masquerade2015 · 1 year
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Masquerade contains content that viewers may find disturbing, such as monsters, mind control, scars, suicidal mentions, and much more. Please proceed with caution.
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Masquerade is an RPG game in early stages of development.
It follows two orphans, Alice and Shoko, who just want to get away from the harsh punishments of Mrs. Larson. Alice gets asked to get the mail and sees an invitation to a circus show, she hides it and decides to ask Shoko to go with her later. The two leave and as they’re heading to the location they fall through the ground…but they made it to the circus?
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Alice- The main protagonist that you play as. She’s smart and quick, both on her feet and in her mind. She’s extremely stubborn and once she has her head set on something it’s very hard to change her goals. She hates losing but she also knows when to give up and can admit when she’s wrong.
Shoko- Shoko is the exact opposite of Alice, she presents herself as dense and carefree. Despite witnessing everything above ground and underground, she continues to smile. In reality she’s extremely observant and once she gets to know someone she’s good at reading their tone.
Masquerade- Alice’s love interest. He’s quiet and observant, yet has many fans because of his calm, collected, and mysterious nature. He’s one of the first people you meet when you fall through the ground.
PartyHat- One of Shoko’s love interests and another one of the first people you meet after arriving at the circus. He’s a huge joker and wears his heart on his sleeves, he finds it extremely difficult to hide his distain from Synthia.
Charlie- Shoko’s second love interest. Behind his wide, eerie smile is someone who’s deeply loyal to his friends and even more loyal to Shoko. There’s a lot of secrets behind him though.
Synthia- The main antagonist and the leader of the circus. The way her glowing red eyes peer into you, you can’t help but hear a voice telling you to follow and trust her. She knows you more then you know you and she knows how to use this information against you.
Aesop- The mute janitor you meet and befriend. Some of the insane residents sewed his mouth shut and find other ways of torturing him.
Atlus- A member of the freak show, and a freak they are. Atlus the crazy monster who can attach and detach any limb at will.
Bella- A member of the twin acrobatics. She’s timid but filled with innocent, childlike curiosity.
Blair- The spider knife thrower. She holds an amazing power of force and precision, try not to cross paths with her.
Edward- The second member of the twin acrobats. He’s aloof and doesn’t have much to say, please try to excuse his sour personality.
Elliott- A charming and narcissistic leader of the freak show. No need to fear, he would never soil his beautiful hands with your blood.
Finn- The contortionist. An extremest. Finns personality is all over the place, he’s quick to any emotion, it’s as easy to make him angry as it is happy. With extremely flexibility and agility he makes a hard enemy.
Jo- The beast tamer. She’s has no remorse for almost everyone in the circus. She prefers to sit above and send her wild beast after troublemakers.
Oliver- a sadistic ring leader. He’s Synthia’s right hand man and controls the circus when she isn’t. His favorite past time is bullying Aesop with Pedro, his best bud.
Pedro- The sadistic, insane, sword swallower. Finds immense joy in hurting others, even his coworkers. His favorite victim is Aesop, and having a buddy to bully Aesop with just makes the entire experience better.
Quinn- Quinn is the extremely chill gremlin of the freak show. Yes, she’s chaotic, but unlike her coworkers, she doesn’t find that much joy in hurting others unless they did something to her family.
River- Buff, magician moth lady. She’s very energetic and friendly. She's often pulling gifts out of her hat after a show to give to guests.
Susie- The circus nurse. Although she is also a staff member and plays no part in the circus act, Pedro and Oliver don't bully her as much, I wonder why? She's extremely sweet and helps Alice and Shoko a lot throughout the story.
Wren- The older twin of the freak show. Unlike her younger sister, Wren will try to destroy you at every chance she gets. Wren is extremely protective of the freak show, even more protective of her younger twin.
Wynn- The younger twin of the freak show. She's shy and timid, beating Susie's own shy personality. She hardly speaks and when she does you can't make sense of what she's saying.
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# ✨-Elliott
#💌-Fan Content
#🔞-Minors DNI
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Ageless in bio(either put your age/birthday in your bio, or you can send me a message telling me your age, if neither then you’ll be blocked)
I won’t be writing any gross out link or anything like that
If you’re a minor, please don’t interact with any 18+ content, base game will be free and safe to play
Please be patient with me
I’d prefer if younger kids(14-) DIDNT play this game because of swearing and triggering topics
Happy to take criticism!
More might be added/changed to sections as I develop this blog
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btsx50states · 10 months
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Namjoon on Weverse 20231210:
to the people whom i love, i hope you are well. it seemed the day would never come, but here we are, at last. i swear there were a million things i wanted to share but putting pen to paper after such a long time has been quite the challenge.
it has been such a great joy to live as a member of BTS these last 10 years. i’ve always said this, but the end of a journey can always be a door leading to a new one! i have absolutely no doubt that by the time we return, there will be something even greater awaiting us
when i think about our seokjin-hyung and hoseok, who went on to do their service before any of the rest of us followed suit, i can imagine how difficult it must have been to undergo that experience alone.
trailing behind them, i feel stronger and more capable of taking on the duty because they have set an admirable example in carrying out their due service. i firmly believe that these next 18 months, a period of time that is both short and long and everything in between will become a time for all of us to learn to face the unfamiliar and to be newly inspired by our challenges. of course, i approach this time with a little fear and caution, but at a time when everything appears up in the air, is there a thing in the world that can bring just as much comfort as holding onto hope and wondering what awaits me next? sure, my work [is gratifying and gives me purpose] but above all, the only thing that could possibly rival this idea would be your love.
the very idea of holding a special place in someone’s mind, to be a person worth waiting for. life can be lonely & at times we walk alone but my soul is already filled to the brim with that steadfast love i hope i can be such a person to you as deeply as you are to me.
at the end of the day, words come and go but it is our time, our love, and our sincerity that we have shared that is the true testament to what we will continue to mean to each other.
all this time, all i’ve ever wanted was to be the person standing right by your side, even when i may not always appear to be there I deeply hope that each of us will continue to live out our individual lives, from wherever “home” may be [sitting in the driver’s seat] to give it our best shot and that when we finally come back we will greet each other with bright smiles hoping each of us will have become sincere, warm-hearted people.
it may be a little “goodbye” (안녕/annyeong) for now ! but i’ll greet you with a “hello” (안녕/annyeong) the very next time we meet wherever we are, whenever that might be hoping that “we” continue to remain “us” !
I’ll see you in the future, then I am loving you so very much. wishing this message will reach your heart [from mine], - Namjoon
Translation by @BTSTranslation7 on Twitter
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sara-saragej · 3 months
Mi mancano i giorni in cui vedevo con occhi incantati il mondo.
E l'aria profumava di libertà non appena varcavo la soglia di casa.
E la libertà mi sembrava bella.
Non mi manca la mia giovinezza.
Mi manca come guardavo il mondo.
- Paola Felice
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I miss the days when I saw the world with enchanted eyes.
And the air smelled of freedom as soon as I crossed the threshold of the house.
And freedom seemed beautiful to me.
I don't miss my youth.
I miss how I looked at the world.
- Paola Felice
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Buon inizio Settimana 🐞
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insxghtt · 1 year
could you do more bella x bpd reader? maybe like a specific moment or symptom that they help you through? -🐞
omg you just read my mind i love this
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hypersensitivity — bella ramsey x bpd!reader
Bella was one of the best people you’ve ever met. Not only because they were a great partner, the love of your life, extremely beautiful and talented and smart, but also because they had the ability to see people for who they were.
When they heard your diagnosis for the first time, they weren’t scared like everyone else. They listened quietly, nodded, and gave you one of the best hugs of your life. You cried. A lot, actually. Bella stayed there and dried your last tear with the sleeve of his green sweatshirt. Then, he held your face with his two hands and kissed your cheeks.
“You’re still my girl. Nothing changed”, they said.
And really, nothing changed. Of course, now Bella could understand you more. They were able to realize the things that bothered you. Like, for example, strong smells that made you grumpy, movies that made you more emotional, songs that made you cry, changes in your routine that made you feel stressed.
They also realized how scared you were of the judgment from other people. You always heard that you were just “too much”. Too emotional, too angry, too depressed, too intense. And some words triggered you so bad that made you want to hide from the world forever.
Once, you invited her to dinner with your friends from high school. You knew it would be hard for you and that you would need him there. School was not easy and the memories would probably hit you like a punch in the stomach.
“I can’t even believe that you found someone”, one of your high school friends said to you. “I mean, I thought you’d be single forever. You were always so exaggerated when it came to love.”
She said it like it was a joke. Well, it was an awful joke and not funny at all. Plus, the use of the word “exaggerated” was the worst part. You tried your best to hide how much that bothered you and just laughed, but the tears in your eyes were already about to fall. You hated that. It was like you were about to overflow. Your blood was burning, the pain in your chest was insufferable. Thankfully, none of them seemed to notice while you held back your cry. Except, of course, for Bella.
Without even saying a word, they looked at you and immediately knew you wanted to leave. Bella was very good at reading you.
“Shit, darling, i forgot to tell you that Pedro invited us to have breakfast with him and his sister tomorrow morning”, Bella said, interrupting your friend who was about to tell a story about one of your first crushes.
Bella really was good at acting. 
“Really?”, your voice cracked a little from the tears you were holding back.
“Yeah, he said he wanted to see us before going back to LA.”
“You’re friends with Pedro Pascal?”, your high school friend asked you, her tone sounding a bit envious.
What a bitch, you thought. Now you remembered why you decided to push her away after your graduation.
“Yes”, you answered, sounding more confident now.
“Anyway, we should probably go now, it’s getting late and we need to wake up early”, Bella continued.
“Okay…”, the girl gave you a fake smile.
You and Bella said goodbye to all the people and left the restaurant, heading back to their car. Bella had their arm around your waist and you saw them rolling their eyes as soon as you walked out of the door, which made you giggle. Somehow, you forgot about how much the words of your “friend” hurted you.
Bella opened the car door for you like they always did, and after you were inside, they walked around and got on the driver's side.
“Are you okay?”, Bella asked with a soft tone.
You smiled, looking at those beautiful brown eyes.
“Yeah”, you whispered. God, you loved them so much. “I’m okay now.”
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~ Bolla di sapone ~
Fatta d'illusione e meraviglia.
Bella, nella lentezza ipnotica che pare studiata per incantare chi osserva.
Delicata, da far trattenere il fiato e un po' tremare il cuore.
Leggera, sei volata oltre tutti i miei vetri rotti, a tratti illudendomi persino di poter volare via con te.
Quanto ho desiderato toccarti, pur sapendo che in qualsiasi momento avrei potuto perderti.
E sei esplosa, infatti, senza un apparente perchè, nel momento più bello del tuo aleggiare.
Tutto è rimasto sospeso com'era, anch'io, ferma e incredula col naso all'insù.
Del tuo passaggio nessuna traccia, solo quel po' di sapone che fa scivolare nei pensieri e nei ricordi di quando t'ho avuta per un attimo, due, nulla più.
E adesso tutta questa malinconia è solo colpa mia, perché tu non eri altro che una bolla di sapone e io, io, una sciocca che ti voleva amare.
@conilsolenegliocchi 🐞
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@libere-fantasie l'avevo conservata, ma era tempo di lasciar volare anche questa bolla di sapone...
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chbnews · 2 months
-Bella @bella-gracefully
WHAT???? - 🐞📕Anon Son of Athena 📕🐞
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
~my loves
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
~my moots:
#fern🪴 @cauliflowertree
#sarah🧣 @sarahisslytherin
#taja🐞 @natashxromanovf
#alyssa🧸 @scarlet-prey
#jess☕️ @/oliverwoodmarrymepls
#zoya🧁 @sheraayasher
#jules🧚🏻‍♀️ @saintlike78
#melli🌷 @/mellifluousart
#daisy mei🌼 @ddejavvu
#bella 🐺 @bellabadacadabra
#bee🐝 @/honeymunson
#cherry🍒 @/moonbcrry
#mia🎟️ @/weasel-b33
#jacky🌸 @/jackys-stuff-blog
#jaclyn🧝🏻‍♀️ @/spxllcxstxr
#erika🦢 @nocapesdahling
#grace🪷 @v1olentdelights
#millie🐰 @iliveiloveiwrite
#heloise🪄 @heloisedaphnebrightmore
#vic💃🏻 @sunflowersteves
#zee🍬 @/thesecretwriter
#abby📽️ @/sereinegemini
#cam🎷 @/destourtereaux
#madeline🌷 @/andsheloved
#sky☁️ @/thefanbasewhore
#honey🍯 @/honeybrowne
#katie🍄 @/chrisevansdaughter
#kylie🦎 @/imabee-oralizard
#ivy🌿 @inkluvs
#fawn🍁 @inkdrinkerworld
#katie🪻 @ssahotchnerr
#anna🎠 @headkiss
#mae🌜 @moonstruckme
~my emoji anons
🌸 anon- she/her
📸 anon- they/them
🇿🇦 anon- she/her
☕ anon- she/her
🥂 anon- she/her
🍄 anon- she/ they
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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thesoulmustbebreath · 2 months
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Buongiorno ☕
Buon venerdì 🍀🐞
"L'attenzione è la carezza più bella"
Lucia 💓
Luli ❤️ Lu 💖🌞🌊♾️
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star1117-archives · 1 year
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the archives ━━ [📚] - original content
now loading ━━ [♻️] - reblogs
guess who’s back ━━ [🖇️] - self reblogs
m.list ━━ [🎞️] - masterlist posts
miles mumbles ━━ [🎙️] - random posts / vents etc
you’ve got mail ━━ [📬] - asks / submissions
anon ask ━━ [👤] - anon asks
pound the alarm ━━ [🔊] - announcements / important posts
faves ━━ [🫶🏾] - fic recommendations
tagged ━━ [🔖] - tag games
misc ━━ [🍩] - non-ateez posts
queuepiter ━━ [🪐] - queued posts
mirror mirror on the wall ━━ [🪞] - selfies etc
seonghwa ━━ [🐉]
hongjoong ━━ [🎧]
yunho ━━ [☀️]
yeosang ━━ [🎮]
san ━━ [🧸]
mingi ━━ [🌟]
wooyoung ━━ [🥘]
jongho ━━ [🍎]
ot8 ━━ [🎪]
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gender neutral reader ━━ [🤍]
moots ━━ [🐾] - general tag
nini ━━ [🐋]
- @m4rsluv (wife but fries)
jada ━━ [🐼]
- @kyeomyun (newest wife)
chase / roan ━━ [🐆]
-@waezennie / @jisungfucks (queue jaehyun meltdown)
lux ━━ [🦋]
- @a-soft-hornytiny (wife? unsure. loml? confirmed. )
grey ━━ [🐺]
- @galaxybam2 (wife. it’s mangoes bitch.)
hira ━━ [🕊️]
- (deactivated. miss you.)
ruby ━━ [🐞]
- @violetwinters (my tumblr mother)
rosie ━━ [🐙]
- @multidreams-and-desires (resident yandere enthusiast)
lune ━━ [🦉]
- @hyuckilstan (maybe married? no clue tbh)
twi ━━ [🦩]
- @star-1117 (my love <33 )
mal ━━ [🐨]
- @theyungihven (menace. absolute menace.)
mel ━━ [🎐]
- @yechannies / @haerinnies (ray of sunshine)
zerda ━━ [🪷]
- @a1sh1teruu (angst addict)
kya ━━ [🌸]
- @2dazai / @sunoo-bby (my monthly angel)
riven ━━ [🦢]
- @rilubs (Bella swan :|)
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exmcrtis · 9 months
🐞 ---- Do they believe in love at first sight? If not, what's the reason? (ALL >.>)
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artemis absolutely believes in love at first sight. will not be elaborating at this time. don't even ask her.
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bella already answered here.
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cain for sure believes in love at first sight but will never openly admit to it. however, if you watch the way he looks at val, it's blatantly obvious.
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dawson believes in like at first sight but not love at first sight. their brain is far too logical for any of that nonsense. their words, not mine.
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ezra has always believed in love at first sight, and felt that it was confirmed after meeting icarus. he's the only person she's ever loved romantically, and he's the only person she will ever love romantically. she firmly believes that he's her soulmate.
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halley believes that falling in love with someone takes time. she's also never been one to trust her own emotions fully and will overthink every little thing whenever she can. she much prefers taking her time with things like love.
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lavender believes in love at first sight, but is reasonable enough to know that it happens to others, but never her. she's in love with being in love and in love with the idea of it, but she's more made to watch from the sidelines rather than ever experience it herself.
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leia has always believed in love at first sight, and she's hellbent on the fact that she can prove it. her only evidence is that she's had a crush on the same boy for years, but in her mind it totally counts.
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luca doesn't believe in love at first sight. he never have and he never will, and you can thank his abandonment daddy issues on that one. however, he's learning that like at first sight is a thing, and it terrifies him.
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ondine definitely believes in love at first sight. how could she not when she's been lucky enough to experience it twice?
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pru has always believed in love at first sight but never thought it could happen to her. and then she met conrad greene and her whole outlook on life changed. however, she would probably never admit any of that out loud, if only because thinks people will find her crazier than they already do.
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salem didn't believe in love at first sight until recently. she's never really been one to develop romantic or emotional feelings for another person, but meeting gio rossi really threw her for a loop.
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sare believes in love at first sight, but she also knows that love takes time. feeling the feelings is far different than immediately acting on them.
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violet doesn't believe in love at first sight, but she does believe in soulmates. until meeting rex, she hadn't ever experienced genuine love, but he's clearly changed her mind about that.
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wolf surprisingly does believe in love at first sight. however, he knows it's because that's the only way he can explain how he fell for arty so quickly.
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wylie used to believe in love at first sight, but she no longer does. how could the universe be so cruel as to give you something so precious only to rip it away unexpectedly? safe to say that wylie doesn't believe love is real at all anymore.
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cristhophcr · 2 years
hola gente hermosa del dash !! 🐞
soy birdy y les vengo a traer 1 (uno) de mis 2 (dos) bbys para armar conexiones bellas 🌹. si les interesa me dejan un 💗 e iré directo a sus im o discorddd ( el mío #birdy1030 ).
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━━ ⟢ cristhopher wells. 28 años. chef en match point. esq. m5.
01. formulario. 02. tablero. 03. conexiones. 04. playlist.
imagínate una hamburguesería media geek media gourmet y ahí trabaja cris mandoneando gente pq obvio #chef.
es aries !! de marzo !! toma esa información como quieras 🔥
es medio mujeriego pero ahora tiene a una sola mujer en su mente... aunque eso no lo detiene de chamuyarse a otras chicas.
me parece información relevante que le gustan los simpsons, los backstreet boys, las novelas y las cervezas.
me parece información más relevante lo que no le gusta como las teorías de conspiración, la burocracia, los jefes, la música ruidosa y la educación formal.
su vida privada un misterio... pero si te agarra confianza sabrás que viene de una madre soltera y ha vivido toda su vida en los angeles, nunca asistió a la universidad, pero sí le encanta hacer cursos random y de cocina.
de personalidad es medio hijo de p... no, mentira pero sí da esa impresión porque no sabe de límites !! no se da cuenta que la caga hasta que se lo digas y tiene un humor que cae mal a ratos. igual es medio tontito pero cute 🌹
en conclusión: dad energy + perrito de la calle que no quieres recoger.
fe de erratas me faltaron las conexs omg :#
amigooos. denle amigos a este hombre por favor.
ex novia que terminó mal? ex novia que terminó bien? quiero las 2, gracias.
obvio los otros chicos con los que está compitiendo por amor...
gente que haya trabajado con él en la cocina o en el mismo restaurante? yey
gente que conoció, pero no recuerda su nombre oops.
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concordewillfly · 2 years
tanti tanti auguri aurora!!!!! anche se tecnicamente sono offline destino vuole che abbia visto il tuo post quindi ti auguro di passare una bellissima giornata e spero veramente che questo nuovo anno ti tratti con la gentilezza e dolcezza che meriti. è sempre un piacere leggere pezzetti dei tuoi pensieri sparsi qua e là e la tua presenza (aimè digitale) è una costante ispirazione. you’re my coolest & sweetest pisces friend. mandandoti un bacio e un grande abbraccio ☎️‼️❣️🐞
grazie milleeeee ❣️ sei un tesoro come sempre e anche se mi manca la tua presenza qua sopra mi auguro che il tuo essere offline sia una bella esperienza (l’universo è stato cattivo a separarci in questo modo). bacini 🐞
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conilsolenegliocchi · 11 months
~ Tradi-menti ~
Quando hai tradito una donna, o anche cercato di farlo, le hai detto semplicemente una cosa: che lei non era abbastanza.
Non era abbastanza bella.
Non era abbastanza importante.
Non era abbastanza all'altezza.
Non era abbastanza per te.
Che di lei ti accontentavi mentre volevi o cercavi di più.
E il male che fa è direttamente proporzionale al livello di intimità fisico o mentale raggiunto con te.
Un male che in fondo, in fondo, non è nel perdere te, ma nel perdere sé.
Non è non riuscire a perdonare il tradimento, ma non riuscire a perdonare di averla ritenuta, e fatta sentire, non abbastanza.
Questo è.
@conilsolenegliocchi 🐞
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aarvnn · 2 years
hola gente hermosa del dash !! 🐞
birdy once again viene a traer un beboncio para armar conexiones bellas 🌹. si les interesa me dejan un 💗 e iré directo a sus im o discorddd ( el mío #birdy1030 ).
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━━ ⟢ aaron cole. 23 años. estudiante de artes visuales. esq. g5.
formulario. 02. tablero. 03. conexiones. 04. playlist.
es géminis !! muy géminis !! y un beboteeee. un himbo if i say so myself, así q trátenlo con amor porque confía a la primera y se enamora a la primera y es un poquito tonto, pero las buenas intenciones son lo que cuentan.
estudia artes visuales y le gustaría hacer el profesorado más adelante miren lo beboncioo. de esos profesores que tienes de crush por lo nice que son.
se fue de intercambio a las argentinas porque #razones que no le dirá a nadie (todavía no supera a cierta latina preciosa), pero justo cuando iba en su mejor momento... se le murió el papá.
el papá que ama y adora porque tiene una familia perfecta, excelente. imaginen cómo se le derrumbó la vida que esto pasara con él tan lejos :/ agarró el primer vuelo y ni le hablen de la universidad porque no está preparado para retomar su vida.
los papás tienen una floristería !! es como EL negocio familiar, así q está metido ahí casi todo el día muy en contra de su mamá, q lo está animando a retomar un poquito su vida, pasito a pasito.
obvio su personalidad está MERMADA con lo que pasó, pero en el fondo sigue siendo el mismo beboncio de siempre :( sólo q necesita EXTRA amor y cariño por favor y muchas gracias son momentos difíciles.
se lo van a pillar mucho en la floristería o dibujando o vagabundeando por ahí sin saber qué hacer, ténganle paciencia
en conclusión: POR FAVOR amen a este niño que yo lo amo demasiado y se merece lo mejor.
conexioneeeeeeees 🌹
gente que conozca de toda la vida obvs pq nacido y criado en los angeles
amigooooos por favooor necesita muchos amigos para sobrellevar esta situación
clientes de la floristería jejej
personas que haya conocido en su vuelta a la ciudad :(
me gustan las conex random así q acepto cualquier cosa que me tiren graciassss
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Haruno: *eyes sparkling brightly* Oh wow! The stars are sparkling in the night sky! Look! Look!
Devil Giorno: *looks around the screen urgently* Where is Bri? It's nearly midnight of a new year!
Angel Giorno: Be patient, be patient. We will find her! Ah, there she is. *sighs sweetly, dreamily*
- Giornovision -
Bri: *eyes batting gently and smiles serenely* I think that this would... Oh, hello GioGio! *walks to him with roses around her* I'm glad you are here!
- Inside Giorno's mind -
All three: *sighs happily*
Devil Giorno: *reaches for the brain cell* This calls for a little New Year's kiss, no?
Angel Giorno: *gently grabs the brain cell* Yes, yes. But let's do this gently now for her.
Devil Giorno and Angel Giorno: *hold brain cell*
Devil Giorno: *purrs* Hello, cara mia. It's nice to see you here.
Angel Giorno: *hums* I'm the luckiest man when you are here.
Devil Giorno: *grins* I believe that a tradition is to share a New Year's kiss, no?
Angel Giorno: I would be honored to kiss you when the chime strikes down, bella mia.
- Outside -
Giorno: *smiles as he gently strokes Bri's face* What do you say, my lovely Bria?
☺️☺️☺️ awwwwww pls this is so cute I'm all warm and fuzzy inside
Bri: I'd be honored to *slightly blushes*
Giorno: * takes her hand* well it's almost time
Narancia: countdowns beginning everyone!!
Mista: come on, get up here, this is the best view of the fireworks
*the team makes their way onto the roof, excited and happy*
Bruno: here we go
Abbacchio: *pours the champagne *
Everyone : 3... 2... 1... happy new year!
Bri: *smiles* happy-
Giorno: *chu* sorry I just had to, happy new year cara
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Awwww my heart, tysmmmm for sending this to me vanilla, I hope you're having a great festive season. As always, you always make my day with these- tysmmm , stay safe bb 💝💐💖🐞💓🕊
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bigbugparade · 8 days
Not us tryna get the world record 😭
  Bro Hey Put your name in it and send it to 10 different people We’re trying to make the longest iMessage for the 2024 Guinness World Records. Put your name below (copy it) and send it to 10 people, Don’t be the loser to break the chain!!
🩷🩰Maddie 🌸🌟
😜🏐Hayden 🫶🌸
💅🩰Cora 🩰💅
🩰 🇺🇸 Emma Claire⚽️
🛍️🤭💖Abby ❤️♥️🎧
💗🫨🌸Natalie S🧸🥱💕
🦆🫨🤪Lily W🥎🍿🫠
💅🌸💕Sam P💜⚡️💕
🤍⚡️🌸Addie D🐆🌺💕
⚽️🐾💙jessie🥰😘🙏 🫠❤️Kambree W 👑
🍑🌺‼️Gianna R🥱🐞🦧
😈😈 Deanthony R😈🌴
🧿🏐🤍Izabella P🤍🏐
💓🌴⚡️Nyla ⚡️🌴💓
🖕😈🤬Malaya 🤬😈🖕
Jacob ✨⭐️🌟💫
🇲🇽🌮Jaxson🏈 🧐
⚾️⛺️Austin 🌳🐶
🏀🙏Ethan 🍔🥓
🌸🦋briley 🌸🦋
🥎🏀Mae 🥎🏀
♉️McKenna 🎭
🏐❤️Braelynn 🏐❤️
🏝️💋Lizbeth 💄😘
😎🙃Annie 💪🤠🥎
🤍✨Scarlett 🏐🫶🏼
🥶🥷🏻Parker 💸💰
✋🏼🙂‍↕️Grady🤫🧏‍♂️.      🤓Eli👨‍💻⌨️🖥️
❤️Izzie 🥎🌺
🎉🥎Kendall 🍿🐣
🥎✝️Riley M🥎✝️
🥎✝️lola ✝️🥎
🥎🌄✝️Audrey🥎🌅✝️ 🐶🏃‍♀️Tinleigh ⚽️🏀🏐
👅💋👹Jenna Vogel💨💩😈
⚽️🏃🏼‍♀️🤣 Hadleigh W 🥎🤪💚
🥎✨❤️Jaci F🥎❤️✨
✝️🥎🧡Emmy M🧡🥎✝️
🐚🌸🌼Emma T💜🐶🍉
🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️Layla B 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
🙂‍↔️😍🥸🎤🤣Lilly 🤣🎤🥸😍
🇺🇸🦅🌴Anna 🌸🌺🌹
🥎🏀🩷sullee s ✝️🦃
🦄😂🫶🏻 ELLA Z😸🤪🍩
🔱❤️Eliot F.❤️🔱
💋🤪✝️Lily T✝️🤪💋
☀️💗🌸ella H ☀️💗🌸
🏊🏼‍♀️🩱📖 Lainey.S.☀️💦🐢
🤣⛳️zeke s 💵🗽🇺🇸✝️
🚽🎉Gracie S💚🚨☀️⛷️
🐴 Ryleigh 🐒 😜
🤣🏀❤️Ava I❤️🎣🎭
💅❤️Mackenzie 🕊🎱
🇻🇳🎼🗾Madi N😔💀💅
😈💀✨Chloe L🙄😫💅
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