#''it was dark you didn't see anything'' bro?? shut up leave her alone!!
vamprnce · 2 years
yo wtf why did everyone just question Erin when she was abt to be attacked and locked in that room? Erin get behind me, fuck everyone else (besides Jamie)
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kewltie · 1 year
[Season 1 - complete ] (That this might've) shook the love from me
"Don't freak out," Uraraka warns.
Katsuki snorts as he pushes pass her, but his steps are halted when he's greeted with the sight of a ghost.
"Kacchan!" Izuku's face lights up. He looks just as young and beautiful as the day he'd left Katsuki. Time hasn't touched him in ten years.
"It's Midoriya's death anniversary," Eijirou says. "I just don't want you be alone today, bro."
Katsuki sneers. "I'm fine."
His vice of choice hasn't ever been alcohol or drugs, but lives in the memory of a green-eyed boy, stuck forever at nineteen and haunting Katsuki ever since.
"Is—" Izuku swallows. "Is Kacchan okay?" The moment Katsuki had lay eyes on him, his face twisted into something awful before he’d wrenched it away and stormed out.
"He just need some time." Ochako smiles, soft and wistful. "We'd called him here when he was visiting your grave."
"He'll need time to acclimate to everything, but till then he can stay with us," says Uraraka.
"No," Katsuki asserts, hands clenching at his side. Even if this is all dream, his own delusion, he's not letting Izuku out of his sight again this time. "Deku's coming home with me."
Izuku's eyes scans across the room. Numerous accolades lined the wall, but not a single touch of Katsuki can be seen. It feels impersonal. Cold. Like a tomb rather than a home.
"Do you live here alone?" he asks.
Katsuki stares at him coolly. "Would you rather I have someone?"
"Kacchan?" a hesitant voice calls out.
He stops cutting the chives and looks up to see Izuku in front of him, standing there nervously in his clothes. It hangs loosely, easily swamping his figure.
"Do you have anything smaller?" he asks, ears red.
Katsuki drops his knife.
Izuku lost ten years of what could have been his life in a moment of carelessness. It leaves him unmoored.
"Stop thinking and eat your damn food," Katsuki orders with a scowl.
"Y-yes!" He looks down at his bowl and there's now a slice of pork cutlet placed on top of the rice for him. Oh.
He knows Kacchan, but he doesn't know this older and more subdued version of Katsuki, who can barely stand to look at him at times.
The heat from the bath makes his head swim as he sinks deeper into the water and his eyes fall shut. Maybe the next time he opens them, it’ll all be a dream.
Katsuki hauls him out of the bathtub. Dazed, Izuku looks at his pinched face.
"Why didn't you respond when I called you?!" he snarls, but his words are softened up by the way he holds a naked and wet Izuku against his broad chest.
His head swims with a different kind of heat now.
Head still feverish from the bath, Izuku's legs weakens and he stumbles, but Katsuki catches him in time.
"Careful," he scolds.
His hand is fully wrapped around Izuku's wrist. It feels heavy. Large. Encompassing. It been a long time since Katsuki has made him feel this small.
"Dry your hair or you're going to catch a cold," Katsuki says, frowning as Izuku's wet hair drips on his clean shirt.
Izuku smiles softly. "You're different now, yet still the same," he says.
He snorts. "How so."
"You always been considerate of me, but now it's more obvious."
"Can I sleep with you, Kacchan?"
Katsuki snaps his head toward his direction so fast that it almost gives him a whiplash. "What."
Izuku blushes. "I-I don't mean in the same bed." He looks down at his feet. "I just don't want to be alone tonight," he finishes quietly. "So, can I?"
Katsuki stares into the bleak darkness, wondering how the fuck did he get here.
Izuku pokes his head over the edge of the bed. "Are you sure you're okay down there?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm fine," he grits out as the hard floor digs into his aching back.
Katsuki wakes up to an empty bed as a slow, insidious wave of panic starts to settle in. Any trace of Izuku from last night seems to have been scrubbed clean from the entire room. Like he wasn't even there at all. Katsuki had thought he knew despair, but not like this. Not again.
The plate shatters on the floor as he's hauls into Katsuki's arms.
"S-sorry, I was making us breakfast," Izuku says.
He presses his nose into the crook of Izuku's neck and inhales like a drowning man gasping for air. "Don't ever leave my sight again," he says, low and ominous.
"It's maybe a little late, but today would have been three months since we started dating." Izuku smiles sheepishly at the breakfast tray he'd laid out for them. "I wanted to prepare something nice, but I didn't have time so happy anniversary, Kacchan! Sorry, I kept you waiting."
"Katsuki, they said you found him," she says with desperate urgency. "Is he with you?! Please let me see him!"
"Mom?" a familiar voice calls out from behind them.
Inko's eyes widen in recognition as her knees weaken and she slides down to the floor in tearful relief. "My Izuku."
"It's like I can breathe again," Inko murmurs. "I held on for so long and finally I can let go now. He's back." She squeezes him tightly. "You never once gave up on him. Thank you, Katsuki, for believing."
He shudders in her arms and he, too, breathes easily for the first time.
"How was the mother and son's reunion?" Eijirou asks.
"They were blubbering in my living room for the past hour, so I left them alone," Katsuki says dryly. "They're doing okay now."
"And you?"
The nauseating feeling from this morning hasn't gone away. "I'm fine," he lies.
"You have some gray hair," Izuku murmurs, staring at Inko's weathered face. "You look different now."
"Ten years would do that to you." She smiles wistfully. "Your disappearance was tough on us all, so remember to be good to Katsuki, okay? That boy been hurting without you."
"How are you?"
"Why do you keep asking me these stupid questions," he snaps.
"Bakugou, you paid me a lot of money to ask you 'stupid' questions," Dr. Nitta says coolly. "So again, I ask, how are you?"
He grits his teeth before finally saying, "Deku's back, but I can't relax."
"I'm surprised you actually left Midoriya alone," Denki comments. "I’d expected you to hover around him like a helicopter parent."
"Shut up," Katsuki says blandly, and doesn't tell him about the surveillance on his phone which would show Izuku combing through his bookshelf right now.
Izuku pulls out another book on quirk theory among the many that lined Katsuki's shelf. Here lies the devotion of Katsuki's search for Izuku. It's in the creases of the spine, frantic notes scribbled all over, and the many index tabs that bookmarked important notations.
His heart aches.
Katsuki's heart races briefly when he steps into a near silent apartment, but then, Izuku pops out to greet him. "Welcome home!" Face flushed with joy even if his eyes are rimmed red.
Shakily, he breathes, "I'm home." The words are foreign on his tongue, but it feels no less real.
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yearofglass · 2 years
Kiss the Carnage: A Stu x Billy fanfic. CHAPTER 3
WARNINGS: one period-typical homophobic slur said twice but without malice, more violence than the past two chapters, some misogynistic language, slight nsfw
Stu wasn't quite sure exactly how to act.
For the first time in his life he felt completely out of his depth. Sure, this attention he was getting was great and he could mostly ignore the stares and whispers, but the actual ordeal of responding to people's concern and questions was confusing. He was used to attention, he adored it and knew was the shit, but after supposedly going through a "tragedy" should his demeanor change? Should he be shakier? More timid? The very thought of acting that way, that weak made him taste bile on the back of his tongue so he bit the inside of his cheek, letting the soothing rush of blood calm him.
He ignored the bug that scurried out of his ear.
An elbow connected with his ribs and he let out a soundless gasp, gripping at the point of impact. Shooting a glare at a nonchalant looking Billy and his pointy-ass elbow, he grimaced as he straightened up and took notice of the nervous looking girl who had apparently been asking him something.
"Fuck, Billy! The hell was that for?" He spluttered incredulously, rubbing over what would most likely be a bruise on his already battered body. Billy tsked and shrugged before nodding at the aforementioned girl. 
"She asked you a question. Not nice to leave a lady waiting."
"Oh," he looked down at the girl. She was a cute thing, he supposed. Brown hair that curled around her chin. Perky tits. Nice. But her eyes were a clear blue. Not even close to the correct color. "What's up?"
"Oh, uh... I, um, just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry about what happened to you. Like, its crazy what happened. If you need anything," she paused, letting her hand rest on Stu's bicep. His eyes trailed down to look at it. "Just look for me. I'm here for you."
She looked at Billy. "Oh. And um, I'm sorry for you too, Billy." With a small, almost flirtatious smile up at Stu and a last squeeze of his muscle, she nodded and left them alone in the courtyard.
"Bitch," Billy muttered, a dark and unsettling expression taking over his face. "What a whore."
Stu glanced over at his friend and shrugged. "She's a chick. Of course she'd be dripping wet over this kinda shit. What, you jealous I'm getting most of the girls 'sympathy'?"
Billy turned away. "Jealous, huh? Yeah, maybe that's it."
Stu titled his head to the side. He couldn't see Billy's face anymore. "Hey, Billy, bro you know I'm just kidding-"
"Drop it," Billy said, tone level. "See you after school." He began trudging off, hands jammed in his pockets. Stu stared helplessly after him, at a loss for words.
The warning bell for the next period rang.
Stu laid on his back on his four poster bed after school, twiddling a pen between his long fingers. His parents hadn't stayed long enough to see him back from his first day back at school, which he was secretly glad about. Now hopefully Billy would forget about including them in the 'sequel'. It's not like he was close to his parents or anything, what with them being gone a good 90% of time, but he sure as hell didn't have any reason to want to kill them.
He yawned, eyes scrunching closed as he absent-mindedly scratched at his stomach, avoiding the wounds. It was odd, Billy not being with him. They'd been almost constantly together the last few weeks. Stu felt like a part of him was missing.
Not that he'd ever admit some pansy shit like that, though.
He jolted upright into a sitting position as his bedroom door slammed open, doorknob hitting the wall at an extreme speed and judging by the sound of it leaving a pretty fucking big dent. Just as quickly and violently as it flew open it was shut again, and a disgruntled looking Billy stood in front of him.
"The hell?! Look what you just did to my fuckin' wall-"
"Shut the fuck up, Macher," Billy snarled, stalking his way angrily over to the front of the bed, climbing on top of it and kneeling in between Stu's legs just below the knee. "For once in your goddamn life, shut it."
Stu raised an eyebrow at his friend's demeanor, wondering for the thousandth time why Billy seemed so unhappy still even after their triumphant night of slaughter.
"Billy? What's going on?"
"I said," Billy growled, extending his torso and arms up to cage Stu to the bed. "To shut. The fuck. Up."
The tall boy's eyes widened and he gulped audibly as Billy's hard eyes scanned his face, blushing deeply when his friend's hands suddenly grabbed onto his wrists, forcing them up above his head. "You make me so, so fucking mad, you know that, Stu?" He asked, shifting so that his hold on Stu was transfered to one hand gripping both his wrists. 
Stu winced at the bruising hold and managed to squeak out a semi-confident "I had an idea."
Billy let out a humorless chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. Stu found himself transfixed at the way his dark tendrils of hair swished around his face. "You did huh?" Stu nodded, adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth. "I wonder if you even know why. Why today you made me want to slit your throat even more than usual."
He knew he was digging his own grave when he allowed a lopsided grin to form on his face as he stared up at Billy, knew he was literally staring up into the face of death and yet he still said it. "'Cause yer jealous. I'm more popular than you and you hate it."
He only realized how badly he fucked up when Billy's face transformed into something akin to what he had seen the night they slaughtered everyone, but not during the times it was going well. He had seen this particular expression once on Billy's face, the one that distorted his handsome features into something nearly inhuman, and it was only when Sydney had nearly gotten away. 
He had prayed he never had to see this look again, because this was not the look of the Billy he thought he knew. This was the look of Billy when he was about to go on a rampage.
"Hey, man, look, I'm just fucking around-"
"Is that what you think this is?" Billy spoke in a quiet voice. "You think this is some sort of stupid-ass popularity contest?!" He spat, fully raving now. If Stu wasn't sure his neck would be snapped for the slightest transgression at this specific moment, he'd probably make some dumb comment on Billy looking like a rabid dog.
In a surge of movement Billy gripped Stu's throat with his free hand, skipping any build up and immediately going to near-windpipe crushing force. "Is it so hard- so hard to believe that this isn't about any of that kinda shit? Because guess what asshole?! It's not about them! It's not about me! It's about you!"
Stu weakly fought against Billy, air rapidly leaving his heaving body as he squirmed from side to side, hands scrabbling desperately against the headboard where they were being held in a last ditch frantic effort to get free.
"Why can't you fucking get it through your thick head?! Why is it so wrong for me to care about you? Huh?! Answer me!" Billy shouted, voice straining, and as Stu looked up at him, vision blurry from tears, he was shocked to see what appeared to be the brunet's own tears streaming down his face.
Billy Loomis was crying.
While Stu was losing more vision from his deprivation of air, he found himself thinking of the last and only time he saw Billy cry. Because of course, even as he slowly but surely suffocated, Billy was always more important. 
Stu walked into his living room, humming a tune and carelessly tossing his back pack on the ground by the entrance. He fully intended to go straight through the living room and into the kitchen to grab a beer, Casey had been nagging him all day and he needed something to get the bitch off his mind, when a small sniffle caught his attention.
He turned around, looking for the source of the sound and cursing internally when his eyes landed in disbelief on a mop of brown hair huddled on his couch.
"Billy? You okay, dude?" He asked, cautiously making his way over to his friend. He wasn't sure how to deal with this situation.
"...Slept with him." Stu heard him mumble, but could tell that was only the tail end of his sentence. Well. Time to use those lessons he learned about context clues.
"Syd did? She slept with who?"
This was very obviously not the right thing to say he quickly realized, as Billy rocketed off the couch, whirling around to face him, face beet red and eyes ablaze with tears and an anger so intense it stunned Stu into silence.
And even in his friend's imperfect fury, chest heaving as a balled up fist made its way to angrily rub away a trickle of snot, Stu didn't think he'd ever seen a creature so beautiful.
"No! Her whore of a mother fucked my pathetic excuse of a father!" He screamed, a maniacal laugh bubbling out of him as he paced over to the closest wall, leaning his head against it. "Fuck!" He suddenly yelled, swinging his arm back and then crashing his fist into the wall with a sickening crack.
Stu's eyes widened, rushing over to his friend and grabbing his wrists firmly in his hands, turning him around to face him. "Woah, woah, slow down, slow down."
"No! Fuck you, you piece of shit!" He cried, beating his fists over and over again against Stu's chest. "LET ME GO! My mom is threatening to leave over this shit!"
Stu grimaced each time Billy's hands connected against his ribs but simply held him closer and shook his head. "Shh..." He soothed. "I'm here, Billy buddy. We'll figure this out together."
Billy sobbed, a deep, low, and despondent sound, finally collapsing against Stu, head in the crook of his shoulder. Stu let go of his wrists after another moment, wrapping his arms instead around Billy's middle in a gentle embrace.
When Billy came to him a week later, crawling through his window with a Buck 190 and a plan, he didn't even have to think twice before agreeing wholeheartedly.
1996, present.
Billy lowered his head until his forehead was resting against the taller male's chest. "Why can't you understand...?" His voice cracked, and Stu felt his heart stutter as the hand on his throat pulled away. He gasped in big lung-fulls of air as Billy leaned back to his former position of resting on his knees again, wiping angrily at his eyes.
"It's so fucking hard, Stu. Thinking of caring for you like this makes me want to scream." 
Stu opened and closed his mouth several times as he tried to find his voice, until eventually he was able to rasp out a hoarse "...Why?"
Billy looked at him, dropping his arm and letting it hang by his side. "Because everyone that I care about leaves. I don't want you to leave, Stu. I can't handle that kind of pain again."
Stu squinted at him before leaning his head back and looking up at the ceiling. "Then you're even dumber than me."
"What?" Billy asked sharply, the vulnerability in his voice from earlier quickly dissipating.
"I said that you've got to be even dumber than I am if you think I could ever even think about leaving you." Stu more or less repeated, sitting up slightly to stare at Billy, who looked a bit shell-shocked all of a sudden. 
Billy opened his mouth but Stu quickly cut him off before he could get even the first syllable of whatever he was going to say out. "I don't care what you think, Billy. And I know what you're thinking now, at least I think I do, but I don't care about what anyone else thinks either."
"You mean-?"
"Why the hell d'ya think I hang out with you more than any of my exes combined, even when they were alive? Who do ya think I'm thinking of whenever I fuck some random chick, why do ya think they usually have some combination of brown hair or eyes, or both? Have you noticed that?" He leaned in close to Billy, so his eyelashes were close enough to flutter against the other's, practically cheek to cheek, lip to ear. "And here I was thinking you were the smart one."
Billy shuddered out at breath. "So you do. You're a fag."
"Not a fag," Stu muttered, pulling back and frowning. "I'm only into you."
The shorter brunet's mouth quirked up into a half smile and he leaned forward, following Stu until their faces were less than an inch apart. "Guess that makes two of us, then," Billy said, and as all Stu could focus on was how he could feel Billy's breath leave his lips as he talked and fan over to his own, the two pairs collided in a mess of teeth and tongue, each in a frenzy to claim what was rightfully theirs.
Stu's brain all but short-circuited as he tangled his arms around Billy's neck, pulling them both down on the bed with Billy on top of him, his friend's own hands making their way under his shirt and sliding up his toned stomach, dragging up over his bandages and squeezing at his defined pecs. Stu's moans were quickly reduced to whimpers as Billy sharply tweaked one of his nipples, twisting roughly then tugging lightly on the bud.
Finally, he thought, panting as he rutted his clothed erection up against his friend's own jean clad hard-on desperately.
I WANT TO JUST MAKE IT CLEAR: I am NOT condoning this type of relationship. It is deeply unhealthy. It is toxic. I am a male former victim of domestic abuse and have been in relationships that have messed severely with my mental health, and I would never say this is an acceptable form of relationship. These two are simply far too dysfunctional to have a normal romance, especially with each other (Stu with his idol worship of Billy and generally being an unhinged serial killer/Billy having deep untreated abandonment issues and being a cruel psychotic... well, also unhinged serial killer. You get the idea.) Thank you for reading.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
You can definitely tell it's a kind of sort of season finale, 'cause it felt so complete, but also, it's obviously not over yet lol.
Okay, in order of events...
Also, like, I still kinda feel bad for Jennifer, but b*tch needed to die, so thank god for that, and I'm glad Scott didn't have to do it.
EVERYONE'S OKAY!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Also as much as I love Stiles and Lydia, I gotta say, Lydia and Aiden are pretty freaking cute. <3 <3
Okay okay, the intense amount of relief in Scott and Stiles' voices after confirming that the other is alive.
Like, the fearful hope in Stiles' voice when he answers the phone, and the relief in Scott's voice when Stiles picks up, followed by the relief in Stiles' voice when it is, in fact, Scott on the other end of the line.
Also just the adorable wholesomeness of "bring a ladder" and everyone just starting to laugh because they're OKAY and they all almost died but now they're OKAY and they're GOING TO BE OKAY and AHHHH!!!
I high-key fully support letting Deucalion go, but not as much as I support the awesomeness that is the line: "But if you're not, then having your eyesight back won't matter, because you'll never see us coming."
Fin. Ger. SNAPS! God D*MN, Scott, you bad*ss motherf*cking true Alpha you.
I love you so f*cking much.
And the way he and Derek just turn and walk away.
Ready to fight the good fight, but not just any fight.
"We protect those who cannot protect themselves."
I hope Derek and Cora find somewhere where they can be safe and happy. They deserve it.
Get the f*ck out of here, Rafael (wtf kind of name is that for a guy like that lol). They don't want you.
Scott using his friends to ground him and keep him away from that darkness.
Ethan and Aiden being added to that group of friends.
Lydia and Aiden. <3
Danny and Ethan. <3 <3
Isaac and Allison. <3 <3 <3
AND SCOTT AND STILES!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
AHHHH!!! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT I'M TEARING UP ALL OVER AGAIN!!! :') :') :') :') :') :') :') <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Unfortunately for me...
Going "in order of events", as I so stupidly chose to do...
Means I have to end with talking about that cliffhanger ending...
So in that case...
Every time I think you might ACTUALLY care about us.
Every time I think there's a chance that you're maybe ACTUALLY on our side.
You turn into a manipulative psychopath all over again.
You are NO Alpha.
An Alpha doesn't just hunt for power. An Alpha doesn't try to take over the world.
An Alpha protects his own.
And you never will be.
Not if Scott and his pack have anything to say about it.
And I guarantee you they do.
That said....
Even though I'm gonna have to deal with all of the hurt that comes with an evil Stiles.
I ALSO get to have all of the comfort that comes with a struggling Stiles and his friends having his back.
And I'm really scared.
But also really excited.
I know I used this gif already on a Scott and Stiles appreciation post, but now that the scene has actually happened and I actually have context, I'm using it again, because it's a perfect representation of the emotions I'm feeling after that episode and I just...
I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
You are my sunshine Angst Kuguhina (TW)
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Hey hey hey author chan here this is Going to be very angsty and it's gonna have heavy trigger warnings so don't say I don't warn you
Don't be that asshole and try and report me saying i didn't warn you when clearly i have  lets begin
Sho has been depressed she don't know why Or what caused it she was just in the spiralling depression which was leading her to a dark path of self harm and Suicide her habits started to get out of control so she decided it was time to let her siblings and bf in on what is happening with her so she makes a quick video and sends it to the family GC
They clicked the video and heard sho she was Crying and hysterical
Kuguiri: Hon?!
Back in the video they think this is live this is pre-recorded
Atsumu: Like what sis feeling like what?
Sho: Hey I've been meaning to talk to you for a while now
Osamu: About what sis where are you?!
Kuguiri: Huh? What do you mean Osamu san
Tori: Guys focus
Sho: Umm... i just wanted to tell you that it's done. And i can't do this anymore I can't live... anymore
Kuguiri: W-w-what no no no please honey no
Sho: I'm done fighting i'm done putting up with this
Osamu: Putting up with what sis pleasw talk to us please don't do anything Rash
Sho: Those scars on my arms....
Kuguiri: You told me the cat scrached you
Sho: You know their not cat scraches...
Kuguiri: I had my Suspicions I just wanted to be wrong
Osamu: Wait but you told me and Atsu you fell of you bike
Sho: Wait but you told me and Atsu you fell of you bike
Tori: You told me you scraped it on the side of the door
Sho: You know I didn't scrape it on the side of the door
Tori: Wait So we were right you were self harming
Sho: you know everything but you laugh you don't listen you don't understand... but you know how I feel
Kuguiri: Help us love help us to understand we want to let us don't shut us out
The miya siblings: ^
Sho: But you don't say anything i'm sorry I'm a disappointment...when you act sad Ask her you only tell me you're fine I know you're not fine and I worry
Atsumu: You are not a disappointment and we said we were fine because it's true
Osamu: Atsu?!
Atsumu: Boyfriend stuff baby bro
Osamu: Oh
Sho: Not to you not to them not to anybody... I'm sorry it had to be this way Goodbye
Kuguiri: To who who made you feel like this and what do you mean goodbye honey honey
The screen went blank they now can see the video was pre-recorded
Osamu: Shit guy split up i'm coming back from akaashi
Atsumu: I'm coming back from Kuroo's
Tori: Semi is dropping me off
Kuguiri: I am out side you house no anwser
Osamu: There is a spare Key 3rd plant pot
Kuguiri: Thanks Got it going in
Kuguiri offline
This is in real life
Kuguiri ran round the house looking for sho till he saw a dim light in the bathroom he rush to the door it was locked he kicked it in and saw in the bath tub water and blood mixed
And we're back in the family GC
Kuguiri: 🎶the other night dear,as I lay sleeping I dreamt I held you in my arms when I awoke dear, I was Mistaken so I hung my head and  I cried🎶
The miya siblings: //Kuguiri what are you saying what's with the past tense//
Kuguiri: 🎶 You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you made me happy when skies are grey you'll never know dear, how much I love you why did you take my sunshine away🎶
Atsumu: //WHAT?! No no no//
Tori: //Tsumu//
Kuguiri: 🎶I'll always love you and make you happy and nothing else could come between but you left me alone here you'll have shattered all of our dreams🎶
Osamu: //Leave?//
Kuguiri; 🎶you are my sunshine,my only sunshine you made me happy when skies are grey you'll never know dear, how much i love you why did you take my sunshine away🎶
Sho was Pronounced dead found her in the bathtub sorry
Kuguiri went offline  Users unmuted
The miya siblings: No!!!!! Sis please No!! 😭😭😭😭
That day was filled with morning it even reach the other teams everyone questioning how did they not see she was suffering how did she hide it so well they started blaming themselves kuguiri more so he was her bf how did he not notice how was he so blind to the fact be knew he had cuts on her but he believed her excuses
Kuguiri's thoughts 💭 damn it I should  have questioned her further on it not tiptoe lightly around her
0 notes
SYNOPSIS: Whenever school is in session, Eren will just keep finding new places to corner you.
DEDICATED TO: you guys, always you guys.
WARNINGS: unedited, slight dubcon, groping, degradation, bullying,
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Gooooood Morning Paradis Birds! Remember to give a big round of applause to the football team for clutching the victory against reigning champion Marley High! We stay undefeated thanks to our excellent and hardworking team. Special shoutout to Captain Eren Yeager for guiding the team to another flawless victory-
You're half-heartedly paying attention to class, sleepily listening to the school announcements over the speaker until the mention of his name douses you like a shock of ice-cold water.
You can't catch the rest of the announcement because your class erupts into cheer, enthusiastically clapping their hands for the boy of the hour.
The only one not joining is you.
Eren's smile is brighter than 100 kilowatts. In the back of your mind, you wonder where he learned to smile like that. When his emotions became so practiced.
Mr.Berner tries to calm the kids down, especially Sasha who bangs on her desks and howls, creating even more hype and ruckus. The class, now in a chattier mode, excitedly breaks into little conversations.
"Man, thank god. That school is so pretentious, I'm glad we finally have something over them."
"Jeez, I know our team was good, but it's this good-?"
"-Bro, year of XXXX is stacked as fuck. It's literally never been this stacked before. We have a whole team of prodigies, it's insane-especially Eren. "
"Yepp. My dad went to Paradis too and he said shit like this never happened during his time. The academic comps were one thing, but these footballs wins? We're being put on the fucking map."
The announcements are still going on, but it's hard to hear over the noise. You're only able to catch the tail end, a useless tidbit about the word of the day.
pre·mo·ni·tion a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. Here is an example: "She had a premonition of imminent disaster" Have a good day folks, hope it's free of any premonitions!
Overhearing the unceasing praise of the boy who pinched your thighs until they bruise blue and purple was a little painful-but you were used to it. After all, he's putting Paradis on the map. Whatever the fuck that means.
While you didn't love sharing this class with him, he was seated far across the room and surrounded by a gaggle of friends. You might as well have been invisible, the way he did not acknowledge you. Maybe you should treat it as a small mercy.
Unwittingly, your eyelids grow heavy. You're sitting in the back of the class, no one would notice if you took a little nap right? Assured by the fact no one will notice, you lower your head into your folded arms and let your thoughts float.
You dream of vaguely nothing but shadows of smiles, tufts of dark hair, and the smell of the wind at sea until a noise confined to the shape of your name breaks the harmony.
You startle awake with pairs of eyes piercing their gazes at you. Swallowing thickly, you apologize to Mr.Berner who looks worried. He's a good teacher, and one of your favorites.
"I'm sorry Mr.Berner. I had a migraine so I laid my head down." You lie smoothly, with more grace than you knew you were capable of. Course, you could have just said you were taking an unprompted nap, but that would disappoint your lovely teacher.
He sighs, "Guess that can't be helped then. Go to the nurse ok?"
Bingo. The nurse was an understanding lady, she'd let you sleep the rest of the period off. You nod, and start to gather your materials, relieved the class' attention on you was beginning to dwindle.
"Wait, Mr.Berner, let me take her. What if she gets disoriented and falls in the hall?"
Fuuuuck. You should have known. You should have expected this because attached to the request dripping with faux concern was none other than the precious jewel of the kingdom. Eren's intrusion makes your peers perk up again at the scene unfolding in front of them.
You smile, lips tightly pressed, "I'll be fine. I don't want to distract anyone from the lesson and it's a short walk-
"It's still potentially dangerous.", Your teacher interrupts, pinching the bridge of the nose, "And while I'm completely surprised by Eren's sudden streak of altruism, he's right. Something could happen. He'll take you there safely."
A very convenient streak of altruism, all right. You think it over in your head, yeah the nurses' office is right down the hall, and once you're there, he'll leave. Sure, he'll taunt you but you can handle a few minutes worth of cruelty.
It's awkward getting up, and walking in front of the class while Eren props the door open like a gentleman. You know what a sharp contrast it must look like, you and him, you cowering into yourself, not meeting any eyes while he stands tall and confident.
"Do you have everything?" His tone is one of reassurance, and for the barest of the moments, feels too familiar. You know he's not being genuine right now, and for the first time, you question if he was genuine back then.
"You can hold onto my arm if you're too dizzy to walk." He says as you guys slip out of the classroom, purposefully a little too loudly. You hear coos from girls and a stray "She's so lucky!"
He must have heard it too, because he lowers his head to whisper into your ear, "Yeah, very lucky, aren't you?" Wisps of dark hair tickle your cheeks. You see the glint of tiny silver hoops and wonder when he had gotten his ears pierced. The illusion breaks and the performative charming prince's reassuring smile is replaced by a sneer.
"Didn't know you could lie like that, by the way. Some good girl you are if you're trying to ditch class like this." Fingers dig deep into your waist as he drags you along the empty hallway that seems to stretch on for miles.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat, "How did you know I was lying?"
Viridian eyes narrow, "I've seen you get migraines before." There's a knock on your heart. As if realizing he was talking about something far away ago, a vindictive edge laces into words pouring out of his mouth, "I bet you wanted this to happen, didn't you? Wanted to get us all alone."
He's trying to get a rise out of you, that much is obvious. So you ignore him to the best of your ability.
...which quickly proved to be futile, as you suddenly find your arm pinned to your back, and your front facing the nearest walls.
"I asked you a fucking question bitch." He's practically growling, "Fucking answer me."
If there was a world record for the shortest temper, best believe Eren Yeager will have collected that accolade too. He's getting too worked up, and you could definitely feel his harness poking the back on your ass, as he grinds into you.
You manage to crane your neck, wanting to have your face shoved into the wall, and then venomously spit out, "You're not looking for answers. You just want me to repeat whatever you think is true."
This position brings back flashbacks to the library when he caged you in against the bookshelves, and like then, he spins you around to face him quite abruptly.
His smile is full of sharp teeth, "No. I know I'm right."
You don't respond. He moves in closer, his breath fanning on your earlobes. Your body can't help but let an involuntary shudder, and you close your eyes, not wanting to see his pleased grin or the way the fluorescent light makes his hoops gleam like silver bullets.
One calloused finger flicks your nipple, "Do you want to know why I'm right?"
At your lack of response, the dark-haired boy rolls your nipple in between his fingers before pinching it painfully, eliciting a small whimper out of your fuckable lips. "N-no", you answer finally. You're wearing your thinnest bra because of the seasonal heat, and you can't help but regret that decision right now. The fact he's only paying attention to one of your nipples is driving you insane. Not that you want it, but you're so fucking sensitive right now. You struggle in his hold, causing him to hold you tighter, and by now his nails were probably embedded into your skin.
He chuckles at your honesty, rewarding you with a thick stripe of his tongue over the collared shirt of your uniform making you gasp. Did he just-, over your shirt too-, you look down and see a very visible wet spot.
Taking advantage of your distracted state, a eager hand snakes under your skirt until it settles in the middle of your panties. He licks your earlobe before speaking, his voice like ice under your heels.
"You were so fucking wet that day in the library while saying you hated me the entire time," he pauses as his fingers scissor you through your panties, as if to drive the message home, "About as wet as you are right now."
There's a wet spot there too, also caused by him. You crush your eyes shut, "Eren...please just take me to the nurse." You're not even struggling anymore, holding onto him out of your own accord, worried that if you don't hold onto anything-you'd fall on your knees.
The very headache you lied about having seemed not so non-existent after all.
Eren hooks his arms under the plush of your thighs, "Yeah. Of course, that's what I came to do, right?"
You had hoped you'd be granted a reprieve in the nurses' office but you'd forgotten that luck was never really in your favor. Because while you guys had entered the squeaky-clean office, the nurse was nowhere in sight.
Instead, a note sat on her desk in unassuming frilly cursive that Eren read with glee.
Sorry students! Minor emergency to take care of, and I'll be back by the middle of the next period. If you're badly hurt, see Mr.Ackerman in room 203. If not, just sit tight! Feel free to take up the beds.
Thank you,
Eren had turned to you with shining green eyes, "Since no one's here, I guess I'll have to keep you company. Don't want you to hurt yourself."
There was something claustrophobic about how Eren stood in front of the door as if to signify to get out of here, you had to get through him.
"Maybe I can get Mr.Ackerman..."
Eren's sudden bout of laughter makes you wince and retreat inside of yourself, "For what? A fake headache? You really wanna inconvenience him like that? Mr.Ackerman?"
You take slow steps backward until the back of your knees hit the school bed, making you stumble as you clumsily take a seat. Eren's been marching forward with every retreating step you took, and it's no surprise when he pushes you down the bed, strong hands on the side of your head, while his muscular legs force your thighs apart so he can settle himself in between.
"We have some time to kill, you know." Strands of dark hair fall into his eyes, and without thinking, you reach upwards to brush them aside.
He grips your wrist before you make it that far, nearly gritting out a "What are you doing?"
You just stare, not really knowing why that was your impulse either. Finally, you mouth out, "I want you to leave Eren."
The grip on your wrist is tighter than ever, and you very well know that you're going to have new finger-shaped bruises before the old ones even finish healing.
"And I want to stay." He punctuates each word slowly, and all you can think is how being pinned to a bed is much less painful than having the hard surface of wood digging onto your back.
You're fully aware of the heat in your core, and having Eren on top of you doesn't make this it any easier because fuck, he is attractive. Maddeningly so. And maybe you want him to go away so bad because you're afraid that if his fingers are caught inside of you, you'll thank him for it.
As if reading your mind, he lets go of your wrist (making a mental note of your sluggish movements and slipping resistance) and massages your warm hole from your panties.
"Eren please" You grit out. He merely chuckles, "What are you asking for, whore?"
You could feel tears threatening to fall. This was so embarrassing. Did you want this? Yes, yes. yes, yes. You were so wet right now and had enough of the teasing.
He alternated his kneading from slow and soft to fast and rough, and you couldn't help but let out the prettiest little moans Eren's ever heard. Since you lose all pretenses of resistance, his other hand roughly brushes against your hardened nipples, straining against the fabric of your shirt.
Okay, he decided. He's going to make you beg.
"Beg." It's announced like a command, and while you hear it, you don't really register it because your hips are busy chasing the heat, and it's all too much of an utter disappointment when his long thin fingers leave.
"I said beg slut."
"Eren, please, please. I need you so bad." You're blubbering and you don't care. You just want his pretty fingers to shove aside your panties and rub against your folds. You think back to the library, how wet you were, how the stupid fucking phone call from his coach interrupted him pumping his fingers inside of you. And you didn't know if you were happy or mad he left. But now, all you crave is the blissful wave of pleasure- the very pleasure he's been denying you.
Eren looks down at you, green eyes scrutinizing. After a long while of what it seems to be him just staring, he wipes his fingers on your skirt, brushes back his hair with a wayward hand.
"Looks like I should head back to class. See you later."
Too numb to say anything, you watch him leave with a smirk on his face. When you're sure he's walked away, you curl into yourself and cry.
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In which, Luke develops feelings for Matt’s little sister. 
Luke Alvez x Reader, Brother!Matt Simmons x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, sibling banter, cm level of case details/violence, mentions of death, guns and gunshots, lots of pining, mentions of pregnancy and birth, kissing.
Category: fluff with a little bit of angst 
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: combined this request and this request to come up with this :) 
The phone rang at what felt like quite literally the crack of dawn. “What?” you groaned when you picked up. “Where are you?” your brother’s voice filled your ear from the other side of the phone. 
“In bed, where else would I be at..” you pulled the phone away from your ear to check the time “5:56 in the morning?” 
Matt chuckled, “do you know a girl named Jenna Parker?” he asked. 
“I do, why ? Oh god, you're not cheating on Kristy right ? I swear if you’re calling to lie for you Matthew, I'll-” he cut you off.
“Shut up y/n and what did I tell you about calling me Matthew? I’m not cheating on Kristy you idiot, Jenna was killed last night” you sat up in bed, “What ? I saw her at dinner last night” 
“Stay where you are and get dressed. Agents will be at the hotel to collect your team for questioning” he told you. 
“Matt I had nothing to do with this, you know that right ?” 
“I know, standard procedure. I’ll see you later” he hung up. 
You dragged yourself out of bed and got dressed. Jenna’s face kept reappearing in your thoughts, she had only joined your team recently and she was an absolute sweetheart. She was telling you how excited she was to join the team last night at dinner. 
A knock on the door broke your thoughts, you unlocked it assuming that your brother had come to get you. 
This was most definitely not your brother. 
The man at your door had dark brown hair and tan skin.Something about his eyes made you want to stare into them forever, they were a soft brown mocha colour. He had a piece of paper in his hand, his finger ran across the page, “are you.. y/n?” he asked you 
“I am and you are?” 
“Agent Luke Alvez, I’m with the BAU. I’m here to pick you up for questioning” 
“Oh yeah, get me one second” you turned around and headed back into your room, Luke followed you in. “Ever heard of privacy ?” you picked up your phone and a sweater. “Oh sorry, I can’t let you in here by yourself until we processed you” he explained to you. “Lovely” you pulled on your sweater, he motioned for you to head out of the room. 
You stepped out first, he shut your door as the two of you walked down the hallway. “Your last name is Simmons ?” he looked over at you as you got on the elevator. “Mhm hm” you pulled your phone out to text your brother. 
To Matt: On my way now. Your friend is weird. 
From Matt: Who’s my friend ?
To Matt: Handsome guy with the pretty brown eyes, think his name is Luke 
From Matt: stop objectifying my friends, I'll see you soon. 
Luke didn't say anything else to you, the drive to the station was quiet except for you conducting your own little interrogation. 
“How long have you worked for the BAU ?” you looked out the window, 
“About 2 years now. How long have you been swimming ?” he rebutted. 
“My whole life” 
It did occur to Luke that you might be Matt’s little sister. He knew how proud Matt was of you and your swimming career, he also knew that Matt was supposed to see you this weekend while you were in D.C for training. After all, the sweater did say Simmons on the back, it couldn’t be a coincidence. 
Luke walked you into the station, the rest of your team was already there. “Hi, you must be y/n” a tall woman came up to you, she had short brown hair and she looked remarkably good considering how early it was.
“That would be me” you smiled at her, “you are?” she stuck her hand out for you, “Dr. Tara Lewis with the BAU” you shook her hand. 
“Nice to meet you Dr. Lewis” “You too”  
Tara excuses herself from you, Luke walks you over to a waiting area. All the girls were separated for obvious reasons but with nothing else to do, you figured you’d irritate Luke. 
“Why can’t I see the rest of my team?”
“Standard procedure” 
“And what is this standard procedure ?” 
“It’s-” “Stop harassing him y/n” your brother said as he walked into the room. 
You stood up and gave him a hug. It had been so long since you last saw your brother. 
“Hey you” he gave you a good squeeze, “hey” you smiled at him. 
Matt led you to a room and you took a seat at the table. “I can’t do your questioning because I'm your brother but I'm leaving you in good hands” Luke and Tara walked in a few moments after. “You’re leaving me with pretty eyes over here ? I might just get distracted and forget what he asked” you chuckle, Luke looks away but you manage to catch the blush you comment caused. 
“Behave y/n, I'll be back later” Matt kissed the top of your head before walking out. 
Luke and Tara sit across from you. “How did you meet Jenna ?” Tara asked you, “she was on my swim team, she joined a few months ago” 
“Were the two of you close ?”
“Not really, we didn't hang outside of practice but we got along” 
“Is there anyone that would have a reason to hurt Jenna ?” Luke asked this time. 
You paused, something Jenna had said to another one of the girls cause caught your attention a while back. “Not that I know of but apparently someone had broken into her apartment a while back. She was telling one of the other girls and I heard them. She moved from there though” 
“Do you have the address ? I’ll have Garcia check if she filed a report” 
“47 Park Street, not sure what unit was hers” you drummed your fingers against the table. Tara’s phone rang and she excused herself before stepping out of the interrogation room. Luke was also on the phone but he stayed in the room, you took a moment to really look at him. He wore a black button up that fit him far too well for your liking, his hair was messy but not like he had just rolled out of bed, more like his hands had been through it a few times. His tongue ran across his lips while he talked on his phone. Luke's hands rested on the table, he spun the pen on the table around a few times before getting off the call. 
God were his hands pretty, the things you’d let him do to you with those hands
“Y/n ?” Luke’s voice broke your thoughts. 
“Do you know if Jenna was seeing anyone ? A boyfriend maybe ?”
“Um no boyfriend but she was seeing a girl she met through our coach” 
“Oh okay, do you know her name ?” 
“Erica, uh her last name started with a G ? I’m not really sure” 
“That’s fine, thank you. I’ll be back” was all he said before stepping out of the room. You watched as he walked out, he stood by the window talking to some skinny guy. 
Your definition of the perfect man was Luke and everything he seemed to be, but you doubted that anything could happen between the two of you. He seems to be ignoring your glances and your flirty remarks all morning. Matt was the other issue, never would he ever let you date anyone on his team, let alone one of his close friends. 
“Alvez!” Tara shouts as she meets him up by the suv “Hey, need a ride ? I'm headed to the crime scene” he asks her, she nods before getting in the car. The drive was quiet, Tara kept glancing over at Luke and snickering. 
“Okay c’mon, what is it ?” 
“You keep looking at me funny, what happened ? something on my face?” Luke runs his hand over his face, Tara shakes her head. 
“Tara, what is it ?” 
“Luke, you’ve got a crush on Simmons” she laughs. 
“Matt ? I don't have a crush on Matt”
“No you idiot, y/n. You have a crush on y/n” 
“What? No I don't” 
Okay maybe Luke did have a tiny crush on her but Matt would never approve of him dating his little sister and he wouldn't let a crush affect his work life. 
“Alvez, don’t act stupid. I know I wasn't the only one noticing the glances between you two, I saw them since the two of you came in this morning. And that ‘pretty eyes’ comment ? she totally made you blush” Tara chuckled, “she’s into you dude, and you’re into her” 
“She’s Matt’s sister Tara, I’m not gonna do that” 
“So what if she’s Matt’s sister? She’s her own person. Matt doesn’t control her Luke.” 
Luke just hummed, Tara did have a valid point. Y/n was a grown up, she can make her own decisions. So what if Matt was mad at them ? 
God Alvez, what are you thinking ? That’s his sister, you couldn’t do that to him. 
Luke pulled into the hotel parking lot. He followed Tara inside but he wasn’t paying attention. He was there but he wasn't really there, his mind kept wandering back to y/n. 
Oh how he envied Spencer in that moment, he knew that he wouldn't remember how y/n looked exactly when he first met her but he’d keep that memory for as long as he could remember it. Her shuffling feet, her messy hair and her sleep laced voice, she seemed like an angel on earth to him. 
“Kid?” an older man shook your shoulder gently. “Hm, what is it ?” you stretched, you must have fallen asleep after Luke left. “you can leave, maybe get some rest when you get back to the hotel” the man chuckled, and you smiled at him. 
“Thank you,” you looked at his badge, “Agent Rossi” you finished your sentence. 
“Please just Dave” he smiled and opened the door for you, you stepped out of the room. “You’re Matt’s sister aren’t you ?” 
“That would be me” 
“He’s outside. He should be able to give you a ride back to the hotel, if not, I'm in here” Dave told you. 
“Thank you, it was nice meeting you” 
“You too kid” he patted your back and headed in the opposite direction. 
You walked out of the station to see your brother and Luke standing by the suv talking about something. “Hey ugly” you poked Matt’s side, “hey tiny” he hit your arm playfully making you pout. “I’m not tiny” 
“oh but you are” 
“shut it Matthew, I need a ride” 
“Where to ?” 
“My bed bro, Dave said I could leave” 
“You’re on a first name basis with my colleagues?” 
“Jealous that they’ll like me better?” you raised your eyebrows and held back a laugh. 
“Oh yeah totally oh my god, y/n please don’t take my friends from me” Matt said sarcastically while giving your shoulder a little nudge. 
Luke chuckled at the both of you and your banter, it was sweet how close the two of you were.
Your sweet moment was ruined by the sound of bullets hitting the suv. Matt’s first instinct was to wrap his arms around you, Luke stood there with his gun drawn and no one in sight except you and Matt. 
“What the hell was that ?” Luke asked, he stepped back taking a look around once more and turned back to you and Matt. “Are you okay ?” Matt asked you with his arms still around you, you nodded. “Are you okay ?” you asked him but your eyes were on Luke. Luke noticed your look and gave you a little nod, “I'm fine, let’s get you back” 
Luke left you and Matt in the parking lot with the keys to his suv before heading into the station to get Emily. Matt drove you back to the hotel, you sat in the parking lot with him for a while, Matt was showing you pictures of the kids and how big they’ve gotten. You had yet to meet the newest addition to the Simmons family, the little one that has yet to be born but it’s like the baby is already here. Matt was so excited even though this was the 4th time Kristy would be giving birth.
“You’re going to be okay ?” Matt asked you as he walked you to your room 
“Yeah, I'll be okay Matt” 
“You know what to do if you need anything right ?” 
“Yes Matt, I'll call my super cool FBI agent for a brother to come rescue me” you laughed making Matt roll his eyes.
“That’s exactly what you’ll do, now you’re sure you don’t want to come back to my place ? Kristy and the kids are at home and I’m sure they’d love to see their aunt” 
“Hm, maybe. Let me get my stuff ?” 
“I’ll help” 
Matt walked into your room and helped you gather your things before heading back to the suv and driving you to his place. “Babe!” Matt called as he walked into the house, “Shh the kids just went down for a nap, they were playing outside all day” Kristy told him, giving him a hug. 
“Is the case over already ?” she asked him, he shook his head. 
“No, just had to bring our guest over” 
Right on cue, you walked in with your bags. “Hey pretty lady!” you pulled Kristy into a hug, “Hey you!” she hugged you back, well as best as she could considering she had a huge bump right now. “Ready to pop yet ?” you laughed with your hand on her belly. “Just about, I told him no more after this one” she gave Matt a look and he just shrugged. 
“I can’t help it, you’re just so-” Matt started but you cut him off
“Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, I don’t wanna hear that” 
Matt and Kristy laughed at your comment, Matt headed back out to work while you helped Kristy make dinner for your little rug rats.
Luke sat in the conference room when Matt came back. “Hey man, where’s your sister?” he glanced at Matt, “she’s at my place with Kristy and the kids” he told him. Luke let out an ‘oh’ that sounded rather sad. 
“You okay man ?” 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine” 
“Then what’s with the sad look on your face ?” 
Matt sat across from Luke waiting for his answer. Luke contemplated if he could tell Matt what was really on his mind or if he should make up something. Would he be mad if I liked her ? The voice rang through his head over and over again.  “She’s her own person. Matt doesn’t control her Luke.” Tara’s words came back to him. He should just tell him how he feels, he doesn't want to lie to him. 
“Is your sister seeing anyone ?” Luke blurts out much more awkwardly than he’d expected, Matt gave him a weird look. 
“I don't think so, why do you ask ?” Matt looked over at him 
“Oh just cause the case, gotta cover all the bases” Luke lied 
“Are you sure that’s the reason you’re asking me about her ?” 
Did Matt know ? No, he couldn't know. He played it cool. Oh what was he thinking? Tara figured it out, Luke’s sure Matt did too. 
“What do you mean ?” Luke avoids Matt’s stare, instead he busies himself with the papers scattered across the table. 
“You know exactly what I mean Luke.” Luke’s eyes met Matt’s, Luke knew that Matt knew and he couldn't bullshit his way out of this one. “Come on” Matt stood up, Luke mirrored his actions. “Where are we going ?” 
“Just come with me” 
The two men walked out of the station and got into the car. They were now 15 minutes into their ride and Matt has yet to tell Luke where they're going. Luke looks over at him, “I know you like her” Matt says quietly. “I do” Luke replies. 
The rest of the drive is silent, Matt pulls into his driveway. 
“Tell her” was all Matt said to him
“Tell her what?” 
“Tell her you like her, you both deserve happiness. I trust her judgement, she always did know what was good for her and you, I trust you with my life man, I can trust you with her” Matt told him before getting out of the car. Luke stayed in the car for a few minutes gathering his thoughts before headed into the house. 
“Hey” he smiled at Kristy who was in the living room, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. 
“Hey Luke, how are you ?” 
“I’m good, how are you ?” 
“Very pregnant” she laughed, Luke chuckled making his way over to her and gave her a hug. Kristy knew why he was there, Matt wasn’t the only one with profiling skills in the house. 
“She’s in the backyard” Kristy gave Luke’s hand a squeeze, Luke had an amused look on his face as if Kristy wasn't supposed to know about his crush on y/n. Luke whispered a thank you to her before heading to the backyard. 
You sat on the swing hanging from the tree, you had been there when Matt put it up. Kristy had a vision of a swing from her tree and Matt being the husband he is, made her vision a reality. The sound of footsteps filled your ears, too heavy to be Kristy or the kids and too light to be Matt’s, you look up to see Luke standing in front of you. 
“Hey there agent, here to arrest me ?” you stick your hands out in front of you, the blush you saw this morning was back. “Kidding Luke, what’s up ?” you asked him, he leaned against the tree watching you swing back and forth. 
“Just wanted to see how you were doing after this afternoon” 
“Oh the parking lot thing ? I'm fine, are you okay ?” 
“I’m good too” 
Silence filled the air, you swung back and forth on the swing while your feet dangled above the ground. Luke stood in front of you, his hands on the rope stopping you from swinging again. You looked up at the man who was looking down at you. 
“I came here to tell you something” Luke says.
“I’m listening” you look at him.
“I like you” he admits.
“That’s cool, I like you too” you reply casually.
Luke gives you a look, only then did you realize that he meant he liked you, as in he was attracted to you and not he likes you as a friend. “Oh you like like me?” you said making Luke chuckle, “yes y/n, I like like you” he admitted to you. 
This whole scene made you feel rather childish in some ways. Your older brother’s friend was towering over you while you sat on a swing like a child and he admitted he had feelings for you, especially after you asked if he “like likes’ you. 
“Well for your information, I don’t like you” you said rather bluntly. Luke’s smile dropped from his face. “Oh okay” he turned on his heels and made his way to the fence, you sat on the swing and realized he wasn't coming back towards you. 
“Luke!” you shouted as you ran after him, meeting on the front lawn, he stopped and looked at you. “I was only kidding” your hands cupped his face, “I do like you, a lot.” you admitted. 
“Do you like like me though y/n?” he asked seriously. 
“Yes Luke, I like like you” you rolled your eyes playfully. 
Luke pulled you closer to him by your waist as he leaned down towards you. You were on your tiptoes, his hands on your hips to hold you before you toppled over. Luke’s lips met yours right as the sprinklers on the front lawn turned on. 
The two of you stood on the lawn, the sprinklers soaking your clothes without a care in the world.
All you could think about was Luke. 
taglist: @aaronhotchnerr​ @mac99martin​ @aaron-hotchner187​ @luke-alvez​ @iconicc​ @tclaerh​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @ssa-holmes​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​ @thelukealvez​ @scandinavian-punk​ @haleymalaffey​ @sunnymulti
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rose-colored-amy · 3 years
So, this is a continuation to my extremely short one-shot Last Moments, Last Regrets, but it can be read as a stand-alone. Regardless, I'll leave the link of that one in here:
Also, thanks to @coeurhh for suggesting I write a second part. You're a sweetheart 🥰
She made a lovely fanart/gif, which I'm also sharing, of course:
Prompt: AU. Sakura's death goes unnoticed to everyone but the squad she protected with her life and Tsunade. Team Kakashi doesn't find out until the very end, when Naruto and Sasuke have already had their fight, and there's nothing to do about it but mourn the absence.
Warning: Mild Sasusaku and lots of angst. Team 7 sort-of-fluff (?)
—Blue Bird, Let Go—
"Hey, bastard... I know they really let us down, the village, I mean."
"Aa... "
"But I really think it's not all that bad. When we were I team, I knew you understood. It felt like having a brother, believe it."
They were watching their lives go by, shadows of unknown faces passing by them, not noticing their pain, or not caring whatsoever. Their backs were touching, but it was all cold and bleak; a bad memory. A clan slaughtered, a demon sealed. Two lonely boys wallowing in their own sadness.
"Well, even if I don't make it, I'm glad it was you, bastard—"
"Shut up, idiot." His voice sounded strained, even for his standards, but Sasuke was so tired he couldn't even bring himself to care.
"We're really dying, ah? Wanna say something? I do have things to say, 'cause there's no way I'm dying—"
"In silence?" Sasuke interrupted, but Naruto payed him no mind.
"Without telling you how much of an asshole you've been! I couldn't even keep my promise to Sakura-chan! She's gonna be so damn mad when she finds out, I'm sure she'll drag me back to life just to cave my face in—" He was rambling at that point, but it was just so comforting and normal to Sasuke that he didn't even acknowledge it anymore.
"Hn. Sakura... She..."
"She still loves you, asshole. I don't have any idea how it can be possible but—"
"I'm sorry..." It sounded rushed, but Naruto heard it perfectly, and in the darkness of their shared consciousness, Sasuke heard a resigned sigh.
"Well, it's not that bad. I cannot imagine dying beside anyone but you, bastard."
"Idiot..." He made a pause. "Me neither."
"You're both a pair of idiots!"
Suddenly, the unreadable mass of unrecognizable faces around them cleared, and one figure stood in front of them, pink eyebrows frowned in annoyance. Though this version of Sakura looked familiar, it was one none of the boys had seen in a long time. Genin, long-haired, Sakura was glaring at them, arms crossed.
"Sakura-chan! What are you doing in here?!"
Her eyes softened. "What, so I'm supposed to let you two die, after everything? No way in hell!"
"You!" She pointed at Sasuke, who flinched slightly at her rudeness. "I don't know what the hell happened, but I don't care. Lighten up and start being your moody self. We love you just like that! Don't act so repented and shit! If you're sorry stop looking like a lost puppy and start doing something about it, you asshole!" Her voice was raising with madness and it was slightly off putting to see what used to be a stuttering lovestruck preteen talking to him like that.
Naruto snorted at that, obviously delighted for not being at the receiving end of her wrath for once. It was short-lived, however.
"And you!" She pointed at the blonde; then crossed her arms. He jumped back in fright. "What is this? How dare you even consider dying after you promised to be the best goddamned Hokage in history?! Here I am, rooting for you, while you lay around like a lazy pig with your edgy bro there. You should be ashamed of yourself!" She scoffed.
Naruto's mouth was so wide open he could have caught a fly. "Lazy pig? Are you kidding?!"
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, half amused, half annoyed. "Edgy?"
Suddenly, the edges of their vision began to blurr, like a genjutsu being unravelled. "Ah, someone came to help you at last." Sakura seemed relieved. Strangely so.
"Hey, Sakura-chan! You know what? You're right. I'll be the best damn Hokage ever, believe it! Just you watch!" He threw a punch to the air.
Seemingly placated and pleased with his answer, she nodded. "I know so." Then, she turned to her other teammate, who was concentrating solely on her face, mismatched eyes softened as they'll ever be. "And you'll make sure he doesn't mess up, right?"
They shared a long silence. There was something strange about Sakura aside her appearance. He could tell. "Hn. I will..."
"Hey! I don't need him watching over—"
"Sure you don't." He countered sarcastically.
"Also..." They turned to her again. "I'm sorry."
"Wha—" Naruto stuttered. "What the hell would you be sorry for, Sakura-chan?! If anything, it's the bastard here who should be apologizing to you!"
"Sakura..." Sasuke seemed to be searching for the right words, but she couldn't let them go without them listening to her. To what she needed them to know. There wasn't much time left after all.
"I'm sorry, because I wasn't what you needed..." She closed her eyes, her pretty minty orbs. Her appearance suddenly shifted, before then now standing her true self, still dressed in the standard shinobi uniform of the alliance. Her forehead protector lost to whoever knows where. "And thank you. You both made me stronger. You made me appreciate what I had. And I'll always, always love you. Our moments together like team seven... I'll treasure them for all eternity."
"I know Konoha wasn't the best to you both, but don't forget the good... The wholesome moments. It's all that matters in the end... Our bonds, the bonds you managed to forge with sweat and blood... The world we live in, the world that gave me the chance to meet you. To me, that's to be cherished. Forever."
The white light started overwhelming the rest. Even Sakura's features started dissapearing.
"Live. Just live." For that, she specifically stared at Sasuke, a soft smile playing on her lips. "And thank you."
Sasuke started racing towards her, hand stretched, a forebonding understanding shaking his bones. "Sakura!"
And then, they both lost consciousness.
When they woke up, aside from feeling like shit, the first thing that crossed their minds what the finality of Sakura's words. Tsunade was beside them, patching them up, with Kakashi beside her, silently watching over them.
"About time, brats! What were you think—"
"Baa-san." Naruto interrupted her, his voice the most serious she had heard him until then.
"Where's Sakura?" Sasuke finished for him, his eyes icy and detached, trying to keep his worry at bay.
But she didn't need to answer. Her chakra flow hesitated, spiking with sorrow. Her eyes glistening with unbearable loss. Kakashi, at her side, stared, eyes widened in comprehension.
She was gone by a long shot.
And they were just finding out.
Everybody had different ways of dealing with loss. Naruto helped rebuild the village along with everyone else, but he skipped his usual meals, his ramen left forgotten in his kitchen counter. His movements when sparring were sloppy at best, not just because of the new prosthetic limb, but also because his mind was clearly somewhere else. Usually, Shikamaru would drag him out his makeship house, like he had done when Jiraija was gone for good. Sometimes, he would bring Ino with him, who was suspiciously skinny and messier than normal. No makeup covering the dark circles under her eyes.
Kakashi spent more than usual at the memorial stone every day, tracing the newly marked name of the girl who once remained him of Rin but that had come to claim a place for herself in his heart. Also, he took more missions than it was allowed in a month, going so far as to pick up his ANBU mask again, which caused an altercation with Tsunade, who hadn't been sober in a long time and had been hoping to hand the Hokage seat to him.
Sai avoided the color pink for a long time.
Sasuke... Well, he dealed with loss the same as everyone else... Longing for the missing person to be there, itching to have the opportunity to say what he couldn't at the time. Wanting to be alone whenever they would reach for him... And he built a tomb for her in hopes to find some closure. Not that official, because there wasn't a body to bury, and it had no name, but it was enough for him. He would bring with him camellias every day, buying them at the Yamanaka's, where Ino would always glance at him in silent understanding.
One morning, on his way to her tomb, he spotted a young shinobi leaving a white lilly for her. When he came by, the child spoke without a care, like they were acquaintances. "This is Sakura-san's, right?"
"Hn." It wasn't really an answer, but the child seemed to understand anyway.
"You know? Mama and big sister are also buried in these grounds... I always talk to them and tell them about my day and stuff I want them to know!" He turned to the Uchiha, a smirk on his cherubic face. "I'm sure she would appreciate it as well." And just like that, he left without another word.
Sasuke sat on the ground, just in front of the stone, mismatched eyes half lidded. Sensing no one in the vicinity, he exaled a shaky breath, and his dam opened up, the words longing to be said broke the silence he had been wrapping around himself since he knew of her death:
"I miss you... I've been missing you since I first left."
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Bill Weasley — Intoxicating
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Summary: Bill Weasley had picked up a habit of smoking from his peers in Egypt. When he came back to Britain for summer, he met you in a fancy restaurant, as his barista.
Words: 3,415
Warnings ⚠ : Floofy Stuff, Cute, Sexual Tension, I Don't Write Smut so None of Them, Bill Weasley being Deviously Charming
Disclaimer: Domhnall Gleeson can run me over and I would thank him this man is sO FINE
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"William, you're home!" Molly's voice echoed around the Burrow and Bill laughed as he engulfed the small woman, "Missed you, Mum."
The rumbles of stairs indicated his other family members running down to see him. Upon knowing them for years, he could predict the one who comes down first would be-
"Ah, Ickle Billiekins!" Two grown men engulfed him in a bro hug, and Bill chuckled, "Fred. George. How's the shop going?"
Fred smiled in triumph, "Splendid! We're planning to open our second franchise soon in London!
"Bill!" Ginny pushed away from the twins and hugged him, the complaints of the twins were visible. "Ginny! How are you, lil sis?"
Being the only sister he had, Ginny has a special place in his heart. Everybody knows how spoiled she is with him. The ten-year difference between them doesn't help either.
After catching up with the rest of the family, The Weasleys had a celebratory dinner to celebrate Bill being home for the summer. Ginny and Ron even invited Harry and Hermione, whom Bill knew pretty well because of the war a few years ago.
Molly being the lovable mum she is, kept adding food to his plate, Bill had to ask help from Arthur with pleading eyes. "Now, now, Molly dear, we don't want Bill to have indigestion now, do we?"
"But he's so thin now! Oh, what have they been feeding you at Egypt?"
Bill chuckled, "Mum, I've been like this since Hogwarts."
Molly gave him a motherly smile, "Oh alright. How's Egypt?" She changed the topic, and Bill had never been more grateful, his stomach almost exploded.
Hours after dinner ended, Bill stepped out of the Burrow to puff out a smoke or two. He heard someone opening the door and closing it, footsteps nearing him and Bill was pleasantly surprised to see Harry Potter, the hero a few years ago who defeated the bloody wizard Voldemort.
"You smoke?" He asked in bewilderment. Bill inhaled and kept it in, feeling the nicotine in his system for as long as he could before exhaling the white semi-dense smoke. He kept his views to the tall grass field in front of him, "Got it from my peers back in Egypt. Thought it's a good distraction, and it is."
"Distraction from what?"
"Thinking. So many thoughts and not all of them are pretty. Especially if you have 6 younger siblings and two aging parents." Bill confessed, finally looking at Harry with a small smile, "And now two troublesome future in-laws."
Harry chuckled and diverted his eyes from Bill, a heavy blush at the nickname, "Maybe later, I reckon. Ginny's focusing on her career first and I as an Auror. We have no time for a wedding."
Bill snorted, "Why are you acting like we didn't have Charlie's wedding in the middle of chaos 3 years ago?"
The two men burst into laughter. Looking back, it was amusing to have a wedding ceremony out of nowhere, especially if the night before someone just died- ehem, mad-eye, ehem- anyway. The laughter died down, and comfortable silence began. Harry was looking up to the stars, sighing, "We sure do have a lot of adventures here."
Bill shrugged, "I've been having adventures since I was born, Harry. Adding you into the family isn't that special," He teased and Harry rolled his eyes playfully.
Bill took a final puff and exhaled loudly, dropping the almost finished cigarette to the ground and stepped on it a few times, no one wants a random fire in the middle of the night.
Harry walked back in first, but then he turned back and said, "Maybe you're not the only one getting an in-law soon."
Bill snorted, Harry was referring to Bill about marriage, "Maybe," He said, didn't really want to jinx anything if he says no. Harry smiled at him and entered the Burrow, leaving him alone.
Bill sighed, looking down to the dead roll of cigarette on the ground, "Maybe," He whispered, even when he knew it's not likely.
A few days after that night, Bill got an owl from his peers from Egypt. They invited him to a fancy party in a muggle restaurant in London, something about celebrating their 10th year working in Egypt.
He sighed quietly, he really doesn't want to go, something about being in a crowd exhausts him. But alas, he figured it would be worthwhile to catch up with his friends and enjoy a drink or two.
Who knows, maybe he could find someone there, although that's nearly impossible. Not that Bill cared about blood status, it's more to the scar on his face from Greyback a few years ago.
Who would date a scar-face?
Bill smiled bitterly, this thought kinda hurt him a little bit, but he let it tear down his mood no further. He has a party tonight to attend anyway. A fancy one.
That evening, Bill had whipped out the fanciest suit he could find and had Transfigured his hair into the color of dark brown, for fun. Molly, of course, had her disagreement as ginger hair has become a trademark of a Weasley for so long, but Bill had reassured her it's only for the night.
"Looking fancy, eh? Have a date somewhere?" George teased his older brother, the eldest just chuckled and shook his head, "Got a party at a fancy restaurant in London, had to dress my best."
"Ouch Billie, already forgetting to be a Weasley?" Fred chimed in, faking a hurt expression with his hand on his left chest. Bill rolled his eyes playfully, his dark brown hair sure did look weird after years having ginger as the hue of his hair, "Sod off, Freddie."
"Well, I think you look handsome, Bill," Ginny said suddenly, walking towards her older brother to fix his tie. Bill looked at her in triumph and glared at the twins, "Finally, someone on my side,"
Ginny chuckled and patted his chest when she was done, "I'll always be on your side. Just don't wear it too long, don't want you to forget you're a Weasley."
Bill chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Yes, ma'am."
Apparating to the alley behind the bar, Bill walked in the party looking ravishingly stunning, although he sort of regretting the new color on his head.
"William!" Shouts from his peers made him smile ear to ear. The night was celebrated with a few drinks here and there, Bill had a wonderful time catching up with his friends.
But a few hours later, the said friends had separated into different corners with their partners, leaving Bill, the only one who doesn't have a partner, to be alone.
Bill clicked his tongue, the sudden feeling of wanting to smoke was strong. He hadn't associated himself with this many muggles before. Nevertheless, they're all human beings in the end, magic or not. He checked his watch, it's a quarter past 10, the night is still young.
And so Bill went to the bar section of the restaurant, wanting some alone time from many people. He fished out the cigarette box from his pocket and took one, placing it in between his lips.
Bill inwardly groaned as he remembered he couldn't use magic to light up his cigarette, there are way too many muggles to witness and honestly, he doesn't want to go to Court, especially when the government is still corrupted even after years of Voldemort gone.
He patted around his suit, hoping there is somehow a box of matches resting inside one of his many pockets. The cigarette between his lips was starting to get wet.
Suddenly he heard a flicker, and Bill was met face to face with a tiny light of fire.
Strange, the fire was resting on top of a metallic box with a lid. Bill blinked, and that's when he properly see you.
His eyes met yours, and for the first time in years, Bill Weasley was speechless. It was only when you shook the tiny fire on your hand slightly that he realized that he was staring.
He quickly leaned into the fire to light up his cigarette, nodding to you in gratitude. He took a long inhale, relaxing as the toxic substance entered his system. He exhaled and looked at you with a smile, "Thank you."
You quirked an eyebrow at him, "Did you forgot to bring your lighter or something?" You said, and Bill was slightly surprised at how easily you sparked up a conversation with him.
"I beg your pardon?" He said, and you nudged to the metallic box in your hand, flickering the light up once again, "A lighter. You forgot to bring it?"
So it's called a lighter. Fascinating. Bill thought as he chuckled, "Sort of," he said, not really wanting to say his 'lighter' is a spell.
"Anything you want to drink?" You asked, and that's when Bill realized you were over the other side of the counter, and you were wearing a white blouse and a patterned dark red vest over it. Ah, you're a barista.
Your hair was put on a low ponytail, and Bill suddenly missed his long red hair. Curse this brown short hair.
Bill hold his cigarette in between his index and middle finger, "Just water, please." You raised an eyebrow, "Water? Really?"
Bill chuckled at your teasing demeanor, and you were surprised at how he wasn't offended by your jokes. Your usual customers would usually tell you to shut the fuck up and bring them drinks quietly.
"Home was quite far from here. Don't want to drive home dead drunk now, do we?" Bill chimed, a genuine smile was on his lips. He wasn't this friendly around strangers, but there was this vibe around you that tells him to loosen up and enjoy his time.
You smiled at his remark, he was the friendliest customer of the night so far. "Oh c'mon, you're sitting on a bar! Surely you'll drink something." You said with a playful toothy grin. Once again, Bill chuckled, "Alright then. A glass of wine please."
"Atta boy," You quietly cheered and got to work. Bill watched you silently, occasionally bringing his cigarette onto his lips, somehow the nicotine wasn't as strong as before, now that you're here.
He couldn't pinpoint what was it, but you were... Charming.
"I've never seen you before," You struck up a conversation with Bill again once you delivered his glass of wine. This man before you was ravishingly stunning, would be quite a waste if you just watch this masterpiece from afar.
You could say he was the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on. Even with that scar on his face. The long trailing scar from his temple to his cheek was intimidating at first sight, but when you look at it longer, it's only a scar, nothing more.
If anything, it makes this man before you look more mysterious than he should be.
"I'm from Devon, actually. My friends thought it would be a good idea to have a party here for our 10th-year celebration working at our workplace." You widened your eyes in, letting out a surprised laugh, "Blimey, 3-hour drive for a party?"
Bill shrugged his eyebrows, 'Huh, 3 hours.'
He sipped on his wine and gestured at the bar with his chin, "How long have you been working here... Y/N?" He asked, his eyes lingering on your name tag before coming in contact with your eyes.
You blinked, oh lord give me strength.
The way he said your name was beyond lovely, as if he's saying such poetic words. And the way he looked at you isn't really that much of a help. You felt heat rushing in your cheeks as you turned around to the alcohol collection, not letting this fine man before you see your blush.
"About 3 years already? Got to make money somehow to live," You said nonchalantly, when another customer ordered a drink. You got to it right away fast, wanting to talk more with the mysterious man whose name you didn't even know.
As if reading your thoughts, he said, "I'm William, but my friends and family call me Bill."
You chuckled and throw him a playful look, "Where did Bill come from out of William?" The remark made him laugh, the sides of his eyes crinkled. You smiled in triumph at the successful attempt of making Bill laugh.
"I honestly have no idea," Bill chuckled and inhaled more of the cigarette between his fingers, the nicotine felt less effective by now.
You stood in front of him, with the wooden bar table between you, biting your lip, "And what should I call you? William," You trailed off, feeling the energy between you shifted from light to somehow heavy.
"Or Bill?" You muttered loudly, giving him a slight smirk.
Bill felt it, the energy shift. And for the first time, he didn't mind. "Well," He started, putting the cigarette onto the ash box, killing it instantly. He took the glass wine, swirling it slightly to make the wine well mixed, and right before he sipped the dark liquid, he looked at you, "Surprise me."
You watched him drink the wine with his eyes on you the whole time, and the action made the butterflies in your stomach came alive.
"Y/L/N! No flirting with customers!" The shout from your manager made you flinch in surprise. You looked to the side, your manager looking at you sternly with his hands at his waist.
You smiled mischievously, "But boss, I don't think we're flirting!" You said with fake innocence, batting your eyelashes innocently. You turned to Bill, smiling in a way Bill was reminded of his cheeky twin brothers at home, "Were we flirting, Bill?"
Bill smiled widely with his front teeth on his lower lip, you're something else, Y/N.
"Were we? I can't remember," He chimed in, giving your boss the same innocent smile, making your own smile widen. The boss rolled his eyes and left, leaving you both by yourselves.
A moment of silence before laughter erupted from both of you. "What time does your shift end?" Bill asked as soon as he calmed down, a genuine smile on his lips.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, "At 12," You voiced out, trying so hard to contain your smile. Bill's smile got wider at the sight of your blushed cheeks, "Alright, I'll be here till 12."
"You sure we're not flirting, Bill?" You said playfully. Bill bit his lower lip and looked up at you, "I don't know, Y/N. You tell me,"
"Oh, you're good at this," You breathed out and nodded, impressed by his flirting skills. Bill chuckled and shook his head, "Sometimes. There's just something about you that makes it easier."
The entire two hours were filled with conversations and laughter, some occasionally constantly flirting here and there, but needless to say, Bill was having a great time with you.
You were charming, funny, witty, and absolutely gorgeous in his eyes. He forgot for a moment, that you can see his scar on the side of his face.
Not that you minded it. Bill was everything. He's a gentleman with a beautiful smile and an amazing sense of humor, mysteriously alluring.
By the time the clock starked 12, Bill stood up from his seat and then you realized how tall he was from you. If before he was looking up to you, now it's completely the opposite. Bill had an amused expression over your sudden realization of his height.
"I'll wait for you outside," He said and you nodded with a smile, already tearing off your vest.
The party was long forgotten, some of his friends had already gone home before he even realized it. Once he was outside, he took out another cigarette and snapped his finger, instantly lighting it up. He took a long inhale, warming his system up to fight off the cold air of London. He exhaled and sighed, the cold mist now mixed with the smoke, making it denser than it should be.
Bill then realized he was supposed to be with you later, and a guy with a bad breath is the last impression he wanted you to have of him. And so he reluctantly threw away the barely finished cigarette, crushing it with the bottom of his shoe.
Just then, you came out and walked to him, looking casual with a beanie on top of your head and hair let down from the ponytail before. "Hello, handsome." You said cheekily with a smile.
He smiled at the sight of you, and with his cold hands, he held yours softly. You halted your movement altogether, now looking eye-to-eye to this beautiful man before you. "I couldn't do this to you before because you're working, but," He said softly, and met your knuckles with his lips, kissing it gently.
The blush in your cheeks was prominent, and you felt like a high-school girl all over again, "Hi," You said shyly.
You suddenly felt some sort of courage running through your veins, because without thinking, you grabbed his tie and pulled it towards you, making him closer to you.
"I may have a few shots before coming out here so please don't mind me," You muttered quickly as you pulled him into a kiss. Bill was pleasantly surprised and kissed you back. The makeout turned heated quickly, Bill had to contain himself as he suddenly found a new hunger for your taste.
Whiskey, and smoke.
It was intoxicating. When you pulled away, you were both panting. You later giggled at the sudden courage before, and your laugh being contagious, he started chuckling on his own. Bill was holding your waist tightly, touching as much skin as he could while you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
Never would he thought a few minutes later that he would be running while holding your hand, laughing with each other as you dragged him to your apartment.
Bill had already loosened his tie and tossed his suit around somewhere by the time you're opening the door. He turned you around suddenly from the door and gave you another hungry kiss. You were pressed between the door and him, and you didn't mind.
Reluctantly pulling away giggling, you opened the door sloppily, your mind still hazy by Bill's kiss.
He was a bloody excellent kisser, holy fuck.
The door slammed shut behind you two, and the kissing continued. It was safe to say, Bill Weasley didn't come home that night.
By the time morning came along, you woke up being wrapped around Bill. His naked arms wrapping around your waist and his leg around yours. You smiled and looked up to him, and was surprised at his long red hair.
You chuckled, shaking your head. You trailed kissed from his freckled chest to his neck, making him humming in content. "Good morning, sweetheart," He said groggily. You giggled at his sleepy attempt of kissing your nose.
You reached your hand to caress his long hair and sighed in content, "You know, you could've told me your real hair is ginger."
He hummed sleepily, "Mmm, yeah-wait, what?" He snapped his eyes open and reached for his hair. Indeed, ginger and shoulder length.
He sat up suddenly, looking everywhere but at you, "I-I can explain." He stuttered.
I knew it was a bad idea, he groaned.
He stopped when he saw you looking up to him with amusement, your arm supporting your head, and your hair falling slightly to the side you're leaning on.
"Why aren't you freaking out?" He asked. You smiled, "I know you're a wizard, Bill. Or should I say, Bill Weasley?"
Bill scoffed in surprise, his tense shoulder relaxed, "Why didn't you tell me you knew?"
You sat up, revealing your naked upper body that you had presented to Bill the night before, and kissed him on the cheek, "I figured it wouldn't be fun if I let you know so soon, so I figured I should play along."
Bill was supposed to feel offended, you did lie to him after all. But all he could find in his heart was warmth. He smiled gently, cupping your face and kissing your lips softly.
"You're something else, you know that?" He stifled a laugh as he said it. You joined his laughter and caress his cheek, leaning your forehead together.
"I know."
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | iv
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none
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"HAHA! I GOTCHU NOW LOSER!" Y/N smashed the buttons on her controller, basically on the edge of her bed. A grunt was heard through her headphones, then a loud bang with laughing in the background. Y/N felt her stomach turn at the sound of this, feeling a little left out, but smiled nonetheless.
"HOW'D YOU EVEN DO THAT?!! YOU’RE DOING SOME HACKING MY GUY!" Denki yelled through the laughing in the background, hands pulling at his hair. He seriously couldn't believe it!
"I'm not! I just wanted to show Sero I'm way better at this game than you are. And turns out I am!" Y/N let out a loud laugh, falling backwards onto her pillow. After finding out that 'Tape Dispenser' went to her cousin’s school by hearing his voice in the back of Denki's room, she got to learn more about this Sero dude. She already knew this after their last game a few nights ago, but he was so chill. It was still insane for her to find out that her cousin and online friend went to the same hero school. The coincidences in this world. Y/N thought as she grinned.
"It's okay Kaminari, you still lasted a long time! But you did get brutally beat by Y/N at the end though..." Sero said, trying to raise Denki's low spirits, but only succeeded in making him more miserable. Rustling was heard through Y/N's headphones, making it obvious that there was movement happening.
"You don't understand Sero! THIS IS THE ONLY GAME I COULD FULLY BEAT THIS GIRL IN!" Denki shook Sero by the shoulders, quickly doing the action. Cackling was heard through the speakers while the girl wiped a tear from her eye. Sero laughed along, as he was pushed to the ground by Denki. His arms were crossed as he looked away, upset that Y/N managed to finally beat him in every game they played.
"It's okay Denki, not everyone can be as good as me!" Y/N exclaimed, getting up from her bed to start taping specific parts of her room. Kaminari continued to complain about his defeat to Sero, who only chuckled in response. As she finished taping the bottom of the walls, Y/N sat back on her bed, sighing in content.
"So, how are you? I'm doing terribly after being utterly destroyed by you, by the way." Said Kaminari, opening his water bottle and taking large gulps from it. Y/N felt her face light up as she remembered to tell Kaminari of her future activity.
"Bro, you won't believe this! So, basically, they're actually letting me paint my room! All by myself! How fricking cool is that?!" The girl laughed out loud, jumping on her bed in excitement. Kaminari's eyes widen, in surprise and slight fear, sitting up and taking in the new information.
"Wait, really? But isn't that like extremely dangerous? Cuz of the chemicals and what not??" He tried his best to keep his voice leveled, not noticing Sero look at him weirdly. That guy had no idea what was happening.
"Well, they said that they were gonna do something to the paint so it won't hurt me or anything, I don't know what, but-" Y/N was cut off by an extremely confused Sero. "Wait wait wait, hold on. I don't understand what's happening. How can paint harm you? Besides like...eating it. And what do you mean by 'finally getting to paint your room?’ Silence was the only answer he got. Sero gulped in embarrassment, thinking he asked a really personal question.
"Um, it's nothing du-" A loud 'shhhhhhh' was heard from Y/N, who let out a shaky breath. She never really told anyone, it's not like she could either way, being confined in the hospital room for a long time. She pushed a loose strand of her away from her face, preparing herself to tell Sero.
"Well, the reason is because I basically live in a hospital. I can't go outside, or have 'unpurified' air, as the doctors like to say, meaning my interactions with people and the outside world are extremely limited. That means anything that's not cleared of dust and germs, I guess, can be extremely harmful for me? As pathetic as it sounds, it could actually kill me, haha." It was quiet as Sero took in the information, a large wave of emotions crashing on him. A person shouldn't have to be locked in a room for the rest of their life. Especially someone who is such a sweet person like Y/N.
"I-I'm so sorry to hear that Y/N. If you don't mind me asking, how...how long have you been in the hospital?" The young girl answered with a quick 'Two years', and that's when Sero felt his stomach twist uncomfortably. Kaminari abruptly got up and headed towards his door.
"I'm gonna get something to eat, you want something dude?" Kaminari's voice was low and trembling. It didn't take a genius to see that the blonde haired boy needed some time alone. "No thanks." Kaminari let out a hum, quickly exiting his room and closing the door shut. Sero heard the loud sniffs that slowly faded away, as he hung his head down.
"Hey, you good Sero? That was probably a lot to take in, sorry." Sero shook his head, letting a sad smile adorn his face. "It's fine, really. I actually feel honored that you're comfortable telling me. Feels like we're getting closer, to be honest." He smiled happily, meaning every word he said. And Y/N knew that. "Ha, we are though!" The air was tense, despite the two teenagers being in different rooms.
Y/N went to clear her throat, but was interrupted when a light knock echoed throughout her room. "Someone there?" Sero asked, noticing her silence and hearing the very faint knocking.
"Yeah, um Sero, I'll call you guys later, my doctor wants to talk." Y/N quickly replied, seeing Receen open the door and walk in with his thin suit on. Sero let out an ok and they hang up. Y/N finally took in how the doctor looked, noticeable eye bags under his blue-grey eyes, from lack of sleep. His dark hair slightly tousled, probably from putting on the protective helmet that came with the suit, and a small smile on his welcoming face. And a large container of paint in his left hand. Her eyes immediately lit up.
"What’s up doc? I see you have something in your hand, can I see it closer?" The small girl asked, getting up and making a grabbing motion with her hands. Receen chuckled, lifting up the paint for Y/N to see. Even if he were to hand her the container, she wouldn't be able to hold. She was just too weak. Said girl let out a high pitch 'OOOO ' in excitement.
"I'm not sure if you wanted more, but we managed to get you your favorite color! This should be enough to paint the room, you can even put a second layer if you want." Receen walked over to where Y/N put all the equipment, opening the container of paint. And with a low grunt from him, the lid was opened. Y/N watched with amazement as the doctor poured the soft looking paint into a tray. She picked up a roller near her, and drowned the roller in paint, the white fluff getting covered in color.
The two began painting, Y/N's hand shaking every now and then. After painting half the room, they sat in silence, resting for a while. Receen seemed to be tense, though Y/N didn't seem to notice since she was too happy to speak. Receen let out a breath, breaking the silence, causing Y/N to look towards him.
"I didn't get to ask you how you were, did I Y/N? How are you?" Said girl let a beaming smile spread on her face, causing Receen to slightly squint his eyes from the intensity of her smile. "Honestly, I haven't felt this happy in a very long time! I actually still can't believe you guys really let me do this! Thank you so much!"
Receen gave her a small smile while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not a problem, you could’ve asked sooner and gotten this done a long time ago. You've been here for two years, so please don't be afraid of asking for things!" At the mention of her time spent in the hospital, Y/N lowered her head, causing Receen to wince. Well, might as well tell her. The doctor cleared his throat and began to talk.
"Y/N, as you are aware, I, along with many other doctors and scientists, have been working hard for you to be able to go outside again. To see your family, hug them, be a normal kid again." There was a pause and that alone caught Y/N's attention. She looked up at him. "There is a way for you to finally do that, Y/N."
Shock evident on the girl's face, she abruptly stood up and faced the doctor. There was absolutely no way anyone could have found a cure for someone like her. Someone who had an incurable sickness. Someone who was too sick, to even have medicine. He's lying. Y/N narrowed her eyes at the grown man sitting in front of her.
"With all due respect Doctor, I highly doubt that ​​that's possible. Cuz, y'know? I basically have an incurable disease? I mean, like, even if you did manage to find a way for me to leave this place, how do you even know it's gonna work? I don't think you've tried this medicine since no one in recorded hospital documents in the past have had people like that checked in before-"
"How do you even know that?"
"-so how do you truly know it'll work?" Y/N quickly finished, completely ignoring his statement. Receen sighed, scratching his head. "We live in a world where quirks exist. Would you believe me if I told you centuries ago that the human race would evolve to have super powers? It's kind of like that, but not really." Y/N eyed him suspiciously. He's avoiding the question.
Receen looked straight at the girl standing in front of him. He felt slightly intimidated by her piercing gaze. He quickly looked away and got up, towering over Y/N's small frame. Then he smiled. "Y/N, you are a very sweet girl, no doubt about it. I know how much you want to get out of here, and I want to help you. My team has created this almost perfect pill, especially suited for your sickness. I know you're very cautious, just like your mother, but I can only reassure you, that these are your ticket out of here." He pulled out the bottle from his protective suit, shaking it in front of [Y/N].
Her eyes widened as she restrained herself from reaching out and snatching the bottle. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she pulled herself together. Crossing her arms and slightly tilting her upwards, she looked into the doctor's bright eyes. "There's always a catch when it comes to these kinds of things. What's the price if I take these? My lifespan shortens, I only have five hours to go outside, it drugs me or something?"
"I'm hurt you think I would just give you these without setting out the consequences." There was a slight glint in his eyes before it quickly disappeared. Y/N hummed, urging the doctor to continue.
"There are exactly 15 pills in here. And consuming just one of these bad boys right here, would allow you to go outside! Though, time is very important when taking these. You'd have 10 hours before the pills effects wear off. These would dull your hypersensitive senses, but not to a point where you can't feel, smell or do anything. No no, it'd just be like how you were before. You'd feel slightly dizzy and be a little itchy, but besides that, nothing too extreme. It just dulls all your body senses down." Receen gave Y/N a small smile. She looked a little weary, unsure if what he said was true. She looked at the bottle then back to Doctor Receen, fingers twitching every now and then. Breathing in and letting it out slowly, Y/N stared straight into the doctor's eyes.
If I take these, I can finally go out. I can hug mom and dad, I can be around Denki again. I can meet Sero face to face and feel the grass again! I can be... happy again. But if these don't actually work, I'd immediately die on the spot. I'd be able to go outside though. Aah, so much going outside, I can meet new people! I don't wanna spend the rest of my days slowly rotting away in here anyway.
"So Y/N, are you going to take them or let all our time go to waste?"
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Sero looked at his hands solemnly, thinking about what Y/N had told him. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, then lightly slapped his cheeks to stop the wave of emotions from spilling out.
"Yo, you good dude? It's not everyday I see someone willingly slapping themselves." Kaminari chuckled, walking in and closing the door with his foot as he carried a soda bottle and a bag of chips towards the boy sitting on his bed. Sero grinned, feeling the sadness of everything wash away.
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. But what about you though? After we had that conversation, you were, well, umm... kind of out of it." Kaminari froze, letting a dejected smile appear on his face. Dragging a hand down his face, he let out a sorrowful laugh.
"She's my best friend. My first real, true friend. She's basically my sister at this point. So when she collapsed that day, I felt my whole world crashing down. She is the sweetest, the most kindest, person I have ever met. She never let me degrade myself, alway cheered me up when people called me stupid." Kaminari rubbed his eyes, opening the bag of chips and plopping one of them into his mouth.
"It hasn't been the same ever since she left, her parents barely come over anymore, and they're always so sad whenever I see them. My own parents aren't the same either, they treated her like their own daughter. I can't even begin to imagine how Y/N feels about this all. She was the top in our grade, highest scores in our test. No one could compare to her. M-my heart breaks for her. She lost everything." Sero let that information sink in, thinking about how she was before. He smiled as he saw Kaminari's shoulders begin to shake. He cares so much for her.
He put his hand on his shoulder, watching Kaminari slowly lift his face towards him. "Come here you emotional ball of feelings." Being the friendly guy he is, Sero gave the sobbing boy a hug, cuz hugs fix everything.
"No homo though bro." And with that, they both laughed out loud, continuing their bro day.
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 17
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 2.73K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔞/𝔫: bro DAYUM...that's it, that's all i have to say
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear |@mangminnie | @pixiekooo
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“Kim Taehyung, you have 5 minutes to escort yourself to the vehicle.”
Why do things like this always seem to happen to you?
A man of nearly 6 foot towers over the both of you, burly and very upset.
He wears a suit, one that reminds you of the kind that FBI agents wear. His is one of a large frame, but not necessarily overweight. He has a face that might have been handsome when he was younger, but you can tell by his receding hairline and tired eyes that he’s at least in his middle ages. Perhaps 40-50 years in age.
Dark, small eyes, and a deeply tanned face which naturally sets into a scowl, do nothing to help his already aging features. It makes him seem truly terrifying as if he were an angry parent finally tracking down his rebellious teenager. His eyes are small, almost too small for his face sparkling with malicious anger.
Though he is still handsome, and there isn't necessarily anything wrong with him, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy. He exuberates intimidation and power, a very menacing essence that makes you shift away from him, shrinking into yourself.
You look from him to Taehyung, hardly noticing the way you have nervously grabbed onto his arm. Taehyung meets the man's gaze with a steady one of his own, unfazed by the anger which seems to pulsate off him in waves. He raises his eyebrow a bit, a smug look coating his face as he regards the man with narrowed eyes.
“W-who are you?” You ask, a bit timidly, regarding the new arrival cautiously. As his eyes shift from Taehyung to you, he grows livid, especially when he catches sight of your linked hands.
You notice his pointed look and start a bit, letting go of Taehyung’s arm; trying to pull your hand out of his grasp, but Tae doesn't let you. Instead, he holds tight, a sign of defiance.
You give him a look, and he gives you a sideways glance, one that makes you stop struggling. You roll your eyes in return, raising them to the man. He practically growls at you before you quickly glance away, staring at the ground instead.
“Leave her alone, Minhyuk,” Taehyung says, a bit wearily, and pulling you closer to him. You can feel your cheeks heat up, against your will, and avoid the man’s watchful stare. You bite your lip nervously, choosing to focus on Taehyung holding your hand instead. The man scowls your way, and in mere protective instinct, Tae pulls you closer to his side, his eyes darkening.
All he knows is he doesn't want to let you go.
Not yet anyway.
“He’s my bodyguard,” Taehyung explains, and your heart drops to the bottom of your gut in alarm. He gives you a disinterested look, raising his eyebrow sardonically. He doesn't deny the position and he certainly exuberates the kind of scary atmosphere most bodyguards have.
“The bodyguard whom you leave in the dust half the time.” Minhyuk snaps, crossing his arms. Taehyung only rolls his eyes, sighing as though he’s heard this before.
You can't help but feel as though you're stuck in the middle of a fight and want so badly to escape and wait it out...if only Taehyung would let go of your hand. You don't know why he wants to continue to hold it, and the only reason you can think of is that he wants to bother his bodyguard as much as possible.
In reality, your hand is the only thing keeping him grounded at the moment.
“We have an agreement,” Taehyung says, almost exhaustingly, putting the attitude on thick. You yank on his arm as if that will shock some respect into his stubborn body, but he just gives you a small sideways glance. “You let me have a bit of my freedom when I’m outside alone and I give your daughter all the BTS perks she could want.”
You give Tae a surprised look, but if he notices, he doesn't show it, choosing instead to focus on his bodyguard.
You didn't know that was even allowed, and to be honest, it might not be, especially if BangPD doesn't know about it.
And from the looks of things…
...BangPD has no idea.
“Thank God for Mia because without her I would have never agreed to such a ridiculous deal!” Minhyuk sighs in exasperation, one much like the ones that you've heard your mother give whenever you are being difficult.
Taehyung gives a slight scoff, rolling his eyes and turning to you.
You wonder what he thinks he’s going to gain by looking at your face.
A reprieve?
Nevertheless, he turns to you and carefully plucks your satchel off of your shoulders. You grasp for it, not willing to let it leave your side, but Tae gives you a look that tells you to trust him. You sigh, reluctantly letting him pull it off of your shoulders before he turns to Minhyuk once more.
“You know I could lose my job because of you, have you ever thought of that?” Minhyuk is shouting, continuing his rant.
“Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Would you hold this?” Taehyung asks, handing it to Minhyuk who takes it rather begrudgingly. You don't exactly like the careless way Minhyuk holds it, dangling from his massive hands at his side, but you keep your mouth shut, biting back an angry retort. Now is not the time to get an angry gorilla man on your bad side.
You don't mean for him to notice your look, but he does and glances at the satchel then back at you, a bit dumbfounded. You quickly look away at the glance, missing the apologetic look that passes over his face. He sighs, silently softening his grip on the satchel and carefully placing it on his shoulder.
“Could you at least text me whenever you want to leave? It would have been that simple. Then I wouldn't have Mr. Bang breathing down my neck because you didn't attend rehearsal on time.” He says, tiredly rubbing his temple as Taehyung turns to you once more, taking both of your hands in his own. You give Taehyung a silent scolding look and he sighs, shrugging.
“I’m sorry, I guess it slipped my mind.” He says half to you, and you let out a disappointed sigh. How could things like this just slip his mind? “You see, I was a bit occupied.”
Taehyung kneels and takes your ankle in his hands, presenting it to the bodyguard. You almost fall with the sudden action and have to rest your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. He smirks up at you, whispering.
“This is what you get.”
You look at him in befuddlement, so confused as to what the purpose of that was.
That is until you hear Minhyuk gasp from in front of the two of you.
“My God, is she okay?!”
Eyes widening, you give Taehyung a look as he lets go of you and rises, taking your hands off of his shoulder and into his palms. He runs his thumb over the top of your palm quite distractingly, and you wonder if he can feel your pulse flutter.
“That is low.” You hiss to him, and his smirk grows wider as he looks at you, trying his hardest to keep his self-satisfaction in. You think of pulling your hands away, just to spite him, but you’ve tried that before. So instead, you decide to stab him on the inside of his palm with your nail, which he jumps at.
Now it's your turn to smirk, and you look at his stupefied expression, quite pleased with yourself. He presses his tongue against his cheek, his mouth slightly open as though the stakes have just been upped in a poker match and he was being tested to how far he was willing to take the bet. Looking toward Minhyuk quite audaciously, he nods his head in response to his question.
“She will be….” He starts, his voice coated with thick mock emotion before he slowly draws his eyes to you. “....once we get her home.”
You narrow your eyes at him, absolutely refusing his suggestion.
He is not going to drive you home like some little damsel in distress, not when you can take perfectly good care of yourself. Besides, he has to get back to work. You could wait for the rain out and then wait for the bus to come back to take you home, it's not that big of a deal. You pray that Minhyuk doesn't fall for the bait and takes the realistic viewpoint, but…..
“You're right. We could drop her off on the way to BigHit. After all, you're already late, what're a few more minutes? Help her to the car, Taehyung, I’ll take her stuff.” Minhyuk says, turning to go.
Eyes widening with alarm, your mouth opens with protest as you turn to object, but he’s already gone, Taehyung smiling smugly as he walks away. Growling almost, you turn to him, shoving him in his shoulder. He laughs as you do, as though it didn't hurt it all. You weren't exactly trying to hurt him, but you find him laughing at you equally as annoying as his little asinine expression on his face.
“What?” he asks, feigning innocence.
“You shouldn't be driving me home, you should be going back to work!” You scold, poking him in the chest, still shocked by his little charade. “You know I’ll be fine. All I would have to do is wait for the bus to come back. Why are you avoiding your responsibilities just to help me when you don't have to?”
As you speak, his face falls into an unreadable expression.
A serene look, one with wide eyes and surprise mixed with something else. All the smugness and playful attitude are gone. It's a look that unsettles you, and you swallow hard. You almost want to push him further, say something that has him finally look at things seriously, but you don't.
You don't know that this whole time, he has been taking everything seriously.
He didn't want to leave you alone, not when you were hurt, not even when you were by yourself, just minding your own business. This whole situation is serious to him, even if he found it hilarious to tease you and bother you all day, he was just trying to find reasons to spend time with you.
Just trying to find ways to stay by your side.
He steps closer to you and you swallow hard, regarding him with cautious eyes.
What is he going to do?
You plead with him to say something, erase that expression from his eyes, give you some sort of implication. The hazelnut color isn't as vibrant anymore, it's a shade darker, turning his eyes into a color that reminds you of cocoa or warm milk tea. It’s a color that accents those copper flecks making it seem as though the sun was dancing within.
You stare into them with wide eyes of your own, your breath shortening and your heart beating at a million miles per minute.
“You want me to leave you alone?” he whispers, softly, his voice deep and thick. You don't answer him, glancing away for a bit.
In that mere moment of distraction, he takes the opportunity.
He leans close to you, pressing his lips right next to your ear, the warm feeling of his breath on your neck causing shivers to run down your spine. A sensation you haven't felt in a while, and catches you off guard, near stopping your heart. You go still, as though he would disappear if you made the slightest movement.
You don't want him to disappear.
“What if I can't do it?” he inquires, the sound of his voice reverberating in your eardrums causing you to take a shaky breath. Your eyes grow wide as he pulls away.
He tilts his head at your reaction, his smile growing. It's a sweet, affectionate smile, one not many people have given you. He reaches out to you in response, his hand brushing your cheek softly before tucking your hair behind your ear. The touch sends shivers down your spine and you can't move.
You're at war with yourself.
You want to give in to his touch, close your eyes and bask in the soft, gentle touch that is his and only his.
But you don't give in, you can't give in.
You have to ignore the way it makes you feel and resist falling into some delusion that he could care about you. You can't handle that heartbreak...
Not again.
His eyes hazy as he looks at you and a slight smile playing on his lips, he licks them before swallowing hard and trailing his hand past the skin behind your ear and down the side of your neck. You don't mean to, but you let out a sharp inhale of breath at the touch and close your eyes for a moment before raising them to his.
He blinks a bit in astonishment at the way you look at him, faltering a bit before, gingerly securing his hand behind your neck. Each finger tapping down on your skin as they secure their hold, a gentle touch that pulls you closer. He smiles at you for a moment, as the hand mixes into the wet tangles of your hair.
“See? Even now it's hard to stay apart for long.” He murmurs, and you narrow your eyes at him, trying to hide the smile that begins to grow by pursing your lips together.
His hand trails slowly down, before resting on the small of your back and pulling you even closer. Instinctively, you keep a hand out, as though to distance yourself as it presses against his chest.
He smiles, his eyes sparkling once more with mischief before reaching down and hooking his arm around your knees; buckling them over his arm as he lifts you once more.
You cry out as he does, the hand on his chest quickly securing its hold behind his neck. You are not going to take any chances this time. He smiles at you once you are settled and you give him a look.
“This again?” you ask, raising your eyebrow a bit. He nods, mutely taking off his hat and securing it on your head, purposefully making sure it goes halfway down your face. Narrowing your eyes you adjust it, making sure it fits right on your head. Feigning annoyance, you poke him in retaliation, right in his cheek. He holds his hand to his face in mock shock before your pout turns into a smile and you laugh, resting your hands around his neck once more.
“Onward, my young stallion.” You say, your voice taking on a bit of a British accent, and he plays along a bit of a twinkle in his eye before he begins to walk forward.
You can feel it as it begins to pound down once more on the two of you and the soft pelting sound as it dapples on Taehyung’s hat. But all you can think about is the rush of adrenaline that arises once he takes off running. As though the rain were some sort of poison from the sky. The roar of the storm and the deafening sound of thunder mixes with the roar in your ears and the sound of resounding laughter as you cling desperately to Taehyung.
He smiles, underneath your touch, the same feelings and emotions coursing through his veins as his feet slap on the concrete ground, splashing up puddles of rainwater along with him. His feet stomp quickly to a stop as he nears the car and he opens the door, setting you down securely inside. Though the movement is quick, he is so gentle and careful to make sure he doesn't damage your injury before you are secure.
As he sets you down, you almost reluctantly pull your hands from him but only to remove the hat he gave you and hand it back to him. He takes it from you slowly, before placing it back on his hair. You smile up at him, before flicking the brim of the hat.
“See you on the other side.”
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: okay you know that moment when you reread something and you forget for a moment that you wrote that? yeeah that's me. right now. at this moment.
chapter 18 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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A Marriage Arrangement with death pt2
Ya'll Im really starting to like this series and get ideas lets GET IT
Guys also @subbing-for-clones has a great Savage Story please go read it, it could replace my air and I'd thrive
Also read Part one or part three
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Y/n stood at the large windows, the world red below her. She sighed rubbing her cheek that stung after all this time.
The doors opened but she didnt bother turning around.
"Y/n?" Savage asked.
"Hi again..." she responded.
"Is. Is there something wrong?" He asked.
"Then I was sent to the wrong chambers."
"You weren't."
Savage stopped himself from leaving, "My mother ordered this."
He walked back towards her, closer than he first arrived but still a distance away in the large room.
"She didn't like the adventure we went on." Y/n informed.
"Did something happen while we were in the village then?"
"No. The village was great, shes just... being morherly." Y/n tried to cover up.
Yeah right, her mom was physco.
He walked up behind her, his hand falling on her shoulder as she was silent. Her body tense at the touch.
"Your lieing." Savage spoke attemlting to sooth her as she did him, he attempted in carassing her cheek bur winced at the touch.
Furrowing his brown he turned her head.
"This happened at the village?"
She pushed him away and turned her back to him, "My. Mother...it was part of punishment for leaving with you. The other half was to convince a child tonight..."
"Sleep." He told her but she ignored him, "please, I will deal with this in the morning."
"You need it more than me. Please." She told him.
"Then together." He told her, causing her to flush.
"okay" she spoke quietly.
The both walked over going to there respected sides as Y/n sat down, back facing him as she pulled off the sandals given to her as slow was possible, then standing up hoping to not make eye contact with him, and quickly slipped into bed, the room already dark, and the only light coming from the large windows.
The bed shifted, Y/n with her back still too him as she slept on her side and was sursingly able to fall asleep.
Somwhere during there slumber Savage had pulled her shivering body into his arms, both sleeping peacefully, until some damn bird started making noise bright and early.
She groaned sitting up, the bird won't stop.
"Bro! Shut up!-"
She stopped mid rant to see Savage looking at her, sitting up on his side of the bed and putting on his shoes.
"I uh..." Y/n spoke clearing her throat and fixing her bed head, "Good moring."
She quickly turned her back towards him.
"I was unaware you could say anything above a whisper." Savage spoke.
Was. Was he teasing her.
"Yeah.." Y/n spoke, slipping on her sandals, and her small shawl she had over her sholders.
She stood up making her way towards the door, "I must go see my mother. I. I will see you later?"
Savage only gave a curt nod as she smiled softly, walking out the room with the smile and making it to her mother's room.
"Finally your here! You can never be on time!" Her mother argued.
Y/n only apologized and let her mother start up the rant. It was too early for it and after the small reassurance of seeing Savage later she smiled.
He had slowly started to grow on her, they were on there way to being semi-friends atleast. It was an odd relationship, with odd beginnings.
But Y/n frowned thinking of what these nightsisters did to him, none of the men at the village were tall and built like Savage.
"Dress in this! Maybe your looks will make for yestedays Error!" Her mother argued giving her the chlothes.
"Yes Mother." Y/n responded bluntly, still looking out the window.
Y/n quickly snapped her head away and went to grab the items, bowing her head in goodbye she rushed off to her own chambers, where she was alone, dressing as asked, and gladly by herself she stood in the red robes, looking out the window once more.
The door opened as Y/n turned her head, Mother Talzin walking in the room a nightsister behind her.
"My child. It will be time soon. Please sit."
Y/n slowy walked over doing as told.
She sat at the small couch across from Mother Talzin.
"Please. Drink." She spoke a cup appearing out of thin air infront of Y/n.
"Thank you." Y/n spoke grabbing the chalice with two hands.
"It was made clear to me that you had an incounter with our men."
Y/n stayed silent for a moment what should she say?
"Yes Mother Talzin." She spoke quietly, "Your people are very nice. I was telling Viscus the mens leader, that it is a shame that this planet and her people are judged by glances rather than character."
Taking a drink from the chalice she kept quiet until asked any further words.
"So Savage has exceed your expectations child?"
"Ah- Well!" Y/n spoke a flush coming to her cheeks, "We're becoming acquainted yes."
"Good," Mother Talzin spoke, "it would be a shame if a war would happen between our people."
Y/n nodded as Mother Talzin stood, "Now. Shall we contuie with this binding."
Y/n stood up, Mother Talzin fixing the hood over Y/n's head as they walked off together. It was a silent walk. They hadnt rehearsed or anything. Soon bring brought to there under ground system and to an Alter, one that was sacared. Her mother and Count Dooku already there along with Savage.
She sat down next to him, both of them on ther knees infront of the three powerful people.
The ceremony Y/n didn't listen to much, she actually didnt listen to any of it. Being zoned out in her own trace and wasnt snapped out of it until Y/n's hand was grabbed and sliced on a blade making her grit her teeth and wince, her hand and Savages being forced to hold and fingers to intertwine, then tied together.
Some more words were said and that was the end of it. She was ment to be happy? How could she? Sure, she was starting to know Savage. But truly? She wasnt happy. She didnt know this man.
"It is a pleasure to be in War Pact and Unification." Her mother spoke.
The two were untied and Savage was the first up, holding out a hand for her as she thanked him softly.
"We will unify and complete our religious ceremony at my home world." Mother Miranda spoke.
"Of course. We wouldn't have it any other way." Mother Talzin spoke.
"And will finish in signing the treaty Count Dooku?"
"Yes but of course."
Savage glanced at Y/n, she kept her head down and looked down, obient.
"This way now. We must leave as quick as possible to finish preparations at home." Mother Miranda spoke.
Y/n followed and after Savage.
They were on the ship within ten mintues, Y/n sitting in her small cabin as Savage was to share the space with her.
"You are not out front." He spoke, "why?"
"I am not allowed." Y/n responded, "but you've been out there...what does hyperspace look like?"
He stood a seat next to her, "its. Bright...blues and whites..."
"Sounds interesting..."
"It's unimaginable." He contuied, "seeing it for the first time...its...relieveing in a way..."
Y/n listened, feeling his glance on her, was he calmer now that he was gone from Count Dooku and Dathomir all together? It seemed that way.
He seemed to catch himself though, "you'd have to see it for yourself."
Y/n nodded, "I hope to one day."
It was akward silence again, Savage had never felt so free but trapped at the same time.
This woman- was his wife now. He'd have to listen to anything she said...
"Look...Savage..." Y/n spoke up, " I know. The woman on your planet arent the nicest to you- but just. Be you. Don't feel like your under me or anything. "
...then again she wasnt like that, she personally wanted his personality, not to breed. They were both in the same predicament but Y/n still wanted him to be him. Not that he knew much of himself. It made Savage want to please her to the best of his abilites, either it be in combat or as a person. To him she leaned more on the personal side, wanting to learn words rather than learn combat.
Y/n stayed still and silent after her statement all she knew was that he contuied to stare at her.
"You remind me of hyperspace." He responded.
"Um...thank you?" Y/n thanked, "uh- why exactly? Like I said I haven't really been able to see it..."
"Your unimaginable."
That was a compliment? It sure felt like one.
"Thank you." Y/n responded her cheeks going red her gaze at her lap.
She tensed slightly feeling a hand on her waist. Wait.
Was he going to kiss her?
Keeping her gaze down, she felt his hand pull her closer.
She kept quiet, as her shoulder pressed into his chest, her heart beating a mile a mintue.
But a droid opened the door and Savage pulled away.
"Mother Miranda request that you get ready for landing. Within the next five mintues."
"Of course. Tell my mother I will be out."
The droid left as Y/n stood up, pulling away from Savage.
He only watched her go as she walked to where they would lounge.
"Ah Y/n! Sorry if I intruppted you." She spoke.
Sorry? Y/n was extremely confused
"You never can have to lomg to make a child-"
There it was.
Y/n looked out the window, already in her home worlds atmosphere, and it made her wonder, the bright blues and white, something unimaginable. Savage had described hyperspace to her but looking out the window she couldnt picture it.
Her mother talked and she only with "Yes mother" the whole time round, it was the best answer.
Savage had stayed in the room. Thinking abour what was happening, he was really married now.
It was odd. Wasnt he suppose to be an assassin? He was an assassin, he had found Jedi and been trained by Count Dooku, so why was he here? Why did he marry an outworlder?
What was the point?
He looked up from his spot where he sat Y/n in the door way, "The ships landed. We can exit."
He stood up as Y/n shrunk, it would take some time getting use to the size difference.
Walking towards her, Y/n smiled softly,
"Um. It can be a bit overwhelming. It always is to me." She told him holding out her hand, "so uh. Yeah..."
He sursingly grabbed her hand as she nodded smally, "Yeah um this way."
Y/n lead him off the ship, her mother already gone to finish what she had left behind.
"This is uh...my home then..." Y/n responded, both standing in the shadow of the ship.
"Its. Bright."
"Yeah I dont like light that much either..." Y/n responded, "but um yeah..."
Akward- yet again.
They walked forward on the Marbel hanger floor as they started towards the castle.
People who were passing in and out of the castle either on bussniess or leasier were shocked to see well...Savage in general.
" Y/n?" A teen walked up to her.
"Ah. Uh. Fresco. This is Savage..." y/n responded pulling the hood off her head, "Savage this is my brother. He's now your brother though, so please. Take him."
"Hey. Last time I check we're were always stuck to each other like glue." Fresco spoke, "Plus Ezio won't get out my ass about you."
"Well. Im sure we can catch up at dinner." Y/n responded, "And father?"
"He's father." He spoke.
Y/n nodded, "Well I am going to show Savage around. Please if you need anything dont ask me."
"Wow. Such a loving big sister."
The two chuckled as Y/n smiled at him.
"Go get into trouble."
"You know I always do."
He ran off as Y/n still was hand in hand with Savage.
"You have brothers."
"Yes...9 of them." Y/n spoke, "but please, my family is yours. Though Im sure you wouldn't want my mother as your mother."
Thats when Y/n heard it, the Zabrack besides her laughed well chuckled.
But it was something, she smiled at him a warmth coming to her cheeks and ears. Maybe..this marraige wouldn't turn out so bad.
"Savage." Y/n spoke, "You have a wonderful laugh."
He himself got flustered now, chuckling nervously as Y/n smiled at him. Both of them flustered by the other.
Y/n had the sudden urge of wanting to kiss him, unknowing if the feeling was mutual she kept her emotions inside. She could see him opening up more to her, and they actually have a relationship that would start off small, but that'd be okay and she was glad he wasnt as jumping at her as she had feared.
"Come on. I'll show you around," Y/n spoke, "I don't know your intrest really. So tell me. What do you like to do on your spare time."
"Spare time?" He asked.
Y/n nodded, "read? Write?"
"I do not have much free time." He told her.
"Oh." Y/n spoke as they walked, "Perhaps you could try something I enjoy?"
Oh what was that? Flowers Pressing? Flower picking? Flower crowns? Maybe it was dress shopping.
"And what is that?" He asked.
"Archery and Dueling." Y/n smiled.
That sounded better than dress shopping.
"You fight?" He asked.
"Yes." Y/n smiled, "and you do as well?"
Gesturing to his saber on his belt he nodded.
"Well then lets go and duel!" Y/n smiled pulling him along, "come on!"
Increasing his pace he let her lead him, dragging him all throughout the castle and into a room. When inside they heard the crashing of metal on metal. A three person battle, one v one v one.
Y/n smiled pulling Savage along as the group fought, covered in different color armour one was thrown out of bounce as he groaned. The one on one battle not lasting long as the sword was tossed to the side and the man was brought to his knees.
"Not bad."
The three took there helmets off as the two boys looked at the woman.
"Thank you margie." The two boys spoke.
"Of course." The woman smiled, "now if you'd excuse me I have to get back to my barracks"
The boys nodded as they bowed there head in thanks and the soilder left, raising there heads they seen Y/n.
"Y/n!" They cheered rushing over, both of them twins.
"Did you see me! I totally kicked Alexanders ass!"
"Uh Margie kicked my ass not you Catasach." He protested.
"Oh please. Im better I came our first." Catasach boasted as Alexander rolled his eyes.
"Is that your husband?" Alexander asked.
Y/n nodded, "Boys this is Savage Opress. Savage the twins, Alexander and Catasach."
"Are you a wizard-"
"Dude what the hell!"
"What?! Arent all from Dathomir witches and wizards."
"Wizards dont exist."
"Yes they do-"
"No there sorcerer."
"Same thing, just without a hat"
"Your 15 you should know the diffrence."
"And your 15 you should know there is no big diffrence."
"They'll be at this all day." Y/n told Savage.
"There diffrent! They're not similar!"
"Oh yeah? You wanna try and prove me wrong!"
"Lets go short ass!"
"Try me!"
"Boys can we use-" Y/n tried to cut in but they had both grabbed there gear and took starting postions in bounce, "Or we can try something else."
Savage laughed again, again. It was nice to hear his deep chuckle.
"I forget what it is like to be surronded by brothers." Savage responded to her previous remark, "Show me them all. Let me meet your brothers. All of them."
Y/n looked up at him and smiled, "Follow me then. Jacob is usually tending to his plants in the garden! You should see the Venus fly trap he has! Its bigger than you Savage!"
Part three
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phoenixdnasty · 4 years
The Problem with Season Five
this is already going to have a lot of you in the replies yelling at me. obviously, massive SPOILERS for s5 of she ra and the princesses of power if you haven't already seen it.
okay, so She Ra is definitely a kids' show, but it has a lot of themes aimed towards an older audience: abuse, war, found family, destiny and knowing who you are. I loved She Ra because it made me feel empowered, made me feel seen. after this last season, however, I don't feel the same. I will, however, talk about what it did well.
What She-Ra s5 did RIGHT
I very much enjoyed seeing the character development for most characters come to the forefront here. For example, SW returned to her original motivations. When she lived in Mystacor with the other sorcerers, her thirst for power was borne of a desire to fight the Horde. When she was rejected, then she chose to do what she did. We see a return to that in s5, where she takes a stand against Prime by enlisting Castaspella to stop her if she tries to take any power for herself. She ends up just wanting to help, to do what she can, which was excellent. Glimmer, Bow and a bunch of other characters are given some love here as well. I especially enjoyed seeing Bow and Mermista take on leadership positions in the absence of Adora; it was an excellent look into another facet of their personalities.
Character interactions in non-serious moments were, for the most part, good. Swift Wind and Scorpia being bros was not something I knew I needed but something I want more of. Netossa basically being Batman and knowing the weaknesses of everyone around her was great and an iconic scene. Bow thinking Catra was super adorable was also an excellent moment in the season and I could watch 9 more seasons worth of that. Something that surprised me was Entrapta's "not good with people"-ness being talked about and addressed by the other characters and explained by her; I wasn't sure if that was ever gonna be talked about in the show.
Side note: thank you Crew-Ra for giving Scorpia her own musical number, it was great.
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Prime was also a fascinating enemy. He's this sort of religious figure, this world destroyer who's been around for seemingly centuries, maybe much longer. He's cold, calm and calculated. I've seen it pointed out that he's everything Hordak is not. He's manipulative, knows body language and facial expressions, and has a perfect grasp on how to get exactly what we wants. My favorite aspect of this season was the hive mind control. This was a very interesting plotline to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed HiveMind!Catra as well as Wrong Hordak. I loved the idea of pitting allies against each other and the angst and emotional weight that carried.
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Going to use that point to segue into one of this season's strengths: Netossa and Spinnerella. Wow! We get a chance to see what a healthy queer/wlw relationship looks like, and two background characters get major upgrades in relevance. Two diversity points for one being a big girl and for the couple being interracial (in our world anyway), but diversity is the norm is SPOP and we might have to stan forever. It was extremely heartwarming and resulted in one of my favorite scenes to ever show up in animated media (one which I'll be stealing to add to my vows if I ever get married):
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It was beautiful and I will absolutely never shut up about it.
There were some beautiful moments this season!! Absolutely gorgeous. A highlight for me cinematically was episode 5, which will probably bother some people when I say what I will below. I will be honest, the new transformation sequence and the scene of Adora holding Catra as She-Ra was powerful and had my heart pounding with excitement. It was awesome.
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On the other hand...
What She-Ra s5 did WRONG
I'm going to break my issues with the final season down one by one, starting with the narrative of abuse.
From the very beginning, abuse is the most prevalent theme in the show. Prime (HP) abuses Hordak, Hordak abuses SW, SW abuses both Adora and Catra, and Catra abuses Adora. I liked the Crew-Ra tackling this issue. Abused people abuse people, right?
Why was everyone redeemed in s5? (Well, except for Prime, he was blasted away by She-Ra.) Hordak was given a blank slate to start over, even though he was the reason Etheria was war torn for at least a few decades; SW was given a hero's sacrifice, where at the end of her life she finally decides to do some good; and Catra is immediately forgiven for doing one good thing and all trust in placed in her simultaneously.
Hordak and H. Prime as abusers are pretty cut and dry; at no point are they ever remorseful for their actions, except for Hordak in the case of being abusive to Entrapta. SW is much more of an interesting character to analyze, because her motivations are geared directly towards herself. This seems to change in the final season, when she returns to her original motivations from back when she was in Mystacor. Defending her home. In her pursuit of the power needed to defend Etheria from the Horde, she fell into darkness. She began to abuse Adora and Catra.
One could argue that the hero's sacrifice she was given for redemption was unneeded. SW was an individual addicted to power. She was manipulative, using fake affection as a means to control. She didn't deserve a redemption. The only evidence we have of this supposed change of heart is a line to Castaspella: "...and stop me if I try to take the power for myself." Okay... so, SW, um... what changed your mind? Was it Micah? Because at no point has he forgiven you. In fact, there should've been much more hostility between the two of you (which is a point I'll address in a moment). In all honesty, the relationship between SW and Micah reminds me of what should've happened between Catra and Glimmer, or Catra and Scorpia.
And Catra... My problem with her story is that she was kinda just... forgiven? instantly. no repercussions, no long talks about feelings, no... consequences. Catra got the girl and that was it. A small list of things she did over 4 seasons, in no certain order:
Scratched what was implied were scarring marks down Adora's back
Was the cause of Angella's "death" #angelladeservedbetter
Kidnapped both Glimmer and Bow
Opened a world-ending portal all to ensure Adora failed
Also pushed Adora into what looked like an abyss
Verbally abused Scorpia into leaving
Wanted to pit Corrupted!She-Ra against her friends (dehumanization)
Got Entrapta sent to Beast Island, a deadly place no one ever returns from
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And this is just the stuff off the top of my head. We all knew Catra was going to get a redemption, but this one was completely undeserved. She apologized to Adora and Entrapta. Two very short apologies for what canonly was at minimum, months of abuse, manipulation, intent to kill (which is literally mentioned by Adora) and general disregard for anyone or anything but revenge for something that didn't even deserve it. The entire cast should've been outraged. Glimmer in particular had a very big reason not to ever forgive Catra ("I'm not losing another parent!"), but it was all glossed over.
The biggest issue with season 5 was the abuse plotline completely dropped. You can't spend 4 seasons explaining how the cycle of abuse affects you and everyone around you... and shelve it. And we know the reason why it was shelved.
Let me first preface this with the fact that I am super happy we got representation. As a queer nblw who grew up feeling alone, it's so good to see things changing in media. An onscreen wlw kiss on a kids' show is groundbreaking and I'm very happy that She-Ra broke this barrier.
But all representation is not good representation. Catra and Adora is not a good representation of a healthy relationship.
Catra is shown throughout the series to be very unstable. This is even prevalent in season 5, when Adora "chooses SW" over Catra, she runs away. This breaks Adora's heart. The last thing that Catra needs is a relationship when she hasn't even confronted the issues that she has. There's no healing done in season 5, no therapy as the fandom loved to meme about, no long talks about forgiveness and the hurt caused. There's no callback to any of the pain and anguish that Catra put Adora through. Catra may love Adora, but if there is no healing done for the both of them, their relationship will fail. They will fall into the same cycle again. Adora will do something Catra doesn't like, Catra will do what she's done for all of the show, and it will repeat until something breaks.
I'm going to talk about the implications of the ending we have now, and feel free to argue with me.
She-Ra is a kids' show. Abuse is one of the main themes. Catra is shown to be an abuser. Here's what we are teaching younger audiences:
a. if you love someone enough, maybe they'll change
b. everyone deserves a second chance
c. your abuser will change as long as you're loyal and never stop trying to love them
d. things someone does to hurt you mean nothing in the wake of forgiveness
e. if someone who hurt you changes suddenly and wants to be back in your life, you should let them back in
Character interactions for the things that mattered (plot threads from previous seasons, general personality clashes, etc) were absent this season, in the moments where they mattered the most. (The best three in my opinion were Scorpia and Perfuma, the BFS inviting Catra in, and Mermista and Entrapta.) Glimmer and Adora should've had their time to talk. Scorpia should've gotten to say her piece to Catra. SW and Micah should've interacted more. Micah and Glimmer should've gotten more than an introduction!
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I'm not going to get into how the entire final season was wrapped around making Catra and Adora get together (a fundamental writing no-no; it never ends up working), or how it was bad writing. I just want everyone to think critically for one moment. There are so many other glaring issues in what was, overall, a stellar show. If there was another season, or some mini episodes where the characters talk out their problems and past transgressions against each other, then I could excuse She-Ra. But I doubt we're going to get any of that. So I won't.
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lifesruiner · 5 years
three times Ricky made Nini jealous, and one he didn't
So now I am watching hsmtmts and i’ve grown fond of these two and I wrote one thing and i hope i dont drop it and let it die like i always do and continue writing more shit or whatever hehehe anyways hope you enjoy 
A/N: So after 1x06 when Ricky actually made Nini jealous three times (smh) I came up with this, hope you enjoyed and any feedback is well recieved. as always, a mess, not proofreading sorry
"Okay, so I need volunteers for cleaning all this mess, I see two rising hands?" Miss Jenn said looking over the group of teenagers who just finished painting the scenography for their play, they all had their face down avoiding eye contact "Mhh Troy and stage manager, thank you very much, the rest go clean yourself I don't want you late to class and Mr Mazzara come with his annoyance" Miss Jenn said dismissing all the class, but Ricky cursed to himself, why all the shitty things happened to him? What kind of curse did he have on him?
"Aww, I was just about to volunteer but you won me, so good luck" Nini teased him, while cleaning her hands with a tissue
"You can still do it, and I can go to do anything but that" Ricky answers back, he was happy the tension between them was disappearing slowly
"Nah, I think I'll pass, maybe next time" She joked throwing the tissue softly at him, and he catch it with a tight smile knowing that was her cue of exit
"At least I have you to make this less painfully" Ricky told his best friend who was walking towards him
"Bro, I really cant be late to Mr Mazzara, he is gonna send me to summer school if I get another D" Big Red concern was all over his face and Ricky knew he wasn't lying
"I can help" Gina stood from behind them
"Is it for real or is a mean joke?" Ricky asked him causing her to roll her eyes
"I'm not so heartless to make him go to summer school and you cleaning all this alone" Gina bickered back and Ricky chuckled knowing that she was actually a softie deep down
"Gina I owe you my life" Big Red said holding her by her shoulders
"So don't really owe me much eh?" She joked and Ricky laugh, he was more used to her kinda dark sense of humor "I'm joking" she clarified after seeing Big Red's pout "I'll charge you a sub someday, now hurry to class" and with that Big Red disappeared from their sight
"You are actually super sweet when you want to" Ricky said while starting to picking up some paint buckets
"I know I am a sweetheart, plus, Big Red could chat anyone with those huge puppy eyes"
"Is that or you just wanted some time alone with the Rickster?" Ricky teased and she laughed alone
"Please call yourself that way again, but let me record you now" Gina said without stoping her laugh
"Nah, that was a once in a life time opportunity and now it's gone, puff" He mimicked something flying away with his hand "And I'll take your silence as a yes"
"In your dreams Rickster" Gina joked pushing softly a bucket toward him, but hard enough that some drops splashed and crashed to his face, they both opened their mouths in surprise
"I'm so sorry" Gina said covering her mouth with her hands to cover her laugh
"You didn't" Ricky said shocked while Gina kept apologizing "You know what that means right?"
He said and Gina opened her eyes big in surprise "Ricky no!"
"Ricky yes!" He said pressing his fingertips covered in paint in one of her cheeks
"This is war Bowens" Gina said and they both started chasing one and another trying to paint eachother the most they could, then they felt someone clearing their throat at the entrance
"Nini!" Ricky exclaimed leaving his bucket on the floor and stopping immediately
"I forgot my cellphone here" She said crossing the classroom towards the piano to pick it up, once she put it in her backpack she stared walking towards the exit when she stopped suddenly "By the way, this seems exactly the opposite as tiding things up, I don't think Miss Jenn would agree with this"
"We were jus about to-" Ricky started saying but was interrupted
"I don't care Ricky, as I already told you, you do you" And with that Nini walked out of the room.
"So what do you think?" Ricky asked Nini enthusiastic, all the theater kids were having lunch together chatting about the play
"I think it's really really good idea actually" Nini said and Ricky almost jumped out of his skin
"So we can see at my house and practice the second act tomorrow afternoon?" Ricky asked, his eyes were shining bright and for one moment Nini wanted to stare at them forever
"Actually, I have a play date with grandma and my moms, but what about the following day?"
"Yes perfect" Rocky agreed happily but suddenly felt a soft elbow on his ribs
"Hmm Ricky, remember that we already made plans for that day?" Gina day softly but loud enough for Nini to hear
"Oh god, I totally forgot it, I am so sorry" Ricky was looking between the two of them apologetic and that pissed Nini off, how was possible he didn't choose her over Gina, they barely knew each other for a couple of weeks, doubts were painted all over Ricky face
"It's okay, forget it, I practice my stuff on my own and you on your own and then we see here" Nini said collecting here things fast
"No wait, Nini that's not the idea" Ricky was pouting, Nini could have just smack her lips against his in that moment if she wasn't so mad
"I don't wanna ruin your plans with your..." Nini said looking at Gina from head to toe "friend" And then walked off the table with Kourtney following her close
When Nini entered the room she could saw immediately that something was off with Ricky, she sat next to him "Hey" she bumped his shoulder softly with hers
"Hi" He gave her a sincere smile, thought not one of those characteristic Ricky's smile that could light up the entire room
"I wanna ask if you are okay, but I know you aren't, so I just wanna tell you that no matter how the things are between us, you can always, and I mean ALWAYS can count on me" Nini almost whispered so only he could hear and his smile started to become brighter and brighter
"It still amaze me how you can still know what's up with me better than anyone" He said and Nini's heart skipped a beat when he was looking at her with those huge puppy eyes, she just nodded and held his hand over the table
"Hey, sorry to interrupt, you left this at my house" Gina said giving Ricky his hoodie back, when Nini recognized the situation she took her hand off of his immediately
"You stayed at hers?" Nini asked with her mouth open, Ricky saw she was hurt somehow
"My couch obviously, it's not what you are thinking" Gina was fast to answer
"I am thinking that you needed someone and instead of coming to me like you always used to, you went to her Ricky!" Nini exclaimed offended
"Oh okay, it's exactly what you are thinking then" Gina answered jokinglyback and both Ricky and Nini shoot her with their eyes
"It's just that I was talking to her when the shit went down at home and she invited me over" Ricky was fast yo defend himself
"No, don't explain me, you don't owe me shit" Nini nodded, hurt painted all over her face "After this I know we are not even friends as I thought so keep your explanations to yourself and your new best friend or whatever" She said picking up her backpack and walking off the classroom
"Nini wait please!" Ricky begged
"Fuck off Bowens" She has never called Ricky by his last name, it's like she wanted for him to be an stranger, she really wished that
He knew where he would find her, he entered to the empty theater where she always went to play with the piano when she was feeling down. He made her feel down and he was hating himself for that.
"Hey" He greeted her softly, she looked up at him with her eyebrows furrowed
"Leave me alone" She said focusing back at the piano
"I tried Nini, I really tried to do it and now you are mad at me" He said giving some steps towards here but she ignored him "Nini I tried to be always there, I entered drama club, I did everything to be Troy and spend time with you and that made you mad, then I thought some space would be enough for you to think more about us and see that we are destined to be together but it also made you mad! Please Nini tell me what to do because this is driving me crazy and I just can't keep handling you being mad at me"
"And why do you care? Anyways you have Gina to always run back to her" Nini snapped back pressing some keys to the piano making a loud noice
"What does Gina have to do with this, she is my friend and nothing more" Ricky defended himself throwing his arms in the air exasperation growing in him
"Well it definitely look like more, you are always together, I mean you spent the night at her place!" That was the thing that most irritated Nini, not because she thought they did something, but that Ricky went to her when he needed a scape, and Nini always thought they were each other's scape from reality when needed
"She is going through something similar, plus you seemed so mad at me the last time, I didn't want to bother you and make you ever madder at me" Ricky explained himself, with each word he was getting closer and closer to Nini
"There you go, and perfect Gina would never get mad at you" She said standing up now and looked down "Just go to her like you are getting used to"
"I don't wanna go to Gina!" Ricky said almost screaming
"Why not now?"
"Because I'm in love with you, not her!" Now he definitely was shouting, Nini heard that loud and clear and surprised was painted in the face of both.
There they were, Ricky just saying he is in love with Nini, if he would have said that four mounts ago oh how many problems they would have saved themselves
"Do... do you...?" Miraculously Nini was found out of words, and Ricky's reality hit him hard, he loved Nini, more than anything and now he won't shut up about the fact that he felt that way
"Yes, I don't not love you" He said, shy smile climbing on his face and Nini swore she could kiss him right there, and seemed like her feet heard her because suddenly she was standing right in from of him with her hands around his nick and their lips crashing together.
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chocoluckchipz · 5 years
Dance with Me, Chaton - 17
Read it on A03, WattPad, FF.net
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
< Previous
17. Oblivio.
His whole body hurt, dull pain pulsating through Adrien’s very core. Eyes closed, the light still burned. Water. He’d drink an ocean given a chance. Adrien shifted on his bed and groaned. Head-splitting headache. Stiff. Why was his bed so hard? And where was his mountain of pillows?
Someone grumbled nearby. Adrien slowly opened one eye.
It was definitely his apartment. His living room with his couches and his TV set and his multiple gaming consoles. Albeit messy beyond imagination but definitely his living room. Why did he sleep on a coach then, instead of his comfy bed? And why in the world did Nino occupy the neighbouring one?
“Nino?” Adrien whispered.
“Shhh, man,” Nino moaned. “Dying.”
“Water,” Adrien whined.
“Can you?”
“Dude, shut up.”
Someone whistled behind them. Adrien’s whole body resonated with pain.
“I see, you boys are looking great this morning,” Alya cackled, coming into the room. “Where is your medicine cabinet, Adrien?”
“Kitchen. Above the fridge.” He pointed out the direction without moving. “Can I… water. Please?”
“Me too.”
“Coming right up.”
It didn’t take long for Alya to come back with two glasses of water and some pills. It took her an eternity and a copious amount of persuasion to sit the two men up and make them take the pills.
“What happened?” Adrien groaned.
“You partied like it was the last day of your life,” she chuckled.
“I what?” he moaned. “Sorry, I… I don’t remember much.”
Alya quirked an eyebrow and sat by Nino. “What do you remember?”
“Club. Charades. I think I lost. There was a vodka plank? And… Marinette?”
“Well, I’m glad you remember at least her,” Alya snickered. “Though, I’d be really surprised if you’d forget. The way you two made out—”  
Adrien’s eyes blew wide. “What? What did we do?”
“Made out,” Alya snickered. “Passionately kissed.”
“Dude, even I remember that,” Nino said, his hand on his forehead. “We caught you in a corner practically devouring the girl.”
Adrien stared at the pair in shock for a few moments. “I… I must have been really drunk.”
Alya laughed. “Why so shocked? She’s your girlfriend, isn’t she? You just needed to find a more private place.”
“She isn’t my girlfriend,” Adrien murmured. “We’re coworkers.”
Alya quirked an eyebrow. “Are you sure? You kept proposing to her yesterday.”
Adrien yelped. “I did what?”
“At least five times,” Alya couldn’t hide her amusement.
“Did—did she agree?” Adrien was mentally kicking himself for asking, but he had to know what to expect when he’d see Marinette next. As if he didn’t have enough embarrassing situations with her. He had to go and add one more. Perfect. She’d avoid him like a deadly tsunami from now on.
Alya’s lips trembled. “Every time. And she proposed to you at least thrice. Before you ask, you also agreed. Way too eagerly.”
Adrien flopped back on the couch.
“Bro, you’d better make me your best man. I already have a mind-blowing story to toast you to.”
“Shut up, Nino,” Adrien barked.
Alya laughed. “Not ready to get hitched?”
“Not this way, and—” He looked at Nino and back to Alya, “I’ve kind of had my eye on someone else, so this is awkward.”
Nino frowned in surprise. “Man, why am I only hearing about it now? I thought I was your best bro?”
“You are,” Adrien sighed. “I’m just not sure she feels the same way about me, so I didn’t want to mention anything until I knew.”
Alya laughed. “Don’t worry. I doubt she remembers anything, and we’ll keep quiet. Right, Nino?
The man nodded.
“But just in case, we’ll go home in a few,” Alya added, “To give you two a chance to talk.”
Adrien groaned. “I have until Monday, so—”
Alya snickered. “I guess you also don’t remember that she’s here? Sleeping in your bed. I helped her to shower, and since her clothes are pretty much ruined, we borrowed one of your t-shirts. I hope that’s okay?”
Adrien sat up, the blood in his veins running cold. In his bed? Why? What happened? Did they? No. They couldn’t. Not with those two around, no matter how drunk they were. Not if Alya was helping her shower. Can someone please explain to him what happened?
Alya frowned. “You really don’t remember anything, do you?”
He shook his head. “Nothing after we started to drink.”
She glanced at Nino. “Should we enlighten him?”
“Babe, all I remember is that I wanted to take you home, but I promised this dingle head to drive him and his girlfriend home, so we went searching for them because someone wasn’t at the bar anymore despite his promises. The next scene I wish I wouldn’t remember, but the level of indecency with which they made out in that niche is kind of hard to forget even in my plastered condition. I think I told him to find a room and that we were leaving.”
Alya snickered. “Not quite. You told him if he was going to play games with his girlfriend, he should find a room.”
“So? Same thing.”
“Not quite,” Alya chuckled. “Adrien thought playing video games was an amazing idea and invited us all to his apartment for Mega Strike tournament.”
Adrien groaned, dropping his head into his lap. “I shouldn’t be allowed to drink. I’m an idiot.” He glanced at the video games scattered across the floor. “I guess we did play.”
“We did,” Alya said, “Until you insisted Marinette tried your newest Beat Saber VR game, and she threw up five minutes into her round. Poor girl, she had it so bad, kept crying and apologizing and vowing to bear you three children as an apology.”
Nino was struggling to contain a laugh.
Adrien’s jaw slacked, as he stared at Alya wide-eyed. “Marinette shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near alcohol as well.”
Alya laughed. “You two are a match made in heaven.”
“We are just friends,” Adrien protested.
“Sure,” Alya snickered. “Anyway, I cleaned your carpet the best way I could, but you’ll need to dry-clean the carpet.”
“Thank you,” Adrien said, “Please tell me this was the end, and we didn’t do anything else?”
“Well…” Alya playfully swooned. “As a true gentleman, you offered her to sleep it off here, in your bed. Us, you offered your guest room, but Nino said he won’t allow his bro to sleep alone on a couch so he joined you here.”
“I’m amazed you remember this all, babe,” Nino said.
“I knew what I was getting myself into, Nino,” Alya shrugged. “Neither of you holds your alcohol well, so someone had to stay sober.”
“You didn’t drink?”
“Nothing alcoholic which by the way, you all owe me big for. And believe me, I’m not letting any of you off the hook easily because cleaning up puke from your carpet and showering a girl I’ve never met before isn't my idea of a fun evening I was promised.”
Something chimed. Alya took her purse from the floor and pulled her cell phone out. “We should go soon, babe,” she said, reading whatever was on the screen.
“Sure,” Nino nodded, pulling her onto his lap. “But first, how about a good morning kiss?”
Alya scrunched her nose. “Do you even realize how nasty you smell right now?”
“You still love me, don’t you?”
She smiled, running her fingers through his hair. “I do… but that doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss you right now.” Looking at Adrien, Alya said, “Take your co-worker some water and two pills from the bottle I left on the counter when you go.” With that she turned to Nino, cradling his face in her hands. “How about we go home, clean you up, let you sleep it off and then talk about those kisses?”
“Not even one?” Nino’s pulled his best puppy eyes on Alya.
She only ruffled his hair and shook her head. “Not a chance, but I might be getting ideas of how you can make it up to me for the yesterday.”
Adrien got up, downed the remaining water in his glass, and walked away. Better to face Marinette than witness those two. He grabbed the pills, filled a new glass with water, and sneaked into his bedroom as quietly as he could.
Splattered in his mountain of pillows, tacked under his snow-white comforter, Marinette was still asleep. Adrien couldn’t take his eyes off her, a small smile weaving its way onto his lips. She looked lovely. The dramatic difference between his white bedding and her dark and messy hair was gorgeous. Her flawless skin glowed despite slight puffiness from the events of yesterday. Eyebrows relaxed above her closed eyes. A gorgeous curve. Blush lightly dusted on her cheeks, soft breaths escaping her slightly parted lips…
Adrien swallowed. According to Alya, he kissed them yesterday.
His sight fell lower, eyes widening. Hickeys. Fresh hickeys on her neck. Did… Did he give her those? There was one a little lower, closer to her chest. It couldn’t be another hickey, could it? He couldn’t go that low, could he? He leaned closer. It was hard to see with his t-shirt covering half of it… His t-shirt on Marinette in his bed with hickeys he’d placed there. Could he please die right now? Before he had to face Marinette and explain himself?
A loud snore split the silence of the room. Adrien jerked back.
Marinette frowned, scrunching her nose.
Adrien snickered. Such a petite girl, snoring up like a grown man. Cute!
Marinette tossed to the side, licking her lips and slowly opening her eyes. “Adrien…” she whispered, her eyes half-lidded, voice quiet and sweet.
He nervously smiled.
“Adrien,” she said a little more cautiously, her eyebrows knitting in a frown.
He waved.
“Adrien?!” Her eyes blew wide as she squeaked and covered herself with his comforter. A pitiful Ouch sounded from under it a moment later. A moan followed. Then she carefully peeked from under the comforter. “Where am I?”
“My place.”
Panic in her eyes, Marinette jerked the comforter up and looked under it at herself in his t-shirt. Her eyes closed, hands clutching his comforter. “We… did we…”
“Oh, no,” Adrien rushed to say. “I slept on the couch, and two of my friends were with us all evening. We didn't—didn't do anything like that. Apparently, we just played video games.”
She peeked from behind the comforter, her eyes wide and innocent. “Video games?”
He chuckled. “Crazy, right?”
“Then where’s my clothes?”
“Alya said you were sick at one point and kind of ruined it. She put them in the laundry and gave you one of my t-shirts to wear. I hope that’s okay.”
Marinette blinked, remaining silent for a few moments before asking, “Who is Alya?”
“You don’t remember anything either?”
She shook her head and moaned again. “I suppose it’s fair to say I drank.”
“Yeah,” Adrien sighed. “We both did, and it looks like we really overdid it. Here.” Adrien offered her a glass of water and pills. “This should help.”
Hesitantly, she reached for the glass and gulped down the pills in one go. Lying back onto his bed and covering herself with his comforter, Marinette moaned. “There is a reason I don’t drink.”
“I don’t drink either,” Adrien sighed. “We were lucky my friends were there to get us home.”
“So this Alya is one of your friends?”
“Yes. She’s my best friend Nino’s girlfriend. She basically babysat all three of us yesterday.”
“She needs a medal,” Marinette said. “Or a saint rank. Possibly martyrdom.”
Adrien chuckled. “She does. We’ll think of something.”
Marinette turned to her side, watching him for a few moments, when her whole body went rigid. “Oh my gosh,” she whined, hiding back under the comforter. “I kicked you out of your own bed. I’m a horrible human being.”
“That’s fine,” Adrien smiled. Suddenly remembering his marks on Marinette’s neck, he swallowed. She’d notice them eventually. He’d better come clean himself while he could. So, turning to a side, he mumbled, “Count it as an apology for leaving hickeys on your neck.”
Marinette jerked up, sitting straight. “Leaving what?”
“Those.” He motioned to his neck’s general direction. “On your neck. Hickeys.”
She frowned, then her eyes blew wide, and forgetting that she was wearing a t-shirt and underwear only, Marinette scurried to the bathroom to inspect her neck. “Oh, my gosh! Adrien! What did we do?”
“I don’t remember,” he moaned pitifully. “Alya says we kissed. Just a little. Like once or twice?”
Marinette blinked at him in confusion. “There are at least seven hickeys. How could we have kissed once or twice?”
She looked at Adrien for an answer, but he only shrugged, bowing his head low. “I’m sorry?”
Marinette whimpered. “I don’t know how to cover them, and I can’t afford to have hickeys today. Adrien, why?”
He perked up. A chance to redeem himself! “I can teach you how to cover them.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “Oh, so we’re experienced?”
“No, but at my photoshoots, I often see make-up artists cover them up for other models.”
“Yeah,” Marinette pursed her lips. “Very plausible explanation. I might need some time to decide if I believe it.”
“Your right,” he said. “If you don’t trust me, I can always not teach you.”
She watched him for a moment, then looked back at her neck in the mirror, running fingers over the bruises. “Alright,” Marinette relented a moment later. “Pass on the wisdom. You owe me at least that.”
Adrien grinned. “You won’t regret your decision. What’s today, by the way?”
“What do you mean?”
“You said you can’t afford to have hickeys today.”
“Oh. A dinner with my parents,” Marinette replied, turning back to look at the mirror. “I just don’t want to listen to their speculation about my non-existent love life, and if they see those, they’ll be sure to interrogate me until I confess to everything I don’t remember.”  
“Then we must act quickly. I… I don’t have makeup here. We’ll have to go shopping unless you want us to go to your place and use your makeup.”
“We could go to my place, but some of my makeup are at its end, so I’d say we go shopping.” Glancing down at herself, she pursued her lips. “My clothes are ruined, you say?”
“Alya said they were. I haven't checked myself.”
“I believe Alya.” Marinette said and, going back into his bedroom, crawled under the comforter. She swaddled herself in and murmured. “It’s warm and comfy. I’ll wait for you here.”
Adrien chuckled, amused. “Accept my apologies, but I can’t buy you makeup without you there. We need to match your skin tone.”
“I have nothing to wear," Marinette murmured, burying her face into his pillow. "I can't go."
“We’ll find you something from my closet.”
“You’re a few sizes bigger than I am.”
“And you are a designer,” Adrien pointed. “And a fantastic one. Surely, you can adapt something.”
Marinette looked at him, pouting. When he laughed, she sighed. “I hate that you’re right.”
“I’m sorry?”
“This bed is way too comfortable for me to leave it willingly.”
Adrien chuckled. “I do owe you quite a lot by now. Would you like me to pay you back with the same bed?”
Adorable pout on her lips, Marinette silently watched him for a moment before relenting. “You’re buying me breakfast. I’m starving.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Adrien saluted. “Would you rather rummage my closet on your own, or would you like me to help you out?”
“Lead the way,” Marinette said, crawling from under the comforter. “I’d rather you keep me from finding the things I shouldn’t find.”
“I don’t have anything like that.”
“Sure,” Marinette replied. “None of us do. Now, stop talking and get walking. We have a day of fixing up this mess ahead of us, and my stomach would start rambling soon.”
“As you wish,” Adrien bowed and headed to his closet with Marinette in his tow. He liked her. He really did. Even in the complicated situation they’d landed themselves into, Marinette was so fun and easy to talk to. Just having her here felt wonderful, and calming, and just amazing. She didn’t judge him for his mistakes. Her punishment sounded like a reward. Adrien needed people like her in his life. More friends like Marinette.
If only for a split second, though, but watching Marinette go thought his clothes, Adrien wondered: could it be that his drunk yesterday self knew exactly what he was doing? Could it be…
Nah! He shoved the thought away. He was in love with another, and no matter how much Marinette enticed, he was a loyal cat and couldn’t betray his one and only. His Ladybug.
Next >
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corvid-knight · 6 years
Demon Eyes - chapter 23
You're grabbing frantically at the handle to your truck's door when somebody grabs you from behind, hands clamping down on your shoulders and spinning you around.
No! Your mind is a weapon, your mind is a fucking sword, Bro can take you but you're sure as fuck going to hurt him as much as you can before he does, make him kill you instead of—
"Shit, Dave, stop!"
D. It's D, you realize that as he hisses instead of trying to say anything else to you, his face screwing up in a pained grimace. He doesn't let go of you, though. Doesn't bear down harder to try to inflict enough pain to get you to stop either.
He's bleeding too, from a cut almost hidden in his hairline at his temple. You remember the scar there; when you were a kid you were unreasonably fascinated with it, always wanted to touch it, give him little-kid kisses there because even if Bro never did that shit you knew that you kissed things to make them better. You never knew how he got it, but now you have an idea.
"Hey—" D starts.
"No." You try to jerk back, out of his grip, and nearly just go into a spiraling vaporlock of panic as your shoulders hit the truck. You can't retreat, he's got you cornered, you can't—stop. Stop. Stop. "Fuckin' let me go, D, let me go, this is my fault, I can't—"
"It's not your fault, kiddo, and you're not going anywhere but back inside." He's got his voice back down to comforting, reassuring, calm despite the fact he's bleeding—and not just from the little cut on his head; you can see a darker red stain working its way through his red shirt. "C'mon, we need to figure this shit out, it's—"
You lose the rest of his sentence, because he pulls you forward a little and tries to wrap his arm around your shoulders, brushes against that fucking tattoo, and your mind goes pure white with panic. The next thing you know you're on your knees on the lawn, doubled over and hugging yourself, and your left hand hurts like hell.
Your ears are ringing. You can't fucking breathe.
Hal. That's Hal.
He's kneeling next to you, and you force yourself to straighten up enough to look at him. You can't read a single fucking thing off his face, which most likely means he's scared out of his mind, and there's a bloodstain on his shirt, about at the bottom of his ribcage. About where Dirk was injured, you think. Fuck.
"I need to go," you tell him, wishing you could force your voice to be louder. "I need—"
"—to come back inside and let us handle this logically," he finishes before you can.
"Yes. What are you going to accomplish this way, Dave?" For a second, somethingflashes across the shikigami's face, there and gone too quick for you to read anything but pain in it. "Are you planning to sacrifice yourself in hopes that he'll abandon his designs on the rest of us?"
"Fuck yes I am!" Let him fucking kill me. Let him take me and have me for whatever the hell he wants, as long as he leaves all of you out of it, you think, and immediately get a flash of denial from Karkat.
It hurts, but you slam the door between his mind and yours shut. Cut him off as completely as you can. You can't let him follow you.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave," Hal says in that eerie-calm voice that he uses instead of showing any kind of emotion when he's upset. It takes you a second to remember what he's responding to.
"You can't tell me I can't—"
"Bullshit I can't. You're my fucking brother, you know that." Hal crosses his arms and frowns at you, the expression only lasting a moment before his face goes blank again. "I'll die before I let that bastard touch you again."
He'd die for me. "Don't you dare—"
"It's not going to come to that if you don't make us protect you from a distance! You're a thousand times safer here, with us, where we can fight with you instead of just trying to protect you." The shikigami's calm mask slips again, and you get a look at his frustration for a second before he groans and closes his eyes. "Please."
"Running ain't exactly gonna help," D adds from behind you. Even as you twist to face him he's moving, stepping over to sit on the ground next to Hal.
Shit. There's more blood on his face now, his lip bruised and split.
You fucking punched him.
That realization almost makes you curl up onto yourself again. "D, fuck—I didn't—I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry—"
D just looks baffled for a moment, then shakes his head and impatiently wipes at the trickle of blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. "My fucking fault."
"My line." You don't even know if he's going to understand what you mean by that. I'm supposed to say that. I'm the one that gets hit and deserves it, not you. I'm the only one who oughta be bleeding.
"It was a fuckin' lie when he made you say it, man; this is different."
"Hit you. I hit you."
"Yeah, 'cause I grabbed where I got no fuckin' right grabbing." He sighs and shifts, one hand going to the dark spot on his shoulder for a moment. "Dave—"
"You're bleeding."
"We all are." Hal shakes his head and jerks his shirt up, displaying a long, shallow cut running along his left side, almost parallel to his ribs. "Dirk has one on the other side, along an old scar from a sparring match with Bro. Rose's nose started bleeding; he slapped her for calling him out on something when she was eleven—"
"I remember." You grabbed his hand before he could do it a second time; he ended up apologizing, blaming it on being a little drunk, and then broke two of your fingers once she was gone.
"—your neck's bleeding and from what I can see of your shirt, you're a mess everywhere else as well, worse off than any of us." Hal folds his arms, uncrosses and recrosses them, eyes going blank for a moment as he considers. "It's only injuries that he inflicted that reopened—other than mine; I never met him in person, but this effect could be a carryover from Dirk being my base programming—and only on those of us related to him by blood. Otherwise Jake and Roxy would have the wounds too. Shit...I hate reflective necromancy."
"I have no fucking clue what that is," D says.
"It's stupid. Stupid is what it is. Dave, you need to come inside before the neighbors call the cops on us."
No. "I'm leaving."
"Like fuck you are—"
"Like fuck I'm not, D!"
"Take a fucking second to think, Dave." D grimaces and yanks at the buttons to his shirt, getting it open and gesturing at the newly reopened cuts there. There's not all that many—one thin line along his collarbone, the larger cut on his shoulder that's bleeding through his shirt, a gash just above his navel that was probably awful when it was new and is still messy now—but they're noticeable as hell. "It's not just you he's after."
"He wants me more—"
"Yeah, maybe, but what's running gonna do? I'll tell you what it'll do: split us up. Give him less of a problem. Only thing it does is hurt all of us, man, come on."
You've closed yourself off so you can't feel D's pleading, but you can sure as hell see it, hear it in his voice. He's the only one out of all the Striders who doesn't hide shit, keep emotions behind a mask, so you know that his need to get you back inside and safe isn't just a ploy. He's sincere about wanting you to stay.
"I'm gonna get all of you killed."
D and Hal glance at each other. It's the shikigami who answers.
"No," he says, and he says it firmly and irrefutably, "you're not."
When Hal gets to his feet and offers you a hand up, you take it.
Roxy, Rose, Dirk, and John aren't in the kitchen. Jake and Karkat are, though; the former's standing over a map spread out on the counter rather than the table, the pendulum in his hand making unnaturally wide arcs over it.
The demon's standing just behind him, one hand on Jake's shoulder, concentrating just as fiercely on the pendulum as Jake is. When you cautiously drop some of your mental barriers, you can feel the divining magic rolling off both of them, generated by Jake and directed by Karkat.
Fuck, are they looking for Bro?
"I wouldn't know how to fucking start." Karkat's voice is low, not quite a growl, and he doesn't take his eyes off the pendulum. "I met him once, that's not enough to scry for him. This is for someone else, a guy I've tangled with before..."
He pushes an image at you, one that's got the quality of a memory almost forgotten. It's blurred and warped to the point where you can just pick up the impression of someone probably taller than D, a silhouette that becomes a skeleton when the lights shifts, a smile that isn't a smile.
And purple. The whole memory is eerily purple, a color that's a quality of light.
"Dave, wait—" Karkat starts as you try to drag more detail out of the image. That's as far as he gets, though, because the whole damn memory goes bright purple, and you both wince.
There's the small tap of the pendulum hitting the table.
"Got him," Jake announces, letting the pendulum's chain slip through his fingers. The little crystal weight stays right where it is, though, balanced point-down on the map as if he's still holding it steady.
"Great." The demon shakes his head as if to clear it, leaning over to get a better look at the map, then nodding and turning away. "I'll—"
"Karkat—" You grab his arm before he can take one fucking step toward the door, bracing yourself for an angry snarl. "Don't you fuckin' leave me."
He doesn't growl at you. In fact, as soon as you touch him he stops, immediately turning to you and shaking you off his arm just so he can take your hands in his, meeting your eyes. "I'll be right back—"
"Fuck that!" Shit. You're too fucking close to tears, to just breaking down right here in front of D and Hal and Jake, begging him not to go. "I'm coming with you."
"I'm going after another demon."
"So? We've hunted together—"
"This fucker's the kind of demon you leave alone because you can't kill him, Dave."
"And you can?" He's leaving you. Even if he says he's coming back, even if he believes it (and he does, you can feel that he believes he'll be back more-or-less unharmed), Karkat's about to walk out the door and you don't fucking believe he'll come back. Please. I can't, man, I can't handle this shit if you're gone—
"Dave, shh." I won't be gone, he thinks at you, and wraps his arms around you to pull you in close, kissing first your forehead and then your lips, giving you reassurance and love and a promise that for today at least everything will be okay. "Listen to me."
"...I am." You're also holding onto him, probably too tight. No fucking way are you letting go.
"I can take him, alright? I swear—"
"You don't know that—"
"Listen, Dave. I can beat this asshole in a fight. And if I'm wrong about that, if for some reason I can't? He's not one to give anybody a nice, clean death." Karkat pulls away the slightest bit, waiting for you to look him in the eyes. Give me three hours. Hal knows the spells to summon a demon back; even if I fuck this up, I'll still be alive in three hours.
If shit goes wrong, he'll be tortured. You know that without having to ask. You don't fucking want that to happen, you don't even want to think about that happening.
" 'kat."
"Promise me." You'll come back.
He doesn't even hesitate. "I swear." And you can't read any doubt in his eyes.
Karkat kisses you again, very carefully. When he goes to pull away from you, you let him.
As soon as the door shuts, Hal sighs and shakes his head. "Dave?"
" ...yeah." Fuck, you're scared.
"You need to get cleaned up."
When you still don't move, the shikigami sighs again and puts one hand on your shoulder, steering you out of the kitchen. "Right. Come on."
Fuck, I don't have to be functional until Karkat comes back, you think, and almost just start crying from the relief of the thought as you let Hal lead you into the bathroom.
It's about an hour and a half before you can feel Karkat at all.
In that time, Hal gets your wounds cleaned off and bandaged up. Even though most of them were pretty fucking bad when they were fresh the first time, they're just shallow cuts this time, just deep enough to sting and bleed. Same for everyone else's; the only worrisome one was Rose's nosebleed, and that was only a problem because like you, she has a history of not being able to get that kind of thing to stop.
D coaxes you into eating some of that damn cake, and even if you're mostly just trying not to visibly panic, you're pretty glad that you do that. Somehow sugary shit does make things a little better.
The fact that you end up on the couch, leaning on Dirk on one side and with Rose pressed up against you on the other, and with one of D's stupidest movies playing, also helps. There's a thread of guilt in your mind, that you feel almost okay when Karkat's out handling the dangerous shit, but you can try to think around that.
And you do a pretty good job of it, for about an hour and a half. Then you feelKarkat in your head, a jumble of victory and irritation and anger, and Dirk looks over at you because you just went almost limp with relief next to him for a second. Before he can do more than open his mouth to ask if you're okay, you're off the couch and on your feet, heading for the door to the backyard.
D, John, Dirk, and Roxy are right behind you; the others stay in the house. You're sure there's some tactical reasoning behind that, but you have no idea what it is right now, and you're not planning on asking.
Karkat's standing on the edge of the concrete slab in the backyard, scowling at the permanent binding circle John and Hal set up. He's closed the circle, drawn in the two symbols deliberately left blank when they laid the design down in colored concrete, but the demon inside isn't even testing his boundaries, just standing there calmly with his hands by his sides.
For a second you think that the demon in the circle is manifesting his true form. Then you step up next to Karkat, right at the edge of the circle, and realize that no, he's in his humanish form, but every visible inch of skin's been tattooed, white bones on a black background as if he's under an x-ray.
He tilts his head, brushing back bone-white dreadlocks as he regards you with eyes that'd actually look human if not for their luminescent purple irises, and you bite back a wince as you realize that his lips have been sewn shut.
Greetings, Second of the Two.
This demon's mental voice is far louder than Karkat's ever was—this is a true telepath, not the weirdly abled empath you are. Powerful. Scary.
"Second of two what?" John asks in confusion.
The demon just shrugs, eyes never leaving you. The First seeks you. Or he will.
"We don't want your fucking games, Kurloz," Karkat growls.
My title is Speaker to the Dead.
"I don't give a fuck what you want to be called. I know you're mixed up in this shit; I saw your fucking mind shit in Dave's eyes." For a second, Karkat's form flickers to his demon form, fully manifested. It's a threat. "Where the fuck is the bastard you raised?"
I've raised nothing, Vantas. My talents have been...utilized.
"Same fucking difference. Talk."
Kurloz makes a soft noise, muffled by the stitches. Laughter.
"You know what I fucking mean!"
I do. He nods, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opens them again, they're pure glowing violet, fixed on you, holding you in place so there's no way you can look away. And this may surprise you, but I'm amenable to an exchange of information.
And he holds out his hand.
And before Karkat can stop you, you reach through the circle, break the circle, and take it.
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