caused Diluc’s face to crease in annoyance. “And you’re here. Why?” He spat, the Cavalry Captain rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t have a bedtime,” She teased, Kaeya smiling. Those two were like two peas in a pod once together, his mother was definitely the more reasonable and tolerant. “And leave your brother alone, it’s from my understanding that he helped you with that girl, Y/n.” 
Diluc rolled his eyes. Of course, Kaeya would tell their mother, but the real question was, had he told others? He definitely wouldn’t be surprised if the entirety of Mondstadt knew of his crush on you, all thanks to his annoying little brother. 
“It’s no one's business, but mine,” The wine tycoon snapped. Victoria’s face scrunched up in anger, eyes glaring daggers. “Sorry...” He apologized, moving around the couches and armchairs, to finally sit on the loveseat not occupied, his hands went to his face, elbows rested on his knees.
“So,” Kaeya started, earning a testing look from the woman across from him. A look of warning. “You walked her home, anything else happen?” Kaeya couldn’t help but smirk to himself.
“What’re you implying?” The eldest snapped. 
Kaeya shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know, did you maybe tell her, kiss her?” Victoria hissed, nearly launching herself over the arm of her chair to swat her youngest on the back of his head. He groaned in annoyance. 
“Not yet.”
“Are you going to?” The cryo user probed. 
Archons, Kaeya always had too many idiotic questions. Nosy bastard. Of course, he’d tell you, eventually.
“I’m working on it...” Kaeya chuckled to himself, Victoria just stared at the redhead with sadness. She felt bad, you were a great young woman, she saw that. Hell, she hadn’t even known you for an hour, but she already approved. She wanted this to work out for her eldest, he’d always been the one with the most burdens on his shoulders it seemed, he always picked up the entire world's troubles and carried them on strong shoulders. He deserved someone good, someone, like you. “Now, don’t you have better things to do? Like getting drunk? Go away.” He sounded like a child all over again, Victoria thought. He was unfolding right here, he was still her little boy after all. 
Kaeya frowned, seeing how bothered his brother seemed. An eye focused on Victoria who was mouthing for him to go upstairs, he decided to listen for once surprisingly. With less sass in his step, Kaeya found himself wandering towards the stairs and eventually disappearing up them.
As soon as the trouble maker was gone, Victoria shifted in her seat so she could fully face her eldest son. 
“Do you love her?” She suddenly asked, Diluc’s heart seemed to speed up significantly. “It’s alright if you’re not sure, I’ve been there many times-”
“Yes, I do.”
He watched with an embarrassed hue on his face as his mother smiled a genuine, bright smile. She was happy for him, proud, she approved. That’s all he’d wanted. He wishes his father could meet you, he’d like you, he was sure of it. 
“That’s great. I’m very happy for you,” She said proudly. “You should tell her. She’s a great woman, she’ll accept you with open arms.” She reassured though Diluc could only shake his head. 
“You cannot be so sure.” He mumbled sadly, Victoria clicked her tongue with the shake of her head, leaning forward in her seat. 
“I can,” She said, matter a factly. “She reminds me of myself when I was younger, though a little less reckless and in a much better headspace. She’s sure of herself I can tell, even though she looked quite frazzled in your presence; but all young women get like that around my sons.” The woman added with a teasing smile, Diluc just waved her off nonchalantly. He didn’t care about any other woman, you mattered most, above all. 
“You have nothing to worry about,” She reassured. “I’m not sure if her feelings are romantically driven, but I can tell she respects you a great deal. Poor thing though, she was so nervous she looked like a shaking leaf... I’ll have to help her feel more comfortable, after all, she might as well be my future daughter-in-law.”
Diluc nearly froze. Archons, his mother was something else... “Mother, I haven’t even told her I’m the one behind the letters-”
“Nonsense!” She said over excitedly. “You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about marrying her?” 
“Maybe even a family...?” He knew she was getting antsy for grandchildren, though he couldn’t understand why so soon. She wasn’t even in her fifties yet, and he and Kaeya were barely into adulthood. She’d had a hard enough time raising two helions at such a young age and then by herself after their father's death, so why was she resilient for him to start a family? He’d never understand mothers' need for grandchildren... 
“Marriage and children are two different things... I haven’t given much thought towards children,” He said honestly. “I always assumed I’d either be alone for life or marry for political reasons... Father had always said Jean was perfect for me,” Victoria frowned at his statement. “And children well... they don’t particularly like me.”
“Nonsense. I knew your father for ten years or so, and let me say, he’d be proud of whatever decision you make. Jean, Y/n- he just wanted you happy,” She explained wholeheartedly, words filled with sincerity. “And let me just say, no other child will look at you with such love and adoration, other than your own. They’ll hold you in the highest regards, then it won’t even matter if other kids like you or not. The only validation you’ll need is from your own child,” Her eyes glittered with joy, a smile forming on her beautiful face. “I can say that with one hundred and ten percent honesty and certainty, from experience with you and Kaeya.”
Diluc’s heart warmed at that. She always knew what to say and he always felt this great sense of pride from her whenever talking about being their mother. She enjoyed it so much, she was proud she’d taken the offer ten or so years ago, the best decision she’d ever made. 
“I much like your father, only want you happy. If being with Y/n without marriage or children makes you happy, then those things don’t matter to me.”
He flashed a warm smile, that nearly left her starstruck, nearly frozen like an icicle from Dragonspine. “Thank you, mother,” She nodded, cheeks flaring red. 
“I think one day... if things work out, I will ask her to marry me,” 
“And if she wanted children, I’d be alright with that too.”
“I’d do anything for her.”
“Captain, good morning.” You exclaimed walking into your Captain's office the next morning, taking note of how he was sitting behind his mahogany desk, reviewing what looked to be paperwork and a map in front of him. 
He briefly looked up, dark eyes meeting yours, before pointing to the seats opposite side of the desk. “Come take a seat, Knight.” You nodded following orders, falling into quick, silent steps, choosing to take a seat in the left chair. 
You waited for your orders, eyes staying trained on your Captain. He eventually spoke. “I see you’ve been making quick work of your commissions here in Mondstadt,” The older man noted, you just nodded, appreciating the praise. “Five a day and you’ve managed to fit in training for the younger Knights I see.”
“Yes, sir, I believe the daily training is important.” You admitted honestly. 
“Yes, it is,” He agreed, finally meeting your eyes only after he turned the map around so it was properly facing you. “Allow me to cut right to the chase,” You gulped nervously. Were you being blacklisted? Given a higher position, maybe Captain? What was going on? You slowed your brain, remembering he was going to explain to you what was going on in a moment. But that didn’t stop you from worrying. You were a capable Knight, your stats showed that you just hoped you weren’t being let go. 
Easing your nerves, your Captain began speaking again. “Acting Grand Master Jean has recently been notified that the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger, Childe, has stolen the Geo Archons’ Gnosis.” Your heart dropped to your stomach. Shock, fear, confusion was present in every form within you. Those names and titles sounded familiar, they weren’t unknown figures in Teyvat, not at all. It was a custom for all types of schooling in Teyvat to be educated on all seven of the Archons and nations, and groups such as the Fatui with their elite branch of soldiers, the Harbingers. Plus, as soon as the Knights in training passed the required tests and became official Knights, they would be taught separately from what was usually taught; learn about much rarer and dangerous types of monsters, learn every detail of the Eleven Fatui, about any assassins and people to be wary about on commissions and travels between nations.  
One question you had was why in the world were the Harbingers stealing the Archons Gnosis? You’ve heard that Lord Barbatos’ Gnosis had also recently been stolen by La Signora, Eighth of the Fatui Harbingers. So, what was the reason for the Geo Archons to be stolen as well? 
The more obvious answer to that question was they were probably stealing their powers to harness themselves. They were strong enough though, they would only be selfish to steal a literal god's Celestial power and take it for themselves. Greedy, you noted.
But you couldn’t be sure because one of Alchemy's prominent figures, an elder, who closely worked with Albedo in the past, had recently been kidnapped by a Scaramouche, Sixth of the Eleven Harbingers. Teyvat was lucky Albedo hadn’t been taken hostage, it was decided he would be under watch for now. 
You were seeing an obvious pattern here. A devious, worrying pattern. But now that an alchemist had been kidnapped and was under their care, maybe even lack thereof, one of the worst possible scenarios became evidently present and more aware. 
Alchemy could do many wonders, one is to make new forms of life; plants, animals, etc. If the pattern stayed true that they planned to be stealing all the Archons Gnosis was true, then they could possibly be creating an artificial army of sorts, with the usage of life forms created by Alchemy. This wasn’t good.
“This isn’t good.” You muttered, hand going under your chin in thought. Your captain nodded, though you missed it, too deep in thought. 
“You see the issue I presume then,” He said, you nodded in response. “Great. You’ll be a fast learner in the kind of environment you’ll be placed in.” You hummed, wondering what in the hell he was talking about.
“Acting Grand Master Jean and I, have cleared you to venture into Snezhnayan territory to gather intel.”
What? You’ve never traveled outside of Mondstadt, ever. Hell, you’ve never even been into Liyue, the closest nation to Mondstadt... Snezhnaya was very, very far away. Pretty dangerous territory, so you’ve heard. Even the locals had a hard time managing the severe storms and frigid cold. 
“Sir, I’ve never been to Snezhnaya before.” You explained, eyes filled with confusion. 
“Do not worry,” The man reassured. “You may take a small team with you if you please. The Knight’s cartographer, Maria, is very skilled at what she does, she’d be a great help,” He offered. You agreed, you’ve never met Maria personally, but she’d be a great help. “Any other cleared Knight, you may take with you on your journey,” You nodded. 
“But like all Knights, you’re exceptionally skilled in the medical field and your stats are practically off the chart; you’re an elite soldier, Knight. There’s a reason Acting Grand Master Jean requested you do this.” You froze, questioning your ability no longer. You would accept this mission without a fuss. Acting Grand Master Jean choose you for this mission specifically. She trusted you, she valued your skills and assets and was acknowledging them. This was any Knight’s dream. The man’s praise, no, Acting Grand Master Jean’s silent praise and approval meant worlds to you... You wished you had the time to thank her personally, but it was from your understanding you would need to leave immediately. 
“Thank you, sir,” He sent a firm nod your way. “I assume I would be leaving as soon as possible. So, could you pass my thanks and gratitude to the Acting Grand Master?”
He allowed a smile to spread across his aging face, head-nodding gently, though the smile had disappeared soon after. “I will.”
You bowed your head out of respect. “Thank you.” 
Your Captain continued to clue you in about the journey to Snezhnaya, that you would be sent as a spy since you’ve never had any run-ins with any of the Harbingers, therefore your job as a spy would be easier. He allowed you to pick a small team of your choosing, to accompany you into the cold. Though, reassured him you would manage fine with just Maria, the young cartographer. You didn’t want to burden anyone else, especially if this journey was much more trying and dangerous than originally thought. 
He came to a standing position, you mirrored his movements as he walked you to the door to see you out.
“I’m sorry to have to bring you this news before Valentine's day, I’m not sure if you wanted to spend the day with a loved one...” He trailed on, eyes filled with an apologetic tint. He was truly sorry to bear you this bad news of sorts, right before the day of love. You understood though, this was your duty. You wouldn’t complain because you had no reason to.
“I’m sorry to have to bring you this news before the day of love,” Ah Valentine's day... You’d completely forgotten that was coming up... “I’m not sure if you wanted to spend the day with a loved one...” He trailed on, eyes filled with an apologetic tint. He was truly sorry to bear you this bad news of sorts, right before the day of love. You understood though. 
“I had no plans, so it’s quite alright, sir,” You said turning to him as soon as you were standing under the door frame. “This mission is of the utmost importance. It’s my duty as a Knight to accept and complete the tasks asked of me.”
He nodded, hand raising to salute you, once he was done you mirrored him out of respect. “Very well put, Knight,” He praised again. “Safe travels on your journey, keep me updated with weekly reports.”
“I will, sir.”
As soon as you had left your Captain's office, you were quick to find the cartographer Maria, she’d be helping you find your way through Liyue and into Snezhnaya. 
It was to your knowledge that around this time of year, the snow in Snezhnaya was even thicker and harder to trudge through, you needed to leave as soon as you could.
Eventually, you found Maria in the library, grabbing various types of books and maps and throwing them into a large brown leather satchel. Great. It seems as though she had already been let in about the mission before you; you could get going much sooner.
Now, you were on your way to your own house to grab any necessities not left in your room at headquarters; clean clothes, Mora, etc. As soon as you made sure you had enough Mora to buy food or anything else you’d need along the way, and clothes for a warm journey, though making sure not to shoulder too much, you were on your way to the gates with Maria now at your side.
You didn’t make it far out of the gates of Mondstadt before you were being stopped, surprisingly by Master Diluc. 
He looked to be in a hurry, out of breath as he came running up to you and Maria. When he spotted the young woman at your side, your sword on your hip and backpack on your shoulders, he realized he might’ve caught you at a bad moment...
“Apologies, you seem to be on a mission...” He said meekly.
You waved your hand, smiling back at Maria who had wandered towards the gates to give you two privacy. Looking back at Master Diluc, you said, “No worries, I was just heading out.”
“May I ask where?” You tilted your head to the side, confused. He caught onto your confusion and clarified by saying, “I just wanted to tell you something,”
It must be important to come bounding after you like he just did, unfortunately, though you were leaving...
“Oh,” You glanced back at Maria waiting by the shared entrance and exit, face buried deep in a newly made map. “I’m actually headed somewhere important, I don’t think I’ll be back for a while,” You noticed his face drained paler than it already was, but you decided to ignore it. He probably wouldn’t clarify what that was about. “You could write me a letter and leave it on my windowsill for me for when I return-”
“I’m the one behind the letters.” He interrupted, face regaining color, but this time, his cheeks tinted red, matching none other than his wavy hair kept back in a ponytail.
Your heart stopped beating. “What...?”
“Please don’t make me repeat myself...” He whispered, glancing around. You followed his eyes silently, noticing people had begun to silently convene. 
You weren’t sure if they knew that he was the one behind the love letters. You assumed not.... they were probably just shocked to see the young wine tycoon out in public, nonetheless talking to a woman.
“Oh,” you said, ignoring that his face seemed to deepen in worry again. Unbeknownst to you, all Diluc could think was, she’s disappointed it’s me. Why else would she react that way? She hoped for someone else...
But you opened your mouth, and shared words that reassured him, made him feel less ashamed. “Thank you for telling me. I um- I’m very happy it’s you,” He glanced up from the ground, red eyes meeting yours. A genuine smile was on your face, and for once, a genuine smile came to his nature. “I’d secretly hoped it was you.” You admitted. Diluc’s heart fluttered with joy, he couldn’t describe the feelings and emotions that were currently present within him, he just knew they were so overwhelming, he’d only wanted to do one thing.
“May I kiss you?” He asked respectively. Your own heart began to flutter and do somersaults within your chest. 
Right here? Right now? In front of all these people? He was comfortable with that?
But you found yourself shyly whispering yes. 
And he did exactly that, he kissed you like a shy teen, quickly leaning in to peck your slightly dry lips (you wished you applied some lip balm before leaving your house, but you didn't know you’d be getting kissed by the most beautiful man in all of Teyvat) before pulling away bashfully. You giggled at that, ignoring the gasps of the woman, men, and few children - whose eyes were being covered by their mothers.
“I’m very happy to hear that you’re not disappointed it’s me.” He’d whispered against your lips before pulling away to stare at you. Archons, you wished he hadn’t pulled away soon. But the bright hue on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose made up for it. He’s so cute when he blushes, you thought.
Love, adoration, you couldn’t tell... But he seemed to be feeling it all and allowing it to shine brightly in his eyes. 
“I would never be, Master Diluc.” You replied, equally as starstruck as he appeared.
“Diluc is fine.” He reassured you, you stared at him in awe, before smiling. 
“Diluc...” You whispered to yourself, correcting what you'd said earlier. You would have to get used to calling him just Diluc, though dropping the title Master would be hard. It was what everyone called him.
“If it’s alright, I’d like to accompany you on your commission,” he said, shocking you for the second time today. 
“Really? You would seriously do that?” You asked, astonished. 
“Of course,” He started. “You can handle yourself, yes, but for my own sanity I would like to accompany you to make sure you’re safe.” He didn't belittle your skill, which you were thankful for. Many men, often ones in the military belittled your skill and claimed you needed assistance because you were a woman. You weren’t some fragile being, you were a Knight of Favonius. 
“Thank you...” You whispered, he seemed to understand immediately what the gratitude was for. 
“Are you ready?” You asked, noticing how he didn’t have any bags, just himself and his Claymore. “You don’t have any gear...” You noted.
“I’ll alright, that’s all I need if I’m with you.” He whispered so only you could hear, shyly reaching for your hand.
For a moment, you stood staring at his outstretched hand, wondering how in the world this had happened and when he became such a romantic. He’d been behind the letters the whole time and had kissed you?! Diluc would surely need to tell you the story of it all on your journey. You had a long way to Snezhnaya, soyou had time for the entire story. 
The only thing ingrained in your mind as you allowed his hand to encompass your own, was that you missed the touch of his lips on yours and greatly enjoyed his romantic admissions.
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zukoskataraa · 4 years ago
a day at the vet
hey guys! it’s been so long since i last made a fic omg hope you all like this! this may or may not have a continuation, depending on the feedback hehe. also, it turned out longer than i had planned. but nonetheless, enjoy!
ps: client refers to the owner, while patient refers to the pet
vet!zuko and client!katara
“I’ll see you guys in two weeks. And remember, no baths for Momo here for two days. You can go and pay at the desk.” Zuko says, smiling at Mai, his client. Zuko grabbed the clipboard from the table and gave Momo a quick boop on the nose, heading towards the door. The restrainer headed out first, leaving the two of them behind.
“Will do. Thank you, Doctor.” Mai replies, smiling. Zuko sensed that she had something else to say. “Um, I know this is kind of inappropriate, but would you like to go out for dinner soon? Y-You don’t have to say yes, Doctor. It’s just, you’re really sweet and kind. So, uh, I was just wondering.” Mai asks, avoiding Zuko’s gaze. 
“Mai, I’m sorry, but I make it a point to not go out with my clients. I appreciate the offer, though. Thank you.” Zuko smiles as he walks out of the room. He sighed as he walked towards the front desk, footsteps echoing in the dimly-lit hallway. He grabbed his pen from the front pocket of his lab coat, humming.
Zuko was 26 years old, and he was single. Which was something that almost every client tried to take advantage of when they knew that he wasn’t in a relationship. His clients asked him out on dates, and he would decline every single one of them. He maintained his professionalism, which was something he liked about himself. The next time he would see the clients that asked him out - be it during their pet’s next check-up or outside of work - neither he nor the client would bring up the awkward conversation. Zuko never got mad or annoyed at his clients’ questions, in fact he was flattered. 
“Hey, Suki.” He greeted the receptionist. He smiled at Aang who was talking to a client in the waiting room, and gave a small wave. Aang and the client waved back. “Slow day today, huh?”
“Yup, but it’s still 11, so who knows.” Suki said,  Zuko nodded, signing a form.
“That’s true. So, Momo in room 1 had his rabies vaccine and deworming today along with his check-up.” Zuko said. Suki smiled while typing the information Zuko told her into the computer.
 “Your next patient is Appa in room 5.” Suki says and Zuko smiles. Appa was one of Zuko’s favorite patients. But Appa’s owner on the other hand, was not his favorite client.
“Just a check-up for Appa today?” Zuko asked. Suki hummed and nodded. “Okay, thanks.” Zuko grabbed a clipboard with the clinic form, turned back and headed towards his next patient, almost bumping into Mai who was on her way out.
“Oh, sorry Doctor Zuko.” Mai said, still avoiding Zuko’s gaze.
“It’s alright. No harm done.” He said as he walked to room 5. He opened the door and was shocked at who he saw. Sitting on a chair was his highschool sweetheart. She had long and wavy chocolate brown hair, caramel brown skin and ocean blue eyes - without a doubt, it was her.
“Katara?” Zuko asked, closing the door. Katara smiled, despite being surprised, and Zuko was reminded of the old days when they were in high school. Zuko saw a hint of a blush on her cheeks.
“Oh, hi Zuko. I mean, Doctor Zuko.” She said. The old lovers were too busy staring at each other, not noticing when Appa suddenly jumped up on Zuko, almost making him fall. Zuko chuckled as he petted the energetic dog. “Oh my god! Appa, down!” Katara stood up, grabbing the Golden Retriever’s leash and gently tugging on it. The dog gets off of Zuko, sitting down as he looks up at the doctor. “Sorry about that. I think he likes you.”
“No worries, I like him too. Plus, he’s a gentle giant. But it seems that he’s gotten heavier since he last came here.” Zuko says, smiling at Katara. “Where is Appa’s owner though? I-I wasn’t expecting to see you here, Kat. Katara. But I have to say, it is a nice surprise.” Zuko says, and Katara smiled at the nickname that rolled off Zuko’s tongue a numerous amount of times back in high school.
“I also wasn’t expecting to see you. But it is nice to see you.” She said truthfully, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Zuko is reminded of how he used to tuck Katara’s hair behind her ear, right before he would give her a kiss. “I’m just doing this as a favor. Jet, Appa’s owner, is a, uh, friend of mine.” She explained.
“Just a friend?” Zuko asked, a hint of jealousy in his voice, and Katara looked at him. Gentle, blue eyes stared into intense, brown ones. “Ah, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ask about your personal life.” He said, looking at the form in his hand to distract himself. “I’ll call a restrainer. One sec.” Zuko places the clipboard on a table and walks outside the door, closing it behind him as he sighed. He walked towards the front desk, leaning close to Suki.
“Hey, do you think Aang or Toph could examine Appa for me today?” Zuko asks, voice almost a whisper.
“Why? Is there something wrong? Aang left to buy some lunch and Toph is doing an emergency C-section right now with Ty.” Suki asks.
“Well, it’s just that his owner isn’t here. It’s the owner’s... friend that brought Appa.” Zuko explains.
“Well, that’s weird. I thought that the pretty girl was his owner’s girlfriend.” Suki said, and Zuko clenched his jaw, which didn’t go unnoticed by Suki. “But, you’re Appa’s doctor. And you already went inside the room, right? It’d be weird if you just suddenly disappeared.” Suki says and Zuko sighs.
“Yeah, you’re right. Could I get 2 restrainers for Appa? He’s a big boy.” Zuko says and Suki nods, gesturing to the two employees in the waiting area.
“Right away, Doctor.” She says, giving him a wink. He chuckles and walks back to Katara and Appa with the restrainers behind him.
“Hey, I’m back.” Zuko announces as he opens the door. Appa barks, tail rapidly wagging side to side. Zuko smiles as he pets the dog. “Hey there, buddy.” He steps to the side, grabbing the clipboard. The two restrainers come in, and Katara greets them with a ‘Good morning’ and a friendly smile. Zuko smiles, she was as kind as ever.
“Kat, I mean Katara,  you can give them the leash. They’ll hoist Appa up on the table.” Zuko says. 
“O-Oh, yes. Of course.” Katara says and she gives the leash to one of the restrainers. She heads over to Zuko, standing beside him. Her arm lightly brushes over his, and Zuko raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say a word.
“Be careful guys.” Zuko says to the two employees as they gently put Appa on the examination table. Appa barks once he’s on the table, and Katara giggles, petting his head. “Alright, I’ll start the examination in a bit. But I’m gonna do some history taking first.” Zuko says as he grabs the clipboard.
“Okay, yeah. Seems easy.” Katara says, looking at Zuko. Zuko looks at her, giving her a small smile.
“I take it this is your first time at the vet, Katara? I mean, you were pretty scared of dogs back then.” Zuko says and Katara giggles.
“Yes, this is my first time at the vet, Doctor Zuko.” Katara says, emphasizing his title. “And Appa here is an exception. He’s a good boy and I’d do anything for him.” 
“You’ll need to be as honest as possible when you answer the questions, okay?” Zuko says, and Katara pokes his biceps, making him chuckle. Katara smiles, not expecting to feel that much muscle. 
“I’m not a kid, Doctor. I know how to answer questions when it comes to taking the patient’s history.” Katara says and Zuko smiles, nodding. Zuko’s questions range from the basic ones to the more complicated ones, and Katara answers each question precisely and correctly - or that’s what Zuko likes to think. Because clients lie all the time.
“Well, looks like Appa is as healthy as ever.” Zuko says, writing something on the form. Katara tries to sneak a peek, leaning close. Zuko chuckles, tucking the clipboard close to his chest. Katara looks up at him and smiles. Their faces were a few inches apart, and Zuko holds his breath. 
“Sorry. Just got curious.” She says, leaning away. Zuko smiles, awkwardly patting her shoulder.
“It’s alright. Now that I’m done with the history taking, it’s time for the physical exam.” Zuko says, and Appa barks. 
“It’ll be okay, Appa. Doctor Zuko is gonna take good care of you” She says in a soothing tone and Zuko smiles. Her voice was always nice to listen to. Zuko puts the clipboard on the table, and places his pen in the pocket of his lab coat. Zuko reaches over behind Katara, to grab some gloves. Katara freezes when she notices that Zuko is close to her - very close; Zuko’s lips almost touch Katara’s ear, his free hand lightly brushing against hers. He chuckles as he leans away and puts on his gloves. Katara lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, and Zuko glances at her, smirking.
“I don’t mean to sound rude or unprofessional, but you two look like a couple.” One of the restrainers says, and his partner nudges him. “I-I mean, you two look good together.” He says and his partner shakes his head in embarrassment. Katara blushes and Zuko smiles.
“Well, we actually dated back in highschool.” Zuko says, starting the physical exam on Appa by examining his mouth and teeth.
“I-It was a long time ago.” Katara says, staring at the ground. She would be lying if she said that Zuko wasn’t a great boyfriend. Because he was. The best, in fact. “We, uh, we dated for 3 years.” Katara says and Zuko nods, checking Appa’s ears.
“We were together from sophomore year to senior year.” Zuko continues, grabbing his stethoscope. “Hold him steady.” He tells the restrainers, placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope on Appa’s chest. There’s a short silence in the room as Zuko counts Appa’s respiratory rate. Zuko nods and removes his stethoscope, placing it around his neck. He grabs his pen, writing down the information on the form.
“Were you guys the perfect couple?” The other restrainer asks, her interest piqued. Zuko smiles, looking at Katara - who was now blushing. “A-And why did you guys break up?”
“Well, there’s no perfect couple.” Katara says, looking up at Zuko. Familiar blue eyes meet brown ones, a twinkle in both their eyes.
“We fought, sure.” Zuko says, looking away as he continued examining Appa. Katara looks at the restrainers, both of them intently looking at Zuko. “But who doesn’t fight, right? So yeah, we fought. And we made up. That’s life. That’s how a relationship goes. And well, we broke up because we both wanted different things in life. But we ended things on good terms. We just, uh, never made it a point to contact each other after that.” Zuko says.
“You’re a love guru now, Doctor Zuko?” Katara asks, teasing. The restrainers laugh while Zuko shakes his head, chuckling.
“I have a degree in veterinary medicine, Katara. I don’t know anything about love, only animals.” Zuko says, grabbing a thermometer from the drawer. “Could you make him stand up.” Zuko says to the restrainers. Zuko lubricates the thermometer, as one restrainer carefully holds Appa’s head and upper half of his body, the other the lower half of his body. “Okay, buddy. This might be a little cold.” He says, rubbing Appa’s neck to distract him. “Hold him still, okay? He hates when I take his temperature.” Zuko says as he inserts the thermometer into Appa. Appa moves and tries to get out of the restrainers’ grips. 
“I-Is he usually like that?” Katara asks, arms folded across her chest. Zuko nods.
“Yeah, he can get a bit aggressive during this part. Other dogs may yelp, sure. But Appa is different.” Zuko explains, holding the thermometer. “But then again, I wouldn’t want a thermometer up my butt either.” He jokes and Katara laughs. The thermometer beeps a few seconds later, and Zuko takes it out, disinfecting it and wiping it as he records Appa’s temperature.
“Well, everything seems great. Appa is-” Zuko talks, but is cut off by the door opening to reveal Appa’s owner, Jet. Appa gets excited, barking and wagging his tail. The restrainers hold him carefully, so he doesn’t fall off the table.
“Ah, hello Doctor. Hello, my love.” Jet greets as he walks in the room, giving Katara a peck on the cheek. 
“Jet! I-I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Katara says, putting on a fake smile. Zuko grits his teeth when Jet wraps his arm around Katara.
“Well, my meeting ended early. And I thought that we could have lunch at the park after this.” Jet says and Katara looks at Zuko, silently asking for help. He nods, coughing.
“As I was saying,” Zuko says, and Katara smiles. “Appa is healthy. However, he needs to go on a diet. How many times do you feed him in one day?”
“Three times.” The couple answers in unison and Zuko nods.
“Make it two times a day. Breakfast and dinner. He can have treats, but don’t overdo it.” Zuko says, writing something into the form.
“Two times a day? That’s rough, buddy.” Katara says, petting Appa. Zuko smiles.
“Other than him having to go on a diet, he seems healthy. His next deworming will be… three weeks from now.” Zuko says, checking Appa’s old form. Jet sighs, clearly bored. This is why Zuko hated Jet. “You guys can put him down now.” Zuko tells the restrainers, and they do. Appa walks to Jet, and he gives the dog a quick scratch. Zuko nods to the restrainers, and they take that as their cue to leave.
“I-Is that it, Doctor?” Katara asks, and Zuko nods.
“Yes. You may also give him vitamins, which are available at the front desk.” Zuko says. 
“Babe, why don’t you take Appa and pay at the front?” Katara tells Jet and he nods.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll wait for you. Thanks, Doc.” Jet says as he grabs Appa’s leash and walks out the door. There’s an awkward silence between the old lovers.
“So… just a friend, huh?” Zuko says, raising an eyebrow and Katara shrugs.
“No, not a friend. We’re dating.” Katara says, sitting down. Zuko looks at her, leaning on a wall.
“And are you happy?” Zuko asks, concern in his voice.
“Y-Yes, I am. Just… Oh my god, this is gonna be so embarrassing.” Katara says, avoiding Zuko’s gaze.
“What? You can tell me, Kat.” Zuko says.
“I was happier when I was with you. All the guys I’ve dated ever since we broke up… None of them compare to you.” Katara says, scoffing. “See? Embarrassing.” Zuko crouches down in front of Katara, looking at her. Her eyes resembled the ocean, that’s what Zuko always thought of. Zuko places his hands on her thighs, giving them a small squeeze.
“It’s not embarrassing. Thank you, for telling me.” Zuko’s voice was calm and gentle. “Who would have thought that we’d reunite here at work?” He jokes and Katara giggles.
“I miss you, Zuko.” Katara confesses, her voice almost a whisper. Zuko sighs, standing up. “I’m so pathetic. One look at you and suddenly I forget that I have a boyfriend.”
“Don’t worry, every client seems to forget they have a boyfriend when they see me.” Zuko says, lightening the mood.
“Your girlfriend must get jealous, huh?” Katara asks and Zuko shakes his head.
“I’m single, Kat.” Zuko admits and Katara widens her eyes.
“No way, you’re joking! You’re too hot to be single!” Katara says and Zuko chuckles. “Okay, forget the last part. But seriously, are you still single?”
“Yes, I really am still single.” There’s a moment of silence, neither of them knowing what to say next.
“I should get going.” Katara says, standing up. Zuko nods. She looks up at him, smiling. “We should grab a coffee sometime. You know, catch up. How does that sound?”
“I normally don’t go out with clients. But technically, you aren’t my client, your boyfriend is. So, that sounds wonderful, Katara. I’m free on Friday.” Zuko smiles. Katara nods and grabs a pen and paper from her bag, quickly writing her number. She slips the paper into the pocket of Zuko’s lab coat, earning a chuckle from the doctor. “Before you go, I have something to tell you.”
“Yes, Doctor?” Katara asks. Zuko takes a deep breath.
“You were my first love. And you always will be. And you’re also the one that got away. I know you have a boyfriend, but if there’s even the slightest chance that we can start over, I would really like that. Because not a day goes by that I don’t think about you, Katara.” Zuko says, his voice sincere. Katara smiles, putting her hand on his cheek.
“Coffee first?” She asks and Zuko chuckles.
“Yes, coffee first.” Zuko says, smiling. Katara nods as she walks towards the door. “Wait, Katara.” Zuko says, his back facing the door.
“Yeah?” She asks, looking back.
“I miss you too.” Zuko says. Katara smiles as she opens the door and walks out. Friday couldn’t come faster.
ao3: zukoskataraa 
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kelieah · 5 years ago
my neighborhood (peter parker x vigilante!reader) [1]
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request: @annamckayla : HELLO! Omg i love ur writing so much ahhhh! I was hoping I could request for a peter x reader, where they are both heroes (or reader is bad idm up to you) and they are fighting ppl / each other but they are super flirty! AHH OK ILY BYEEE ;)))))))))
warnings: sarcasm, insulting, flirting, fighting. reader is a vigilante, goes to midtown high and is semi close friends with peter. kinda like a hate love relationship. alsooo reader’s powers is speed and eletricity so basically the flash idkdkdk sorry
edited: i’m working on a new series based off of this request! masterlist for it is here
a/n: my first request! so happy hehe ilyt!! also im so sorry if this doesnt make sense, im not great with super powers lol
pov: first, y/n
I have to admit. He’s cute, but he’s so irritating. Is it the fact that he’s so undeniably cute? Yes. No, yes but Peter is such a know it all, or at least I think so.
For some reason, it didn’t stop me from hanging out with him and his friends for the past couple of months. After picking up some school lunch, I grab a seat in front of Peter and Ned.
“Hey Y/n,” Ned smiles. “Hi Ned! Hi Peter,” I greet back, looking over at Peter. He didn’t seem to notice, his eyes too focused on Liz. 
“Why do you even hang out with them Y/n, they’re losers,” I hear MJ pipe up. Ned, Peter and I all turn our heads to her.
“True-” I stifle a laugh.
“Then why are you sitting here with us?” Peter retorts.
“Because she’s cool, and doesn’t drool over seniors like, someone,” I cough, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and glares at me.
“She’s not wrong,” Ned murmurs.
“Dude!” Peter huffs, making me giggle. He smiles slightly and slumps on the palm of his hand, looking away.
“Pete, could you come over after school? I need help with chem, and I know you need help with English,” I poke him with a fork causing him to swat me away.
“Yeah whatever, I think that’s just an excuse to get me to come over,” he teases.
“Shut up!” I groan. Ned and MJ share a suspicious glance. “What?” I ask cluelessly.
“Nothing,” they both say quietly.
After a long dreadful day of school, Peter and I met up at the front of the school, by the gates.
“Hey Penis Parker,” I smirk, holding onto my backpack straps.
He lets out a long sigh, “Not you too, Y/n. C’mon,” he huffs.
“I’m just messing with you Pete,” I bump into him, beginning to walk ahead.
He follows, catching up easily, “Right. Anyways, have you heard about the new vigilante in town?”
I tense at the subject, “Uhm yeah, that speedy girl?”
“Yup. What do you think about her?”
“Uh, I don’t know. All I know is that she’s probably better than Spider-Man.”
He looks at me offended, “Who’s to say? Spider-Man is like, super-human, he has a bunch of powers-”
“Don’t get your panties all in a twist, I’m just saying,” I laugh, “Sheesh didn’t think you were such a big fan of Spider-Man.”
“U-uh why wouldn’t I be, he’s s-super cool.” “Said every teenager ever, I like this new girl. She’s kind of refreshing y’know?”
“Meh,” Peter shrugs, and I scoff shoving him aside.
We eventually head to my apartment and study together. I messed around while Peter tried to help me with homework, but he ended up getting distracted anyways.
I let out a long groan, “Shut up! You’ve been talking about chemistry for the past 30 minutes and I didn’t understand one thing that came out of your mouth.”
Peter’s mouth drops. He throws one of my pillows at me, “You asked me to come over!”
“I know, because I’m lonely.”
“You’re right, I just needed you to do my homework.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too,” I flash him a cheeky smile, causing him to roll his eyes. I glance over at the clock, “Hey uh, I think you should head out soon. My dad’s coming back from work soon and you know how he is with boys.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t miss me too much,” he gets up, gathering his things.
“Reverse card!” “See you,” he chuckles and walks off.
“Bye Penis Parker!” I yell, making sure he left. As soon as he closed the front door, I rush into my closet to get out my suit.
After putting it on and tidying up room, I head out my window and jump out to the fire escape.
I decide to scan the city, running and jumping from building to building. It seemed quiet so I sat down on the ledge of some random building.
I hear a quiet thud next to me. I glance over at the figure, who I made out to be Spider-Man. “Ah, well if it isn’t the infamous Spider-Man.”
“Thought I’d check out who the new girl in town is,” he chuckles. His voice seemed higher than I expected it to be, it almost sounds familiar. Weird. Could it be? No way, that’s impossible.
“You care about me? I’m touched,” I place a hand on my heart. I hear him stifle a laugh and shake his head.
He went quiet for a second and stood up from his crouching position, “There’s something going on by 5th street in some warehouse,” he says.
“Guess we should head over-”
“We? I don’t know about that new girl, this is my neighborhood,” he jumps off the ledge, swinging from building to building.
The fuck, who does this guy think he is!?
I rush downstairs and speed off to 5th street, managing to get there before he did. “Yes, we,” I cross my arms looking up at Spider-Man who arrived shortly after me.
He scoffs, “So you’re fast. Hopefully you can catch up, sweetheart,” he swings up to the roof of a warehouse.
I quickly follow, managing to find a way inside and on to the rooftop. I run over to where Spider-Man is crouched down behind a large air vent. I poke my head out to see a poor lady tied to a chair, with a bunch of men surronding her.
“Some kind of intense hostage situation,” he whispers.
“You’re an intense hostage situation,” I murmur.
“What? Shut up!” he whispers. “Oh my god, I think that’s the mayor.”
He jumps up from the vent, placing his hands on his hips. “Hey uh, guys I don’t think you should be treating a lady- especially our mayor like that,” he says, changing the pitch of his voice. I scrunch up my nose at his awkwardness.
“What the fuck, who called him-!” I hear a rough voice yell out, followed by a series of gunshots and screaming.
Spider-Man yelps and manages to fling some guns aside, causing two men to gang up on him, “Hey, new girl a little help!” he yells out. There another two men next to the mayor, with large guns in their hands.
“On it!” I call back, rushing over to the two men circling them. “Hi there,” I grin, place my hands on their guns surging a large amount of eletricity to them, knocking them out.
I help the mayor out, making sure she wasn’t injured or anything. “Karen, call the police and give them our location,” I hear Spider-Man mumble quickly, grunting as he knocks out the two men he was dealing with.
The mayor who was still in complete shock began to ramble, “T-thank you Spider-Man. T-thank you?” she looks over at me.
“Uhm, Velocity?” I rub my arm as Spider-Man watches in amusement.
“Thank you both really-” she sniffs. Suddenly, the roof top door slams open and a bunch of big bulky men come out with these weird looking weapons.
“Heads up, Spidey!” I yell, as one of the men shoot their weird looking gun that emitted some type of green energy.
I grab the Mayor and speed down to the front of the building, where a bunch of police cars pulled up.
Shocked from the momentum, she falls to her knees. “I’m so sorry, but I had to get you out of there. Stay safe!” I rush back to the rooftop.
I notice Spider-Man struggling to get this one guy off of him, “Pretty boy, to your right!” I yell. I run over to one of the weapons and toss it to him.
He quickly webs it and slings it against the guy, knocking him out, “Pretty boy?” he scoffs.
“Yeah, that’s what you sound like!” I grunt, punching a guy who was coming to my left with a surge of electricity.
“So you’d be an annoying girl?” he smirks, also fighting off someone who rushed towards him.
“I’d be honored,” I scoff. “Holy shit!” I let out a yelp as I felt myself being lifted in the air by one of the weapons.
I hear a quick thwip and suddenly I was back on my feet, with Spider-Man’s arm around my waist, “My hero-” I gasp dramatically.
“Cute,” he rolls his eyes. He pushes me towards another guy who was trying to get their weird gun to work.
I frown instantly, and circle around him grabbing the gun before he could do anything. I fling it against him, and press my hand harshly on the gun, causing eletricity to rush all over him.
He knocks out, and I turn around, seeing Spider-Man fling against the air vent. I inhale sharply and rush towards the guy, knocking him off his feet causing him to let go of the weapon.
I kick it away, the guy gets back up and attempts to punch at me. I easily dodge his attacks and punch him with eletricity.
“Oh my god, I did it- I mean we did it! We-” I look over at Spidey who was slump on the ground. “Shit,” I speed over to his side, propping his head up onto my lap. “Pretty boy, you still there?”
I notice his mask was slightly cut open, blood seeping out from the side of his head. I knew that he had the mask on for a reason, but he could be dying. It’s not like I would out him to anyone. I understand why he would keep his identity a secret, it’s what I do as well.
I inhale deeply, pulling off his mask. I let out a gasp, “Peter!?” 
part two
@rcmxnoff​ @annamckayla​ @elsie512​ @bubblesbts
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blisslilywrites · 5 years ago
Generation of miracles with a S/O who’s better than them at basketball but is shy about it/doesn’t show off too much headcanons plz! 🙌🏼😁🤩😁🙌🏼
A/N: Heyy anon,,these were fun to write so we hope you like them hehe ~Bliss & Lily
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You knew your boyfriend, Aomine, was a really really good basketball player
He was also really intimidating on the court
Which was why you never told him you could play
Of course he found out eventually when he invited you to play 2v2 with him against Kagami and Kuroko
He honestly didn’t think you’d be able to play well and just thought you’d look cute playing
He was right about one thing
You were extremely cute when playing
But you were also extremely good
Like he barely gets to touch the ball and you guys were winning??
Let’s just say Aomine was confused and just stood there with a dazed look on his face
“Oi Y/n, why didn’t you ever tell me you were good at basketball?”
“Nevermind, I know now,” he said with a smirk
He proceeded to practically kick Kagami and Kuroko out of the court and challenged you to one-on-one
In which you beat him
When the game ended, he just stared at you with the same dazed face except this time you could see his eyes were brimming with happiness and love
Having an s/o who not only plays basketball but can beat him in it was the best thing he could ever ask for
“Guess I’m not the only one who can beat me now”
You blushed at his words
From then on, you guys would spend lots of time playing basketball
You’d teach each other different skills and challenge the heck out of each other
The scariest thing is when you two team up
Once you played together a bit and got used to each other, you two became unstoppable
At the end of every game you play and win together, Aomine would now say “The only one that can beat us is us.”
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Akashi didn’t you were good at basketball
He didn’t even know you could play
So it came as a shock to him when you told him you were on the school team and that you were playing a game the next day
He got over his initial shock pretty quickly and decided to support you fully at the game
The game was about to start and he saw you lead your team onto the court and go to shake hands with a person from the other team
So you were captain, just like him
Your team got into position and Akashi noted that you were in the point guard’s position
When he actually saw you play though, he was beyond impressed
Your skills were on par with his, maybe even better
You dribbled fast and confused all your opponents
They couldn’t steal the ball from you either no matter how hard they tried
Pretty soon, the gap between the scores started increasing
Akashi smirked as the first half ended
I’m gonna need to challenge y/n sometime…
The second half started and the opponent seemed to play better, quickly equalizing
Akashi started to worry a little until he saw a glint in your eye
Suddenly, your movements became faster and more refined
Akashi looked closely and saw you were in the zone
Not only that, you managed to put your entire team in zone too
Just like he did
He was bursting with pride and admiration at this point
When the game ended, you met him outside the gym where he congratulated you on your win
He then went into an in-depth analysis of your skills and the game
Basically he was just complimenting you fancily
He really was impressed tho
And he looked forward to playing with, as well as against, you in the future
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It was when he told you he would teach you how to play basketball as his partner
For him, it was a date for how romantic it is
At first he teaches you the basics, he dribbles the ball from left to right and a crossover
And so the game begins
Standing at the center of the court, pressure is all you could feel
With the stance that can have your reflexes actioned well, Kise is dribbling the ball slowly enough for you to follow its steps
You as the defender, follows his footsteps as fast as lightning
You are about to catch him and you did- it’s because he retrieved his last step, placing his right forwarded foot earlier backward and so he enters the shooting position, lifts the ball in the air and shoot
You are amazed for he did Midorima’s high projectile three
The game continued with the ball in his possession again but with faster dribbling
You are no prodigy, well, you are no basketball player either
But the second you stole the ball from Kise’s fast dribbling results him stunned by your surprising entry
Now, thanks to him earlier, you are able to shoot from the center line, just by seeing it 
“Woah Y/N-cchi! You didn’t tell me you can play!”
You performed it just exactly as him, not an inch of difference was distinguished
And Kise is amazed, for he already knows that your specialty is also the same as his, COPYING.
And so the battle of the cats begins!
Both with the talent who can copy the other’s movements 
You don’t expect a good game but who can copy the most?
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Surprisingly for Midorima, you two went on a date
It’s your way home, when a ball hit your boyfriend’s head from behind
“OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!” You redirect your sight to the lively public court nearby, being played with a bunch of 5 old-looking highschoolers
You could only tell it was on purpose for they are laughing at your boyfriend
You are about to tell them off but Midorima stops you by grasping your hand
“It’s okay Y/N. Don’t mind them-nanodayo.”
“Hey tall megane! Come join us for fun!”
You look at Midorima, only to hear a “no”, he tells you he didn’t want to ruin the day but it was ruined beforehand
You sigh, and raise your right hand to seize attention
“I’ll play. 5 vs 2, how about that?”
“Y/N, when did you start learning how to play basket-”
The game starts with perseverance in both teams
It’s this moment that pride comes first
The ball is on the other side’s possession, he’s about to shoot it when Midorima blocks it
The ball bounces off within your reach, you dribble it and make your way to shoot it from a nearer distance
You surpass every opponent’s defense, and as a high jumper, you jump as high as you could and dunk it in
They are surprised, but Midorima’s reaction is the one you want to see the most
The day ended with you and your boyfriend winning, while walking towards your home he complimented you many times as if diamonds and jewels
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You and your boyfriend were on a date
Where your date turned out to be watching an official basketball game
You were sitting together at the front seats while eating chips and sweets he bought 
You were thrilled watching the game, but not as thrilled when the host called you unexpectedly
It was a one time event where the hosts get to pick from the crowd randomly, and fortunately it landed on you
The chosen one then must shoot from the center line, with the prize of a 100,000 dollars if they succeed 
You glanced at Murasakibara to gain confidence, thinking whether you could do it or not 
But hesitations diminished when he cheered for you, “Y/N-chin, I know you can do it.” 
You took a deep breath and positioned yourself at the center line of the court
You could hear every roar from the crowd, but your boyfriend’s cute cheering overshadowed all of it
Yes.. everything is going to be fine because Atsushi is here, you thought.
Now the challenge had started, the host gave you the ball and the crowd got quiet, waiting for your venture
Some thought, “There is no way a girl could shoot that,” but some was just waiting for you to strive
You bent your knees for a better balance, extended your arms to the air and threw!
Your instincts took over you, without any calculations nor logic 
And yet you succeeded, winning over thousands of dollars
“WOAAAAAAAAH!” The crowd yelled in great surprise and amazement, deafening but you were satisfied with their cheer
The challenge ended with you winning as well as the basketball game, the two of you decided to go home
It ended already, but your boyfriend couldn’t shut up about what you did earlier
“Y/N-chin, how did you do that? I could never.”
“Now don’t be such a pretender, you’re pro!”
“Well, I’ve never expected you know how to play.”
“Hahaha you just never asked,”
“Then let’s play tomorrow. You were really good, Y/N-chin.”
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dnarez · 4 years ago
Chapter 4 - New friends
(I'm so sorry for posting in the wrong day! I swear that I had completely forgotten that yesterday was Friday, I hope you all can forgive me with this extra long chapter (around 3300 words)
I get inside the class and look around, for what it seems I'm the only one that is "flashy". Sighing I go to the back knowing that if I stay at the front I will block a lot of people's views.
I go sit down by the window at the left of some guy with purple hair that looks like could use a nap right now. After sitting down I look outside and see the pretty blue sky and sigh again waiting for the signal.
"Wow your wings are so pretty!" A random girl come up to me with her friend by her side
"Oh, hmmm... thank you" I blush lightly making the tip of my wings go pink
"It looks so smooth and fluffy!" She goes to put a hand in my wings but I stop her getting to my feet and pushing her back, both wings totally closed next to my body
"Please don't touch me" the tip of my wings get red "And especially don't touch my wings" she looks at me scared and both of them runs off "oh fuck... just what I needed" I sigh frustrated passing a hand on my h/c hair undoing some knots "Now I won't even have friends in this class" I sit down defeated and go back to looking out of the window.
I hear someone chuckle besides me and I look at him.
"What is so funny?" My eyebrow quirk up looking at him with curiosity
"Nothing really" the boy with purple hair just waves me off
"Hmmm... if you say so..." my wings go back to gray and I hear the bell going off seeing the teacher getting inside the classroom makes me release a breath I didn't know I was holding "good god it isn't him" I whisper to myself
The boy with purple hair snickers and I glare at him.
"Takami y/n?"
I look at the teacher "Here sir" I raise my hand
The teacher looks at me surprised and then looks back at my file. "Okay... Totoro Tonton"
I go back to look to the sky no longer paying attention to the teacher.
'So pretty... hu? What's that?' I see a ball flying in the sky with a trail off smoke behind it 'what th-'
"Hey, angel" someone waved his hand in front of my face
"Don't call me that!" The tip of my wings get red "Call me Takami" I look at the person to see the boy with purple hair that sits beside me
"Yeah yeah, we are the last ones in class, let's go to the auditorium, everyone must already be there" he turns around giving me his back and walk out of the classroom
"Hey! Wait!" I run and follow him out "purple guy, wait up" I walk by his side "thank you for calling me, why no one else came to call me?" I tilt my head trying to think about why this guy was the one that called me "oh! Sorry I'm not saying that I have a problem with you! I just didn't expect it because-"
"Because I look like a villain?" He said it with poison in his words his expression showed that he was angry
"No..." he looks at me with suspicion "it's because you look antisocial... and I didn't expect that someone that looks like don't sleep at night called for me"
He chuckles and stop looking at me "you will say that until you discover my quirk then you will be just like any other person" his eyes showed sadness, but he had a smirk in his face
"Try me"
"What?" He looks at me confused
"Try me! You will never be sure until you try! Like... the worst that can happen is me stopping talking with you, the best that can happen is you having a new friend!" I smile, my wings get all yellow "go on! Tell me, what's your quirk?"
He sighs and look away, his hand in his neck, and he's looking to the opposite side of where I am. "It's called brainwash, I can make someone follow any order with them just answering my question"
"Oh... my god..." I look at him astonished "that's... that's just... SO UNFAIR!"
He looks at me puzzled "what do you mean by 'unfair' ?"
"That quirk is so cool! And you can be such a great hero! You won't even need to get in fights! Oh my god, I'm so jealous!" I look at him and see his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide in surprise "and! You can just make every villain confess his crime by using your quirk! That's like... half of the job done! It's like... the perfect power to be a hero!"
He is just staring at me like I just eat a hole pineapple with peel
"Oh! Look out!" I hold him back saving him from almost hitting the wall "Man! Look where you are goin-"
He smiles and pet me from nowhere
'What? Why? Hmmmm... okay' I just shrug my shoulders and tilt my head to his hand, he is taller than me so the size difference is just perfect
He is the first to step back blushing "s-sorry..." he puts his hand back in his neck and looks aside
"Omg so cute..." I whisper to myself, gladly he didn't listen
"I... hm... just felt like I should pet you... sorry"
I smile and pet his head.
"That's fine, I also have the urge to hug people sometimes, and it's okay to hug others when you are friends with them isn't it?" I tilt my head to the side and stop petting him
"Friends?... oh! Yeah... sure" he goes back to normal and put his hands in his pockets "I'm Shinso Hitoshi"
My wings are full yellow "nice to meet you Shinso-kun!" I smile and go back to the way to the auditorium "let's take care of one another"
"Yeah..." he has a small smile in his face as he follows me.
--------timeskip to after school
"So... what's up with your wings?"
We were getting out of school and I stop at the entrance looking at him "What do you- oh! This??" I point a finger to my wings that still were kinda yellow "My quirk is called Mood Wing, take a wild guess" I giggle
"Hehe, gotcha... what are you waiting for?" He said looking around
"My crow, he likes to walk with me, so I need to wait for him here so then I can go home"
"You can talk to birds too?" He quirks an eyebrow
"No, not really, but they just seem like they can understand me..."
"Oh... you have more than one bird?"
"Not really, just a crow and a husky, they are very smart!"
"Oh yeah? Like how smart?" He tilts his head
"Like this smart" I point at the sky to the crow coming into view "VOID! HERE" I wave at him, and he comes right to my shoulder rubbing his head on my cheek making me smile "I missed you too"
Shinso looks surprised at the crow "oh my god... she's kinda small isn't she?"
"HE was the smallest of one to hatch, Since the probability for him to die was bigger I decided to fight the odds and help him, and here we are"
"And you also have a smart dog I presume?"
"Hell yeah! She is just lazy but with that aside we make it easy" I go back to walking side by side with Shinso on my right, and Void on my right shoulder inspecting him "sorry about this, he is really jealous of males around me, that includes you of course"
"It's fine, he doesn't bother me" his hand goes to scratch his chin making the bird jump to his shoulder and stay there
Shinso chuckles "I think I'm his new favorite" he scratched Void's chin just like I did
"Oh! I have to get groceries before heading home..." we keep walking to the same direction
"...I know the crow don't have much of a brain like ours, but you should be heading home!" He snickers at that
"I AM! You are a creepy dude to be following me home!" I poke his shoulder
"Why don't you just fly home?" He keeps walking with his hands in his pockets and my crow on his shoulder
"Because I can't fly" I look ahead avoiding eye contact
"What do you mean 'you can't fly'? You were born with those things in your back didn't you?"
"I did but... they never let me use them... or show them around..." my wings start to get a deep blue
"Well... they do now! So that's good right?" He rubs the back of his neck smiling sheepishly
"Hehe... thank you for trying to cheer me up, but they didn't... I live alone now... that's why I can show them off..." there is a dark ocean blue in all my wing, I stop in front of the supermarket "well... see you tomorrow Shinso-kun... I need to get my groceries and take care of my pets..." I look at Void, and he just goes to my head and lay down there
"Do you... want to talk about it?" He looked at me concerned
'That's really kind of him... getting worried about someone that he just meet'
"No... not really, see you tomorrow, bye" I wave at him, and he waves back, then I go inside the supermarket to buy my stuff.
'Okay... I need rice, meat, spaghetti, vegetables, milk, dog food, some chicken maybe... ugh! I should have made a list, but it's kinda easy since I have nothing at home...' I get a cart and start putting all the things I need on it.
I try to reach something that was on the top shelf but someone get it for me since I can't reach it, when I turn around I see a guy with a bird head, and my juice box in his hand.
"Here, you looked like you needed help"
"And I really did need it" I smile at him and get the juice box "thank you" my wings go from deep ocean blue to a grayish yellow
"Your wings... they are changing!" He looked at them surprised
"Hehehe yes they did, it's kinda my quirk, it's called Mood Wing, what's yours?"
He nods his head "hmmm... basicly I can do this" a dark shape comes from him out of no where, I yelp and back off hitting the shelf behind me "sorry! I didn't wanted to scare you..."
I smile again looking at the shape "It's like a shadow! He looks so cool!"
"Thank you! You bird looks cool too!" The thing says
"Omg! You are sentient! That is like... a best friend that is bond to you! That is awesome!"
"Caw!" Void called our atenttion to him
"Oh! Right, this is Void, my crow and my best friend" I put my hand on him "he's very sweet when he wants, but normally he's just an ass" I chuckle
"And this is Dark Shadow, my friend and my quirk" Dark shadow's hand extand and I shake it
"Wow! You are solid! You really are amazing aren't you Dark Shadow?" I tilt my head realesing his hand
"T-thank you!" He gets shy and goes back inside waving his hand to me before fully vanishing
"I see that you are using a U.A uniform too, what is your class?" I ask him
"Oh! You are on the hero course! I'm in general studies 1-E, my name is Takami Y/n, it's nice to meet you" I estend my hand for him
"Tokoyami Fumikage" he shake my hand
"You two will be great heros I'm sure of it"
He blushes and looks to the ground "thank you... do you want to be a hero too?" He looks back at me
"I do! And I will! But... I don't know how to fight and stuff... I have no one to teach me..." I look down and sigh
"Maybe I can help you with that"
"What??! Really?" I look at him full of hope
"I don't know much but... yes I can teach you the best I can" he nods his head
I feel myself tearing up and can't help but hug him
"Thank you Tokoyami-kun!" I hide my face in the crook of his neck "you don't know how much this means to me..." he pats my back awkwardly and I realese him "sorry... I-I shouldn't have done this..." I look to my side embarrassed, my wings get a light pink all over them
"It's fine, we from the hero couse have an area for us to train, I will ask my classroom teacher to see if he can let you train there with me" I smile brightly at that
"Yes please! Oh! It's better if we keep contact with each other don't you think?" I get my phone from my jacket pocket "here, please put your number, when I get home I will text you okay?"
He just nods and puts his phone number in my phone "Sadly I have to go, see you later" he gives back my phone and bow to me, I bow back and wave at him, seeing him go to the cashier.
"Okay Void, time to go back to doing groceries" I go back to doing groceries with a smile in my face and my wings full yellow.
'Two friends, I made two friends today! This is easier then I though!'
----- timeskip to home
I finish putting everything in its place and go change my clothes to something to train, just some hood and some leggings.
"Okay... Void come with me, I need help from someone that can fly" I go to the door, Void comes flying and stays in the top of my head "Haru I'm gonna take you tomorrow so don't be sad" Haru hides her head in the middle of the couch and winner "sorry girl, lets sleep together okay?"
I go outside and go to the place that Hawks gave me the address, it was very far but safe "big brother was right here is a good place to train flying" I look around and then look up to the setting sun on the sky "let's begin!"
Everything hurt from all the times that I fell, I have scratches all over my hand and my clothes are kinda turned and bloody, I'm laying on the floor trying to catch my breath when I hear someone approaching making me jump fast on my feet but I got up too fast and now everything hurts even more "How's the- ouch!" I fell on my butt and look up to see Hawks.
"Calm down it's just me" he chuckles and comes closer "you look like you could use some help" he offers his hand with a smile in his face
"I do don't I?" I get up with his help, Void comes flying to me with a bottle of water "Thanks" I get the water and drink it
"Oh my god! You can talk to animals too??"
"Hehehe, no he's just really smart" I drink everything and hand the bottle back "trow it in the trash please?" He does as requested and fly to my head laying down there
"It's pretty late, you should go home, your parents must be worried" Hawks put his hand on my shoulder "it's almost midnight, the bad guys would love to see an exhausted cute little girl alone in this secluded area"
"Almost midnight?! Oh, no! I have class tomorrow morning!" I start to panic and try limp my way home but Hawks stops me before I can even start
"Hey hey hey! Calm down little bird, let me take you home, okay? I would feel bad if something happened to you" he puts his hand over his heart
"I don't know" I look to the side unsure
"Come on! I can talk to your parents, so they won't be so angry at you for getting home late" he smiles "So...?"
I sigh and put Void inside my pocket in the way he likes "okay" I nod I get closer to him
"Let's fly!" He picks me up bridal style and fly off
"OH MY GOD" I hug his neck and look down amazed by the view "THIS IS SO COOL!"
"Please stop shouting! I can hear you just fine" he gives me a pained look
"Ops... sorry, I'm just excited" I feel the wind in my face and hair loving the feeling
"It's cool isn't it?"
"Cool? This is awesome!" I giggle looking around "I can't wait to be able to fly on my on... oh! My house is in the other direction!"
"What?! And you just tell me now??"
"I just noticed, and you didn't even ask, you just flew away" he sighs and start going to the right way "so... what's your name?"
"Oh! Did you forget? It's y/n"
"No I didn't I want to know your surname" he keeps looking forward
"I prefer that you call me by my first name... just don't ask... okay?"
"Hmmm.... fine little bird, you win" he has a small smile in his face
After a short time we get there and I tell him to put me on the balcony that has a husky by the glass door.
He does as asked and look inside "where are your parents?"
I look to the side nervous and open the glass door to let Haru say hi to us both "working... are you thirsty?" I get inside after taking my shoes off "you can keep your boots on, I can just clean the floor later"
"Yeah, a cup of water would be good" he says while getting inside and petting Haru
"That one is Haru" I take out Void from my pocket, and he flies to the couch "make yourself at home" I limp to the kitchen to grab a cup of water for him. I can hear him walking in the house, even if he doesn't make a sound I can hear Haru following him around
"Here" I go back to the living room with a glass of water and see him looking at my pictures
He looks at me and grabs the water "thank you" he smiles and drink everything fast "would you like for me to wait with you for your parents?"
"NO!" I end up shouting and see his surprised face turn into a serious one.
"Okay, enough... I know you are lying, tell me the truth, you live in this one-bedroom apartment, have no pictures of your parents or anyone else in your walls and shelves, and you don't even tell me your surname, there is no signal of other people living in this house" he looks scary when angry
I step back from him and look at the floor, my wings getting dark
"Did you runaway?"
"Where they abusive?"
"Did they touch you in some sexual wa-"
"Did they trow you out?"
I stay silent just looking at the floor, my wings get all black.
"I will take that as and yes... do you need help?"
"No" I look up to his eyes, golden concerned eyes meet with e/c empty eyes "they give me an allowance and pay my bills to keep me away from them, so no... I don't need help, if you have finished already please leave" I turn my back to him and go to the bathroom stopping right at the door "I need no hero" then I go take a bath.
. . . . . . . . . . ....................................................
There we go!
3180 words! Congrats to me!
Hope u all enjoyed this chapter, I wrote it with lots of love ❤
See you all next Friday!
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thelasttime · 4 years ago
Omg Madie tell us abt him
ahh okay here’s like a fun breakdown
i met him in freshman year (except he doesn’t remember meeting me and claims that he never met me smh, he’s joking of course)
he stopped me while i was in the common room next to my dorm room just to ask me where the water fountain is and we ended up talking for an hour 
i didn’t see him for like 3?? weeks until he showed up in the common room again and i started talking to him for another hour
i gave him my number for LOGISTICAL reasons because he liked studying in my dorm but didn’t have access to the dorm because he doesn’t actually live in my building LMAO
he ended up texting me the next day and asked me to go on a study break walk with him that ended up being two hours long and i also went to his dorm room 😳 just to see what it looks like of course
cut to 6 days later when i saw him again after i took my orgo exam and i ended up talking to him for 2 hours AND he met my roommate
the day after (this thursday) he texted me to ask if we could go to our nearest coffee shop and get hot chocolate (but i think he asked because i asked him to hangout with me if he had time before he left to go back home that night)
we ended up talking for an hour and walked around campus. he also stopped at some benches so we could just sit and talk (should note that this is a location that couples usually sit at because it’s dark and hidden, but i don’t think he knows that)
the interesting thing is that:
i’ve known this man since like november right
but all the times i’ve seen him, like 5 times ... we’ve talked for like multiple hours at a time
so even though i’ve seen him like 5 times, i’ve probably talked to him for like 7+ hours??
literally no clue lmao
he talked about his ex a few times but i don’t think that’s a for sure sign that he’s not into me
the reason why i think he’s not into me is because he talks about other girls with me but not in like a very specific way ?? like he’s described his type (which is lowkey not very me) and he’s mentioned some girls in his past. i should note that he’s never talked about a person that he currently likes with me like it’s always been “yeah i used to like this girl in high school” not “i like this girl now”
he’s a super touchy person so he likes to touch my arm / shoulder a LOT and when we were talking in the common room after my orgo exam, he put his arm on the back of the couch behind me
we’ve compared heights before and we always joke about how he’s taller than me but one time he was trying to prove that he was much taller than me by using a window as a mirror and BRUV THIS MAN GOT SO CLOSE TO ME like basically sidehugged me except he didn’t put his arm around me
also we compared hand sizes which was kinda cute and he insisted on making it accurate so he held my hand to make sure i wasn’t trying to cheat
he also said i looked cute in his baseball cap when i asked to try it on?? so like hehe
i also wore a sweater one time and made a joke about what was on it but i said “i wear it anyways because it’s cute” and he said “yeah it is a cute sweater” and blah blah blah basically the important thing is that he said that every time he sees me, he should say that ___ (whatever i’m wearing) is cute
oh also he asked to see my music taste which was kinda cute and now we follow each other on spotify
weird note: he was weirdly interested in knowing my rice purity score (aka like that test that tries to gauge how far you’ve gone and stuff, basically knowing the number means he knows whether i’ve had my first kiss and stuff) but like he was weirdly interested in that
also note: he always talks about my type ?? like i accidentally slipped up and said “oh he’s not my type” when i was talking about something and now he’s super curious / jokes about knowing what my type is 
we’ve talked about our respective exes before and i’ve been honest and said that my ex does actually hate me and doesn’t want to talk to me and he responded with “how could anybody hate you”
like he insists that it’s impossible for anyone to hate me ??
this happened again because i said that someone he knows also really doesn’t like me and i warned him about that and he again said “i seriously doubt that anyone could possibly hate you”
i don’t know ... we’ve had some really flirty moments like the classic height comparison and hand size comparison, but i’m still getting hella mixed signals
it’s possible that he’s just a nice person and wants to get to know me better which is also cool! he would be a good friend
big note:
he doesn’t like technology so like i’ve talked to him before about texting / people using their phones and he thinks people should really ,, stop using their phones so much (which is correct)
he’s made the joke that he should just get a flip phone so uh make of that what you will
anyways i tried to text him over break and he did respond but he did leave me on read after i sent a good luck on finals text 
so either he’s just not interested or he just doesn’t do casual conversation over text like most people do
he definitely doesn’t do casual conversation over text though because i know this man and he absolutely prefers to call over text
but i am shy and i am not going to call him <3
i can’t tell if he’s just not interested in talking to me or just hates technology basically
anyways that’s what you missed on glee!
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jawusa · 5 years ago
Goldie’s Adventures on the Moon - Day 3
Chapter 3: Is it love, when so easily said goodbye? 
Ever since Mom's passed away, I always woke up with tears. She used to wake me up for school in the mornings - something that not everyone would do. My mom was by far the best mom out there! But something was strange on that day, I wasn't thinking about Mom when I woke up. I wasn't thinking about how she used to cook pancakes with me in the mornings. I wasn't thinking about how we'd sometimes go hiking around town. I wasn't even thinking about how she'd read me to sleep when I was a little kid. On that day, I was actually thinking about... uhmm about that cute boy whom I met just two days ago? And I didn't wake up with tears, but with a stange feeling of joy! I actually woke up with a smile after such a long time of grieving! 
Dad, Rhett and I decided to go to the Lunar Zen Garden on that day! Actually, we went there... because my Dad's seen this place with Rhett yesterday while I was spending some time in Hua's clothier and they really wanted me to check that place out. They'd say it's the best place for me to find happiness! They'd tell me to toss a coin in that shrine thingy and wish something! At first, I didn't really approve of what I was supposed to do - but I guess, it really did some magic on me? Because of the things... which came about later on that day... that day was kinda strange, though!
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But I really loved the garden, though! It was so beautifully decorated with those tiny bridges and canals... and those cherry trees! Oh my! I really had a great time raking the zen garden! It felt so relaxing - but forreal! 
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Rhett came to check on me every now and then, but I kept on shooing him away... he just... couldn't see that I was trying to concentrate and find my inner peace? Sheesh! He was playing some mahjong - or what was that game called again? - with Dad and those natives. Sometimes they ask me whether I'd like to join them, but there was this guy I kinda thought looked weird with such a top hat and Asian looking clothing... some people know him as the Unsavory Charlatan - that name already scared me off! But Dad and Rhett were still going for the game... (btw, I couldn't take a picture of him, he'd avoid being on camera for some reason... but he was playing with those other natives on the other table!) 
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Anyway, I was soo into medidating, that I completely forgot what was all around me. For one second, I even forgot where I was... I couldn't hear anything... I couldn't see anything... I couldn't even feel anything, not even the ground! It felt like I was levitating forreal! But... hold on, I felt something observing me from the other side... I felt something smiling at me... I felt... I felt something approaching me... I felt... I felt... I... "Hey, OMG you're Goldie! What a surprise to see you around here! How are things with you?" 
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I... could literally just... GOSHH! Ground, pleasee, PLEASEE swallow me?! That was soo embarrassing... and when I looked around, I saw his friend (with whom he had played chess before... all the time?)! He was smiling at me... mischievously? "Hehe, I've seen you raking, then medidating..." "Ooh, so.. you've literally seen everything?" "Hey... you didn't do that bad... let's just... have this moment together!" *grabs hand OMG and then, YOU GUYS, he GRABBED my hand... OMG, I... I didn't even know what to say at that moment! At first I was afraid... I was petrified! 
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"Goldie, I've been trying to say this to you ever since I've first met you... ever since I've first seen you, ... ever since Day 1, but uhmm..." 
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"I think I have a crush on you, Goldie! Your eyes are so beautiful! I... I'm so into you, I can barely breathe! "Uhmm... Qiu, I..." "I've been waiting and waiting for you to make a move... before I make a move!"
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And then, he really kissed my lips! OMG, that was my first kiss... and I'd never imagine it to be in a romantic zen garden... in outer space! They say you never forget your very first kiss, and now I can see why! Either way, it was lovely! "So, uhmm... now you know, how I feel towards you, Goldie!" "Awww, you're soo romantic! I think I have a crush on you, too! I was shy to tell you this as well... and actually, I didn't even know myself what was going on... because I've never been this shy before, I'm actually an outgoing girl, I never had to struggle to find the words and it's so strange... I couldn't even... " "Lemme hug you one last time, babe!" *Goldie blushes 
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Dad and Rhett must have probably seen me when I had my first kiss... they smiled at me... my Dad even winked at me, but we didn't say any words. It was just this... awkward moment where nobody would talk... and all! I was getting hungry... and just asked my Dad whether we'd go for a dinner soon? Since it was already getting too late... he just nodded and kept on smiling... which was even WEIRDER than it was before!
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Anyway, later on that day, we went to dine in a traditional tea house/restaurant! They didn't have my favorite hamburgers on their menu, but they had other fancy-looking meals... which I haven't heard of before! I couldn't really choose, because literally EVERYTHING seemed foreign to me! But I could remember ordering something... which looked like a salmon on the menu! Not that I tried it before, but it looked somewhat familiar to what I'm used to, so I went for it! The salmon was... good! Though, I wasn't sure, why Rhett decided to eat on a different table! Maybe he did that on purpose, so I could have some "daddy & daughter" time? I don't know... but Dad told me something... out of blue. All of sudden, he was like: "Girl, I'm so glad to see you happy again! I told you, you'd be happy after tossing a coin or two into that shrine..." At that moment, I understood why he kept insisting me on tossing that coin into that shrine thingy when we first arrived at the Lunar Zen Garden... 
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By the time we finished our dinner, the sun still hadn't set yet, and Rhett insisted on visiting the spa & gym... he's heard that they have these hot springs, which he REALLY wanted to try out... I mean, I couldn't blame him! After all, I was curious to see what these moon geysirs were all about! Thankfully, we had a great time spending time together as a family! I just noticed how I missed that in the past, but for the first time after all of these years, I wish that Candy were here as well! Things were about to improve between I and Rhett, too! I was getting along with all of them! Back in my miserable days, I'd always reject Rhett - remember the "silly" attempts of him trying to talk to me through my childhood teddy bear... GOSH, he was trying to cheer me up and I acted like an idiot! "Uhmm, Rhett? I'd like to tell you something..." "What?" "Well, now that I think, I really appreciate all the effort you've done for me! Like... you know, to cheer me up with the teddy bear and all..." "Yeah, I remember... it was probably a bad idea. I thought it'd work since as a kid, it did..." "Well, I'm a teenager now..." "True." "But hey, at least you tried to cheer me up... and to tell the truth, it does cheer me up, now that I think you tried to do something for me! Thanks for that!" "You're welcome, but look behind you! Isn't that your new boyfriend?" 
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I turned my head... and OMG, it was him indeed! It was Q! And when I looked upon him... he winked at me! "So, I bet you guys want some privacy, right?" "Daaad... I'm..." "I know what you mean, Goldie! I've felt this way many times when I had my first fling in the hot tub!" *winks at Qiu and Goldie 
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It kinda felt bizarre when my Dad had to give away way too much info... and it made me feel very AWKWARD at that moment! Like FORREAL! They all were into something... all of these boys! I just couldn't... understand them! Q didn't even seem to be irritated or something... I just hope he does forget about what my Dad just decided to reveal? It was a steamy atmosphere, though... with him! But not just with him, I mean... it was literally steamy, what else would you expect at the hot springs? So... that "steamy" term applies well here! Either way... I really enjoyed this steamy moment with... uhm, him? As always, kinda... Dad and Rhett would tell me that they'd be "out for fun" again... like on the other days. They never really told me where they'd go, but it had always to do with nightlife venues... kinda? Anyway, I couldn't blame them anymore... I mean, I'm a grown-up girl now and I don't need their company all the time! As much as I wanted to be left "alone" with Q, I guess... they wanted to have some time off on their own, too! 
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But... my, oh, my! Those dance moves! LOL! Even I could dance better... I mean, Rhett's got something still, but Dad, he really sucks at dancing! But he thinks he can dance, he can jive! But at least, he's having the time of his life! And I'm happy for him... and Rhett, too! In the past, I'd be mad at him for moving on too fast, but he's right! We can't be stuck in sorrow FOREVER! One day, we just... have to break free and be happy again!
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If I were to choose which day my favourite day was on the moon... I guess, it'd be this one here? I just had my first kiss? OMG, how cool's that?! And did you hear what he said? He just confessed his feelings to me... and I could finally do as well! I WASN'T expecting ANY of this! This is soooo GREAT! OMG! I'm literally melting! Alright, enough is enough... lol! But I could literally be raving about him all day long! I felt SO flattered when he confessed his feelings... Oh, wait, I have to tell this Hua! And Virginia, my best friend back in Widespot, too! Maybe this would even encourage her to confess her feelings to Woddy, too! I mean, she's told me once that she's a crush on that Woody boy? Why did I forget that? HOW could I forget that?! They don't even know what just happened today! Hold on, dear diary, let me text to them real quick...
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strvlveera · 5 years ago
Okay - requests are officially open ! I’m going to request something, I can’t wait aha ! Anyway, you know how much I love pick up lines ? (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) That’s it ! The Minamoto brothers, separately, reacting to a reader saying pick up lines in public to fluster them !
Omg first of all this is gold hehe
This is gonna be great >:)))
And just for you I’ll be using some of your pick up lines from discord eheh
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Fruity Pick Up Lines
The Minamoto Brothers x Reader
The Minamoto brothers. Teru and Kou. They were both fun to be around, spending countless hours with them, it was clear to everyone how close you were to both of them. You of course were the one that bined the friendship together! With your amazing personality, being mischievous and silly whilst having the best ever pick up lines, the Minamoto brothers could never leave your side, even in school. Thus the fun never stopped, making the brothers used to your random pick up lines but it would still catch them out making their faces as red as the tomatoes Yashiro grows.
Today you had the most magnificent idea! While going to the grocery store you had picked up some fruit for a salad your were preparing. After you had gotten home the idea sparked.
“What if I do a type of pick up line to Teru and Kou? Like not the normal ones but a different type...like...” You looked around the kitchen trying to fish an idea, until you saw the fruit that you had bought. “Like.... fruity pick up lines!” Now this was gonna be fun.
After making your wonderful fruit salad you rushed up to your bedroom and got straight onto the internet, searching up ‘Fruity pick up lines’. Once you’d surfed through the countless websites, giggling at some you had found, you started to note them down. Tomorrow’s gonna be a good day!
Packing for your bag the next morning you made yourself check more than three times if you brought your list for pick up lines. Finally deciding you have it in you bag you rushed out of your house, speeding past everyone. Once you had stepped foot on the school grounds you immediately searched for the youngest brother, Kou. He was the most easiest to find since he was more loud than Teru. After finding the blondè you ran straight to him waving and grinning. You made sure there was people around and oh there was a lot of people.
“Hey Kou~Kun!” You shouted.
“Hi [Y/N]~Chan!” He shouted back looking happy as usual.
“So what brings you here?” Kou asked while grinning.
“I have something to tell you Kou!” You excitingly said.
“Go ahead and tell me, I’m all ears,” Kou encouragely said. Hehe this is going to be great.
“Well Kou, do you have any grapes?” You said while grinning like a psychopath.
“Uh, no why?” He said with curiosity. This is the big moment.
“Then how about a date?” You jokingly said with a wink.
You left without any other response leaving a dumb founded Kou. His face was pure red, still flabbergasted at what you just said. Yashiro was one of the people who saw him and asked if he was okay only with him not responding, being too embarrassed about what you said to him in public. At this point everyone that heard was either laughing at what you said or pitying Kou.
One brother down only one more to go.
After running down all the corridors, going up all the stairs you had the knowledge of and asking people for help you just couldn’t find Teru. He was obviously more mature than Kou since he’s older meaning he would be more composed and polite in other people’s eyes, not yours but that’s not going to stop you. Filled with demeination to find him you went searching for him once again. Only to find him speaking to one of his fangirls, who was clearly confessing to him. Deciding to ease drop you peeked out of the wall you were hiding behind, suddenly meeting eyes with the one and only Teru. The girl wasn’t there anymore it was just him standing there.
He ended up walking towards you since you were too focused on his face. You hadn’t realised how pretty Teru was and how lucky you were to have him as your best friend since he was really supportive and good. At advice. Kind of like a mum figure. Teru was about to flick your forehead with his finger but you came back to your senses and stepped back quickly so he wasn’t able to touch your precious forehead.
“Ah- Teru!” You screamed. Quite annoyed that he tried to flick your forehead again (yes he has flicked your forehead a lot of times).
“[Y/N]~Chan, were stalking me again?” He said with a devilish smirk while pointing at you.
You you pushed his arm away while composing yourself. “O-of course not Teru what are you talking about?” You said with a flustered look. This is not what it’s supposed to be like!
Teru chuckled and asked “Well what brings you here [Y/N]~Chan? Other than stalking me that is.”
You made you face look serious and looked at him straight in the eye.
“Teru, I have something to tell you.” You said confidently.
Teru looked worried, he hasn’t seen you this serious before.
“Uh g-go ahead and tell me,” he stuttered wondering what you were gonna say.
“Well Teru, are you a banana?” You asked innocently.
Teru didn’t understand why you would say that but reasoned.
“Uhm, no?” He was obviously confuses at this point.
“Because I find you a-peeling,” you said with a flirtatious tone.
You blinked your eyes a couple of times for a response from the prince but you didn’t get one. Instead you had a bright pink Teru who had no words for what to say or what to do. He just stood there with his mouth hanging right open. The students in his year walking by didn’t understand why Teru was acting like this. He usually would be walking with a straight back looking friendly but still stern. Teru was nothing like that at the moment. His straight back turned into a slouch, his composed look was gone and revealed a flustered look no one has ever seen before.
Once Teru has realised what he was doing he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and stood up straight again and regained posture. While he was doing that you were busy laughing you face off as you had never seen Teru this embarrassed before.
“[Y/N]~Chan! Why would you say that to me?” He said flabbergasted.
“Well, I don’t know Teru why did I say that?” You said sarcastically.
In the end everything was okay until...Kou saw you two together, and thought of an idea to get you back.
“Nii~San!” Exclaimed Kou while running up to you and Teru.
“Oh Hi Ko-“ He cut you off.
“You two would make a cute pear” Kou said while grinning and chuckling.
I hope it turned out what you wanted it to be uwu
I’m sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes my brain can’t see them T^T
Thank you for requesting! @toilettebound
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lostinbl · 5 years ago
A week of hell | Ming x Kit | 2moons2
–Has an exam tomorrow morning but ends up writing a 6k+ fic because why study.–
A group of girls walk into the shop and soon Kit can hear their chatter, just like he’s sure everyone else standing in the line with him can as well. “…and he’s still soooooo cute!” “I know! I wonder if he has a girlfriend? Surely he does, even back in high school he was really popular with girls.” “Oh! I actually heard that recently he broke up with his girlfriend, you know the one he was together with for like over a year.” Kit could hear excited squeals. “So I might actually have a chance then! You know how I’ve always been crushing on him.” “Yup. You should go to him!” “Yes! You should!” “What, right now?” “Yes, now! He was sitting alone! Now’s your chance!” Kit glances at the gossiping group. The four girls are all pretty but nothing about them stands out. Kit turns his attention away as the line moves forward. “Well, guess I’m going, bye!” “Omg tell us how it went!” The girls’ voices get momentarily louder. Kit moves forward again and now he’s next in the line. Kit looks into the bag with a smile. Ming is going to love it. Or is he? Kit hopes he is. Damn, what if he doesn’t like it? Kit checks that he still has the receipt. He does, okay, good. He can always return it if Ming doesn’t like it… but if he doesn’t Kit really doesn’t know what else to get him… He’ll just have to worry about it later. Kit raises his head and spots Ming with ease. He’s sitting next to the window right where he left him. Kit slows down. Ming is not alone. He squints his eyes trying to see who the girl is as he slowly moves closer. She’s sitting next to Ming her mouth moving fast. Ming is smiling. Kit can feel his stomach dropping.
Kit enters the restaurant with hesitant steps, his eyes glued to the girl sitting where Kit was sitting only minutes ago. “Oh P!” Ming calls once he sees Kit. The girl turns around as Kit approaches, flashing him a smile. Her brown hair is to her mid-back and she’s very cute. Her front teeth are a little too big making her smile imbalanced but Kit can’t help but think that’s what makes her even cuter. He’s sure everyone else has the same thoughts as him. Ming surely finds the girl cute. Kit feels pressure in his stomach but he ignores the feeling. “This is Praewn, we went to the same high school”, Ming introduces the girl and she greets Kit. With a startle, Kit recognises the girl to be the one from the shop. So, it seems like the subject of their gossip was his boyf- Ming catches himself. Friend. His friend. The girl turns to Kit again. “Oh! Right, is it okay for me to hang with you guys for a while?” Praewn asks Kit with a bright smile. Kit raises his eyebrows in surprise. He’s taken aback by the question and in a confused state lets out a ‘sure’. The girl smiles and turns back to face Ming. Kit regrets his answer as soon as the word comes out. He swallows down the feeling gathering in his chest and sits down on the only vacant spot at the end of the small table. Ming is sitting to his left and Praewn to his right, they are facing each other while Kit is facing the window. “What took you so long?” Ming asks as their food arrives. They made their order and Kit said he had to go to the bathroom but he was gone a long time. “Oh umm… There was a line”, he mumbles, looking at his food, glad that Ming didn’t see the small bag he was carrying. Ming frowns. “A line? To the men’s bathroom?” he questions with laughter evident in his voice. Kit shrugs. “The other one was broken”, he comes up with a quick response. Ming raises his eyebrows but says nothing. As soon as Ming stops talking to Kit, Praewn pulls the younger guy back into a conversation. The two start sharing their high school stories and all Kit can do is sit and eat his food. He feels like a third-wheel. He hates it.
What normally would’ve been a nice 40-minute lunch turns into a 20-minute one as Kit gulps down his food like he has been starving his entire life. Kit is pretty positive that he might’ve scarred both his throat and his mouth for not letting the food cool down enough, but he doesn’t care. As soon as he’s done eating they say goodbye to the girl and Kit drags Ming out with a stupid excuse. Ming eats a lot faster than Kit does and therefore he was ready to leave whenever Kit was ready. Which happened to be twice as fast as usually. Kit is walking fast, trying to get as far away from the restaurant as he can. Ming walks behind him in small confusion but he doesn’t question it. He’s used to Kit being strange sometimes. If it’s something Kit wants to tell him, he knows that he will. Only this time, he doesn’t.
Kit looks at the bag on the floor next to his bed and sighs. He never got a chance to give it to Ming. Because of Praewn. Kit scoffs. Then he catches himself and shakes his head. The girl did nothing, he shouldn’t be mad at her. Yes, she did nothing wrong, she was just talking with her old classmate… Surely Kit would’ve done the same if the situation was reversed. Kit nods at himself. Yes, that’s it. Nothing more.
”Almost there.” Kit looks at Ming’s message one more time. It’s been 5 minutes since he received the answer. Kit rises up to his tiptoes to search the moving mass in front of him. Still no sign of Ming. He comes back down and opens the dial, his thumb hovering over Ming’s name. Kit calls him and immediately he hears a familiar voice. “P!” Ming calls through the crowd. Kit turns his head and Ming raises his hand, waving it in the air to catch the older guy’s attention. Once Kit sees Ming he smiles and ends the call before it can ring. Ming’s eyes are bright. He flashes him a wide smile as he walks through the crowd towards Kit. “Hey”, Kit greets him. His smile freezes when another person emerges from within the crowd. Praewn. She flashes Kit a smile and greets him. Kit turns his eyes to Ming. “Oh, I met Praewn just now, that’s why I was late, sorry. She’s actually going to see the same movie we are”, Ming explains with a smile. Praewn nods in excitement. “Is it okay if I come with you two?” she turns to Kit, once again asking him for permission. And, once again, Kit gets confused and nods before he can stop himself. Praewn’s smile gets wider. “Ah great! I’m so glad I don’t have to go alone!” she exclaims and Kit just smiles. The same weight returns to his stomach and as they walk towards the tickets counter he silently curses at himself. He really needs to improve his articulation skills.
The three of them end up buying tickets for three seats in a row and Ming and Praewn are walking in front of Kit, talking animatedly. Kit tries his best to keep his face empty of all emotion. The lights are already getting dimmer in the theatre when they arrive and Praewn stumbles in the stairs. She grabs a hold of Ming to steady herself. “Oops! I’m sorry”, she giggles as she lets go. Ming just smiles at her, letting her lead the way. Kit loosens his grip on his popcorn. The cardboard cup is bent in his hands. Some of the popcorn spilt over.
They sit down with Ming in the middle. Ming keeps his right hand on the armrest, his palm open. Kit knows it’s there in case Kit wants to grab a hold of it but he doesn’t. He sits still, his arms crossed the entire time. He’s afraid that he might actually take Ming’s hand if he relaxes. Kit can’t focus on the movie. He keeps glancing to his left at Ming and Praewn. Kit doesn’t like to talk while watching movies but Ming does. And, apparently, so does Praewn. They lean close to each other every few scenes to exchange their opinions. As the movie progresses, so does Kit’s bad mood. Once they leave the theatre, Kit says goodbye to the other two and leaves alone, saying he suddenly has somewhere to be. He’s not even sure who or what he is mad at, he just is.
As Ming enters his car, he sees the small bag on the passenger seat, still waiting to be given to its owner. Kit groans and hits his head against the back of his seat. Another missed opportunity. And once again Kit gets mad at Prawen for ruining everything, and once again Kit scolds himself for thinking like that. After a deep breath, he starts the car and drives home, his heart not any calmer than it was before.
Kit looks around the mall. Ming dragged him here to help him buy a present for Ming’s mother. Kit truly doesn’t know what made Ming think that Kit would be of any help but here they are. “Should we got there?” Ming points at a store they would normally never visit. Kit shrugs and Ming leads the way. The store is filled with textiles and all sorts of small decorative items along with furniture. “You’re gonna buy her something for the house?” Kit asks and Ming shrugs. “I’d like to get her something useful”, he replies and turns his attention to some beautifully woven cloths. Kit raises his eyebrows and starts looking around as well. He’s a person who prefers practical gifts as well.
They’ve been staying in the same shop for fifteen minutes when Kit decides it’s been long enough and starts looking for Ming. “Oh! P’Kit!!” Kit hears a familiar voice and freezes. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his body already reacting in displeasement. Kit opens his eyes and turns around, not even bothering to smile. “Ah. Praewn. Hello”, he greets her with emotionless tone. Praewn has a wide smile on her face and she looks around. It’s more than clear who she’s looking for. Kit opens his mouth to say something about Ming not being there when the idiot himself calls on them. “Hi Praewn”, Ming appears and greets the girl. Praewn’s smile gets even wider and she comes a little closer. “We meet again!” she exclaims, her eyes never leaving Ming’s face. Ming smiles. “What are you doing here?” Ming asks politely. Praewn laughs. “Ah hehe I’m just looking around for little something to brighten up my apartment. I just moved to my own place”, she says with a smile. Kit wants to gag at how obviously she indicated that she lives alone. Instead, he just looks away and rolls his eyes. “Cool. We’re here to buy my mom a present”, Ming explains and Praewn’s eyes get brighter. “Oh can I help?!” she suggests. Ming glances at Kit but the older guy is not looking at him. Ming opens his mouth but Praewn speaks first. “What’s your mom like? I saw these really cute hand towels over there, I think she’d really love them…” Praewn starts rambling and takes a hold of Ming’s arm, dragging him towards the towels. Ming turns to look at Kit with raised eyebrows but goes with the girl nevertheless.
Kit is left behind fuming. He could always go after them, sure, but he really doesn’t want to. Instead Kit turns on his heels and exits the shop. He is really, really starting to dislike the girl and her stupid cute smile. This time Kit doesn’t even stop himself from cursing the girl out. An uncomfortable feeling rises in his body and he can’t chase it away. He knows he’s jealous. Of course he does. It’s not the first time he has felt this feeling and yet he pretends to be clueless. He doesn’t want to stoop as low as to be jealous. Ming has told him several times that he likes him, he knows Ming like him but still. What if the girl keeps hanging around? What if they exchange numbers and start talking? What if Praewn turns out to be perfect? She’s surely not as grumpy as Kit is, nor as emotionally restricted, nor as bad at expressing herself… Kit groans and tugs at his hair. He’s walking through the mall aimlessly, trying to get rid of the ugly feeling in his chest, but it seems like no matter how much he walks, the feeling doesn’t go away. His phone dings and Kit takes it out, already guessing who the sender is. “Where are you?” Kit sighs and sends Ming a quick reply. For a few seconds, he ponders whether he should just leave like he did before but he buries the idea. He can’t run away. Not again. Kit rolls his eyes and turns around. Ming sends him another message saying they already went into a different shop. Ming bites his teeth together. He really, really dislikes the girl.
Kit looks at Praewn with fire in his eyes. He thought he knew at the start but now.. he’s not so sure. He no longer knows whether the girl is just oblivious or if she keeps appearing between them on purpose. This is the fourth day in a row they meet her at the mall “accidentally”. Kit is very much annoyed. This is his favourite mall because it’s so close to his dorm and it has everything they need. Ming’s favourite restaurant, as well as Kit’s favourite shops, are all here. But now due to Praewn, his favourite place is increasingly becoming his least favourite.
Kit takes a sip of his coffee and turns his eyes down to his phone. Ming and Praewn are sitting next to him once again talking about some incident Kit has never heard of nor been a part of. He has, admittedly, been wondering whether Praewn brings out all these subjects just because she knows Kit can’t be a part of them. Kit buries that idea pretty quick though. Realistically she has no need to push Kit aside, she has no idea that Ming likes him or that there’s anything going on between them in the first place. And yet he wonders.
Kit shakes his head and focuses on his screen. He has an Instagram account but he rarely posts anything there. He has the account mostly just so he can keep up with everyone else. Kit double taps on Phana’s photo of him and Wayo and he can’t stop his lips from twitching. Ever since the two started dating they’ve been posting selfies and pictures of each other on their Instagrams. Even though they’ve never publicly announced that they’re dating, everyone knows they are. It’s cute, that much Kit can admit. They really fit well together. Kit keeps scrolling down when he stops on a certain picture. Praewn started following him on Instagram the very first day they saw each other and back then Kit started following her back. Had she done the same now Kit would’ve blocked her but a few days ago it didn’t seem as big of a deal. The picture he’s currently staring at is a selfie of Ming and Praewn, both of them smiling. Kit recognises the background to be the shop from yesterday. Kit tries his very hardest not to throw his phone on the ground or, more preferably, at Praewn. The caption of the photo says ’Reunion’ and Kit rolls his eyes. He opens the comment section. There are 97 comments in total. He raises his eyebrows in surprise at both the amount of likes and comments. Some of the comments are complimenting Praewn but most of them are focused on Ming. As Kit reads through all the praises he feels conflicted. A part of him wants to smile at all the compliments his bo- friend is getting, and another part wants to frown at all these people fawning over him. A fraction of the comments are from what Kit assumes to be their old classmates. Ming, surprisingly, doesn’t have Instagram. Kit knows this already but a lot of the comments are asking for his id and complaining how it’s such a waste. Kit rolls his eyes at those people. The only appearances of Ming on the app can be found on the accounts of Wayo and his other friends. For a few seconds Kit wonders if he’s ever going to be posting a picture of him and Ming on there but he quickly chases the idea away. Kit looks at the picture and very deliberately, does not double tap. It’s a petty revenge but it’s all Kit can do.
Kit puts his phone away and leans back in his seat, looking at the pair next to him. He really doesn’t know what to do anymore. He can’t just tell Ming to stop hanging out with the kid can he? He can’t, he has no right. Who is he to tell Ming who he can spend his time with? Nobody. He’s just a friend. Ming takes another sip of his coffee in annoyance. Has it really come down to this? Does he seriously need to find a new mall to go to? Kit sighs. He really hates this.
It’s been three days since they last saw Praewn. Just like it’s been three days since they’ve been at the mall. Kit really doesn’t want to go there again this soon but here he is in Ming’s car, letting the boy drive them there. Ming ripped his favourite shorts and forced Kit to tag along to buy him new ones. By forcing him Kit means that he kept being more annoying then usual until Kit finally caved in which eventually only took 5 minutes. Kit hates how easily he gives in when it comes to Ming. And the boy dares to complain that he’s diffuclt. Scoff. “Should we go eat something first?” Ming asks. Kit thinks. If they go to their favourite place it’s very much possible that they meet Praewn there since they’ve been there with her once before already, and even though Kit knows that it’s very unlikely for them to meet Praewn again, he’s not risking it. A men’s section in a clothing store on the other hand? He doubts they’ll stumble on Praewn there. “Let’s go shopping first”, Kit answers with resolve. Ming nods, complying with whatever Kit wants to do. He did drag him here after all.
Finding a pair of shorts turns out to be more difficult than Kit thought. You see, Ming is very picky. This is the third store they’ve been in since arriving. Ming has already tried on at least five different pairs but according to him, none of them fit like he wants them to. Kit sighs and holds up another pair. “How about these? They look similar to your old ones.” Ming turns around and looks at the shorts. He takes them into his hands and starts examining. Kit chuckles. He has yet to see Ming pay such detail to anything other than clothes.
By the time the clock strikes 2 pm both boys are hungry and Ming has finally found himself a pair of shorts he likes. They ended up going to a few other shops after and they both bought a few shirts and other pieces as well. “Should we go there?” Kit points at a Japanese restaurant. Ming frowns. He really wants to go back to where they went a week ago. “I’m really craving noodles”, Kit then complains and turns his eyes to Ming, pouting a little with a pleading look in his eyes. Ming looks at him and his mouth melts into a smile. He wants to squeal at how cute Kit is. He barely holds it in and instead just nods. Kit gives him a cheeky smile. He doesn’t take advantage of the boy a lot, but when he does, he does it for a good reason. A little acting is okay as long as they don’t attract any unwanted guests. Everytime he tries to get his way he is just as surprised at how easily Ming agrees. He still can’t understand how he could possibly have this kind of power over the boy.
After ordering Kit makes sure to find a table with only two chairs and satisfied, he sits down. Today has actually been very pleasant. Once Ming finally found his shorts shopping became a lot less boring and they spent the rest of the time teasing each other. Or, well, Ming kept teasing him and Kit cursing at him. Still, he didn’t mind. He had fun. Kit relaxes into his chair, listening to Ming explaining something very unnecessary. Their food arrives soon and Kit delves in. They are half way through their meal when Kit’s day gets ruined, again. “P’Kit! Ming!! Hi!!” Praewn yells and enters the restaurant with a bright smile, heading towards the pair. Kit slams his chopsticks on the table in rage. Ming startles and turns to look at the older guy in concern. “P?” Ming asks looking at Kit who’s face is turning more red by the second. His eyes flash dangerously. Praewn gets closer and notices that there are no more chairs. Being the resourceful girl that she is, she takes a chair from the empty table next to them and drags it over to sit with the boys. Kit can feel the vein on his temple expanding. His hands tighten into fists and he bites his tongue to shut himself up. He can soon taste blood but he doesn’t relax. Ming greets the girl in the polite way he always does, his eyes flickering to Kit here and there to see if he’s okay.
But he’s not okay. He is furious. How dares this girl come in all the time to ruin every single date!! Kit is too angry to realise what word he used. He just wants to have a good time with Ming without this stupid kid interrupting them every single time!! What even is she? Does she seriously stalk them? Is she here everyday just waiting for them, hoping to see them so she can tag along all innocent??! Kit wants to scream. He relaxes his fist and picks the chopsticks back up. Four deep marks matching his fingernails are engraved in his palm but he ignores the pain. He keeps his eyes fixated on the noodle bowl in front of him and starts eating, trying to ignore the girl.
Ever since the restaurant incident, Ming keeps his attention on Kit. Even when he’s talking with Praewn, his eyes keep going back to check on the older guy. Praewn notices this and tries twice as hard to make the boy engage in a conversation. Which in turn drives Kit twice as mad. Which in turn makes Ming check on him twice as often. After another long awkward silence of fuming Kit and staring Ming, Praewn suggests that they go for dessert and they all agree. Well, Ming nods and Kit lets out an incomprehensible grumble which Praewn assumes to be an ‘okay’.
As they enter the café Kit says he needs to use the bathroom and strides away, trusting Ming to order something he likes. Once he arrives to the bathroom he heads straight for the sinks and splashes cold water on his face. He looks at himself in the mirror. He can’t bring a neutral expression to his face no matter how hard he tries. His eyebrows seem to be glued together into a permanent frown and his eyes are too hard. It’s obvious he’s mad. And yet the girl seems to be clueless. That, or she simply doesn’t care. Kit splashes more water onto his face. He knew he shouldn’t have come today, he just knew.
Since he’s already there, Kit decides to actually use the bathroom and in 5 more minutes, he’s out. He admits having spent a little too long washing his hands but oh well. The longer he goes without seeing Praewn the better. He walks out of the men’s bathroom and hears a familiar voice. He slows down and leans against the wall, listening in on the conversation coming from the girls’ bathroom. Praewn is talking loudly on the phone and her voice bounces off the tiles of the big sink area making it possible for Kit to hear every word that she’s saying. “..yea. Though it seems like there’s something going on with his friend…. I don’t know, he just seems distracted… Yea yea I will… I think I might actually ask him out today… Hehee I know!! I actually asked him and he said he doesn’t have a girlfriend right now.. I don’t know! I just did it!” her voice gets louder and Kit walks off before she turns around the corner and sees him.
Kit no longer has any words to describe how mad he is. He knew what Praewn was after but hearing her say it herself.. Kit wants to snatch Ming and drag him out of here right now. He calms himself down enough to sit next to ming and take a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He goes back to his thoughts ignoring Ming and his questioning eyes. What Kit hates more than anything else, is how severe his own reaction is. He already said no when Ming asked him to be his boyfriend so he has no say in who Ming ends up dating! Even though Ming did say that he’s going to keep asking ‘till Kit says yes, and even though he has been asked that guestion five times since then. And even though for the last three times Kit hasn’t said the word ‘no’ exactly, he still hasn’t said ‘yes’. So, technically, Ming is a single man and therefore allowed to date whom ever he wants. But the idea of Ming dating Praewn sends all sorts of feelings through his body. He hates the picture popping into his head. Ming doesn’t fit well with Praewn! They are not a good fit! Sure, they’ve known each other for years and they’re both good-looking, but still! They don’t fit well together because- Kit stops himself from thinking of reasons of why because he’s afraid that the words ‘because she’s not me’ might end up slipping in. Which is something Kit obviously can’t let happen.
Kit ends up spending most of the time in the café in his own head and he’s startled when Ming asks if he’s ready to leave. Praewn asks if there’s anywhere else they’d like to go and they exit the café. They walk through the mall and Kit starts observing Praewn. She has been flirting and acting cute with Ming ever since the first day but this was on another level. She’s constantly touching Ming. If it’s not her hand brushing against Ming’s then it’s her arm or some other place. She laughs more than she did an hour ago and hits Ming playfully everytime she does. Kit can’t stand it. His hands curl into fists once again. “Oh that’s cute! It reminds me of you!” Praewn giggles as she points at a keychain with a brown haired figure on it. They’ve stopped in front of some sort of pop-up stall. Ming looks at the figure and shakes his head. “No it doesn’t”, he answers with a small smile. Praewn widens her eyes and takes a hold of Ming’s arm. “Yes it does! It’s totally you! C’mon, Imma buy it!” Praewn answers and lets go, taking a step forward. “That way I can always carry a little Ming with me”, she turns around and winks. Ming gives her an awkward smile. “Hey Praewn, don’t”, he asks with the same awkward smile. Praewn turns around and frowns. She comes back to stand in front of Ming. “Ming?” she asks with her face getting redder. Kit already knows where this is going. “Can I date you?” she asks and bites her lower lip. Ming’s eyes widen in surprise and he opens his mouth.
That’s it. Kit truly can’t take it anymore. He walks past Ming and gets closer to Praewn. She startles a little at the expression on Kit’s face. They are about the same height but Kit seems oddly intimidating with the aura of anger around him. “No, you can’t”, Kit answers unable to keep the malice out of his voice. Praewn’s eyes widen in surprise. “Hey P”, Ming warns and takes a step closer. Kit ignores him. “Seriously? I’m sorry but who do you think you are? You two are barely even friends and you wanna date him? You don’t even know him!” Kit accuses his voice shaking with anger. Praewn looks shocked. And well, Kit thinks she has every right to be. But he doesn’t care. If Praewn dislikes him after this, so be it. He’s sick and tired of the girl. “W-What? You can’t just say that!” Praewn answers in confusion her face still red. “Yes, I can. He doesn’t want to date you because there is someone he already likes!” Kit answers confident in his words. Ming looks at him in surprise. Praewn turns her eyes to Ming. “Is he telling the truth?” Praewn asks Ming. Kit turns to stare at him too. Dazed all Ming can do is nod. Praewn’s face turns into a mix of hurt, confusion and anger. “I thought you said you didn’t have anyone you liked!” Praewn accuses. Kit rolls his eyes. “He doesn’t have a girlfriend, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like anybody!” Kit explains his patience running out. Praewn turns her eyes to Kit and glares at him, getting annoyed with the shorter boy. “What about you then huh? Every time I saw you you were acting like someone pissed in your morning cereal! You can’t just act like an asshole and then not let your friend speak for himself!” she let’s anger seep into her voice. Ming looks at the exchange feeling lost. He has no idea what to do, he has never seen Kit this angry at anyone else before! “You’re one caring friend huh?! What right do you have to intertwine?!” Praewn spits out, taking a step closer. Kit takes a step closer as well. “I’m his boyfriend you dumbtard!” Kit screams at her in anger. All three of them freeze on the spot. Ming’s eyebrows shoot up as he snaps his head towards Kit. He can’t stop the smile forming on his lips. Praewn’s mouth drops open and Kit can feel his face flushing red. He clears his throat. “So”, Kit struggles to keep his voice steady “If you would be so kind as to stop flirting with my boyfriend, that would be great”, Kit goes back to his awkward self trying his best to keep up the demeanour he was showing before. Praewn takes a step back and lets out a confused laugh. “You’re not his boyfriend haha I mean..” she trails off her eyes switching between the two boys. Kit looks up at Ming, his face red. His hand brushes Ming’s and the younger guy immediately intertwines their fingers. Ming is beaming at Kit. Praewn looks at them, her confused smile fading. He has never seen Ming smile that brightly at anyone, ever. “Huh”, she let’s out and the two men holding hands turn their attention back to her. “I’m sorry..” she mumbles, turns around and runs away. Ming frowns and takes a step after her. Kit snags him right back. He looks at Ming fiercely and the younger boy gives up. They stay there in silence, looking at each other while still holding hands. “So… boyfriend?” Ming asks clearly trying to hold in his smile. He fails, soon beaming at Kit. Kit’s heart skips a beat as he looks at Ming’s smile. Holy shit, he curses in his head. Kit’s ears are extremely red as he turns his eyes away. “Mmhm”, he makes a sound of agreement. Ming laughs and pulls Kit in for a hug. Kit struggles immediately. “Ming!! We’re in public!!” he scolds the boy trying to hit him but his hands are trapped between their bodies. Ming just laughs. Kit can’t help but smile. He really does loves the sound of Ming’s laughter.
“What did you want to give me?” Ming asks as he sits down on Kit’s bed. Kit bites his lower lip as he takes the bag from his closet where he was keeping it. Ming raises his eyebrows as Kit stops in the middle of the room. “I just… well, I mean, I was going to give this to you a little earlier but I didn’t get a chance”, Kit mumbles. He walks closer and gives the bag to Ming. He looks at Kit with a smile. “What is it?” Ming answers but Kit just shrugs. He changes his weight from one foot to another feeling very nervous. Ming opens the bag and takes out the box inside it. He snaps his head up, his eyes bright with excitement. “No you didn’t!” he exclaims and opens the box. He looks at the wristwatch in adore. It’s a very simple argent one with a black leather strap. Ming broke his own watch a few weeks ago and he was really heartbroken about it and then Kit happened to walk by the shop on his way to the bathroom and decided to buy it for him. Ming looks at the watch speechless. He turns his eyes back to Kit. He feels like his heart is going to burst at any moment. Ming puts the watch back into its box and gently lays it on the ground. Then he grabs a hold of Kit’s wrist and pulls him onto the bed. Ming smashes his lips against Kit’s and the older guy makes a surprised noise but doesn’t pull away. Ming’s hands find their way around Kit’s waist and he pulls the guy even closer. Kit actually rather likes kissing Ming, even though he would never admit it of course, and he lets himself get pulled forward. Not liking the awkward position their legs are in, Kit climbs up to sit on Ming’s lap, his fingers entangled in Ming’s hair. Ming let’s out a surprised ‘umph’ as Kit moves but he doesn’t mind. He would be crazy if he did. The kiss is feverish and rough, full of all the unspoken feelings they have been consumed by. Kit deepens the kiss with his tongue and Ming tightens his hold on Kit’s waist. One of his hands sneak under Kit’s shirt and Kit gasps a little at the coldness of Ming’s fingers. Taking this opportunity, Ming leaves a trail of kisses moving down to suck on the skin on Kit’s neck. Kit groans at the sensation and tugs Ming’s hair to bring his lips back up to meet his. If he lets Ming kiss his neck Kit might want more than kisses and he's not ready for that. Reacting to his thoughts, Kit pulls away, panting. His fingers are still in Ming’s hair and his butt still pressed against Ming’s upper thighs. Kit opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Ming meets his eyes, looking feverish. He smiles and Kit just knows that he doesn’t have to say anything. Because Ming already saw the words in his eyes. Ming leans in to kiss Kit again. This time it’s not fast or harsh, it’s soft and slow and Kit completely melts into it. Eventually they stop kissing and with Kit still on his lap, Ming falls to his side to lie on the bed. Kit sets himself comfortably into Ming’s arms and once again their lips find a way to connect. Kit is starting to see what Phana is always going on about. Having a boyfriend is nice.
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superrcell · 5 years ago
clara!! or teru mobbedpsycho
omg hehe ill do both bc i love them both so much : )
How I feel about this character
oh my god, i LOVE her? i love her so much. literally my favorite healer. her route is literally the best.
its just like. shes SO fun. shes so weird and shes so funny and i just love love love how shes written. i love that in the beginning of her own route shes like.. literally Just a little girl. like getting worried bc she told the first lie in her life ,,, its just like shes so cute. i love her and shes soooo funny oh my god. i love love love how through her route she becomes more confident with herself and her path, it seems... just like everything is so good about her.
i love her place in the game as well... shes the youngest, definitely the one who you’d probably trust the least to do a good job, and just so ... she’s so weird! i love that she is the character who becomes the sort of meta character, where the developers Know you’ve gone thru everything twice, we’re now just going to let her know all you need. plus, i fucking LOVE her powers with the hook - thats a trope i just love so much... 
i love her black and white mentality? its just so interesting... i love how the world warps in her route, where people are especially evil, or are especially good. and i love. i LOVE that she’s put with all of the humbles... like i just love everything about her SO much ... 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
oh, as ive said: grace!! i find their relationship incredibly cute, especially with how clara says how much she likes her in her route... plus! weird (graveyard) girls unite :) idk, i just feel like they complement each other very well, and would understand each other very well! its very cute!
to a much lesser degree, i also find capella and clara cute, but i dont have quite as many thoughts on it. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character (im just interpreting this as other relationships i find interesting)
omg, so many, um ,,, 
firstly, the saburovs! i think more about katerina just because of who i am, but i love thinking of if they were like . . . an actually good family. idk, its just like if the saburovs weren’t In That Situation... maybe, just maybe they would be better? they obviously care about clara very very much, as shown in those first few days... idk, i just love the idea of good families 😔
secondly, like almost every relationship she has with the humbles, or what potential relationship she’ll have in p2 now that some of them have been reworked. i cant go through the whole list because ill be here all day, but especially rubin and her relationship; the connection she has with aspity; im interested in how the others will be reworked and how they’ll interact with clara just... ayugh i love all of the  humbles so much!
thirdly, um. okay not to be a termite stan but thinking of her relationship with some of the termites is super interesting... in particular, as ive said, grace and her seem like they could very well be very good friends if not gfs, and sticky! theyre both thieves ... i feel like it can be very interesting, though i doubt they would be really close hsdjkgjk still! i just love thinking of her potential relationship with the other kids.
fourthly, also aglaya because of her connection with clara, with knowing. Everything about their world is so interesting. plus, just how aglaya treats her is so... interesting? shes just SO different in clara’s route, its so interesting...
and lastly, as i said: her relationship with block! i dont have too many thoughts, but i find his care for her very very interesting and sweet... im interested in how their relationship will be expanded upon in her route!
wait no im still adding things: her relationship with the albino! idk i just find her relationship with the creature of the steppe so sweet... its just like the bond between them its just so nice and it makes me so 💖thinking about it in her route...
My unpopular opinion about this character
clara best healer! clara’s route is the best! i hate it when people only use her for their daniil/artemiy ship shit! she doesnt give a shit about them! stop pushing her off to the side! her route is unfinished, yes, thats really only the side quests from day 8 on! the main quest is always different! just play her route! shes not just some weird person who only speaks in metaphors, shes also a little girl!  i love clara very much! 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
oh, hmm... her route to be finished, and actually full of details? ghdsjkgj really though, i remember people saying that they might go for a genre shift with the other two routes in p2, and i think her’s being more horror would be SO cool... i also hope that we can hug people in her route as well, oh my god. oh my god. please let me hug the saburovs. 
How I feel about this character
i LOVE teru! hes absolutely, 100%, completely my favorite mp100 character. hes such a huge comfort character to me as well its just like i looveee his character. hes so SO funny and hes so dumb but also hes like SO smart and. hes SOOOO smart and i just can relate to him a lot! who am i but a constant string of “oh yeah im very smart and i can do this amazingly” and then almost immediately being followed by someone showing me up, 
plus, i feel like hes just my favorite character archetype. its just like! i am such a huuugeeee fan of characters showing off and trying to act big but are hiding behind a ton of insecurities. or well, maybe not quite hiding behind them, but having a lot of them. after all i think teru truly is just Like That, though his actions in his arc were heavily motivated by these insecurities... idk i just love him so much. hes just really relatable to me in some aspects and in all others i just find so fun. hes such a great character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
oh, mob ofc! i dont think about the ship all that much, but i think its rlly cute, and i definitely feel like teru has a lot of love in his heart for mob! its rlly nice and can be very sweet c:  
My non-romantic OTP for this character (im just interpreting this as other relationships i find interesting)
mob! once again i just think their friendship is just really nice, and i love how much teru cares for mob! plus theyre so funny gdhksjjg idk theyre just a fun team!! i love them!! i dont have many other thoughts, as i feel like their relationship is explored constantly, and i dont have many new thoughts to bring to the table. i just love it when their shown in a fun light c:
also, now idk if ive ever given this vibe off but, i LOVE found families, so i looveeee love love the au where reigen and serizawa take in shou, tome, and teru! like even outside of the au, i feel like a friendship with shou would be so nice? its just like the shared familial issues 😔plus i think theyd be hilarious together. no matter what i see them as having a more brotherly relationship! i like especially thinking about them playing games together, and same with tome! which like tome, oh my god i feel like theyd be so fun together and just the thought of them as siblings sounds like it could very very easily go badly because of clashing personalities but idk... i just feel like it could also be really nice and fun :) i love thinking about the sibling relationships in mp100 so much because theyre all just so fun characters and it feels like it can always result in such a fun and not like... angsty atmosphere. like i can just see them as being actual siblings, and its nice!
also, reigen ofc! i mentioned that i like the idea of reigen taking him in, though i think reigen might not be a . . . great parental figure. but i just really like the found familyness of it... plus, okay, this is going to be obvious since im such a teru stan, but the one omake where reigen takes them all out for a “client” but it just is reigen trying to give them all a fun summer day because teru mentioned how his family doesnt ever really see him... oh my god its about That. just an adult figure caring for teru makes me happy and thats why i love their relationship so much.
also, i have much less thoughts about this (or at least now i do), but the idea of teru and ritsu being friends sounds so funny. like i dont have many thoughts on it; its all mainly this comic on them 
My unpopular opinion about this character
hmmm, i think all of my opinions are echoed by the people in my corner of the fandom, but one i can think of is like just about Every take on his fashion sense is so cold, besides the one thats like “hes a rich teenager living on his own and thats why his fashion sense is like that.” like he obviously cares about his own appearance, but aahkdshjkg i dont think its like so much as so many people put on him. also for  the love of god focus on his other interests other than fashion for once, 
idk, i think most of my opinions boil down to “i dont like what hes been reduced to/what the fandom always focuses on for him.” 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
oh, hm! i wish they hadnt cut out the one scene in s2 (around the beginning of the world domination arc, at teru’s apartment) where teru basically shows off his powers and how much hes grown and knows... i get Why they cut it out, but, as far as i remember, its such a good part of his character i wish they had kept in! 
i also hope that they add a little extra of him in s3 since i feel like they will have  more time left over ... 👉👈
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