masquerade2015 · 1 year
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Masquerade contains content that viewers may find disturbing, such as monsters, mind control, scars, suicidal mentions, and much more. Please proceed with caution.
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Masquerade is an RPG game in early stages of development.
It follows two orphans, Alice and Shoko, who just want to get away from the harsh punishments of Mrs. Larson. Alice gets asked to get the mail and sees an invitation to a circus show, she hides it and decides to ask Shoko to go with her later. The two leave and as they’re heading to the location they fall through the ground…but they made it to the circus?
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Alice- The main protagonist that you play as. She’s smart and quick, both on her feet and in her mind. She’s extremely stubborn and once she has her head set on something it’s very hard to change her goals. She hates losing but she also knows when to give up and can admit when she’s wrong.
Shoko- Shoko is the exact opposite of Alice, she presents herself as dense and carefree. Despite witnessing everything above ground and underground, she continues to smile. In reality she’s extremely observant and once she gets to know someone she’s good at reading their tone.
Masquerade- Alice’s love interest. He’s quiet and observant, yet has many fans because of his calm, collected, and mysterious nature. He’s one of the first people you meet when you fall through the ground.
PartyHat- One of Shoko’s love interests and another one of the first people you meet after arriving at the circus. He’s a huge joker and wears his heart on his sleeves, he finds it extremely difficult to hide his distain from Synthia.
Charlie- Shoko’s second love interest. Behind his wide, eerie smile is someone who’s deeply loyal to his friends and even more loyal to Shoko. There’s a lot of secrets behind him though.
Synthia- The main antagonist and the leader of the circus. The way her glowing red eyes peer into you, you can’t help but hear a voice telling you to follow and trust her. She knows you more then you know you and she knows how to use this information against you.
Aesop- The mute janitor you meet and befriend. Some of the insane residents sewed his mouth shut and find other ways of torturing him.
Atlus- A member of the freak show, and a freak they are. Atlus the crazy monster who can attach and detach any limb at will.
Bella- A member of the twin acrobatics. She’s timid but filled with innocent, childlike curiosity.
Blair- The spider knife thrower. She holds an amazing power of force and precision, try not to cross paths with her.
Edward- The second member of the twin acrobats. He’s aloof and doesn’t have much to say, please try to excuse his sour personality.
Elliott- A charming and narcissistic leader of the freak show. No need to fear, he would never soil his beautiful hands with your blood.
Finn- The contortionist. An extremest. Finns personality is all over the place, he’s quick to any emotion, it’s as easy to make him angry as it is happy. With extremely flexibility and agility he makes a hard enemy.
Jo- The beast tamer. She’s has no remorse for almost everyone in the circus. She prefers to sit above and send her wild beast after troublemakers.
Oliver- a sadistic ring leader. He’s Synthia’s right hand man and controls the circus when she isn’t. His favorite past time is bullying Aesop with Pedro, his best bud.
Pedro- The sadistic, insane, sword swallower. Finds immense joy in hurting others, even his coworkers. His favorite victim is Aesop, and having a buddy to bully Aesop with just makes the entire experience better.
Quinn- Quinn is the extremely chill gremlin of the freak show. Yes, she’s chaotic, but unlike her coworkers, she doesn’t find that much joy in hurting others unless they did something to her family.
River- Buff, magician moth lady. She’s very energetic and friendly. She's often pulling gifts out of her hat after a show to give to guests.
Susie- The circus nurse. Although she is also a staff member and plays no part in the circus act, Pedro and Oliver don't bully her as much, I wonder why? She's extremely sweet and helps Alice and Shoko a lot throughout the story.
Wren- The older twin of the freak show. Unlike her younger sister, Wren will try to destroy you at every chance she gets. Wren is extremely protective of the freak show, even more protective of her younger twin.
Wynn- The younger twin of the freak show. She's shy and timid, beating Susie's own shy personality. She hardly speaks and when she does you can't make sense of what she's saying.
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# ✨-Elliott
#💌-Fan Content
#🔞-Minors DNI
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Ageless in bio(either put your age/birthday in your bio, or you can send me a message telling me your age, if neither then you’ll be blocked)
I won’t be writing any gross out link or anything like that
If you’re a minor, please don’t interact with any 18+ content, base game will be free and safe to play
Please be patient with me
I’d prefer if younger kids(14-) DIDNT play this game because of swearing and triggering topics
Happy to take criticism!
More might be added/changed to sections as I develop this blog
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fictionproblem · 6 months
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wreniverse · 14 days
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ELFGIRL WREN FOR ELFGIRL SZN and a possible au ..
she is so cute i’m falling to my knees in slow motion as dramatic music plays in the background
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erisyuu · 10 months
Very late to the wolfwren week but here is day 3, 4 and 5 in one post! 💖
Day 3: Between Two Lungs
A day for tender intimacy
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Day 4: Howl of Affection
A day for the spoken word
For this one I wrote a fic based on the lovely work of @rainestorm-days !! Thank you for the permission and please check out their amazing fic "The Wolf and the Wren"! 💖
Day 5: Dreams and Madness
A day for bending reality
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
i imagine bail and mon joining forces something like:
bail: okay, lets join forces, i have three jedis, a mandalorian, a lassat warrior, the pilot daughter of general cham syndulla and one tool under my arm that's another jedi, what about you?
mon: a collector, a tree farmer, a mercenary and a kid who wants to be a philosopher.
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isorottatime · 2 years
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lmao what if we both instinctively in-some-way shielded the other at the first sign of danger and then while hiding, pressed up against a wall, we both realise what we’ve done and how protective we are of the other.. and we were both girls 🫣….
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dykes doing dykery!!!!
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superfruitland · 1 year
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Dis you? /positive <3
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Sabine Wren's line just wouldn't leave my head during my last rewatch of Bad Batch...
"The Empire wanted to destroy worlds, and they did. They destroyed mine."
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"We stay together," Hunter says when the troopers come to take Crosshair away.
And then... Their world fell apart. For all of them.
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(As an aside, any Tech Lives artists have any art of the whole family reuniting that they'd like to share? Because I need some cheering up right about now! 💔)
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Buggy episode made me wanna draw Wren again-💙🧡💙🧡
I missed them💔💔💔
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supern0vashii · 3 months
im gonna dump so much au lore OH MY GOD
okay ive been cooking up a little SOMETHING
rubs hands deviously /j
( i don't know if its heavy gore but there's some headcutting here so yeah )
its really long 💔💔 its basically a fic idk
This all started when Mr. Puzzles had finally taken the SMG4 cast and brainwashed / forcing them so they can participate in his goofy cartoon TV parodies.
As he released more content for his company, he realized that SMG4 and his crew weren't going to be enough to hit his beloved five star rating.
That same day, he received a text from his daughter, Star. She had asked him if they could meet up, since they haven't seen each other in almost two decades.
After the two had their father-daughter chit-chat, Star mentions that she got the main part in a musical that was happening in a few hours. Intrigued, and happy to be there for his daughter, Mr. Puzzles decided to go to said musical.
That's when Star's talent was truly shown, and the idea clicked so fast in Mr. Puzzles's mind it would have made his head spin.
"Why force a group of amateurs to do something when you have your own star right in front of you?"
That same night, after the event, Mr. Puzzles asked Star if she wanted to work for her as the star in his entertainment company, Puzzlevision.
Star declined, with the reason that she wanted to finish college before she did anything big.
Mr. Puzzles was furious. Not furious at the fact that Star didn't accept, but furious at the fact that he won't be able to get those precious five stars.
Mr. Puzzles thought, why even ask when I can make her participate unwillingly?
With that, Mr. Puzzles brainwashed Star and forced her to become the singing and dancing mascot of Puzzlevision.
But something was wrong. The way she looked, her appearance.. It didn't fit the company's vision at all. Mr. Puzzles thought of an extremely gorey solution to make sure Star fits in with the rest like a puzzle piece.
But he wanted Star to be happy in his little circle of entertainment hell. So Mr. Puzzles kidnapped and also brainwashed Star's friends SMG6 and Amber. Mr. Puzzles erased Amber's memories, and the well-being and status of SMG6 is currently unknown to the public eye.
As for the SMG4 crew, they're still stuck in Puzzlevision.
And thanks to Star, Mr. Puzzles had finally gotten his precious five stars.
SMG3, Boopkins, and Luigi escaped Puzzlevision somehow. And thank God that Mr. Puzzles hasn't noticed yet. Mr. Puzzles has taken notice of Melony and has brainwashed her as well. As for Saiko, she stays with 3, Luigi, and Boopkins.
SMG4: Mr. Puzzles decided to keep SMG4 in his perfect video craze. He's much easier to control that way. The difference between the normal SMG4 and SHOWTIME!SMG4 is that he is way more aggressive and has a light-blue scarf with stars, and star earrings. Both whom he acquired from Star. SMG4 has a necklace with a puzzle charm on it, just like Star, Mario, and Amber do. I wonder what that's about.
MEGGY: Meggy is still stuck in the Western Spagetthi Simulation with Tari and One Shot Wren. Like ever since she has arrived in the simulation, Meggy has been being shot repeatedly by her "idol." Meggy has begged Mr. Puzzles for mercy many times, she had eventually found out that he was the one behind the simulation all along. She has seen Star make a few cameos in Western Spagetthi due to her popularity throughout Puzzlevision. Meggy does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
TARI: Like Meggy, she stays in the Western Spagetthi Simulation. She is attempting to make a small safe spot where the two can talk to each other and relax. But that hasn't been easy since Clench has been malfunctioning lately. It's terrifying having to watch your best friend, and coach, be shot and die in front of you over and over again. The emotion was just so raw. Tari does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
MARIO: Mr. Puzzles despises Mario. He keeps Mario on full lockdown (completely brainwashed, and locked in a room) when he isn't on air. When Mario is on air, he usually does his goofy shenanigans, since he is completely oblivious to what's going on. Mario is kinda sad that SMG4 won't talk to him. Mario sometimes flirts with Star as a joke. Like he always does when they're paired together for a scene. Star is just confused. Mario wears a puzzle-charmed necklace.
BOB: Bob can mostly be seen in the comedy scenes, he's not too popular in the Puzzlevision community. Like Mario, Bob is completely oblivious to the crew being brainwashed. He asked SMG4 if he was on crack when 4 asked him if he remembered anything before Mario's Mysteries. Bob does wonder where Boopkins is though. Bob does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
MELONY: The only reason Mr. Puzzles brainwashed Melony is because of how powerful she is. A deity that could foil his plan in seconds cannot do! All Melony really does is sleep in the Western Spagetthi Simulation. Melony does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
STAR: Star isn't doing too well. She had most recently found out of her father's true intentions. And she is mad. But, sadly, there is nothing she can do about it since Mr. Puzzles has eyes everywhere. Her relationship between her and SMG4 is complicated. She has tried contacting him and telling him what he doing isn't healthy. Yet he continues to work on his computer all the time. Star is worried for SMG4. Star has tried contacting anyone outside of Puzzlevision, she has reached someone outside once, but they didn't respond in time. Before 3 escaped, she gave him her star necklace so he can remember her when he, Saiko, Boopkins, and Luigi break the crew out of Puzzlevision. Star wears a puzzle-charmed necklace.
AMBER: Amber works for Mr. Puzzles, since she doesn't remember anything before waking up and being sat down in a vacant office. Except for the fact that Mr. Puzzles was sitting at the other side of the table, telling her that she worked here. Amber feels a familiar feeling when she is near Star. She's not sure why though, she's never seen her before. Right? Amber writes scripts for Mr. Puzzles's cartoon parodies. And is one of the best workers in Puzzlevision. After Star, of course. Amber wears a puzzle-charmed necklace.
my fingers hurt KDJFKFKFKFK
Taglist (VOID THIS 🙏🙏): @3nvymist @cudiess @bookofwhimsy
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eerna · 7 months
baby oak-i dont want to marry anyone😡
Adult oak when wren doesnt want to marry him-😭😭😭💔💔(someone play the lute and bring ice cream!!!)Oak being a loverboy that secretly wishes for wren to not break the engangment and actually mary him was the funiest paralel in the book and just him being a SIMP in general,hes so relatable i would too do anything to protect wren from the world
Oak (8) being like "I DON'T WANT TO MARRY SUREN I DON'T WANT TO MARRY ANYONE CAN'T WE JUST HELP HER WITHOUT THAT PART" VS Oak (17) making all his scenes various shades of "PLEASE WREN CHANGE YOUR MIND PLEASE MARRY ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE". Both are delightfully childish in completely opposite directions. Boys will be boys <3
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wreniverse · 2 months
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wren art i probably won’t finish honk shoo mimimimi
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fishnchip3011 · 5 months
sawrry wren fans i really don't draw him as much as i should... it's not my fault i love disgustingly self indulgent sappy gay shit 💔 cut me some slack!!!
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
Inspired by one of my beloved mutuals, I have decided to make mutual tags for everyone! Sorry for the tag everyone!
@windbornearchon - jas ☀️
@rosietrace - rosie 😈
@spadecentral - eli 🐣
@geminiiviolets - basil 🌿
@merotwst - ellie 📝
@bunnwich - ren 🐇
@authoruio - uio 🖋
@nem0-nee - nem 🎨
@nuitthegoddess - nuit 🐉
@tunabesimpin - tuna 🐟
@thetwstwildcard - liz ♠️
@vivaresmala - luna 🌙
@fumikomiyasaki - fumi 🍏
@lovelyjasmari - jas 🎀
@oseathepebble - mari 🐺
@daisyneptune - daisy 🌼
@celiica - mercie 🦈
@br3adtoasty - toasty 🍞
@indulgentandidiotic - aries 🐮
@cinnamoroxie - roxie 🌟
@shehassecrets - sophia 💔
@fruixtii - fruity 🍇
@grandi-flora - wren 🥀
@vaporvipermedia - viper 🐍
@italoniponic - cherry 🍒
@luvkamishiro - yion ✏️
@robo-milky - chris 🎊
@hyuckonia - hyuckie 💪
@pyroxeene - vi 🌌
@angry-strawberry-pie - bunny 🐰
@evilcokito - coco 💀
@writing-heiress - kayla ♥️
@hamstergal - nette 🃏
@revolllutionary - rev 👑
@sakuramidnight15 - sakura 🖤
@hades-eternal - monmon 🩸
@twsted-princess - melanie 🧁
@ducky-died-inside - ducky 🐥
@mellytheteddy - skai 🧸
@xiao-lantern - ren 🍁
@aqua-beam - calira 🪷
@tulipluvlettr - tulip 🌷
@pixy-styx - pixie 🕊
@gothic-pegasus - kittle 🐶
@v-anrouge - aster ❣️
@absolutelyobsessedkiya - kiya ✂️
@the-v-lociraptor - raptor 💙
@iliketodrawig - jana 🎢
@transriddlerosehearts - len 🐠
@silent-dragon - joi 🐼
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rodolfoparras · 12 days
I typically get very painful cramps and not much helps it😔💔 so I've learned to just do whatever my brain says I need for comfort and also let myself rage at silly things to feel better😋 I also learned painkillers don't help me much cause the amount I need to take to help the pain😭😭😭 bro I was on another planet😭 my friends sent me clips of me playing the game and you could tell I was not using my brain in the slightest💀
So yeah I gotta rawdog my period cramps😧
But !!!
I love Wren so every much, would love to draw him but I have the worst art block everything looked so bad😭💀 I sorta made a picrew of him? It's not that accurate as he's more grey, older, has shark teeth and his tail isn't so cat like but I worked with what I had💪
And I liked the idea of the all white ethereal glowing look so I'm making another X-Men oc!!!
Have nothing besides they go by Seer, non binary and they're sorta on Magnetos side (Their opinion of him suffers greatly as he sacrifices Rouge in the first movie :< ) They're like 19 and are basically Wren's little sibling !!! They grew up on the streets together, Wren would always take all the hits and cruel things people did because of their mutations :(
While Wren hates humans, he also doesn't want whatever innocent humans there are to suffer because of all the mean ones.
Seer, however, despises humans and can't see how they're worth saving because they witnessed everything those mean people would do to Wren but also never saw any other humans trying to stop or help. But Seer does start realizing Magnetos methods are a bit extreme.
Siblings on opposite sides😔💔 good angst trope but !!! Wren and Seer still text and call frequently, neither go out on missions either so they rarely get hurt or have to fight. But even if they did, both already told Charles/Magneto they refuse to fight each other and they also don't want them to get hurt :<
Wren would absolutely take a blast aimmed for Seer 😭 also Seer loves showing Magneto their favourite music/memes and Magneto is just... So lost??? He doesn't understand. But they're kinda like a silly grandpa grandchild duo. Seer gets along with Mystique a little more, she keeps more up to date with the trends😋
But back to the sillies !!! (Wren, Scott and Logan)
Wren doesn't sleep much, he doesn't really need to so he just doesn't ( He had to stay awake as a kid to keep Seer safe :< Wren can't bring himself to sleep because what if someone needs him?) So Wren just watches like those stop motion lego cooking videos while Scott is cuddled up to him, Logan somewhat cuddled but with his back turned so his claws don't potentially hurt Wren and Scott. Even though Wren would be fine, with Scott sometimes sleeping halfway on top of Wren, Logan doesn't wanna risk hurting him :<
But Wren always gives Logan extra cuddles since Scott always wakes up before Logan :> and Scott and Logan aren't huge on cuddling each other😭 like every so often they will but their love language is bickering and shoving each other🙄
One night though Wren actually lets himself fall asleep after Scott insisted he should at least try and bro he was knocked out🔥🔥🔥 passed out with his face buried in Scotts tiddies (me next me next!!) Wren still doesn't sleep much but if he does, his face is buried in Logan or Scotts tiddies🙏
Sugae bee with all due respect I think I’m obligated to fight your period cramps there’s no other way around it I’m loading up my fists and it’s me against the devils river
Sugar bee the picrew is so cute!! I love love love his eyes and the little unicorn horn it’s the cutest combo ever 😭😭😭 and the all white x man is just as beautiful!! I think my favorite is the hair style and the horns!!
I cannot say I know much about the actual x man lore of the story to pitch in my thoughts on their backstory but I do have to say I love protective sibling tropes on opposite sides sm!!!! Especially when the show is about them meeting in some kind of middle ground!! And also it’s kind of sweet how wren has some sympathy for good humans while seer doesn’t have any towards any human because humans have always been so unkind to their brother
Also I love my two silly men getting loved by a wonderful little dude🥹 all three of them deserve all the cuddles in the world and I’m glad they’re getting it from each other 😤 AND WREN EVEN GETS RO SLEEPY IN LOGAN OR SCOTTS TIDDIES?? WHEN IS IT MYTURN
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spacey-png-art · 8 months
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Wren doodle bc it’s snowy and I wanted tea 💔
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