#beloved mutuals 🥺
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years ago
Nicki: Would you step on a microorganism Giorno for 1.000 euro/dollars/whatever?
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Bria: Never. I'd protect him with my own life
Narancia: I'd teach them dem moves
Bruno: It's kinda tiny...
Leone: If I do that twice will I get the double?
Mista: he is absorbing my soul.
Niccolo: *yeet
[Just a silly idea I had]
*gently holds the Giorno *
@donvilaro do not yeet the GioGio😡
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tolerateit · 3 months ago
"fortunately following the right people" okay bestie who are these right people because my dash is so dead 😫
will keep adding to this as i remember the right urls! @wineonmytshirt @thegreatimpersonator @iamnotawomanimagod @antoniosvivaldi @disenchanteds @daenerys-targaryen @jennifersbod @cruellesummer @cellphonehippie @singlethread @sadgirlautumn @littleoblivions @iftye @cosmiclove-heavenstruck @h-f-k @kingofmyborrowedheart @blushingallthewayhome @anditscoolbabywithme @andtosaturn @placeinthisworld @thatwasthenightthingschanged @theone @lookwhatyoumademedo @sheslostupstate @seeinhindsight @joanna-lannister @lorenlily @lesbiansayaishii @amygardner @itolduthings @redesignfrankenstein @towersofpaperbacks @domperignonubroughtit @lonelyisthe @jeanmoreaux @itstimetogo @loveaffairmaimyou @skywalker-swift @reputatiion @hozierswift @thenighttrain
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crehador · 19 days ago
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years ago
*shaking and screaming and screeching like the harpy I am* pls give me some of your skill, kthanx
Seriously loved this smmmmm. The nara ref made me sob 😭✨️🤲🏼😍 impeccable as always, tysmmmmm for writing this
The Oath (Yandere! Giorno x reader)
So I originally wasn’t planning on writing this but spur of the moment idea, for @mrsgiovanna Giorno Month, and I just wanted to add one final contribution!
Prompt: “You’ll learn to love me”
TW: toxic relationship/behavior, mentions of stalking and manipulation
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He was watching you, like always.
You were walking through his garden. Or rather your garden, as he had told you, as whatever belonged to him, belonged to you.
He watches intensely. He loved seeing you around the flowers, and loved it even more when you had gone the extra step taking care of the flowers. Even though you didn’t realize how they last all year long, even in the winter, and didn’t understand the nature of their existence, it warmed his heart. Your dress swaying ever slightly in the breeze, as if the whole scene did it’s best to beautify you. Not that you needed it in Giorno’s mind.
He smiled as you walked along the path, slowly taking in the sights and smells of all the beautiful flowers that surrounded you on both sides. He was glad to see you out. After you arrived, (or kidnapped, as you often called it, much to Giorno’s disappointment), you weren’t doing so good. Spending most if not all days in your room barely eating, drinking, or doing anything. He did everything he could to get you back to yourself. Gentle coaxing, sweet words, strong promises, anything he could think of. You hated to admit it, but it mostly worked. You’d spend hours thinking of your friends and family. Giorno knew it too. He’d always tell you “wouldn’t they want you to live? To be alive, and well taken care of?”
It was hard to argue with that. Not to mention you didn’t exactly have the energy to fight back. So you caved in. You’d let him hold you, let him kiss you, buy you things. Whatever his delusional idea of love was. Some days were definitely hard. The need to leave. Not just this place, but your body, your mind. It didn’t take long to learn your mind was as dangerous as the gilded cage you were stuck in. Getting out of bed, and doing something was substantially better than living in the mind numbing roar that deafens your head and strangles you in its grasp.
The wind blows softly, tickling your face and arms slightly. The scent of the flowers are blown to you as well. The scent is almost…too perfect. You make your way over to a batch of roses, the fragrance so strong it almost suffocates you. Another irregularity: no thorns. You remember the bewilderment you had felt first seeing the odd flowers. It wasn’t until Giorno had explained everything that it all made sense: the flowers were for you. The smell is as amplified as possible, no thorns to prevent picking your fingers. The whole idea had made you uneasy. They looked so perfect, so beautiful, any gardener's dream. And yet, it wasn’t read. It was fake. You couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how Giorno’s feelings were. Perfect and sweet on the surface, but ultimately a ruse. A clever trick crafted from an expert mummer, poised in the act of deception. You shook your head, not wanting to fill it with melancholy thoughts to further sour the garden visit.
You make your way to the end of the path, seating yourself on a stone bench underneath a weeping cherry blossom tree. You close your eyes, trying to find some form of relaxation in this prison. You feel the breeze softly moving the hanging flowers of the tree, tickling your upper arms and face. You tried to think happy thoughts. The flowers. Their smell wafting all around you. The sound of their swaying in the breeze. Or better yet, you tried having no thoughts at all. You’d learned to despise your brain and being in it for such long, silent, periods of time since living with Giorno. You take a deep breath, hoping to expel the already rising negative thoughts. You’d almost forgotten about your book you’d brought to read, sitting neatly beside you on the bench. You pick up the book, hoping to escape and find whatever happiness you could in this beautiful misery.
He saw that you were reading again. Finally, he thought, unable to stop the smirk forming on his face. He’d bought you all those books, since he knew of your deep love of reading from spending days watching you in detail. He was glad to see you finally using the countless gifts he’d showered you with since bringing you home. He loved watching you. Whether it was simply mundane tasks or a deep passion you had, he’d always wanted to keep as close of an eye as possible. Despite it, he knew it was creepy and invasive. But now that you were with him, he’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe and protected, even if it meant having himself or someone watching your every mood.
Truth be told, he was happy to see you outside. He noticed you were having a string of bad days, preferring to stay in your room all day, barely touching the food that was sent. The dark circles would be viable on your face, your eyes holding a weary frightened glaze to them. You did your best to put up walls around you, guarding your brain, and more importantly your heart from him. But Giorno knew you. He knew everything down to a T. He remembers his words to you upon your arrival: “You’ll learn to love me.” Not only a warning, but a promise. While not to the point he’d wish, you had grown more used to your home, and especially grown used to him and being with him. Sure, it was no easy task, but enough gifts, sweet, coaxing words, and subtle, pointed reminders of his power and your family you had become more docile. You had your…outburst every now and then but it was expected. Moving one into a whole new home and in a new relationship is no easy task, but Giorno committed himself to you. And yet, he himself struggled as well. One aspect of maintaining the seamless transition to your new home was restraint. He wanted nothing more than to express his love in every way possible, loving words, soft kisses, giving himself wholly to you. But, deep down, he knew it’d confuse you, even scare you as well having to deal with the new environment and all his love and attention. Only in the dead of night when slumber claimed you did he allow his words to push past his lips.
“You’re going to stay here now. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise. And I promise to make this your home and love you with all I am and more. I swear it.”
He remembers another time, a time he’d said words very similar to what he’d said bto you. To a friend (2 years older!) before he’d rested him in white flowers forever. Never again. He wouldn’t do it again. Not for you. He’d do everything in his power to ensure you were safe and in your own little slice of Heaven. He’d love you with everything he was, and keep you here. He’d kissed your hands, and your forehead while you slept, none the wiser of the solemn oath that had been sworn over your slumber.
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years ago
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Lmao, Cole whyy🤣🤣🤣
This is how I feel when my phone says no face detected though🥲
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c28hunter · 1 year ago
Holy Trinity? Holy Trinity!
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I was an atheist untill I saw the Holy Trinity in my phone 🛐🛐🛐
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 1 year ago
every time i see fanart of lumity cuddling on my feed, it makes the bad thoughts perish. you are literally doing the titans' work. im giving yall respectable handshakes and my gratitude <3.
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years ago
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*screams incoherently by how cute this is* awwwwwww I love this so so so much!!! Pls my heart is just exploding (^3^)/~♡thank you so much for writing this Poppyy, it's so comforting and warm ♥️🌸💖🤲🏼😭
[This is for @mrsgiovanna . Quite short but here ya go]
[The chosen fluff sentence will be in pink]
[This is a Giorno x Bria fic]
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"Bria? Bria? Are you here?"
When Giorno opened the door of their room, all he could see was his beloved girlfriend crying with her face against the pillow. The room had a sad aura, not only because of her mood but also due to the cloudy and rainy day outside. Blonde quickly closed the door and walked fast towards the petit young lady and sat on the bed by her side. To get her slight attention, he placed a hand above hers, gently rubbing his finger on the back of her hand. She noticed it after some seconds and removed her face from the pillow, gazing at Giorno's leaf green eyes. Her almond eyes were watered and her nose slightly red.
"Gio...?" Replied with a weak voice.
"My love, what happened? Did someone hurt you? Or said anything bad?"
"No it's just... Giorno... Did I ever did a difference in the team...?"
"What... What kind of question is that...? My sweet Bria" he held her hands, fixating at her eyes "You're important like everyone else here. When I first met you, I was already amazed with your abilities. Who else could think of amazing strategies without even using stands?"
"...Bruno...? Fugo too. Leone as well"
"They can do that too. But you're just as amazing as them."
She sighed and said "Dunno, Gio..."
"You're doubting what I am saying...?"
For a moment there was silence and then Giorno had an idea. He picked up Bria in his strong arms and carried like a baby until they stood in front of the mirror. Gently placing her on the floor he asked "What do you see, my love?"
"A mirror."
He snorted "Despite that."
"Only that? Well. I see a beautiful, smart, tiny" he placed a kiss on her neck making her let out a giggle "Perfect, cunning, loyal" another kiss "Passionate, gentle, cute as a puppy" while he said that last part, he nuzzled his cheek against hers.
"You're cute, sh. I haven't finished it yet. Talented, hot, agile, compreensive, kind young lady here by my side. Don't ever let anyone make you feel down, my beloved. I'll be here to cheer you up as always. And probably make whoever talked bad about you go swim with the sharks. They do feel lonely too."
She hadn't resisted at that phrase and bursted out of laughing, covering her face with her hands.
"Don't hide your face away from me, miss Adal~♡ Let me see that blush on your face and that shy smile of yours."
"NOPE!" she accidentally revealed her face.
"Ah, there it is my Bribri!" He said cupping her face and placing a kiss on her soft lips "Found that smile I love to see!"
"Sorry for earlier, Giorno... But sometimes I do doubt if I am doing a great job."
"You always do and I say that as your boyfriend and Passione boss. As I even said back in that day, I appreciate your passionate nature. I appreciate how fearless you are. Don't ever think you don't have a place here. Because you will always have one. Got it?"
She nodded and he kissed her forehead, picking up the small girl again.
"So, how it was your day?"
"Just fine as usual. The businesses are fine. According to some researches, the drug traffic is gladly going backwards."
"That is amazing!"
"Heh, I am satisfied. Even though, there is so much to do... What about yours?"
"...I accidentally ended up with ice cream here at home."
"It is okay. I can buy more for us tomorrow" he said while kissing her neck.
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tarabyte3 · 2 months ago
I just wanted to send you some love, and let you know I miss you and I hope that the busyness calms down for you soon!
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Thank you, my friend!!! You're so sweet 🥺💕
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I miss you, too!! 😭 Fingers crossed it does soon so I can be social again and bask in my blorbos once more. 🙏
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years ago
Mwah mwah no you!
It's someone's birthday soon 😘🥰🤲🏼🌟
Hahahahaha I wonder whose.
You're so cute.
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years ago
So... 25 pancakes. I bring the syrup😏
(Please don't block me. That sounded smart in my head)
Lmfao Cole I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you're too cute 🥹🥺😘
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months ago
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 5 months ago
woke up to a total of four mutuals sending me the new sugu chibi art …… life is good
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what if i say something so so incriminating (/hyperbole)
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amethystsoda · 8 months ago
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Thank you…. 💞💞
@leefi @the-ethereal-god @persephones-deadgirlwalking @thenarrativefoil @lightcycler @elinaviolets
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nighttimepatrons · 7 months ago
It is so cute, here is a picture I had to take with my phone
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Look at him! He has loafers on!
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