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whencyclopedia · 2 days ago
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This map illustrates the Indian Ocean trade (15th–16th centuries), a vast maritime network linking East Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, facilitating the exchange of spices, textiles, metals, timber, and luxury goods. Dominated by Arab, Indian, Persian, and Southeast Asian merchants, it thrived through major hubs like Calicut, Malacca, Hormuz, and Aden. The Ottoman Empire...
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asiaphotostudio · 4 months ago
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Indonesia, 1990 Belawan, Sumatra, Indonesia. インドネシア スマトラ島 ベラワン沖 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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inatungulates · 12 days ago
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Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis
Observed by roylesafaris, CC BY-NC
The Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary is a breeding center operated by the International Rhino Foundation in Sumatra's Way Kambas National Park. These rhinos live in a protected area and receive professional care while living in a semi-wild state. Some of the rhinos there were born at the Cincinnati Zoo, the only zoo in the US that has bred the species. In 2023, Delilah, the daughter of Cincinnati Zoo-born Andalas, gave birth to a calf named Indra, making her the first female Sumatran rhino born in managed care to have a calf of her own.
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coffeenuts · 6 months ago
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infodumpingaboutnature · 1 year ago
Some good news from Indonesia: the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park has just announced that on November 25th their female Sumatran Rhino named Delilah gave birth to a healthy male calf!!!
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(Photo credit: Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry)
The as of yet unnamed calf is the second calf born at the sanctuary this month, and his mother Delilah was the second calf ever born at the sanctuary as well as the first captive bred Sumatran rhino to successfully give birth in captivity, so this is great news for captive breeding efforts of this species. There are only somewhere between 34 and 47 Sumatran rhinos in the wild, so captive breeding is incredibly important for this species survival. The sanctuary plans to eventually release the rhinos born at the sanctuary in order to help build the wild population back up. This baby is the fifth calf to be born at the sanctuary, and in addition to being Delilah’s first calf, he is also the first calf to be sired from his father, Harapan, who was originally born in the Cincinnati Zoo.
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The mother and calf are currently being held in a naturalistic enclosure at the sanctuary (as the goal is to try to get them to live a life as similar to in the wild as possible) and are being heavily guarded to protect them from poachers. This species has suffered so much due to a combination of poaching for their horns as well as habitat loss. They are also pretty hard to keep and breed in captivity due to their shy nature, so this calf is amazing news!
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Also! Fun fact: this species of rhino is the closest living relative of the extinct Woolly Rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis). Which makes sense since the Sumatran rhino is the hairiest of all the living rhino species, which you can especially see with the babies.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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A corpse flower (Rafflesia kemumu) in the rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia. The world’s largest – and stinkiest – flower is in danger of extinction due to destruction of forest habitats
Photograph: Dr Chris Thorogood
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lizardsaredinosaurs · 2 months ago
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Should I extend my leg a little further? How's that for sexy?
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus)
Malayasia and Indonesia
Status: Endangered
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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Indigenous village in Sumatra, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard
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occvltswim · 5 months ago
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A group of Javanese women dancing in Sumatra, Indonesia (1870)
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miku-earth · 6 months ago
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Indonesian Miku, but she grows up in a Batak household :') by inhoneyrain
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yoursweetinoccentdreams · 2 years ago
Bundle Of Joy | Tengen and his wives X fem Pregnant reader | PART 2 OF SWOLLEN
Warnings!: Sfw!, Home water birth, Nudity, fluff!
Parings!: Tengen Hinatsuru Suma Makio and fem reader
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Y/N's POV: As im sitting in my rocking chair doing some casual online shopping for the nursery to prepare for the new baby, I suddenly see this cute newborn outfit as my eyes glimmer in awe. "Hina!" I call her from downstairs, "Yes? what do you need sweetheart? her eyebrows raise in interest. "Which color do you think i should ge-" Suddenly i feel water gush out of me, my eyes widen as panic takes over me. "Oh shit.." Hina curses under her breath, "TENGEN!!!!!!" Tengen downstairs on the couch, he sighs rolling his eyes thinking that one of his wives got into a disagreement. "What??" He yells back. "Y/N'S WATER BROKE COME QUICK!" Hina yells back down to him.
"Oh shit.. IM COMMING Y/N!" Tengen runs upstairs as Suma and Makio look at eachother as both of their eyes widen and their eyebrows furrow, coming from their room and are following not far behind Tengen. Tengen walks into the room, he carries Y/N bridal style downstairs into the living room setting her on the couch. "MAKIO! GO GET SHINOBU!" Tengen yells, Makio get's on the phone and calls Shinobu to come guide them of what to do as they all panic. "Okay.. Y/n im gonna need you to breathe in and out" Makio says, I nod."Okay.. Okay.." I squeeze my eyes shut as i feel a sharp pain washing over me intensely, I whimper due to being uncomfortable, embarassed, and overwhelemed by such feelings, also remembering what Makio said i start doing breathing techniques. Suma comes back with Shinobu panting hard gesturing that she ran all the way to her house. "Hey mama!" Shinobu says panting and rushing.
She reaches in her medical bag for a sethescope to listen to me and the babies heart. "Okay! it seems like shes going to go into labor in the next 24 hours, i hope you dont mind but i am going to have to stay here and make sure she gets through the birthing process well, considering.. i am the midwife." She smiles. Me and Tengen both nod, I groan at feeling another contraction. "Okay, Tengen please go get her a robe or something comfortable get pillows, blankets, ONLY water." Shinobu asks. "Okay ill be right back Y/N" he says as i nod. Makio and Hinatsuru starting to slowly calm down knowing proper aid is here, other than Suma's non-stop crying. "Are you okay babe?" Makio asks as she takes a step towards me to sit down and rub circle's into my tummy.
"I'm okay.. just uncomfortable." I say as i wince at another contraction. "Good" Makio nods at me kissing my cheek. "Im back with everything" Tengen says walking in. "here put this on" he says helping me stand up to take my clothes off and put on the white clean robe. Shinobu makes me special tea to soothe my nerves and to help with the pain. "Here.. I made you some tea it can help with the contractions.. i put some medicine in there too, be careful its hot." She says assuringly. "Thank you Shinobu i dont know what i'd do without your aid. I say smiling
Time Skip! "Tengen.. Please go run hot water in your master bathtub please." Shinobu asks Tengen, "Of course." He says running hot water into our master bathroom tub which has the biggest tub in the house. I start to cry as the contractions slowly get worse and worse each time knowing what time it is. "hey hey!, don't cry!" Suma says trying to calm me down. " OH yeah?! you're one to talk you moron!" Makio teasing Suma. "I wasnt even talking to you Makio!" I quickly grab Suma and Makio's hands, "Please dont argue like this, not at this time i really need the both of you.. ALL of you, im so scared i dont think i can do it" I confess as i start to cry. Makio and Suma both start "Shhh"-ing me trying to get the voices out of my head. "You're going to be great!, and you're going to be an AMAZING mom, WE are going to be amazing Mom's." Makio says, Suma nodding in agreement. "I love you guys.. thank you.. im so scared.. i really needed that" They start tearing up as they both take turns kissing me.
As i start to feel another contraction, "Y/N.. It's time" Shinobu says looking at me with determined eyes. "O-okay.." i say as Tengen and the girls rushing to my aid to help me stand up, Tengen picks me up bridal style and starts making his way over to the bathtub. I sit in the hot tub, not even caring or worrying about if its too hot or too cold. I look over to my side and see beautiful smelling melatonin candles lit, and there it is.. towels..blankets.. baby supplies.. medicine.. even a bassinet, only thing missing.. was the baby.
Tengen sitting behind me to give me support when i need it, with nothing but a robe and shorts Makio hina and Suma on the tile of the right side of me. "Okay.. Your cervix has dialated to 10 cenimeters, you ready to start pushing mama?" Shinobu asks looking up at me and Tengen. "m' scared.." as i reach for Tengen as He and Hinatsuru, suma are all holding me keeping me supported and comforting me, as Makio records this memory. "You ready? I know its gonna hurt but we have to get this baby outta you sweetheart" He says reassuringly "It will all be over before you know it, Mkay?" he says "I nod quickly at him and Shinobu"
"1,2,3 Okay.. Push.." She says as i make one push, I wince and groan in pain. I had stopped pushing as tears fall from my eyes, catching my breath and asking Suma to give me some water for some sort of "relief??" I calm down as i do another push.. "1,2,3 Push!" Shinobu screams as i Push with force, the babies head being halfway already out. "Okay.. There's the head!" Shinobu says excitedly as Tengen Suma Makio and Hinatsuru start grinning. "Ready for another one?, 1,2,3 PUSH!" She says as i push again. With one more push.. next thing i know is me groaning and breathing heavily as theres silence..
Wails can be heard.. The sound of a baby crying... OUR baby crying. Shinbou rushes to get the baby out of water and onto a towel as she starts rubbing the newborn up and down warming him up , drying him off. She takes a baby nasal and sucks up the mucus from his mouth ears and nose. "Hi baby boy!" she says cooingly at the baby to try?? and soothe him. She wraps him up in a towel and hands him back to me. "Oh my god.. hi!?" i say out of breath, as i lean my head against Tengens stomach leaning back.. I see hes crying. "Y/N.. You did.. such a flamboyant job!" I look over to see Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma all weeping, all of the girls kiss me and give me hugs as Tengen is watching trying to make it seem like he isnt crying, as Shinobu watches in awe.
"Welcome to the world, little Bundle Of Joy."
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wachinyeya · 6 months ago
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at-egilda · 8 months ago
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deadpresidents · 3 months ago
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For more information and if you are able to donate to this wonderful organization, go here.
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animated-emma · 1 year ago
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A mother orangutan with her baby in Bukit Lawang, Sumatra
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postcard-from-the-past · 3 months ago
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Batak woman from Sumatra, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard
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