#ming x kitkat
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A week of hell | Ming x Kit | 2moons2
–Has an exam tomorrow morning but ends up writing a 6k+ fic because why study.–
A group of girls walk into the shop and soon Kit can hear their chatter, just like he’s sure everyone else standing in the line with him can as well. “…and he’s still soooooo cute!” “I know! I wonder if he has a girlfriend? Surely he does, even back in high school he was really popular with girls.” “Oh! I actually heard that recently he broke up with his girlfriend, you know the one he was together with for like over a year.” Kit could hear excited squeals. “So I might actually have a chance then! You know how I’ve always been crushing on him.” “Yup. You should go to him!” “Yes! You should!” “What, right now?” “Yes, now! He was sitting alone! Now’s your chance!” Kit glances at the gossiping group. The four girls are all pretty but nothing about them stands out. Kit turns his attention away as the line moves forward. “Well, guess I’m going, bye!” “Omg tell us how it went!” The girls’ voices get momentarily louder. Kit moves forward again and now he’s next in the line. Kit looks into the bag with a smile. Ming is going to love it. Or is he? Kit hopes he is. Damn, what if he doesn’t like it? Kit checks that he still has the receipt. He does, okay, good. He can always return it if Ming doesn’t like it… but if he doesn’t Kit really doesn’t know what else to get him… He’ll just have to worry about it later. Kit raises his head and spots Ming with ease. He’s sitting next to the window right where he left him. Kit slows down. Ming is not alone. He squints his eyes trying to see who the girl is as he slowly moves closer. She’s sitting next to Ming her mouth moving fast. Ming is smiling. Kit can feel his stomach dropping.
Kit enters the restaurant with hesitant steps, his eyes glued to the girl sitting where Kit was sitting only minutes ago. “Oh P!” Ming calls once he sees Kit. The girl turns around as Kit approaches, flashing him a smile. Her brown hair is to her mid-back and she’s very cute. Her front teeth are a little too big making her smile imbalanced but Kit can’t help but think that’s what makes her even cuter. He’s sure everyone else has the same thoughts as him. Ming surely finds the girl cute. Kit feels pressure in his stomach but he ignores the feeling. “This is Praewn, we went to the same high school”, Ming introduces the girl and she greets Kit. With a startle, Kit recognises the girl to be the one from the shop. So, it seems like the subject of their gossip was his boyf- Ming catches himself. Friend. His friend. The girl turns to Kit again. “Oh! Right, is it okay for me to hang with you guys for a while?” Praewn asks Kit with a bright smile. Kit raises his eyebrows in surprise. He’s taken aback by the question and in a confused state lets out a ‘sure’. The girl smiles and turns back to face Ming. Kit regrets his answer as soon as the word comes out. He swallows down the feeling gathering in his chest and sits down on the only vacant spot at the end of the small table. Ming is sitting to his left and Praewn to his right, they are facing each other while Kit is facing the window. “What took you so long?” Ming asks as their food arrives. They made their order and Kit said he had to go to the bathroom but he was gone a long time. “Oh umm… There was a line”, he mumbles, looking at his food, glad that Ming didn’t see the small bag he was carrying. Ming frowns. “A line? To the men’s bathroom?” he questions with laughter evident in his voice. Kit shrugs. “The other one was broken”, he comes up with a quick response. Ming raises his eyebrows but says nothing. As soon as Ming stops talking to Kit, Praewn pulls the younger guy back into a conversation. The two start sharing their high school stories and all Kit can do is sit and eat his food. He feels like a third-wheel. He hates it.
What normally would’ve been a nice 40-minute lunch turns into a 20-minute one as Kit gulps down his food like he has been starving his entire life. Kit is pretty positive that he might’ve scarred both his throat and his mouth for not letting the food cool down enough, but he doesn’t care. As soon as he’s done eating they say goodbye to the girl and Kit drags Ming out with a stupid excuse. Ming eats a lot faster than Kit does and therefore he was ready to leave whenever Kit was ready. Which happened to be twice as fast as usually. Kit is walking fast, trying to get as far away from the restaurant as he can. Ming walks behind him in small confusion but he doesn’t question it. He’s used to Kit being strange sometimes. If it’s something Kit wants to tell him, he knows that he will. Only this time, he doesn’t.
Kit looks at the bag on the floor next to his bed and sighs. He never got a chance to give it to Ming. Because of Praewn. Kit scoffs. Then he catches himself and shakes his head. The girl did nothing, he shouldn’t be mad at her. Yes, she did nothing wrong, she was just talking with her old classmate… Surely Kit would’ve done the same if the situation was reversed. Kit nods at himself. Yes, that’s it. Nothing more.
”Almost there.” Kit looks at Ming’s message one more time. It’s been 5 minutes since he received the answer. Kit rises up to his tiptoes to search the moving mass in front of him. Still no sign of Ming. He comes back down and opens the dial, his thumb hovering over Ming’s name. Kit calls him and immediately he hears a familiar voice. “P!” Ming calls through the crowd. Kit turns his head and Ming raises his hand, waving it in the air to catch the older guy’s attention. Once Kit sees Ming he smiles and ends the call before it can ring. Ming’s eyes are bright. He flashes him a wide smile as he walks through the crowd towards Kit. “Hey”, Kit greets him. His smile freezes when another person emerges from within the crowd. Praewn. She flashes Kit a smile and greets him. Kit turns his eyes to Ming. “Oh, I met Praewn just now, that’s why I was late, sorry. She’s actually going to see the same movie we are”, Ming explains with a smile. Praewn nods in excitement. “Is it okay if I come with you two?” she turns to Kit, once again asking him for permission. And, once again, Kit gets confused and nods before he can stop himself. Praewn’s smile gets wider. “Ah great! I’m so glad I don’t have to go alone!” she exclaims and Kit just smiles. The same weight returns to his stomach and as they walk towards the tickets counter he silently curses at himself. He really needs to improve his articulation skills.
The three of them end up buying tickets for three seats in a row and Ming and Praewn are walking in front of Kit, talking animatedly. Kit tries his best to keep his face empty of all emotion. The lights are already getting dimmer in the theatre when they arrive and Praewn stumbles in the stairs. She grabs a hold of Ming to steady herself. “Oops! I’m sorry”, she giggles as she lets go. Ming just smiles at her, letting her lead the way. Kit loosens his grip on his popcorn. The cardboard cup is bent in his hands. Some of the popcorn spilt over.
They sit down with Ming in the middle. Ming keeps his right hand on the armrest, his palm open. Kit knows it’s there in case Kit wants to grab a hold of it but he doesn’t. He sits still, his arms crossed the entire time. He’s afraid that he might actually take Ming’s hand if he relaxes. Kit can’t focus on the movie. He keeps glancing to his left at Ming and Praewn. Kit doesn’t like to talk while watching movies but Ming does. And, apparently, so does Praewn. They lean close to each other every few scenes to exchange their opinions. As the movie progresses, so does Kit’s bad mood. Once they leave the theatre, Kit says goodbye to the other two and leaves alone, saying he suddenly has somewhere to be. He’s not even sure who or what he is mad at, he just is.
As Ming enters his car, he sees the small bag on the passenger seat, still waiting to be given to its owner. Kit groans and hits his head against the back of his seat. Another missed opportunity. And once again Kit gets mad at Prawen for ruining everything, and once again Kit scolds himself for thinking like that. After a deep breath, he starts the car and drives home, his heart not any calmer than it was before.
Kit looks around the mall. Ming dragged him here to help him buy a present for Ming’s mother. Kit truly doesn’t know what made Ming think that Kit would be of any help but here they are. “Should we got there?” Ming points at a store they would normally never visit. Kit shrugs and Ming leads the way. The store is filled with textiles and all sorts of small decorative items along with furniture. “You’re gonna buy her something for the house?” Kit asks and Ming shrugs. “I’d like to get her something useful”, he replies and turns his attention to some beautifully woven cloths. Kit raises his eyebrows and starts looking around as well. He’s a person who prefers practical gifts as well.
They’ve been staying in the same shop for fifteen minutes when Kit decides it’s been long enough and starts looking for Ming. “Oh! P’Kit!!” Kit hears a familiar voice and freezes. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his body already reacting in displeasement. Kit opens his eyes and turns around, not even bothering to smile. “Ah. Praewn. Hello”, he greets her with emotionless tone. Praewn has a wide smile on her face and she looks around. It’s more than clear who she’s looking for. Kit opens his mouth to say something about Ming not being there when the idiot himself calls on them. “Hi Praewn”, Ming appears and greets the girl. Praewn’s smile gets even wider and she comes a little closer. “We meet again!” she exclaims, her eyes never leaving Ming’s face. Ming smiles. “What are you doing here?” Ming asks politely. Praewn laughs. “Ah hehe I’m just looking around for little something to brighten up my apartment. I just moved to my own place”, she says with a smile. Kit wants to gag at how obviously she indicated that she lives alone. Instead, he just looks away and rolls his eyes. “Cool. We’re here to buy my mom a present”, Ming explains and Praewn’s eyes get brighter. “Oh can I help?!” she suggests. Ming glances at Kit but the older guy is not looking at him. Ming opens his mouth but Praewn speaks first. “What’s your mom like? I saw these really cute hand towels over there, I think she’d really love them…” Praewn starts rambling and takes a hold of Ming’s arm, dragging him towards the towels. Ming turns to look at Kit with raised eyebrows but goes with the girl nevertheless.
Kit is left behind fuming. He could always go after them, sure, but he really doesn’t want to. Instead Kit turns on his heels and exits the shop. He is really, really starting to dislike the girl and her stupid cute smile. This time Kit doesn’t even stop himself from cursing the girl out. An uncomfortable feeling rises in his body and he can’t chase it away. He knows he’s jealous. Of course he does. It’s not the first time he has felt this feeling and yet he pretends to be clueless. He doesn’t want to stoop as low as to be jealous. Ming has told him several times that he likes him, he knows Ming like him but still. What if the girl keeps hanging around? What if they exchange numbers and start talking? What if Praewn turns out to be perfect? She’s surely not as grumpy as Kit is, nor as emotionally restricted, nor as bad at expressing herself… Kit groans and tugs at his hair. He’s walking through the mall aimlessly, trying to get rid of the ugly feeling in his chest, but it seems like no matter how much he walks, the feeling doesn’t go away. His phone dings and Kit takes it out, already guessing who the sender is. “Where are you?” Kit sighs and sends Ming a quick reply. For a few seconds, he ponders whether he should just leave like he did before but he buries the idea. He can’t run away. Not again. Kit rolls his eyes and turns around. Ming sends him another message saying they already went into a different shop. Ming bites his teeth together. He really, really dislikes the girl.
Kit looks at Praewn with fire in his eyes. He thought he knew at the start but now.. he’s not so sure. He no longer knows whether the girl is just oblivious or if she keeps appearing between them on purpose. This is the fourth day in a row they meet her at the mall “accidentally”. Kit is very much annoyed. This is his favourite mall because it’s so close to his dorm and it has everything they need. Ming’s favourite restaurant, as well as Kit’s favourite shops, are all here. But now due to Praewn, his favourite place is increasingly becoming his least favourite.
Kit takes a sip of his coffee and turns his eyes down to his phone. Ming and Praewn are sitting next to him once again talking about some incident Kit has never heard of nor been a part of. He has, admittedly, been wondering whether Praewn brings out all these subjects just because she knows Kit can’t be a part of them. Kit buries that idea pretty quick though. Realistically she has no need to push Kit aside, she has no idea that Ming likes him or that there’s anything going on between them in the first place. And yet he wonders.
Kit shakes his head and focuses on his screen. He has an Instagram account but he rarely posts anything there. He has the account mostly just so he can keep up with everyone else. Kit double taps on Phana’s photo of him and Wayo and he can’t stop his lips from twitching. Ever since the two started dating they’ve been posting selfies and pictures of each other on their Instagrams. Even though they’ve never publicly announced that they’re dating, everyone knows they are. It’s cute, that much Kit can admit. They really fit well together. Kit keeps scrolling down when he stops on a certain picture. Praewn started following him on Instagram the very first day they saw each other and back then Kit started following her back. Had she done the same now Kit would’ve blocked her but a few days ago it didn’t seem as big of a deal. The picture he’s currently staring at is a selfie of Ming and Praewn, both of them smiling. Kit recognises the background to be the shop from yesterday. Kit tries his very hardest not to throw his phone on the ground or, more preferably, at Praewn. The caption of the photo says ’Reunion’ and Kit rolls his eyes. He opens the comment section. There are 97 comments in total. He raises his eyebrows in surprise at both the amount of likes and comments. Some of the comments are complimenting Praewn but most of them are focused on Ming. As Kit reads through all the praises he feels conflicted. A part of him wants to smile at all the compliments his bo- friend is getting, and another part wants to frown at all these people fawning over him. A fraction of the comments are from what Kit assumes to be their old classmates. Ming, surprisingly, doesn’t have Instagram. Kit knows this already but a lot of the comments are asking for his id and complaining how it’s such a waste. Kit rolls his eyes at those people. The only appearances of Ming on the app can be found on the accounts of Wayo and his other friends. For a few seconds Kit wonders if he’s ever going to be posting a picture of him and Ming on there but he quickly chases the idea away. Kit looks at the picture and very deliberately, does not double tap. It’s a petty revenge but it’s all Kit can do.
Kit puts his phone away and leans back in his seat, looking at the pair next to him. He really doesn’t know what to do anymore. He can’t just tell Ming to stop hanging out with the kid can he? He can’t, he has no right. Who is he to tell Ming who he can spend his time with? Nobody. He’s just a friend. Ming takes another sip of his coffee in annoyance. Has it really come down to this? Does he seriously need to find a new mall to go to? Kit sighs. He really hates this.
It’s been three days since they last saw Praewn. Just like it’s been three days since they’ve been at the mall. Kit really doesn’t want to go there again this soon but here he is in Ming’s car, letting the boy drive them there. Ming ripped his favourite shorts and forced Kit to tag along to buy him new ones. By forcing him Kit means that he kept being more annoying then usual until Kit finally caved in which eventually only took 5 minutes. Kit hates how easily he gives in when it comes to Ming. And the boy dares to complain that he’s diffuclt. Scoff. “Should we go eat something first?” Ming asks. Kit thinks. If they go to their favourite place it’s very much possible that they meet Praewn there since they’ve been there with her once before already, and even though Kit knows that it’s very unlikely for them to meet Praewn again, he’s not risking it. A men’s section in a clothing store on the other hand? He doubts they’ll stumble on Praewn there. “Let’s go shopping first”, Kit answers with resolve. Ming nods, complying with whatever Kit wants to do. He did drag him here after all.
Finding a pair of shorts turns out to be more difficult than Kit thought. You see, Ming is very picky. This is the third store they’ve been in since arriving. Ming has already tried on at least five different pairs but according to him, none of them fit like he wants them to. Kit sighs and holds up another pair. “How about these? They look similar to your old ones.” Ming turns around and looks at the shorts. He takes them into his hands and starts examining. Kit chuckles. He has yet to see Ming pay such detail to anything other than clothes.
By the time the clock strikes 2 pm both boys are hungry and Ming has finally found himself a pair of shorts he likes. They ended up going to a few other shops after and they both bought a few shirts and other pieces as well. “Should we go there?” Kit points at a Japanese restaurant. Ming frowns. He really wants to go back to where they went a week ago. “I’m really craving noodles”, Kit then complains and turns his eyes to Ming, pouting a little with a pleading look in his eyes. Ming looks at him and his mouth melts into a smile. He wants to squeal at how cute Kit is. He barely holds it in and instead just nods. Kit gives him a cheeky smile. He doesn’t take advantage of the boy a lot, but when he does, he does it for a good reason. A little acting is okay as long as they don’t attract any unwanted guests. Everytime he tries to get his way he is just as surprised at how easily Ming agrees. He still can’t understand how he could possibly have this kind of power over the boy.
After ordering Kit makes sure to find a table with only two chairs and satisfied, he sits down. Today has actually been very pleasant. Once Ming finally found his shorts shopping became a lot less boring and they spent the rest of the time teasing each other. Or, well, Ming kept teasing him and Kit cursing at him. Still, he didn’t mind. He had fun. Kit relaxes into his chair, listening to Ming explaining something very unnecessary. Their food arrives soon and Kit delves in. They are half way through their meal when Kit’s day gets ruined, again. “P’Kit! Ming!! Hi!!” Praewn yells and enters the restaurant with a bright smile, heading towards the pair. Kit slams his chopsticks on the table in rage. Ming startles and turns to look at the older guy in concern. “P?” Ming asks looking at Kit who’s face is turning more red by the second. His eyes flash dangerously. Praewn gets closer and notices that there are no more chairs. Being the resourceful girl that she is, she takes a chair from the empty table next to them and drags it over to sit with the boys. Kit can feel the vein on his temple expanding. His hands tighten into fists and he bites his tongue to shut himself up. He can soon taste blood but he doesn’t relax. Ming greets the girl in the polite way he always does, his eyes flickering to Kit here and there to see if he’s okay.
But he’s not okay. He is furious. How dares this girl come in all the time to ruin every single date!! Kit is too angry to realise what word he used. He just wants to have a good time with Ming without this stupid kid interrupting them every single time!! What even is she? Does she seriously stalk them? Is she here everyday just waiting for them, hoping to see them so she can tag along all innocent??! Kit wants to scream. He relaxes his fist and picks the chopsticks back up. Four deep marks matching his fingernails are engraved in his palm but he ignores the pain. He keeps his eyes fixated on the noodle bowl in front of him and starts eating, trying to ignore the girl.
Ever since the restaurant incident, Ming keeps his attention on Kit. Even when he’s talking with Praewn, his eyes keep going back to check on the older guy. Praewn notices this and tries twice as hard to make the boy engage in a conversation. Which in turn drives Kit twice as mad. Which in turn makes Ming check on him twice as often. After another long awkward silence of fuming Kit and staring Ming, Praewn suggests that they go for dessert and they all agree. Well, Ming nods and Kit lets out an incomprehensible grumble which Praewn assumes to be an ‘okay’.
As they enter the café Kit says he needs to use the bathroom and strides away, trusting Ming to order something he likes. Once he arrives to the bathroom he heads straight for the sinks and splashes cold water on his face. He looks at himself in the mirror. He can’t bring a neutral expression to his face no matter how hard he tries. His eyebrows seem to be glued together into a permanent frown and his eyes are too hard. It’s obvious he’s mad. And yet the girl seems to be clueless. That, or she simply doesn’t care. Kit splashes more water onto his face. He knew he shouldn’t have come today, he just knew.
Since he’s already there, Kit decides to actually use the bathroom and in 5 more minutes, he’s out. He admits having spent a little too long washing his hands but oh well. The longer he goes without seeing Praewn the better. He walks out of the men’s bathroom and hears a familiar voice. He slows down and leans against the wall, listening in on the conversation coming from the girls’ bathroom. Praewn is talking loudly on the phone and her voice bounces off the tiles of the big sink area making it possible for Kit to hear every word that she’s saying. “..yea. Though it seems like there’s something going on with his friend…. I don’t know, he just seems distracted… Yea yea I will… I think I might actually ask him out today… Hehee I know!! I actually asked him and he said he doesn’t have a girlfriend right now.. I don’t know! I just did it!” her voice gets louder and Kit walks off before she turns around the corner and sees him.
Kit no longer has any words to describe how mad he is. He knew what Praewn was after but hearing her say it herself.. Kit wants to snatch Ming and drag him out of here right now. He calms himself down enough to sit next to ming and take a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He goes back to his thoughts ignoring Ming and his questioning eyes. What Kit hates more than anything else, is how severe his own reaction is. He already said no when Ming asked him to be his boyfriend so he has no say in who Ming ends up dating! Even though Ming did say that he’s going to keep asking ‘till Kit says yes, and even though he has been asked that guestion five times since then. And even though for the last three times Kit hasn’t said the word ‘no’ exactly, he still hasn’t said ‘yes’. So, technically, Ming is a single man and therefore allowed to date whom ever he wants. But the idea of Ming dating Praewn sends all sorts of feelings through his body. He hates the picture popping into his head. Ming doesn’t fit well with Praewn! They are not a good fit! Sure, they’ve known each other for years and they’re both good-looking, but still! They don’t fit well together because- Kit stops himself from thinking of reasons of why because he’s afraid that the words ‘because she’s not me’ might end up slipping in. Which is something Kit obviously can’t let happen.
Kit ends up spending most of the time in the café in his own head and he’s startled when Ming asks if he’s ready to leave. Praewn asks if there’s anywhere else they’d like to go and they exit the café. They walk through the mall and Kit starts observing Praewn. She has been flirting and acting cute with Ming ever since the first day but this was on another level. She’s constantly touching Ming. If it’s not her hand brushing against Ming’s then it’s her arm or some other place. She laughs more than she did an hour ago and hits Ming playfully everytime she does. Kit can’t stand it. His hands curl into fists once again. “Oh that’s cute! It reminds me of you!” Praewn giggles as she points at a keychain with a brown haired figure on it. They’ve stopped in front of some sort of pop-up stall. Ming looks at the figure and shakes his head. “No it doesn’t”, he answers with a small smile. Praewn widens her eyes and takes a hold of Ming’s arm. “Yes it does! It’s totally you! C’mon, Imma buy it!” Praewn answers and lets go, taking a step forward. “That way I can always carry a little Ming with me”, she turns around and winks. Ming gives her an awkward smile. “Hey Praewn, don’t”, he asks with the same awkward smile. Praewn turns around and frowns. She comes back to stand in front of Ming. “Ming?” she asks with her face getting redder. Kit already knows where this is going. “Can I date you?” she asks and bites her lower lip. Ming’s eyes widen in surprise and he opens his mouth.
That’s it. Kit truly can’t take it anymore. He walks past Ming and gets closer to Praewn. She startles a little at the expression on Kit’s face. They are about the same height but Kit seems oddly intimidating with the aura of anger around him. “No, you can’t”, Kit answers unable to keep the malice out of his voice. Praewn’s eyes widen in surprise. “Hey P”, Ming warns and takes a step closer. Kit ignores him. “Seriously? I’m sorry but who do you think you are? You two are barely even friends and you wanna date him? You don’t even know him!” Kit accuses his voice shaking with anger. Praewn looks shocked. And well, Kit thinks she has every right to be. But he doesn’t care. If Praewn dislikes him after this, so be it. He’s sick and tired of the girl. “W-What? You can’t just say that!” Praewn answers in confusion her face still red. “Yes, I can. He doesn’t want to date you because there is someone he already likes!” Kit answers confident in his words. Ming looks at him in surprise. Praewn turns her eyes to Ming. “Is he telling the truth?” Praewn asks Ming. Kit turns to stare at him too. Dazed all Ming can do is nod. Praewn’s face turns into a mix of hurt, confusion and anger. “I thought you said you didn’t have anyone you liked!” Praewn accuses. Kit rolls his eyes. “He doesn’t have a girlfriend, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like anybody!” Kit explains his patience running out. Praewn turns her eyes to Kit and glares at him, getting annoyed with the shorter boy. “What about you then huh? Every time I saw you you were acting like someone pissed in your morning cereal! You can’t just act like an asshole and then not let your friend speak for himself!” she let’s anger seep into her voice. Ming looks at the exchange feeling lost. He has no idea what to do, he has never seen Kit this angry at anyone else before! “You’re one caring friend huh?! What right do you have to intertwine?!” Praewn spits out, taking a step closer. Kit takes a step closer as well. “I’m his boyfriend you dumbtard!” Kit screams at her in anger. All three of them freeze on the spot. Ming’s eyebrows shoot up as he snaps his head towards Kit. He can’t stop the smile forming on his lips. Praewn’s mouth drops open and Kit can feel his face flushing red. He clears his throat. “So”, Kit struggles to keep his voice steady “If you would be so kind as to stop flirting with my boyfriend, that would be great”, Kit goes back to his awkward self trying his best to keep up the demeanour he was showing before. Praewn takes a step back and lets out a confused laugh. “You’re not his boyfriend haha I mean..” she trails off her eyes switching between the two boys. Kit looks up at Ming, his face red. His hand brushes Ming’s and the younger guy immediately intertwines their fingers. Ming is beaming at Kit. Praewn looks at them, her confused smile fading. He has never seen Ming smile that brightly at anyone, ever. “Huh”, she let’s out and the two men holding hands turn their attention back to her. “I’m sorry..” she mumbles, turns around and runs away. Ming frowns and takes a step after her. Kit snags him right back. He looks at Ming fiercely and the younger boy gives up. They stay there in silence, looking at each other while still holding hands. “So… boyfriend?” Ming asks clearly trying to hold in his smile. He fails, soon beaming at Kit. Kit’s heart skips a beat as he looks at Ming’s smile. Holy shit, he curses in his head. Kit’s ears are extremely red as he turns his eyes away. “Mmhm”, he makes a sound of agreement. Ming laughs and pulls Kit in for a hug. Kit struggles immediately. “Ming!! We’re in public!!” he scolds the boy trying to hit him but his hands are trapped between their bodies. Ming just laughs. Kit can’t help but smile. He really does loves the sound of Ming’s laughter.
“What did you want to give me?” Ming asks as he sits down on Kit’s bed. Kit bites his lower lip as he takes the bag from his closet where he was keeping it. Ming raises his eyebrows as Kit stops in the middle of the room. “I just… well, I mean, I was going to give this to you a little earlier but I didn’t get a chance”, Kit mumbles. He walks closer and gives the bag to Ming. He looks at Kit with a smile. “What is it?” Ming answers but Kit just shrugs. He changes his weight from one foot to another feeling very nervous. Ming opens the bag and takes out the box inside it. He snaps his head up, his eyes bright with excitement. “No you didn’t!” he exclaims and opens the box. He looks at the wristwatch in adore. It’s a very simple argent one with a black leather strap. Ming broke his own watch a few weeks ago and he was really heartbroken about it and then Kit happened to walk by the shop on his way to the bathroom and decided to buy it for him. Ming looks at the watch speechless. He turns his eyes back to Kit. He feels like his heart is going to burst at any moment. Ming puts the watch back into its box and gently lays it on the ground. Then he grabs a hold of Kit’s wrist and pulls him onto the bed. Ming smashes his lips against Kit’s and the older guy makes a surprised noise but doesn’t pull away. Ming’s hands find their way around Kit’s waist and he pulls the guy even closer. Kit actually rather likes kissing Ming, even though he would never admit it of course, and he lets himself get pulled forward. Not liking the awkward position their legs are in, Kit climbs up to sit on Ming’s lap, his fingers entangled in Ming’s hair. Ming let’s out a surprised ‘umph’ as Kit moves but he doesn’t mind. He would be crazy if he did. The kiss is feverish and rough, full of all the unspoken feelings they have been consumed by. Kit deepens the kiss with his tongue and Ming tightens his hold on Kit’s waist. One of his hands sneak under Kit’s shirt and Kit gasps a little at the coldness of Ming’s fingers. Taking this opportunity, Ming leaves a trail of kisses moving down to suck on the skin on Kit’s neck. Kit groans at the sensation and tugs Ming’s hair to bring his lips back up to meet his. If he lets Ming kiss his neck Kit might want more than kisses and he's not ready for that. Reacting to his thoughts, Kit pulls away, panting. His fingers are still in Ming’s hair and his butt still pressed against Ming’s upper thighs. Kit opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Ming meets his eyes, looking feverish. He smiles and Kit just knows that he doesn’t have to say anything. Because Ming already saw the words in his eyes. Ming leans in to kiss Kit again. This time it’s not fast or harsh, it’s soft and slow and Kit completely melts into it. Eventually they stop kissing and with Kit still on his lap, Ming falls to his side to lie on the bed. Kit sets himself comfortably into Ming’s arms and once again their lips find a way to connect. Kit is starting to see what Phana is always going on about. Having a boyfriend is nice.
#why tf did i even write this#i literally don't even know how this happened#istg it was not supposed to be this long#it just happend#was too lazy to proof read I'm sorry for all the mistakes#2moons2#2moons2 the series#ming#kit#ming x kit#mingkit#mingkit fanfiction#kitkat#ming x kitkat#mingkwan x kit#mingkwan#pau writes
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#sweet love between boy and his kitkat#2 Moons#2 Moons the Series#เดือนเกี้ยวเดือน#asianLGBTQdramas#mine edit#MingKit#Ming x Kit#Kimmon Warodom Khemmonta#Ming Mingkwan Daichapanya#Kit Mongkol Intochar#Copter Panuwat Kerdthongtavee#Thai BL#ThaiBL#Thai series#Thai Drama#BL Drama#BL series#Gabriel makes stuff
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Let's play a game
How much of a rich boyfriend could you possibly have? BL edition
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Arthit: kongpop's father owns a company and his room at home is like my house x2
Phana: Wayo's father is richie rich
Ming: kit's father owns a company
Kao: Pete's father is richie rich (pt. 2)
Wwx: Lan Zhan is one of the Heads of his clan
Third: Kaii's parents are effing rich
Meng Shao Fai: Tang Yi was the Head of a prestigious mob clan and owns an expensive suit shop
Zhan Li An: Jack was a mercenary and has a huge secret Swiss bank account
Bai Yu Tong: Zhan Yao and his parents are very rich. Dot.
Zhan Yao: Bai Yu Tong and his parents are very rich (pt. 2)
Ae: Pete's father is richie rich (pt. 3)
Can: Tin's father is richie rich (pt. 4)
Bai Lou Yin: Gu Hai gets his father and mother-in-law a good f*cking job, buys him food, underwears, likes to pamper him in every way possible, and in the last episode he fricking buys 2 BMW!!!
#I love my very rich MCs and their boyfriends#sotus the series#Kongthit#2moons the series#2moons2#phana x wayo#ming/kitkat#mingkit#Dark blue kiss the series#Kiss: the series#Kiss me again#petekao#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#the untamed#wangxian#theory of love#kai x third#history 3: trapped#history3圈套#meng shaofei#tang yi#tangfei#jack x zhao zi#S.c.i mystery#Bai Yu Tong/ Zhan yao#love by chance#aepete#lbc tincan#addicted heroin
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Beam: kit's stubborn, you'll get tired of chasing him soon enough

#2moons2#2 moons 2#2 moons the series#2moons2 the series#2moons2 incorrect quotes#2moons the series#ming#mingkit#mingkwan#kitkat#kit#pha#phana#phayo#phana x wayo#yo#wayo#forthbeam#forth#beam
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You'll never guess who's in love with 2 moons 2 after thinking it would be the worst show ever... It's my dumbass!
Yeah so, I was in the urge of re-watching 2 moons because I was missing it, but then I found myself wanting more. The thing is, I always promised myself that I'd never watch 2 moons 2 because I felt like cheating on the original serie/cast and it was breaking my heart... Plus, I was really afraid of being disappointed,
I was in so much need of MingxKit and ForthxBeam stories that I couldn't stop myself anymore and I started watching the remake (because it's what it is and NOT a second season). And you know what, I was not disappointed and I even begun to really enjoy it! Of course, some things bothered me because they were different from the original 2 moons, but once it became a new story I couldn't get enough. Anyway, I'm happy that I've broken my promise to myself and watched it because it was really good!
Good night 💕
#2 moons 2#2 moons the series#2moons2#2moons3#2moons cast#phayo#mingkit#forthbeam#phana x wayo#Ming x kit#Forth x beam#mingkwan#kitkat
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just drink the gotdamn water kit omfg
#ep 8#ep8#2moons2#2 moons 2#2 moons the series#2moons2 the series#2moons the series#ming#mingkwan#kit#kitkat#mingkit#pha#phana#phana x wayo#yo#wayo#forth#beam#forthbeam
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#2 moons the series#2moonstheseries#ming x kit#kimmon#copter panuwat#tee tanapol#god itthipat#my gifs#2 moons 1x11#THAT SMILE#kitkat is in luuuuv#thdrama
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In my opinion both 2moons and 2moons 2 series are the best because both the series still have the cuteness of phayo, forthbeam and mingkit *555
Benearth behind the scenes of their first kiss scene
#2moons2#2 moons the series#earth thirapat#benjamin braiser#thai drama#mingkit#forthbeam#kitkat#p'pha#phayo#phana x wayo#ming x kit#forth x beam
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It Looks Better on Him
read more: Merry & Bright | Prompt: Shopping | Pairing: Ming x Kit
"After this store do you want to grab something to eat?" Beam asked as they walked into an all too familiar store. Kit smiled thinly as he recognized this being one that his boyfriend had brought him here several times to buy an outfits for his many campus moon events or for gifts.
"Yes." Pha groaned as his stomach growled. All three of them had been up since early morning to get their christmas gifts. Kit had already went shopping with Ming for Pha and Beam's. So, today was for family and Ming. As of right now, the only person he hadn't found a gift for is Ming. He had high hopes that he'd find the gift here.
'Kitty?" Beam said while nudging him. Kit nearly toppled from the bags from all his shopping of the day.
"Yeah, let's get something after this." Kit agreed bumping Beam's shoulder back. The three of them went their separate ways into the store. Beam had gone over to the jewelry while Pha went towards the shoes section. Kit wandered over to the jacket section. He remembered how Ming had complained last week about how Non had ruined his favorite jean jacket with the wool lining. He didn't want to ask how with how livid Ming had been that day.
Kit came to a stop in front of a black bomber leather jacket. It took him a few minutes before he recognized it. He reached out for the collar of the jacket feeling the mixture of plush leather and the ultra soft satin lining. A soft smile spreading across his face at the memory.
"Yes, I am picking something nice. What makes you think- Yes, I am bringing Ming. Yes, we are staying at the hotel this time. If you'd still like us not to be a cousin short come picture time then-." Kit complained to his sister over the phone as he shuffled through the rack. They were having family pictures done at his grandmother's this weekend. Since, Ming and him were leaving straight from campus on Friday to Kit's grandmother's estate. He needed to buy a piece of clothing that is green to match the color this year.
"She'll be so disappointed. She's already made up a room for you two." Lawan stated. Kit rolled his eyes as he sighed. His hands stopping on a green button up that was his size.
"The only way I'm agreeing to it is if we aren't even on the same floor as him." Kit caved. He knew that Ming wouldn't mind not being at the hotel. He adored Kit's grandmother. The two of them even talk to each other regularly just like Ming does with his own grandmother.
"I'll make it happen." Lawan happily replied. Kit could feel her beaming smile through the phone "Text you later, Tong is home."
"You too." Kit said ending the call. He shoved his phone in his pocket and took the shirt off the rack. He looked it over thinking it would look good under the vest he'd liked earlier. It was still in the dressing room so he could try it out. Plus, Ming was in there too and could give his opinion. They'd already picked out Ming's shirt because his sister said that they were doing couple pictures too.
Kit made his way back to the dressing rooms. He hoped that it looked as good as he pictured in his mind. The door was still propped open to keep from locking him out."How do you feel about us staying at Grandma's instead of the hotel room?" Kit asked Ming as he stepped inside not bothering to look at him as he shut the door.
"I mean it's fine with me but I thought you wanted us to have some space from the one who shall not be named?" Ming answered sitting in the arm chair in the corner of the room.
"Grandma's already got a room ready for us and I can live with it if he's not on the same floor as us." Kit replied hanging the shirt on the rack before taking his own off.
"If you're okay with the arrangement then I am, Kitkat. I'll cancel the reservations real quick." Ming stated forcing himself not watch Kit get undressed.
"Okay." Kit replied changing into the button down shirt. Kit liked how soft and breathable the shirt was. He tucked it into the black wash jeans he'd picked out then he put on the single breasted shawl vest on over top of it. The combination looks just as good as he thought as he finally stepped over in front of the full length mirror to check out his outfit.
"I cancelled the reservation and that looks good on you." Ming stated with his tone huskier than before.
The tone had Kit looking at Ming's reflection in the mirror to say something but then he found himself speechless. His gaze met Ming's darkened one. While he'd been looking for the shirt Ming had tried on the black leather bomber jacket that hadn't fit him earlier. It'd been too big in the arms making him look way smaller than he is. On Ming thought it fit him perfectly. He looked sexy with it over his white buttoned down school shirt that the top three buttons are undone and the hem pulled out. Kit swallowed watching Ming's eyes dropping to catch the movement.
'Damn, it looks better on him than me.' Kit thought as he watched Ming get up from the chair.
"Thank you." Ming chuckled making Kit realized that he'd said that out loud. Kit could feel the heat on his cheeks. Ming came to a stop adjusting Kit's vest back strap so that it wasn't as loose then turned the shorter man around. Lithe fingers unbuttoning two of his buttons adjusting the collar with the vest making Kit's heart race. "Don't wear a tie with this outfit." Ming stated suggestively.
Kit's eyes dropped to the black tie still around Ming's neck. Ming chuckled again letting Kit know that he had known what Kit would do at those words. Pushing the thoughts of how they were in a dressing room out of his mind. He took hold of the tie pulling him down -
"Kit? Kitty!" Beam's deep timbered voice stirred him from his memory making Kit jump.
"What?" Kit asked feeling his cheeks heat up in a different reason than the memory.
"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes but you didn't answer me. You okay?" Beam said as his brow raised in concern.
"Yes, I'm fine. I was I was thinking about something but anyways, you have my full attention." Kit answered sheepishly.
"Me and Pha are going to the food court. Meet us there when you're done here, okay?"
"Okay, see you in a few minutes." Kit replied watching Beam meet Pha at the exit. Kit looked down at the jacket still in his hand. Yeah, he knew what he was getting his boyfriend for christmas now.
#My fic: Merry & Bright#mingkit#phayo#forthbeam#2moons2#yay for me being able to get this out today between having to take meds#plus i am on track and haven't missed a day yet lols#i love me some mingkit#lawan is a made up name for Kit's sister#him having an older sister is canon however the translations i read don't provide her with a name#I made up Tong too
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Self-title of the couples in 2moons
Phana x Wayo - the “Superman and Clark Kent” syndrome
Ming x Kit - KitKat chocolate
Beam x Forth - that one-night stand
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Forth: me and Beam had sex
#2moons2#beam#forth#forthbeam#kit#kitkat#ming#mingkit#phana#phayo#wayo#2 moons 2#2 moons the series#2moons2 incorrect quotes#mingkwan#phana x wayo#2moons2 the series#pha#yo
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“The moon probably thinks that the earth is very important. So important, that the moon has to revolve around it all the time. Just think about it... if it’s important to that extent then... If there’s no earth, the moon wouldn’t even exist, right?” “Kit. You’re my earth.”
#2moons2#2moons2 the series#mingkit#the scene that killed us all#thank you good bye#i am deceased#ming x kit#mingkwan#kitkat#kit x ming#2moons2 episode 9
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Going public | Ming x Kit | 2moons2
--So this is sorta continuation to this fic but you don’t need to read it before this one ^^--
Ming looks at the phone in his hand. He keeps scrolling through all the photos on his Instagram feed and every other picture shows his friends with their partners. Kit sighs, glancing at Ming. It's been three months since Kit announced Ming was his boyfriend in the middle of the mall but nothing much has changed. Their dynamics are still the same though frankly, Kit has gotten a little more chill, especially in private. When it comes to public displays of affection he's still on the edge but he's trying to get better at it. For Ming. Kit knows that Ming holds back only because he knows Kit wants him to but Kit's not blind. He knows that sometimes his lack of need to show Ming off bothers the younger guy. Ming would never say that out loud though, of that Kit is sure. Ming has told him several times that he accepts and likes Kit just the way he is, no matter his faults. But still... Ming does so much for him and he feels like it's only fair if he tries a little harder for the younger one. It's not like Kit doesn't want to show Ming off, it's just that he doesn't know how to.. he's clueless with things like these. He was surprised enough when Ming first confessed because why would anyone want to date him? But here they are. So yes, Kit wants to try a little harder. He's not sure if he's ever going to allow Ming to do more than hold his hand in public but this is something small. Even after doing this, he doesn't have to change the way he acts. What does it matter if other people know? It doesn't, not at all. At least that's what Kit keeps telling himself in order to stick to his decision.
Kit sighs again. There's only one problem: he doesn't have any good pictures with Ming on his phone. He has a few sneaky shots of the guy alone, though Kit would rather die than admit that he has secretly taken picture of his boyfriend, but nothing with both of them. Okay, there are a few weird pictures taken amidst playful wrestling but all of those are shaken and blurry. He has nothing.. proper. Nothing he would like to use as a gateway to introduce his boyfriend. Or as a tool to announce he's not single anymore. It's not like he's going to put up a caption with the word 'boyfriend' in it but Kit is pretty sure that even a simple picture will be enough to get the point across. He has several hundred followers, he is fairly well known after all. Just like all the campus Moons are. Kit does find the amount comedic though when considering the fact that he only has four photos uploaded. One of which is a group photo with him, Beam and Phana while all the others are just some random updates complaining about exams or other insignificant stuff. Kit is sure that if he uploads the picture tonight, tomorrow everyone will already be aware of what's going on. Since there are already all kinds of rumours going around, anything small will do. A simple selfie with the two of them will be a confirmation. Ming doesn't have Instagram and all their friends are respectful enough to keep their mouths shut so if Kit doesn't confirm the rumour himself, no one will know for sure. Well, Kit is sure some of the students are aware of the situation even now, but he also knows that most are just guessing.
"Ming?" Kit calls the younger guy. Ming lets out a 'hmh' as an answer, his eyes still looking at the textbook in front of him. The younger boy is currently lying in Kit's bed still in his school uniform. Kit stays quiet for a little while, his ears already turning red. He gets up from the chair he was sitting on and walks over to the bed.
"Want to take a picture?" Kit asks. Ming raises his head and meets Kit's eyes. It takes him a few seconds to register what the older guy said and once he does, he jumps up to sit, his eyes wide and bright.
"What?!" Ming exclaims. Kit has never asked to take a picture with him before. Kit is extremely reluctant even when Ming is the one taking the pictures, which is why there are no proper selfies of them on his phone. In every single photo, Kit is covering his face one way or another. And now the guy himself is suggesting this? Ming is very much in awe.
"Why?" he can't stop himself from asking. Kit turns his head away, his ears bright red. He's so fucking embarrassed!
"Just.. Instagram", Kit mumbles quietly. Ming leans closer, not catching his words.
"What?" he asks again. Kit closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Instagram!" he almost shouts the word. Ming sits on the bed, frozen. Alarmed by the silence, Kit peaks at him. Ming's face slowly melts into a smile. He's beaming at Kit with the same smile he always has. The same smile that makes all the butterflies in Kit's stomach suicidal.
"Ah P-" Ming exclaims but cuts himself off. Slowly his smile fades as he stares at Kit. He frowns, deep in thought. Kit stands still, confused.
"Why?" Ming asks again, this time his voice quieter and calmer. Kit doesn't understand the question. He gives Ming a confused look.
"Why do you want to upload a picture of us online?" Ming clarifies, still with the same tone. Kit raises his eyebrows in surprise. He thought Ming would be happy. Kit shrugs.
"Just because", he gives a simple answer. Ming's frown deepens and he gets up from the bed, walking over to the other side where Kit stands.
"Are you doing this because of me? If you are, I don't want you to. I already told you I'm fine keeping this", Ming motions at the short distance between the two boys: "quiet."
"Or are you pressured because everyone else is uploading pictures as well? Don't be. It doesn't matter if people don't know about us! The people we care about know and isn't that the most important thing? You don't need to show this off just because other people are", Ming is staring into Kit's eyes, his tone calm and steady. Kit is taken aback. This is not the reaction he was expecting.
"I'm fine even without going public. I mean it. I really am. You don't need to do this for me", Ming continues, desperate to get his point across.
Kit closes his eyes and sighs. He sits down on the edge of the bed. Ming sits next to him close enough for their arms to touch.
"Fine. I'm doing this for you", Kit opens his eyes.
"But not for the reasons you think", he continues, turning to look at his partner. Kit doesn't need to do this. He knows that. He's not doing it because someone is pressuring him, or because Ming wants him to. He's doing it because he wants to. Frankly, it might be for Ming, but it's still something Kit himself wants to do.
"I just... I know that you are fine with what my limits are, but that's not fair. I want you to have more than that. Every day you're adjusting your behaviour to respect my words and I just want to do something in return", Kit starts explaining. Ming opens his mouth to argue but Kit stops him.
"Just, let me talk. I know that I don't have to do this. I know. But I want to. For you. This is something I want to give you", Kit pauses and this time Ming stays quiet, allowing him to continue.
"I know that I'm not an easy guy to like or be with.. And I know that I'm sometimes very selfish with my demands... And yet you always respect those demands. Despite being a little shit here and there.." Kit hits his elbow into Ming's ribs gently and the younger guy chuckles, catching his hand. Ming intertwines their fingers, scared to speak in case Kit stops talking.
"..you still do what I ask. And I think this is something small I can do for you. And I want to. I want to do this for you", Kit finishes, looking at Ming with a serious expression forcing himself to keep still even though he wants to hide in embarrassment. Ming can feel his heart swelling. He swears it's about to burst out of his chest. Ming can't help it. He leans in and captures Kit's lips with his own ones, one of his hands cupping Kit's cheek. The kiss is sweet and brief, too brief to Ming's liking and he leans in again.
"And I also want to repel all the desperate girls swarming around you", Kit mumbles into the kiss and he feels Ming's smile against his lips. Ming pulls away.
"Is that so?" he questions with a raised eyebrow, barely a centimeter away from Kit's lips.
"Yup", Kit whispers, not backing away. Ming chuckles and leans in again.
After a few more kisses, Ming pulls away again, this time properly.
"Let's go then!" he beams at Kit, rubbing his hands together in comedic motion. Kit snorts and rolls his eyes. He takes out his phone and switches the camera to selfie mode. Ming moves to sit behind Kit, his arms sneaking around Kit's waist, pulling Kit in for a back hug. Kit rolls his eyes again but lets the younger one set his chin on Kit's shoulder nevertheless. Ming smiles with his teeth showing. Kit looks at Ming's smile through the phone screen and can't help the smile climbing up to his lips as well. He takes a few pictures like that and moves his arm a little further away. Kit manages to take two pictures when he suddenly feels Ming's lips on his cheek.
"Ming!" he turns around to scream at the boy and Ming leans back his laughter filling the room. Kit squints his eyes at him and turns to look at the photos. As soon as he opens the gallery he almost laughs as well. The first six pictures turned out good but then comes the picture where Ming's head moves as he turns to kiss Kit. Another picture and this time Ming's lips are on Kit's cheek. Kit stops on the picture, looking at it with a little smile. He's still wearing the same happy smile from earlier pictures and Ming's lips are on his cheek. The photo is clear and even he admits that it looks... cute. The next picture, however, makes Kit chuckle. He's no longer wearing a smile, instead, his eyes are wide with shock and his mouth is open. He's looking at laughing Ming looking offended. The next photo is a little shakier due to him turning his head, his mouth already yelling the younger guy's name and the one after that is just pure movement. Kit turns to glare at Ming but the boy is still smiling happily, checking on the pictures over Kit's shoulder.
"So, which one are you gonna upload?" Ming asks all innocent as he leans back to lie on the bed. Kit ignores him and gets up, going back to his desk. He sits down, scrolling through the photos. He deletes a few of them and marks two down with a star.
"Can you send them to me?" Ming whines from the bed and Kit turns to raise his eyebrows at him.
"C'mon! I don't have any pictures either!" Ming whines with a pout. Kit rolls his eyes, this time with a smile. Soon Ming's phone vibrates and his mouth spreads into a smile. Immediately he sets the cheek kiss picture as his background and screen-lock photo. Kit will probably scold him once he sees it but that's a problem for another day.
It eventually takes Kit an hour to gather the courage to actually upload the pictures. He ended up choosing one of the first three pictures and the one with the cheek kiss. The latter being the main reason for Kit's hesitance. Kit knows he doesn't need to upload anything that extreme to get the point across, but then he thought ‘fuck it’. He's already doing it so why not make it clear once and for all? Kit puts a random '🔮' emoji as the caption and hits upload before he can overthink the whole thing any further. Immediately the comments and likes start flowing in. Kit raises his eyebrows in surprise. Did someone actually turn his post notifications on or are people just that actively online? Kit's truly not sure. In a few minutes, his post has already gained dozens of likes and comments where people are mostly freaking out. Kit smiles at the comments in amusement. Ming appears behind him and wraps his arms around Kit, kissing his neck.
"What's the reaction?" Ming asks and Kit raises the phone to his eye-level. Ming reads through a few of the comments and bursts out laughing.
“Wow, we really stirred the pot huh?” Ming asks leaning back in to hug Kit.
"To be honest, it's exactly what I thought it would be", Kit comments with a smile. Ming answers with a 'mhm' and kisses Kit's neck again. Kit leans back, melting into the kiss for a few seconds before he snaps out of it.
"Ya! Don't leave any marks!" he yells at Ming and the younger one immediately steps back, his body shaking with laughter. Kit curses at Ming and gets up from the chair. Ming screams and runs away, Kit right behind him.
"But they already know! What does it matter?!" Ming yells at Kit as he jumps on the bed and runs over it to the other side. Kit curses and chases after him, only to meet Ming in the middle of the bed. Ming falls down and pulls Kit with him, pressing their lips together. Kit struggles and pulls away and starts hitting Ming with a pillow, his cheeks already hurting from laughing. After a short pillow fight, Ming pulls the older guy in for another kiss and by the end of the night, neither ones' neck is left without bruises.
#sorry for mistakes#didn't proof read properly#asdfghjdfgh#sorry#2moons2#2moons2 the series#mingkit#ming x kit#kitming#mingkwan x kit#minkgkwan x kitkat#kitkat#2moons2 ming#2moons2 mingkit#2moons2 kit#2moons2 fanfiction#fanfiction#fanfic#2m2#pau writes#mine
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A bad day | Ming x Kit | 2moons2
---I have an extremely important English exam in literally a week so here I am procrastinating. I really should study but what else is new.---
To say Ming has had a bad day would be an understatement. His day has been beyond bad. He feels like he’s been stomped on and dragged through the gutter several times in a row.
The morning started with him being late for his class which lead to a scolding and once he finally sat down, he noticed that he forgot all his materials. By the third lesson, he had already tripped once, forgotten to do an essay that was due to today and ripped his shirt. Some bastard almost ran him down when he was walking to a different building and two girls had thrown themselves at him, desperate to get a piece of the campus moon. On top of everything, Yo had been overly sweet with Phana at lunch, driving Ming even more insane. And he hasn’t been able to see Kit the whole day.
He has never been more desperate to just go back to the dorm and hide away from the world. He feels awful, more awful than he has felt in a long time and he doesn’t really know how to handle it. He can only think of one thing, one person who might be able to make his boiling blood cool down.
Ming admits that he’s driving too fast. He knows he is, but he can’t help it. Whenever the road is even a little empty, his ankle straightens. Ming knows Kit would scold him if he were there. Hell, he would probably keep screaming at Ming until he slowed down. The thought of Kit makes Ming’s heart a little calmer and without realising, his speed picks up once again. Ming doesn't truly realise just how fast he was driving until he arrives at the dorm and checks his arrival time. He decides to keep the time he left a secret from Kit. Kit.
Ming enters the building without hesitation, heading towards Kit's dorm. He didn't tell Kit he's coming but he knows he doesn't have to. It's been seven weeks since the older guy agreed to be his boyfriend and pretty much ever since then, Ming has been spending the night at his'. At this point, his own room seems more like storage than a living space. Ming spent too many nights trying to coax Kit to come over so he decided to be the one taking the initiative. And, well, Kit has yet to seriously tell him to go away. They bicker about it, sure, but Ming knows Kit doesn't mean it. And if the day comes when the older guy seriously tells Ming to get out, he will. Ming, of course, is hoping that day never comes.
Ming gets off the elevator and takes out his key. Kit got mad because Ming kept waking him up weeks in a row, asking to be let in and in frustration chucked the spare key at him. Though now even Kit admits that it's a lot more convenient this way.
Ming enters the room and closes the door. He leans his back against it facing the ceiling and closes his eyes. He lets out a sigh.
"I'm back", he announces, having seen Kit's shoes on the floor. Kit lets out an 'mhm' as acknowledgement. The corners of Ming's lips twitch. He takes off his shoes and moves.
Kit is there, sitting on his desk with a bunch of papers next to an open computer. Ming feels his body relax for the first time today. The awful feeling is still there, so is his headache and the annoyance but at least now, he can finally breathe. He drops his bag on the floor and swiftly walks over to Kit, bending down to hug him, putting his chin on Kit's shoulder. The older guy squirms.
"Miiing I'm trying to work", he complains and shrugs Ming off. Ming gives up, his mood once again darker and makes his way to the bed, slumping on it. He covers his eyes with his arm to block the ceiling light and tries to calm down.
Kit stops what he's doing and turns on his seat. This is strange. Ming never gets off the first time Kit tells him to. He knows that Ming will not let go, that's why he's so comfortable telling him off. Because he knows that Ming will not listen. So, why did he now? Kit looks at the boy lying in his bed and frowns. Something's wrong.
"Ming?" Kit asks. He receives no reply. Yup, something's definitely wrong. Kit closes his notebook and gets up, making his way to the bed. He sits down on the edge, gently removing Ming's arm from covering his eyes. Ming keeps his eyes closed.
"Hey, Ming. What's up?" Kit asks with a gentle tone. Ming opens his eyes and glances at him. He turns his eyes back to the ceiling. Kit reaches out and takes Ming's hand into his. Ming turns his eyes down to look at their intertwined fingers and his heart leaps. He pulls Kit forward and the older guy doesn't fight back. Ming wraps his arms around Kit's waist and presses himself against his body, nuzzling his face against his neck. Kit lets him. He even wraps his own arms around Ming. His left arm is currently trapped between the bedding and Ming's head but it doesn't feel uncomfortable. At least not yet. Kit's right hand finds its way into Ming's hair and gently he starts playing with it.
Ming takes a deep breath, smelling Kit's neck. He knows this scent so well now, he's sure he's never going to forget it. He could recognise it among thousands of smells. He takes another breath, letting Kit's scent calm him down. Kit knows what he's doing and as a response, presses a small kiss into Ming's hair. If it were any other situation, Kit would probably not be as sweet. But he knows that Ming is not okay. He doesn't know what happened but he's sure the boy will tell him when he's ready.
Kit doesn't have to wait long.
"I had an awful day", Ming whines against his neck, his arms firmly around Kit.
Kit hums as a response, still playing with Ming's hair, waiting for the younger guy to continue. And Ming does. He starts from the very beginning, complaining about having to wake up alone this morning, continuing all the way to him coming back to the dorm just to receive a cold shoulder. He complains about every single small thing that happened today, every single thing that made him mad or frustrated or pissed and all while Kit keeps playing with his hair, making appropriate sounds and pressing kisses into his hair.
He finds it curious. He has never seen Ming like this before. He's so used to the boy being his own flirty, happy self that frankly speaking this moody, sad Ming took him by surprise. He knows he shouldn't feel happy given the situation but nevertheless, he is. How could he not be when Ming showed him this side of himself? And after having a shitty day, instead of going to his own room to be alone or instead of drinking, his first instinct was to come home to Kit. Kit's heart feels like it's going to burst. Ming's been there for him when he's been sad and he's so incredibly happy that now he can be there for Ming. It makes him happier than he thought he would be, so happy that even he himself is surprised. After Ming finishes complaining, they stay there on the bed cuddling for a little while longer.
"Feel better?" Kit eventually breaks the comfortable silence. Ming relaxes his arms enough to put a little distance between the two of them and looks up at Kit. He smiles. Kit can't help but smile too.
"Yes", Ming answers. He leans forward and Kit accepts the kiss with delight. Once again Ming pulls Kit closer, their lips still connected and once again, Kit lets him.
#2moons2#2moons2 the series#ming x kit#kit x ming#kitkat#mingkwan#mingkwan x kit#ming x kit fanfiction#fanfic#2moons2 fanfiction#fluff#mingkit#mingkit fluff#mingkit fanfiction#pau writes#mine
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78 for mingkit pls!
Prompt 78 - “Can you be romantic for once?”
Pairing: MingKit
Ming never knew he was romantic until he met Kit. Something about the boy just managed to make him all mushy. Which is why here he is, with a rose in his hand in front of the bed, ripping the petals off one by one to sprinkle them onto the freshly washed sheets. Ming bought a bunch of candles from the shop and arranged them around the room. Some of the candles are scented. Ming knows Kit's favourite smell and he put a few scented candles in the opposite ends of the room to not knock anyone out with the smell.
Ming has just finished pouring Kit’s favourite wine into two wine glasses when the front door opens.
“I’m back!” Kit announces as he steps into the apartment. Ming walks over with the alcohol in his hands. Kit takes his shoes off and turns around. His eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the room.
“Welcome back”, Ming smiles and leans in to kiss Kit. Kit accepts the peck in confusion.
“Ming.. What? Are we celebrating something? It’s not our anniversary yet”, Kit walks further into the room with a dazed look. Ming smiles and offers Kit his glass. Kit looks beyond confused. Ming sneaks a hand around Kit’s waist and pulls the boy close.
“We’re celebrating doing well on our exams”, Ming mumbles against Kit’s ear and leans down to kiss his neck. Frankly, it’s nothing more than an excuse. Ming just really wanted to pull off a disgustingly sweet romantic gesture and this way he had a reason to do it. Kit chuckles and stretches his neck, his free hand landing on Ming’s chest.
“Oh really? Didn’t you almost fail one of your classes?” Kit hums with a smirk. Ming smiles against Kit’s neck.
“I still passed”, Ming replies as he moves back up to kiss Kit’s lips. The kiss is sweet and short.
“Cheers”, Ming says as he pulls away and brings his glass up. Kit rolls his eyes but clinks their glasses together with a smile anyway. Kit takes a sip of his drink and his smile widens. It’s his favourite. Kit turns his head around, properly taking in the room for the first time. He frowns and chuckles.
“This is going to be such a hassle to clean up. And the candles wow. The room’s going to be filled with smoke, we might need to open the window”, Kit observes as he looks around. Ming’s arms disappear from around him. He takes a defeated step back, gulps down the rest of his wine and sets the empty glass on the table.
“Can you be romantic for once?” Ming mumbles under his breath as he turns his eyes away. Kit turns around, the corners of his lips still tilted. As soon as he sees the look on Ming’s face however, his smile disappears. Kit frowns.
“Hey, Ming”, Kit calls out and reaches his hand to place it on Ming’s cheek. He sets his glass on the table as well and with both hands forces Ming to look at him.
“I just really wanted to do something romantic and all you do is worry about cleaning the mess”, Ming can’t help the sadness that seeps into his voice. Kit stays quiet, unsure of what to say. Slowly, Ming lifts his eyes and meets Kit’s. Kit lets his thumbs rub the skin under Ming’s eyes gently as he thinks of the best way to get his feelings across.
“I appreciate that you did this, I really do. I’m just.. not good with things like these. I’m not romantic, you know that. I always say what comes to my mind and this time it happened to be about the eventual mess we’re going to have to clean up. I’m sorry Ming. I’ll try harder”, Kit apologises, not once lifting his eyes from Ming’s. Ming closes his eyes and sighs. He wraps his arms around Kit’s waist and pulls him in for a tight hug.
“Don’t apologise. It’s my fault. I’m sorry. For a moment I thought you were someone you’re not and I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry”, Ming apologises as he buries his head against Kit’s neck. He should’ve known. This was stupid of him. He wanted to do this surprise so bad he didn’t think about how Kit would feel about it in the first place. Kit sighs and wraps his arms around Ming.
“You’re an idiot”, Kit says with a gentle tone and Ming chuckles. Kit pulls away.
“Don’t apologise for being romantic Ming. Maybe next time just tone it down a notch okay? Two candles will do”, Kit jokes and a smile spreads to Ming’s lips. He nods and leans in for a kiss. Kit brings his arms around Ming’s neck and deepens the kiss. Ming’s hands land on the small of Kit’s back and he presses their bodies together. Kit takes a step back towards the bed and Ming complies. His surprise might’ve gone wrong but the result seems to be satisfying nonetheless.
#sorry it took a while!#mingkit#2moons#2moons2 the series#2moons2#kit x ming#ming x kit#mingkwan#kitkat#mingkit fanfiction#pau answers#pau writes#mine
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Words of endearment | Ming x Kit | 2moons2
Kit wakes up with a startle. He looks around trying to figure out where he is. The room is huge with bookshelves filled with books and the rays of sunlight drawing patterns on the floor. The library. He came here to study but apparently, he fell asleep. Kit yawns and stretches only to be scared shitless when his eyes stop on the person sitting in front of him.
"Ming!" Kit curses, his heartbeat still a little too quick. Ming says nothing. He's sitting on the chair his elbow against the table, his chin leaning on his hand. He's staring at Kit with the slightest of smiles on his lips. Kit leans back. Ming's eyes are bright. The adoration on his face is obvious and Kit wants to hide his face. For some reason, however, he can't turn his eyes away. They stay like that in silence for a while, just staring at each other. Kit feels like he's being suffocated and right when he's about to turn his head away to breathe, Ming opens his mouth.
"You're gorgeous", he says with a quiet tone, his voice full of sincerity. That Kit can't take. His ears turn red as he gets embarrassed and in haste, he turns his head away. The butterflies in his stomach are sent flying wildly.
"Damn you!" Kit curses as a reflex. Ming smiles but the adoration still doesn't disappear. Kit desperately wishes the ground would swallow him up and with a pissed expression, he gathers all his books and gets up, almost running out of the library. Ming is right at his heels.
"Why? You don't like it when I call you that?" Ming laughs in clear amusement as he catches up to Kit.
"Fuck you", Kit curses, his face still red. This seems to trigger another burst of laughter from Ming and Kit walks forward, fuming. It's not that he hates it but it's just so damn embarrassing!! It's not even handsome or cute, those two he can handle, but gorgeous!!? Kit wants to throw himself off a cliff.
"Stop following me!" Kit complains as he exits the building. Ming walks with light steps, one of his hands holding on to the strap on his backpack while the other swings freely by his side, brushing Kit's hand here and there.
"Nope. I'm gonna sleep at your's tonight!" Ming announces. Kit gives him an annoyed glare but doesn't resist when the boy climbs up onto the passenger's seat.
Kit is sitting at his desk, browsing through the internet with not much care. Ming is sitting next to him, once again staring. Kit tries to ignore the boy for a while but he soon feels blood rush to his face.
"Stop staring!" Kit orders the boy turning to look at him. Ming smiles and shakes his head, his eyes once again filled with so much sweetness Kit wants to die. He grits his teeth, once again turning his eyes away. This time he lasts three minutes.
"What!?" Kit raises his voice as he turns to look at Ming once again. What is the boy's sudden fixation on his face?!! Kit should've known it would be a bad idea but he still looks into Ming's eyes. And suddenly, just like in the library, he can't turn his eyes away.
"You're gorgeous", Ming says once again, his tone calm and his eyes just as sincere as before. Once again Kit's stomach drops.
"Stop", Kit warns the boy, his face getting more and more red. Ming smiles with a mischievous look. He knows exactly the weight of his words. Ming takes hold of the armrests of the office chair and pulls Kit closer. The wheels under the chair squeak as they move. Ming moves his hands to Kit's waist and yanks the boy even closer, the edge of the chair bumping against his knees. The distance annoys him.
"You're gorgeous", Ming leans closer and whispers the words next to Kit's ear. Kit can feel goosebumps all over his skin as the warm air hits his neck.
"Stop", Kit asks once again, he too whispering. Why? He doesn’t know. Ming wraps his arms around Kit's waist and pulls him closer. Kit was sitting on his legs and with the pull he easily transfers himself to sit on Ming, straddling his lap. Kit wraps his arms loosely around Ming's neck.
"I won't", Ming mumbles against Kit's neck then kissing a few spots. Kit presses his body tightly against Ming as the other one's hold on him tightens.
"You're gorgeous", Ming repeats again, kissing another spot.
"So fucking gorgeous." He kisses the edge of his chin. Kit's heart is hammering in his chest, waves on hot air going through him.
"So gorgeous it sometimes drives me insane", Ming whispers against Kit's chin, still not kissing his lips. Kit shuts his eyes. The one being driven insane right now is him and him only!
"You're so beautiful", Ming murmurs and nibbles his ear. Kit shivers involuntarily. He can feel pressure building up in his lower abdomen. Shit. He really does get turned on by words of endearment. Kit wants to slap himself.
"So incredibly beautiful", Ming whispers once again, moving to kiss another spot. Kit truly can't take it anymore. He tugs at Ming's hair and crashes their lips together. Ming takes that as a sign to get up. Kit wraps his legs around Ming's waist as he carries them over to the bed, not once parting their lips. Kit knows he's never going to admit just how strongly Ming's words affect him but he also knows he doesn't have to. He's pretty sure Ming has already figured it out. And, frankly, Kit's not sure if he minds.
#2moons2#2moons2 the series#2moons#mingkit#ming x kit#mingkwan#kitkat#admittedly I was once again a lazy proof reader#sorry#i'm always too excited to publish these#kit ming#kitming#mingkwan x kit#2moons2 fanfiction#2moons2 ming#2moons2 kit#pau writes#mine#fanfiction
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