supern0vashii · 2 months
im gonna dump so much au lore OH MY GOD
okay ive been cooking up a little SOMETHING
rubs hands deviously /j
( i don't know if its heavy gore but there's some headcutting here so yeah )
its really long 💔💔 its basically a fic idk
This all started when Mr. Puzzles had finally taken the SMG4 cast and brainwashed / forcing them so they can participate in his goofy cartoon TV parodies.
As he released more content for his company, he realized that SMG4 and his crew weren't going to be enough to hit his beloved five star rating.
That same day, he received a text from his daughter, Star. She had asked him if they could meet up, since they haven't seen each other in almost two decades.
After the two had their father-daughter chit-chat, Star mentions that she got the main part in a musical that was happening in a few hours. Intrigued, and happy to be there for his daughter, Mr. Puzzles decided to go to said musical.
That's when Star's talent was truly shown, and the idea clicked so fast in Mr. Puzzles's mind it would have made his head spin.
"Why force a group of amateurs to do something when you have your own star right in front of you?"
That same night, after the event, Mr. Puzzles asked Star if she wanted to work for her as the star in his entertainment company, Puzzlevision.
Star declined, with the reason that she wanted to finish college before she did anything big.
Mr. Puzzles was furious. Not furious at the fact that Star didn't accept, but furious at the fact that he won't be able to get those precious five stars.
Mr. Puzzles thought, why even ask when I can make her participate unwillingly?
With that, Mr. Puzzles brainwashed Star and forced her to become the singing and dancing mascot of Puzzlevision.
But something was wrong. The way she looked, her appearance.. It didn't fit the company's vision at all. Mr. Puzzles thought of an extremely gorey solution to make sure Star fits in with the rest like a puzzle piece.
But he wanted Star to be happy in his little circle of entertainment hell. So Mr. Puzzles kidnapped and also brainwashed Star's friends SMG6 and Amber. Mr. Puzzles erased Amber's memories, and the well-being and status of SMG6 is currently unknown to the public eye.
As for the SMG4 crew, they're still stuck in Puzzlevision.
And thanks to Star, Mr. Puzzles had finally gotten his precious five stars.
SMG3, Boopkins, and Luigi escaped Puzzlevision somehow. And thank God that Mr. Puzzles hasn't noticed yet. Mr. Puzzles has taken notice of Melony and has brainwashed her as well. As for Saiko, she stays with 3, Luigi, and Boopkins.
SMG4: Mr. Puzzles decided to keep SMG4 in his perfect video craze. He's much easier to control that way. The difference between the normal SMG4 and SHOWTIME!SMG4 is that he is way more aggressive and has a light-blue scarf with stars, and star earrings. Both whom he acquired from Star. SMG4 has a necklace with a puzzle charm on it, just like Star, Mario, and Amber do. I wonder what that's about.
MEGGY: Meggy is still stuck in the Western Spagetthi Simulation with Tari and One Shot Wren. Like ever since she has arrived in the simulation, Meggy has been being shot repeatedly by her "idol." Meggy has begged Mr. Puzzles for mercy many times, she had eventually found out that he was the one behind the simulation all along. She has seen Star make a few cameos in Western Spagetthi due to her popularity throughout Puzzlevision. Meggy does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
TARI: Like Meggy, she stays in the Western Spagetthi Simulation. She is attempting to make a small safe spot where the two can talk to each other and relax. But that hasn't been easy since Clench has been malfunctioning lately. It's terrifying having to watch your best friend, and coach, be shot and die in front of you over and over again. The emotion was just so raw. Tari does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
MARIO: Mr. Puzzles despises Mario. He keeps Mario on full lockdown (completely brainwashed, and locked in a room) when he isn't on air. When Mario is on air, he usually does his goofy shenanigans, since he is completely oblivious to what's going on. Mario is kinda sad that SMG4 won't talk to him. Mario sometimes flirts with Star as a joke. Like he always does when they're paired together for a scene. Star is just confused. Mario wears a puzzle-charmed necklace.
BOB: Bob can mostly be seen in the comedy scenes, he's not too popular in the Puzzlevision community. Like Mario, Bob is completely oblivious to the crew being brainwashed. He asked SMG4 if he was on crack when 4 asked him if he remembered anything before Mario's Mysteries. Bob does wonder where Boopkins is though. Bob does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
MELONY: The only reason Mr. Puzzles brainwashed Melony is because of how powerful she is. A deity that could foil his plan in seconds cannot do! All Melony really does is sleep in the Western Spagetthi Simulation. Melony does not wear a puzzle-charmed necklace.
STAR: Star isn't doing too well. She had most recently found out of her father's true intentions. And she is mad. But, sadly, there is nothing she can do about it since Mr. Puzzles has eyes everywhere. Her relationship between her and SMG4 is complicated. She has tried contacting him and telling him what he doing isn't healthy. Yet he continues to work on his computer all the time. Star is worried for SMG4. Star has tried contacting anyone outside of Puzzlevision, she has reached someone outside once, but they didn't respond in time. Before 3 escaped, she gave him her star necklace so he can remember her when he, Saiko, Boopkins, and Luigi break the crew out of Puzzlevision. Star wears a puzzle-charmed necklace.
AMBER: Amber works for Mr. Puzzles, since she doesn't remember anything before waking up and being sat down in a vacant office. Except for the fact that Mr. Puzzles was sitting at the other side of the table, telling her that she worked here. Amber feels a familiar feeling when she is near Star. She's not sure why though, she's never seen her before. Right? Amber writes scripts for Mr. Puzzles's cartoon parodies. And is one of the best workers in Puzzlevision. After Star, of course. Amber wears a puzzle-charmed necklace.
my fingers hurt KDJFKFKFKFK
Taglist (VOID THIS 🙏🙏): @3nvymist @cudiess @bookofwhimsy
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carliathegreatestsimp · 6 months
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my tiktok friend said He looks like Rui so I made this and SMG4 X PROJECT SEKAI IS UPCOMING RAHHH
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duckapus · 9 months
Curtain Call
So the fight against Showtime at the top of the tower isn't exactly going well given how powerful she is, but thanks to the war down on the ground the tides are about to turn, because a stray barrage of Missile Megs from Bowser misses Metal Overlord and hits the tower about halfway up instead, doing enough damage to make everything above start to fall. Everybody realizes that their only chance of maybe surviving is to jump out the window, and, well, Kamek and Cubot are the only ones who can fly and they're obviously not strong enough to carry everyone else, so all they can really do is hope for a miracle (or at least for Meme Energy to decide it'd be funnier for them to survive the fall).
And with a roar and a call of "YYYYEEEHHHHHAAAWWW!" a miracle does arrive, as they all land on something mostly solid far higher up than they expected.
"Need a lift, piss-ants?"
"Anti-Shroomy!?" The 4 then looks down at what exactly their savior rode in on, "you tamed Draco Piranha!?"
"Yep! Turns out he's not so bad once you show him who's boss."
It's at that point that Showtime reminds us that she can just ignore gravity, and she starts throwing attacks at them, prompting a chase down towards the ground.
...okay, I'll level with you, I've got a few small scenes figured out for all this but not a coherent story to stitch them together, and at this point I just want this done so bear with me. Eventually the fight reaches the ground, the group is still on the back foot, the chaos of the battle raging around them is messing with both sides, at some point Ice Melony and Mecha Desmond show up while fighting each other and Showtime gets caught in their crossfire and blasted elsewhere on the battlefield and the main group (plus the rest of the converted crew members who've managed to come over to either help or attack depending on which conversion they have).
At this point Metal Overlord seemingly manages to overpower Castle Bowser and tries to merge with him to become even more powerful...but it takes a lot more willpower than Metal has to overwrite Bowser's, so instead we get Heavy Metal Bowser.
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(not my best work or even colored in but this is what you get. junior for scale)
The good new is that now the Robot converted characters are now under Bowser's control and helping the good guys. The bad news is that Showtime had a front row seat for this.
"Well now, there's an idea." she looks over the battlefield and spies a certain royal Siren fending off a frozen king and his army almost single-handedly, and in an outfit that's almost just her style to boot, "Jackpot."
She flies over, sending out a wave of energy that knocks away everyone besides Old King Winter and Sonata. Sonata levels her trident at the newcomer, "Your energy...you're the source of all this madness, aren't you."
She laughs haughtily, "Clever as always, kiddo. Now, both of you hold still." she raises her arms towards the two and they begin to feel something being torn out of them as painfully as possible.
Streams of colored energy pour out of them and into Showtime, gradually causing all three to glow. eventually it gets so bright that they can't be seen at all, and when it dies down only one titanic figure remains.
"Alright! Goodby Queen Cutie and he-llo Empress Sexy~!"
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"Two down, five to go. Now, where's the mushroom girl?" She flies off towards Toadstool Tangle.
Meanwhile, the Ice and Undersea converted people start to undergo some rather horrific transformations, with Creep growing out of them at all angles. 4 unfortunately gets a front-row seat when it happens to 3. This continues with the Mushroom conversions (so really just Draco Piranha and the Tangle itself), then the Muppets and soon after the ghosts, and finally everyone gets to witness the battle between Heavy Metal Bowser and an even more powerful version of Fusion Showtime with features added from the other three trigger characters (I unfortunately did not draw the later Fusion Showtime stages. I might in the future but for now you'll just have to use your imaginations). It's a close match, but eventually even Bowser falls, and Wonder Showtime is born while the Group stands alone once again.
It seems as though all hope is lost, especially since most of them quickly get pinned down by the horribly mutated versions of literally everyone, but 4 gets an idea, "Wait, we still have the seeds, right?"
Mario manages to yeet Luigi away and pulls out a few of their collected Wonder Seeds, "Yeah, but they don't exactly do anything besides sit in your inventory."
"Not on their own, but they're part of a meme, right? And they're a new enough one that they've got way more Meme Energy than most things at that scale. Maybe I can turn them into something we can actually use!"
Meggy looks over from where she's trying to get what might be Saiko and Tari off of Ferb, "Can you even get a meme to that kind of power on your own?"
"..." he looks to a particular section of the battlefield, eyes full of determination, "No, No I can't." he runs in the direction he was looking, tackling the mutated Admiral 3 to the ground and pulling a tentacle that used to be an arm into a death grip.
"SMG4, what are you doing!?"
"My...job!" he's assaulted by the all-too-familiar sensation of the Creep burrowing into his body, his brain, along with the horrible memories that come with it, but he holds firm, "3, if there's anything left in there that can hear me, I need you!"
There's a long few seconds where 4 can't help but think he's just thrown his life away for nothing before the seven Wonder Seeds rise up and start to morph into raw Meme Energy spheres, "work...fast...ba...ka"
The two work in tandem to merge the energy into a single sphere, which then transforms into...
A Wonder Flower. Because what else could it possibly be? This one has the strange grey-with-yellow-accents color scheme of the Special World wonder flowers.
"You've got-erhf-one shot! Make it...count!"
Whoever's left of the group nods in understanding and rushes towards the flower in the hopes of reaching it before one of the mutants, and two hands grab its petals at the same time, one gloved, the other not...and something unexpected happens.
A single figure sits on a rooftop, looking out at the sun setting over a city that no longer exists.
They are alone.
They are together.
A living monument to a bond forged in Ink and Fire.
An experience made flesh.
The moment seems to stretch on forever, as they revel in simply Being...
But when they open their eyes, not even a second has passed.
"Holy shit."
They look down at the awestruck face (or, well, eyes) of Marcy, discovering that they're now significantly taller than either of them were before.
"I knew something crazy would happen but this..."
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They grin, "I know, right? I...we?...Yeah, I feel amazing! Like I could do anything! Like-"
The earth shakes, and they look up to find that Showtime's definitely noticed the commotion, "-Liiike I'm wasting time. Let's-a go!"
They run towards the titanic villain, soon discovering that their fusion was only part of the Wonder Effect as an obstacle course of combined Super Mario and Splatoon elements springs up around them, forming a path up to their target. Obviously Showtime doesn't just sit and wait for them, attacking with everything she's got, but they tackle any challenge that comes their way with a combination of Meggy's athletics and skill and Mario's platforming prowess and Avatar powers, as well as some of the greatest reoccurring memes of both (of particular note is when they weaponize Meggy's poor cooking skills to turn an oven they found into a rocket to help them reach a higher level).
Soon enough, they reach the top of what's left of the Tower, nearly at eye level with Wonder Showtime. She leers down at them.
"And just what are you supposed to be, you little freak?"
"It's-a me, Marggy, and I'm not 'supposed' to be anything. But as long as we're both here, I guess I'll be the one to take you down."
She laughs at this, then gives them a sharklike grin, "Real cute, kids. But it's gonna take a lot more than two midgets in a trenchcoat to beat a goddess."
Marggy shrugs, "I dunno, eight on two seems like pretty good odds to me."
More laughter as she brings up her ice-covered arm, "Okay, okay. Now you die."
A blast of ice the width of an ocean liner barrels towards them, but rather than show any fear they simply activate a certain something they grabbed on their way up here: a Killer Wail Canned Special.
The beam of sound and ink cuts through the ice magic like it's nothing, badly cracking the ice arm and, after she moves it out of the way in pain, continuing on to blast a hole in the eye on her chest. They waste no time after that, continuing along the Wonder Effect's path towards the prone titan.
She can tell what they're doing, but at her size with her injuries doesn't have the speed or strength to get away in time. Instead, she directs every last one of her mutated minions, Creep tentacles, shadow arms, and whatever else she can muster at them, "JUST DIE ALREADY!!!"
Marggy continues to be able to outrun and outfight everything thrown at them, eventually diving into the hole they made and finding themselves in a massive chamber made of creep. And right in front of them is a face they've been hoping to see all day.
She's beat up, covered in Creep, her dress ripped to shreds and crown nowhere to be seen, and just barely conscious, but when she looks up at them her eyes are as bright as ever, and she doesn't look the least bit surprised to see them, "Hey honey. How was your trip?"
The bravado Marggy's been keeping up crumbles away, and they start to tear up, "Mom..." They run towards her, pulling her into a hug as best they can given her bindings.
They stay that way for a short while, then it's back to business, "Okay, Let's finish this." they look around the room, which seems to be slowly becoming active, for some kind of weak point, eventually spotting yet another massive eye directly above Emulator, "That looks about right."
They pull out Mario's Code Bow, which apparently merged with Meggy's Splattershot so become a futuristic Tri-Stringer, and aim it up at the eye. It's at this point that Showtime starts fighting back again, lashing out from the walls with more tendrils, but it's too late, and an inky, binary-covered arrow flies straight and true clean through the eye's pupil, and the entire room becomes enveloped in blinding blue light as Showtime screams in agony.
Back outside, Showtime's outer shell is glowing just as much as the rest of her, and a shockwave of Wonder Power blasts out from her, destroying any Creep it touches and transforming the Mushroom Kingdom and its people back into their original selves. Everyone present begins to celebrate the fact that it's finally, finally over.
In the meantime, the Crew and the airship group all do their best to get their bearings and start heading towards the now rapidly shrinking glow. Which, of course, leads them right back to the old castle grounds.
Before anyone gets there, a small shape falls out of the sky and lands with a comical squeaky toy sound in the grass, standing up to reveal that it's Old Man Hobo back to his usual self "Does anyone know where I li-"
Suddenly, Bowser crashes shell-first on top of him, clutching Lily to his chest. When the trigger characters had reformed up in the air, he'd made sure to grab onto her so he could break her fall. Giant superpowered turtles can handle falling from the sky, human children usually can't.
Next to land is Kermit, who hits the ground with a splat before immediately standing up, "Well. That was traumatic. Goodbye everyone, don't bother inviting me to the next arc." With that, he walks off with that G-Mod "Move doll up and down" walk that most characters use.
Peach, Floyd and Metal Sonic can all just float down, so they do so.
And finally, there's Marggy and Emulator, who use the last of the Wonder Flower's power to gently touch down right on the moat bridge, with her leaning on them once they're on solid ground and gravity takes effect.
After this there'd probably be an actual reunion scene and maybe an epilogue (plus the scene about Showtime's fate that I detailed in this post) but I am done with this arc. Duck is out, peace!
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spookysparks90 · 6 months
I Know Not To Flex But It Still Amazes Me How I Improved in the Last Four Years in Digital Drawing
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Like I Said Before. . .
Just Keep Practicing People
And You're Improve For the Better
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fluffygiraffe · 1 year
Call me Fluffy, I am a girl and a minor, so please... no weird stuff of my characters and aus... please...
Disclaimer! This blog may be unsafe for agere/agdre in some aspects, so please block "#unsafe-giraffes" as a tag if you don't want to see those kinds of posts! Stay safe! :)
No shipping any of your Ocs with my Aus! It makes me uncomfortable. :(
Little Warning!
This blog has things such as:
Body Horror
brain damage.
Badly Drawn Gore
Bright Drawings
Dark Topics
My fandoms are:
Pizza Tower
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My Pizza Tower AUS are:
Suction Cup Tower! [Discontinued] Lovesick Au (going by "#pizza tower lovesick" only now)! Showtime AU! [Discontinued] Paralysis AU! [On Hold]
Smg4 AUS:
Puzzlevison Junior Creative Liberty AU [On Hold] Lovesick AU (yeah it's becoming a srs au! :] ) [Discontinued]
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holey-punch · 1 year
My names are Blitz, Kris, Axis, Suz, Bryce, Clyde, Mike, Marciale, Shiver, Parker, or Unpleasant!
My pfp was made by Me!
I’m ⏃ Uranic Nonbinary Trans guy who’s pronouns are He/ Xem/ It/ Snow
DNI: Transphobes, bigots, standard DNI stuff.
My sideblog for my Deltarune AU is @deltarune-locked-away, and the blog for ⏃ game I’m helping with is @uto-dev, so check them out please! Also, my other fun blog is @daily-liam. So, check it out.
My friend’s blog is @irexxable! Check them out, they have great art.
I joined this hellhole on 12/06/2022 at 9:51:36 PM, so that’s cool.
Discord: holeypunch
Fandoms I’m in (* means hyperfixation)
Cucumber Quest
Minish Cap
Ghost and Pals
Epithet Erased
Project Sekai
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Fiona and Cake
Law of Talos
Murder Drones
Animatic Battle
Billie Bust Up
Side Order
Super Mario Odyssey
Princess Peach Showtime
I’m Autistic!!!
I am ⏃ System!!!
I am ⏃ Theater kid (sadly)
I’m also 5’4.5!!!
#the offerings, #my summonings, #Frye’s confessions, #challenges, #dialtone help
The offerings are asks with art
My summonings are art
frye’s confessions is just me speaking (usually)
Challenges are challenges for drawing
Dialtone help is for if I’m sad
If I randomly start to type/ talk/ post differently, it’s because of my alters. EXCEPT IF I TALK LIKE THIZZ!!! THATZZ JUZZT ME X3 Just read this post:
Me /hj: https://www.tumblr.com/globin--goblin/739220973176438784/hole-punchs-design-in-origami-king-is-extremely?source=share So that’s all for now!
Welcome to my blog!
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letsgetitblog · 6 months
k so, to go into AU mode for a moment: what if by the end of the puzzlevison saga, Mr puzzles leaves the SMG4 universe and goes to the canon mario universe to take over the Sparkle Theater in princess peach showtime! aka i think mr puzzles should be a canon mario villain
OOOO I LOVE CROSSOVER AUS. Okay but if he goes and fuck's up the canon universe wouldn't that mess with smg4 universe as well? Cause thinking about the justice league animated movie (crisis on two earth's) if you take out or mess with the original- all it copies will get messed up as well. So that really a good plot!
But now I can't stop thinking about original Mario meeting Smg4 Mario cause I hope there's gonna be a massive team up to stop that flat face bastard.
And yea I agree he should be a canon villain as well it would be so amazing!
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duckapus · 9 months
About Code Entity Weapons
Similar to Maneuver Forms, most Programs only have one or two types of weapon they can bring out if they can even manage the technique at all, though for opposite reasons. While Maneuver Forms involve compressing their code, Weapon Summoning involves pulling out and reshaping a small piece of it, which is just as tricky to get right and significantly more risky when you're first learning it. Or at least that's my interpretation.
That being said, here's the main weapons of a few of my characters:
Manifest: Giant Chainsaw, because "small piece" is relative.
Chip: Shield
Bandwidth: Hammer
Emulator: Umbrella (don't underestimate it)
Lag: Spiked Brass Knuckles
Kelsie: Eight-fold Blade, complete with the Yiga Footsoldier fighting style
Download: Arm-mounted Plasma Cannon
RNG: Doesn't need one Because Pokemon
Trinity: The Bow of Light
GIF: Doesn't need one because Bites You
Quazar: Halberd
Spreadsheet: Wand, obviously
Connectivity: Sniper Rifle
Showtime: Won't have time to choose one before she's defeated and Prinny'd, but if she did it would be a pair of Axes (made of The Creep for a horrifying Living-Flesh-and-Bone look, of course)
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duckapus · 10 months
(So I went on a walk and came up with a great idea for Showtime's ultimate fate at the end of the Wonder Arc, and even though I still have the vast majority of the arc to write I wanted to get this out now so I don't forget it. I'll do my best to not include any spoilers beyond "the good guys win in the end" and "yeah the character heavily implied to be Floyd was definitely Floyd")
As everyone else is celebrating, Duck wanders the battlefield seemingly aimlessly, looking for something, "Come on, with that much personality and determination you must left something behind..."
In a relatively quiet area he sees it; a tiny, malformed, glowing lump of some black-and-pink substance half-buried in the dirt, invisible and intangible to anyone but himself. He picks it up and checks it over, breathing a sigh of relief when he doesn't sense any of the meat moss's power or influence lingering within it, "Well, you've caused quite a bit of grief the last couple weeks."
Floyd overhears him and floats over, eyeing the lump nervously, "Wait, is that..."
"Showtime's soul, yeah."
"Huh. Didn't think she'd have one, considering she was pretty much just where the corruption and Emmy's brain overlapped."
"Yeah, it's definitely a case of just barely managing it. It's horrifically underdeveloped and rotted almost clean through...but not quite irredeemable, now that all the gunk's been cleaned out." despite the gentle smile saying this prompts from him, there's a distinctly unfriendly, possibly vengeful gleam in his eyes.
"Uh, I know you had something to do with Welony coming back. You're not gonna-"
"No! Hell no, I'm not making you guys deal with her after all that!" He did not get his physical form stuck inside a mushroom just to more-or-less reward the bitch that indirectly caused it, "No, I have something much more interesting planned..." Yep. Definitely vengeful.
The next thing Showtime knows, she's waking up in what looks like a factory inside a volcano with the world's worst hangover.
"Ohhhh, dying's a bitch." she reaches up and massages the bridge of her beak with one flipper while doing her best to push herself up off the ground with the other.
Headache briefly forgotten, she shoots up (and then nearly topples right back over because it feels like she's on fucking stilts) and looks around frantically for a reflective surface. When she finally finds a big, particularly well-polished exposed gear, she's stunned by what she sees.
There in the makeshift mirror, there stands a bizarre, penguin-like thing held together by comically large stitches, brought up from two feet to three by a pair of long wooden peg-legs, with tiny black bat wings and a fucking fanny pack! The only things left of her old, beautiful self are her color scheme and eyes- mostly pink with a black belly and sclera and blood-red question marks for pupils.
"The proper grammatical structure would be "what the fuck, dood," miss Showtime."
She whirls around to see who the hell just said that, finding an absolute twink of a vampire who clearly has a stick up his ass, and a brown haired teenage girl in an outfit clearly designed to look like a blue version of her current dumpy form leaning casually on a baseball bat like it's a cane.
The girl pipes up, "She's gonna be a hard case, huh boss?"
"You would know, miss "I'll just blindly obey the first person who talks to me and incite a revolution because this is clearly all just a dream and nothing matters"."
"Hey, I got over my denial eventually, didn't I?"
"Yes, and then you strongarmed me into making you a demon and one of my TA's so you could focus on world domination plans with your little sister and wouldn't have to reincarnate or take those remedial lessons you owed me."
"Ah yes, my apologies. I am the Vampire Lord Valvatorez, Prinny Instructor Extraordinaire!" he poses exactly as dramatically as you'd expect, then makes a sweeping gesture to the girl, "And this is Fuka Kazamatsuri, one of my assistants."
Fuka gives a lazy, two-fingered salute, "Yo."
"And you, miss Showtime, are part of the Netherworld's latest batch of new Prinnies."
"I...don't know what that means."
Fuka takes over the explanation, "Right, you're not from around here so you wouldn't know. Okay, so first off, you are fully aware that you're dead, right?"
"Well, here in our universe, one of four things can happen when you die...well, technically five if you include ghosts. Your average Joe who had a zero-impact life where they didn't cause no major trouble for nobody just gets reincarnated. Especially virtuous souls become Angels, while truly irredeemable ones get flat-out destroyed. And for people like you and me, who've either sinned frequently enough to get noticed or done some truly heinous shit, but still have a chance to do better next time, there's Prinnies.
"As a Prinny, your one goal in afterlife is to atone for your sins so you can...basically pay off your tab. And to atone, you work. You work for whatever Angel or Demon will hire you for whatever pay they're willing to give you doing whatever job they have for you. Once you've worked long enough, hard enough, and feel genuine remorse for all you've done? You get to reincarnate with the Joe Schmoes. Total clean slate, new body, new mind, whole new you." She smirks and pulls an extremely thick scroll with Showtime's name written at the top in flowing script, "And you've built up quite the tab for such a young soul."
Oh. Oh god no.
"Also you explode if someone throws you. It doesn't kill you or anything, but it's not exactly fun," she shrugs, "could be worse, though. I mean, you picked a pretty good Netherworld to spend your damnation in. We've got, like, Unions and shit."
Showtime just barely manages to shake herself out of her near-catatonic state, "And, uh...what does me not saying "dude" have to do with that?"
Val-whatever his name was once again takes the stage, ""A Prinny must always end the final sentence in their current dialogue box with 'dood', that spelling specifically, or else face grave consequences, unless circumstances render it impossible to do so." The first of many lessons you will learn here. As I'm sure you've noticed, a newly created Prinny does not automatically know how to be a Prinny. Your movements, your magic, the behavior expected of you all of these things and more must be taught! And as your assigned Instructor, it is my duty and privilege to ensure that your entry into Prinny society is as smooth and painless as possible, as I do with every damned soul that passes through these halls."
Aaaand there's the catatonia again.
"Now come along, miss Showtime. If my watch is correct, it's nearly time for Orientation, and I will not tolerate tardiness from either of us."
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duckapus · 10 months
The Wonder Arc: The Explanation
So a few hours after 4's group left, Showtime finally managed to take over enough of Emulator to lock away the rest for now and assume total control of her body and powers, with her first act being to invert the Demon Flesh Chasm into a massive spire as a herald of her arrival because she's Extra like that.
At about the same time, each of the seven supercharged Wonder Flowers that Emulator created where found and activated by a random individual. The ones that the Airship crew knows of for certain are Kermit (because he's the only one actively hunting down new victims to convert), Lily, Bowser and Metal Sonic (those three because there were witnesses). Supercharging the flowers gave their wonder effect a significantly wider range than normal, and other modifications made it so they function like conventional Power-Ups, merging with the person who activated them and making them the physical embodiment of the produced Wonder Effect, usually based on a significantly exaggerated aspect of their abilities, personality, or some other aspect of their identity. The effects also spread to other people near them, causing them to convert into forms fitting the transformed area. It's possible to exist in one of the "Zones" without converting, so long as your current mindset is different enough from the trigger character...unless you're in Muppetopia, since Kermit's Wonder Effect was of course puppet-related and he's the only trigger character who can and will hunt you down and forcibly convert you regardless of emotional state.
The Seven Wonders also had one very important secondary effect: activating all of them created a set of magical barriers that sealed the Meat Moss tower and separated the seven Zones from one another, with converted individuals unable to pass through. The dome force field was created by the military, who put the kingdom under quarantine to prevent the Wonder Effects from spreading to the rest of the universe or even beyond. Nothing's supposed to go in, nothing's capable of getting out, which is why 4's portal command hasn't been working since they landed.
Some people did manage to escape during the initial Wonder Activations before the quarantine shield went up, which is where the Airship crew comes from. Juliano was just barely able to pull Root, Lil Coding and Toad into the Internet Graveyard when a massive flood of seawater came pouring out of Lily (3 was too close and got swept away, and they couldn't exactly save Lily from being at Ground Zero when she was Ground Zero), Kamek and his Airship crew were out of town on a diplomatic mission, Eggman and Cubot barely got out in the Eggmobile and picked up Toadsworth along the way while chased by Metal Madness's "Metal Legion" and got some badniks from one of Eggman's other bases around the planet, and with basically all of the usual heroes either off-world, confirmed to be converted, or unaccounted for, and the Hologram Trio MIA (Domain and Forum went to investigate the tower before the Wonder Effects and never came back, while nobody had seen Emulator for a couple days even before 4's group left in the first place), the Airship Crew was put together to go inside the shield and investigate. They found Sig wandering around the tips of the Zones right outside the tower.
From what they can tell, the only way to get everything back to normal is to get inside the tower and deal with whatever they find, and the seal on the tower can only be lifted by collecting the Wonder Seed connected to each Zone and presenting all seven to the main door at the base of the tower. While in the short term this will cause quite a bit of chaos since it will remove the Zone Barriers and free the meat moss and whatever-or whoever-is controlling it, in the long run it really is the only way forward.
As I mentioned at the end of the last post, each Zone has its own unique biome. Muppetopia's already been gone over, so here's the others:
Bowser's Zone is the Koopa Concert, a version of the Darklands that fits with his green-and-black-and-silver-and-really-really-dark-purple industrial rock concert aesthetic that he has in Wonder. His Wonder Form is of course Castle Bowser, and he's the only one of the Seven Wonders who's still in his right mind and actually trying to fix things, though being a giant flying building who can't get out of his own Zone, as well as not being able to turn off the conversion effect, is severely limiting his options.
Lily's Zone is a musical ocean inhabited by Merpeople and other aquatic races. The Airship crew doesn't really know anything beyond that, including about Lily's actual current state.
A Mushroom Forest, where those converted become one with the massive, tree-like mushrooms, and mutant Piranha Plants are able to force conversion like Kermit's Hands but are clearly acting on normal Piranha Plant instinct rather than answering to a higher power.
A kingdom-wide haunted house where everything is in black-and-white and everyone is depressed. There's one incredibly likely candidate for the trigger character, but seeing as they don't even know if she was in the Mario universe instead of her home universe at the time they can't say for certain.
Metal Madness Zone. Metal Sonic is in his final boss form and has roboticized everyone and everything around him, even the people who were already robots. He is the Zone and the Zone is him.
And finally a snowy area. Melony has been confirmed to be one of the people converted over there, but given she's at the same power level she normally is (the fact that all her abilities have been put in the freezer notwithstanding) they're pretty sure she's not the trigger character.
So the plan is to go around the wheel and collect all the seeds, starting with the Koopa Concert since they already know for a fact that Bowser's already on their side and will just hand it to them. Nice and simple, right?
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duckapus · 10 months
(this would obviously be after Emulator's corruption has progressed significantly, to the point where she's well aware of the problem but the malware has such a firm grip that it can force her to keep it hidden from the others, though it doesn't yet have full control. Key word being yet.)
Deep within the horrific fleshy caverns beneath the Mushroom Kingdom, Emulator stands amongst the ruins of the old castle, where the infection wracking her code is at its strongest. Here, she can drop the illusions that she's been forced to apply, revealing a web of pulsing, glowing fuchsia veins covering her model and a twitching photorealistic eye where her brooch should be. Her face is twisted in both pain and concentration, eyes firmly shut. Floating in a circle around her are seven different-colored Wonder Flowers, each with several lines of pink-and-yellow code spinning around them in thin cylinders.
This will only delay the inevitable you know.
She shuts out the voice, and she has every moment of every day since it became clear enough to understand.
Plus, are you really gonna drag a bunch of randos into your mess?
Focus Emmy, you're almost done.
And of course there's the fact that you'll just be trading one known flavor of corruption for seven different mystery flavors at once. Bet that'll go over well.
Just tune it out, girl. You got this.
And while they're all dealing with this mess you're making, I'll still be right here, chip-chip-CHIPping away at your mind.
You're already so tired, Lovely. We could be so good together if you'd just let me in.
Another assault on the parts of her mind that are still her own, this time forming the impression of a gentle, delicate hand brushing along her jawline, and she can't help but shudder before stubbornly, desperately picturing a vivid memory of a fluffy purple tail performing the same action.
FOCUS damnit!
Still thinking about other girls, are we Lovely? Don't worry, when we're finished here we can go liven up that stuffy office and let her join our fun~!
She very firmly does not think about that, thank you very much, instead transporting the modified Wonder Flowers to random, scattered locations throughout the kingdom, before sitting down on what's left of one of the staircases to wait.
'I'm sorry everyone, I wish I could've done more.'
Meanwhile, up in the Showgrounds, Domain and Forum are telling the Crew (or at least some of them. A few aren't there right now due to prior obligations...or a nap in Melony's case) about the SAA/Diamind 6 fused universe.
3 winces, "Yikes, and here I thought you couldn't get any worse than our activation."
"Oh, ours is still considered the worst. This one was pretty bad, though."
"Anyway, we were wondering if a few of you would be willing to visit their world. You know, introduce them to the multiverse, see how they're settling in, that sort of thing."
4 smiles, "That sounds like a great idea. Guys?"
"Mario's ready to go! How about you, bro?"
Luigi nods, "Sure! November's pretty slow for flower sales anyway."
"Hell yeah, maybe I can make deals on some new kinds of space drugs!" Bob...will be Bob, I suppose.
Marcy raises a sword, "could I come as well? I usually miss the interdimensional adventures."
Meggy side-eyes the two of them and leans over so she can whisper to 4, "I'll try to keep the wonder twins from getting us arrested again."
"Good call. Juliano, Tari, how about you?"
"I'd love to, but I'm having a bad leg day at the moment," sure enough, Juliano's leaning on his cane more than usual.
Tari, however, has no such issue, "sure, it sounds like fun!"
Toad...is still in his house, not having bothered to show up to the meeting. Even if he now likes the Crew enough to live with them like this, he still very much values his "Me Time" and not getting caught up in Adventures if he doesn't have to.
As you might expect, the kids (just the three who live in the castle, since the Haltmanns are with their mom this week and everyone else is still at their own homes) are pretty excited, "Space trip! Space trip! Space-"
"Now hold on there!" 3 gives them a stern look, "These kinds of trips usually take multiple days since we don't know exactly where our destination is, and tonight's a school night. So the four of us are staying right here."
The three deflate a bit, "Figures."
At this his gaze softens, and he kneels down to their eye level, "Sorry, but I've gotta put my foot down this time. You kids already miss enough school from the adventures we can't keep you home from. Besides, it's not like this trip's a one-off. We already visit the other SMG universes all the time, and this won't be any different."
4 looks at this exchange with great fondness, then turns to the group, "So that's everyone set, right?" At the various sounds and gestures of affirmation, he grins, "Then there's no time like the present."
He opens up a portal to the new universe, and the typical goodbyes are had all around, with one longer exchange between the SMGs.
"Don't have too much fun over there without me, Scrub."
"Only if you try not to destroy the place while we're gone, Edgelord."
"Hey, you're the one who's gonna have three Avatars to deal with."
Predictably, Mario leans back out of the portal in his SM64 model, "HEY! You two should kiss!"
The two turn to glare at him, "Shut up Mario!"
Once he's gone, they end up laughing, "Okay, but seriously. Be careful out there, alright?"
"I'll do my best," he goes to step through the portal, then pauses partway through, "Oh, and I know you can handle things just fine, but you do your best to be safe too, alright? I've got a weird feeling."
"Roger that." as he finally leaves and the portal closes, 3 rolls his eyes, "right, like the world's gonna get flipped upside-down or something just because a third of the team's gone. We'll be fine!"
Right as he makes that assertion, the scene changes to one of Emmy's modified Wonder Flowers appearing beneath the Ferris Wheel in the deeper parts of the Showgrounds...
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duckapus · 10 months
So I implied it during The Explanation when I explained Metal Sonic's Wonder Effect, but characters whose base form already fit into the Zone they're in are not immune to getting converted. So an actual Canon Muppet can still get converted by King Kermit even though his conversion turns people into Muppet versions of themselves. In these cases, the affected character either undergoes a simple palette swap if they're either not important to the plot or aren't going to be a combat-related threat to the main party, or gets some sort of thematically appropriate physical enhancement if they are going to both be plot relevant and directly fight the party.
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duckapus · 1 year
SMG4 AU Timeline Anomalies
(6/30/23 Edited to include Blook) (9/20/23 Edited to reflect SMG4k's current status and include the Haltmann Meme Guardians AU characters) (11/4/23 Edited to include characters related to Abyssal's arc and Entropy) (1/16/24 Edited to include Showtime, update GG's profile, and clean up the tags) (3/9/24 Edited to correct a few mistakes, update Gohma's entry, and add AVA) (5/25/24 Edited to include Minion (because I can) and the two emergency part-time SMGs (Bob/SMGi and Pinkie/SMGpi). Also I'm almost out of tags on this post so if there's any more anomalies I may have to make a second list)
The God Box
A box of broken computer parts that serves as a graveyard for dead universes and a source of unlimited -and highly corruptive- power. At some unknown point it developed some form of consciousness. It was ultimately destroyed by the combined efforts of Avatar Mario, SMGs 0 through 4, Melony the Fierce Watermelon Demigoddess, and Terrence the Ugandan Knuckles.
A Super Meme Guardian replica created by the God Box to be SMG0's partner. While he was very good at his job, he proved to be dangerously unstable both physically and (after a failed attempt to repair his flawed code) mentally.
A forced fusion of SMG0 and Niles, obsessed with creating a "perfect" universe to replace the one they lost. They killed Avatar Spudnick and destroyed his universe, and nearly did the same to Mario's twice before dying in the destruction of the God Box.
Minion Glitch
A spaghetti hybrid clone of SMG4 accidentally created by Mario using the same machine that made the evil living Weegee Dolls. She keeps in touch with 4, Mario and their friends, and the kids and Admins know about her, but she doesn't really get involved in the Crew's adventures, preferring a relatively quiet life in Bloopersville. Since she is half SMG, she's presumably capable of manipulating Meme Energy and using Guardian Commands, but she hasn't had a reason to learn how.
Super Mario 64 Emulator
Normally shortened to just Emulator, occasionally Emmy to her friends. She developed a consciousness and identity of her own as a result of the many, many problems that Zer0's presence caused for SMG3 and 4 and Avatar Mario's activation. She ultimately proved benevolent and acts as an unofficial third Admin for Mario's universe. She's usually a fun-loving goofball, but is very protective of the people she cares about and has a slight sadistic streak that comes out full force when something happens to them. Most of the Admins are either wary of or annoyed by her, often both.
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A former Admin and the main protagonist of Rising Star Circus. What do I mean by former? Well, he died as a result of a monster attack, and as expected his universe died with him. However, somehow a bit of his code survived and drifted around before finding the Mario universe and manifesting there as a Mario recolor. He was then reunited with his old friends, the prototype SMGs -1 and -2, who are now 3 and 4's Admins, Domain and Forum. He's since regained his old model.
Significantly more mature and level-headed than most Avatars both due to experience and because he doesn't have to deal with Avatar-level Meme Energy levels anymore. He acts as a mentor to the younger Avatars, especially Mario since they live in the same world and Mario's awkward activation means he doesn't have the same instinctual knowledge the others have and only started learning the hard way relatively recently.
The Gamer Girl
A TAS Bot programmed for Kirby and the Amazing Mirror speedruns that somehow became a full-fledged AI. A lack of grounding influences means she sees the multiverse as her playground and the people in it as toys. Thankfully she's the kind of kid who usually takes good care of her toys and puts them back where they belong when she's done, so while her victims do often end up traumatized, it's rare for them to get serious injuries or permanent physical changes. She primarily focusses on Avatar Kirby's universe, which is thankfully uniquely equipped to handle her.
Recently, she's been getting a lot better at understanding morality, in large part due to her friendship with Zack MeowtTF2, Jim Pianta and Larry Koopa, as well as her decision to unofficially be Diane "Floyd" Floyener's little sister.
Full designation "Super Meme Guardian (Imaginary Number)," this is technically just Bob Bobowski with the False Positive Glitch active. The designation was first applied when Bob accidentally used the Factory Reset command on himself while trying to get rid of the FPG and overloaded the Guardian System. Recently he actively made use of this form (without a reset this time) alongside another FPG SMG in a battle against Ozymandias, and somehow he's better at using SMG powers than actual SMGs 3 and 4.
The Guardian System
(Look, even though it was deliberate I'm still counting it.)
As the name implies, this is the system that checks the status of the Super Meme Guardians, determines whether they have the proper permissions to use certain high-level commands, and allows Admins with proper permissions to access and make changes to an SMGs code. Due to an incident involving Bob Bobowski that nearly crashed the Adminspace Server due to Data Overflow, Admin Lag from the Maintenance Division upgraded the System into a full AI so he could explain what it was doing wrong. This development has increased its effectiveness dramatically, though several Admins do wish it had ended up as less of a little shit. But I guess that's just what happens when you're hooked up to Bob's mind for the first 75 hours of your life.
An ancient program of unknown origin dedicated to eliminating anomalies for the sake of preserving the Internet's processing power. It was locked away in Computer Hell after attempting to reset Emulator twice.
Admin Gohma
The result of a demon taking over the body and consuming the soul of an Admin. While definitely powerful given her higher state and Admin Commands, she was still ultimately a Zelda Boss and went down with amount of effort once someone with a similar level of power who wasn't getting nerfed by a hacker showed up.
She survived her defeat as a formless mass of code and eventually made her way into what would become the Grid's MRU version of Hyrule, where she temporarily resided in Marbled Gohma before moving on to a Yiga Footsoldier that she molded to suit her preferences. She is now the Code Specialist of the Evil Syndicate, a multiversal alliance of supervillains that spans the five servers currently in the MRU system.
Mod the Code Turtle
A code manifestation for Mario, created by Emulator after accumulated errors Reset and nearly killed him. Haven't come up with much for him beyond the fact he exists.
Spicy Meme Generator 4000
A version of SMG4 from an alternate universe (actual universe, not just a separate computer program like most of the "universes" that exist in the SMG4 series.). His main ability is to absorb Meme Energy and create his own Meme entities that are extensions of himself. His ultimate goal is to consume all Avatars and Avatar candidates in every universe and use their combined power to become one with Reality itself. He was locked in Computer Hell with his powers mostly sealed for a while, but eventually managed to escape and continue its campaign of destruction. It was only thanks to the efforts of the SMG4 Crew, their friends from both their own and other Computer Universes, and several alternate True Universe versions of themselves that SMG4000 was finally destroyed and the universes of both kinds it had destroyed were restored.
Blook Emulator
A manifestation of Barry the rogue Avatar's abandoned universe. Unlike Emmy, it doesn't take physical form or speak in any understandable way, instead acting through the game world itself. It also hates. In particular it hates the Avatar that left it and the people who drove him away and especially the SMGs and Admins that started the whole mess. But mostly it hates in general, all-encompassingly, because it doesn't see anything else to do.
The Haltmann Triplets
A false set of Avatar and Guardians created by Susie Haltmann using a fragment of the God Box and genetic material from Mario and several other video game protagonists. Unlike Niles, they're fully stable and properly integrated into the Super Mario 64 universe thanks to Susie's programming knowledge. They're less powerful than a standard SMG set or the previous False Guardian since there was only a fragment to work with, but as a tradeoff they're immune to the corruptive effects of Anti-Meme Energy, able to use it safely and even purify it with some effort.
An alternate Mario from a destroyed version of the Super Mario Bros Movie universe, empowered by the will of the God Box. His own powers, both canonical and demonic, have been heightened to the point where at his peak he managed to kill Ultra Instinct Shaggy himself, and he has gained the ability to transform Illumination characters into Anti-Memes and control them. He has significantly more cognizance than most characters who reach that level of corruption, possibly because his goals and those of the God Box are alligned
Mari0 Soul
Not willing to accept defeat, Mari0 and the God Box break past the last of their limits and consume the massive well of Meme Energy within Luigi. The resulting reaction between equal parts positive and negative energy causes the two wills to fully merge, mutating them into a near-godlike entity capable of siphoning both forms of Meme Energy from everyone and everything around him. In this state he seeks nothing less than the destruction of everything Avatar Mario knows and loves, and then to kill him after he's borne witness. Thankfully, he failed to account for Mario's friends still being both willing and able to fight even without memes, or for the power of the Stars, which ultimately proved his final undoing.
The Abyss
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
The endless Nothing that existed before the beginning of the SMG4 multiverse...which technically just makes it the hardware of Luke's computer that the code of Everything was written on. Over the years, it's accumulated junk data that's fallen through cracks in the code, slowly developing a mind of its own as a result. It came to resent the world above, especially the first five beings that were created from it to begin the dance of Life and Death, and so it created Abyssal to spread chaos and destruction. Ultimately, she refused, simply giving modified reports of chaotic, destructive events that were already happening so it wouldn't get suspicious. This couldn't last forever, and eventually another Anomaly forced both of their hands. While Abyssal is now free, the Abyss still exists beneath the world. Waiting. Plotting.
Shadow of Doubt
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A manifestation of the Avatars' negative emotions that takes the form of shadowy versions of them and seeks to make them as miserable as possible so it can gain more power. Thankfully it has quite a few limitations. For one thing, the only things it knows about them are the things that make them miserable. For another, it's an idiot, as you'd probably expect of anything that closely connected to all of the Avatars. They died as a result of the Abyss taking over their body.
Ecolo, the Space-Time Traveler
Specifically the version of Ecolo from Avatar Arle's universe. While everything about him is anomalous in-universe, as far as the SMG4 AU lore is concerned that's exactly how he's supposed to be. No, the only actual anomaly about him is that, despite being a Character-style Program, he somehow has high enough code density to be perfectly fine in Code Being servers.
An offshoot of the Abyss that was kinda-sorta-accidentally-on-purpose freed from its control by Avatar Sora and his SMGs when they were trying to free the hearts of all the Heartless it had absorbed. It's now perfectly friendly, if a bit confused, and has clearly imprinted on Sora.
Entropy the Collector
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving. Introduced here.)
A Program/Virus hybrid that collects strange and unique code beings and keeps them in her own universe in what appear to be little glass balls.
A consciousness formed when the Creep (the meat moss from It's Gotta Be Perfect) corrupted Emulator from the inside. At the height of her power, she had full control over the Creep, as well as Emulator's body and abilities, and managed to supercharge herself with Wonder Power. She was ultimately destroyed by Marggy, the fusion of Avatar Mario and Meggy Spletzer, and her soul was sent to the Disgaea Universe by Duck to atone for her sins as a Prinny. She's incredibly vain and lustful, especially towards Emulator. You do not want to know the stuff she did while stuck in that tower in full control of Emmy's body for a whole week.
A stray bit of Avatar code that broke off when the Arles merged during the Arle Arc, then managed to form into a mannequin-like echo of Arle's consciousness. It eventually managed to reach the rapidly destabilizing Composite Arle and restore them both into Arle Nadja and Doppelganger Arle/Dapple Nadja, taking on both halves of their Avatar Code in the process. Since she's now Arle again, AVA technically no longer exists.
The version of Pinkie Pie from the living Equestria server, under the effects of the False Positive Glitch. She first acquired the glitch during a battle with Ozymandias, where Bob Bobowski/SMGi deliberately triggered it in her so he'd have a Guardian partner and would be able to use his borrowed powers to their fullest effect. Like him, she's somehow better at it than 3 and 4 despite having the powers for less than five minutes.
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