#''well upstairs is worse :/'' YES BUT NO ONE LIVES THERE
gaysebastianvael · 7 months
management still hasn't gotten us the new apartment we were promised would be ready last month lol
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anniebeemine · 1 month
Mom’s Night Out- s.r. x fem!reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, pure fluff
“You deserve a night out. You know you do,” JJ said firmly, her arms crossed as she stood in your living room.
You’d given a vague answer when they invited you out earlier in the day. Now, JJ and Emily were standing in your home, probably judging the sloppy bun at the nape of your neck and the rag thrown over your shoulder.
You laughed, shaking your head. “I know, I know. But it’s just...”
Emily cut in, raising an eyebrow. “It’s just what? They’re six months old, Y/N. Spencer’s more than capable of handling one night on his own.”
“I don’t know, ladies.” You looked over at Spencer who was currently talking over his shoulder to the baby strapped on his back, his hand cradling the baby on his front. They were going through a phase where they couldn’t sleep unless they were being bounced. “He’s never been alone with both of them.”
JJ and Emily exchanged amused glances, their expressions a mix of encouragement and mischief. “Come on, Y/N,” JJ urged, placing a reassuring hand on your arm. “He’s going to be fine. You need a night out.”
“Yeah,” Emily chimed in, her tone playful. “It’s just a few hours. Spencer can handle it.”
You bit your lip, glancing back at Spencer. He was now making silly faces at Anthony, who giggled in delight, while Daniel babbled happily on his back. “I don’t know…” you hesitated, your protective instincts kicking in.
Spencer caught your eye and smiled reassuringly. “We’ll be okay,” he said softly. “Go have fun. The boys and I will manage.”
You sighed, feeling a mixture of anxiety and excitement. “Alright, but if anything happens, you call me immediately,” you warned, giving him a pointed look.
You disappeared upstairs and found an old dress and let your hair fall into crunchy waves. You ran a straighter over the waves in an attempt to smooth them out. Forgoing makeup, you met your two friends downstairs. You reminded Spencer to have the boys back in bed before long.
“Or else they’ll be up early and-“
Spencer raised his eyebrows. “I’m telling you think because I love you, but go,” he said softly. “Get out of here.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, placing a kiss to the twins’ scalp before placing one on Spencer’s cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
With one last look at Spencer and the boys, you headed out the door with your friends, a sense of freedom washing over you. Spencer watched you go, the door closing behind you with a soft click. He turned his attention back to the twins, smiling at their innocent faces. "Alright, boys, it's just us tonight," he said, his voice filled with determination. "Let's show Mommy we can handle this."
“To the bar!” Penelope cheered as you got into the backseat with Emily.
“I thought we were going for dinner?” You said meekly.
Emily wrapped her arm around your shoulders. “We can get food at the bar.
It was well past midnight when Spencer's phone rang, waking him from a light sleep. He answered quickly, hearing your slightly slurred but happy voice on the other end.
"Spence, I need a ride home," you said, giggling.
Spencer rubbed his eyes and glanced at the twins, who were sound asleep in their cribs that had been stationed in your bedroom. "Okay, where are you?" he asked, trying to keep his voice low.
“JJ’s.” You hicupped. “Called an Uber.”
Spencer smiled despite his grogginess. "I'm glad you did. I'll be there soon. Just stay with Penelope, alright?"
"Yes, sir," you teased, your giggle echoing through the phone.
He got up and gently transferred the sleeping twins into their car seats, taking extra care not to wake them. Once they were securely fastened, he carried them to the car and headed to JJ's house.
When he arrived, you were waiting outside with JJ, Emily, and Penelope, all of you looking a bit worse for wear but incredibly happy. You were slumped against the porch railing. You spotted him and ran over, nearly tripping in your excitement. Emily handed Spencer the shoes you’d kicked off earlier.
"Spence!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. "You're my husband!" You turned around to the girls, practically parading Spencer around as he smiled widely. “You guys are not going to believe how amazing this guy is,” you slurred.
He chuckled, catching you before you could fall. "Let's get you home."
“My babies!” You whisper shouted, climbing into the front seat. Spencer tried to help you as you wiggled over the console and into the backseat, settling between the two car seats.
You leaned over to Anthony, placing a kiss on his cheek, then on his forehead. You did the same to Daniel. Spencer smiled at the red lipstick smudged over his son’s faces. “Are we ready?”
You nodded giddily, one hand on each twin. As the car started moving, you let out a dramatic sigh. "Spence, I need something greasy," you slurred, your eyes half-closed. "Like, fries. And a burger. So greasy."
He chuckled, his heart swelling with affection. "Alright, let's find you some greasy food."
He pulled into the drive-thru of a nearby burger joint, ordering your favorite meal. As he waited for the food, he glanced back at the boys, who were still sound asleep, then over at you, your eyes struggling to stay open.
Once he had the food, he parked the car in the lot and handed you the bag. You eagerly tore into it, a blissful smile spreading across your face as you took the first bite of your burger.
"Oh my god, this is amazing," you mumbled around a mouthful of food. "You're the best, Spence." You leaned across the console, running your hand up his arm. “Like the greatest freaking husband ever. Like ever.”
“Am I?” He teased, placing a fry between your lips.
You nodded, bringing your hand to his shoulder. “Like so great. You-“ you turned away to let out a small burp, “you took care of my babies. Our babies.”
Spencer laughed softly, his eyes filled with love and amusement. "Of course I did. They're my babies too."
You leaned back in your seat, closing your eyes briefly as you savored another bite of the burger. "You don't know how much I needed this," you said, your voice softer now.
Spencer watched you with a tender smile, his heart swelling with affection. He adored you in every state, but seeing you so relaxed and happy made him fall in love with you all over again.
"Anything for you," he said quietly, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. "You deserve it."
You finished your meal, your head starting to droop as the exhaustion from the night caught up with you. "I think I'm gonna pass out," you mumbled, leaning your head against the front seat.
As he drove the rest of the way home, he kept glancing over at you, your peaceful expression bringing a smile to his face. He felt incredibly lucky to have you and the boys, and he couldn't imagine life without you. When he finally pulled into the driveway, he carefully carried the twins inside first, tucking them into their cribs before returning to the car to help you.
You were half-asleep by then, but you managed to wrap your arms around his neck as he lifted you. "You're my Spencer," you mumbled again, your head resting against his shoulder.
Spencer carefully helped you out of the car, your arms looped around his neck for support. You were still slightly tipsy, your legs unsteady beneath you as you stumbled into the house.
"Let's get you out of that dress," he said softly, guiding you to the bedroom. He gently unzipped the back of your dress, helping you ease out of it and into something more comfortable. Just as you were about to thank him, a wave of nausea hit you hard.
"Oh god," you groaned, rushing to the bathroom with Spencer close behind. You barely made it to the toilet before you started throwing up, the remnants of your burger and alcohol making an unpleasant reappearance.
Spencer knelt beside you, holding your hair back and rubbing soothing circles on your back. "It's okay, just let it out," he murmured, his voice calm and reassuring.
When you were finally done, you slumped against him, utterly exhausted. He grabbed a washcloth, wetting it with cool water and gently wiping your face. "There we go," he said softly, his touch tender. "Feel a little better?"
You nodded weakly, feeling a bit embarrassed but grateful for his care. "Thank you," you whispered, leaning into him as he helped you back to the bedroom.
He tucked you into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. You were out before you could respond, the exhaustion and the alcohol pulling you into a deep sleep.
When you finally woke up, the sun was high in the sky, indicating it was well past noon. You groaned, your head pounding as you dragged yourself out of bed. Padding to the living room, you found Spencer on the floor with the twins, stacking blocks and making them giggle.
"Never drinking again," you mumbled, rubbing your temples.
Spencer looked up, a knowing smile on his face. "Was it the green fairy?" he asked, his tone teasing.
You squinted at him, confused. "How did you know?"
"Lucky guess," he said with a wink, turning back to the boys.
You plopped down on the couch, watching as he played with the twins. Despite the rough night, seeing him with your sons brought a smile to your face. "You're amazing, you know that?" you said, feeling a surge of love for him.
He glanced up, his eyes warm and affectionate. "I just want to take care of you," he said simply. “Open my phone. There’s a picture of you guys.”
Curious, you reached for his phone on the coffee table and unlocked it. The screen displayed a photo of a drunk you between the two car seats, your face beaming with a silly grin. The next photos were of the twins, fast asleep, with smudges of red lipstick on their chubby cheeks.
You took a sip of Spencer’s coffee, chuckling as you mumbled, "I have no idea where the red lipstick came from."
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Let Me In, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Having a Stomach Ache and Being on The Toilet
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Y/N isn't feeling well and Rafe can't accept that she doesn't want him in the room.
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Whatever Y/N ate has been wreaking havoc on her stomach. She came back home from shopping with Daisy and she had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. That was half an hour ago. She has been on and off the toilet the whole time and this is now her fourth go. Her posture is horrendous as she hunches over with her hand on her stomach. It is the only position that gives some sort of relief from the stabbing pain. It’s been a few minutes since anything has come out, but she is worried if she gets off the seat, it will start back up again. Tears start to well in Y/N’s eyes because she has never felt this type of ache before. Her period cramps are bad, yet manageable with ibuprofen. Something tells her the medicine isn’t going to help her at the moment. 
Rafe pushes the unlocked door open with ease, even with his hands full. He flicks his head in greeting Dylan, who is watching TV. “Is Angel back from the mall yet?” he asks his frat brother. Dylan nods, “Yeah. Although, she’s been really quiet and holed up in your room the whole time. She hasn’t come down to get a snack or anything like she normally does.” “Perfect. I got her a chocolate chip muffin on my way home from class. Thanks for telling me. I’ll go check on her,” he states, heading upstairs to his room. 
Y/N can hear the keypad of the door from inside the bathroom and squeezes her eyes shut. She leans over to lock the bathroom door. Rafe will insist on coming in when he finds out she is in there because they are the type of couple, who is comfortable with doing that; however, the smell she has created in the room is not one she wants to subject Rafe to. His knock reverberates around the room before she can hear the wiggle of the doorknob. “Angel, the door is locked. Can you open it so I can come in please?” Rafe calls out from the other side. She grimaces as another pang shoots through her abdomen, “I’m on the toilet, so no.” “Come on, Angel. It’s nothing I’ve never seen before. I want to tell you about my day,” he points out. 
“Well, I want my privacy. So… no, you can’t come in.”
Usually, he would respect her wishes, except that he can hear the strain in her voice, which concerns him. Either she is hiding something or sh,” he orders, trying the door handle again. Y/Ne is hurt and he likes neither of those options. “Let me in, Angel sighs, “I can’t because.” “Why not?” he inquires. She rubs her stomach to soothe herself, “I’m scared if I open this door, you won’t love me anymore.”
“And why would you think that? Nothing you do could make that happen, Angel.”
“It’s just… My tummy is hurting a lot and the smell in the room right now is not very pleasant. I don’t want to subject you to that, so maybe wait until I’m done to tell me about your day. I really do want to hear about it, I promise.” 
“Angel, if you are feeling sick, then I should be in there comforting you. I promise that whatever it is like in there will not make me stop loving you. Nothing could do that.”
“You promise?”
“Yes. Now, can you let me in please?”
Y/N exhales in relief and unlocks the door. He pushes the handle down, entering without a second thought. Embarrassment runs through her when she notices the small scrunch on his face. He is quick to wipe any emotion from his facial features as he rushes to her side. He squats near the toilet and takes her hand into his. “You don’t have to stay. I know this isn’t the most pleasant environment,” she whispers, wanting to die a little bit inside from the humiliation. He runs his thumb over her knuckles, “It’s not that bad. I live in a frat. I have smelt and seen worse. Don’t worry about it. You are in pain and you need me, so I’m going to be right here for as long as you need.” Globs of water stream down her face. “Thank you. I really don’t deserve you,” she mumbles, resting her forehead against his. Rafe kisses her hairline, “This is the least you deserve, Angel. And I’m going to make sure you are treated like a queen.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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marchsfreakshow · 3 months
Nah! I'm Faster! [Peter Maximoff]
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Smut. Horribly fluffy ending
Well you like it slow. Peter doesn't. He always wants it as his speed.
Urrrrr take it! I hate this! I wrote it at like 1am in my notebook. Yes that is me on the cover, comments on my body will not be tolerated.
Warnings: teasing, begging, both switch! reader n Maximoff, praise, Peter being pathetic, almost quick fuck lol, pnv,
No one's perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Peter was always off doing silly little missions, and once everyone was home at the mansion safely, he just had to rush to your door. Knocking sweetly to swing you around immediately, trapping you with sugar-sweet kisses. Capturing you in those arms of his, and taking you upstairs in that languid pace of yours. You could be quicker! He knew that. Peter sort of assumed you wanted that teasingly/painful pace of not 'using his mutant powers' speed, but rather, a human speed. You're such a tease!!
"Please! Please, babe, I will beg on my fuckin knees!" He stood by the foot of your bed, hands together like a prayer, needing nothing more than to drill himself into you at his overwhelming pace. Making you scream like it was just you two left in the world. So, just to make the throb of his cock more, you replied simply.
His eyes widened as the word left your lips. Like that rare switch in his head, was flipped without him knowing. Peter's aim was to please over and over, so he obeyed quickly. His prayer hands were between your chest and his knees wedged between your open legs just as fast as you spoke. His eyes had never looked so innocent. You couldn't help but pet his hair as he whined into your lap. "I promise I won't steal anything. I need to go at my speed. Please. Darling please."
A promise to not steal anything and a use of the rarer nicknames from him? Oh, you two were wrapped in each other's fingers so well. You knew each other's weak points. It just so happened that Maximoff's was you bringing him down from that ego-filled high horse he practically lived on. Always bringing him down inch by inch until he was on the floor, waiting for a little bit of praise to bring him up. "We're using darling today hm?" You asked, your index resting under his chin. The speedster could've been a puddle if you weren't careful. "Aww aren't you cute? Alright. Just for today."
Those few words of permission almost broke Peter. He was pushing you down onto the soft sheets, all made up and clean-looking. Just to be ruined by the two of you unable to help yourselves. Such harsh kisses, wanting to savour every single taste on each other's lips. But such desperation for indescribable speeds dug you both into a hole. One of your clothes was being tugged at as you couldn't keep your own lips off your boyfriend's own. He was so needy that he didn't bother with fully undoing his trousers. Just enough so he could have your hand wrapped around his cock perfectly. "G-god... alright.." He whimpered, if he wasn't already hard as ever, your slow, teasing movements made it so much worse.
Only moments passed before your underwear was pulled to expose the small breeze on your cunt. He couldn't stop himself from staring down at you, admiring everything about you. "Ya' so damn perfect.." he whispered, fumbling with himself and pushing himself deep into you. Not even giving you a chance to breathe. " 'm sorry babe..just.." the speedster trailed off as he couldn't stop himself from moving. Thrusting quicker and quicker. Everything hits you like a freight train.
"fuck! Peter-!" The loudest groan escaping you. It truly was like you couldn't get a moment to breathe. Usually, your room was peaceful, decently quiet, and just a place for you to relax. Now, it was filled to the brim with the noises of your moans begging Peter for more, or to slow down, interrupted by him calling you the goodest girl, whimpering and groaning into your ear. He couldn't stop, he couldn't. Your noises and yells for more only powered him to keep burying his cock in you. Nails dug into his shoulders, dragging them down with every thrust. Peter's back would soon look like he had been attacked by a clawed animal if you didn't hold yourself back.
The mixed scents of your sweat and his never helped the Silver Sliver. He loved every second. Every depraved, sweet second of him destroying your cunt. You did too, but your mind was blank, eyes practically stuck to the top of your head, drool slowly escaping and dribbling down the side of your mouth. His name escaped you over and over as yours escaped him. Silent cries and begs for him to come quick.
"J-Jesus babe...ngh you're so good.." Peter muttered into your neck, leaving stupidly pathetic marks over and over. He kept his destroying pace until the both of you were practically passed out on your bed. Sweetly tracing over the sensitive marks on your neck, caused a shiver to go down your spine. A comfortable silence, never broken. "... thank you, sweets."
A little hum left you as you blinked away some sleepiness. "Mhm."
"too tired darl'?" Another little 'mhm' leaving you, half asleep already.
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag : @silverzoomies @taintandviolent @babygorewhore @briaroftheroses / @bluerthanvelvet444 @nahoyasboyfriend @slutforgarlogan @slvt4jamesmarch / @carniv0reev
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bbunisre · 6 months
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When you spot the ebony-haired boy sitting down at the back of the library, a smile comes to your face. A smile that comes up a little too naturally. Megumi hasn’t spotted you yet, deep into his homework. You walk over to the hidden table with a plastic bag containing snacks to accompany you during your study time together. You drag the chair out to get his attention.
Now, Megumi’s not known to be the most expressive but when he sees you but there’s a sparkle in his eye that you catch, “You’re here.”
“I’m here.” you confirm, “The line at the convenience store was super long.”
You unbox the multitudes of chips, chocolate and of course…
“Strawberry milk.”
You wish he’d smile like that for the rest of his existence. He looks completely different when he smiles, a certain charm exuding from it.
“Strawberry milk.” you confirm, passing him one.
Just like that, Megumi and you study together in the library, passing time together with little talking. Megumi would pipe up here and there to ask you a question about his homework that he very well knew the answer to but used it as an excuse to talk to you. You, knowing this fully, leaned in and helped with the explanation.
When the librarian kicks you out at six-thirty, you drive Megumi home. 
With Tsumiki hot on both your radars, this is the only way you can hang out without her suspecting it.
“Will we tell her?” you eventually ask.
Megumi looks out the passenger window, “I…don’t know. We should as soon as possible. Do you think we should tell her?”
You shrug, “I’ve never dated my best friend’s brother before. However, I know Tsumiki would appreciate it if we tell her.”
“Let’s tell her now then.” Megumi turns to you.
Your breath catches in your throat, “You sure?”
“She should know.” 
Pulling into the driveway, there’s a certain dread you feel. Megumi holds your hand as you walk towards the front door, “It’s okay.”
His words could be as reassuring as he wants them to be but he has to remember, he’s Tsumiki’s brother. She can forgive him the next day for his mistakes. 
You’re her best friend. 
A best friend’s betrayal is worse.
You don’t think you can live knowing you betrayed Tsumiki.
As the front door opens, you shake Megumi’s hand off.
He furrows his eyebrows at you, obviously confused.
“My two favourite people?” Tsumiki announces, a tone of questioning in her voice, “I thought you stayed back to study?”
“I did.” you answer, “Saw Megumi on the way out so I decided to give him a ride.”
“I see.” she nods, “What were you doing so late, Megs?”
Megumi stares at Tsumiki for a full second before answering, “I was also studying but you didn’t see me on—“
“Did you cook, Tsumi? The house smells so good.” you interrupt, walking inside past her.
Gojo waves his hand from the couch, “Y/N!”
“Gojo! Is that RuPaul?!”
“Yes! Come watch, come watch.” he invites you, looking back and stopping his gaze at Megumi, “Why are you so late?”
Megumi huffs hard, “Was studying. Y/N drove me home.”
If he was looking at you, you paid no mind, walking over to sit beside Gojo. You place your school bag beside you and turn to the TV but there’s an irritating gaze coming from your right.
At first you think it’s Megumi but when you twist your head, you find Gojo staring at you.
“Everything all good?”
Gojo nods, “Did you do a lot of studying today, Y/N?”
Tsumiki’s gone to the kitchen and Megumi’s gone upstairs for some reason.
“Okay, Y/N.”
He says your name with a certain mischievousness.
“…what is it?”
“This is my favourite season by the way.” he dismisses, leaning back into the couch and pressing play on their high-definition flat-screen TV.
The whole time you’re over at their house, the smile continues to come back onto Gojo’s face when Tsumiki asks something or when you stand up to go get a snack or when Megumi walks past you.
By the end of the night, you come to a conclusion.
There has to be one and only reason why he’s acting like this.
TAGLIST (CLOSED): @k4romis @moonmalice @ahseyy @loltartaglia @sircatchungus @rinowinne @sad-darksoul @br66klynbaby @nymphsdomain @pastatata @tobaccosunbxrst @zellwa @porcobrainr0t  @instantmusico @1lellykins @camilo-uwu @iluv-ace @vernonburger @ohhyuuta @liliumaraneae  @m00nglad3-mp3 @sfmegumi @diogodxlot @bloombb @erenjvegerrr @liliumaraneae @polarbvnny @sleepyxxhead @jaynawayna @r0ckst4rjk @illumnis @we-loveebony @leathernourishingshoepolish  @kasumitenbaz @becsmarvel @en40p @sad-darksoul @stardusthyuck @shaigimo @illumnis @just-avi-youknow @lees-chaotic-brain @bakarinnie @saltypuffin1040 @aquatikk @ilykii @ultraviolencezs @lacimolela @ichorstainedskin @we-loveebony @hxlly-rwr @nepenthes-things @satoryaa
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struniolos · 10 months
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wish you were sober! pt. 1
“kinda hope you're followin' me out, but this is definitely not my crowd.”
chris sturniolo x fem! reader.
synopsis: when reader is overwhelmed at a party & finds herself in unlikely company. (no fame au.)
warnings: none!
“i’m just going to do another shot!” one of your friends yells in your ear, trying to overpower the music thudding in the background. two other join her, linked arms, as they make their way to the kitchen. you wonder who’s house this even is, as you hadn’t been invited directly, only dragged along as a plus one.
you are now left with two of your friends, who both look at you with raised brows. the thick summer air only gets worse as you feel like you’re being closed in on.
“aren’t you going to do shots? you’ve barely drank anything tonight.” one asks, tilting her head.
“i really don’t feel great.” you confess, your face screwing up in bitterness. your stomach ached, as well as what felt like your brain thrashing around in your skull, clawing at the inside.
“maybe try making yourself vomit? sometimes that helps.” the other suggests, trying her best to be accomodating in her drunken state, while clutching onto your arm for stability. it wasn’t a terrible idea, as you did feel like you were going to throw your guts up at any given moment. but also, it was a good excuse to disappear into the bathroom for a few minuets undisturbed.
“i might try that, thanks.” you force a smile, before quickly slithering out of their grip, and making a bee-line for the stairs which in that moment seemed like the stairs leading to heaven. peace and quiet.
you jog up the stairs, while trying to hold down your skirt so you don’t unintentionally flash your ex-classmates. the hot air seemed to be worse upstairs, and you knew it all too well from living in a two storey home your entire life. heat rises. why on earth did your foggy brain think it would be cooler up here?
you manage to find the bathroom, sighing in relief when you found it empty. you closed the door hurriedly behind you, and make your way to the sink. you run the cold water under your hands, splashing it on your flushed face. your mascara had started to smudge under your eyes from the heat, and your lipgloss had completely melted off. real classy. as you begin to wipe your fingers under your eyes, a knock on the door startles you.
“yeah?” you call, not hiding your frustration.
“can i come in?” the voice asks.
you sigh, throwing your head back. so much for peace and quiet. you throw open the door, shocked at who you find behind it. chris sturniolo. you knew him and his brothers didn’t go to parties, not even in high school. you wonder who or what dragged them to this one. he was a year older than you, but you were well aware of who he was. the star player on the lacrosse team.
“you mind if i chill in here for a bit?” he asks nonchalantly.
you’re now confronted with the option of being a douchebag and saying no, or saying yes and then trying to weasel your way out. you scan his face, the bags under his eyes, the muss of his hair from the heat. he looked exhausted, you imagine that’s how you looked, too.
“yeah, sure.” you shrug, opening the door wider for him to come in.
he immediately makes himself at home, hoisting himself to sit up on the bench beside the sink. you take in what he’s wearing, a black singlet and cargo shorts with ugg boots. definitely a choice.
“did i walk in on something or…like you weren’t crying or anything?” he asks, widening his eyes at you and freezing in place.
“oh! no, no not at all.” you smile awkwardly, shuffling on your feet.
“right, you just uh, look…” he trails off, waving his finger at you.
“terrible?” you answer with a defeated laugh.
he laughs. “yeah.”
you find yourself smiling a little, too. “i feel terrible.”
“me fucking too.” he sighs, leaning his head back onto the mirror and kicking his uggs off. you envied his confidence.
“so, what brings you to the bathroom chris sturniolo?” you ask as you put the toilet seat down to give yourself a surface to sit on.
he gives you a funny look, pouting his lip and raising an eyebrow. “how do you know who i am?”
“you were only the star lacrosse player of southeast high!” you taunt, holding a hand to your heart and mocking the many fan girls he had at his beck and call.
he tsks and rolls his eyes, “nah, matt was always miles better than me.”
“he was.” you lie, a smirk creeping up on your lips.
chris chuckles, shaking his head. “anyway, to answer your question, i’m trying to escape my very drunk and gross friends, one of them vomited on my shoe, look!”
he points to his discarded ugg boot, which you now see has a splatter of dark liquid on it, and you find yourself feeling sick. “fuck that’s gross.”
“i know right! but i’ve had enough anyway, i want to go home but matt’s driving and he’s not ready to go yet, neither is nick. at least they’re having fun.”
“and you don’t drink?” you ask, crossing your legs criss cross applesauce style.
“nah, me and my brothers are sober. just don’t really see the point in drinking. got nothing against it, just not my thing.”
“you know, don’t take this the wrong way but, i honestly pictured you as the frat boy type.”
“ha, i’m far from it.” he laughs, “but that’s what all the lacrosse boys were like. it was painful having to put up with it.”
“i can imagine.” you tell him.
there’s a lick of silence, and the bathroom was beginning to get stuffy- despite the window being open and letting a small breath of air through every now and then. you see chris wipe the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, puffing out a breath. “it’s so fucking hot i think i’m going to die.”
you found yourself in a daze, looking at him now, really looking at him. he was cute as hell, how had you never noticed? the way his hair hung just over his forehead, how his arms were softly toned…
“hey, i never got your name. that was rude of me.” he says, turning to you.
you tell him, and he nods his head. “you look like that’s your name.”
“you know how some people look like their names? i feel like i don’t look like a chris.” he elaborated, waving his hands around to emphasise his point.
“yeah, maybe a chad.” you chuckle.
“if i was a chad, i’d have already kissed you.” chris tells you, not looking at you, more like he was talking to himself. speaking into the abyss.
you widen your eyes, “what?”
chris kicks his feet back and forth, hitting the cabinets below. “nothing.”
there’s a pause, the only sound you could hear was your breathing, surrounding you, suffocating. you decide to be bold. i mean, what was there to loose, anyway? you couldn’t just sulk alone all night.
“i mean, i wouldnt say no.” you confess, avoiding eye contact, looking down at his vomit splayed ugg boot, discarded on the tiles. although, you could feel his eyes on you.
“to what?” he says, more confidently.
“if…” you begin, now looking up at him and loosing your train of thought.
“i kissed you?”
you freeze, blinking a few times to check you weren’t hallucinating and that your drink hadn’t been spiked. after a few breaths, you realised he wasn’t going anywhere, and that he was right there. only a few steps away. yet you couldn’t find your feet, we’re you supposed to make the first move?
before you could continue the battle in your brain, chris had slid back down to his feet, his hands bracing on the bench behind him, arms flexed. he tilted his head at you, almost like a puppy, waiting. he was waiting for you.
you stand up, and slowly, ever so slowly, make your way towards him. you bite your lip, your breath quickening and heart thumping in your chest like it would pounce onto him if it could. how had your night turned so quickly? weren’t you downstairs wishing you were anywhere else only 20 minuets ago?
chris reached his hand out to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, licking his lips. “you’re so pretty.”
you blush hard, looking down at your feet. “even with my smudged mascara?”
“yeah.” he chuckles, reaching for your hand to pull you closer to him.
you were now face to face, your eyes in line with his lips. you felt like your heart was about to fall out of your ass, with the way he was looking at you. not greedy, not like other boys did- if they did. it was sweet, like he was really looking at you, his mellow blue eyes scanning your face and landing on your lips.
he slid a hand behind your ear, leaning into you. you leaned in, too, unsure of what you were supposed to do. you had only ever kissed one boy, and it was in eighth grade as a dare during a game of spin the bottle. this time was different. it wasn’t a game, and nobody was watching.
chris kissed you gently, only testing the waters. it was only chaste, but you felt yourself ascend into another dimension. his lips were soft, and he was so warm. you feel something deep your belly, swirling around. your cheeks begin to flush a little more than they already were, your headache now a distant memory. he pulled away as soon as it happened, as if he had been snapped back into reality.
“sorry, i don’t um…usually do this. i feel like such a douche.”
“you’re far from a douche.” you reassure him, placing a hand on his forearm.
his hand that rested behind your ear was now playing with a coil of your hair. “i mean you were just so pretty, and i didn’t know how to-“
suddenly, you feel yourself swarmed with pride, beginning to smile. “chris! did you follow me up here?”
“um, no?” he says, as his eyes dart around the room comedically as a toothy grin adorns his face.
“you don’t seem so sure.” you tease.
he laughs, shrugging. “what can i say, it worked.”
you find yourself overcome with a feeling you didn’t recognise, something between overjoyed and astounded. you quickly press your lips into his, a little more assured this time. he kisses you back just as eagerly, pulling your waist close to his, breathing hot air into your lungs. you weren’t quite sure what to do with your hands, so you snaked your hand into his soft, full hair. he groaned into your mouth, and you felt your stomach do flips.
this was definitely not how you expected your night to go.
part two.
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bloodyjuls-blog · 1 year
You don't understand
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"Hi girls" y/n said as they entered the locker room. "Hi honey" Alexia said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as the other girls looked at Alexia and y/n suspiciously. While changing out of her street clothes into her workout clothes Claudia says "how about some beers at the bar downtown" "for the day off" to which most agree except y/n.
Alexia looks at her funny and asks "why can't you go?" "because I'm meeting my sister I'm going to take care of the kids while she does some extra hours at work" y/n's sister is a doctor at the Vall D'hebron hospital. Alexia nods, not very convinced but she knows about your love for children, especially your nephews, so she doesn't say anything. "Any problem with that my love?" you say. "no none, i miss them".
The training session goes by, more exhausting than the others 'maybe it's because of the sun' you thought. When patri comes in, scoffing, she says "when are you and Alexia going to get married?" "I don't know, when she proposes" you say in a funny way but hoping it will be soon.
Hours later at home with the little ones
"Ruppert don't run down the stairs you might fall" you said to your 5 year old nephew while you were putting 6 month old Augustine to sleep in the living room. "tia y/n/n alexia said to go upstairs to play mario bros" "well kid but you don't have to run, because you fall down there and what do we do eh" you say between angry and joking giving the little one a hug. "Babe, let Ruppert climb up to beat Mario," says Alexia, teasing the boy. You laugh and let him climb up.
For Alexia these moments are worth gold, she visualizes herself married to you, living in a villa in Castelldefel with a couple of kids running around in the yard and you teaching them how to play soccer.
The next day your sister picks up the kids around 11 am. You spend the day cuddling with Alexia at home, watching movies and eating dirty food.
Wednesday came and with it the training. There was Irene with little Mateo around, so I went straight to play with the little one while the girls finished showering. I must admit I'm a little picky because I always have to shower first. While I was playing with Mateo I heard Crnogorcevic says to Alexia "can you imagine when you and y/n have babies running around the house" "you don't know how excited I am about all that, seeing one or two little ones running around the house" "soon we will have another little one to play with mateo eh alexia" you panicked while playing with mateo. How could Alexia take it for granted that you want children if you haven't talked about it. That made you very angry. First of all because even though you like children and you are fond of them, you can't imagine being a mother, even less with your tight schedule and the constant trips you have, secondly, you are afraid of what pregnancy entails and even worse, you are afraid of hospitals. You'll have to talk to her, you thought.
When you get home you decide to talk to her.
"hey ale, I overheard a conversation in the dressing room today and I swear it was unintentional" you said. "Oh yeah, what did you hear?" said Alexia in a relaxed way "you were talking to Ana about kids and stuff, taking for granted that I wanted to be a mother" "Of course I want kids with you y/n, you are so good with the little ones and the only person I see in that future is you" "look Ale, I will be very honest with you, because we have been dating for about 4 years now and I just don't want, it terrifies me, to have kids, a human being under my responsibility. I said it a few years ago and I stand by it, I don't feel like having children with anyone" you said that a little bluntly. "You think after four years together it's time to say you don't want to have children? what's wrong with that? You are very good with it, even your nephews adore you and see you as a second mother" she says hysterically. "I'm sorry Ale, a little late yes, but it is what it is, I don't think I can change my thinking at some point" you said starting to feel weird, like out of place. "you know something y/n, I think I can't spend years of my life wanting something next to a person who can't be more flexible with that, I can't want to marry you when your plans and mine are different. I think it's better to break this thing we have and look forward with no hard feelings or anything" Alexia said sadly. "Why, what do children have to do with what we have created as a couple" "I just see myself with you, without children but with you" you said in tears. "You don't understand, I want to share my achievements with my FAMILY, with my descendants, with my children, so that they can see that their mothers were successful women and that they can follow the path. I don't want to be left with the legacy alone, you understand that, I want after this whole soccer thing is over there is something else to focus on." "You're being a bit selfish Alexia, you can't want children for such invalid reasons" you said crying, watching your life you thought you had figured out go down the drain. "selfish you y/n, you who are not at the same stage as me, you who prefer partying, traveling, alcohol before me as a partner and family" alexia said raising her voice. "You have no idea what you are saying" you said hurt. "y/n get out, get out of my house, I can't believe you threw all the plans we had out the window".
You left the house angry, sad, hurt and you did the best thing you could do, you called the only person who understands why you don't want to have children. The English captain, your best friend Leah Williamson. But since not everything can be so easy, that night while you were driving something happened...
Part 2 ✅
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thesoftboiledegg · 4 months
Rick and Morty if Autism Speaks and Autism Moms focus-grouped it to death:
Rick: Everyone, I have a terrible confession to make. Summer [scrolling through her phone]: Sure, Grandpa Rick. How many planets did you blow up today? Rick: No, Summer, it's much worse than that. I... [sighs and sticks his hands in his pockets] I just got back from the doctor's office. I...I have autism. [The entire family gasps in shock. Summer drops her phone. Morty's hands fly to his mouth.] Beth: No! Rick! Why didn't you ever tell us? Rick: I didn't know, sweetie. Bird Person noticed that I'd been flapping my hands a lot and said, "Mubba rubba nub nub," which means, "I'm going to give you a referral for an autism diagnosis." I just got back from the clinic. I'll be honest with you--when the word "autism" came out of the doctor's mouth, I couldn't decide if I wanted to hide the truth from you or crash my ship directly into the building, killing me instantly. [Jerry stares at him. Summer starts sobbing. Beth glances at Morty with horror and disbelief.] Beth: But--what about Morty? He flaps his hands sometimes, too. Do you think that--maybe--oh God, I don't even want to say it-- Rick [looking at her sadly]: I don't know, sweetie. Autism is a genetic disease, and it's not looking good. Morty: No! NO! Why, Rick? This is the worst thing you've ever done! Rick: I'm sorry, buddy. I wish I could go back in time and delete the autism from my genes. Summer [sobbing]: You've ruined our family! I always knew I was the one normal child, and now you've just confirmed it! Beth: I'm sorry, Morty, but I won't be able to look at you the same way again. I knew there was a reason I favored Summer all these years. And Rick, well--I don't know if you can keep living here. Our budget is already tight without you spending $500 a month on math textbooks and model train sets. Jerry: Wait, hang on. If I can get meta here for a second--doesn't Dan Harmon play Bird Person? And isn't he, you know...in that way? Rick: Autistic? [Beth and Summer gasp at the sound of the word.] I don't know, let me check. [He opens a portal and disappears, then returns a few seconds later, his eyes heavy with sadness.] Yes. Dan Harmon is autistic, which means...Bird Person is autistic, too. I'm sorry. [The entire room is silent.] Beth: Well...at least you'll be able to get together now. I know you autistics can't date normal people. Summer: Autistics can't date anyone, period. Sorry, Morty, but I guess Jessica and Bruce Chutback both dodged a bullet. [Morty bursts into tears. Beth rubs his shoulder.] Beth: It's okay, honey. Look at it this way--you'll be able to go on lots of adventures with Grandpa since we have to separate both of you from the general population. Jerry: And "different" doesn't mean "worse." I mean, in this case, it absolutely does, but it doesn't mean that in other contexts. Morty: I'm sorry that I'm burdening everyone. [glances up] Hey, um, Rick--maybe you can find a cure, right? [smiles weakly] Some planet out there must've found a cure for autism by now, right? Rick [forces a smile]: You've got it, buddy. I'm sure there's a universe out there that's...found a cure for this tragic disease. [Everyone looks silently down at the table. Morty stands up.] Morty: I'm going to sit in my room for a while. Let me know when you've decided if you're going to keep me or put me up for adoption. Beth: We'll let you know, honey. [Morty walks upstairs. The rest of the family turns to Rick, who sighs.] Rick: Well...I guess I'll go to the garage. The noise-cancelling walls will protect you from the sounds of my incessant stimming and hand-flapping. I know you don't want me back in the house, so you can turn my room into extra storage space. Jerry can even turn it into a man cave if he wants. I don't care if he does. I don't care about anything anymore. Summer: Neither do we, Rick. Neither do we... [Rick walks into the garage and sits quietly on the stool. After a few minutes of silence, he hesitates, then reaches inside his coat and applies a sticker to his ship. The camera zooms in to reveal a puzzle piece that reads Autistics On Board.]
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handledwithgloves · 5 months
How Harry Potter Ended Up With Three Dads (wc:2k)
"He's drunk," Remus says, peering through the curtains at the slumped over figure on their front porch, "We can't just leave him out there."
Sirius scowls, waving his hand dismissively, "Oh, you and your... kind heart. Damn you! Let him in then!"
Remus makes no rush to open the door but once he does, he could feel just how cold it is outside. He tucks himself further into the warmth of his bathrobe before stepping out onto the porch.
"Severus?" Remus asks warily, inching closer still to the man, "What are you doing here?"
Severus looks up then. Still the same gaunt, thin, sad face from their school days, if not worse from the drunken aura of the man. He looks as if he hasn't slept in days.
"Are you well enough to talk?" Remus asks, squatting down so he could be eye to eye with the man.
Severus only shivers in response. Remus's eyes grow wide in shock.
"Merlin!" he nearly shouts, "Your lips are blue! Just how long have you been out here? Sirius!"
"What?" Sirius grumbles from the front door, "Did he finally keel over and die?"
"Sirius, help me carry him in. I think he's got hyperthermia," Remus says, taking one of Severus's arms and throwing it over his shoulder.
"Hypothermia, Moony," Sirius smiles, taking Severus's other arm and slinging it over his own shoulders none too gently, "I thought you were supposed to be the word-y one here?"
Severus grunts as Sirius 'accidentally' smacks his head against the door. The two of them haul Severus's body into the house as Sirius shuts the door with his foot.
"Over there," Remus says, nodding his head to the fireplace.
As soon as they got him settled and the fireplace is roaring with life, Remus and Sirius finally catch their breaths. Severus looks less dead now but they still had no idea what to make of him. Sirius was the first to voice his concern.
“What the ever living fu - “ one look from Remus cuts him off before he continues with a scowl, “What is he doing here, Remus? And why is he half dead? Doesn’t the bastard know how to cast a warming charm?”
“I don't know,” Remus looks over to Severus’s sleeping body. He’s sitting up, stock still. “I didn’t even know he knew where we lived. I mean, it’s not a secret but still, I didn’t think he cared.”
“Well, whatever. We can’t keep him here. We have a - “ Sirius mimes cradling something in his arms and then points upwards.
“Yes, you don’t think I know that?” Remus snaps, “As soon as he’s better, I’ll wake him up and have him leave. Problem solved.”
Sirius sighs with attitude as he sits down on their couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Better be soon,” he says testily, “It’s near three in the morning. I’m exhausted.”
Remus sits down beside Sirius. “Oh, you’re exhausted?” Remus scoffs, “You’re not the one - “ he mimes changing diapers but Sirius only frowns in confusion, “The very fact that you don’t know what I’m doing only further proves my point.”
“Whatever,” Sirius says, “When one person in this house wakes up, we all wake up.”
“Better take what little chance we have while we have it,” Remus says, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes.
When Remus opens his eyes again, he is disoriented; unsure how he got to the living room and why he left the fireplace on. Then he focuses on an empty spot near the fireplace, alarms in his head going off that he’s forgotten something important concerning that specific area. Then there is a sudden thump upstairs and Remus leaps to his feet without hesitance. The baby - Harry!
Remus swings across the stairs skipping steps by two as he rounds the corner of the hallway to Harry’s room. The door was wide open. Remus bursts in to find Severus hovering over Harry’s crib, muttering something. Harry is awake, cooing at him as if he understood what Severus was saying. Remus draws his wand immediately.
“Severus,” Remus calls authoritatively, “Step away from the child.”
Severus tenses at Remus’s voice but he doesn’t comply. His wand is drawn and Remus steels himself to fight as a last resort, not wanting to get Harry between the crossfires. Remus opens his mouth again to speak, to lower the tension in the room, when suddenly a spell zooms past his head. Before he knows it, Harry is in Severus’s arms.
“Petrificus Totalus!” Remus shouts just as Severus darts across the room, missing him by inches.
Severus flings open another door to the room and dashes past him before he could utter another spell. Damn! Why did they have to put Harry in a room with so many doors?
“Sirius!” Remus shouts in panic, “Sirius! He has Harry!”
He chases after Severus, always just barely missing him as he darts around corners of his house, jumping through doors, and gliding through hallways. He can hear Sirius’s heavy footsteps running around somewhere, trying to find a way to corner Severus. And then he hears it; Sirius’s footsteps getting closer, louder, and faster.
“Sirius! Don’t!”
Sirius seems to understand a millisecond before colliding with Severus and Harry, barreling instead towards an unsuspecting door and crashing through it.
“What part of ‘he has Harry’ did you not understand?” Remus shouts behind his back as he passes Sirius.
“The part where you bloody let him in the house!” he hears Sirius shouting back.
He’d lost sight of Severus now, finally slowing down to a stop as he tries to listen to any doors being open or, potentially, any windows being smashed so he could escape with Harry. Sirius pats his shoulder, panting just a bit, but not from running, from anger.
“Why does he know the layout of our house?” Sirius shouts incredulously.
“Severus has always been very… complicated,” Remus replies evenly.
“Complicated. Oh, be nicer would you?” Sirius spits, “He’s mad. He’s mad and he’s got Harry!”
“Sirius,” Remus tries to calm him, “He’s still in the house. I think he was doing something to Harry, talking to him or something, before I found him.”
“Talk - talking?” Sirius waves his hands up in exasperation, “Jesus, Remus! He could’ve been cursing Harry for all we know!”
Just then, the most wonderful sound could be heard from downstairs; Harry’s laughing. Sirius moves first, shoving past Remus to get to the stairs. It takes a while for Remus to recover. He had done this. He was the one who brought Severus inside. He believed Severus wasn’t so bad and for a moment, he doubted himself but hearing Harry laugh reignited that belief.
By the time he got to the downstairs hallway, Sirius was already there, banging hard on the bathroom door and trying his best to peer in through the frosted glass. Remus had no idea why the previous owners of this house would want their guest bathroom to have a frosted glass but he’s so glad that they did because he could see the blobs of Severus Snape and Harry sitting on the floor of the bathroom, safe and unharmed.
“When I get you Snivellus, you’re going to wish you were sent to Azkaban with all the other filthy Death Eaters! D’you hear me?” Sirius shouts, jiggling the handles again just to try to scare Severus, “Worse than death! I’ll tear you to pieces if you touch a hair on that boy’s head!”
Remus was still looking in next to Sirius when a thought had come to mind and he was never happier that Sirius was far too angry to think straight. He walks back down the hall and turns a corner to the kitchen, down another hall. Then, quickly, before the door could shut, he barges into the bathroom where Severus slams the door shut with a spell. But he was too late, Remus was already inside, thanking the previous owner for their love of rooms with multiple doors.
Severus is sitting on the bathroom floor with Harry in his lap, facing him. He’s bent over Harry, muttering again, as the infant plays with his hair. He’s crying, Remus notes from the sniffling he hears coming from the man.
“Remus!” Sirius shouts excitedly from behind the bathroom door, “Remus do something! He’s molesting the baby!”
“Shut up, Sirius!” Remus shouts, fists clenching his wand at his side. Jokes like that shouldn’t be made so lightly. Remus takes a breath, trying now to sound as gentle as he could, “Severus, you can’t cry on Harry.”
“You don’t even love him.”
Remus sighs with a roll of his eyes. “And you do?” he tucks his wand away, noticing that Severus’s wand had rolled towards the far wall.
“Listen, he can say my name. Go on, say it,” he prods at Harry.
“Oh, for Godric’s sake, Severus!” Remus flings his arms frustratedly, “He’s not a talking doll! You can’t just poke him and make him say your name!”
“You tell him, Remus! Get that sniveling drowned bastard away from my godson!”
“Sirius! For the love of - Shut up!” Remus shouts.
Severus is mumbling again and this time Remus really is a bit worried he’s putting a curse on Harry but as he nears, he hears him much more clearly.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You’re Lily’s precious boy, aren’t you? Will you ever forgive me? I’m so very sorry,” Severus chatters like a mantra into Harry’s face.
“Severus,” Remus gently places his hand on the other man’s shoulder, “Severus, give me the boy. It’s his bedtime.”
Severus sniffles. “I came to apologize,” he says, “I - I never got to - to Lily.”
“I understand,” Remus sighs, crouching down and placing his other hand gently to Severus’s forearm, “but he doesn’t. If you really want to apologize to him properly, do it sober and when he’s understood everything.”
Severus sniffles again, giving a slow nod before he leans back onto the bathtub behind him. Gently, carefully, Remus takes Harry from his arms. Harry seems unharmed, thankfully. He’s smiling brightly up at Remus, generally happy. He lets himself relax, standing up and towards the door, opening it to a stressed Sirius.
“You got him?” Sirius says, peering down at Harry who’s yawning now.
“This whole ordeal must have tired him out,” Remus says with a laugh.
“Yeah,” Sirius rolls his eyes, “He’s the tired one. I swear tonight just shaved ten years off my lifespan. What happened in there? I couldn’t hear a thing.”
“We just had a chat,” Remus replies, moving past Sirius and heading up the stairs.
“You mean he’s still in there?” Sirius’s temper flared.
“Leave him be,” Remus gives him a glare, “He’s fallen asleep against the bathtub.”
“Remus,” Sirius starts, “You can’t be serious?”
“He just wanted to apologize to Harry,” Remus says calmly, “I’ve already talked him down from it.”
“We can’t let him stay!” Sirius says desperately.
“You’re welcome to stay up and watch him all night Sirius,” Remus smirks, “Merlin knows you have some sort of wild fascination with him, but Harry and I will be off to bed. Won’t we, Harry?”
Harry gives another, large yawn as his eyes droop lower and lower. Remus smiles. Not even two years on his earth and he’s already a handful of trouble, Remus sighs, placing Harry in his crib. Sirius indignantly complains about Severus’s stay and that Remus thinks he has some ‘wild fascination’ with Snape all the while they make their way to their room.
The next morning, Remus and Sirius are down in the kitchen, with Harry sitting in his feeding chair, when Severus appears with a hand to his head and seemingly looking like he’s going through the worst hangover ever experienced by man. Remus hands him a potion.
“Drink it,” Remus says, “It’ll help with the hangover.”
Sirius grunts, “Brewed it myself, Snivellus, so you better not have any complaints.”
Severus gives Sirius a sneer as he takes the bottle without question and gulps it down. He grimaces for a moment, the taste surely not the best so early in the morning. Then, he looks like his usual, depressing self.
“Compliments where compliments are owed, Black,” Severus says, placing the potion on the counter, “Though I would add just a touch more - “
“That’s enough out of you, Snape,” Sirius scowls, aiming the spatula he was using to stir their scrambled eggs at Severus, “I brewed it perfectly and you know it. You just want to be an arse.”
“Severus,” Remus steps forward, “Do you remember anything that transpired here last night?”
“I do not recall,” Severus says smoothly, looking away as a light blush flushes his cheeks.
So he did remember everything. Which means he remembers the conversation they had in the bathroom about Harry. Remus smiles. That was good. If not for Severus, then for Harry, when he’s ready to learn everything that happened that night with his parents. Speaking of - 
Harry makes a loud indignant shout, upset that he’s being kept out of the conversation. Remus watches as Severus slowly inches towards him with a face of slight disgust or discomfort. Sirius rushes forward as well, thrusting the spatula into Remus’s hands.
“Snivellus, if you even think about kidnapping that boy again - “
“Please, Black. It was hardly a kidnapping if I remained in your house,” Severus says lazily before turning back to Harry, “Pathetic little thing. Isn’t it overweight?”
“Babies look like that, Severus,” Remus says over his shoulder as he plates the scrambled eggs next to he bacon.
Sirius scoffs, hovering over Harry and pinching his cheeks, “Just because your baby pictures have you looking like a drowned cat doesn’t mean our cute little Harry is the same.”
Harry slams his fists down on the table at that, babbling to Sirius.
“Oh, Harry didn’t like that jibe towards Severus, Sirius,” Remus chuckles, “Best to apologize.”
Just then, Harry does the most amazing thing. “Sebuh,” Harry says.
Severus takes a step back, hand flying to his mouth as Sirius peers closer at Harry’s face.
“Sebus,” Harry says again, laughing and making grabbing motions towards Severus.
It was Sirius’s turn to back away in awe then, clutching his chest in shock and disbelief. Severus on the other hand was inching towards Harry again. His hand reaches out and he lets Harry grab at his fingers. Ever so quietly, they could hear sniffling coming from Severus again.
“Oh, come now, Snivellus,” Sirius rolls his eyes.
“I want to be a part of his life.”
“What?” Sirius shouts as Remus says, “Okay.”
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mymoonagedaydream · 1 year
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Part 3
Pairing: Mob!Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Language
Part 1 / Part 2
The sky was darkening by the time the two of you reached your apartment, streetlamps illuminating one by one and melding with the warm glowing light that spilled from the windows above you. Bucky released the arm that had been firmly anchored around you and took a step back while you rooted around in your bag. He obviously figured that, after the absolute shitshow the last twenty-four hours had been, there was a pretty good chance he wasn’t going to be invited in. You pulled out your keys, letting him sweat right up until the last second.
Before you could unlock the door, however, it swung open to reveal Lily, jarringly backlit by pale, fluorescent bulbs. She looked disappointed.
“Oh, my dear, you’ve just missed them.”
“Who?” You glanced back at Bucky and gave him a reassuring smile, knowing this interaction was bound to put him on edge. “Have your family been visiting?”
“No, your friends. They only left a few minutes ago.”
“My friends?” 
“Yes, the young men with the birthday cards for you. Very sweet. I sent them upstairs but my word they were noisy, they must have had some trouble working out how to use the letterbox.”
Well, now you were on edge too, partly because your birthday wasn’t for another three months and partly because you didn’t have a letterbox.
Before you had the chance to respond, Bucky charged through the gap between you and sprinted up the stairs, swiftly disappearing out of view. You asked Lily to lock the door before racing after him, pausing halfway up the stairs when it hit you that entrusting security detail to her might not have been the best idea. You weren’t even sure if she could remember who did and didn’t live here anymore.
After inwardly deliberating for a second, you shrugged and carried on, deciding that you’d actually quite like to see someone try messing with you while Bucky was nearby and this irate. Might even cheer you up a little.
You were out of breath by the time you reached the top of the stairs, but the sight you were met with somehow still managed to pull the last dregs of air from your lungs. 
Your door was hanging off its hinges. There were splinters of wood littering the hallway and holes of varying sizes punched into the drywall. A vague path of cigarette burns in the carpet led from where you were standing to the spot where your doormat should have been.
Swallowing the lump that had formed in the back of your throat, you slowly approached, tears welling in your eyes as they scanned over the inside of your apartment. It was worse than you could have imagined. The couch had been torn to pieces, the TV screen was smashed, the curtains had been ripped from the wall and strewn over the floor. You dreaded to think how the rest of the place looked and you weren’t sure you had the emotional capacity to find out right now.
Thundering footsteps approached from inside and Bucky stormed into view, his voice more deep and stern than usual as he addressed you.
“They’re gone. I can’t see anything missing but you should check around too.”
“Fuckin’ cowards, man,” he kicked a nearby couch cushion and stuffing exploded out of it, “couldn’t even stick around to face us.”
“Buck, please.”
A warm tear spilled onto your cheek. He seemed to soften when he spotted it, quickly moving over and pulling you into a tight embrace. You buried your face in the shoulder of his suit jacket, letting a few more drops soak into the rough material, choking back hiccuped breaths. His hand smoothed down the hair on the back of your head.
“I’m sorry, baby. Take as long as you need.”
You turned your head to the side so your voice wasn’t muffled. “Is it bad?”
“It’s fixable.”
“Are you lying to make me feel better?”
“A little,” he took hold of your hands and gently prized them away from his chest, squeezing them firmly as he moved into your eyeline, “but we’ll do it together, okay? S’gonna be alright. C’mon.”
With a deep breath, you finally stepped into your devastated apartment and looked around. Some things were fixable. Most things weren’t. Slowly, tenderly, Bucky led you from room to room and helped you find all your valuables. Your laptop was still in your bedside drawer, camera still on your desk, even the emergency twenty dollar bill you kept in the key bowl by the front door was still there. It was bizarre, but you were actually starting to feel a little relieved- that was, until you walked through to the kitchen.
You spotted it immediately. Your grandmother’s necklace, the one that had hung from the corner of her picture on the wall ever since you’d moved in, was gone. You were in disbelief. It wasn’t even valuable, it was just a brass locket with a photograph of your grandfather inside, why the fuck would anyone take that?
You spun round and pointed it out to Bucky. If you’d been in a less disoriented state of mind, you might have noticed how his face dropped into something resembling dread, how his jaw suddenly clenched and his eyes squeezed shut, but you were far too busy spiralling. 
“Christ, I haven’t even called the cops. I don’t even know what crime this is. Destruction of property? Vandalism? Shit burglary?” Your shaking hands pulled your cellphone from your pocket. “Who the fuck would even do this? You think it could be that guy that was following me before?”
“It makes sense, I mean he must have been working for someone, maybe they-” Your train of thought came to an abrupt stop as you realised what he’d said. “What d’you mean, no? Buck, do you know something about this?”
“No, I swear. It’s just- something my brother said earlier. It’s been bothering me. ”
“What did he say?”
“I might be overthinking it.”
“Buck. Tell me.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Most of the conversation was fine, really, I just told him about how much of an ass I’d been and how guilty I felt and he nodded along. But after we’d spoken, just before he left the room, he said, doesn't she know it’s a dangerous city for a girl all on her own?”
You felt the blood turn cold in your veins. 
Bucky’s brother had only ever been to your apartment once, a long time ago, when he dropped off your invitation to his wedding. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you vividly recalled him sipping coffee from your favourite mug and asking about the picture of your grandmother hung up in the kitchen. He listened intently while you reeled off all the reasons you idolised her, even putting a comforting hand on your shoulder when you told him how much you missed her. A pinprick of white hot rage started in your stomach, slowly expanding and filling your whole chest.
“That motherfucker.”
“I can’t believe he’d do something like this,” Bucky looked genuinely shellshocked, “I thought I could trust him. I’m so sorry, I-”
“Jesus, would you stop fucking apologising?" 
The air between you stilled. It seemed like neither of you had been expecting such an abrupt snap, but you knew he needed to hear this, so you swallowed back your hesitation and continued.
"You know who they are. You know what they do. How the hell is this a shock?”
“They also know how I feel about you. This isn’t how we treat family.”
“Oh, come on.” You were doing your best not to scream at him. “How many fucking times have we been told that I’ll never be accepted as part of your family? Well, now we’ve been shown, too. I don't feel like waiting around to find out what's next.”
“Nothing’s next, cause I’m gonna sort it out.”
You scoffed. “You’re gonna stand up to them?”
“Of course I am.”
You walked out of the kitchen, quickly wiping away your frustrated tears before he saw them. You needed to busy yourself or you’d end up doing a Bucky and punching the fucking wall. Dodging shattered pieces of table and couch, you made your way over to the TV and crouched down, starting to gather shards of smashed screen from the floor. He appeared after just a few seconds. His face was flushed and every visible muscle was tensed, a few beads of sweat starting to form just below his hairline. 
“I’m gonna make this right, I just need to think.” 
“The fuck is there to think about?”
“Well, y’know, I need to, to figure out- Fuck.” 
He let his arms go limp at his sides, looking utterly defeated. Noticing what you were doing, he picked up a blanket from the floor and shuffled over, crouching beside you and emptying the sharp pieces from your hand into the soft material. You didn’t look at him.
“I don’t know what to do. My head feels like it’s falling apart. I’ve got a helluva lot of shit to sort out, I know that, but for now all I care about is that you’re not safe here.”
“No shit. What gave it away, the lack of a front door or the visits from your insane family?”
He placed the blanket down. “Look, I know you hate me right now, and you have every reason to, but I need you to stay at my apartment tonight.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“You don’t have to talk to me or even look at me, just let me make sure you’re somewhere safe.”
You spent a minute thinking about it whilst picking tiny splinters of glass out of your palm, but eventually gave a reluctant agreement. What the fuck else were you gonna do? You couldn’t stay here with no door and an increasingly unhinged downstairs neighbour, and you sure as hell couldn’t afford a hotel room for any significant length of time. Besides, even with him there, Bucky’s apartment would probably be the only place you’d feel secure enough to actually sleep.
He called a cab while you packed, collecting all your remaining valuables and yanking your clothes out of the wood pile that used to be a rickety chest of drawers. Both of you stayed quiet during the journey. The city rolling past the window became gradually less and less dilapidated, crumbling apartment blocks replaced by upscale residences and gleaming metal infrastructure, a whole different world than the one you were used to. Bucky’s world.
You hadn’t been to his apartment for a while, but it was still just as ridiculously opulent as you remembered. You dropped your bag on the floor and glanced around. Between working and seeing you, he never really spent any time here, so obviously never felt the need to properly decorate. It was sterile, like an overpriced showhome. 
He set you up on the squeaky, white leather couch, flicking on the TV and wrapping you in a blanket before ordering takeout. You listened to him rushing around out of view, marching between the bedroom and the bathroom, running water and spraying cleaning products. You let slip an exhausted chuckle at the cacophony of panicked noises. 
One thing you didn’t hear, however, was him picking up the photograph of him and his brother that he kept propped up on the bedroom mantelpiece. You didn’t hear him fold it in half and you didn’t hear the heavy breath that escaped from his lips as he tore it into two clean pieces.
He eventually reappeared and collapsed into the armchair to your left. The TV was blaring but he somehow managed to ignore it, instead staring at the wall all night, deep in thought and slowly tapping his fingers against the leather upholstery. 
He was definitely planning something, you just hoped to god it was something rational.
Story taglist: @mdpplgtz03​
Permanent Taglist: @touchstarvedforbuckybarnes​ @sjsmith56​ @supraveng​ @thewackywriter​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @littlemiss-yeehaw​@buckystevelove​ @happinessinthebeing​ @steeph-aniie​ @nialiuwanderlust​@froggyloora​ @nervousstrangersandwich​ @i-loveyoubutyourenotmine​ @pono-pura-vida​ @crzyplantladyvibes​ @vickie5446 @cremebruleequeen​ @wthisbucky​ @marvel-wifey-86 @alesabisou @blueraspberryreader @casa-boiardi​
Untaggables are italicised, will be removing after a few attempts so let me know if spelling is wrong.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Hi can u do one where trevor comes home in middle of the night from being on the road and when yn wakes up she really happy and they hang out something like that???
(idk if this was for penalty box but it is now lmao) note: i don’t own nhl23 so idk who’s available to play as
Trevor had been gone for almost a week on a long roadie. It was great hanging out with Jamie and everything, but you were gravely missing your boyfriend.
“Alright, I’m beat,” Jamie announced after Catching Fire ended. “We can watch the other two movies tomorrow once Z gets home.”
“Okay. Goodnight, J! I love you!” you smiled up at him with your head leaning back against the back of the couch to look up at him.
“I love you, too,” he laughed and kissed your forehead before he left to go to his room.
You cleaned up the living room a bit before heading upstairs to the bedroom you and Trevor share. It was always a bit lonely without him there, and you know it’ll get worse next season when Jamie is back with the team all the time. You tried not to dwell on it too much, because it’s not like you haven’t done it before. Plus, with facetime sleepovers being a thing, Trevor made sure you were always okay. Tonight, however, Trevor said he was going out with some of the team after the game, so you only got your post game facetime.
You surprisingly fell asleep easily. You knew it was only because your boyfriend was due home in the early afternoon, but you didn’t mind. You were excited.
The sleep didn’t last long because you were being shaken awake an hour later, “Jamie Baby, I love you so much, but unless you got a call that Trevor is gravely injured, politely get the fuck out of my room.”
“Wrong baby,” you heard Trevor laugh. You shot up in bed quick to the sweet sight of your smiling boyfriend, “Trevor!”
“Shhhh,” Trevor shushed you, still laughing. “You’ll wake up Jimmy and I just want me and you time. Wanna play chel?”
“Yes, oh my god! Jamie is so bad at it; he gives me zero challenge that it gets boring after a while,” you accepted his offer eagerly.
“He really does suck,” Trevor agreed, taking your hand to guide you down the stairs to the living room. He quickly got out the controllers and popped in the game. He then sat down in the middle of the couch and opened his legs a bit and motioned for you to sit in between them. “You’re going down, sweet girl.”
“You wish, Zegras,” you fired back.
“Oh yeah? Well, I call dibs on Quinn,” Trevor smirked.
You gasped, “Oh, you dick! Fine. I’ll be Robo.”
“Stop liking the Stars!”
“Make me!”
Trevor dropped his controller and swiftly flipped you down on the couch and climbed on top of you.
“Don’t you dare, Zegras,” you warned. “I’ll cut you off.”
Trevor scoffed, “yeah right, you missed me too much for that.”
“I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow; I can wait a few more days,” you smiled deviously.
“Can we kiss and make up?” Trevor quirked an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes and pulled him down for a kiss. Trevor was deepening the kiss and started to trail kisses across your jaw and down your neck when you shoved him away, granting you a frown from your boyfriend.
“I wanna play chel!” you smiled as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Trevor’s pout turned into another smile, “Fine. But you can’t play as Robo.”
“That’s okay,” you smirked. “I’ll play as Roope.”
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loversj0y · 1 year
you belong with me
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event posters are all found on pinterest btw!
wilbur soot x gn! reader
tws: mentions of cheating
notes: welcome to the very first post from the 200 follower event! starting off strong and classic with YBWM! this song holds so much love in my heart as a elder swiftie (i still remember buying her debut album way back when... i watched the 2008 vmas live..... wilid)
word count: 1.1k (these are blurbs so they wont be as long as my usual incoherent ramblings)
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @lillylvjy
You’d never wanted to shake sense into your best friend Wilbur more than in this exact moment. You two were hanging out after school, sitting in the spare music room and goofing off, when his phone started blaring his ringtone. Now, even from the otherside of the room, you could hear his girlfriend yelling at him. 
You almost wanted to yell at him yourself, to let him know that it doesn’t have to be like this! But you might just be biased, given the fact that you’d been in love with him for years now. 
You and Wilbur had been best friends for years, growing up and being there for each other throughout it all. 
When he started dating this girl, you thought it would be good for you, to help you get over the crush you had for him. It only made it worse, every fight she started with him brought alarm bells to your mind, and you just so desperately wanted to tell him that “It doesn’t have to be like this! I actually understand you!” Every time you refrained from saying anything, it made your chest hurt a bit more.
He set his phone down, sighing softly.
You looked up, fiddling with your shoelaces, “Another fight? What was it this time?”
“Nothing much,” he shrugged, “She was just annoyed I didn’t put three hearts at the end of my text.”
“What?” You laughed sardonically, “Wilbur, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” You couldn’t hold your sharp tongue back.
“I mean, I get it, I guess. It’s important to her, so-” “Yes, but yelling at you about it? That’s the thing. If she really cared about you, she’d just talk to you and be nice about it.”
“It’s fine, really. Now, come on, let’s keep working this section.”
That night, you laid in bed and just wished you could get past your own shyness to tell him. You could picture it in your head, just standing there and almost begging him to see you and realize that you understand him, all of his laughter and quirks. 
A week later, you got a text from him in the middle of the night, asking if you were awake. You were; it was a Saturday, so you were just listening to music and having time to yourself. It wasn’t that much longer before you heard his car park in front of your house. You went downstairs, sneaking him in easily. You walked upstairs to your room, opening the window and grabbing a blanket. You both crawled onto your roof, sitting up there.
“Is everything alright?” You asked him softly.
He shrugged, “Just a bit down, I guess. I needed someone who always makes me feel better.”
You smiled softly at him, lightly swinging your shoulder into his, “Well, I’d say you came to the right place.”
He chuckled, and for a while, you both just stared up at the stars. 
“I feel like I don’t belong here sometimes,” he admitted quietly. 
You turned to him, “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I just feel like everything here kind of sucks.”
You nodded. This was something you two talked about often; how shitty this little town was. “We won’t be here forever, though.”
He hummed, “We could just leave.”
“After graduation. We could just pack our bags and head out somewhere, drive until we run out of gas, you know?”
“I guess,” you smiled softly at the idea, “that could be pretty nice.”
He smiled, leaning back a bit. He looked over at you, and you could feel nothing but love in his gaze. “If we can’t find a place we belong, we could alway make one up. Make our own place to belong.”
You didn’t know if it was how late it was or the look he was giving you that pushed you to speak before you could even think about it, “I think I know where you belong.”
“You do?”
You nodded, “Yeah.” You quickly moved to change the subject, not wanting to play homewrecker anymore than you’d felt you may already have. If he was happy, you could learn to be happy for him, you supposed, “What brought this up, anyways?”
He sighed, looking back up at the moon, “I found her kissing another guy.”
He nodded, “Yeah. In the band room.”
“Wilbur, that’s awful.”
“We broke up,” he admitted, “and honestly, I should be more upset about it.”
“Are you not upset about it? I mean, she cheated on you.”
“I am, a bit. But I kind of feel relieved. I think you were right about her.”
You flushed slightly, “What do you mean?” He chuckled, giving you a grin, “Oh, please. I know you hated her. You may have acted otherwise, but we’ve known each other for years. I know you just as well as you know me. I could see it on your face.” You smiled lightly, “I guess I never thought about that. I did hate her, but I just didn’t want to say anything because I thought if you were happy, then I should support it.”
“That’s nice of you. I think I dodged a bullet though, to be honest.”
You nodded, and you both returned to comfortable silence. 
He broke it once again, “What did you mean? When you said you know where I belong?”
You bit your lip. Here goes nothing. “You said it yourself. I know you. So, I dunno, I think what you’ve been looking for has been here with me the whole time. I think you belong with me.”
He looked back at you, and he seemed shocked, but with better inspection, he looked like he was calculating you cautiously. 
You kept speaking, mostly out of nerves, “Wilbur, you never even smiled when you were with her. And it killed me, because your smile has become such a comfort for me, just in knowing that you’re happy. I understand you, and I’ve always been here for you. Maybe I don’t know what I’m saying, but I feel like, maybe you’ve been searching for something that’s been under your nose this whole time. I almost wonder if you’ve been oblivious or just stupid to how much I’m into you, because you know me so well, and I don’t honestly think I’ve ever hid it that well. So, yeah. I don’t even think it. You belong with me. Even if it’s as friends.”
He gave no response, and you immediately regretted your admission.
However, he didn’t give you long to regret it before he moved a hand onto your cheek, giving you a loving kiss. You kissed him back just as lovingly, as if you had been waiting for it for years. Which you had been. 
And when he pulled away, foreheads pressed together, you both just grinned. 
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
A Loving Hand and Some Warm Tea | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: When (Y/N)'s illness turns from bad to worse, she's thankful that she's got Tommy there to help her get through it...even when, in the first place, he was worried about it and she wasn't.
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2729
A/N: let’s all pretend that’s not Arthur in the gif, ok? I feel like it fits perfectly because that’s how he’s smiling at her in my mind. Also round of applause for me finally finishing a request. I’m sorry it took so long. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
It was unusual for (Y/N) not to be moving about the house by the time that midday was approaching. Tommy quickly realized that, and immediately went on the hunt to find her.
First he checked the betting floor, where she'd help take down the numbers and hand out the winnings. Scudboat swore up and down that he hadn't seen her, so he went deeper into the betting den to find Polly. She was organizing the cash intake all morning, so she also hadn't seen the young woman. Worry started to build up within him as he made his way back to the living quarters.
After checking around the kitchen area for any scraps of paper, because she usually left a note when she was going out, he went to Finn, who was half-asleep on the couch. He told Tommy that he hadn't seen her yet, and that he'd been laying on the couch the entire morning. Tommy couldn't ask many more questions before the boy went into a sneezing fit.
Considering that conversation a lost cause, he placed his hands on his hips and took a moment to think logically about the situation. Where could she have gone? He didn't need to think for too long before his answer was given to him in the form of a cough coming from upstairs.
Tommy quickly ascended the steps while wondering why he didn't think to check the bedroom. But then he realized it was probably because (Y/N) was never in their bedroom after seven in the morning. She rose early with him and then stayed downstairs until they both retired at night.
"(Y/N)?" he quietly called as he opened the door to the room.
"Tommy?" she asked, trying so hard not to sound like she'd been coughing and sneezing all morning.
"You not feeling well, love?" he asked her, his brows furrowed.
"I'm fine," she quickly dismissed his concern, sitting up in the bed as she tried her best to conceal the handkerchief that she'd been using to wipe her runny nose.
"You sure?" he didn't sound convinced, "it's unusual for you to be up here so late."
"I'm fine," she insisted, brushing off his concern yet again, "I guess I must've just slept in."
"And sleeping in explains the coughing?"
"I can't have a tickle in my throat?" she asked him, hating that her voice went up an octave as she tried to make her statement sound believable. Her throat was on fire at the moment, but she couldn't let Tommy know that.
"Your nose is running," he pointed out then, jutting his chin out in her direction.
"Shit," she mumbled under her breath as she produced the handkerchief to wipe it once more. Tommy watched her intently as she went about wiping her nose. Her doing so was quickly followed by a coughing fit, one that she couldn't conceal even if she wanted to. "What?" she asked him with a defensive tone laced into her voice once the coughing had stopped. She knew the look he was giving her all too well.
"Spill it, (Y/N)," he dryly demanded, his tone letting her know that he didn't want her to sugarcoat her situation any longer.
(Y/N) sighed and hung her head, hating that she'd been found out. "I may or may not have a slight cold," she admitted, sounding like a child that was owning up to taking an extra piece of candy from the jar. Her head snapped up so that she could look at Tommy again before he even thought of what to say. "I'm fine though, ok? There's no need for you to be worrying and doting over me," she added, hoping to show him that she didn't need to be coddled and could still do what she normally did.
Tommy pursed his lips, looking like he so badly wanted to make a comment about the latter half of her statement. After a few moments, he nodded his head. "Decided to get a late start then, did you?" he asked her, a lighthearted tone laced into his voice.
(Y/N) smiled when she recognized what he was doing. She felt relieved that she wasn't met with the overly protective side of Tommy today...she honestly didn't know if she'd be able to deal with it. "Yeah," she answered with a bit of a sheepish grin, still trying to make her situation seem believable, "I guess I am."
"Ah, well..." he trailed off, stepping to the side as he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets, "up and at 'em then."
"'Course, boss," she teased him, making him shake his head as a slight grin formed on his face. He glanced at her then, and she sent a wink in his direction, making his smile appear full on his features.
"I'm gonna go," he said then, his voice soft.
"Ok," she responded in an equally as soft voice, smiling at him as he turned and exited the bedroom.
The second he left, (Y/N)'s smile dropped. She felt anything other than fine at the moment. In fact, she wished that she could curl herself into a ball and sleep until she didn't feel like her lungs were on fire and her head was spinning. But Tommy couldn't know that. She didn't need him worrying about her when he had so many other, more important things on his plate. So she flicked the covers to the side and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. After wiping her nose once more, she stood, groaning at the aching feeling that immediately started coursing through her body.
She started getting dressed after she steadied herself, and soon enough, she was ready to start the day. She just hoped that there weren't many chores to do...because she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to do all of them.
Tommy entered the family home much, much later that evening. His heart dropped the second he stepped into the main downstairs living area. "(Y/N)?" he called out as he rushed over to where she was laying on the couch; looking as pale as ever, covered in the shine of sweat. "Love, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, Tommy," she weakly responded, her lungs burning just from uttering the three, simple words.
"Bullshit it's nothing. You're sick, (Y/N)," he called her out on her lies, kneeling down next to the couch she was on. He gently placed a hand against her forehead, and didn't even need to hold it there long to realize how hot her skin was. "You're burning up," he stated the obvious then.
"I'm sick," she finally admitted in a dejected tone.
"I know," Tommy answered her as he stood straight again.
"I didn't want to worry you...to make you care more about me than what you've got going on," she explained the reason behind her withholding this information from him.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak but then decided against it, instead shaking his head as he exhaled a sigh. He rubbed the back of his head as he tried to think of what to do next. "I'll go get Pol. She'll make you some soup or something else that you'll be able to keep down," he said then, deciding that his aunt would know more about cooking for someone who was ill than he would.
"Tommy, no," (Y/N) disagreed with his plan, reaching out to grab onto his pant-leg before he was able to get too far away from her.
"What?" he asked, looking down at her again. The frown on her face made his heart drop, and he felt bad for not calling her out on her sickness before. She looked much worse now than she did this morning, and he wondered if that might've been different had he stayed back to help her instead of going to work.
"Don't get Polly," she paused, taking a few steadying breaths, "just stay here with me, please."
"I'm no good at this stuff, (Y/N)," he pointed out, "Pol knows much more about what you should be eating. She'll have you feelin' better."
"No," she shook her head, sounding so stubborn at the moment, "I just need you," she added, gripping tighter onto the fabric of his trousers as she spoke.
"Need me to do what?" he hazarded an ask, wanting to hear what she wanted straight from her.
"Need you to make me feel better," she answered, jutting out her bottom lip after she was finished speaking, really trying to persuade him.
Tommy chuckled as he heard her words. He couldn't help but let his mind travel to darker avenues before reminding himself that his wife wouldn't be up for anything of that nature tonight...or the next few days, if he was being honest.
"Please, Tommy?" she cut into his thoughts, bringing him out of the metaphorical gutter and back into their living room.
He dropped his head at her request, rubbing the back of it once more before he finally fully gave into his wife's wishes. "I don't think I'm much good at this, love," he told her, hoping his words would serve as a warning when what he gave her didn't amount to what she'd expect.
"You don't need to be good...you just need to be here," she assured him, smiling meekly as she finally let go of his pant-leg. "Can you make some tea for me, please?" she asked him then, hope shining in her eyes.
"I can," he nodded before moving over to the counter where the kettle was sitting. He placed some water on the stove to boil before he moved back over to where (Y/N) was laying.
"Get me the blanket from that chair please?" she asked him next, gingerly pointing over to the chair that it was draped across. Tommy nodded, grabbing the blanket and moving back over to her so that he could spread it out over top of her body.
"Anything else?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised slightly.
"Not now," she shook her head, smiling up at him.
Tommy nodded before he moved back over to the kitchen area. There, he unbuttoned his suit jacket and shrugged it off of his shoulders. He draped it over one of the dining chairs before he started working on the buttons of his waist coat. Once that was open, he took that off also, setting it on top of the jacket before he placed his timepiece on the dining table.
The kettle started to whistle just as he was finished pulling his suspenders down, so he moved over to it and went through the process of getting (Y/N)'s tea ready, making sure it was made just the way she liked it.
"Here, love," he said in a soft voice as he carefully transferred the cup and saucer over to her.
"Thank you," she smiled at him gratefully as she brought the cup closer to her mouth, breathing in the warm vapors that the drink was expelling.
"Anything else?" he asked her again, taking on the same facial expression that he previously wore.
"You," she answered simply, looking up at him with the slightest smile playing on her lips.
Tommy chuckled at her blatant answer, shaking his head slightly as he then motioned for her to move on the couch, "move over then so I can sit," he instructed her and she did as he said, moving over on the couch just enough so that he could sit on it. He sat down then, and as soon as he settled in, she leaned back to lay against him. "Comfortable?" he asked her, not wanting her to feel stiff.
"Very," she hummed in response as she then took a sip of her tea.
Tommy couldn't help but smile at her statement. He could've been locked in the betting shop right now; slaving away at the books to make sure that the family was still bringing in profits, or planning out the next move he was going to make on the tracks. He could've stayed at his desk until the early hours of the morning and snuck up into bed to just barely lay his head down before he'd be up and going again. But instead he was here...with the woman who'd essentially made him the man he was today. He didn't know where he'd be without (Y/N). If it hadn't been for her staying by his side, even after everything he'd seen and done in France, he was fairly certain that the Shelby name wouldn't be nearly as big as it was now. She was truly his driving force.
"Could you put this on the table, Tommy?" (Y/N)'s voice pulled him out of his thoughts, reminding him that she was still pressed up against his side.
"Finished already?" he asked her as he took the empty cup and saucer from her hands.
"It was lovely," she smiled at him as she cuddled into his side. Tommy grinned as he draped his arm over her, allowing her to move even closer to him. "There's nothing better than a loving hand and some warm tea when you're sick," she commented, closing her eyes as a blissful smile formed on her face.
Tommy smiled down at her as he began to gently drag his fingers up and down her side. Silence fell between them as he let her rest, happy that she hadn't taken any coughing fits since she'd drank the tea. He could tell by the rasp in her voice that she'd probably been doing so all day. They enjoyed the silence for some time before he spoke again: "how did this all come on?" he asked her, his curiosity getting the best of him.
"What?" (Y/N) asked for clarification as she lifted her head from his chest slightly.
"You gettin’ sick," he added more details to his previous question.
"I guess it was from me being outside in the rain with Finn the other day," she answered.
"In the rain?" there was a slight amount of dismay in Tommy's voice.
"He wanted to go out and play...I figured I'd go with him instead of him bein' by himself," she defended her decision.
"I guess that explains why he broke out into a sneezing fit when I was lookin' for you earlier," Tommy commented on his brief interaction with the eleven year old earlier that day.
"Yeah...he went to Polly's for the night. She said that she'd take care of him," (Y/N) informed him. Tommy nodded at the information.
"Wasn't one of your smartest ideas, you know," he said then, bringing the conversation back to the two of them going out into the rain.
"Going out in the rain?" (Y/N) checked to see if she understood what he was getting at.
"Yeah," he nodded.
"We had fun. If this little cold was the only bad that came from it, I'm fine with that."
"This little cold has rendered you immobile on the couch, (Y/N)," Tommy pointed out.
"It's the price I'll pay for helping Finn feel like he's a child again; even if only just for a little bit," (Y/N) still seemed pleased with her doings. "Plus...it's allowed me to sit here all cuddled up next to you," she added, smiling up at him as she hugged onto him tighter.
Tommy couldn't help but smile back at her. "Get some rest, eh?" he suggested, his words making her nod her head.
"Love you," she mumbled as she rested her head against his shoulder again.
"I love you," he reciprocated the sentiment, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
He knew that he'd be taking the day off tomorrow, because (Y/N)'s illness most certainly wasn't one of those that just disappeared after a day. That didn't bother him though. The business would be fine if he spent a day away from the office, and (Y/N) needed someone by her side. Like she'd said, a loving hand and some warm tea goes a long way when you're feeling under the weather, and Tommy was determined to provide her with both of those for as long as she needed them.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Could we get a lil something about Eggnog getting milked, please? I love them sm, they're my favorite 👀
Warning: Lactation, Light Smut, G.N Reader - no parts mention (smut is light after all) [mdni]
Scurrying in the halls - a common event given the recluse and timid nature of your housemate. In spite of your generous offer of a place in your bed - Elisha relished stalking the halls and dark corners of your room - petrified at the thought of taking advantage of your generosity and overstepping your boundaries. Lately, their odd behavior has become even more bizarre. Suppressed, almost agonized cries from their attic living space; mutted by the their pillow to allow you rest on the otherwise peaceful night. When you asked, Eggnog did not deny that it was them as they hated to lie - but refused to answer more. They hadn't snuck into your room either and grew more bashful than usual when they looked into your eyes; scampering back upstairs with so much as a hello.
You turn as the shower curtain in your bathroom are yanked back - piercing, yellow light emitting from beneath its door and under yours. The crank of the shower handle catches your ear as water jets out into the hollow tub. You hear the curtains closes, unable to return to sleep as their soft cries play for more reasons than one. You wanted to give Eggnog their space as they didn't do well confrontation - but you felt if you didn't say anything at all things would only get worse. At the sharp peak of their wails, your body jolts - rushing out of your bedroom and to the bathroom door; pounding on its frame.
"Eggnog?! Are you okay?"
A beat of silence falls. "Don't come in...."
Their voice sounds more strained than normal. "Eggnog, I don't care if you're naked. You sound hurt. Is the door unlocked?"
You jimmy the handle, pressing your weight against the door as it springs open and poking your head through. You make out their tall, shivering silhouette behind the curtain; sweater lying on the floor, but their pants nowhere to be seen. You enter, shutting the door as you walk over and grab the curtain. "I'm gonna pull this back, okay. Don't freak out - it's just me."
" 'm not scared of you.... never could be."
"Okay." You draw back the curtains slowly. Eggnog shrinks into a corner; torso bare and still wearing their now waterlogged pants. They cover themselves with a hand towel; cloth drenched in water and the fluids leaking from their puffy chest. They hide their face in one hand - tears caught in their lashes.
"Sorry.... this has never happened to me before and I didn't want to scare you.."
"Do you know what might've cause this?"
Their lips tremble. "You.... The more I thought about you, the more it hurt, but I can't.. I can't doing this right and.. and it hurts."
You hush them as they sniffle, ushering them into your arms which they heistantly comply - head lowered to your shoulder. "It's alright, Eli. Do you want me to help you?"
Elisha quivers. "Please."
"Alright. Let's get you to bed."
Leading Eggnog into your room, you shut the door behind them as you help them out of the rest of their soggy clothes - their hand reaching out to stop you and themselves before taking off their boxers; face clouded in red. You guide them over to the bed and sit them down first, taking a hand still clutched to their chest in yours. "Is it alright if I touch you?"
A nod - their hands falling into their lap as their eyes watch you inch closer. Their body stiffens as your hands meet their exposed, scarred flesh. Majority of their marks had faded thanks to the thickness of their skin and their healing rate, but the difference in feel remained. You didn't seem to mind at all, which resulted in Elisha slowly relaxing in your touch as your nimble fingers glide up to their nipple. They gasp; whimpering lowly as they pinch around the sensitive bud, the fluid dripping out a much thicker consistency than regular milk. You could see why they were having so much trouble getting it out.
"Ah!" Elisha yelps; the breath held between your lips as they come down on their chest too much for them. They shiver and whine at the roll of your tongue over their nipple; near tears as you pull back, eyes worried and lips coated.
"You ok?"
Eggnog sheepishly nods, paying no mind to the twitch in their shorts at the sight of your glossy lips. "Yes... please keep going."
You wrap your lips around their bud, sucking gently as Eggnog attempts to remain still for your comfort and theirs. The cream is sweet and rich; thickness reminding you of melted ice cream or thin custard. You knead their right breast as you tend to the left; readying for the eventually switch. The clogged milk flows over your fingers and dribbles down your palm. Elisha can no longer ignore the painful strain in their boxers, peaking past the band as they grip the flesh of your thigh - whimpering and moaning through their confession.
"mmh... feels good.. 'm sorry... hah."
You pull off their chest, eyes trailing down to their other hand palming the growth in their shorts. You switch over to the other side - kissing the mound and sweeping the beading cream with your tongue as you throw a leg over their lap, straddling the cow as you ease them against the headboard.
"I said I'd help you, didn't I? You don't have to keep apologizing for everything, Elisha."
Elisha swallows hard; flush reaching their ears at your admissions. They don't want to use you, they don't want to take advantage - but everytime you give all they want is more and more. Their arms cradle your neck as their length slaps against your midsection - rubbing against your skin as they buck their hips into you.
"Sorry, I'm sorry. I know you said not to be, but I can't... I can't do anything with you. Help me. Love me. Please."
Your tongue hits sluggishly as you siphon the milk from their chest; a spell of drowsiness overcoming from all the milk you've ingested and the nights previous you spent awake worry about them. You pull off with a soft pop from your moisted lips as your head falls to their shoulder; bodies pressed together as they cup your cheek, ramming your lips together. Their greedy tongue snakes out and laps the remaining cream off the corners of your mouth before Eggnog pulls you tighter against their chest, cock leaving a trail of slime up your stomach as your shirt rolls upwards. They shift so you're on top as they roll over onto their side; wispy hair fan out on your pillow and tickling your cheek. Their thumb strokes your cheek as a smile hides through the shadows in the room and their long locks. Their free hand comes up to lock around yours.
"Thank you...for never growing suck of me. I love you. Goodnight."
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philaet0s · 2 months
Celebrity/Social Media AU - Part 25
Previous Part: Part 24
Next Part: Part 26
Our arrival at the Grimms’ is much calmer than it once was. The older his siblings grow, the less they make a fuss about Baz visiting them. They’re just as happy to see him, of course, but it shows with less screaming.
We’re quick to all settle down in the living room with a warm cup of tea and biscuits Baz’s mum made this afternoon. Baz wishes his sister a happy belated birthday and gives her a gift which she doesn’t unwrap. Mordelia doesn’t like the fuss that people make about presents. It’s for me. Why would I open it in front of everyone? She told me, my first Christmas here, when I wondered about the pile of unopened presents next to her.
Once Mordelia has thanked her brother for thinking about her with a month of delay, a remark which earned her a disapproving look from her mother, a simple conversations starts.
I always love the family chats at Baz’s house. He talks about being a world-famous music artist, his sisters speak of the challenges of being teenage girls. His father shares funny stories about his clients at the bank, and his mother chimes in with pieces of wisdom and stories of her own. Once in a while, I make a comment or talk about something mundane too, but I’m mostly silent. I’ve always been more comfortable sitting and watching than participating in their conversations.
Eventually, Daphne sends the children to bed. There’s school in the morning. Yes, you too Mordelia. Being seventeen doesn’t mean you don’t need sleep.
After some protesting, Baz’s siblings go upstairs. We follow them soon enough. It’s been a long day for both of us. As always, we sleep in the guest room. Baz’s mum has set it up nicely, with a vase of flowers on the desk and candles on each nightstand, which she must have burnt today for the room smells like vanilla. It’s definitely a better room to go sleep in than what Baz would have found at home. The ambient smell in our room is probably more akin to sweat than vanilla, and it’s not nearly as well organised. Bed unmade, clothes on the floor, delivery boxes on the nightstand. (I’ve been spending a lot of time locked in that room these past few days.)
Baz tells me he needs a shower. I don’t jokingly ask if I may join him, though the temptation is there. That’s a joke I can’t make at his parents’ house. Instead, I tell him I’ll be waiting. And I am. When he comes back, smelling strongly of his soap, and wrapped up in a robe, there I am, lying in bed, scrolling on my phone.
“Are you telling your Twitter friends I joined you here?”
“Nah. I’ll tell them when you’re gone.”
I put my phone down on the nightstand and offer him my hand. He takes it, and I draw him to me until he’s in bed too, sitting next to me. I know that if we were at home, he’d be straddling my lap.
“This,” I say, as I lace our fingers. “is just for us.” I squeeze his hand. “Thank you for coming. Really. I… I don’t know why but it was so… hard all of a sudden, being away from you.”
“You don’t need a reason to miss me,” he answers with a smug smile. I want to wipe it off his face. Preferably with my mouth.
“No, I know.” I tug on his hand, hoping he’ll understand I want him to lean down. He does. I slide my hand up his arm until it’s behind his neck. Just to make sure he doesn’t move back. I can feel his breath on my lips, and he must feel mine too. “Still. It was worse than usual. So. I’m even happier than usual to have you back. I know it’s selfish, but I’m kind of looking forward to the end of your tour. I miss coming home to you.”
He’s the one to close the distance between us. He tastes aggressively of mint.
Before moving back completely, he kisses my cheekbone. Under my right eye. I have a mole there that he likes.
“I miss it too. But, it’s only one more month!” he exclaims, and I can tell he’s forcing himself to sound cheerful. Too often, I forget that the separation when he’s on tour affects him too. After all, he’s the one travelling the world, playing shows in front of thousands of people. It’s so silly to think that he might miss our boring daily life in these conditions. “I’ll be home in the blink of an eye.”
“Yeah… And you’re home now.”
I wrap my arms around him and pull him down in bed with me, rolling to the side so we’re facing each other. He lets out the cutest gasp.
It takes us a few seconds to adjust our limbs so they fit nicely together, and then, when we’re all good, I reach blindly behind me to turn off the beside table lamp.
“Are you going to sleep in that robe?” I ask, feeling the rough material under my hand when I hold him.
“Well, you didn’t exactly give me a chance to change into pajamas.”
“Um, I guess your only options are the robe or sleeping naked, then. Unless you want to get up to change.”
I know he doesn’t want to get up to chance. It’s practically impossible to make that man move once he’s comfortably settled in bed.
“It’s November, I’m not going to sleep naked.”
“I’ll keep you warm. So will the two duvets your mum gave us.”
“We’re at my parents,” he argues, with less conviction.
“You locked the door, didn’t ya? So it’s no problem. Besides, all your siblings have learnt to knock by now.”
It was a real issue at the beginning of our relationship. Little kids running into the room because they had no sense of privacy. Thankfully, they never caught us in any sort of compromising position, but I think a part of Baz died when Sophie saw us cuddling in bed –fully clothed, with our hands in respectable places. For a bloke who walks around a stage half naked and performs scandalous choreos with his best friend in front of a crowd several nights a week, he’s awfully prudish when it comes to his family. I’m not sure he’d even be comfortable with his parents seeing us kiss at our wedding.
He sighs. I knew this wasn’t a hard battle to win.
“Alright. But if I freeze to death, I will blame it on you.”
I smile. “Sure, babe. Whatever you like.”
He wriggles to take off the robe.
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Bundle Of Joy | Tengen and his wives X fem Pregnant reader | PART 2 OF SWOLLEN
Warnings!: Sfw!, Home water birth, Nudity, fluff!
Parings!: Tengen Hinatsuru Suma Makio and fem reader
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Y/N's POV: As im sitting in my rocking chair doing some casual online shopping for the nursery to prepare for the new baby, I suddenly see this cute newborn outfit as my eyes glimmer in awe. "Hina!" I call her from downstairs, "Yes? what do you need sweetheart? her eyebrows raise in interest. "Which color do you think i should ge-" Suddenly i feel water gush out of me, my eyes widen as panic takes over me. "Oh shit.." Hina curses under her breath, "TENGEN!!!!!!" Tengen downstairs on the couch, he sighs rolling his eyes thinking that one of his wives got into a disagreement. "What??" He yells back. "Y/N'S WATER BROKE COME QUICK!" Hina yells back down to him.
"Oh shit.. IM COMMING Y/N!" Tengen runs upstairs as Suma and Makio look at eachother as both of their eyes widen and their eyebrows furrow, coming from their room and are following not far behind Tengen. Tengen walks into the room, he carries Y/N bridal style downstairs into the living room setting her on the couch. "MAKIO! GO GET SHINOBU!" Tengen yells, Makio get's on the phone and calls Shinobu to come guide them of what to do as they all panic. "Okay.. Y/n im gonna need you to breathe in and out" Makio says, I nod."Okay.. Okay.." I squeeze my eyes shut as i feel a sharp pain washing over me intensely, I whimper due to being uncomfortable, embarassed, and overwhelemed by such feelings, also remembering what Makio said i start doing breathing techniques. Suma comes back with Shinobu panting hard gesturing that she ran all the way to her house. "Hey mama!" Shinobu says panting and rushing.
She reaches in her medical bag for a sethescope to listen to me and the babies heart. "Okay! it seems like shes going to go into labor in the next 24 hours, i hope you dont mind but i am going to have to stay here and make sure she gets through the birthing process well, considering.. i am the midwife." She smiles. Me and Tengen both nod, I groan at feeling another contraction. "Okay, Tengen please go get her a robe or something comfortable get pillows, blankets, ONLY water." Shinobu asks. "Okay ill be right back Y/N" he says as i nod. Makio and Hinatsuru starting to slowly calm down knowing proper aid is here, other than Suma's non-stop crying. "Are you okay babe?" Makio asks as she takes a step towards me to sit down and rub circle's into my tummy.
"I'm okay.. just uncomfortable." I say as i wince at another contraction. "Good" Makio nods at me kissing my cheek. "Im back with everything" Tengen says walking in. "here put this on" he says helping me stand up to take my clothes off and put on the white clean robe. Shinobu makes me special tea to soothe my nerves and to help with the pain. "Here.. I made you some tea it can help with the contractions.. i put some medicine in there too, be careful its hot." She says assuringly. "Thank you Shinobu i dont know what i'd do without your aid. I say smiling
Time Skip! "Tengen.. Please go run hot water in your master bathtub please." Shinobu asks Tengen, "Of course." He says running hot water into our master bathroom tub which has the biggest tub in the house. I start to cry as the contractions slowly get worse and worse each time knowing what time it is. "hey hey!, don't cry!" Suma says trying to calm me down. " OH yeah?! you're one to talk you moron!" Makio teasing Suma. "I wasnt even talking to you Makio!" I quickly grab Suma and Makio's hands, "Please dont argue like this, not at this time i really need the both of you.. ALL of you, im so scared i dont think i can do it" I confess as i start to cry. Makio and Suma both start "Shhh"-ing me trying to get the voices out of my head. "You're going to be great!, and you're going to be an AMAZING mom, WE are going to be amazing Mom's." Makio says, Suma nodding in agreement. "I love you guys.. thank you.. im so scared.. i really needed that" They start tearing up as they both take turns kissing me.
As i start to feel another contraction, "Y/N.. It's time" Shinobu says looking at me with determined eyes. "O-okay.." i say as Tengen and the girls rushing to my aid to help me stand up, Tengen picks me up bridal style and starts making his way over to the bathtub. I sit in the hot tub, not even caring or worrying about if its too hot or too cold. I look over to my side and see beautiful smelling melatonin candles lit, and there it is.. towels..blankets.. baby supplies.. medicine.. even a bassinet, only thing missing.. was the baby.
Tengen sitting behind me to give me support when i need it, with nothing but a robe and shorts Makio hina and Suma on the tile of the right side of me. "Okay.. Your cervix has dialated to 10 cenimeters, you ready to start pushing mama?" Shinobu asks looking up at me and Tengen. "m' scared.." as i reach for Tengen as He and Hinatsuru, suma are all holding me keeping me supported and comforting me, as Makio records this memory. "You ready? I know its gonna hurt but we have to get this baby outta you sweetheart" He says reassuringly "It will all be over before you know it, Mkay?" he says "I nod quickly at him and Shinobu"
"1,2,3 Okay.. Push.." She says as i make one push, I wince and groan in pain. I had stopped pushing as tears fall from my eyes, catching my breath and asking Suma to give me some water for some sort of "relief??" I calm down as i do another push.. "1,2,3 Push!" Shinobu screams as i Push with force, the babies head being halfway already out. "Okay.. There's the head!" Shinobu says excitedly as Tengen Suma Makio and Hinatsuru start grinning. "Ready for another one?, 1,2,3 PUSH!" She says as i push again. With one more push.. next thing i know is me groaning and breathing heavily as theres silence..
Wails can be heard.. The sound of a baby crying... OUR baby crying. Shinbou rushes to get the baby out of water and onto a towel as she starts rubbing the newborn up and down warming him up , drying him off. She takes a baby nasal and sucks up the mucus from his mouth ears and nose. "Hi baby boy!" she says cooingly at the baby to try?? and soothe him. She wraps him up in a towel and hands him back to me. "Oh my god.. hi!?" i say out of breath, as i lean my head against Tengens stomach leaning back.. I see hes crying. "Y/N.. You did.. such a flamboyant job!" I look over to see Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma all weeping, all of the girls kiss me and give me hugs as Tengen is watching trying to make it seem like he isnt crying, as Shinobu watches in awe.
"Welcome to the world, little Bundle Of Joy."
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